



True / False1. Decisions and actions taken in one knowledge area at a certain time rarely affect other knowledge areas.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Project management is an integrative endeavor; decisions and actions taken in one knowledge area at a certain time usually affect other knowledge areas.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.80LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.15 - LO: 3-1NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: Project Management Process GroupsKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge2. Initiating processes take place during each phase of a project.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: TrueRATIONALE: Feedback: Initiating processes include defining and authorizing a project or project phase.Initiating processes take place during each phase of a project.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p. 81LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.15 - LO: 3-1NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: Project Management Process GroupsKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge3. Initiating processes are not required to end a project.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Initiating初始化 processes are also required to end a project. Someone mustinitiate activities to ensure that the project team completes all the work, documents lessonslearned, assigns project resources, and that the customer accepts the work.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.81LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.15 - LO: 3-1NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: Project Management Process GroupsKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge4. The level of activity and length of each process group varies for every project.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: TrueRATIONALE: Feedback: The level of activity and length of each process group varies for every project.Normally, executing tasks requires the most resources and time, followed by planning tasks. POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.82LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.15 - LO: 3-1NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: Project Management Process GroupsKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge5. Initiating and closing tasks are usually the longest and require the most amount of resources and time.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Initiating and closing tasks are usually the shortest (at the beginning and end of a project or phase, respectively), and they require the least resources and time.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.82LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.15 - LO: 3-1NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: Project Management Process GroupsKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge6. The executing process group generally requires the most resources.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: TrueRATIONALE: Feedback: The executing process group takes the actions necessary to complete the workdescribed in the planning activities. It should overlap the other process groups, and generallyrequires the most resources.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.84LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.15 - LO: 3-1NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: Project Management Process GroupsKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge7. Monitoring and controlling processes overlap all of the other project management process groups.b. F alseANSWER: TrueRATIONALE: Feedback: Monitoring and controlling processes overlap all of the other project management process groups because changes can occur at any time.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.84LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.15 - LO: 3-1NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: Project Management Process GroupsKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge8. Key outcomes of the executing process group are formal acceptance of the work and creation of closing documents.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Key outcomes of the closing process group are formal acceptance of the work and creation of closing documents, such as a final project report and lessons-learned report. POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p. 84LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.15 - LO: 3-1NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: Project Management Process GroupsKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge9. Many project management activities occur as part of the planning process group.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: TrueRATIONALE: Feedback: Because each project is unique, project teams are always trying to do somethingthat has not been done before. To succeed at unique and new activities, projects teams mustdo a fair amount of planning.为了在独特和新的活动中取得成功,项目团队必须做好大量的规划。

软件项目管理习题 答案

软件项目管理习题 答案




1. 什么是软件项目管理?软件项目管理是指通过计划、组织、指导和控制软件开发过程,以达到项目目标的一系列活动。


2. 为什么需要软件项目管理?软件开发是一个复杂的过程,涉及多个团队、多个环节和多个利益相关者。



3. 软件项目管理的主要步骤有哪些?软件项目管理包括以下主要步骤:- 项目启动:明确项目目标、范围和约束条件,并确定项目的组织结构和角色分工。

- 项目规划:制定详细的项目计划,包括时间计划、资源计划、风险管理计划等。

- 需求分析:明确用户需求,编写需求规格说明书,并与用户进行确认和沟通。

- 设计与开发:根据需求规格说明书进行系统设计和编码,确保软件满足用户需求。

- 测试与交付:进行系统测试,包括单元测试、集成测试和验收测试,最终交付给用户使用。

- 项目收尾:总结项目经验教训,进行项目评估和反馈,并进行项目归档和文档整理。

4. 如何进行项目进度管理?项目进度管理是确保项目按时完成的重要环节。

可以采用以下方法进行项目进度管理:- 制定详细的项目计划,包括任务分解、时间估算和里程碑设置。

- 使用甘特图或网络图等工具,可视化项目进度,及时发现和解决潜在的进度风险。

- 建立项目进度跟踪机制,及时更新任务状态,确保项目进展符合计划。

- 针对进度延误的任务,采取适当的措施,如增加资源、调整优先级等,以保证项目进度的恢复和调整。



软件项目管理测试试题一、单项选择题1)赶工一个任务时,你应该关注()A. 尽可能多的任务B. 非关键任务C. 加速执行关键路径上的任务D. 通过成本最低化加速执行任务2)下列哪个不是项目管理计划的一部分?()A. 里程碑图示B. 进度C. 数据库设计D. 风险清单3)关于浮动,下面除了哪个之外都是不正确的?()A. 每个任务都有浮动B. 只有复杂的项目有浮动C. 浮动是在不增加项目成本的条件下,一个活动可以延迟的时间量D. 浮动是在不影响项目完成时间的前提下,一个活动可以延迟的时间量4)关于网络图,下面哪个是不正确的?()A. 网络图可用于安排计划B. 网络图展示任务之间的逻辑关系C. 网络图可用于跟踪项目D. 网络图可用于详细的时间管理5)需求分析是回答系统必须()的问题A. 做什么B. 怎么做C. 何时做D. 为谁做6)为了有效地管理项目,应该将工作分解为更小的部分,以下各项中,哪一项不能说明任务应该分解到什么程度?()A. 可以在80小时内完成B. 不能再进一步进行逻辑细分了C. 可由一个人完成D. 可以进行实际估算7)下面哪个不是需求管理的过程()A. 需求设计B. 需求获取C. 需求分析D. 需求变更8)()是用系统的功能数量来测量其规模,与实现产品所使用的语言和技术没有关系的。

A. 功能点B. 对象点C. 代码行D. 用例点9)如果你是某项目的项目经理,你已经估算出每个单元的成本是¥129。

这个项目一共有1200单元,你采用什么估算方法?( )A. 自下而上估算法B. 类比估算法C. 专家估算法D. 参数估算法10)风险的三个属性是()A. 风险发生的时间、地点、负责人B. 风险事件、时间、影响C. 风险事件、概率、影响D. 风险数量、风险影响程度、概率11)“质量成本”是一个项目管理概念,它说明了下列哪项成本()A. 额外需求的成本B. 需求变更的成本C. 确保符合需求的成本D. 固定成本12)在风险分析过程中,确定已经识别的一个风险事件是无法避免的,也是不能减轻的,也不能投保,这是一个关键的风险事件,一旦发生可能造成项目的失败,项目经理最佳的选择是()A. 降低风险的级别,项目团队将找到一个克服故障的方法B. 特别关注,加强管理该风险事件和所有的相关事件C. 让风险评估小组继续分析该风险事件,直到降低预期影响D. 忽略风险评估,因为不管赋予什么值,都只是一个估算。



