



1.He ate a lot because the food was_____.

A.hot B.bad

C.delicious D.terrible

2.- ____________ are you going to start?

-I'm going to start when I finish high school.





3.- _____________ on Saturday?

-She is going to take guitar lessons.

A.What does she do

B.When is she going to take guitar lessons

C.How is she going to do

D.What is she going to do

4.AlthoughTom hardly ever helps his parents housework, I think he can take care himself when he goes to college.

A.with; of

B.for; of

C.with; for

D.with; to

5.Eric and Amy arrived __________ the village on a snowy night.





6.—Did your parents go to climb the Yutai Mountain last Sunday ?

—No. They ________went to see a film.





7.The children hope ______everything is fine.

A.see B.seeing C.to see D.seen

8.I like the food very much. It is ________.




9.I think his plan ______ great.


B.sounds like



10.The number of the students who _______ the English Club _______ 20.

A.take part in; is B.join; is C.join; are

11.This is _________ very exciting _________.

A.an; action movies

B.a; action movie

C.a; action movies

D.an; action movie

12.That old house ___________ after a heavy rain yesterday.

A.put down

B.came down

C.fell down

D.turned down

13.— ______ would like to join the sports club?

— Joe and Sam.

A.Who else B.Else who C.Who other

14.l used to ________ with my wife and watch TV at home.

A.show up B.wake up C.come up D.stay up

15.Email is very popular today. People ______write letters to each other now.

A.often B.usually

C.seldom D.never



1)Mr.Liis s____________(严肃的) about selling the house. He needs a lot of money.

2)Li Lei won first prize in the English Speech _____________ (比赛).

3)Do you think it's n______________(必要的) to have a friend who is popular in school?

4)The Internet makes our life nicer, e______________(更容易的) and more colorful

5)I'm more o_________________(外向的) than my sister.



1)I am going tolearn to play the piano.(就划线部分提问)

___________ ____________ you going to do?

2)I’m going to be a pilot.(就划线部分提问)

____________ are you going to ____________?

3)I went hiking last week. (用next week改写)

I ______ ______ hiking next week.

4)He practices playing the pianoevery day.

____________ ___________ does he practice playing the piano?

5)They are going to move toQingdaonext year.

_____________ ___________they going to move?




I have been to many cities, ______ ______ Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.


This book is too boring. I ______ like it ______ ______.


The French doctor has worked in China for ______ ______ ten years.


Watching TV too much isn’t ______ ______ your eyes.


My sister never ______ ______ ______. She usually goes to bed at 10 o’clock at night.


19. Life in the year 4 is very different 1 life in the 1st century. We still do many of the things as usual,but we do them differently. For 2 ,we now have e-friends to help us and keep us company. An e-friend is a machine that looks just 3 a human being. It can walk and talk and can do almost 4 we human beings do. My e-friend is a lot like me and we have 5 fun together. She helps me 6 my homework and we often go swimming. She is programmed to take care of me if anything happens,so I always feel safe when we are together. She can also 7 me messages,just like old-fashioned e-mail,and I can download(下载)information from her memory. It's great 8 an e-

friend-I am never lonely and I always have someone to talk 9 .

I would like to tell you more about life in the year 4,but I have to send my e-friend to clean up my room. Maybe 10 I will be able to travel back in time and visit you.

1)A.of B.from C.in D.with

2)A.example B.meaning C.experience D.magazine

3)A.like B.for C.at D.up

4)A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

5)A.many B.a number of C.a lot of D.the number of

6)A.with B.at C.on D.doing

7)A.take B.send C.bring D.give

8)A.have B.having C.to have D.has

9)A.to B.about C.in D.on

10)A.one day B.in one day C.after one day D.with one day

20. My family live in a small town. We usually have a 1 before the New Year for our friends and neighbors. We often ask them to bring 2 for someone in need instead of(代替) gifts for us. For example, they can bring food for a 3 family or clothes for

charities(慈善机构).It is always fun and everyone has a good time.

