播放器 说明书

支持MP3、WMA、W A V 、AMV、OGG、APE等音乐格式。
?支持多种音频格式如MP3、WMA、W A V(ADPCM)、AMV、OGG、APE等音乐格式。
?录音/复读可通过麦克风录音并保存为MP3、W A V和ACT格式的语音文档,可选择片段复读或对比复读,实现真正的数码复读功能。

二、产品特点1. 智能语音控制:通过内置的语音识别模块,您可以通过语音指令轻松操作播放器,如“打开音乐”、“下一首歌”等。
2. 智能推荐:根据您的音乐偏好和历史播放记录,智能音乐播放器会为您推荐符合您口味的音乐,让您的音乐体验更加舒适。
3. 多功能播放:支持各种音频格式的播放,包括MP3、WAV、FLAC等。
4. 个性化设置:您可以根据自己的偏好自定义播放器的主题颜色、背景图片等,让您的使用体验更加个性化。
5. 多设备同步:支持多设备之间的音乐同步播放,您可以随时随地切换设备而不中断音乐播放。
三、基本操作1. 开机与关机:长按电源键3秒以上,听到“开机成功”提示音后,播放器即可正常工作。
2. 音乐播放与暂停:通过触摸面板或语音指令,您可以控制音乐的播放与暂停。
3. 音量调节:通过触摸面板的上下滑动,或者说出“增大音量”、“减小音量”等指令,您可以自由调节音乐的音量大小。
4. 切换音乐:通过触摸面板的左右滑动,或者说出“上一首”、“下一首”等指令,您可以切换当前播放的音乐。
5. 播放模式切换:通过触摸面板或说出“切换播放模式”等指令,您可以切换音乐播放器的不同播放模式,如循环播放、随机播放等。
海康 VSPlayerV7.0.0用户手册


高清硬盘播放器 说明书

高清硬盘播放器用户手册目录第一章:产品简介 (2)第二章:技术规格 (2)第三章:产品概览 (5)第四章:装连线和内置SATA硬盘装配 (11)第五章:系统的各项设定 (12)一、声音设置 (12)二、影像设置 (13)三、网络设置 (14)四、系统设置 (20)五、其它设置 (21)第六章:浏览和播放多媒体文件 (22)一、浏览选择设备 (22)二、浏览全部 (22)三、浏览音乐 (23)四、浏览图片 (23)五、浏览电影 (24)六、网络浏览 (24)第七章:文件编辑 (28)第八章:在线播放 (29)第九章:文件复制 (31)第十章:固件升级 (33)多媒体播放器,它将为您带来全新的娱乐体验!第一章:产品简介多媒体播放机是一款新型的全高清家庭多媒体播放产品。
主板除了双USB HOST设计外,还带有独家设计的内置SATA硬盘接口。
二、技术参数解码功能:视频解码格式:H.264, MKV, WMV9, MPEG 1/2/4, HD Divx , Xvid,FLV, RM/RMVB;支持视频文件:mkv、 ts、m2t、 m2ts、 mts、 tp、 trp、 wmv、 Ifo、iso、 vob、 dat、 avi、 m2p、mpg、 mp4、 rmp4、mov、 rm、 rmvb、divx、 xvid、 flv、afs;视频解码分辨率:高清电影高达1080p 网络电影RM/RMVB高达720p; 支持字幕:sub、smi、ssa、srt,、idx + sub ;音频格式: mp3、wma、wav、ogg aac、lpcm、flac、ac3、 dt s;图片格式:jpg 、bmp、gif。

Mp3使用手册香港刀狼集团有限公司国内工厂:深圳龙华白石龙工业园1栋5层电话:0755—8148 8148传真:0755—8148 8772网站:邮箱:xlx731@工作QQ:184027716联系人:姜小姐刀狼科技★所向无敌做中国最好的企业,做中国一流的品牌本机是全新一代数码随身听设备。

