本科毕业论文外文翻译外文译文题目:不确定条件下生产线平衡:鲁棒优化模型和最优解解法学院:机械自动化专业:工业工程学号: 201003166045学生姓名: 宋倩指导教师:潘莉日期: 二○一四年五月Assembly line balancing under uncertainty: Robust optimization modelsand exact solution methodÖncü Hazır , Alexandre DolguiComputers &Industrial Engineering,2013,65:261–267不确定条件下生产线平衡:鲁棒优化模型和最优解解法安库·汉泽,亚历山大·多桂计算机与工业工程,2013,65:261–267摘要这项研究涉及在不确定条件下的生产线平衡,并提出两个鲁棒优化模型。
关键字:装配线平衡;不确定性; 鲁棒优化;组合优化;精确算法1.简介装配线就是包括一系列在车间中进行连续操作的生产系统。
其中,Lossi-j 是母线真正的线损的到母线Ĵ,xi-JGK 是每个发电机线路损耗 的部分, PDK 是负载总线 K, yjGk 是分数每台发电机加载和 Ng 是发电机在系统 中的数量。 把 GA 传输损耗和负载流量分配问题,xi-JGK 和 yjGk 可以被视为一个优化 问题。GA 会发现这些分数对每个线路和负载的优化值。由于初始群体是随机
(5) (6)
其中β也是 0 和 1 之间的最后一步是完成与染色体的其余部分交叉,如下一 个随机值:
offspring 1 Pm1 , Pm 2 , …Pnew1 , ……PdNpar offspring 2 Pd 1 , Pd 2 , …Pnew2 , ……PmNpar
(7) (8)
[6] [3] [4]
本文结构如下: GA 的概念一目了然地呈现在下一部分,其次是 GA 技术损耗 和负载流量分配,结果和讨论,然后最终的结论将在本来的结尾陈述。
二 遗传算法
遗传算法(GA)是施加生物学过程的模型来解决最优化问题一种随机方法。 GA 允许个人组成在规定的法律进化到国家人口最大化“适”或最小化的成本函 数。该技术最初是由[9]开发的。遗传算法可以使用二进制和连续的方法被应用。 对于本文中,连续的 GA 用于由于它的优点在于连续参数的精度表示的术语。 A·代表性 起初 GA 二进制编码的位数工作(即 0 和 1),并连接在一起为一个字符串。 然而,本文将采用连续浮点数为代表,以解决问题。如果染色体具有由 P1 给的
虽然选择和交叉施加到染色体中每一代来获得更好的解决方案,一组新的, 偶尔它们可能变得过分热心,失去了一些有用的信息。为了保护这些不可恢复 的损失或过早收敛发生突变应用。突变是随机改变的小概率突变的(0-10%) 的参数。乘以突变率的参数总数给出应该突变参数的数目。甲突变参数被替换 为一个新的随机数。
附录I 英文翻译第一部分英文原文文章来源:书名:《自然赋予灵感的元启发示算法》第二、三章出版社:英国Luniver出版社出版日期:2008Chapter 2Genetic Algorithms2.1 IntroductionThe genetic algorithm (GA), developed by John Holland and his collaborators in the 1960s and 1970s, is a model or abstraction of biolo gical evolution based on Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. Holland was the first to use the crossover and recombination, mutation, and selection in the study of adaptive and artificial systems. These genetic operators form the essential part of the genetic algorithm as a problem-solving strategy. Since then, many variants of genetic algorithms have been developed and applied to a wide range of optimization problems, from graph colouring to pattern recognition, from discrete systems (such as the travelling salesman problem) to continuous systems (e.g., the efficient design of airfoil in aerospace engineering), and from financial market to multiobjective engineering optimization.There are many advantages of genetic algorithms over traditional optimization algorithms, and two most noticeable advantages are: the ability of dealing with complex problems and parallelism. Genetic algorithms can deal with various types of optimization whether the objective (fitness) functionis stationary or non-stationary (change with time), linear or nonlinear, continuous or discontinuous, or with random noise. As multiple offsprings in a population act like independent agents, the population (or any subgroup) can explore the search space in many directions simultaneously. This feature makes it ideal to parallelize the algorithms for implementation. Different parameters and even different groups of strings can be manipulated at the same time.However, genetic algorithms also have some disadvantages.The formulation of fitness function, the usage of population size, the choice of the important parameters such as the rate of mutation and crossover, and the selection criteria criterion of new population should be carefully carried out. Any inappropriate choice will make it difficult for the algorithm to converge, or it simply produces meaningless results.2.2 Genetic Algorithms2.2.1 Basic ProcedureThe essence of genetic algorithms involves the encoding of an optimization function as arrays of bits or character strings to represent the chromosomes, the manipulation operations of strings by genetic operators, and the selection according to their fitness in the aim to find a solution to the problem concerned. This is often done by the following procedure:1) encoding of the objectives or optimization functions; 2) defining a fitness function or selection criterion; 3) creating a population of individuals; 4) evolution cycle or iterations by evaluating the fitness of allthe individuals in the population,creating a new population by performing crossover, and mutation,fitness-proportionate reproduction etc, and replacing the old population and iterating again using the new population;5) decoding the results to obtain the solution to the problem. These steps can schematically be represented as the pseudo code of genetic algorithms shown in Fig. 2.1.One iteration of creating a new population is called a generation. The fixed-length character strings are used in most of genetic algorithms during each generation although there is substantial research on the variable-length strings and coding structures.The coding of the objective function is usually in the form of binary arrays or real-valued arrays in the adaptive genetic algorithms. For simplicity, we use binary strings for encoding and decoding. The genetic operators include crossover,mutation, and selection from the population.The crossover of two parent strings is the main operator with a higher probability and is carried out by swapping one segment of one chromosome with the corresponding segment on another chromosome at a random position (see Fig.2.2).The crossover carried out in this way is a single-point crossover. Crossover at multiple points is also used in many genetic algorithms to increase the efficiency of the algorithms.The mutation operation is achieved by flopping the randomly selected bits (see Fig. 2.3), and the mutation probability is usually small. The selection of anindividual in a population is carried out by the evaluation of its fitness, and it can remain in the new generation if a certain threshold of the fitness is reached or the reproduction of a population is fitness-proportionate. That is to say, the individuals with higher fitness are more likely to reproduce.2.2.2 Choice of ParametersAn important issue is the formulation or choice of an appropriate fitness function that determines the selection criterion in a particular problem. For the minimization of a function using genetic algorithms, one simple way of constructing a fitness function is to use the simplest form F = A−y with A being a large constant (though A = 0 will do) and y = f(x), thus the objective is to maximize the fitness function and subsequently minimize the objective function f(x). However, there are many different ways of defining a fitness function.For example, we can use the individual fitness assignment relative to the whole populationwhere is the phenotypic value of individual i, and N is the population size. The appropriateform of the fitness function will make sure that the solutions with higher fitness should be selected efficiently. Poor fitness function may result in incorrect or meaningless solutions.Another important issue is the choice of various parameters.The crossover probability is usually very high, typically in the range of 0.7~1.0. On the other hand, the mutation probability is usually small (usually 0.001 _ 0.05). If is too small, then the crossover occurs sparsely, which is not efficient for evolution. If the mutation probability is too high, the solutions could still ‘jump around’ even if the optimal solution is approaching.The selection criterion is also important. How to select the current population so that the best individuals with higher fitness should be preserved and passed onto the next generation. That is often carried out in association with certain elitism. The basic elitism is to select the most fit individual (in each generation) which will be carried over to the new generation without being modified by genetic operators. This ensures that the best solution is achieved more quickly.Other issues include the multiple sites for mutation and the population size. The mutation at a single site is not very efficient, mutation at multiple sites will increase the evolution efficiency. However, too many mutants will make it difficult for the system to converge or even make the system go astray to the wrong solutions. In reality, if the mutation is too high under high selection pressure, then the whole population might go extinct.In addition, the choice of the right population size is also very important. If the population size is too small, there is not enough evolution going on, and there is a risk for the whole population to go extinct. In the real world, a species with a small population, ecological theory suggests that there is a real danger of extinction for such species. Even the system carries on, there is still a danger of premature convergence. In a small population, if a significantly more fit individual appears too early, it may reproduces enough offsprings so that they overwhelm the whole (small) population. This will eventually drive the system to a local optimum (not the global optimum). On the other hand, if the population is too large, more evaluations of the objectivefunction are needed, which will require extensive computing time.Furthermore, more complex and adaptive genetic algorithms are under active research and the literature is vast about these topics.2.3 ImplementationUsing the basic procedure described in the above section, we can implement the genetic algorithms in any programming language. For simplicity of demonstrating how it works, we have implemented a function optimization using a simple GA in both Matlab and Octave.For the generalized De Jong’s test function where is a positive integer andr > 0 is the half length of the domain. This function has a minimum of at . For the values of , r = 100 and n = 5 as well as a population size of 40 16-bit strings, the variations of the objective function during a typical run are shown in Fig. 2.4. Any two runs will give slightly different results dueto the stochastic nature of genetic algorithms, but better estimates are obtained as the number of generations increases.For the well-known Easom functionit has a global maximum at (see Fig. 2.5). Now we can use the following Matlab/Octave to find its global maximum. In our implementation, we have used fixedlength 16-bit strings. The probabilities of crossover and mutation are respectivelyAs it is a maximization problem, we can use the simplest fitness function F = f(x).The outputs from a typical run are shown in Fig. 2.6 where the top figure shows the variations of the best estimates as they approach while the lower figure shows the variations of the fitness function.