1989年1月托福听力文字及对应答案PART AI. 1 lent him a book. [(B) He borrowed my book.2.Bob wan ted to be a doctor, but he became a teacher in stead. (D) Bob is a teacher.3.No one ever liste ns to a word I say. (C) People don't liste n whe n I speak.4.Gary's beginning to come around to my point of view. (A) Gary's starting to share my opinion.5.Get to the movie theater by seve n and you won't have to wait i n the ticket line.(C) If you go early, you can buy your ticket right away.6.This biography isn't half as well - written as the last one I read.(A)The last biography I read was much better tha n this one.7.What a won derful story! (A) The story is very enjoyable.8.George helped himself to ano ther piece of pie. (C) George took ano ther servi ng of pie.]9.On the bookshelf in the office is a dictio nary for every on e's use (A) An ybody can use the dictio nary in the office. |10.I'd like a larger suitcase tha n this one. (D) This suitcase isn't large eno ugh.II.Bill and Mary were en raged whe n their meeti ng was can celled. (D) Bill and Mary were angry about the can cellati on.12.How about keep ing the no ise level down in here? (A) You must try to be quieter.13.They are getting along fine in their new school (C) They are doing well in school.14.Typing the essay is the least of my worries. (D) Typing the essay is only a minor problem.15.I did n't discourage Pamela from doing her art project. (A) I wan ted Pamela to con ti nue her project.16.I suggest we keep the party for Beth as a surprise. (D) I don't think we should tell Beth about the party.17.Sarah wan ted to take a makeup exam. (B) Sarah hoped to take the test ano ther time.18.Are there eno ugh assig nment sheets to go around? (A) Does every one have a copy of the assig nment?19.Wasn ' t that the city busathd just pulled away! (A) I think that was the city bus, don't you?20.No one knows more about the subject tha n Polly. (C) She's well acqua in ted with the subject.1989年5月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.I've ordered a radio and the compa ny is supposed to ship it this week. (B) The radio I ordered should be sent this week.ura has to make up the exam in ati on. (C) Laura must take the test.3.You know who is going to be at the convention? (D) Have you any idea who will attend the convention4.Because Susa n was accepted by the state uni versity, her brother Ben applied there too.(B)Ben applied to the state uni versity because Susa n was accepted there.5.It's lucky Tommy's ball did n't go through the win dow. (D) Fort un ately, the ball did n't break the win dow.6.You want me to make just one copy of this, right? (D) I un dersta nd you'd like a sin gle copy of this.7.How cheerful the room looks with so many colorful posters. (D) I understand you'd like a single copy of this.8.Mike's coffee was cold. (A) Mike's drink was cold.9.I can run this projector There ' s really nothAgRoraking this projector is very easy for me.10.We have n't eno ugh flour to make bread. (D) We n eed more flour.11.I ' ve just got to get a new 佝I really need a new car.12.Sandra set up a display for the tow n's local history week. (A) San dra arran ged an exhibit for history week.13 There is no one who does n't have an opinion about someth ing. (C) Everyone has an opinion on somethi ng.14.If I had the money to spare, I'd be happy to lend it to you. (D) rm sorry I can't lend you the mon ey.15.The aroma of fresh pastry came to us from the kitche n. . (A) Some one was bak ing in the kitche n.16.Bob usually gets along with us. (A) We find Bob agreeable most of the time.17.Never before have I heard the professor gave such an in terest ing physics lecture.(B) This was the professor's best lecture yet.18.Barbara read so much that she can talk intelligently about almost any topic.(A) Barbara is in teresti ng to liste n to because she reads a lot.1989-1995 老老托福听力Part A单句文字材料及对应正确选项19.1 don't expect he ' II getCh ej o beone else will probably get the job.20. How do you account for it? (B) What's the expla natio n?_|1989年8月托福听力文字及对应答案Part A1.She n ever wakes up before her alarm goes off.(D) She always sleeps un til the alarm clock wakes her. |2.There is a tax on cloth ing in some states. (C) In certa in states clothes are subject to tax.3.The training program was difficult, but she got a lot out of it. (B) She lear ned a great deal from the program.4.He should be here in no time at all. (B) He'll probably arrive soon.5.Only if she gets her scholarship, can Karen afford to go to college. (C) Without a scholarship, Karen could n't go to college.6.Ron ald has to renew his passport because it is expired (B) He has to apply aga in for a passport.7.I thought I was late, but my watch was ten minu tes fast. (A) I was actually on time.8.An swers to the math test came easily to every one except Jerry. (C) Jerry had difficulty with the test.9.I think you should avoid tak ing that course this term. (A) It would be better not to take the course. |10.I suspect that shopkeeper may be dish on est. (D) I don't thi nk that shopkeeper is trustworthy.11.There is a fine if the reserved library books are even one hour overdue.(A) A fee is charged for reserved books retur ned even an hour late.12.Leslie wants to graduate early, so this semester she is taking as many credits as her department will allow her to.(B)Leslie has a heavier course load tha n usual this term.13.How busy you've been the last a few days! (B) You've had a lot to do recently.14.I was n't give n a copy of the catalog. (D) No one gave me a catalog.15.Mike in formed Susan about the school's NO SMOKING policy. (B) Mike talked to Susan regardi ng the new policy.16.The preside nt's speech was thought-provok ing, was n't it? (C) Don't you think the speech was stimulat in g?-117.Before long, we ' d all gotten to know one aero(A) We became friends quickly.18.She did n't want to undo the work she had started. (D) She did n't want to start all over aga in.19.The professor introduced himself to the new students. (C) The students met the professor.20.That's the last thi ng I needed(C) I certai nly did n't need that.1989年10月托福听力文字及对应答案Part A1.That's it for today; (C) That's all we'll do today.2.Robert is stopp ing by the bank to cash a check. (B) Robert is going to the bank to get some mon ey.3.She's left to go shopp ing. (D) She's gone to buy some thin gs.4.Your pen n eeds a refill, does n't it? (A) Don't you n eed a refill for your pen?5.Every one wants to take Professor Stanton's class. (A) Professor Stanton's course is very popular.6.Why don't we get together for dinner sometime? (C) Let's meet for dinner one of these days.7.Gary went to the dentist's about his broken tooth. (D) Why are the lectures held at four o'clock?8.Have you ever see n so many people at one of these lectures before" (C) This lecture is really crowded.9.You've got to do what is best for you. (A) Do what is most appropriate for you?10.I just arrived, but my suitcases were put on a later plane. (D) My baggage will arrive on another flight.11.He said the dormitory was n't full, and it wasn't. (B) There are still vaca nt rooms.12.Susan asked us to bring the slide projector. (D) We were supposed to bring the slide projector with us.13.He lacks discipli ne in his study habits. (A) His study habits are poor.14.The report is all ready to be typed. (B) The report can be typed now.15.We'll pick you up tomorrow at eight come what may. (A) No matter what, we'll come for you tomorrow.16.I wish the semester were over, but we still get a month to go. (B) I want the semester to end now.17.You mean you paid only ten dollars for that huge stack of books? (C) You got a lot of books for your mon ey.18.That kind of problem isn't completely unknown. (A) That is n't a totally new kind of problem.19.Professor Keen made us rewrite our essays in class. (A) We had to write our compositions over again.20.I can 'eteve you are not a physics major. (B) You certainly know a lot about physics.1990年1月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.I must have left my keys at my sister's house. (C) My keys are probably at my sister's house.]2.We need to arrive early for the graduation ceremony. (D) it ' s necessary for us to arrive at the ceremony early.3.Sarah spe nt twice as much time on computer as I do. (C) I use the computer half as much as Sara does.4.Let's listen to what Robert has to say. (B) We should pay attention to Robert.5.I told you two to cut it out. (A) Stop that!6.No one in the world could you expect to find a harder worker tha n Lois. (C) Lois works very hard.7.Dea n Williams was in vited by the college preside nt to address the faculty.(B) The preside nt asked Dea n Williams to speak to the faculty.8.I'll have this finished in a little while. ・(A) Soon I'll be finished.9.He's sick of his job. (A) He does n't like his work.10.Framed posters make interesting decorations, don't you think? (B) I believe framed posters are good for decorating.11.That's precisely the kind of camera I brought with me. (A) I brought a camera just like that one.12.If he' dnly give our quizzes back. (C) We wish he would return our quizzes.13.I did n't mea n to cause you so much trouble. (A) I'm sorry to have inconvenienced you.14.It's fun to sit in the stude nts' secti on at the football game. (D) I enjoy sitti ng with the stude nts at the game.15.There will be some one at the airport to meet us, won't there? (C) I believe that we'll be met at the airport.16.When will you ever learn! (C) Why do you keep on making the same mistakes?17.I don't recall lock ing my suitcase. (D) As far as I know, my suitcase should be ope n.18.To pay to see that movie would be foolish, when you can see it on television for nothing.(A)If you can see the movie on televisi on, why pay for it?19.I did n't know that both reports were due today. (B) I thought only one report was due.20.The classes should have shorter sessi ons. (C) The classes are too long.1990年5月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.Frank ren ted a car and drove to Dallas. (B) Frank drove to Dallas in a ren ted car.2.I saw her practici ng the viol in. (B) She was practici ng the violin whe n I saw her.3.He came over to our house just the other day. (A) He recen tly visited us.4.Sidney has a tooth removed. (C) The den tist pulled out Sidn ey's tooth.5.How on earth can you believe that? (D) You don't really believe that, do you?:6.The shop's closed for the ni ght. (D) The shops are closed un til tomorrow.7.I thought you would n't come to class today. (A) I did n't think you would be in class.8.Don failed physics and had to take it over. (D) He took physics again because he failed the first time.9.No sooner had the storm started tha n all the lights went out. (C) The lights went off just as the storm bega n.10.He's pla nning a graduatio n party for his sister on the 20th of the n ext mon th. (D) Next month on the twen tieth is the party.11.The bookstore is out of textbooks for French 102. (B) There are no more textbooks for French 102 in the bookstore.12.I really need to brush up on my math. (B) I need to improve my math skills.13.There is no body on campus who does n't know Irene. (B) Almost everybody knows Irene.14.He has a job on the side, preparing the laboratory every day for the next experiment.(A)He has part-time work in the laboratory.15.I can't deny that I was awful in the play. (A) I must admit that my performa nee was bad.16.Gloria has been knocking herself out on the project. (C) Gloria has been working very hard on the task.17.You are going to finish school this semester, aren't you? (A) Won't you be finished with school after this semester?18.Prof. Jenkins suggested that I use her n ame as a referen ce. (C) Professor Jenkins will recomme nd me.19.Should n't we be thinking about leavi ng for work? (A) Isn't it time we went to work?20.Lorraine's family was pleased by her thoughtful gift. (A) Lorraine gave her family a gift they liked.1990年8月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.She used to live in a dormitory, but now she has her own apartment(B) She has moved out of the dormitory.2.We'll probably be late for the con cert, won't we? (D) I think we'll miss the begi nning of the con cert.3.I' d better not go to bed because I haven* t finished my chemistry assignment. (B) I have to stay up to finish my chemistry.5.You gave me the right address for Bill's apartme nt, did n't you? (B) I hope you gave me Bill's correct address.6.Just down the street is a nice little gift shop. (D) There is a gift shop nearby.7.The sn ack bar has fresh fruit, right? (A) Does n't the sn ack bar sell fresh fruit?8.There are big sales going on in the department stores downtown this week according to Charlie.(C)Charlie told us about the sales in the stores dow ntow n.9.There is not a sin gle cloud in the sky this after noon. (B) It's sunny day today.10.Not one student in my class has studied painting before. (C) Nobody in the class has ever had any painting lessons.11.Beh ind the lecture hall is a small park ing lot. (C) The lecture hall is in front of a park ing lot.12.Lucy was offered a scholarship by the uni versity that was her first choice.(A) Lucy got a scholarship to the Uni versity of her Choice.13.Barbara discovered she was in eligible for the song con test. (D) She found out she could n't en ter the con test.14.Ted once worked there but no Ion ger does. (D) He does n't work there anymore.15.She replaced the broke n pane of glass. (B) She fixed the win dow.16.I guessed the right an swer. (B) I got the correct an swer by cha nee.17.I've promised to take Cathy some of this delicious tea. (A) I said rd take some of this tea to Cathy.18.Mary Ann, that's who makes the best soup. (C) Mary Ann makes outsta nding soup.19.The last pers on I want to see Is Jeff. (A) I don't want to see Jeff at all.20.Sarah used to teach psychology, but now she is a corporate statisticia n (D) Sarah has a differe nt job now.1990年10月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.Pat dropped the letter in the mailbox. (C) Pat mailed the letter.2.Fred gave the right answers to the question the instructor asked. (C) Fred's answers were correct.3.The trip was a won derful experie nee, don't you agree? (B) Was n't the trip marvelous?4.He ate two of them. (A) He had two to eat.5.Cheryl rarely goes with the group to the Saturday ni ght dan ces. (D) Cheryl seldom goes to the dan ces with the group.6.She has to buy a book bag for school.(A) She n eeds someth ing to carry her schoolbooks in.7.I ' decided to hang on to my textbooks form last year. (C) rm keeping my old textbooks.8.Carol works as a nu rse, but she would rather teach. (B) Carol wishes she were a teacher.9.If only this rain would stop. (B) I'm tired of the rain.10.Twelve people came, but half left early. (A) Six people left before the end.11.Through that door, you will find some one to help you. (C) You can get some one to assist you if you go in that door.12.Max felt sick and stayed home from school. (B) Max missed school because he was sick.13.Every one except Carrie voted for an exam in stead of a paper. (D) Everyone but Carrie preferred hav ing an exam.14.This tomato pla nt is still immature. (D) The tomato pla nt is n't completely developed.15.I ' smpposed to turn south at the corner, right? (C) Should n't I turn south at the corner?16.Steve wan ted a pair of table lamps, but got a floor lamp in stead.(A) Steve bought a floor lamp, though he'd pla nned to buy table lamps.17.I don't n eed to tell you to come alone, do I? (B) You know you should come by yourself, don't you?18.He ' turn his back on me if I ask for money. (A) When I need money, he won't help.19.I signed up for a month long course, but Kary signed up for one, that ei'hSweeks long.(B)My course is half as long as Katy's.20.He misread the recipe, so the stew he made tasted terrible. (D) He did n't follow the recipe for the stew.1991年1月托福听力文字及对应答案PART AI. 1 could n't hear her n ame clearly. (C) It was hard to hear her n ame.2.I would n't mind havi ng a roommate. (D) Having a roommate is all right with me.3.Little did she realize that the present was for her. (D) She didn ' t know that the present would be for her.4.I won der if you could shut the door. (A) Could you please close the door?5.We just can't get over the fact that Ted and Margie got married. (B) The fact that they got married still amazes us.6.I wish I had more time to spend with you. (A) it ' s too bad we have so little time together.7.I used to watch a lot of TV , but now I can't stand it. (A) Although I used to watch television a lot, I hate it now.8.On your right is the information booth. (D) You can get information over on the right.9.He fell dow n and hurt himself. (C) He was injured.10.What a long bus ride this is! (C) This bus ride takes a very long time.II.Jane wants to buy that painting? (B) Does Jane really wish to purchase that painting?12.Ruth liked Hen ry's watch so much that he bought himself one exactly like it. (D) Russ got a wat ch just like Henry13.You ' come right on time, won't you? (C) Please try to be prompt.14.Carrol was told that she had gained the top score. (A) Carol did better tha n anyone else.15.Stude nts out nu mbered teachers at the rally. (A) Carol did better tha n anyone else.16.No one could keep him from speaking. (C) He couldn ' t be prevented from speaking.17.The sea's very calm. (B) The water isn't rough.18.She stopped feeli ng the ducks at the park. (D) She no Ion ger gives the ducks food.19.I can't risk not telli ng him. (B) I have to tell him.20.Jeff and Ala n share a com mon outlook or life. (A) They thi nk alike.1991年5月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.Emily and Joe are medical stude nts, aren't they? (A) I think Emily and Joe are study ing medici ne.2.The con ductor of the sympho ny orchestra was terrific. (B) The orchestra's con ductor was excelle nt.3.Ned was n't in vited to the party. (D) No one asked Ned to the party.4.I have the store deliver the packages to my house. (C) The store sent the packages to my house.5.There is no sport I enjoy more than swimming. (A) Swimming's my favorite sport.6.You ' llfirhhr number listed in the telephone book. (C) Her number is in the directory.7.Too bad you did n't make a hotel reservati on. (A) You should have reserved a room.8.The editor should have completed their work earlier. (B) The editors were late in finishing.9.The dormitory laundry service gives out clean sheets each week, doesn it? t(D) Aren't clea n sheets provided in the dormitory weekly?10.If I'd remembered to check the mailbox, I might have found your note.(A) Since I forgot to look in the mailbox, I missed your note.11.Ire ne g'rades en abled her to earn a scholarship. (D) She received a scholarship because of her grades.12.Joh n does n't thi nk they've left the office yet. (D) He thi nks they're still at the office.13.No sooner had I started to type my paper tha n the telepho ne rang. (C) Some one called just as I started to work.14.The fire was preve nted from spreadi ng because of San dra's quick action. (A) Sandra stopped the fire from spreadi ng.15.1 went for a walk to wake myself up. (C) I was feeling sleepy and so I took a walk.16.Don' you think it would be wise to review how much we've spent to date? (B) We should total our expenses up to now.17.The committee was selected by the college faculty. (B) The college faculty chose the committee members.18.Standing n ext to Paul is the dea n of admissi ons. (C) The dea n is sta nding beside Paul.19.The door ban ged shut. (D) The door closed loudly.20.Peter j6bsearch was unsuccessful. (B) Peter was unable to find a job.1991年8月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.The bank gran ted her loa n to cover her school expe nses. (C) She borrowed money from the bank to pay her school fees.2.Bill tha nks for pick ing up the books for me. (D) I appreciate your gett ing my books, Bill.3.She said the dem on strati on beg ins at 8 o' clock, did n she? (t) I un dersta nd the dem on strati on will be at eight o'clock.4.Linda took ni ght classes for ten years and eve ntually got her degree. (C) It took Linda ten years to earn her degree.5.Automobile polluti on is a far greater problem tha n in dustrial waste. (B) Cars pollute more tha n in dustry does.6.I ' used to gett ing up early. (C) I usually get up early.7.Mary said she wan ted to live by herself. (A) Mary does n't want a roommate.8.Red letteri ng on sig ns is much more no ticeable tha n blue. (B) Blue prin t is less eye-catch ing tha n red print.9.He stood up for what he thought was right. (B) He defe nded his point of view.10.I 'like to skip the meeting, but I can't just not go. (C) I'll go to the meeting even though I don't want to.11.I could n't get David to tell where he's going on vacati on. (A) David would n't tell me where he will spe nd his vacati on.12.The radio is too loud only for Ben. (D) Just Ben thinks the radio is too loud.13.Let leave the ear at home and walk to tow n for a cha nge. (D) rd rather walk tha n drive today.14.Kevin raced through the stati on, afraid he'd miss the train. (B) Kevin did n't want to miss the train, so he ran to catch it.15.If we had n't made the wrong turn, we hade bee n on time. (D) We're late because we went the wrong way.17.People from the television station have requested the viewers to send in their suggestions.