Question 279: It is commonly acknowledged that one of the most important sets of skills a project manager should develop is their communication skills. All of the following are examples of communication skills except?AA: Reviewing the work breakdown structure to ensure team members know what has to be done.B: Setting and managing expectations.C: Persuading a person or organization to perform an action.D: Listening actively and effectively.Question 280: Your project is experiencing a range of variations that require one of the contracts you are using to engage an external vendor to be amended. What sort of communication is most appropriate when dealing with changes to a contract?BA: Informal written B: Formal written C: Formal verbal D: ElectronicQuestion 281: After conducting your stakeholder analysis, you determine that there are, excluding you, 7 stakeholders on the project. How many communication channels are there?CA:7 B: 21 C:28 D: 35 n(n-1)/2=8*7/2=28Question 282: There are 12 stakeholders including yourself on the project, so how many communication channels are there?A 12*11/2=66A: 66 B: 144 C:78 D: 12Question 283: All of the following are factors that influence the method of communication disbursement between team members except?CA: Availability of technologyB: Duration of the projectC: Local government regulationsD: Urgency of the need for informationQuestion 284: You are leading a team on a complex project that requires constant communication with influential stakeholders. Despite your best efforts, the message that you send to the stakeholders is disrupted and misunderstood. Communication between the sender and the receiver is often affected by communication barriers or noise. These include all of the following except?CA: Educational differencesB: Differences in motivationC: Lack of a communications deviceD: Cultural differencesQuestion 285: You are having difficulty concentrating on what a stakeholder is saying during a business meeting and you feel you are not fully understanding them. What technique could help you to understand them better?AA: Repeat the message back to the stakeholder.B: Ask them to write everything down.C: Ask to postpone the meeting until you feel better.D: Ask them to speak slower.Question 286: Your project team is scattered over three countries in three different time zones. Each project office has a different language as its first language, so to improve communication you have asked that all correspondence be conducted in English. In doing this, what are you trying to minimize in your team’s communication?CA: Environmental constraintsB: Cultural differencesC: NoiseD: Foreign accentsQuestion 287: The skill of listening involves more than just hearing the sounds. Which of the following is a characteristic of a good listener?BA: Takes good notes.B: Repeats some of the things said.C: Finishes the speaker’s sentences.D: Agrees with the speaker.Question 288: You are in the process of sending out your weekly project update to a wide range of stakeholders. This is an example of what sort of communication method?DA: Stakeholder management strategyB: Pull communicationC: Interactive communicationD: Push communicationQuestion 289: You are using your intranet site to post large amounts of information that team members can log into to read. This is an example of what sort of communication method?DA: Encoding and decodingB: Push communicationC: Interactive communicationD: Pull communicationQuestion 290: Your project team has spent a considerable amount of time and energy completing the stakeholder analysis and putting together the communications management plan but is now disagreeing what, how, and when different communication methods are to be used. Who should take responsibility for determining this?DA: Stakeholder representativeB: Project teamC: Project sponsorD: Project managerQuestion 291: You are regularly referring to your communications management plan to help guide your project communications. Which of the following would you not expect to find in your communications management plan?BA: The person responsible for authorizing the release of confidential informationB: Team me mbers’ addresses and phone numbersC: Glossary of common terminologyD: Stakeholder communication requirementsQuestion 292: As part of your project, you regularly hold status meetings with project team members and influential stakeholders. You endeavor at all times to ensure that these meetings are productive and contribute to successful communication on the project. All of the following are techniques to ensure your project meetings are more productive except?A A: TeleconferencingB: Ground rulesC: A set start and finish time for the meetingD: An agendaQuestion 293: While carrying out the work described in your project communications plan, you go to great lengths to ensure that relevant information is disseminated to the correct stakeholders in the right way at the right time. As a senior project manager, you know that effective information distribution is a key factor in project success. This is because effective information distribution includes all of the following techniques except?CA: Writing styleB: Presentation techniquesC: Issue logD: Choice of mediaQuestion 294: You have decided to study for the PMP® credential and are currently learning the way in which the project life cycle can be described in terms of process groups associated with initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling,and closing activities. You then move on to studying the ways in which successful communication occurs in a project. In order to demonstrate how much you have learned, you are able to describe to a colleague how some aspect of project communication occurs in different process groups. The Manage Communications process occurs within which PMBOK® Guide process group?CA: InitiatingB: PlanningC: ExecutingD: Monitoring and ControllingQuestion 295: You and your project team have been in negotiations with a potential supplier for several hours over an important contract that will deliver a large part of the one product required to complete your project. You and your team are getting frustrated at the slow rate of progress on the negotiations but know it is important that they are done thoroughly. How important is non-verbal communication to the negotiations?AA: Very importantB: Not very importantC: Only important when the other party is silentD: Only important during negotiations over costQuestion 296: You have called a team member into your office to deal with unacceptable behavior towards other project team members. After the meeting you decide to follow up to make clear what was discussed. What is the best form of communication to use in this instance?AA: Formal written B: Formal verbal C: Informal written D: Informal verbalQuestion 297: Your project sponsor has asked you to present a detailed project update to some high-level stakeholders who are concerned that the project is not meeting its agreed timeframes, its agreed budget, nor delivering the quality the customer is expecting. What information and method would be BEST to use in this situation?DA: A verbal presentation during a 10-minute meetingB: A summary milestone report tabled as an agenda item at their next scheduled meeting C: A PowerPoint presentation outlining the major issues, given in your officeD: A detailed performance report in writing with an accompanying presentation and time for questions and answersQuestion 298: You are attempting to communicate with various project stakeholders and, despite your best efforts, you find that the information that you send to them is misunderstood. Cultural differences and using unfamiliar technology are the main problems contributing to this lack of understanding. What is the best term to describe these characteristics? CA: DecodingB: FeedbackC: NoiseD: TransmissionQuestion 299: You are actively monitoring and controlling the project communications according to your approved communications management plan and are seeking to generate work performance information about the effectiveness of your project communications. Which of the following would be least useful to you?DA: Project communicationsB: Issue logC: Work performance dataD: Change requestsQuestion 300: You are using historical data about your project to forecast an estimated future outcome in your project performance reporting. This is an example of what forecasting method?DA: Budget forecastsB: Judgmental methodsC: Econometric methodD: Time series methodsQuestion 301: Your project team has just finished the first round of soliciting information from experts about what they think the forecasted future performance on your project will be using information supplied to them. You are currently assessing the information suppliedanonymously by the respondents and plan to request a second round of opinions to use in your project forecasts. What forecasting method are you using?AA: Judgmental methodB: Causal methodC: Earned valueD: Econometric methodQuestion 302: Which of the following would you not expect to see in a detailed project performance report?BA: Current status of risks and issuesB: Staff performance reviewsC: Forecasted project completionD: Summary of changes approved in the periodQuestion 303: Several of your stakeholders are raising issues with you, and you are documenting their issues in an issue log and providing feedback to the stakeholders about the status and any resolution of the issues. Furthermore, you are using the issue log as an input into a process because it provides a repository for what has already happened in the project and a platform for subsequent communication to be delivered. Which process are you involved in?AA: Control CommunicationsB: Manage CommunicationsC: Plan Communications ManagementD: Monitor and Control Project WorkQuestion 304: A project manager should spend approximately how much of their time communicating to team members and stakeholders to effectively contribute to project success?CA: 50% B: 5% C: 90% D: 70%Question 305: Which of the following has been identified as one of the single biggest reasons for project success or failure?CA: Enterprise environmental factorsB: Financial accountability and accuracyC: Appropriate communicationD: The nature of the working relationship between project sponsor and the project manager Question 306: There are 36 communications channels on a project. How many stakeholders are there in the project?DA:6 B: 36 C:18 D:9。


9. ABC
10. ABC
11. ABCD
12. ABCD
13. ABCD
14. ABCD
15. ABC
16. ABCD
17. ABCD
18. ABC
19. ABCD
20. ABCD




















软件项目管理考试试题及答案集团标准化工作小组 #Q8QGGQT-GX8G08Q8-GNQGJ8-MHHGN#《软件项目管理》期末复习考试及答案一、判断题(正确画√,错误画×)1.项目是由临时性的组织来完成的。

( T)2.项目的选择包括评估各种需求和机会,评估必须是有形和定量的。

( F )3.在双代号图中,每一事件(圆圈)必须有惟一的事件序号,即网络图中不会出现相同的事件序号。

(T )4.根据项目生命周期可知,不同项目各阶段资源投入强度不同。


( T )5.具有正总时差路径被称为关键路径。

( F )6.申请书是一份推销文件,而不是技术报告。

( T)7.某项活动的最早开始时间和最早结束时间是通过网络图反向推算得到的。

( F )8.在绘制网络图时,把活动画在一个闭路中是不允许的,因为它描述的是不断自我重复的活动路径。

( T )9.项目必须完成的整个时间段被定义为从预计开始时间到要求完工时间。

(T )10.某项活动的浮动时间为负值,表明该项活动花费的时间可以延长。

( F )二、单项选择题1. 项目生命周期四个阶段中,第二阶段结束于( A )A)签订合同 B)需求建议书的发布C)申请书的提交 D)项目结束2.固定价格合同对于客户和承约商来说,风险分别是(B )A)低低 B)低高C)高低 D)高高3.进度偏差SV<0(为负值)时,表示(B )A)进度提前 B)表示进度延误C)实际消耗工时(或成本)低于预算值,即项目有结余或效率高D)实施成本过高,即实际消耗工时(或成本)超过预算值,即项目超支4.右图是一个单代号图,表示( A )A)活动A结束10天以后,活动B才能开始ArrayB)活动A开始10天以后,活动B才能开始C)活动A结束10天以后活动才能结束D)活动A开始10天以后活动B才能结束5.准备需求建议书的目的是从( C )的角度全面、详细地阐述为了满足识别需求所要做的工作。
