Last year, I was ill(病的) on the day of my party and went to the 4 .As a result, I didn't have the party. Everyone was disappointed(失望的), 5 I decided to have it two weeks later.

We asked for children's hats for a charity. We 6 asked for reading glasses for the city library, so those who needed glasses or forgot 7 could work on computers or read books

in the library.

We 8 about 10 people to the party. It was snowy that day but everyone came to the party. We got 3 hats and 7 pairs of glasses! We were 9 that people could be so generous(慷慨的) in helping others.

If you 10 to have a party, think about doing the same thing. Others will benefit(受益) much more than we would with lots of gifts.

1)A.opening B.test C.party D.calendar

2)A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing

3)A.bored B.rich C.lucky D.poor

4)A.library B.hospital C.restaurant D.bookstore

5)A.but B.or C.and D.so

6)A.also B.already C.ever D.just

7)A.hers B.his C.ours D.theirs

8)A.invited B.replied C.remembered D.agreed

9)A.afraid B.surprised C.sad D.creative

10)A.catch B.send C.prepare D.delete



1)I think Tom sang __________(clear)than the others.

2)It’s important for us __________(have)a good sleep at night.

3)The most important thing is __________(relax)yourself and make yourself happy.

4)You may find out many __________(kid)don’t get enough exercise.

5)He is __________(true)friendly to us.


22.Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world. It is a team sport. When two

teams play basketball, both of them try to get points against one another. How do they get points? They throw a ball through a 10foot high basket under some rules. The team with more points at the end of the game wins.

In early December, 1891, the basketball game was invented by Dr. James Naismith. He was a Canadian P. E. teacher in Springfield, USA.In the beginning, he just wanted to find an indoor game for his students in winter. He wrote the basic rules. He also set a basket onto a 10foot high wall. The players got one point by shooting the brown soccer ball into the basket. He called the new game “Basket Ball”. This new kind of sport soon became one of the most popular sports in North America.

Now basketball is a popular sport all over the world. In the United States, NBA basketball matches are the most popular events.

1)What does the underlined word “points” mean in Chinese?

A.得分 B.点球 C.指着 D.规则

2)How do the basketball players get points?

A.By throwing a ball through a basket.

B.By kicking the ball into a hole.

C.By getting the ball from the players from the other team.

D.By throwing a ball to the P. E. teacher.

3)In what time of the year was the basketball game invented?

A.In spring. B.In summer. C.In autumn. D.In winter.

4)About Dr. James Naismith, which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A.He wrote the rules for the game. B.He was the best basketball player in 1891.

C.He wasn't born in the United States. D.He was a P. E. teacher in Springfield.

5)What's the best title for this passage?

A.The Most Popular Sport in the World B.The Life of Dr. James Naismith

C.The History of Basketball D.How to Play Basketball Well

23.Many people do not like to stay at home during holidays. They want to go out to see something different or do something exciting. People from the country go to the city and people from the city go to the country for holidays. During the holidays, trains, buses and planes are all very busy. It is very hard to buy train or plane tickets. So many people take cars or buses for traveling.

Last May Day my family went to the country by car for our holiday. There was too much

traffic on the road. So we had to move very slowly. It took us about an hour to get out of the town. After some time, we came to a farm. It was clean and beautiful. The animals were so cute. We thought it was a nice place for a picnic, so we stopped and took the food,

fruit and drinks out of the car. We sat down under a big green tree and began to eat. Suddenly a strong wind blew and soon it started to rain. We had to run back to our car and had our picnic in the car. Then we drove back home. What a bad trip it was!

1)Many people don’t like to stay at home during holidays because _____ .

A.they have much money B.the weather is pretty cool C.they want to see something new

2)The family went to _____ for their holiday last May Day.

A.a beautiful park B.the country C.the city

3)Last May Day the family trip was _____.

A.good B.relaxing C.bad

4)It’s hard to buy train tickets or air tickets because _____ .

A.there are only few tickets

B.it’s cheap to take a train or plane

C.many people want to go by train or plane

5)What happened when the family began to eat?

