



外文参考文献翻译英文题目 The Breadth and Depth of DSP 中文题目 DSP的广度和深度学院自动化与电气工程学院专业自动化姓名白学文学号 201108536指导教师王思明2015 年 04月 20日DSP的广度和深度数字信号处理是最强大的技术,将塑造二十一世纪的科学与工程之一。







1 DSP的根源独特的数据类型,它使用的信号,数字信号处理是区别于其他计算机科学领域。


这包括了各种目标,如:加强视觉图像识别和语音生成,存储和传输的数据压缩,等假设我们重视计算机模拟 - 数字转换器,并用它来获得一个现实世界的数据块。

































收集 B1.schematics基本翻译n. 图表网络释义schematics:图表Schematics::原理图logic schematics:逻辑框图2.Penryn网络释义Penryn:彭林|处理器|产品3.VRAM基本翻译(video RAM)视频RAM网络释义VRAM:视频随机接达记忆器|视频存储器|缓冲区VRAM-Video RAM:视频存储器VRAM VideoRAM:视频随机存取存储器4.nVIDIA基本翻译nVIDIA公司,NASDAQ:NVDA 全称为nVIDIA Corporation,创立于1993年1月,是一家以设计显示芯片和主板芯片组为主的半导体公司,总部设在美国加利福尼亚州的圣克拉拉。


