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catch a cold。

Ⅲwhichever ‘无论哪个;无论哪些’,既指人,又指物. 可修饰名词与of


Whichever book you borrow doesn’t matter to us。

Whichever of us fulfills his task will lend a hand to others。


We can learn what we didn't know。

We find it necessary that we (should)practice English every day.

★某些作表语的形容词,如sure,happy, glad,certain等之后可带宾语


I am glad that you can come and help me.

:①wish/would rather后的宾语从句中要用虚拟语气。

I wish I had finished my homework yesterday。

I’d rather you had been there yesterday

②在表示建议,命令, 请求的词后面的宾语从句当中用should + V,


His pale face suggested that he was ill so I suggested that he should go

to see the doctor.

He insisted that he was innocent and insisted that he should be set free.


We all thought it a pity that we had missed the lesson。

I took it for granted that they were not coming.

④ that一般不接介词宾语,偶尔可作except, in的宾语;其它介


He differs from his roommates in that he devoted his spare time to


He knows nothing about Jim except that he is from London。

You can depend on it that he will help you in time of emergency.


The question is whether we can make good preparation in such a short time.

注意:reason 后面的表语从句只能用that ,不能用why 引导.

★The reason is that (because ×)…

The reason why we didn't trust him is that he has often lied.

(该句型中why 引导一个定语从句)


词主要是表示抽象概念的词如fact, news , promise , idea, truth;

possibility ; statement ; warning ; advice 等

★同位语的引导词有that ; whether ; why; who; where; how 等;其中that

和whether 只起引导作用


The news that China broken the world record in the Olympic Games has

cheered all of us 。

The question why so many people would choose to live in the countryside

but to work in the city is still under discussion 。 ( why 引导同位语从句解

释说明中心语question 的内容;且why 在从句中作状语)

只起引导作用时,连接词用that 而不用which

Where did you get the idea that she could not come.

② 同位语从句和定语从句的区别: 就看that 在作引导的从句中是否


The suggestion that he raised at the meeting is very important.

(that 引导定语)

The suggestion that the students should have plenty of exercise is very

good. (that 引导同位语从句)

在名词性从句当中只能用wh~, 在引导让步状语从


He will believe whatever others say.


Whatever others say , he will believe it.


Whoever walks around in such a heavy rain will catch

a cold 。 (不可互换)

① 在表语, 同位语,主语(置于句首时)从句时只用

whether 表“是否"

The question is whether the film is worth seeing 。


I have no idea whether we should go to the party 。


Whether we shall attend the meeting hasn’t been

decided yet 。 (主语从句 句首)

▲ It is doubtful whether / if he will come here 。


② 形容词;介词;discuss 后的宾语从句中只用

whether 表“是否”

It depends on whether you can do the work well.


The students are discussing whether they will go

out for a picnic this Sunday.

I am not sure whether he will come here or not 。


③ whether 与or 或 or not 的搭配

Do you mind whether a man or woman does the job 。 I don ’t care whether or not he comes.

