
Flashmeeting 使用说明(中文)以下是为Flashmeeting (/)一些使用技巧。
如果您想要更详细的解释或技术帮助,请看帮助(/help.html )。
一、快速入门指南!登录1、输入注册的电子邮件(e-mail )和密码(password )。
您可以打开测试应用程序(opentest application )以进行检查。
输入您的称呼3、输入您的称呼(enter your name in the box bellow ),然后点击“进入”(enter )。
点击“条款”(terms )可以阅读称呼命名规则。
开始广播4、点击“开始广播”(start broadcasting )大家就看到和听到您了。
请记住,同一时间只有一个人在进行广播! 停止播放5、点击“停止广播”(stop broadcasting )来结束您的广播。
排队6、如果有人已经在进行广播,点击“加入排队队伍”(join quene ),当轮到您时,就自动开始您的广播了。
Flashmeeting 应用程序在网页中运行,所以只需正确安装Web 浏览器、Flash 8(或更高级别)的插件就可以使用。
按“回车”(enter )键继续。
确保选中“注册身份进入会议”(enter meeting signed in)单选按钮,按“继续”(continue)按钮。
fortigate7 操作手册

文章标题:深度解读FortiGate 7操作手册:从入门到精通在网络安全领域,FortiGate 7作为一款功能强大的网络安全设备备受关注。
本文将深入探讨FortiGate 7操作手册的内容,为读者提供全面、深入和实用的使用指南。
一、FortiGate 7的介绍FortiGate 7是一款集成了网络安全、流量管理和应用加速功能的设备,它采用了先进的硬件和软件技术,为企业提供了一体化的网络安全解决方案。
无论是防火墙、入侵检测系统还是虚拟专用网,FortiGate 7都能够为用户提供高效、可靠和实用的网络保护。
二、FortiGate 7操作手册的使用1. 登录与基本设置我们需要了解如何登录和进行基本设置。
FortiGate 7提供了丰富的登录界面和设置选项,用户可以根据自己的需求进行个性化的设置。
2. 网络安全功能FortiGate 7拥有强大的网络安全功能,包括防火墙、入侵检测系统、反病毒功能等。
3. 应用加速功能在网络传输过程中,FortiGate 7还提供了优化和加速的功能。
三、个人观点和理解作为一名网络安全专家,我对FortiGate 7的操作手册有着深刻的理解。
在实际使用中,我发现FortiGate 7不仅功能强大,而且操作简单,用户体验非常好。
通过深入研读操作手册,我对FortiGate 7的功能和性能有了更全面、更深入的了解,并且能够更好地应用于实际工作中。
总结回顾通过本文的阐述,我们对FortiGate 7操作手册有了全面的了解。
在网络安全领域,深入掌握FortiGate 7的使用方法对于提高网络安全性和流量管理效率非常重要。
Fortex 5用户界面使用手册 V5.6说明书

Fortex 5用户界面使用手册V5.6此文档中的内容是专有和机密的,仅供内部使用。
布局文件的后缀名为“.page”,他们会在您自己的硬盘上的Fortex目录中以诸如“FX Basic 1.page”或“FX Advanced.page”这样的文件名保存。
雷池(SafeLine) Web应用防火墙用户操作手册说明书

雷池(SafeLine)Web应用防火墙用户操作手册版本2.1目录1产品概述 (7)1.1产品介绍 (7)1.2核心优势 (7)1.2.1智能语义分析技术 (7)1.2.2 0day漏洞防护能力 (7)1.2.3高度自定义的扩展能力 (8)1.2.4上手简单、管理高效 (8)2登录 (9)2.1上传许可证 (9)2.2登录雷池管理后台 (10)2.2.1密码认证 (10)2.2.2证书认证 (10)3统计信息 (12)3.1防护状态总览 (12)3.1.1防护状态总览查看 (12)3.1.2数据展示详情介绍 (12)3.2防护报告导出 (20)3.2.1定时报告任务 (20)3.2.2防护报告 (22)3.3实时访问监控 (27)3.4攻击检测统计 (28)3.5实时大屏 (28)3.5.1大屏信息 (29)3.5.2大屏配置 (29)4网络管理 (31)4.1网络接口配置 (31)4.1.1网络接口管理 (31)4.1.2工作组管理 (34)4.1.3 19.09版本透明桥/流量镜像模式配置更新说明 (38)4.2管理服务配置 (39)4.2.1 SSH 管理 (40)4.2.2 SNMP 管理 (41)4.2.3 Web 管理 (45)4.2.4 PING 管理 (46)4.2.5管理时间配置 (46)4.3高可用配置 (48)4.3.1高可用配置 (49)4.3.2高可用状态 (49)4.4域名解析配置 (49)4.5路由管理 (51)4.5.1默认网关配置 (51)4.5.2路由表管理 (51)4.6网络诊断工具 (52)5网站防护 (56)5.1防护站点管理 (56)5.1.1防护站点详情 (59)5.1.2防护站点配置 (61)5.2防护策略管理 (69)5.2.1配置说明 (71)5.2.2攻击检测模块说明 (72)5.2.3防护策略管理常用操作指南 (82)5.3自定义规则 (83)5.3.1自定义规则检测说明 (84)5.3.2自定义规则配置说明 (85)5.3.3自定义规则高级选项配置 (89)5.3.4自定义规则操作说明 (90)5.3.5自定义规则的导入导出 (91)5.4访问频率控制 (92)5.4.1访问频率限制规则 (92)5.4.2不限制这些用户 (97)5.5SSL 证书管理 (99)5.6IP组管理 (101)5.6.1添加IP组 (101)5.6.2删除IP组 (102)5.6.3 IP组筛选 (103)5.7扩展插件管理 (104)5.8情报模块 (105)5.8.1情报同步配置 (106)5.8.2情报同步状态 (107)5.8.3情报同步信息 (107)5.8.4威胁情报-自定义规则 (108)6日志管理 (110)6.1攻击检测日志 (110)6.2频率访问日志 (119)6.3扩展插件日志 (120)6.4系统操作日志 (120)6.5日志归档管理 (120)6.5.1攻击检测日志归档 (120)6.5.2访问频率控制日志归档 (123)6.5.3扩展插件日志归档 (123)6.5.4系统操作日志归档 (123)7系统设置 (124)7.1告警收信配置 (124)7.1.1设置告警人接收人 (124)7.1.2设置SYSLOG发信格式 (126)7.1.3告警阈值配置 (132)7.1.4邮件发信配置 (134)7.2系统用户设置 (135)7.2.1查看和编辑用户信息 (135)7.2.2添加一个新用户 (137)7.2.3删除用户 (140)7.2.4用户管理配置 (141)7.3配置备份还原 (145)7.3.1查看及新建备份 (145)7.3.2下载及删除备份 (146)7.3.3还原备份 (147)7.4其他系统设置 (148)7.4.1上传及更新HTTPS证书 (148)7.4.2配置管理后端用户IP的获取方式 (149)7.4.3系统时间设置 (150)7.4.4数据重置 (151)8系统信息 (153)8.1节点状态 (153)8.1.1负载状态 (153)8.1.2网络状态 (153)8.1.3检测状态 (153)8.1.4转发状态 (153)8.1.5磁盘状态 (153)8.1.6历史数据查询 (154)8.2系统固件信息 (155)8.2.1当前固件版本 (155)8.2.2固件升级 (155)8.3许可证信息 (156)8.3.1当前许可证信息版本 (156)8.3.2许可证更新 (156)8.4关于产品 (156)9个人中心 (157)9.1个人信息 (157)9.2使用偏好 (157)9.3OPEN API (158)9.3.1查看和编辑OPEN API TOKEN (158)9.3.2添加OPEN API TOKEN (159)9.3.3删除OPEN API TOKEN (162)1产品概述1.1产品介绍雷池(SafeLine)是由长亭科技自主研发的全球首款基于智能语义分析技术的下一代Web 应用防护产品,曾入围Gartner 2018 《Web应用防火墙魔力象限报告亚太版》。
Browser Security Plus 快速用户手册说明书

Browser Security Plus快速用户手册ME产品部2023-09-01本文档旨在帮助用户快速熟悉产品的使用方法。
Tel: 4006608680 https:// 1 /目录一. 简介 (4)二.系统安装 (4)1. 安装 (4)2. 启动Browser Security Plus (9)2. 关闭Browser Security Plus (10)3. 登录Browser Security Plus (11)4. 添加计算机 (11)三.管理 (13)1.计算机和组 (13)2.网站组 (14)3.扩展存储库 (14)四.策略 (15)1.附加组件管理 (15)2.下载限制 (16)3.威胁防护 (16)4.防止数据泄漏 (17)5.浏览器定制 (17)6.浏览器路由器 (18)7.浏览器锁定 (18)8.Java管理器 (19)9.Web过滤器 (19)10.网络隔离 (20)11.浏览器限制 (20)五.性能透视 (21)六.合规性 (23)七.产品文档 (24)一. 简介随着许多业务应用程序转移到云中,浏览器正成为员工最常用于访问其工作的工具。
Browser Security Plus将帮助您抵御这些攻击,使其无法进入您的网络。
这是Browser Security Plus帮助IT管理员抵抗基于浏览器的攻击的方法。
Browser Security Plus的特点:⚫防止通过浏览器传播的网络攻击并提高浏览器的安全性。
Oracle Flash Accelerator F160 PCIe 卡用户指南说明书

使用本文档 ........................................................................................................... 7 产品文档库 ................................................................................................... 7 反馈 ............................................................................................................. 8 更改历史记录 ................................................................................................ 8
本软件或硬件以及文档可能提供了访问第三方内容、产品和服务的方式或有关这些内容、产品和服务的信息。除非您与 Oracle 签订的相应协议另行规定,否则对于第 三方内容、产品和服务,Oracle Corporation 及其附属公司明确表示不承担任何种类的保证,亦不对其承担任何责任。除非您和 Oracle 签订的相应协议另行规定,否 则对于因访问或使用第三方内容、产品或服务所造成的任何损失、成本或损害,Oracle Corporation 及其附属公司概不负责。
准备 Oracle F160 闪存卡进行安装 ....................................................................... 19 ▼ 为安装做准备 ........................................................................................ 19 所需工具 ..................................................................................................... 20 产品套件物品 .............................................................................................. 20 遵循安全防范措施 ....................................................................................... 21 常规安全信息 ...................................................................................... 22 安全符号 ............................................................................................. 22 ESD 安全措施 ..................................................................................... 22 ▼ 执行 ESD 预防措施 ....................................................................... 23 Oracle Flash Accelerator F160 PCIe 卡优化准则 .......................................... 23 驱动器卷管理 .............................................................................................. 24 ▼ 将系统更新到最新软件发行版 ................................................................. 24
AEOLightning Strike! Micro Series Version 4 用户手册说明

AEO Lightning Strike! Micro Series Version 4V 4 Update ComingTest your new device right out of the box: Set the mode switch to “Lightning”. Turn the power on. The red LED will flash every time the device triggers. It’s normal for it to trigger once on power up. If it continues to trigger, check for light sources leaking into the room. (If you cover the window of the device with your hand, it should not trigger). Set off a camera flash (using another camera or a flash attachment). The flash should trigger the device.Theory of Operation: The device triggers on the first bolt it detects. Your camera shutter mechanism is not fast enough to catch that first bolt, but fortunately, most bolts are followed by many more. Thus, you want to have the camera shutter open for a fairly long time to capture those subsequent bolts (we’ve used 10 seconds with good results).Photographing Lightning is as much Art as it is Science. Getting the right conditions and settings can be challenging, and some folks have a better knack for it than others. But to get you started, here are some basic “recommendations”:1. The camera should be mounted on a tripod. You want it stable during the exposure.2.Mount the device in your camera’s hot shoe mount with the red semi-clear window facing thedirection you are photographing. Insert the supplied plug into your camera remote shutterinterface.3.Point the camera at the storm or in the direction you see lightning activity.4.Set your Auto Focus feature to OFF or Disable.5.Set the focus to infinity. (If the lightning is closer than that, you’re too close to it)6.We’ve found that when photographing lightning at night, an f-stop of 5.6 works well.7.Shutter speed should be long, example around 10 seconds. (This won’t work during the day.For daytime shots, don’t exceed 1 second and you’ll need a smaller aperture/ larger f-stop aswell).8.Turn the lightning trigger device power on FIRST before you power up the camera. (When thetrigger is first tuned on, it will trigger once on power up . . . not a big deal for digitalphotography, but if you use film, you’ll lose one frame.)9.Avoid using your cell phone near the device while it’s operating. Your lightning shutter trigger isa sensitive device and can be triggered inadvertently by strong, nearby RF transmissions.10.Grab your favorite refreshing beverage and wait for the show to start!Battery Replacement: Your LS Micro is designed to accept a variety of ½ AA batteries available where most batteries are sold. The first set of batteries is included. Types of batteries: Lithium 3.6 volt ½ AA – designed for longer life Alkaline camera batteries, such as Energizer A544 6 volt ½ AA or compatible. See Picture for how to open battery case:If you have questions, or if you wouldn’t mind sending us some of your photographs, contact us at ****************** or by mail at 1435 Tally Ho Lane, Norco, CA 92860HAVE FUN!•• • When done replacing new batteries • +/- are printed on the bottom of thebattery compartment.。
惠普 LaserJet Enterprise M806 用户指南说明书