(A)The television station staff has asked for viewers' ideas.18.Although Joh n would n ever believe it, I did try to retur n his teleph one call. (C) I really tried to call Joh n back.19.Lunch was n't at all appeali ng today. (C) I did n't think today's lunch looked very good.20.Robert tends to keep his opinions to himself. (D) Robert seldom tells people what he's thinking.1991年10月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.The radio works well only in clear weather. (C) The radio does n't work in bad weather.2.Actually, I don't think Jan e's busy now. (A) I believe Jan e's free at the mome nt.3.Gary has to face the facts. (B) He had to accept the truth.4.If rd known the bank would be closed today. I would have gone there yesterday. (D) I did n't go to the bank yesterday.5.In computer program ming, Susa n is head and shoulders above the rest of us.(A) Susa n is much better tha n we are in this subject.6.She is a first-year law stude nt. (C) She's just begu n her legal studies.7.For the next half hour, we will work out in the gym. (C) We will be exercis ing inthe gymn asium for 30 minu tes.8.When will these pictures be ready? (A) I've waited too long for the pictures.9.Jane was taught to drive by her brother. (B) He taught her how to drive.10.Philip's n ever bee n see n wear a tie. (D) He does n't seem to ever wear a tie11.I must have left my office keys at home because I can't find them any where. (B) I forgot to bring my keys.12.Was n't it the best meal you ever ate! (C) The food was delicious, don't you agree?13.We won't start a new less on before n ext week. (D) There will be no new less on this week.14.You took the bus to get here right? (B) I un dersta nd you came by bus.15.I am afraid that Ala n is not up to such a difficult task. (D) I doubt that Ala n can do the job.16.My cousin, who is a geography teacher, helped us plan out trip. (C) We received advice about our trip from my cousin.17.Dian was too excited to sit quietly and kept paci ng the floor. (D) She could n't hide her exciteme nt.18.Robert wants to take up drawing. (A) He's interested in learning how to draw.19.He got bored playing cards last night; so he left early. (C) He did not stay for the entire evening.20.May I have a package of safety pins please? (C) Would you please give me safety pins.1992年1月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.Jack in troduced us to his pare nts (D) We met his mother and father.2.I fini shed the assig nment a week ago. (B) My assig nment was completed last week3.We did n ' think you would mind C) We did n't expect it to bother you..4.Do go ahead with your dessert. (A) Please eat your dessert.5.He was extremely angry but did n't let it show. (B) He was hidi ng his feeli ngs.6.Aren your clever to figure that out! (A) How smart you are to find the an swer to that!7.Ann rides her bike to work to save money on bus fare. (B) Anne saves money by riding her bike to work8.My marks are higher tha n I thought they ' bd. (B) I did n't think my marks would be this good.9.Alex will call before he comes, won he? (C) Will Alex phone before coming?]10.The club preside nt announced that each member has a quota of ten tickets to sell for the tale nt show.(B)Every one in the club should sell at least ten tickets11.We should include these figures in the report, I think. (C) I believe the report ought to include this information.12.Now that I fin ally turned in my thesis, I pla n to take it easy for a while. (C) I'm going to rest after all that hard work13.I don't think I heard her name mentioned before. (D) That name isn't familiar to me.14.No one came to the school play. (C) Nobody went to see the play.15.If on ly you told me sooner. (B) You should have in formed me earlier.16.I ' got to get going on my research project. (D) It's time to start my research project17.The actors received a sta nding ovati on for their performa nee. (C) The audie nee stood up and applauded.18. A friend bought Doris's painting. (D) Doris' friend bought her painting19.Every one thi nks Carlo is a very outgo ing fellow. (D) He's very frie ndly.20.I was late coming back from lunch today. (D) I look a Ion ger lunch break today1111111992年5月托福听力文字及对应答案PART A1.We tried calling Ken, thinking he'd be home. (B) We expected Ken to answer the phone.2.She does n't know we fini shed the experime nt. (A) She thinks we have n't fini shed.3.Didn shtha ndle her prese ntati on well (B) She gave a good prese ntati on4.I don't know Maxine although we went to the same university. (C) I never met Maxine when we were at college.5.At the end of the street is a bookstore where you can buy used books. (B) You can get sec on dha nd books in that store.6.If he'd only asked me for help rd have done my best for him. (A) rd have bee n happy to help if he'd asked me.7.The shoe polish does n't match the shoes. (A) The shoe polish is the wrong color.8.You ' have to get another chair from the living room. (C) You'll have to bring another chair in here.9.I had a piece of Carla's birthday cake although I usually don't like dessert. (D) It was unu sual that I ate some cake.10.Here take this pill, don chew it. (D) Swallow this tablet.11.I can't finish what I ' working on until I have your research result. (A) I need your data before I can finish my work.。
但还是发上来给大家看看,说不定有些参考价值省略:it is同进同出,前面是although, though, even though, when, while, if, unless,同时从句的主语等于主句主语,从句谓语为bebe found in,存在于which要接不完整句,where,when接完整句,what后一定有动词on account ofthe answer to the questionbest和life永不错whereas接句子and to make永不对学科不加thesubstitute后接by/forthe way后in which,the reason后的why可以省略the time后的when可以省略greatly不修饰形容词,只修饰动词和分词to had done必错for+名词对for+句子错of后的名词必接限定词A also B错,also不做连词A or B结构谓语跟后置首的全句状语为副词(新东方P62)at times有时at a time每次at one time曾经据说each of +限定词+Nn+what错n+the thing that对adv+同位语make结构:make +n+n make +n/代词+adj make it possible to do make it possible that make possible+名词make something possible thus/thereby doing(不一定)不规则动词过去式set set set spread spread spread cost cost cost notwithstanding+nas和so位于句中时注意倒装Although to do/ if to do/ SVO+when to do/when to do +SVO错双宾语结构:gain/win/earn+sb sth give/grant+sb sth appoint/call/elect/make/consider+n+n persuade/tell sb that+clausea twenty four hour period a greetings card man/women+n时,man/woman随着n变单复数学科时注意用学科名本身修饰some/any单复数,可数不可数均可a few+复数anyohter+单数first/single/only单复数都可以【。
托福考试语法试题及答案详解11. Most doctors of the Colonial period believed _______ was caused by animbalance of humors in the body.A. in diseaseB. that diseaseC. of diseaseD. about disease答案:B分析:动词believe 的用法:直接加that引导的宾语从句。
2. In 1976 Sarah Caldwell became _________ at the Metropolitan Opera Housein New York City.A. she was the first woman to conductB. the first woman conductorC. the woman was first conductingD. the woman conducts first答案:B分析:缺宾语,答案中只有B,D可以作宾语,但D的语序不对。
参考译文:1976,Sarah Caldwell成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan Opera House演出的演奏家。
补充:常考the fi rst/second/… one to do sth3. On January 7,1955,Marian Anderson became _________ to sing a majorrole at New York Citys Metropolitan Opera House.A. the first African AmericanB. the first African American wasC. she was the first African AmericanD. when the first African American答案:A分析:缺宾语,C,D都不能作宾语。
以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的托福语法词汇经典试题解析,希望能给大家带来帮助!1. Groups of muscles in the head direct the actions necessary for _____.(A) chew and swallow(B) to chew and to swallow(C) being chewed and swallowing(D) chewing and swallowing答案:D测试点:介词宾语动名词。
2. In the Osage tribe of Oklahoma, beaded belts _____ who held a high social status.(A) only by women were fashioned(B) by women were fashioned only(C) were fashioned only by women(D) were by women fashioned only答案:C测试点:谓语动词。
3. _____ commonly chosen as the first step to a career in public office.(A) Why legal training is(B) Legal training is(C) Legal training that is(D) It is legal training答案:B测试点:主谓结构。
2000年01月语法题16. The outer layer of the heart, called the pericardium, forms a sac in what the heart lies.17. Wood from the ash tree becomes extremely flexibly when it is exposed to steam.18. The ability to talk is one of the skill that make humans different from the rest of the animalworld.19. In plane geometry, the sum of the internal angles of any triangle has always equal to 180degrees.20. Polar bears are bowlegged and pigeon-toed, adaptations that enable this massive animalsto maintain their balance as they walk.21. Caves are formed by the chemical or action mechanical of water on soluble rock, byvolcanic activity, and by earthquakes.22. Celery, an edible plant is having long stalks topped with feathery leaves, grows best in coolweather.23. The first fiction writer in the United States to achieve international fame was WashingtonIrving, who wrote many stories, included “ Rip Van Winkle〞and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow〞.24. Three fundamental aspects of forest conversation are the protection of immature trees, theuse of proper harvesting methods, and provide for an environment that supportsreproduction.25. For each enzyme reaction there is an optimum temperature which maximum efficiency isachieved.26. Adolescence is a transitional stage in human development from the beginning of puberty tothe attainment of the emotion, social, and physical maturity of adulthood.27. The people native to the northwest coast of North American have long be known for woodcarvings of stunning beauty and extraordinary quality.28. Colonial efforts to manufacture glass at Jamestown---- and later attempts nearPhiladelphia and Boston---failed despite the abundant of fuel and good raw materials.29. The orbit of a celestial body is usually in the shape of ellipse.30. Chicago is the third largest publishing center in the United States, exceeding only by NewYork City and San Francisco.31. North American bison differ from domestic cattle in have 14 rather than 13 pairs of ribs.32. Female sea turtles, before laying her eggs, swim as much as 2,000 kilometers to return tothe beaches where they themselves were hatched.33. Water is the only substance that occur at ordinary temperatures in all three states of matter:solid, liquid and gas.34. Despite the growth of manufacturing and other industries, the economy of the state ofTexas has remained heavily dependence on oil and gas.35. Lyndon B. Johnson was the only United States President who oath of office wasadministered by a woman Judge Sarah Tilghman Hughes.36. It took more than fourteen years to carve the faces of four United States Presidents into thegranite cliffs to Mount Rushmore, South Dakota.37.Charles Bullfinch was the architect who design the original red brick core of the StateHouse in Boston.38.Rarely has a technological development had as great an impact on as much aspects ofsocial, economic, and cultural development as the growth of electronics.39. Lowell, Massachusetts, known as the “Spindle City〞since 1822 when its first textile millswere built, attracted worldwide attention as textile center.40.Strange Victory, Sara Teas dale’s smallest and most perfect collection of poems, appear inprint in 1933.2000年05月语法题16.More and 90 percent of the calcium in the human body is in the skeleton.17. Perhaps the most popular film in movie history, Star Wars was written and direction byGeorge Lucas.18. Some animal activities, such as mating, migration, and hibernate, have a yearly cycle.19. Geographers were once concerned largely with exploring areas unknown to them and fromdescribing distinctive features of individual places.20. In his animated films, Walt Disney created animals that talk and act like people whileretaining its animal traits.21. The first city in the United States that put into effect major plan for the clustering ofgovernment buildings was Washington, D.C.22. In a microwave oven, radiation penetrates food and is then absorbed primarily by watermolecules, caused heat to spread through the food.23.The cultures early of the genus Homo were generally distinguished by regular use of stonetools and by a hunting and gathering economy.24. Dolphins are sleek and powerful swimmers that found in all seas and unlike porpoiseshave well defined, beaklike snouts and conical teeth.25. The velocity of a river is controlled by the slope, the depth, and the tough of the riverbed.26. The phonograph record was the first successful medium for capturing, preservation andreproducing sound.27. Generally, the pattern of open space in urban areas has shaped by commercial systems,governmental actions, and cultural traditions.28. A liquid that might be a poor conductor when pure is often used to make solutions thatreadily transmits electricity.29.The initial discovery by humans almost 10,000 years ago that they could exploit metallicmineral deposits was an important milestone in the development civilization.30. In 1989 Tillie Fowler a Republican, became the first member of her party to serving aspresident of the city council of Jacksonville, Florida.31. General anesthesia, which is usually used for major surgery, involves a complete loss ofconsciousness and a relaxed of the muscles.32. After first establishment subsistence farms along the Atlantic seaboard, European settlersin North America developed a maritime and shipbuilding industry.33.The legs of a roadrunner are enough strong that it can run up to 24 kilometers per hour tocatch lizards and small rodents.34. For the immune system of a newborn mammal to develop properly, the presence of thethymus gland is essentially.35. Physicians working in the field of public health are mainly concerned with theenvironmental causes of ill and how to eliminate them.36.By 1850, immigration from distance shores, as well as migration from the countryside, hadcaused New York City’s population to swell.37.By identifying similar words or structures in different languages, we find evidence that thoselanguages are related and may be derived from same ancestor.38. Astronomers use photography and sighting telescopes to study the motions of all of thebright stars and many of the faint one.39.In the nineteenth century a number of Native American tribe, such as the Comanche, liveda nomadic existence hunting buffalo.40. The average elevation of West Virginia is about 1,500 foot above sea level.2000年08月语法题16. Painters of the early twentieth century who were known primarily for they colorfullandscapes, the Group of Seven changed is name to the Canadian Group of Painters in 1933.17. Most animals have nervous systems, sense organs, and specialized modes of locomotion,and are capable of securing, ingesting, and to digest food.18. The cork oak tree has a layer of cork several inches thickness that can be stripped everyten years.19. Inflation, interest rates, and overall economic active can be governed by the United StatesFederal Reserve’s decision to adjust the supply of money to the economy.20. Free radicals of oxygen, which common by-products of metabolic processes in the body,are capable of causing tissue damage.21. By 1830 the glass industry in the United States had become too well established that thecountry no longer needed to depend on imported glass.22. Free land, cheaply transportation, and powerfully persuasive railroad advertising all helpedflood the western part of the United States with farmers in the nineteenth century.23. Coral formations have known as fringing reefs are located close to shore, separated fromland only by shallow water.24. For a seagoing, cargo-carrying sailing vessels, the clipper ship was remarkably fast.25. Visibly only through large telescopes, Pluto has a yellowish color, which indicates thatthere is very little atmosphere.26. Diamond is the hardest known substance, so diamonds can be cut only by anotherdiamonds.27. The International Monetary Fund was created in a effort to stabilize exchange rates withoutinterfering with the healthy growth of trade.28. Butterflies and moths undergo complete metamorphosis, them changing from caterpillar toadult via one intermediate stage, the pupa.29. Thousands of meteorite hit Earth each year, but most fall into the sea or in remote areasand are never recovered.30. Alaska become the forty-ninth state in 1959,and Hawaii became the fiftieth state lately thatyear.31. A sponge feeds itself by drawing water through tiny pores on its surface, filtering out foodparticles, and then expel the water through larger vents.32. Toward the end of his life, John Singer Sargent returned to the painting of landscapes andthe use of watercolors, of which he excelled.33. Pythons differ than most other snakes by having two well developed lungs rather than amuch smaller left lung or no left lung at all.34. Weighing among two to five kilograms in adults, the skin is the largest organ of the humanbody.35. Rodents dwell in various habitat, some species being aquatic, some terrestrial.36. The nectar of flowers are ingested by worker bees and converted to honey in special sacsin their digestive systems.37. Lucid dreaming, the ability dreamers to become aware of and to control their dreams whiledreaming, is the focus of some current psychological research.38. The sensation of sound is produced how vibrations transmitted through the air strike theeardrum.39. The musical tone of an electric guitar is created not by the resonance of the body of theguitar but by electronically amplification.40. Considered one of the most beautiful of the fine art, ballet is a combination of dance andmime performed to music.2000年10月语法题16.The pear tree has simple, oval leaves that are smoother and shinier than them of the apple.17.In the orbit of a planet around the Sun, the point closest to the Sun is called it the perihelion.18.In the early 1900’s, Roy Harris created and promoted a distinctly American style of classical music and greatly influenced a number of composer in the United States. 