A.A tiger came out.

B.The farm was too dirty to eat.

C.A strong wind blew and soon it started to rain.



___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ____



16.1) serious

2) competition

3) necessary

4) easier

5) outgoing


17.1) What are

2) What, be

3) will go /am going

4) How often

5) Where are


18.1) such as

2)don’t at all 3) more than

4) good for

5) stays up late 五、完形填空





















六、用所给的词正确形式填空21.1)more clearly

2)to have

3)to relax















24.My classmate Maria often does her homework for two hours a day.And she is very busy with her lessons,so she hardly watches TV.She surfs the Internet twice a day to get some news.She likes English very much.She reads English books every day.She has a very good habit.She exercises three or four times a week.She goes to the movies once a month to relax herself.


2020-2021学年第一学期期末测试 人教版八年级英语试题 听力部分 一、听力理解 A.听句子 根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题,选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将最佳选项的字母编号填涂在答题卷内.每小题听一遍. 1. What ig Tim’s favorite animal? A. B. C. 2. Where did Alice go last Wednesday? A. B. C. 3. When did Tom go to the Great Wall? A. B. C. 4. How many footballs does Sam have? A. B. C. 5.Who is Mandy’s best friend?A. B. C. B.听对话回答每段对话后面的问题,在各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其字母编号填

涂在答题卷内.每段对话听两遍. 听第一段对话,回答第6小题. 6. What is Bob’s favorite sport? A. Running. B. Swimming. C. Dancing. 听第二段对话,回答第7小题. 7. Where does the woman want to go? A. To a bookstore. B. To a restroom. C. To a bank. 听第三段对话,回答第8小题. 8. When did John buy the jacket? A. Tomorrow. B. Yesterday. C. The day before yesterday. 听第四段对话,回答第9小题. 9. How many kinds of noodles does the restaurant have? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 听第五段对话,回答第10小题. 10. Who will go to see the movie My People, My Country? A. Jim. B. Alice. C. Jim and Alice. 听第六段对话,回答第11~12小题. 11. What does Lin Tao often read? A. Books. B. Newspapers. C. Magazines. 12. When does Lin Tao remember English new words again? A. After going to bed. B. Before going to bed. C. After waking up. 听第七段对话,回答第13~15小题. 13. Where will they go for lunch today? A. At McDonald’s. B. At Kung Fu Restaurant. C. At Hong Mei Hotel. 14. What is John going to eat for lunch? A. Tomatoes. B. Chicken. C. Noodles. 15How will they go to eat lunch? A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By taxi. C.听短文 请根据所听内容,在每题所给的三个选项中,选出一个能回答所提问题的最佳答案,并将其


初一英语(上)测试题 Name: Score: 一、单项选择(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. There is ________ egg in the bowl. A. the B. a C. / D. an 2. It’s six thirty now. He ________ breakfast. A. has B. have C. is having D. are having 3. —________ any American teachers in your school? —________ . There are many. A. Is there; Yes,there is B. Are there; Yes,there are C. Is there; No,there isn’t D. Are there; No,there aren’t 4. Those flowers ________ Kate $56. A. pay B. take C. cost D. spend 5. Dad,my trousers are old. I want to buy a new ________. A. trousers B. one C. it D. pair 6. Tom needs some help ________ his homework. Can you help ________ ? A. to , he B. with, him C. to, his D. with, his 7.My brother with his friends often ________ TV far into the night. A. watch B. watches C. is watching D. are watching 8.Uncle ________ exercises. It’s not good for his health. A. sometimes B. seldom C. often D. always 9. 一________do you like this film so much? 一Because its fun. A. How B. What C. Which D. Why 10.一You are first in the high jump. Congratulations. 一________ . A. Don’t say so. B. How can you say that? C. Thanks a lot. D. That’s right. 11.When you finish ________ your homework, you may watch TV. A. do B. to do C. doing D. does 12.一________ your brother ________ to music? 一 No, he isn’t. A. Does, listen B. Do, listen C. Is, listening D. Are, listening 13.The letters“oo”in the word “book” are pronounced ________ . A.[u] B.[u:] C.[?:] D.[?] 14.Can I have ________ snacks? Sorry, we don’t have________. A.any, any B. some, any C. some, some D. any ,some 15.They always have a party ________ the evening of December 31st. A. on B. at C. in D. for