如何使用FlashFXP软件上传网页文件FlashFXP是一个非常好用的且功能强大的FXP / FTP 软件,融合了一些其他优秀F TP软件的优点。

中国建设银行网上银行投资产品创新项目F o r t i f y使用手册总行信息技术管理部广州开发中心2008 年6 月编号日期描述版本作者审核发布日期2008-6-2网银投资产品创新项目文档 1.1廖敏飞、羌雪本文档中所包含的信息属于机密信息,如无中国建设银行的书面许可,任何人都无权复制或利用。
®Copy Right2008by China Construction Bank目录1、引言 (4)1.1 目的 (4)1.2 背景 (4)1.3 定义 (4)1.4 环境说明 (5)1.5 提醒注意 (5)1.6 相关要求 (5)2、安装FORTIFY (6)2.1进入F ORTIFY安装目录 (6)2.2输入LICENSE KEY:BAHODPERE9I9 (6)2.3 选择ALL U SERS (7)2.4 下面选项全部选中 (8)2.5 选择N O选项 (9)3、使用FORTIFY (9)3.1 进入源码目录执行SCA COMMANDLINE S CAN.BAT (9)3.2SCA COMMANDLINE S CAN.BAT 的内容 (9)4、结果查询 (10)4、可能的问题 (11)5、结果分析 (12)6.1R ACE C ONDITION (12)6.2SQL I NJECTION (12)6.3C ROSS-S ITE S CRIPTING (13)6.4S YSTEM I NFORMATION L EAK (14)6.5HTTP R ESPONSE S PLITTING (14)1、引言1.1 目的提高中心项目软件安全意识转达总行关于软件安全编码及测试的相关要求了解、学习fortify SCA 的使用1.2 背景网银投资产品创新项目文档。
1.3 定义Fortify Source Code Analysis Suite是美国Fortify Software 为软件开发企业提供的软件源代码安全漏洞扫描、分析和管理的工具。
Fiery Command WorkStation 使用手册说明书

Fiery Command WorkStation© 2015 Electronics For Imaging. 此产品的《法律声明》适用于本出版物中的所有信息。
目录概述 (13)Command WorkStation (13)Command WorkStation 工作空间 (13)作业中心 (14)设备中心 (15)添加和连接 Fiery Server (17)访问级别 (17)连接到 Fiery Server (17)添加并连接到 Fiery Server (17)搜索可用的 Fiery Server (18)退出 Fiery Server (18)更改 Fiery Server 的用户 (18)查看其他 Fiery Server (19)服务器列表 (19)自定义 Command WorkStation (22)设置 Command WorkStation 预置 (22)管理作业中心的列 (23)更改列显示 (23)调整列宽度 (23)重新定义窗格和队列大小 (24)重新定义“正在打印”和“正在处理”队列的大小 (24)重新定义“作业摘要”和“服务器列表”窗格的大小 (24)自定义工具栏 (24)默认工具栏图标 (25)配置 Fiery Server 设定 (26)关于 Configure (26)我使用的是哪个版本的 Configure? (26)查找帮助以及有关 Configure 的其他信息 (26)访问基于 Java 的旧版本 Configure 的帮助 (27)访问基于 HTML 的新版本 Configure 的帮助 (27)查看服务器配置设定 (27)将服务器配置保存为文件 (28)打印“服务器配置”页 (28)访问 Configure (28)从 Command WorkStation 访问 Configure (28)从 WebTools 访问 Configure (29)退出 Configure (29)用户与群组 (29)创建新用户 (30)创建群组 (30)将用户添加到现有群组 (31)创建扫描作业的邮箱 (32)从群组中删除用户 (32)更改用户属性 (32)更改群组权限 (33)删除用户或群组 (33)关于备份和恢复 (34)备份或恢复 Fiery Server 设定 (35)管理 Fiery Central 工作流程 (37)关于 Fiery Central (37)连接或断开 Fiery Central 服务器 (37)Fiery Central 服务器工作空间 (38)查看 Fiery Central 作业 (39)自定义 Fiery Central 作业中心 (40)查看或编辑 Fiery Central 许可证 (40)配置 Fiery Central (41)Fiery Central Manager (42)访问 Fiery Central Manager (42)Fiery Central 打印机群组 (42)备份或恢复 Fiery Central (45)使用 Fiery Central Paper Catalog (46)设置 VDP 文件搜索路径 (47)设置 Digital StoreFront 连接 (47)查看作业 (48)Fiery 预览 (48)查看已假脱机、未经处理的作业 (49)页面视图、印张视图和校对视图 (51)“设定”窗格 (52)打开“校对视图” (53)预览中的工具栏图标 (54)预览光栅图 (54)光栅预览中的工具栏图标 (55)在光栅预览中合并页面 (56)VDP 光栅预览 (56)打印 (59)导入要打印的作业 (59)将作业导入打印队列 (59)从外部 Fiery Server存档导入作业 (60)设置打印选项 (60)查看作业属性 (60)“作业属性”窗口中的作业操作 (61)打印选项类别 (62)作业属性中的 Fiery Impose 模板 (62)预设打印设定 (63)服务器预设 (67)从作业移除光栅数据 (70)打印方法 (70)使用纸盘对齐 (70)样本打印 (71)校样打印 (72)按序打印 (73)设置按序打印 (74)在 Configure 中设置按序打印选项 (74)使用 Quick Doc Merge (75)管理作业 (77)搜索作业 (77)使用筛选视图选项卡搜索作业 (77)过滤作业列表 (78)导出作业列表 (78)将作业移至其他队列 (79)将作业发送至另一台 Fiery Server (80)存档作业 (80)拖放文件管理 (81)Fiery JDF 作业 (82)关于 Fiery JDF 和 JMF (82)Fiery JDF 设置 (82)启用 JDF 提交应用程序 (82)Fiery JDF 工作流程 (83)提交 JDF 作业 (83)显示 Command WorkStation 中的 JDF 列标题 (83)Fiery JDF 作业和虚拟打印机 (83)指定作业的 JDF 设定 (84)“作业信息”选项卡 (84)“运行列表”选项卡 (85)“关闭作业”选项卡 (85)将 JDF 作业纸张添加到 Paper Catalog (86)解决 JDF 作业中的纸张冲突问题 (86)Fiery Dashboard (87)创建 EFI 通行证帐户(免费) (87)登录到 Fiery Dashboard (87)Fiery Dashboard 数据收集 (88)授权数据收集 (88)取消数据收集的授权 (88)管理颜色 (89)彩色打印选项 (89)查看或编辑默认颜色设定 (89)特性档 (95)查看特性档属性 (96)比较特性档色域 (96)导入或导出特性档 (96)创建或删除特性档 (98)编辑特性档设定 (99)编辑特性档内容 (99)打印测试页 (101)校准 (pre-System 10) (102)Calibrator 模式 (103)使用 ColorCal 进行校准 (103)使用 ES-1000 进行校准 (105)使用 Eye-One 进行校准 (106)对多个校准集应用测量值 (107)创建或删除自定义校准集 (107)恢复默认测量值 (108)校准(System 10 和更高版本) (108)校准黑白打印 (109)校准工作流程 (109)启动 Calibrator (109)打印校准页 (110)使用分光光度计测量色块 (110)使用 ColorCal 测量色块 (111)从备用测量仪器导入测量数据 (113)查看测量结果 (114)导出测量数据 (115)重设测量数据 (115)Calibrator 预置 (116)校准设定 (117)自定义 Image Enhance 设定 (120)Image Enhance Visual Editor (121)何时使用 IEVE 或 Image Enhance 打印选项 (122)打开大型作业 (122)预设 (122)调整图像 (122)保存对作业的编辑 (122)启动 Image Enhance Visual Editor (123)使用预设 (123)打开大型作业 (124)调整色调 (124)调整颜色 (125)调整清晰度 (126)校正红眼 (127)专色 (127)专色群组和定义 (127)更改专色或颜色组的顺序 (128)查找专色 (129)编辑专色 (129)优化专色 (129)创建、重命名或删除专色或颜色群组 (130)导入和导出自定义颜色群组 (131)查看颜色群组的色域 (131)色版页和色版书 (132)打印专色色板页或色板书 (132)测量和导入专色值 (133)替换颜色 (134)二色打印映射 (135)管理服务器资源 (137)虚拟打印机 (137)创建、编辑或复制虚拟打印机 (137)管理虚拟打印机 (138)从 Windows 打印到虚拟打印机 (139)从 Mac OS 打印到虚拟打印机 (139)Paper Catalog (140)从 Paper Catalog 选择纸张 (141)设置 Paper Catalog (142)管理 Paper Catalog 数据库 (147)纸张属性 (149)常见纸张属性 (149)纸盘关联 (157)纸盘关联显示 (158)将纸张分配给纸盘 (158)智能纸张 (159)监控纸盘中的纸张状态 (161)更改列显示 (161)VDP 资源 (162)管理 FreeForm 主文页 (162)备份 VDP 资源 (163)恢复 VDP 资源 (163)查看并删除全局资源 (164)字体 (164)备份和恢复字体 (165)查看用户和群组权限 (165)访问用户和群组 (166)查看用户和群组权限的详细信息 (166)比较权限 (166)查看或添加群组 (166)访问群组 (167)添加群组 (167)使用作业日志 (167)查看作业日志 (168)打印作业日志 (168)导出作业日志的内容 (168)导出和/或清空作业日志的内容 (169)印刷制版工具 (170)Fiery Graphic Arts 的功能 (170)Fiery Graphic Arts Package (Premium Edition) (170)Fiery Productivity Package (170)控制栏 (171)页面大小和控制栏(FS100/100Pro 或较早版本) (172)默认情况下,在每页打印控制栏 (172)查看和编辑控制栏 (172)创建自定义或重复的控制栏 (173)导出、导入或删除自定义控制栏 (173)恢复出厂默认控制栏设定 (174)陷印 (174)设置所有作业的自动陷印 (174)指定陷印宽度 (175)指定陷印颜色减少 (175)指定陷印形状 (175)指定陷印对象类型 (175)进度 (176)查看或编辑进度设定 (176)校样半色调模拟 (176)查看或编辑自定义半色调网屏 (177)纸色模拟白点编辑 (177)编辑纸色模拟白点值 (178)配置和运行预检 (179)ImageViewer (179)启动 ImageViewer (180)调整图像预览 (180)调整图像的大小 (181)查看图像中的颜色值 (181)显示分色 (181)使用曲线编辑颜色响应或灰度响应 (182)使用颜色轮编辑颜色 (183)通过图像编辑灰度响应曲线 (183)将颜色编辑应用于一个或所有页面 (183)通过本地文件应用颜色编辑 (184)通过服务器预设应用颜色编辑 (184)应用 Curve2/Curve3 文件的颜色曲线 (185)应用灰度响应曲线编辑 (185)打印含编辑内容的作业 (186)将软校样导出为 PDF 格式 (186)比较显示器特性档和输出特性档 (187)在 Fiery Server 上安装当前编辑 (187)在 Fiery Server 上恢复出厂默认响应曲线 (188)设置 ImageViewer 预置 (188)Booklet Maker (189)Booklet Maker 拼版 (189)关于 Booklet Maker 和 Fiery Impose (189)访问 Booklet Maker (189)从打印机驱动程序 访问 Booklet Maker (190)在 Command WorkStation 中访问 Booklet Maker (190)创建小册子 (190)从 Booklet Maker 窗口创建小册子 (190)从 Booklet Maker 向导创建小册子 (191)小册子类型 (192)鞍式装订 (193)套叠式鞍式装订 (194)胶装 (195)一合一 胶装 (196)纸张大小 (197)缩小文档页面大小以适合所选的纸张大小 (198)“缩小至适合”选项 (199)页面对齐 (203)对齐页面 (203)页面对齐和装订线 (206)爬移补偿 (208)采用一合一胶装的混合纸张 (208)在 Booklet Maker 中指定混合纸张设定 (209)在混合纸张中浏览作业 (210)以页面形式查看作业的版面 (210)以印张形式查看作业的版面 (210)Booklet Maker 混合纸张限制 (211)添加 封面 (211)在应用程序中更改文档大小 (212)更改测量单位 (212)预览小册子 (213)小册子工作流程示例 (213)打印胶装小册子 (213)打印鞍式装订小册子 (213)打印套叠式鞍式装订小册子 (214)Booklet Maker 限制 (214)Booklet Maker 词汇表 (215)索引 (219)概述Command WorkStationCommand WorkStation 是 Fiery Server的打印作业管理界面。

