1 版次 REV.
设计 DES.
校核 KD
目录 1. 总则...................................................................................................................... 3 2. 标准规范 ............................................................................................................. 3 3. 设计的一般原则 ................................................................................................. 3 4. 涂漆范围 ............................................................................................................. 4 5. 表面处理 ............................................................................................................. 5 6. 涂漆系统 ............................................................................................................. 6 7. 涂色...................................................................................................................... 9
600 型耐高温防腐底漆
600 型耐高温防腐面漆
环氧富锌底漆 环氧煤沥青面漆
涂漆代码 P10 的修补方案
表面处理等级 Sa 2.5 Sa 2.5
管件等 (绝热)
○ 以原材料交付
◎ 涂底漆
△ 涂面漆
● 按制造厂标准(底漆或面漆)
▲ 涂底漆和面漆
业主名称:兖矿国宏化工有限责任公司 项目号:E15008
权 属
This document is the property of CCECC. It shall not be reproduced or transfered to any other party without CCECC s permission in written form..
2、地上管道所用涂漆的选用1)按用途选用涂料用途涂料种类一般防护耐化工大气耐酸耐碱耐盐类耐溶剂耐油耐水耐热耐磨耐侯性酚醛√ √ √ 环氧树脂漆√ √ √ √ √ √ √ 过氯乙烯树脂漆√ √ √ √ √ √ √ 醇酸树脂漆√ √ √ 有机硅树脂漆√ √ √ 富锌漆√ √ √ √ √ 氯磺化聚乙烯漆√ √ √ √ 沥青漆√ √ √ √ 2)按材质表面温度选用涂料材质表面温度℃或隔热种类涂料种类底层面层不隔热的碳钢≤60 铝粉环氧防腐底漆各色环氧防腐漆无机富锌底漆各色环氧防腐漆环氧沥青底漆环氧沥青防腐漆乙烯磷化底漆-过氯乙烯底漆各色过氧乙烯防腐漆铁红醇酸底漆各色醇酸磁漆红丹酚醛防锈漆铁红酚醛防锈漆各色酚醛耐酸漆氯磺化聚乙烯底漆氯环化聚乙烯磁漆61~200 无机富锌底漆环氧耐热底漆环氧耐热磁漆、清漆201~400 无机富锌底漆铝粉有机硅耐热漆草绿有机硅耐热漆隔热的碳钢保温红丹酚醛防锈漆无铁红酚醛防锈漆无保冷石油沥青无沥青底漆无隔热的奥氏体不锈钢≤100 铝粉环氧防腐底漆无101~400 无机富锌底漆无注:①隔热的奥氏体不锈钢表面涂底漆,是指所用的隔热材料中氯离子浓度大于25ppm且无应力腐蚀抑制剂者;②各色过氯乙烯防腐漆的底层为一层乙烯磷化底漆和一层过氯乙烯底漆,面层为5层,其余涂料底层与面层各为2层。
4、埋地管道的防腐蚀1)埋地钢质管道的防腐蚀等级,应根据所埋地区土壤腐蚀性等级按下表确《埋地钢质管道石油沥青防腐层技术标准》SY/T 0420-97、《埋地钢质管道环氧煤沥青防腐层技术标准》SY/T 0447-96、《埋地钢质管道聚乙烯防腐层技术标准》SY/T 4013-95等的具体要求合理选取。
表6.3-3 管道颜色统一规定表注:①标准设备定货时应提出色彩要求。
表6.3-4 仪表颜色统一规定表7 管道识别及标记(2)带的间隔一般约为100 m。
管径大并易看清的地方一般不超过200 m。
对小口径管道、厂房内不易看清之部位可考虑约50 m 作一个标记。
7.2 带、箭头及流体标记(1)D325 mm及以上的管道的带、箭头及流体一般按图7.2-1和图7.2-2标记。
例如:①高炉煤气用色:色值涂漆色彩:铂灰色(色值pantone7539c)带及箭头:红色(色值pantone485c)图7.2-1 D325 mm及以上高炉煤气管道标记②混合煤气:涂漆色彩:铂灰色(色值pantone7539c)带及箭头:金黄色(色值pantone130c)图7.2-2 D325 mm及以上混合煤气管道标记(2)D273 mm及以下的管道的带、箭头及流体标记板一般按图7.2-3和图7.2-4制作。
①氮气(图中括号内的尺寸适用于室内)涂漆色彩:金黄色(色值pantone130c)带及箭头:铜锈绿(色值pantone364c)图7.2-3 D273 mm及以下氮气管道标记板②混合煤气涂漆色彩:铂灰色(色值pantone7539c)带及箭头:金黄色(色值pantone130c)图7.2-4 D273mm及以下混合煤气管道标记板(标记板制作同图7.2-1)(3)标记板底涂白色,箭头及文字为黑色,前后两面都做标记。
7.3 高度标记(1)在50 m处能充分看清的高度标记,可直接标在管道上。
设备和管道涂漆设计规定项目号: 51815-01DD文件号: 38000MP-DP02-0004 修改:0 第 1 页共 12 页项目名称江苏斯尔邦石化有限公司醇基多联产项目一期工程装置名称90万吨/年甲醇制烯烃(MTO)装置业主文件号主项街区设计阶段详细工程设计修改0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 日期编制校核目次1 总则 (3)1.1 范围 (3)1.2 规范性引用文件 (3)1.3 定义 (3)2 设计 (4)2.1 一般规定 (4)2.2 设计原则 (4)3 材料 (5)4 运输,操作和贮藏 (5)5 涂敷前的要求 (6)5.1 涂漆前的表面处理 (6)5.2 工厂涂漆的表面 (6)5.3 镀锌表面 (6)6 油漆的配料和应用 (7)7防腐涂层施工要求 (8)8防腐涂层检查与验收要求 (8)1 总则1.1 范围1.1.1 本规定适用于江苏斯尔邦石化有限公司醇基多联产项目一期工程90万吨/年甲醇制烯烃(MTO)装置。
1.1.2 本规定规定了石油化工装置钢制设备、管道及管架的表面处理和涂层保护系统等要求。
1.1.3 本规定适用于钢制设备、管道及管架的外表面涂料防腐蚀工程的设计,不适用于有外涂层和保护层的地下管道。
1.2 规范性引用文件下列文件对于本规范的应用是必不可少的。
GB/T 8923.1 涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理表面清洁度的目视评定第1部分:未涂覆过的钢材表面和全面清除原有涂层后的钢材表面的锈蚀等级和处理等级GB/T 8923.2 涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理表面清洁度的目视评定第2部分:已涂覆过的钢材表面局部清除原有涂层后的处理等级GB/T 8923.3 涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理表面清洁度的目视评定第3部分:焊缝、边缘和其他区域的表面缺陷的处理等级SH/T 3022 石油化工设备和管道涂料防腐蚀设计规范SH 3043 石油化工设备管道钢结构表面色和标志规定SH /T 3503 石油化工建设工程项目交工技术文件规定SH/T 3548 石油化工涂料防腐蚀工程施工质量验收规范SH/T 3606 石油化工涂料防腐蚀工程施工技术规程JB/T 4711 压力容器涂敷与运输包装1.3 定义DFT -- 干膜厚度,单位为μm。
1.2 本规定适用于碳钢、铸铁、低合金钢制造的非定型设备、管道(包括架空、地沟和埋地管) 和钢结构(包括平台、支架、栏杆、扶梯等) 的外防腐涂漆施工的一般要求。
1.3 所有的原材料必须符合有关标准的技术指标, 并具有出厂合格证和检验和检验资料。
材料应在规定的有效期内使用, 过期的材料严禁使用。
1.4 防腐施工必须按HGJ229-91《化工设备、管道防腐蚀工程施工及验收规范》规定及防腐材料生产厂的施工说明执行。
2.涂漆范围和涂漆种类2.1 设备和管道的表面涂漆和涂料种类见下表:注:油漆厚度为干膜厚度2.2 对于铝材、塑料类的设备、管道以及制造厂已提供完整底漆和面漆的机电设备、机泵、电器设备、开关柜、仪表盘等均不需涂漆。
3.表面处理3.1 表面处理要求设备、管道和钢结构表面应无可见的油脂和污垢,并且没有附着不牢的氧化皮、铁锈和油漆涂层等附着物,即达到《化工设备、管道外防腐设计规定》HG/T20679-90中的ST3级。
3.2 为了使处理后的金属表面不致再锈蚀和粘上油污,在表面处理后,必须在不迟于3小时内涂刷第一道底漆。
3.3 法兰密封面以及其他密封面不得使用机械清理,而应采用手工清理。
4.设备和管道表面涂色说明4.1 为了统一全厂各设备、管道的表面涂色,使其整齐美观,便于识别和保证生产操作的安全,故对全厂各个设备、管道的表面涂色作如下规定:4.1.1 UF/RO膜架碳钢结构一律涂成银色,其设备附件的涂色与本体相同。
4.1.2 鼓风机/泵等设备及其附件一律为出厂色。
4.1.3 用黑色喷写设备位号,字体要整齐、大小适当、醒目。
4.1.4 对消防设施如消火栓、消防箱等采用大红色+黄色,危险设施如射线源等涂成黄色与黑色间隔斜条。
4 一般规定
4.1 涂料的选择 4.1.1 与被涂物的使用环境相适应; 4.1.2 与被涂物表面的材质相适应; 4.1.3 各层涂料正确配套; 4.1.4 安全可靠,经济合理; 4.1.5 具备施工条件。 4.2 下列表面需要涂漆: 4.2.1 碳钢、低合金钢、保温的奥氏体不锈钢的表面; 4.2 除另有规定外,下列表面不需要涂漆:
第5页 共6页
项目号: 11109-DD 文件号: 850PM-DP02-0002 版次:A
6.8 对于已施工完成涂漆的设备、管道及附属钢结构,在吊装和搬运过程中应防止涂层的破 坏。
7 防腐涂层施工、检验要求 7.1 防腐涂层施工、检验要求按 SH3022《石油化工设备和管道涂料防腐蚀技术规范》的要 求执行。 7.2 防腐涂层应按表一要求施工,同时还应按涂料供应商提供的说明书要求进行施工。 7.3 不锈钢管道不得被含锌涂料及含铝涂料玷污,如果被含锌涂料及含铝涂料玷污,必须彻 底清除。 8 表面色和标志 8.1 静设备、压缩机、加热炉、电器仪表设备、管道、钢结构的表面色和标志应按 SH3043 《石油化工设备管道钢结构表面色和标志规定》的要求执行,对机械设备和电气、仪表设备, 选用苹果绿;对构架、平台、梯子中的梁、柱、支撑、吊柱、管架、管道支吊架、铺板、踏板 及栏杆挡板,选用蓝灰。