音乐播放器使用手册1. 概述音乐播放器是一款方便用户随时欣赏音乐的应用程序。
2. 安装和启动2.1 下载和安装音乐播放器应用程序。
2.2 在设备上找到并点击音乐播放器图标,启动应用程序。
3. 音乐库3.1 导入音乐文件:将您喜欢的音乐文件复制到音乐播放器的音乐库文件夹中。
3.2 浏览音乐库:打开音乐播放器后,您可以在主界面上看到音乐库的内容,通过滑动屏幕可以浏览您的音乐文件。
4. 播放音乐4.1 单曲播放:点击您想要播放的音乐文件,在屏幕底部的播放控制栏中点击播放按钮,音乐将开始播放。
4.2 循环播放:在屏幕底部的播放控制栏中点击循环按钮,音乐将在播放结束后自动重新开始。
4.3 随机播放:在屏幕底部的播放控制栏中点击随机按钮,音乐将按照随机顺序进行播放。
4.4 播放列表:您可以创建和编辑播放列表,在播放控制栏中点击播放列表按钮,进行相关操作。
5. 音乐控制5.1 暂停和恢复播放:在屏幕底部的播放控制栏中点击暂停按钮,音乐将暂停播放;再次点击该按钮可以恢复播放。
5.2 快进和后退:在音乐播放过程中,您可以通过滑动屏幕上的进度条来快进或后退至特定位置。
5.3 调节音量:通过设备音量键或在屏幕底部的播放控制栏中调节音量滑块来控制音量大小。
6. 媒体库管理6.1 管理音乐文件:您可以在音乐播放器中对音乐文件进行管理,包括删除、移动和重命名等操作。
6.2 创建和编辑播放列表:您可以创建不同的播放列表,根据个人喜好对音乐文件进行分类和组织。
7. 设置和个性化7.1 音效调节:根据个人需求,您可以在设置界面中调节音效,如均衡器、重低音等。
7.2 外观主题:音乐播放器提供多种外观主题可供选择,您可以根据个人喜好进行更换。
7.3 睡眠定时:在设置界面中可设置音乐播放器在特定时间后自动停止播放,帮助您入睡。
8. 小贴士- 确保音乐文件未损坏或格式不受支持,以免造成播放问题。

二、开启音乐播放器1. 按下音乐播放器的电源开关按钮,设备将开始启动。
2. 一旦设备开启,您将看到屏幕上显示的主界面。
三、主界面功能介绍1. 曲目列表:主界面上显示了当前存储在音乐播放器中的所有音乐曲目。
2. 播放控制按钮:主界面底部有一组按钮,其中包括播放、暂停、上一曲、下一曲等功能按钮。
3. 设置选项:通过点击主界面上的设置图标,您可以访问音乐播放器的各种设置选项,例如音效调节、重复播放等。
四、播放音乐1. 从曲目列表中选择您要播放的音乐曲目。
2. 点击播放按钮,音乐将开始播放。
3. 如果您想要暂停音乐播放,点击暂停按钮即可。
4. 要调节音量,可以使用音量按钮或滑动音量控制条来实现。
五、切换音乐1. 如果您想要切换到上一曲,请点击上一曲按钮。
2. 同样地,如果您想要切换到下一曲,请点击下一曲按钮。
六、设置选项1. 点击主界面上的设置图标,进入设置选项界面。
2. 在设置选项界面中,您可以根据个人喜好调节音效,包括均衡器、重低音等。
3. 您还可以选择是否启用随机播放或重复播放功能。
七、添加音乐1. 连接音乐播放器与电脑,确保电脑已经识别到设备。
2. 打开电脑上的音乐文件夹,选择您要添加到音乐播放器的音乐曲目。
3. 将选中的音乐文件拖放到音乐播放器的音乐文件夹中,等待文件传输完成。
4. 断开音乐播放器与电脑的连接,您将能够在曲目列表中看到新添加的音乐。
八、音乐管理1. 点击主界面上的曲目列表,您可以浏览当前存储在音乐播放器中的所有音乐曲目。
2. 您可以使用搜索功能来查找特定的音乐曲目。
3. 如果您想要删除某个曲目,长按该曲目并选择删除选项。
九、电池管理1. 音乐播放器使用电池供电,因此必须定期充电以确保设备正常运行。
2. 当电池电量过低时,音乐播放器将无法正常工作。
LG BP420 蓝光播放机 用户手册说明书

yy 即使以 NTSC 彩色制式录制的光碟可以正常 显示在电视机上,也不一定能够正确录制在 您的录像机上。
yy 长时间观看 3D 内容可能导致头晕或疲 劳。
yy 不建议体弱人士、儿童和孕妇以 3D 模 式观看电影。
CD-R/RW (8 cm / 12 cm 光碟)
y u i
o y u i
说明 yy 诸如影片之类可购买或租借的光碟。 yy “蓝光 3D”光碟和“蓝光 3D ONLY”光碟 yy 以 BDAV 格式录制的 BD-R/RE 光碟。 yy 包含电影、音乐或图片文件的 BD-R/RE 光
yy 观看 3D 内容时如果感到头痛、疲倦或头 晕,强烈建议您停止播放并适当休息, 直到您感觉恢复正常。
开始 5
6 目录
1 开始
3 安全信息 8 介绍 8 – 可播放的光碟和本手册中使用的符号 9 – 关于“7”符号显示 9 – 兼容性说明 10 – 文件要求 11 – AVCHD(Advanced Video Codec High
yy 根据录制软件和封盘方式,某些光碟 (CD-R/RW、DVD±R/RW 或者 BD-R/RE) 可能无法在本设备上播放。
yy 使用由个人电脑和 DVD 或 CD 刻录机刻 录的 BD-R/RE、DVD±R/RW 和 CD-R/RW 光碟时,如果碟片受损或变脏,或者播 放器光头上有脏物或湿气凝结,则可能 无法播放这些碟片。
关于 TV 彩色制式的重要声明
LG BD670 蓝光播放器 用户手册说明书