19.The eighteenth century witnessed the emergence of North American ports, particular Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, as major commercial centers within the Britishempire.20.Guitarlike instruments have exist since ancient times, but the first written mention of the guitar itself is from the fourteenth century.21.The law of biogenesis is the principle what all living organisms are derived from a parent or parents.22.Onyx is a mineral that can be recognized its regular and straight parallel bands of white, black, or brown.23.There are as many as 200 million insects for every human beings, and in fact their total number exceeds that of all other animals taken together.24.Native to South America and cultivated there for thousands of years, the peanut is said to have introduced to North America by early explorers.25.Originally canoes were made by the hollowing out of logs and used were for combat as well as transport.26.Among the symptoms of measles, which takes about twelve days to incubate, are a high fever, swelling of glands in the neck, a cough, and sensitive to light.27.Ice crystals in a glacier tends to melt and recrystallize within a brief moment of travel on a downhill glide.28.Photograph was revolutionized in 1851 by the introduction of the collodion process for making glass negatives.29.The piano is a stringed musical instrument in which the strings are strike by felt-covered hammers controlled by a board.30.The sounds used in human languages to create meaning consist of small variation in air pressure can be sensed by the ear.31.The mountains, especially the Rocky Mountains, formerly constituted a seriously barrier to east-west trade in British Columbia.32.Telescope are frequently used in astronomy to collect light from a celestial object, bring the light into focus, and producing a magnified image.33.Diamond is the hardest known substance, so diamond can be cut only by another diamonds.34.There are about 350 species and subspecies of birds in danger of become extinct, with a large number of them, 117 in all, found on oceanic islands.35.The nineteenth-century romantic movement in art was partially a reaction to what was perceived as overemphasis on reasonable and order in neoclassicism.36.Like triglycerides, cholesterol is a type of fat that is both consumed in the diet but manufactured by the body.37.Both the United States silver dollar and half-dollar, first minted in 1794, had a figure of Liberty on one side and a eagle on the reverse side.38.For an advertisement to be effective, its production and placement must to be based on a knowledge of human nature and a skilled use of the media.39.While photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich organic compounds.40.The Democratic Party, the most oldest existing political party in the United States, has played a vital role in the nation’s history.2001年01月语法题16. A variation of collodion photography was the tintype, which captured images on a black ordark brown metal plate instead from on glass.17. In cases of minor injury to the brain. Amnesia is likely to be a temporarily condition.18. The system of chemical symbols, first devised about 1800. gives a concise and instantlyrecognizable description of a element or compound.19. The fact that white light is light composed of various wavelengths may be demonstrating bydispersing a beam of such light through a prism.20. Over the course of history, much civilizations developed their own Number systems.21. In the United States during the Second World War, each trade unions and employersavoided federal limits on wages by offering employees Nontaxable medical benefits. 22. Philosophy is the study of the nature of reality, knowledge, existent, and ethics by meansof rational inquiry.23. Poems vary in length from brief lyric poems to narrative or epic poems, which can be asbroad in scope than a novel.24. The population of California more than doubled during the period 1940-1960, creatingproblems in road-building and provide water for its arid southern section.25. Although based it on feudal models, the colony of Pennsylvania developed a reputation fora progressive political and social outlook.26. Hard and resistant to corrosion, bronze is traditionally used in bell casting and is thematerial used widely most for metal sculpture.27. The Appalachian Mountains formation a natural barrier between the eastern seaboard andthe vast lowlands of the continental interior of North America.28. The United States census for 1970 showed that the French-speaking residents ofLouisiana were one of the country’s most compact regional linguistic minority.29. When used as food additives, antioxidants prevent fats and oils from become rancid whenexposed to air, and thus extend their shelf life.30.liquid will flow and take the shape of their container.31. Copper was the first metallic used by humans and is second only to iron in its utility throughthe ages.32. Despite the fact that lemurs are general nocturnal, the ring-tailed lemur travels by day inbands of four to twelve individuals.33. The Western world is beset with the range of problem that characterize mature,postindustrial societies.34. Acrylic paints are either applied using a knife or diluted and spreading with a paintbrush.35. Some marine invertebrates, such as the sea urchin and the starfish, migrates from deepwater to shallow during spring and early summer to spawn.36. Marshes, wetland areas characterized by plant grassy growth, are distinguished fromswamps, wetlands where trees grow.37. Wampum, beads used as a form of exchange by some Native Americans, was made ofbits of seashells cut, drill, and strung into belts.38. Kangaroos use their long and powerful tails for balance themselves when sitting upright orjumping.39. Proper city planning provides for the distribution of public utilities, public buildings, parks,and recreation centers, and for adequate and the inexpensive housing.40. Most traditional dances are made up of a prearranged series of steps and movements, butmodern dancers are generally free to move as they choice.2001年05月语法题16. A gene is a biological unit of information who directs the activity of a cell or organism duringits lifetime.17. The flowering of African American talent in literature, music, and art in the 1920’s in NewYork City became to know as the Harlem Renaissance.18. The symptoms of neumonia, a lung infection, include high fever, chest pain, breathingdifficult, and coughing.19. The rapid grow of Boston during the mid-nineteenth century coincided with a large influx ofEuropean immigrants.20. In 1908 Olive Campbell started writing down folk songs by rural people in the southernAppalachian mountains near hers home.21. The thirteen stripes of the United States flag represent the original thirteen states of theUnion, which they all were once colonies of Britain.22.In 1860, more as 90 percent of the people of Indiana lived rural areas, with only a few citieshaving a population exceeding 10,000.23.Gravitation keeps the Moon in orbit around Earth and the planets other of the solar systemin orbit around the Sun.24.Photograph was revolutionized in 1831 by the introduction of the collodion process formaking glass negatives.25. After flax is washed, dry, beaten, and combed, fibers are obtained for use in making fabric.26. A fever is caused which blood cells release proteins called pyrogens, raising the body’stemperature.27. Because of various gift-giving holidays, most stores clothing in the United Sates do almostas much business in November and December as they do in the other ten monthscombined.28. The United States National Labor Relations Board is authorized to investigation allegationsof unfair labor practices on the part of either employers or employees.29. The Great Potato Famine in Ireland in the 1840’s caused an unprecedented numbers ofpeople from Ireland to immigrate to the United States.30.The particles comprising a given cloud are continually changing, as new ones are addedwhile others are taking away by moving air.31. Political parties in the United States help to coordinate the campaigns of their membersand organizes the statewide and nationa conventions that mark election years.32. The lemur is an unusual animal belonging to the same order than mon’s and apes.33. Cheese may be hard or soft, depending on the amount of water left into it and thecharacter of the cuting.34. The carbon-are lamp, a very bright electric lamp used for spotlights, consists of two carbonelectrodes with a high-current arc passing between it.35. At first the poems of E.E. Cummings gained notoriety to their idiosyncratic punctuation andtypography, but they have gradually been recognized for their lyric power as well.36. The mechanism of human thought and recall, a subject only partly understood by scientists,is extraordinary complicated.37. While the process of photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used toconvert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and organic compounds.38.The globe artichoke was known as a delicacy at least 2,500 years ago, and records of itscultivation date from fifteenth century.39. Humans do not constitute the only species endowed with intelligence: the higher animalsalso have considerably problem-solving abilities.40. Many of species of milkweed are among the most dangerous of poisonous plants, whileothers have little, if any, toxicity.2001年08月语法题16. Modern societies are such complex that they could not exist without a well-developedsystem of law.17. Altitude, climate, temperature, and the length of the growing season both determine whereplants will grow.18. The bathyscaphe, a free-moving vessel designed for underwater exploration, consists of aFlotation compartment with a observation capsule attached underneath it.19. Water constitutes almost 96 percent of the body weight of a jellyfish, so if a jellyfish were todry out in the sun, it would virtually disappeared.20. The most important parameters affecting a rocket’s maximum flight velocity is therelationship between the vehicle’s mass and the amount of propellant it can carry.21.There were once only eight major lakes or reservoirs in Texas, but today there are over 180,many built to storing water against periodic droughts.22. All harmonized music that is not contrapuntal depends from the relationship of chords,which are either consonant or dissonant.23. Expressionist drama often shows the influence of modern psychology by reflecting thefrustrations inner of the dramatist.24. It is the number, kind, and arrange of teeth that determine whether a mammal is classifiedas a carnivore not the food that the animal actually eats.25. The sea otter is well adapted at its marine existence, with ears and nostrils that can beclosed under water.26. Petroleum, which currently makes up about four-tenths of the world’s energy production,supplies more commercial energy than any another source.27. Someone may refuse to recognize the seriousness of an emotionally threatening situationand perceive as less threatening.28. Through experiments with marine organisms, marine biologists can increase ourknowledge of human reproductive and development as well as our understanding of the nervous system.29. When swollen by melting snow or heavy rain, some rivers routinely overflow its banks.30. In 1884 Belva Lockwood, a lawyer who had appeared before the Supreme Court, becamethe first woman was nominated for President of the United States.31. The taller of all animals, a full-grown giraffe may be eighteen feet or more high.32. Physicists have known since the early nineteenth century that all matter is made up of tinyextremely particles called atoms.33. Rain is slight acidic even in unpolluted air, because carbon dioxide in the atmosphere andother natural acid-forming gases dissolve in the water.34. In a stock company, a troupe of actors performs in a particular theater, presenting playsfrom its repertory of prepare productions.35. Established in 1860, the Government Printing Office prints and binds documents for alldepartment of the United States government.36. Ethnology, usually considered a branch of cultural anthropology, is often defined as thescientifically study of the origin and functioning of humans and their culture.37. The one-fluid theory of electricity was proposing by Benjamin Franklin, a man famous forhis wide interests and great attainments.38. Probably not speech of so few words has ever been as celebrated as Lincoln’s GettysburgAddress.39. Generally, Abstract Expressionist art is without recognizable images and does not adherethe Limits of conventional form.40. Although complete paralysis is rare with neuritis, some degree of muscle weaknesscommon.2001年10月语法题16.By the end of the nineteenth century, organic chemistry had develop new methods for the synthesis of dyes, perfumes, explosives, and medicines.17.The Dinee, a Native American people of the southwestern United States, were once seminomadic hunters who practiced a few agriculture.18.The earliest successful sewing machines were powered by turn a hand crank.19.Early signs characteristic of the acute phase of viral hepatitis in adults are abdominal pain, nausea, and feverish often accompanied by chills.20.The Guggenheim Museum in New York City is one of the major center for the collection and display of works of abstract art in the United State.21.With the discovery of gold in the Klondike in Canada’s Yukon Territory in 1896, people flocked soon there from all parts of the world.22.The right side of the brain is mostly concerned with pictorial, intuitive, musically and spatial ablilities.23.A uniform mingling of molecules, which it occurs in homogeneous chemical compounds, results from the chemical constituents melting, dissolving, or diffusing into one another.24.Many dinosaurs were so much heavy that they spent most of their lives in swamps and shallow lakes where water could support them.25.With little nor no mass and no electric charge, neutrinos can penetrate a solid object such as the Earth as if it were not there.26.Georgia O’Keeffe is known for hers use of organic, abstract forms painted in clear, strong colors.27.Until the George Washington Bridge was built, modern suspension bridges were stiffened with steel trusses and beams to limited their motion in traffic and wind.28.First reported by Spanish explorers in 1796, the asphalt in California’s La Brea Tar Pit was mined commercial for many years.29.Independence political of newspapers became a common feature of journalism in the United States of the 1840’s and 1850’s.30.Transistors exhibit a high amplification factor, operate without distorted over a wide frequency range, and can be made extremely small.31.In most cases of epilepsy, cerebral electrical activity, also known as brain waves, demonstrates a characteristically abnormal rhythms.32.New York City’s theatrical district was concentrated the Bowery from 1860 to 1875, and around 1900 the avenue became a center for the Yiddish theater.33.Most female lizards lay eggs, but the females of a number of lizard species bear her young alive.34.Recently archaeologists have strived to develop theories, based on archaeological evident, that explain societal changes such as the development of farming..35.One of the most impressive cultural achievements of the United State during the 1920’s was a vastly outpouring of serious literature.36.The chemical element chlorine is a corrosive, greenish-yellow gas that has sharp odor and has 21/2 times heavier than air.37.Hair grows more quickly in summer than in winter and more slowly at the night than during the day.38.Different fourteen crops were being grown 8,600 years ago by some of the wo rld’s earliest farmers.39.Between 1905 and 1907, floodwaters from the Colorado River poured into a salt-covered depression and creating the Salton Sea.40.Saturn takes almost 30 Earth years to make one trip around the Sun, during Jupiter takes about twelve Earth years to complete one solar revolution.2002年01月语法题16.Fog and mist, like clouds, can formed only in the presence of dust particles.17.The Spanish claiming title to all of North America and established the oldest city in theUnited States, St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565.18.The federal system of government in Canada is similar to it of the United States.19.It may be argued that genetics, the study of heredity and variation, underwent the mostrapid development of any science biological in the twentieth century.20.Music involves the interaction of three elements: rhythm, melodic, and harmony.21.The Medicare program was established in 1965 to helping elderly United States citizenspay the increasing cost of health care.22.Researchers have found subtle neurological differences between the brains of men andwomen either in physical structure and in the way they function.23.Scientists have traditionally classified plants by grouping them according to similarities intheir overall appear, their internal structure, and the form of their reproductive organs. 24.Geometric figures first appeared more than 15,000 years ago in both practically anddecorative forms, such as shapes of buildings,cave paintings, and decorations on pottery.25.In the early nineteenth century, the Cherokee nation of American Indians was adopted awritten constitution based on that of the United States.26.The able of writers to precisely record observations made about others enables them toinclude in their work a great deal of material outside their own experience.27.In Connecticut, hundreds of houses dating from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuriesare preserved by more as 100 local or national historical societies.28.In 1899 Mary Elizabeth Brown donated hers collection of over 200 musical instruments tothe Metropolitan Museum of art.29. Four different types of remembering are ordinarily distinguished by psychologists:recollection, recall, recognize, and relearning.30.Harbors are protected areas of water that can be used the transfer of passengers andcargo between ships shore.。
1996年01月语法题 (2)1996年05月语法题 (6)1996年08月语法题 (10)1996年10月语法题 (14)1997年01月语法题 (18)1997年01月北美语法题 (22)1997年05月语法题 (26)1997年08月语法题 (31)1997年10月语法题 (35)1997年12月北美语法题 (40)1998年01月语法题 (44)1998年05月语法题 (48)1998年08月语法题 (52)1998年08月语法题 (57)1998年08月北美语法题 (62)1998年10月语法题 (67)1999年01月语法题 (72)1999年05月语法题 (76)1999年08月语法题 (81)1999年10月语法题 (86)1996年01月语法题1. Sociologists have long recognized that social tension _____.(A) elements from group living.(B) elements of a normal group life(C) living are a group of elements.(D) are normal elements of group life2. _____ have a very keen sense of hearing, although most do not hear sounds audible to the human ear.(A)While some insects do(B) Some insects which(C)Some insects(D)That some insects.3. Although both political parties wanted Dwight D. Eisenhower as their presidential nominee in 1952, he became a Republican candidate and _____.(A)President was electing(B) was elected President(C)to elect the President(D)being elected president.4. If an act is rewarded many times, immediately and with strong reinforces, it will rapidly become _____.(A)a habit(B) into a habit(C)that which a habit(D)a habit can be5. Giant pandas resemble bears in shape and in _____.(A)it is a slow, clumsy way to walk(B) the slow, clumsy way they walk(C)they walk in a slow, clumsy way(D)their slow walk is clumsy.6. _____ temperature at which air holds as much water vapor as it can is called the dew point.(A)It is the(B) Is the(C)As the(D)The7. The earring is one of the oldest known ornaments and _____ pieces of stone, bone, or shell.(A)was from originally from(B) was made originally from(C)originally made was from(D)from originally made was8. No one knows exactly _____.(A)how did speech begin(B) how speech began(C)how the beginning of speech(D)of how beginning speech.9. _____ mechanical device has ever been invented that can satisfactorily replace teasel flower heads for raising the nap on cloth.(A)No(B) Not the(C)Never has a(D)There is no10. Even as a girl, _____ to be her life, and theater audiences were to be her best teachers.(A)performances by Fanny Brice were(B) it was known that Fanny Brice’s performances were(C)audiences knew that Fanny Brice’s performances were(D)Fanny Brice knew that performing was11. _____ the diffusion of heat upward to the Earth’s surface, the temperature within the Earth remains constant.(A)That(B) Despite(C)If(D)When12. Noise in a room may be reduced by carpeting, draperies, and upholstered furniture, _____ absorb sound.(A)which they all(B) of them all(C)all of which(D)of all which13. _____ devised to lessen the drudgery of washing clothes that origin of the washing machine is unclear.(A)Were the inventions so numerous(B) The inventions so numerous(C)So numerous were the inventions(D)The inventions that were so numerous14. Of the thousands of varieties of bird species in North America, _____ bright red plumage, like the cardinal, are most often designated as state bird.(A)those that have(B) who have(C)which have(D)to have their15. _____ as a territory in 1854 and admitted as a state in 1861, Kansas is at the geographical center of the United States.