深信服安全服务用户手册目录深信服安全服务用户手册 (1)第1章安全服务申请和版本升级 (3)1.1 安全服务申请 (3)1.2 安全服务版本升级 (3)第2章控制台功能介绍 (4)2.1 安全服务状态 (4)2.2 安全服务配置 (5)第3章 WEB端功能介绍 (6)3.1 登录 (6)3.2 首页 (6)3.2.1基础事项 (6)3.2.2平台总览 (7)3.2.3持续评估 (7)3.2.4持续加固 (7)3.2.5云端值守 (8)3.2.6云端响应 (8)3.3 待办事项 (9)3.4安全状况 (9)3.4.1持续评估服务 (9)3.4.2持续加固服务 (10)3.4.3云端值守 (10)3.4.4云端响应 (11)3.5报告管理 (11)3.6服务中心 (11)3.7个人中心 (12)第4章微信端功能介绍 (13)4.1 微信帐号(服务号)管理 (13)4.1.1账号管理 (14)4.1.2服务管理 (14)4.2 申请服务 (15)4.2.1申请单次评估 (15)4.2.2申请持续评估 (16)4.2.3申请人工服务 (17)4.3 服务结果反馈 (18)4.3.1 安全事件告警反馈 (18)4.3.2 网站评估报告 (18)4.3.3 应急响应报告 (19)4.3.4 安全运营月报 (19)第1章安全服务申请和版本升级1.1 安全服务申请安全服务的用户类型分两种:普通用户和渠道用户。

