READING 1 hourPART ONEQuestions 1-8 剑桥 BEC 真题集高级 第三辑 Test 4• Look at the statements below and at the five extracts from a newspaper article on theopposite page about people who have set up their own internet companies.• Which extract (A, B, C, D or E ) does each statement 1-8 refer to? • For each statement (1-8), mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E ) on your Answer Sheet. • Y ou will need to use some of these letters more than once.1 These people have n ot paid themselves out of their company ‟s income so far .2 These people had knowledge which they wanted to exploit in a different type of company.3 These people's initial efforts to obtain start-up funding were unsuccessful.4 These people have developed a very effective process for handling sales.5 These people devised a mixed media approach to advertising.6 These people felt that they could improve companies‟ focus on customers .7 These people intend to make their marketing more cost-effective. 8 These people are targeting a relatively small number of discerning clients.AE-GAMES John and S tephanie both wanted a complete career change. Selling children ‟s gam esover the internet seemed a foolproof idea, but their biggest challenge was to securefinancial backing. First they contacted numerous venture capitalists, but from theresponse of the few that would even talk to them, they realized they would getnowhere until they had spelt out in detail how they intended to turn their concept intoreality. So the next step was to work with a group of start-up consultants, to devise abusiness plan making their expected revenue streams more precise .BSUREKSue and Derek‟s plan was to sell clothes over the internet. After a shaky start, leading to serious cash flow problems, which meant they occasionally had little to live on, they realised they would have to advertise much more seriously: on the internet, they used online marketing tools to the full to produce increases in traffic, and combined this with intensive publicity outside the internet. Within six months they had built a large customer database, at which stage it was necessary to begin looking for capital to build the business.CWONDERWEBTwo senior advertising executives, frustrated with the pace of change in an industry they felt was failing to take advantage of new media, Sally and Sue were keen to translate their advertising and marketing skills into an online environment. To their surprise, they found that many websites seemed to have been developed without taking any account of user s‟ needs. Sure that the opportunity was ripe for a busine ss with a strong marketing proposition, they started offering marketing services to other small online businesses.DSUPERGIFTSMichael and Tony set up a company to sell upmarket gifts, such as glassware and porcelain, online. The niche market they have identified is professional and affluent, a group which their research revealed is increasingly internet literate, is looking for exceptional goods at the right price and has high service expectations. A low-level marketing campaign generated more than 2000 customers, with a high-value average order. The entire system from web order to delivery is proving to be highly successful, with all orders being fulfilled within the advertised five days without any returns or breakages.EABBIE’SThe first phases of the company‟s growth have been funded through a mix of personal investment, foregone salaries and bank overdraft. The next phase will be crucial. Their biggest challenge will be to distinguish themselves from a plethora of competitive sites, most of which are spending far more than they are. To stand out from the crowd, Paul and Abbie are working to target and reach their audience better, and generate higher sales, but of necessity without increasing their budget. The co mpany‟s total marketing vision will be the key to success.PART TWOQuestions 9-14•Read the article below about cons um er s‟attitudes to goods described as premium.•Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.•For each gap (9-14), mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.•Do not use any letter more than once.• There is an example at the beginning, (0).Shoppers wary of 'pr emium’ goodsOne of the marketing industry ‟s favourite terms is ‘premium ‟ — usually taken to mean …l uxury‟ or …top q uality‟. The ide a l is to create a premium car, wristwatch or perfume — something that appears to transcend the ordinary. (0) H However, manufacturers should take note of a recent survey of shopper s‟ a tt itudes to so-called premium goods. (9) In fact, the tag seems to have become devalued by overuse. Consumers of all socio-economic backgrounds are very keen to buy the best- but not all product categories lend themselves to a premium status. ‘Premium ‟ can be used in any category where image is paramount, and that includes cars, toiletries, clothes and electronics. (10) Banking and insurance are typical of this second group. More than 70 per cent of consumers interviewed in the survey said that a premium tag on everyday items such as coffee or soap is an excuse to charge extra for products that don ‟t always have extra benefits. (11) The prevalence of such a suspicious attitude makes life hard for the marketers. Whil e the word …luxury ‟ had a clear anddefinable meaning among respondents — most related it to cars — …p remium ‟ was found to be harder to define. Oddly, the only category apart from cars where…p remium ‟ was understood to meansomething specific was bread. (12) .Several respondents said they wouldnever pay much for a standard sliced loafbut on special occasions would happilypay double for something that qualifies asa treat.Packaging was found to be an importantfactor in charging extra for premiumproducts, with sophisticated designenabling toiletries, electronics or fooditems to sell for far more. Shoppers arewilling to pay extra for sometl1ing thathas had thought put into its outwardappearance. (13) Yet the knowledgehas no impact on their choice.The profit margin on premium-pricedtoiletries and beauty items can be asmuch as 300-400 per cent — and in excess of 500 per cent for hi-H and otherelectronic goods. (14) . In a crowdedmarketplace such as cars or mobiles, it ‟sfar more difficult to achieve thistransformation than you might think.Example:A The term is less effective, however, in areas where style and fashion play asmaller role.B The product hidden behind this attractive exterior may be exactly the same as anitem selling for half the price, and shoppers may be quite aware of this.C The results suggest that the term 'premium ‟ means very little to consumers.D A fifth of them went further, and dismissed the very word as simply a way ofloading prices.E It follows that price and utility are not the only factors in play when it comes topurchasing decisions.F With such an incentive, the challenge for marketers is to find the triggers that canturn an ordinary product into something consumers will accept as premium.G The survey found that consumers were prepared to pay top prices for specialityitems, just as long as prices for everyday products remained low.H When they succeed, marketers are able to charge high prices for the resultingproduct.PART THREEQuestions 15-20•Read the following profile of Bruce Petter, the new Director of the Management Consultants Association (MCA), and the questions on the opposite page.•For each question (15-20), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.Bruce Petter has not always been an executive. He started his career pumping petrol at a filling station, as he explains: …After Ileft the army, my friend‟s father, who was Managing Director of a petrol company, recommended that I go into the oil industry. My great-uncle was running our own family petrol company, and I learnt the ropes at a petrol station. I subsequently married the daughter of the Marketing Director but this did not make for the happiest of scenarios. Depending on which side of the family they came from, my relatives thought I should support either my great—uncle or my farther-in-law, so I decided the time had come for me to leave the warring factions to fight it out among themselves and move o n.‟He became founding Director of the Petrol Retailers Association. But after a few years he decided, …I was getting to the stage where I wanted to move on again, so when I heard about the Management Consultants Association (MCA) post, I people with mainstream businessinterests together. The associationhad 30 member companies at thetime, representing a largeproportion of the best-knownnames in the sector, and …they allwanted to have a look at thisindividual who had applied torepresent their interests, so I sawan awful lot of the m e mbe rs hip‟.His principal area of expertise, hefeels, is in running a tradeassociation and the briefing that hehas been handed suggests that thiswill be of prime value. …If youwere to ask me if I was ever goingto be an expert managementconsultant, the answer would beno. But I am, I hope, able toarticulate their views, to pushthrough policies they want to seein operation and to improve theirimage. I hope to makemanagement consultancy apowerful voice in government andindustry.'The President of the MCAconfirms what landed Petter the job.…W e saw a lot of people, butthere were three things inparticular that impressed us aboutBruce. His experience of running alarge but also some considerablysmaller firms. We are also awarethat management consultancy isnot always portrayed in afavourable light and he has donequite a bit of work on publicimage and has some verypositive views in this ar ea.‟So, Mr. Petter has taken overfrom retiring Director BrianO‟Rorke,and a change of moodis now in the air. O‟Ro rke was atthe helm for 13 years and hissuccessor is reticent when itcomes to predicting how his ownapproach will differ. ‘Brian dida magnificent job of sustainingthe Association, of holding ittogether through thick and thi n.‟I detect a …but‟ in his voice. But?…I think if you ask anybody whoor what the MCA was under hisdirection, the temptation wouldbe to say "Brian O‟Rorke".‟Petter feels his own style will bevery much determined by theobjectives of the members: hesees himself as a channel forthose aims. …I don‟t want theMCA to be perceived as BrucePetter‟s empire, but rather theme mbers‟empire,‟he says. Mrappl ie d.‟He was aware that the selection process for the head of any trade association would, by definition, be protracted because of the difficulty of getting very busy trade association was key and itseemed to us that he had a goodunderstanding of how to relate toand inspire a membership made upof very busy partners, often in veryPetter clearly has a difficult taskahead, but many of his staff willwelcome a more open, modernstyle and there‟s every indic ationhe will be a success.15 What do we learn about Bruce Petter in the first paragraph?A He likes to think of himself as a loyal person.B He has a negative view of family-run businesses.C His military background came in useful later in his career.D An awkward situation influenced the development of his career.16 When Petter applied for the post of Director of the MCA, he knew thatA a decision was likely to take a long time.B not everyone in the Association was interested in him.C he would have to face intense competition.D some members would oppose his appointment.17 What does Petter believe he is able to change?A the views the MCA holds on industryB the way in which the MCA decides on policyC how the MCA is perceived by other peopleD the MCA's relations with other trade associations18 Which of the following does the MCA President mention as a reason forappointing Petter?A his ability to motivate members of an associationB his experience of working in different tradesC his broad network of business contactsD his previous work in management consultancy19 The writer notices that, when Petter talks about his predecessor, heA expresses some regret for how the Association dealt with him.B thinks he had been there for too long.C questions changes he made within the Association.D indicates he has mixed feelings about his leadership style.20 Petter says his aim as Director of the MCA is toA modernise the Association.B carry out the Association‟s wishes.C set an example of firm leadership to his staff.D expand the membership of the Association.Questions 21-30• Read the article below about sickness at work in Britain.• Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page. • For each question (21-30), mark one letter (A, B, C or D ) on your Answer Sheet. • There is an example at the beginning, (0).Sickness at workSmall firms are counting the (0) A of sickness among employees. Research estimates that illness cost small businesses in Britain a month and a half in lost(21) last year. A recent (22) of more than 1,000 small and medium enterprises revealed that last year the average small business lost around 42 days through staff phoning in sick, and that this had a serious (23) on 27 per cent of smaller companies. Just over one in ten employees took time off for seven days in a(24) Of these, 9.5 per cent were ill for a week on more than one occasion. In Britain, employees can take sick (25) for up to a week before they have to produce a medical certificate. Owner —managers were far less likely to be off sick than their staff: 3.3 days on average, compared with the 10 days taken by employees. The head of the research team said, …The most common (26) of absence was minor illness, such as colds or flu, but back strain, fractures and the like(27) for very nearly as much. Of greater (28) is that more that 40 per cent of employe rs felt that their employee s‟ sickness may not have been g enui ne.‟Employers can do more to protect themselves by drawing up adequate (29) of employment that outline the company ‟s sick pay (30) . Enhanced sick pay is then at the employer ‟s discr etion.21 A capacity 22 A reportB productivity B enquiryC capability C statementD efficiency D survey 23 A resultB consequenceC impressionD impact 24 A rowB lineC seriesD sequence 25 A leaveB breakC timeD absence 26 A reasonB symptomC causeD motive 27 A contributedB accountedC totaledD credited 28 A concernB anxietyC regardD bother 29 A detailsB itemsC particularsD terms 30 A ideas B notions C policies D intentionsQuestions 31-40 • Read the job advertisement below. • For each question (31-40), write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.Empleymentwith Kinson plcStaff SupportAdvisersrequiredWe are a newly-formed division of Kinson plc, (0) ........ of the UK ‟s largest quoted companies, and provide busine ss customers (31) ........ solutions that combine leading —edge e-commerce technology and an integrated nationwide customer support network. The formation of this new division has created a number of exciting and challenging roles within the call centres of two (32) ........ our seven sites. We have vacancies (33) ........ Staff Support Advisers. Working closely with the Business Managers, your job will (34) ........ to gear the business up for the challenges ahead by implementing a programme of radical change. When completed, this programme will enable the management team to use our people resources more effectively, and (35) ........ so doing facilitate the implementation of our com pany…s business plan. You will be involved in all aspects of human resources activity, including providing advice and guidance to your business partners and policy development, in (36) ........ to implementing any training and development initiatives the company may launch from time to time. We are looking for talented individuals (37) ........ good generalist grounding has been gained in a customer services or customer-focused environment where your flair and ideas (38) ........ currently being underused. You must be able to influence business decisions from a human resources perspective and create innovative solutions. You should also be a resilient, adaptable team player; as (39) ........ as having a track record of coaching others. In return, an excellent salary and benefits package is (40) ........ offer: The successful applicant will have the advantage of outstanding opportunities for personal development and advancement.PART SIXQuestions 41-52•Read the extract below from the annual report of a bed manufacturer.•In most of the lines (41-52) there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.•If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.•If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.•The exercise begins with two examples, (0) and (00).CHIEF EXECUTI VE’S REVIEW0 The prime focus for management recently has been the integration into the Group of0 Damon Beds. This acquisition is very much greater part of our strategy to grow our41 presence in the UK branded furniture market. We are neither convinced that42 leveraging the proven brand management expertise of which we are proud is the43 optimum route to continued and sustainable growth in shareholder value. Overall,44 sales grew more quickly than 9%, to reach £125 million. This represents a small45 increase in market share such as our strategy to build share in growing, added value46 sectors gains momentum. Our established brands had another excellent year with47 volumes and turnover at record levels. While we have increased capacity to cope with48 significantly increased demand, boosted by the return to television advertising in early49 last year. The purpose of the campaign is how to reinforce our position as the UK‟s50 leading volume bed business by improving brand awareness still further on and, more51 importantly, communicating to consumers regarding the message about the uniqueness52 of the product and yet the benefits and reasons for choosing our beds. Early indicationsshow that the campaign is already having the desired effect.WRITING 1 hour 10 minutesPART ONEQuestion 1•The bar chart below shows the profits made by each of a company's three factories for each quarter of the year 2003. The pie chart shows the number of workers in each of the factories during that year.•Using the information from the charts, write a short report describing the trends in profits and the number of employees in each factory.•Write 120-140 words.Profits from each factory per quarter (2003)Number of employees in each factory (2003)PART TWOWrite an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words.Question 2•This year, your company has used an advertising agency to promote your products or services. Your boss has asked you to write a report about the advertising campaign which the agency arranged.•Write the report for your boss:•outlining what the advertising campaign consistedof•indicating what you feel the strengths and weaknesses of the campaignwere•explaining how successful you feel the advertising hasbeen•suggesting ideas for future advertising.Question 3•You have seen the following advertisement and you want to enter your organisation for the award.Most Improved Organisation AwardIf your organisation has made improvements in the last year affecting employees and customers, write and tell us about them. The most improved organisation will win a silver cup and money to help pay for a further improvement benefiting staff.•Write your letter to the competition secretary, Michael James:•introducing your organisation and saying what it does•describing improvements your organisation has made in the last year whichhave affected staff and customers•saying how you would spend the prize money to benefit staff.Question 4•The Chief Executive of your company is concerned that staff morale seems to have deteriorated and has invited suggestions for making improvements.•Write a proposal to the Chief Executive:•suggesting why morale is low•outlining the effects of low morale `•proposing some ways of improving morale•indicating any disadvantages of your proposal.LISTENING Approximately 40 minutes (including 10 mi nutes’ transfer time) PART ONEQuestions 1-12•You will hear a college lecturer talking to a class of business students about a supermarket chain.•As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number.•After you have listened once, replay the recording.Williams Supermarket Chain1 Initially Sharon Tucker was Wil liams‟s.2 The company's programme of ........................................ its outlets was unsuccessful.3 Last six months: l0% increase in .................................................................................4 Tucker decided against policy of ,........................................................ used by rivals.5 The high-low strategy that Tucker introduced is usually called “”6 Williams calls its special offers the company's “”7 The company delivers............................................ to homes in the area of the stores.8 Example of special offer: ......................................................... for half normal price.9 Difhcult to ensure that........................................... are adequate to cope with demand.10 Success of sales strategy is due to planning and the fact thatis not centralised.11 Williams is now concentrating on selling .12 Williams is planning to extend of stores. PART TWOQuestions 13-22•You will hear five people talking about a mistake they made at work, and about how they responded afterwards.•For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the mistake that each person made, from the List A-H. For Task Two, choose the way in whichtheyresponded afterwards from the list A-H.•After you have listened once, replay the recording.Task One - What mistake did they make?•For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the mistake that each person says they made, listed A-H.•For each extract, choose the mistake that the person made.•Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.13 A I forgot to include some costs.B I didn‟t calculate the cash f low.14 C I miscalculated a time schedule.D I appointed the wrong person.15E I gave out-of-date information.16 F I didn‟t check someone e l se‟s work adequa tely.G I complained through inappropriate channels.17 H I didn‟t allow for a rise in the inflation rate.Task Two - How did they respond?•For questions 18-22, match the extracts with how each speaker says they responded afterwards, listed A-H.•For each extract, choose the response.•Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.1819202122PART THREE Questions 23-30A by having my work checked by someone elseB by becoming less impulsive lC by accepting that I was responsible for othersD by setting timetables for projectsE by setting up regular meetingsF by resigning from the companyG by introducing a regular written updateH by arranging to change jobs within the company•You will hear a discussion between two managers, Jane and Oliver, about recent changes within the company where they work.•For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.•After you have listened once, replay the recording.23 Jane says the changes are being introduced in response toA a decrease in sales.B the threa t of a takeover. …C the level of staff turnover.24 Jane says the ideas for the changesA were initiated by the leadership group.B resulted from the expansion of the team system.C were developed in conjunction with a firm of management consultants.25 Referring to the skills audit, what problem does she mention?A Its findings were not acted upon.B It included too many details.C Its results were inaccurate.26 What criticism of the new divisional targets does she make?A They focus exclusively on product sales.B They are too high for her department.C They ignore seasonal fluctuations.27 She says the suggestions scheme would be better if suggestions wereA financially rewarded.B more widely publicised.C encouraged from temporary staff.28 Who does she say performance reviews should take into account?A suppliersB competitorsC customers29 She expects the new training programmes to be popular because theyA provide a wider choice of topics.B involve a greater use of technology.C have more flexible timetables.30 She believes that, within a year, the various changes will beA fully integrated into company practice.B subject to a review process.C adopted by competitors.That is the end of the Listening test. You now have ten minutes to transfer youranswers to your Answer Sheet.SPEAKING 14minutesSAMPLE SPEAKING TASKSPART ONEIn this part, the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn. You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions.PART TWOIn this part of the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute.You have one minute to prepare your ideas.A Customer service: the importance of providing an effective after-sales service for customersB Purchasing: the importance of maintaining personal contact with potentialsuppliersC Recruitment: how to ensure that the advertising of job vacancies is effectivePART THREEIn this part of the test, you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the task prompt, an example of which is below, and then about three minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that, the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.For two candidatesReducing Staff TurnoverYou work for the branch of your company that has been identified as having the lowest turnover of staff. You have been asked to suggest ways in which staff turnover could be reduced in the other branches.Discuss and decide together:•what the reasons for high staff turnover in a company mightbe•what effect high staff turnover might have on future methods of selecting staff.For three candidatesReducing Staff TurnoverYou work for the branch of your company that has been identified as having the lowest turnover of staff. You have been asked to suggest ways in which staff turnover could be reduced in the other branches.Discuss and decide together:•what the reasons for high staff turnover in a company mightbe•what effect high staff turnover might have on future methods of selectingstaff•what procedures concerning staff induction and training might need to be introduced.Follow-on questions•How can employees be affected by a high turnover of staff in their department? (Why?)•Do you think a high turnover of staff can have a negative effect on customer service? (Why? / Why not?)•Do you think there are any situations in which high turnover of staff is helpful to a company? (Why? / Why not?)•Would it be beneficial for companies to bring in new staff to join existing work。
剑桥BEC高级真题第三辑TEST2BEC 第三辑高级T est 2 READING 1 hourPART ONEQuestions 1-8●Look at the statements below and at the five extracts on the opposite page from an articleabout how employees are motivated.●Which section of the article (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement (1-8) refer to?●For each statement (1-8), mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet.●You will need to use some of these letters more than once.●There is an e xample at the beginning, (0).1 People may perceive the same type of work very differently.2 It is important that staff gain recognition for what they have done.3 The behaviour of staff may be influenced by disappointment with what their organisation provides.4 Traditional ways of motivating staff cannot be put into practice these days.5 A good salary alone is no longer enough to motivate staff.6 lt is desirable for staff and their employers to have similar objectives.7 Staff should be able to improve their abilities through their work.8 Not all companies see a need to find out what motivatestheir staff.ABOne of the problems is that managers oft en don’t appreciate they are playing in a completely new ball game, and a reliance on old-styl e motivational techniques just w on’t work in today’s technology—driven, fast—paced business environment. For example, an employee could be working in South Africa, with a boss sitting in London and the main client they are dealing with based in Asia. So for someone who is very motivated by face-to-face contact and a collegiate environment, that could be a huge problem.CWhat most employees expect is the chance to work iiexibly, on interesting and stimulating tasks that give them the opportunity to develop their skills and talents. Managers on the ground may not always be able to iniluence pay and working practices — but, if they are to extract top performance from their teams, they need to know how to press the right buttons and create a culture that will inspire their workforce, a culture in which achievement is acknowledged and people feel valued.DEPART TWOQuestions 9-14●Read this introduction to an article about an approach to management.●Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.●For each gap (9-14), mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.●Do not use any letter more than once.●There is an example at the beginnin9. (0).Example:A However, direct personal contact is more typically needed t o e ff ective l y transfer the kind of knowledge that must be creatively applied to particular business problems or opportunities.B For that, companies really have to bring people together to brainstorm.C Many companies have tried, with mixed success, to leverage this underused asset by centralising knowledge management functions or by investing heavily in knowledge management technology.D The entire history of the T-shaped manager is one of evolution, a process that continues to this day.E The successful T —shaped manager must learn to live with, and ultimately thrive within, the stress created by thisdualresponsibility.F By encouraging collaboration, aT-shaped management system can be a powerful counterbalance to suchnegative behaviour.G Their experience also suggests guidelines for creating an environment in which T-shaped managers will flourish.H I am referring to the wealth ofexpertise, ideas and latent insights that lie scattered across or deeply embedded in their organisations.PART THREEQuestions 15-20● Read the following article about marketing and ethics and the questions on the oppositepage.