
NO.1《夺宝奇兵》(1981)英文名:Raiders of the Lost Ark导演: 史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格(Steven Spielberg)主演: 哈里森·福特(Harrison Ford)剧情简介:二战期间,希特勒在世界各地召集考古学家寻找“失落的约柜”——圣经中引导希伯来人与上帝交流的圣物,希特勒欲借其来护佑纳粹的战争。
NO.2《第一滴血》(1982)英文名:First Blood/Rambo I导演: 特德·科特切夫(Ted Kotcheff)主演: 西尔维斯特·史泰龙(Sylvester Stallone)剧情简介:蓝博(西尔维斯特·史泰龙饰),退伍越战军人,多年在越南战争中洗礼,已无法融入美国社会,重返原居的故乡小镇,又遭小镇警长诸多挑剔及无理指责。

The Godfather is a classic crime film directed by Francis Ford Coppola, based on the novel by Mario Puzo. The film tells the story of the Corleone family, led by Don Vito Corleone, a powerful mafia boss. When the Don is targeted in an assassination attempt, his youngest son, Michael, takes on the family business and becomes embroiled in the violent world of organized crime. As Michael rises to power, he must navigate the dangerous alliances and betrayals that come with running a mafia empire.
In conclusion, English movies are a rich and diverse form of entertainment that offer something for everyone. From gripping dramas to thrilling action films, there is no shortage of options for movie enthusiasts. By providing translations of popular English movie plots, this article aims to help non-native English speakers better appreciate and understand the stories and themes of these iconic films.

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Film types:
those timeless themes of
friendship, loyalty and extraterrestrials.

介绍英文电影的英文作文英文:When it comes to English movies, there are so many great options to choose from. Personally, I love watching action movies, but I also enjoy comedies and dramas. One of my all-time favorite movies is The Dark Knight, which is a superhero action film. The acting is incredible, especially Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker. The storyline is also very well-written and keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end.Another movie that I really enjoyed is The Shawshank Redemption, which is a drama film. It tells the story of a man who is wrongly convicted of murder and sent to prison. The movie is very emotional and has a powerful message about hope and redemption. The acting is also fantastic, with Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins delivering standout performances.For a comedy, I would recommend Bridesmaids. It's a hilarious movie about a group of bridesmaids who are trying to plan a wedding. The cast is amazing, with Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy stealing the show with their comedic timing and wit.Overall, there are so many great English movies out there, and it really depends on what you're in the mood for. Whether you want action, drama, or comedy, there's something for everyone.中文:说到英语电影,有很多很棒的选择。

智取威虎山英文介绍As a leading director of action films who’s adept at creating spellbinding visual effects, Tsui Hark surprises us with his latest blockbuster, The Taking of Tiger Mountain, which is his first attempt at adapting a revolutionary classic.中国动作片领军人物、以引人入胜的视觉效果见长的徐克导演,这一次又在自己的最新大片中带给我们无限惊喜。
The 3-D movie is based on Qu Bo’s best-selling novel Tracks in the Snowy Forest. In the 1940s, captain Shao Jianbo (Lin Gengxin) leads a squad of around 30 People’s Liberation Army soldiers to wipe out bandits in northeastern China. Seasoned investigator Yang Zirong (Zhang Hanyu) volunteered to go undercover in the bandits’ lair.这部3D电影以曲波的畅销小说《林海雪原》为蓝本改编而成,讲述了二十世纪四十年代,队长少剑波(林更新饰)带领30多个人民解放军战士组成的小分队在中国东北剿匪的故事。

