Habitat changing
Global warming causes the
Iceland is decreasing.
Though big iceberg breaking causes the area of sea is
increasing, if they want to find food in the sea, foraging will become much harder.
They breed their eggs in
cold weather, in case
young penguin have enough food to grow in summer.
Male have responsibility to
breed eggs.
After laying eggs, female
Food decreasing
Owing to global warming, some
creatures like Krill their numbers
are significantly reducing.
With less food, penguins will
face more grim situation.
Virus-bird flu
In 2014, scientists found a bit of
adelie penguins carrying a
new and activated bird flu.
Thanks for listening!
About Marriage
The Biggest
They have 17 species, they are birds, but they can’t fly. Though some live in warm zones, all penguins like cold weather. The Smallest
They breed their eggs in
cold weather, in case
young penguin have enough food to grow in summer.
But in reality, they face…..
Habitat changing
Global warming causes the
to breed eggs. After laying eggs, female walk 200 miles away to find food .Male usually do not eat food and lose less 50% of their weight in these 2 months .
Food decreasing
Owing to global warming, some creatures like Krill their numbers are significantly reducing.
With less food, penguins will face more grim situation.
About Marriage
Monogamy Loyal
But Emperor penguins are special
During the period from mid - July to early August, the chicks hatched. But since the female emperor penguin has not yet returned, the male emperor penguin will still have to take care of the little penguins. However, the female penguin will be back eight weeks later, before they return, the little emperor penguin has no food to eat, if the small emperor penguin is too hungry, the male will secrete a white discharge to feed the small emperor penguin. This secretion is said to have no nutrition, just a deal with it.
In may of each year, the female emperor penguin lays an egg, then gives the egg to the male emperor penguin, and hurries back to the food - rich sea to feed on their weakened body.
The male emperor penguin puts the eggs on their feet, then lowers their warm abdomen and lays the eggs over. From then on, the male emperor penguin bent his neck, low head, did not eat and drink standing for more than 60 days, took on the task of hatching, relying on the consumption of its own fat to maintain the body.
4.对于这样的人,心灵的宁静就无从 谈起。 一个人 唯有关 注心灵 ,才会 因为心 灵被扰 乱而不 安,才 会有寻 求心灵 宁静的 需要。 所以, 具有过 内心生 活的禀 赋,或 者养成 这样的 习惯, 这是最 重要的 。
5.区别在于,注重内心生活的人善于 把外部 生活的 收获变 成心灵 的财富 ,缺乏 此种禀 赋或习 惯的人 则往往 会迷失 在外部 生活中 ,人整 个儿是 散的。 外面的 世界布 满了纵 横交错 的路, 每一条 都通往 不同的 地点
2.为了寻求地球水的渊源,人们还把 目光投 向了宇 宙。科 学家托 维利提 出假说 :地球 上的水 是太阳 风的杰 作。太 阳风即 太阳刮 起的风 ,但它 不是流 动的空 气,而 是一种 微粒流 或带电 质子流 。
3.寻求心灵的宁静,前提是首先要有 一个心 灵。在 理论上 ,人人 都有一 个心灵 ,但事 实上却 不尽然 。有一 些人, 他们永 远被外 界的力 量左右 着,永 远生活 在喧闹 的外部 世界里 ,未尝 有真正 的内心 生活。
6.如果一个人有自己的心灵追求,又 在世界 上闯荡 了一番 ,有了 相当的 人生阅 历,那 么,他 就会逐 渐认识 到自己 在这个 世界上 的位置 。世界 无限广 阔,诱 惑永无 止境, 然而, 属于每 一个人 的现实 可能性 终究是 有限的 。他 顺应自 己的天 性,找 到了自 己真正 喜欢做 的有意 义的事 ,并且 一心把 它做得 尽善尽 美,他 在这个 世界上 就有了 牢不可 破的家 园。
企鹅: 鸟纲 企鹅目 (Sphenisciformes )
是地球上数一数二的可爱动物。它们分布在南半球的南极与亚南极地 区, 南极大陆海岸,以及南极大陆海岸与亚南极之间的岛屿上。企鹅常 以极大数目的族群出现,占有南极地区85% 的海鸟数量。
科普企鹅作文英文和中文英文回答:Penguins are fascinating creatures that inhabit the Southern Hemisphere, particularly in Antarctica. They are well-adapted to living in extreme cold environments and have unique physical characteristics that enable them to survive in such harsh conditions.Firstly, penguins have a layer of blubber under their skin, which acts as insulation and helps them stay warm in freezing temperatures. This blubber also provides buoyancy, allowing them to swim effortlessly in the water. For example, the Emperor Penguin, the largest species of penguin, can dive to depths of over 500 meters and stay underwater for up to 20 minutes!Secondly, penguins have streamlined bodies and wings that have evolved into flippers, which make them excellent swimmers. Their wings have transformed into paddle-likestructures, enabling them to propel themselves through the water with great speed and agility. This adaptation is crucial for catching fish, their primary source of food. In fact, penguins can swim at speeds of up to 15 miles per hour!Thirdly, penguins have a unique way of conserving heat. They huddle together in large groups, known as colonies, to keep warm during the harsh Antarctic winters. By standing close to each other, they create a barrier against the cold winds and share body heat. This behavior is especially important for the survival of their chicks, as it helps them stay warm and protected.中文回答:企鹅是一种迷人的生物,主要栖息在南半球,尤其是南极洲。
elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. • Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
Name of presentation
Company name
• Your Text here • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. • Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
• Penguin(企鵝)這個字的字源,在 拉丁語中有「胖、肥」的意思。 Penguin這個字,原本是一種在1844 年已經絕種的「大海雀」這種如同 企鵝一般,只是脖子很長的鳥類的 名字,就因為兩種鳥類長得相似, 所以企鵝也賦予相同的名字 「Penguin」。像紳士一樣穿著燕尾 服的企鵝,假如知道人類給牠的名 字是「胖胖」或「肥肥」的意思的 話,不知會做何感想哪?