2019学年第一学期八年级学生学业水平测试 英语 本试卷共五大题,满分100分。考试时间90分钟。 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写学校、姓名、试室号和座位号;再用2B铅笔把对应该两号码的标号涂黑。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案;不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;除作图可用2B 铅笔外,其他都必须用黑色字迹钢笔或签字笔作答。不准使用涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束,将答题卡交回。 一、单项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从1-10各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. Don’t worry. There is ________wrong with the computer. It’s only because of the power cut. A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything 2. There are many famous pictures in the museum, ________the Mona Lisa. A. including B. included C. includes D. to include 3. We can ________ robots ________ help us do housework. A. use; for B. use; to C. used; for D. used; to 4. Ice Age V is one of ________ cartoons in 2016. A. more interested B.the most interested C. more interesting D.the most interesting 5. –I don’t like the white shirt. What about you, Simon? –I don’t like it, ________. I prefer the blue one. A. as well B. too C. also D. either 6. – Our country ________ a lot so far. –Yes. I am sure it will be ________ in the future. A. has changed; well B. changed; good C. has changed; better D. changed; better 7. It will be harmful to your hearing ________ you always listen to music by earphone (耳机). A. if B. so C. and D. but 8. To protect our eyes, we ________ keep enough distance from books when we read them. A. should to B. shouldn’t C. ought to D. ought not to 9. -All the workers went home yesterday ________ Mr. Smith. Why? -Because he was on duty. A. except B. except for C. besides D. beside 10. Tom will be ________. His parents are going to have a party for his ________ birthday. A. fourteen; fourteen B. fourteenth; fourteenth C. fourteen; fourteenth D. fourteenth; fourteen


初中英语在线考试A卷 时间限制: 100 分钟总分数:100 分答题日期:2014-12-01 说明: 答题用时: 39分钟,10秒答题得分:100分 1. 在课件制作过程中,要充分考虑学说心理特点和学习需求,__________让课件为语言教学目标服务。(多选,2分) 做到重点突出 内容简明 生动有趣 主题相关 正确答案:第1,2,3,4个选项 2. 柳夕浪给我们作了__________ 的讲座。(单选,2分) 不断创造出属于自己的好课 “六要素”教学行动策略 Internet 应用 正确答案:第1个选项 3.我身边的师德典范的主讲人是宋博昭。(判断,2分) 对 错 正确答案:对 4. 棒棒糖是什么滋味?(单选,2分) 甜 爽 努力过后成功的滋味 正确答案:第3个选项 5. 下列属于《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》五大部分的之一的是。(单选,2分) 课程设计 课程目标 教案设计 正确答案:第2个选项 6. “_______”缘于维特罗克(1974)的生成学习理论。(单选,2分) 生成教学 生成目标 教学生成 目标生成 正确答案:第1个选项 7.共性特征和差异特征都能够为班级教学提供指导,使英语教学活动更具针对性。(判断,2分) 对 错 正确答案:对 8. 下列属于《义务教育英语课程标准(2011年版)》五大部分的之一的是。(单选,2分)

前言 内容 分析 导语 正确答案:第1个选项 9. 幸福课堂建设要遵守三大定律____________.(多选,2分) 准备率 练习率 操练率 效果率 正确答案:第1,2,4个选项 10.英语课程标准建议教师在教学中应当坚持以人为本,面向全体学生,关注个体差异。(判断,2分) 对 错 正确答案:错 11. 是建立健全中小学教育评价体系的重要内容。(单选,2分) 课堂 导语 课程设计 正确答案:第2个选项 12. 想要“测试”课堂教学的成效,通常则需通过_______ 和测验考试的手段。(单选,2分) 学生做作业 学生听课 A. 学生回答问题 正确答案:第1个选项 13.在关注学生学科学习能力评价的同时,更加关注学科态度的评价,以此来促进学生的全面发展,实现教育教学质量的真正的提升。(判断,2分) 对 错 正确答案:对 14.说书的嘴最快。(判断,2分) 对 错 正确答案:对 15.从语言学习的角度看,初中英语课堂教学必须遵循一个从“语言输入”到“语言内化”,再到“语言输出”的基本过程。(判断,2分) 对 错 正确答案:对 16. 的使用目的是提高学生英语学习效果。(单选,2分) 教学资源 学习资源