动作电影英文作文300字英文回答:Action movies are a popular genre of film thattypically feature fast-paced, violent, and thrilling sequences. They often revolve around a protagonist who must overcome obstacles and defeat an antagonist. Some common elements of action movies include car chases, explosions, fight scenes, and stunts.Action movies have been a part of cinema since the early days of film. One of the first action movies was "The Great Train Robbery" (1903), which featured a famous train robbery scene. Other early action movies include "ThePerils of Pauline" (1914) and "The Birth of a Nation" (1915).In the 1930s and 1940s, action movies became more popular with the rise of Westerns and gangster films. Westerns featured cowboys and outlaws engaged in shootoutsand fistfights. Gangster films featured criminals and law enforcement officers involved in car chases and shootouts.In the 1950s and 1960s, action movies continued to be popular with the rise of spy films and war films. Spy films featured secret agents engaged in espionage and violence. War films featured soldiers engaged in combat.In the 1970s and 1980s, action movies became even more popular with the rise of martial arts films and action comedies. Martial arts films featured characters who used martial arts to fight their enemies. Action comedies featured a blend of action and comedy.In the 1990s and 2000s, action movies continued to be popular with the rise of superhero films and disaster films. Superhero films featured superheroes who used their powersto fight crime. Disaster films featured natural disasters and the efforts of people to survive.Today, action movies remain one of the most popular genres of film. They continue to offer audiences athrilling and exciting experience.中文回答:动作片是电影中一种受欢迎的类型,通常以快节奏、暴力和惊险的情节为特色。

介绍电影热辣滚烫的英语作文英文回答:The movie "Hot and Spicy" is a thrilling action-packed film that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The story revolves around a group of undercover agents who are tasked with taking down a notorious criminal organization. With its fast-paced plot and intense fight scenes, this movie is sure to keep audiences entertained.One of the things I really enjoyed about this film was the strong performances by the cast. The lead actor, who played the role of the fearless agent, delivered a captivating performance that truly brought the character to life. His portrayal of the character's determination and courage was both convincing and inspiring. Additionally, the supporting cast did an excellent job in their respective roles, adding depth and complexity to theoverall story.Furthermore, the action sequences in this film were absolutely incredible. The fight scenes were choreographed with precision and executed flawlessly by the actors. The use of special effects and stunt work added an extra layer of excitement to the film. I found myself holding my breath during some of the more intense moments, completely engrossed in the on-screen action.In addition to the thrilling action, the movie also had a compelling storyline. The plot was well-crafted and kept me guessing until the very end. The twists and turns in the story kept me engaged and eager to see how everything would unfold. I appreciated that the filmmakers didn't relysolely on action to carry the film, but also included a solid narrative that kept me invested in the characters and their journey.Overall, "Hot and Spicy" is a must-see film for action movie enthusiasts. With its strong performances, thrilling action sequences, and compelling storyline, it is sure to leave a lasting impression. I highly recommend watchingthis movie for a thrilling and entertaining cinematicexperience.中文回答:电影《热辣滚烫》是一部惊险刺激的动作片,从一开始就让人坐立不安。

摔角王(2008)得分:8.1英文片名:The Wrestler导演:达伦·阿罗诺夫斯基Darren Aronofsky剧情介绍绰号―大锤‖的兰迪•罗宾森(Mickey Rourke 米基•洛克饰)是上世纪80年代美国独立摔角圈中一颗耀眼的明星,他留下了无数经典的比赛,其绝招―大锤粉碎压‖更虏获众多狂热的摔角爱好者。
长年奔波以致和女儿斯蒂芬妮(Evan Rachel Wood 埃文•蕾切尔•伍德饰)的关系疏远,剧烈的撞击和不断摄取处方药又令他的心脏接近崩溃边缘。
孤独的他只能在每次艰苦的比赛之后,从脱衣舞女卡西迪(Marisa Tomei 玛丽莎•托梅饰)那里得到些许短暂的安慰。
为了毕生钟爱的摔角、为了狂热执著的摔角迷、为了心中长久以来所坚持的,兰迪终于再次披挂上阵,重返擂台……NO.142荒野生存(2007)得分:8.1英文片名:Into the Wild导演:西恩·潘Sean Penn剧情介绍克里斯托弗(埃米尔•赫斯基饰)家境优渥,是亚特兰大私立名校艾莫里的优等生,前程似锦。
一路上,他遇到不少人,也数次遭受野外生存的挑战,每一步都充满了艰辛,他以坚韧的毅力,实践着寻找自我的梦想……▲Into the Wild评论:《荒野生存》改编自著名作家乔恩·科莱考尔(Jon Krakauer)的散文集,是一个真实事件。