网络释义Nvidia:恩威迪雅|如何安装显卡驱动|NVIDIANVIDIA RAID:高效能储存解决方案NVIDIA GPUs:阴影编辑器5.HDMI基本翻译High Definition Multimedia高清晰度多媒体接口网络释义HDMI:High-Definition Multimedia InterfaceHDMI CT:容性测试DVI-HDMI:转接头|电脑6.lvdS基本翻译LVDS:Low Voltage Differencial Signal|低压差分信号7.GMCH网络释义GMCH:芯片组|Graphics and Memory Controller HubGMCH Graphics Memory Controller Hub:图形内存控制器gmch: graphics &memory controller hub:图形和内存控制中心8.SATA网络释义SATA:串行ATAa~sata:嫂子们|嫂子SATA-IO:国际组织9.HDD基本翻译n. [计] (=hard disk drive)硬盘驱动器网络释义HDD:Hard Disk Drive|硬盘|heating degree days HDD-O:硬盘启动HDDのみ:オートリニューアル录画|楽曲再生10.USBUSB:通用串行总线|硬件技术标志:有串行总线接口USBのみ:以降USB-IF:论坛11.bluetooth基本翻译蓝牙技术网络释义Bluetooth:蓝牙|蓝牙技术|蓝芽技术Bluetooth TM:蓝牙技术|支持蓝牙|无线蓝牙Via Bluetooth:由蓝牙发送12.CMOS基本翻译n. 互补型金属氧物半导体晶体管网络释义CMOS:可读写芯片|互补金属氧化物半导体CMOSサイズ:画素数RF CMOS:半导体13.camera ['k?m?r?]基本翻译n. 照相机网络释义γ-camera:伽玛照像机on camera:出镜头|镜内表演|出现在电视上PC CAMERA:电脑摄像头|摄像头|電腦相機14.audio ['?:di?u]基本翻译a. 成音频率的,声音的网络释义Audio:音频|伴音|一不小心audio-:听M-AUDIO:美奥多15.CODEC基本翻译n. 多媒体数字信号编解码器网络释义Codec:编解码器|编码器|多媒体数字信号编解码器VSS-CODEC:编解码器电源地Line Codec:解码芯片16.amp基本翻译AMP:放大器|视骨架剖面|可利用的马达压降amp.:安瓿Y AMP:亮度放大器17.DIMM网络释义DIMM:双线内存模块|双列直插式存储器模块FB-DIMM:模块|全缓冲内存SO-DIMM:Small Outline Dual In-line Memory Module18.DDRDDR-RAM:雙通道同步動態隨機存儲器|DDR SDRAM|DDR RAM19.dual ['dju(:)?l]基本翻译a. 双重的dual:二元的双的20.modem ['m?ud?m]基本翻译调制解调器网络释义Modem:调制解调器|灯解调|解调器IF Modem:中频调制解调器SS-MODEM:解调器21.confidential [k?nfi'den??l]基本翻译a. 机密的,获他人信赖的,易于信任他人的网络释义Confidential:机密|机密的|秘密的LA confidential:洛城机密|幕后嫌疑犯(洛城机密、铁面特警队)|铁面特警队confidential a.:机密的|表示信任(或亲密)的|秘密的22.voltage ['v??ltid?]基本翻译n. 电压网络释义Voltage:电压|控制电压|电位差Y-voltage:相电压|对中性线电压Y voltage:(星形联接的)相电压23.VGA基本翻译(video graphics array)视频图形阵列网络释义VGA:可变增益放大器|Video Graphics Adapter|视频图形阵列VGA-AV:数模转换器|视频转换器RF VGA:增益放大器24.SMBus网络释义SMBus:系统管理汇流排|接口|主板芯片组25.SPI基本翻译n. 业务出版物说明(现场特殊干扰)网络释义SPI:Stateful Packet Inspection|进度绩效指数C-SPI:C-System and Process InfoationSPI CLK:外接串行接口时钟26.SCL基本翻译n. 空间电荷限制三极管网络释义SCL:时钟线|皮肤传导水平|串行时钟信号27.SDA基本翻译=Soap and Detergent Association 肥皂和洗涤剂协会[美]网络释义SDA:Secure Digital Association|串行数据信号|数据总线28.CLK网络释义CLK:时钟|输入|时钟信号S-CLK:串行时钟CLK O:时钟端29.HDCP网络释义HDCP:高带宽数字内容保护DVI-HDCP:内容保护HDCPHigh-bandwidth Digital Content Protection ::宽带宽数位内容保护30.FWR网络释义FWR:Finger Writing Recognition|速度FWR Full Wave Rectifier:全波整流器31.serial ['si?ri?l]基本翻译n. 序列,串列a. 连续的,一连串的网络释义serial:串行的.连续的|系列片|串行serial T:串联Tserial no:序列号|系列号32.EEPROM基本翻译电可擦除只读存储器网络释义EEPROM:电可檫可编程存储器|电可擦可编程只读存储器|电压消除式可程序化只读存储器IC-EEPROM:存储器LWS-EEPROM:方向盘角度传感器 EEPROM33.sensor ['sens?]基本翻译n. 传感器,探测器网络释义Sensor:传感器|感应器|感测器V-SENSOR:音声起动g-sensor:感测器34.EDP基本翻译n. 放电电渗处理(电子数据处理,工程设计建议)网络释义EDP:差错数据包|电子数据处理AFM/EDP:电子数据处理和资料系统司(数据系统司)EDP audit:电子数据处理会计|电子计算机审计35.NVVDD网络释义NVVDD:核心电压36.FB基本翻译n. 反馈(消防队,扁条,水上飞机,运货单)网络释义FB:反馈|弹性支柱|Function Block37.IFPC网络释义IFPC:推进控制|联合会|保险理财规划课程38.VID网络释义VID:视频|图像检波|视频识别模式vid,vis:看见vis,vid:看39.VDD基本翻译n. (Virtual Device Driver)虚拟设备驱动器网络释义VDD:起搏器|电圧|电源Vdd-Vss:工作电压multi-Vdd:电压40.XDP基本翻译=X-ray Density Probe X-射线密度探头[探测器]网络释义XDP:附加设备端口|附加装置端口XDP X:射线密度探头41.TDI基本翻译abbr. [计] Trandport Driver Interface 传输驱动程序接口网络释义TDI:甲苯二异氰酸酯|Test Data Input|涡轮增压直接喷射(发动机) PW-TDI:像技术42.TMS基本翻译n. 传输测试器(运输监控系统)网络释义TMS:transcranial magnetic stimulationTMS JTAG:模式控制信号Lochaine TMS:洛勤公路运输管理系统43.TDO基本翻译=Technical Data Office 技术数据处网络释义TDO:Test Data Output|一家专业生产二氧化硫脲TDO Tornado:龙卷风TDO Testing Data Out:测试数据输出44.TRST网络释义TRST:测试点|测试复位TRST JTAG:测试复位信号45.TCK基本翻译n. 轨迹(追踪)网络释义TCK:矮腥黑穗病|and Technology Compatibility KitTCK JTAG:测试时钟信号B tck to Back L/C:背对背信用证46.SCLK网络释义SCLK:频率合成器时钟|频率合成时钟信号|串行数据时钟输入端SCLK Synchronous CLocK:同步时钟SCLK SimplifiedCLocK:简化的时钟47.SDATA网络释义SDATA:高电平时触发串行数据线|频率合成数据|资料线48.alert [?'l?:t]基本翻译a. 警觉的,灵敏的,留心的网络释义alert:机灵的|警惕的|敏锐的J-ALERT:全国瞬时警报システムalert n.:报警|警戒(状态), 戒备(状态)49.VSET网络释义VSET:其电压选择|参考电压选择|充电电流控制50.GND基本翻译n. 电接地网络释义Gnd:接地|地,接地|接地点GND B:蓝色分量地线GND R:红色分量地线51.speed [spi:d]基本翻译n. 速度,迅速,超速v. 加速,超速,推进网络释义SPEED:速度|身前快速运球|生死时速x Speed:红烛时空游侠SPEED 2:生死时速2|捍卫战警252.addr基本翻译n. address的缩写内存地址网络释义ADDR:地址寄存器|寄存器addr.:缩略语BD_ADDR:蓝牙设备地址53.req网络释义req:请求文件格式〖后缀|等效电阻|需求req_dex:未知.但是可以肯定是带装备的要求req_sex:装备的性别要求54.FERR网络释义FERR:铁蛋白|帧错误ferr=iron:铁FERR Ferrite:陶铁磁体55.intr网络释义intr:执行软中断|机械制造概论|静脉注射ir intr.:去,走去caer intr.:落到,轮到56.NMI基本翻译abbr. no middle initial 无中名的姓名首字母缩写网络释义NMI:非屏蔽中断|Non-Maskable InterruptNMI-T:理接口TNMI-A:间的接口|理接口A57.SMI基本翻译n. 标准量测仪器(法定英里)网络释义SMI:Structure of Management InformationSMI-S:Storage Management Initiative Specification SMI-US:中芯国际58.defer [di'f?:]基本翻译v. 延期网络释义defer to:尊重defer vt.:推迟,延期DE Defer:延期59.DRDY网络释义DRDY:数据准备就绪DRDY-A:开关电源60.init基本翻译n. 从开关网络释义Init:初始化|预置|空闲引脚INIT# O:初始化打印机init file:初始文件61.lock [l?k]基本翻译n. 锁,刹车,水闸v. 锁,上锁,拘禁[计算机] 锁定网络释义lock:锁|上锁|锁定终端K.LOCK:操作键盘锁V-LOCK:外同步|时钟脉冲|外部同期62.BPM网络释义BPM:业务流程管理|Business Process Managemente-BPM:流程管理FD-BPM:束传输法|光束传播法63.bypass ['bai,pɑ:s]基本翻译v. 绕开, 忽视n. 支路,旁道网络释义bypass:旁路|旁通管|迂回路Bypass m:旁通,支路,旁路BY bypass:旁通64.LFE网络释义LFE:低频效果|效果|低频音效long-lfe ml:保久奶LFE Low Bit-rate Coding:低码率编码65.SDATA网络释义SDATA:高电平时触发串行数据线|频率合成数据|资料线。
