(A)By organizing(B) Because organized(C)Organized(D)He had organized16. Before pioneers cleared the land for farms, cities, and road, forests covered about 40percent of what is now the state of Illinois.17. The sea chantey, a type of folk music, not only described the pleasures of stations’ livesashore, also but the harsh conditions of life aboard ship.18. Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota has a heads of four presidents of theUnited States carved into its face.19. Nest building is much less commonly among mammals than among birds.20. The Awakening, a novel by Kate Chopin, shocked readers and cause a storm of criticism.21. The Alaskan Highway was officially opened November 20, 1942, although much morework needed be done to complete it.22. Sagebrush flourishes in the dry soil of the western plains, where other many plants cannotgrow.23. Modern directions of Shakespeare are not longer inhibited by earlier traditions of realisticsettings.24. Surveys show that the majority of passengers are pleasing that an agreement has beenreached to forbid smoking on commercial flights within the continental UnitedStates.25. Snakes are capable of graceful motion throughout the entire long of their rubbery bodies.26. Tariffs preventing the most efficient use of the world’s resources by restricting division oflabor to national boundaries.27. The Aleuts in western Alaska have always depended of the sea for food.28. Atoms that having different atomic numbers generally behave differently.29. Over the past few year, many towns in the United States have been joining withneighboring communities to share the costs of government.30. What makes for human skeleton hard and strong is the presence of the metallic elementcalcium.31. Many of Robert Bly’s poems explore solitude, natural vigor, and silent in an immediate andmodern idiom.32. To convert an angle measured in radians for an equivalent angle measured in degrees,multiply the number of radians by 57.296.33. Serving as chief of the United States Children’s Bureau from 1921 to 1934., Grace Abbottfought for the rights of women and children through the world.34. To people from temperate climates, tropical butterflies may seem incredible big.35. The first railroad in the United States were short wooden tramways connecting mines alsoquarries with nearby streams.36. The league of Women Voters of the United States identifies certain local, state, and nationissues for study and action.37. Fibers can come from plants, animals, or mineral ores, or they may be made from a varietychemical substances.38. Edwin Franko Goldman was the first bandmaster to encourage leading contemporarycompositions to write original works for a band.39. The tapir, an odd-toed, hoofed mammal, feed on plants, eating such things as grass,leaves, fallen fruit, and moss in large quantities.40. For thousands of years, people have used some kind of refrigeration cooling beveragesand preserve edibles.1996年05月语法题1. Wind motion can be observed in the mesosphere by _____ the trails of meteors passing through it.(A) to watch(B) watching(C) watched(D) watch2. Thomas Edison’s first patented invention was a device_____ in Congress.(A) votes counted for(B) had been counting votes(C) for counting vote(D) be a counted vote3. Clara Bow, a popular actress in the 1920’s, retired _____ she was unable to m ake the transition from silent films to sound films.(A) nevertheless(B) in spite of(C) because(D) and for4. Built in 1882, the Kinzua Viaduct in Mckean County, Pennsylvania, is open only to those visitors _____ are able to walk its 2,058 - foot length.(A) who(B) to whom(C) which they(D) that which5. A bridge must be strong enough to support its own weight _____ the weight of the people and vehicles that use it.(A) as well(B) so well(C) as well as(D) so well as6. The swallows of Capistrano are famous _____ to the same nests in California each spring.(A) to return(B) who returned(C) they returned(D) for returning7. In the fourteenth century, _____ that glass coated with silver nitrate would turn yellow when fired in an oven.(A) the discovery(B) it was discovered(C) with the discovery(D) if it was discovered8. _____ recurring fear is out of proportion to any real danger, it is called a phobia.(A) When(B) Whereas(C) Which(D) Whether9. Many modern photographers attempt to manipulate elements of photography other _____ in their photographs.(A) than light is(B) than light(C) being light(D) light10. For any adhesive to make a really strong bond, _____ to be glued must be absolutely clean and free from moisture or grease.(A) and surfaces(B) when surfaces(C) the surfaces(D) surfaces that11. Although still underwater, Loihi Seamount, the newest Hawaiian island, _____ closer to the surface by frequent volcanic eruptions that add layers of lava to the island.(A) brought(B) to be brought(C) being brought(D) is being brought12. _____ unstable and explodes as a supernova is not known.(A) For a star to become(B) How a star becomes(C) A star becomes(D) That a star is becoming13. Not until linoleum was invented in 1860 _____ hard - wearing, easy - to - clean flooring.(A) any house did have(B) did any house have(C) house had any(D) any house had14. Hiram Revels, the first Black member of the United States Senate, served as senator from Mississippi, an office _____ he was elected in 1870.(A) which(B) to which(C) and which(D) being which15. Oceans continually lose by evaporation much of the river water _____.(A) to constantly flow into them(B) is constantly flowing into them(C) constantly flows into them(D) constantly flowing into them16. Because of it consists only of a relatively short strand of DNA protected by a shell ofprotein, a virus cannot eat or reproduce by itself.17. The oxygen in the air we breathe has no tasted, smell, or color.18. In 1977 Kathleen Battle was hired by the New York Metropolitan Opera, Where herbecame the star soprano.19. The aardvark is a mammal that burrows into the ground to catches ants and termites.20. Because of the availability of trucks and easy access to modern highways, the locate offarms has become relatively unimportant with respect to their distance from markets. 21. The homes created by the legendary architect Frank Lloyd Wright are still viewed asuniquely, innovative, and valuable.22. Geologists find it useful to identification fossils in a rock sample because certainassemblages of species are characteristic of specific geologic time periods.23. Many poets enhance their work by creating a contrast among realism and symbolism in agiven poem.24. Most countries depend to few extent on cereal imports to augment their own crops.25. The fragrant leaves of the laurel plant to sell commercially as bay leaves and are used forseasoning foods.26. When contented, and occasionally when hunger, cats frequently make a purring sound.27. The evolution of fishes is a history of constant adaptation to new possibilities, and a refinedof these adaptations.28. In 1991 Antonia Novello, the United States Surgeon General launched several programs toaddress particular problem that young people have.29. Some psychologists believe that those who are encouraged to be independent,responsible,and competent in childhood are likely more than others to become motivated to achieve.30. The central purpose of management is for making every action or decision help achieve acarefully chosen goal.31. As a poetry Nikki Giovanni makes effective use of jazz and blues rhythms.32. Unlike wood, paper, and fabric, which tendency to disintegrate after being buried for manyyears, ceramics and glassware although easily broken, survive well in the ground.33. Margaret Mead achieved world famous through her studies of child - rearing, personality,and culture.34. The discovery of the antibiotic penicillin in 1928 has not produced antibiotics useful for thetreatment of infectious diseases until 1940.35. In the United State, the Cabinet consist of a group of advisers, each of whom is chosen bythe President to head an executive department of the government.36. Colleges in the newly formed United States, in recovering from the adverse effects of theAmerican Revolution, inaugurated a broad curriculum in response of social demands. 37. Humus is formed during soil microorganisms decompose animal and plant material intoelements usable by plants.38. Ozone is an unstable faintly bluish gas that is the most chemical active form of oxygen.39. The development of professional sports in the United States dates back to nineteenthcentury.40. Long before his death, John Dewey saw his philosophy have a profound influences oneducation and thought in the United States and elsewhere.1996年08月语法题1. A microscope can reveal vastly _____ detail than is visible to the naked eye.(A) than(B) than more(C) more than(D) more.2. Narcissus bulbs _____ at least three inches apart and covered with about four inches of well drained soil.(A) should be planted(B) to plant(C) must planting(D) should plant3. Industrialization has been responsible for _____ most radical of the environmental changes caused by humans.(A) a(B) the(C) some of which(D) which are the4. In many areas the slope and topography of the land _____ excess rainfall to run off into a natural outlet.(A) neither permit(B) without permitting(C) nor permitting(D) do not permit.5. Color and light, taken together, _____ the aesthetic impact of the interior of a building.(A) very powerfully influence(B) very influence powerfully(C) powerfully very influence(D) influence powerfully very.6. _____ that Rachel Carson’s 1962 book Sile nt Spring was one of the chief sources of inspiration for the development of nontoxic pesticides.(A) There is likely(B) Likely to be(C) It is likely(D) Likely7. Total color blindness, _____, is the result of a defect in the retina.(A) a rare condition that(B) a rare condition(C) that a rare condition(D) is a rare condition.8. _____ no conclusive evidence exists, many experts believe that the wheel was inventedonly once and then diffused to the rest of the world.(A) Even(B) But(C) Although(D) So.9. Wherever there is plenty of rain during the growing season, life is _____ in various forms.(A) abundant(B) the abundance(C) an abundant(D) it abundant10. In her time, Isadora Duncan was _____ today a liberated woman.(A) calling what we would(B) who would be calling(C) what we would call(D) she would call it.11. _____ around stones that are sun-warmed, even the smallest of stones creates tiny currents of warm air.(A) The cool air(B) If the air is cool(C) That the air cools(D) The cooler the air.12. Despite its wide range of styles and instrumentation, country music has certain common features _____ its own special character.(A) give it that(B) that give it(C) give that(D) that gives it to13. Most of _____ archaeologists know about prehistoric cultures is based on studies of material remains.(A) these(B) what(C) which(D) their14. According to some critics, the novels of William Burroughs demonstrate the major hazard of absurd literature, _____ tendency toward over-embellishment and incoherence.(A) notwithstanding(B) besides(C) is a(D) its15. Coinciding with the development of jazz in New Orleans in the 1920’s _____ in blues music.(A) was one of the greatest periods.(B) one of the greatest periods(C) was of the greatest periods(D) the greatest periods.16.Gone With the Wind, the epic novel about life in South during the Civil War period, took tenyears write.17. None two butterflies have exactly the same design on their wings.18. To save the California condor from extinction, a group of federal, local, and privatelyorganizations initiated a rescue program.19. A coral reef, a intricate aquatic community of plants and animals, is found only in warm,shallow, sunlit seas.20. Carnegie hall was the first building in New York designed special for orchestral music.21. Since it lives in the desert, the collared lizard depends from insects for water as well as forfood.22. The Texas Panhandle region, in the northwestern part of the state, produces more wheat,cotton, and grain sorghum than any of other area of Texas.23. Light rays what enter the eye must be focused onto a point on the retina in order for a clearvisual image to form.24. The orangutan’s hands and feet are designed for holding and grasping branches, and itspowerful immensely arms enable it to climb and swing in trees without difficulty.25. The extraordinary beautiful of orchids makes them the basis of a multimillion dollar floralindustry.26. The Vermont Elememary Science Project, according to its founders, are designed tochallenge some of the most widely held beliefs about teaching.27. The number 8.5 is an example of a “mixed number” because it is composing of an integerand a fraction.28. If it is kept dry, a seed can still sprout up to forty years after their formation.29. In The Sociology of Science, now considered a classic, Robert Merton discusses cultural,economy and social forces that contributed to the development of modern science.对现代科学发展的贡献.30.Bacteria lived in the soil play a vital role in recycling the carbon and nitrogen needed byplants.31.Some snakes have hollow teeth are called fangs that they use to poison their victims.32.Stars derive their energy from thermonuclear reactions that take place in their heatinteriors.33.Carrie Chapman Call organized the League of Women Votes after successfully campaignfor the constitutional amendment that gave women the right to vote.34.Any group that conducting its meeting using parliamentary rules will encounter situationswhere prescribed procedures cannot be applied.35.The strongly patriotic character of Charles Sangster’s poetry is credited about greatlyfurthering the cause of confederation in Canada.36.Jessamyn West’s first and most famous novel, The friendly Persuasion describes the life ofa Quaker farmed family in the mid-1800’s.37. One inventor that Thomas Edison can take credit for is the light bulb.38.Electric motors range in size from the tiny mechanisms that operate sewing machine to thegreat engines in heavy locomotives.39.The nitrogen makes up over 78 percent of the Earth’s atmosphere, the gaseous masssurrounding the planet.40.The Mississippi, the longest river in the United States, begins as small clear stream innorthwestern Minnesota.1996年10月语法题1. Charlie Parker, _____ was one of the creators of the music style called “bop.”(A) a great jazz improviser who(B) to improvise great jazz(C) a great jazz improviser(D) improvised great jazz.2. The world’s deepest cave, Pierre St. Martin in the Pyrenees Mo untains, is almost three times as deep _____.(A) as the Empire State Building is high.(B) That the Empire State Building is higher.(C) Is higher than the Empire State Building(D) And the Empire State Building’s height.3. When Columbus reached the New World, corn was the _____ in the Americas.(A) widely most grown plant.(B) Most widely grown plant(C) Most grown widely plant(D) Plant widely grown most.4. Because kaolin shrinks in firing at a different rate than ordinary clay, _____ when creating pottery using both types of clay.(A) special handling is required(B) special handling required(C) a requirement of special handling(D) the required special handling5. The ceremonial Chilcat blanket of the Northwest Tlingit Indians was generally _____ from cedar bark, wool, and goats’ hair.(A) wove(B) to weave(C) weaving(D) woven6. _____ composed traditionally has been a subject of debate among scholars.(A) Were ballads how(B) Ballads were how they(C) How ballads that were(D) How ballads were7. Jupiter, the closest of the giant planets to Earth, has _____ solid surface and is surrounded by zones of intense radiation.(A) not(B) nor(C) no(D) neither.8. The black-billed cuckoo has been known to steal eggs _____ to other birds.(B) which belonging(C) which they belong(D) that belongC中多主语they9. The purpose of phonetics is _____ an inventory and a description of the sounds found in speech.(A) to provide(B) provided(C) which provided(D) providing thatD多that10.Earthquakes can damage a tree _____ violently, and it can take several years for the tree to heal.(A) to cause shaking(B) when shaking it causes(C) by causing it to shake(D) to cause to shake it11._____ bacteria in foods are killed, as they are during baking or stewing, decay is slowed down.(A) What(B) The(C) If(D) So12.The colors and patterns of the wings of butterflies and moths help _____ the organism against predators.(A) protect(B) being protected(C) protecting(D) protection of13.In 1993 the Library of Congress appointed author Rita Dove _____ of the United States.(A) as was poet laureate(B) was poet laureate(C) poet laureate(D) and poet laureate14.At the South Pole _____, the coldest and most desolate region on Earth.(A) Antarctica lies where(B) Where Antarctica lies(C) Antarctica lies and(D) Lies Antarctica15.Tornados, powerful, destructive wind storms, occur most often in the spring when hot winds _____ over flat land encounter heavy cold air.(A) which to rise.(B) that rising(D) rising16.Many exercises such as calisthenics, running, or to swim involve producing muscle tensionthrough a range of movements that are called isotonics.17.Intelligence, education, and experience all helps shape management style.18. The basic elements of public-opinion research are interviewers, questionnaires, tabulatingequipment, and to sample population.19. Conservation organizations help for to preserve the ecology of an area by keeping track ofendangered species.20. Gwendolyn Brooks, which won a Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1950, had 75 poems publishedby the time she was twenty.21. O Halifax is largest city and chief port of Nova Scotia and is the eastern terminus ofCanada’s two great railway systems.22.T. S. Eliot received wide recognition after publishes The Waste Land, which fused poetictraditions with elements of modern music and language.23. Numerous types of cells, such as skin cells and white blood cells, have the powerreproduce asexually.24. The knee is more likely to be damage than most other joints because it is subject totremendous forces during vigorous activity.25.Although ferns lack flowers, they do have leaves, stems, and root.26. Crazy Horse is generally recognized for his courageous and skill, and he was revered bythe Sioux as their greatest leader.27. In medicine, certain plastics have important uses because they do not affected bychemicals in the body, and they do not harm the body.28. Since a hospital is organized to protect and treat people who are ill, its goals, structures,and functions depend on the currently state of medical science.29. A change in direction of the monsoon winds result from the differences between theheating or cooling of landmasses and that of oceans.30. Small distinctions among stamps, unimportant to the person average, would mean a greatdeal to the stamp collector.31. Members of a nation’s foreign service represent that country’s interests abroad and reporton the conditions, trends, and policies of the country which they arestationed.32. Abraham Lincoln’s boyhood home resembled those of many others mid-western pioneers,with its dirt floor, sleeping loft, and crude fireplace.33. Dwelling primarily in the ice northern polar seas, beluga whales are characteristically small,white, agile, and elusive.34.There is evidence that the caribou originated into North America and crossed over al landbridge into Asia and evolved into the Old World’s reindeer.35.The bold way in which Margaret Mead defined the terms “family” - based as much onchoice as on biological relationship - is possibly the most enduring of herlegacies.36. The planet Mars is a freezing, barren deserts with huge, dry canyons and toweringvolcanoes.37. Of the many machines invented in the late nineteenth century, none had a great impact onthe United States economy than the automobile.38. A number of the Pacific Islands are volcanoes that have pushed up from the ocean floor,others are the tops sunken mountain ranges.39. It has been reported that during any twenty-four hour period, a minimal of three hundredNorth American women start their own businesses.40. Archeological studies have provided evidence that the use of plants for decoration as wellas for food developed early in the history.1997年01月语法题1. _____ a necessary dimension for measuring astronomical space and the distance of heavenly bodies from the Earth.