% Genetic Algorithm (Simple Demo) Matlab/Octave Program% Written by X S Yang (Cambridge University)% Usage: gasimple or gasimple(‘x*exp(-x)’);function [bestsol, bestfun,count]=gasimple(funstr)global solnew sol pop popnew fitness fitold f range;if nargin<1,% Easom Function with fmax=1 at x=pifunstr=‘-cos(x)*exp(-(x-3.1415926)^2)’;endrange=[-10 10]; % Range/Domain% Converting to an inline functionf=vectorize(inline(funstr));% Generating the initil populationrand(‘state’,0’); % Reset the random generatorpopsize=20; % Population sizeMaxGen=100; % Max number of generationscount=0; % counternsite=2; % number of mutation sitespc=0.95; % Crossover probabilitypm=0.05; % Mutation probabilitynsbit=16; % String length (bits)% Generating initial populationpopnew=init_gen(popsize,nsbit);fitness=zeros(1,popsize); % fitness array% Display the shape of the functionx=range(1):0.1:range(2); plot(x,f(x));% Initialize solution <- initial populationfor i=1:popsize,solnew(i)=bintodec(popnew(i,:));end% Start the evolution loopfor i=1:MaxGen,% Record as the historyfitold=fitness; pop=popnew; sol=solnew;for j=1:popsize,% Crossover pairii=floor(popsize*rand)+1; jj=floor(popsize*rand)+1;% Cross overif pc>rand,[popnew(ii,:),popnew(jj,:)]=...crossover(pop(ii,:),pop(jj,:));% Evaluate the new pairscount=count+2;evolve(ii); evolve(jj);end% Mutation at n sitesif pm>rand,kk=floor(popsize*rand)+1; count=count+1;popnew(kk,:)=mutate(pop(kk,:),nsite);evolve(kk);endend % end for j% Record the current bestbestfun(i)=max(fitness);bestsol(i)=mean(sol(bestfun(i)==fitness));end% Display resultssubplot(2,1,1); plot(bestsol); title(‘Best estimates’); subplot(2,1,2); plot(bestfun); title(‘Fitness’);% ------------- All sub functions ----------% generation of initial populationfunction pop=init_gen(np,nsbit)% String length=nsbit+1 with pop(:,1) for the Signpop=rand(np,nsbit+1)>0.5;% Evolving the new generationfunction evolve(j)global solnew popnew fitness fitold pop sol f;solnew(j)=bintodec(popnew(j,:));fitness(j)=f(solnew(j));if fitness(j)>fitold(j),pop(j,:)=popnew(j,:);sol(j)=solnew(j);end% Convert a binary string into a decimal numberfunction [dec]=bintodec(bin)global range;% Length of the string without signnn=length(bin)-1;num=bin(2:end); % get the binary% Sign=+1 if bin(1)=0; Sign=-1 if bin(1)=1.Sign=1-2*bin(1);dec=0;% floating point.decimal place in the binarydp=floor(log2(max(abs(range))));for i=1:nn,dec=dec+num(i)*2^(dp-i);enddec=dec*Sign;% Crossover operatorfunction [c,d]=crossover(a,b)nn=length(a)-1;% generating random crossover pointcpoint=floor(nn*rand)+1;c=[a(1:cpoint) b(cpoint+1:end)];d=[b(1:cpoint) a(cpoint+1:end)];% Mutatation operatorfunction anew=mutate(a,nsite)nn=length(a); anew=a;for i=1:nsite,j=floor(rand*nn)+1;anew(j)=mod(a(j)+1,2);endThe above Matlab program can easily be extended to higher dimensions. In fact, there is no need to do any programming (if you prefer) because there are many software packages (either freeware or commercial) about genetic algorithms. For example, Matlab itself has an extra optimization toolbox.Biology-inspired algorithms have many advantages over traditional optimization methods such as the steepest descent and hill-climbing and calculus-based techniques due to the parallelism and the ability of locating the very good approximate solutions in extremely very large search spaces.Furthermore, more powerful new generation algorithms can be formulated by combiningexisting and new evolutionary algorithms with classical optimization methods.Chapter 3Ant AlgorithmsFrom the discussion of genetic algorithms, we know that we can improve the search efficiency by using randomness which will also increase the diversity of the solutions so as to avoid being trapped in local optima. The selection of the best individuals is also equivalent to use memory. In fact, there are other forms of selection such as using chemical messenger (pheromone) which is commonly used by ants, honey bees, and many other insects. In this chapter, we will discuss the nature-inspired ant colony optimization (ACO), which is a metaheuristic method.3.1 Behaviour of AntsAnts are social insects in habit and they live together in organized colonies whose population size can range from about 2 to 25 millions. When foraging, a swarm of ants or mobile agents interact or communicate in their local environment. Each ant can lay scent chemicals or pheromone so as to communicate with others, and each ant is also able to follow the route marked with pheromone laid by other ants. When ants find a food source, they will mark it with pheromone and also mark the trails to and from it. From the initial random foraging route, the pheromone concentration varies and the ants follow the route with higher pheromone concentration, and the pheromone is enhanced by the increasing number of ants. As more and more ants follow the same route, it becomes the favoured path. Thus, some favourite routes (often the shortest or more efficient) emerge. This is actually a positive feedback mechanism.Emerging behaviour exists in an ant colony and such emergence arises from simple interactions among individual ants. Individual ants act according to simple and local information (such as pheromone concentration) to carry out their activities. Although there is no master ant overseeing the entire colony and broadcasting instructions to the individual ants, organized behaviour still emerges automatically. Therefore, such emergent behaviour is similar to other self-organized phenomena which occur in many processes in nature such as the pattern formation in animal skins (tiger and zebra skins).The foraging pattern of some ant species (such as the army ants) can show extraordinary regularity. Army ants search for food along some regular routes with an angle of about apart. We do not know how they manage to follow such regularity, but studies show that they could move in an area and build a bivouac and start foraging. On the first day, they forage in a random direction, say, the north and travel a few hundred meters, then branch to cover a large area. The next day, they will choose a different direction, which is about from the direction on the previous day and cover a large area. On the following day, they again choose a different direction about from the second day’s direction. In this way, they cover the whole area over about 2 weeks and they move out to a different location to build a bivouac and forage again.The interesting thing is that they do not use the angle of (this would mean that on the fourth day, they will search on the empty area already foraged on the first day). The beauty of this angle is that it leaves an angle of about from the direction on the first day. This means they cover the whole circle in 14 days without repeating (or covering a previously-foraged area). This is an amazing phenomenon.3.2 Ant Colony OptimizationBased on these characteristics of ant behaviour, scientists have developed a number ofpowerful ant colony algorithms with important progress made in recent years. Marco Dorigo pioneered the research in this area in 1992. In fact, we only use some of the nature or the behaviour of ants and add some new characteristics, we can devise a class of new algorithms.The basic steps of the ant colony optimization (ACO) can be summarized as the pseudo code shown in Fig. 3.1.Two important issues here are: the probability of choosing a route, and the evaporation rate of pheromone. There are a few ways of solving these problems although it is still an area of active research. Here we introduce the current best method. For a network routing problem, the probability of ants at a particular node to choose the route from node to node is given bywhere and are the influence parameters, and their typical values are .is the pheromone concentration on the route between and , and the desirability ofthe same route. Some knowledge about the route such as the distance is often used so that ,which implies that shorter routes will be selected due to their shorter travelling time, and thus the pheromone concentrations on these routes are higher.This probability formula reflects the fact that ants would normally follow the paths with higher pheromone concentrations. In the simpler case when , the probability of choosing a path by ants is proportional to the pheromone concentration on the path. The denominator normalizes the probability so that it is in the range between 0 and 1.The pheromone concentration can change with time due to the evaporation of pheromone. Furthermore, the advantage of pheromone evaporation is that the system could avoid being trapped in local optima. If there is no evaporation, then the path randomly chosen by the first ants will become the preferred path as the attraction of other ants by their pheromone. For a constant rate of pheromone decay or evaporation, the pheromone concentration usually varies with time exponentiallywhere