初中英语期中考试试卷分析 目前我市使用了两个版本的初中英语教材:仁爱英语和新目标英语。仁爱英语命题的目的是了解学情;新目标英语命题的目的是进行教学质量调查。两者命题有一个共同点:实现新课程要求的三维目标,传道(情感、态度、价值观)、授业(引导学生掌握知识和技能)、解惑(引起主动学习,学会学习方法)。 一、试卷特点: 1.试卷注重基础,体现灵活运用,难度和区分度恰当无偏题、怪题出现。 试题注重考查学生在一定语境下对语言基础知识的掌握情况和综合运用英语的能力。语言基础知识的考查重点突出、覆盖面广;情景设置合理,避免了纯知识性的死记硬背题;词汇和语法的测试充分注意了语言的真实性、趣味性和实践性;注重语感,灵活性强,突出语言形式向语言意义的转化。 2.试题从知识立意逐渐向能力立意转变。 加大了能力考查的比重。试题突出了语言的交际性,强调在特定的语境中英语知识的灵活运用。适当增加了测试词汇量,加强能力检测。如阅读理解考查的内容注重了对学生在语境中运用语言能力的考查。加大了对语言的熟练程度和深层次能力考查的力度。如“阅读理解”部分注重了对归纳,推断和猜测整个句子等深层次能力的考查。阅读材料贴近生活,同时题材广泛,体裁多样、生动有趣,并富有思想性。淡化语法,强调能力。语法知识的测试充分注意了语言的真实性和实践性。纯知识性的试题的比例减少到最低限度,命题者通过设置不同的语境,把对语言知识的考查中心放到了根据上下文中和一定的语境中,让语法测试试题具有更积极和更现实的意义,能更多地体现语言的交际功能。 3.书面表达难度控制合理。 书面表达给学生留有充分发挥能力的空间,加大了考查学生综合运用语言能力的力度,使试卷更具现实性。书面表达题对初中英语教学有着良好的导向作用,要求学生要充分运用所学语言记录自己的真实情感,进一步体现了英语学科的交际性和工具性。 二、七年级英语试卷分析及教学建议 本次期中考试,七年级英语试卷题量适度、难易适宜,试题大部分都是基础题。从总体上说,试题出题范围很合适,适合七年级学情。对学生来说,只要细心,就会得高分。 第一题听力部分 本题满分为20分,得分率为60%,是本次考试失分最多的一道题,如听力IV,听对话,选答案,共5道小题,大部分学生只能做对一、两道题,究其原因,是学生听力训练少、考试经验不足所致。 第二题单项选择 本题共15分,得分率为86%。本题为基本题型,学生失分较少,不过,学生因语法知识欠缺,导致的问题还是显而易见的。如3. I am from Canada. ____ from the U.S.A. 学生知道应该填I am not,但试卷没有该选项,而是巧妙地提供了I’m not这个选项,学生不知道am和not没有缩写形式,大多选了B这个错误选项。5题中different后应跟名词复数这一点大部分学生也不知道。类似的语法点教师以后应该强调到。 第三题句型转换 本题共5分,学生平均只得了3分。问题多出在助动词do和does没有掌握好。 第四题补全对话 本题共10分,得分率在95%左右。这道题老师指导的不错,学生答的也不错。


