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13. 【2012上海】在展览会上,公司销售经理展示了孩子们翘首以盼的新型电子玩具。(demonstrate)

1. At the exhibition, the company's sales manager demonstrated the new type of electronic toys that

children were looking forward to.

14. 这本书对我帮助很大,特别是在好印象是必须的工作中。(help greatly, expression, a must)

2. The book has helped me greatly, especially at work where a good impression is a must.

15.我认为学生应当参加社区活动,在活动中他们可以为成长获得经验。(involve oneself in, community

activities, gain experience)

3. I think Students should involve themselves in community activities where they can gain experience for growth.

16. 我永远不会忘记我们一起度过的日子。

4. I will never forget the days (that/ which) we spent together.

6.【2010湖北】母亲对我所做的一切如此自豪,她奖赏我去北京旅游一趟。(so proud of, all, reward, trip)5. My mother was so proud of all that I had done that she rewarded me with a trip to Beijing.

7. 这个就是我一直在寻找的那本书。( the very book )

6. This is the very book that I have been looking for.

8.【2004上海】我发现很难与那些一贯固执己见的人合作。(…it…, cooperate, stick to)

7. I find it (is) hard to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinions.

9.在那边扫地的那个女的是谁?(Who, sweep the floor)

8. Who is the woman that is sweeping the floor over there?


9. She is no longer the woman (that) she used to be.

11.如果有你一个人不能克服的困难,你可以向你的父母或朋友求助。( any difficulty, overcome, turn to 10. If there is any difficulty (that) you can’t overcome alone, you can turn to your parents or

friends for help.

7. 【2013湖北】上学时我遇到过很多老师,其中两位对我影响很大。(through the course of, meet, two of ,


11. Through the course of my schooling , I met many teachers , two of whom influenced me greatly.

8.参观你所在的城市是一次难忘的经历,一次我将永生珍视的经历。(visiting your city, experience, one,

treasure for the rest of my life)

12. Visiting your city is an unforgettable experience, one I will treasure for the rest of my life.

9.那些树,树枝几乎秃了,都有数百年了。(branches, bare, hundreds of )

13. those trees, whose branches is nearly bare, have hundreds of years.

6.起初,我认为李老师有点怪,因为他总是问一些没人能回答的问题。(kind of odd, such questions as)14. At first, I thought Mr li was kind of odd, because he was always asking such questions as no

one could answer.

7.他不是一个把今天能做的事拖到明天做这样的一个人。(such a man, put off…until tomorrow)

15. he isn’t such a man as put off what he can do today till tomorrow.

8.在我生日那天,我收到了像母亲承诺的那样好的一件礼物。(receive as good a gift)

16. On my birthday, I received as good a gift as my mother had promised.

9.我在他的书包里发现了我前几天丢的那支钢笔,这支笔是我朋友送给我的生日礼物。我怒不可遏了。(the same,

a gift from, contain my anger)

17. I found in his schoolbag the same pen that I lost the other day, which is a special gift from

my friend, and I couldn’t contain my anger.

10.英语是如此有用的一门语言,世界上许多人都在学它。(so useful, learn it)
