中英双语:雪莱 爱的哲学

雪莱的名言名句英文回答:As one of the most celebrated Romantic poets, Percy Bysshe Shelley has left an indelible mark on English literature with his revolutionary ideas and evocative imagery. Throughout his literary career, Shelley penned numerous quotes and aphorisms that continue to inspire and resonate with readers worldwide.One of Shelley's most famous quotations encapsulates his belief in the power of the human spirit and the pursuit of knowledge:> "Nothing of him that doth fade, but doth suffer a sea change into something rich and strange."This line, from Shelley's poem "The Tempest," speaks to the transformative power of experience and adversity. The "sea change" he describes is a metaphor for the profoundalterations that can occur within us as we navigate life's challenges. Like the common objects that undergo a remarkable transformation when submerged in the ocean, our own trials and tribulations can shape us into something entirely new and extraordinary.Another of Shelley's well-known quotes highlights the importance of empathy and compassion:> "The best and happiest moments in the lives of most men are those which they would give, and do give, for the happiness of others."This observation underscores the profound satisfaction that comes from acts of kindness and selflessness. Shelley believed that true happiness lies not in the pursuit of personal gain but in the ability to uplift and support those around us. By extending our love and compassion to others, we not only make a meaningful impact on their lives but also enrich our own.Shelley's influence extends beyond the realm of poetryinto the wider sphere of social and political discourse.His revolutionary spirit and unwavering belief in the power of human reason are evident in many of his most famous quotes:> "If ignorance of a fact be an excuse for committing a fault, what shall be the excuse for committing a fault when the fact is known?"This powerful statement underscores the importance of accountability and responsibility. Shelley believed that individuals cannot excuse their actions based on ignoranceor lack of knowledge. True morality, he argued, requires us to be aware of our actions and their potential consequences.Another of Shelley's political quotes encapsulates his belief in the power of nonviolent resistance:> "The man of virtuous soul commands not, nor obeys power within his soul."This line, from Shelley's poem "Prometheus Unbound,"speaks to the enduring power of the individual conscience in the face of tyranny and oppression. Shelley believedthat true freedom lies not in submitting to external authority but in cultivating inner strength and moral rectitude.Shelley's quotes and aphorisms continue to resonate with readers today, offering timeless insights into the human condition, the pursuit of knowledge, and the struggle for social justice. His words inspire us to challenge conventional wisdom, embrace compassion, and strive for a world where reason, empathy, and freedom prevail.中文回答:作为最著名的浪漫主义诗人之一,珀西·比希·雪莱以其革命性的思想和动人意象在英国文学史上留下了不可磨灭的印记。

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雪莱诗集经典语录篇一:雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley)是英国浪漫主义时期最重要的诗人之一,他的诗歌作品以宏伟的抱负、对自由和人道的渴望以及对自然的热爱而闻名。
以下是一些雪莱诗集中的经典语录:1. 'Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the world.'(诗人是被遗忘的世界立法者。
2. 'The more we study, the more we discover our ignorance.'(我们学习越多,越发现自己的无知。
)这句话出自雪莱的散文《英国人是什么?》(What is England?),他强调学习的重要性,并提醒人们要保持谦逊和意识到自己的不足。
3. 'The mind in creation is as a fading coal, which some invisible influence, like an inconstant wind, awakens to transitory brightness.'(创造之中的思维就像熄灭的煤炭,被某种无形的力量,如同一阵无常的风,点燃为短暂的光明。
)这句话出自雪莱的长诗《悲伤的人》(The Sensitive Plant),他通过比喻表达了人类创造力的脆弱与瞬间的亮丽。
4. 'The fountains mingle with the river, And the rivers with the ocean; The winds of heaven mix forever, With a sweet emotion; Nothing in the world is single; All things by law divine, In one another's being mingle; Why not I with thine?'(泉水与河流相融,河流与海洋相连;天堂的风永远交织,带着甜美的情感;世界上没有孤立的事物;所有事物都在神圣的法则下,相互交融,为何我不能与你相融?)这是雪莱的诗歌《爱的哲学》(Love's Philosophy)中的一节。