4 开始
yy 由于 AACS(先进内容接收系统)是受蓝光光
盘 格式的内容保护系统认可, 和 DVD 格式的
yy 多制式彩色电视机根据输入信号自动切换彩 色制式。如果彩色制式不自动切换,关闭再 打开电视机,以在屏幕上显示正常图像。
yy 即使以 NTSC 彩色制式录制的光碟可以正常 显示在电视机上,也不一定能够正确录制在 您的录像机上。
开始 5
6 目录
1 开始
3 安全信息 8 介绍 8 – 可播放的光碟和本手册中使用的符号 9 – 关于“7”符号显示 10 – 文件要求 11 – AVCHD(Advanced Video Codec High
yy 根据录制软件和封盘方式,某些光碟 (CD-R/RW、DVD±R/RW 或者 BD-R/RE) 可能无法在本设备上播放。
yy 使用由个人电脑和 DVD 或 CD 刻录机刻 录的 BD-R/RE、DVD±R/RW 和 CD-R/RW 光碟时,如果碟片受损或变脏,或者播 放器光头上有脏物或湿气凝结,则可能 无法播放这些碟片。
AACS 可能会采用和/或更改这些限制。
溅入水分。也不能将任何装有液体的物品如花 瓶放置在设备上。
LG BD620 蓝光播放器 用户手册说明书

备后用。如机器需要维修,请联系授权的服务 中心。使用非本手册指定的遥控器、调节器或 功能可能导致辐射的危险。为了避免直接暴露 在激光中,请不要打开外壳。打开时会产生激
三角形内的闪电箭头符号警示用 户,产品外壳存在未绝缘的危险
光辐射。请勿直视此光线。 电源线注意事项
电压,会产生对人身造成电击的 多数电器都建议使用专用电路;
yy 即使以 NTSC 彩色制式录制的光碟可以正常 显示在电视机上,也不一定能够正确录制在
yy 很多 BD-ROM/DVD 光碟均在编码时加入了复
到 TV,不可连接到 VCR。如果连接到 VCR,
yy 本产品包含版权保护技术,此技术受美国专 利权法以及其它知识产权法的保护。使用此 版权保护技术必须得到 Rovi 公司的授权。 您只能将其用于家庭观看或其它受限的观 看,除非得到 Rovi 公司的另外授权。严禁 进行反向设计和分解。
DIVX3.xx、DIVX4.xx、 DIVX5.xx、DIVX6.xx (仅标准播放)、 XVID、MPEG1 SS、 H.264/MPEG-4 AVC、 MPEG2 PS、MPEG2 TS、 RV30、RV40
Dolby Digital、 DTS、MP3、 WMA、AAC、AC3、 COOK
SubRip (.srt / .txt) 、SAMI (.smi)、 SubStation Alpha (.ssa/.txt)、MicroDVD (.sub/.txt)、VobSub (.sub)、SubViewer 1.0 (.sub)、SubViewer 2.0 (.sub/.txt)、TMPlayer (.txt)、DVD Subtitle System (.txt)
MP3播放器 说明书

LG BP325 蓝光播放机 用户手册说明书

4 开始
yy 由于 AACS(先进内容接收系统)是受蓝光光
盘 格式的内容保护系统认可, 和 DVD 格式的
CSS(内容扰乱系统)的用途相似, 受 AACS
5 故障排除
43 故障排除 43 – 一般 44 – 网络 45 – 图像 45 – 客户支持 45 – 开源软件声明
6 附录
46 使用附带的遥控器控制电视机 46 – 对您的电视机设置遥控器 47 网络软件更新 47 – 网络更新通知 47 – 软件更新 49 地区代码 50 语言代码列表 51 商标和许可证 53 音频输出规格 55 规格 56 维护 56 – 搬运本机 56 – 光碟说明 57 关于网络服务的重要信息
CD-R/RW (8 cm / 12 cm 光碟)
y u i
o y u i
说明 yy 诸如影片之类可购买或租借的光碟。 yy “蓝光 3D”光碟和“蓝光 3D ONLY”光碟 yy 以 BDAV 格式录制的 BD-R/RE 光碟。 yy 包含电影、音乐或图片文件的 BD-R/RE 光
yy 根据美国和其他国家的版权法,未经授权对 电视节目、录影带、BD-ROM 光碟、DVD、CD 和其他材料进行录制、使用、播放、分发或 修改,将承担民事和/或刑事责任。
关于 TV 彩色制式的重要声明
本播放器的彩色制式根据当前播放的光碟而不 同。
例如,当播放器播放以 NTSC 彩色制式录制的 光碟时,将以 NTSC 信号形式输出图像。
ndx 网络音频播放器 中文版 用户手册说明书