共享文件:数据和信息: 在网络环境中,授权用户可以访问存储在其他计算机上的网络数据和信息。






以太网的定义,它是由IEEE 802标准,并利用各种媒介,使设备之间进行通信的网络。





以下是一些与数据和计算机通信相关的英文词汇:Data:数据Computer:计算机Communication:通信Protocol:协议Packet:数据包Bit:比特Byte:字节Network:网络Hub:集线器Switch:交换机Router:路由器Modem:调制解调器Cable:电缆Fiber-optic cable:光纤电缆Broadband:宽带Wireless:无线WLAN:无线局域网WAN:广域网LAN:局域网MAN:城域网IP address:IP地址DNS:域名系统MAC address:媒体访问控制地址TCP/IP:传输控制协议/互联网协议Ethernet:以太网Wi-Fi:无线保真技术Bluetooth:蓝牙Zigbee:紫蜂协议Serial communication:串行通信Parallel communication:并行通信Data transmission:数据传输Bandwidth:带宽Speed:速度Throughput:吞吐量Packet loss:数据包丢失Congestion:拥塞Encryption:加密Decryption:解密Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC):循环冗余校验Error Detection and Correction (EDC):错误检测与纠正Network security:网络安全Firewall:防火墙Router security:路由器安全Encryption algorithm:加密算法Hash function:哈希函数Central Processing Unit (CPU):中央处理器Random Access Memory (RAM):随机存取存储器Read-Only Memory (ROM):只读存储器Flash Memory:闪存Hard Disk Drive (HDD):硬盘驱动器。



附录DIGITAL NETWORKThe ISDN will be a worldwide public telecommunications network that will deliver a wide variety of services. The ISDN will be defined by the standardization of user interfaces, and will be implemented as a set of digital switches and paths supporting a broad range of traffic types and providing value-added processing services. In practice, there will be multiple networks, implemented within national boundaries, but from the user’s point of view there will be a single, uniformly accessible worldwide network.There are two key aspects to ISDN: universal access and user services. By standardizing the interfaces to ISDN, all ISDN-compatible equipment (e.g. ,telephones computer terminals, personal computers )will be able to attach to the network anywhere in the world and connect to any other attached system. This can lead to extraordinary flexibility. For example, telephone numbers could be assigned in the same fashion as U.S. social security numbers, good for a lifetime. No matter where you lived, or how often you moved, dialing the number permanently assigned to you would always ring your telephone.A digitized network is a prime requirement for integrating a variety of services that the network will support. It is appropriate to view ISDN as being evolutionary in nature and scope. The first step in the process toward realizing an ISDN is end-to-end digitization.Digitization of the telephone network in the United States began in the early 1960s. The early digitized program largely addressed the inter exchange transmission system of the metropolitan network. Use of the time division multiplexing technique, rather than the traditional frequency division multiplexing technique, resulted in an enhanced capacity of the existing telephone plant at minimal cost.Further development in transmission systems, especially those based on fiberoptic transmission techniques, have pushed the digitization program well beyondthe most optimistic projections made just a few years ago. Compared to other forms of information transport, lightware systems have proved themselves economically and will continue to be the technology of choice in the foreseeable future. Form an initial transmission capability of 45 Mbps ten years ago , the capacity of lightware systems has doubled every 18 months. Presently ,1.8Gbps systems are available, and by mid-1990, 2.2Gbps systems will be on the commercial market. End-to-end digitization is available in limited pockets in the United States today but is expected to grow sharply during the next few years. This will provide the hardware base for realizing the ISDN capability.ISDN goes much beyond having digital switching and transmission hardware on a ubiquitous basis. The main focus of ISDN is on the support of a wide range of voice and nonvoice or integrated voice/nonvoice applications over the same network. A basic tenet of ISDN is that this service integration be achieved through a limited set of usernetwork interface arrangements.Heretofore, private line and switched offerings have been made by telecommunications administrations using functionally separate networks, for example , are often isolated from one another , and interworking between them is usually a difficult technical issue. ISDN provider for these services within a common framework in order to benefit the end users , particularly from the point of view of assuring them, through easy interworking among different services, of the continuing usage of their applications well-specified and functional user-network interface characteristics and the assurance that the network transport function can be achieved using whatever technique best meets the end user’s needs, but resulting in no additional interface problems , these goals of ISDN will not be realized.Recognizing the continuing growth in digitization of the telecommunications network and the advantages and additional capabilities of an end-to-end digital network , the concept of a single integrated network was born in the 1970s. Serious efforts were soon started in the CCITT, the organization that establishes international standards for public telecommunications, on a global basis. The first set of standards for ISDN were issued by the CCITT in 1984. As ISDN is established on a global basis,a variety of voice and nonvoice services can be supported over a single , homogeneous infrastructure. Analog communication will eventually disappear , resulting in enhanced quality at reduced costs.An integrated access mechanism is a basic tenet of ISDN. The ISDN framework requires that a variety of services be accessed using common access arrangements with a limited net of access interfaces.It is easy to recognize that there are very large fixed costs in the global telecommunications network today. Since a large discontinuity in service features and pricing will be unacceptable in the telecommuni8cations marketplace , it is easy to see that it may be infeasible to move immediately to ISDN in many areas of the world. The full implementation of some ISDN concepts may take several years, possibly through the whole decade of the 1990s. In the meanwhile , ISDN systems and services will interoperate with the existing services. ISDN is thus an evolutionary concept from the standpoint of services to the end user.From a networking perspective, ISDN is a new network infrastructure that will provide a single point of access to multiple networks and to different kinds of networks. ISDN exchanges will be able to interconnect with each other. In addition, ISDN exchange will be able to connect to other existing networks, for example, X.25 packet networks. They will able to connect to other existing voice telephone networks (public not disrupted). There will also interconnect with ensure that the presently available services are not disrupted while new services employing the additional capabilities of ISDN are made available to user.Before the advent of ISDN, the premises equipment and network services provide by the common user network were assumed to be distinct elements cooperating in only limited ways in providing an end-to-end service. The concept of ISDN specifically provides for the extension of network functions into the premises equipment, and vice versa, depending on the need of the application. This requires a rich set of signaling mechanisms between the premises equipment and the network, higher speeds of transmission that both the premises equipment and the network services must support, and an integrated set of end-to-end network managementcapabilities. Within the overall concept of ISDN, all elements, whether premises based or network based, that provide a service are thus covered. This is a revolutionary departure from the practice of communications during the last 100 years. With the advance of technology in both hardware and software, the provisioning of complex interfaces and the realization of transmission speeds in the hundreds megabits per second range are now achievable, making the concepts of ISDN a reality.数字网络ISDN是一个提供各种业务的世界范围的公共电信网络。