Adventurer 4 Series / 冒险家4 系列用户使用手册中文P28This guide is only applicable to FLASHFORGE Adventurer 4 Series 3D printerContentNoticeReferenceChapter 1 Adventurer 4 Series1.1 - Component Introduction1.2 - Packing SpecificationChapter 2 Introduction of User Interface2.1 - Build2.2 - Prepare2.2.1 - Preheat2.2.2 - Filament2.3 - Settings2.4 - Maintain2.4.1 - Upgrade2.4.2 - Log2.4.3 - Calibration2.4.4 - ChangeExtruder2.4.5 - MaintainChapter 3 Software Installation Chapter 4 Preparation of Device Chapter 5 PrintChapter 6 Q&AChapter 7 Support and Service02050606070808101011121313131415 151616172127NoticeSafety Notice: please read and strictly follow all thesafety warnings and notice below.Keep your work place tidy.Do not operate device in the presence of flammable liquids, gases or dust,which will cause fire in the high temperature generated by the equipment.Keep device out of children and untrained people’s reach.Always use the device with a properly grounded outlet. Do not refit device plug. Ungrounded / improperly grounded / refitted device plugs will increase the risk of leakage of electricity.Do not use device in damp environment or under the burning sun. Dampenvironment will increase the risk of leakage / exposure to the sun will accelerate the aging of plastic parts.To avoid device damage, please use the power supply provided by Flashforge.Avoid using the device during a thunderstorm.In case of uncertain accident, please unplug the device if you do not use it for long.When grounding, plug the power cord into the three-in-one socket and connect to the external grounding wire through the grounding terminal of the three-in-one socket.Check and replace the fuse: To prevent electric shock, please be sure to turn off the power switch and unplug the power cord before checking or replacing the fuse.Replace the fuse: Open the fuse box of the three-in-one socket and replace the fuse with the fuse of 5*20, T10AL250V specification.Note:Every printer has been tested before leaving factory. It is normal and will notbe of trouble if there are filament residue remaining in the extruder or slight scratches on the plate.The device must be placed in a dry and ventilated environment. The distance of the left, right and back side space should be at least 20cm, and the distance of the front side space should be at least 35cm. Device storage temperature: RT 0-40℃.Temperature: RT 15-30℃; moisture: 20%-70%.CautionsKeep the inside of the device clean and tidy. Do not place metal objects into the chute at the bottom of the platform.Please clean up the remaining in time. It is recommended to operate outside the equipment.Any modifications to the device will invalidate the guarantee.Lower the build plate before loading/unloading filament. The distance between the nozzle and build plate should be kept for at least 50mm.Operate the device in well-ventilated environment.Never use the device for illegal activities.Never use the device to make any food storage vessels.Never put the prints into your mouth.Do not touch the nozzle and build plate during printing.Do not touch the nozzle and plate after printing to avoid high temperature scald or mechanical damage!Dress properly. Do not wear loose clothing or jewelry. Keep your hair, clothing and gloves away from moving parts.Do not operate the device while you are tired or under the influence of drugs, alcohol or meditation.Hot surface Do not touch Warning crushingof hands Keep this areaclearKeep body parts awayfrom moving partsAll the information in this document is subject to any amendment or change without the official authorization from Flashforge.FLASHFORGE CORPORATION MAKES NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND WITH REGARD TO THIS DOCUMENT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.FCC NoticeThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: [1] This device may not cause harmful interference, and [2] this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Flashforge shall not be liable for errors contained herein for incidentalconsequential damages in connection with furnishing, performance or use of this material.This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright.Copyright © 2021 Flashforge Corp. All Rights Reserved.It’s recommended to use the filaments offered by Flashforge, or from the brands accepted by Flashforge. Due to the different properties of filaments, you need to modify printing parameters when using those which are not offered by Flashforge.All polymers degrade with time. Do not unpack filament until necessary. Filament should be stored in clean and dry conditions.Name Extruder quantity Printing precision Position precision Layer thicknessBuild volume Nozzle diameter Printing speedHighest extrudertemperatureFilament typePower supplyDevice size Printing connectionFilament running out remindingPrint bedRemote camerawatching HEPA 13 Air filter Adventurer 41±0.1 mm(test of 100mm cube)X/Y axis:0.011 mm;Z axis:0.0025 mm0.1~0.4 mm220 x 200 x 250 mm0.4(default)0.6/0.3 mm(optional)10~150mm/s265℃/240℃ABS/PLA/PC/PETG/PLA-CF/PETG-CFAC100-240V/DC 24V/13.3A,320W500(L)*470(W)*550(H)mmUSB Disk/ Wi-Fi/ Ethernet√Flexible spring sheet√√Adventurer 4 Lite1±0.1 mm(test of 100mm cube)X/Y axis:0.011 mm;Z axis:0.0025 mm0.1~0.4 mm220 x 200 x 250 mm0.4(default)0.6/0.3 mm(optional)10~150mm/s240℃ (265℃ is optional)ABS/PLA(according to the nozzle)AC100-240V/DC 24V/13.3A,320W500(L)*470(W)*550(H)mmUSB Disk/ Wi-Fi/ Ethernet√Glass plate××ReferenceChapter 1 Adventurer 4 Series1. Click [Build], and then choose the path to read the print file.The interface layout may change whenever there is an upgrade of firmware. The functions below are only for demonstration purposes.NOTE: There is no camera on AD4 Lite, This manual uses the interface screen of the Adventurer 4 as a reference.2. File listTap model file:for file details.Long press model file:multi-selecting mode on.Chapter 2 Introduction of User Interface2.1 BuildThe finished prints will be marked.Read print file from local memory cardRead print file from theUSB stickDetailsExtruder temperature Time used SpeedCopy the file to the local memory cardInterfaceZ:Used when the distance needs to be adjusted between the first printed layer and the extruder. The up and down arrows indicate that the extruder moves upward or downward.Fan:The fan for cooling the model. Wind speed can be adjusted for printing different filaments.Click OK to save and apply the changed parameters.Check more parameter settings and detailsMore SettingsYou can change filaments The switch of LED light Adjust printing parameters: extruder temperature/platform temperature/printing speedTapLong pressTurn ON/OFF the extruder or platform preheatExtruder highest preheat temperature: 265℃(It’s up to the chosen extruder)Platform highest preheat temperature: 110℃Temperature can be adjusted anytime during heating.2.2.1 PreheatPreparePreheatFilament2.2.2 FilamentLoad/Change/ManualChoose [Load], extruder will be heated to set temperature, then follow the instruction to finish loading. Note that fast+slow loading is automatically applied, just place the filament in the extruder gear. Do not push the filament into the tube. You may hear noise when the loading is fast.ChangeClick on [Change], the extruder will be heated up to the preset temperature. Pull out the filament according to the instruction. Insert new filament in the filament intake until some resistance is felt. New filament coming out of extruder indicates a successful replace-ment.ManualClick on [Manual], extruder will be heated up to preset temperature. Choose filament length, and choose [Load/Unload].Note that manual mode should be preferred when there is remainingfilament in the tube.The following functions are included in [Settings]: Move, Network, Fan, Language, Status, Camera, Brightness, Light, FilamentDetect, Buzzer, PrinterName, About, FactoryReset.Move:to move the extruder left or right, (note that the noise is normal if it moves past the farthest point of the left side), and to move the build plate back and forth, (note that the noise is normal if it moves past the farthest point of the front side);Network:connect device to hot spot/WLAN/Flash Cloud/Polar Cloud;Fan:to turn on/off the fan;Language:select language;Status:including device temperature,X/Y/Z position,etc.Brightness: Adjust the screen brightness;Light: turn on/off the light on the extruder;FilamentDetect: filament check sensor is on/off;Buzzer: Turn on/off the sounds of device startup and screen click;PrinterName: User can name the device;About: information of this device;FactoryReset: this device is restored to factory setting.2.4.1 UpgradeWhen the device is connected to the network, it will be prompted to upgrade when the new firmware is released;2.4.2 LogWhen the equipment has abnormal movements, the problem can be fed back to the official after-sales team of Flashforge by copying the log.2.4 MaintainCamera: Remote monitoring. Turnon the camera during printing, andturn on time-lapse, and time-lapsevideo can be recorded in thememory disk; it can be found in[Pictures]; choose [Take Pic], thelive scene is saved as images;MaintainUpgradeLogCalibrationChangeExtruderMaintainNormal Mode :extruder calibration and 9-point leveling offset are included.Click on [Normal Mode] to start pre-calibration. The first point is to calibrate the initial distance between the extruder and the platform. Click on the up and down arrows to adjust the Z-axis deviation value. You can also sense if there is slight resistance bypulling A4 paper between them to decide the appropriate distance. In general, no further adjustment is needed. If large size model still cannot be printed after extruder calibra-tion, or failure occurs due to uneven platform, please finish 9-point leveling by calibrat-ing all 9 points. After calibration, the software will automatically calculate a mean value for compensation; when calibrating each point, the user can also adjust the z-axis deviation by clicking the up and down arrows; after compensation, the value can be calculated and applied.2.4.3 CalibrationIt is necessary to calibrate the distance between the nozzle and the platform after the first use or replacement of the nozzle;Expert mode :Expert mode is for experienced users to directly calibrate the distance.Click to make extruder move upwards,Click to make extruder move down-wards.After installing a new nozzle, please set the compensation value according to thetemperature the replaced nozzle adopts to; the actual deviation range of the extruder: -10 ~ 30. Click [next] to enter the extruder selection interface. Select the new nozzle to be installed and the maximum temperature during preheating will be set according to the selected nozzle. Please ensure that the installed nozzle is the same as the selected nozzle type, and click [Complete] to return to the maintenance interface.if a different nozzle is replaced, the default maximum temperature ofpreheating will change to the temperature of the replaced nozzle.2.4.4 ChangeExtruderIn case of errors or unclear operation, please check and operate according to the maintenance suggestions first.2.4.5 MaintainThe equipment has been leveled and calibrated beforedelivery, but due to transportation or other influences,the distance between nozzle and platform may change.It is recommended to conduct [Calibration] afterunpacking.This step is optional, please refer to the interfacefunction introduction before operation.Find the FlashPrint installation package in the USB disk and select the version corresponding to your system to install.Or you can download it from https:///download-center.Chapter 3 Software InstallationChapter 4 Preparation of Device1.Connect to power.Chapter 5 Print2. Load Filament: open the filament cover on the right side, insert the filament into the filament intake, push filament into the feeding wheel until some resistance is felt. Please make sure filaments are in the feeding wheel. Tap[Prepare]-[Filament]-[Load]. Follow the instruction, filament coming out of thenozzle indicates a success.Import stl or obj file into the slicer; after slicing, the printer will heat up and start printing automatically.Method 2: USB DeviceFiles can be read in USB disk. Insert USB disk and select the files to print.3.Model File TransferMethod 1: Wi-Fi ConnectionTap [Settings]-[Network]-[WIFI], operate according to the instruction. OpenFlashPrint, click [Print], then click [Machine Type], select [FlashForge Adventurer 4 / 4 Lite]. You can try to enter the IP address or scan it automatically. The IP address can be viewed in [settings] - [about].When the user wants to usethe browser to view images,the printer and PC must bein an intranet (that is, theprinter and PC connect tothe same router).Polar CloudRegister the Polar Cloud account in https://.Inquire Polar Cloud PIN code. Turn on the Polar Cloud switch and enter account number and PIN after connecting Adventurer 4 / 4 Lite to network.