學名 Pygoscelis antarctica
身高 70~75公分
企Байду номын сангаас也賦予相同的名字「Penguin」。
帝王企鵝 國王企鵝 阿德利企鵝. 南極企鵝 但廿世紀以來,有很多種類的企鵝族群顯著下降,甚至瀕臨絕種,這和人類的商業利用有直接的關係,人們為了取得企鵝的肉、蛋、羽毛、甚至
企鹅体型从小到大差异显著, 最小如小蓝企鹅仅30厘米左右
企鹅羽毛紧密且防水,有助于 在寒冷环境中保持体温。不同 种类的企鹅羽毛颜色和斑纹各 异。
企鹅脚部适应于水生生活,具 有蹼状足,可用于游泳和捕食 。
不同种类的企鹅对栖息地的选 择有所不同,但大多数喜欢栖 息在靠近海洋的地方。
目前已知的企鹅种类约有18种,其中 一些为濒危物种。
不同种类的企鹅数量差异较大,例如 帝企鹅数量较少,而金图企鹅数量相 对较多。
根据最新的统计数据,全球企鹅数量 大约在5,000万至1亿只之间。
雏鸟孵化后,父母双方共同照顾,轮流觅食 喂养雏鸟。雏鸟在成长过程中会逐渐换羽、 学习游泳和捕食技能。
企鹅主要以鱼类、虾类和鱿鱼等 海洋生物为食。不同种类的企鹅
企鹅在水中游泳速度极快,能够 迅速捕捉猎物。它们通常潜水追 捕猎物,利用敏锐的视力和听觉
企鹅常以极大数目的族群出现,占有南极地区85% 的海鸟数量。
• Your Text here • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. • Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
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• Your Text here • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing
elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. • Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi.
主题:爱与责任 企鹅是专情的动物,固定伴侣关系,除非发生意外。 在影片中,帝企鹅真实地演绎了发生在人类身上所有的不 舍、离别的期待和归来的喜悦,它们以笨拙躯体里蕴藏的 强大能量完美地诠释了爱和责任。 由天性和南十字星座的指引,帝企鹅们从不同的方 向准确无误地前往奥默克,那里是他们的出生地,也是他 们爱情所在地。一段快乐的嬉戏之后,他们开始了美妙的 恋爱时光,也开始了全片最令人陶醉的片断:一对对帝企 鹅相互依偎、亲吻,诉说和感受着属于他们的甜蜜情意。 他们微闭双目,长长的椽亲密咬合,白色的肚皮温柔相触, 在艾米莉·西蒙天籁般嗓音的渲染下,演绎出严寒冬日里 一曲温情恋歌,那种细腻与动情丝毫不亚于人类的表达。 “爱情已经说了,爱情已经做了”,然后,是静默的等待, 直到新生命的诞生。
导演阐述 我的目标是从一个全新的角度深度发掘,给大 家讲述一个真实却非凡的故事。它虽然已经延续 了几百年甚至几千年的寒冬,但却从未有人类将 它记载和遗传下来,因为在过去的几千年中从未 有人类在南极居住。直到一个世纪前,企鹅们才 第一次“撞”上了人类。1950年,当试验性基 地在南极建成,科学观测数据才取代了人们口述 的传奇......(2005法国电影展映专题)
作品概况 片名:March of the Penguins 译名:帝企鹅日记 更多译名:小企鹅大长征 企鹅的三月 导演/编剧:吕克·雅克特 Luc Jacquet 类型:纪录片 长:80分钟(美国)/85分钟(法国) 国家/地区:美国/法国 级别:G级 发行:华纳独立影片公司
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
编导简介 吕克·雅盖原本是一名生物学家,一直喜欢观察自 然、观察动物,还曾经梦想过当科学家,1992年 在法国在南极地区设立的杜尔维尔科学中心工作, 并在其后的12年时间里,去了5次南极,为拍摄做 准备工作。之所以“改行”拍起纪录片,还要从他 第一次去南极说起:“我第一次去南极时是以科学 家的身份去的,那时候就被南极的风景和帝企鹅的 生活所吸引,所以才决定要拍摄影片,因为实在是 太美了。那里不仅自然风景美,动物的生活也很 美。”从2003年1月到2004年2月,吕克·雅盖率领 摄制组在南极平均零下30摄氏度的酷寒下整整拍 摄14个月,终于完成了这部影片的摄制,素材影 象超过120个小时。
企鹅资料作文英语模板英文回答:The Penguin。
The penguin is a flightless bird that lives in the Southern Hemisphere. There are 18 species of penguins, ranging in size from the small blue penguin, which is about the size of a chicken, to the large emperor penguin, which can grow up to 4 feet tall and weigh up to 90 pounds.Penguins are well-adapted to their cold, watery environment. They have a thick layer of blubber that keeps them warm, and their feathers are waterproof. Penguins also have webbed feet that help them swim.Penguins are social animals that live in colonies. They are very vocal birds, and they use a variety of calls to communicate with each other. Penguins are also very curious creatures, and they are often seen exploring theirsurroundings.Penguins are predators that eat a variety of fish, squid, and krill. They are able to dive deep into the ocean to find food. Penguins are also opportunistic feeders, and they will eat whatever they can find.Penguins are a threatened species. Their populations are declining due to a number of factors, including climate change, pollution, and overfishing. There are a number of things that can be done to help protect penguins, including reducing our carbon emissions, recycling, and supporting sustainable fisheries.Here are some additional facts about penguins:Penguins can swim up to 20 miles per hour.Penguins can dive up to 1,000 feet deep.Penguins can hold their breath for up to 20 minutes.Penguins can live for up to 30 years.Penguins are the only birds that can walk upright.中文回答:企鹅。