底漆:铁红环氧脂底漆 2 道,
设计温度 T<110℃
10007-64-G-20 防腐涂漆统一规定_2013.01.10
设备、管道及其附件,设计温度-80~500 ℃(指设计温度)。
1.3 规范和标准
SH/T 3022
SH/T 3548
工程名称:烟台万华搬迁一体化项目 装置名称:全厂
版次 0
4.3.2 如果工厂组焊的设备上所带的底漆不能满足介质温度要求或与面漆不相容,应 清除底漆后重新按设计要求涂漆。
4.3.3 现场修补涂漆表面的除锈等级要求达到St3级。刷净的金属表面应在4小时之内 涂漆。
注: ○ 以原材料交付
◎ 涂底漆
△ 涂面漆
● 按制造厂标准(底漆或面漆)
▲ 涂底漆和面漆
□ 如需要局部补漆
4.3 施工要求
4.3.1 在涂漆前,应磨光钢材的棱角锐边和焊缝、焊渣等突起物,并且按照涂漆系统
理论用量: 11.9 m2/L 或 0.087 kg/m2·道
2.6 涂漆系统代号:D
适用条件:碳钢,低合金钢,温度-80~20 ℃,保冷
2:油漆2.1 下列情况必须按不同要求进行外部油漆:2.1.1不保温的设备、管道及其附件;2.1.2介质温度低于120℃的保温设备、管道及其附件;2.1.3.支吊架、平台扶梯等(现场制作部分)。
2.2 不保温的设备和管道应根据防腐工艺要求和油漆的性能选用油漆,选用的油漆种类、颜色和涂刷度数应符合下列规定:2.2.1.室内布置的设备和管道,宜先涂刷2度防锈漆,再涂刷1~2度油性调合漆;室外布置的设备和汽水管道,宜先涂刷2度环氧底漆,再涂刷2度醇酸磁漆或环氧磁漆;室外布置的气体管道,宜先涂刷2度云母氧化铁酚醛底漆,再涂刷2度云母氧化铁面漆。
2.2.7.设备和管道的油漆颜色可按下表执行(管道油漆颜色表)管道油漆颜色表(摘自《火力发电厂保温油漆设计规程》DL/T 5072―1997;《电力生产企业安全设施规范手册》1998.5)序号管道名称底色色环1――无环主蒸汽、再热蒸汽管道2――红色抽汽、背压蒸汽、供热管道3――红色其他蒸汽管道4――浅绿色凝结水管道(保温)5浅绿色无环凝结水管道(不保温)6――绿色给水管道浅绿色白色7除盐水、化学补充水管道8――绿色疏放水、排水管道――褐色9热网水管道10黑色无环循环水、工业水、射水、冲灰水管道红色无环11消防水管道12黄色无环油管道浅蓝色无环13冷风道14――蓝色热风道、除尘器加热风道――无环15烟道16黑色无环原煤管道17――黑色制粉、送粉管道(保温)18浅灰色黑色送粉管道(不保温)19蓝色黑色天然气、高炉煤气管道天蓝色无环20空气管道蓝色红色21氧气管道橙色无环22氢气管道浅灰色红色23二氧化碳、氮气管道白色红色24乙炔管道褐色无环25硫酸亚铁和硫酸铝管道白色雪青色26盐水管道深绿色白色27氯气管道28黄色黑色氨气管道橙黄色红色29联氨30浅灰色橙色酸液浅灰色雪青色31碱液绿色红色32磷酸三钠溶液33浅灰色白色石灰浆34浅蓝色无环过滤水35黑色无环埋地管道黑色――36工业水箱浅绿色――37除盐水箱、补水箱银灰色――38支吊架银灰色――39平台扶梯2.3 保温的设备和管道选用的油漆种类和涂刷度数应符合下列规定:2.3.1.当介质温度低于120℃时,设备和管道的表面应涂刷2度防锈漆。
中国石化集团兰州设计院标准SLDI 333B01-99 0 新编标准20 许彦滨吕忠琪谢相彬章日让1999-03-18修改标记简要说明修改页码编制校核审核审定日期1999 - 03 - 24 发布 1999 - 04 - 01 实施中国石化集团兰州设计院设备和管道涂装技术规定目次1 总则 (1)2 相关标准 (2)3 名词解释 (3)4 常用涂料性能 (4)5 表面处理 (7)6 涂装系统 (8)7表面色和标志 (17)技术标准设备和管道涂装技术规定中国石化集团兰州设计院SLDI333B01-99实施日期:1999-04-01 第 1 页共20 页1 总则1.1为了确保石油化工设备和管道在运输、安装和运行过程中,所采用的涂料防腐蚀措施能有效地避免或缓解外部环境对它的侵蚀,特制定本规定。
1.4 执行本规定时,尚应符合第2章所列现行标准规范的有关规定和要求。
1.5 下列物面应涂漆:a)任何环境条件下的碳钢、低合金钢表面;b) 沿海、潮湿地区受酸、碱、盐类介质侵蚀的镀锌表面;c)沿海、近海地区化工大气环境下的铝材表面。
2 相关标准2.1GB8923-88 《涂装前钢材表面锈蚀等级和除锈等级》2.2 GB/T2705-92 《涂料产品分类、命名和型号》2.3 GB1720-79 《漆膜附着力测定法》2.4 GB50251-94 《输气管道工程设计规范》2.5 GB50253-94 《输油管道工程设计规范》2.6 SHJ43-91 《石油化工企业设备管道表面色和标志》2.7 SH3022-1999 《石油化工设备和管道涂料防腐蚀技术规范》2.8 SH3047-93 《石油化工企业职业安全卫生设计规定》2.9 HGJ34-90 《化工设备、管道外防腐设计规定》2.10 SY/T0447-96 《埋地钢制管道环氧煤沥青防腐层技术标准》3 名词解释3.1 涂料coating涂于物体表面能形成具有保护、装饰或特殊性能(如绝缘、防腐、标志等)的固态涂膜的一类液体或固体材料之总称。
XG10-0000-003DATET H I S D O C U M E N T C O N T A I N S J I N G D I N G E N G I N E E R I N G & C O N S T R U C T I O N C O ., L T D . (J D E C ) C O N F I D E N T I A L I N F O R M A T I O N O F A P R O P R I E T A R Y N A T U R E . T H I S I N F O R M A T I O N M U S T N O T B E C O P I E D O R D I S C L O S E D I N W H O L E O R I N P A R T T O O U T S I D E P A R T I E S N O R U S E D F O R O T H E R T H A N T H E P U R P O S E F O R W H I C H P R O V I D E D W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N O F M A N A G E M E N T .CONTENTSPAGE1.0SCOPE ....................................................................................................... 3 . (3)2.0CODE AND STANDARD ............................................................................ 3 (3)3.0 GENERAL .................................................................................................. 4 (4)4.0 SURFACE PREPARATION ........................................................................ 5 (5)5.0 APPLICATION OF PRIMERS AND PAINTS .............................................. 6 . (6)6.0 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ........................................................................... 7 (7)7.0 SPECIAL REQUIREMENT ......................................................................... 7 (7)8.0 PAINTING MATERIALS AND SELECTION OF PAINT ............................ 10 . (10)9.0 INSPECTION ............................................................................................ 16 .. (16)10.0 GUARANTEE ........................................................................................... 16 .. (16)XG10-0000-003DATET H I S D O C U M E N T C O N T A I N S J I N G D I N G E N G I N E E R I N G & C O N S T R U C T I O N C O ., L T D . (J D E C ) C O N F I D E N T I A L I N F O R M A T I O N O F A P R O P R I E T A R Y N A T U R E . T H I S I N F O R M A T I O N M U S T N O T B E C O P I E D O R D I S C L O S E D I N W H O L E O R I N P A R T T O O U T S I D E P A R T I E S N O R U S E D F O R O T H E R T H A N T H E P U R P O S E F O R W H I C H P R O V I D E D W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N O F M A N A G E M E N T .1.0 SCOPE1.1This specification covers the requirements of painting application, paint materials and surface preparation for steel piping, equipment, and structural steel. Any proposedvariations from this specification must be approved by the authorized engineer of client. 