• 动作片的定义是一个相对的概念,经常与 其他类型结合产生各种亚类型和副产品。 具备巨大的冲击力、持续的高效动能、一 系列外在惊险动作和事件,常常涉及追逐 (徒步和交通工具)、营救、战斗、毁灭性 灾难(洪水、爆炸、大火和自然灾害等)、 搏斗、逃亡、持续的运ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้、惊人的节奏速 度和历险的英雄,所有核心动作段落的设 置都是为观众提供一种纯粹逃避主义的享 受。
甄子丹(Donnie Yen)
• 母亲麦宝婵是世界闻名的武术 家和太极高手,从甄子丹会走 路起就开始教他练武,为他打 扎好优良的传统武术根基。认 识了他的偶像李小龙,并逐步 学习多种风格的武术,也包含 多种搏击术。 • 在《笑太极》里,他极好的身 体素质得以体现;在《特警屠 龙》中,他的拳展现了武术风 格的多面性;他在《铁马骝》 中展示了传统武术的魅力,他 扮演的黄麒英如此栩栩如生, 使该片成为那十年中最有影响 力的一部。
阿诺德·施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)
• 在好莱坞是个传奇人物,没 有受过专门的表演训练,但 却跻身好莱坞主流影星之列 。生于奥地利的美国健身运 动员、演员和政治家,是一 位天主教徒,曾于威斯康星 大学苏必略分校接受教育。 2003年11月任美国加州州长 ,2011年1月3日卸任,任期 达7年。 • 施瓦辛格的成名作是影片《 终结者》。这部电影被《时 代》周刊评为1984年十部最 佳影片之一。
• • • • • • • • • • 1.《虎胆龙威》系列四部 2. 《终结者》系列四部 3.《勇闯夺命岛》又名《石破惊天》 4.《真实的谎言》 5. 《全民公敌》 6.《夺宝奇兵》四部曲 7.《第一滴血》四部 8.《生死时速》系列两部 9. 《碟中谍》系列四部 10.《谍影重重》三部曲又名《伯恩的身份》

介绍电影种类的作文英语英文:When it comes to movies, there are a wide variety of genres to choose from. Each genre has its own unique characteristics and appeals to different audiences. Let's take a look at some of the most popular movie genres and what makes them special.First of all, we have action movies. These aretypically filled with high-energy scenes, intense stunts, and thrilling chase sequences. They often feature a hero who overcomes incredible odds to save the day. One of my favorite action movies is "Die Hard" starring Bruce Willis. The non-stop action and suspense kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time.Next, we have comedy movies. These are all about making us laugh and feel good. They often feature quirky characters, hilarious situations, and witty dialogue. Aclassic example of a comedy movie is "The Hangover". The outrageous antics of the characters had me in stitches from start to finish.Then there are drama movies, which focus on realistic characters and emotional themes. These movies often tackle serious issues and can be quite thought-provoking. One of the most powerful drama movies I've seen is "The Shawshank Redemption". The story of hope and friendship in the faceof adversity left a lasting impression on me.Another popular genre is horror movies. These are designed to scare and thrill audiences with creepy settings, suspenseful music, and terrifying monsters or villains. I remember watching "The Conjuring" and being so scared thatI couldn't sleep for days. The spine-tingling atmosphereand jump scares really got to me.Science fiction and fantasy movies transport us toother worlds and push the boundaries of imagination. They often feature futuristic technology, magical powers, and epic battles. One of the most visually stunning sci-fimovies I've seen is "Avatar". The breathtaking world of Pandora and its inhabitants completely captivated me.Finally, there are romance movies, which focus on love and relationships. These movies often tug at ourheartstrings and leave us feeling warm and fuzzy inside.I'll never forget watching "The Notebook" and being movedto tears by the beautiful love story it told.中文:说到电影,有各种各样的类型供我们选择。

