北京海淀区空中课堂2020届高三数学冲刺指导-解析几何综合问题解决的策略与优化 课件(共76张PPT)

x2 a2
y2 b2
( a b 0 )的离心率为
3 2
A(a, 0) , B(0, b) , O(0, 0) ,
OAB 的面积为 1.
(Ⅰ) 求椭圆 C 的方程;
则点 P 为该直线与椭圆的公共点
y kx 1
P( 1
8k 4k
1 1
4k 4k
2 2
AN BM (2+ 1 )(1 2k 1) 4 k 1 2k
1 4k 2
yM 02
yP xP 2
1 4k 2
8k 1 4k 2
1 2k 1 2k
03-1 优化代数运算的策略
1 2
(4k 1)x2 16k 2x 16k 2 4 0 ,
16k 2 =
4k 2
4 1
8k 2 4k 2
2 1
4k 4k2
解得点 P(4k 2 , 4k ) 2k 1 2k 1
即 M (8k2 2 , 4k ) . 4k2 1 4k2 1
(19)(本小题共 15 分)
已知椭圆 W
x2 : a2
y2 b2
1 (a b 0) 过 A(0,1),
B(0,1) 两点,离心率为

Image ➢素质与应试
教育部考试中心主任姜钢发 表文章透露了今后深化高考考 试内容改革,将重点考察社会
主义核心价值观、依法治国理 念、中国优秀传统文化和创新
➢主干与核心 能力四个方面的内容。
No 极做到每次考前目的明确、考后收获实在。认真组
织好备课组会商和班级会商。 (6)年级主任对每天的教学工作做出详尽的安排 ,制定教学工作菜单表,详细说明每天教师、学生
Image 应该做好哪些工作,有布置、有检查,落实到位。
(7)年级主任抓培训,提高应试技巧,向卷面要 分数。 (8)年级主任抓心理,矫正心态,挖掘潜能。
Image 师为成员。班主任负责协调好各学科的作业量、训
练量,不允许教师恶意强占时间;制定好各层次学 生的分类推进措施;针对“两弱”,即弱科和弱生 ,搞好综合会诊与研讨。
No 三抓牢“班级工作重点”。班主任是第一责任人,
要做到“四勤”:“手勤、腿勤、脑勤、口勤”, 及时把握学生思想动态和日常行为; 做到“四个及时”:学生生活中的困难及时解决,
No 练答题的规范性。(确保至少五套题要按高考要
求测验;真实模拟) • 7.翻看自己以往的考后总结,暴露的问题,看是
Image • 8. 体会学习过程中的成就感。
• 9、最近训练统一用笔(固定的笔)。一张卷用 同一颜色的笔
• 10、对同学多一份宽容和理解,不说消极的话。 有事及时找老师
北京海淀区空中课堂2020届高三数学冲刺指导-解析几何综合问题解决的策略与优化 课件(共76张PPT)

2k 2
k 1 k
1 2k 2 1 2k2
x 2k ,
1 2k 2
整 理 得 k 1 2k2 x 1 k 1 2k2 y+2k2 2 0
原 点 到 直 线 AB 的 距 离
2k 2 +2
= 2,
k 1 2k2 + 1 k 1 2k2
01 坐标法的数学本质
点在曲线上 点在二次曲线上: ①横纵坐标是平方关系(方程) ②侧重于横纵坐标用二次曲线参数的表示 点在直线上: ①横纵坐标是一次关系(方程) ②侧重横纵坐标用直线的参数独立表示
点是二次曲线与直线的公共点 联立方程求解公共点的横(纵)坐标,侧重两根和与积的整体表示
1 2k 2
整 理 得 k 1 2k2 x 1 k 1 2k2 y+2k2 2 0
原 点 到 直 线 AB 的 距 离
2k 2 +2
= 2,
k 1 2k2 + 1 k 1 2k2
此 时 与 圆 x2 y2 2 相 切
方 法 一 : 设 直 线 OA 的 方 程 为 y kx , 直 线 OB 方 程 为 y 1 x , k
02 选择曲线描述坐标的策略
分析主动点 依赖于相关点的坐标表示 依赖于几何条件的坐标翻译
【2019 北京理 18】 已知抛物线 C : x2 2 py 经过点 (2, 1) .

海淀区2020届高三“三角函数”专题的复习分析与指导北京市第一0一中学 田媛 2019.0524一、“三角函数”专题内容分析(一)“三角函数”专题知识体系的梳理 1、地位与价值在教学中,三角函数是描述周期现象的重要数学模型,它具有十分重要的地位,由于其思考性、方法性、技巧性和目的性都较强,对于提高学生数学素养,培养学生思维能力都有很重要的作用。
2、知识网络图 3、核心知识①研究三角函数的概念、图像和性质,其突出特征是具有周期性的函数,尤其是正、余弦函数具有边界和零点;难点是函数()()sin +f x A x k ωϕ=+的图像变换,落实“五点法”画图技能.A 的确定:()()max min =2f x f x A - ;k 的确定:()()max min k=2f x f x +;ω的确定:()20T πωω=> ;ϕ的确定:初始角=ϕω-,与平移单位有关.②三角恒等变换的综合应用,主要应用于两个方面:一是化简函数与三角函数的性质相结合;二是解三角形与正弦定理和余弦定理结合在平面几何图形中求解相关的几何量,解三角形就是有条件的恒等变换.(二)“三角函数”专题中研究的核心问题 1、问题类型①三角函数的图像和性质综合问题,常涉及三角恒等变换、图像变换、周期性、单调性、对称性和最值等;②解三角形问题,只要涉及两角和与差的正、余弦公式、二倍角公式、正弦定理和余弦定理等; ③三角函数性质与解三角形的综合问题,其本质是解决有条件的三角恒等变换问题,因此注意角的范围对变形过程的影响. 2、问题研究与解决①三角函数求值与化简的常用方法:弦切互化:包括“切割化弦”、“齐次式化切”等; 和积互化:包括“平方关系”、“降幂公式”和利用()2sin cos 12sin cos x x x x ±=± 进行变形转化;巧用“1”的变换:22221sin cos sec tan tan (4)πθθθθ=+=-==②转化为与三角函数有关的基本类型:sin y a x b =+ 设sin t x =,[]1,1t ∈- 转化为一次函数;sin cos y a x b x c =++ 借助辅助角公式转化为)y x c ϕ=++; 2sin sin y a x b x c =++ 设sin t x =,[]1,1t ∈- 转化为二次函数(闭区间内);sin cos (sin cos )y a x x b x x c =+±+ 设sin cos t x x =±,t ⎡∈⎣则21sin cos =2t x x -±,转化为二次函数;tan cot y a x b x =+,设tan t x =,当0a b >g 时可用均值定理;③函数()()sin f x A x ωϕ=+的奇偶性、对称性及图像变换对称轴一定经过图像的最高点或最低点,对称中心一定与函数零点有关;由()sin f x x =的图像通过变换得到()()sin f x A x ωϕ=+的图像有两种途径:“先平移后伸缩”或“先伸缩后平移”,可用“五点法”作为突破口.④通过三角恒等变换解决三角求值问题,做到三变:“变角——变名——变式” 给角求值:关键是转化成特殊角或消去非特殊角; 给值求值:现变同角再求值;给值求角:转化为“给值求值”,注意角的范围. ⑤利用正、余弦定理解三角形的两种途径:“化边为角”通过三角恒等变换得出三角形内角之间的关系; “化角为边”通过解方程求边;都要注意三角函数值的符号与角的范围,防止出现增解、漏解.(三)“三角函数”专题蕴含的核心观点、思想和方法 1、学生学习三角函数的主要困难 2、三角函数知识的核心观点张景中院士认为,在数学课程中三角函数至关重要,它是几何与代数的一座桥梁,沟通初等数学与高等数学的一条通道,函数、向量、坐标、复数等许多重要数学知识与三角有关,大量实际问题的解决要用到三角知识.① 强调三角函数中的函数思想,三角函数已经不仅仅是解三角形的工具,而是一个重要的函数模型; ② 数形结合解决三角函数的图形变换;③ 加强三角函数的应用意识,特别是用于解三角形问题. 3、核心思想方法与核心技能“三种思想”+“三个技能”:函数与方程的思想、化归与转化的思想、数形结合思想;运算技能:对三角函数解析式的恒等变形以及转化为sin()y A x ωϕ=+型函数的运算,正余弦定理公式的合理选择和化简运算等;作图技能:根据任务需求绘制相应要求精度的三角函数图象,五点法画图等;推理技能:依据三角函数解析式的结构进行推理判断运算方向,以及对三角形形状的判断.二、“三角函数”高考的典型考题结构第15题:正弦型函数性质(周期、最值)试题特点:试题总体比较平稳,不管是位置还是考查的知识点和难度都是比较稳定的,高考降低了复杂的三角恒等变形公式的考查,回归到双基和通性通法的考查上,文科基本小题考解三角形,大题就是用三角公式变形为正弦型函数,再讨论它的性质(特殊值、周期、值域)。
北京市海淀区2020届高三数学一轮复习 平面向量、不等式、复数讲义

高三一轮总复习——《平面向量》、《不等式》、《复数》前言对高三一轮复习的认识一、复习课的目的(梳理知识、训练技能、发展思维)1、高三复习课的意义和价值2、高三复习的特点3、复习课要有效率二、课程设计策略1、梳理知识网络,整体把握知识体系,提高学生的归纳概括能力2、沟通知识间联系,加深学生对知识本质的理解,对知识运用的综合3、精选、巧编问题,为复习的教学目标选好载体三、给出的参考题目建议从以下几个方面来选择使用能够从知识点的考查内容上来运用、从知识点的考查要求上来选择、能够从知识的整合的程度上来连接、能够用联系的观点来指导学生解题、能够用发展的眼光来选择习题帮助学生.四、要对复习课的教学效果进行反思对照考纲,逐条反思教学效果.反思主要方式可以通过课堂观察,作业问题,答疑情况,考试分析等调查了解,整体定位,为下一阶段复习做好学情总结,做好教法思考.第一部分《平面向量》一、对《平面向量》课标精神、高考要求的理解及一轮复习的基础和目标(一)平面向量问题解决能力提高的几条有效途径1、确认学生残缺的知识体系,进而有针对性的完善知识结构(而不是一味的给出复杂的知识体系表)2、关注学生解决向量问题的数学语言习惯,规范或引导学生找寻适合问题解决的语言表达“图形——符号——坐标”三种数学表示是向量问题解决的基本语言,既要强调问题解决的向量语言的适用性,也要关注多种语言间问题解决的一致性(验证结果).3、接受学生类比推广实数运算律的思维习惯,通过对向量运算法则的理解来抵消死记硬背符号运算律的消极影响(而不是通过大量的、反复练习来固化向量中的运算规律)(二)一轮复习的基本前提和切实目标1、理解和准确记忆向量的有关概念2、理解和掌握向量的加减法、数乘和数量积运算是向量的重要运算,理解与实数相应运算律的区别和联系3、在向量的运算中提高基本技能,在向量的运算中培养数形结合的思想和方程思想(三)两个附表1、向量三种语言表述下的运算知识表2、2020年北京卷中与平面向量有关的高考题二、《平面向量》一轮复习的内容和要点(一)《平面向量》知识内容的归纳整理(二)建议课时(6-7课时)1、知识内容结构(1 课时)2、平面向量的概念(1 课时)3、平面向量的运算 ①向量的加减法和实数与向量的积(1-2 课时) ②向量的数量积(1课时)4、向量的应用(1课时)5、综合练习反馈(1课时) (三)知识点解读1、向量概念及表示(1)向量的概念:向量定义、模、零向量、单位向量、平行(共线向量)、相等向量、相反向量(2)向量的表示:几何表示法——有向线段AB u u u r或a ; 坐标表示法——(,)x y a = 2、向量的三种运算及运算的三种形式 向量的加减法,实数与向量的乘积,两个向量的数量积都称为向量的线性运算,前两者的结果是向量,两个向量数量积的结果是数量.