1.2Terms used in this specification are defined:Painting system means associated with various paint coating to form a completed corrosion resistant or identification barrier.The term (D.F.T.) stands for dry film thickness for painting, which is specified in micrometers (Microns).D.F.T.The maximum temperature, such as the high short term in operating,regeneration and steam-out for start-up, shall be supplied a suitable and heat resistance painting system as anti-corrosive barrier or identification.The term of shop means that the manufacturer's and vendor’s plant before transit to the construction site./The term of field stands for this plant construction and erection site.2.0CODE AND STANDARD 2.1GB 8923 (Rust grades and preparation grades of steel surfaces before application of paints and related products)GB 89232.1.1 Sa 2.5 Very Thorough Blast Cleaning .Sa St 3 Very Thorough Hand Tool and Power Tool Cleaning .St 32.2SH/T 3022 (Design specification for anticorrosion coating of equipment and piping in petrochemical engineering)SH/T 3022XG10-0000-003DATET H I S D O C U M E N T C O N T A I N S J I N G D I N G E N G I N E E R I N G & C O N S T R U C T I O N C O ., L T D . (J D E C ) C O N F I D E N T I A L I N F O R M A T I O N O F A P R O P R I E T A R Y N A T U R E . T H I S I N F O R M A T I O N M U S T N O T B E C O P I E D O R D I S C L O S E D I N W H O L E O R I N P A R T T O O U T S I D E P A R T I E S N O R U S E D F O R O T H E R T H A N T H E P U R P O S E F O R W H I C H P R O V I D E D W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N O F M A N A G E M E N T .3.0 GENERAL3.1The following items shall normally not be painted:Non-ferrous metal surfaces, such as brass, copper, aluminum, galvanized and stainless, except for the distinguished markings.Concrete structures and foundations, unless otherwise specified. ,Machined surfaces, valves, screw operators and other greased parts.C.S. exterior surfaces for inner piping in jacket piping system.Spring hanger scales and load set points.Equipment nameplates and code inspection plates.Internal surfaces of pipe, equipment and tanks, unless otherwise specified.Certain equipment such as pumps, compressors, motors, packaged equipment, instruments, electrical items, etc. which shall be supplied with manufacturer's standard finish paint shall require no field painting, except for touched-up or specifically required to provide the desired finish color.Aluminum jacket of insulation, except for the distinguish marking.3.2All buried ferrous metal piping shall be wrapped with anti-corrosive tapes and/or barrier and painted special primers./ 3.3Contractor shall furnish all labor, supervision, quality control, inspection, tools, equipment and materials as required for blast cleaning.3.4All work shall be done with proper equipment in good condition and by skilled workman, according to recognized good painting practice except modifications made by this specification.XG10-0000-003DATET H I S D O C U M E N T C O N T A I N S J I N G D I N G E N G I N E E R I N G & C O N S T R U C T I O N C O ., L T D . (J D E C ) C O N F I D E N T I A L I N F O R M A T I O N O F A P R O P R I E T A R Y N A T U R E . T H I S I N F O R M A T I O N M U S T N O T B E C O P I E D O R D I S C L O S E D I N W H O L E O R I N P A R T T O O U T S I D E P A R T I E S N O R U S E D F O R O T H E R T H A N T H E P U R P O S E F O R W H I C H P R O V I D E D W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N O F M A N A G E M E N T .3.5As the inclement weather conditions occur or ambient air conditions become of the kind detrimental to the cleanliness of the prepared surface and the quality of theapplied coating, all surface preparation operations and coating applications shall cease. After the condition become proper, the surface shall be inspected and approved before coating application can be resumed.3.6Each coat of paint shall be in proper state of cure and dry before the application of the succeeding coat. Drying time shall be as recommended by the paint manufacturer.4.0SURFACE PREPARATION 4.1All of the surfaces which need to be painted shall be cleaned and rust removal before painting. The rust removal grades shall be as per table 8.3-1. Blast cleaning shall be used if possible.8.3-14.2If in the interval between cleaning and painting, the surface is oxidized or becomes otherwise contaminated, those face so impaired shall be re-cleaned prior to painting.4.3Flame cleaning shall not be used unless otherwise specified.4.4All materials specified herein shall be applied in strict accordance with this specification and manufacturer's printed instructions and product literature which shall be considered part of this specification unless otherwise stated.4.5Surface preparation shall be done by one of the following methods in accordance with the latest revision of the GB 8923 Specification.GB 89234.6All of valves and flanges shall not be blasted but shall be cleaned with solvents and/or hand/power tool brush per GB 8923 St2/St3.GB 