● For each question (15-20), mark one letter (A , B , C or D ) on your Answer Sheet.15 What change does the first paragraph men tion?A a decrease in the size of certain economiesB a growth in knowledge of how resources affect economiesC a decrease in the resources available to companiesD a growth in the number of choices available to companies16 According to the second paragraph, businesses are now encounteringA a wider range of obligations.B greater public criticism.C problems they should have foreseen.D an increase in internal disagreement.17 In the third paragraph, it is suggested that marketersA should devise stricter social and financial categories.B need to attract new categories of customers.C should have a greater input inthe design of products.D need to expand their areas of activity.18 What development is mentioned in the fourth paragraph?A P roduct design is becoming secondary to ethical c onsiderations. BA company’s reputation is growing in importance over its brands.C Ethical considerations can lead to effective innovation.D Competitiveness is becoming harder to maintain over time.19 What comment is made in the fifth paragraph?A The challenge facing marketing may be impossible in the long term.B Marketing activity should move away from traditional goals.C Conflicts confronting marketing may be less extreme than expected.D Marketing should focus on promoting goods which last longer.20 According to the final paragraph, businesses now need toA revise certain aspects of their activity.B conduct research into the efficient use of man-made resources.C ensure their range of investments is ethical.D communicate new sets of values to customers.PART FOURQuestions 21-30●Read the article below about work and leisure.●Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page.●For each question (21-30), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.●There is an example at the beginning, (0).21 A setting 22 A dealt 23 A lone 24 A hang 25 A convince 26 A lane 27 A thoughtless 28 A accept 29 A give 30 A opinion B paying B received B single B grip B tell B street B regardless B view B bring B idea C putting C handled C individual C lean C talk C avenue C uncaring C support C place C mind D holding D takenD personal D sit D converse D alley D unconcerned D approve D make D memoryPART FIVEQuestions 31-40● Read the article below about people who buy clothes as an investment.● For each question (31-40), write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet. ● There is an example at the beginning, (0).PART SIXQuestions 41-52●Read the text below from a brochure for a company that rents out office space.●ln most of the lines (41-52) there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect ordoes not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.●lf a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.●If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on yourAnswer Sheet.●The exercise begins with two examples, (0) and (00).WRITING 1 hour 10 minutesPART ONEQuestion 1●The chart below shows the distribution of positive and negative responses given in a marketsurvey about service provision at a leisure centre.●Using the information from the chart, write a short report about the results of the marketsurvey, describing customer reactions to the services provided.●Write 120-140 words.PART TWOWrite an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words.Question 2●Your company recently sponsored a national event for the first time and your manager hasasked you to write a report on this.●Write your reportfor your manager, including the following information:● a brief description of the event●which aspects of the event were particularly successful and why●the benefits to the company of spo nsoring the event●what needs to be done before considering further sponsorship.Question 3●Your company has recently been taken over by another company, and your department hasbeen restructured. This has resulted in a number of problems which you want to make the new owners aware of.●Write a lette r to the Managing Director of the new owners:●outlining what the situation in your department was before the takeover●explaining what problems have arisen and why●suggesting how these problems could be reso lved●warning what might happen if these problems are not resolved.Question 4●Your company’s export sales have been falling and the Sales Manager has asked you toconsider ways of improving them.●Write your proposal for the Sales Manager:●giving reasons for the decline in the company’s export sales●suggesting ways of improving export sales●outlining the additional resources that would be required.LISTENING Approximately 40 minutes (including10 minute s’ transfer time)PART ONEQuestions 1-12●You will hear the opening of the Factories of the Year awards ceremony.●As you listen, for questions 1-12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a number.●After you have listened once, replay the recording.PART TWOQuestions 13-22●You will h ear five different people talking about visiting trade fairs.●For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose the person’s intention in visitingthe fair from the list A-H. For Task Two, choose the experience at the fair that each person mentions from the list A-H.●After you have listened once, replay the recording.Task One - Intention in visiting the fair●For questions 13-17, match the extracts with the intentions, listed A-H.●For each extract, choose the person’s intention in visiting the fair.●Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.13 .................................14 .................................15 .................................16 .................................17 ................................. A to get ideas for potential new productsB to give a presentationC to seek alternative employmentD to find out about competitor s’ p roductsE to get new marketing ideasF to give product demonstrationsG to recruit a new overseas agentH to find alternative suppliersTask Two - Experience at the fair●For questions 18-22, match the extracts with the experiences, listed A-H.●For each extract, choose the experience at the fair that each person mentions.●Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.18 .................................19 .................................20 .................................21 .................................22 ................................. A I thought of a way of cutting costs.B I was impressed by some publicity material.C I saw a new way of applying technology.D I was pleased by some sales figures.E I noticed some export opportunities.F I was impressed by a competitor’s product.G I saw someone demonstrating an effective selling technique.H I thought of ways of improving an important product we make.PART THREEQuestions 23-30●You will hear an interview with Steve Marriott, an internal business consultant with Carserve, a vehicle breakdown service.●For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.●After you have listened once, replay the recording.23 According to Steve Marriott, what problem do some of Carserve’s remote workers have?A They think that they do not receive enough company information.B They want a greater amount of informal contact with colleagues.C They feel uncomfortable without a separate office base.24 According to Steve, some staff believe thatA they need to prove that they are working hard.B their breaks should be taken at intervals.C the support they receive from management is inadequate.25 In Steve’s opinion, what was the underlying management problem when he joined Carserve?A There was confusion about who gave orders.B Objectives were not made clear to staff.C Long-term planning was not carried out. `26 Steve improved the situation at Carserve by ·A i ntroducing regular work meetings. Bencouraging managers to trust staff.C modifying the system of supervision.27 Why have Carserve’s teams become more effective?A Distance has forced them to become more organised.B They are expected to make decisions quickly.C Their meetings have become more frequent.28 What does Steve Marriott say about staff contacting managers?A Managers sometimes fail to respond promptly.B Managers don't want to be disturbed in their work.C Staff may be uncertain about when it is appropriate to do so.29 How have managers been affected by the change to remote working?A They now have to deal with employee s’ pe rsonal problems.B They now have to assess staff more regularly.C They now spend more time travelling than talking to staff.30 To help managers, Carserve is planning training on the subject ofA making the best use of technology.B organising remote teams.C reducing managerial control.That is the end of the Listening test. You now have ten minutes to transferyour answers to your Answer Sheet.SPEAKING 16 minutesSAMPLE SPEAKING T A SKSPART ONEIn this part, the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn. You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions.PART TWOIn this part of the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a business topic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minute to prepare your ideas.PART THREEIn this part of the test, you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the task prompt, an example of which is below, and then about three minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that, the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic.For two candidatesTeam Bui l di n gThe company you work for is about to take over another company and is keen to encourage staff from both companies towork together effectively. You have been asked to prepare a proposal for team building.Discuss and decide together:●what arrangements should be made before new colleagues start working together●what kinds of work projects and leisure activities would be suitable to encourageteamwork●what benefits effective teamwork could bring to the company.Follow-on questions●What benefits do you think individual employees get from working in astrong team? (Why?/Why not?)●What do you think is the ideal number of people to workina team? (Why?)●Do yo u think a company needs individualists as well as team workers?(Why?/Why not?)●Do you think it is the responsibility of the company or each employee tomake sure people work well together? (Why?/Why not?)●How far should team building be taken into accou nt when makinglong-term plans for a company? (Why?/Why not?)BEC 第三辑高级T est 2 Test 2 ReadingPart 11 D2 C3 E4 B5 A6 E7 C 8 DPart29 C 10 E 11 A 12 B 13 F14 GPart315 B16A17D18C19C20 APart421 B22D23D24A25C26 C27B28A29D30CPart531WHETHER/IF32IN33ONE/SOMETHING34THE35FEW36 NOT37 FOR38WHAT39 GO40 OUTPart641 THE 42 DO 43 THEM44 CORRECT 45 SUCH 46 YOU 47 CORRECT 48 OUT 49 IN50 ALTOGETHER 51 THERE 52 UP Test 2 WritingQuestion 1Sample ABand 4This is a well-organised answer which uses a good range of cohesive devices (‘whe reas’, ‘ in contrast to’, etc.). The candidate has used quite sophisticated language, and errors mostly occur only when more ambitious language is attempted.Sample BBand 2This is an inadequate attempt at the task. There is some irrelevance and quite a few basic errors, some of which impede communication. The writer uses a limited range of structure and vocabulary, and the language is generally too elementary for this level.Question 2Sample CBand 3This is a good achievement of the task and a well-organised answer. However, the frequency of non-impeding errors keeps itat a band 3.Sample DBand 5This is a full realisation of the task set. It is very well organised with an excellent range of structures and vocabulary and only minimal errors.Question 3Sample EBand 4A very good realisation of the task, showing natural use of language and good use of a full range of tenses. There is, however, slightly inappropriate register towards the end.Sample F。
bec高级试题及答案BEC高级试题及答案一、听力部分1. 听下面一段对话,回答以下问题:(A) What is the main topic of the conversation?(B) What does the woman suggest they do next?(C) Why does the man agree with her suggestion?答案:(A) The main topic of the conversation is about organizing a team-building event.(B) The woman suggests they should invite an external trainer for the event.(C) The man agrees because he believes an external trainer can provide a fresh perspective.2. 听下面一段独白,回答以下问题:(A) What is the speaker's opinion on remote working?(B) What is the potential issue with remote working according to the speaker?(C) What solution does the speaker propose?答案:(A) The speaker believes that remote working can increase productivity.(B) The potential issue is the lack of face-to-face interaction which can lead to communication problems.(C) The speaker proposes regular video conferences to maintain team cohesion.二、阅读部分1. Read the following passage and answer the questions:(A) What is the primary purpose of the article?(B) According to the article, what are the benefits of using renewable energy?(C) What challenges does the author mention regarding renewable energy?答案:(A) The primary purpose of the article is to discuss the advantages and challenges of renewable energy.(B) The benefits include reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting energy independence.(C) Challenges include the high initial cost of renewable energy technologies and the intermittent nature of some renewable energy sources.2. Read the following business report and answer the questions:(A) What was the main reason for the company's decline in profits?(B) What measures did the company take to address the issue?(C) What was the outcome of these measures?答案:(A) The main reason for the company's decline in profits was increased competition in the market.(B) The company took measures such as reducing costs and investing in new marketing strategies.(C) The outcome was a gradual recovery in profits over the next year.三、写作部分1. Write an email to a potential client introducing your company's new product. Include the following points:- Briefly describe the product.- Explain the benefits of using the product.- Suggest a meeting to discuss further details.答案:Dear [Client's Name],I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to introduce our latest product, the [Product Name], which we believe could be of great interest to your company.The [Product Name] is designed to [brief description of the product]. It offers several benefits, including [list of benefits], which we believe could significantly enhance your operations.We would be delighted to arrange a meeting to discuss how the [Product Name] could meet your specific needs. Please let us know a convenient time for you.Looking forward to your response.Best regards,[Your Name][Your Position][Your Company]2. Write a report summarizing the key findings of a recent market research study on consumer behavior. Include the following:- The main objective of the study.- The methodology used.- The key findings and their implications for businesses.答案:The main objective of the study was to understand the changing consumer behavior in the digital age. The methodology involved conducting surveys and analyzing data from online transactions.The key findings revealed that consumers are increasingly preferring online shopping due to convenience and better deals. They also value personalized experiences and are more likely to engage with brands that offer them.These findings imply that businesses should focus on enhancing their online presence, offering personalized services, and providing competitive pricing to stay ahead in the market.四、口语部分1. Describe a situation where you had to solve a problem at work. Explain the steps you took to resolve it.答案:In a situation where I had to solve a problem at work, I first identified the root cause of the issue. Then, I gathered all relevant information and consulted with my team members. After discussing potential solutions, we decided on the most feasible one and implemented it. Finally, we monitored the results to ensure the problem was resolved.2. Discuss the importance of effective communication in a business environment.答案:Effective communication is crucial in a business environment as it ensures that all team members are on the same page. It helps in avoiding misunderstandings, promotes collaboration, and leads to better decision-making. Clear communication also contributes to a positive work culture and enhances productivity.。