功夫动作片英语作文英文:As a fan of martial arts action movies, I have always been fascinated by the incredible fight scenes, the intense training sequences, and the strong characters that are often portrayed in these films. Martial arts action movies are known for their high-flying stunts, amazing fight choreography, and compelling storylines that keep the audience on the edge of their seats.One of my all-time favorite martial arts action movies is "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon." This film, directed by Ang Lee, is a masterpiece of the genre, featuring breathtaking fight sequences and a captivating story set in ancient China. The characters in the movie are deeply complex, and their martial arts skills are truly awe-inspiring. The film also beautifully showcases the beauty and grace of Chinese martial arts, making it a true work of art.Another classic martial arts action movie that I loveis "Enter the Dragon," starring the legendary Bruce Lee. This film is an iconic example of the genre, featuring some of the most memorable fight scenes in cinematic history. Bruce Lee's charisma and incredible martial arts skills make this movie a timeless classic that continues toinspire martial arts enthusiasts around the world.Martial arts action movies often feature a strong sense of honor, discipline, and respect, which are important values in martial arts philosophy. These movies also often highlight the importance of perseverance and determination, as the characters undergo rigorous training to master their martial arts skills. The themes of good versus evil, justice, and redemption are also commonly explored in these films, making them not only entertaining but also thought-provoking.In addition to the captivating stories and impressive fight scenes, martial arts action movies also often incorporate elements of humor and wit, adding alighthearted touch to the intense action. This balance of drama and humor makes these movies appealing to a wide audience, as they offer both excitement and entertainment.Overall, martial arts action movies hold a special place in my heart because they not only showcase incredible physical feats and adrenaline-pumping action but also convey meaningful messages about discipline, honor, and the power of the human spirit.中文:作为一名功夫动作片的影迷,我一直被这些电影中令人惊叹的打斗场景、激烈的训练序列以及塑造出来的坚强角色所吸引。

英文推荐动作电影作文Action movies are a staple of Hollywood and have captured the hearts of audiences all over the world. Here are a few recommendations for some of the best action movies in recent years:1. John Wick (2014) - This movie stars Keanu Reeves as a retired hitman who seeks revenge after his dog is killed. The action sequences are intense and well-choreographed, and the film has spawned two successful sequels.2. Mad Max: Fury Road (2015) - This post-apocalyptic movie features non-stop action and stunning visuals. The film follows Max (Tom Hardy) and Furiosa (Charlize Theron) as they try to escape a tyrannical ruler and his army.3. Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018) - This is the sixth installment in the Mission: Impossible franchise, and it's arguably the best one yet. Tom Cruise returns as Ethan Hunt, who must race against time to prevent a global catastrophe.4. The Raid (2011) - This Indonesian film is a must-see foraction movie fans. The plot follows a SWAT team as they attempt to take down a crime lord in a high-rise building. The fight scenes are brutal and intense, and the film has gained a cult following.5. Die Hard (1988) - This classic movie stars Bruce Willis as John McClane, a New York cop who finds himself trapped in a Los Angeles skyscraper during a terrorist attack. The film is full of iconic one-liners and thrilling action sequences.These are just a few examples of some of the best action movies out there. Whether you're a fan of car chases, gunfights, or hand-to-hand combat, there's something for everyone in the world of action movies.。

英语动作片类型作文英文回答:Action movies are one of my favorite genres because they are always filled with excitement, adrenaline, andjaw-dropping stunts. The intense fight scenes, thrilling car chases, and explosive special effects keep me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire movie. I love how action movies transport me into a world of adventure and danger, where anything is possible.One of the reasons why I enjoy action movies is thenon-stop action sequences. From the very beginning of the movie, the audience is thrown into a high-octane chase or a heart-pounding fight scene. These action-packed moments create a sense of urgency and keep me engaged from start to finish. For example, in the movie "Mission: Impossible Fallout," there is a breathtaking scene where Tom Cruise jumps out of a plane at 25,000 feet. This kind of thrilling action is what makes action movies so captivating.Another aspect that I appreciate in action movies isthe skill and athleticism of the actors. Action stars like Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham undergo intense physical training to perform their own stunts and fight scenes.Their dedication and commitment to their craft are truly admirable. For instance, in the "Fast & Furious" series, Dwayne Johnson showcases his incredible strength andagility as he takes down villains with his bare hands. These impressive displays of physical prowess add an extra layer of excitement to the movie.Furthermore, action movies often have grippingstorylines that keep me invested in the characters' journey. While the action may be the main attraction, a well-developed plot adds depth and substance to the movie. For example, in the movie "John Wick," the main character seeks revenge for the death of his dog, which was a gift from his late wife. This personal vendetta drives the story forward and gives the audience a reason to root for the protagonist. The combination of a compelling story and thrilling action sequences makes action movies a complete package.In addition, action movies provide a temporary escape from reality. They allow me to immerse myself in a world where heroes conquer villains and justice prevails. This escapism is especially appealing when I want to take abreak from the stresses of everyday life. For instance,after a long and tiring day at work, watching an action movie helps me unwind and forget about my worries for a while. The fast-paced action and larger-than-lifecharacters provide a much-needed form of entertainment and relaxation.中文回答:动作片是我最喜欢的电影类型之一,因为它们总是充满刺激、肾上腺素和惊人的特技。