8923 /4.7 RepaintingThe methods to be used for preparing the painted surface of repainting when specified shall be as follows:XG10-0000-003DATET H I S D O C U M E N T C O N T A I N S J I N G D I N G E N G I N E E R I N G & C O N S T R U C T I O N C O ., L T D . (J D E C ) C O N F I D E N T I A L I N F O R M A T I O N O F A P R O P R I E T A R Y N A T U R E . T H I S I N F O R M A T I O N M U S T N O T B E C O P I E D O R D I S C L O S E D I N W H O L E O R I N P A R T T O O U T S I D E P A R T I E S N O R U S E D F O R O T H E R T H A N T H E P U R P O S E F O R W H I C H P R O V I D E D W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N O F M A N A G E M E N T .4.6.1 All loose or scaly paint, blisters, rust, etc., shall be removed before applyingfresh paint to the previously painted surfaces so that paint applied to be well bonded to these surfaces.4.6.2 The edges of the old paint shall be scraped back to sound material and avoiddamaging sound paint as much as possible.5.0APPLICATION OF PRIMERS AND PAINTS5.1Paint and other coating materials shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.5.2All painting shall be done carefully and the primer or paint shall be applied so as to prevent runs, drips or sagging.5.3Primer coats shall be applied as soon as possible within 4 hours after surfacepreparation and if there is evidence of rust before priming, then the surface must be re-cleaned.45.4Paint shall not be applied when ambient temperature is higher than 45 . Or when the outside temperature below 5 and in rain, mist, or if the relative air humidity is over 85%.35 5 855.5All surfaces shall be perfectly dry before and while being painted.5.6All ingredients in any container of paint shall be thoroughly mixed before use and shall be agitated frequently during application to keep the paint in suspension. Dry pigments which are separately packed shall be uniformly blended into paints.5.7Thinner shall not be added to the primer or paint, unless required by themanufacturer's instructions, and then only of the type and quantity recommended. If required, thinner shall be added to the paint during the mixing process.5.8When succeeding coats of the same color are specified, acceptable tinting material shall be added to the undercoat to produce enough contrast to insure complete coverage by the succeeding coats.XG10-0000-003DATET H I S D O C U M E N T C O N T A I N S J I N G D I N G E N G I N E E R I N G & C O N S T R U C T I O N C O ., L T D . (J D E C ) C O N F I D E N T I A L I N F O R M A T I O N O F A P R O P R I E T A R Y N A T U R E . T H I S I N F O R M A T I O N M U S T N O T B E C O P I E D O R D I S C L O S E D I N W H O L E O R I N P A R T T O O U T S I D E P A R T I E S N O R U S E D F O R O T H E R T H A N T H E P U R P O S E F O R W H I C H P R O V I D E D W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N O F M A N A G E M E N T .5.9Unless particular method of application is specified, primers and finish coats may be applied by brushing, conventional spraying, airless spraying or roller coating.5.10Regardless of the method selected, the equipment or tools for application must be suitable, adequate, clean and in good workable condition.5.11Spray guns should be used, whenever practicable and in strict accordance withmanufacturer's recommendations, spray painting should not be used outside in windy weather or near surfaces of a contrasting color, unless the latter is properly protected from the spray.6.0 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS6.1The necessary precautions shall be taken to protect personnel and property from hazards due to falls, injuries, toxic fumes, fires, or other harm.6.2Scaffolding shall be completely rigid and stable.6.3All rags soaked with coating materials shall be stored in closed containers.6.4Coating material shall be stored in a place where is free of fire.6.5Airless spray equipment shall be grounded to the hose couplings, if the length of hose exceeds 30.5 m.30.5m6.6Solvent drums shall be grounded, and containers receiving solvents shall be electrically bonded to the drums by a suitable cable and clamp. ,7.0SPECIAL REQUIREMENT 7.1Shop Painting7.1.1 Structure Steel7.1.2 All structural steel shall be painted in accordance with Section 8.0 with theexceptions that the contact surface of shop bolted connections shall receive 2XG10-0000-003DATET H I S D O C U M E N T C O N T A I N S J I N G D I N G E N G I N E E R I N G & C O N S T R U C T I O N C O ., L T D . (J D E C ) C O N F I D E N T I A L I N F O R M A T I O N O F A P R O P R I E T A R Y N A T U R E . T H I S I N F O R M A T I O N M U S T N O T B E C O P I E D O R D I S C L O S E D I N W H O L E O R I N P A R T T O O U T S I D E P A R T I E S N O R U S E D F O R O T H E R T H A N T H E P U R P O S E F O R W H I C H P R O V I D E D W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N