(A) Once in time(B) Time is(C) The time(D) It is time2. Jackie Joyner-Kersee, _____ the world record in the heptathlon in the 1988 Olympics, also won the long jump in the year.(A) whose setting(B) which she set(C) whoever set(D) who set(A) no more large(B) no larger than(C) not larger(D) which no larger4. Gorillas are quiet animals, _____ they are capable of making about 20 different sounds.(A) whether(B) which(C) even though(D) as well asA、句意不符D不能连接句子5. Although the Earth’s chemical composition had been studied for years, only toward the end of the nineteenth century _____ as a discipline in its own right.(A) when geochemistry was recognized(B) was geochemistry as recognized(C) then recognized as geochemistry(D) as geochemistry was recognized6. Because the wood of the dogwood tree is very hard, _____ is used for objects, such as roller skate wheels, in which hardness is desired.(A) and(B) it(C) what(D) thus7. In hot, dry region s, the Sun’s heat causes the outer layer of rocks _____, a process called exfoliation.(A) are expanded and peeled away(B) to expand and peel away(C) expands and peels away(D) they expand and peel away8. The lower _____ in a room, the more slowly our eyes focus.(A) the level of lighting(B) light level(C) leveling of light(D) lighting is level9. _____ Sarah Orne Jewett, a nineteenth-century writer, read widely in her family’s extensive library.(A) That she received little education formally(B) The little formal education that she received(C) Little formal education that was received by(D) Although she received little formal education10. In the early twentieth century, the “Model T” automobile was mass-produced and sold at a price _____ could afford.(A) the average person who(B) that the average person who(C) and the average person(D) the average personC afford缺少宾语11. Not only _____ all the positive charge of an atom, it is also the site of the weight of every atom.(A) does the nucleus hold(B) the nucleus holding(C) the nucleus does hold(D) holds the nucleus12. The wind-rippled sand at California’s Kelso Dunes res embles _____.(A) to be an ocean floor(B) as an ocean floor(C) an ocean floor(D) being an ocean floor13. Fossil records indicate _____ existing in the past have become extinct.(A) that many species of organisms(B) many species of organisms that(C) many species of organisms are(D) there are many organisms14. Experiments related to the sense of smell are more easily _____ than those related to perception of color.(A) setting them up(B) to set up(C) set up(D) sets up those15. The Pulitzer Prize has been _____ in American literature for more than seventy years.(A) the award most prestigious that(B) the most prestigious award。
托福考试词汇语法练习及答案Post-it NotesPost-it Notes were invented in the 1970s at the 3M company in Minnesota quite by accident, Researchers at 3M were working on developing different types of adhesives, and one particularly weak adhesive, a compound of acrylate copolymer microspheres, was developed. Employees at 3M were asked if they could think of a use for a weak adhesive which, provided it did not get dirty, could be reused. One suggestion was that it could be applied to a piece of paper to use as a bookmark that would stay in place in a book. Another use was found when the product was attached to a report that was to be sent to a colleague with a request for comments on the report; the colleague made his comments on the paper attached to the report and returned the report. The idea for Post-it Notes was born.It was decided within the company that there would be a test launch of product in 1977 in four American cities. Sales of this innovative product in test cities were less than stellar, most likely because the product, while innovative, was also quite unfamiliar.A final attempt was then made in the city of Boise to introduce the product. In that attempt, 3M salesmen gave demonstrations of the product in offices throughout Boise and gave away free samples of the produce. When the salesmen returned a week later to the office workers, having noted how useful the simple little product could be, were interested in purchasing it. Over time, 3M came to understand the huge potential of this new product, and over the next few decades more than 400 varieties of Post-it products - in different colors, shapes, and sizes –have been developed.3. Which of the sentences below expresses the essential information in the first highlighted sentence in the passage 1?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.Of the many adhesives that were being developed at 3M, one was not a particularly strong adhesive.Researchers at 3M spent many years trying to develop a really weak adhesive.Numerous weak adhesives resulted from a program to develop the strongest adhesive of all.Researchers were assigned to develop different types of uses for acrylate copolymer microspheres.答案:A4. Which of the sentences below expresses the essential information in the second highlighted sentence in the passage 1?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.The 3M company suggested applying for a patent on the product in a report prepared by a colleague.One unexpectedly-discovered use for the adhesive was in sending and receiving notes attached to documents.A note was attached to a report asking for suggestion for uses of one of 3M’s products.A colleague who developed the new product kept notes with suggestions by other workers.答案:B5. Which of the sentences below expresses the essential information in the first highlighted sentence in the passage 2?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.The 3M company was unfamiliar with the process of using test cities to introduce innovative products.Sales of the product soared even though the product was quite unfamiliar to most customers.The new product did not sell well because potential customers did not understand it.After selling the product for a while, the company understood that the product was not innovative enough.答案:C6. Which of the sentences below expresses the essential information in the second highlighted sentence in the passage 2?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.The company immediately understood the potential of the product and began to develop it further.The company worked overtime to develop its new product, initially creating numerous varieties to make it successful.The company initially introduced 400 varieties of the product and then watched for decades as sales improved.It took some time for the company to understand how important its new product was and how many variation were possible.答案:D。
托福考试语法试题及答案详解托福考试语法试题及答案详解11. Most doctors of the Colonial period believed _______ was caused by an imbalance of humors in the body.A. in diseaseB. that diseaseC. of diseaseD. about disease答案:B分析:动词believe 的用法:直接加that引导的宾语从句。
2. In 1976 Sarah Caldwell became _________ a t the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City.A. she was the first woman to conductB. the first woman conductorC. the woman was first conductingD. the woman conducts first答案:B分析:缺宾语,答案中只有B,D可以作宾语,但D的语序不对。
参考译文:1976,Sarah Caldwell成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan Opera House演出的演奏家。
one to do sth补充: 常考 the first/second/3. On January 7, 1955, Marian Anderson became _________to sing a major role at New York City's Metropolitan Opera House.A. the first African AmericanB. the first African American wasC. she was the first African AmericanD. when the first African American答案:A分析:缺宾语,C, D都不能作宾语。
TOFEL听力真题(89—05年)89年TOEFL听力A1. (A) He looked at me.(B) He borrowed my book.(C) I used his book.(D) I told him to look at me.2. (A) Bob became a doctor.(B) Bob came in with the teacher.(C) Bob went to see two doctors.(D) Bob is a teacher.3. (A) I never worry about what to say.(B) I haven't spoken to anyone yet.(C) People don't listen when I speak.(D) His last words were hard to hear.4. (A) Gary's starting to share my opinion.(B) Gary wants me to come to the point.(C) Gary comes around more often now.(D) Gary's beginning to like the scenery.5. (A) Wait until you see how long the line is!(B) This is the seventh movie I've seen at this theater.(C) If you go early, you can buy your ticket right away.(D) Don't be surprised if you have to stand to see the movie.6. (A) The last biography I read was much better than this one.(B) I've only written half of the bibliography.(C) I haven't ridden a bike in a long time.(D) The graph he drew ifs twice as good as the one I did.7. (A) The story is very enjoyable.(B) I wonder which story it is.(C) Is that one of the stores?(D) Is it a wonderful story?8. (A) George helped prepare the peas.(B) George served him another slice.(C) George took another serving of pie.(D) George served everyone the pizza.9. (A) Anybody can use the dictionary in the office.(B) Is every one of those books a dictionary?(C) Does the office have any use for these books?(D) To practice diction by oneself is useful.10. (A) This one isn't any larger than mine. (B) This is larger than a piece of luggage.(C) I want a larger suit in that case.(D) This suitcase isn't large enough.11. (A) Bill and Mary are engaged to be married.(B) Bill and Mary canceled the meeting.(C) Mary was outraged when she saw the bill.(D) Bill and Mary were angry about the cancellation.12. (A) You must try to be quieter.(B) The volume is much too low.(C) I don't hear anything down there.(D) The noise is coming from outside.13. (A) They go alone to school.(B) They arrive at school on time.(C) They are doing well in school.(D) They find their own way to school.14. (A) I'm typing the essay for Lisa.(B) That type of essay is easy to write.(C) At least the essay is typed.(D) Typing the essay is only a minor problem.15. (A) I wanted Pamela to continue her project.(B) Pamela was discouraged from working on her art project.(C) It was an honor to be able to do the art project with Pamela.(D) Pamela has a lot of courage to take on such a large project.16. (A) I can never keep a secret from Beth.(B) I told Beth we were going to surprise her.(C) I'll be surprised if Beth comes to the party.(D) I don't think we should tell Beth about the party.17. (A) Sarah put on her makeup.(B) Sarah hoped to take the test another time.(C) Sarah helped prepare the examination.(D) Sarah took a free sample of makeup.18. (A) Does everyone have a copy of the assignment?(B) Can you turn the sheet around?(C) Is there enough time for the assignment?(D) Do the sheets have enough information?19. (A) I think that was the city bus, don't you?(B) Was that supposed to be the city bus?(C) That wasn't the city bus.(D) I don't know why the city bus is so late.20. (A) No one has a nose as sore as poll's.(B) No one here knows much about the subject of politics.(C) She's well acquainted with the subject.(D) She doesn't know anybody here.21. (A) She doesn't know when they will go.(B) She believes there is a road detour.(C) She won't be ready at 8 o'clock.(D) She wants the man to go away.22. (A) Sit sown.(B) Remain standing.(C) Go ahead of the woman.(D) Pick up the chair.23. (A) The electrician came to repair the lamp.(B) The lamp was taken to the repair shop.(C) She had Mike fix the lamp.(D) The lamp was replaced.24. (A) Not hanging the poster.(B) Peeling off the wallpaper.(C) Using tape for the poster.(D) Not hiding the damage.25. (A) Both chemistry courses are difficult.(B) Few chemistry courses are hard.(C) Chemistry 402 was worse than Chemistry 502.(D) He has only had one chemistry course.26. (A) Studying.(B) Watching television.(C) Nothing right now.(D) Going to the movies.27. (A) She was unable to have her picture taken.(B) She has not chosen a picture for it.(C) She had broken her camera.(D) She had gone to a photography class instead.28. (A) He would prefer calling her next week.(B) He will let her decide about the next meeting.(C) He would like to buy some refreshments for the meeting.(D) He definitely wants to know about the meeting.29. (A) Eating in a cafeteria.(B) Buying something in a store.(C) Talking on the telephone.(D) Getting money at a bank. 30. (A) She'd rather take a break later.(B) She likes the suggestion.(C) She never drinks soda.(D) She doesn't think he's serious.31. (A) There are six sections of each class.(B) He has to leave since it's almost one o'clock.(C) There are dozens of classes to choose from.(D) It doesn't matter which class the woman takes.32. (A) She's lent the texts for just a few days.(B) She kept the texts that are still up to date.(C) She's no longer interested in science.(D) She moved her science texts away from the other books.33. (A) He would like to know what happened.(B) He can help the woman.(C) Because of what happened, he has no time.(D) He would have helped if he had the time.34. (A) To order some medicine for their aunt Margaret.(B) To get some exercise.(C) To buy some items.(D) To see their aunt.35. (A) Dick is practically the only one who thinks so.(B) Most people play football differently.(C) Few people are optimistic about the team's chances of winning.(D) Dick is disappointed in football games.36. (A) In a professor's office.(B) In a medical doctor's office.(C) In an auditorium.(D) In a gym.37. (A) Just before the semester begins.(B) After the first week of classes.(C) In the middle of the semester.(D) On the last day of class.38. (A) She had promised that she would.(B) She has been sick.(C) She needs his approval for her schedule.(D) She must verify his plans.39. (A) It wasn't a requirement.(B) She already knew the material.(C) She entered the hospital.(D) Her course load was too heavy.40. (A) The woman's musical background.(B) The woman's economic situation.(C) The woman's dislike of chemistry.(D) The woman's decision to take on so much work.41. (A) The replacement of the harpsichord by the piano.(B) The development of electronic musical instruments.(C) The relative costs of different types of musical instruments.(D) The performance of classical music on synthesizers.42. (A) At the beginning.(B) In the middle.(C) Near the end.(D) Just after the end.43. (A) He is surprised by it.(B) He disagrees with it.(C) He thinks it is too soon to tell.(D) He is alarmed by it.44. (A) In the early nineteenth century.(B) In the late nineteenth century.(C) In the early twentieth century.(D) In the mid-twentieth century.45. (A) The electronic instrument is much more expensive.(B) The electronic instrument is slightly more expensive.(C) The piano is slightly more expensive.(D) The piano is much more expensive.46. (A) The conversion of volcanic waste to fertilizer.(B) The menace of currently dormant volcanoes around Mount Saint Helen's.(C) The eruption of Mount Saint Helen's and its effects on the environment.(D) The elimination of volcanic ash by natural means.47. (A) The crops were obliterated for the entire year.(B) The crops nutritional value was considerably lessened.(C) The soil was permanently damaged.(D) The loss was not as bad been anticipated as had.48. (A) It served as a fertilizer for crops. (B) It formed a new mountain.(C) It stabilized air temperatures.(D) It destroyed various insect pests.49. (A) It's lethal upon contact.(B) It has relatively little harmful effect.(C) It affects the sense of hearing.(D) It dries up the skin.50. (A) Interest.(B) Disappointment.(C) Shock.(D) Anger.89-589年5月TOEFL听力A1. (A) The shipping company is getting a new radio.(B) The radio I ordered should be sent this week.(C) The company accidentally chipped the radio I ordered.(D) That company's radio is supposed to be cheaper this week.2. (A) Laura put on makeup before the exam.(B) Laura has to take the cake upstairs.(C) Laura must take the test.(D) Laura knows the flag of every nation.3. (A) No one is going to the convention.(B) To whom did you mention this?(C) It will be brought to your attention.(D) Have you any idea who will attend the convention?4. (A) Susan and Ben were accepted at the state university.(B) Ben applied to the state university because Susan was accepted there.(C) Ben didn't want to go to the state university because Susan is there.(D) Neither Susan nor Ben is interested in attending the state university.5. (A) Tommy was lucky to hit the target the first time.(B) The ball was hidden behind the window.(C) Tommy can't throw the ball very far.(D) Fortunately, the ball didn't break the window.6. (A) Did you make a copy of this?(B) You made the right copy, didn't you?(C) I think you asked for more than one copy.(D) I understand you'd like a single copy of this.7. (A) The posters make the room look cheerful.(B) The poster shows a room full of colorful chairs.(C) How many color posters are there in the room?(D) How does the room look now with so many chairs?8. (A) Mike's drink was cold.(B) Mike was coughing.(C) Mike wasn't warm enough.(D) My coffee wasn't as hot as Mike's.9. (A) Running this projector is very easy for me.(B) It isn't worth fixing this projector.(C) I can't recommend that projector.(D) It's very inexpensive to run this projector.10. (A) There's only a half hour before Fred arrives.(B) There aren't any flowers next to the bed.(C) We should make a bouquet.(D) We need more flour.11. (A) I purchased a car recently.(B) I knew the car was in the lot.(C) I really need a new car.(D) I always forget to clean my car.12. (A) Sandra arranged an exhibit for history week.(B) Sandra accidentally upset this week's history exhibit.(C) Sandra sat beside the historic display.(D) Sandra directed a play.13. (A) No one has an opinion on everything.(B) No one opinion is all-encompassing.(C) Everyone has an opinion on something.(D) Only one person is lacking an opinion on it.14. (A) I'm pleased to be able to lend you the money.(B) I've lent you all the money I had.(C) I wish you could lend me some money.(D) I'm sorry I can't lend you the money.15. (A) Someone was baking in the kitchen.(B) There was paste on the kitchen table.(C) We just came from the kitchen.(D) There's a lot of room in the kitchen.16. (A) We find Bob agreeable most of the time.(B) We usually like Bob's guests.(C) Bob isn't willing to join the others.(D) Most of us wanted to walk along with Bob.17. (A) I haven't studied physics with the professor.(B) This was the professor's best lecture yet. (C) I've never heard the professor give a good lecture.(D) The professor isn't interested in physics.18. (A) Barbara is interesting to listen to because she reads a lot.(B) Barbara talks a lot while she sews.(C) Barbara seldom talks because she's always reading.(D) Barbara has little to say about this topic.19. (A) I don't think he'll come if he gets the job.(B) I hope that he won't get the job.(C) Someone else will probably get the job.(D) I won't be surprised if he gets the job.20. (A) How many are there?(B) What's the explanation?(C) Who's the accountant?(D) Did you count four of them.21. (A) She wants to know where the restaurant is.(B) She's recommending a good place to go for dinner.(C) She thinks the man should go to France.(D) She's inviting the man to eat with her.22. (A) Run in town.(B) Look more carefully.(C) Buy shoes from a catalog.(D) Find an easier places to exercise.23. (A) Saying goodbye to a friend.(B) Buying a ticket for a sports event.(C) Paying a bill at the bank.(D) Arranging a plane trip.24. (A) He didn't know how to begin to write a play.(B) He hasn't liked plays very much in the past.(C) He didn't want to talk about it right away.(D) He wasn't sure what the first part was about.25. (A) Dan received them.(B) Gloria forgot about them.(C) Dan mailed them.(D) Gloria has sent for them.26. (A) His room is quite small.(B) he had to walk around the dormitory.(C) It's hard to find a room in the dormitory.