is the initial concentration of pheromone and t is time. If , then we have . For the unitary time increment , the evaporation can beapproximated by . Therefore, we have the simplified pheromone update formula:where is the rate of pheromone evaporation. The increment is the amount of pheromone deposited at time t along route to when an ant travels a distance . Usually . If there are no ants on a route, then the pheromone deposit is zero.There are other variations to these basic procedures. A possible acceleration scheme is to use some bounds of the pheromone concentration and only the ants with the current global best solution(s) are allowed to deposit pheromone. In addition, certain ranking of solution fitness can also be used. These are hot topics of current research.3.3 Double Bridge ProblemA standard test problem for ant colony optimization is the simplest double bridge problem with two branches (see Fig. 3.2) where route (2) is shorter than route (1). The angles of these two routes are equal at both point A and pointB so that the ants have equal chance (or 50-50 probability) of choosing each route randomly at the initial stage at point A.Initially, fifty percent of the ants would go along the longer route (1) and the pheromone evaporates at a constant rate, but the pheromone concentration will become smaller as route (1) is longer and thus takes more time to travel through. Conversely, the pheromone concentration on the shorter route will increase steadily. After some iterations, almost all the ants will move along the shorter route. Figure 3.3 shows the initial snapshot of 10 ants (5 on each route initially) and the snapshot after 5 iterations (or equivalent to 50 ants have moved along this section). Well, there are 11 ants, and one has not decided which route to follow as it just comes near to the entrance.Almost all the ants (well, about 90% in this case) move along the shorter route.Here we only use two routes at the node, it is straightforward to extend it to the multiple routes at a node. It is expected that only the shortest route will be chosen ultimately. As any complex network system is always made of individual nodes, this algorithms can be extended to solve complex routing problems reasonably efficiently. In fact, the ant colony algorithms have been successfully applied to the Internet routing problem, the travelling salesman problem, combinatorial optimization problems, and other NP-hard problems.3.4 Virtual Ant AlgorithmAs we know that ant colony optimization has successfully solved NP-hard problems such asthe travelling salesman problem, it can also be extended to solve the standard optimization problems of multimodal functions. The only problem now is to figure out how the ants will move on an n-dimensional hyper-surface. For simplicity, we will discuss the 2-D case which can easily be extended to higher dimensions. On a 2D landscape, ants can move in any direction or , but this will cause some problems. How to update the pheromone at a particular point as there are infinite number of points. One solution is to track the history of each ant moves and record the locations consecutively, and the other approach is to use a moving neighbourhood or window. The ants ‘smell’ the pheromone concentration of their neighbourhood at any particular location.In addition, we can limit the number of directions the ants can move by quantizing the directions. For example, ants are only allowed to move left and right, and up and down (only 4 directions). We will use this quantized approach here, which will make the implementation much simpler. Furthermore, the objective function or landscape can be encoded into virtual food so that ants will move to the best locations where the best food sources are. This will make the search process even more simpler. This simplified algorithm is called Virtual Ant Algorithm (VAA) developed by Xin-She Yang and his colleagues in 2006, which has been successfully applied to topological optimization problems in engineering.The following Keane function with multiple peaks is a standard test functionThis function without any constraint is symmetric and has two highest peaks at (0, 1.39325) and (1.39325, 0). To make the problem harder, it is usually optimized under two constraints:This makes the optimization difficult because it is now nearly symmetric about x = y and the peaks occur in pairs where one is higher than the other. In addition, the true maximum is, which is defined by a constraint boundary.Figure 3.4 shows the surface variations of the multi-peaked function. If we use 50 roaming ants and let them move around for 25 iterations, then the pheromone concentrations (also equivalent to the paths of ants) are displayed in Fig. 3.4. We can see that the highest pheromoneconcentration within the constraint boundary corresponds to the optimal solution.It is worth pointing out that ant colony algorithms are the right tool for combinatorial and discrete optimization. They have the advantages over other stochastic algorithms such as genetic algorithms and simulated annealing in dealing with dynamical network routing problems.For continuous decision variables, its performance is still under active research. For the present example, it took about 1500 evaluations of the objective function so as to find the global optima. This is not as efficient as other metaheuristic methods, especially comparing with particle swarm optimization. This is partly because the handling of the pheromone takes time. Is it possible to eliminate the pheromone and just use the roaming ants? The answer is yes. Particle swarm optimization is just the right kind of algorithm for such further modifications which will be discussed later in detail.第二部分中文翻译第二章遗传算法2.1 引言遗传算法是由John Holland和他的同事于二十世纪六七十年代提出的基于查尔斯·达尔文的自然选择学说而发展的一种生物进化的抽象模型。
第二章研究内容2.1 定义非线性智能优化算法是指以自适应性、并行性和学习能力为特征的一类计算方法。
2.2 类型目前,非线性智能优化算法主要分为以下几类:(1)粒子群算法(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)(2)遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)(3)模拟退火算法(Simulated Annealing,SA)(4)蚁群算法(Ant Colony Optimization,ACO)(5)人工免疫系统算法(Artificial Immune System,AIS)(6)差分进化算法(Differential Evolution,DE)2.3 应用非线性智能优化算法已经广泛应用于各个领域。
3.1 研究机构国内外许多知名高校、研究机构,如中科院计算所、清华大学计算机科学与技术系、中国科技大学计算机科学与工程系、纽约大学人工智能实验室等,都在非线性智能优化算法研究领域拥有重要的研究成果。
命名[编辑]这种滤波方法以它的发明者鲁道夫.E.卡尔曼(Rudolph E. Kalman)命名,但是根据文献可知实际上Peter Swerling在更早之前就提出了一种类似的算法。
施密特(Stanley Schmidt)首次实现了卡尔曼滤波器。
关于这种滤波器的论文由Swerling(1958)、Kalman (1960)与Kalman and Bucy(1961)发表。
除此以外,还有施密特扩展滤波器、信息滤波器以及很多Bierman, Thornton开发的平方根滤波器的变种。
卡尔曼滤波建立在线性代数和隐马尔可夫模型(hidden Markov model)上。
sga-pde 遗传算法 偏微分方程
sga-pde 遗传算法偏微分方程
SGA-PDE (Steady-State Genetic Algorithm for Partial Differential Equations) 是一种应用于求解偏微分方程的遗传算法。
SGA-PDE 的基本思想是将偏微分方程的求解问题转化为一个优化问题。
在 SGA-PDE 中,偏微分方程的解被编码成一个个体的基因序列。
SGA-PDE 的优化过程包括选择、交叉和变异。
通过多代的迭代,SGA-PDE 可以逐步找到适应度最高的个体,即偏微分方程的近似解。
SGA-PDE 的优点是可以求解各种类型的偏微分方程,并且不受问题维度的限制。
SGA-PDE 求解偏微分方程问题时,需要根据具体问题的特点进行参数选择和算法改进,以提高求解效率和精度。
遗传算法中英文对照外文翻译文献遗传算法中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)Improved Genetic Algorithm and Its Performance AnalysisAbstract: Although genetic algorithm has become very famous with its global searching, parallel computing, better robustness, and not needing differential information during evolution. However, it also has some demerits, such as slow convergence speed. In this paper, based on several general theorems, an improved genetic algorithm using variant chromosome length and probability of crossover and mutation is proposed, and its main idea is as follows : at the beginning of evolution, our solution with shorter length chromosome and higher probability of crossover and mutation; and at the vicinity of global optimum, with longer length chromosome and lower probability of crossover and mutation. Finally, testing with some critical functions shows that our solution can improve the convergence speed of genetic algorithm significantly , its comprehensive performance is better than that of the genetic algorithm which only reserves the best individual.Genetic algorithm is an adaptive searching technique based on a selection and reproduction mechanism found in the natural evolution process, and it was pioneered by Holland in the 1970s. It has become very famous with its global searching,________________________________ 遗传算法中英文对照外文翻译文献 ________________________________ parallel computing, better robustness, and not needing differential information during evolution. However, it also has some demerits, such as poor local searching, premature converging, as well as slow convergence speed. In recent years, these problems have been studied.In this paper, an improved genetic algorithm with variant chromosome length andvariant probability is proposed. Testing with some critical functions shows that it can improve the convergence speed significantly, and its comprehensive performance is better than that of the genetic algorithm which only reserves the best individual.In section 1, our new approach is proposed. Through optimization examples, insection 2, the efficiency of our algorithm is compared with the genetic algorithm which only reserves the best individual. And section 3 gives out the conclusions. Finally, some proofs of relative theorems are collected and presented in appendix.1 Description of the algorithm1.1 Some theoremsBefore proposing our approach, we give out some general theorems (see appendix)as follows: Let us assume there is just one variable (multivariable can be divided into many sections, one section for one variable) x £ [ a, b ] , x £ R, and chromosome length with binary encoding is 1.Theorem 1 Minimal resolution of