A. 风险管理方法
B. 风险类别
C. 风险概率影响矩阵
D. 风险登记册
16. 以下哪些是项目人力资源管理的关键活动?( )
A. 团队组建
B. 团队培训
C. 团队绩效评估
D. 团队激励
17. 在软件项目测试阶段,以下哪些是测试计划的主要内容?( )
A. 测试策略
B. 测试方法
C. 测试用例
D. 测试环境
6. 软件项目配置管理的主要目的是为了确保项目配置项的完整性和______。
7. 项目的风险可以分为已知风险、未知风险和______。
8. 在项目人力资源管理中,______是指通过提高团队成员的技能和知识来提高项目团队整体能力的过程。
9. 软件项目的测试阶段通常分为单元测试、集成测试、系统测试和______。
20. ABCD
1. 计划过程
2. 总时差
3. 质量改进
4. 用户故事
5. 项目经理
6. 可追溯性
7. 潜在风险
8. 培训
9. 验收测试
10. 交付物验收
1. ×
2. ×
3. √
4. √
5. ×
6. ×
7. ×
8. ×
9. √
10. ×
1. 基本过程包括启动、计划、执行、监控与控制、收尾。启动过程定义项目目标和范围;计划过程制定项目管理计划;执行过程实施项目管理计划;监控与控制过程跟踪进度、成本、质量等;收尾过程完成项目交付和总结。
A. 需求变更
B. 进度计划不合理
C. 资源不足
D. 以上都是
18. 以下哪个模型适用于软件项目的迭代开发?( )


A. SPI(进度绩效指数)
B. CPI(成本绩效指数)
C. BAC(预算完成度)
D. EV(挣值)



第零章 -软件项目管理概述一.选择1.以下哪一项最能表现某个项目的特征(C)A. 运用进度计划技巧B. 整合范围与成本C. 确定期限D. 利用网络进行跟踪2.项目管理需要在相互间有冲突的要求中寻找平衡,除了:(A)A. 甲方和乙方的利益B. 范围,时间,成本,质量C. 有不同需求和期望的项目干系人D. 明确的和未明确表达的需求3.以下都是日常运作和项目的共同之处,除了:(D)A. 由人来作B. 受制于有限的资源C. 需要规划、执行和控制D.都是重复性工作4.有效的项目管理要求项目管理团队理解和利用以下专业知识领域的知识和技能,除了:(C)A. 项目管理知识体系B. 应用领域知识、标准与规章制度C. 以项目为手段对日常运作进行管理D. 处理人际关系技能5.下列都是子项目的正确说法,除了:(D)A. 划分子项目的目的是为了便于管理B. 子项目的划分便于发包给其他单位C. 项目生命期的一个阶段是子项目D. 子项目不能再往下划分成更小的子项目6.管理一个项目包括以下内容,除了:(D)A. 识别要求B. 确定清楚而又能实现的目标C. 权衡质量、范围、时间和费用的要求D. 制定符合项目经理期望的计划和说明书7.( C) 是为创造一种产品、服务或者结果而进行的临时性的努力A. 项目群B.过程C. 项目D. 组合8.下列( D )不属于项目管理的特征A. 独特性C. 拥有主要顾客或项目发起人B. 通过渐进性协助实施的D. 具有很小的确定性9.下列( C)不属于项目管理的三维约束A. 达到范围目标B. 达到时间目标C. 达到沟通目标D. 达到成本目标10.( A )就是将知识、技能、工具和技术应用到项目活动,以达到组织的要求A. 项目管理B. 项目组管理C. 项目组合管理D. 需求管理11. 为相同的功能组合而实施的一系列应用开发项目,作为( B )的一部分,后者能够得到更好的管理。

A. 组合B.项目群C. 投资D. 合作12.PMI 提供的认证项目叫做( B )A. Microsoft Certified Project ManagerB. Project Management ProfessionalC. Project Management ExpertD. Project Management Menter二.填空1.项目目标成功实现的制约因素有:(项目范围),成本,进度计划,客户满意度。



1.How much more does it cost to fix a bug found after the product is released than it does from the very start of the project?1A. From 10 to 100 times or even higher!2.What is Product Specification document?2A.Product specification defines the product the project teams are creating, detailing what it will be, how it will act, what it will do, and what it won't do.3.Why is it impossible to test a program completely?3A.With any software other than the smallest and simplest program, there are too many inputs, too many outputs, and too many path combinations to fully test. Also, software specs can be subjective and be interpreted in different ways.4.If the pseudocode below were a programming language,(4.1) How many tests are required to achieve 100% statement coverage?(4.2) How many tests are required to achieve 100% branch coverage?(4.3) How many tests are required to achieve 100% Path coverage?Read PRead QIF P+Q > 100 THENPrint “Large”ENDIFIf P > 50 THENPrint “P Large”ENDIF4A. 4.1) 1 4.2) 2 4.3) 45.A program validates a numeric field as follows:"values less than 10 are rejected, values between 10 and 21 are accepted, values greater than or equal to 22 are rejected"(5.1) Which of the following input values cover all of the equivalence partitions?a. 10,11,21b. 3,20,21c. 3,10,22d. 10,21,22(5.2) Which of the following covers the MOST boundary values?a. 9,10,11,22b. 9,10,21,22c. 10,11,21,22d. 10,11,20,215A.(5.1) c (5.2) b6.What are the testing tasks performed by the independent test teams involved in configuration testing?6A.Test Planning, Test Reuse, Test Design, Test Implementation, Test Execution, Test Reporting7.Explain the Compatibility testing process?7A.1.Initial phase of compatibility testing is to define the set of environments or platforms the application is expected to work on.2.Tester should have enough knowledge on the platforms / software / hardware to understand the expected application behavior under different configurations.3.Environment needs to be set-up for testing with different platforms, devices, networks to check whether your application runs well under different configurations.4.Report the bugs .Fix the defects. Re-test to confirm defect fixing.8.What are the benefits of for Localization and Globalization testing?8A.a) It reduces overall testing costsb) It reduces the support costsc) It help to reduce time for testing which result faster time-to-marketd) It has more flexibility and scalability.9.What is gray-box testing?9A.Gray-box testing is when you can take a peek at the underlying code and use that information to help you test. You're not examining it to the same level of detail as you would with white-box testing. It's helping you test, but you're not basing all of your tests on it.10.What are the different types of test performed on a website?10A.a)Functionality Testingb)Usability testingc)Interface testingd)Compatibility testinge)Performance testingf)Security testing11.What are the two types of extra, potentially unsecure, data that can be unintentionally written when a file is saved to a disk?11A. RAM Slack and Disk Slack.12.In what three ways does good documentation contribute to the product's overall quality? 12A. Improved usability, improved reliability, and lower support costs.13.What are the 5 components included in Usability testing?13A.a)Learnabilityb)Efficiencyc)Memorabilityd)Errorse)Satisfactionf)intuitiveg)consistent14.What is Monkey Test? What are the different types of Monkey Test?14A. A Monkey test is a unit test that runs with no specific test in mind. The monkey in this case is the producer of any input.Types of Monkey Testing:-Monkey Button Push TestingSmart Monkey TestingBrilliant Monkey TestingDumb Money TestingAdam Testing15.What are the benefits of software test automation and tools?15A.Fast ,Repeatable, Reliable, Comprehensive and Programmable16.What is the difference between Alpha and Beta Testing?17.(i) What would a database query look like (any format you want) that would extract all the resolved bugs assigned to Terry for the Calc-U-Lot v3.0 project?17(i.A)Product EQUALS Calc-U-Lot ANDVersion EQUALS 3.0 ANDStatus EQUALS Resolved ANDAssign TO EQUALS Terry(ii) What severity and priority would you give to a misspelling in a company's logo on the software's start-up screen?17(ii.A) Probably Severity 3 (minor problem), Priority 2 (must fix before release).18. Draw and explain Software Testing Life Cycle?19. What are the fundamental principles for reporting a bug? 19A.Reporting bugs as soon as possibleEffectively describe the bugsBe nonjudgmental in reporting bugsFollow up on your bug reportsBug tracking and monitoring them still they are fixed。