每一种运算都可以有三种表现形式:图形语言、符号语言、坐标语言. (1)向量运算知识表(附表1)(2)与运算有关的三个基本图形(几何意义)①向量加、减法法则(几何意义)——三角形或平行四边形; ②实数与向量乘积(几何意义)——共线;③平面向量基本定理的特殊情形的几何意义(定比分点基本图形)——起点相同的三个向量终点 共线.3、平面向量基本定理如果1e →、2e →是同一平面内的两个不共线向量,那么对于该平面内任一向量a →,有且只有一对实数λ1,λ2,满足a →=λ11e →+λ22e →,称λ11e →+λ22e →为1e →,2e →的线性组合.(1)向量与坐标根据平面向量基本定理,任一向量a →与有序数对(λ1,λ2)一一对应,称(λ1,λ2)为a →在基底{1e →,2e →}下的坐标;当取{1e →,2e →}为单位正交基底{i →,j →}时,定义(λ1,λ2)为向量a →的平面直角坐标.(2)向量坐标与点坐标的关系当向量起点在原点时,定义向量坐标为终点坐标,即若(,)A x y ,则(,)OA x y =u u u r;当向量起点不在原点时,向量AB --→坐标为终点坐标减去起点坐标,即若(,)A A A x y ,(,)B B B x y , 则(,)B A B A AB x x y y =--u u u r4、一个夹角公式、两个充要条件(刻画两个向量相对位置的数量) (1)向量的模与相等向量的数量积的关系公式:设(,)a x y =r ,则||a r (2)两个向量的夹角公式符号语言:cos ,||||a ba b a b ⋅<>=r rr r r r坐标语言:设11(,)a x y →=,22(,)b x y →=,则cos ,a b <>=r r (3)平行和垂直① 两个向量平行的充要条件符号语言:若a →∥b →,a →≠0→,则a →=λb →坐标语言:设11(,)a x y →=,22(,)b x y →=,则a →∥b →⇔1221x y x y =或1122(,)(,)x y x y λ=② 两个向量垂直的充要条件符号语言:a →⊥b →⇔a →·b →=0坐标语言:设11(,)a x y →=,22(,)b x y →=,则a →⊥b →⇔12120x x y y +=5、向量的应用 三、《平面向量》参考题目 (一)与概念有关1. 下列命题正确的是 ( )D (A )单位向量都相等 (B )任一向量与它的相反向量不相等 (C )平行向量不一定是共线向量 (D )模为0的向量与任意向量共线 2. 下列命题正确的是( )D(A )若||0a =r ,则0a =r (B )若||||a b =r r ,则a b =r r 或a b =-r r(C )若//a b r r ,则||||a b =r r (D )若0a =r r ,则0a -=r r3.下列说法正确的是( ) C (A )任何一个非零实数与向量的积都是一个非零向量 (B )零与任何一个向量的积都是零(C )对于任何一个非零向量a r ,a λr (λ∈R )可以表示所有与a r共线的向量(D )非零向量a r 的单位向量为||aa ±rr4.(2020辽宁)已知点()()1,3,4,1A B - ,则与向量AB u u u r同方向的单位向量为( )A (A )3455⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,- (B )4355⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,-(C )3455⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭, (D )4355⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭,5. 已知下列命题:(1)对任意向量,a b r r ,都有a b a b -<+r r r r;(2)若1()2AD AB AC =+u u u r u u u r u u u r,则点D 是线段AB 的中点;(3)在四边形ABCD 中,若0AB AC BD BA -+-=u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r r,则ABCD 为平行四边形;(4)在ABC ∆中,若AB AC AB AC +=-u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r ,则AB AC =u u u r u u u r.其中真命题的序号是 .(写出所有真命题的序号)(2)(3)6.(2020浙江理5)设a ,b 是两个非零向量, 下列命题正确的是( )C(A )若|a +b |=|a |-|b |,则a ⊥b (B )若a ⊥b ,则|a +b |=|a |-|b | (C )若| a +b |=|a |-|b |,则存在实数λ,使得a =λb (D )若存在实数λ,使得a =λb ,则|a +b |=|a |-|b | (二)与线性运算有关 1.(2020陕西)关于平面向量,,a b c .有下列三个命题:①若g g a b =a c ,则=b c②若a 与b -c 都是非零向量且“a ⋅b =a ⋅c ”则“a (⊥b -c )”③非零向量a 和b 满足||||||==-a b a b ,则a 与+a b 的夹角为60︒ 其中真命题的序号为 .②(写出所有真命题的序号)2.(2020广东文)设r a 是已知的平面向量且≠0r r a ,关于向量ra 的分解,有如下四个命题:① 给定向量r b ,总存在向量r c ,使=+r r ra b c ;② 给定向量r b 和r c ,总存在实数λ和μ,使λμ=+r r ra b c ;③ 给定单位向量r b 和正数μ,总存在单位向量r c 和实数λ,使λμ=+r r ra b c ;④ 给定正数λ和μ,总存在单位向量r b 和单位向量r c ,使λμ=+r r ra b c .上述命题中的向量r b ,r c 和ra A .1B .2C .3D .4▲3.已知向量AC ,AD 和AB 在正方形网格中的位置如图所示,若μλ+=,则=+μλ( ) AA . 2B . 2-C . 3D . 3-CDB AABP M O 4.(12东城一模文12)在△ABC 中,,D E 分别为,BC AC 的中点,F 为AB 上的点,且1||||4AF AB =.若AD AF AE λμ=+u u u r u u u r u u u r(,λμ∈R ),则λμ+= . 35.(2020福建) 在下列向量组中,可以把向量a =(3,2)表示出来的是( )B(A ) e 1=(0,0),e 2=(1,2) (B ) e 1=(-1,2),e 2=(5,-2) (C ) e 1=(3,5),e 2=(6,10) (D ) e 1=(2,-3),e 2=(-2,3)6. 化简:CE AC DE AD +--u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r =__________.0r7. (2020广东文3)已知向量()1,2a =r ,()3,1b =r ,则b a -=r r( )B(A )()2,1- (B )()2,1- (C )()2,0 (D )()4,38. 已知点()()1,1,5,3A B ,向量AB u u u r 绕点A 逆时针旋转32π到AC u u u r 的位置,那么点C 的坐标是 . (3,3)-9. 如图,正方形ABCD 中,点E 是DC 的中点,点F 是BC 的一个三等分点,那么=EF u u u r( )D(A )1123AB AD u u u r u u u r - (B )1142AB AD u u u r u u u r + (C )1132AB DA u u u r u u u r + (D )1223AB AD u u ur u u u r -10. (2020四川文6)设点M 是线段BC 的中点,点A 在直线BC 外,216BC =u u u r , AB AC AB AC +=-u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r ,则AM u u u u r=( ) C(A )8 (B )4 (C )2 (D )11.如图,设O 为ABC ∆内一点,PQ //BC ,且PQt BC=,OA =u u u r a ,OB =u u u r b ,OC =u u u r c ,试用a ,b ,c 表示,OP OQ u u u r u u u r.答案: OP u u u r=(1)t t -+a b , OQ u u u r =(1)t t -+a c▲12.(2020北京文14)已知点()11A -,,()30B ,,()21C ,.若平面区域D 由所有满足AP AB AC λμ=+u u u r u u u r u u u r()1201λμ≤≤,≤≤的点P 组成,则D 的面积为 .3▲13. 如图:OM//AB,点P 在由射线OM 、线段OB 以及AB 的延长线围成的区域内(不含边界)运动,且OP xOA yOB =+u u u r u u u r u u u r,则x 的取值范围是 ;当12x =-时,y 的取值范围是 . 13(,0);(,)22x y ∈-∞∈ 14.(1)设M ,N ,P 分别是ABC ∆三边BC ,AC ,AB 上的点,且14BM BC =,14CN CA =,14AP AB =,设AB a =u u u r r ,AC b =u u u r r,试用,a b r r 表示,,MN MP PN u u u u r u u u r u u u r . (1344PN a b →→→=-+,1331()4442MN CN CM b a b a b →→→→→→→→=-=---=-+,1124MP MN NP MN PN a b →→→→→→→=+=-=--)(2)在四面体O ABC -中,OA =u u u r a ,OB =u u u r b ,OC =u u u r c ,D 为BC 的中点,E 为AD 的中点,则OE =u u u r(用,,a b c 表示). 答案 111244++a b c ▲15.(2020湖南理6)若,a b 是单位向量,0⋅=a b . 若向量c 满足1--=|c a b |,则|c |的取值范围是( )A(A )2-1,2+1⎡⎤⎣⎦, (B )2-1,2+2⎡⎤⎣⎦, (C ) 1,2+1⎡⎤⎣⎦, (D )1,2+2⎡⎤⎣⎦,EDBACB A 5P 6P 4P 7P 2P 3P1P (三)与向量的数量积有关 1.(14西城文理5)设平面向量a ,b ,c 均为非零向量,则“()0⋅-=a b c ”是“=b c ”的( )B (A )充分而不必要条件 (B )必要而不充分条件 (C )充分必要条件 (D )既不充分也不必要条件 2. 