(2)Click [My Printer] - [Add Printer].Fill in the registration number (Registration Code) on page and name the printer. After clicking OK, the information will appear in the FlashCloud interface of the printer.Method 3: CloudFlashCloud(1)Open FlashCloud website (https:) to register an account. After the mailbox is activated, you can log in and use it; after logging in.4.Model RemovalAdventurer 4: Take out the removable build plate, and bend the plate to get the modelAdventurer 4 Lite : Use the Scraper to take out the modelNozzle and build plate are still hot after finishing printing, please wait for them to cool down before you operate.It is recommended to take the plate to the outside of the equipment for model removal, otherwise the model debris will remain in the equipment. Please keepthe inside of the printer clean.Chapter 6 Q&AQ1. How to unclog the nozzle?Q2. How to replace the nozzle?Method1:Method2:Method3:Tap [Preheat], heat up the nozzle to the set temperature. Once completingheating, press the filament guide tube joint and pull out the filament guide tube. Check to see whether the filament is bent or filament’scross-section is smooth. If not, cut it smooth, install the guide tube and filament back. Tap [Load].If method 1 does not work out, use an unclogging pin tool to unclogfilament.If method 1&2 do not work out, please replace the nozzle.Press the left and right clips and pull out the nozzle.Push in the filament through the filament intake manually, making it long enough to be cut off;Rotate the filament spool anti-clockwise manually, making filament retreat a little;Press the left and right clips, install the new nozzle. Make sure nozzle slot and bottom of extruder are on the same level.Tap [Prepare] -- [Load], filament coming out of the new nozzle indicates successful replacement. off before replacing nozzle! No power on operation!Q3. Do we need to calibrate the extruder after replacing nozzle?Yes, small errors may occur because of the calibration. To keep best printing quality, you need to calibrate it again.Q4. What can I do if no filament comes out of the extruder after I choose the file and the extruder moves normally?Q5. How to solve if the distance between nozzle and platform is too large(far away) or too small(that they collide)?Tap[Maintain]--[Calibration];The printer starts pre-calibrating. The first point is to calibrate the initial distance between the extruder and the platform (see Z-axis deviation value). Click the up and down arrows to adjust the Z-axis deviation value. With the help of the leveling card, you can feel if there is any slight resistance to decide the appropriate distance.When the extruder is still unable to properly print a large size model aftercalibration, or when the model fails to be printed due to uneven platforms, please continue using this function. The machine will calibrate the remaining 8 points. After calibration is completed, the software will automatically calculate acompensation mean to compensate. When each point is being calibrated, the user can also adjust the Z-axis deviation by clicking the up and down arrows. Aftercompensation is completed, the value is memorized and the extruder goes back to zero. the filament guide tube, make sure the filament has been pushed into the extruder; if not, please tap [Load] till filament comes out;check whether the extruder is clogged, if so, please refer to Q1.2.Check whether the installation is in place:①Touch the black buckle and the lower shell of the white extruder, make sure no hollows are felt;②Observe to make sure there is no large gap in the joint of the black buckle and the lower shell of the white extruder.Q12. How to solve edge warping and weak adhesion?Heating up the platform can increase adhesion between platform andmodel.Adding raft to model when slicing in FlashPrint.Apply solid glue to platform before printing.Use extruder calibration in expert mode or leveling calibration to reducethe distance between the nozzle and the platform.Make sure the platform is flat. Complete 9-point leveling suggested.Apply extruder calibration to reduce the gap.Method1:Method2:Method3:Method4:Method5:Method6:Q6. Can we use other brand filament which is not produced by Flashforge?Q7. Is Adventurer 4 Series compatible with all kinds of AC power input?Adventurer 4 Series is equipped with a built-in 24V/13.3A power supplier, suitable for 100V-240V input voltage.Q8. Is Adventurer 4 Series capable of turning itself off automatically after printing job is finished?No .Q9. What kinds of file formats does Adventurer 4 Series support?Q10. Does Adventurer 4 Series support other cloud platforms besides FlashCloud?Yes, Adventurer 4 Series interface is open up to all other cloud platforms.Input: 3MF/STL/OBJ/FPP/BMP/PNG/JPG/JPEG Files.Output: GX/G files.Q11. Is the ABS printing safe?ABS filament will give off certain poisonous gas when heated up, please put the printer in well-ventilated condition when printing ABS. We suggest using non-toxic PLA filament when printer is near children.Adventurer 4 Series supports ABS, PLA, PC, PETG, PLA-CF , PETG-CF , etc., which have different ingredients. Adventurer 4 Series tests out default settings like temperature and filament output to ensure the best printing quality. Other brands of filaments can be used with the parameters adjusted. Because the required temperature between different materials is slightly different, it is recommended to clean the previousfilaments before using new filaments, otherwise it is easy to cause extruder blockage.Q14. After replacing the nozzle, printer status indicates that extruder temperature is 300℃, and the fan is also working. Why is this happening?Power off when replacing the nozzle.Q15. The extruder makes out chug noise and no filament comes out of the extruder, what is the problem and how to solve?Load: only load filament into the extruder;Change:first unloading and then loading filament, from fast to slow;Manual: slow loading.Q16. What is the difference between filament loading, filament replacement and manual mode?Calibrate the printer again or finish Homing again before giving it another go.Q17. Adventurer 4 Series starts printing when the distance between extruder and build plate is still large, causing filament unable to stick to plate.USB driver file is not correct. Adventurer 4 Series only supports FAT32 file system, please format USB driver into FAT32 file system.Q18. Printing files cannot be found when using USB driver?Note:Note that the temperature setting in the slicer file might not match the highest temperature of the replaced nozzle.Errors:Errors in temperature displaying indicate that the new nozzle is not properlyinstalled, and the extruder temperature cannot be read by the sensor. Please plug out and install the extruder again, make sure that the extruder is pushed to the end, and the buckle and bottom of extruder are on the same level. Refer to Q2.Filament has not loaded into extruder, which is most likely because the extruder is clogged or filament guide tube is not properly installed. Check the guide tube joint first, if it’s normal, refer to Q1 for resolution.it is recommended to use manual mode during testing the nozzle unloading filaments. Not recommended for loading filaments. If it is used, please select the maximum length.Q13. Is it a must to add a raft before printing the model?Not necessarily. More filaments come out of the nozzle when printing the raft,higher success rate there will be. When the plate is heated, the adhesion between the model and the platform increases, which makes the model adhere to the platform well when printing, and also increases the success rate.Q19. How to connect to Polar Cloud?Pictures can contain up to 10 models, while videos 20 models.The printer adopts fast-slow loading, make sure there is no remaining filament in the guide tube.Q23. Noise in the gear when loading filaments?Open Polar Cloud website, and log in account. https://;Click in Cloud Account on the right top corner, roll down the page to find PIN code;Open Polar Cloud on the printer, enter account number and PIN code;Turn on the switch and connect to Polar Cloud.Set printing parameters in the printer. Note that adjustments might be delayed to take effect, or improper adjustments will affect printing quality, please set it with caution. How to connect to FlashCloud?Open FlashCloud website: https:///login.html;Open FlashCloud interface or about on the printer;Add the printer on FlashCloud website, enter name and registration code ofprinter;Turn on the FlashCloud switch to connect the printer. How to use camera?Turn on camera to watch live video on the Cloud;Time-lapse function will take 100 pictures during printing and makes a video.1.2.In expert mode, the distance can be adjusted directly for experienced users. Details can be found in the calibration instructions for expert mode.Q24. What is expert mode in calibration?Q25. How to set printing parameters during printing?Pay attention to the distance when it moves along the side to avoid hitting the border.Q22. Operation of movementWhen the length is not selected, press the button to start the movement, andrelease the button to stop the movement;When the length is selected, press to start the movement, release will not stop themovement until the corresponding length is reached.1.2.Make sure the password is entered correctly.Q26. Wi-Fi connection failure?Please check if there are any special characters in the Wi-Fi hotspot name, if there are any, please modify them and try again;Check your password for special characters, and if so, try again after you have modified it.1.2.Q27. Firmware updatePlease do not disconnect the network during download or update to prevent update failure.Q28. Turn on the printer with white screen and no firmwareIf you hear the power-on sound, change the screen or the wiring;If you cannot hear the power-on sound, please contact the supplier.When the printer is not used for a long time, apply grease on the guide rail, do it regularly every other month. Put filaments in the drying box to prevent moisture.If it is used frequently, it is recommended to replace HEPA filter cotton once every 2 weeks.Replace as follows:1.2.1.Open the front door of printer, and find the air filter device indicated in the picture.Chapter 7 Support and ServiceFlashforge team is on standby and ready to help you with any challenges you may have with your 3D printer. If the issues or questions are not covered in this User Guide, you can seek for solutions on our official website or contact us via telephone.There are solutions and instructions to common issues that can be found in our knowledge base. Have a look first as most basic questions are answered there. http://www.flThe Flashforge support team can be reached by e-mail or phone between the working hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST Monday through Saturday. In case you contact us during off-duty time, your inquiry will be answered the following business day.Note: Because of changing different filament the extruder maybe blockaded. It’s not owing to quality issue, and outside the scope of 400 hours life. If users encounter this problem, please contact our after-sale department and finish clean work according to their instruction.Facebook Official Group Address: Flashforge Official User GroupEmail:support@flAddress: No.518 XianYuan Road, Jinhua City,Zhejiang Province, China目录注意事项第一章 设备简介1.1 - 整机介绍1.2 - 装箱清单第二章 设备操控界面简介2.1 - 打印2.2 - 准备2.2.1 - 预热2.2.2 - 丝料2.3 - 设置2.4 - 维护2.4.1 - 在线升级2.4.2 - 日志2.4.3 - 喷头校准2.4.4 - 喷头更换2.4.5 - 维护建议第三章 软件安装第四章 设备预准备第五章 首次打印第六章 Q&A第七章 帮助与支持293131323333353536373838 383839404040414550注意事项安全提示:请确保认真阅读以下安全提示请保证打印机的工作台面干净整洁。
IBM FlashSystem 9100 8.2.1 快速入门指南说明书

Quick Start Guide
Edition notice
This edition applies to version 8, release 2, modification 1 of IBM® FlashSystem 9100 and to all subsequent modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2018
iv IBM FlashSystem 9100 8.2.1: Quick Start Guide
Chapter 1. Overview
This guide provides a high-level roadmap to guide the customer and IBM service support representative (SSR) through the planning, installation, and initial configuration steps that are needed to set up this system (9846-AF7, 9848-AF7, 9846-AF8, 9848-AF8, 9846/9848-AFF , 9848-A9F ).
Prerequisites for installation Before the SSR installs the FlashSystem 9100, the customer must have the following items available: • Workstation with USB port for initial configuration. • Supported web browser. • Ethernet connection. • Rack spaces for the AF7/AF8 control enclosures and optional SAS expansion enclosures. • If the customer chooses to use a Power Distribution Unit (PDU), the network and power provisions for
WatchGuard Firebox X Core防火墙 说明书

Firebox ® X Core™WatchGuard ®产品介绍高级多层安全防御Firebox X Core 是在智能分层架构的基础上开发而来。
预防御在软件安全漏洞使新型的网络攻击变为可能的形势下,Firebox X Core 的内置式预防御随时准备保障您客户网络的安全。
直观的集中管理WatchGuard® System Manager (WSM)提供直观的图形化用户界面,用于管理Firebox X Core UTM 解决方案的所有功能。
WSM 提供综合日志系统、创建拖放VPN 以及实时监控功能,而且不存在隐含成本,也无需购买更多硬件。
综合安全功能提供更加精心的保护每一项WatchGuard 的安全服务与Firebox X Core 的内置式预防御功能联手打造超强安全保护能力。
所有服务均由WSM 统一管理,用户可实时查看所有服务状态,而且,可以持续更新这些服务,获得最新的保护。
•网关防病毒/入侵防御服务: 基于攻击特征的强大的安全保护,阻止间谍软件、木马、病毒及其它基于网络的漏洞攻击。
专家指导与支持WatchGuard LiveSecurity®服务为您提供全球安全专家团队支持,帮助您将复杂的IT 管理工作变得更为便捷。