参考手册N D X网络音频播放器中文部分 页码内容1 NDX简介 1 1.1 多模式收音机 1 1.2 通用即插即用™音频接口 1 1.3 USB/iPod接口 1 1.4 数模转换器 12 NDX安装和连接 2 2.1 NDX后面板 2 2.2 NDX连接到可选的XPS电源供应设备 2 2.3 主电源连接 3 2.4 电源升级 3 2.5 调频/数字音频广播天线连接 3 2.6 音频输入与输出 3 2.7 USB/iPod接口 3 2.8 网络连接 3 2.9 系统自动化 4 2.10 外部控制 4 2.11 信号接地开关 43 NDX操作 5 3.1 前面板特点 5 3.2 前面板按钮 5 3.3 前面板显示器(正常播放模式) 5 3.4 前面板显示器(列表模式) 6 3.5 前面板显示器(设置模式)6 3.6 NDX手持遥控器7 3.7 遥控器文字输入8 3.8 n-Stream控制应用程序 84 NDX设置 10 4.1 主设置菜单 10 4.2 语言菜单 10 4.3 输入菜单 10 4.4 模拟输出菜单11 4.5 网络设置菜单 11 4.6 数字输出菜单 13 4.7 前面板显示器菜单 13 4.8 手持遥控器按键菜单 13 4.9 系统自动化菜单 14 4.10 出厂设置菜单 155 NDX多模式收音机调谐器 16 5.1 调频调谐器-搜索电台 16 5.2 数字音频广播调谐器-搜索电台 16 5.3 网络收音机调谐器-搜索电台 16 5.4 添加网络收音机电台 17 5.5 存储电台预设 17 5.6 利用收音机预设 176 NDX通用即插即用™音频接口 18 6.1 通用即插即用™服务器18 6.2 音频文件的兼容性 18 6.3 扫描服务器和播放文件 187 NDX USB/iPod接口 19 7.1 USB媒体与文件兼容性 19 7.2 iPod 兼容性和充电 19 7.3 浏览与播放USB文档 198 NDX规格20注意: 本手册为第1版,其对 3.5 版NDX设备运行软件的操作进行了阐述。