介绍动作电影英文作文Action movies are all about high-octane excitement and adrenaline-pumping thrills. From car chases to explosive fight scenes, these films are packed with non-stop action and intense stunts that keep audiences on the edge of their seats.The heart-pounding action sequences in these movies are often choreographed to perfection, with every punch, kick, and explosion meticulously planned and executed. The result is a visual spectacle that leaves viewers in awe of the physical prowess and skill of the actors and stunt performers.One of the key elements of a great action movie is the charismatic and often larger-than-life hero. Whether it's a rugged, no-nonsense cop, a fearless secret agent, or a skilled martial artist, the protagonist is typically a force to be reckoned with, capable of taking on any challenge and emerging victorious.In addition to the action and excitement, many of these films also feature gripping plotlines and intense emotional moments. While the focus is often on the physical feats and daring stunts, the best action movies also have well-developed characters and compelling storylines that keep audiences engaged from start to finish.The impact of action movies extends beyond the screen, influencing everything from fashion and music to popular culture and even real-world events. The iconic characters, memorable quotes, and unforgettable scenes from these films have become a part of our collective consciousness, leaving a lasting impression on audiences around the world.。

电影推荐英语作文模板英文回答:Movie Recommendations。
When it comes to movies, there are endless options to choose from. Whether you're in the mood for a heart-wrenching drama, a thrilling action flick, or a laugh-out-loud comedy, there's sure to be a movie out there that will satisfy your cravings.But with so many choices available, it can be hard to know where to start. That's why I've put together a list of my top movie recommendations, covering a wide range of genres and styles.Dramas。
The Shawshank Redemption (1994): A classic and critically acclaimed drama about a banker who is wrongfullyconvicted of murdering his wife and sent to prison.Schindler's List (1993): A powerful and moving film about a German businessman who saved the lives of over1,000 Jews during the Holocaust.The Godfather (1972): A timeless and epic crime drama about a powerful Italian-American family.The Green Mile (1999): A heartwarming and emotionally charged drama about a death row prison guard who forms an unlikely friendship with a convicted murderer.12 Years a Slave (2013): A harrowing and unforgettable account of a free black man who was kidnapped and sold into slavery.Action。

英文推荐动作电影作文英文,Action movies are my absolute favorite because they are full of excitement, adrenaline, and intense scenes. One of the action movies that I highly recommend is "Mad Max: Fury Road". This movie is packed with thrilling car chases, intense fight scenes, and a post-apocalypticsetting that keeps you on the edge of your seat. The visual effects and stunts in this movie are absolutely mind-blowing, and the non-stop action keeps you engaged fromstart to finish.Another action movie that I can't get enough of is "John Wick". This movie is a perfect blend of stylishaction and a compelling storyline. Keanu Reeves delivers an outstanding performance as a retired hitman seeking vengeance, and the fight choreography is top-notch. The intense gunfights and hand-to-hand combat scenes are sowell-executed, making it a must-watch for any action movie fan.I also have to mention "The Dark Knight". While it's technically a superhero movie, the action sequences in this film are truly exceptional. The performance of Heath Ledger as the Joker is legendary, and the way the action is intertwined with the gripping storyline makes it a standout in the action genre.In conclusion, action movies are my go-to choice for entertainment, and these movies are just a few examples of the many incredible action films out there. The adrenaline rush, intense fight scenes, and captivating storylines make action movies an unforgettable experience.中文,动作电影是我最喜欢的类型,因为它们充满了刺激、肾上腺素和紧张的场景。

