

菲尼克斯 位置变送器说明书

菲尼克斯 位置变送器说明书

DIN rail connector.
Configurable potiposition transducer Output signal range can be configured using a DIP switch Approval for Ex zone 2 (nA) Can be supplied with screw or spring-cage connection
Ambient temperature (operation) Ambient temperature (storage/transport)
Conformance / approvals
Conformance ATEX approval UL, USA / Canada
Conformance with EMC directive 2004/108/EC
cessible slide switch is used to set the upper and lower potiposition end values. The output signal between 0 and 100%

is based on this fixed end value.
Noise immunity according to EN 61000-6-2 Noise emission according to EN 61000-6-4
Block diagram
< 0.2 % < 0.02 %/K < 30 ms Any IP20 6.2 mm / 93.1 mm / 102.5 mm PBT green
Only modules suitable for operation in zone 2 potentially explosive areas may be connected.









美国菲尼克斯高科技集团(PHOENIX GROUP(HI-TEC) CORPORATION)设计制造的高科技产品,自问世以来,就以其先进的设计理念和出色的性能得到广大用户的认可。













菲尼克斯5100说明书菲尼克斯现货FL WLAN 5100 菲尼克斯现货FL WLAN 5100 WLAN接入点/端/中继器MIMO 3x3:2WLAN 02.11a、b、g、n2.4 GHz/5 GHz3根外置天线2x RJ 45尺寸(宽度 x 高度 x 深度)40 mm x 109 mm x 109 mm尺寸说明高度含天线插座,不含天线电缆FL WLAN以太网端口适配器是一款经济型工业WLAN 适配器,可将兼容以太网的设备连接到WLAN网络。







通过AT命令进行高级设置轻松组态和控制FL EPA 2在WLAN EPA模块运行过程中,可通过控制器发出的简单AT命令对其进行自动组态和控制。


FL EPA产品一览特性FL EPA 2FL EPA 2 RSMAWLAN标准IEEE 02.11a/b/gIEEE 02.11 a/b/g频段和道(*依不同国家而定)2.4 GHz,1-11道5 GHz:36-140道(端)5 GHz:36-4道(接入点)2.4 GHz,1-11道5 GHz:36-140道(端)5 GHz:36-4道(接入点)大数据速率(总值)54Mbps54 Mbps大数据流量(净值)< 20 Mbps< 20 Mbps运行模式端(单端网桥、多端网桥)(微型接入点)两个FL EPA模块之间的无线网桥端(单端网桥、多端网桥)(微型接入点)两个FL EPA模块之间的无线网桥大传输功率2.4 GHz:17 dBm(包括天线)5 GHz:15 dBm(包括天线)2.4 GHz:17 dBm(包括天线)5 GHz:15 dBm(包括天线)天线数1(内置)1(外置),RSMA接口安装后的防护等级IP65IP65环境温度(工作)-30°C … 60°C … 65°C电源9 … 30 V DC,大1.7 W9 …30 V DC,大1.7 W特殊性能双无线板:WLAN和蓝牙双无线板:WLAN和蓝牙功能强大的WLAN IEEE 02.11n模块,通范围更广采用新标准和MIMO技术,扩展通范围该设备有*的无线号,并采用符合IEEE 02.11n标准的MIMO(多点输入,多点输出)多天线技术,可在长距离范围内实现稳定、高速且可靠的无线通。



AI...AI-TWIN...订货号根据DIN VDE0110:1989-01标准确定电器间隙和爬电距离VDE标准DIN VDE0110采纳了IEC标准IEC664/664A的实质性内容,以实现下述目标:从要承受的绝缘负荷出发来选所需要的绝缘强度,以此来确定所需的最小绝缘距离。
