设a →,b →,c →为非零向量,且相互不共线,下列命题( )D ① (a →·b →)c →=(c →·a →)b →=0② |a →|-|b →|<|a →-b →|③ (b →·c →)a →-(c →·a →)b →不与c →垂直 ④ (3a →+2b →)·(3a →-2b →)=9|a →|2-4|b →|2其中真命题是:(A )①② (B )②③ (C )③④ (D )②④ 3. 下列结论正确的是( )D(A )a b a b =r r r r g (B )a b a b -<-r r r r(C )若()()0a b c c a b -=r r r r r r g g (D )若a r 与b r 都是非零向量,则a b ⊥r r 的充要条件为a b a b +=-r r r r4.(2020辽宁) 设a ,b ,c 是非零向量,已知命题p :若a ·b =0,b ·c =0,则a ·c =0,命题q :若a ∥b ,b ∥c ,则a ∥c ,则下列命题中真命题是( ) A(A )p ∨q (B )p ∧q (C ) (⌝p )∧(⌝q ) (D )p ∨(⌝q )5. (2020山东文理12)定义平面向量之间的一种运算“⊙”如下,对任意的(,),(,)a m u b p q ==r r,另a b mq np =-r re ,下面的说法错误的是( )B(A )若a r 与b r 共线,则0a b =r r e (B )a b a b =r r r re e(C )对任意的λ∈R ,有()()a b a b λλ=r r r r e e (D )2222()()||||a b a b a b ==r r r r r r e g 6. 如果向量a r 与b r ,c r 的夹角都是60︒,而b c ⊥r r,且||||||1a b c ===r r r ,求(2)()a c b c -+r r r r g 的值.-1 ▲7. (06四川)如图,已知正六边形123456PP P P P P ,下列向量的数量积中最大的是( )A(A )1213PP PP u u u u r u u u u r g (B )1214PP PP u u u u r u u u u u rg(C )1215PP PP u u u u r u u u u r g (D )1216PP PP u u u u r u u u u rg▲8. (2020上海文17题)如图,四个边长为1的正方形排成一个大正方形,AB是在正方形的一条边,(1,2,,7)i P i =L 是小正方形的其余各个顶点,则(1,2,,7)i AB AP i ⋅=u u u r u u u rL 的不同值的个数为 个. 3▲9.(2020浙江) 设θ为两个非零向量a ,b 的夹角.已知对任意实数t ,|b +t a |的最小值为1( ) B(A )若θ确定,则|a |唯一确定 (B )若θ确定,则|b |唯一确定 (C )若|a |确定,则θ唯一确定 (D )若|b |确定,则θ唯一确定10.(1)(2020新课标Ⅰ文)已知两个单位向量a ,b 的夹角为60o,(1)=+-c ta t b ,若0⋅=b c ,则t =___.2(2)已知向量a 和b 的夹角为60°,|a | = 3,|b | = 4,则(2a –b )·a 等于 12(3)若||2=a ,||2=b 且()-⊥a b a ,则a 与b 的夹角是 4π (4 )(11全国Ⅱ理12)设向量a ,b ,c 满足|||1=a |b =,12⋅=-a b ,60--=︒<a c,b c >,则||c 的最大值 .2▲11. (12东城理6)如图,在△ABC 中,1AB =,3AC =,D 是BC 的中点,则 AD BC ⋅=u u u r u u u r( ) BD AB C(A )3 (B )4(C )5 (D )不能确定▲12. (2020天津理15)如图,在ABC ∆中,AD AB ⊥,3BC BD =u u u r u u u r ,1AD =u u u r,则AC AD ⋅=u u u r u u u r .313.(2020·江苏)如图13所示,在平行四边形ABCD 中,已知AB =8,AD =5,CP →=3PD →,AP →·BP →=2,则AB →·AD →的值是________.22▲14.(2020福建理9文12)设→a ,→b ,→c 为同一平面内具有相同起点的任意三个非零向量,且满足→a 与→b 不共线,→a ⊥→c ,∣→a ∣=∣→c ∣,则∣→b •→c ∣的值一定等于( )B(A )以→a ,→b 为邻边的平行四边形的面积 (B ) 以→b ,→c 为两边的三角形面积(C )→a ,→b 为两边的三角形面积 (D ) 以→b ,→c 为邻边的平行四边形的面积 ▲15.(14海淀理14)已知向量序列:123,,,,,n a a a a L L 满足如下条件:1||4||2==a d ,121⋅=-a d 且1n n --=a a d (2,3,4,n =L ).若10k ⋅=a a ,则k =_9___;123||,||,||,,||,n a a a a L L 中第______项最小. 3 (四)与平行与垂直有关 1.(1)已知A (-1,-3),B (1,1),C (x ,3)三点共线,则x =________. x =2(2)已知向量b a m b m a 与若),4,2(),2,(==反向,则m =_____. -12.(1)已知12,e e u r u u r 为不共线向量,122a e e =-r u r u u r ,123b e e =+r u r u u r ,使2a b +r r 与2a b λ-r r 共线的实数λ为 .14λ=-(2)设,,a b c r r r 为非零向量,其中任意两向量不共线,已知a b +r r 与c r 共线,且b c +r r 与a r 共线,则b a c ++r r r= 3.设,a b r r 是平面内两不共线向量,AB a kb =+u u u r r r ,AC ma b =+u u u r r r (k ,m ∈R ),则A ,B ,C 三点共线的充要条 件是 ( ) D(A )k+m=0 (B )k =m (C )km +1=0 (D )km=1 4.(2020陕西文)已知向量a =(2,-1),b =(-1,m ),c =(-1,2)若(a +b )∥c ,则m =.-15. 已知向量3,(1,2)a b ==r r ,且a b ⊥r r ,则a r的坐标______.(655,—355),(—655,355)6.(2020·重庆卷)已知向量a =(k ,3),b =(1,4),c =(2,1),且(2a -3b )⊥c ,则实数k = . 3 7.(2020湖北) 设向量a =(3,3),b =(1,-1).若(a +λb )⊥(a -λb ),则实数λ=________.±3 8.(2020浙江)已知向量(1,2)=a ,(2,3)=-b .若向量c 满足()//+c a b ,()⊥+c a b ,则c =()DA .77(,)93B .77(,)39--C .77(,)39D .77(,)93--(五)综合应用1. (09福建)一质点受到平面上的三个力123,,F F F (单位:牛顿)的作用而处于平衡状态.已知1F ,2F 成060角,且1F ,2F 的大小分别为2和4,则3F 的大小为( ) D(A ) 6 (B ) 2 (C ) 25(D ) 72. 在四边形ABCD 中,)2,1(=,)2,4(-=,则该四边形的面积为( )C(A )5 (B )52 (C ) 5 (D )103.(2020·新课标全国卷Ⅰ)已知A ,B ,C 为圆O 上的三点,若1()2AO AB AC =+u u u r u u u r u u u r,则AB u u u r 与AC u u u r 的夹角为________.90°4.(1)已知△ABC 满足2AB AB AC BA BC CA CB =⋅+⋅+⋅u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r,则△ABC 是 ( )C(A )等边三角形 (B )锐角三角形 (C )直角三角形 (D )钝角三角形(2)已知△ABC 中,AB u u u r=a , AC u u u r =b ,a ⋅b 1504ABC S ∆<,=,|a |=3,|b |=5,则BAC ∠等于( ) C(A )30° (B )-150° (C )150° (D )30°或150°5.(1)(09宁夏海南理)已知O ,N ,P 在ABC ∆所在平面内,且||||||OA OB OC ==u u u r u u u r u u u r ,0NA NB NC ++=u u u r u u u r u u u r r,PA PB PB PC PC PA ⋅=⋅=⋅u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r,则点O ,N ,P 依次是ABC ∆的 ( ) C (A )重心 外心 垂心 (B )重心 外心 内心 (C )外心 重心 垂心 (D )外心 重心 内心(2)若AP =u u u r ()(0)||||AC AB AB AC λλ+≠u u u r u u u r uu u r u u u r ,则点P 所在直线过ABC ∆的_______心(内心)第二部分 《不等式》一、知识结构图及考试说明要求二、问题与对策(1)不等式复习常见障碍 (2)不等式高效复习的策略三、把脉高考——梳理题型——思考障碍——高效教学掌握知识构成及考察要求层级,挖掘高考题目中的基本成分,完成一轮教学的根本任务。

• A.明白笔记是什么? 是用笔记录下来的东西 • B为什么要笔记? 自己认为重要或不懂才做笔记。 • C.怎样笔记? 记清思路,记住疑问,记下思维火花。思维火花 稍纵即逝,同学们要学会扑捉,
定计划----预习----听课----复习----作 业----应试----迁移----创造----自我评 价等
关于学习过程,必须进行以下说明: 形象地说,这个过 程象根链条。既然是链条,就要求我们必须重视这个链条 上的每一个环节:定计划-——预习——听课——复习— —作业——应试——迁移——创造——自我评价
• 作业是学习效果的晴雨表,是你在学习之后自己 第一个应用与实践知识的行动,一定要认真对待。 • 小结是把一盘珠子穿成一挂项链。考试是什么? 考试就是猪八戒照镜子,不照不知道,一照吓一 跳,原来我这么丑,还有这么多的失误与错误。 镜子一照,心里也就亮堂了,哪里出问题,就解 决哪里。 • 迁移创造就是别人(含老师)教我们用擀面杖擀 面,同时更重要的是:你学会用擀面杖作了一杆 秤;你想用擀面杖来翘地球……;
• 一要正确处理好三类事情:该做的、不 该做的、该做不该做的,尤其是第三类, 一定要减少精力和投入 • 二要惜时如注意休息。越是高考临近,越要注 意休息。有道是:爱拼才会赢,能睡就 是金。
大兵压境 处变不惊 镇定自若 踌躇满志 踏进考场 冷静思考 正常发挥 靠好成绩 实现理想
• 同学们不仅要探求知识、掌握知识,而且要初步 尝试在掌握知识过程中发展自己的能力。 学习 过程从小处说,是指同学们做一道题一定要克服 老毛病,三五步写出答案,重答案轻书写的毛病。 为什么?