This guide is only applicable to FLASHFORGE AD1 Series 3D printerChanel letter 3D printer 广告字3D打印机用户使用说明书中文P55注意:使用本产品时,请您先仔细阅读本产品使用说明书,再正确操作。
Note: Please read this User Guide carefully before operating the product.Please keep this Guide properly for future reference.Flashforge AD1USER GUIDEContent Foreword Safety Instructions 1 Equipment Introduction 1.1 Equipment Introduction 1.2 Accessories 1.3 Equipment Installation 1.4 Equipment Settings 1.5 Equipment Interface 2 Equipment Printing 2.1 Printing Software 2.2 Obtaining the Shell File 2.3 Software Settings 3 Maintenance and Support 3.1 Copy Log 3.2 Maintenance and Overhaul 3.3 Daily Maintenance 3.4 Help and Support ................................ 01.............................. 02................ 03. (06) (07) (11) (12) (14)........ 21. (28) (28) (29)........... 30 (51) (51)52 (53) (54)目录前言安全说明第一章 设备介绍 1.1 设备介绍 1.2 产品配件 1.3 设备安装 1.4 设备设置操作 1.5 设备界面第二章 设备打印 2.1 打印配套软件 2.2 获取字壳文件 2.3 软件设置第三章 维护与支持 3.1 拷贝日志 3.2 维护与检修 3.3 日常保养与维护 3.4 帮助与支持...................................... 01...................................... 55................................ 57....................... 58........................ 59........................ 63........................ 64................... 66........................ 73....................... 79................... 79.................. 80........................ 81.................... 97........................ 97..................... 97................ 98 (98)Note: Dear Flashforge User,Thank you for choosing and using the products of Flashforge Technology. Thank you for your support and help to Flashforge Technology.The products of Flashforge Technology have excellent quality and performance. For your convenience, please read this Guide carefully before use and follow the instructions strictly. The Flashforge team is always ready to provide you with the perfect service. In case of any problems during the use, please contact us by phone or email listed in this Guide.In order to better experience our products, you can also get operation knowledge of the equipment from the following ways:· Flashforge Chinese official website:Flashforge official website: You can visit the official website of Flashforge to find information on software and hardware, contact, equipment operation and maintenance.Each 3D printer has passed the printing test before leaving the factory. It isnormal if there is residual material in the extruder or slight scratch on theprinting platform and does not affect the use.Please read the following safety prompts carefullyPlease ensure that the work table of the printer is clean and tidy.Please keep the printer away from flammable gases, liquids and dust. (The high temperature generated by the operation of the equipment may react with dust, liquid or flammable gases in the air to cause a fire)Children and untrained personnel should not operate the equipment alone.Be sure to ground the equipment; do not modify the plug. (Ungrounded/not properly grounded /modified plug will increase leakage risk inevitably)Do not expose the equipment to moisture or hot weather. (Damp environment increases the risk of leakage/exposure will accelerate the aging of plastic parts)Do not abuse the power cord; be sure to use the power cord provided by Flashforge Technology.Never use the equipment during thunderstorms.If the equipment won’t be used for a long time, turn off the power and unplug the power cord.Be sure to turn off the power before disassembling the extruder or other parts.Do not touch the extruder or platform while the equipment is running in order to avoid high temperature burns or mechanical collisionsDo not touch the heating part when printing is complete in order to avoid high temperature burns.When operating, do not wear objects that are easily caught in the equipment, such as scarves, masks, gloves and jewelry.Do not operate the equipment after drinking or taking medicine.Do not left the running equipment unattended for a long time.Do not modify the equipment.Operate the equipment in a ventilated environment.Do not use this equipment for illegal activities.Do not use this equipment to make food storage products.Do not use this equipment to make electrical products.Do not put the printing model into your mouth.Do not use brute force to remove the printing model.Do not connect the equipment with a network cable longer than 3m.If the equipment is not in use, please remove the supplies in the extruder.If the equipment is not used for a long time, use a dust cloth to cover it.When the adhesion of the blue textured paper becomes weaker on the shell, replace the paper.Temperature: 15-30°CRelative humidity: 20% -70%Abnormal noise may occur if the equipment is used for a long time. Please apply lubricant on the rails and the screw regularly. It is recommended to apply once every two weeks.The equipment needs to be placed in a dry, ventilated environment. The left and rear sides must have a space at least 20cm, the front side must have a space at least 35cm, and the right side must have a space at least 40cm.When operating the equipment, only use supplies supplied or specified by Flashforge. Third-party supplies may cause extruder blockage and damage.Do not unpack the supplies unless needed. Keep the storage environment dry and free of dust after unpacking.Do not copy or print any items that are prohibited from being copied by law.Copy copyrighted works. Some copyrighted works can be partially copied for “fair use”. Multiple copies will be considered as improper. A work of art is equivalent to copyrighted work.The above list is for reference only and does not include all content. We are not responsible for its completeness and accuracy. If you have questions about the legality of copying or printing certain items, please consult your legal counsel.The user is not authorized to make any changes to this Guide.Flashforge Technology is not responsible for any safety incidents caused by the customer disassembling or modifying the equipment without permission. Without the permission of Flashforge Technology, it is prohibited to modify or translate this Guide. This Guide is copyrighted and Flashforge Technology reserves the right of final interpretation.@Copyright 2018 Zhejiang Flashforge 3D Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reservedOverview3D printing technology is the technology that transforms 3D models into physical objects. The most common 3D printing technology is called FFF (Fused Filament Fabrication), which is also the application technology of AD1 Ad words printer. Its working mode is to melt the filament-shaped supplies by high temperature, cool down and solidify the supplies, and stack them layer by layer to form 3D articles.Printing Steps3D printing has three steps, which are acquiring model, processing model, and printing model. Select a text or pattern file of the design software, import to the FlashAD software, slice the file and send it to the printer via USB flash drive or Wi-Fi, and then start printing. Flashforge AD1 is 3D printing equipment for making luminous character shell and it can effectively improve the production efficiency of luminous characters and reduce the labor. FlashAD software is used on Flashforge advertising machine. It has three functions, i.e. generating 3D models, exporting contour lines and generating slice files, and is used to produce Ad words.PLA supplies (for indoor use) and advertising supplies (for outdoor use) required for the production of the luminous character shells are provided.Steps for the production of Ad words:1. Generate a 3D model;2. Export the contour line;3. Generate a slice file of the 3D model and print the model;4. Cut the acrylic sheet according to the contour line;5. Assemble the model and acrylic sheet.You can use the design software such as CorelDRAW to design the font or pattern and save the font or pattern file in cdr format. The AD1 advertising machine supports stl, cdr and nc formats. More formats will be supported after subsequent software and firmware upgrades.CDR Software designFlashADSoftware switchAD1Equipment printing >>1.Fliament hole Mounting bracketZ-axis sensorHeat sinks Heating blockCooling fanTeflon tube connectorNozzleX-axis guideY-axis guideY-axis linkageSpool holderFilament spoolZ-axis motorDecorating partDrag chainY-axis sensorTouch screenPrinting platformEthernet port Extruder cover Support bracketPower switch Filament feeding motorX-axis motorX-axis sensorFilament detection sensorMounting holeThe distance of device placement spacing at least 0.5 m.0.5m0.5mThe part used to build a solid model.Printing platform The Flashforge print sticker can be attached to the printing platform to better attach the printing model to the platform. Whenthe platform sticker starts to affect the printing effect, please replace it in time, i.e. the attached textured paper.Platform sticker The printing volume refers to the length *width* height of the build model. The maximum printing volume of AD1 Ad word 3D printer is 600*600*70mm. You can’t directly build models that exceed this parameter.Printing volume The 8 leveling nuts under the platform bracket are used to adjust the spacing between the printing platform and the nozzle.Leveling nutFeeding the filament heated and then extruded from the nozzle.Extruder The lowermost brass-colored metal structure constituting the extruder; the supplies heated by the extruder are extruded here.Nozzle Cooling fan The hole for the supplies to enter the extruder; located at the top of the extruder.The cooling fan is used to reduce the temperature of the extruder and accelerate the solidification of the supplies.Used to clear the residual supplies in the nozzle.The supplies are fed into the white Teflon tubefrom the filament box.The device for placing supplies; located on the back of the printer.Filament holeMounting bracketFilament guidetube Nozzle cleanerPrinter type Language Molding size Rated voltagePowerPrinting speedIdle speed Extruder temperature Build plate temperature Filament Machine size Packing size Net weight Gross weight Extruder structure Nozzle diameter Filament diameter FDMChinese, English, Japanese600*600*70mmAD1-220VAD1-110VAD1-220V-1500WAD1-110V-1000W≤150mm/s≤200mm/s≤260°C≤100°C, by 4 areasAdvertising supplies;Advertising PLA supplies;1070*975*485mm1170*1140*610mm50.2kg76kgDual feeding, singlenozzle0.6mm1.75mmPrintingaccuracyLayerthicknessCompatibleformatOperatingtemperatureSlicingsoftwareDisplay sizePrintingplatformLevelingmodeResume printUSB flashdriveFilamentdetectionfunctionEthernetCloudplatform±0.5mm or 0.2%0.1~0.4mmGfz, Stl, Nc, Cdr15~30°CFlashAD4.5 inchesAluminum plate/glassplate ( Flashforge doesnot provide glass plate.)Manual adjustment, 8pointsYesYesYesYesYesPower cableAllen wrench*31.2mm/2.5mm/5mmNozzle cleanerQuick Start GuideAfter-sales Service Card Spool holder *2Grease*3Mounting bracketStamping wrench*38mm/13mm Textured paper M8 hexagon screw*4ScraperM3 hexagon socketscrew and washer*4Support bracket*4PTFE tube*4Mounting glass kit Leveling paper NozzleScrew driver USB flash drive Tube connector1.Lift the equipment to the shelf or table before installation; reserve a corner before installing the support.2.Rotate the support clockwise to the bottom. Install the 4 supports in sequence.3.Shake the equipment by hand to check whether it shakes, and adjust the height of the supports to make the 3D printer stand smoothly.1.Mounting support1.Remove the four M3 screws and the springwashers; remove the four M8 flat-headscrews and the spring washers; remove the parts of the tray bracket and install the left and right sheet metal brackets onto the e an Allen key to attach the left and right sheet metal brackets to the equipment with four M8 screws.2.Install the mounting brackete an Allen key to secure theU-shaped sheet metal bracket to the left and right brackets with 4 M3 screws.4.Place the two black tray shafts on the left and right sheet metal brackets.5.The tray rack and the bracket afterassembly are shown in the figure.7.Press the switch button to start the equipment.6.Connect the 3D printer to the 220V power through the power cord.After the equipment is installed, you need to perform a series of settings before printing.Before the calibration, it is necessary to confirm whether the motion state of the equipment is normal.1. Click Tools - Home. At this moment, you can check whether the basic status of the equipment is normal. The equipment will automatically run to the home position.2.Click Tools - Settings - Extruder Calibration. When the extruder drops to the platform, insert the leveling paper between the nozzle and the platform. Click the plus and minus signs on the screen to calibrate the distance between the nozzle and the platform. Click the plus sign to raise the extruder, and click the minus sign to lower the extruder. The nozzle and the platform are in the proper position if the movement of the leveling paper is frictional. Click the OK button.3.After clicking the OK button, the display will show that the Z-axis motor is locked. Do not click the Finish button at this moment. Once this state occurs, level the platform with the leveling tool. (For details, see the leveling operation video)4.The platform has 8 leveling points in total. Manually slide the extruder to the positions of 8 points as shown in the figure (except for the middle position, which is the leveling reference point). Insert the leveling paper at each point in turn, and use the stamping wrench at the bottom nut to adjust the height of the platform to make the nozzle just in contact with the platform.5.Take out the triangle stamping wrench from the accessory and insert it into the bottom leveling point.Turn the stamping wrench clockwise to lower the platform and increase the clearance.Turn the stamping wrench counterclockwise to raise the platform and decrease the clearance.6.When the leveling is complete, click the Finish button on the screen. The extruder will rise.(For details, see the leveling operation video)Load the filament into the spool holder on the left and right side respectively, pass the filament holes through the left and right filament detecting switches respectively, and then thread into the filament feeding motor until the filament reaches the nozzle.Note: Be sure to put the left and right filament into the nozzle, or else thereis a risk of blocking or abnormal extrusion.2.After clicking, the extruder will heat up. Do not touch the lower part of the nozzle in order to avoid burns.The left filament and the right filament need to be fed separately, and the extrusion length of left and right extruder is about 100 mm.1.Click on the screen - Tools - Extruder L or Extruder R - Load.Note: When you need to print one color only, also feed the filament in the nozzle. You can set to print only one kind of supplies in the software. If there is a vacancy in the left and right nozzle, it may cause nozzle blockage or printing defect.2.The equipment starts to print the pattern. If the pattern adheres to the platform and isn’t loose or uplifted, the platform flatness is good.Method for verifying extruder calibration and platform flatness:1.Click Print - Select File AD1- leaving-check.gx file.(This step is only for inspection and not required)Special Note:1. Since glass plate is easy to break and Flashforge does not sell glass plate, you can purchase 620*620*5mm glass for printing in local market. When making super word, some users may need glass curing. Flashforge recommends 5mm non-tempered glass;2.Be sure to calibrate the extruder before installing the glass plate to prevent the nozzle from bumping against the glass.Calibration method:According to the glass thickness H, set the Z-axis coordinate to H+1MM; for example, the glass is 5mm thick, set the Z-axis coordinate value to 6mm.1.Click Tools - Settings - extruder Calibration2.When the Z-axis value is set to 6, click “OK” and the Z-axis motor is locked. No other operations are required. Click Finish directly.The glass installation method is as shown below:Take out the options for glass mounting. If the textured paper on the platform aluminum plate is damaged before installation, please remove it.1. Remove the textured paper from the edge of the original aluminum plate, pass the M4 countersunk screw through the aluminum plate and lock the metal clip under the aluminum plate with M4 lock nut.2. Fix the right angle fixing block to the base block behind the aluminum plate with the M4 cylindrical head screw.3. Place the glass plate over the aluminum plate and hold it with a metal clip.4. After the glass plate installation is completed, perform a normal alignment of the platform surface and the nozzle. It can be printed normally after calibration.Click the Print button and choose the path to read the print file:1. Read from the printer’s memory card;2. Read the print file from the external USB flash drive;3. Back: Return to the previous interface.Select the print file in the file list:1. Print:Start printing;2. Copy: Copy the files from the USB flash drive to the printer’s local memory card (this function is not available when the local memory card is selected);3. Delete: Delete this print file;4. Back: Return to the previous interface.5. Green files in the list: The files have been opened.Cancel: Cancel this print task;Pause/Start:Pause/start printing;Tools: Real-time query or change during printing: bottom plate temperature, print time, Z-axis coordinate, filament usage, print speed, filament change settings.Temperature adjust: When the nozzle temperature in the page is underlined, click to change the nozzle temperature.Printing speed: Can be modified during printing;Filament: Click the Filament button when you need to change the filament in the process of printing (this function is available when printing pauses);Back: Cancel the tool command and return to the print interface.Printing speed adjust:After starting to print, click the print speed value to modify the single digit, tens digit and hundreds digit of the print speed value respectively, click Yes to save the setting; click No to cancel the setting.The quality of the shell is closely related to the print speed. The shell needs time to cool down. If the speed is too fast and the cooling is insufficient, the shell model will collapse and affect the quality.Click the Preheat icon to enter the heating interface:1. On/Off: Turn on/off the heating function for extruder or platform;2. Temperature value: Click this icon to set the temperature;3. Start: Click the Start icon and the extruder starts to heating up;4. Back: Return to the previous interface.There are four heating zones of buildplate,corresponding devices of bottom plate 1, 2, 3, 4 are shown below (the screen is close to the bottom plate 4) . Default print zone is No.1Heating interface:1. Actual temperature/target temperature value;2. Abort: Suspend warm-up;3. Back:Return to the previous interface.2134Click the Tools icon to enter the Tools interface:1. Filament: Filament load or unload;2. Home: Return the printer X/Y/Z axis to the mechanical home;3. Manual: Manually adjust the position of the X/Y/Z axis;4. Settings: Make related function settings for the printer;5. Status: View the real-time status of the printer;6. About: View the version information of the printer;7. Back: Return to the previous interface.Click the manual adjustment icon to enter the manual adjustment mode:1. Y+: The extruder moves in the positive direction of the Y axis, that is, backward;2. Y-: The extruder moves in the negative direction of the Y axis, that is, forward;3. X-: The extruder moves in the positive direction of the X axis, that is, to the left;4. X+: The extruder moves to the negative direction of the X axis, that is, to the right;5. Z+: The platform moves up;6. Z-: The platform moves down;7. Back: Return to the previous interface.Click the Settings icon to enter the settings interface:1. Language: set the printer display language;2. Resume Print: Set whether to continue unfinished file when the printer is lose the power, it will recovery print when the power back, the default option is ON;;3. Flashforge Cloud: Turn off/on the Flashforge Cloud printing function;4. Extruder calibration: Calibrate the initial distance between the extruder and the platform;5. Heat Preservation: The platform is still in heat preservation after printing,user can set the time to continue heating.;6. Z Offset: Extended function of extruder calibration. After leveling, if the extruder is slightly higher or lower than the platform when printing the shell, please use this function to fine-tune the gap between the extruder and the platform by inputting the value directly. It is not recommended to adjust if you are unfamiliar with the equipment.7. Startup Sound: Turn on/off the boot sound;8. Filament Check: Turn on/off the Filament Check function;When this function is turned on, if no filament is detected or the filament is used up, printing will pause automatically.9. Glass Printing: After turning on the Glass Printing mode, the platform is no longer heated by areas. The four areas are heated at the same time to prevent the glass from being broken due to uneven heating;10. Mute Printing:Turn on/off the Mute Printing function;11. Factory Reset: Restore the factory settings;12. Update: Upgrade to the latest firmware. If the equipment is connected to a wired network, you can click to upgrade online.Turn on [Resume Print]At this moment, the uninterrupted printing function is turned on. If the printer is turned off before the printing completes, the printer continues to print theunfinished model when the printer is turned on again.Turn off [Resume Print]At this moment, the uninterrupted printing function is turned off. If the printer is turned off before the printing completes, the printer will not continue to print the unfinished model when the printer is turned on again.StatusClick the Status button to view the temperature of current nozzle and the current coordinate value of the nozzle.AboutDisplay the basic information of the equipment. The details of the information are subject to the actual display.You can view the firmware version; the print size; the cumulative print duration.Ethernet IP address: When connecting to the Internet cable, the Ethernet IP address and Ethernet MAC address will be displayed here.Note: When applying for after-sales service, please present the serial number in[About] to the after-sales engineer.Flashforge Cloud connection1. Turn on/off [Flashforge Cloud]2. Find the registration code of the machine on the [Settings]-[About] page.3. Open the Flashforge Cloud (), click [Add Printer], enter theprinter registration code in the pop-up window, and associate the equipment with the cloud platform. For details on how to connect the Flashforge Cloud, see the nextchapter about printing.Note: The firmware is updated regularly, and the interfaces may differ.2 Printing 2. 1 Printing Software 2.1.1 Obtaining Software FlashAD software is used on Flashforge AD1 machine. It has three functions, i.e. generating 3D models, exporting contour lines and generating slice files, and isused to produce Ad words.Steps for the production of Ad words:1. Generate a 3D model;2. Export the contour line;3. Generate a slice file of the 3D model and print the model;4. Cut the acrylic sheet according to the contour line;5. Assemble the model and acrylic sheet.When printing with the AD1 light-emitting shell 3D printer, it is necessary to use the luminous character slice software to produce the character shell file, and convert the character shell or graphic design file into a file identifiable by the 3D printer.To get the software:Copy the FlashAD software from the provided USB flash drive or download the latest version of the software from .Open the FlashAD software, click the Login button in the upper right corner, click to register a cloud account, and redirect to the cloud platform page to register, or directly log in to https:// to register a Flashforge cloud account.FlashAD can directly generate text and the software has text input function; after clicking, input the desired text in the dialog box and select the desired font.Here is an example of generating text with software.· Export vector design drawing in cdr format from software such as CorelDRAW, and import the file into FlashAD.· Click the text button, enter the word “B”, and customize the font and size. (the font size is more intuitive for cdr file)2.2 Obtaining the Shell File2.3.1 Typesetting2.3 Software SettingsDisplay the size of the shell, and drag to change the size.Top/Bottom: Different types of characters appear after setting.Set the color of the shell layer. If only one color is set, the default is to print with the filament in the right tray.The default is 0.8mm; this parameter does notneed to be set.The thickness of the printed shell. The default is 1mm. The higher the value, the thicker the shell is.The overall height of the printed shell. The default is 20mm. The higher the value, the higher the shell is. The maximum height supported is 70mm.It meas the epitaxial distance of top side.Itmeas arc word, user can set the round size, the xrepresents the vertical distance of bottom side(sameas top side)The tilt angle of the printed shell during straight edge print. If the font size is small, the tilt angle should be set small, or lese it will be easy to fail. X represents the the vertical distance from the bottom.It meas arc word, user can set the round size, the x represents the vertical distance of bottomAfter a series of required settings, click the Generate 3D Model button and the text will be converted from 2D to 3D.Note:1. When Reverse and Mirror are selected at the same time, the model is inverted.2. When the shell is set to the lower straight edge and the upper oblique bevel, click the Invert and Mirror button, and the set step will be invalid.3. When adding the bottom width and setting inverted mirror, the bottom widened portion of the shell model will be displayed on the upper surface of the shell after printing.Mirror and invert effect Straight edge + beveleffect after X value is set Tilt effect 2.3.2 Glyph SettingsSelect Step for the top surface to set the height from the step to the top surface and the width required for the step.Select Close for the top surface, and the top of the shell will be closed.Top step effectTop closure effectSelect Chamfer for the top surface, and the curvature of the top surface will form a chamfer. The chamfer size is customized.Top chamfering effectSelect Close for the bottom surface, and the bottom of the shell will be closed.Select Widen for the bottom surface, the bottom will have an outer edge, which depends on the setting.Recommended extension is 1mm, which will facilitate the adhesion of the shell tothe platform.Bottom closure effectBottom widening effect。
Fortin电子系统Flash-Link Manager用户指南说明书