True / False1. Until the 1980s, project management primarily focused on providing schedule and resource data to top management in the military, computer, and construction industries.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: TrueRATIONALE: Feedback: Until the 1980s, project management primarily focused on providing schedule and resource data to top management in the military, computer, and construction industries.Today’s project management involves much more, and people in every industry and everycountry manage projects.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.2LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.1 - LO: 1-1NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: IntroductionKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge2. A difference between operations and projects is that operations end when their objectives have been reached, whereas projects do not.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Projects are different from operations in that they end when their objectives have been reached or the project has been terminated.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.4LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is a Project?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension3. Every project should have a well-defined objective.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: TrueRATIONALE: Feedback: A project has a unique purpose. Every project should have a well-definedobjective.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.6LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is a Project?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge4. Projects should be developed in increments.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: TrueRATIONALE: Feedback: A project is developed using progressive elaboration. Projects are often defined broadly when they begin, and as time passes, the specific details of the project becomeclearer. Therefore, projects should be developed in increments.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.6LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is a Project?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension5. Resources in a project should be used effectively because they are limited.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: TrueRATIONALE: Feedback: A project requires resources, often from various areas. Resources, however, are limited and must be used effectively to meet project and other corporate goals. POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p. 7LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is a Project?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension6. A project manager’s primary role is to provide the funding for a project.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: A project sponsor usually provides the direction and funding for a project. POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.7LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is a Project?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge7. One of the main reasons why project management is challenging is because of the factor of uncertainty.ANSWER: TrueRATIONALE: Feedback: A project involves uncertainty. Every project is unique and thus it is sometimesdifficult to define its objectives clearly, estimate how long it will take to complete, or determinehow much it will cost. This uncertainty is one of the main reasons project management is sochallenging.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.7LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is a Project?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension8. Questions about how a team will track schedule performance is related to a project’s scope.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Project scope deals with questions such as, “What work will be done as part of the project?”,“What unique product, service, or result does the customer or sponsor expect fromthe project?”, or “How will the scope be verified?”POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.7LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: What is a Project?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension9. In order to be realistic, a project manager should always set discrete goals instead of a range of objectives.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Projects involve uncertainty and limited resources. Thus they rarely finishaccording to their original scope, time, and cost goals. Instead of discrete target goals, it isoften more realistic to set a range of goals.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.8LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is a Project?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension10. Managing the triple constraint primarily involves making trade-offs between resources and quality.ANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Managing the triple constraint involves making trade-offs between scope, time,and cost goals for a project. Experienced project managers know that one must decide whichaspect of the triple constraint is most important.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.9LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is a Project?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge11. The only responsibility of a project manager is to meet the specific scope, time, and cost goals of a project.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Project managers must strive not only to meet specific scope, time, cost, andquality goals of projects but also facilitate the entire process to meet the needs andexpectations of people involved in project activities or affected by them.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.9LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension12. A project’s stakeholders includes its customers, users, and suppliers.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: TrueRATIONALE: Feedback: Stakeholders are the people involved in or affected by project activities, andinclude the project sponsor, project team, support staff, customers, users, suppliers, andeven opponents of a project.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.10LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension13. Opponents of a project do not belong to the category of stakeholders.ANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Stakeholders are the people involved in or affected by project activities, andinclude the project sponsor, project team, support staff, customers, users, suppliers, andeven opponents of a project.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.10LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension14. The importance of stakeholders’ needs and expectations is limited to the beginning of a project.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Stakeholders’ needs and expectations are important in the beginning andthroughout the life of a project. Successful project managers develop good relationships withproject stakeholders to understand and meet their needs and expectations.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.11LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension15. Project procurement management primarily involves identifying stakeholder needs while managing their engagement throughout the life of the project.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Project management knowledge areas describe the key competencies that project managers must develop. Project procurement management involves acquiring or procuringgoods and services for a project from outside the performing organization.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.12LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension16. The primary role of project stakeholder management is to ensure that the project will satisfy the stated needs for whichit was undertaken.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Project management knowledge areas describe the key competencies that projectmanagers must develop. Project stakeholder management includes identifying and analyzingstakeholder needs while managing and controlling their engagement throughout the life of theproject.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.12LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension17. Project human resource management is concerned with making effective use of the people involved with a project.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: TrueRATIONALE: Feedback: Project management knowledge areas describe the key competencies that project managers must develop. Project human resource management is concerned with makingeffective use of the people involved with the project.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.12LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension18. Stakeholder analyses, work requests, and project charters are tools used in integration management.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: TrueRATIONALE: Feedback: Project selection methods, project management methodologies, stakeholderanalyses, work requests, and project charters are some of the tools used in integrationmanagement.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.13LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge19. Earned value management is a tool primarily used in human resource management.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Project budgets, net present value, return on investment, payback analysis, andearned value management are tools used in cost management.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.13LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge20. Responsibility assignment matrices and project organizational charts are examples of tools used in procurement management.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Motivation techniques, empathic listening, responsibility assignment matrices,project organizational charts, and team building exercises are tools used in human resourcemanagement.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.13LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge21. Maturity models, statistical methods, and test plans are examples of tools used in quality management.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: TrueRATIONALE: Feedback: Quality metrics, maturity models, statistical methods, and test plans are some ofthe tools used in quality management.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.13LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge22. According to a 2013 CHAOS study, user involvement is the most important factor that contributes to the success of IT projects.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Executive support is the most important factor, followed by user involvement. POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.16LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge23. Project managers work with the project sponsors to define success for particular projects.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: TrueRATIONALE: Feedback: Project managers work with the project sponsors, the project team, and otherstakeholders to meet project goals. They also work with sponsors to define success forparticular projects.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.17LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge24. Good project managers assume that their definition of success is the same as the sponsors.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Good project managers do not assume that their definition of success is the same as the sponsors. They take the time to understand their sponsors’ expectations and then trackproject performance based on important success criteria.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.17LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension25. Program managers are change agents.a. T rueb. F alseRATIONALE: Feedback: Program managers are responsible for more than the delivery of project results.They are change agents responsible for the success of products and processes developed bythese projects.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.18LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.4 - LO: 1-4NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: Program and Project Portfolio ManagementKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension26. Effective program managers recognize that managing a project is much more complex than managing a program.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Effective program managers recognize that managing a program is much morecomplex than managing a single project.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.18LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.4 - LO: 1-4NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: Program and Project Portfolio ManagementKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension27. Individual projects always address strategic goals whereas portfolio management addresses tactical goals.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: Tactical goals are generally more specific and short-term than strategic goals,which emphasize long-term goals for an organization. Individual projects often addresstactical goals, whereas portfolio management addresses strategic goals.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.19LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.4 - LO: 1-4NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: Program and Project Portfolio ManagementKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension28. It is mandatory for project managers working on large information technology projects to be experts in the field of information technology.a. T rueb. F alseRATIONALE: Feedback: Project managers for large IT projects do not have to be experts in the field of IT, but they must have working knowledge of various technologies and understand how theproject would enhance the business.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.25LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.5 - LO:1-5NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: The Role of the Project ManagerKEYWORDS: Bloom's : Comprehension29. To be a successful manager, the only skills an IT project manager needs to possess is excellent technical skills.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: IT project managers must be willing to develop more than their technical skills to be productive team members and successful project managers. Everyone, no matter howtechnical they are, should develop business and soft skills.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.25LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.5 - LO:1-5NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: The Role of the Project ManagerKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension30. The introduction of new software makes basic tools, such as Gantt charts and network diagrams, inexpensive and easy to create.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: TrueRATIONALE: Feedback: As computer hardware became smaller and more affordable and softwarecompanies developed graphical, easy-to-use interfaces, project management software becameless expensive and more widely used. New software makes basic tools such as Gantt chartsand network diagrams inexpensive, easy to create, and available for anyone to update. POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.29LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.6 - LO: 1-6NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: The Project Management ProfessionKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge31. The enterprise project management software, which aids project and portfolio management, is a low-end tool.a. T rueb. F alseANSWER: FalseRATIONALE: Feedback: A category of project management software is high-end tools, sometimes referred to as enterprise project management software. These tools provide robust capabilities tohandle very large projects and dispersed workgroups.POINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.36LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.6 - LO: 1-6NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: The Project Management ProfessionKEYWORDS: Bloom's: KnowledgeCompletion67. Until the 1980s, project management primarily focused on providing _____ and resource data to top management in the military, computer, and construction industries.ANSWER: schedulePOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.2LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.1 - LO: 1-1NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: IntroductionKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge68. A(n) _____ is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.ANSWER: projectPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.4LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is a Project?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge69. _____ refers to work done in organizations to sustain the business.ANSWER: OperationsPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.4LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is a Project?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge70. _____ include people, hardware, software, or other assets.ANSWER: ResourcesPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.6LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: What is a Project?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge71. A project’s sponsor is also known as a(n) _____.ANSWER: primary customerPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.7LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is a Project?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge72. In project management, the three limitations of scope, time, and cost are referred to as the _____. ANSWER: triple constraintPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.7LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: What is a Project?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge73. The question, “What unique product does the customer expect from the project?” is an example of a(n) _____ constraint.ANSWER: scopePOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.7LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is a Project?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension74. The question, “What is the project’s schedule?” is an example of a(n) _____ constraint.ANSWER: timePOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.7LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is a Product?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension75. “What is the project’s budget?” This is an example of a project’s _____ constraint.ANSWER: costPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.7LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is a Product?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge76. The _____ of project management includes quality, scope, time, and cost constraints.ANSWER: quadruple constraintPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.9LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.2 - LO: 1-2NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: What is a Project?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge77. _____ is “the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.”ANSWER: Project managementPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.9LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge78. Project management _____ describe the key competencies that project managers must develop. ANSWER: knowledge areasPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.11LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge79. Project _____ management includes estimating how long it will take to complete work, develop an acceptable project schedule, and ensure timely completion of a project.ANSWER: timePOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.12LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension80. Project _____ management consists of preparing and managing the budget for a project.ANSWER: costPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.12LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.3 - LO: 1-3NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: What is Project Management?KEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension81. A(n) _____ is “a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefits and control not available from managing them individually.”ANSWER: programPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.17LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.4 - LO: 1-4NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: Program and Portfolio ManagementKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge82. _____ refers to the process in which organizations group and manage projects and programs as a cluster of investments that contribute to the entire enterprise’s success.ANSWER: Project portfolio managementPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.18LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.4 - LO: 1-4NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: Program and Portfolio ManagementKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge83. _____ software integrates information from multiple projects to show the status of active, approved, and future projects across an entire organization.ANSWER: Portfolio project managementPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.21-22LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.4 - LO: 1-4NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: Program and Portfolio ManagementKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge84. Soft skills are also known as _____ skills.ANSWER: human relationsPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.24LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.5 - LO:1-5NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: The Role of the Project ManagerKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge85. The critical path is the _____ path through a network diagram that determines the earliest completion of a project. ANSWER: longestPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.29LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.6 - LO: 1-6NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: The Project Management ProfessionKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension86. The _____ is an international professional society for project managers founded in 1969.ANSWER: Project Management InstitutePOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.32LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.6 - LO: 1-6NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: The Project Management ProfessionKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge87. Passing the CPA exam is a standard for accountants. Similarly, passing the PMP exam is becoming a standard for_____.ANSWER: project managersPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.33LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.6 - LO: 1-6NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: The Project Management ProfessionKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension88. Ethics is a set of principles that guides decision making based on _____ of what is considered right and wrong. ANSWER: personal valuesPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.34LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.6 - LO: 1-6NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: AnalyticTOPICS: The Project Management ProfessionKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension89. _____ tools, a step up from low-end tools, are designed to handle larger projects, multiple users, and multiple projects. ANSWER: MidrangePOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: EasyREFERENCES: p.36LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.6 - LO: 1-6NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: The Project Management ProfessionKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Knowledge90. High-end tools in project management software have enterprise and _____ functions that summarize and combine individual project information to provide an enterprise view of all projects.ANSWER: portfolio managementPOINTS: 1DIFFICULTY: Difficulty: ModerateREFERENCES: p.36LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I NFO.SCHW.14.6 - LO: 1-6NATIONAL STANDARDS: United States - BUSPROG: TechnologyTOPICS: The Project Management ProfessionKEYWORDS: Bloom's: Comprehension91. High-end tools are generally licensed on a(n) _____ basis.ANSWER: per-userPOINTS: 1。