若在产品说明中无特殊说明,则本产品样本中所列产品的电气间隙和爬电距离均按标准DIN VDE0110:1989-01及过电压等级Ⅲ和污染等级3确定。



菲尼克斯⼯具样本1Overview of connectors of crimping toolsFerrules for insulated and non-insulated contactsCrimping tool designation Order no.Conductor cross-section [mm2]Conductor cross-section [AWG]Page CRIMPFOX 6 12120340.25 – 624 – 1018CRIMPFOX 6S-F 12120430.5 – 620 – 1018CRIMPFOX 6T 12120370.25 – 620 – 1018CRIMPFOX 6T-F 12120380.25 – 620 – 1018CRIMPFOX 10S 12120450.14 – 1025 – 718CRIMPFOX 6H 12120460.14 – 625 – 1018CRIMPFOX 25R121203910 – 258 – 418CRIMPFOX 50R121204135 – 50 2 – 118 Cable lugs and connectorsCrimping tool designation Order no.Conductor cross-section [mm2]Conductor cross-section [AWG]Page CRIMPFOX-RCI 1 12120550.14 – 126 – 1819CRIMPFOX-RCI 2,5 12120530.75 – 2.520 – 1419CRIMPFOX-RCI 6 12120570.75 – 620 – 1019CRIMPFOX-RCI 6-1 12120590.75 – 620 – 1019 Non-insulated cable lugsCrimping tool designation Order no.Conductor cross-section [mm2]Conductor cross-section [AWG]Page CRIMPFOX RC 2,5 12120630.75 – 2.520 – 1419CRIMPFOX RC 101212061 4 – 1012 – 819CRIMPFOX RC 251212065 4 – 1012 – 819CRIMPFOX RCT 25-1 (tube lugs) 121206610 – 258 – 419 Non-insulated slip-on sleevesCrimping tool designation Order no.Conductor cross-section [mm2]Conductor cross-section [AWG]Page CRIMPFOX-SC 1,5 12120480.1 – 1.526 – 1620CRIMPFOX-SC 6L 12120520.5 – 622 – 1020CRIMPFOX-SC 6 12120500.5 – 622 – 1020T urned contactsCrimping tool designation Order no.Conductor cross-section [mm2]Conductor cross-section [AWG]Page CRIMPFOX-TC 4 12121130.5 – 422 – 1220CRIMPFOX-TC 101212114 4 – 1012 – 820Coaxial connector / FO connectorCrimping tool designation Order no.Hexagonal wrench size [mm]PageCRIMPFOX-CX 4,52 1212094 1.69 / 3.25 / 4.5220CRIMPFOX-CX 6,48 1212095 1.69 / 5.41 / 6.4820CRIMPFOX-CX 9,14 1212096 1.73 / 8.23 / 9.1420CRIMPFOX-CX 10,54 1212097 2.54 / 10.5420CRIMPFOX-CX 10,90 1212098 2.54 / 10.9020CRIMPFOX-FO 5,41 1212099 3.25 / 3.84 / 4.52 / 5.0 / 5.4121D-SUB contactsCrimping tool designation Order no.Conductor cross-section [mm2]Conductor cross-section [AWG]PageCRIMPFOX-DSUB 5 12121110.08 – 0.528 – 2221Crimp-snap-in contactsCrimping tool designation Order no.Conductor cross-section [mm2]Conductor cross-section [AWG]PageCRIMPFOX MT 2,5 12040380.5 – 2.520 – 1221PhOENIX CONTACT17CRIMPFOX crimping toolsCrimping pliers for ferrulesThe CRIMPFOX pliers are fitted with apressure lock (unlockable). An innovativeconstruction and ergonomically designedhandles reduce the required manual forces.The self-adjusting CRIMPFOX 6T dieautomatically adapts to the connector size.Type Order no.CRIMPFOX 6 1212034CRIMPFOX 6T 1212037 Conductor [mm2] / AWG0.25 – 6 / 24 – 100.25 – 6 / 20 – 10 AccessoriesSpare die CRIMPFOX 6/DIE 1212035CRIMPFOX 6T/DIE 1212298 The self-adjusting die with front conductorentry of the crimping pliers automaticallyadapts to the connector size and isimpressive due to a fast and reliable contactprocessing.Type Order no.CRIMPFOX 6S-F 1212043CRIMPFOX 6T-F 1212038 Conductor [mm2] / AWG0.5 – 6 / 20 – 100.25 – 6 / 20 –10AccessoriesSpare die CRIMPFOX 6S-F/DIE 1212285CRIMPFOX 6T-F/DIE 1212297 Great importance has been placed onenergy-saving work with the compactcrimping pliers. The way in which thehandles and the die are arranged means thatthe ferrules can be fitted however the toolis held.Type Order no.CRIMPFOX 6H 1212046CRIMPFOX 10S 1212045 Conductor [mm2] / AWG0.14 – 6 / 25 – 100.14 – 10 / 25 –7The crimping pliers help in processingferrules up to 50 mm2. The ergonomicallyformed handles and the optimizedmechanical transmission ensure optimumhold and reduce the force needed by 25%.Type Order no.CRIMPFOX 25R 1212039CRIMPFOX 50R 1212041 Conductor [mm2] / AWG10 – 25 / 8 – 435 – 50 / 2 – 1 AccessoriesSpare die CRIMPFOX 25R/DIE 1212040CRIMPFOX 50R/DIE 1212042 18PhOENIX CONTACTCRIMPFOX crimping toolsCrimping pliers for insulated cable lugs and connectorsA color marking on the die clearly allocatesthe cross-section of the CRIMPFOX RCIpliers. The precisely manufactured diesprovide a uniformly high quality during thecontact processing.Type Order no.CRIMPFOX-RCI 1 1212055CRIMPFOX-RCI 2,5 1212053CRIMPFOX-RCI 6 1212057 Conductor [mm2] / AWG0.14 – 1 / 26 – 180.75 – 2.5 / 20 – 140.75 – 6 / 20 – 10AccessoriesSpare die CRIMPFOX-RCI 1/DIE 1212056CRIMPFOX-RCI 2,5/DIE 1212054CRIMPFOX-RCI 6/DIE 1212058 The CRIMPFOX-RCI 6-1 is suitable for theasymmetrical crimping of insulated cablelugs and connectors.Type Order no.CRIMPFOX-RCI 6-1 1212059Conductor [mm2] / AWG0.75 – 6 / 20 – 10AccessoriesSpare die CRIMPFOX-RCI 6-1/DIE 1212290Crimping pliers for non-insulated cable lugs and tube lugsThe CRIMPFOX-RC is characterized by itscompact and light design. The conductorentry is lateral. Three labeled die stationsserve for precise processing of the relevantcross-sections.Type Order no.CRIMPFOX-RC 2,5 1212063CRIMPFOX-RC 10 1212061CRIMPFOX-RC 25 1212065 Conductor [mm2] / AWG0.75 – 2.5 / 20 – 14 4 – 10 / 12 – 810 – 25 / 8 – 4AccessoriesSpare die CRIMPFOX-RC 2,5/DIE 1212064CRIMPFOX-RC 10/DIE 1212062CRIMPFOX-RC 25/DIE 1212299 The CRIMPFOX-RCT 25-1 serves toprocess standard tube lugs.Type Order no.CRIMPFOX-RCT 25-1 1212066Die station [mm]10 – 25 / 8 – 4AccessoriesSpare die CRIMPFOX-RCT 25/DIE 1212300PhOENIX CONTACT19CRIMPFOX crimping toolsCrimping pliers for non-insulated slip-on sleevesThe CRIMPFOX-SC … serves to processnon-insulated flat connectors and slip-on sleeves up to 6 mm2. The marked diestations ensure precise processing. TheCRIMPFOX-SC 6L serves as an additionalpositioning aid.Type Order no.CRIMPFOX-SC 1,5 1212048CRIMPFOX-SC 6 1212050CRIMPFOX-SC 6L 1212052 Conductor [mm2] / AWG0.1 – 1.5 / 26 – 160.5 – 6 / 22 – 100.5 – 6 / 22 – 10AccessoriesSpare die CRIMPFOX-SC 1,5/DIE 1212049CRIMPFOX-SC 6/DIE 1212051CRIMPFOX-SC 6/DIE 1212051 Crimping pliers for turned contactsThe CRIMPFOX-TC … are crimping pliersfor processing turned contacts up to10 mm2. The integrated locator serves inaccurate positioning of the contacts withpin diameter of 1.6, 2.5 and 4 mm in thedie.Type Order no.CRIMPFOX-TC 4 1212113CRIMPFOX-TC 10 1212114Conductor [mm2] / AWG0.5 – 4 / 22 – 12 4 – 10 / 12 – 8AccessoriesSpare die CRIMPFOX-TC 4/DIE 1212295CRIMPFOX-TC 10/DIE 1212296Crimping pliers for coaxial connectorsThe CRIMPFOX-CX … are crimping pliersfor processing coaxial connectors. Equippedwith a pressure lock, the pliers provideuniformly high quality crimping.See page 15 for 2 and 3-stage stripping tools.Type Order no.CRIMPFOX-CX 4,52 1212094CRIMPFOX-CX 6,48 1212095CRIMPFOX-CX 9,14 1212096 Hexagonal wrench widthDie stations 1 / 2 / 3 [mm] 1.69 / 3.25 / 4.52 1.69 / 5.41 / 6.48 1.73 / 8.23 / 9.14AccessoriesSpare die CRIMPFOX-CX 4,52/DIE 1212284CRIMPFOX-CX 6,48/DIE 1212286CRIMPFOX-CX 9,14/DIE 1212293 Type Order no.CRIMPFOX-CX 10,54 1212097CRIMPFOX-CX 10,90 1212098Hexagonal wrench sizeDie stations 1 / 2 [mm] 2.54 / 10.54 2.54 / 10.90AccessoriesSpare die CRIMPFOX-CX 10,54/DIE 1212291CRIMPFOX-CX 10,90/DIE 121229220PhOENIX CONTACTCRIMPFOX crimping toolsCrimping pliers for FO connectorsThe CRIMPFOX-FO serves to process FOconnectors. The five marked die stationsfacilitate precise processing of differentcontact sizes.Type Order no.CRIMPFOX-FO 5,41 1212099Hexagonal wrench sizeDie stations 1 – 5 [mm] 3.25 / 3.84 / 4.52 / 5.0 / 5.41AccessoriesSpare die CRIMPFOX-FO 5,41/DIE 1212294Crimping pliers for D-SUB contactsThe CRIMPFOX-D SUB crimping pliers withintegrated contact processes high densityand standard contacts of 0.08 – 0.5 mm2.Type Order no.CRIMPFOX-DSUB 5 1212111Conductor [mm2] / AWG0.08 – 0.5 / 28 – 22AccessoriesSpare die CRIMPFOX-DSUB 5/DIE 1212287Crimping pliers for crimp snap-in contactsThe CRIMPFOX MT 2,5 is designed for thefollowing Phoenix Contact contacts fromthe COMBICON product range:3190564 MSTBC-MT 0,5-1,03190551 MSTBC-MT 1,5-2,53190577 ICC-MT 0,5-1,03190580 ICC-MT 1,5-2,53190438 STG-MTN 0,5-1,03190506 STG-MTN 1,5-2,5Type Order no.CRIMPFOX MT 2,5 1204038Conductor [mm2] / AWG0.5 – 2.5 / 20 – 12AccessoriesSpare die CRIMPFOX MT 2,5 DIE 1208050PhOENIX CONTACT21CRIMPFOX crimping toolsUniversal pliers for accommodating different crimp insertsAn excellent feature of the CRIMPFOX-Mcrimping pliers is the quick replacement ofcrimp inserts without the use of tools. Thelarge number of inserts makes it a space-saving universal tool for all applications.Type Order no.CRIMPFOX-M 1212072CRIMPFOX-M SET 1212093Basic pliers without die Contents: CRIMPFOX and dies1212074, 1212079, 1212080, 1212081AccessoriesDie, für ferrules0.25 – 10 mm2CRIMPFOX-M 10/DIE 1212080CRIMPFOX-M 10/DIE 1212080(included in the set) 16 – 25 mm2CRIMPFOX-M 25/DIE 1212081CRIMPFOX-M 25/DIE 1212081(included in the set) 35 – 50 mm2CRIMPFOX-M 50/DIE1212082CRIMPFOX-M 50/DIE 1212082Die, for insulated cable lugs0.5 – 1.5 mm2 and 1.5 – 2.5 mm2CRIMPFOX-M RCI 2,5/DIE 1212074CRIMPFOX-M RCI 2,5/DIE 1212074(included in the set) 0.1 – 0.4 mm2 and 4 – 6 mm2CRIMPFOX-M RCI 6/DIE 1212073CRIMPFOX-M RCI 6/DIE 1212073Die, for non-insulated cable lugs0.75 – 2.5 mm2CRIMPFOX-M RC 2,5/DIE 1212078CRIMPFOX-M RC 2,5/DIE 12120780.5 – 6 mm2CRIMPFOX-M RC 6/DIE 1212079CRIMPFOX-M RC 6/DIE 1212079(included in the set) 4 – 10mm2CRIMPFOX-M RC 10/DIE 1212077CRIMPFOX-M RC 10/DIE 1212077Die, for non-insulated slip-on sleeves0.1 – 1 mm2CRIMPFOX-M SC 1/DIE 1212083CRIMPFOX-M SC 1/DIE 12120830.5 – 2.5 mm2CRIMPFOX-M SC 2,5/DIE 1212084CRIMPFOX-M SC 2,5/DIE 12120840.5 – 6 mm2CRIMPFOX-M SC 6/DIE 1212085CRIMPFOX-M SC 6/DIE 1212085Die, for turned contacts2.5 – 4.0 mm2 / cross-section 0.14 – 4 mm2CRIMPFOX-M TC 4/DIE 1212075CRIMPFOX-M TC 4/DIE 12120754.0 mm2 / cross-section 6 – 10 mm2CRIMPFOX-M TC 10/DIE 1212076CRIMPFOX-M TC 10/DIE 1212076Die, for coaxial connectorsRG 174, RG 179, BNC, TNC CRIMPFOX-M CX 1/DIE 1212087CRIMPFOX-M CX 1/DIE 1212087RG 58, RG 59, RG 62, RG 71, BNC, TNC CRIMPFOX-M CX 2/DIE 1212088CRIMPFOX-M CX 2/DIE 1212088 CATV RG 6,59CRIMPFOX-M CX 3/DIE 1212089CRIMPFOX-M CX 3/DIE 1212089Die, for unshielded RJ45 connectors CRIMPFOX-M RJ45/DIE 1212090CRIMPFOX-M RJ45/DIE 1212090 Die, for unshielded RJ11 connectors CRIMPFOX-M RJ11/DIE 1212091CRIMPFOX-M RJ11/DIE 1212091 Die, for shrink butt connectors0.1 – 0.4 mm2 and 4 – 6 mm2CRIMPFOX-M HS-1/DIE 1212282CRIMPFOX-M HS-1/DIE 121228222PhOENIX CONTACTCRIMPFOX crimping toolsUniversal pliers for accommodating different crimp insertsThe wide variety of dies makes theCRIMPFOX-C … universal crimping pliersup to 120 mm2. Easy fold back jaw holdersallow quick replacement of dies. Amechanical drive system minimizes the forceneeded.Type Order no.CRIMPFOX-C50 1212340CRIMPFOX-C120 1212318Accessories: Die combinationsfor ferrulesUpper part of die50 mm2,70 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 AI 70/M-DIE 121233595 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 AI 95/M-DIE 1212336Lower part of die50 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 AI 50/F-DIE 121233770 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 AI 70/F-DIE 121233895 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 AI 95/F-DIE 1212339Accessories: Die combinationsfor non-insulated cable lugsUpper part of die6 – 35 mm2CRIMPFOX-C50 RC 35/M-DIE 12123436 – 70 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 RC 70/M-DIE 1212331Lower part of die25 mm2CRIMPFOX-C50 RC 25/F-DIE 121234435 mm2CRIMPFOX-C50 RC 35/F-DIE 121234510, 16, 25, 35 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 RC 35/F-DIE 12123326, 50 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 RC 50/F-DIE 121233310, 70 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 RC 70/F-DIE 1212334Accessories: Die pairfor insulated cable lugs10 mm2CRIMPFOX-C50 RCI 10/DIE 1212346CRIMPFOX-C120 RCI 10/DIE 121232716 mm2CRIMPFOX-C50 RCI 16/DIE 1212347CRIMPFOX-C120 RCI 16/DIE 121232825 mm2CRIMPFOX-C50 RCI 25/DIE 1212348CRIMPFOX-C120 RCI 25/DIE 121232935 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 RCI 35/DIE 1212330Accessories: Die pairfor copper tube lugs35 mm2CRIMPFOX-C50 RCT 35-1/DIE 121234116, 35 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 RCT 35-1/DIE 121232050 mm2CRIMPFOX-C50 RCT 50-1/DIE 121234225, 50 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 RCT 50-1/DIE 121232110, 70 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 RCT 70-1/DIE 121231995 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 RCT 95-1/DIE 1212322120 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 RCT 120-1/DIE 1212323Accessories: Pre-round die pairfor sector cable25, 35 mm2CRIMPFOX-C50 R25-35/DIE 121234935, 50 mm2CRIMPFOX-C50 R35-50/DIE 121235050, 70 mm2CRIMPFOX-C50 R50-70/DIE 121235125, 50 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 R25-50/DIE 121232435, 70 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 R35-70/DIE 121232595 mm2CRIMPFOX-C120 R95/DIE 1212326PhOENIX CONTACT23CRIMPFOX – The right connectors for the CRIMPFOX seriesFerrules with and without insulating collarFerrules from Phoenix Contact areavailable in different versions and colorcodes with and without plastic sleeves.All the versions are CSA-certified.Description Ferrules Ferrules Ferrules XL TWIN ferrulesVersion [mm2] / AWG0.25 – 35 / 24 – 20.25 – 120 / 24 – 5 1.5 – 16 / 16 – 6 2 x 0.5 – 2 x 16 / 2 x 20 – 2 x 6according to DIN 46228-1according to DIN 46228-4/NFC 63-023large insulating collar diameter large insulating collar diameterColor silver colored various color codes various colors various colorsFor more technical data and drawings, see www.phoenixcontact.de/eshop Ring and fork-type cable lugsThe ring and fork-type cable lugs have ahard-soldered neck and attain maximumconductor pull-out forces in connectionwith the CRIMPFOX RC/…R CI pliers.Description Ring cable lugs Ring cable lugs Fork-type cable lugs Fork-type cable lugs Version [mm2] / AWG 1 – 240 / 18 –500 1.5 – 10 / 16 – 8 1.5 – 6 / 16 – 10 1.5 – 6 / 16 – 10 Color silver colored various colors silver colored various colorsFor more technical data and drawings, see www.phoenixcontact.de/eshop Slip-on sleeves, flat connectorsEASY ENTRY – easy and safeconductor entryHard-soldered crimping zone formaximum pull-out forcesElectrolytically tin-platedHalogen-freeDescription Flat connectors Flat connectors Slip-on sleeves Slip-on sleeves Version [mm2] / AWG 1.5 – 2.5 / 16 – 14 1.5 – 6 / 16 – 10 1 – 6 / 18 – 10 1.5 – 6 / 16 – 10 Color silver colored various colors silver colored various colorsFor more technical data and drawings, see www.phoenixcontact.de/eshop Flat pin and pin cable lugsEASY ENTRY – easy and safeconductor entryHard-soldered crimping zone formaximum pull-out forcesElectrolytically tin-platedHalogen-freeDescription Flat pin cable lugs Pin cable lugsVersion [mm2] / AWG 1.5 – 6 / 16 – 10 1.5 – 6 / 16 – 10Color various colors various colorsFor more technical data and drawings, see www.phoenixcontact.de/eshop24PhOENIX CONTACTT ool and crimping setsTOOL DATA SET Order no. 1208856TOOL SET ALLROUND 2Order No 1208843TOOL SET ALLROUND 3Order No 1208953Set for cutting, stripping and crimpingconsisting of:Cable cutter for copper and aluminum with a diameter up ?to 12 mm, CUTFOX 12Stripping tool for stripping multicore signal, control and ?glass fiber wires of 2.5 – 11 mm diameter, WIREFOX-D11 Basic pliers for accommodating dies for different contact ? types, CRIMPFOX-MDie for CRIMPFOX-M, for unshielded RJ45 connectors ? Set for cutting, stripping and crimpingconsisting of:Cable cutter for copper and aluminum with a diameterup to 12 mm, CUTFOX 12Stripping tool for conductors and cables 0.02 – 10 mm2,WIREFOX 10Crimping pliers for ferrules for of 0.14 – 10 mm2,CRIMPFOX 10SSet for stripping, crimping and screwingconsisting of:Stripping tool for conductors and cables 0.02 – 10 mm2,WIREFOX 10Crimping pliers with integrated pressure lock for ferrulesof 0.5 – 6 mm2, with self-aligned die, insertion from thefront, CRIMPFOX 6S-FFerrules, 50 pcs. each:– AI 2,5-8 BUFerrules, 100 pcs. each:– AI 0,75-8 GY– AI 1-8 RD– AI 1,5-8 BKScrewdriver for slotted-head screws, SZF 1-0,6X3,5TOOL-KIT STANDARD Order no. 1212422CRIMPSET 6Order no. 1202072AI SORTI BOX RD Order no. 3202960 Set for cutting, stripping, crimping and screwingconsisting of:Front cable cutter for copper and aluminum with a ?diameter up to 18 mm (up to 50 mm2) CUTFOX 18 Stripping tool for stripping wires of 4.5 – 40 mm of ? diameter with insulating thickness up to 4.5 mm WIREFOX-D 40Stripping pliers for stripping of conductors and cables of ?0.02 – 10 mm2 WIREFOX 10Crimping pliers for ferrules with self-aligned die, front ?conductor entry and unlockable pressure lock CRIMPFOX 6S-FScrewdriver SZF 1-0,6X3,5Assortment box, metalconsisting of:Ferrules in accordance with DIN 46228-4:1990-09, CSA-certified500 pcs. each:– AI 0,25-6 YE– AI 0,34-6 TQ– AI 0,5-8 WH– AI 0,75-8 GY– AI 1-8 RD– AI 1,5-8 BK300 pcs.:– AI 2,5-8 BU200 pcs.:100 pcs.:– AI 6-12 YEStripping tool for wires and conductors up to 6 mm2Crimping pliers with integrated pressure lock for ferrulesof 0.5 – 6 mm2, insertion from the frontAssortment box, redconsisting of:Ferrules in accordance with DIN 46228-4,CSA-certified50 pcs. each:– AI 0,5-8 WH, AI 2,5-8 BU100 pcs. each:– AI 0,75-8 GY, AI 1-8 RD, AI 1,5-8 BKFor more assortment boxes, seewww.phoenixcontact.de/eshopPhOENIX CONTACT2526 PhOENIX CONTACTThe screwdrivers from Phoenix Contact are adapted optimally to the terminal block screws. This and ergonomically designed handles facilitate the transmission of the required torques with adequate force. Finely adjustable torque and battery-powered screwdrivers round off the product range.Maximum force transferDual-component handles and handles with good grip ensure an optimum hold, thus making work fatigue-free.Precise torqueThe finely adjustable torque allows tocustomize various screw sizes optimally and ensures constant torque any time.Battery-powered screwdriver The extremely accurate battery-powered torque screwdriver, ASD 21 is the ideal one-hand tool for effectively connecting conductors to screw connections.SCREWFOXScrewdriver and torque screwdriverSCREWFOX screwdriver toolsScrewdriver to actuate spring and quick connection terminal blocksIn addition to their standard applications,the screwdrivers of the SZF series are alsosuitable for actuating the modular terminalblocks of the ST … and QTC … series.Type Order no.Blade: 0.4 x 2.5 x 75 mm, length: 156 mm SZF 0-0,4X2,5 1204504Blade: 0.6 x 3.5 x 100 mm, length: 181 mm SZF 1-0,6X3,5 1204517ST-BW 1207608Blade: 0.8 x 4.0 x 100 mm, length: 198 mm SZF 2-0,8X4,0 1204520Blade: 1.0 x 5.5 x 150 mm, length: 248 mm SZF 3-1,0X5,5 1206612Philips screwdriver, VDE Philips screwdriverScrewdrivers from Phoenix Contact withtheir blades ensure a large bearing surfacein the screw head. Only in this way can therequired torque be achieved.Type Order no.Blade: 0.4 x 2.0 x 60 mm, length: 157 mm SZS 0,4X2,0 1205202Blade: 0.6 x 3.5 x 100 mm, length: 181 mm SZS 0,6X3,5 1205053Blade: 1.0 x 5.5 x 150 mm, length: 248 mm SZS 0,4X2,5 1205037Blade: 0.4 x 2.5 x 75 mm, length: 156 mm SZS 0,5X3,0 1207404Blade: 1.0 x 5.5 x 150 mm, length: 248 mm SZS 0,6X2,5 1205040Blade: 0.4 x 2.5 x 75 mm, length: 156 mm SZS 1,0X4,0 1205066Blade: 1.0 x 5.5 x 150 mm, length: 248 mm SZS 1,0X5,5 1209114Blade: 0.4 x 2.5 x 75 mm, length: 156 mm SZS 1,0X6,5 1205079Blade: 1.0 x 5.5 x 150 mm, length: 248 mm SZS 1,2X8,0 1205082VDE screwdriver for test socket screwsThe SZG … screwdrivers are ideal for slip-free and safe drive of the test socket screwswith 2.3 und 4 mm diameter.Type Order no.Blade: 0.6 x 3.5 x 100 mm, length: 198 mm SZG 0,6X3,5 1205121Blade: 0.9 x 6.5 x 175 mm, length: 287 mm SZG 0,9X6,5 1205134VDE Phillips screwdrivers with Phillips and Pozidriv drive.The VDE protection-insulated screwdriversfor Phillips screws are available in thePozidriv / Supadriv and Phillips recessversions.Type Order no.Size: PZ0 x 80 mm, length: 161 mm SZK PZ0 1206447Size: PZ1 x 80 mm, length: 161 mm SZK PZ1 1206450Size: PZ2 x 100 mm, length: 205 mm SZK PZ2 1206463Size: PH0 x 80 mm, length: 161 mm SZK PH0 1205147Size: PH1 x 80 mm, length: 161 mm SZK PH1 1205150Size: PH2 x 100 mm, length: 205 mm SZK PH2 1205163PhOENIX CONTACT2728 PhOENIX CONTACTSCREWFOX screwdriver toolsSocket wrench for hexagon head screwsSocket wrench for tightening hexagon head screws and nuts. Dual-component handles and handles with good grip ensure an optimum hold.TypeOrder no.Wrench size 5.5 mm SHN 5,5 1209855Wrench size 8.0 mm SHN 8 1209868Wrench size 13 mmSHN 13 1209923VDE socket wrench for hexagonal socket-head screwsWith easy-to-handle and wide T -form of the fully insulated hexagonal socket-head Allen wrench, high tightening torques can be achieved.TypeOrder no.Wrench size 5 mm VDE-ISS 5 1203343Wrench size 6 mm VDE-ISS 6 1201934Wrench size 8 mmVDE-ISS 8 1201947Control cabinet keyUniversal control cabinet key with the following closures:6 mm square ? 7 – 8 mm square ? 7 – 8 mm triangle ? 3 – 5 mm doubleType Order /doc/9332130676a20029bc642d82.html S 4 1203149Screwdriver setsType Order no.SZ SORTI 1 1202085SZ SORTI 2 1202098 DescriptionScrewdriver assortment Screwdriver assortment consisting of:consisting of:SZS 0,4X2,5 1205037SZS 1,0X4,0 1205066SZS 0,6X2,5 1205040SZS 1,0X6,5 1205079SZS 0,6X3,5 1205053SZG 0,9X6,51205134SZG 0,6X3,51205121SCREWFOX screwdriver toolsT orque screw driver with hexagonal fast connectionThe extremely accurate torque screwdrivers that can be set finely acoordingto EN ISO 6789 are tailored to PhoenixContact products with screw connection.– TSD-M 1,2NM 0.3 – 1.2 Nm– TSD-M 3NM 1.2 – 3.0 Nm– TSD-M 6NM 3.0 – 6.0 NmType Order no.TSD-M 1,2NM 1212224TSD-M 6NM 1212226Type Order no.TSD-M 3NM 1212225AccessoriesT ool bits for slotted-head screwsBlade: 0.5 x 3.0 mm, length: 50 mm, tough but flexible ASD BIT 0,5X3,0X50 1203961ASD BIT 0,5X3,0X50 1203961 Blade: 0.6 x 3.5 mm, length: 50 mm, tough but flexible ASD BIT 0,6X3,5X50 1203974ASD BIT 0,6X3,5X50 1203974 Blade: 0.6 x 3.5 mm, length: 70 mm, tough but flexible ASD BIT 0,6X3,5X70 1203987ASD BIT 0,6X3,5X70 1203987 Blade: 0.8 x 4.0 mm, length: 50 mm, tough but flexible ASD BIT 0,8X4,0X50 1203990ASD BIT 0,8X4,0X50 1203990More tool bitsBlade: 1.0 x 5.5 mm, length: 50 mm, tough but flexible ASD BIT 1,0X5,5X50 1204009ASD BIT 1,0X5,5X50 1204009see www.phoenixcontact.de/eshop Battery-powered torque screwdriverThe battery-powered screwdriver has thefollowing characteristics:Right/Left rotation2-gear transmission21-level coupling with drilling levels of upto 600 rpm6.5 mm hexagon fast connection drillchuckType Order no.ASD 21 1208526ASD 21 SET 120V 1208542ASD 21 SET 230V 1208490Description Adjustable from 0.3 – 4.4 Nm consisting of:Accuracy ± 5%Battery-powered torque screwdriverincluding power pack 1.2 Ah incl. power packCharger 120 V or 230 VBits and user manualAluminum caseAccessoriesT ool bits for slotted-head screwsBlade: 0.5 x 3.0 mm, length: 50 mm, tough but flexible ASD BIT 0,5X3,0X 50 1203961ASD BIT 0,5X3,0X 50 1203961 Blade: 0.6 x 3.5 mm, length: 50 mm, tough but flexible ASD BIT 0,6X3,5X 50 1203974ASD BIT 0,6X3,5X 50 1203974 Blade: 0.6 x 3.5 mm, length: 70 mm, tough but flexible ASD BIT 0,6X3,5X 70 1203987ASD BIT 0,6X3,5X 70 1203987 Blade: 0.8 x 4.0 mm, length: 50 mm, tough but flexible ASD BIT 0,8X4,0X 50 1203990ASD BIT 0,8X4,0X 50 1203990More tool bitsBlade: 1.0 x 5.5 mm, length: 50 mm, tough but flexible ASD BIT 1,0X5,5X 50 1204009ASD BIT 1,0X5,5X 50 1204009see www.phoenixcontact.de/eshop Hexagonal torque screwdriver with preset torqueThe preset 4 mm hexagonal torquescrewdrivers are suitable especially fortightening the pressure nuts and sensor /actuator cables of distributor boxes fromthe PLUSCON product range.Type Order no.Accessories: Nuts forBlade: 0.4 x 2.5 x 75 mm, 0.2 Nm TSD 02 SAC 1208487Cable, M8 plug connector SAC BIT M8-D10 1208461self assembled cable, M8 connector SACC BIT M8-D12 1208474 Blade: 0.6 x 3.5 x 100 mm, 0.4 Nm TSD 04 SAC 1208429Cable, M12 connector SAC BIT M12-D15 1208432Cable, M12 connector SACC BIT M12-D20 1208445 Blade: 0.8 x 4.0 x 100 mm, 2.0 Nm TSD 20 SAC 1212020Pressure nuts, wrench size 13 mm SAC BIT QUICKON-W13 1212033 Blade: 1.0 x 5.5 x 150 mm, 2.5 Nm TSD 25 SAC 1212315Pressure nuts, wrench size 24 mm SAC BIT HOOD-W24 1212486PhOENIX CONTACT29High-quality measuring tools are available with the TESTFOX multimeters, current pliers and voltage testers that are tested and approved as per the nationally and internationally applicable standards.They allow measurement of all standard measurement types and serve as the ideal solution in all fields of application, electrical installation and the service.Wide range of functionsThe TESTFOX M-1 offers all standard measurement types and temperature measurements in a compact housing.Versatile useThe TESTFOX CC-1 also allowsmeasurement of low AC/DC currentsabove 10 mA and is ideal in the area ofphotovoltaics.Measuring without errorsA load can be connected through twopushbuttons in order to rule out erroneousmeasurements due to reactive voltage.TESTFOXMeasuring and testing devices30PhOENIX CONTACTTESTFOX testing and measuring devicesThe DUSPOL EXPERT voltage andcontinuity tester has the following features:Single-pos. test of the phase conductor(phase)Measuring point lightingAcoustic and optical continuity testLoad connection using a pushbuttonVibration alarm for safe voltage detectionSurge voltage category CAT IV 500 V asper IEC/EN 61243-3Type Order no.PROFIPOL 1209101DUSPOL EXPERT 1209091Voltage range [V DC] 6 ... 40012 (750)Voltage range [V AC] 6 … 40012 … 690For further technical data, see Protection class IP65IP64www.phoenixcontact.de/eshopThe current pliers can be used in the caseof voltages of up to 600 V, category III.They combine the functions of a digitalmultimeter with those of current pliers ina compact and practical IP30 housing. Allmeasuring ranges are overload-protected.Type Order no.TESTFOX CC 1212210TESTFOX CC-1 1212211Display scope2000 digits4000 digitsDisplay accuracy1,0%0,5%Voltage AC0.1 mV – 600 V0.1 mV – 600 VVoltage DC0.1 mV – 600 V0.1 mV – 600 VCurrent AC0.1 A – 400 A10 mA – 300 ACurrent DC–10 mA – 300 AResistance0,1 Ω – 20 M Ω0,1 Ω – 40 M ΩFor further technical data, see Continuity test Acoustic (20 Ω)Acoustic (50 Ω)www.phoenixcontact.de/eshop The digital multimeters with volt sensorfunction are impressive due to theirtechnology and their quality. They are testedand approved as per the internationallyapplicable standards IEC/EN 61010. Thedevices can be used in the case of voltagesof up to 600 V, category III or 1000 V,category II.Type Order no.TESTFOX M 1212208TESTFOX M-1 1212209Display scope2000 digits2000 digitsDisplay accuracy0.5%0.5%Volt sensor yes yesVoltage AC0.1 mV – 750 V0.1 mV – 750 V。