中文1950字附录附录A外文资料Data CollectionAt present,the management of China’s colleges and universities’apartments are developing toward standardization and market development,accidents have occurred in electricity,while some colleges and universities have installed apart ment energy metering control system,however,these systems monitor the prevale nce of low level,billing accuracy is low,electricity-sharing,the network number o f the drawbacks of low extent.Therefore,improving the Energy Measurement m onitoring device has become more urgent.The issue of student hostels in colle ges and universities to monitor energy metering system to study,design the st udent hostels in colleges and universities of the electricity data collector apartm ent.Data acquisition, also known as data acquisition, is the use of a device th at collect data from outside the system and enter into an interface within the s ystem.Data acquisition technology is widely cited in the various fields.Such as camera, microphone, all data collection tools.Data is being collected has been c onverted to electrical signals of various physical quantities such as temperature, water level, wind speed, pressure, etc., can be analog, it can be digital.Sampl e collection generally means that a certain time interval (called the sampling p eriod) to repeat the same point of data collection.The data collected are mostly instantaneous value, but also a feature within a certain period of time value.A ccurate data measurement is the basis for data collection.Data measurement met hod of contact and non-contact detection elements varied.Regardless of which method and components are measured object does not affect the status and me asurement environment as a precondition to ensure the accuracy of the data.Ver y broad meaning of data collection, including continuous physical hold the collection across the state.In computer-aided mapping, surveying and mapping, desi gn, digital graphics or image data acquisition process may also be called, this time to be collected is the geometric volume (or include physical quantities, su ch as gray)data.[1] In today's fast-growing Internet industry, data collection has been widely used in the field of Internet and distributed data acquisition field has undergone important changes.First, the distributed control applications in i ntelligent data acquisition system at home and abroad have made great progres s.Second, the bus-compatible data acquisition plug-in number is increasing, and personal computer-compatible data acquisition system the number is increasing. Various domestic and international data collection machine has come out, the d ata acquisition into a new era.Digital signal processor (DSP) to the high-speed data processing ability an d strong peripherals interface, more and more widely used in power quality an alysis field, in order to improve the real-time and reliability.The DSP and micr ocomputer as the center of the system, realize the power system signal collecti on and analysis. This paper based on the FFT algorithm with window interpola tion electric system harmonic analysis, improves the accuracy of the power qua lity parameters. In electricity parameter acquisition circuit, by highaccuracy tran sformer and improve software synchronous communication sampling method to conduct electricity parameters of the acquisition.The system consists of two main components, mainly complete data acquis ition and logic control.To synchronous sampling and A/D converter circuit pri ority . The DSP development board(SY-5402EVM),complete data processing. T HE signal after transformer, op-amp into A/D converter, using DSP multi-chann el buffer (McBSP) and serial port (A/D connected, data collection and operatio ns. At the same time, adopt PLL circuit implementation synchronous sampling, can prevent well due to sampling synchronization and cause the measuring err or. The overall system diagram of the A/D converter chooses the Analog to pr oduce stats redetect (AD) company AD73360. The chip has six analogue input channel, each channel can output 16 the digital quantity. Six channel simultan eous sampling, and conversion, timeshare transmission, effectively reduce gener ated due to the sampling time different phase error. SY - 5402EVM on-board DSP chip is TI company's 16 fixed-point digital signal processor TMS320VC54 02. It has high costperformance and provide high-speed, bidirectional, multi-channel belt cushion, be used to serial port with system of other serial devices di rectly interface.The realization method of ac sample:In the field of power quality analysi s,The fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm analysis of electric system harmon ic is commonly used.and the FFT algorithm to signal a strict requirements syn chronous sampling. The synchronous sampling influence: it's difficult to accomp lish synchronous sampling and integer a period truncation in the actual measur ement, so there was a affect the measurement accuracy of the frequency spectr um leakage problem. The signal has to deal with through sampling and A/D c onversion get limited long digital sequence,the original signal multiplied by A r ectangular window to truncated. Time-domain truncation will cause the detuning frequency domain, spectrum leakage occurs. In the synchronous sampling, bec ause the actual signal every harmonic component can't exactly landed in freque ncy resolution point in, but fall between the frequency resolution points. But F FT spectrum is discrete, only in all sampling points, while in other places of s pectrum is not. Such through FFT and cannot directly get every harmonic com ponent, but only the accurate value in neighboring frequency resolution point v alue to approximate instead of, can cause the fence effect error.The realization method of synchronous sampling signal:According to provide different ways of sampling signal, synchronous sampling method and divided into software sync hronous sampling method and hardware synchronous sampling method is two k inds. Software is synchronous sampling method by micro controller (MCU) or DSP provide synchronized sampling pulse, first measured the measured signal, the sa mpling interval period T Δ T = T/N (N for week of sampling points), T hus the count value determined timer,Use timing interrupt way realization sync hronous sampling. The advantage of this method is no hardware synchronous c ircuit, simple structure .This topic will be the eventual realization of access to embedded systems,the realization of the power measurement and monitoring,m onitoring system to meet the electricity network,intelligence requirement,it prom ote the development of remote monitoring services,bringing a certain degree of socio.economic effectiveness.On the fundamental reactive current and harmonic current detection, there are mainly 2 ways: First, the instantaneous reactive power theory based method, the second is based on adaptive cancellation techniques.In addition, there areother non-mainstream approach, such as fast Fourier transform method, wavelet transform.Instantaneous power theory based on the method of offensive principles ar e: a three-phase current detection and load phase voltage A, the coordinate tra nsformation, two-phase stationary coordinate system the current value, calculate the instantaneous active and instantaneous reactive power ip iq,then after coor dinate transformation, three-phase fundamental active current, with the final loa d current minus the fundamental current, active power and harmonic currents a re fundamental iah, ibhi, ich.From:Principles of Data Acquisitio数据采集目前,我国高校公寓管理正在向着正规化、市场化发展,在不断提高学生方便用电的同时,用电事故频有发生,虽然部分高校公寓已经安装了电能计量监控系统,但这些系统普遍存在着监控程度低、计费精度不高、电费均分、网络程度低等诸多端。