常见问题及复习题:项目与日常运作有什么不同?项目是一次性的,日常运作是重复进行的项目是以目标为导向的,日常运作是通过效率和有效性体现的项目是通过项目经理及其团队工作完成的,而日常运作是职能式的线性管理 项目存在大量的变更管理,而日常运作则基本保持连贯性的。





需求获取的主要活动包括:-了解客户方的所有用户类型及潜在的类型-对用户进行访谈和调研,包括会议讨论、邮件提问、自行搜集等各种形式-对收集到的用户需求作进一步分析整理-将调研得到的用户需求以适当的形式呈交给用户和开发方相关人员需求分析的主要内容有哪些?如何处理不明确需求?需求分析的主要内容有:-以图形表示的方式描述系统的整体结构,包括边界和接口等-通过原型、页面流或其它方式向用户提供可视化界面,以便用户对需求作出自己的评价-以模型描述系统的功能项、数据实体、外部实体以及实体间的关系、状态转换等 不明确需求的处理方法有:-让用户参与开发,以便及时对不明需求作出修正-开发用户界面原型,以便用户更好地确认需求-召开需求讨论会议,汇总和确认需求-强化需求分析和评审,让用户参与需求评审并签字认可简述软件项目进度(时间)管理的主要任务。



Question 113: You are helping a colleague study for the PMP® exam, and as part of his study plan he is using the PMBOK® Guide as one of his reference books. He is having difficulty understanding the Time Management knowledge area processes, particularly how inputs from one process are often outputs from other processes and as such there is an order in which the processes are generally performed. You offer some advice and describe the generally correct order of schedule development activities in the Time Management knowledge area in the PMBOK® Guide. What is your answer?AA: Define Activities, Sequence Activities, Estimate Activity Resources, Estimate Activity Durations, Develop ScheduleB: Sequence Activities, Develop Schedule, Estimate Activity Resources, Estimate Activity Durations, Define ActivitiesC: Define Activities, Estimate Activity Resources, Estimate Activity Durations, Sequence Activities, Develop ScheduleD: Sequence Activities, Define Activities, Estimate Activity Resources, Estimate Activity Durations, Develop ScheduleQuestion 114: You are using the work packages from your WBS to assist with creating your project schedule. You begin breaking the work packages down into the actual work necessary to complete the work package. What are you in the process of defining?CA: WBS dictionary itemsB: Project tasksC: ActivitiesD: Work package assignmentsQuestion 115: You are the project manager on a project that is currently in the planning stage. You are working on your project schedule and beginning the process of defining your activity list. Involving your team members in this process would result in what outcome?A A: Better and more accurate resultsB: Project inefficiencies due to delays experienced in buildingconsensusC: Bad team morale due to disagreements between expertsD: Extra cost to the projectQuestion 116: You have your activity list completed and are explaining to your team members what it contains. Which of the following is not contained on the activity list?A A: Milestone listB: Scope of work descriptionC: All schedule activities required on the projectD: Activity identifierQuestion 117: You and your project management team are conducting the activity sequencing for a new project. The team has determined that Task A takes 3 days. Task B is dependent on Task A finishing and has a duration of 1 day. Task C takes 4 days. TaskD is dependent on Task C starting and has a duration of 7 days. TaskE is dependent on both Task C and Task D finishing and has a duration of 2 days. TaskF is dependent on both Task E and Task B finishing and has a duration of 4 days. What is the duration of the project?BA: 10 days B: 13 days C: 17 days D: 8 daysQuestion 118: You are leading your team in the preparation of your project schedule and are currently sequencing the activities and determining which type of precedence relationship exists between them. Which of the following is the most commonly used type of precedence relationship that you will use?DA: Start-to-startB: Start-to-finishC: Finish-to-finishD: Finish-to-startQuestion 119: You are using the precedence diagramming method to construct your project schedule network diagram. What other name is sometimes used to describe the precedence diagramming method?AA: Activity-on-node diagramB: Activity-on-arrow diagramC: Critical chain methodologyD: Critical path methodologyQuestion 120: After talking with your team and the people responsible for completing the activity, you schedule two activities in your project so that the successor activity is able to start a week before the predecessor activity. What is this is an example of?BA: Lag B: Lead C: Slack D: Floata. 滞后b. 提前时间c. 时差d. 浮动时间Question 121: You are leading your project scheduling specialists in the completion of your project schedule and you wish to add leads and lags into your schedule to accurately reflect the total project duration. Some members of your team are confused about the two terms. How would you describe the difference between a lead and a lag to them?AA: A lead means a successor activity can be started prior to the completion of a predecessor activity. A lag directs a delay in the successor activity.B: A lead means that both activities can start at the same time. A lag means that neither can start until the other one starts.C: A lead means that the successor activity must start prior to the predecessor activity finishing. A lag means the successor activity has a mandatory dependency and can not start until the predecessor activity is complete.D: A lead means the amount of time free on the critical path between activities. A lag is the amount of delay that can occur between activities that will not adversely affect the final project delivery date.Question 122: You are completing the sequence of activities and note that one of your activities can not proceed until consent同意 is granted by the local government agency. This is an example of what sort of dependency?BA: DiscretionaryB: ExternalC: EnvironmentalD: MandatoryQuestion 123: You have successfully completed the first iteration迭代;反复;重复 of your project schedule network diagram. This indicates that you have completed the work in which PMBOK® Guide process?DA: Control ScheduleB: Define ActivitiesC: Develop ScheduleD: Sequence ActivitiesQuestion 124: Your project sponsor has asked to see your resource calendar. Whatsort of information is included in this document?DA: The length of time the project will require input from external resources.B: The dates of annual holidays for project team members.C: The duration of each activity in the project resource diagram.D: When and how long project resources will be available during the project.Question 125: You are estimating your activity resources and breaking down the work within each activity to its lowest level and then aggregating these estimates to get a total quantity for each activity’s resources. What tool or technique are you using?BA: Published estimating dataB: Bottom-up estimatingC: Expert judgmentD: Parametric estimatingQuestion 126: You are about to begin the work to estimate activity durations on your project. Which of the following would not be an input you could use to complete this work?BA: Activity attributes B: Activity duration estimatesC: Project scope statement D: Activity listQuestion 127: While estimating the activity durations on your project, you come across a similar project completed by your organization last year. To save time, you use information from this project to help estimate activity durations. This is an example of which tool or technique?BA: Bottom-up estimatingB: Analogous estimatingC: Parametric estimatingD: Three-point estimatingQuestion 128: As a result of a brainstorming session, your team determines that the most likely duration of an activity will be 8 days, the optimistic duration is 6 days, and the pessimistic duration is 16 days. What it the expected activity duration?CA: 10 daysB: 5 daysC: 9 days (16+6+4*8)/6D: 30 daysQuestion 129: There is some uncertainty over the duration of a particular activityon your project. You call your team together, all of whom have experience in completing the activity. After a brainstorming session, they are able to determine a most likely duration, an optimistic duration, and a pessimistic duration. You then use these numbers to calculate the expected activity duration. This is an example of which sort of tool or technique?BA: Bottom-up estimatingB: Three-point estimatingC: Analogous estimatingD: Parametric estimatingQuestion 130: To estimate the amount of time it will take to install 500 meters of cable on your project, you divide the number of meters required by how many meters an hour the person laying the cable can lay. This is an example of which sort of tool or technique?DA: Three-point estimatingB: Bottom-up estimatingC: Analogous estimatingD: Parametric estimating参数估计Question 131: You are leading your team members in the development of your project schedule. You have just started the process and are checking that you have all the appropriate inputs required. Which of the following would not be an input into this process?DA: Resource calendarB: Project schedule network diagramC: Activity listD: Project scheduleQuestion 132: What is the PMBOK® Guide process of analyzing activity sequences, durations, resource requirements, and scheduled constraints to create the project schedule?CA: Project Schedule DevelopmentB: Create Project ScheduleC: Develop ScheduleD: Schedule ManagementQuestion 133: You are completing a network diagram with the following information: Task A has a duration of 3 days and has the start as a predecessor; Task B has a duration of 5 days and also has the start as a predecessor; Task C has a duration of 4 days and has Task A as a predecessor; Task D has a duration of 4 days and has Task B as a predecessor; Task E has a duration of 6 days and has Tasks C and D as predecessors; Task F has a duration of 5 days