please read this user's manual carefully and completely.Notes on Copyrights:It is forbidden by law to copy, broadcast, show,broadcast viacable, play in public, or rent copyrighted material withoutpermission.This product features the copy protection function developed by Macrovision.Copy protection signals are recorded on some discs. When recording and playing the pictures of these discs picture noise will appear.This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certain U.S.Patents and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights e of this copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by macrovision Corporation. Reverseengineering or disassembly is prohibited.SERIAL NUMBER:You can find the ser i al number on the back o f the unit.This number is unique to this unit and not available to others.You should re cord requested information here and retain this guide as a permanent record of your purchase.Model No. ______________________________Serial No. ______________________________Date of Purchase_________________________Warning:To reduce the risk of electric shock,do not remove the cover or back of this product.There are no user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.2Safety Precautions Before using the player, please ensure that the local AC voltage is suitable for this unit.N Warning: when the unit using by child, parents must make sure to let the child understand all contents in Instruction book how battery using to guarantee using battery correctly all the time.Warning: when find battery overheat, swell or dour, pleasestop using battery and contact service centre for gettingreplacement.Warning: T o reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this product to dripping or splashing water,rain, or moisture. Do not place objects filled with water such as vases, on the Product.Warning: This digital video disc player employs a laser e of controls,adjustments, or the performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation Exposure.Warning: T o prevent direct exposure to laser beam,do not open the enclosure.Visible laser radiation when open.Warning: Never stare directly into the laser beam.Caution: Do not install this product in a confined space such as a book case or similar unit.charge over heat 40 Cstrong impact34Notes:This indicates a product feature that is capable of playing DVD-RW discs recorded with Video Recording format.1.Depending on the conditions of the recording equipment or the CD-R/RW (or DVD -R, DVD +R,DVD -RW, DVD +RW) disc itself, someCD-R/RW (or DVD -R, DVD +R, DVD -RW, DVD +RW) discs cannot be played on the unit.2.Do not attach any seal or label to either side (the labeled side or the recorded side) of a disc.3.Do not use irregularly shaped CDs (e.g., Heartshaped oroctagonal)since they may result in malfunctions.4.Some playback operations of DVDs and Video CDs may be intentionally programmed by software manufacturers. This unit plays DVDS and Video CDs according to disc content designed by the software manufacturer, therefore some playback features may not be available or other functions may be added.Manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories."Dolby", "Pro Logic", and the double-D symbol are trademarks ofDolby Laboratories.Region codeThis DVD player is designed and manufactured forplayback of region "2"encoded DVD software.This unit can play only DVD discs labeled "2" or "ALL".Notes on Region CodesMost DVD discs have a globe with one or more numbers in it clearly visible on the cover. This number must match your DVD player's region code or the disc cannot play. If you try to play a DVD witha different region code from your player,the message "Checkregion Code" appears on the TVscreen.2_________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________Video CD (VCD)(8 cm / 12 cm disc) DVD (8 cm / 12 cm disc)Types of Playable Discs Audio CD (8 cm / 12 cm disc)In addition, this unit plays , DVD -R, DVD +R,DVD -RW,DVD +RW,Kodak Picture CDs, SVCD, and CD-R / CD-RW that contains audio titles,WMA,JPEG and MPEG4 files. RW C0MPATIBL EWeak batteries can leak and severely damage the remote control unit.Turn off the po wer and keep AC cord pul l ed out from the outlet when connecting the systerm.6Identification of Controls 7DVD IntroductionGetting Started Refer to the drawing, take the back cover of the remote control off and remove the empty battery receptacle.Prior to shipping, a separating film was applied to the battery. Remove this film.Insert the battery into the receptacle and insert the receptacle into the remote.For the best results,aim the remote towards at the player 's receiving window. Stay within 15 feet and angles of 60 degrees or less.Under normal use the battery will last for one year.Remove battery during storage or when you are not using the DVDplayer for a long time.1.Open the battery door.2.Insert two AAA size batteries.DVD+R/RWDVD -R and DVD +R are two different standards for recordable DVD drives and discs. This format allows information to be recorded onto the DVD disc only once. DVD +RW and DVD -RW are two standards for re-writable media, meaning the DVD content can be erased and re-recorded. Single-sided discs can hold 4.38 gigabytes and double-sided discs hold twice as much.There are no dual layer single sided recordable discs.VCD (Video CD)A VCD holds up to 74 minutes (650 MB disc) or 80 minutes (700 MB disc) of MPEG-1 full-motion video along with quality stereo sound.MPEGMPEG is an international standard for video and audio compression. MPEG-1 is used in encoding video for VCD and provides for multichannel surround sound coding such as PCM, Dolby Digital, and MPEG audio.WMAWindows media audio file. A type of coding / decoding developed by Microsoft Corp.JPEGJoint Pictures Expert Group. JPEG is a compressed file format that allows you to save images with no limit on the number of colors.MPEG4MPEG4 is the name of a revolutionary new video codec.which is based On the new MPEG-4 compression standard for video.You will be able to play MPEG4 movies using this DVD player.Title (DVD video discs only)A title is generally a distinct section of a DVD disc. For example the main feature could be title 1, a documentary describing how the film was made could be title 2, and cast interviews could be title 3. Each title is assigned a reference number enabling you to locate it easily .Getting StartedBasic operation 10File names should have a maximum of 8 letters and must incorporate an "wma" extension.They should not contain special letters such as "/? * : < > l "etc.The total number of files on one disc should be less than 650.This DVD player requires discs and recordings tomeet certain technical standards in order to achieve optimal playback quality .Pre-recorded DVDs are automatically set to these standards. There are many different types of recordable disc formats(including CD-R containing or WMA files) and these require certain pre-existing conditions (see above) to ensure compatible playback.Customers should note that permission is required in order to download WMA files and music from the Internet. Our company has no right to grant such permission. Permission should always besought from the copyright owner.11Slide ShowYou can press Program repeatly to select the slide show Mode.Still Picture slide show.The player will now go intoPAUSE mode.2. T o return to the slide show, press PLA Y/ PAUSE again.Viewing a JPEG DiscUsing this DVD Player you can view Kodak PICTURE CDs and discs with JPEG files.1.Insert a disc and close the tray. The file menu appears on the TVscreen.2. Press to select a folder, and press ENTER. A list of files in the folder Appears. If you are in a file list and want to return to theprevious Folder list, use the buttons on the remote to highlight and press ENTER.3. If you want to view a particular file, press to highlight a file and press ENTER or PLAY . Viewing the file proceeding starts.4.If the DISC you insert is a Kodak Picture CD it will be played automatically.NOTE:Press" " to move to the next page , " " to return to previons folder,and " MENU" return to menu.Zoom 2,Used " " to enlarge,or " " to shorten the picture.Playing a JPEG DiscPlaying an Audio CD or WMAPlaying a MPEG4 Movie DiscUsing this DVD Player you can play MPEG4 disc.1. Insert a disc and close the