Fortin Electronic SystemsFlash-Link Manager User GuideCopyright © 2014 Flash Link Manager. All rights reserved.This guide is designed and developed by Fortin Electronic Systems.Table of ContentsInterface Overview (3)Menu details (3)File (3)Tools (3)Configuration (4)Help (5)User Login Information (6)Tabs (7)UNIT Status Tab (7)UNIT Notes Tab (7)UNIT Updates Tab (8)UNIT Options Tab (9)Options List (9)DCRYPTOR Process Tab (15)Installation guides tab (16)Quick buttons (17)Toggle (17)Flash (17)Quit (17)HOW-TO (18)How to Flash update a module to the recommended Firmware version. (18)How to change the module options (21)How to use the DCRYPTOR Process (23)How to Flash Update the Flash-Link-2 Updater (27)Troubleshooting (30)In Me nterfac enu deta FileQ ToolsLa ce Ove ailsQuit - Exits anguage - ∙ ∙ ∙ erview FlashLink M Select the English: Se Français: S P усский: SwManager s desired la ets the Flash Sets the Flas Sets the Flas software.nguage.Link Manage hLink Manag hLink Manag er display la ger display la ger display lnguage to E anguage to anguage to nglish.French.Russian.Config A P U Sp guratio Automatic F Autom roxy Serve Specia your n Unit Option This is recom Suppo instea Using firmw pecial Unit Switch Starte onFlashmatically flas er Settingsal settings fo network adm nss the OFFLIN mmended to ort Team mig d.this menu mare currentlyth/Toggle the r" mode.shes the nex or computers ministrator.E menu to c use the OFF ght not be ab may also resu y flashed in e FlashLink Mt plugged-in s that use a hange the m FLINE option ble to troub ult in activat the module Manager con n module wit Proxy Serve module optio s menu do t leshoot you ting options . nnection mo th the curren r to access t ons. 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This p sed when yo viewer soft on of the Flas tility to upda Firmware up ashLink2 Up utility and br page identifi ou call the Te ware installe shLink Mana ate the Flash date utility, pdaterrings you bac es the core v echnical Sup ed on your c ager softwar her.see the HOW ck to the mo version of Fl port Team.computer.re.W-TOodulelash LinkUs er Login Welcom Th no LoginO Register Br to N Forgot P Br in Français Se P усскийSe n Inform me USERNA his informat ot currently pens a dialo r Accountrings you to o use special ote: This is t Passwordrings you to nstructions o sets the Flash йets the Flash mation AMEion tells you logged in.og box to let the "New U l firmwares o the same acc the "Forgot on how to re hLink Manag hLink Managu which user you login w User" registra or if you call count used o Password" set your pas ger display la ger display la is currently ith your use ation page to l the Technic on the forti page. Just e ssword.anguage to F anguage to R logged in. "ername and p o create a ne cal Support T n.ca website nter your ac French.Russian.Guest " wou password.ew account.Team.e.ccount emaild mean tha . An accoun l address to at you are t is needed receiveTa UNIUNI absIT Status T This wind currentlyIT Notes T Is use to time this Tabdow, on the y connected.absave any pe unit is connleft hand sid . On the righ rsonal instal nected. de, provides ht hand side llation notes you with al you will see s for this veh l the inform e information hicle. These ation on the n about the notes will be e module tha FlashLink2 d e displayed tat is device.the nextThis tab w software latest tes "Beta" ve be used i 1. Th 2. If For moreupdate a will bring yo than the on sted and app ersions are f if either:he installatio Technical S e information module to t u to the "UN ne preloaded proved versi for developm on guide you upport has a n on how to the recomm NIT Updates d. We recom on.ment purpos u are using s advised you flash your m mended Firm " page. This mmend using ses only and specifies to u to use a BET module, see ware version s page is use g the "RECO are used at use a BETA f TA firmware the "HOW-T n.d to Flash th OMMENDED your own ri irmwareeTO" section he UNIT with UPDATE" w isk. These sh under Howh other hich is the hould only to FlashOp Gen This tab b dependin For more change thptions L neric func A1 Doo Tu A2 Trun Tu A3 Key Tu vebrings you to ng on your n e information he module o Listtionsr locksurn On/Off D nk Releaseurn On/Off T Bypassurn On/Off I ehicle will no o the "UNIT needs. Here i n on how to optionsDoor locks fu Trunk Releas mmobilizer ot be bypass Options" pa is a detailed set/change unctions thr se function t bypass func sed and the age. This pag list of all av module opt ough the ve through the ction. If that remote star ge is used to vailable optio tions, see th hicle CAN-B vehicle CAN option is off rter will not b turn On/Off ons.he HOW-TO s us.N-Bus.f, the immob be able to re f specific op section unde bilizer system emote start tions er How to m of the the vehicle.A4 Heated Seats (Rear defrost)Turn On/Off Embedded Heated seats and Rear defrost control through the vehicle CAN-Bus.Will only work on vehicles that support heated seats and Rear defrost control trough thevehicles CAN-Bus. Will be automatically activated if option (A5 Aux. 1) AND (A6 Aux. 2) are OFF.Will be manually activated if (A5 Aux. 1) OR (A6 Aux. 2) is ON. On some older GM or Chrysler vehicle (J1850), heated seats are automatically activated if outside temperature is under 5Celcius (41 Fahrenheit).A5 Aux. 1Turn On/Off vehicle specific options (Sliding doors, Gas cap, Parking lights, Heated seats (see A4), Rear defrosts…A6 Aux. 2Turn On/Off vehicle specific options (Sliding doors, Gas cap, Parking lights, Heated seats (see A4), Rear defrosts…A7 Foot-BrakeTurn On/Off Foot-Brake monitoring through the vehicle CAN-Bus.A8 Hand-BrakeTurn On/Off Hand-Brake monitoring through the vehicle CAN-Bus.A9 Door TriggerTurn On/Off Door Trigger monitoring through the vehicle CAN-Bus.A10 Trunk TriggerTurn On/Off Trunk Trigger monitoring through the vehicle CAN-Bus.A11 Hood TriggerTurn On/Off Trunk Trigger monitoring through the vehicle CAN-Bus.B1 Unlock driver door priorityTurn On/Off the feature that will unlock the driver door only on the first unlock button pressand then all other doors on the second unlock button press.B2 Extended unit’s inputs/outputs for RF kit(Datalink Remote starter)Turn On/Off special pin out that add or remove analog signal wires for specific RF-Kit setups.B3 Unlock double pulseTurn On/Off the double pulse on the unlock output on specific setups that use analog signal forunlocking.OEM remote monitoringC1 OEM remote status (LOCK/UNLOCK) monitoringTurn On/Off vehicle OEM remote monitoring through the vehicle CAN-Bus. That informationwill then be sent to the remote starter through Datalink.Remote-StarterD1 Stand-Alone Enable (3x Lock) EVO-ALL ONLYTurn On/Off the UNIT embedded Stand Alone remote starter. The vehicle will remote startwhen the LOCK button is pressed 3 times on the OEM remote. A remote car starter installationcan be completed using only the interface module. An aftermarket remote car starter is notrequired. If using RF-Kit for remote starting, D1 Stand-Alone Enable must to be ON. For moreinformation see "How to connect and configure an RF-Kit". For use on **AUTOMATIC VEHICLESONLY**. Will only work on vehicles that are compatible with 3x Lock Remote Starter.D1.1 Lock-Unlock-Lock EVO-ALL ONLYTurn On/Off the feature to use Lock-Unlock-Lock sequence on the vehicle OEM remote toactivate the UNIT Stand-Alone Remote Starter system (instead of Lock-Lock-Lock).D1.2 Disable second start attempt EVO-ALL ONLYBy default, the UNIT is set to retry to start if the first attempt fails. If you turn that option On,The UNIT will not retry to start if the first attempt fails.D1.3 Diesel mode EVO-ALL ONLYTurn On/Off the feature that use special timing delay (Wait to start) and special runtime forDiesel Engine.D1.4 3 Minutes EVO-ALL ONLYSets the Stand-Alone remote starter runtime to 3 minutes on gas engines and 6 minutes onDiesel EngineD1.5 7 Minutes EVO-ALL ONLYS ets the Stand-Alone remote starter runtime to 7 minutes on gas engines and 14 minutes on Diesel EngineD1.6 15 Minutes EVO-ALL ONLYSets the Stand-Alone remote starter runtime to 15 minutes on gas engines and 30 minutes on Diesel EngineD2 Unlock before/Lock afterSets the UNIT to unlock and disarm before remote start and then relock after it completes the start sequence. It will also relock and rearm 10 seconds after shutdown.This option is used to disarm the vehicle's OEM Alarm.D3 Shutdown on door openingSets the UNIT to shutdown the engine on door opening. The customer will then have to restart the engine. (Used for security and compatibility)D4 Hybrid ModeSets the UNIT to be used on Hybrid Vehicles that do not generate a proper tach signal. TheUNIT will emulate a tach signal as soon as it detect that the hybrid vehicle is in “Ready to be driven” state. Both on its analog output and through Datalink.D5 Lock after startSets the UNIT to lock the vehicle after it complete the start sequence. It will also relock andrearm 10 seconds after shutdown.D6 Push-To-StartSets the module to be used on a Push-To-Start vehicle. Only required when the installationguide for the vehicle demands it.Special functionsE1 GPS I/O EVO-ALL ONLYSets special outputs for specific GPS units. The Tach output(Pink) will send constant 12v if a tachsignal is detected on the vehicle Can-bus and switch to 0v when the tach signal is lost. TheHandbrake(Brown/White) output will provide the vehicle OEM Alarm status with Ground(-) ifarmed and with an open circuit if disarmed.Datalink protocolF1 FortinSets the UNIT in the Fortin Datalink protocol. Use this option if you want to use the DatalinkPort with a device that supports Fortin Datalink protocol. By default, the unit is always in Fortinprotocol unless otherwise changed.F2 AP/OFA DatalinkS ets the UNIT in the AP/OFA Datalink protocol. Use this option if you want to use the DatalinkPort with a device that supports AP/OFA Datalink protocol.F3 D2DS ets the UNIT in the D2D Datalink protocol. Use that option if you want to use the Datalink Portwith a device that supports D2D Datalink protocol.EVO-ALARMEvo alarm enable EVO-ALL ONLYTurn On/Off the UNIT embedded Alarm Security system. No Aftermarket Alarm Systemrequired. Enable vehicle Security & Alarm functions with the interface module that will use thevehicle's horn as a sound monitor.G1.1 Horn EVO-ALL ONLYSets the EVO-ALARM to use the horn output as a sound monitor.G1.2 Siren EVO-ALL ONLYS ets the EVO-ALARM to use the siren output as a sound monitor.G2 Chirp confirmation EVO-ALL ONLYWill chirp 1X on first Lock press and chirp 2X on first Unlock press.G3 1st lock/unlock silent EVO-ALL ONLYW ill chirp 1X on second Lock press and chirp 2X on second Unlock press. First lock and unlockpress are silent.G4 Smart rearm EVO-ALL ONLYSets the EVO-ALARM to rearm itself if no door is opened within 30 seconds after unlock ispressed.Supported RF KitsSupported RF Kits enableTurn On/Off the UNIT RF Kits compatibility mode. Use that option to use the UNIT withextended Radio Frequency kits when the vehicle OEM remote range is not enough. See How toconnect and configure a RF-Kit.H1 Fortin (AST, DSE, Atom, etc.)Sets the UNIT RF kits compatibility mode to use special settings for AST, DSE, Atom brandedmodules. See How to connect and configure an Atom.H2 Fortin 2S ets the UNIT RF kits compatibility mode to use special settings for Fortin module.H3 CrimeStopperS ets the UNIT RF kits compatibility mode to use special settings for CrimeStopper brandedmodules. See How to connect and configure a CrimeSopper Revo.H4 AudioVox FLRF, DEI SmartStartSets the UNIT RF kits compatibility mode to use special settings for AudioVox and SmartStartbranded modules. See How to connect and configure an AudioVox FLRF/Omega.DC H5 DEI X S e co H6 First S e to CRYPT This tab w to bypass installatio will then then be s For more use the D XL202ets the UNIT onnect and c tTech FT-D ets the UNIT o connect an TOR Pr will bring yo s the factory on manual t be sent to t sent back to e information DCRYPTOR P T RF kits com configure an 100T RF kits com nd configure rocess T u to the Pro y immobilize o sample th the DCRYPTO your modul n on how to rocessmpatibility m n XL202.mpatibility m an FT-D100Tabocess DCRYPT er. Follow the e informatio OR’s Super C le.use the DCR ode to use s ode to use s 0.TOR