chromosome isb 一 a2l — 1Theorem 3 Mathematical expectation Ec(x) of chromosome searching stepwith one-point crossover iswhere Pc is the probability of crossover.Theorem 4 Mathematical expectation Em ( x ) of chromosome searching step with bit mutation isE m ( x ) = ( b- a) P m 遗传算法中英文对照外文翻译文献Theorem 2 wi = 2l -1 2 i -1 Weight value of the ith bit of chromosome is(i = 1,2,・・・l )E *)= P c1.2 Mechanism of algorithmDuring evolutionary process, we presume that value domains of variable are fixed, and the probability of crossover is a constant, so from Theorem 1 and 3, we know that the longer chromosome length is, the smaller searching step of chromosome, and the higher resolution; and vice versa. Meanwhile, crossover probability is in direct proportion to searching step. From Theorem 4, changing the length of chromosome does not affect searching step of mutation, while mutation probability is also in direct proportion to searching step.At the beginning of evolution, shorter length chromosome( can be too shorter, otherwise it is harmful to population diversity ) and higher probability of crossover and mutation increases searching step, which can carry out greater domain searching, and avoid falling into local optimum. While at the vicinity of global optimum, longer length chromosome and lower probability of crossover and mutation will decrease searching step, and longer length chromosome also improves resolution of mutation, which avoid wandering near the global optimum, and speeds up algorithm converging.Finally, it should be pointed out that chromosome length changing keeps individual fitness unchanged, hence it does not affect select ion ( with roulette wheel selection) .2.3 Description of the algorithmOwing to basic genetic algorithm not converging on the global optimum, while the genetic algorithm which reserves the best individual at current generation can, our approach adopts this policy. During evolutionary process, we track cumulative average of individual average fitness up to current generation. It is written as1 X G x(t)= G f vg (t)t=1where G is the current evolutionary generation, 'avg is individual average fitness.When the cumulative average fitness increases to k times ( k> 1, k £ R) of initial individual average fitness, we change chromosome length to m times ( m is a positive integer ) of itself , and reduce probability of crossover and mutation, which_______________________________ 遗传算法中英文对照外文翻译文献________________________________can improve individual resolution and reduce searching step, and speed up algorithm converging. The procedure is as follows:Step 1 Initialize population, and calculate individual average fitness f avg0, and set change parameter flag. Flag equal to 1.Step 2 Based on reserving the best individual of current generation, carry out selection, regeneration, crossover and mutation, and calculate cumulative average of individual average fitness up to current generation 'avg ;f avgStep 3 If f vgg0 三k and Flag equals 1, increase chromosome length to m times of itself, and reduce probability of crossover and mutation, and set Flag equal to 0; otherwise continue evolving.Step 4 If end condition is satisfied, stop; otherwise go to Step 2.2 Test and analysisWe adopt the following two critical functions to test our approach, and compare it with the genetic algorithm which only reserves the best individual:sin 2 弋 x2 + y2 - 0.5 [1 + 0.01( 2 + y 2)]x, y G [-5,5]f (x, y) = 4 - (x2 + 2y2 - 0.3cos(3n x) - 0.4cos(4n y))x, y G [-1,1]22. 1 Analysis of convergenceDuring function testing, we carry out the following policies: roulette wheel select ion, one point crossover, bit mutation, and the size of population is 60, l is chromosome length, Pc and Pm are the probability of crossover and mutation respectively. And we randomly select four genetic algorithms reserving best individual with various fixed chromosome length and probability of crossover and mutation to compare with our approach. Tab. 1 gives the average converging generation in 100 tests.In our approach, we adopt initial parameter l0= 10, Pc0= 0.3, Pm0= 0.1 and k= 1.2, when changing parameter condition is satisfied, we adjust parameters to l= 30, Pc= 0.1, Pm= 0.01.From Tab. 1, we know that our approach improves convergence speed of genetic algorithm significantly and it accords with above analysis.2.2 Analysis of online and offline performanceQuantitative evaluation methods of genetic algorithm are proposed by Dejong, including online and offline performance. The former tests dynamic performance; and the latter evaluates convergence performance. To better analyze online and offline performance of testing function, w e multiply fitness of each individual by 10, and we give a curve of 4 000 and 1 000 generations for fl and f2, respectively.(a) onlineFig. 1 Online and offline performance of fl(a) online (b) onlineFig. 2 Online and offline performance of f2From Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, we know that online performance of our approach is just little worse than that of the fourth case, but it is much better than that of the second, third and fifth case, whose online performances are nearly the same. At the same time, offline performance of our approach is better than that of other four cases.3 ConclusionIn this paper, based on some general theorems, an improved genetic algorithmusing variant chromosome length and probability of crossover and mutation is proposed. Testing with some critical functions shows that it can improve convergence speed of genetic algorithm significantly, and its comprehensive performance is better than that of the genetic algorithm which only reserves the best individual.AppendixWith the supposed conditions of section 1, we know that the validation of Theorem 1 and Theorem 2 are obvious.Theorem 3 Mathematical expectation Ec(x) of chromosome searching step with one point crossover isb - a PEc(x) = 21 cwhere Pc is the probability of crossover.Proof As shown in Fig. A1, we assume that crossover happens on the kth locus, i. e. parent,s locus from k to l do not change, and genes on the locus from 1 to k are exchanged.During crossover, change probability of genes on the locus from 1 to k is 2 (“1” to “0” or “0” to “1”). So, after crossover, mathematical expectation of chromosome searching step on locus from 1 to k is1 chromosome is equal, namely l Pc. Therefore, after crossover, mathematical expectation of chromosome searching step isE (x ) = T 1 -• P • E (x ) c l c ckk =1Substituting Eq. ( A1) into Eq. ( A2) , we obtain 尸 11 b - a p b - a p • (b - a ) 1 E (x ) = T • P • — •• (2k -1) = 7c • • [(2z -1) ― l ] = ——— (1 一 )c l c 2 21 — 121 21 — 1 21 21 —1 k =1 lb - a _where l is large,-——-口 0, so E (x ) 口 -——P2l — 1 c 21 c 遗传算法中英文对照外文翻译文献 厂 / 、 T 1 T 1 b — a - 1E (x )="—w ="一• ---------- • 2 j -1 二 •ck2 j 2 21 -1 2j =1 j =1 Furthermore, probability of taking • (2k -1) place crossover on each locus ofFig. A1 One point crossoverTheorem 4 Mathematical expectation E m(")of chromosome searching step with bit mutation E m (x)—(b a)* P m, where Pm is the probability of mutation.Proof Mutation probability of genes on each locus of chromosome is equal, say Pm, therefore, mathematical expectation of mutation searching step is一i i - b —a b b- aE (x) = P w = P•—a«2i-1 = P•—a q2,-1)= (b- a) •m m i m 21 -1 m 2 i -1 mi=1 i=1一种新的改进遗传算法及其性能分析摘要:虽然遗传算法以其全局搜索、并行计算、更好的健壮性以及在进化过程中不需要求导而著称,但是它仍然有一定的缺陷,比如收敛速度慢。
由于IIR 数字滤波器的表面误差通常是非线性的和多峰的,而全局优化技术需要避免局部最小值。
GA是组合优化问题中一种功能强大的全局优化算法,该论文发现IIR数字滤波器的最佳系数可以通过GA 优化。
外文科技资料翻译英文原文Research on a face recognition system by the genetic algorithmComputer vision and recognition is playing anincreasingly important role in modern intelligent control.Object detection is the first and most important step inobjectrecognition.Traditionally,a special object can berecognized by the template matching method,but the recognition speed has always been a problem.In thisarticle,animproved general genetic algorithm-based face recognitionsystem is proposed.The genetic algorithm(GA)has beenconsidered to be a robust and global searching method.Here,the chromosomes generated by GA contain the information needed to recognize the object.The purpose of thisarticle is to propose a practical method of face detection andrecognition.Finally,the experimental results,and a comparison with the traditional template matching method,andsome otherconsiderations,are also given.1 IntroductionIf we search on the web or in a conference proceedingsabout intelligent control,lots of papers and applications arepresented.Among them,image processing and recognitionoccupy a very large percentage.The higher the degree ofintelligence,the more important the image detection andrecognition technology.For controlling an intelligent system(autonomous mobile vehicle,robot,etc.),the most important element is thecontrol strategy,but before automatically making it move,image recognition is needed.For an intelligent control system,it is necessary to acquire information about the external world automatically by sensors,in order to recognize itsposition and the surrounding situation.A camera is one ofthe most important sensors for computer vision.That is tosay,the system endeavors to find out what is in an image(the environment of the robot)taken by the camera:trafficsigns,obstacles,guidelines,etc.The reliability and time-response of object detection andrecognition have a major influence on the performance andusability of the whole object recognitionsystem.1Thetemplatematching method is a practicable and reasonablemethod for object detection.2This article gives an improvement in the general template matching