O F M A N A G E M E N T .shop coats of primer. EquipmentA. Shop fabricated and assembled vessels and exchangers shall not bepainted until completion of all heat treatment, pressure testing and inspection and shall receive full of painting system. Non-insulation equipment shall be painted surface paint which color shall be in accordance with Finish color spec table 1 before conveyance.XG10-0000-004 2-1 B. Shop fabricated sections of field weldment assembled vessels andexchangers for domestic contracts shall be left unpainted finish paints while such sections for foreign contracts shall not only receive shop coat of primer and intermediate painting, but also shall be protected with suitable covering to prevent salty contamination..C. The manufacturer and brand of paint materials selected must be informedto client by written form before officially painting. It shall not be applied painting until receive authorization from client.7.1.4 PipingPiping shall be primed in accordance with Section 8.0. 8.07.2Field Painting7.2.1 After receipt in the field, the surfaces of all items which have received only shoppainting shall be cleaned and all damage of the shop painting shall be touched-up with the same paint used for painting in the shop. The procedures are as follows:A. For carbon steel, low alloy steel (1-1/4 to 9 of Cr)1-1/4 9Water wash or blast entire surface, spot clean rusty and damaged areas by solvent cleaning followed by hand and/or power tool cleaningXG10-0000-003DATET H I S D O C U M E N T C O N T A I N S J I N G D I N G E N G I N E E R I N G & C O N S T R U C T I O N C O ., L T D . (J D E C ) C O N F I D E N T I A L I N F O R M A T I O N O F A P R O P R I E T A R Y N A T U R E . T H I S I N F O R M A T I O N M U S T N O T B E C O P I E D O R D I S C L O S E D I N W H O L E O R I N P A R T T O O U T S I D E P A R T I E S N O R U S E D F O R O T H E R T H A N T H E P U R P O S E F O R W H I C H P R O V I D E D W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N O F M A N A G E M E N T .per GB 8923 St3.GB 8923 St3 /Field welds shall receive needle gun chipping to remove weld slag and weld latents followed by hand and/or power tool cleaning per GB 8923 St3.. GB 8923 St37.2.2 After receipt in the field, the surfaces of all items which have received finalfinish coats of paint in the shop shall be checked and repaired where required. Any damaged areas where metal is not exposed shall be touched-up with an intermediate coat and a final coat. Where bare metal has been exposed, touch-up painting shall consist of entire coating system originally used on the item.7.2.3 Brackets, clips, nozzles, manways and other attachments which protrudethrough the insulation shall be painted with the appropriate uninsulated paint system.7.2.4 Protection and clean upA. Paint applicator shall fully protect all equipment, walls, floors, ceilings andother surfaces from damage and shall provide the necessary drop cloths or other protection required to fully protect all surfaces from paint dropping, paint mist and all other conditions due to execution of his work.B. Paint applicator shall exercise particular care to keep clean and unpaintedfor all valve stems, motor shafts, and other such moving parts in order not to impair their free movement. Any paint deposited on these parts shall be carefully and completely removed.C. Equipment nameplates, pressure gauges, instrument glasses, machinedsurfaces, electrical indicating devices etc., shall be protected as approved or as directed and shall be cleaned so that they are clearly legible.XG10-0000-003DATET H I S D O C U M E N T C O N T A I N S J I N G D I N G E N G I N E E R I N G & C O N S T R U C T I O N C O ., L T D . (J D E C ) C O N F I D E N T I A L I N F O R M A T I O N O F A P R O P R I E T A R Y N A T U R E . T H I S I N F O R M A T I O N M U S T N O T B E C O P I E D O R D I S C L O S E D I N W H O L E O R I N P A R T T O O U T S I D E P A R T I E S N O R U S E D F O R O T H E R T H A N T H E P U R P O S E F O R W H I C H P R O V I D E D W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N O F M A N A G E M E N T .D. Sufficient care shall be exercised by painter while painting around switchesand controls so as to avoid tripping of circuits. It is imperative that all switches shall remain unmoved and undisturbed by painters.E. All shipping tags, wires, strings and all other means of temporary orshipping identification on surfaces have to be painted shall be removed from such surface, but only after checking with and receiving authorization from Client.7.2.5 Storage of paint and provision for fire fighting equipmentA. A temporary building shall be provided by the paint applicator for the bulkstorage of paint, paint material, and for the mixing of paint, thinner, etc., as those are used from day to day. The building shall be properly ventilated and shall be adequately