tray.The folder menu appears on theTV screen.2. Press to select a folder, and press ENTER. A list of files inthe folder appears. If you are in a file list and want to return to theFolder list,use the or button on the remote to highlight orbutton and press ENTER.3. If you want to view a particular file,press / to highlight a fileand press ENTER or PLAY.4. Press STOP to exit.5.Press NEXT to move to the next chapter.MPEG4 disc compatibility with this player is limited as follows:1.Available resolution size of the MPEG4 file is under 720x576 (W xH)pixel.2.The file name of the MPEG4 subtitle is available by 56 characters.3.If there is impossible code to express in the MPEG4 file, it may bedisplayed as " _ "mark on the display.If the number of the screen frame is over 30 per second,thisunit may not operate normally.If the video and audio structure of recorded file is not interleaved, either video or audio is outputted.Playable MPEG4 file".avi ", ".mpg ", ".mpeg".Playable Audio format"AC3 ", "PCM ", "WMA ".Sampling frequency:within 32 - 48kHz (WMA) Bit rate:32 - 192kbps (WMA)SETUP Menu SettingOSD LangYou can select your own preferred language seetings.This DVD system will automatically switch to the selected language whenever you load a disc.If the language selected is not available on the disc, the disc's default language will be used instead. The OSD language in the system menu will remain once selected.1.Press the keys to highlight 'OSD Lang'.2.Enter its submenu by pressing .3.Move the cursor by pressing the to highlight the selected item.4.Select a language and press ENTER.1.Press to highlight 'Closed Captions'.2.Enter its submenu by pressing .3.Move the cursor by pressing to highlight the selected item.Screen SaverThis function is used to turn the screen saver On or Off.1.Press to highlight 'Screen Saver'.2.Enter its submenu by pressing .3.Move the cursor by pressing to highlight the selected item.,PAUSE or No DISC mode,if no actions are performed 'Digital output','Dolby digital'.1.Press SETUP.2.Press to select the 'Audio Setup page'.DownmixThis options allows you to set the stereo analog output of yourDVD Player.Audio Setup Page 171.Press the keys to highlight 'Dual Mono'.2.Enter its submenu by pressing .3.Move the cursor by pressing the keys to highlight the selected item.To select the setting that matches the number of speakers you have connected.speaker to Left speaker DynamicTo optimize the dynamic sound output high volume outputs are softened, enabling you to watch your favourite movie without disturbing others.The levels for dynamic selection:Full,7/8,3/4,5/8,1/2,3/8,1/4,1/8and Off.Dual Mono19Preference PagePreference PageThe options included in Preference page are : 'TV Type','Audio', 'Subtitle','Disc Menu','Parental','MPEG4 SP'and 'Default'.1.Press SETUP.2.Press to select the 'Preference Page'.Note:Some Preference features can be selected only during 'No Disc' condition or STOP( ) mode.TV TypeSelecting the colour system that corresponds to your TV when A V outputs.This DVD Player is compatible with both NTSC and PAL. In order for a DVD disc to play on this Player,the colour system of the Disc,the TVand the DVD Player should match.20Password Setup Page- Password mode: Set password mode on/off. If set to off, changeparental level will not check password.- Setting new password: Password Setup Page 1.Press to highlight 'Password ' 2.Enter its submenu by pressing .Password This feature is used for Parental Control.Enter your four digit password when a hint is displayed on the screen.The default password is 1369.4. Enter the default password 4-digit code.5. Enter the new 4-digit code.The new 4 digit code will be take effect.7. Press OK to exit.Helpful Hints:- If the password has been changed ,the parental and disc lockcode will also be changed.- The default password (1369)is always active even thepassword has been changed.MPEG4 SPSet MPEG4 subtitle.Battery ParametersBattery Specifications£ºOutput£º7.4VCharge / Discharge Time£ºStandard charge time£º2h ~ 3hStorage and work circumstances£º1. Storage circumstances Temperature Humidity6 months-20 C ~ +45 C-20 C ~ +65 C 65+20% 65+20%2.Work circumstances Temperature HumidityStandard charge Standard discharge0 C ~ +45 C-20 C ~ +65 C65+20%65+20%1 week23SystemNNote: Design and specifications are subject to change prior notice.24Troubleshooting tips Troubleshooting tips(Common)Before calling for service, you can check the following items on symptoms and solutionsNo sound or distorted sound:Ensure that the equipment is connected properly.Ensure that the input settings for the TV and stereo system are proper. No picture:Ensure that the equipment is connected properly.Ensure that the input setting for the TV is "video".Ensure that the LCD is on.No play:Condensation has formed : wait about 1 to 2 hours to allow theplayer to dry out.This player can't play discs other than DVDs, and CDs.The disc may be dirty and require cleaning .Ensure that the disc is installed with the label side up.No remote control:Check the batteries are installed with the correct polarities(+&-).The batteries are depleted: replace them with new ones.Point the remote control unit at the remote control sensor andoperate.Remove the obstacles between the remote control unit and theremote control sensor.Operate the remote control unit at a distance of not more than 8meters from the remote control sensor.No key operation(by the unit and/or the remote control) is effective: Turn the unit off and then back to on. Alternatively, turn off the unit,disconnect the AC power cord and the re-connect it.(The player may not be operating properly due to lightning, static electricity or someother external factor.)Battery does not workcheck whether the battery is out of power or in proper connection.Angle DVDThis refers to a high-density optical disc on which high-quality pictures andsound have been recorded by means of digital signals. Incorpor-ating a newvideo compression technology(MPEG II) and high-density recordingtechnology, DVD enables esthetically pleasing full-motion video to berecorded over long periods of time(for instance, a whole movie can berecorded).DVD has a structure consisting of two 0.6mm thin discs which are ad-heredto each other. Since the thinner the disc, the higher the density at which theinformation can be recorded, a DVD disc has a greater capacity than asingle 1.2mm thick disc. Since the two thin discs are adhered to each other,there is the potential to achieve double-sided play sometime in the future foreven longer duration play.Chapter numberThese numbers are recorded on DVD discs. A title is subdivided into manysections, each of which is numbered, and specific parts of videopresentations can be searched quickly using these numbers.SubtitlesThese are the printed lines appearing at the bottom of the screen whichtranslate or transcribe the dialogue. They are recorded on DVD discs.Recorded onto some DVD discs are scenes which have been simult-aneously shot from a number of different angles(the same scene is shot from the front, front the left side, from the right side, etc.). With such discs,the ANGLE button can be used to view the scene from different angles.Track numberThese numbers are assigned to the tracks which are recorded on CDs. They enable specific tracks to be located quickly.Definition of termsElectric and electronic equipment and included batteries contains materials, components and substances that can be hazardous to your health and the environment, if the waste material (discarded electric and electronic equipment and batteries) is not handled correctly.Electric and electronic equipment and batteries is marked with the crossed out trash can symbol, seen below. This symbol signifies that electric and electronic equipment and batteries should not be disposed of with other household waste, but should be disposed of separately.As the end user it is important that you submit your used batteries to the approriate and designated facility. In this manner you make sure that the batteries are recycled in accordance with legislatureand will not harm the environment.All cities have established collection points, where electric and electronic equipment and batteries can either be submitted free of charge at recycling stations and other collection sites, or be collected。