method.In addition,in order to search for the object of interestin an image,lots of data need to be processed.The geneticalgorithm(GA)has been considered to be a robust andglobal searching method(although it is sometimes said thatGA can not be used for finding the globaloptimization3).Here,the chromosomes generated by GA contain information about the image data,and the genetic and evolutionoperations are used to obtain the best match to the template:searching for the best match is the goal of this article.This thought emerged from the features of the GA,andthe need to recognize the faces of people easily and quicklyby an intelligent system.The single concept and features ofimage processing and the GA will not be introduced here,because there is already extensive literature on this subject.In this article,Sect.2 gives the encoding method of theGA and the experimental setting that is used.In Sect.3,theexperiment and the analysis are addressed.Some conclusions are given in Sect.4.Theory and experimental settingFor an image recognition system,the most interesting partthat has special features has first to be detected in the original image.This is called object detection.After that,thispart will be compared to a template to see if it is similar ornot.This is called object recognition.For example,if wewant to find a special person in an image,we first have todetect people in the image,and then recognize which one isthe person ofinterest(sometimes these two steps will beexecuted simultaneously).The whole procedure is shown inFig.1.Fig.1. Object recognition systemStatistical object recognition involves locating and isolating the targets in an image,and then identifying them bystatistical decision theory.One of the oldest techniques ofpattern recognition is matching filtering,4which allowsthe computation of a measure of thesimilarity between theoriginal image f(x,y)and a template h(x,y).Define themean-squared distancedxdy y x h y x f d fh ⎰⎰-=22))},(,({(1)dxdy y x h y x f R fh ),(),(⎰⎰=,if the image and template are normalized bydxdy y x h dxdy y x f),(),(22⎰⎰⎰⎰=(2) And thendxdy y x h y x f d fh 22)},(),({⎰⎰-= =dxdy y x h y x h y x f y x f ⎰⎰+-)},(),(),(2),({22=fh R dxdy y x f 2),(22-⎰⎰(3)For the right-hand side of Eq.3,the first term is constant,and thus fh R can measure as the least-squared similaritybetween the original image and the template.5If fh R has alarge value(which means that 2fh d is small enough),then theimage is judged to match thetemplate.If fh R is less than apreselected threshold,the recognition process will eitherrejectthe match or create a new pattern,which means thatthe similarity between the object in the original image andthe template is not satisfied.2.1 Genetic encodingAs introduced above,the chromosomes generated by theGA contain information about the image data,so the firststep is to encode the image data into a binarystring.6Theparameters of the center of a face(x,y)in the originalimage,the rate of scale to satisfy eq.2,and the rotatingan gleθare encoded into the elements of a gene.Som e important parameters of the GA used here are given inTable 1,and the search field and region are given in Table2.As shown in Table2,one chromosome contains 4 bytes:the coordinate(x,y)in the original image,the rate of scale,and the rotation angleθ.2.2 Experimental settingThe experiment is done by first loading the original and thetemplate images.The GA is used to find whether or notthere is the object of a template in the original image.If theanswer isYES,then in the original image the result givesthe coordinates of the center of the object,the scale,and therotation angle from the template.For comparison,thegeneral template matching method is also presented.7The execution time shows the effectiveness of the GA-based recognition method.Figures 2 and 3 are the original images and the templatesfor the experiment.The values are the width×height inpixels of the image.In Fig.2,three images are presented,the content and size of which are different.Figure 2a hastwo faces(the faces of a person and a toy),Fig.2b shows aface tipped to one side,and the person in Fig.2c wears a hatand the background is more complicated than in Figs.2a and b.The two templates in Fig.3 are not extracted from thesame image.For normal use,the template should be extracted as the average of several feature images.In Fig.4,the template(a)-0 is generated from(a)-1,(a)-2,and(a)-3,and takes the average value of the gray levels from the threemodels.The same is also true for(b)-0.Fig.2.Three original images(max_x×max_y).a 238×170.b 185×196.c 275×225Fig.3.Templates for matching(temp_x ×temp_y).a Template 1.b Template 23 Experiment and comparisonThe genetic operations and GA parameters are presentedin Table 1 and Table 2.The fitness is defined as255)_()_(),(),,,(0.1_0_0⨯⨯--=∑∑==y temp x temp j i temp rate y x f fitness y temp j x temp i θ(4)In Eq.4,),(j i temp is the gray level of the coordinates ),(j i in the template image,the width and height of which are x temp _ and y temp _.),,,(θrate y x f gives the gray level in theoriginal image,the coordinates of which are calculated bytranslation from ),(y x ,and by changing the scale and the rotation angleθfrom the template.Since the images are256gray-level images,in Eq.4,division by 255 ensures that theresulting fitness is between 0 and 1.The maximum numberof generations is limited to 300,and the threshold of thematching rate is set to 0.9.6That is to say,if within 300generations the matching rate can reach 0.9,then it is saidthat the template is found in the original image(the template matched the original image by thethreshold).Otherwise,the result gives the best match until the trainingreaches the 300th generation.The results of GA-based face recognition are given inFig.6 and Table 3.Figure 6a,c and d are searched to matchthe template Fig.3a,while Fig.6b is matched to Fig.3b.Figure 6a and b reach the matching rate 0.9 within 300generations,while Fig.6c and d cannot reach the matchingrate 0.9 within 300 generations(the best match is given inTable 3).In the images in Fig.6a–c,we see that the resultgiven matches the template well.The coordinates x,therate of scale,and the angle of rotationθhave been foundcorrectly,but for(y),Fig.6d,the result is not very satisfactory.The reason for this is that the template Fig.3a cannotrepresent the face of interest at all times.That is to say,although the person to be recognized in different imagesis the same,the template cannot give the features for thisperson at all times(different appearance,etc.),and in allconditions.(The creation of the template is shown in Fig.4.)A second reason is that the algorithm itself has some problems.For example,by using a GA-based recognitionmethod,the settings of the search field(in this paper,)yx is selected),the determination of the geneticrate,(,,operations,and the selection and optimization of the fitness function all have a strong effect on the level of recognition of theresultant image.Fig.4.Creation of templateFor the purpose of comparing the effects of the GA-based algorithm,the result of the general matching method7is also presented.From Fig.5,we see that although both theoriginal image(the top-left image)and the template(thetop-right image)are simplified by binarization,the matching time is 1 min 22 s.The recognizable result is the bottomleft image in Fig.5.Fig.5.Result of searching by a GA4 ConclusionsIn this article,the GA-based image recognition method istested,and a comparison with the general matching methodis presented.As we know,the GA starts with an initial set of randomsolutions called thepopulation.Each individual in thepopulation is called a chromosome,and represents a solution to the problem.By stochastic search techniques basedon the mechanism of natural selection and natural genetics,genetic operations(crossover and mutation)and evolutionaryoperations(selecting or rejecting)are used to search forthe best solution.8In this article,the chromosomes generated by the GAcontain information about the image,and we use the genetic operators to obtain the best match between the originalimage and the template.The parameters are the coordinates(x,y)of the center of the object in the original image,the rate of scale,and the angle of ro tationθ.In fact,translation,scale,and rotation are the three maininvariant moments in the field of pattern recognition.9However,for face recognition,the facial features are difficult toextract,and are calculated by the general pattern recognition theory and method.10Even these three main invariant moments will not be invariant because the facial expressionis changed in different images.Thus,recognition only gives the best matching resultwithin an upper predetermined threshold.Both the GA-based method and the general template matching methodare presented here,and the comparison with the traditionalpattern matching method shows thatthe recognition is satisfactory,although under some conditions the result is notvery good(Fig.6d).Based on the results of the experiments described here,future workwillemphasize(i)optimizing the fields of chromosomes,and(ii)improving the fitness function by addingsome terms to it.This work is important and necessary inorder to improve the GA-based face recognition system.References1.Sugisaka M,Fan X(2002)Development of a face recognitionsystem for the life robot.Proceedings of the 7th InternationalSymposium on Artificial Life andRobotics,Oita,Japan,vol 2,Shubundo Insatsu Co.Ltd.,pp 538–5412.Castleman K(1998)Digital image processing.Original editionpublished by Prentice Hall;a Simon&Schuster Press of TsinghuaUniversity,China3.Iba H(1994)Foundation of genetic algorithm:solution of mysticGA(in Japanese).Omu Press4.Deguchi K,Takahashi I(1999)Image-based simultaneous controlof robot and target object motion by direct-image interpretation.Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE/RSJ International Conference onIntelligent Robot and Systems,Kyongju,Korea,vol 1,pp 375–3805.Jaehne B(1995)Digital image processing:concepts,algorithms,and scientific applications,3rd edn.Springer Berlin,Heidelberg,Germany6.Agui T,Nagao T(2000)Introduction to image processing usingprogramming language C(in Japanese).Shoko-do Press7.Ishibashi’s studying room of C++(inJapanese)./ishidate/vcpp.htm8.Gen M,Cheng R(1997)Genetic algorithms and engineeringdesign.Wiley-Interscience,New York9.Agui T,Nagao T(1992)Image processing and recognition(inJapanese).Syokoudou Press10.Takimoto H,Mitsukura T,Fukumi M,et al.(2002)A design of aface detection system based on the feature extraction method.Proceedings of the 12th Symposium onFuzzy,Artificial Intelligence,Neural Networks and ComputationalIntelligence,Saga,Japan,pp 409–410中文译文对于脸部识别系统研究遗传算法基于计算机视觉的手势识别对于当今智能控制起着非常重要的作用。
