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随着化学镀技术的进展,多元合金化学镀成为化学镀的研究热点,这一领域的开发将使化学镀镍基合金的应用范围大大拓展。化学镀Ni-P层有非常好的特性,譬如高强度耐磨性,抗腐蚀性质。还根据需要实现了镍与铜、钴、钨等的化学共沉积,以满足合金镀层的高硬度、耐热、耐腐蚀和功能性的要求,使化学镀镍基合金的性质得到了大大的改进。Co的加入可以改进Ni-P镀层磁性,减少剩磁,实现产品的磁性能、高抗腐蚀性和轻重量的要求,这些都是电子产品所必需的。在总结前人工作的基础上,对基体的前处理工艺、镀液的组成及配比,电镀工艺条件等进行了详细的研究。通过对镀层性能和抗腐蚀能力等方面的检测,结合机理的分析,得出以下实验结论:通过查阅大量资料和前期探索试验,改进了镀液组成,获得最佳镀液为: 硫酸镍(NiSO4·6H2O):9g/L,次磷酸钠(NaH2PO2·H2O):50g/L,柠檬酸钠(Na3C6H5O7·2H2O):50g/L,硫酸钴(CoSO4·7H2O):14g/L,硫酸铵((NH4)2SO4·7H2O) :14g/L。对影响化学镀Ni-Co-P合金的工艺条件:温度,时间,还原剂用量的大量试验研究。在此基础上,通过正交设计试验和其结果的分析得出了最佳工艺条件为:镀液温度:75℃;电镀时间:2小时;pH值为9。镀层性能测试显示:镀层与基体之间结合力良好;镀层细致、均匀、平整、无任何漏镀,而且不仅有很好的实用性,而且还有的装饰性。




Multicomponent electroless nickel plating to become hot, with the electroless plating technology continues to progress, greatly expand the development of this area will enable the electroless nickel plating range of applications.Electroless plating Ni-P layer has very good features, such as wear resistance of high strength, corrosion resistance, good electromagnetic nature.Also need to implement a chemical co-deposition of nickel and copper, cobalt, tungsten, in order to meet the high hardness of the alloy coating, heat, corrosion-resistant requirements, the electroless plating of Ni-P layer properties can be greatly improved.

Aluminum alloys have low density, high strength, high conductivity, good thermal conductivity, easy processing and good corrosion resistance characteristics, it is ideal for light weight requirements of the electronics industry, the aluminum has been widely used.Aluminum surface oxide film in acid and alkali environment corrosion, electroless plating Ni-Co-P layer is both hard and acid, can be a good solution to this deficiency.

Of Co, resulting in crystallization temperature, thereby improving the thermal stability of the coating and weld ability.Also the coating has good electrical conductivity and low residual magnetism.Co. as a ferromagnetic material, can improve the coercivity of the Ni-P coating, to reduce the remanence, high corrosion resistance, strong electromagnetic shielding properties and light weight requirements, these are electronic products need.Due to the choice of bath conditions and other factors will affect the quality of the coating, so research in this

area has become very important.Current research focuses on the electroless plating of Ni-CoP in the plating process, plating rate, crystallization behavior, hardness, corrosion resistance, weldability sex.C (Co) and the pH value of activation energy structure of the magnetic impact is relatively small.The existence of plating rate and the bath instability, the plating process pH changes and other issues.And Ni-Co-P electroless plating on non-metallic base relative to the less.

On the basis of previous work on the substrate pre-treatment process, the bath composition and the ratio of plating conditions, a detailed study.On film composition, structure and other aspects of analysis, combined with the analysis of the mechanism, to come to the following experimental results.

Copper-based pre-treatment in the the HNO3 retreat zinc solution, the addition of HF (1HF HNO3) can reduce the interface residues in a dip galvanized zinc ions to remove surface metal impurity ions to improve the combination of strength and corrosion resistance.

Two.Co2 concentration of 0.006mol · L-1, pH 8.5 bath stability and plating rate is moderate, good quality of the coating.

3.Benchmark bath, Ni-Co-P coating, the residual magnetization Mr as low as include about 1.0emu / g.

4.Ni-Co-P bath, Co2 / of Ni2 = 1, pH = 9, the coating obtained is uniform and compact, high hardness, the coating at 400 ° C heat treatment 1h, the coercivity Hc and remanence Mr markedly enhanced.

Key words: electroless plating; corrosion; crystalline; magnetic properties