商务英语BEC高级考试试题及答案一、阅读理解(每题2分,共40分)Part 1: 人力资源策略1. What is the main challenge faced Company X's human resources department?A. Attracting skilled workersB. Managing employee performanceC. Implementing new training programsD. Restructuring the department答案:APart 2: 市场营销策略6. What is the primary goal of Company Y's new marketing strategy?A. To increase brand awarenessB. To target an older demographicC. To reduce marketing costsD. To expand into new markets答案:A二、写作(共20分)Part 1: 商务报告Part 2: 商务邮件三、听力理解(每题2分,共20分)Section A: 短对话理解1. Listen to the following conversation and choose the best answer:M: I think we should invest in new software to streamline our operations.W: ________. Let's discuss it at the next board meeting.B. That's a great ideaC. We don't need any changesD. I'm not sure about that答案:BSection B: 长对话理解1. Listen to the following conversation and answer the question:What is the main topic of the conversation between the two speakers?A. Company restructuringB. Employee benefitsC. Marketing strategiesD. Product development答案:A四、口语表达(共20分)Part 1: 角色扮演场景:你是一家咨询公司的项目经理,你的同事John因为个人原因无法参加即将到来的客户会议。
BEC3 UNIT24.sample answer for writing (90words)Both IBM and AOL shares showed a general up word trend the end of 1998.However while AOL shares then continue to rise steadily over the next three months; the price of IBM shares fell slightly .By March 1999 both shares were worth about $100.AOL shares then shot up, almost doubling in value within four weeks. They peaked at $180 in mid-April before collapsing to just over $100 by June 1999.During this time, IBM shares made a steady recovery, finishing at just over $100,almost equal to AOL.BEC3 UNIT3(1) 7.Sample answer for writing (219words)Dear Mr ZampieriWith reference to your letter dated 14 June ,in which you requested information about A Cut Above, please find enclosed details about our company and the service we offer.Our aim is always to provide our clients with the best food entertainment and location .By choosing A Cut Above, you can relax and enjoy your special occasion while we do all the work. Events catered for by A Cut Above include corporate functions such as conventions and Christmas balls and also family celebrations as birthdays ,weddings and anniversaries.A Cut Above offers a variety of service from simply providing a gourmet to helping you choose the tight venue and organize entertainment. We specialize in using our experience to meet your needs. To help us achieve this aim, we always arrange a meeting with a new client well before the date of any event in order to discuss the various possibilities.As you can appreciate, we are unable to give quotations before our initial briefing with a client as price per head varies with choice of menu.To arrange a meeting or any further information, please do not hesitate to contact Elena Polidoro or myself on 01623713698.A Cut Above looks forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerelySinead Walsh(2) Sample answer for writing (244words)Dear ChenI was very pleased to receive your letter. As requested, I enclose some advice visiting Milan.There are lots of good hotels near the Fiera and I recommend .the Hotel Wagner; it is about a ten-minute walk from the trade fair but also has metro and tram connections. The public transport system here is quite reliable and I do not think you need to hire a car; the traffic in Milan can be a bit chaotic.Finding somewhere to eat in the evening should be easy. There are plenty of restaurants and pizzerias near the hotel. My favorite is Nove Cento, which serves excellent seafood pasta.It is different to know what to recommend for sightseeing as the city has so mach to offer. If you are interested in art, then the world famous ‘Last Supper’ by Leonardo da Vinci is a short tram ride from the hotel or you could visit the Brera art gallery. There is also the Duomo, Milan’ s huge gothic cathedral .If you are interested in football, there should be a midweek match featuring either AC or Inter Milan. Alternatively, you could visit the fashion area around via Montenapoleone.Thank you for inviting me for a meal one evening during your stay. I would be very happy you accept.I look forward to hearing from you nearer the time .We can then make arrangements for where and when we are going to meet.Beat regardsMautizioBEC3 UNIT43.Sample answer for writing (82words)In 1997e-commerce was very limited. However, since then, there has been a steady growth worldwide. This trend looks set to continue into the next century, with revenue from e-commerce reading almost $200billion by 2003.Like e-commerce, e-business has shown steady growth with revenue tripling over the past three years. However, during the next three years there will undoubtedly be a far more dramatic increase in e-business revenue .It is thought that by 2003it will have reached over$ 800billion.BEC3 UNIT5(1) 3Sample answer for writing (116words)FindingsA number of employees clearly suffer from a lack of motivation as a result of dissatisfaction in one or more areas of their work. The key findings are outlined below:1.Staff feel undervalued by the company, both on a financial and level. It is general felt that the company ‘s competitors offer higher levels remuneration. The perception that manager is unappreciative of staff efforts is particularly noticeable in the Sales Department.2.Certain employees feel under-challenged. The company is clearly not exploiting the potential of its human resource.3.There appears to be a breakdown of communication in the Production Department. The confusion and resultant ill feeling towards managers has the potential to disrupt production cycles.(2) 4.sample answer for writing (234words)Dear Mr. JacobsI am writing to apply for the position of Sales Adviser for the North East Region, which was advertised in the Herald International yesterday.Although I am currently working in the Marketing Department of large multinational, I would appreciate the opportunity to work for a rapidly expanding young company such as yours.As you can see from my enclosed CV, I obtained an honors degree in Sales and marketing from Nottingham University in 1994.I thoroughly enjoyed the six months I spent working in Sales at Boots plc as part of the course. During this time I gained invaluable insights into the nature of sales. After leaving university I initially spent time working for a small local film before finding my current job and I feel that I am more suited to the dynamics and varied demands of a smaller firm.Not only has my work experience familiarized me with the challenges faced by the industry taday but ,having been brought up in the north east ,I know the region ,its problems and its undoubted potential .As a result ,I feel that I would be able to your customers on both a professional and a personal level.I am available for interview from 15 September and would be pleased to discuss my CV with you in more detail then.I look forward to hearing from you .Yours sincerelyBEC3 UNIT6(1) 6.sample answer for writing (226words)Rob Davies founded limitless Horizons, our travel agency and advisory service specializing in adventure holidays in remote locations, in 1989. We do not arrange accommodation in well-know resorts, thus encouraging travelers to discover the real country they are visiting. We constantly seek out new adventure holidays, which will allow travelers to mix with local people rather than retreat to the beach or their hotel.Although all our advice is impartial, it is influenced by certain core values:1.Respect for local values and practice2.Respect for individual needs and independence3.Belief in the need to limit the environmental impact of our activities.We believe that as privileged visitors to sometimes-fragile environments, we should take nothing but photographs and leave nothing but footprints.Where possible, we encourage the use of small independent companies, We also insist on local guides and seek tolocal cuisine; Limitless Horizons rejects the concept of the Coca-Cola trek.Our representatives are constantly traveling in order to update and check our information. These trips are funded solely by Limitless Horizons. We pay our way, accepting no hand-outs or free flights, thus that the only factors influencing our advice to you are your needs and those of the area you wish to visit.(2)Sample answer for writing (230words)Dear JacekFurther to our conversation of 11 November, I am writing to confirm your visit. Since this will be your first trip to the United Kingdom, I include some information about the way we operate.The first meeting is scheduled for11: 15am and you should be ready to start promptly. Some people say that the British have a rather relaxed attitude to time and that starting 15minutes late is normal. However, Jim Walsh, the Head of Sales, is extremely keen on punctuality, so do not be tempted to take any risks.One difference between this office and yours and that you may notice is the apparent lack of formality between colleagues here. In Britain it is usual a person’s first name once you have been introduced and you will usually be invited to do so. Also, please do not be offended if our staff here does not use your professional tile; only medical doctors are given the title ‘Doctor’ here. As I said, especially between colleagues, it is common simply to use a person’s first name.A number of our managers are women and you should be aware that that are treated in exactly the same ways as their male counterparts.If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me on 0171 792 603.I look forward to seeing you on 8December.Yours sincerelyBCE3 UNIT8(1) 4.sample answer for writing (247words)IntroductionThis report sets out to examine the suitability of our ‘Borders’ brand for successful globalization; the initial market under consideration is Continental Europe. For the purpose of this report, we will be considering three aspects of the brand. Namely our logo, the ‘Borders’ concept and finally, the product itself,”Borders” Wellington boots.FindingsThe following points summaries our key findings.1.It was found that our existing logo, a pair of Wellington boots encircled by the word ‘borders’, is visual enough to be used in market where English is not widely spoken.2.Attitudes to outerwear differ throughout Europe and our boots are likely to appeal to different market sectors different countries. This has serious implications for the benefits we wish to publicize. Although Danish farmers would be unlikely to purchase such a high quality product, farmers in some countries would be unlikely to choosestyle-conscious elements of the French and Italian markets, summoning up image of the English upper classes and Country houses4.Our current product is multi-purpose and as such would not need adapting to suit different sectors of theEurope market.ConclusionsIt was agreed that although the present logo and product are suitable for globalization, the ‘Borders’concept would need to be adapted for different markets.RecommendationsWe recommend that further studies be carried out into the marketing strategies best suites to different Europe regions(2) Sample answer for writing (246words)IntroductionThe aim of this report is to recommend a supplier for our new range of leisurewear. A committee from the Purchasing Department was presented with a shortlist of five potential suppliers to select from .The criteria considered were prince, quality, delivery, and flexibility,FindingsIt was found that, taking the companies ‘overall ratings into consideration, there was negligible difference between suppliers. Consequently, the committee decided to narrow their focus to the areas considered to be of major importance for Quay West’s image, namely quality and price.Consort Trading Despite offering the best deal financially, the company is unable to guarantee e garments compliant with EU standards.Samokovska Although it produces goods of an extremely high quality for exclusive markets, this supplier’s charges high price, part of which would necessarily be passed on to customers. Namlong Sportwear The poor standards of craftsmanship make it difficult to justly paying the prices quoted. Shiva Trading Sample items from this supplier show an acceptable quality level. Furthermore, the deals currently on offer make it an attractive option.Hai Xin Group There is some doubt as to whether garments produced by this company would meet EU standards. In view of this, the prince appears unreasonably high.ConclusionIt was felt to be unwise to risk compromising the company’s image by using suppliers of low quality goods Similarly, using an expensive supplier could affect Quay West’s reputation for value for money.RecommendationConsequently, it is suggested that Quay West negotiates a contract with Shiva Trading.。