(D) It's his turn to inspect the dormitory room.27. (A) He should look in a different place.(B) She can help him if necessary.(C) He should stand on something.(D) Perhaps he shouldn't have tea.28. (A) They are going toward the lake.(B) They have made a new trail.(C) They have decided to sit outdoors.(D) They are camping around the lake.29. (A) Anyone can do it.(B) No one can do it.(C) Alex can probably do it.(D) Alex probably shouldn't do it.30. (A) He'll go if the woman goes too.(B) He doubts he'll be able to go.(C) He's too tired to go.(D) He's eager to go.31. (A) It is typical December weather for this region.(B) It won't really snow until December.(C) Such a large amount of snow is unusual for this month.(D) There has never been much snow down South.32. (A) He believes Mark was the wrong person.(B) he wants to know who is telling the truth.(C) He finds the decision unbelievable.(D) He thought there wouldn't be any awards.33. (A) The store doesn't have it now, but will soon.(B) It is no longer available.(C) It has been reprinted four times.(D) The information in the book is not up-to-date.34. (A) It's uncomfortable because of the wind.(B) It isn't as warm as the man had thought it would be.(C) The man expected it to be windy.(D) The wind hasn't made it any cooler.35. (A) He already knows what Ted will say.(B) He doesn't have time to look at the gift.(C) He can't imagine what his friends got for him.(D) He is anxious to see Ted's reaction to the gift.36. (A) A sales representative.(B) A store manager.(C) A committee chairperson.(D) A class president.37. (A) To determine who will graduate this year.(B) To discuss the seating arrangement.(C) To choose the chairperson of the ceremonies.(D) To begin planning the graduation ceremonies.38. (A) Their manes, phone numbers, and job preference.(B) The names and addresses of their guests.(C) The names of the committees they worked on last year.(D) Their dormitory mane, address, and phone number.39. (A) Only students who have time for the work.(B) All the students who are at the meeting.(C) Only students who have a telephone.(D) All the students who worked on the project last year.40. (A) In an hour.(B) Next week.(C) In one month.(D) Next year.41. (A) Food packaging.(B) Varieties of fish.(C) A new snack food.(D) An artificial food flavoring.42. (A) Its variety of colors.(B) Its unusual texture.(C) The way it is sold.(D) Its main ingredient.43. (A) To preserve it longer.(B) To give it a particular taste.(C) To make it smoother.(D) To increase the fermentation.44. (A) Its low purchase price.(B) Its wide availability.(C) Its good nutritional value.(D) Its higher water content.45. (A) Its bland flavoring is healthful.(B) It can be stored a long time without spoiling.(C) It goes well with fish dishes.(D) A high grade of fish is used in its preparation.46. (A) In a few weeks.(B) In two or three months.(C) In about two years.(D) In ten years.47. (A) Count money.(B) Read and write.(C) Draw moving objects.(D) Hunt and farm.48. (A) Teachers came to children's homes.(B) Children acquired the information they needed by direct experience.(C) Children taught one another in small supervised groups.(D) Parents instructed their children in the "three R's"49. (A) A new dependence on people far away and the use of money.(B) The introduction of a new alphabet and numerical system.(C) Outmoded methods of farming and ineffective means of transportation.(D) Larger family units and greater financial hardships.50. (A) The various means of survival taught by parents in contemporary society.(B) The importance of history instruction in the first schools.(C) The increasingly complex skills subsequently taught in schools.(D) The problems involved in the construction of new schools.89-889年8月TOEFL听力A1£® (A) She never hears her alarm clock ringing.(B) Her alarm clock doesn't ring when it should.(C) She doesn't know where her alarm clock is .(D) She always sleeps until the alarm clock wakes her. 2£® (A) They said they're going by taxi.(B) Their clothes are in terrible condition.(C) In certain states clothes are subject to tax.(D) There are some clothes hanging on the racks.3£® (A) She didn't often go out in the rain.(B) She learned a great deal from the program.(C) She understood only a little about the program.(D) She stopped running to the train.4£® (A) He never comes here in the fall.(B) He'll probably arrive soon.(C) He couldn't hear it this time.(D) He doesn't have time to call.5£® (A) Karen can afford to go to college.(B) Karen got only one scholarship.(C) Without a scholarship, Karen couldn't go to college.(D) If Karen can afford to go, she won't get a scholarship.6£® (A) He will apply soon for his first passport.(B) He has to apply again for a passport.(C) He knew he had to pick up his passport.(D) He didn't need his passport until now.7£® (A) I was actually on time.(B) I was ten minutes late.(C) I wasn't late because I ran all the way.(D) I walked for ten minutes.8£® (A) Jerry knew all the answers.(B) It was easy to answer Jerry's questions.(C) Jerry had difficulty with the test.(D) Everyone came for the test except Jerry.9£® (A) It would be better not to take the course.(B) This term would be a good time to take the course.(C) I don't think you can get out of taking that course.(D) I didn't say a word about your taking that course.10. (A) I didn't think the keys were in the shop.(B) That shop has fair prices.(C) The shopkeeper expects customers to be honest.(D) I don't think that shopkeeper is trustworthy.11. (A) A fee is charged for reserved books returned even an hour late.(B) This is a fine day to spend an hour in the library.(C) The reserve section of the library is due to close in one hour.(D) Our library has a reserve section of fine books.12. (A) Leslie will get credit for graduating early.(B) Leslie has a heavier course load than usual this term.(C) Leslie is taking a minimal number of credits this term.(D) Leslie must pay the rent on her apartment before she graduates.13. (A) You shouldn't be that busy now.(B) You've had a lot to0 do recently.(C) How long do you expect to be so busy?(D) How have you been doing recently?14. (A) I wasn't asking for the catalog.(B) The catalogs have been poorly copied.(C) I wouldn't give away my copy of the catalog.(D) No one gave me a catalog.15. (A) Susan told Mike about the new policy.(B) Mike talked to Susan regarding the new policy.(C) Mike and Susan questioned the school about the policy.(D) Mike and Susan gathered information about theschool's policy.16. (A) What do you think provoked the President?(B) The President was thinking aloud.(C) Don't you think the speech was stimulating?(D) The speech angered the press.17. (A) We became friends quickly.(B) We have been friends for a long while.(C) We have to leave pretty soon.(D) We knew none of the others.18. (A) She hasn't started the work yet.(B) She didn't want the work to be finished.(C) She hasn't worked since the project started.(D) She didn't want to start all over again.19. (A) The professor introduced the students to each other.(B) The two students were presented to the class.(C) The students met the professor.(D) The professor was introduced by a colleague.20. (A) I needed exactly that thing.(B) I got the thing at last.(C) I certainly didn't need that.(D) That thing won't last.21. (A) Who called.(B) What Margaret said.(C) Who Margaret is.(D) When the message was taken.22. (A) He'll only give her part of his notes.(B) He doesn't know anything about economics.(C) He's not taking an economics class.(D) He's happy to lend her his notes.23. (A) She received two job offers.(B) She also was offered a job.(C) She was the first to receive an offer.(D) She received too many offers.24. (A) They'll have to get some more paint.(B) They should get someone to help them.(C) They shouldn't delay any longer.(D) They don't have to paint the room again.25. (A) Leave for home.(B) Check the language lab.(C) Buy new locks.(D) Show the man where the lab is.26. (A) In a doctor's office. (B) In an operating room.(C) In a professor's office.(D) In a gymnasium.27. (A) She wanted to exhibit her crafts.(B) She'd rather go somewhere else.(C) She saw the exhibition months ago.(D) she's sorry to have missed the exhibit.28. (A) There's no more work for anyone to do.(B) No one is willing to work with them.(C) The woman knows several people on the committee.(D) The woman should be on the committee herself.29. (A) Watch television.(B) Go for a swim.(C) Make better use of time.(D) Follow the official procedure.30. (A) He'd rather not go to the lecture.(B) He doesn't mind if the woman goes to the lecture.(C) He wants to hear the lecture.(D) He's heard the lecture before.31. (A) Pay several bills.(B) Phone the electric company.(C) Pay less rent.(D) Make fewer telephone calls.32. (A) Wait and take the class next year.(B) Become a musician.(C) Give his presentation without a plan.(D) Discuss the presentation with the professor.33. (A) He's sure the new chef is better.(B) he wonders whether the new chef is an improvement.(C) He hopes the new chef will stay longer than the old one did.(D) He's going to see the new chef tonight.34. (A) Katie doesn't often dance.(B) Katie isn't the person dancing.(C) Katie does indeed dance well.(D) Katie dances better than her friend.35. (A) They would see better from a different row.(B) It isn't hard to see from his seat.(C) He would rather not move from his place.(D) He'll switch places with the woman.36. (A) Energy conservation.(B) Transportation of the future.(C) Strip cities.(D) Advantages of air transportation over railroads.37. (A) A lack of available flights.(B) Long delays at the airport.(C) Boredom on long flights/(D) Long trips to and from airports.38. (A) On short trips.(B) On long trips.(C) When flying over cities.(D) When flying at high altitudes.39. (A) It uses nuclear energy.(B) It rests on a cushion of pressurized air.(C) It flies over magnetically activated tracks.(D) it uses a device similar with engine.40. (A) It is more comfortable than a conventional train.(B) It doesn't require very much track maintenance.(C) It doesn't remain in any station very long.(D) it carries more passengers than a conventional train.41. (A) They are subject to fires.(B) They become less fuel-efficient.(C) They produce too much noise.(D) They have trouble staying on the tracks.42. (A) They don't get rid of flabby arms.(B) They can damage arm muscles.(C) They aren't acceptable to most people.(D) They can raise one's blood pressure.43. (A) By talking to an expert.(B) By reading an article.(C) By attending an exercise class.(D) By listening to the radio.44. (A) Exercising the entire body.(B) Having your blood pressure taken daily.(C) Losing weight prior to exercising.(D) Weighing in before each exercise session.45. (A) Wearing arm weights while you are swimming.(B) Jogging vigorously in one place for a long time.(C) Using bicycles that require you to use both your arms and legs.(D) Walking slowly while swinging your arms back and forth.46. (A) A restaurant host. (B) A tour guide.(C) A history teacher.(D) A park attendant.47. (A) A small restaurant.(B) A revolutionary army.(C) A famous commander.(D) A historic tree.48. (A) It was the oldest one in the park.(B) It was less than a hundred years old.(C) It was much younger than people had thought.(D) It was impossible to determine.49. (A) George Washington was an extremely tall man.(B) Most trees in parks are destroyed by insects.(C) Historical stories are sometimes inaccurate.(D) The Continental Army celebrated a victory in Cambridge.50. (A) Drive around the park.(B) Eat lunch.(C) Plant a small tree.(D) Go to the next city.89-1089年10月TOEFL听力A1. (A) That's today's seat.(B) Let's eat at four today.(C) That's all we'll do today.(D) There were four today.2. (A) Robert crashed into the stop sign near the bank.(B) Robert is going to the bank to get some money.(C) The robbers took a lot of cash from the bank.(D) The bank is closing Robert's account.3. (A) She refuses to shop.(B) The key was left in her shopping bag.(C) Turn left at the store.(D) she's gone to buy some things.4. (A) Don't you need a refill for your pen?(B) Your order for a dozen pencils has been filled.(C) Ben needs another bill from you.(D) Don't you want to get your friend a new pen?5. (A) Professor Stanton's course is very popular.(B) Everyone has taken a class from Professor Stanton.(C) Professor Stanton wants to teach another course.(D) Students are required to enroll in Professor Stanton's class.6. (A) We don't have time to eat dinner.(B) How often does he go out for dinner?(C) Let's meet for dinner one of these days.(D) What time were we supposed to meet for dinner?7. (A) The roof of the dentist's office needed to be fixed.(B) The dentists were both out of the office.(C) Gary talked about the dentist's broken tooth.(D) Why are the lectures held at four o'clock?8. (A) Why are the lectures held at four o'clock?(B) Have you been to one of these lectures before?(C) This lecture is really crowded.(D) I was glad to see you at the lecture.9. (A) Do what is most appropriate for you?(B) You want me to have the best.(C) You are the best person to do it.(D) Think of somebody besides yourself.10. (A) I missed the flight because I hadn't finished packing.(B) They loaded my suitcases on the last plane.(C) The plane was delayed because of my luggage.(D) My baggage will arrive on another flight.11. (A) He didn't meet me at the door.(B) There are still vacant rooms.(C) The story was foolish.(D) He is unhappy with the dormitory.12. (A) Susan suggested that we buy a slide projector.(B) We are the only ones she has shown the slides to.(C) Susan wanted to know whether we owned a slide projector.(D) We were supposed to bring the slide projector with us.13. (A) His study habits are poor.(B) He doesn't have a good place to study.(C) His habit is to study late.(D) He was disappointed with his studies.14. (A) The report has just been typed.(B) The report can be typed now.(C) The report isn't ready to be typed yet.(D) Part of the report is typed.15. (A) No matter what, we'll come for you tomorrow.(B) We may be coming a little late tomorrow.(C) We may come tomorrow or pick another date.(D) If you can't come today, please come tomorrow.16. (A) We should be gone within a month.(B) I want the semester to end now.(C) It takes us a ling time to get to school.(D) The semester ended a month ago.17. (A) You shouldn't have bought so many books.(B) You paid a lot of money for those books.(C) You got a lot of books for your money.(D) You didn't understand the price of the books.18. (A) That isn't a totally new kind of problem.(B) The solution to that problem isn't complete.(C) No one has ever solved that problem.(D) I know nothing about that kind of problem.19. (A) We had to write our compositions over again.(B) We met Professor Keene right after our class.(C) We were supposed to grade our papers in class.(D) We were told to read our essays out loud to our classmates.20. (A) Physics is not a difficult subject.(B) You certainly know a lot about physics.(C) I don't believe you're a physics major.(D) I think your physics homework is wrong.21. (A) She agrees with the man.(B) She doesn't know the book.(C) She likes the book very much.(D) She doesn't know what to do.22. (A) She can go with him this afternoon.(B) She has a lot to do today.(C) She's almost as busy as he is.(D) She might be finished by noon.23. (A) The man should buy a different meal ticket each month.(B) Individuals eat different amounts.(C) Buying the meal ticket won't save the man money.(D) The price of a meal varies from month to month.24. (A) The application isn't available at the office.(B) The woman should mail a copy of her application.(C) The photocopy machine isn't there anymore.(D) The woman can make copies at the post office.25. (A) He's taller than anyone on campus.(B) He's the best actor in the school.(C) He's almost through with the campus tour.(D) He's studying at college to be an actor.。
旧托福真题8908语法EXERCISE THREEB1. The Cubists were concerned with how__________a given subject from different points ofview simultaneously.(A) represented(B) do the represent(C) to represent(D) representing2. Sometimes__________to place physics and chemistry into separate categories.(A) difficult(B) is difficult(C) it is difficult(D) that it is difficult3. Martha Graham, __________, has run her own dance company for half a century.(A) is the great modern choreographer(B) one of the great modern choreographers(C) that the great modern choreographers(D) the modern choreographers were great4. Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, __________communicatethrough facial expressions and by making noises.(A) however(B) they(C) furthermore(D) who5. The seating of musicians in an orchestra is arranged __________to produce the desired blendof sounds from the various musical sections .(A) the conductor of(B) from the conductor(C) the conductor and(D) by the conductor6. The worldwide race to develop an affordable synthetic fuel has so far consumed billions ofdollars and __________ few results.(A) yielded(B) yielding(C) yield ha(D) has a yield of7. Experiments in the photography of moving objects __________ in both the United States andEurope well before 1900.(A) have been conducting(B) were conducting(C) had been conducted(D) being conducted8. The University of Georgia, __________ in 1785, was the first state supported university in theUnited States.(A) chartered(B) was chartered(C) it was chartered(D) to be chartered9. Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once __________cacti and sagebrush could live.(A) nor(B) not the(C) none other(D) nothing but10. __________, in the late 1800's, some libraries had to keep as many as twenty to thirty copies ofeach of Mary Jane Holmes's books on hand.(A) Inventories showing(B) That show inventories(C) Inventories show that(D) Showing the inventories11. The scholarly interest in perception stems largely from questions about the sources and validityof what __________.(A) it is known as human knowledge(B) is known as human knowledge(C) known human knowledge(D) is human knowledge known12. Because of the Aleuts' constant exposure to cold weather, they have long recognized__________ .(A) and body needs to be fat(B) body needs the fat(C) how fat the body needs(D) the body's need for fat13. Almost all economists agree __________ by trading with one another.(A) nations that are gained(B) nations they gain(C) gaining nations(D) that nations gain14. The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for __________ with which toregulate them.(A) more accurate than sundials(B) more accurate sundials(C) sundials more accurately(D) more accurately than sundials15. Anthropology is a science __________anthropologists usea rigorous set of methods andtechniques to document observations that can be checked by others.(A) in that(B) that in(C) that(D) in16.A liquid is similar to a gas because has molecules are not fixed to each other in any specificA B Cway.D17.The Conestoga wagon, used for to carry heavy loads over long distances, originated aroundA B C1725 in a region of Pennsylvania occupied by the Conestoga Indians.D18.Providence, Rhode Island, is a busy manufacturing city and seaport, as well the state capital.A B C D19.The young of most bird species are totally dependence on parental care after hatching.A B C D20.During most of this century, A. Philip Randolph struggled for Black rights in the United StatesA Band becomes an important figure in the labor movement.C D21.It has been calculated that the Earth's circumference around the equator is over forty longerA B C D miles than the circumference around the two poles.22. A fish must constantly to gulp water in order to keep a current flowing through its delicateA B C D gills.23. Maria Martinez, a Pueblo Indian, rediscovered the ancient art of Pueblo black pottery and, byAteaching the process to family and friends, develop a lucrative business.B C D24. Muscular motion is caused by the stimulate of specific nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.A B C D25. The first libraries in the North American colonies was established in Massachusetts in the yearA B C D 1638.26. When does a neutron from one atom collides with the nucleus of another atom, a chainA B Creaction can occur.D27. Alike other academic disciplines, sociology has several major sub-disciplines.A B C D28. An enormous variety of information may be obtained from a largest daily newspaper.A B C D29. Before the invention of the clock, people had to reliable on the celestial bodies to tell time.A B C D30. How many people remember listening to Orson Welles'1938 radio broadcast. "The War ofA B Cthe Worlds," Which convince thousands that space aliens had invaded the Earth?D31. Pewter, a metal with an ancient heritage, is still practical medium for the nonprofessionalA B C C metalworker.32. According to cognitive theories of emotion, anger occurs when individuals believe that theyAhave been harmed and that the harm was either avoidable and undeserved.B C D33. Jackie Mclean's recordings have shown that he is one of the few jazz musicians who style ofA B playing has kept pace with the evolution of modern jazz.C D34. How Native Americans developed corn is a puzzling, for no wild corn has ever beenA B C discovered, and it grows only where people plant and tend it.D35. A principle of manager is to ensure that every action or decision achieves a carefully plannedA B C D goal.36. A good exercise program helps teach people to avoid the habits that might shorten the lives.A B C D37. Classicism as a doctrine seeks what is universally truth and good.A B C D38. Researchers at the University of Colorado are investigating a series of indicators that couldA B C help themselves to predict earthquakes.D39.Fungi are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soilA B C fertility, and decompose animal debris.D40. A common use with gold in the nineteenth century was as a standard for the value of money.A B C D。