7th International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (ICASET 2017) Fabrication and Characterization of Nano MgO CrystalHaicheng Wei1,a Lisheng Tang2,b Mingxia Xiao1,c Yajie Xu1,d1School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Beifang University For Nationalities, Yinchuan,Ningxia, China2Beijing Hui Feng Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing, China a**************.cn b********************c*****************d***************Abstract: In this work, the direct precipitation method was used to generate magnesium salt Mg(OH)2, the process of preparing MgO crystal by calcining Mg(OH)2 in three stage temperature was studied, and MgO crystal was characterized by scanning electron microscope and XRD. On this basis, the energy band structure and states density of Mgo crystal were calculated by the first principle theory, the influence of crystal orientation on Mgo secondary electron emission was analyzed. The experimental results show that the MgO prepared by this method is cubic crystal. The grain size is evenly distributed in the vicinity of 40.65nm. The crystal orientation is of (200), (111), (220) and along the (200) orientation preferential growth.Keyword:MgO Crystal, Secondary Electron Emission, First Principle theory, Direct Precipitation MethodIntroductionMgO is a kind of metal oxide material, which has capacities of good insulation, chemical inertness and sputtering resistance. Since MgO has the factors of high coefficient of secondary electron emission, stable working performance, can withstand high current density, craft process simple, it is widely used as materials secondary electron emitter. It is important component of optoelectronic detecting instruments and flat panel display devices [1]. In the related research field, MgO can be used as the dielectric protective film material of the gas discharge device[2], and the improvement of the surface electron emission ability has become the key factor to improve the luminous efficiency of the device [3][4]. It is important to study the preparation technology of MgO material in high Xe environment, which can increase the number of secondary electron emission on the surface of MgO material and improve the luminous efficiency of the device [5].But there are some problems come out with the increase of Xe content in the working gas of MgO, such as the increase of discharge delay and the decrease of the response speed of the device. Kim et al. study on the effects of the exo-electron on MgO materials for addressing speed, put forward by increasing the number of the exo-electron methods to improve addressing speed [6]. Because of the high specific surface of nano MgO crystal by using microcrystalline particles, the exo-electron emission quantity will be improved, the speed of electron emission will be accelerated, the discharge delay time will be reduced, the stability of discharge will be improved. Therefore, it is very important to fabricate the high purity and consistency MgO particles for improving the electron emission characteristics of optoelectronic devices.In this paper, the microstructure of MgO crystal was studied, and the precursor of MgO was prepared by low cost liquid phase synthesis method. The preparation process of nano MgO crystal material was explored, which could guide the preparation of MgO material. The related research hasa theoretical and practical significance for understanding the relationship between the microstructure of MgO materials and the electron emission coefficient.Theory of MgO exo-electron emissionGeneral MgO primitive cell model could consult Sasaki’s studies [7]. According to the reference, MgO has the same cubic cell structure as NaCl, which belongs to the space group FM-3M. Standard MgO model contains 14 Mg2+ and 13 O2-, shown as Fig 1Fig. 1 Nano Mgo primitive cell modelInside nano MgO, the relaxation of electrons and holes, composite process that is captured by the forbidden band of electron in absorbing composite process of energy released from the surface of the MgO style after injection. This escape electron emission belongs to MgO material itself or into electrons and holes of MgO style after a slow delay compound produced by the electron emission. The main processes of escape electron emission of nanometer MgO style crystal are:1) Electron irradiation in vacuum ultraviolet or electron collision excitation to the conduction band; 2) Shallow hole level can capture these electrons; 3) Captured through thermal excitation effect to be excited to conduction band again, and after drift in MgO style crystal, was captured by the hole again; 4) Radiation centers capture some electronic drift; 5) Electron in the band gaps by VUV irradiation or auger effect to the excitation energy to the discharge space form the run-up to erase the wall charges required.Cathode electron excitation spectra showed that nano MgO crystal material itself has an oxygen defect in MgO crystal and a broad peak related to near 400 nm wavelength. Single crystal MgO particles in electron and ultraviolet photon excitation, will have two peaks near 400 nm and 235 nm. The emission peaks exist in single crystal MgO particles, and luminous summit increases will increase with the size of MgO single crystal. The emission peak is mainly composed of the Auger recombination process of electron and hole in the composite produced by 235nm (5.3eV) VUV. In the single crystal MgO, the hole and electron recombination process, which can make the electrons in the forbidden band escape into the discharge space, can enhance the electron emission properties of the MgO materialsTherefore, Yan team [9][10] and Chiang[11] and others believe that the existing electronic single crystal MgO nano particles in the composite hole trap can produce desired electron and hole. Nano MgO crystal coating on the surface of MgO film, can increase the exo-electron emission surface, improve the low bit delay, improve the discharge stability. The preparation of nano MgO has an important significance for improving the photoelectric properties of MgO materials.Fabrication method of nano MgO crystalThe preparation of MgO nano particles with high purity was divided into MgO precursor preparation and MgO crystal preparation. In this paper, the precursor Mg(OH)2 was prepared by direct precipitation method, and the MgO crystal was prepared by calcination method [12].Fabrication of Mg(OH)2Morphology of prepared MgO precursor Mg(OH)2 was influence on the following morphology of MgO crystal in a certain extent. The precursor crystal morphology, size and crystal orientation related by the technics of preparation. It is necessary to consider the process parameters in the preparation process.The experiment mainly adopts magnesium salt C 4H 6O 4Mg·4H 2O, using NaOH as precipitant, selection of ethylene glycol as dispersing agent, to preparation of Mg(OH)2. The experiment was prepared by direct precipitation method, mainly studied in the process of preparation of magnesium salt and precipitant concentration on precursor shape looks and the influence of particle size.When the precipitant concentration increased from 0.25M to 1.25M, the reaction in direct precipitation under ultrasonic condition, the Mg(OH)2 shape changed from flake into rod gradually. When the initial concentration of magnesium salt increased from 0.4M to 0.8M, the Mg(OH)2 particle size increases gradually, grain boundaries become blur, shown in Fig. 2.Fig.2 Photos of Different preparation magnesium hydroxide precipitant and the initial concentration of magnesium salt SEM (a:precipitation agent 0.25M; b: precipitation agent 1.25M; c: magnesium salt 0.4M; d: precipitation agent 0.8 M)The reasons affecting the reactant concentration on the morphology and size of the precursor body are: there are two stages nucleation and grain growth of grain growth. If the concentration of reactants is too low, it is difficult to form a large number of homogeneous nucleation, grain will growth on the nucleation which has been formed priority, which makes easy to get great number of grain. When the concentration of reactants is too high, crystal nucleation rates greater than the growth rate, add with reactants produce a large number of crystal nucleus instantly, nucleus grew up too late, so the surface free energy is very high, it is easy to agglomerate. Therefore, when the precipitant concentration of Mg2+ is relatively large at the beginning time, degree of super saturation is great, and the nucleation rate is greater than the growth rate, it is easy to get small solids precipitation. But when the nucleation density is too large, it will lead to the blurring of the boundaries between the grains.Fabrication of nano MgO crystalMgO was prepared by three stage calcination heating process, and the MgO crystal was prepared by calcination of Mg(OH)2 with temperature control, and the calcination process can be described as formula (1).90022()Mg OH MgO H O −−−→+↑℃(1)In response, in order to ensure the crystal morphology and grain size of MgO crystal, the calcination process of experiment in environmental samples under nitrogen atmosphere, heating up to 1350℃, the heating rate is 5℃/min, and set the temperature control heating curve according to the TG standard drawing precursor.There are three heating temperature control curve, corresponding to the sample area. The multi segment weight loss, weight loss rate of sample temperature peak occurred at 340~427℃, the temperature of the sample. The weight loss rate is 20.82%. High loss rate showed that Mg(OH)2 is under this temperature decomposition. In addition, the weight loss of.355℃ belongs to the decomposition of organic matter caused by weightlessness temperature near the point of 709.3~778.2℃ also has 10.07%. Since then, the highest temperature point control reaction heat treatment at 1156℃, can reduce the surface defects of crystal grain, and the grain size of material, crystal etc. Finally, when the temperature rises to 1346.5℃, the residual MgO mass is about 62.62%, and the specific process is shown in Fig. 3.Fig 3 Mg(OH)2 calcined hot weight standardIn the calcination experiments, The morphology of precursor can extent affect the shape of MgO style after calcining, flake of precursor will become cube morphology of MgO after calcining, rod-shaped precursor still keeps stick style of MgO after calcination. This is mainly because the precursor sheet can provide a good atmosphere, calcination process of crystallization is more uniform. And for the long rod precursor, crystal growth will be preferred in some direction in calcination.In addition, the pretreatment of precursor will also affect the purity of crystal MgO. The Mg(OH)2 was cleaned and purified several times, and the experimental results show that the increase in the number of cleaning will removing impurities and increase the purity of nano MgO crystal, shown in Tab 1.Tab1 The purity of MgO prepared by different processingContent of elements in MgO (%)ProcessingC Na Si S CaClearing 5 0.320.014 0.03 0.0140.026Clearing 7 0.2<0.0050.00700.0100.0050Character of nano MgO CrystalThe MgO crystal was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and it is found that sheet Mg(OH)2 will formed cube structure MgO crystal powder after calcined. The crystallization and grain size of the powder is with expectations, as shown in Fig 4.Fig.4 SEM of MgO formed by calcination of sheet Mg(OH)2The analysis of crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) preparation showed that the test data are fit the date of standard cubic test card (JCPDS87-0653 space groups Fm 3m). Under the condition of the corresponding process, the powder of MgO style is cube structure, the grain size at 2θ=36.937°, 42.917°, 62.304°, 74.691°, 78.630° appear diffraction peaks at (111), (200), (220), (311), (222), the diffraction peak is sharp, except for slight instrument test migration, no phase diffraction peaks exist. The results show that the MgO crystal has high purity, good crystallinity and crystal growth along (200),and the results are shown in Fig 5. 30405060708020406080100Fm 3m (JCPDS87-0653) Sample 0100200300400500(222)(311)(220)(200) I n t e n s i t y (a .u .) I n t e n s i t y (a .u .)2-Theta(degree)(111)Fig.5 XRD test results of nano crystalline MgO structureGet MgO data obtained by the above XRD test into the Scherrer formula, you can estimate the size of the grain, shown in Figure (2).cos K D λβθ= (2) In the formula, the constant K is 0.943, D is the average thickness of the grain is perpendicular to the plane direction, β is the half height breadth of the samples’ diffraction peaks, θ is diffraction angle, X-ray wavelength is 0.154056 nm.From the results of this experiment, β is 0.22 nm, θ is 21.46°, estimated grain size is 40.65nm. As described in the reference, the results which MgO style is cubic grain and the grain size distributed in the range of 50nm are approximate.ConclusionNano MgO crystal has the larger specific surface area, the higher the exo-electron emission characteristics, It has wider application. The preparation of MgO precursor using low cost solution,and the calcination process of preparation of MgO is an important method for the preparation of MgO crystal.The Mg(OH)2 was prepared by direct precipitation in this article, the multistage calcination temperature control sheet was adopted to prepare MgO style crystal precursor, finally got MgO crystal orientation at (111), (200), (220), (311), (222). Experimental results show that the crystal orientation selective extension at (200), grain size is 40.65nm, showing a high degree of crystallinity.AcknowledgmentThis work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation(No. 61461001).References[1]Weber Boeuf J. Plasma display panels: physics, recent developments and key issues[J]. Journal of physics D: Applied physics, 2003, 36 (6): R53-R57.[2]Yan Q, Deng X, Lu Z, et al. 44.1: Invited Paper: High Luminous Efficacy PDP Using CaMgO Protecting Layer[C]. L.A. USA: SID, 2011:633-636.[3]Ha CH, Kim JK, Whang KW. 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名称额定电压 V额定电流 A额定横截面 mm²长 mm 宽 mm 高 mm1信号、小电流UK2.580024 2.542.5 5.2422UT4100032447.7 6.2473UK5N 80032442.5 6.2474UK6N 80041642.58.2475UK16800761042.510.2546UT3510001253560.21665.77UK351000125355015.1628URTK/S 400416728.251.59RTO 4-T-TC 50041682.412.35110接地USLKG+红色 +RD 绿色 +GN 蓝色 +BU 黄色 +YE 橙色 +OG 棕色 +BN 黑色 +BK 白色 +WH 米白色 +BG 混.黑黄+FE终端固定件E/UK 50.59.535.3AP-ME METER 13866.58.2AP 3 CM 8966.510AP 2 CM 55.556.45分断大电流保护盖罩中、大电流颜色颜色表颜色表里的端子所有端子不一定有颜色表里端板隔板桥接件 螺桥接件 插标识条D-UK2.5ATP-UK FBRI 10-5N EBL 10-5ZB5 LGS1-9D-UT 2,5/10ATP-UK FBS 10-6ZB6 LGS1-10D-UK4/10ATP-UK FBI 10-6EB 10-6ZB6 LGS1-10D-UK4/10ATP-UK FBI 10-8EB 10-8ZB6 LGS1-10D-UK16ATP-UK FBI 10-10EB 10-10ZB10 LGS1-10TPNS-UK FBS 2-16ZB16 LGS1-10KT-S FBI 3-15D-URTK ATS-RTK FB 10-RTK/SSB 4-RTK/SEB 10-8ZB8 LGS1-10D-RT4-TTPNS-UKFBS 10-6ZB8 LGS1-10KLM-A终端固定架中间支撑架APH-ME APT-ME AP 3-TNS 35AP 3-TU AP 2-TU KS AP 2-TU附件:的端子颜色越不常用货期越长。