一、开始使用在开始使用DVD播放器之前,确保以下前提条件已满足:1. 连接:将播放器的音频和视频输出线与电视或投影仪相连。
2. 电源:将播放器插入电源插座,并确保其正常工作。
3. 控制器:确保电池安装正确,并在合理的距离内拿着控制器以避免信号干扰。
二、基本操作1. 插入光盘:轻轻按下播放器面板上的开关按钮,光盘托盘会自动弹出。
2. 播放光盘:按下播放键,播放器将开始读取光盘并播放。
3. 暂停播放:按下暂停键,播放器将暂停播放,再次按下该键将恢复播放。
4. 停止播放:按下停止键,播放器将停止光盘的播放,并回到光盘的起始位置。
5. 快进/快退:按住快进/快退键,光盘将加速向前/后进行。
三、高级操作除了基本操作外,DVD播放器还提供了一些更高级的功能:1. 播放模式选择:通过按下播放模式按钮,用户可以选择不同的播放模式,如重复播放、循环播放、随机播放等。
2. 多媒体支持:一些DVD播放器还支持MP3音乐、JPEG图片和DivX视频等多媒体格式。
3. 调节音量和画面:播放器通常配备有音量和亮度/对比度调节按钮。
四、常见问题解答1. 无法正常播放光盘:如果遇到这种情况,首先检查光盘是否干净和完好。
2. 无法读取光盘:如果播放器无法读取光盘,首先检查光盘是否正确放置在托盘中。
MP3数码播放器 说明书