1989年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题Section I: Structure and V ocabularyIn each question, decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put your choices in the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points) EXAMPLE:I was caught ________ the rain yesterday.[A] in[B] by[C] with[D] atANSWER: [A]1.Modern man faces dangers completely unknown ________ his predecessors.[A] for[B] to[C] of[D] by2.The chances of seeing a helicopter in my hometown are one ________ a million.[A] for[B] to[C] in[D] against3.________ we have all the materials ready, we should begin the new task at once.[A] Since that[B] Since now[C] By now[D] Now that4.We hope the measures to control prices, ________ taken by the government, will succeed.[A] when[B] as[C] since[D] after5.The historical events of that period are arranged ________.[A] in alphabetical order[B] in an alphabetical order[C] in the alphabetical orders[D] in alphabetical orders6.In some markets there may be only one seller. ________ is called a monopoly.[A] Situation as this[B] Such kind of situation[C] Such a situation[D] A situation of this7.He is ________ to speak the truth.[A] too much of a coward[B] too much a coward[C] so much a coward[D] so much of a coward8.He always gives ________ to his wife’s demands and does whatever she tells him to.[A] up[B] away[C] in[D] out9.It’s ________ in the regulations that you can take 20 kilos of luggage with you.[A] laid upon[B] laid out[C] laid up[D] laid down10.Look at all the corruption that’s going on. It’s time the city was ________.[A] cleaned out[B] cleaned down[C] cleaned away[D] cleaned up11.Though he did not say so directly, the inspector ________ the man was guilty.[A] declared[B] implied[C] disclosed[D] said12.The Prime Minister refused to ________ on the rumour that he had planned to resign.[A] explain[B] comment[C] remark[D] talk13.I asked the tailor to make a small ________ to my trousers because they were too long.[A] change[B] variation[C] revision[D] alteration14.Magnificent views over the countryside have often ________ people to write poems.[A] excited[B] inspired[C] induced[D] attracted15.The food was divided ________ according to the age and size of the children.[A] equally[B] proportionately[C] sufficiently[D] adequatelySection II: Reading ComprehensionEach of the three passages below is followed by some questions. For each question there are four answers. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each of the questions. Put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)Test 1A scientist once said: “I have concluded that the earth is being visited by intelligently controlled vehicles from outer space.”If we take this as a reasonable explanation for UFOs (unidentified flying objects), questions immediately come up.“Why don’t they get in touch with us, then? Why don’t they land right on the White House lawn and declare themselves?” people asked.In reply, scientists say that, while this may be what we want, it may not necessarily be what they want.“The most likely explanation, it seems to me,” said Dr. Mead, “is that they are simply watching what we are up to -- that responsible society outside our solar system is keeping an eye on us to see that we don’t set in motion a chain reaction that might have unexpected effects for outside our solar system.”Opinions from other scientists might go like this: “Why should they want to get in touch with us? We may feel we’re more important than we really are! They may want to observe us only and not interfere with the development of our civilization. They may not care if we see them but they also may not care to say ‘hello’.”Some scientists have also suggested that Earth is a kind of zoo or wildlife reserve. Just as we set aside wilderness areas and wildlife reserves to allow animals and growing things to develop naturally while we observe them, so perhaps Earth was set aside ages ago for the same purpose. Are we being observed by intelligent beings from other civilizations in the universe? Are they watching our progress in space travel? Do we live in a gigantic “zoo” observed by our “keepers,” but having no communication with them?Never before in our history have we had to confront ideas like these. The simple fact is that we, who have always regarded ourselves as supreme in the universe, may not be so. Now we have to recognize that, among the stars in the heavens, there may very well be worlds inhabited by beings who are to us as we are to ants.16.People who ask the question “Why don’t they get in touch with us... and declare themselves?” think that ________.[A] there are no such things as UFOs[B] UFOs are visitors from solar system[C] there’s no reason for UFOs sooner or later[D] we are bound to see UFOs sooner or later17.According to Dr. Mead, the attitude of beings from outer space toward us is one of ________.[A] unfriendliness[B] suspicion[C] superiority[D] hostility18.The tone of the writer is that of ________.[A] doubt[B] warning[C] indifference[D] criticismTest 2The use of the motor is becoming more and more widespread in the twentieth century; as an increasing number of countries develop both technically and economically, so a larger proportion of the world’s population is able to buy and use a car. Possessing a car gives a much greater degree of mobility, enabling the driver to move around freely. The owner of a car is no longer forced to rely on public transport and is, therefore, not compelled to work locally. He can choose from different jobs and probably changes his work more frequently as he is not restricted to a choice within a small radius. Travelling to work by car is also more comfortable than having to use public transport; the driver can adjust the heating in winter and the air conditioning in the summer to suit his own needs and preference. There is no irritation caused by waiting for trains, buses or underground trains, standing in long patient queues, or sitting on windy platforms, for as long as half an hour sometimes. With the building of good, fast motorways long distances can be covered rapidly and pleasantly. For the first time in this century also, many people are now able to enjoy their leisure time to the full by making trips to the country or seaside at the weekends, instead of being confined to their immediate neighbourhood. This feeling of independence, and the freedom to go where you please, is perhaps the greatest advantage of the car.When considering the drawbacks, perhaps pollution is of prime importance. As more and more cars are produced and used, so the emission from their exhaust-pipes contains an ever larger volume of poisonous gas. Some of the contents of this gas, such as lead, not only pollute the atmosphere but cause actual harm to the health of people. Many of the minor illnesses of modern industrial society, headaches, tiredness, and stomach upsets are thought to arise from breathing polluted air; doctors’ surgeries are full of people suffering from illnesses caused by pollution. It is also becoming increasingly difficult to deal with the problem of traffic in towns; most of the important cities of the world suffer from traffic congestion. In fact any advantage gained in comfort is often cancelled out in city driving by the frustration caused by traffic jams: endless queues of cars crawling one after another through all the main streets. As an increasing number of traffic regulation schemes are devised, the poor bewildered driver finds himself diverted and forced into one-way systems which cause even greater delays than the traffic jams they are supposed to prevent. The mounting cost of petrol and the increased license fees and road tax all add to the driver’s worries. In fact, he must sometimes wonder if the motor car is such a blessing and not just a menace.19.More and more people can afford to buy and use cars because ________.[A] an increasing number of cars are being produced[B] the cost of cars is getting cheaper with the development of technology[C] lots of countries have become more developed[D] the use of cars has proved to be more economical20.The advantages of having a car are best experienced in the driver’s ________.[A] freedom in choosing his job[B] comfort during the travels[C] enjoyment of his leisure time[D] feeling of self-reliance21.What is considered by the writer as the greatest menace to the people caused by the widespread use of motor cars?[A] air pollution[B] traffic jams[C] fatal diseases[D] high costTest 3Manners nowadays in metropolitan cities like London are practically non-existent. It is nothing for a big, strong schoolboy to elbow an elderly woman aside in the dash for the last remaining seat on the tube or bus, much less stand up and offer his seat to her, as he ought. In fact, it is saddening to note that if a man does offer his seat to an older woman, it is nearly always a Continental man or one from the older generation.This question of giving up seats in public transport is much argued about by young men, who say that, since women have claimed equality, they no longer deserve to be treated with courtesy and that those who go out to work should take their turn in the rat race like anyone else. Women have never claimed to be physically as strong as men. Even if it is not agreed, however, that young men should stand up for younger women, the fact remains that courtesy should be shown to the old, the sick and the burdened. Are we really so lost to all ideals of unselfishness that we can sit there indifferently reading the paper or a book, saying to ourselves “First come, first served,” while a grey-haired woman, a mother with a young child or a cripple stands? Yet this is all too often seen. Conditions in travel are really very hard on everyone, we know, but hardship is surely no excuse. Sometimes one wonders what would have been the behaviour of these stout young men in a packed refugee train or a train on its way to a prison-camp during the War. Would they have considered it only right and their proper due to keep the best places for themselves then?Older people, tired and irritable from a day’s work, are not angels, either -- far from it. Many a brisk argument or an insulting quarrel breaks out as the weary queues push and shove each other to get on buses and tubes. One cannot commend this, of course, but one does feel there is just a little more excuse.If cities are to remain pleasant places to live in at all, however, it seems imperative, not only that communications in transport should be improved, but also that communication between human beings should be kept smooth and polite. All over cities, it seems that people are too tired and too rushed to be polite. Shop assistants won’t bother to assist, taxi drivers growl at each other as they dash dangerously round corners, bus conductor pull the bell before their desperate passengers have had time to get on or off the bus, and so on and so on. It seems to us that it is up to the young and strong to do their small part to stop such deterioration.22.From what you have read, would you expect manners to improve among people ________?[A] who are physically weak or crippled[B] who once lived in a prison-camp during the War[C] who live in big modern cities[D] who live only in metropolitan cities23.What is the writer’s opinion concerning courteous manners towards women?[A] Now that women have claimed equality, they no longer need to be treated differently from men.[B] It is generally considered old-fashioned for young men to give up their seats to young women.[C] “Lady First” should be universally practiced.[D] Special consideration ought to be shown them.24.According to the author communication between human beings would be smoother if________.[A] people were more considerate towards each other[B] people were not so tired and irritable[C] women were treated with more courtesy[D] public transport could be improved25.What is the possible meaning of the word “deterioration” in the last paragraph?[A] worsening of general situation[B] lowering of moral standards[C] declining of physical constitution[D] spreading of evil conductSection III: Close TestFor each numbered blank in the following passage there are four choices labeled [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the best one and put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. Read the whole passage before making your choice. (10 points)One day drought may be a thing of the past at least in coastal cities. Vast areas of desert throughout the world may for the first time __26__ and provide millions of hectares of land where now nothing grows.By the end of this century this may not be mere __27__. Scientists are already looking into the possibility of using some of the available ice in the Arctic and Antarctic. In these regions there are vast ice-caps formed by snow that has fallen over the past 50,000 years. Layer __28__ layer of deep snow means that, when melted, the snow water would be pure, not salty as sea-ice would be. There is so much __29__ pure water here that it would need only a fraction of it to turn much of the desert or poorly irrigated parts of the world into rich farmland. And what useful packages it would come in! It should be possible to cut off a bit of ice and transport it! Alternatively perhaps a passing iceberg could be __30__. They are always breaking away from the main caps and floating around, pushed by currents, until they eventually melt and are wasted.Many icebergs are, of course, far too small to be towed __31__ distance, and would melt before they reached a country that needed them anywhere. It would be necessary to locate one that was __32__ and that was big enough to provide a good supply of ice when it reached us. Engineers think that an iceberg up to seven miles long and one and a half miles wide could be transported if the tug pulling it was as big as a supertanker! Even then they would cover only twenty miles every day. However, __33__ the iceberg was at its destination, more that 7,000 million cubic metres of water could be taken from it! That would probably be more than enough for any medium-sized city even in the hottest summer! But no doubt a use could be found for it. __34__, scientist say, there would not be too much wastage in such a journey. The larger the iceberg, the slower it melts, even if it is towed through the tropics. This is because when the sun has a bigger area to warm __35__, less heat actually gets into the iceberg. The vast frozen centre would be unaffected.26.[A] come to life[B] come into existence[C] come into activity[D] come round27.[A] speculation[B] imagination[C] computation[D] expectation28.[A] above[B] of[C] upon[D] over29.[A] essential[B] potential[C] claimable[D] obtainable30.[A] seized[B] snatched[C] grabbed[D] captured31.[A] much[B] any[C] some[D] certain32.[A] manageable[B] manipulative[C] operable[D] controllable33.[A] after[B] while[C] since[D] once34.[A] Apparently[B] Noticeably[C] Distinctly[D] Notably35.[A] round[B] over[C] up[D] throughSection IV: Error-detection and CorrectionEach of the following sentences has four underlined parts. These parts are labeled [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Identify the part of the sentence that is incorrect and put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET. Then, without altering the meaning of the sentence, write down your correction on the line in the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)EXAMPLE:You have to hurry up if you want to buy something because [A] there’s [B] hardly something [C] left. [D]ANSWER: [C] anything36.No [A] bank keeps enough [B] cash paying [C] all its depositors in full [D] at one time.37.Magazines [A] provide the [B] great variety of advertisements [C] and entertainment as wellas [D] information.38.If it doesn’t [A] rain within [B] the next few weeks, the crops [C] will have to be watered if they are to be survived. [D]39.This is the most important respect which [A] civilized man [B] can be distinguished from [C] primitive communities. [D]40.As [A] a bad-tempered man, he would not tolerate [B] having his lectures interrupted as if [C] he were some obscure candidate making [D] an election speech.41.If you were [A] awarded a prize of ten thousand dollars, what would you do with [B] it if you had [C] to spend [D] in a day?42.The boy is constantly being told [A] not to scratch the paint off [B] the all, but he goes on to do [C] it all the same. [D]43.The parcel you post must be well packed [A]. Inadequate packing can mean [B] delay, damage or [C] loss at your expenses. [D]44.The radio was of so [A] inferior quality that [B] I took it back [C] and asked for a better one.[D]45.I can listen to Bruckner for [A] hours without getting bored, but if you haven’t heard [B] much of his music before, you may find [C] it takes some getting used. [D]Section V: Verb FormsFill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the verbs given the brackets. Put your answers in the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)EXAMPLE:It is highly desirable that a new president ________ (appointed) for this college.ANSWER: (should) be appointed46.Byron is said (live) on vinegar and potatoes.47.You (leave) a note. It was very inconsiderate of you to do so.48.If the horse won today, he (win) thirty races in five years.49.Upon being questioned he denied (write) the article.50.I was so sick last night that I felt as if the room (go) round.51.Nowadays people usually prefer driving to (drive).52.I hope her health (improve) greatly by the time we come back next year.53.While we were in London that year, the London Bridge (repair).54.Lots of empty bottles were found under the old man’s bed. He must have done nothing but (drink).55.Ford tried dividing the labour, each worker (assign) a separate task.Section VI: Chinese-EnglishTranslate the following sentences into English. (15 points)56.请乘客们系好安全带,以防碰伤。