动作片的英文作文Title: The Thrilling World of Action Movies。
Introduction:Action movies have captivated audiences worldwide for decades with their adrenaline-pumping sequences, daring stunts, and intense narratives. From explosive blockbusters to gritty thrillers, the genre continues to evolve,offering viewers a thrilling escape into a world of excitement and adventure.The Appeal of Action Movies:One of the primary reasons why action movies hold such widespread appeal is their ability to transport audiences into high-stakes scenarios filled with suspense and excitement. Whether it's a fast-paced car chase, a heart-stopping fight sequence, or a dramatic shootout, action films keep viewers on the edge of their seats from start tofinish.Moreover, action movies often feature larger-than-life heroes who possess extraordinary skills and courage, making them the epitome of bravery and resilience. These characters inspire viewers and ignite their imagination, allowing them to vicariously experience the thrill of overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles.The Evolution of Action Cinema:Over the years, action cinema has undergone significant evolution, adapting to changing audience preferences and technological advancements. Early action films relied heavily on practical effects and stunt work to create thrilling sequences, often pushing the boundaries of what was physically possible.However, with the advent of computer-generated imagery (CGI) and advanced special effects techniques, filmmakers have been able to create even more spectacular action scenes that were once unimaginable. This has enableddirectors to craft visually stunning spectacles that immerse audiences in fantastical worlds filled with breathtaking action.Furthermore, the storytelling in action movies has become more nuanced and sophisticated, incorporating elements of drama, suspense, and character development. Today's action films often feature complex protagonists with rich backstories, adding depth and emotional resonance to the genre.The Global Impact of Action Cinema:Action movies have transcended cultural boundaries, captivating audiences of all ages and backgrounds around the world. From Hollywood blockbusters to international productions, the genre's universal themes of heroism, adventure, and triumph over adversity resonate with viewers across diverse cultures.Moreover, action stars such as Bruce Lee, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Jackie Chan have become global icons,admired for their athleticism, charisma, and on-screen presence. Their influence has helped popularize action cinema on a global scale, inspiring countless aspiring filmmakers and actors to pursue careers in the industry.The Future of Action Movies:As technology continues to advance and storytelling techniques evolve, the future of action cinema looks brighter than ever. Filmmakers are constantly pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved on screen, creating immersive experiences that transport audiences to new and exciting worlds.Furthermore, with the rise of streaming platforms and digital distribution channels, audiences have more access to a diverse range of action movies from around the world. This democratization of content has led to greater diversity in storytelling styles and cultural perspectives within the genre.In conclusion, action movies continue to captivateaudiences with their thrilling action sequences, larger-than-life heroes, and universal themes of courage and resilience. As the genre continues to evolve and adapt to changing times, one thing remains certain: the enduring appeal of action cinema will continue to inspire and entertain audiences for generations to come.。