WORD格式整理版BEC 第三辑高级Test 3 READING 1 hourPART ONEQuestions 1-8Look at the statements below and at the five extracts on the oppositepage from the annual reports of five mobile phone companies.Which company (A, B, C, D or E) does each statement (1-8) refer to?For each statement (1-8), mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet.You will need to use some of these letters more than once.There is an example at the beginning, (competition.1 This company is still making afinancial loss.2 This company is having part of its business handled by anoutside agency.3 This company has grown without undueexpense.4 This company is trying to find out what the market response will beAOur management team is dedicated to delivering operational excellence and improved profitability. In the coming year, we will focus our marketing on professional young adults, who represent the high value segment of the market and who — according to independent research—are most likely to adopt our more advanced mobile data products. Customer retention is central to our strategy, and we have been successful inWORD格式整理版reversing the customer loss of recent years by loyalty and upgrade schemes.A restructuring programme, resulting from changingmarketing conditions, has seen our workforce scaled down to6,100 people.BAs the only network operator in the country, our marketing is aimed at expanding the size of the market. In the business sector, we have targeted small and medium-sized businesses by offering standardised services, and large customers by offering tailored telecommunications solutions. We have been at the forefront of introducing new telecommunications technology and services and have recently distributed 150 of our most advanced handsets to customers to assess the likely demand for advanced data services. Last year, the industry recognised our achievement when we won a national award for technological progress.CA new management team has driven our improved performance here. It iscommitted to bringing the business into profitability within three years after reaching break-even point in the next financial year. We are focused on delivering rising levels of customer service and an improvement in the quality and utilisation of our network. Good progress has been made on all these fronts. The cost of acquiring new subscribers has been reduced and new tariffs have been introduced to encourage greater use of the phone in the late evening.Dalways given high priority to customer satisfaction and operationalour network is now a priority. The operation of our customer service centre has been outsourced to a call centre specialist and this has led to a substantial increase in the level ofservice.PART TW0Questions 9-14Read this text taken from an article about theimportance to companies of not losing their employees' knowledge.Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.For each gap (9-14), mark one letter (A-H ) on your Answer Sheet.Do not use any letter more than once.There is an example at the beginning, (0).Protectrhg the corporate memoryMany companies risk losing expertise through job cuts. But by analysing how staff interact, they may be able to minimise the damage.Many staff have knowledge which is essential to their company. So what can businesses do to avoid losing that expertise when staff leave, and to dis- suade employees from keeping their knowledge to themselves in the face of possible job cuts?First, they need to recognise the problem. A downturn in the economy exposes many companie s’ l ack of commitment to understanding and using their people’s knowledge. (0)....H.....Unless, that is, they’ve made it a routine or suffered because of losing knowledge in the past.Next, any attempt to stop knowledge walking out of the door must be handled sensitively. (9) ........ Employees would be extremely cynical and see it as an attempt to extract their unique knowledge, which they believe gives them job security.Strong incentives are needed to coax people into divulging their expertise when being dismissed. (10) ........ At first sight, this might seem excessive, but the disadvantages should be weighed against the benetits.Of course, not all knowledge can be captured by the organisation and tumed into a process. (11) ........ To {ind out who these ‘knowledge hotspot s’are, companies need to question their staff and analyse their social networks. Companies shou ldn’t ask employees what they know, but who they would ask if they wanted to know about different subjects.(12) ........ And, more importantly, the process reveals the others who always know somebody who knows.The latter can be high on the list for redundancy because managers are unsure what they do, or because they appear to be weak performers.(13) ........ People like this are often not ambitious but they can holda company together. The most valuable knowledge is often not possessed by the people who seem to be star performers.If those at the centre of knowledge networks come to be seen as the most valuable people, those who keep their knowledge to themselves will look vulnerable when downsizing is deemed necessary. (14) ........ In such companies, the incentive to share knowledge should be even greater when jobs are under threat.For some companies, it may be too late to salvage important knowledge. Building a culture where knowledge is understood, valued and shared can take a long time. Nowmay be the time to prepare for the nextA Organisations that reward people for sharing knowledge will know who falls into each of these two opposing categories.B This approach enables them to identify those with a limited number of network relationships.C Launching a knowledge-sharing initiative at a time when people are expecting redundancies would not be a good idea.D This provides evidence of the risk that such a policy will meet resistance.E Because of the difficulty of achieving this, it is far better not to lose the valuable sources of knowledge at all.F But a 'knowledge mapping' exercise might reveal that they play a critical role as mentors to the rest of the team.G The price may be an increase in theirredundancy package, provision of career counselling, or an agreement to hire them back as consultants.H When companies feel they’re in a crisis, it is one of the things that goes by theboard.Read the following article about 'Go-Fast', a cost-saving programme For each question (Sheet.Somewhere today, a group of staff from General Motors will meet as part of the ‘Go-FastWORD格式整理版manager s’change of approach has led to the company being energised with a winning spirit that has unlocked long-dormant capabilities. That it took a firm of consultants to help devise the programme is perhaps a sad reflection of the danger of corporate thinking becoming inflexible.The shareholder s’ support of GM’s strategy to become more outward-looking and innovative is something of a luxury, though in the long run success would convince even the most sceptical shareholders. The strategy includes bearing down on costs and extracting maximum synergies from GM’s numerous alliance partners, such as its tooling suppliers, and exchanging ideas and management tools with other corporations of widely differing sizes, sectors and nationalities. Having such input is one thing, but its value would be undermined without a coherent mechanism to put ideas into practice, and this is where the consultants proved invaluable.\ core car manufacturing would need to be much more firmly rooted than it is at present, to ensure i t didn’t suffer from lack of focus. However, the architects of the scheme are confident that GM will be far more outward-looking and innovative in the near future.15 What point is made in the first paragraph about GM’s 'Go-Fast'p r og ramme?A The intention behind it is to increase GM’s market share.B Suggestions need to be agreed by senior managers.C All areas of business are examined for possible improvements.D Senior managers are excluded from the initial discussions.16 In the second paragraph, the writer regards it as positive thatA the programme allows improvements to come from within.B certain senior managers have left the company and been replaced.C the consultants developed the ideas on the basis of company proposals.D investor s’ continued confidence in the company has been justified.17 ln the third paragraph, the writer claims that the ’Go-Fast’ process is successful because ofA the company’s alliances with many business partners. .B the method of implementing changes.C the positive attitude of investors.D the exchange of management thinking with other companies.18 When starting to set up the programme, the consultants expected thatA the size of the company might make it difficult to introduce changes.B senior managers might be unwilling to change their work style.C it might be difficult to change the company culture.D some of the workforce might resist the changes.19 What concern is expressed in the last paragraph about the ’Go-Fast’programme?A It may not save enough to meet the company’s financial demands.B Management is being distracted from the company’s core activities.C It has led the company to make unwise strategic decisions.D The company is focusing on changes in the wrong areas.20 What would be the best title for the article? iA Improving internal and external communications .B Choosing the most suitable consultants ·C Making a company more adaptableD Changing a company’s management structurePART FOURQuestions 21-30Read the text below about leadership.Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page.For each question (21-30), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer There is an example at the beginning, (The manager’s style of direction depends upon his or her own personal traits and the situation in (28) ........ . In leadership, more than any other function, the manager must determine an approach alone, after surveying the (29) ........ that are available. In any event, each manager will (30) ........ well to act as an individual, and not to tryto act asothers act or to proceed according to the textbook.21 A set22 A in23 A manner24 A telling25 A reach26 A please27 A achieve28 A topic29 Avarieties 30 A go BplaceBoutBmethodBissuing BfinaliseBattainBexerciseBquestionBchancesBbeCgetCoverCmeansCcommittingCterminateCgratifyCperformCsubject Coptions CdoDputDaroundDmodeDgrantingDcompleteDfulfilDexecuteDargument Dselections DworkPART FIVEQuestions 31-40Read the article below about problems of motivation at work.For each question (31-40), write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer There is an example at the beginning, (WORD格式整理版(34) ........ for promotion, or refused a salary increase, but can be a product of far more subtle aspects. Try to define the most important aspects of your job for you personally –and (35) ........ action if you feel things ar en’t right. Talk to agencies or headhunters about your skills and find out (36) ........ you’re worth on the open market.It can be all (37) ........ easy to blame your job when you feel demotivated --when it can be just as easily down to you, as Sally Martin, a fundraising manager for a charity, discovered. ‘l had started to resent my job, the fact that I had no perks, no chances to travel - (38) ........ from visiting other dingy offices for meetings. But then some friends were talking about how superficial they felt their jobs were, and I suddenly realised I cou|dn’t say that about my job. In fact, I really felt (39) ........ was a point to it. I remembered that’s why l’d taken it in the (40) ........ place.’So remember; always give your old job a chance before starting to search for a new one.WORD格式整理版PART SIXQuestions 41-52Read the text below about time management.In most of the lines (41-52) there is one extra word. lt is eithergrammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on yourAnswer Sheet.The exercise begins with two examples, (0) and (00).47 better organised lifestyle. If we constantly feel under the pressureand are48 always rushing to meet deadlines, we should take up a look at the waywe49 are organising our work. We all have limits on the amount of time andwithin50 which we can do a good job; it’s more important to make use that timewell than51 to work more hours. There are various techniques, such as delegating toeachWORD格式整理版52 others and by reducing interruptions, that are commonly used formanaging time, and when we put these into practice, we will soon noticethe difference.WRITING 1 hour 10 minutesPART ONEQuestion1The three charts below show a company's operating profit (in $ million), turnover (in$ million) and unit sales (i.e. number of products sold) in the three years 2001-2003.Using the information from the charts, write a short reportdescribing the company's performance in the three years.Write 120-140 words.PART TWOWrite an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words.Question 2You work for a supermarket chain and have been asked by the board ofdirectors to write a report on a site where the company is considering building a new supermarket.Write your report for the board, including the following information:a description of the site, including its locationthe advantages and disadvantages of the siteyour opinion as to whether the site is suitable.Question 3A company you already do business with has recently created a new product line. Your department placed an order for the new product, but found that the product did not fulfil your requirements and that the after-sales service was poor. Your head of department has asked you to write a letter to the company informing them of your dissatisfaction. Write your letter , including the following information: what the order was for and when it was placedwhy you are dissatisfied with both the product and the after-sales servicea reminder of business done with them in the past what you expect in response to your complaint.Question 4Your company has recently experienced a drop in sales, and your Managing Director has asked you to write a short proposal about improving the advertising of your company ’s products or services. Write your proposal for the Managing Director:commenting on the effectiveness of the advertising you are currently using recommending one or two changes to your advertising explaining how these changes would affect sales.LISTENING Approximately 40 minutes (includingPART ONE Questions 1-1210 minute s’ t ransfer time)You will hear part of a talk to a group of business students about the role of free gifts in product promotion.As you listen, for questions words or a number.After you have listened once, replay the recording.WORD格式整理版4 She noticed that Prime magazine was offeringa ......................................................... as a gift.5 The magazine was contained ina ..............................................................................................6 The magazines marketing policy involved carrying outa ........................................................7 Rival magazines are offering gifts such as a book,a ........................................... or a ...............8 All the free gifts are being offered in response toincreasing ....................................................9 Magazines can get trapped in what Sue callsa .........................................................................10 Advertising is a more important source of profits for magazines thanthe .............................11 Free gifts need to reflect thereal ................................................................ of themag azine.12 A gift may increase magazine sales by upto ...........................................................................WORD格式整理版PART TWOQuestions 13-22You will hear five different people talking about workshops they have recently attended.For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose thelaim of theworkshop from the list A-H. For Task Two, choose the outcome of theworkshop from the list A-H .After you have listened once, replay the recording.Task One - AimFor questions 13-17, match the extracts with the aims, listed A-H.For each extract, choose the aim of the workshop.Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.13 ................ .................14 ................ .................15 ................ .................16 ................ .................17 ................ ................. A to develop marketingstrategiesB to improve co-operation between two departmentsC to decide on a programme for reorganising the companyD to discuss a takeover bid by another companyE to develop manager s’ interpersonal skillsF to suggestways of increasing profitability Gto modify decision-making proceduresH to improve teamwork within one departmentTask Two -OutcomeFor questions 18-22, match the extracts with the outcomes, listed A-H .For each extract, choose the outcome of the workshop.Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.18 ................ .................19 ................ .................20 ................ .................21 .................................22 .................................WORD格式整理版A More information will be passed down regularly.B A topic was chosen fora future training course.C A procedure for dealingwith emergencies was introduced.D Staff recruitment will be reduced.E One of the participants decided to leave the company.F A future meeting will review progress.G Senior management was persuaded to reverse a decision.H The company’s appraisal system was abolished.PART THREE .Questions 23-30You will hear a conversation between Suzanne, a personnelmanager, and Kevin, her assistant, about recruiting new staff for a newfactory.For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C ) for the correct answer.After you have listened once, replay the recording.23 What do Suzanne and Kevin think will attract staff to the new factory?A the possibility of rapid promotionB the location of the new factoryC the flexible working hours24 When do they hope to begin advertising for staff?A when the new factory is almost finishedB before the senior board meetingC after the holiday period is over25 Who does Kevin suggest should be in charge of the recruitment process?A an external consultantB a person from Head OfficeC the manager of the new factory26 Suzanne feels that new staff ought to be people whoA have the particular skills required.B have experience in a related industry.C want to stay in the job for a long time.27 Which existing staff benefit have they decided to abolish at the new factory?A the subsidised canteenB the travel allowanceC the discount on company products28 Which staff are likely to move from Head Office to the new factory?A staff who have worked for the company for a long timeB staff who think it will give them more chance of promotionC staff who have recently completed a training programme29 The company will try to persuade current employees to move by offering themA a larger salary.B a bonus scheme.C a share option.30 What will be the purpose of Suzanne and Kevin's next meeting?A to agree a timetable for recruitmentB to discuss the contract details for new staffyour answers to your AnswerSheet.SPEAKING 16 minutesSAMPLE SPEAKING TASKSPART ONEIn this part, the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates inturn. You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions. PART TWOIn this partof the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a businesstopic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minuteto prepare your ideas.A Staff relations: the importance of a company providing a range offacilities for all staff ·B Technology: the importance to a company of regularly upgrading its technological equipmentC Strategic planning: the factors involved in managing change effectively within anorganisationPART THREEln this part of the test, you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the task prompt, an example of which is below, and then about three minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that, the examiner will Forthe companythe project.For three candidatesThe company you work for is considering funding a regionaleducational project for 16 to 18-year —old students interested infollowing a business course. You have been asked to makerecommendations for this scheme.Discuss and decidetogether:how the project could be used to promote the name ofthe companywhat the long-term aims of theproject might behow to monitor the progress and outcomes ofthe project.F oIIow·on questions In what other ways can a company promote its name more widely? (Why?) How educational What do you think arethe benefits to young people of taking part in company training projects? (Why?/Why not?) Do you think it is important for ineducational projects? (Why?/Why not?)How important do you think it is to have nationaltraining projects for business people? (Why?/Why not?)Part 1BEC 第三辑高级Key Test 3Reading1 C2 E3 D4 B5 E6 A7 C8 DPart29 C 10 G 11 E 12 B 13 F 14 APart315 C16A17B18D19A 20 CPart421 D22B23A24B25D 26 D27C28B29C30CPart531HOWEVER32 BE33 AS34OVER/BY35 TAKE36 WHAT37TOO38APART39 THERE40FIRSTPart641 ALTHOUGH 42 OVER43 CORRECT 44 THEM 45 ON46 CORRECT 47 THE 48 UP49 AND 50 MAKE 51 EACH52 BYTest 3 WritingQuestion 1Sample AThe company’s performance was great in 2001 and 2003, just in 2002 they had little problems because of a decrease of their units sold.The company w on’t have problems inthe future.reached it’s highest record both in 2001 and2003.In the year of 2003, the company got the most unit sales up to 11 million, it is 2 million more than 2002’s, and the record is 1.1 times of they made in 2001.Though the company made the highest record of turnover and unit sales in 2003, they lost in draw back the decline trend of operating profit.Band 2This answer covers all the contentpoints and the organisation is sound,but it lacks internal cohesion.Grammatical structures are limited anderrors are numerous and sometimesobscure communication.Question 2Sample Cbuilding a parking area but you have good chances for getting a high profit in the long term. Although there are a lot of smaller shops nearby the supermarket, there is no doubt in being the most competitive!Finally I think that this will be a very profitable location forbuilding a new supermarket.Band 4This is an ambitious attempt at the task, showing a good range of language, although it is not error-free. It is generally well organised, but the register is not wholly appropriate.Sample Dcheaper place for the new supermarket than that. The locationis good, we can save money regarding the parking and lots ofcustomers are near.Because of that little hill the place is also not that muchexpensive to buy as expected.YoursSincerelyStefanieSeidelBand 2Although all the content points are covered, the limited range of structures and vocabulary, numerous non-impeding errors and the inconsistent register make this answer a band 2.We all appreciate that all of you make thedecision.YourssincerelyRichardBand 1This answer shows serious lack of control and contains numerous errors and possible content omissions, leading to a very negative effect on the reader.We hope that you can give us a reasonable explanation as soon as possible, and most importantly, recall these refrigerators you have sent us, and deliver one thousand refrigerators to our specification within four weeks.BestregardsElaineWhiteBand 3This is a reasonable achievement of the task with all content points included. It is well organised, but there are frequent non-impeding errors.Sample Gcompatible with local taste so as to generate sales and moreimportantly to improve our company’s image in the local market. Ifpossible we can also invite some local stars to endorse our productwhichmay change their negative attitude on the previousadvertisement.Band 4This is a good realisation of the task set. The writer uses an ambitious range of structure and vocabulary, although there is some slightly unnatural language in places. It is well organised, with some evidence of cohesive devices.because of the bigger target—group. For families we should offer more events for children. Today children have an important part by car sells. If the children were pleasant, the parents are also, and they have the time to look for a new car.I’m sure, if we do the changes, our saleswill be increase.IngridSchwarzkopfBand 2Although all the content points are covered, this is an inadequate attempt at the task. Errors are frequent and quite basic and in some cases obscure communication, and the content is not clearly organised.Test 3 ListeningPart 11 MARKETING CONSULTANT2 CONSUMER DURABLES3 SALES CONFERENCE4 (FREE) DIARY5 (SPECIAL) PLASTIC ]ACKET6 CONTROLLED EXPERIMENT7 (FREE) CD; CALCULATOR8 COMPETITION9 CIRCULATION WAR10 COVER PRICE11 BRAND VALUE(S)12 15 %/FIFTEEN PER CENTPart 213 E14C15H16F17B18 B19G20E21A22FPart 323 C24A25A26B27A28 B29B30CTapescriptListening Test 3This is the Business English Certificate Higher 3,Listening Test 3. Part One. Questions 1 to 12.You will hear part of a talk to a group of business students about the role of free gifts in productpromotion.As you listen, for questions 1 to 12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a numbexAfter you have listened once, replay the recording.You now have forty-five seconds to read through the notes.[pause]Now listen, and complete the notes.[pause]Woman: Hello. My name’s Sue Barnard. I’ve come to talk to you thisafternoon about that old marketing perennial, the free gift. I work as a marketing consultant, on a freelance basis, and I thought that I would begin with an anecdote. One of the companies I work with is a major manufacturerof consumer durables, and so I need to keep in touch with the latest campaigns being launched by rival groups, as well as seeing how our own efforts are looking. So I’m a keen reader of weekly magazines.。
实用标准文案BEC 第三辑高级Test 3 READING 1 hourPART ONEQuestions 1-8Look at the statements below and at the five extracts on the oppositepage from the annual reports of five mobile phone companies.Which company (A, B, C, D or E ) does each statement (1-8) refer to?For each statement (1-8), mark one letter (A, B, C, D or E) on your Answer Sheet.You will need to use some of these letters more than once.There is an example at the beginning, (competition.1 This company is still making afinancial loss.2 This company is having part of its business handled by anoutside agency.3 This company has grown without undueexpense.4 This company is trying to find out what the market response will beAOur management team is dedicated to delivering operational excellence and improved profitability. In the coming year, we will focus our marketing on professional young adults, who represent the high value segment of the market and who — according to independent research—are most likely to adopt our more advanced mobile data products. Customer retention is central to our strategy, and we have been successful in实用标准文案reversing the customer loss of recent years by loyalty and upgrade schemes.A restructuring programme, resulting from changingmarketing conditions, has seen our workforce scaled down to6,100 people.BAs the only network operator in the country, our marketing is aimed at expanding the size of the market. In the business sector, we have targeted small and medium-sized businesses by offering standardised services, and large customers by offering tailored telecommunications solutions. We have been at the forefront of introducing new telecommunications technology and services and have recently distributed 150 of our most advanced handsets to customers to assess the likely demand for advanced data services. Last year, the industry recognised our achievement when we won a national award for technological progress.CA new management team has driven our improved performance here. It iscommitted to bringing the business into profitability within three years after reaching break-even point in the next financial year. We are focused on delivering rising levels of customer service and an improvement in the quality and utilisation of our network. Good progress has been made on all these fronts. The cost of acquiring new subscribers has been reduced and new tariffs have been introduced to encourage greater use of the phone in the late evening.Dalways given high priority to customer satisfaction and operationalour network is now a priority. The operation of our customer service centre has been outsourced to a call centre specialist and this has led to a substantial increase in the level ofservice.PART TW0Questions 9-14Read this text taken from an article about theimportance to companies of not losing their employees' knowledge.Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.For each gap (9-14), mark one letter (A-H ) on your Answer Sheet.Do not use any letter more than once.There is an example at the beginning, (0).Protectrhg the corporate memoryMany companies risk losing expertise through job cuts. But by analysing how staff interact, they may be able to minimise the damage.Many staff have knowledge which is essential to their company. So what can businesses do to avoid losing that expertise when staff leave, and to dis- suade employees from keeping their knowledge to themselves in the face of possible job cuts?First, they need to recognise the problem. A downturn in the economy exposes many companies’lack of commitment to understanding and using their people’s knowledge. (0)....H.....Unless, that is, they’ve made it a routine or suffered because of losing knowledge in the past.Next, any attempt to stop knowledge walking out of the door must be handled sensitively. (9) ........ Employees would be extremely cynical and see it as an attempt to extract their unique knowledge, which they believe gives them job security.Strong incentives are needed to coax people into divulging their expertise when being dismissed. (10) ........ At first sight, this might seem excessive, but the disadvantages should be weighed against the benetits.Of course, not all knowledge can be captured by the organisation and tumed into a process. (11) ........ To {ind out who these ‘knowledge hotspots’are, companies need to question their staff and analyse their social networks. Companies shouldn’t ask employees what they know, but who they would ask if they wanted to know about different subjects.(12) ........ And, more importantly, the process reveals the others who always know somebody who knows.The latter can be high on the list for redundancy because managers are unsure what they do, or because they appear to be weak performers.