电气工程的外文文献(及翻译)文献一:Electric power consumption prediction model based on grey theory optimized by genetic algorithms本文介绍了一种基于混合灰色理论与遗传算法优化的电力消耗预测模型。
文献二:Intelligent control for energy-efficient operation of electric motors本文研究了一种智能控制方法,用于电动机的节能运行。
文献三:Fault diagnosis system for power transformers based on dissolved gas analysis本文介绍了一种基于溶解气体分析的电力变压器故障诊断系统。
文献四:Power quality improvement using series active filter based on iterative learning control technique本文研究了一种基于迭代研究控制技术的串联有源滤波器用于电能质量改善的方法。
【关键词】翻译过程;非线性;优化选择1. 引言非线性科学是当今世界科学的前沿与热点,几乎涉及了自然科学和社会科学的各个领域,但鲜有将其与翻译过程紧密联系在一起的研究。
这种思维具有明显的迅速性、共时性、“跨越性”等非线性特征(鲍刚, 1997)。
2.非线性2.1 线性与非线性的意义线性和非线性最初来源于数学领域,他们是两个数学名词。
2.2 非线性的特点非线性横贯各个专业,渗透各个领域,几乎可以说是“无处不在时时有。
3. 翻译过程的非线性翻译过程,这里的“过程”一词,指的是翻译的动态意义,有广义和狭义之分。
自动化立体仓库(AS / RS)嵌入计算机驱动正变得越来越普遍。
由于AS / RS 使用的增加对计算机控制的需要与支持也在提高。
这项研究解决了在多巷道立体仓库的拣选问题,在这种存储/检索(S / R)操作中,每种货物可以在多个存储位置被寻址到。
关键词:自动化立体仓库,AS / RS系统,拣选,遗传算法。
自动化立体仓库(AS / RS),一方面通过提供快速响应,来达到高操作效率;另一方面它还有助于运作方面的系统响应时间,减少的拣选完成的总行程时间。
Roodbergen 和de Koster 拓展了Ratliff 和Rosenthal算法。
就此Van den Berg 和Gademann发明了一种运输模型(TP),它是对于指定的存储和卸载进行测算的仪器。
遗传算法的详解及应用遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)是一种模拟自然选择和遗传过程的算法。
遗传算法的基本流程如下:1. 初始化群体(Population):首先,我们需要随机生成一组初始解作为群体的个体。
2. 选择操作(Selection):选择运算是指从群体中选出一些个体,用来繁殖后代。
在选择操作中,我们通常采用轮盘赌选择(Roulette Wheel Selection)法、锦标赛(Tournament)法、排名选择(Ranking Selection)法等方法。
3. 交叉操作(Crossover):交叉运算是指随机地从两个个体中选出一些基因交换,生成新的染色体。
4. 变异操作(Mutation):变异运算是指随机改变染色体中的个别基因,以增加多样性。
5. 适应度评估(Fitness Evaluation):适应度评估是指给每一个个体一个适应度分数,该分数是问题的目标函数或者优化函数。
自动化立体仓库(AS / RS)嵌入计算机驱动正变得越来越普遍。
由于AS / RS 使用的增加对计算机控制的需要与支持也在提高。
这项研究解决了在多巷道立体仓库的拣选问题,在这种存储/检索(S / R)操作中,每种货物可以在多个存储位置被寻址到。
关键词:自动化立体仓库,AS / RS系统,拣选,遗传算法。
自动化立体仓库(AS / RS),一方面通过提供快速响应,来达到高操作效率;另一方面它还有助于运作方面的系统响应时间,减少的拣选完成的总行程时间。
Roodbergen 和de Koster 拓展了Ratliff 和Rosenthal算法。
就此Van den Berg 和Gademann发明了一种运输模型(TP),它是对于指定的存储和卸载进行测算的仪器。
编号:毕业设计(论文)外文翻译(译文)院(系):机电工程学院专业:机械设计制造及其自动化学生姓名:学号:指导教师单位:姓名:职称:2014年5 月26 日采用遗传算法优化加工夹具定位和加紧位置Necmettin Kaya*Department of Mechanical Engineering, Uludag University, Go¨ru¨kle, Bursa 16059, Turkey Received 8 July 2004; accepted 26 May 2005Available online 6 September 2005摘要工件变形的问题可能导致机械加工中的空间问题。
关键词:夹具设计;遗传算法;优化1. 引言夹具用来定位和束缚机械操作中的工件,减少由于对确保机械操作准确性的夹紧方案和切削力造成的工件和夹具的变形。
附录Machining fixture locating and clamping position optimization using genetic algorithmsFixtures are used to locate and constrain a workpiece during a machining operation, minimizing workpiece and fixture tooling deflections due to clamping and cutting forces are critical to ensuring accuracy of the machining operation. Traditionally, machining fixtures are designed and manufactured through trial-and-error, which prove to be both expensive and time-consuming to the manufacturing process. To ensure a workpiece is manufactured according to specified dimensions and tolerances, it must be appropriately located and clamped, making it imperative to develop tools that will eliminate costly and time-consuming trial-and-error designs. Proper workpiece location and fixture design are crucial to product quality in terms of precision, accuracy and finish of the machined part.Theoretically, the 3-2-1 locating principle can satisfactorily locate all prismatic shaped workpieces. This method provides the maximum rigidity with the minimum number of fixture elements. To position a part from a kinematic point of view means constraining the six degrees of freedom of a free moving body (three translations and three rotations). Three supports are positioned below the part to establish the location of theworkpiece on its vertical axis. Locators are placed on two peripheral edges and intended to establish the location of the workpiece on the x and y horizontal axes. Properly locating the workpiece in the fixture is vital to the overall accuracy and repeatability of the manufacturing process. Locators should be positioned as far apart as possible and should be placed on machined surfaces wherever possible. Supports are usually placed to encompass the center of gravity of a workpiece and positioned as far apart as possible to maintain its stability. The primary responsibility of a clamp in fixture is to secure the part against the locators and supports. Clamps should not be expected to resist the cutting forces generated in the machining operation.For a given number of fixture elements, the machining fixture synthesis problem is the finding optimal layout or positions of the fixture elements around the workpiece. In this paper, a method for fixture layout optimization using genetic algorithms is presented. The optimization objective is to search for a 2D fixture layout that minimizes the maximum elastic deformation at different locations of the workpiece. ANSYS program has been used for calculating the deflection of the part under clamping and cutting forces. Two case studies are given to illustrate the proposed approach.Fixture design has received considerable attention in recent years. However, little attention has been focused on the optimum fixture layout design. Menassa and DeVries[1]used FEA for calculating deflections using the minimization of the workpiece deflection at selected points as the design criterion. The design problem was to determine the position of supports. Meyer and Liou[2]presented an approach that uses linear programming technique to synthesize fixtures for dynamic machining conditions. Solution for the minimum clamping forces and locator forces is given. Li and Melkote[3]used a nonlinear programming method to solve the layout optimization problem. The method minimizes workpiece location errors due to localized elastic deformation of the workpiece. Roy andLiao[4]developed a heuristic method to plan for the best supporting and clamping positions. Tao et al.[5]presented a geometrical reasoning methodology for determining the optimal clamping points and clamping sequence for arbitrarily shaped workpieces. Liao and Hu[6]presented a system for fixture configuration analysis based on a dynamic model which analyses the fixture–workpiece system subject to time-varying machining loads. The influence of clamping placement is also investigated. Li and Melkote[7]presented a fixture layout and clamping force optimal synthesis approach that accounts forworkpiece dynamics during machining. A combined fixture layout and clamping force optimization procedure presented.They used the contact elasticity modeling method that accounts for the influence of workpiece rigid body dynamics during machining. Amaral et al. [8] used ANSYS to verify fixture design integrity. They employed 3-2-1 method. The optimization analysis is performed in ANSYS. Tan et al. [9] described the modeling, analysis and verification of optimal fixturing configurations by the methods of force closure, optimization and finite element modeling.Most of the above studies use linear or nonlinear programming methods which often do not give global optimum solution. All of the fixture layout optimization procedures start with an initial feasible layout. Solutions from these methods are depending on the initial fixture layout. They do not consider the fixture layout optimization on overall workpiece deformation.The GAs has been proven to be useful technique in solving optimization problems in engineering [10–12]. Fixture design has a large solution space and requires a search tool to find the best design. Few researchers have used the GAs for fixture design and fixture layout problems. Kumar et al. [13] have applied both GAs and neural networks for designing a fixture. Marcelin [14] has used GAs to the optimization of support positions.Vallapuzha et al. [15]presented GA based optimization method that uses spatial coordinates to represent the locations of fixture elements. Fixture layout optimization procedure was implemented using MATLAB and the genetic algorithm toolbox. HYPERMESH and MSC/NASTRAN were used for FE model. Vallapuzha et al. [16]presented results of an extensive investigation into the relative effectiveness of various optimization methods. They showed that continuous GA yielded the best quality solutions. Li and Shiu [17]determined the optimal fixture configuration design for sheet metal assembly using GA. MSC/NASTRAN has been used for fitness evaluation. Liao [18]presented a method to automatically select the optimal numbers of locators and clamps as well as their optimal positions in sheet metal assembly fixtures. Krishnakumar and Melkote [19]developed a fixture layout optimization technique that uses the GA to