李阳疯狂英语VIP初三英语测试题 一、单项填空(20分) 21. Jack bought a _________ in a shoe shop yesterday. A.pair of shoes B.pairs of shoes C.pair of two shoes D.pair of shoe 22. If you _________ at home and miss the lecture, you’ll feel sorry. A.stay B.will stay C.stayed D. stays 23. _________ I go shopping with my mother on Sundays. A. Some time B. Sometime C. Sometimes D. Some times 24. If you become rich, you will have a difficult time knowing ________ your real friends are. A.that B.who C. which D. what 25. —Remember, boys and girls. ________ you work, ________ result you will get. —We know, Miss Gao. A.The better, the harder B.The harder, the better C.The hard, the better D.The hard, the good 26. —How long have you been skating today? —__________. A. Three miles B.Thirty circles C. Three feet D.Three hours 27. Who can tell me _______ at the meeting? A.what he said B.he said what C.what did he say D.how he said 28. It’s polite to wait __________ line. A.on B. in C. at D. to 29. I spent two hours _________ English every day. A. to speak B. speak C.on speaking D.speaking 30. Doing it well can make my mother __________. A.happily B.happy C. sad D. sadly 31. Most boys like to play _________ football, but he likes to play ___________ piano. A.a, a B. 不填,不填 C.不填,a D. 不填,the 32. We’ve _________ room to store my books. A.ran out of B. ran out C. run out of D. run out from 33. My shoes are worn out, I want to buy a new __________.


期中考试八年级英语试卷 Ⅰ听力部分(20分) (本大题共20分,每小题1分) 第一部分听对话回答问题 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你还有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。在听到“嘀”的信号后,进入下一小题。 1.Which sport is the most popular in their school? A. B. C. 2.How will the woman go to Tiansheng Bridge Park? A. B. C. 3. Where did Amy visit last year? . A A. B. C. 4. What will the girl be when she grows up? A. B. C. 5.What does Jack need for the DIY job? A. B. C. 6. What does the woman want the man to do? A. She wants the man to see a film with her. B. She wants the man to visit a museum. C. She wants the man to play basketball. 7. Who has the fewest apples? A. Simon B. Millie C. Daniel

8. How will they make their school more beautiful? A. By planting some young trees inside their school. B. By planting some young trees around their school. C. By doing some cleaning. 9. How much should the woman pay for the tickets? A. 64 yuan, B. 72 yuan. C. 96 yuan. 10. What does Sandy mean? A. She likes doing DIY. B. She knows little about DIY. C. She knows a lot about DIY. 第二部分听对话和短文回答问题 你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。听每对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后你仍有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 听第11段材料,回答11--12题。 11. Who did Lisa go shopping with? A. Her friend. B. Her sister. C. Her mother. 12. How often does Lisa go shopping? A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week. 听第12段材料,回答13--15题。 13. How is the man going to the zoo tomorrow? A. By bus. B. By car. C. On foot. 14. When are they going to meet? A. At 9 a.m. B. At 8 a.m. C. At 10 a.m. 15. Where are they going to have lunch? A. In the zoo. B. At Mr. Wu’s home. C. At school. 听第13段材料,回答16—20题。 16. How old is Jenny? A. 14. B. 15. C. 16. 17. What is their favorite color? A. Red. B. Yellow. C. White.