1. Quasars emitting extremely intense radio waves and visible radiation. (A) Star-like objects are(B) Star-like, they are objects(C) are star-like objects(D) are they star-like objects答案:C测试点:主谓结构.分析:Quasar 是主语,后面缺少动词及动词后所带成份,应在答案中选择动词十宾语或系动词斗表语的结构.(C)是系表结构.解题要点:在 4 个答案中首先寻找以动词开头的形式.2. Mary Cassatt specialized mothers with their children. (A) painted(B) who painted(C) paintings(D) in painting答案:D测试点:习语。
分析:specialize 是不及物动词,后面不能直接加宾语,而要用介词。
答案中只有(D)有介词,故选(D).specialize in+名词/动名词是固定短语.3. Gorillas are quiet animals, they are able to make about twenty different sounds. (A) how(B) in spite of (C) because of (D) even though答案:D 测试点:连词. 分析:逗号前后为两个主谓完整的句子,且是转折的关系,要用表示转折的连词连接.答案中只有 (D)even though 是表示转折的连词。
【历年真题】托福语法真题训练50(附答案).docx【历年真题】托福语法真题训练50 (附答案)小马过河为大家准备了“【历年真题】托福语法真题训练50 (附答案)”,供各位备考托福的考生们参考使用,来提高自己的托福成绩!免费咨询电话:400-0123-2672001年01月语法题1? A three-foot octopus can crawl through a hole ----------- in diameter.(A)than one inch less(B)less than one inch(C)one less inch than(D)than less one inch答案:B分析:这是一个简单句,空格是hole后的定语,答案是Bmore than , less than是习惯用法,表示多于,少于的意思。
(A)(0 (D)语序混乱,很容易排除。
2.----- a dopted the decimal system of coinage in 1867?(A)Canada(B)When Canada(C)Canada, which(D)There was Canada答案:A分析:这是一个简单句.空格是作句子主语.答案是A.单个名词做句子主语。
(B)多了when,而后乂没冇从句的谓语;(C)如果用T which,则Canada后没有了谓语;(D)如果是D,那么Canada后面应该是adopting表示主动。
1989年01月语法题1. The flexibility of film allows the artist __________ unbridled imagination to theanimation of cartoon characters.(A) to bring(B) bringing(C) is brought(D) brings2. Traditionally, __________in New England on Thanksgiving Day.(A) when served is sweet cider(B) when sweet cider is served(C) is served sweet cider(D) sweet cider is served3. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent __________, or pronghorn.(A) it is the American antelope(B) the American antelope is(C) is the American antelope(D) the American antelope4. Lillian D. Wald, public health nurse and __________, was born in Cincinnati Ohio,in 1867.(A) reforming society(B) social reformer(C) who reformed society(D) her social reform5. Copper sulfate, spread in judicious amounts, kills algae __________ harming fish oraquatic invert-ebrates.(A) does not(B) but does no(C) except(D) without6. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people__________long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century.(A) will they live(B) they will be living(C) will live(D) living7. __________that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected infacial expressions.(A) Anthropologists have discovered(B) Anthropologists discovering(C) The discovery by anthropologists(D) Discovered by anthropologists8.In 1964__________of Henry Ossawa Tanner’s paintings was shown at theSmithsonian Institution.(A) was a major collection(B) that a major collection(C) a collection was major(D) a major collection9. __________irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic hasbeen largely discontinued.(A) Its(B) Where its(C) Since its(D) Because of its10.In order to remain in existence,__________must, in the long run, producesomething consumers consider useful or desirable.(A) a profit-making organization(B) a profit-making organization which(C) therefore a profit-making organization(D) whichever a profit-making organization11.The greater the population there is in a locality,__________for water,transportation, and disposal of refuse.(A) the greater the need there is(B) greater need(C) is there great need(D) the great need12. A historical novel may do more than mirror history; __________future events.(A) even influencing(B) it may even influence(C) may even influence(D) that it may even influence13. __________a child, sculptor Anne Whitney showed an eager intellect and artistictalent that her parents recognized and encouraged.(A) Has been(B) It was while(C) She was(D) As14. It is widely believed that the pull of gravity on a falling raindropchanges__________round shape into a teardrop shape.(A) of the drop(B) the drop’s(C) drop of(D) drops their15.__________modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting topersonalize them with warmer, less severe interiors.(A) If(B) But(C) With(D) Once16. Not woman held a presidential cabinet position in the United States until 1933, whenFrances Perkins became secretary of labor.17. The human body relies on certainty nutrients for its survival.18. Too much electric current may flow into a circuit as a result either of a fault in thecircuit and of an outside event such as lightning.19. The Appalachian Trail, extending approximately 2,020 miles from Maine to Georgia,is the longer continuous marked footpath in the world.20. For years, elephants were hunted for food and ivory, and as a result theirs numbershave been greatly reduced.21. Barges which carrier most of the heavy freight on rivers and canals are usuallypropelled by towing.22. Although afflicted by serious eyesight problems, Alicia Alonso was one the principalstars of the American Ballet Theater and later formed her own dance company.23. The ritual combat of animals are triggered by precise signals.24. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effective than to employ flowery butvague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning.25. Different species of octopuses may measure anywhere from two inches to over thirtyfeet in long.26. According to some theories derived from psychoanalysis, life is supposedly easier andmo re pleasant when inhibitions overcoming.27. When rainbows appear, they are always in the part of the sky opposite directly theSun.28. Benjamin Franklin drew a political cartoon that is credited raising 10,000 volunteersfor the American Revolutionary War.29. The begins of the modern chemistry laboratory go back to the workrooms of medievallchemists.30. In many pieces of music there is a dominant theme on which the restful of thecomposition is centered.31. Luminescence refers to the emission of light by means another than heat.32.In a representative democracy, the people election delegates to an assembly.33.George Washington Carver found hundred of uses for the peanut, the sweet potato,and the soybean and thus stimulated the cultivation of these crops.34. A citadel, a fortress designed for the defense of a city, usually standed on top of a hill.35. Conservative philosophers argue that the very structure of society is threatening bycivil disobedience, while humanists stress the primacy of the individual conscience.36. Since 1971 the regional corporations set up in Alaska by Congress managingeverything from fishing to banking.37. A rocket burns propellant rapidly and most rockets carry a supply that last just a fewseconds.38. Textile art is known for both its tactile and vision qualities.39. The metal aluminum has been first isolated early in the nineteenth century.40. Gulls can often be see swooping over large bodies of water.。
Time will pierce the surface or youth, will be on the beauty of the ditch dug a shallow groove ; Jane will eat rare!A born beauty, anything to escape his sickle sweep.-- Shakespeare托福语法练习Test of Subject And Verb Agreement由解放军理工大学外语教研室编辑发布[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]使用说明:每道试题的答案在题后的[ANSWER]上,您只需将鼠标停留在[ANSWER]上,答案就会显出来。
1."Do you want the pants?""My pants _______ laid in bed."[ANSWER]A. isB. wasC. areD. being2.When we get our tickets, _______ be marked "first class."[ANSWER]A. it is toB. it willC. they were toD. they will3.There was _______ of complete silence.[ANSWER]A. an instantB. hoursC. three minutesD. seconds4._______ of us are staying home.[ANSWER]A. SomeB. A littleC. CouplesD. Less5.I will talk to the children _______.[ANSWER]A. one and then the otherB. first one then the nextC. one by oneD. in singles6.Because the first pair of pants did not fit properly, heasked for _______.[ANSWER]A. another pantsB. others pantsC. the othters onesD. another pair7.She wore clothes _______.[ANSWER]A. that was better than the other girlsB. that was better than that of the other girlsC. that were better than that of the other girlsD. that were better than those of the other girls8.Amelia Earhart, _______ woman to make a solo flight acrossthe Atlantic Ocean, was born in 1898.[ANSWER]A. was the firstB. she was the firstC. the first who was aD. the first9._______ of gift-giving, barter, buying, and selling goes onamong the Navajos.[ANSWER]A. A great dealB. A great manyC. Much greaterD. Many10.Students today are writing _______ of poetry.[ANSWER]A. a great many linesB. quantities of linesC. lots linesD. a large number11.The bookstore had not ordered _______ texts for all thestudents in the course.[ANSWER]A. plenty ofB. enoughC. as manyD. enough ofck of money means that the _______ of free clinics mustbe reduced.[ANSWER]A. amountB. numberC. degreeD. quantity13.There _______ the last piece of cake and the last spoonfulof ice cream.[ANSWER]A. we goB. goesC. goD. are losing14._______ sent from Florida for all the children in CabinSix.[ANSWER]A. A crate of oranges wereB. A crate of orange wereC. A crate of orange wasD. A crate of oranges was15.when you put up the shelf, remember that _______ nails areneeded at each pressure point.[ANSWER]A. oneB. anyC. aD. several16.There _______ in that part of the country.[ANSWER]A. are not much industryB. is not many industryC. are not many industryD. is not much industry17._______ photosynthesis is the ultimate source of food foralmost all organisms on earth.[ANSWER]A. It is an extremely important processB. An extremely important process, It isC. That an extremely important process asD. An extremely important process,18."What do you hear from your family?""Oh, the news _______ pretty good. "[ANSWER]A. wereB. isC. areD. had been19.In cold climates, the wood-frame dwelling, properly builtand insulated , _______ warmest type of home.[ANSWER]A. and theB. theC. is theD. where it is the20."I like your furniture very much. ""Thank you. We bought _______ in Denmark. "[ANSWER]A. the most of themB. most of themC. the more of itD. most of it21."Why is the university doing so much building?""The number of students _______ that there aren't enough classrooms."[ANSWER]A. have increased so rapidlyB. has increased so rapidC. have increased so rapidD. has increased so rapidly22."Will you go to John's party?""It's said that there must be _______ interesting people."[ANSWER]A. soB. a lot ofC. muchD. very much23."Who are those people over there?""They are _______."[ANSWER]A. mathematics studentB. mathematic studentsC. mathematics studentsD. mathematic student24.Her house is within _______ from the police station.[ANSWER]A. a stone's throwB. a throw of a stoneC. stone's throwD. the stone's throw25."Jim was late for two classes this morning""He said that he forgot both of the _______."[ANSWER]A. rooms numberB. room numberC. room's numberD. room numbers26." Have you ever gone water-skiing before?""Oh, yes _______."[ANSWER]A. a dozen of timeB. dozens of timesC. dozens of timeD. dozen of time27."Did you go on many of the club's ski trips this year?""No,_______. "[ANSWER]A. little at allB. not muchC. quite lessD. very few28."What did you see?""We saw _______ police there. "[ANSWER]A. manyB. muchC. littleD. the29.She wanted to serve some coffee to her guests; however,_______ "[ANSWER]A. she hadn't many sugarB. there was not a great amount of the sugarC. she did not have much sugarD. she was lacking in amout of the sugar30.I was surprised to see _______ at the concert.[ANSWER]A. those number of peopleB. that amount of peopleC. that number of peopleD. those amount of people31.John said that he didn't do _______ paper work.[ANSWER]A. manyB. lots ofC. a great deals ofD. much32.The senator seldom reads the newspaper because he has_______ time.[ANSWER]A. so littleB. not littleC. a littleD. the little33.Although the town had been attacked by the storm severaltimes, _______ was done.[ANSWER]A. a few damagesB. few damagesC. little damageD. a little damage34."The Johnsons have just moved into a larger house.""Did they have to buy _______ for it?"[ANSWER]A. many new furnitureB. much new furnituresC. many new furnituresD. much new furniture35."Do you want to wait?""Two weeks _______ too long for me to wait. "[ANSWER]A. isB. areC. wereD. was36.James Joyce _______ of many books.[ANSWER]A. the author he has writtenB. was the authorC. author writingD. was the author write37.Convincing people of the merits of the project will require_______.[ANSWER]A. no opinions of majorityB. of no opinion to the majorityC. a majority opinion ofD. opinion of no majority38."What on earth is that?""Don't you know? That's a whale,_______. "[ANSWER]A. largest world's mammalB. a largest mammal in the worldC. the world's largest mammalD. largest mammal of the world39.There they were greeted by a woman called Zenobia,_______.[ANSWER]A. being a beautiful woman of wealth and positionB. who is beautiful woman of wealth and positionC. a beautiful woman of wealth and positionD. and a beautiful woman of wealth and position40.Biochemists use fireflies to study bioluminescence_______.[ANSWER]A. the heatless light given off by certain plants and animalsB. certain plants and animals give off the heatless lightC. which certain plants and animals give off the heatlesslighD. is the healtless light given off by certain plants andanimals。
TOEEL常考的从属连词分三类:(1)关系代词( that, which ,what who. Whose) (2) 关系副词(where when why how) (3) 状语从句连接词 (where, when, if, though, because…) 有关从属连词的试题大部分集中在Structure (1-15题中) 掌握命题规律,这类题目并不复杂。
从属连词常考题型及解题要点1. 主句与从句之间必须有从属连词全真例题分析(1)The spiral threads of a spider*s web have a sticky substance on them ------- insects.(A) traps(B) trap its(C) which traps(D) which it traps (92.1)[答案] C 定语从句关系代词which引导从句,且在从句中作主语。
(2)Angiosperms inhabit relatively diverse environments and may be found ------- higher plants can survive.(A) there(B) wherever(C) somewhere(D) then (92.5)[答案] B 空格前后为两个完整的句子,这里应填入连接词联系主从两句。
(3)Duke Wellington was a composer. Conductor, and pianist ------ ranked as one of the greatest of all jazz figures.(A) him(B) although(C) or(D) who (92.10)[答案] D 关系代词who引导定语从句,并作从句的主语。
Mostdoctorsof the Colonial period believed _______wascausedby animbalanceofhumors in the body。
A.in diseaseB.that diseaseC.of diseaseD。
aboutdisease答案:B分析:动词believe 的用法:直接加that引导的宾语从句。
In 1976 Sarah Caldwell became _________attheMetropolitan Opera House in New YorkCity。
A.she was the firstwoman toconductB.thefirstwoman conductorC. the woman was first conductingD. thewoman conductsfirst答案:B分析:缺宾语,答案中只有B,D可以作宾语,但D的语序不对。
参考译文:1976,Sarah Caldwell成为在第一个在纽约Metropolitan OperaHouse演出的演奏家。
补充: 常考the first/second/… oneto dosth3。
On January7, 1955,Marian Anderson became_________ tosing a major roleat NewYork City's Metr opolitan OperaHouse.A。
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1989年01月语法题1. The flexibility of film allows the artist __________ unbridled imagination to theanimation of cartoon characters.(A) to bring(B) bringing(C) is brought(D) brings2. Traditionally, __________in New England on Thanksgiving Day.(A) when served is sweet cider(B) when sweet cider is served(C) is served sweet cider(D) sweet cider is served3. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent __________, or pronghorn.(A) it is the American antelope(B) the American antelope is(C) is the American antelope(D) the American antelope4. Lillian D. Wald, public health nurse and __________, was born in Cincinnati Ohio,in 1867.(A) reforming society(B) social reformer(C) who reformed society(D) her social reform5. Copper sulfate, spread in judicious amounts, kills algae __________ harming fish oraquatic invert-ebrates.(A) does not(B) but does no(C) except(D) without6. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people__________long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century.(A) will they live(B) they will be living(C) will live(D) living7. __________that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected infacial expressions.(A) Anthropologists have discovered(B) Anthropologists discovering(C) The discovery by anthropologists(D) Discovered by anthropologists8.In 1964__________of Henry Ossawa Tanner’s paintings was shown at theSmithsonian Institution.(A) was a major collection(B) that a major collection(C) a collection was major(D) a major collection9. __________irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic hasbeen largely discontinued.(A) Its(B) Where its(C) Since its(D) Because of its10.In order to remain in existence,__________must, in the long run, producesomething consumers consider useful or desirable.(A) a profit-making organization(B) a profit-making organization which(C) therefore a profit-making organization(D) whichever a profit-making organization11.The greater the population there is in a locality,__________for water,transportation, and disposal of refuse.(A) the greater the need there is(B) greater need(C) is there great need(D) the great need12. A historical novel may do more than mirror history; __________future events.(A) even influencing(B) it may even influence(C) may even influence(D) that it may even influence13. __________a child, sculptor Anne Whitney showed an eager intellect and artistictalent that her parents recognized and encouraged.(A) Has been(B) It was while(C) She was(D) As14. It is widely believed that the pull of gravity on a falling raindropchanges__________round shape into a teardrop shape.(A) of the drop(B) the drop’s(C) drop of(D) drops their15.__________modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting topersonalize them with warmer, less severe interiors.(A) If(B) But(C) With(D) Once16. Not woman held a presidential cabinet position in the United States until 1933, whenFrances Perkins became secretary of labor.17. The human body relies on certainty nutrients for its survival.18. Too much electric current may flow into a circuit as a result either of a fault in thecircuit and of an outside event such as lightning.19. The Appalachian Trail, extending approximately 2,020 miles from Maine to Georgia,is the longer continuous marked footpath in the world.20. For years, elephants were hunted for food and ivory, and as a result theirs numbershave been greatly reduced.21. Barges which carrier most of the heavy freight on rivers and canals are usuallypropelled by towing.22. Although afflicted by serious eyesight problems, Alicia Alonso was one the principalstars of the American Ballet Theater and later formed her own dance company.23. The ritual combat of animals are triggered by precise signals.24. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effective than to employ flowery butvague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning.25. Different species of octopuses may measure anywhere from two inches to over thirtyfeet in long.26. According to some theories derived from psychoanalysis, life is supposedly easier andmo re pleasant when inhibitions overcoming.27. When rainbows appear, they are always in the part of the sky opposite directly theSun.28. Benjamin Franklin drew a political cartoon that is credited raising 10,000 volunteersfor the American Revolutionary War.29. The begins of the modern chemistry laboratory go back to the workrooms of medievallchemists.30. In many pieces of music there is a dominant theme on which the restful of thecomposition is centered.31. Luminescence refers to the emission of light by means another than heat.32.In a representative democracy, the people election delegates to an assembly.33.George Washington Carver found hundred of uses for the peanut, the sweet potato,and the soybean and thus stimulated the cultivation of these crops.34. A citadel, a fortress designed for the defense of a city, usually standed on top of a hill.35. Conservative philosophers argue that the very structure of society is threatening bycivil disobedience, while humanists stress the primacy of the individual conscience.36. Since 1971 the regional corporations set up in Alaska by Congress managingeverything from fishing to banking.37. A rocket burns propellant rapidly and most rockets carry a supply that last just a fewseconds.38. Textile art is known for both its tactile and vision qualities.39. The metal aluminum has been first isolated early in the nineteenth century.40. Gulls can often be see swooping over large bodies of water.。