音乐播放器操作手册一、前言二、功能介绍2.1 播放音乐2.2 音乐管理2.2.1 添加音乐2.2.2 删除音乐2.2.3 编辑音乐信息2.3 播放模式2.3.1 顺序播放2.3.2 随机播放2.3.3 单曲循环2.4 播放列表2.4.1 创建播放列表2.4.2 添加音乐到播放列表2.4.3 删除播放列表2.4.4 编辑播放列表三、详细操作步骤3.1 播放音乐3.1.1 打开音乐播放器3.1.2 选择要播放的音乐3.1.3 点击播放按钮开始播放音乐3.1.4 点击暂停按钮暂停音乐播放3.1.5 点击停止按钮停止音乐播放3.2 添加音乐3.2.1 点击添加音乐按钮进入添加音乐页面 3.2.2 选择要添加的音乐文件3.2.3 点击确认按钮完成音乐添加3.3 删除音乐3.3.1 在音乐列表中选中要删除的音乐3.3.2 点击删除按钮删除音乐3.3.3 确认删除操作3.4 编辑音乐信息3.4.1 在音乐列表中选中要编辑的音乐3.4.2 点击编辑按钮进入编辑音乐信息页面 3.4.3 修改音乐信息3.4.4 点击确认按钮完成编辑操作3.5 选择播放模式3.5.1 点击播放模式切换按钮3.5.2 选择顺序播放、随机播放或单曲循环 3.5.3 确认选择播放模式3.6 创建播放列表3.6.1 点击新建播放列表按钮3.6.2 输入播放列表名称3.6.3 点击确认按钮完成播放列表创建3.7 添加音乐到播放列表3.7.1 在音乐列表中选中要添加的音乐3.7.2 点击添加到播放列表按钮3.7.3 选择要添加的播放列表3.7.4 确认添加操作3.8 删除播放列表3.8.1 在播放列表中选中要删除的播放列表 3.8.2 点击删除播放列表按钮3.8.3 确认删除操作3.9 编辑播放列表3.9.1 在播放列表中选中要编辑的播放列表 3.9.2 点击编辑播放列表按钮3.9.3 修改播放列表名称3.9.4 确认编辑操作四、附录4.1 常见问题解答4.2 联系我们。
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VSPlayer . 用户手册
目 录
1 2 3 操作说明...................................................................................................................................4 菜单功能列表...........................................................................................................................6 功能说明...................................................................................................................................7 3.1 文件...............................................................................................................................7 3.1.1 打开文件 ...........................................................................................................7 3.1.2 关闭文件 ...........................................................................................................7 3.1.3 退出...................................................................................................................8 3.2 视图...............................................................................................................................8 3.2.1 全屏显示 ...........................................................................................................8 3.2.2 缩放...................................................................................................................8 3.2.3 统计信息 ...........................................................................................................8 3.2.4 区域显示 ...........................................................................................................9 3.2.5 水印...................................................................................................................9 3.2.6 显示设备 .........................................................................................................10 3.2.7 前端显示 .........................................................................................................10 3.3 控制............................................................................................................................. 11 3.3.1 播放控制选项卡、播放控制条及右键播放控制菜单功能 ......................... 11 3.3.2 定位.................................................................................................................12 3.3.3 视频设置 .........................................................................................................13 3.4 选项.............................................................................................................................14 3.4.1 选择抓图方式及存储路径 .............................................................................14 3.4.2 去闪烁.............................................................................................................14 3.4.3 高图像质量 .....................................................................................................15 3.4.4 丢B帧处理 ......................................................................................................15 显示方式 .........................................................................................................15 3.4.5 3.4.6 时钟选择 .........................................................................................................15 3.4.7 重置缓冲器 .....................................................................................................15 3.5 帮助.............................................................................................................................16 3.5.1 显示操作说明 .................................................................................................16 3.5.2 显示播放器版本信息 .....................................................................................16
不丢;丢一帧;丢两帧 正常;低质量 Timer_1;Timer_2
帮助 (Alt+H)
操作说明 关于
显示快捷键清单 显示播放器版本信息
VSPlayer . 用户手册
3 功能说明
3.1 文件
3.1.1 打开文件
操作: a.选择 文件->打开 b.弹出文件选择菜单,选 中需要播放的录像文件 c.选择【打开】 ,即开始 播放此文件
VSPlayer . 用户手册
支持全系列编码类产品的录像文件的播放,包含: DS9000/9100,8100/7100,8000/7000 系列网络硬盘录像机; DS6500/6100/6000 系列视频服务器; DS-4200/4100/4000 系列视音频压缩板卡; 网络摄像机/网络球机。 支持多种录像文件格式的播放,包含: 厂家 H.264;标准 H.264;标准 MPEG4 支持文件列表播放 支持右键播放控制菜单 支持多种播放控制方式和播放参数的调节 支持多屏显示 支持 WindowsXP/2000/2003/Vista/Win7 操作系统
VSPlayer . 用户手册
1 操作说明
播放器软件共包含两个相关文件,分别为 VSPlayer_CN.exe 和 PlayCtrl.dll。其中,VSPlayer 为应用VSPlayer,启动播放器软件,播放器界面如图所示
名称 1 2 3 4 5 6 播放界面 播放进度条 任务栏 播放列表按钮 播放控制栏 播放状态栏