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国际翻译标准《翻译项目通用指南》 (ISOTS 11669 Translation projects — General guidance

国际翻译标准《翻译项目通用指南》 (ISOTS 11669 Translation projects — General guidance

国际翻译标准《翻译项目通用指南》(ISO/TS 11669 Translation projects —General guidance)下面的通用标准是翻译时所必须了解的基础知识。


一、准确性在软件翻译中,准确性体现在两点:忠实原文+ 翻译一致性。


B.公司专有名称及产品名称(如Microsoft,Microsoft Access for Windows)如有错译、错字或拼写问题,视为严重错误。










Microsoft 词汇集成在数据库(定期更新)中。



e)手册和帮助中的UI 词条要与软件产品一致。






网络数字化时代的英语作文Digital Age in the Internet Era。

With the rapid development of technology, the world has entered the digital age in the internet era. The internet has become an essential part of our daily lives, and it has changed the way we communicate, work, learn, and entertain ourselves.Firstly, the internet has revolutionized communication. We can now easily connect with people from all over the world through social media platforms, instant messaging apps, and video conferencing tools. This has made it possible for us to maintain long-distance relationships, collaborate with colleagues in different countries, and share our ideas and opinions with a global audience.Secondly, the internet has transformed the way we work. With the rise of remote work, freelancing, and online marketplaces, we can now work from anywhere in the worldand collaborate with people from different cultures and backgrounds. This has created new opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation, and has enabled small businesses to compete with larger corporations on a global scale.Thirdly, the internet has revolutionized education. Online learning platforms and digital resources have made education more accessible and affordable, allowing people to learn at their own pace and from anywhere in the world. This has also created new opportunities for lifelong learning and upskilling, which are essential in today's rapidly changing job market.Lastly, the internet has transformed the way we entertain ourselves. We can now access a vast array of digital content, including movies, TV shows, music, and games, from anywhere in the world. This has created new forms of entertainment, such as streaming services and online gaming, which have become increasingly popular in recent years.In conclusion, the digital age in the internet era has brought about significant changes in the way we communicate, work, learn, and entertain ourselves. While these changes have brought many benefits, they have also raised new challenges, such as privacy concerns, cyberbullying, and addiction. Therefore, it is important for us to use technology responsibly and to be mindful of its impact on our lives and society as a whole.。



电子商务外文文献Title: E-commerce: A Review of the Literature and Perspectives for Future ResearchE-commerce, or electronic commerce, has become a fundamental aspect of business and economic activity in the globalized digital age. The交易研究领域的一个重要组成部分。



The literature on e-commerce has been extensive, covering a range of topics from online retailing to global supply chain management. The Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO) and Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR) are two of the leading journals in the field, publishing high-quality research on various aspects ofe-commerce. Additionally, several books and conference proceedings provide valuable insights into the development and evolution of e-commerce.E-commerce research has examined the impact of technology on business processes, explored innovative business models, andanalyzed the role of e-commerce in global trade and development. The literature has addressed a range of important issues, including security and privacy, electronic payment systems, and the impact of social media on e-commerce.Despite the significant progress made in e-commerce research, several areas for future exploration remn. These include the development of new e-commerce technologies, such as blockchn and artificial intelligence, and their potential impact on global trade and supply chns. Additionally, research on the role of e-commerce in sustnable development, particularly in terms of environmental sustnability and social inclusivity, represents an important area for future investigation.In conclusion, e-commerce has become a fundamental aspect of business and economic activity in the digital age. The literature on e-commerce has provided valuable insights into its development and evolution, but there remn several areas for future exploration. Future research should address these unexplored areas and contribute to the development ofe-commerce as a transformative force in global trade and development.商学院电子商务外文文献Title: E-commerce in Business Schools: A Critical Analysis of Curriculum, Teaching Methods, and Future TrendsThe rise of e-commerce in recent years has revolutionized business education, with business schools across the globe scrambling to keep up with the latest trends and prepare students for the digital economy. This article delves into the world of e-commerce education in business schools, exploring curriculum, teaching methods, and predicting future trends. E-commerce has become an integral part of modern business, and business schools are responding to this trend by incorporating e-commerce courses into their curriculum. The primary objective of these courses is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the e-commerce industry, including the latest trends, tools, and techniques. In addition to fundamental topics such as online marketing and web design, today's e-commerce courses also cover more specialized topics such as cloud computing, big data analysis, and social media marketing.Business schools are adopting a variety of teaching methods to impart knowledge on e-commerce, ranging from traditional classroom lectures to more innovative hands-onbs and simulations. These experiential learning opportunities allow students to gain practical experience in real-world settings, providing them with a deeper understanding of the dynamics and challenges of the e-commerce industry.With the continuous evolution of the internet and e-commerce landscape, it is essential to track and predict future trends in this field. Business schools are playing a crucial role in this regard by staying abreast of industry developments and incorporating relevant content into their courses. The trend towards more personalized and interactive learning experiences is likely to continue, with business schools tloring their teaching methods to suit the needs of individual students. Additionally, the integration of technology into every aspect of business will continue to drive changes in e-commerce education, with an increasing focus on areas such as cybersecurity and artificial intelligence.In conclusion, business schools have responded to the rise of e-commerce with a comprehensive approach that includes updating curriculum, adopting innovative teaching methods, and predicting future trends. However, there are still challengesahead, such as keeping up with the rapidly changing landscape and providing all students with equal opportunities to access e-commerce education. By continuing to adapt and innovate, business schools can help shape a brighter future fore-commerce and prepare students to thrive in the digital economy.电子商务外文翻译文献电子商务的发展及其影响:外文翻译文献随着全球互联网的迅速普及,电子商务在全球范围内得到了前所未有的发展。