北京市海淀区2020届高三数学一轮复习 解析几何讲义

解析几何一轮复习一、高三复习备考,既要研究学科特点,也要研究考试规律● 北京高考题1.【2020理科11】设双曲线C 经过点(2,2),且与2214y x -=具有相同渐近线,则C 的方程为 ;渐近线方程为 .2. 【2020文科10】设双曲线C 的两个焦点为(0),0),一个顶点是(1,0),则C 的方程为 .3.【2020理科13】在ABC △中,点,M N 满足2AM MC −−→−−→=,BN NC−−→−−→=.若MN x AB y AC −−→−−→−−→=+,则x =_______;y =_______4. 【2020理5】设{}n a 是公比为q 的等比数列,则"1"q >是"{}"n a 为递增数列的.A 充分且不必要条件 .B 必要且不充分条件.C 充分必要条件 .D 既不充分也不必要条件5.【2020文科6】设,a b 是非零向量.“||||⋅=a b a b ”是“∥a b ”的(A )充分而不必要条件 (B )必要而不充分条件(C )充分必要条件 (D )既不充分也不必要条件 得分率0.44, 全卷最低● 北京高考中解析几何解答题的特点——需思考,要运算6. 【2020北京理】已知椭圆2222:1(0)x y C a b a b+=>>的离心率为2,点(0,1)P 和点(,)A m n (0)m ≠都在椭圆C 上,直线PA 交x 轴于点M .(Ⅰ)求椭圆C 的方程,并求点M 的坐标(用,m n 表示);(Ⅱ)设O 为原点,点B 与点A 关于x 轴对称,直线PB 交x 轴于点N .问:y 轴上是否存在点Q ,使得OQM ONQ ∠=∠?若存在,求点Q 的坐标;若不存在,说明理由.7. 【2020北京理】已知椭圆22:24C x y +=.(Ⅱ)设O 为原点.若点A 在椭圆C 上,点B 在直线2y =上,且OA OB ⊥,试判断直线AB 与圆222x y +=的位置关系,并证明你的结论.8. (2020北京理)已知曲线C :2228x y +=()m ∈R .(Ⅱ)曲线C 与y 轴的交点为A 、B (点A 位于点B 的上方),直线4y kx =+ 与曲线C 交于不同的两点M 、N ,直线1y =与直线BM 交于点G .求证:,,A G N 三点共线.● 解析几何的学科特色● 高考中的解析几何从近几年北京高考题对解析几何知识点的考查看解析几何复习方向:1、圆的方程、圆锥曲线的方程和简单的几何性质是最基础知识点,在试卷中会出一道选择或填空题,试题难度为容易题或中档题。

1. 将紫色洋葱鳞片叶外表皮分别放入清水、蔗糖溶液、硝酸钾溶液、甘油溶液中进行细胞质壁分离和复原的实验。
在处理时间相同的前提下,相关叙述正确的是()A. 放入适量的清水中,细胞的原生质体逐渐变小B. 放入适宜浓度的蔗糖溶液中,细胞中液泡的颜色先加深后变浅C. 放入适宜浓度的硝酸钾溶液中,细胞的原生质体先减小后增大D. 放入适宜浓度的甘油溶液中,细胞的吸水能力逐渐减小2. 香豌豆的花色有紫花和白花2种,显性基因C和P同时存在时开紫花。
下列分析错误的是()A.2个白花亲本的基因型为CCpp与ccPPB.F1测交后代中紫花与白花的比例为1∶1C.F2紫花中纯合子的比例为1/9D.F2中白花的基因型有5种3. 图是细胞核的结构模式图,下列叙述正确的是A. 结构∶不能与细胞膜在结构上直接相连B. 人体细胞中的结构∶都附着在结构∶上C. 结构∶上的是小型环状的DNA分子D. 结构∶∶都能有选择性地控制物质进出4. 决定小鼠毛色为黑(B)褐(b)色、有(s)/无(S)白斑的两对等位基因分别位于两对同源染色体上。
基因型为BbSs的小鼠间相互交配,后代中出现黑色有白斑小鼠的比例是()A. 1/16B. 3/16C. 7/16D. 9/165. 新型冠状病毒具有高传染性,其遗传物质为单股正链RNA(+RNA),增殖过程如下图。
下列有关新型冠状病毒叙述正确的是()A.新型冠状病毒特有的碱基为胸腺嘧啶B.新型冠状病毒能够利用自身的核糖体合成蛋白质C.以“-RNA”为模板合成“+RNA”也需要RNA聚合酶D.新型冠状病毒可用含有碳源、氮源等营养物质的培养基培养6. 某药物H3Z是一种多肽类的激素,能使人对陌生人产生信赖感,有助于治疗孤独症等病症。

2020年北京市海淀区教师进修附属实验学校高三英语三模试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ACome and enjoy Vivaldi's TheFour Seasonsperformed by live musicians!Tickets△Zone A Sating (Excellent Visibility, $75)△Zone B Seating (Great Visibility, $60)△Zone C Seating (Good Visibility, $45)△Zone D Seating (Restricted Visibility, 30)Zone A and Zone B audiences will get the chance to take pictures with the performers on the stage after the show.Highlights* A beautiful venue bathed in candlelight.*Classical music performance by the Angel Strings quartet*A safe and socially-distanced event, ensuring you are comfortable and at ease.General Info*Dates and times: Various dates, at 6:30 pm and 8:30 pm (select during purchase).*How long: 65 minutes. Doors open 45 minutes before the start time. We recommend you arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of the event, as late entry is not permitted.*Where: Events on Oxlade*Age requirement: Must be 8 years old or older to attend. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult.*Please note: The 6:30 pm seating will take place during daylight hours outdoors, and the space will not be that dark. In the case of rain, the event will be moved to the indoor area of the venue.DescriptionWhether you're looking for a beautifully unique classical music performance or a romantic candlelit experience, this performance is for you. You don't need to know all things about Vivaldi to enjoy the evening;simply sit back and admire the wonderful atmosphere and the pieces you'll hear.Join our musicians for an evening under the stars, and prepare to be taken into the clouds with Vivaldi' s most treasured masterpieces!1.What can someone with a $45 ticket do?A.Perform on the stage.B.Enjoy good visibility.C.Select a seat in Zone B.D.Take photos with the musicians.2.What should potential audiences keep in mind?A.Arrive at the venue on time.B.Learn about Vivaldi in advance.C.The performance lasts 45 minutes.D.The event will be canceled if it rains.3.What do we know about the 8:30 p.m. performance?A.It welcomes children under the age of 8.B.Its performers differ on different dates.C.Its stage will be decorated with candles.D.It will be shown in the indoor area of the venue.BIn order to help discover spoilage and reduce food waste for supermarkets and consumers, researchers have developed new low-cost, smart phone-linked, eco-friendly spoilage sensors for meat and fish packaging.One in threeUKconsumers throw away food just because it reaches the use-by date, but 60% of the £12.5 billion-worth of food we throw away each year is safe to eat.The researchers, whose findings were published in ACS Sensors, say the sensors could also eventually replace the use-by date—a widely used indicator of being fresh and eatable.The sensors cost two US cents each to make. Known as “paper-based electrical gas sensors (PEGS)”, they detect spoilage gases like ammonia (a poisonous gas with a strong unpleasant smell) in meat and fish products. The information provided by the electronic nose is received by a smart phone, and then you can know whether the food is fresh and safe to eat.The Imperial College London researchers who developed PEGS made the sensors by printing carbon electrodes onto a special type of paper. The materials are eco-friendly and harmless, so they don’t damage the environment and are safe to use in food packaging. The sensors, combined with a tiny electronic system, then inform nearby mobile devices, which identify and understand the data about spoilage gases.Lead author Dr Firat Guder of Imperial’s Department of Bioengineering, said, “Although they’re designed tokeep us safe, use-by dates can lead to eatable food being thrown away. They don’t always reflect its actual freshness. In fact, people often get sick from food-borne diseases due to poor storage, even when an item is within its use-by date.”“These sensors are cheap enough so we hope to see supermarkets using them within three years. Our goal is to use PEGS in food packaging to reduce unnecessary food waste.”The authors hope that PEGS could have applications beyond food processing, like sensing chemicals in agriculture, air quality, and detecting disease markers in breath like those involved in kidney disease.4. What is the function of PEGS according to the text?A. To improve the taste of foods.B. To improve the service of stores.C. To help supermarkets store foods.D. To help people test food freshness.5. What role does the smartphone play while PEGS are functioning?A. It acts as an electronic nose.B. It reads the data collected by PEGS.C. It helps print the gas sensors onto paper.D. It discovers the spoilage gases from foods.6. What does Dr. Firat Guder say about use-by dates?A. They are not completely reliable.B. They can help reduce food waste.C. They are based on scientific research.D. They are not accepted by the consumers.7. What does the author mainly talk about in the text?A. The process of researching spoilage sensors.B. A new technology in packaging to reduce food waste.C. The application of spoilage sensors beyond food processing.D. The influence of use-by dates on supermarkets and consumers.CIn the summer of 2016, I gave a talk at a small conference in northernVirginia. I began by admitting that I’d never had a social-media account; I then outlined arguments for why other peopleshould consider removing social media from their lives. The event organizers uploaded the video of my talk to YouTube. Then it was shared repeatedly on Facebook and Instagram and, eventually, viewed more than five million times. I was both pleasedand annoyed by the fact that my anti-social-media talk had found such a large audience on social media.I think of this event as typical of the love-hate relationships many of us have with Facebook, Instagram, and other social-media platforms. On the one hand, we’ve grown cautious about the so-called attention economy, which, in the name of corporate(公司的) profits, destroys social life gradually and offends privacy. But we also benefit from social media and hesitate to break away from it completely. Not long ago, Imet a partner at a large law firm in Washington, D.C., who told me that she keeps Instagram on her phone because she misses her kids when she travels; looking through pictures of them makes her feel better.In recent months, some of the biggest social-media companies, Facebook and Twitter, in particular, have promised various reforms. In March, Mark Zuckerberg announced a plan to move his platform toward private communication protected by end-to-end encryption(端对端加密); later that month, he put forward the establishment of a third-party group to set standards for acceptable content.All of these approaches assume that the reformation of social media will be a complex, lengthy, and gradual process. But not everyone sees it that way. Alongside these official responses, a loose collective of developers that calls itself the IndieWeb has been creating another alternative. They are developing their own social-media platforms, which they say will preserve what’s good about social media while getting rid of what’s bad. They hope to rebuild social media according to principles that are less corporate and more humane(人道的).8. Why did the author feel annoyed when his video was spread online?A. His video caused many arguments.B. His video was shared without his permission.C. His talk was opposed by a large amount of people.D. His video’s popularity on social media is against his talk.9. Why does the author mention the story of his partner in paragraph 2?A. To prove that social media has some benefits.B. To advise people to break away from social media.C. To tell the negative effects social media may produce.D. To describe people’s