protected with fire fighting equipment which is satisfactory to the construction superintendent. The floor of this building shall be kept clean at all times and oily rags, waste etc., shall be removed from this building at the end of each working day.B. Adequate fire fighting equipment, satisfactory to the constructionsuperintendent shall also provided at all location where painting work is in progress.8.0PAINTING MATERIALS AND SELECTION OF PAINT 8.1General RequirementThe coating materials shall be formulated and certified by manufacturer to meet all the following conditions which may be tested during the application of coating.8.1.1 The material as received shall not show excessive settling in a freshly openedfull container, and shall mix readily to a smooth, homogeneous state. The material shall show no curdling, livering, caking and shall be free from lumps and skins.8.1.2 After the pigmented base and the curing agent are mixed, the coating shall beused up within the specified time as recommended in approved manufacturer'sXG10-0000-003DATET H I S D O C U M E N T C O N T A I N S J I N G D I N G E N G I N E E R I N G & C O N S T R U C T I O N C O ., L T D . (J D E C ) C O N F I D E N T I A L I N F O R M A T I O N O F A P R O P R I E T A R Y N A T U R E . T H I S I N F O R M A T I O N M U S T N O T B E C O P I E D O R D I S C L O S E D I N W H O L E O R I N P A R T T O O U T S I D E P A R T I E S N O R U S E D F O R O T H E R T H A N T H E P U R P O S E F O R W H I C H P R O V I D E D W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N O F M A N A G E M E N T .instructions and certified by Client.8.1.3 The technical data shall conform to SH/T3022<Design specification forauticorrosion coating of equipment and piping in petrochemical engineering>.SH/T30228.2Steel surface painting materials.8.2.1 The steel surface painting shall be applied to steel structure, equipment andpiping including carbon steel, low alloy steel.8.2.2 Paint materials refer to table 8.3-1 as below8.3-18.3Painting application and coating procedure shall refer to Table 8.3-1 as below. 8.3-1SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING 12OF 16 XG10-0000-003 REV. 0DATE07/17/’13Table 8.3-1 Painting applicationPaintcodeThe max.operate temp.Paint typeD.F.T.(min.)CoatNo.TotalD.F.T.Surface prep. class AT 120Epoxy zinc primer.Epoxy micaceous ironintermediate paint.Polyurethane finish.5015050111250 Sa 2.5ScopeNon-insulation C.S. , low alloy steel equipment and piping, construction steel structure, equipmentattached steel structure stairs, handrail and shell etc , pipe rack.Repairing method the same as aboveB120 T 400Inorganic zinc primerSilicone resin for heatresist502512100 Sa 2.5ScopeNon-insulation C.S. , low alloy steel equipment and piping.Repairing method seeing B2.B2120 T 400Silicone resin for heatresist25 3 75 St 3Repairing method for B.C-40 T 120 Epoxy resin paint 100 2 200 Sa 2.5ScopeInsulation C.S. , low alloy steel equipment and piping .Repairing method the same as above.D120 T 400Inorganic zinc primerSilicone resin for heatresist50251175 Sa 2.5ScopeInsulation C.S. , low alloy steel equipment and piping .Repairing method seeing D2D2120 T 400Silicone resin for heatresist25 3 75 St3Scope Repairing method for D.SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING 13 OF 16XG10-0000-003REV.DATE07/17/’13:NOTE(1) Steel structure attached to equipment including stairs, handrail and shell etc shall be painted as per code A. And otheraccessory structure of equipment shall be painted the same as equipment.(2) Piping supports which protrude through the insulation shall be painted as per code A. The piping supports welded with pipesshall be painted the same as the pipes.E 400 T 600Silicone aluminium powder primer for heat resist25 2 50 Sa 2.5ScopeNon-insulation/insulation C.S. , low alloy steel equipment and piping. Repairing method the same as above. F -Epoxy resin paint. Polyurethane finish.130 501 1180Clean surface by blowing down or proper solvent, after 5-10min.,flush surface with fresh waterScopeFor surface of zinc coat(fire-fighting only) Repairing method seeing F2 F2 - Epoxy zinc primer(zinc coat damaged only). Epoxy micaceous iron intermediate paint. Polyurethane finish. 