The penguin is bird outline penguin welwitschiales (Latin: Sphenisciformes) all kinds of intellectuals. Live mainly in the earth's equator, present known worldwide penguins were 18. Features for cannot fly, Born in the lower body feet, reason is erect posture, Between toes have webbed; The metatarsal line sex (the other birds to toe touchdown); Forelegs into fins shape, Feather short to reduce the friction and turbulence, Feather reserved a layer of air between to adiabatic. Back in black, white belly. Each kind of the main difference between the head and body size color type.企鹅是鸟的轮廓企鹅welwitschiales(拉丁语:Sphenisciformes)各种各样的知识分子。
A large flightless seabird of the southern hemisphere,with black upper parts and white underparts and wings developed into flippers for swimming under water.不会飞的大型海鸟南半球,黑色和白色,上部部分腹发展成为游泳的鳍状肢翼在水下。
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Penguin In Danger.
Experts say a shortage of fish and other food is threatening many of the world's penguins. They say as many as ten of the seventeen kinds of penguins may be in danger of disappearing.
The Exploration Of Penguins
Presentation:Group Six From 18 Class
Part 1 Part 3
The Introduction.
For AБайду номын сангаасpreciation. The Interaction.
Part 2
For Thanks.
People love to know that they’re helping the penguins because they’re so cute and small and they waddle up the beach and they’re so feisty. But they need to be they live in a pretty tough sort of environment.
Discover the video and edit it.
Yang Junqi
Be responsible for PPT making.
Introduction For The Lovely Penguin.
Penguins are very special animals. They live on the coldest place of the Earth . These birds can't fly at all. But they are good swimmers Though they can't fly, yet they can swim in the extreme cold glacier . The most wonderful part is they can stand like a human and walking. It's very cute when they are walking.
They survive in some of the coldest environments in the world - but even penguins appreciate a warm woolly jumper once in a while.
Knits for Nature a program run by The Penguin Foundation which conserves the little penguin population of Phillip Island 140km southeast of Melbourne has created up to 300 different designs over the years - and it's all thanks to talented volunteers.
The mini knitted garments have helped save hundreds of flightless birds caught in oil spills providing protection from the elements and stopping them from ingesting poisonous pollution.
Q2: Do you like penguins ? What do you like about them ? Please share with us !
Part 4
For Thanks.
➢Listen and appreciate.
A Warm Story.
The Cutest Handmade Clothes For Penguins
Part 2
For Appreciation.
➢Get together and enjoy it !
The Penguin
A Gift From Nature.
Part 3
The Interaction.
➢Put your hands up !
1. What’s your opinions about humans getting along with animals ?
Most of the endangered animals are very harmful, yet the penguin looks harmonious as well as entertaining, we even will put them on the movies and cartoons such as "Madagascar" and "Ice Age" and so on.
For example, thousands of Magellanic penguins build their nests at Punta Tombo, Argentina. Wildlife Conservation Society researchers have studied these birds for eighteen years. They say the numbers of penguins have decreased by thirty percent since Nineteen-Eighty-Seven.
Part 4
Part 1
The Introduction.
➢The Penguin.
Group Introduction.
Shi Yuting
Hosting the presentation.
Wang Jianing
Dub the video.
Chai Buyun
Protect Our Cutest Friends !
Thank You For Watching !
Presentation:Group Six From 18 Class