初二英语测试卷参考答案 一、听力(本大题共20 分,每小题1分) 1—5 CBBAB 6—10 BCCCB 11—15 BAAAB 16—20 BCABC 二、单项选择(共15 小题;每小题1 分,计15 分) 21---25 DACBC 26---30 DDBDC 31—35 ACBAC 三、完形填空(共15小题;每小题 1 分,计15 分) 36~40 DBADA 41~45 ACDDB 四、阅读理解(本大题共15小题;每小题2分,计30分) 46~48 ABB 49—51 CDC 52—56 DBACC 57—60 BDCA 五、词汇运用(共10 小题:每小题 1 分,计10 分) 61-65 experience against accident several explaining 66-70 ugliest correctly French fortieth him 71-75 is writing; have seen; will visit ; worked; was chatting 六、句型转换(5分) 76 too to 77 has had 78 How far 79 Don’t play 80 What an 七短文填空(5分) 81-84 until looked size tiny 85-90 careful ready pick noise full reach 八任务型阅读(5分) 91.The writer felt lonely. 92.Korea. 93.Her English wouldn't have improved at all. 94.They teach each other different languages. 95.Two. 九、书面表达(计10 分) As a middle school student, we should have good manners. Firstly, it’s necessary for us to respect our parents, and we can help them do some housework. Secondly, we should be polite and friendly to others. Everyone should be honest. It’s good to help others when they are in trouble. It can also make ourselves happy. Thirdly, we should pay more attention to our behaviour in public. Don’t speak loud ly, and never throw litter around., What’s more,we should save food and water. Don’t take more food than we need and always remember to turn off the tap. Last but not least, it’s important and necessary for us to help protect the environment. In a word, good manners can make a difference and lead to a better future.


初中一年级英语考试题 Prepared on 24 November 2020

--------------------快乐英语学习营---------综合考试题 ------------------ 考试说明:考试时间120分钟.满分100分.要求:书写工整,仔细作答. 一:选择题每题1分,共20分。 ( )1 .What’s the weather____in Ningxia in autumn(秋天) A about B like C of D from ( ) 2. It’s ______ ruler, It’s ______ orange ruler. A. a; an B. an; a C. a; the D. an; the ( )3. Betty can sing the song ____ English. A at B in C for D with ( )4. .——Excuse me, _______ is your brother ——He’s in the bedroom(卧室) . A. Where B. What C. How D. Which ( )5. These are my _______. A. sister B. mother C. parent D. parents ( )6. .Where your shoes D./ ( )7. He often a horse,he can a horse well. A.ride ride rides ride rides ( )8. Where ____Paul and Steve _____from A. do , comes B. does, come C. do , come ,comes ( )9. He often _________ on Friday. . A.plays basketball B. is playing basketball C. is playing the basketball the basketball ( )10. The panda likes ________with her friends A. playing B. play C. to playing ( )11. I ________ TV at night(在晚上). A.look at B.see C.watch D.look ( )12. ________ your friend like English A.Does B.Do C.Is D.Has


初中英语测试题(全套含答案) 一.单项填空 1.I don't think Mary and Sue before, ? [ ] A.have met;haven't they B.have met;have they C.have seen;do I D.have seen;don't they 2.As your spoken English gets better, your written English. [ ] A.so does B.so will C.such does D.such will 3.If you don't go, I. [ ] A.so do B.so will C.nor do D.neither shall 4.I still remember being taken for the first time a rainy evening to the village where my mother was born. [ ] A.in B.atC.on D.during 5.—Jack is a hard working boy. —. [ ] A.this B.Nor is he C.So he is D.Neither he is 6.How do you find to work with him? [ ] A.this B.that C.it D.your self 7.It's nice me with my lessons. [ ] A.of you to help B.for you to help C.of you helping D.for you helping 8.His “Selected Words”in his thirties. [ ] A.have been written B.has been written C.were written D.was written 9.Mary ill for a week.She is still in hospital. [ ] A.has been B.has fallen C.was D.fell 10.—will his birthday be? ----In a week. [ ] A.How far B.How long C.How soon D.How often 11.There are only two assistants in that shop. [ ] A.woman;shoe B.women;shoe C.woman;shoes D.women;shoes 12.The Whites are holiday,but Idon't know where they have gone their holidays.