50 150 501 1 1250Sa2.5 or St3 per the type of damaged place.Scope Repairing method for F F3- Epoxy zinc primer. Epoxy resin paint.50 501 1100Sa2.5 or St3 per the type of damaged place.Scope Repairing for zinc coat (when the zinc coat damaged only). GT 70 Modified epoxy5001500Sa2.5ScopeExterior bottom surface of C.S. and low alloy steel tank for non-insulation. Repairing method the same as above.SPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING 14OF 16 XG10-0000-003 REV. 0DATE07/17/’138.3-1m/mAT 1205015050111250 Sa 2.5B120 T 400502512100 Sa 2.5B2B2120 T 400 25 3 75 St 3BC-40 T 120 100 2 200 Sa 2.5D120 T 40050251175 Sa 2.5D2D2120 T 400 25 3 75 St3DSPECIFICATION FOR PAINTING 15OF 16 XG10-0000-003 REV. 0DATE07/17/’13 : 1 A2 AE400 T 600 25 2 50 Sa 2.5/F-13050111805 10F2F2-5015050111250Sa2.5St3)FF3-505011100Sa2.5St3)( )HT 70 500 1 500 Sa2.5XG10-0000-003T H I S D O C U M E N T C O N T A I N S J I N G D I N G E N G I N E E R I N G & C O N S T R U C T I O N C O ., L T D . (J D E C ) C O N F I D E N T I A L I N F O R M A T I O N O F A P R O P R I E T A R Y N A T U R E . T H I S I N F O R M A T I O N M U S T N O T B E C O P I E D O R D I S C L O S E D I N W H O L E O R I N P A R T T O O U T S I D E P A R T I E S N O R U S E D F O R O T H E R T H A N T H E P U R P O S E F O R W H I C H P R O V I D E D W I T H O U T P E R M I S S I O N O F M A N A G E M E N T .9.0 INSPECTION9.1All work and materials supplied under this specification shall be subject to inspection by the Client or his representative. All parts of the work or materials that are found unsuitable under this specification shall be corrected and replaced.9.2All blast cleaned surfaces shall be inspected for proper cleaning and anchor pattern using equivalent visual profile comparators, prior to application of the primer. No coat of paint shall be applied until the prepared surface has been inspected and approved by Client.9.3Wet film thickness shall be checked during the application of each coat to assure the specified dry film thickness will be met.9.4The dry film thickness of each coat shall be checked by means of a microdot magnetic thickness gauge or approved equal. When film thickness measurements are in conflict, the readings taken by the Client representative shall prevail.9.5Coating material will be rejected if any indication of defective or contaminated material is found.9.6The completed paint job shall pass visual inspection by client. It is the responsibility of the coating applicator to correct any work found not to be in accordance with requirements specified herein.10.0 GUARANTEEThe contractor shall guarantee that the whole painting system under contract is in conformity with this specification and shall be free from any defects in material and workmanship for a period of two (2) years from the day of acceptance. The contractor shall make all necessary or desirable repairs for defective painting work within the guarantee period.2。
项目号: 51815-01DD设备和管道涂漆设计规定文件号: 38000MP-DP02-0004 修改:0第 1 页共12 页项目名称江苏斯尔邦石化有限公司醇基多联产项目一期工程装置名称90万吨/年甲醇制烯烃(MTO)装置业主文件号主项街区设计阶段详细工程设计修改0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 日期编制校核第 2 页共12 页目次1 总则 (3)1.1 范围 (3)1.2 规范性引用文件 (3)1.3 定义 (3)2 设计 (4)2.1 一般规定 (4)2.2 设计原则 (4)3 材料 (5)4 运输,操作和贮藏 (5)5 涂敷前的要求 (6)5.1 涂漆前的表面处理 (6)5.2 工厂涂漆的表面 (6)5.3 镀锌表面 (6)6 油漆的配料和应用 (7)7 防腐涂层施工要求 (8)8 防腐涂层检查与验收要求 (8)第 3 页共12 页1 总则1.1 范围1.1.1 本规定适用于江苏斯尔邦石化有限公司醇基多联产项目一期工程90万吨/年甲醇制烯烃(MTO)装置。
1.1.2 本规定规定了石油化工装置钢制设备、管道及管架的表面处理和涂层保护系统等要求。
1.1.3 本规定适用于钢制设备、管道及管架的外表面涂料防腐蚀工程的设计,不适用于有外涂层和保护层的地下管道。
1.2 规范性引用文件下列文件对于本规范的应用是必不可少的。
GB/T 8923.1 涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理表面清洁度的目视评定第1 部分:未涂覆过的钢材表面和全面清除原有涂层后的钢材表面的锈蚀等级和处理等级GB/T 8923.2 涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理表面清洁度的目视评定第2 部分:已涂覆过的钢材表面局部清除原有涂层后的处理等级GB/T 8923.3 涂覆涂料前钢材表面处理表面清洁度的目视评定第3 部分:焊缝、边缘和其他区域的表面缺陷的处理等级SH/T 3022 石油化工设备和管道涂料防腐蚀设计规范SH 3043 石油化工设备管道钢结构表面色和标志规定SH /T 3503 石油化工建设工程项目交工技术文件规定SH/T 3548 石油化工涂料防腐蚀工程施工质量验收规范SH/T 3606 石油化工涂料防腐蚀工程施工技术规程JB/T 4711 压力容器涂敷与运输包装1.3 定义DFT -- 干膜厚度,单位为μm。
*********项目工程统一规定涂漆及表面色工程统一规定文件编号:目录1目的 (1)2适用范围 (1)3标准规范 (1)4设计 (2)4.1一般规定 (2)4.2设计原则 (4)4.3表面色和标志色规定 (5)5涂漆施工方提交的文件 (9)6材料 (9)6.1材料制造厂商 (9)6.2涂漆材料 (10)7运输、操作和贮藏 (10)7.1交货和贮藏 (10)7.2材料的使用和期限 (10)7.3涂漆部件的搬运 (10)8涂敷前的要求 (11)8.1一般要求 (11)8.2涂漆前的表面处理 (11)8.3工厂刷漆的表面 (13)8.4镀锌表面 (13)9涂漆规定 (13)10检查和试验 (15)10.1涂装前表面处理与检查 (15)10.2地上设备和管道防腐蚀工程检查与验收 (16)10.3引进设备的检查 (17)10.4修补 (19)附录A 涂漆材料 (20)附录B 设备、管道和管道组成件涂漆表 (21)1 目的为统一XX项目EPC阶段涂漆和表面色要求,指导EPC承包商的工程技术工作,特编制本规定。
2 适用范围2.1本规定对塔、容器、换热器、加热炉、机械和包装机械、仪表、钢结构、管道等其他部件的表面处理和涂层保护系统提出了要求。
3 标准规范下列文件中条款通过本规定的引用而成为本规定的条款。
江苏虹港石化有限公司PTA一期工程设备、管道及钢结构涂漆、涂色规定1 设备、管道及钢结构防腐和涂漆设计规定1.1 应用的主要标准规范《石油化工设备和管道涂料防腐蚀技术规范》 SH3022-1999 《石油化工设备管道钢结构表面色和标志规定》 SH3043-2003 《涂装前钢材表面锈蚀等级和除锈等级》 GB8923-881.2 涂漆范围1.2.1 碳钢、低合金钢的设备、管道及其附属钢结构表面应涂漆。
1.2.2 除特殊规定外,下列表面不需涂漆:(1)不锈钢的表面;(2)镀锌材料的表面;(3)已精加工的表面;(4)铭牌及其它标志板或标签;(5)涂塑料或涂变色漆的表面;(6)由制造厂提供已具有完整的和符合要求的底漆和面漆的仪表、仪表盘、电器及设备等。
1.2.3 下列情况应在施工现场涂漆(1)在施工现场组装的设备和管道及其附属钢结构;(2)在制造厂已涂底漆,需在施工现场修整和涂面漆的设备和管道及其附属钢结构;(3)在制造厂已涂底漆,需在施工现场对损坏的部位进行补涂的设备和管道及附属钢结构;(4)埋地设备和管道应进行防腐。
1.3 涂料防腐1.3.1 防腐材料按《石油化工设备和管道涂料防腐蚀技术规范》(SH3022-1999)的要求进行选用.1.3.2 地上管道及设备防腐涂料地上管道及设备除锈等级和涂漆要求参照下表:注:有机硅耐热漆的耐热温度必须高于设备的设计温度。
1.3.3 埋地管道防腐涂料循环水系统、供MTO生产水管道等埋地管道防腐均按特加强级处理,防腐要求与DENSO同等级别。
2 设备、管道及钢结构的表面色和标志色2.1管道的表面色和标志按照《石油化工设备管道钢结构表面色和标志规定》(SH3043-2003)的规定执行。
不保温碳钢管道表面涂色统一规定2.2 静设备面漆颜色2.3动设备面漆颜色以上是设备涂漆的通用规范,在正式涂漆前,制造商必须将选用的漆的具体厂家和牌号书面通知甲方,在得到甲方的认可后,方可进行涂漆。
4、埋地管道的防腐蚀2) 防腐蚀涂层材料的选用,应根据土壤情况、管道工程设计要求,并参考《埋地钢质管道石油沥青防腐层技术标准》SY/T 0420-97、《埋地钢质管道环氧煤沥青防腐层技术标准》SY/T 0447-96、《埋地钢质管道聚乙烯防腐层技术标准》SY/T 4013-95等的具体要求合理选取。