complicated relationships with social media.10. What is the purpose of the reform made by some social-media companies?A. To attract more users.B. To improve network environment.C. To make more profits.D. To provide more convenientservice.11. What does the IndieWeb intend to do?A. Develop new social-media platforms.B. Remove social media from people’s lives.C. Improve the existing social-media principles.D. Help social-media companies to make reformation.DWhat will future schools look like in 100 years? Imagine future schools in which students are totally engaged in a class. They are concentrating on working together to solve real-world problems. They are self-driven and are coming up withamazing ideas on the spot. They are concerned with each other’s well-being as part of a team. Their concerns reach far beyond the classroom to others all over the globe.The school of the future will be an amazing melting pot of different peoples coming together to solve real-world problems.Will they even be called “schools” in the future?The teacher-student relationship is changing. Teachers are acting more as helpers rather than keepers of all knowledge. Students are driving their own education to the path that they feel best fits them. In the future, employers may not be as concerned with a diploma. They’ll look more at cases and examples of how students contribute to solving real-world problems. They’ll want to know how well they work in a team.What will problem-solving look like in the future?Information from the Internet is accessible everywhere and at unimaginable speeds. Kids are connected to news around the world in real time. Imagine someone could put out a request to the global community to help solve an issue in their own community! Classes can adopt an issue and work with other classes around the world in real time to create solutions.What will information look like in the future?It’s already everywhere. Users can get flooded by the constant flow of information. The need to understand what is true and what is not is important. The flipped classroom (翻转课堂) has already completely changed lecture-based lessons. It presents interesting content to students before they even come to class. They can access the Internet as many times as they want to review the lessons.12. What is the key message of the first paragraph?A. The things students will do in the future school.B. The situation where students will be in the future.C. The attention students will pay to in the classroom.D. The methods students will use to study in the classroom.13. What will be thought highly of when students solve real-world problems?A. Respect.B. Patience.C. Teamwork.D. Concern.14. What can we infer from the fourth paragraph?A. Teachers encourage students to develop leadership.B Students are really relaxed with their heavy study.C. The employers value students’ diplomas most.D. Students have the right to choose the most suitable lessons.15. What’s the purpose of the flipped classroom?A. To help students to improve the problem-solving ability.B. To provide the lessons for students to study before or after class.C. To help students to keep in contact with the outside world.D. To help students to understand the most difficult content.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. 酶和A TP是细胞代谢过程中所需的两种重要的化合物,而细胞内还有与ATP结构类似的GTP、CTP和UTP等高能磷酸化合物,但A TP用途较为广泛。
下列有关叙述中错误的是A. A TP的合成常伴随放能反应,而吸能反应通常伴随A TP的水解B. UTP分子中高能磷酸键全部断裂后的产物中有某些酶的基本组成单位C. 叶肉细胞细胞质中消耗的A TP均来源于线粒体和叶绿体D. 唾液腺细胞分泌唾液淀粉酶的过程可使得ATP转化为ADP的速率加快2. 关于蛋白质分子结构和功能的叙述,正确的是()A. 氨基酸的种类由R基决定,非必需氨基酸需从外界环境中获取B. 氨基酸之间通过脱水缩合形成多肽,脱去水分子中的氢仅来自氨基C. 由氨基酸种类、数量和排列顺序都相同的肽链形成的蛋白质不一定相同D. 蛋白质的功能具有多样性,如催化、运输、储存遗传信息、传递信息等功能3. 下列关于生态系统相关的说法,正确的有几项()①食物网中某生物的位置不能被其他生物取代①当天气干旱时,草原生态系统中的动植物种类和数量一般不会有太大变化,这一事例属于恢复力稳定性①组成生物体的C、H、O、N、P、S等元素,不断在无机环境和生物群落之间进行循环的过程,叫生态系统物质循环①任何生态系统都需要不断得到来自系统外的能量补充,以便维持生态系统的正常功能①植物生长素对植物生长的调节属于生态系统的信息传递中的化学信息①信息传递对于个体、种群、群落、生态系统的稳定都有重要作用A. 一项B. 两项C. 三项D. 四项4. 人体白细胞吞噬细菌的方式属于A. 自由扩散B. 协助扩散C. 胞吞D. 胞吐5. 根据题干提供的实验材料,回答下列有关问题:(1)胡萝卜可生吃,可炖煮,还可以制作成泡菜,泡菜发酵过程中会产生亚硝酸盐,因此食用前需要检测泡菜中亚硝酸盐的含量而避免中毒,测定亚硝酸盐含量的常用方法是______________。

2020届北京市海淀区教师进修学校附属实验学校高三英语上学期期末考试试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ANew events and changes of junior golf competition calendarNew eventsNotah BegayⅢJunior Golf National ChampionshipWhat does a junior golfer aim to pursue? One thing is to be noticed, ideally by a college coach. A remarkable opportunity will be offered by the Notah BegayⅢJunior Golf National Championship to its participants: an event broadcast by Golf Channel. Players aged between eight and 18 can compete in the new event; information about where and when it will be held will be released later.Barbasol Junior ChampionshipBeginning the career in the PGA Tour is something that a junior golfer tends to dream of. The Barbasol Junior Championship, which is scheduled to take place between June 29 and July 2 at Keene Trace Golf Club inNicholasville,Kentucky, will provide such an opportunity. Boys under 19 years old will qualify for this new 54-hole event, and the winner will be awarded a spot at the PGA Tour's Barbasol Championship in July.Changed eventsThunderbird International JuniorThe dates of the AJGA's Thunderbird International Junior have to be changed since the NCAA Championships move to Grayhawk Golf Club inScottsdale,Arizona, for the next three years. Generally, the Thunderbird is played at the end of May. However, this year it is scheduled on different dates for the first time, from April 9 to 12, which means, of course, that the finish date is on Masters Sunday.Gator InvitationalJunior golf intends to prepare for the following college golf. If this is the case, then it is crucial to simulate the higher-level experience as much as possible. Because of that, the Gator Invitational, as a junior boys' event, has made a significant decision on becoming a 54-hole event by adding a round this year. The new version will be played from March 13 to 15 at The Country Club of Jackson inJackson,Mississippi.1. Which event can be watched on TV?A. Notah BegayⅢJunior Golf National Championship.B. Barbasol Junior Championship.C. Thunderbird International Junior.D. Gator Invitational.2. When will the Thunderbird International Junior be played?A. At the end of May.B. From April 9 to 12.C. Between June 29and July 2.D. From March 13 to 15.3. What has been changed about the Gator Invitational?A. The award given to the winnerB. The place where it is played.C. The required age of the players.D. The number of rounds it has.BWhere do you find beauty? Fashion Magazines? Music Videos? One American photographer is finding beauty in unexpected places. And a new documentary about his work might help change the traditional standards of “who” is beautiful.Rick Guidotti put aside his career as a fashion photographer to turn his lens to people living with genetic, physical and behavioral differences. He says what changed his perception of beauty was a chance encounter with an albino (白化病)girl.“I was just tired of people telling me who was beautiful. Every season that face would change but I was always told who was beautiful. As an artist, I don't see beauty just on covers of magazines. I see it everywhere. So it was my initial intention that opened my eyes a little wider and wider.” Said Guidotti.Guidotti has created Positive Exposure, a not-for-profit organization that uses photography and video to transform public views and promote a world where differences are celebrated. Guidotti and Positive Exposure are featured in a new documentary called On Beauty.The cast and crew recently hosted a screening at Georgetown University in Washington. One of the women featured in the film is Jayne Waithera. “I never thought I was beautiful because nobody said that to me, but meeting him was my profound moment. I remember that particular day he took my picture and I felt so good like I felt there's somebody who, really loves me and sees me for who I am and who sees me more than my condition.” said Waithera.The documentary is the idea of producer Joanna Rudnick. After seeing Guidotti's photos, she decided to tell his story. Joanna and Guidotti are traveling from city to city to promote On Beauty. “As I travel from community to community, I'm taking photographs and I'm encouraging individuals with a positive sense of who they are. They're seeing beauty in their reflection but I'm also encouraging their families and they in turn are encouraging theircommunities as well. All is based on the philosophy of change how you see,see how you change.”4. What made Rick change his understanding of beauty?A. A girl diagnosed with albino.B. His job as a fashion photographer.C. The beauty on the covers of magazines.D. Influence from the people working with him.5. What can we infer about Jayne Waithera?A. She showed great interest in taking photos.B. She used to be disappointed at her work and life.C. She was greatly influenced by the experience with Rick.D. She believed Rick was the best photographer in the world.6. Which of the following words can best describe On Beauty?A. abstract and differentB. traditional and academicC. tolerant and encouragingD. creative and interesting7. What's the best title of the text?A. True Beauty In The Eye Of A PhotographerB. Beautiful Or Not Beautiful,That's A QuestionC. Be Who You Are Not Who You Want To BeD. A Different photographer, A Different MagazineCSusan Scott, 71, is glad that she didn't think about her age when she took up bodybuilding at the age of 59.