(13) ........ People like this are often not ambitious but they can holda company together. The most valuable knowledge is often not possessed by the people who seem to be star performers.If those at the centre of knowledge networks come to be seen as the most valuable people, those who keep their knowledge to themselves will look vulnerable when downsizing is deemed necessary. (14) ........ In such companies, the incentive to share knowledge should be even greater when jobs are under threat.For some companies, it may be too late to salvage important knowledge. Building a culture where knowledge is understood, valued and shared can take a long time. Nowmay be the time to prepare for the nextA Organisations that reward people for sharing knowledge will know who falls into each of these two opposing categories.B This approach enables them to identify those with a limited number of network relationships.C Launching a knowledge-sharing initiative at a time when people are expecting redundancies would not be a good idea.D This provides evidence of the risk that such a policy will meet resistance.E Because of the difficulty of achieving this, it is far better not to lose the valuable sources of knowledge at all.F But a 'knowledge mapping' exercise might reveal that they play a critical role as mentors to the rest of the team.G The price may be an increase in theirredundancy package, provision of career counselling, or an agreement to hire them back as consultants.H When companies feel they’re in a crisis, it is one of the things that goes by theboard.Read the following article about 'Go-Fast', a cost-saving programme For each question (Sheet.Somewhere today, a group of staff from General Motors will meet as part of the ‘Go-Fast实用标准文案managers’change of approach has led to the company being energised with a winning spirit that has unlocked long-dormant capabilities. That it took a firm of consultants to help devise the programme is perhaps a sad reflection of the danger of corporate thinking becoming inflexible.The shareholders’ support of GM’s strategy to become more outward-looking and innovative is something of a luxury, though in the long run success would convince even the most sceptical shareholders. The strategy includes bearing down on costs and extracting maximum synergies from GM’s numerous alliance partners, such as its tooling suppliers, and exchanging ideas and management tools with other corporations of widely differing sizes, sectors and nationalities. Having such input is one thing, but its value would be undermined without a coherent mechanism to put ideas into practice, and this is where the consultants proved invaluable.\ core car manufacturing would need to be much more firmly rooted than it is at present, to ensure it didn’t suffer from lack of focus. However, the architects of the scheme are confident that GM will be far more outward-looking and innovative in the near future.15 What point is made in the first paragraph about GM’s 'Go-Fast'p r og ramme?A The intention behind it is to increase GM’s market share.B Suggestions need to be agreed by senior managers.C All areas of business are examined for possible improvements.D Senior managers are excluded from the initial discussions.16 In the second paragraph, the writer regards it as positive thatA the programme allows improvements to come from within.B certain senior managers have left the company and been replaced.C the consultants developed the ideas on the basis of company proposals.D investors’ continued confidence in the company has been justified.17 ln the third paragraph, the writer claims that the ’Go-Fast’ process is successful because ofA the company’s alliances with many business partners. .B the method of implementing changes.C the positive attitude of investors.D the exchange of management thinking with other companies.18 When starting to set up the programme, the consultants expected thatA the size of the company might make it difficult to introduce changes.B senior managers might be unwilling to change their work style.C it might be difficult to change the company culture.D some of the workforce might resist the changes.19 What concern is expressed in the last paragraph about the ’Go-Fast’programme?A It may not save enough to meet the company’s financial demands.B Management is being distracted from the company’s core activities.C It has led the company to make unwise strategic decisions.D The company is focusing on changes in the wrong areas.20 What would be the best title for the article? iA Improving internal and external communications .B Choosing the most suitable consultants ·C Making a company more adaptableD Changing a company’s management structurePART FOURQuestions 21-30Read the text below about leadership.Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D on the opposite page.For each question (21-30), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer There is an example at the beginning, (The manager’s style of direction depends upon his or her own personal traits and the situation in (28) ........ . In leadership, more than any other function, the manager must determine an approach alone, after surveying the (29) ........ that are available. In any event, each manager will (30) ........ well to act as an individual, and not to tryto act asothers act or to proceed according to the textbook.21 A set22 A in23 A manner24 A telling25 A reach26 A please27 A achieve28 A topic29 Avarieties 30 A go BplaceBoutBmethodBissuing BfinaliseBattainBexerciseBquestionBchancesBbeCgetCoverCmeansCcommittingCterminateCgratifyCperformCsubject Coptions CdoDputDaroundDmodeDgrantingDcompleteDfulfilDexecuteDargument Dselections DworkPART FIVEQuestions 31-40Read the article below about problems of motivation at work.For each question (31-40), write one word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer There is an example at the beginning, (实用标准文案(34) ........ for promotion, or refused a salary increase, but can be a product of far more subtle aspects. Try to define the most important aspects of your job for you personally – and (35) ........ action if you feel things aren’t right. Talk to agencies or headhunters about your skills and find out (36) ........ you’re worth on the open market.It can be all (37) ........ easy to blame your job when you feel demotivated --when it can be just as easily down to you, as Sally Martin, a fundraising manager for a charity, discovered. ‘l had started to resent my job, the fact that I had no perks, no chances to travel - (38) ........ from visiting other dingy offices for meetings. But then some friends were talking about how superficial they felt their jobs were, and I suddenly realised I cou|dn’t say that about my job. In fact, I really felt (39) ........ was a point to it. I remembered that’s why l’d taken it in the (40) ........ place.’So remember; always give your old job a chance before starting to search for a new one.实用标准文案PART SIXQuestions 41-52Read the text below about time management.In most of the lines (41-52) there is one extra word. lt is eithergrammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the sense of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on yourAnswer Sheet.The exercise begins with two examples, (0) and (00).47 better organised lifestyle. If we constantly feel under the pressureand are48 always rushing to meet deadlines, we should take up a look at the waywe49 are organising our work. We all have limits on the amount of time andwithin50 which we can do a good job; it’s more important to make use that timewell than51 to work more hours. There are various techniques, such as delegating toeach实用标准文案52 others and by reducing interruptions, that are commonly used formanaging time, and when we put these into practice, we will soon noticethe difference.WRITING 1 hour 10 minutesPART ONEQuestion1The three charts below show a company's operating profit (in $ million), turnover (in$ million) and unit sales (i.e. number of products sold) in the three years 2001-2003.Using the information from the charts, write a short reportdescribing the company's performance in the three years.Write 120-140 words.PART TWOWrite an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 200-250 words.Question 2You work for a supermarket chain and have been asked by the board ofdirectors to write a report on a site where the company is considering building a new supermarket.Write your report for the board, including the following information:a description of the site, including its locationthe advantages and disadvantages of the siteyour opinion as to whether the site is suitable.Question 3A company you already do business with has recently created a new product line. Your department placed an order for the new product, but found that the product did not fulfil your requirements and that the after-sales service was poor. Your head of department has asked you to write a letter to the company informing them of your dissatisfaction. Write your letter , including the following information: what the order was for and when it was placedwhy you are dissatisfied with both the product and the after-sales servicea reminder of business done with them in the past what you expect in response to your complaint.Question 4Your company has recently experienced a drop in sales, and your Managing Director has asked you to write a short proposal about improving the advertising of your company ’s products or services. Write your proposal for the Managing Director:commenting on the effectiveness of the advertising you are currently using recommending one or two changes to your advertising explaining how these changes would affect sales.LISTENING Approximately 40 minutes (includingPART ONE Questions 1-1210 minutes ’ transfer time)You will hear part of a talk to a group of business students about the role of free gifts in product promotion.As you listen, for questions After you have listened once, replay the recording.实用标准文案4 She noticed that Prime magazine was offeringa ......................................................... as a gift.5 The magazine was contained ina ..............................................................................................6 The magazines marketing policy involved carrying outa ........................................................7 Rival magazines are offering gifts such as a book,a ........................................... or a ...............8 All the free gifts are being offered in response toincreasing ....................................................9 Magazines can get trapped in what Sue callsa .........................................................................10 Advertising is a more important source of profits for magazines thanthe .............................11 Free gifts need to reflect thereal ................................................................ of themag azine.12 A gift may increase magazine sales by upto ...........................................................................实用标准文案PART TWOQuestions 13-22You will hear five different people talking about workshops they have recently attended.For each extract there are two tasks. For Task One, choose thelaim of theworkshop from the list A-H. For Task Two, choose the outcome of theworkshop from the list A-H .After you have listened once, replay the recording.Task One - AimFor questions 13-17, match the extracts with the aims, listed A-H.For each extract, choose the aim of the workshop.Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.13 ................ .................14 ................ .................15 ................ .................16 ................ .................17 ................ ................. A to develop marketingstrategiesB to improve co-operation between two departmentsC to decide on a programme for reorganising the companyD to discuss a takeover bid by another companyE to develop managers’interpersonal skillsF to suggestways of increasing profitability Gto modify decision-making proceduresH to improve teamwork within one departmentTask Two -OutcomeFor questions 18-22, match the extracts with the outcomes, listed A-H .For each extract, choose the outcome of the workshop.Write one letter (A-H) next to the number of the extract.18 ................ .................19 ................ .................20 ................ .................21 .................................22 .................................实用标准文案A More information will be passed down regularly.B A topic was chosen fora future training course.C A procedure for dealingwith emergencies was introduced.D Staff recruitment will be reduced.E One of the participants decided to leave the company.F A future meeting will review progress.G Senior management was persuaded to reverse a decision.H The company’s appraisal system was abolished.PART THREE .Questions 23-30You will hear a conversation between Suzanne, a personnelmanager, and Kevin, her assistant, about recruiting new staff for a newfactory.For each question (23-30), mark one letter (A, B or C ) for the correct answer.After you have listened once, replay the recording.23 What do Suzanne and Kevin think will attract staff to the new factory?A the possibility of rapid promotionB the location of the new factoryC the flexible working hours24 When do they hope to begin advertising for staff?A when the new factory is almost finishedB before the senior board meetingC after the holiday period is over25 Who does Kevin suggest should be in charge of the recruitment process?A an external consultantB a person from Head OfficeC the manager of the new factory26 Suzanne feels that new staff ought to be people whoA have the particular skills required.B have experience in a related industry.C want to stay in the job for a long time.27 Which existing staff benefit have they decided to abolish at the new factory?A the subsidised canteenB the travel allowanceC the discount on company products28 Which staff are likely to move from Head Office to the new factory?A staff who have worked for the company for a long timeB staff who think it will give them more chance of promotionC staff who have recently completed a training programme29 The company will try to persuade current employees to move by offering themA a larger salary.B a bonus scheme.C a share option.30 What will be the purpose of Suzanne and Kevin's next meeting?A to agree a timetable for recruitmentB to discuss the contract details for new staffyour answers to your AnswerSheet.SPEAKING 16 minutesSAMPLE SPEAKING TASKSPART ONEIn this part, the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates inturn. You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions. PART TWOIn this partof the test, you are asked to give a short talk on a businesstopic. You have to choose one of the topics from the three below and then talk for about one minute. You have one minuteto prepare your ideas.A Staff relations: the importance of a company providing a range offacilities for all staff ·B Technology: the importance to a company of regularly upgrading its technological equipmentC Strategic planning: the factors involved in managing change effectively within anorganisationPART THREEln this part of the test, you are given a discussion topic. You have 30 seconds to look at the task prompt, an example of which is below, and then about three minutes to discuss the topic with your partner. After that, the examiner will Forthe companythe project.For three candidatesThe company you work for is considering funding a regionaleducational project for 16 to 18-year —old students interested infollowing a business course. You have been asked to makerecommendations for this scheme.Discuss and decidetogether:how the project could be used to promote the name ofthe companywhat the long-term aims of theproject might behow to monitor the progress and outcomes ofthe project.FoIIow ·on questions In what other ways can a company promote its name more widely? (Why?) How educational What do you think arethe benefits to young people of taking part in company training projects? (Why?