and has Task D as a predecessor; the finish milestone has a duration of zero days and has Tasks E and F as predecessors. Using this data, what is the duration of the project?DA: 16 B: 14 C:13 D: 15Question 134: You are completing a network diagram with the following information: Task A has a duration of 3 days and has the start as a predecessor; Task B has a duration of 5 days and also has the start as a predecessor; Task C has a duration of 4 days and has Task A as a predecessor; Task D has a duration of 4 days and has Task B as a predecessor; Task E has aduration of 6 days and has Tasks C and D as predecessors; Task F has a duration of 5 days and has Task D as a predecessor; the finish milestone has a duration of zero days and has Tasks E and F as predecessors. What is the critical path for this network diagram?BA: Start-B-D-F-FinishB: Start-B-D-E-FinishC: Start-A-C-E-FinishD: Start-A-C-F-FinishQuestion 135: According to Goldratt’s critical chain theory, what should you do in order to reduce risk in project schedules?BA: Start activities in the feeder chains as late as possible.B: Add buffers缓冲区 to the critical chains.C: Start activities in the critical chains as early as possible.D: Start activities in the feeder chains as early as possible.Question 136: During a discussion with a fellow project manager you realize that she is using the terms critical path method and critical chain method incorrectly. You offer some pieces of advice and insight into how the two methods are different. Which of these statements about the critical path method and the critical chain method is FALSE?DA: The critical path method schedules early start and late start dates to planned activities, whereas the critical chain method schedules only late start dates to planned activities.B: The critical chain method initially uses non-conservative estimates, whereas the critical path method is concerned with using more accurate estimates.C: The critical path method focuses on managing the total float of network paths, whereas the critical chain method focuses on managing the buffer activity durations and the resources applied to planned schedule activities.D: The critical chain method accounts for resource availability, whereas the critical path method does not.Question 137: You are adding duration buffers that are non-workable schedule activities to manage uncertainty in your project schedule. What tool or technique are you using?DA: Parametric estimating B: Critical path method C: Three-point estimatingD: Critical chain methodQuestion 138: You are using a methodology that calculates the amount of float on various paths in the network diagram to determine the minimum project duration. What tool or technique are you using?AA: Critical path methodB: Critical chain methodC: Parametric estimatingD: Three-point estimatingQuestion 139: In the first attempt at resource leveling(资源平衡) the project schedule, what would you expect to occur?AA: The overall project duration will increase.B: The number of required resources will decrease during certain time periods of the project. C: The number of required resources will increase during certain time periods of the project.D: The overall project duration will decrease.Question 140: You are the project manager on a software project. While examining your schedule you see that there has been a delay in completing a task. The sensible choice seems to move a person, someone who is an expert on the work that is behind, from another task. There is a choice between two people who are working on different tasks. One person is working on a task that has 5 days of free float and the other is working on a task that has 8 days of total float and no free float. What is your BEST course of action?DA: A person should be brought in from outside the project.B: The person working on the task with total float of 8 days.C: Either person can be used.D: The person working on the task with free float of 5 days.Question 141: You are using a computer-based modelling technique that examines possible outcomes based on a range of potential probabilities if a particular situation occurs. What is this technique called?DA: Parametric estimatingB: Schedule compressionC: Critical chain methodologyD: What-if scenario analysis情景分析Question 142: Your project team is behind schedule and has decided to compress the schedule. They have requested extra budget to bring in the additional resources required. Which schedule compression technique are they seeking to use?BA: CompressingB: Crashing赶工C: Fast trackingD: Resource levelingQuestion 143: You have managed to bring forward the predicted completion date for your project by doing in parallel several of the activities that were scheduled to be done in sequence. What is this technique called?CA: AccelerationB: Increasing prioritiesC: Fast trackingD: CrashingQuestion 144: You are working on a project to build a new house. Usually you would wait until the concrete foundation dried and then erect the wall on top of it. To speed up the project, you start putting the wall frame together off site while the concrete foundation is drying. This is an example of which schedule compression technique?AA: Fast trackingB: CompressingC: CrashingD: Resource levelingQuestion 145: Your project sponsor asks you to attend a senior management meeting and present a brief update on your project progress. Which of the following would be best to use in the presentation?AA: Bar chart(长条统计图)B: Project management planC: Work performance informationD: Schedule network diagramQuestion 146: What is the name of the process in the PMBOK® Guide that monitors the status of the project to update project progress and manage changes to the schedule baseline?DA: Develop ScheduleB: Monitoring and ControllingC: Verify ScheduleD: Control ScheduleQuestion 147: Your project is underway and you are measuring the forecast schedule against the actual schedule, checking for variances between the two and initiating corrective actions if required. To successfully complete this work, you require a range of inputs. Which of the following is not one of these inputs?BA: Project management planB: Work performance informationC: Project scheduleD: Work performance dataQuestion 148: While using the earned value management technique to measure project schedule progress on your project, you discover that your project’s schedule performance index (SPI) is 0.9. What does this mean?CA: The amount of buffer in your critical chain methodology is less than optimal.B: The project network diagram was incorrectly put together.C: The project is behind schedule and in need of schedule compression.D: The project is ahead of schedule.Question 149: You are a project manager on a project where your SPI has been calculated at .95. Your earned value (EV) has been calculated at $10,000, and your actual cost (AC) is $10,400, so what is your planned value (PV)?B SPI=EV/PVA: $10,000B: $10,526C: $9,500D: $10,947Question 150: As part of the development of your project schedule, you are informed that a particular activity has an estimated optimistic duration of 7 days, an estimated pessimistic duration of 15 days, and will most likely take 10 days to complete. Using PERT analysis, what is the standard deviation?DA: 0.5 B: 10.33 C: 1.76 D: 1.33(7+15+4*10)/6=10.33 sigma= (15-7)/6=1.33Question 151: As part of the development of your project schedule, you are informed that a particular activity has an estimated optimistic duration of 7 days, an estimated pessimistic duration of 15 days, and will most likely take 10 days to complete. Your sponsor asks you the activity duration range in which you are 95% confident that the activity will be delivered. What is your response?B40A: 8–12 daysB: 7.67–12.99 days 10+_2*1.33C: 9–11.66 daysD: 10 daysQuestion 152: Yvette is the project manager for a software project. She and her team are determining the activity duration estimates for the project. She has requested that each team member determine the estimates by multiplying the quantity of work to be performed by the known historical productivity rate of the individual department. Yvette has asked her team to generate the estimates using what technique?AA: Parametric estimatingB: Analogous estimatingC: Three-point estimatingD: Expert judgmentQuestion 153: Consider the following information. What is the critical path? TaskA has a duration of 3 days and is a starting activity. TaskB has a duration of 6 days and has Task A as a predecessor. TaskC has a duration of 5 days and has Tasks A and B as predecessors. TaskD has a duration of 4 days and has Task B as a predecessor. TaskE has a duration of 1 day and has Task C as the predecessor. TaskF has a duration of 6 days and has Tasks D and E as predecessors. TaskG has a duration of 4 days and has Tasks E and F as predecessors.AA: A-B-C-E-F-GB: A-D-F-GC: A-C-D-E-F-GD: A-B-D-F-GQuestion 154: Consider the following information. How many tasks have a slack of 2 days? Task A has a duration of 3 days and is a starting activity. Task B has a duration of 6 days andhas Task A as a predecessor. Task C has a duration of 5 days and has Tasks A and B as predecessors. Task D has a duration of 4 days, and has Task B as a predecessor. Task E has a duration of 1 day and has Task C as a predecessor. Task F has a duration of 6 days and has Tasks D and E as predecessors. Task G has a duration of 4 days and has Tasks E and F as predecessors.DA:4 B:2 C:3 D:1。