“I reinvent myself every ten years. I started my 60s as a bodybuilderand now I'm beginning my 70s as a writer,” she said. “People usually limit themselves by age, and it's discouraging. With age, I remain young at heart.”Dr Susan started bodybuilding at an age when most are considering retirement though she was an athlete from an early age. As a child in Venezuela, she took to gymnastics and later graduated with a physical education degree.Then she obtained a master's degree in education and later a Ph. D. in Adult Personal Development. She taught at Cambridge Rindge and Latin High School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, for 16 years, while raising two daughters.“I started bodybuilding when I met Steve Pfiester, a gym guy who practiced yoga. He invited me to his gymand offered to train me. I started in January and in June he took me to my first competition in Bradenton, Florida,” she recalled.Dr Susan's photos show that she has devoted long hours to taking care of her body. But she also develops her mind and spirit. On any given day, she gets up at 3 am to read books. At 4:30 am she's out to walk three miles and run another three. This is followed by yoga and a swim at the beach while the sun rises. After writing her journal and working on her book between 8 and 10 am, she hits the gym for at least two hours. “I don't lose track of time,” she said.Dr Susan's war on ageism has rubbed off on her two daughters, both in their early thirties. “They both take care of their bodies and minds. If you give them a good foundation as a parent, you know that they will always come back to their roots. I tried to remind myself of that during their difficult teen years.”8. What's Dr Susan's opinion on age?A. Age cannot be hidden.B. Age is a state of mind.C. Every age has its pains and sorrows.D. Old age is not suitable for further study.9. What made Dr Susan start bodybuilding?A. The need of her job.B. Her youthful dream.C. Steve Pfiester's influence.D. Her daughters' encouragement.10. Which of the following best describes Dr Susan's morning schedule?A. Dull.B. Tight.C. Flexible.D. Controversial.11. What can be inferred about Dr Susan from the last paragraph?A. She will set up a fitness foundation.B. She will soon return to retirement.C. She often thinks of her teenage years.D. She sets an example to her daughters.DSam, I say to myself as I start across the bridge, you must stop these thoughts and start thinking about what to do now that you have lost your falcon, Frightful.Life, my friend Ban do once said, is meeting problems and solving them whether you are an amoeba or a space traveller. I have a problem. I have to provide my younger sister Alice and myself with meat. Fish, nuts, and vegetables are good and necessary, but they don't provide enough fuel for the hard physical work we do. Although we have venison now, I can't always count on getting it. So far this year, our venison has been only road kill from in front of Mrs Strawberry's farm.I decide to take the longest way home, down the flood plain of the West Branch of Delaware to Spillkill, my own name for a fast stream that cascades down the south face of the mountain range I'm on. I need time to think. Perhaps Alice and I should be like the early Eskimos. We should walk, camp and hunt, and when the seasons change, walk on to new food sources. But I love my tree and my mountaintop.Another solution would be to become farmers, like the people of the Iroquois Confederacy who once lived here. They settled in villages and planted corm and squash, bush beans and berries. We already grow groundnuts in the damp soil and squash in the poor land. But the Iroquois also hunted game. I can't do that anymore.I'm back where I started from.Slowly I climb the Spillkill. As I hop from rock to rock beneath shady basswoods and hemlocks, I hear the cry of the red-tailed hawk who nests on the mountain crest. I am reminded of Frightful and my heart aches. I can almost hear her call my name, Cree, Cree, Cree, Car-ree.Maybe I can get her back if I beg the man who is in charge of the peregrines at the university. “But it's the law,” he would say. I could write to the president of the United States and ask him to make an exception of Alice and me. That won't work. The president swore to uphold the Constitution and laws of the United States when he took office.I climb on. I must stop thinking about the impossible and solve the problem of what to do now. I must find a new way to provide for us. Frightful is going to be in good hands at the university, and she will have young.I smile at the thought of little Frightfuls and lift my reluctant feet.When I am far above the river, I take off my clothes and moccasins and bathe in a deep, clear pool until I am refreshed and thinking more clearly. Climbing up the bank, I dress and sit down. I breathe deeply of the mountain air and try to solve my problem more realistically.12. What does this excerpt main describe?A. Delicate mental activities.B. Unique story environment.C. Everchanging story events.D. Complicated character relationship.13. What is Sam's first worry?A. How to get back quicklyB. How to get enough venison.C. How to ensure the safety of Frightful.D. How to provide meat for Alice and himself.14. What do we know about Frightful?A. He left Sam and Alice due to lack of food.B. He helped Sam hunt before being taken away.C. He is living with the red-tailed hawk happily.D. He has given birth to babies in the university.15. Which of the following can best describe Sam?A. Humorous.B. Aggressive.C. Responsible.D. Unrealistic.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2020届北京市海淀区教师进修学校附属实验学校高三英语上学期期末试卷及答案解析第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项AThe COVID -19 pandemic has affected all aspects of life, including the way we travel. But for those who are looking to expand their horizons while still staying safe, the following three travel trends in 2021 may provide inspirations. Let’s take a look.StaycationWith many travel restrictions during the pandemic, people preferred traveling to nearby places in 2020. This trend continues in 2021. According to search data, 62 percent of people are interested in taking a vacation within driving distance of home. People who live in large cities want to get back in touch with nature. Travelers are looking for places different from their everyday accommodations, for example, farm stays, villas and cottages.Pod travelWhile 2020 saw a rise in solo travel and isolated adventures, 2021 shows that people want to be more connected. “Pod travel”, or gathering in isolated spaces with loved ones, is growing in popularity. 85 percent of survey respondents favor traveling with family or friends, and over half of the trips searched include three or more people. Pod travel is here to stay for those who want to safely be together while reducing risks associated with socializing with others.Remote working and travelingMany people worked and learned from home in 2020 because of the pandemic. Remote working blurs the line between working and traveling. There was a 128 percent increase in the mention of phrases such as “relocation”, “relocate”, “remote work” and “trying a new neighborhood”. People are actively booking longer stays (e. g. two plus week trips) in small to mid—size cities with access to immersive natural surroundings and wide—open spaces.1.What can we learn about Staycation?A.Travelling to the countryside.B.Taking an isolated adventure.CHaving holidays in nearby places. D.Staying indoors all by oneself.2.What’s special about Pod travel?A.Traveling alone.B.Traveling far away.C.Traveling while working.D.Traveling with loved ones.3.Where might we find the text in a magazine?A.Medicine.cation.C.TourismD.Career.BJeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Richard Branson have a combined net worth of 400 billion, roughly the size of the GDP of the entire nation of Ireland. And all three men have decided to put vast sums of their wealth into chasing their space travel dreams, creating a modern space race in which ultra — rich men — rather than countries — shoot for the stars.But why the three billionaires choose the crazy plan? Just for the travel dreams? It’s not that simple.As we all know, the space travel is a mirror of comprehensive national strength, whether it’s the cold war or the present. The first space racespannedmultiple presidents and premiers — Kennedy, Krushchev, Brezhnev, Nixon. It made heroes of astronauts and cosmonauts, and it focused national prides. But obviously, this year’s race between the billionaires features none of that national pride or opposing ideas. It’s tax — averse tycoons (大亨) who want to sell high — priced tickets to rich people interested in experiencing weightlessness. Amazon’s Bezos has said he is funding his portion by selling off large chunks of his Amazon stock (股票) — 1 billion or more a year.What are the odds? If anyone is taking bets on how this will end, and who will have the more profitable space tourism business, consider Amazon’s method of making very little profit in order to eat up competition. So, from this point of view, what’s hiding behind this crazy race is business. As a method of expand influence, it is not a bad idea.Richard Branson has carried out his plan on July 12, and Jeff Bezos announced that he will start his space travel on July 20. Bezos is getting some good press because he’s taking Wally Funk along for the ride. She’s the pilot now in her 80s who was kept out of space in the 1960s because she’s a woman. This may be a bonus for him. As for Musk, he thinks these two above are not