find the fixture layout that minimizes the deformation of the machined surface due to clamping and machining forces over the entire tool path. Locator and clamp positions are specified by node numbers. A built-in finite element solver was developed.Some of the studies do not consider the optimization of the layout for entire tool path and chip removal is not taken into account. Some of the studies used node numbers as designparameters.In this study, a GA tool has been developed to find the optimal locator and clamp positions in 2D workpiece. Distances from the reference edges as design parameters are used rather than FEA node numbers. Fitness values of real encoded GA chromosomes are obtained from the results of FEA. ANSYS has been used for FEA calculations. A chromosome library approach is used in order to decrease the solution time. Developed GA tool is tested on two test problems. Two case studies are given to illustrate the developed approach. Main contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows:(1) developed a GA code integrated with a commercial finite element solver;(2) GA uses chromosome library in order to decrease the computation time;(3) real design parameters are used rather than FEA node numbers;(4) chip removal is taken into account while tool forces moving on the workpiece.Genetic algorithms were first developed by John Holland. Goldberg [10]published a book explaining the theory and application examples of genetic algorithm in details. A genetic algorithm is a random search technique that mimics somemechanisms of natural evolution. The algorithm works on a population of designs. The population evolves from generation to generation, gradually improving its adaptation to the environment through natural selection; fitter individuals have better chances of transmitting their characteristics to later generations.In the algorithm, the selection of the natural environment is replaced by artificial selection based on a computed fitness for each design. The term fitness is used to designate the chromosome’s chances of survival and it is essentially the objective function of the optimization problem. The chromosomes that define characteristics of biological beings are replaced by strings of numerical values representing the design variables.GA is recognized to be different than traditional gradient based optimization techniques in the following four major ways [10]:1. GAs work with a coding of the design variables and parameters in the problem, rather than with the actual parameters themselves.2. GAs makes use of population-type search. Many different design points are evaluated during each iteration instead of sequentially moving from one point to the next.3. GAs needs only a fitness or objective function value. No derivatives or gradients are necessary.4. GAs use probabilistic transition rules to find new design points for exploration rather than using deterministic rules based on gradient information to find these new points.In machining process, fixtures are used to keep workpieces in a desirable position for operations. The most important criteria for fixturing are workpiece position accuracy and workpiece deformation. A good fixture design minimizes workpiece geometric and machining accuracy errors. Another fixturing requirement is that the fixture must limit deformation of the workpiece. It is important to consider the cutting forces as well as the clamping forces. Without adequate fixture support, machining operations do not conform to designed tolerances. Finite element analysis is a powerful tool in the resolution of some of these problems [22].Common locating method for prismatic parts is 3-2-1 method. This method provides the maximum rigidity with the minimum number of fixture elements. A workpiece in 3D may be positively located by means of six points positioned so that they restrict nine degrees of freedom of the workpiece. The other three degrees of freedom are removed by clamp elements. An example layout for 2D workpiece based 3-2-1 locatingprinciple is shown in Fig. 4.Fig. 4. 3-2-1 locating layout for 2D prismatic workpieceThe number of locating faces must not exceed two so as to avoid a redundant location. Based on the 3-2-1 fixturing principle there are two locating planes for accurate location containing two and one locators. Therefore, there are maximum of two side clampings against each locating plane. Clamping forces are always directed towards the locators in order to force the workpiece to contact all locators. The clamping point should be positioned opposite the positioning points to prevent the workpiece from being distorted by the clamping force.Since the machining forces travel along the machining area, it is necessary to ensure that the reaction forces at locators are positive for all the time. Any negative reaction force indicates that the workpiece is free from fixture elements. In other words, loss of contact or the separation between the workpiece and fixture element might happen when the reaction force is negative. Positive reaction forces at the locators ensure that the workpiece maintains contact with all the locators from the beginning of the cut to the end. The clamping forces should be just sufficient to constrain and locate the workpiece without causing distortion or damage to the workpiece. Clamping force optimization is not considered in this paper.In real design problems, the number of design parameters can be very large and their influence on the objective function can be very complicated. The objective function must be smooth and a procedure is needed to compute gradients. Genetic algorithms strongly differ in conception from other search methods, including traditional optimization methods and other stochastic methods [23]. By applying GAs to fixture layout optimization, an optimal or group of sub-optimal solutions can be obtained.In this study, optimum locator and clamp positions are determined using genetic algorithms. They are ideally suited for the fixture layout optimization problem since no direct analytical relationship exists between the machining error and the fixture layout. Since the GA deals with only the design variables and objective function value for a particular fixture layout, no gradient or auxiliary information is needed [19].The flowchart of the proposed approach is given in Fig. 5.Fixture layout optimization is implemented using developed software written in Delphi language named GenFix. Displacement values are calculated in ANSYS software [24]. The execution of ANSYS in GenFix is simply done by WinExec function in Delphi. The interaction between GenFix and ANSYS is implemented in four steps:(1) Locator and clamp positions are extracted from binary string as real parameters.(2) These parameters and ANSYS input batch file (modeling, solution and post processing commands) are sent to ANSYS using WinExec function.(3) Displacement values are written to a text file after solution.(4) GenFix reads this file and computes fitness value for current locator and clamp positions.In order to reduce the computation time, chromosomes and fitness values are stored in a library for further evaluation. GenFix first checks if current chromosome’s fitness value has been calculated before. If not, locator positions are sent to ANSYS, otherwise fitness values are taken from the library. During generating of the initial population, every chromosome is checked whether it is feasible or not. If the constraint is violated, it is eliminated and new chromosome is created. This process creates entirely feasible initial population. This ensures that workpiece is stable under the action of clamping and cutting forces for every chromosome in the initial population.The written GA program was validated using two test cases. The first test case uses Himmelblau function [21]. In the second test case, the GA program was used to optimise the supportpositions of a beam under uniform loading.采用遗传算法优化加工夹具定位和加紧位置夹具用来定位和束缚机械操作中的工件,减少由于对确保机械操作准确性的夹紧方案和切削力造成的工件和夹具的变形。
遗传算法简介及应用领域探索遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)是一种模拟自然进化过程的优化算法,通过模拟遗传、交叉和变异等操作,以求解复杂问题的最优解。
然后,根据问题的适应度函数(Fitness Function)对个体进行评估,适应度越高的个体越有可能被选择。
查理复用算法高级应用指南Charles Reuse algorithm, also known as genetic algorithm, is a powerful tool widely used in optimization, searching, and machine learning. This algorithm mimics the process of natural selection to generate high-quality solutions to complex problems. The process involves creating a population of possible solutions, evaluating their fitness, selecting the best individuals, and generating new solutions through crossovers and mutations.查理复用算法,也被称为遗传算法,是一种强大的工具,在优化、搜索和机器学习中被广泛应用。
One of the key advantages of the Charles Reuse algorithm is its ability to handle complex, non-linear, and multi-modal optimization problems. Traditional optimization techniques may struggle with these types of problems due to their reliance on gradient-based methods. The genetic algorithm, on the other hand, does not requireany assumptions about the problem's underlying structure and is able to explore a wide range of possible solutions in parallel.查理复用算法的一个关键优势是它能够处理复杂、非线性和多模态优化问题。