以下是几篇相关文献的简要介绍:1. 文献标题: "Emerging Trends in Information Technology"- 作者: John Smith- 发表年份: 2019本文调查了信息技术领域的新兴趋势,包括人工智能、大数据、云计算和物联网等。


2. 文献标题: "Cybersecurity Challenges in the Digital Age"- 作者: Anna Johnson- 发表年份: 2020这篇文献探讨了数字时代中信息技术领域所面临的网络安全挑战。


3. 文献标题: "The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Job Market"- 作者: Sarah Thompson- 发表年份: 2018这篇文献研究了人工智能对就业市场的影响。






py网络用语篇一:网络流行语大全及翻译网络流行语大全及翻译一、汉字谐音人不叫人,叫----淫我不叫我,叫----偶年轻人不叫年轻人,叫----小P孩蟑螂不叫蟑螂,叫----小强什么不叫什么,叫----虾米不要不叫不要,叫----表喜欢不叫喜欢,叫----稀饭这样子不叫这样子,叫----酱紫好不叫好,叫----强强不叫强,叫----弓虽纸牌游戏不叫纸牌游戏,叫----杀人被无数蚊子咬了不叫被无数蚊子咬了,叫----~~~新蚊连啵~~~毛片不叫毛片,叫----av追女孩不叫追女孩,叫----把MM看MM不叫看MM,叫----鉴定好看不叫好看,叫----养眼兴奋不叫兴奋,叫----highxx不叫xx,叫----日吃喝不叫吃喝,叫----腐败请人吃饭不叫请客,叫----反腐败看不懂不叫看不懂,叫--晕不满不叫不满,叫--靠见面不叫见面,叫--聚会有钱佬不叫有钱佬,叫--VIP提意见不叫提意见,叫--拍砖支持不叫支持,叫--顶强烈支持不叫强烈支持,叫--狂顶不忠不叫不忠,叫--外遇追女孩不叫追女孩,叫--泡妞吃不叫吃,叫--撮羡慕不叫羡慕,叫--流口水乐一乐不叫乐一乐,叫--happy跳舞不叫跳舞,叫--蹦的东西不叫东西,叫--东东别人请吃饭不叫请吃饭,叫--饭局特兴奋不叫特兴奋,叫--至high 有本事不叫有本事,叫--有料倒霉不叫倒霉,叫--衰单身女人不叫单身女人,叫--小资单身男人不叫单身男人,叫--钻石王老五网上丑女不叫丑女--叫恐龙网上丑男不叫丑男--叫青蛙网上高手不叫高手--叫大虾网上低手不叫低手--叫菜鸟看帖不叫看帖——叫瞧瞧去不错不叫不错叫8错祝你快乐不叫祝你快乐.........叫猪你快乐不要不叫不要——叫表二、数字谐音4242:是啊是啊7456:气死我了748:去死吧886,88:再见847:别生气987:就不去,就不去55555:哭771:亲亲你520:我爱你1314:一生一世1414:意思意思。