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Question 200: Customer satisfaction means that customer requirements are met. Meeting customer requirements requires a combination of what two factors?DA: Continuous improvement and prevention over inspectionB: Conformance to requirements and prevention over inspectionC: Continuous improvement and fitness for useD: Conformance一致性 to requirements and fitness for useQuestion 201: You are successful using the FMEA approach to assess implications of quality decisions on your project. Your client asks you what FMEA stands for. What is your answer?DA: Failure model of effective analysisB: Failed measurement and effect analysisC: Failed measurement and effective assuranceD: Failure mode and effect analysisQuestion 202: Modern quality management complements project management very highly, with both disciplines recognizing the importance of all the following characteristics except?DA: Customer satisfactionB: Prevention over inspectionC: Continuous improvementD: Total quality management (TQM)Question 203: Quality is planned, designed, and built into your project instead of being inspected in. What is the main reason that prevention of mistakes in quality is preferred over finding the mistakes via inspection?CA: Because finding defects via inspection should be avoided at all costs.B: Because if you are a good project manager and perform prevention well, you won’t have to deal with inspection.C: Because the cost of preventing mistakes is generally much less than the cost of correcting them when they are found by inspection.D: Because your quality management plan focuses on prevention.Question 204: How would you best describe to your client the difference between precision and accuracy?BA: Precision means the degree to which there is conformance to requirements. Accuracy refers to fitness for use.B: Precision means the values of the repeated measurements are clustered群;簇;丛;串and have little scatter. Accuracy means that the measured value is very close to the true value. C: Precision is the degree to which the project quality assurance processes are being met. Accuracy is the degree to which the product meets customer specifications.D: Precision is the ability to provide information to a six sigma level. Accuracy is the process of ensuring that the six sigma target is met.Question 205: A member of your project team seems confused about the differences between quality approaches to the project and product. How would you best explain these differences?AA: Quality in relation to the project relates to the processes and procedures that run the project. Quality in relation to the product looks at conformance to requirements and fitness of use.B: There is no difference between the two.C: Quality in relation to the project is focused on ensuring the project control and reporting are accurate. Quality in relation to the product ensures that it stays within the upper and lower control limits.D: Quality in relation to the project is focused on the preparation and execution of the quality management plan. Quality in relation to the product is set solely by the customer. Question 206: Your project is behind schedule and you have asked your project team to work longer hours to make up the time so that the customer’s needs are met as planned. As project manager, you should monitor your quality management plan for what reason?AA: Meeting customer requirements by overworking the project team may result in increased employee attrition, errors, or rework.B: The customer requirements and specifications can change rapidly during periods of rework as the customer sees opportunities to make changes.C: Achieving customer needs is not the primary focus of the quality management plan, and you need to make sure your team is working on project quality, not product quality, at these times.D: The overtime cost incurred will take away the project budget assigned to the implementation of the quality management plan.Question 207: Your project team has completed a check of the project and the product you are managing. They discover that although you are meeting the quality requirements, the product is of a low grade. What should you do FIRST?AA: Keep the project running as normal with no changes as a result of this discovery.B: Check the quality management plan on what to do when discovering a low-grade product. C: Immediately stop work to discover the source of the low grade, and proceed to fix it.D: Keep the project run ning so that you don’t lose time, but assign a team member with experience in the area of the product to discover the reason behind the low grade. Question 208: What is the method of modern quality management that relies on continuing small improvements involving everyone from the top management to the lowest-level worker in the organization more most commonly known as?DA: Kampai B: Kanban C: Kawasaki D: KaizenQuestion 209: The PMBOK® Guide process groups of initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, and controlling a project are based on the work of Shewhart and Deming. What is their quality improvement model known as?CA: Six SigmaB: Organizational Project Management Maturity Model(OPM3)C: Plan-do-check-act cycleD: Total quality managementQuestion 210: You are explaining to your project sponsor that the decision made to lower the quality of deliverables on the project to save money will have long-lasting cost impacts beyond the project. The project sponsor does not seem convinced so you refer to the concept of cost of quality to make your point. How would you best describe cost of quality to your sponsor?CA: The total cost of the quality effort throughout the project life cycleB: The amount of money required to complete your project quality management planC: The total cost of all efforts related to quality throughout the product life cycleD: The total cost of implementing a prevention and inspection regimeQuestion 211: The PMBOK® Guide process that is focused on identifying quality requirements and standards for the project and product is known as what?CA: Control QualityB: Cost of QualityC: Plan Quality ManagementD: Perform Quality AssuranceQuestion 212: You are completing the work to identify and document quality requirements and standards for your project. Which of the following would you not use as an input into this process?DA: Requirements documentation B: Stakeholder registerC: Risk registerD: Quality checklistsQuestion 213: When considering the cost of quality on your project you shouldconsider all of the following characteristics except? AA: Destructive破坏的毁灭性的 testing loss.B: Investment in preventing non-conformance to requirements.C: Appraising the product or service for conformance to requirements.D: Failing to meet requirements.Question 214: Which of the following is not an example of a cost of conformance顺应一致?DA: TestingB: EquipmentC: TrainingD: ReworkQuestion 215: You and your team are checking data that has been gathered and presented in a control chart to determine if the product you are producing is meeting the required quality objectives. What is your main objective in completing this work and representing it in this way?DA: To measure if the cost of quality is providing the forecast cost benefit analysis.B: To determine if your quality management plan is achieving the objectives.C: To measure if your product is meeting the goal of fitness for use.D: To determine if a process is stable or has predictable performance.Question 216: Control limits for the production rates for the machines your project is building are set at 3 and 9, with a mean value of 6 units per hour. The results this week are as follows: 4, 7, 10, 5, and 6. What should you do first?AA: Investigate the third result.B: Continue working.C: Investigate the tenth result.D: Investigate the first result.Question 217: You have received the results of statistical sampling performed on the product of your project. The control chart shows nine data points in a row just under the mean. What should you do first?BA: Change the control limits and the mean so the process is under control.B: Find an assignable or special cause using an Ishikawa diagram.C: Nothing. If the data points are not outside the controllimits, then the process is in control.D: Fire the quality assurance team.Question 218: Upper and lower control limits on a control chart are generally set athow many standard deviations above and below the acceptable mean? CA: 1 standard deviationB: 2 standard deviationsC: 3 standard deviationsD: 6 standard deviationsQuestion 219: Your project data, as shown on the control chart, indicates the latest seven consecutive points are above the mean but within the upper control limit. What is your BEST course of action?CA: Stop work immediately and investigate the root cause of the problem.B: Do nothing because the data clearly indicates that the process is above the lower specification limit.C: Initiate corrective action in accordance with your quality management plan.D: Lower the lower control limit so that the data is now above the limit.Question 220: Your project is generating useful data for your control chart. The latest data indicates that the process of manufacturing the product has produced units below the lower control limit but above the lower specification limit. What is your BEST course of action?A A: Initiate corrective action in accordance with your quality management plan.B: Do nothing because the data clearly indicates that the process is above the lower specification limit.C: Stop work immediately and investigate the root cause of the problem.D: Lower the lower control limit so that the