R E N A L C A R EPHOENIX ONE PHOENIX ONE DSWATER TREATMENT FOR DIALYSISPHOENIX ONEPHOENIX ONE DSRE V ER SE O SMO SI SPHOENIX ONE DS SAFE, HYGIENIC, COST EFFECTIVE234OPTIMIZATION OF WATER TREATMENT AND COSTS WITH NIPRO’S PROACTIVE SERVICECONTINUOUS MONITORING• C ontinuous surveillance, recording and analysis of monitoring systems for optimal performance, ensuring reduced energy and water consumption for long-lasting savings on operational costs.• A nnual quality report based on system parameters.AUTOMATIC ERROR MESSAGING•Email notification on alarms for water treatment, heat sterilization device, or softener are directly sent to our Technical Service or an alternative address.COST EFFECTIVE REMOTE ACCESS• R emote access allows easy modification toprograms or parameter settings, error analysis, and software updates. • R educed spontaneous service calls.• T hanks to the connected unit, our TechnicalService and authorized personnel can gain access at any time and from any location.SIMPLE OPERATION• U ser-friendly interface for easy access byhealthcare professionals and dialysis technicians.• T ouch screen panel with key daily routine functions displayed.InternetContinuous monitoringAutomatic error messagingmessagingHOSPITALPATENTED PHOENIX MULTI-LOOP SERVICE CONCEPTDead zone-free permeate supply to dialysis machinesMulti Loop System - Hot Water SanitisationPHOENIX MULTI-LOOPThe presence of biofilm can cause seriouscomplications for dialysis patients. It canalso limit and deteriorate a water treatmentsystem because of poor water quality. Forthis reason, Nipro designed its multi-loopsystem to prevent biofilm formation.Starting from the main ring line made ofPVDF, the permeate supply is achievedthrough individual loops. Up to 6 dialysismachines can be connected to the loop. Byvirtue of their small diameter, connectionlines between the main loop and dialysismachines maintain a permanent high-speed flow, even when the dialysismachines are turned off. Therefore, theentire circuit is safeguarded from biofilmformation.5FULL SERVICE CONTRACT*•A nnual maintenance in accordance with maintenance protocol•S afety controls every two years•C ontinuous system monitoring via remote access•N ecessary replacement parts for repairs•T ravel and work costs for maintenance, Safety controls, and service calls•N ipro Proactive ServiceMAINTENANCE AND MONITORING CONTRACT*•A nnual maintenance in accordance with maintenance protocol•S afety controls every two years•W eekly system monitoring via remote access•T ravel and work costs for maintenance and Safety controls•N ipro Proactive ServiceYOUR PARTNER FOR CUSTOM INSTALLATIONS IN DIALYSIS CENTERS •R everse osmosis systems•H ot water sterilization systems (flow heater and tank solutions)•P ermeate ring lines made of PVDF and Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)•C entral concentrate supply•M edia supply systems•D ialysis system walls•F urnishing of dialysis centers•P rofessional planning and construction of dialysis centers* Please contact your local Nipro representative for more information. Details found on back.6PHOENIX ONE IS A SINGLE STAGE RO, WHEREAS THE PHOENIX ONE DS IS A DOUBLE STAGE RO. THE DOUBLE STAGE RO ENSURES:•F ull redundancy in case of breakdown of one RO stage. Electronic motor valves facilitate immediate useof the remaining RO stage.•T he h ighest dialysis water purity.o water waste. Waste water from the second stage gets reused in the first stage.•NPhoenix One – Single Stage ROPhoenix One DS – Double Stage ROWater treatment systems of the Phoenix One DS and Phoenix One family are approved as Class IIb medical productsin accordance with EC Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC.7NIPRO MEDICAL AUSTRIA GMBH :Divischgasse 4, 1210 Wien, AUSTRIA | T: +43 1 532 23 14 | F: +43 1 532 23 14 89NIPRO EUROPE - EGYPT :Nile City Towers, 22nd Floor, North Tower, Nile City, Towers, Cornich El Nile, 11624 Ramelt Beaulac, Cairo, EGYPT NIPRO MEDICAL FRANCE S.A. :Biopôle Clermont-Limagne, 63360 Saint Beauzire, FRANCE | T: +33 (0)473 33 41 00 | F: +33 (0)473 33 41 09NIPRO MEDICAL GERMANY GMBH :Kokkolastrasse 5, 40882 Ratingen, GERMANY | T: +49 (0)2102 564 60 81 | F: +49 (0)2102 564 60 90NIPRO MEDICAL EUROPE NV - ITALY :Centro Direzionale Milanofiori, Strada 1 - Palazzo F1, 20090 Assago (Milano), ITALY | T: +39 (0)2 57 50 00 57 | F: +39 (0)2 57 51 81 11NIPRO MEDICAL IVORY COAST :Selmer Lot n°18, Abidjan-Cocody Riviera, Abidjan, Ivory Coast NIPRO MEDICAL EUROPE NV - NETHERLANDS :Verlengde Poolseweg 16, 4818 CL Breda, NETHERLANDS | T: +31 (0)76 524 50 99 | F: +31 (0)76 524 46 66NIPRO MEDICAL NIGERIA LTD. :9 Adelabu Close, Off Toyin Street, 100271 Ikeja, Lagos State, NIGERIA | T: +234 (0)802 706 7065NIPRO MEDICAL POLAND SP. Z O.O. :Ul. Panska 73, 00-834 Warszawa, POLAND | T: +48 (0)22 31 47 155 | F: +48 (0)22 31 47 152NIPRO EUROPE - PORTUGAL :Avd. Da Liberdade 249, 1° Andar, 1205-143 Lisboa, PORTUGAL | T: +34 (0)91 878 29 21 | F: +34 (0)91 878 28 40NIPRO MEDICAL EUROPE - RUSSIAN REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE :12 Krasnopresnenskaya Nab., Office 1407, entrance 6, 123610 Moscow, RUSSIA | T: +7 (0)495 258 1364 | T: +7 (0)495 258 1365NIPRO MEDICAL SENEGAL S.U.A.R.L. : 27 Avenue Georges Pompidou, Dakar, SENEGAL NIPRO MEDICAL D.O.O. BEOGRAD :Bastovanska 68a, 11000 Belgrade, SERBIA | T: +381 (0)11 75 15 578NIPRO MEDICAL SOUTH AFRICA (PTY) LTD :4B Dwyka Street, Stikland Industria, Cape Town, 7530, SOUTH AFRICA | T: + 27 21 949-2635 | F: +27 21 949-2397Unit 20&21, Falcon Lane, Lanseria Business Park, Erf 805 Lanseria Corporate Estate, Pelindaba Rd.,Lanseria Ext. 26, Gauteng, SOUTH AFRICA | T: + 27 11 431 1114 / 26 | F: +27 11 431 1115NIPRO MEDICAL EUROPE NV - SPAIN :Poligono Los Frailes n° 93 y 94, Daganzo, 28814 Madrid, SPAIN | T: +34 (0)91 884 5531 | F: +34 (0)91 878 2840NIPRO MEDIKAL SAĞ.HIZ.TIC.LTD.ŞTI. :Aziziye Mah.Pilot Sok.17/4, 6540 Çankaya-Ankara, TURKEY | T: +90 (0)312 442 21 12 | F: +90 (0)312 442 21 92NIPRO MEDICAL UK LTD. :25 Barnes Wallis Road, Segensworth East, Fareham Hampshire PO15 5TT, UNITED KINGDOM | T: +44 148 985 48 30Nipro Medical Europe : European Headquarters, Blokhuisstraat 42, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium T: +32 (0)15 263 500 | F: +32 (0)15 263 510 |***********************| Please contact your local representative for more information.ENNipro Renal Care is part of Nipro Corporation J apan, a leading global healthcare company established in 1954. With over 28.000 employees worldwide, Nipro serves the Medical Device, Pharmaceutical, and Pharmaceutical Packaging industries.Nipro Renal Care is a global market leader with over 5 decades providing renal solutions for dialysis and dialysis-related treatment. We specialize in developing dialysis machines, water treatment systems, and a comprehensive portfolio of disposable medical equipment.In order to address the needs of patients, healthcare professionals, and procurement managers alike, Nipro Renal Care is driven by innovation and patient safety to offer the highest quality products that optimize time, effort, and costs.BECAUSE EVERY LIFE DESERVES AFFORDABLE CAREB r o -P h o e n i x _O n e _O n e _D S - E N - 03.J u l .19P r o d u c t s a r e c o n t i n u o u s l y u n d e r r e v i e w i n t h e l i g h t o f t e c h n i c a l a d v a n c e m e n t ; t h e a c t u a l s p e c i f i c a t i o n s m a y t h e r e f o r e b e s u b j e c t t o i m p r o v e m e n t o r m o d i f i c a t i o n w i t h o u t n o t i c e . S o m e f e a t u r e s a n d /o r a c c e s s o r i e s d i s p l a y e d a n d d e s c r i b e d c o u l d b e o p t i o n a l o n d i f f e r e n t m a r k e t s . T h e i n f o r m a t i o n p r o v i d e d d o e s n o t c o n s t i t u t e a n o f f e r t o s e l l a n d i s p r o v i d e d f o r m e r e l y i n f o r m a t i o n a l p u r p o s e s . I m a g e s p u b l i s h e d i n t h e p r e s e n t d o c u m e n t a r e s h o w n e x c l u s i v e l y f o r d e m o p u r p o s e s , a r e r e p r e s e n t a t i v e o f t h e p o s s i b l e a p p l i c a t i o n s a n d m i g h t b e a d a p t e d f o r g r a p h i c n e e d s . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .。