Page. T e steps desc on from the Calculator, th RYPTOR Pro special settin special settin he DCRYPTO cribed in the vehicle's im hat will calcu cess, see the ngs for DEI X ngs for FirstT OR is used to programmi mobilizer sy ulate the Key e HOW-TO s XL202. See HTech FT-D10o calculate th ng procedur ystem. That i y Data. Key D section unde How to 00. See How he Key Data re of the information Data will er How toInsstallatio Will bring the curre installedon guid g you to quic ently connec on your com des tabck reference cted UNIT. M mputer to vie e and comple Make sure yo ew them.ete install gu ou have Acro uide links av obat Reader ailable for th or any PDF v he selected viewer Softwvehicle with ware hQuuick b Toggle W St FlashSt Fi QuitW buttonWill switch/to tarters.tarts the flas rmware ver Will exit Flash nsoggle the Fla sh update pr sion is selec h Link Managash Link Man rocess with t ted, nothing ger software nager connethe selected g will happen e.ction mode firmware in n.to be use w n "UNIT Upd ith Bypasses ates" Tab. If s or Remote f noHOW-TOHow to Flash update a module to the recommended Firmware version.1.Plug in the Flash-Link-2 updater into the computer’s USB port with the provided USB cable.2.Run Flash Link Manager Software.3.Plug in the Module you want to Flash update with the provided DATALINK cable.4.Select your vehicle in the top selection box.5.Open the "UNIT Updates" Tab.6.Click on the RECOMMENDED UPDATE button. The Firmware selection will turn GREEN and a FLASHUPDATE button will appear.7.Click on the FLASH UPDATE button. Flash update process will start.A progress bar at the bottom of the Flash Link Manager software will indicate the process completionpercentage.When the Flash Update process is done, you will see a "UNIT update successful" messageAnd the Progress bar will reach 100%8.Disconnect the module and you are ready to continue with the vehicle installation or programming.How to change the module options1.Plug in the Flash-Link-2 updater into the computer’s USB port with the provided USBcable.2.Run Flash Link Manager Software.3.Plug in the Module you want to Flash update with the provided DATALINK cable.4.Click on UNIT OPTIONS tab.5.Turn On/Off desired option by using the ON or OFF buttons.6.Click SAVE OPTIONS.7.Wait for the Options Saved message to appear in the top right corner.8.Disconnect the module and test in the vehicle.How to use the DCRYPTOR Process1.Flash update your module to the installation manual recommended Firmware version.See “How to Flash update a module to the recommended Firmware version” section.2.Proceed with the vehicle installation according to your installation manual.3.Follow the steps described in the programming procedure of the installation manual tosample the information from the vehicle's immobilizer system.4.Plug in the Flash-Link-2 updater into the computer’s USB port with the provided USBcable.5.Run Flash Link Manager Software.6.Plug in the Module with the provided DATALINK cable.7.Click on the Process DCRYPTOR Tab8.Click on SEND DATA button9.The immobilizer data is now being analyzed by the DCRYPTOR servers and a new keycode is being generated. Please wait as this process may take a few minutes.10.When the process DCRYPTOR is done, Flash Link Manager will bring you to the moduleImmobilizer data update page. Make sure to click the UPDATE UNIT button to send the Immobilizer info back in the Module. If you do not click that button, you will not be able to remote start the vehicle.11.Disconnect the module from the Flash-Link-2 Updater and plug it back into the vehicle.The vehicle should now be ready to be remote start.How to Flash Update the Flash-Link-2 Updater1.Run Flash Link Manager Software.2.Plug in the Flash-Link-2 updater into the computer’s USB port with the provided USBcable.3.Click on Help and then on Flash Link Firmware Update4.Disconnect the USB cable5.Wait 5 sec and reconnect the USB cable6.Click on FLASH-LINK UPDATER UPDATES7.Click on RECOMMENDED UPDATE. The selected version will turn green.8.Click on FLASH UPDATE.A progress bar at the bottom of Flash Link Manager software will indicate the processcompletion percentage.9.When the Flash Update process is done, you will see an FLASH-LINK UPDATER updatesuccessful messageAnd the Progress bar will reach 100%10.Disconnect the USB cable from the FLASH-LINK-2 updater, wait 5 seconds and plug itback in.Tr Here This c This c LINK-visiti http:roubles are some sce can be cause 1.2.3.can be cause -MANAGER. T ng//fortin.ca/e shootin enarios you m d by:. FLASH-LIN Connection . A DATALIN cable to ge mode, it is . A Broken /for broken by using an o Try updating t n/support/flado DCRYPT ngmay encounte K-MANAGER n Mode.NK cable that et a SOLID RE normal to ha / Defective DA wires. If not obsolete vers to the latest v ashlinkmanag er while using is not set to B has not been D light. 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Entrance and Exit ScreenUser ManualLegal Information©2022 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.About this ManualThe Manual includes instructions for using and managing the Product. Pictures, charts, images and all other information hereinafter are for description and explanation only. The information contained in the Manual is subject to change, without notice, due to firmware updates or other reasons. Please find the latest version of this Manual at the Hikvision website(https:///).Please use this Manual with the guidance and assistance of professionals trained in supporting the Product.Trademarksand other Hikvision's trademarks and logos are the properties of Hikvision in various jurisdictions.Other trademarks and logos mentioned are the properties of their respective owners. DisclaimerTO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, THIS MANUAL AND THE PRODUCT DESCRIBED, WITH ITS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE, ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND "WITH ALL FAULTS AND ERRORS". HIKVISION MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE USE OF THE PRODUCT BY YOU IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. IN NO EVENT WILL HIKVISION BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES, INCLUDING, AMONG OTHERS, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF DATA, CORRUPTION OF SYSTEMS, OR LOSS OF DOCUMENTATION, WHETHER BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), PRODUCT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THE PRODUCT, EVEN IF HIKVISION HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR LOSS.YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE NATURE OF THE INTERNET PROVIDES FOR INHERENT SECURITY RISKS, AND HIKVISION SHALL NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR ABNORMAL OPERATION, PRIVACY LEAKAGE OR OTHER DAMAGES RESULTING FROM CYBER-ATTACK, HACKER ATTACK, VIRUS INFECTION, OR OTHER INTERNET SECURITY RISKS; HOWEVER, HIKVISION WILL PROVIDE TIMELY TECHNICAL SUPPORT IF REQUIRED.YOU AGREE TO USE THIS PRODUCT IN COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS, AND YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING THAT YOUR USE CONFORMS TO THE APPLICABLE LAW. ESPECIALLY, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE, FOR USING THIS PRODUCT IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT INFRINGE ON THE RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, RIGHTS OF PUBLICITY, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS, OR DATA PROTECTION AND OTHER PRIVACY RIGHTS. YOU SHALL NOT USE THIS PRODUCT FOR ANY PROHIBITED END-USES, INCLUDING THE DEVELOPMENT OR PRODUCTION OF WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, THE DEVELOPMENT ORPRODUCTION OF CHEMICAL OR BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS, ANY ACTIVITIES IN THE CONTEXT RELATED TO ANY NUCLEAR EXPLOSIVE OR UNSAFE NUCLEAR FUEL-CYCLE, OR IN SUPPORT OF HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES.IN THE EVENT OF ANY CONFLICTS BETWEEN THIS MANUAL AND THE APPLICABLE LAW, THE LATTER PREVAILS.Symbol ConventionsThe symbols that may be found in this document are defined as follows.DangerCautionNoteContentsChapter 1 Introduction (1)1.1 Product Introduction (1)1.2 LED Screen Type (1)Chapter 2 Installation (3)2.1 Installation (3)Chapter 3 configuration (4)3.1 Search Screen IP (4)3.2 Change Screen IP (4)3.3Set Configuration (5)3.4Test (7)Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Product IntroductionThis document is a guide for E&E LED Screen installation and configuration. The E&E LED screen is mainly used in the entrance and exit scenario. When the vehicle enters and exits, the license plate, E&E time, and guidance message are displayed1.2 LED Screen TypeDS-TVL224-4-5Y4-Lines 3-Color 8-Characters Outdoor Entrance & Exit LED ScreenDS-TVL224-4-5Y(2 Rows)2-Lines 3-Color 8-Characters Dark-Grey Outdoor Entrance & Exit LED ScreenChapter 2 Installation2.1 InstallationHere we take the installation of one type of screen for example1. Install the hoop to the vertical pole.2. Fix the device with the hoop via screws.3. Connect the power and RJ45 of the device (1: Power, 2: RS-485, 3: RJ45, 4: Audio).Chapter 3 configurationAfter the installation completes, power on the LED screen, starting to configure the LED screen3.1 Search Screen IPOpening the LED screen tool,search the LED screen firstThe default IP about LED screen is Change Screen IPChanging the LED screen IP3.3Set ConfigurationDS-TVL224-4-5YWidth: 64Height: 64Color: Two ColorsOE Polerity: LowData Polerity: LowSave Control: 1: not store Line: 1.GeneralColor Channel: R+G+BDriver IC: GeneralScan mode: 8.4DS-TVL224-4-5Y(2 Rows)Width: 64Height: 32Color: Two ColorsOE Polerity: LowData Polerity: LowSave Control: 1: not storeLine: 1.GeneralColor Channel: R+G+BDriver IC: GeneralScan mode: 8.8Noted:Each parameter need click Setting after change3.4TestGo to Display, you can input content what you want, then click Display to send message to screen, to check if the screen can display normal or not.。
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一旦出入文件在Dreamer中开始运行,它就开始逐层排列耗材来把3D 模型转化成一个实体。
Dreamer 用户使用指南 |
CHAPTER 1. 设置您的Dreamer
D.开箱指南 E.Dreamer 介绍 F.硬件安装 G.进丝与退丝 H.调节平台
Dreamer 用户使用指南 | Dreamer 用户使用指南 |
上下载,网站允许注册用户上传他们自己设计的 3D 模型。 例如:
2. 切片输出3D模型:
切片软件通过处理把3D模型翻译成3D打印机可以读取的G代码。 FlashPrint就是闪铸Dreamer所使用的切片软件。 FlashPrint通过把3D 模型分割成许多层并以.g文件的形式输出,这个文件的格式可以被梦 想家读取。文件可以通过USB数据线,SD卡,或者wifi的形式传输到 Dreamer中。
Dreamer 用户使用指南 |
C.三分钟了解 3D 打印
简而言之,3D打印机是用来把计算机中的三维模型转化成真实 可触碰的物体。最常见的3D打印技术被称为FDM(Fused Deposition Modeling),即熔融沉淀制造技术,Dreamer就是属于这一种。它的工 作方式是在打印平台上通过高温融化一种称为耗材的塑料。耗材降温 后固化,这一过程发生在它从打印头被压出的瞬间。立体的物品就是 通过耗材逐层叠加形成的。
进行模型的编辑和生成工作。 第三章:介绍了实际打印的操作,并介绍了不同的打印方式。 第四章:介绍了如何获得各方面的支持。
闪铸公司是一个专业的团队,我们非常清楚售后支持服务对产品 的重要性。特别是对这种新兴技术产品,更是一种挑战。在闪铸,您 可以得到我们售后团队一对一的服务,快速有效的解决您在使用过程 中遇到的困惑。
3D打印对于大多数人来说是一个新兴技术,闪铸的目标就是引 导您走进精彩的3D打印世界。在梦想家眼中,梦想不仅仅是简单的 想象,而是可以物化,可以触摸的。3D打印机的神奇之处就在于通 过逐层打印把想法变成现实,我们非常荣幸邀请您与我们一起体验这 个奇迹。
申明:感谢您对本指南的阅读与支持,本指南只适用于闪铸公司 Dreamer型号的3D打印机。为方便阅读,本指南分成4个章节进行介 绍,并基于win7系统进行操作。 第一章:介绍了对Dreamer打印机的设置操作,为它的初次
打印做好准备工作。 第二章:介绍了FlashPrint软件的所有功能,您将使用该软件
Chapter 2. FlashPrint软件介绍
A. 软件功能介绍
Chapter 3. 初次打印
A. 概述 B. 单喷头与双喷头打印
B1. 单喷头打印 B2. 双喷头打印 C. 打印方式 C1. USB连接打印 C2. SD卡打印 C3. Wi-Fi连接打印 C4. 支撑打印
Chapter 4. 其它信息
恭喜您购买了闪铸Dreamer 3D打印机。在十五分钟内,你就可以 开始打印你的第一个3D物体。在本小节中将介绍说明Dreamer的开箱 步骤,以及赠送给您的配件。Dreamer有许多精密部件,请注意轻拿 轻放。Let’s Go!!
Dreamer 桌面级 3D 打印机
V2.0 17.9.2014
欢迎使用闪铸 Dreamer3D 打印机
A. 总概 B. 闪铸产品与承诺 C. 三分钟了解打印机
Chapter 1. 设置您的Dreamer
A. Dreamer介绍 B. 开箱指南 C. 硬件安装
C1. 额定电压设置 C2. 喷头安装 C3. 耗材安装 C4. 电源线和USB数据线连接 D. 进丝与退丝 D1. 进丝 D2. 退丝 E. 调节打印平台
物品数字化,收集它的几何数据,然后保存为文件储存在你的电脑中。 在移动设备上安装相应的App也可以实现3D扫描。
Dreamer 用户最流行也最简便的方式就是从网站
的环境下使用。 ·请勿在无人监守的情况下长时间运行打印机。
Dreamer 用户使用指南 |
非常感谢您对闪铸Dreamer 3D打印机的购买和支持。您可能对闪 铸的其他3D产品有过购买经验或者对3D打印技术有所了解。但是我 们仍然希望您能阅读本指南,它包含了许多关于产品使用的重要信息 使客户得到更好的3D体验。通过阅读及了解操作后,您可以马上开 始您的初次打印。
请在设置 Dreamer 打印机之前仔细阅读以下内容:
·在运行Dreamer打印机之前请确保接地,以保护打印机不受静 电干扰。
·在对Dreamer进行维修之前,请确保电源已被关闭,电源线已 被拔出。
·Dreamer在运行过程中会产生高温,在冷却前请勿用手碰触。 ·塑料制品在高温熔化时会产生轻微的气味,因此请在通风良好
A. 服务与支持
Dreamer 用户使用指南 |
欢迎使用 闪铸 Dreamer3D 打印机
A.总概 B.闪铸产品与承诺 C.3D 打印简介
Dreamer 用户使用指南 | Dreamer 用户使用指南 |
3D 打印包括三个步骤:
1.)3D建模; 2.)切片并输出3D模型; 3.)打印;
1. 3D 模型设计:目前有三种建模的方式
自主设计 3D 模型。你可以使用强大的 3D 制图软件来自主设计 3D
模型,例如 AutoCAD,SolidWorks,Pro-E 等 3D 制图软件,该建模 方式适用于专业设计工程师,或者是对上述制图软件有一定了解的用 户。