动作电影英文作文英文:As a big fan of action movies, I always find myself drawn to the adrenaline-pumping excitement and intensefight scenes that these films offer. The fast-paced action, thrilling stunts, and explosive special effects never fail to keep me on the edge of my seat.One of my all-time favorite action movies is "Die Hard." The film follows the story of John McClane, a New York City cop who finds himself trapped in a Los Angeles skyscraper with a group of terrorists. The movie is filled with non-stop action, and Bruce Willis delivers an outstanding performance as the tough and resourceful hero.Another classic action movie that I love is "The Matrix." The film's groundbreaking special effects and mind-bending storyline completely blew me away. The iconic fight scenes and dystopian setting make it a timelessfavorite for action movie enthusiasts.I also have a soft spot for the "Mission: Impossible" series. Tom Cruise's portrayal of Ethan Hunt, combined with the high-octane action sequences and elaborate heists,never fail to keep me entertained.Action movies not only provide thrilling entertainment but also often contain valuable life lessons. For example,in "The Dark Knight," the character of Batman demonstrates the importance of standing up for justice and fighting against corruption, even in the face of overwhelming odds.中文:作为一个动作电影的忠实粉丝,我总是被这些影片中的肾上腺素飙升的刺激和激烈的打斗场面所吸引。
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Director of the film 《Fast & Furious 7》
James Wan
Director Style
James Wan is a skilled director and he is thoughtful and attentive.
People are overwhelmed with admiration for his fertile imagination.
Vin Diesel
Actor Style
Personality Actor
Vin diesel shows a strong personality.
He is a muscle man on the surface,but actually he also has much artistic talent.
Award of Best Spark for Teenager Film Festival
Leading actress of the film 《Fast & Furious 7》
Michelle Rodriguez
Actress style
Personality Actor
Michelle is a talented actress.She not also shows her tough reputation,but also shows her sexy side on the screen.And people are always impressed by her natural beauty.In addition,she is a confident and wisdom woman.
• And a bomb destroys the Dom’s house and Han was killed in Tokyo
Dom and Shaw meet in the first time.
Mr. Nobody appeared and announce he will help Dom.
Vin diesel’s most filims are action films.
Such as
Guardians of the Galaxy
Fast & Furious
His style
Vin diesel also shows other styleslm
Award of Best Actor for MTV film Festival
Award of Best Actor for Teenager Film Festival
Award of Best Actor for MTV Film Festival
Award of Best Actor for Teenager Film Festival
Subgenre-Kuangfu film
Way of The Dragon(1972)
Subgenre-Gangster film
The Last Stand(2013)
Subgenre-War film
Subgenre-Martial Art film
The Myth(2005)
• Dom and their teammates save Ramsey
Jakande obtains the God's Eye
Dom and his team return to Los Angeles to fight Shaw and Jakande.
Shaw is taken into custody by Hobbs and locked away in a prison
Hamnibal the Conqueror
Saving Private Ryan
Fantasy film
The Last Witch Hunter
Actor Awards and Nominations
2002 2003 2005 2009 2011 2013
Vin Diesel
Nomination of Best Actor for MTV film Festival
Chow Yun-fat
A better tomorrow (英雄本色)
JacKie Chan
Rush Hour (尖峰时刻)
Van Diesel
The Fast and the Furious (速度与激情系列)
Leading actor of the film 《Fast & Furious 7》
Vin Diesel
Leading actor of the film 《Fast & Furious 7》
Vin Diesel
Leading actor of the film 《Fast & Furious 7》
James Wan
Nomination of best popular thriller in USA
Best thriller of American film Saturn Award
2014 Special award of the French thriller film festival 2014 Pegasus award of Brussels international fantasy film festival
Subject Matter(Genre)
He majors in Action Film and Thriller
Cinematography and Editing
Medium close up Wide close up Medium close shot Telephoto lens
In general,James Wan's work has a power to touch your heart and make you begain to think about the real life.
Genre of Action Films
Definition Characteristic
Representative(Actor) Representative(Director)
Action film is a film genre in which the protagonist(s) is/are thrust into a series of challenges that involve violence, close combat, physical feats(特技) and frantic chases. Action films tend to feature a resourceful hero struggling against incredible odds, which include life-threatening situations, a villain(坏人), or a pursuit which generally concludes in victory for the hero.
Denouement Dom and Brian return the normal life
Director & Actors
Director of the film 《Fast & Furious 7》
James Wan
Director of the film 《Fast & Furious 7》
He can be a screenwriter,a producer or a director.
Vin diesel often gives us the feel of cynicism and he can show different styles on the screen.
Actor style
• Deckard Shaw, breaks into the hospital and swears vengeance against Dom.
• Dom , Brian and the rest of team want to live normal lives.
• Shaw breaks into office to extract profiles of Dom's crew.
Examples of action film directed by James Wan
Examples of action film directed by James Wan
Fast & Furious 7
Examples of thriller directed by James Wan
From my point of view,James do not also put much efforts on the plot of the film, but also highlight good and evil of humanity from his film.
Director style
Some films she acted in
Resident Evil:Retribution
Some films she acted in
Some films she acted in
Battle:Los Angeles