菲尼克斯稳压电源•品牌:PHOENIX-菲尼克斯•名称:菲尼克斯稳压电源•型号:QUINT-PS-100-240AC/24DC/10•可将不稳定的或非24V等级直流电压变换成可调节的24V电压.输入和输出完全隔离, 适用于直流高隔离要求场合.预警监视功能通过继电器触点和晶体管有源输出及时地将电源故障信号输出.•产品详细:•可将不稳定的或非24V等级直流电压变换成可调节的24V电压.输入和输出完全隔离, 适用于直流高隔离要求场合.预警监视功能通过继电器触点和晶体管有源输出及时地将电源故障信号输出.基本参数:1.输入数据:标称输入电压100伏交流... 240伏交流AC输入电压范围85 V交流... 264 V交流直流输入电压范围90V直流电... 350V直流电交流频率范围45HZ... 65HZ直流频率范围0HZ电流消耗约:2.4 A( 120伏交流电)1.3A( 230伏交流电)标称功率消耗240 W瞬间冲击电流“ 15 ”(典型值)电力故障旁路“ 50毫秒”( 120伏交流电)“ 50毫秒”( 230伏交流电)输入保险丝6.3 A备用保险丝推荐10A(16A)2.输出数据:额定输出电压:24伏直流± 1 %设置输出的电压范围:22.5V直流电... 28.5V直流电输出电流:10 A (最多至60 ° C ),15 A(电力升压时)并联:是,当有剩余且增加负载的时候串联:是剩余波值:“ 30 mVPP ”峰值开关电压额定负载:“ 50 mVPP ( 20MHZ)空转最大功耗:4W标称功率损耗最大负荷: 33 W3.普通参数:宽度85mm高度130mm深度130mm重量1.3kg工作电压显示方式:绿屏LED效率:88 %输入/输出绝缘电压值:2kv(常规测试)4kv(模范试验)保护程度:IP20保护等级:1级.用PE连接时平均无故障工作时间:> 500 000 h in acc. with IEC 61709 (SN 29500)操作环境温度:-25 ℃ ... 70 ℃(>60 ℃降额值)环境温度(储存/运输):-40 ℃ ... 85 ℃操作环境可允许的最大湿度值:100 %(允许冷凝)组装说明:水平0cm,垂直5cm。