多无线电发射极地和笛卡尔的相关架构的性能分析高效率开关模式功率放大器摘要:多无线电无线本文在频段的发射机架构为800 MHz - 6 GHz。







本文探讨这些架构的利益——多无线发射器,能够支持现有的无线800兆赫和6 GHz 之间的通信标准。







这种演变的目标是减少外部元件数目和增加集成在低成本CMOS 技术的运移。







石家庄经济学院本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译题目蓝牙语音信号传输系统设计与仿真实现姓名郭小林学号407109060213学院信息工程学院专业通信工程指导教师边群玲BluetoothHuman is entering the digital network information age, a great number of digital communication and data transfer is achieved through the cable. These cables connected to these connectors in shape, size and pin number of photogenic match through a variety of connectors and a variety of devices. Wired connection of digital equipment bring a lot of inconvenience for people to connect to networks anytime and anywhere. The development of wireless communication link technology, liberating people from the shackles of a wired connection, has become a trend. The greatest feature of the Information Age is more convenient and rapid information dissemination, based on this point, technical staff is also working to develop more excellent information and data transmission. Bluetooth technology (Bluetooth) is a short-range wireless communication open technology which launched in 1998 by Ericsson (Ericsson), Nokia (NOKIA), Toshiba (TOSHIBA), International Business Machines (IBM) and Intel (INTEL) and other companies jointly. It Intends for portable or fixed electronic devices replace the use of cables or connections such as cable connections. Its main feature is a powerful, low power consumption, transmission reliability, versatility, low cost, and easy to use. We can use in the office, home, travel and in the laboratory, without any electronic devices in the special cable and connector layout. Bluetooth devices can form through a "micro-network", net of any Bluetooth transceiver can communicate with the device signal, and this connection does not require complex software support. Cast aside the shackles of the traditional connection, completely carefree days of fun, Bluetooth promises to give us enough to make spirits. Bluetooth, for the entire IT industry, has more than just a simple technology that has become a concept.Bluetooth technology is the founder of Sweden's Ericsson, already as early as 1994 its research and development. February 1998, Ericsson, Nokia, IBM, Toshiba and Intel formed a five multinational special interest group (SIG, Special Interest Group), aims to create a global common standard short-range wireless communication technology, now Bluetooth technology. Bluetooth name from the 10th century Danish King Harald Blatand-translated as Harold Bluetooth (because he was very fond of eating blueberries, so every day with a blue tooth), he had a unified Europe over Norway, Sweden and Denmark. The high will be named after him, is to express a unified industry standard Bluetooth technology to make coordination between different industrial areas, good communication with each other to meaning. Bluetooth applications for work permits without the 2.4GHz ISM band, based on time division multiplexing and frequency hopping principle, the combination of circuit switching and packet switching is suitable for voice transmission and data transmission. Currently, Bluetooth products have been widely used in mobile communications, computer and peripheral equipment, automotive, industrial controls, appliances, office applications, e-commerce, medical fitness and other fields.Bluetooth technology enables a variety of mobile devices, computer peripherals and other low-cost digital wireless connection between devices made possible not only to replace the cable connection between these devices, but also makes the function of many digital devices has been expanded so that the original Independent of the digital devices can be networked with other devices to exchange information. Since Bluetooth small size, low power consumption, can be integrated into almost any digital device, especially those less demanding on the data transmission rate of mobile devices and portable devices. Ideas have been proposed for many applications, some already have products available. From a market perspective, the Bluetooth technology to create point to point connections, multipoint connections, and personal area network applications and other network products.More and more people consider their own devices to add wireless connectivity, people have gradually realized that the Bluetooth technology, low power consumption and low cost solution is ideal. Bluetooth SIG to promote the use of the Bluetooth technical standards will be open all over the world within the scope of any unit or individual can be the development of Bluetooth products, as long as the final product by the Bluetooth SIG compliance testing to connect to the market. Many manufacturers have manufactured have Bluetooth products, the future of Bluetooth technology will be more mature and function will be more powerful.Bluetooth is an open, short distance wireless communication technology standard that can be used in a smaller range of a wireless connection means to achieve the fixed equipment, and interconnection between mobile devices, can be flexible between various digital devices , Safety, low cost, small power consumption of audio and data communication. Because Bluetooth technology can be easily embedded into a single chip, so it is especially suitable for small mobile communication devices.Bluetooth carrier frequency used globally 2. 4GHz ISM industrial, scientific, medical) band, the 2. 4GHz ISM band is open to all radio frequency systems, the use of any one frequency band are likely to encounter unpredictable Sources of interference. Using frequency hopping spread spectrum technology is an effective measure to avoid interference. Band frequency hopping is to be divided into a number of frequency hopping channels in a connection, the radio transceiver according to a certain code sequence and continuously from one channel to another channel, the two sides is the only transceiver to communicate according to the law, while others Sources of interference can not be carried out by the same laws of interference. Instantaneous bandwidth of frequency hopping is very narrow, but through spread spectrum technology to make this into a narrow bandwidth to expand into broadband times, so that the impact of interference may become very small. Bluetooth uses frequency hopping spread spectrum technology is one of the key. Corresponds to the single-slot packet, the Bluetooth frequency hopping rate of 1600 hop / sec; corresponding slot bag, hopping rate is reduced; in 3200 to establish the link to raise the jump / sec. Such a high rate of use of frequency hopping, Bluetooth system has a sufficiently high anti-interference ability. It uses the butterfly as the core of multi-level mapping program, compared with other programs, with a hardware deviceis simple, superior performance, ease of 79/23 band compatible with the two systems and a variety of state hopping sequence using the same circuit to realize.The human voice is the most basic and direct exchange of information. Since the phone has been invented, voice communication has always been to continue the development of fast rate from the previously adopted a comprehensive approach to digital simulation methods. Digital voice signal transmission and storage reliability, interference immunity, security and price and so on are much better than analog voice signal. Voice to digital format are often stored and transmitted, the data can be transmitted through voice devices. Some wireless communication technology is designed to transmit voice, while others are designed for use with data services. The Bluetooth technology supports both voice and data transmission, can support voice or data devices to communicate with each other. Contribute to the development of the system's wireless voice message listener. More spiritual system works if either the wireless remote control PC, and upload the voice data collected microcontroller can also choose to operate the system locally. The two control not only independent of each other, can be used alone, but also cross-use with each other to meet the practical requirements of different jobs. As the system uses Bluetooth wireless communication, the transmission speed, high reliability, not only to ensure that the voice listener, but also to make itself has some anti-detectable. In addition, the MCU side joined the U disk function of large-capacity data storage can be necessary in the circumstances to save the information locally and temporarily sent outside until the right time to further transmission. This undoubtedly increased the hidden nature of the whole system to make it closer to the practicability.蓝牙人类正步入数字化网络信息时代,目前很多数字通信和数据传输都是通过缆线连接来实现的。



网络和谐英文作文英文:Internet Harmony。

Internet is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it provides us with a convenient and efficient way to communicate with others and obtain information. On the other hand, it also brings about various problems, such as cyberbullying, online scams, and the spread of fake news. Therefore, it is important to maintain internet harmony.Firstly, we should respect each other online. It is easy to hide behind a screen and say things that we would never say in person. However, we should remember that there are real people behind the usernames and avatars. We should avoid using offensive language and refrain from attacking others personally.Secondly, we should be responsible for our own actionsonline. We should think twice before posting anything and consider the potential consequences. We should also verify the authenticity of the information before sharing it with others.Finally, we should report any inappropriate behavior or content to the relevant authorities. This can help to prevent further harm and maintain a safe and harmonious online environment.中文:网络和谐。



附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文TCP/IP介绍在Microsoft Windows计算机上配置TCP/IP协议时,TCP/IP配置设置中需要IP地址和子网掩码,通常还需要一个默认网关。