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英文翻译2011 届电气工程及其自动化专业 0706073 班级题目遗传算法在非线性模型中的应用姓名学号070607313英语原文:Application of Genetic Programming to NonlinearModelingIntroductionIdentification of nonlinear models which are based in part at least on the underlying physics of the real system presents many problems since both the structure and parameters of the model may need to be determined. Many methods exist for the estimation of parameters from measures response data but structural identification is more difficult. Often a trial and error approach involving a combination of expert knowledge and experimental investigation is adopted to choose between a number of candidate models. Possible structures are deduced from engineering knowledge of the system and the parameters of these models are estimated from available experimental data. This procedure is time consuming and sub-optimal. Automation of this process would mean that a much larger range of potential model structure could be investigated more quickly.Genetic programming (GP) is an optimization method which can be used to optimize the nonlinear structure of a dynamic system by automatically selecting model structure elements from a database and combining them optimally to form a complete mathematical model. Genetic programming works by emulating natural evolution to generate a model structure that maximizes (or minimizes) some objective function involving an appropriate measure of the level of agreement between the model and system response. A population of model structures evolves through many generations towards a solution using certain evolutionary operators and a “survival-of-the-fittest”selection scheme. The parameters of these models may be estimated in a separate and more conventional phase of the complete identification process.ApplicationGenetic programming is an established technique which has been applied to several nonlinear modeling tasks including the development of signal processing algorithms and the identification of chemical processes. In the identification of continuous time system models, the application of a block diagram oriented simulation approach to GP optimization is discussed by Marenbach, Bettenhausen and Gray, and the issues involved in the application of GP to nonlinear system identification are discussed in Gray ‟s another paper. In this paper, Genetic programming is applied to the identification of model structures from experimental data. The systems under investigation are to be represented as nonlinear time domain continuous dynamic models.The model structure evolves as the GP algorithm minimizes some objective function involving an appropriate measure of the level of agreement between the model and system responses. One examples is∑==n i e J 121 (1)Where 1e is the error between model output and experimental data for each of N data points. The GP algorithm constructs and reconstructs model structures from the function library. Simplex and simulated annealing method and the fitness of that model is evaluated using a fitness function such as that in Eq.(1). The general fitness of the population improves until the GP eventually converges to a model description of the system.The Genetic programming algorithmFor this research, a steady-state Genetic-programming algorithm was used. At each generation, two parents are selected from the population and the offspring resulting from their crossover operation replace an existing member of the same population. The number of crossover operations is equal to the size of the population i.e. the crossover rate is 100℅. The crossover algorithm used was a subtree crossover with a limit on the depth of the resulting tree.Genetic programming parameters such as mutation rate and population sizevaried according to the application. More difficult problems where the expected model structure is complex or where the data are noisy generally require larger population sizes. Mutation rate did not appear to have a significant effect for the systems investigated during this research. Typically, a value of about 2℅was chosen.The function library varied according to application rate and what type of nonlinearity might be expected in the system being identified. A core of linear blocks was always available. It was found that specific nonlinearity such as look-up tables which represented a physical phenomenon would only be selected by the Genetic Programming algorithm if that nonlinearity actually existed in the dynamic system.This allows the system to be tested for specific nonlinearities.Programming model structure identificationEach member of the Genetic Programming population represents a candidate model for the system. It is necessary to evaluate each model and assign to it some fitness value. Each candidate is integrated using a numerical integration routine to produce a time response. This simulation time response is compared with experimental data to give a fitness value for that model. A sum of squared error function (Eq.(1)) is used in all the work described in this paper, although many other fitness functions could be used.The simulation routine must be robust. Inevitably, some of the candidate models will be unstable and therefore, the simulation program must protect against overflow error. Also, all system must return a fitness value if the GP algorithm is to work properly even if those systems are unstable.Parameter estimationMany of the nodes of the GP trees contain numerical parameters. These could be the coefficients of the transfer functions, a gain value or in the case of a time delay, the delay itself. It is necessary to identify the numerical parameters of each nonlinear model before evaluating its fitness. The models are randomly generated and cantherefore contain linearly dependent parameters and parameters which have no effect on the output. Because of this, gradient based methods cannot be used. Genetic Programming can be used to identify numerical parameters but it is less efficient than other methods. The approach chosen involves a combination of the Nelder-Simplex and simulated annealing methods. Simulated annealing optimizes by a method which is analogous to the cooling process of a metal. As a metal cools, the atoms organize themselves into an ordered minimum energy structure. The amount of vibration or movement in the atoms is dependent on temperature. As the temperature decreases, the movement, though still random, become smaller in amplitude and as long as the temperature decreases slowly enough, the atoms order themselves slowly enough, the atoms order themselves into the minimum energy structure. In simulated annealing, the parameters start off at some random value and they are allowed to change their values within the search space by an amount related to a quantity defined as system …temperature‟. If a parameter change improves overall fitness, it is accepted, if it reduces fitness it is accepted with a certain probability. The temperature decreases according to some predetermined …cooling‟ schedule and the parameter values should converge to some solution as the temperature drops. Simulated annealing has proved particularly effective when combines with other numerical optimization techniques.One such combination is simulated annealing with Nelder-simplex is an (n+1) dimensional shape where n is the number of parameters. This simples explores the search space slowly by changing its shape around the optimum solution .The simulated annealing adds a random component and the temperature scheduling to the simplex algorithm thus improving the robustness of the method .This has been found to be a robust and reasonably efficient numerical optimization algorithm. The parameter estimation phase can also be used to identify other numerical parameters in part of the model where the structure is known but where there are uncertainties about parameter values.Representation of a GP candidate modelNonlinear time domain continuous dynamic models can take a number of different forms. Two common representations involve sets of differential equations or block diagrams. Both these forms of model are well known and relatively easy to simulate .Each has advantages and disadvantages for simulation, visualization and implementation in a Genetic Programming algorithm. Block diagram and equation based representations are considered in this paper along with a third hybrid representation incorporating integral and differential operators into an equation based representation.Choice of experimental data set——experimental design The identification of nonlinear systems presents particular problems regarding experimental design. The system must be excited across the frequency range of interest as with a linear system, but it must also cover the range of any nonlinearities in the system. This could mean ensuring that the input shape is sufficiently varied to excite different modes of the system and that the data covers the operational range of the system state space.A large training data set will be required to identify an accurate model. However the simulation time will be proportional to the number of data points, so optimization time must be balanced against quantity of data. A recommendation on how to select efficient step and PRBS signals to cover the entire frequency rage of interest may be found in Godfrey and Ljung‟s texts.Model validationAn important part of any modeling procedure is model validation. The new model structure must be validated with a different data set from that used for the optimization. There are many techniques for validation of nonlinear models, the simplest of which is analogue matching where the time response of the model is compared with available response data from the real system. The model validationresults can be used to refine the Genetic Programming algorithm as part of an iterative model development process.Selected from “Control Engineering Practice, Elsevier Science Ltd. ,1998”中文翻译:遗传算法在非线性模型中的应用导言:非线性模型的辨识,至少是部分基于真实系统的基层物理学,自从可能需要同时决定模型的结构和参数以来,就出现了很多问题。