菲尼克斯 端子 配件选型手册

菲尼克斯 端子 配件选型手册

EB 10-8
ZB8 LGS1-10
FBS 10-6 ZB8 LGS1-10
颜色表里的端子颜色越不常用货期越长。 所有端子不一定有颜色表里的颜色。
终端固定架 APH-ME
AP 3-TNS 35 AP 2-TU KS
中间支撑 APT-ME AP 3-TU AP 2-TU
72 8.2 51.5
82.4 12.3 51
颜色表里的端子颜色越不常用 所有端子不一定有颜色表里
终端固定件 E/UK
50.5 9.5 35.3
138 66.5 8.2 89 66.5 10 55.5 56.4 5
42.5 8.2 47
42.5 10.2 54
60.2 16 65.7
50 15.1 62
10 接地
颜 色 表
黄色 橙色 棕色 黑色
1 信号、小电
3 4



INTERFACE 电源|创新电源菲尼克斯电气的电源产品具有多种显著的优点,例如宽域的输入和多种国际认证确保了产品可在世界任何地方使用,在不稳定的电网中也能可靠输出,以及有压降补偿,同时将因电源故障而导致的停工时间降到最低。











第166页保险丝模块,用于灯类的负载或变压器,防止电流过载请参见2005年英文样本第433页QUINT EX和根据EN50021设计的保护类型“n”冗余模块QUINTDIODE适用于防爆2区的场合。

第154-155页功能强大的QUINT POWER电源应用于通用控制柜,功率高达1000W,且有宽域输入范围。

第148-153页即使供电电压故障,电源仍可通过不中断电源QUINT BUFFER和QUINT DC-UPS确保系统安全操作。


第158-163页ASI QUINT电源为所有的AS-I系统供电。



雷电流监控获汉诺威技术大奖 SFP-TRAB具电涌保护
紧凑型:90mm 光伏型:Uc=1170VDC 、Uag>1100VDC
3 4
电量测量监视产品 及 时间继电器 基础型传感器线缆
信号隔离变送器:通用型、标准型、馈电型 温度变送器:热阻型、热偶型 新一代超薄信号隔离变送器 MINI Analog Pro 电位测量变送器:自动检测 附件:供电、故障监控、标识
开关电源 2013\2014
菲尼克斯防雷及电涌保护器 HIGHLIGHTS 207-300\ET200M
资料内容 选型表 卡件前适配器 预制电缆 布线模块:AI无源、DI无源、直连无源、AO无源、DO无源、 DI继电器、DO继电器 电磁式继电器基础 固态继电器基础 RIFLINE complete系列:RIF-0继电器、RIF-1继电器、RIF2继电器、RIF-3继电器;功能模块、 RIFLINE complete整体型号一览 多功能电量表:电压、电流、功率、能耗、谐波、不平衡度 电流、电压变送器:光伏板电流监视 监视继电器:电子监视继电器、电子时间继电器 M8、M12:直式、弯式;针式直头、针式弯头;3孔、4孔、5孔
10 光伏系统的防雷及电涌保护
防雷及电涌保护 用于过程控制行业
选型指南 电源:QUINT、TRIO、MINI、UNO、STEP DC\DC变换器:QUINT、MINI 冗余模块:QUINT、TRIO、STEP UPS:用于控制柜、19〞支架式 产品一览 电涌保护:电源系统、配电系统(含图例)、测控系统(含 应用)、信息通信系统、天馈系统 监控:剩余电流监控、*雷电流监控、过电流保护、SPD测试 装置 UPS EMC方案:干线干扰滤波器SFP-TRAB 紧凑型间隙SPD 插拔式SPD 光伏用SPD:直流侧、交流侧 配电系统选型表 信号系统选型表 产品尺寸 接线图 安装于建筑物 大型室外光伏系统 光伏系统:直流侧、交流侧、数据通信系统 光伏汇流箱定制 0/4…20mA模拟量的 24V开关量信号的 3线/4线温度测量信号的 本安回路:模拟/开关量的、3线/4线温度测量信号的 产品选型表:模拟信号、电压信号、本安信号



尺寸 长度 高度 宽度 间距 尺寸a 引脚尺寸 引脚间距 孔径
13.6 mm 7.7 mm 32 mm 3.5 mm 28 mm 0,7 x 0,3 7 mm 1.1 mm
常规 产品范围 绝缘材料组 额定电涌电压(III/3)
SPT 1,5/..-H-THR IIIa 2.5 kV
Phoenix Contact China
Phoenix Contact China
第3/5 2014-11-11
SPT-THR 1,5/ 9-H-3,5 P20 R72 订货号: 1823706
Phoenix Contact China No. 36 Phoenix Road - Jiangning Development Zone 211100 Nanjing,China 电话 86-25-52121888 传真 86-25-52121555



栿╓ヽ䝚∾㚆䘋㹢₳㍺✾ⱟ∾凓报㑽⌌㍖㠅Safe Energy Control Technology2PHOENIX CONTACT哈ⴒ∡㚅䘋㳪ÿÿ 核ⓧ∾Ử䘢ⱸ㌍╢ⓞ′` ἐⱸ㌍㒦ⁱἀヽ⏬㟣⍷䝚∾䓙ヽῗỰ咇ⳑ⇠㙄䗊㲩柳⻍扢婛ᾖắ㣍じ䭳἞⌰┡Ẩắ㌕㟄䜙㑥⏜喝䢩⑦慽晽Ả㙂⾕⑦⊏⊰㙅䜙Ἴ╖┡䎁䌎䜙婸≈㙎㣝喏ὺ㽶幈ⰷ㋌㙺䝟⤳昔䜙枕㳗Ƞ∁⒍㋕㍺㞞䜙ᾬ⦯Ẩ⊾Ⳇ㛄㊦ᾁ䭳἞⌰䜙㞕⨒屖㚣Ƞ咇ⳑ⇠㙄䗊㲩㛄䗊㲩恳㐺ȟ䗊⯥㐺⑸ὺ⑟剿⌽⎫椛⡴䜙ẫ䗡⺗⟏椛ⲑ傚Ƞ∁⒍㛄⊰䭠ἣ1923⼉䜙ⱋ㙤⾤ᾖắ喏䞃⋢➽⇽䒘㍺㞞14,000⒢⓭⹺Ƞ咇ⳑ⇠㙄䗊㲩➽⇽䒘⾏䭠ἛⰡ☙䜙斕◃俦佱ȟ㍺㞞帚恜50ⱋ斕◃∁⒍⑟30⦯ế斕◃ὸ䒛喏㙎⁔ả㊦ᾁ䜙ⰷ㋌恰壡⑟㚋ȟⳆ恦⟅㴴悯Ƞ咇ⳑ⇠㙄䗊㲩㑥‰歭╖嶽䜙Ἴ╖┡㞢⌶喏⼔㵰⼩䖽ἣ⒙ế椛⡴ȠἼ╖厘➉⎚㎁⼩䖽ἣ屓⦜⋋悵◛⑟㟏㥅⋋悵䜙恳㐺㌕㟄喏⼩䖽ἣ䑅ὸ⎫㐼⋋㡱䜙恳㐺⛽ᾋȠ⒡㚋Ⲏἣ⒙䩢⼩䖽椛⡴喏咇ⳑ⇠㙄㑥‰䞍⼩䜙Ἴ╖婸≈㙎㣝喏恮ἰ椛⡴⎚㎁喝剿⌽⎫壡ắȟ楣⌰⑦䗊ȟ⇞ᾤȟ恜䪠壡ắ喏ὺ⑟㳉⦙䒛ȟ‰懢䗊ȟἹ悯⢏䣕屓㙒䯞Ƞ4 / 56 / 78 / 910 / 11FLASHTRAB-SEC-HYBRID12 / 13FLASHTRAB-SEC-PLUS-440 14 / 15FLASHTRAB-SEC-PLUS-350 16 / 17FLASHTRAB-SEC-T1+T218 / 19VALVETRAB-SEC 20 / 21PLUGTRAB-SEC22 / 2324 / 2526 / 27PHOENIX CONTACT 3ἐ戣䘋䷑侵㒦ⁱⱟ∾䝚柍䘋╢䘋㹢₳㍺枌䗊⑟䗊㸡⟜ᾯ㏴⟤屓⦜,㞕ㄋ⌸䜙ㅚ≊䖯劈ᾯ㏴⟤㘉ế䶐佴。