real space trips, he wants a larger move.Who will win the race in the end? Let’s wait and see.4. Which of the following people might be the potential client of the space travel?A. Daisy aged 45 with a heavy debt.B. Clarkson who doesn’t enjoy taking risks.C. Billy aged 60 with an ample retirement pension.D. Alexander who knows nothing about space travel.5. What stopped Wally Funk flying to space in the 1960s?A. Age.B. Gender.C. Height.D. Disposition.6. What does the author think of the billionaires race?A. Profit — driven.B. Meaningless.C. Foolish.D. Generous.7. What does the underlined word “spanned” in paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Revolved.B. Turned down.C. Entered.D. Leapt through.CMany cars in advertisements and on exhibition in the United States are red, blue or green, but almost 75 percent of new cars sold in the United States are black, white, silver orgray.Les Jackson is a reporter who writes about cars. He says the color1 s of cars Americans choose do not show dirt. He says that means the owners wash their cars less in order to save money. And he notes some areas that are suffering from water shortages do not permit people to wash their cars often.Dan Benton works for a company called Axalta, which makes supplies for international car makers. He says white cars are often sold more expensive than cars of other color1 s. And he notes that white cars “absorb(吸收)less energy” than cars of other color1 s. This means temperatures inside them are lower in warmer areas. Benton also says research at Monash University in Australia suggests that there is a lower risk of crashes during the day for white cars compared with darker ones.Car buyers in other countries also like white. Jane Harrington works for PPG Industries, a company that makes paint for cars. She said in China, buyers say white makes a small car look bigger.About 11 percent of cars sold in North America are red and 8 percent are blue. Green has become less popular. Benton notes that in the mid-1990s green was the most popular color1 in North America. Today, green is hard to find.Sometime in the future, people may not have to choose the color1 of their cars —— technology may let owners change their cars’ paint color1 anytime.8. What can we learn from Paragraph 2?A. Most Americans don’t like red cars.B. People in America are not allowed to wash their cars.C. Many people prefer to choose white cars in America.D. Americans may consider the cost of cleaning when choosing cars.9. Why do many people choose white cars?A. They are much cheaper than cars of other color1 s..B. They are much safer while crashing.C. They are bigger than cars of other color1 s.D. They are more comfortable inside in warmer areas.10. What do we know from the text?A. Les Jackson is a member of Axalta.B. Most Americans rarely wash their cars.C. PPG Industries mainly produces cars in China.D. Green cars were once popular in North America.11. What does the text mainly tell us?A. Choices of car color1 sB. How to buy a good car.C. Differences of car color1 s.D. Popular car color1 s in history.DRecently,as I watched my son Nathan play basketball for his high school team,I was starting to feel sorry for myself and for him.His team was facing adversity(逆境)on the court and he was playing in a hostile environment-it was the opponent's home gym filled with their supporters,and Nathan's team was trailing(落后)for three quarters of the game.As for me,I had been dismissed from my job earlier in the day.During my drive home,I kept telling myself that I will find work again in a short time-I am confident in my experience and abilities.This is the same belief that I tried to instill in my son.The basketball game entered the fourth quarter with Nathan's team still trailing.I saw the determination on his,as well as his teammates'faces as they fought back to not only tie the game(平局),but then go ahead by three points.Then,a player from the other team made an unbelievable shot to tie the game up again.With a tie game and seconds on the clock,Nathan found himself with the ball and with skill and confidence,he proceeded to make the basket with a defender hanging all over him.The other player was called for a foul(犯规).As Nathan stood at the foul line preparing for a shot that would put his team up by three points,I saw the focus and determination on his face,there was no room for self doubt.Nathan was able to tune out all the distractions and nail the free throwwith such skill,it was as if he had done it a thousand times.As I sat there,my heart bursting with pride,it dawned on me.I had taught him perseverance in the face of adversity,and he had just taught me the same lesson.That brief moment of self-doubt andfeeling sorry for myselfwas blown away by the actions of my son on the basketball court.He will play in the finals,but it doesn't matter if he wins or loses,at this moment,we both won.12. What did the author estimate his son's team would be like at first?______A. The team would lose at home court.B. The team would finally win.C. The team would win the championship.D. The team would lose at visiting court.13. Which of the following words can best describe the author?______A. Self-doubting and pessimistic.B. Self-confident and optimistic.C. Hardworking and intelligent.D. Easy-going and warmhearted.14. What does the underlined phrase"tune out"in Paragraph 4 mean?______A. AvoidB. Focus.C. CreateD. Receive.15. Which of the following is the besttitle for the text?______A. Life Goes Just Like Playing Basketball.B. It Matters Whether to Win or Lose.C. A Lesson in Life and Basketball.D. Father And Son in Life.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2020届北京市海淀区教师进修附属实验学校高三英语下学期期末考试试卷及参考答案第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项ATwitter humorist and TV writer Jonny Sun is the author of the 2017 best-sellereveryone'sa aliebn when ur a aliebn too. This time, he recommends some emotionally powerful books.The Book of Delightsby Ross Gay(2019)Gay's collection of 102 short but emotional stories, begun in mid-2016 and written in the order of time over a year in America, focuses on the careful observation of ordinary delights in daily life. The writing is personal and grounded in thoughtful joy.100 Essays I Don't Have Time to Writeby Sarah Ruhl(2014)Seemingly a collection of essays on theater, Ruhl's book feels instead like the playwright's thoughts all of life. Her writing here is deeply personal, sharply argued but also playful. The book is actually a detailed description of the artist herself.They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Usby Hanif Abdurraqib(2017)I am always so moved by Abdurraqib's writing. He combines cultural criticism and personal memory in such a beautiful way, making the two styles naturally bound.Space Struckby Paige Lewis(2019 )This poetry collection awakened emotions in me that I did not know existed, or that I could feel, or that one could ever put words to. Every line is playful, honest, complex, and gentle.If you want to get more books, you can click here:Try more books1. Which book is a collection of short stories of daily happiness?A. The Book of Delights.B. 100 Essays I Don't Have Time to Write.C. They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us.D. Space Struck.2. Who is probably a poet?A. Ross Gay.B. Sarah Ruhl.C. Hanif Abduraqib.D. Paige Lewis.3. Where is the text most likely from?A. A diary.B. A brochure.C. A website.D. A magazine.B“My P.E. teacher taught me maths.”It has been a common joke for years but when a P.E. teacher applied for the head-teacher job, many parents worried that “the joke could come true”. Some parents asked, “Does the P.E. teacher know maths and English?If not, how is he supposed to tutor the students?” But there were still parents who believed P.E. teachers had more time to discipline the students since they didn’t have many classes.This concern is actually a “subject bias”, that is, choosing a P.E. teacher as the head-teacher is not good for the students’ grades since he doesn’t know Chinese, maths, or English. It is acceptable for Chinese teachers, maths teachers and English teachers to be head-teachers because these subjects are important to entrance exams and scores. Such a concern reflects parents’ anxiety in the current educational environment, which tends to link the head-teacher’s responsible subject with the facts whether the school cares about the class and the children’s performances in the subject.Many people care about their kids’ academic performances only. They don’t care about their kids’ P.E. performance at all. Even if kids have P.E. classes, parents care little. P.E. teachers are in humble position and their classes are often occupied by other teachers. Of course, if students, P.E. performance is related to grades and entrance exams, parents won’t mind “a P.E. teacher being the head-teacher”.At the moment, P.E. is gradually included in entrance exams.In terms of high school entrance examination,Guangzhouwill launch a new high school entrance exam which includes P.E. performance and Health examination in 2021, raising the score to 70 points.In terms of the college entrance examination, universities having the right of independent enrollments added P.E. tests to their entrance exams in 2019. This practice is seen as an important signal that the assessment of physical fitness and athletic ability, which are important aspects of a student’s overall quality, may be included in the college entrance examination in the future.We hope that it’s a trend for P.E. teachers, music