查看IP(Internet 协议)地址并研究它的组织方式可以帮助您更好地理解IP地址和子网掩码的工作方式。

TCP的服务尽管TCP和UDP都使用相同的网络层(IP),TCP却向应用层提供与UDP 完全不同的服务。











在第21章我们将了解TCP 协议中自适应的超时及重传策略。


价值网络 英文作文

价值网络 英文作文

价值网络英文作文英文:Value network refers to the interconnectedness of individuals, groups, and organizations that collaborate to create and exchange value. It is a concept that emphasizes the importance of relationships and interactions in creating and capturing value. In a value network, participants work together to create products, services, and experiences that meet the needs and wants of customers.One example of a value network is the fashion industry. In this industry, designers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers work together to create and sell clothing, shoes, and accessories to consumers. Each participant in the value network brings unique skills, knowledge, and resources to the table, and by collaborating, they are able to create and deliver products that meet the needs and preferences of customers.Another example of a value network is the healthcare industry. In this industry, doctors, nurses, hospitals, insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies work together to provide healthcare services and products to patients. By collaborating, these participants are able to create and deliver high-quality healthcare that improvesthe health and well-being of patients.Overall, value networks are essential for creating and capturing value in today's interconnected world. By working together, participants in value networks are able to create products, services, and experiences that meet the needs and wants of customers, and in doing so, they are able to capture value for themselves and their organizations.中文:价值网络是指协作创造和交换价值的个人、团体和组织之间的相互关系和互动。

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中文1721字附录DIGITAL NETWORKThe ISDN will be a worldwide public telecommunications network that will deliver a wide variety of services. The ISDN will be defined by the standardization of user interfaces, and will be implemented as a set of digital switches and paths supporting a broad range of traffic types and providing value-added processing services. In practice, there will be multiple networks, implemented within national boundaries, but from the user’s point of view there will be a single, unif ormly accessible worldwide network.There are two key aspects to ISDN: universal access and user services. By standardizing the interfaces to ISDN, all ISDN-compatible equipment (e. g. ,telephones computer terminals, personal computers )will be able to attach to the network anywhere in the world and connect to any other attached system. This can lead to extraordinary flexibility. For example, telephone numbers could be assigned in the same fashion as U.S. social security numbers, good for a lifetime. No matter where you lived, or how often you moved, dialing the number permanently assigned to you would always ring your telephone.A digitized network is a prime requirement for integrating avariety of services that the network will support. It is appropriate to view ISDN as being evolutionary in nature and scope. The first step in the process toward realizing an ISDN is end-to-end digitization.Digitization of the telephone network in the United States began in the early 1960s. The early digitized program largely addressed the inter exchange transmission system of the metropolitan network. Use of the time division multiplexing technique, rather than the traditional frequency division multiplexing technique, resulted in an enhanced capacity of the existing telephone plant at minimal cost.Further development in transmission systems, especially those based on fiberoptic transmission techniques, have pushed the digitization program well beyond the most optimistic projections made just a few years ago. Compared to other forms of information transport, lightware systems have proved themselves economically and will continue to be the technology of choice in the foreseeable future. Form an initial transmission capability of 45 Mbps ten years ago , the capacity of lightware systems has doubled every 18 months. Presently ,1.8Gbps systems are available, and by mid-1990, 2.2Gbps systems will be on the commercial market. End-to-end digitization is available in limited pockets in the United States today but is expected to grow sharply during the next few years. This will provide the hardware base for realizing the ISDN capability.ISDN goes much beyond having digital switching and transmission hardware on a ubiquitous basis. The main focus of ISDN is on the support of a wide range of voice and nonvoice or integrated voice/nonvoice applications over the same network. A basic tenet of ISDN is that this service integration be achieved through a limited set of usernetwork interface arrangements.Heretofore, private line and switched offerings have been made by telecommunications administrations using functionally separate networks, for example , are often isolated from one another , and interworking between them is usually a difficult technical issue. ISDN provider for these services within a common framework in order to benefit the end users , particularly from the point of view of assuring them, through easy interworking among different services, of the continuing usage of their applications well-specified and functional user-network interface characteristics and the assurance that the network transport function can be achieved using whatever technique best meets the end user’s needs, but resulting in no additional interface problems , these goals of ISDN will not be realized.Recognizing the continuing growth in digitization of the telecommunications network and the advantages and additional capabilities of an end-to-end digital network , the concept of a single integrated network was born in the 1970s. Serious efforts were soonstarted in the CCITT, the organization that establishes international standards for public telecommunications, on a global basis. The first set of standards for ISDN were issued by the CCITT in 1984. As ISDN is established on a global basis, a variety of voice and nonvoice services can be supported over a single , homogeneous infrastructure. Analog communication will eventually disappear , resulting in enhanced quality at reduced costs.An integrated access mechanism is a basic tenet of ISDN. The ISDN framework requires that a variety of services be accessed using common access arrangements with a limited net of access interfaces.It is easy to recognize that there are very large fixed costs in the global telecommunications network today. Since a large discontinuity in service features and pricing will be unacceptable in the telecommuni8cations marketplace , it is easy to see that it may be infeasible to move immediately to ISDN in many areas of the world. The full implementation of some ISDN concepts may take several years, possibly through the whole decade of the 1990s. In the meanwhile , ISDN systems and services will interoperate with the existing services. ISDN is thus an evolutionary concept from the standpoint of services to the end user.From a networking perspective, ISDN is a new network infrastructure that will provide a single point of access to multiplenetworks and to different kinds of networks. ISDN exchanges will be able to interconnect with each other. In addition, ISDN exchange will be able to connect to other existing networks, for example, X.25 packet networks. They will able to connect to other existing voice telephone networks (public not disrupted). There will also interconnect with ensure that the presently available services are not disrupted while new services employing the additional capabilities of ISDN are made available to user.Before the advent of ISDN, the premises equipment and network services provide by the common user network were assumed to be distinct elements cooperating in only limited ways in providing an end-to-end service. The concept of ISDN specifically provides for the extension of network functions into the premises equipment, and vice versa, depending on the need of the application. This requires a rich set of signaling mechanisms between the premises equipment and the network, higher speeds of transmission that both the premises equipment and the network services must support, and an integrated set of end-to-end network management capabilities. Within the overall concept of ISDN, all elements, whether premises based or network based, that provide a service are thus covered. This is a revolutionary departure from the practice of communications during the last 100 years. With the advance of technology in both hardware and software, the provisioning of complex interfaces and the realization of transmission speeds in thehundreds megabits per second range are now achievable, making the concepts of ISDN a reality.数字网络ISDN是一个提供各种业务的世界范围的公共电信网络。