止SEC ώ▗ⓅΆ⽕㶱⽪䗾ὤ῭⧰楜⢵Ɫ♚䝚㙊
ώ▗㚏㤞ώ▗惟⡡4PHOENIX CONTACT㍖㠅楜∞䝚䘋㹢₳㍺ώ▗㠻勀哈ⴒ∡㚅䘋㳪㸡岫䒅単䶔䞠㴘䶔ὣἼ╖⾕⑦䜙⊲㞴曋㱊喏咇ⳑ⇠㙄䗊㲩䜙ⰳ次ⰹⳆ㌔㍚Ἓ㋕㞞Ἴ╖䜙㷠屪⹺῱Ƞⰳ次ⰹὺDIN EN ISO/IEC 17025尹屖ỏ⢏䣕喏⳪䧏Ἓ∋➽Ẩắ㌕㟄椛⡴䜙Ẩắゼȟ䎁䭠ゼ喏⑟ⰷ婗ゼȠỏ㽶幈⺗⟏枕㳗喏咇ⳑ⇠㙄䗊㲩ỏẢ㙂⑦⳪䜙㙅㌕㟄㌪⇺Ἓ⦼扤巙扦Ƞ恮ἰ巙扦Ố娖䖽ἣả㌕㟄曷㢶䜙ⱛ⊜⒝῱ỂȠ∋Ểẕếᾭ䩕㣝†Ⳇ㛄⺻㞞Ⱎ⇽冒扤㐼⋋㌕㟄䜙⇽㙅㗓䗊暉朮ȠẨắ䜙⾕⑦ὺ⑟屓尶喏⒡㚋悯恜Ẻ㣑䜙㢜≛㷠屪喏㟺剿ἣ咇ⳑ⇠㙄䗊㲩䜙䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽喏ỏ懢䗊䶐佴㑥‰Ⱑ☙䜙䗊㸡曇㌹ȠứỰ岔屷⋱㚆㍖㠅PHOENIX CONTACT5殮ヽ凓㸡岫媚叙⏬㸡岫屺岗㸡岫6PHOENIX CONTACTⱟ∾凓报㑽⌌㍖㠅喝㚶促㸗ȟ㚶柖ⓤ⧝₳㍺䝚䘋㹢₳㍺✾㚶柖ⓤ⧝₳㍺䉪㚃✾⨗㠱Ố❳庄䈩㙂⛽Ⲥἣ315A 喏SEC 䶐⊬䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽㙵枕∢懢倃⒣⦜⁲㌹䈩㙂⛽Ƞ⨗㠱Ố❳庄䈩㙂⛽椲Ⱟ䗊㷖怘歭喏ㄽỴ⒄ὺ悞㍾FLT -SEC-HYBRID Ἴ╖喏屺Ἴ╖√慽杛㊥Ἓ㗓䗊暉朮┡⒣⦜⁲㌹䈩㙂⛽ȠⰞ⇽冒扤㐼⋋㌕㟄喋Safe Energy Control 喌,䰕䪅SEC 喏⒄ὺ῱ỏ枌䗊⁲㌹┡䗊㸡⁲㌹椛⡴ゼ冒䫈Ⱟȟ⌴冒⿏⦼䜙ὸ⒢屢Ƞ⊰㙅䜙㗓䗊暉朮㌕㟄冒⦴愔⇢ᾐῪ⿷⾤䜙侂㷖Ƞ恮➽㞕⦼䪠⼻ẟ曢ΰἛ㘉ế䶐佴䜙␠⌰喏⒡㚋Ỵ屖㚣Ἓ䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽䜙䫈ⰯゼȠ䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽ỏㄽ䶐佴䜙㯸⻍恥壡⁲欓㌹势Ƞ➽Ả⒡⼩䖽⟏⒝喏⟜⒄㑥‰㙵枕⒣⦜⁲㌹䈩㙂⛽䜙Ἴ╖㙎㣝ȠPHOENIX CONTACT7促㸗䝚Ɒ἟侂㷖㛄䗊㷖䜙ẕ慽⊛Ƞ⿨㗓䗊暉朮ⲛ‰䗊俦佱Ể䜙䗊㸡䗊㷖㵙㗓⒣喏㷖佤㗓䗊暉朮䜙䗊㷖⒄䪅ỏ侂㷖Ƞ恮䩢侂㷖ᾯ㎖侂ms似喏恦ῑἣ䢂庄䗊㷖Ƞ侂㷖ᾯⲎ㘉ế䶐佴悵㊥␠⌰Ƞ侂㷖ᾯ⾪希䗊␠⑭⎫喏䖯劈䶐佴㗚朱Ƞ㯹⦫喏➽㡥ἰㅚ≊Ạ喏⋢似䜙恜怒⁲㌹屓⦜⒄冒ᾯ奀婻⑦ȠSEC䶐⊬䜙I䴐䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽㛄樫㯓㙵侂㷖䜙㗓䗊暉朮Ἴ╖Ƞ恮➽䞴㯸ㆤỞẟῨ䑅Ἓ歭ゼ冒⟅⁲㌹䶐佴屓⦜䜙䒛りȠ㙵侂㷖䜙㗓䗊暉朮杛㊥⾤䜙⒣⦜⁲㌹䈩㙂⛽8PHOENIX CONTACTⱟ∾
止喝SEC ䷑⋭ώ▗∾䓙屺岗∌㞞Ⱎ⇽冒扤㐼⋋㌕㟄䜙䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽⺇佤悯恜⦯䩢㟏㠙尹屖喏⎚㎁喝KEMA,UL ┡GL Ƞ㞉⦯尹屖⁶㄄岌⑗婖27椊SEC 䶐⊬Ἴ╖冒⦴Ⱑ☙曇㌹枌䗊䗊㷖⑟䗊㸡䗊␠Ƞ⇽㙅䜙㗓䗊暉朮喏佨⒝II 䴐⑟III 䴐䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽喏ỏ懢䗊䶐佴㑥‰Ⱑ☙䜙䗊㸡⁲㌹㙎㣝Ƞ佴ẕ䜙䶼≦⠠佨㠙喏Ⱑ☙䜙⒄㑧㍩屓尶喏⁔ἣ䑅⟏Ⱎ奚ȠSEC 䶐⊬Ἴ╖ỏㄽ䜙䶐佴㑥‰⇽柷䜙䗊㸡⁲㌹Ƞ愻₷㍻尼媼䆏⧽核䫅㣝岆‣ₕὤ㒨㎪PHOENIX CONTACT9I+II 䴐䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽II 䴐䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽III 䴐屓⦜⁲㌹⛽I 䴐枌䗊㷖⁲㌹⛽I 䴐枌䗊㷖⁲㌹⛽√慽杛㊥⒣⦜⁲㌹䈩㙂⛽180⽼㚡恂ⱟ妛㻛㝆䝚㠐㦆䎌プ㏝䨐㌖㟟㒨⨊⠝⻼㟟月旯㒨㎪俬䣗䒅10PHOENIX CONTACTSEC ䷑⋭ώ▗喝惘䗾ὤợⓢ䝚戣䘋䷑侵戣䘋傥䖽⒄柵䜙䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽冒⦴䤃⁲⹺ắȟ◛ắὺ⑟㲦䖽ῤⰚ䫈Ⱟ䜙䗊⌰‰⼩Ƞ⿐䰧◛ắ┡ῤⰚ㨑Ⱌ悯䖽䜙䗊㸡Ἴ╖婸≈㙎㣝Ƞ惰₷ỏ㋕㞞悯⁶俦佱㑥‰㙵⼇㌅䜙䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽喏⒡㚋䗊㸡⁲㌹屓⦜⟜悯恜䞍∈尹屖Ƞ㠐㦆⌌惶⼩䖽ἣ㐼⋋㡱䜙䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽喏Ἴ╖佨㠙䶼≦喏北䞖䬏暉喏Ả〆╢䶐佴㯸⻍恥壡Ƞ榤䘋␈—➽楣⟏䜙ㄋ⌸㟶ᾋẠ喏䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽Ỵ冒㑥‰⿏⦼䜙⁲㌹⌴冒Ƞ⣐䤖岔㚓歭ゼ冒䜙䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽ỏẢ暉㙂䗊⌰‰⼩ȟ恥怨ȟἹ悯㑥‰⁲㌹Ƞ㱤ế壡ắ憒⺡㞰䶐佴䫈Ⱟ⒄柵喏冒⦴昔Ớ恥壡Ƞ咇ⳑ⇠㙄䗊㲩㑥‰㌕㟄椛⇝䜙䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽Ἴ╖喏攝ⲎẢ⒡⼩䖽⟏⒝⟜冒㑥‰Ẩắ⎫䜙Ἴ╖婸≈㙎㣝ȠFLASHTRAB-SEC-HYBRID:㘔䘋曊杯+䉪㚃✾侚ⓞ⿥Ⓟ㒨㎪ώ▗ώ▗䍏䆏• ΰ䗊␠⁲㌹㳉⼈• 㙵枕⦫慽⒣⦜⁲㌹䈩㙂⛽• 北䞖㡱Ῠ䬏暉• 䤃⁲䗊㲩䶐佴䜙—䖽Ⲕ┒• 㞕⦼䪠⼻㑥歭䶐佴䜙⒄柵ゼ• 䑅⟏㞉㏷䰕⁔• ⒄悯恜CHECKMASTER 2恰壡㥕㷠FLASHTRAB-SEC-HYBRID 㛄樫㯓杛㊥⾤䜙I䴐䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽喏屺㪶⟬ⲛ㙵侂㷖ȟ歭ゼ冒䜙㗓䗊暉朮ả⒣⦜⁲㌹䈩㙂⛽杛㊥➽⒡ẕế㑧⧉ỂȠ杛㊥⾤䈩㙂⛽䜙佨㠙屓尶喏—䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽䜙Ⱎ奚㞉⌵㙎⁔ȟ䄊㷐ȠỴ恰ẕ㯺北䞖Ἓ㡱Ῠ䬏暉ὺ⑟㐺佔⹺῱ȠFLASHTRAB-SEC-HYBRID悗䖽ἣ230/400V䜙懢䗊䶐佴Ƞ⒄㑧㍩䜙佨㠙屓尶⁔ἣ䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽➽䑅⟏䜙㥕㷠⑟㞉㏷Ƞ㺚㜅䜙㟏㥅䬬⑸㎜䧏䝦㐼䈩㙂⛽┡㗓䗊暉朮㙵侂㷖䜙㗓䗊暉朮FLASHTRAB-SEC-HYBRID䒆⠐⽪䗾⟔․②戣䘋T135.6 mm恱䪠惺⁶㌺寻婻䅎杛㊥⾤⒣⦜⁲㌹䈩㙂⛽㐽㍞⾤⿎䲼斖㋸䤃⁲㑧⧉䫈➏喏⒡㚋⁔ἣ㑧㍩FLASHTRAB-SEC-PLUS-440:惘䗾ὤ400/690V戣䘋䷑侵ώ▗䍏䆏• ΰ䗊␠⁲㌹㳉⼈• Ⲥἣ400 A䜙ㅚ≊Ạ喏⒄㙵枕⦫慽⒣⦜⁲㌹䈩㙂⛽• 䤃⁲䗊㲩䶐佴䜙—䖽Ⲕ┒• 冒⦴㽶幈IT䶐佴䜙TOV枕㳗• 悯恜≇⊐┡㏄⌽㷠屪• 㞕⦼䪠⼻㑥歭䶐佴䜙⒄柵ゼ• 北䞖㡱Ῠ䬏暉• 䑅⟏㞉㏷䰕⁔• ⒄悯恜CHECKMASTER 2恰壡㥕㷠FLASHTRAB-SEC-PLUS-440 悗䖽ἣ怘歭䗊␠䜙⟏⒝Ƞ䶼≦䜙⦫⿷佨㠙ὺ⑟Ⱑ☙䜙⒄㑧㍩屓尶喏㞞⊾ἣ北䞖㡱Ῠ䬏暉ὺ⑟䄊㷐Ⱎ奚ȠFLASHTRAB-SEC-PLUS-440 ㌕㟄ゼ冒ᾭ帟喏悗䖽ἣ400/690V TN ┡400V IT懢䗊䶐佴ỂȠFLASHTRAB-SEC-PLUS-440䜙㞕⦼㎖侂⹺῱䗊␠ỏ440V喏ⲹ∋悗⒝⼩䖽➽⹺ắὺ⑟楣䗊䶐佴Ể喏⒡㚋冒⦴㌔⑬⿏䅝䜙≇⊐┡㏄⌽Ƞ㙵侂㷖䜙㗓䗊暉朮FLASHTRAB-SEC-PLUS-440䒆⠐⽪䗾⟔․②戣䘋T1106.8 mm㋕㞞⁲㌹㑧⧉⟜⺻㞞㺚㜅䜙䍋ゖ㎜䧏㘉Ῠ⼪⼼喏㙵枕㣺㐺ᾋ恱䪠惺⁶㌺寻婻䅎㗄㎖䆂㑧㍩佨㠙䶼≦ȟゼ冒⿏⦼FLASHTRAB-SEC-PLUS-350:惘䗾ὤ230/400V戣䘋䷑侵侩㡚䷽⊧ȟ⍵凓【⧽ώ▗䍏䆏• 悗䖽ἣ㋕㞞懢䗊䶐佴• ΰ䗊␠⁲㌹㳉⼈• F1Ⲥἣ315A䜙ㅚ≊Ạ喏⒄㙵枕⦫慽⒣⦜⁲㌹䈩㙂⛽• 㙵侂㷖㗓䗊暉朮• 䤃⁲䗊㲩䶐佴䜙—䖽Ⲕ┒• 㞕⦼䪠⼻㑥歭䶐佴䜙⒄柵ゼ• 䑅⟏㞉㏷䰕⁔• ⒄悯恜CHECKMASTER 2恰壡㥕㷠FLASHTRAB-SEC-PLUS-350㛄懢䗊䶐佴ὺ⑟⹺ắ⼩䖽䒛ㆈ䜙䗊㸡⁲㌹Ἴ╖ȠFLASHTRAB-SEC-PLUS-350䶐⊬Ἴ╖⌴冒⿏⦼喏ỏ䗊㲩䶐佴㑥‰㎖Ớ䜙䗊㸡⁲㌹喏⦼⻚⼻㑥歭Ἓ䶐佴䜙—䖽Ⲕ┒ȠFLASHTRAB-SEC-PLUS-350Ἴ╖冒⦴怐㠓⼩Ⲏ䗊␠㵷⌽ὺ⑟⿏⦼䜙枌䗊㷖Ƞ㙵侂㷖䜙㗓䗊暉朮FLASHTRAB-SEC-PLUS䒆⠐⽪䗾⟔․②戣䘋142.4 mmT1㋕㞞⁲㌹㑧⧉⟜⺻㞞㺚㜅䜙䍋ゖ㎜䧏恱䪠惺⁶㌺寻婻䅎㗄㎖䆂㑧㍩FLASHTRAB-SEC-T1+T2:䟵㰹䝚I+II䵑侚ⓞ⿥䘋㹢₳㍺✾ώ▗䍏䆏• Ⱎ奚䰕⁔• ΰ䗊␠⁲㌹㳉⼈• F1Ⲥἣ315A䜙ㅚ≊Ạ喏⒄㙵枕⦫慽⒣⦜⁲㌹䈩㙂⛽• 冒⦴⼩Ⲏ怘ΰ䜙䗊㸡䗊␠• 䤃⁲䗊㲩䶐佴䜙—䖽Ⲕ┒• 㞕⦼䪠⼻㑥歭䶐佴䜙⒄柵ゼ• 北䞖㡱Ῠ䬏暉• 䑅⟏㞉㏷䰕⁔• ⒄悯恜CHECKMASTER 2恰壡㥕㷠FLASHTRAB-SEC-T1+T2㛄枌䗊㷖⁲㌹⛽┡䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽䜙余⒝⾤Ἴ╖Ƞ屺䶐⊬Ἴ╖ⲹ∋悗䖽ἣ⾕∈⌽῱椦他䜙⹺㐼⟏⒝Ƞ⿏⦼䜙㗓䗊暉朮冒⦴⒄柵⟅㵙㗓枌䗊㷖喏傡II䴐␠㗤䗊曐㪶⟬⒄ὺ㞞㗝效⋋䗊␠喏⁲屖Ἓ㘉ế䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽䜙ΰ㰠␠Ƞ恮㯓Ἴ╖㛄㗓䗊暉朮ả␠㗤䗊曐䜙㞕 余⒝Ƞ余⒝⾤䜙䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽㛓哬曢ΰⰞ奚ả侉㌹㊥㟁Ƞ⒡㚋恮㯓䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽Ể䜙⇘⛽ᾋỏ㙵侂㷖㗓䗊暉朮┡⊰㙅屓尶䜙II䴐␠㗤䗊曐Ƞ㙵侂㷖䜙㗓䗊暉朮FLASHTRAB-SEC-T1+T2䒆⠐⽪䗾⟔․②戣䘋T1T2+142.4 mm㋕㞞⁲㌹㑧⧉⟜⺻㞞㺚㜅䜙䍋ゖ㎜䧏恱䪠惺⁶㌺寻婻䅎㗄㎖䆂㑧㍩VAL VETRAB-SEC:∾䓙㟖⳥Ⓟ㒨㎪䘋㹢₳㍺㫷⠭ώ▗䍏䆏• ΰ䗊␠⁲㌹㳉⼈• ⿏⦼䜙䆂准㋸奚倃• F1Ⲥἣ315A㚋喏㙵枕⒣⦜⁲㌹䈩㙂⛽• 歭恓50kA䜙䢂庄䗊㷖傥⑬冒⌰• 北䞖㡱Ῠ䬏暉• 䑅⟏㞉㏷䰕⁔• ⒄悯恜CHECKMASTER 2恰壡㥕㷠• ⒡㚋㑥‰175V䗊␠䯞似Ἴ╖὚὚12mmⱒ⼻䜙䶼≦⠠䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽喏冒⦴ỏ䶐佴㑥‰⿏㞞⌰䜙䗊㸡⁲㌹Ƞ❵㯹喏␈—㛄ぃ⠠懢䗊㡱喏VALVETRAB SEC䶐⊬Ἴ╖Ỵ⒄ὺ怐㠓Ⱎ奚Ƞ⒡㚋喏⿨Ố❳庄䈩㙂⛽Ⲥἣ315A㚋喏䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽㙵枕⌵奚⒣⦜⁲㌹䈩㙂⛽ȠVALVETRAB SEC䶐⊬Ἴ╖㍺㞞歭悯㷖冒⌰ȟ䶼≦䵓⹼䜙䌎䅎喏悗䖽ἣ⒙䩢懢䗊䶐佴ỂȠ㗄㎖䆂㑧㍩㋕㞞⁲㌹㑧⧉⟜⺻㞞㺚㜅䜙䍋ゖ㎜䧏V AL VETRAB-SEC䒆⠐⽪䗾⟔⋜戣䘋㢲T249.2 mmPHOENIX CONTACT21恱䪠惺⁶㌺寻婻䅎歭䢂庄䗊㷖傥⑬冒⌰22PHOENIX CONTACTPLUGTRAB-SEC:惘䗾ὤAC ὺ㸗ỤDC 䟊㸗䷑侵䝚岔⧝₳㍺✾ώ▗䍏䆏• 恜怒╢⼩冒⌰恰ẕ㯺㑥歭• 䑅⟏㞉㏷䰕⁔• Ἱ䞉㷖悯䖽• 悗䖽ἣ⹺椦䗊㷖26A ὺẠ䜙⟏⒝• 㙵枕⒣⦜⁲㌹䈩㙂⛽• ⒄柵䜙惺⁶㌺寻⌴冒• ⒄悯恜CHECKMASTER 2恰壡㥕㷠PLUGTRAB-SEC 㛄⼩䖽ἣ佝䮄屓⦜⁲㌹䜙III 䴐䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽Ƞ⇽㙅屓尶ȟ√倃准㋸奚倃䜙䗊㸡⁲㌹⛽㙵枕⋢倃䈩㙂⛽喏➽恜怒ㅚ≊Ạ冒⦴Ⱎ⇽ȟ㞞㗝㙂⾕ȠPLUGTRAB-SEC 䶐⊬Ἴ╖⒄ὺỏἹ䞉㷖䶐佴䜙佝䮄屓⦜㑥‰⒄柵䜙䗊㸡⁲㌹Ƞ䘋㽦₳㍺⋜戣䘋㢲T317.7 mm35 mmPHOENIX CONTACT23恱䪠惺⁶㌺寻婻䅎曇岄㑧㍩侫䢖䑄⿏⦼䜙√慽准㋸奚倃Plugtrab SEC-3S悗䖽ἣ230/400ẞ䞍懢䗊䶐佴24PHOENIX CONTACT哈ⴒ∡㚅䘋㳪ἐㅾ㒦ⁱ∾核、Ɫ♚䝚䘋㹢₳㍺✾ώ▗㋧ῂ奍゙⻢㟱SEC ䷑⋭ώ▗凓⧵ἐㅾ㒦ⁱ5⽊ΆỠ䝚䘋㹢₳㍺SEC 䶐⊬Ἴ╖Ả㚨⌸⎫,ㄽ劈ⲦἩ⼉√㙵枕㍚じ㪶⟬㏴⟤、㞉㏷䜙暃椭。