/Why not?) Do you think it is important for ineducational projects? (Why?/Why not?)How important do you think it is to have nationaltraining projects for business people? (Why?/Why not?)Part 1BEC 第三辑高级Key Test 3Reading1 C2 E3 D4 B5 E6 A7 C8 DPart29 C 10 G 11 E 12 B 13 F 14 APart315 C16A17B18D19A 20 CPart421 D22B23A24B25D 26 D27C28B29C30CPart531HOWEVER32 BE33 AS34OVER/BY35 TAKE36 WHAT37TOO38APART39 THERE40FIRSTPart641 ALTHOUGH 42 OVER43 CORRECT 44 THEM 45 ON46 CORRECT 47 THE 48 UP49 AND 50 MAKE 51 EACH52 BYTest 3 WritingQuestion 1Sample AThe company’s performance was great in 2001 and 2003, just in 2002 they had little problems because of a decrease of their units sold.The company won’t have problems inthe future.reached it’s highest record both in 2001 and2003.In the year of 2003, the company got the most unit sales up to 11 million, it is 2 million more than 2002’s, and the record is 1.1 times of they made in 2001.Though the company made the highest record of turnover and unit sales in 2003, they lost in draw back the decline trend of operating profit.Band 2This answer covers all the contentpoints and the organisation is sound,but it lacks internal cohesion.Grammatical structures are limited anderrors are numerous and sometimesobscure communication.Question 2Sample Cbuilding a parking area but you have good chances for getting a high profit in the long term. Although there are a lot of smaller shops nearby the supermarket, there is no doubt in being the most competitive!Finally I think that this will be a very profitable location forbuilding a new supermarket.Band 4This is an ambitious attempt at the task, showing a good range of language, although it is not error-free. It is generally well organised, but the register is not wholly appropriate.Sample Dcheaper place for the new supermarket than that. The locationis good, we can save money regarding the parking and lots ofcustomers are near.Because of that little hill the place is also not that muchexpensive to buy as expected.YoursSincerelyStefanieSeidelBand 2Although all the content points are covered, the limited range of structures and vocabulary, numerous non-impeding errors and the inconsistent register make this answer a band 2.We all appreciate that all of you make thedecision.YourssincerelyRichardBand 1This answer shows serious lack of control and contains numerous errors and possible content omissions, leading to a very negative effect on the reader.We hope that you can give us a reasonable explanation as soon as possible, and most importantly, recall these refrigerators you have sent us, and deliver one thousand refrigerators to our specification within four weeks.BestregardsElaineWhiteBand 3This is a reasonable achievement of the task with all content points included. It is well organised, but there are frequent non-impeding errors.Sample Gcompatible with local taste so as to generate sales and moreimportantly to improve our company’s image in the local market. Ifpossible we can also invite some local stars to endorse our productwhichmay change their negative attitude on the previousadvertisement.Band 4This is a good realisation of the task set. The writer uses an ambitious range of structure and vocabulary, although there is some slightly unnatural language in places. It is well organised, with some evidence of cohesive devices.because of the bigger target—group. For families we should offer more events for children. Today children have an important part by car sells. If the children were pleasant, the parents are also, and they have the time to look for a new car.I’m sure, if we do the changes, our saleswill be increase.IngridSchwarzkopfBand 2Although all the content points are covered, this is an inadequate attempt at the task. Errors are frequent and quite basic and in some cases obscure communication, and the content is not clearly organised.Test 3 ListeningPart 11 MARKETING CONSULTANT2 CONSUMER DURABLES3 SALES CONFERENCE4 (FREE) DIARY5 (SPECIAL) PLASTIC ]ACKET6 CONTROLLED EXPERIMENT7 (FREE) CD; CALCULATOR8 COMPETITION9 CIRCULATION WAR10 COVER PRICE11 BRAND VALUE(S)12 15 %/FIFTEEN PER CENTPart 213 E14C15H16F17B18 B19G20E21A22FPart 323 C24A25A26B27A28 B29B30CTapescriptListening Test 3This is the Business English Certificate Higher 3,Listening Test 3. Part One. Questions 1 to 12.You will hear part of a talk to a group of business students about the role of free gifts in productpromotion.As you listen, for questions 1 to 12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a numbexAfter you have listened once, replay the recording.You now have forty-five seconds to read through the notes.[pause]Now listen, and complete the notes.[pause]Woman: Hello. My name’s Sue Barnard. I’ve come to talk to you thisafternoon about that old marketing perennial, the free gift. I work as a marketing consultant, on a freelance basis, and I thought that I would begin with an anecdote. One of the companies I work with is a major manufacturerof consumer durables, and so I need to keep in touch with the latest campaigns being launched by rival groups, as well as seeing how our own efforts are looking. So I’m a keen reader of weekly magazines.。
N0.4(0410 BEC paper)READINGPART ONEQuestion 1-5•Look at question 1・5.•In each question 5which phrase or sentence is correct?•for each question ‘circle one letter A,Bor C.Example:Don't forget-Fight BA692 6.45PMThe plane arrives atA quarter to seven in the morningB quarter past six in the eveningC quarter to seven in the eveningThe correct answer is C, so circle C as shown above.Production in 1998 wasA higher than the previous yearB almost as high as in 1996C the highest for 3 years・2A be well organisedB have relevant experience ・C. speak several languages3.Today's meeting is postponed until next Thursday, due to staff illness・The meetingA will be at a later dateB has been held todayC will not be held at all4.Trade Fair-AdmissionsCompanies $ 4 per person(group discounts),students$3, Newspaper reporters no charge (identity card essential) Entrance to the trade fair is cheapest forA Company groupsB JournalistsC Students5.VISITORS MUST STAY WITH A MEMBEFR OF STAFF WHILE IN THE BUILDING A All staff must stay in the building while visitors are there.B Visitors must not enter the building unless allowed to by staff.C Visitors cannot walk around the building without a member of staff.Questions 6-10•Look at the list below.lt shows the titles of business magazines which can be ordered・•For questions 6-10,decide which magazine (A-H) each person need・•For each question; mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.•Do not use any letter more than once・7.Cecilia Johnson, a purchasing manager, is interested in finding out about new software for her department.8.Ken Smith's foreign clients need detailed information about share prices.9.James Rogers wants to find out about new production line machines for his car factory.10Colin O'Brien wants his company to keep up-to-date with developments in staff training.Question 11-15•look at the graphs below・ They show the number of mobile phones sold over three months by eight different stores.•Which graph does each sentence (11・ 15) on the opposite page describe?•For each sentence ,mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.・•Do not use any letter more than once・11Sales showed a definite improvement by the end of the period ,in spite of a lack of movement in February.12Sales figures were steady in January and February,before a sharp drop in March.13After a slow start in January,sales climbed dramatically,especially in the third month.14There was a considerable rise in sales in the first two months ,then a gradual decrease during March. 15Sales showed a downward trend during the three-month period,despite a slight improvement in February.PART TWOQuestion 16-20•Read the passage below about a Chief Exccutivc5s job•Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B ,C or D・•For each question .mark one letter A, B 5C or D on your Answer Sheet.Question 21-25• Read the passage below about customer service.•Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A,B,Cor D.•For each question, make one letter (A,B,Cor D) on your Answer Sheet.21 A calling B insisting C asking D demanding22 A change B turn C revise D pass23 A share B cut C divide D part24. A encouraged B approved C confirmed D supported25.A happen B show C give D placeQuestion 26-35•Read the information below about a new computer programme.•Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A、B,C or D.•For each question, mark one letter (A,B or C) on your Answer Sheet.They need information,and they often need(30) ............. fast.This is (31) .......... w e have developed our Worldwide Database solution.This programme allows your workers to be(32) ................... efficient.The advantage is clear:now people can make better decisions and there is (33) ..................need for them to call the office to check important facts for figures.Our programme requires less(34) .............. one megabyte of computer memory.and(35) ................. been developed using the latest technology.26 A what B which C when27 A but B if C so28 A work B works C working29. A on B at C in30. A ■It B them C those31 A how B where C why32 A more B as C less33 A any B no C some34. A as B much C than35.A have Bhad C hasQuestion 36-45•Read the passage below about better consulting•Choose the correct word to fill each gap, from A,B,C or D.•For each question, mark one letter A,B or ,C on your Answer Sheet.36 A point B cause C purpose37 A lift B build C raise38 A respond B notice C recognise39. A little B fewer C less40. A typical B average C medium41 A explain B account C inform42 A say B tell C speak43 A difference B variety C contrast44. A under B off C down45.A pay B spend C chargePART THREEQuestion 46-52•Read the article below about recruiting and keeping managers•Are sentences 46-52 below 'Right' or 'Wrong'? If there is not enough information to answer' Right9 or 'Wrong', choose “Doesn't say\•For each sentence 46-52, make one letter A, B, or C・ on your Answer Sheet.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say47There is an unusually low number of executives available for top jobs・A RightB WrongC Doesn't say48According to the article, few managers think of changing jobs nowadays・A RightB WrongC Doesn^t say49.Many managers feel their current employer fails to offer suitable chances of promotion.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say50.Many managers feel that stress limits their enjoyment of their work.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say51In future ,companies will try to keep employees by reducing overtime.A RightB WrongC Doesn't say52Trainee managers today are less interested in the possibility of promotion in a company than before ・A Right B Wrong C Doesn't sayQuestion 53-60•Read the article below from a company^ in -house magazine, about a work shop for office staff. •Answer questions 53-60 on the opposite page・•For questions 53-56,choose the coiTect answer.•For each question ,circle one letter A,B or C.on your Answer Sheet.53. The main point of the workshop was that training is the responsibility of.A individualsB line managersC training departments54Why is Jenny Carter described as a saleswoman?A She had previous experience in salesB She trained to become a sales personC She used sales techniques to persuade her boss・55Kathie White recommends you talk to your boss after training.A to prove you really attended the courseB to be considered for new duties.C to find out what work you need to do ・ 56 The writer says that the participants A thought with the workshop, was too hard. B enjoyed meeting each other at the workshop. C will use what they learned in the workshop• For questions 57-60 ,use the information in the article to match each topic with the person who talked about it A-G.• For each question .mark one letter A-G on your Answer Sheet.・ • Do not use any letter more than once ・WRITINGPART FOUR Questions 61-65• Read the memo and advertisement below. • Complete the form on the opposite page ・• Write a word or phrase (in CAPITAL LETTERS)or a number a number 61-65. on our Answer Sheet.57. Using a particular learning tool 58. Moving lo a different employer 59. Taking a course at the right level 6(). Assessing what you can already doChairs are covered in wool/nylon mixture. Add $1() to price for pure wool. Available in red , light blue Jight green, dark blue ,dark grccn. Please state colour when ordering.Purchasing departmentInternal ordersDepartment: NameQuestion 66• You want to have a meeting in your office with the manager of your company's Cambridge branch. You are available every day this week except Thursday. • Write a memo to your assistant:• asking him to aiTange the meeting for you • telling him where you want to have the meeting • saying on which day you prefer to have the meeting.• Write 30-40 words• Write on your Answer Sheet.Question 67• You are arranging the New Year's party of your company. You have made some changes from last year, to improve the party.(61) SueSupplier : Item requiredReference number: Quantity: Colour: Other:(62) ................... (63) .................... (64) ...................5(65) .................... chair cover-wool•Write an e-mail to all staff.•inviting them to attend•saying where and when the party will be•telling them about the changes you have made・•Write 50-70 words•Write on your Answer Sheet.To :All staffFrom:Subject: New Year PartyQuestion 68•Read this memo from your line manager.•inviting them to supply cars and drivers•giving them details about the first day•telling them what to do on the second day•asking them about prices•Write 60-80 words•Write on your Answer Sheet。