英语语法专练第一部分冠词 1.Is there “s”in the end of the word? A.an B.a C.the D. / 2.Mr. Wang is ___ _honest man. A.an B.a C.the D. / 3.He is ____university student. A.a B.an C.the D. / 4. __ book is very useful. I bought it from unknown little town. A. A, a B.The, a C.The, the D.The, an 5. _________________________ ___girl in ___Grade three is tallest in our school. A.The, the, the B.A, a, a C.The, ×, the D.A, ×, a 6. ___ moon moves around _____ e arth,and they both are smaller than sun. A.The, an, a B.A, the, the C. ×, ×, × D.The, the, the 7. She was playing _ piano then. A.a B./ C.the D.an 8. ___ young should care for __ old. A.The, a B.The, the C.A, a D.A, the 9. _______________ The city lies on Yangtzi River. A.the B.a C./ D.an 10. ___________________ H e doesn ' t have lunch at home. A.a B.the C./ D.that 第二部分名词 1.Is there _ on that plate? There are under that tree. a. some chicken b.any chicken c.some chickens d.any chickens 2. ______________ We need two to repair the table. a. block of woods b.blocks of wood c.block of wood d.blocks of woods 3. __________ We know doesn't travel so fast as light. a.sound b.sounds c.a sound d.the sound 4. _______________ There are sixty in our school. a.woman teacher b.women teachers C.woman teachers d.women teacher 5. _______________________ Miss Smith is a friend of . a.Mary 's mother 's b.Mary 's mother c.mother 's of Mary d.Mary mother 's 第三部分数词 1. ___________________________________________________________ He always wanted to have ___of books and he has recently bought four ________________. a.hundred,hundred b.hundreds,hundred


2017-2018学年度第一学期 期末考试初二英语试卷 满分:100分时间:90分钟 听力部分(20分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片。(每小题1分,共5分) A B C D E 1.__________ 2.__________ 3.___________ 4.__________ 5. __________ Ⅱ.听短对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分) ( )6.What does Sandy want to be? A.He wants to be a teacher. B.He wants to be an engineer. C.He wants to be a writer. ( )7.Who wants to be a pilot? A.Jill does. B.James does. C.Bill does. ( )8.What does Helen like ? A.Music. B.Physics. https://www.360docs.net/doc/251857474.html,puter science. ( )9.What does Peter’s sister do? A.She’s a journalist. B.She’s an editor. C.She’s a college teacher. ( )10.Why does May’s grandpa often do morning exercises? A.Because he always eats healthy diet. B.Because he’s friendly to everyone. C.Because he wants to keep fit. Ⅲ.听长对话,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分) 听第一段对话,回答第11、12小题。 ( )11.What is Mr. Brown doing at the moment? A. He is having a meeting. B. He is having lunch. C. He is having a rest. ( )12.When will Mr. Johnson call back? A. At eleven o’clock. B. At one o’clock. C .At three o’clock. 听第二段对话, 回答第13—15小题。 ( )13.What did Peter do at the Music Festival last year? A.He played in the school band. B.He sang with other students. C.He helped other students. ( )14.What does Peter really like about the Music Festival? A.The students have a lot of fun. B.The students organize the festival by themselves. C.The teachers help with everything. ( )15.When does the festival start this year? A. On October 3rd. B. On October 6th. C. On October 7th. Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共5分) ( )16.What is Mike’s job in New York City? A.A postman. B.A waiter. C.A journalist. ( )17.How did Mike go to San Francisco? A.By plane. B.By train. C.On foot. ( )18.What did Mike really want to see? A.The scenery of Italy. B.The scenery of Canada. C.The scenery of the USA. ( )19.When did the train leave New York City? A.At 10:30 p.m. on Monday. B.At 11:20 p.m. on Friday. C.At 9:30 a.m. on Sunday. ( )20.Why didn’t Mike sleep that night? A.Because he was angry. B.Because he had many things to do. C.Because he was excited. 笔试部分(80分) Ⅰ.完形填空。阅读短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。(共20小题,计20分) A The world is divided( 被分成) into two parts. One half of the world is rich and 1 is poor. In the poor part, a lot of people don' I have enough to eat. When they are ill, 2 the hospitals can receive them because they have no enough 3 . In the rich part, a lot of people 4 too much. For example, a dog or a eat in North America eats more than a child in poor countries. The poor countries have some other difficult problems. Sometimes the land(土地) is too poor to grow 5 on. People there don' I have rich land or enough water. People must make the land better and do a lot of things. The people 6 learn and find water. But rich countries have