INTERFACE 电源|创新电源菲尼克斯电气的电源产品具有多种显著的优点,例如宽域的输入和多种国际认证确保了产品可在世界任何地方使用,在不稳定的电网中也能可靠输出,以及有压降补偿,同时将因电源故障而导致的停工时间降到最低。











第166页保险丝模块,用于灯类的负载或变压器,防止电流过载请参见2005年英文样本第433页QUINT EX和根据EN50021设计的保护类型“n”冗余模块QUINTDIODE适用于防爆2区的场合。

第154-155页功能强大的QUINT POWER电源应用于通用控制柜,功率高达1000W,且有宽域输入范围。

第148-153页即使供电电压故障,电源仍可通过不中断电源QUINT BUFFER和QUINT DC-UPS确保系统安全操作。


第158-163页ASI QUINT电源为所有的AS-I系统供电。



名称额定电压 V额定电流 A额定横截面 mm²长 mm 宽 mm 高 mm1信号、小电流UK2.580024 2.542.5 5.2422UT4100032447.7 6.2473UK5N 80032442.5 6.2474UK6N 80041642.58.2475UK16800761042.510.2546UT3510001253560.21665.77UK351000125355015.1628URTK/S 400416728.251.59RTO 4-T-TC 50041682.412.35110接地USLKG+红色 +RD 绿色 +GN 蓝色 +BU 黄色 +YE 橙色 +OG 棕色 +BN 黑色 +BK 白色 +WH 米白色 +BG 混.黑黄+FE终端固定件E/UK 50.59.535.3AP-ME METER 13866.58.2AP 3 CM 8966.510AP 2 CM 55.556.45颜色表颜色表里的端子所有端子不一定有颜色表里分断大电流保护盖罩中、大电流颜色端板隔板桥接件 螺桥接件 插标识条D-UK2.5ATP-UK FBRI 10-5N EBL 10-5ZB5 LGS1-9D-UT 2,5/10ATP-UK FBS 10-6ZB6 LGS1-10D-UK4/10ATP-UK FBI 10-6EB 10-6ZB6 LGS1-10D-UK4/10ATP-UK FBI 10-8EB 10-8ZB6 LGS1-10D-UK16ATP-UK FBI 10-10EB 10-10ZB10 LGS1-10TPNS-UK FBS 2-16ZB16 LGS1-10KT-S FBI 3-15D-URTK ATS-RTK FB 10-RTK/SSB 4-RTK/SEB 10-8ZB8 LGS1-10D-RT4-TTPNS-UKFBS 10-6ZB8 LGS1-10KLM-A终端固定架中间支撑架APH-ME APT-ME AP 3-TNS 35AP 3-TU AP 2-TU KS AP 2-TU的端子颜色越不常用货期越长。

菲尼克斯端子选型 (2)

菲尼克斯端子选型 (2)

宽度 长度 NS 35/7,5高度 NS 35/15高度 NS 32高度 最大负载电流 额定浪涌电压 污染等级 电涌电压类别 绝缘材料组 连接符合标准 额定电流IN 额定电压 UN 开口式侧板 实心线最小横截面 实心线最大横截面 多芯线最小横截面 多芯线最大横截面 可连接导线最小横截面AWG/kcmil 导线横截面,AWG/kcmil(最大) 柔性导线横截面,不带绝缘套管的最小冷压头 柔性导线横截面,不带绝缘套管的最大冷压头 柔性导线横截面,带绝缘套管的最小冷压头 柔性导线横截面,带绝缘套管的最大冷压头 具有相同横截面的2根实心导线,最小 具有相同横截面的2根实心线,最大 具有相同横截面的2根导线,最小柔性导线 具有相同横截面的2根导线,最大柔性导线 具有相同横截面的2根导线,柔性导线,带绝缘套 管的TWIN冷压头,最小 具有相同横截面的2根导线,柔性导线,带绝缘套 管的TWIN冷压头,最大 0,14 mm² 1,5 mm² 0,14 mm² 1,5 mm² 26 16 0,25 mm² 0,75 mm² 0,25 mm² 0,75 mm² 0,14 mm² 0,75 mm² 0,14 mm² 0,75 mm² 0,5 mm² 0,5 mm² 17,5 A (当连接截面积为1.5 mm 的导线时) 6 kV 3 III I IEC 60947-7-1 17,5 A 500 V ja
4,2 mm 42,5 mm 42 mm 49,5 mm 47 mm
Nanjing Phoenix Contact Co. Ltd.
页面 2 / 6 2010-7-20
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尺寸 长度 高度 宽度 间距 尺寸a 引脚尺寸 引脚间距 孔径
13.6 mm 7.7 mm 32 mm 3.5 mm 28 mm 0,7 x 0,3 7 mm 1.1 mm
常规 产品范围 绝缘材料组 额定电涌电压(III/3)
SPT 1,5/..-H-THR IIIa 2.5 kV
Phoenix Contact China
附件 订单行 工具 1212034
SZS 0,4X2,5 VDE
概述 3202481 3202504 3202517 3203037 3200014 3200881 3200519 3200894
A 0,5 - 8 A 0,75- 8 A1-8 AI 0,25- 8 YE AI 0,5 - 8 WH AI 0,5 - 8 WH -1000 AI 0,75- 8 GY AI 0,75- 8 GY -1000
菲尼克斯电气 保存的技术修改内容;
Phoenix Contact China
第5/5 2014-11-11
Phoenix Contact China No. 36 Phoenix Road - Jiangning Development Zone 211100 Nanjing,China 电话 86-25-52121888 传真 86-25-52121555
2.5 kV 2.5 kV 160 V 160 V 320 V EN-VDE 13.5 A 1.5 mm² LCP Sn V0 8 mm 9
0.2 mm² 1.5 mm² 0.2 mm² 1.5 mm² 0.2 mm² 1.5 mm² 0.2 mm² 0.75 mm² 24 16
申请认证: Ex认证:
商务数据 包装 关税 件总重量
250 数 85369010 9.99 g
产品备注 符合WEEE/RoHS指令的日期: 2012-09-28
请注意这里提供的数据来 源于在线目录。如需详细的 信息和数据,请查阅http:// 上的用户使用信息。该信息适用网络 下载的一般条款。
Phoenix Contact China
第3/5 2014-11-11
SPT-THR 1,5/ 9-H-3,5 P20 R72 订货号: 1823706
Phoenix Contact China
第4/5 2014-11-11
SPT-THR 1,5/ 9-H-3,5 P20 R72 订货号: 1823706
压线钳,用于符合DIN 46228第1部分要求的不带绝缘颈环 的套管以及符合DIN 46228第4部分要求的带绝缘颈环的套 管,0.25 mm² ... 6.0 mm²,水平进线,梯形压接 螺丝刀,一字型,VDE绝缘,尺寸: .4 x 2.5 x 80 mm,2件式夹具, 带防滑手柄
连接数据 刚性导线最小横截面 刚性导线最大横截面 多芯线最小横截面 柔性导线最大横截面 柔性导线横截面,不带绝缘套管的最小冷压头 柔性导线横截面,不带绝缘套管的最大冷压头 柔性导线横截面,带绝缘套管的最小冷压头 柔性导线横截面,带绝缘套管的最大冷压头 AWG/kcmil导线最小横截面 AWG/kcmil导线最大横截面
Phoenix Contact China
第2/5 2014-11-11
SPT-THR 1,5/ 9-H-3,5 P20 R72 订货号: 1823706
冷压头, 长度: 8 mm, 颜色: 银色 冷压头, 长度: 8 mm, 颜色: 银色 冷压头, 长度: 8 mm, 颜色: 银色 冷压头, 套管长度: 8 mm, 长度: 12.5 mm, 颜色: 黄色 冷压头, 套管长度: 8 mm, 长度: 14 mm, 颜色: 白色 冷压头, 套管长度: 8 mm, 长度: 14 mm, 颜色: 白色 冷压头, 套管长度: 8 mm, 长度: 14 mm, 颜色: 灰色 冷压头, 套管长度: 8 mm, 长度: 14 mm, 颜色: 灰色
第1/5 2014-11-11
SPT-THR 1,5/ 9-H-3,5 P20 R72 订货号: 1823706
/phoenix/trIII/2) 额定电涌电压(II/2) 额定电压(III/3) 额定电压(III/2) 额定电压(II/2) 连接符合标准 额定电流IN 额定横截面 绝缘材料 焊针表面 阻燃等级,符合UL 94 剥线长度 位数
SPT-THR 1,5/ 9-H-3,5 P20 R72
订货号: 1823706 图为10位连接器 /phoenix/treeViewClick.do?UID=1823706
PCB连接器, 额定电流: 13.5 A, 额定电压: 160 V, 针距: 3.5 mm, 位数: 9, 连接方式: 蝶型弹簧连接, 安装: SMD/THT/THR元件, 导线/PCB连接方 向: 0 °, 颜色: 黑色, 示例值请见SAMPLE SPT...