teachers and art teachers to become head-teachers.4. By saying “My P.E. teacher taught me maths”, what does the author intend to show us?A. It is just a joke that seldom happened in reality.B. P.E. teachers hardly assist students in maths.C. P.E. teachers are good at teaching maths..D. Parents doubt the ability of P.E. teacher.5. We can infer from paragraph 2 that a P.E. teacher .A. is of little benefit for students’ academic performanceB. is humbler than Chinese, math or English teachersC. reflects whether the school cares about the classD. gets unfairly judged due to the current educational system6. Why doesGuangzhouraise proportion of P.E. performance in high school entrance examination?A. To raise students’ awareness of physical health.B. To call on parents to pay attention to P.E. teachers.C. To test the overall ability of high school students.D. To make P.E. teachers equal with other teachers.7. What opinion does the author hold towards P.E. teachers working as head-teachers?A. Neutral.B. Unexpected.C. Supportive.D. Critical.CHi, Momis a hit inChina. Since its release in early February the movie has earned more than 5 billion yuan at the box office. It is currently the second-highest-grossing film ever released in the country, and may yet overtakeWolf Worrior2, an action film from 2017.Written and directed by Jia Ling, the film is adapted from her comedy routine from 2016 which explored her relationship with her mother, who died in an accident when Ms. Jia was 19. At a time when many people have been separated from their families, the themes of grief and filial piety (孝道) inHi, Mombring agreement.The film’s impressive box office income is also a reminder of the health of the industry inChinacompared withHollywood. In the West cinemas remain closed due to lockdown or operate at limited capacity; inChina, where many restrictions have been lifted, between 50% and 75% of seats are available to book. During the Spring Festival, Chinese cinemas made an estimated $1.5 billion in ticket sales – 71% of takings at the American box office in all of 2020.With cinemas shut, film-sales agent stopped bringingHollywoodmovies to market. That has given locally made films a chance to excel. Since 2013, domestic films have taken around 60% of total box office earnings. In 2021, that number may get closer to 100%.8. What can be inferred from the first paragraph aboutHi, Mom?A. It will be a success.B.Wolf Worrior2 will be released after it.C. It is better than Wolf Worrior 2.D. It may be the first-highest-grossing film inChina.9. Which statement is NOT true according to the text?A. The film industry inChinais developing better than that inHollywood.B. The film is based on a real story.C. You can’t go to cinema because there are many restrictions.D. Many people can’t see their families often nowadays.10. What is the author’s attitude towards local films?A. NegativeB. PositiveC. IndifferentD. Skeptical11. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Local Movies Arise.B. China Film Industry.C. Comedy Time.D.Hi, Mom-China’s Latest Hit.DSomeday soon an emoji (表情符号)might really save lives.Hiroyuki Komatsu is a Google engineer who suggested adding a series of new emojis to the standard emoji library. It could help those with food allergies (过敏)understand what they are eating anywhere inthe world. Emojis should cover characters representing major food causing allergies. They make people understand what are used in foods even in foreign countries and safely select meals.Emojis are universal because they are chosen and developed by the Unicode Consortium, a non-profit company that oversees, develops and maintains how text is represented. This is in regards to all software products and standards. It's thanks to the Unicode Standard that when you text a friend six pizza emojis, they’ll see those six pizza pieces on their phone. This is true regardless of whether they use an iPhone or an Android.Because emojis are everywhere and visual(视觉的),they could be helpful for restaurants and food packaging designers. They can communicate whether a product is made with common causing-allergy food. But as Komatsu’s advice argues, many of the most common causing-allergy foods are missing or poorly represented by the presentemoji library. For example, there is an emoji for octopus, but nothing for squid. There is a loaf of bread that could symbolize grain, but a picture of wheat could be clearer. The emojis can be more direct when symbolizing foods.It’s not uncommon for the Unicode Consortium to add new emojis to the library: several food-related emojis were put into use last June, including some long-waited food emojis. Apple included support for multiracial emojis in a recent iOS update. An artist even recreated Moby-Dick in emoji characters. Some might be sorry for the continuing death of the written word if Komatsu’s suggestion is accepted, but look on the bright side: if you ever see that happy poop on a box, you’ll know to stay away.12. How will emojis save lives according to the text?A. By showing what the food contains visually.B. By telling the safest places in the world.C. By teaching people how to treat allergies.D. By adding standard emojis about safety.13. What does paragraph 3 mainly tell us?A. Emojis have the same meanings around the world.B. The Unicode Consortium is a non-profit company.C. What emojis represent is different in different places.D. Different mobile operating systems have different emojis.14. What can be the reason for Komatsu’s advice?A. Emojis are easy to mix up.B. Present emojis are not enough.C. Emojis can't interest most users.D. Emojis can't represent foods directly.15. What is the author’s attitude to Komatsu's suggestion?A. Doubtful.B. Worried.C. Supportive.D. Uninterested.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

一、单选题1. 如图所示,点电荷固定在连线的下方,试探电荷沿直线从A 运动到B 。
此过程中受到的库仑力是( )A .排斥力,先变小后变大B .排斥力,先变大后变小C .吸引力,先变小后变大D .吸引力,先变大后变小2.如图所示是特技跳伞运动员在空中的造型图。
关于该图以下说法正确的是( )A .运动员甲感觉到空气迎面吹来,是以大地为参考系B .运动员乙看到大地迎面而来,是以大地为参考系C .运动员甲以运动员乙为参考系,自己是静止的3. 如图所示,兴趣小组的同学为了研究竖直运动的电梯中物体的受力情况,在电梯地板上放置了一个压力传感器,将质量为4kg 的物体放在传感器上.在电梯运动的某段过程中,传感器的示数为44N .g 取10m/s 2.对此过程的分析正确的是( )A .物体受到的重力变大B .物体的加速度大小为1m/s 2C .电梯正在减速上升D .电梯的加速度大小为4m/s 24. 两根长度不同的细线下面分别悬挂两个小球,细线上端固定在同一点,若两个小球以相同的角速度绕共同的竖直轴在水平面内做匀速圆周运动,则两个小球在运动过程中,相对位置关系示意图正确的是图中的( )A. B.C. D.北京市海淀区教师进修学校附属实验学校2023-2024学年高三一模模拟物理试题考二、多选题三、实验题5. 下列说法正确的是( )A .β射线是原子核外电子挣脱原子核束缚后形成的B .汤姆孙通过对阴极射线的研究发现了电子,从而揭示了原子核是有复杂结构的C .卢瑟福的原子核式结构模型解释了α粒子散射实验D .查德威克发现了天然放射现象说明原子具有复杂的结构6. 如图所示,为一在水平面内做匀速圆周运动的圆锥摆,关于摆球A 的受力情况,下列说法中正确的是( )A .摆球A 受重力、拉力和向心力的作用B .摆球A 受拉力和向心力的作用C .摆球A 受拉力和重力的作用D .摆球A 受力的合力就是只改变速度的方向,不改变速度的大小7. 下列说法正确的是A .库仑力和核力都是一种强相互作用B .光电效应说明了光具有粒子性C .运动的实物粒子具有波动性D .结合能越大,原子核越稳定8. 假设何雯娜质量为m =40kg ,在某次蹦床比赛中,她从最低点以一定的初速度v 0竖直向上跳起,取运动过程的最低点为重力零势能面,她的机械能和重力势能随离开最低点的高度h 的变化规律如图所示,在整个运动过程中,可将她视为质点,空气阻力不可忽略并且大小恒定,取g =10m/s 2,则( )A .初速度v 0=11m/sB .下降加速度为7m/s 2C .落回最低点的动能1480JD.上升运动时间为9. 某学习小组用放电法测量电容器的电容,所用器材如下:电池(电动势为3V ,内阻不计);待测电容器(额定电压为5V ,电容值未知);微安表(量程为200μA ,内阻未知);滑动变阻器R (最大阻值为20Ω);电阻箱、、、(最大阻值均为9999.9Ω);定值电阻(阻值为5.0kΩ);单刀单掷开关、,单刀双掷开关;导线若干。
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提供充分的支撑个性化需求的辅助学习资源 ➢基础知识自查清单(查缺补漏); ➢潜错误观念自查清单(摸排地雷); ➢各主题核心问题的思维框架提炼(全局视角,防钻牛角
尖,让碎片化的繁杂解题经验条理清晰安放) ➢磨刀石——难点攻坚性训练题组
• 在此输入您的封面副标题
一、从2019高考卷看备考 二、疫情之下的教学的启示 三、考前复习备考的现状特征 四、考前复习备考建议
2019年高考数学全国卷对主观题考查内容的位置安排进行了调 整,难度也有相应变化,这些变化旨在释放一个明显的信号:对 重点内容的考查,在整体符合考试大纲和考试说明要求的前提下,
碍) ➢聚焦知识自组织,讲主题知识生发之根,发展之脉;(
若去掉这个 条件呢?
讲透: 需多题归一,抽象出思维模式 思维方向比求解步骤重要! • 降维处理,关键平面(截面) • 综合法,依托定理系统和基本图形 • 向量法,基向量(坐标)
有助于学生全面学习掌握重点知识和重点内容,同时有助于破解当 下僵化的应试教育。
在这种高考改革的大背景之下,复习备考要从题型训练 回归课程中重点内容的本质理解上来,重视学生“四基” 的发展,它是发展学生素养的途径。
x4 y4 1 x2 y2 1
(x2 y2 )2 1 (2 m)x2 y2 1
对称性 范围 顶点 选择参照曲线
Байду номын сангаас
m 2 : (x2 y2)2 1
m 2 : (x2 y2 )2 1
m 0: x4 y4 1
x 0时:y4 1
y 0时:x4 1
x2 y2时:(2 m)x4 1
x4 y4 1 mx2 y2
请举例说明:若忽 视这种差异就很容
关注考生的应考心态,给予适当考前心态指导 ✓ 用好二八定律,保住西瓜(95%的人考不好,不是因为难题
不会做,而是会做的没做对); ✓ 理性科学的认识自己,戒除赌徒心态; ✓ 正确设定目标(追求均值而不是极值),不要恋战; ✓ 最后一周,养精蓄锐,保持热度。
谢 谢!
因此,备考不要仅是盯着试题形式,更需要回归知识结 构,以及基于知识结构的问题构成结构,唯有从此出发, 才可以以不变之知识应形式万变之题。
利弊共生总相伴,挑战机遇在应对。 趋利避害思对策,办法总比问题多。
➢优势:节约路上时间;尽显学生为主、自主性选择性强;真 正意义上的分层走班。 ➢契机:改进教学方式;激发了辅助学习资源的系统化开发与 建设,逐年迭代,精品备考课程资源必有所成!
uuur uuur uuur 若aOA bOB cOC 0?
uuur uuur uuur uuur uuur
OA (OA AB) (OA AC) 0
uuur AO
uuur ( AB
uuur AC)
uuur uuur uuur 若2OA 3OB 4OC 0?
✓ 建立多元 思维模式
ab a b 1 ab
y tan(x ), y tan tan x
数量关系: • 正切
• 函数
a2b2 a(1 b) b 0
• 等式 • 方程
1 ab 1 1 (a 1)(b 1) 1 a2b2 ✓ 比较分析
1 2 x
若a b 0,则a b c.对否?
ln(1 2x) 0 ab ac a b a c ab 1, a b 1, a b 2. a b (1, 2).
uuur uuur uuur OA OB OC 0 uuur uuur uuur AO ? AB ? AC
资源是有价值的?需要建立资源的索引。 关注考生的应考心态,给予适当引导
• 学过的知识,过段时间总是遗忘或者发生混淆记 知识散乱无联系,缺少
• 尽管掌握了很多知识、方法和技巧,但是自己独 以“模仿+记忆”为主,
➢个性化需求越加强烈,课堂齐步走教学缺少针对性 ➢课堂实质无教学,基本沦为讲解试题答案 ➢教和学在这个时期容易陷入忙乱状态,指向不清 ➢只注重做各种考题(模拟题+高考题),缺少回归知识理
总体上而言: 进行分类梳理,分清个性化需求和共性需求; 课堂指向共性需求,讲什么?如何讲? 提供充分的支撑个性化需求的辅助学习资源。什么样的
• 面对陌生的没学过或没见过的题目,往往没什么 以“模仿+记忆”学习
• 解题时,一般能建立起大致思路,但是在具体操 操作阈值低,缺少必要
关于课堂教学: ➢聚焦关键问题,清晰且深刻地剖析讲解;(打通理解障
f (x) f (2 x) 0
点:(x, y)与(kx b, my n)的关系 函数图像{(x, y) | y f (x)}
关于作业任务,不能仅是考题,还需要提供指向深度学习类 任务:
➢ 解释论证性任务;(促进全面而深刻的理解) ➢ 举例说明性任务;(能化抽象为具体,会构造例子) ➢ 联系比较性任务;(关联成网,促进知识结构化) ➢ 应用实践性任务;(掌握数学化方法,积累数学化经验) ➢ 反思评价性任务。(促进元认知发展,加速迭代升级)
a 1
f (x 1), f (2x)与f (x)
f (x) f (x) 2
聚焦:学会“自律”,学会“学习”,围绕“主题引导式 的自主学习”灵活构建课程。
需要:备课组通力合作,发挥备课组每位教师所长 ➢ 基于学情分层提供学习支持型资源; ➢ 针对性答疑解惑,一惑一微课,效果好。 契机:系统化设计和构建校本复习备考精品资源
1-1. 如图,在四棱锥 P ABCD 中,底面四边形 ABCD 的
①在平面 PAB 内不.存在直线与 DC 平行; ②在平面 PAB 内存在无数多条直线与平面 PDC 平行; ③平面 PAB 与平面 PDC 的交线与底面 ABCD 不.平行;
支持性学习资源需要: ➢ 聚焦关键问题,清晰且深刻地剖析讲解;(打通理解障碍) ➢ 聚焦自学引导,设情境,提出导学问题;(提供学习支架) ➢ 聚焦知识自组织,讲主题知识生发之根,发展之脉;(提供
知识组织的结构框架) ➢ 6-8分钟为宜,录屏即可,优势:自主性强,可反复观看。