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Painting for Pipes and Equipment General Design Specification 管道及设备涂漆设计统一规定Contents目录1.GENERAL 总则 (4)1.1Scope 范围 (4)1.2Codes and Standards 规范与标准 (4)1.3Units 单位 (6)2.HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 健康、安全与环境 (6)3.EXECUION OF WORKS 涂漆步骤 (6)3.1Scope of Work 工作范围 (6)3.2Manufacturer Workshop Painting 制造厂车间涂漆 (9)3.3Field Painting 现场涂漆 (9)3.4Paint Application and Specification 涂漆应用和规定 (10)3.5Surface Preparation 表面处理 (10)4.IDENTIFICATION AND MARK 涂色及标志 (14)4.1The Identification of Equipment and Steel Structures 设备及钢结构涂色154.2The Identification of Pipes 管道的外表面涂色及标志色 (15)5.PAINTING WORK AND QUALITY CONTROL 油漆的施工及质量控制 (15)5.1Notes of Work Quality 施工质量注意事项 (15)5.2Quality Control of Painting 涂装工作的质量控制 (18)5.3Check of Appearance Quality 外观质量检查: (20)5.4Check of Coating Thickness 涂层厚度检查 (20)5.5Drying Time 干燥时间 (20)5.6Adhesion Check 附着力的检查 (21)Appendix A- SELECTION & SPECIFICATION OF PAINTS 附录A—油漆的选择与规范 (22)Appendix A-1 Acceptable Paint Product Identification 附录A-1 可接受的油漆产品 (22)Appendix A-2 Painting Selection Schedule 附录A-2 油漆选择一览表 (23)Appendix B - HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 健康、安全与环境 (24)B.1Potential Hazards of Paints 油漆的潜在危险 (27)B.2Fire Hazards of Paints 油漆的火灾危害性 (29)B.3Storage of Paints 油漆的贮存 (30)B.4Disposal of Paints 油漆的废弃处理 (31)B.5Safety Items 安全规则事项 (31)修正表1.GENERAL 总则1.1Scope 范围This specification covers the general requirements of external painting works in XXXX Project for the amorphous equipment (such as tower, vessel, heat exchanger,ect.).Underground pipeline protection and cathodic protection are not included. 本规定包括XXXX项目中非定型设备(如塔、容器、换热器等)和管道元件的外防腐,不包括地下管道防腐和阴极保护。
Molding equipment made of cast iron, carbon steel and alloy steel, such as pumps, compressors, motors, valves, electrical equipment, package unit, control panel, instruments, etc., shall be painted in the workshop of the manufacturer according to the painting specification of the manufacturer. The manufacturer's painting shall be submitted to the owner for confirmation.用铸铁、碳钢和合金钢制成的定型设备,如泵、压缩机、电动机、阀门、电气设备、成套设备、控制盘、仪表等应根据制造厂的涂漆规定在制造厂的车间进行涂漆。
This specification shall not cover inside and internals of pressure vessels, towers, tanks, heat exchangers and piping.本规定不包含压力罐,塔,容器、换热器、管道的内部涂漆。
1.2Codes and Standards 规范与标准Unless otherwise specified, the applicable codes and standards of the external corrosion resistance and painting shall be as follow, Editions and/or issue dates of Codes, Standards and Specifications shall be the latest.除非另有规定,外防腐涂漆应遵循以下合同签订时认可的标准,规范及规定。
管道及设备涂漆设计统一规定1.3Units 单位Unless otherwise specified, metric, Celsius and kilogram units shall be applied as the measurement system for the drawings and documents to be submitted, however, pressure shall be specified in SI unit (MPa). The nominal sizes are represented by NPS.除非另有说明,在提交的图纸和文件中计量系统应选用米、摄氏度、千克单位制,压力应使用SI 制(MPa),而管道元件的公称尺寸采用NPS 表示。
2.HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT 健康、安全与环境See attachment B of this specification.见附件B。
3.EXECUION OF WORKS 涂漆步骤3.1Scope of Work 工作范围3.1.1Scope of Painting 涂漆范围: The following parts will be applied with primary and finish coat in field:下列部件将在现场涂底漆和面漆:a)Exterior surface of pressure plates of field prefabricated vessels and sphericaltanks on site.现场预制的容器及球罐成型板外表面。
b)All steel structures (including prefabricated unit of steel structures and pipesupports)所有现场制作的钢结构(包括现场预制的钢结构和管架)。
c)Exterior surface of pipes, flange and pipe fittings of carbon steel and low alloysteel.碳钢及低合金钢管子、法兰和管件外表面。 of primary coat, intermediate coat and finishing coat for the followingequipment will be completed at manufacture’s shop.下列设备在制造厂车间内完成全部底漆、中间漆及面漆:a)Pressure vessels and towers including those assembled in sections on sitecompletely welded at manufacture’s shop在制造厂车间完全焊接的压力容器和塔(包括现场分段组装的塔)。
b)Heat exchangers to be completely welded at manufacturer’s shop在制造厂车间完成焊接的换热器。
c)Small-sized normal pressure tanks to be completely welded at manufacturer’sshop.在制造厂车间完全焊接的小尺寸常压罐d)Package unit including exterior surface of pipes, flange and pipe fittings of carbonsteel and low alloy steel within the scope of supply成套供货的集成单元(包含其供货范围内的碳钢和低合金钢管子、法兰和管件外表面) of primary coat, intermediate coat and finishing coat for the followingequipment will be completed at manufacture’s shop according to manufacturer's painting specification.以下各项应在制造厂车间内按制造厂的涂漆标准完成全部底漆和面漆:a)Valves 阀门b)The pumps, blowers, compressors and their accessories to be completelyassembled at manufacturer’s shop完全在制造厂车间组装的泵、鼓风机和压缩机及其附件c)Motors, electrical equipment, instruments and instrument panels电动机、电气设备、仪表和仪表盘d)Equipment of manufacturer standard制造厂标准设备e)Large-sized pumps and blowers to be assembled on the site现场组装的大尺寸泵和鼓风机3.1.2The Following Equipment and Materials shall not be Painted 不需要涂装的范围:a)Outer surface for pipes and fittings of Non-ferrous materials.非铁基材料制成的管道及配件的外表面。