data is now above the limit.Question 221: While working on the project to assess and measure quality, you are determining the number and type of tests and their impact on cost of quality. What technique are you using?AA: Design of experiments B: Analogous estimating C: Benchmarking D: Cost of qualityQuestion 222: You are comparing actual or planned project practices to those of comparable projects to identify best practices and generate ideas for improvement for your project. What quality technique are you using?DA: Cost of qualityB: Analogous estimatingC: Design of experimentsD: BenchmarkingQuestion 223: A quality technique that chooses only a part of a population of interest for studying, and is often used to reduce cost, is called what?CA: InspectionB: FlowchartingC: Statistical samplingD: Budget control chartQuestion 224: Your project team is working on a software project with over two million lines of code and has just randomly selected a number of lines of code for inspection. What quality technique are they using?CA: BenchmarkingB: Design of experimentsC: Statistical samplingD: Random inspectionQuestion 225: During a project to deliver a complex set of requirements for a wide range of stakeholders, you and your team have placed a great deal of importance on the quality of the project. You have decided to use a wide variety of tools and techniques to help you achieve the desired quality standards. Which of the following is not an example of a quality planning tool that you would find useful in this endeavor?DA: Affinity diagramB: Force field diagramC: Matrix diagramD: Quality checklistQuestion 226: While completing work associated with ensuring quality in a project, it is important that you know the difference between several different quality related terms. Several of your team members regularly get confused about the difference between the different terms, particularly understanding exactly what a quality metric is. To demonstrate to your team the difference, you point out that one of the following is not a quality metric. Which one do you point out?DA: Failure rateB: Budget controlC: Defect frequencyD: Upper control limitQuestion 227: You have completed the work to plan and document your particular approach to quality on your project. Which of the following is not an output you would expect to produce as a result of this work?BA: Quality metricsB: FlowchartingC: Process improvement planD: Quality management planQuestion 228: The process of continuous process improvements to reduce waste and eliminate activities that do not add value to a project is known as what?DA: Progressive elaborationB: Plan quality managementC: Control qualityD: Perform quality assurance担保Question 229: You are using your quality management plan to guide the work being done to ensure that project quality assurance expectations are being met. Which of the following would not be a useful input to you?BA: Process improvement planB: Quality audits审计C: Quality metricsD: Quality control measurementsQuestion 230: A project administrator has asked for guidance on completing a project audit as per the approved quality management plan for your project. They are seeking your guidance on what exactly a quality audit is. How is a quality audit best defined?BA: A structured, independent review to determine whether product specifications comply with organizational and project policies, processes, and procedures.B: A structured, independent review to determine whether project activities comply with organizational and project policies, processes, and procedures.C: An examination of the product specifications to test whether they are fit for use and conform to requirements.D: A review of the project management plan to ensure it contains the appropriate quality management plan.Question 231: You are completing the work to ensure the required quality assurance levels are met on your project. Which of the following is an output of this work?CA: Quality audits B: Quality metrics C: Change requests D: Process analysisQuestion 232: What is the process of monitoring and recording results of executing the quality activities to assess performance and recommend necessary changes known as?B A: Perform quality assurance B: Control qualityC: Plan quality management D: Statistical samplingQuestion 233: During a workshop to define quality control processes on your project, you sense that team members are confused abut the difference between prevention and inspection. What is the BEST description of the difference between prevention and inspection?AA: Prevention is focused on keeping errors out of the process. Inspection is focused on keeping errors out of the hands of the customer.面向开发过程和面向产品、用户B: Prevention is concerned with the implementation of the quality process at the start of the project. Inspection is done once the project is underway.C: Prevention is the systematic adoption of rigorous quality standards during the planning phase. Inspection is carried out during the monitoring and control process group.D: Prevention is focused on the quality of the project. Inspection is focused on the quality of the product.Question 234: What is the BEST description of the difference between tolerances and control limits?CA: Tolerances are concerned with project quality. Control limits are concerned with product quality.B: Tolerances can indicate if the process is out of control. Control limits specify a range of acceptable results.C: Tolerances are a specified range of acceptable results. Control limits are thresholds临界值 that can indicate if the process is out of control.D: Tolerances are concerned with product quality. Control limits are concerned with project quality.Question 235: All of the following are an example of one of Ishikawa’s seven tools of quality except?BA: FlowchartingB: InspectionC: Run chartD: Control chartsQuestion 236: You are the project manager for a project where quality is an important constraint, and you are trying to correct a problem with a machine that makes parts that are used in complex medical imaging equipment. As a result of carrying our your Control Quality process, you discover that unfortunately these parts are frequently made with defects. YouB: Cause and effect diagramC: Pareto diagramD: Scatter diagramare you using?AA: Ishikawa diagramB: Control chartC: Pareto chartD: Run chartQuestion 238: The quality manager on your project wishes to analyze the data that is being received in the form of a list of defects that have occurred in the manufacturing department.The report comes with defects listed chronologically as they occurred, the cost of the repair necessary to correct each defect, the person involved, and a description of the defect. The quality manager would like to determine which of the defects should be corrected first according to the frequency of the defect occurring. Which of the following tools should she use?AA: Pareto diagramB: Sampling inspectionC: Cause and effect diagramD: Quality critical pathQuestion 239: You are explaining to your project team the ranking of causes for defects on your project to enable them to focus their corrective actions on those causes that are responsible for the greatest defects. What sort of diagram would you use for this?AA: Pareto chartB: Scatter diagramC: Control chartD: HistogramQuestion 240: While performing quality control inspections, you note down relevant data and use a vertical bar chart to show how often a particular variable state occurred. What is this sort of bar chart more commonly called?AA: HistogramB: Pareto chartC: Control chartD: Scatter diagramQuestion 241: While performing quality control inspections, you note down relevant data and use a chart similar to a control chart without displayed limits, which shows the history and pattern of a variation. What sort of chart are you using?DA: Fishbone diagramB: Control chartsC: Pareto chartD: Run chartQuestion 242: A visual presentation of quality data gathered showing the relationship between a dependent and independent variable is known as what?DA: Run chartB: Pareto chartC: Control chartD: Scatter diagramQuestion 243: Your team members have completed work to perform quality control on the project. Which of the following outputs would you not expect them to produce as a result of doing this work?AA: Quality metrics 是requirement那边的输出B: Validated changesC: Change requestsD: Quality control measurementsQuestion 244: You and your team are working hard to produce a quality wireless headphone product capable of high-quality audio transmission. You are discussing an approach with your Quality Assurance Team Leader that will aim to reduce the variation the team is experiencing with the prototype原型 headsets being produced. What technique are you discussing?AA: Six SigmaB: LeanC: ScrumD: KanbanQuestion 245: If a process is considered to have only 3.4 defects per million opportunities, which sigma class is this defined as?CA: Two SigmaB: Three SigmaC: Six SigmaD: Twelve SigmaQuestion 246: The terms Yellow Belt, Green Belt, and Black Belt are terms given to individuals that practice which methodology? BA: Rapid Application DevelopmentB: Six SigmaC: ScrumD: KanbanQuestion 247: You have been asked by senior management to focus on eliminating消除 any bottlenecks瓶颈that exist in your project’s processes. What methodology will be most effective in highlighting bottlenecks?DA: Prince2B: MPMMC: LeanD: KanbanQuestion 248: Your Quality Assurance Manager has requested that you assist her in mapping the value stream for the assembly of a new combustion engine. Value stream mapping is part of which methodology?CA: WaterfallB: ScrumC: Lean精益D: Kaizen。