《爱的哲理》是雪莱于1819年发表的一首著名抒情诗。 诗分为两个诗节,每节八个小句,排列成十六行。该 诗呈隔行押韵,雪莱的这首诗以自然现象来揭示自然 界及人类共有的规律。诗人首先以丰富的想象及朴素 的文风对自然景物—泉水、河流、大海和风儿等进行 描述,归纳出万物都成双成对、互相融合的客观规律, 然后把它推及至人类的爱情,指出爱情是发自内心的 自然的感情。第二诗节,诗人从对自然界的描述过渡 到人类,直指人类的爱情,鼓励相爱的人们不要害怕 世俗的阻力,要勇于表达自己的感情。
吕志鲁认为英语诗歌和汉语诗歌由 于其形式美有着根本的差别,不可 能也不应该在译作中硬套英诗格律, 追求所谓的“形似”
泉汇河流, 河终入海。 天和风相伴, 融入甜蜜的情感。 世间无一物孤独, 万物皆因规律彼此相伴, 为何独剩你我相聚太难? 你看,山岳仰吻天空 浪涛彼此相拥。 谁曾见,
江枫译著有 《雪莱诗选》。他提倡以诗译诗,并 采用新诗语言和格律来翻译外国诗歌, 追求形神皆似。
吕志鲁译 泉水溶进江河, 江河汇入海洋; 暖风八方相聚, 齐集爱的芬芳。 世事皆有定律, 万物相互包藏; 你我天意难违, 何不结对成双? 高山亲吻蓝天, 波浪拥抱波浪; 百花相亲相爱, 共享和煦春光。 阳光拥抱大地, 月色亲吻海浪, 如果你不吻我, 一切都是荒唐。
兄弟姊妹 阋于墙端 阳光紧拥着大地, 月光亲吻着海面。 若将你的唇施舍与我, 其余那些亲吻又有何难?
Thank You
Love's Philosophy 爱的哲学
——by Percy Bysshe Shelley 雪 莱
Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792—1822)是英国文学史 上最具才华的浪漫主义诗人之一,英国浪漫主义民 主诗人、第一位社会主义诗人、小说家、哲学家、 散文随笔和政论作家、改革家、柏拉图主义者和理 想主义者,受空想社会主义思想影响颇深。他出身 于贵族家庭,八岁就开始尝试诗歌创作,十八岁时进 入牛津大学读书,后因印发The Necessity of Atheism(《无神论的必然性》)这一小册子并拒绝 就此事公开“认错”而在入学不到一年时就被牛津 大学开除。1813年11月完成叙事长诗《麦布女王》, 1818年至1819年完成了两部重要的长诗《解放了的 普罗米修斯》和《倩契》,以及其不朽的名作《西 风颂》。1822年7月8日逝世。恩格斯称他是“天才 预言家”。雪莱生性叛逆,一生追求自由、平等和 博爱,厌恶专制和暴力,脑子里时常充满了各种改造 5/24/2016 社会制度的想法。

雪莱诗集摘抄概述雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley)是英国浪漫主义诗人,被誉为英国文学史上最伟大的抒情诗人之一。
Love’s Philosophy(爱的哲学)这首诗表达了雪莱对爱的热情,以及他对爱的普遍性和力量的思考。
以下是诗中的部分摘录:•See the mountains kiss high heaven,看到山峰亲吻高天,•And the waves clasp one another; 海浪相互拥抱;•No sister-flower would be forgiven 没有一朵姐妹花可以原谅,•If it disdained its brother. 如果它不屈辱它的兄弟。
Ode to the West Wind(致西风颂)《致西风颂》是雪莱最具代表性的作品之一,展示了他对自然力量和人类命运的思考。
以下是诗中的一些摘录:•O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn’s being, 野性的西风,你是秋天存在的呼吸,•Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead 枝上落叶离开•Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing, 如同幽灵逃离魔术师一样这些诗句描绘了风的力量和狂暴的特性。
Prometheus Unbound(普罗米修斯的解放)《普罗米修斯的解放》是雪莱最重要的戏剧作品之一,也是他的思想和政治抱负的反映。

by P. B. ShelleyOne word is too often profanedFor me to profane it,One feeling too falsely distain'dFor thee to distain it;One hope is too like despairFor prudence to smother,And pity from thee more dearThan that from another.I can not give what men call love:But wilt thou accept notThe worship the heart lifts aboveAnd the heavens reject not,And the desire of the moth for the star, Of the nigth for the morrowThe devotion to something afarFrom the sphere of our sorrow.致――有一个字经常被人亵渎我不会再来亵渎有一种感情被人假意鄙薄你也不会再来鄙薄。
这种思慕之情,早已跳出了人间的苦境!Love’s Philosophyfountains mingle with river And the rivers with the ocean,The winds of Heaven mix for everWith a sweet emotion;Nothing in the world is single;All things by a law divineIn one spirit meet and mingle.Why not I with thine?—See the mountains kiss high HeavenAnd the waves clasp one another;No sister-flower would be forgivenIf it disdained its brother;And the sunlight clasps the earthAnd the moonbeams kiss the sea: What is all this sweet work worth If thou kiss not me?1819爱的哲学一出山的泉水与江河汇流,江河又与海洋相遇。

Hail to thee, blithe Spirit!Bird thou never wert,That from Heaven, or near it,Pourest thy full heart,In profuse strains of unpremeditated art。
Higher still and higher,From the earth thou springest,Like a cloud of fire;The blue deep thou wingest,And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest。
In the golden lightning,Of the sunken sun,O‘er which clouds are bright’ning,Thou dost float and run,Like an unbodied joy whose race is just begun。
The pale purple even,Melts around thy flight;Like a star of Heaven,In the broad daylight,Thou art unseen, but yet I hear thy shrill delight;Keen as are the arrows,Of that silver sphere,Whose intense lamp narrows,In the white dawn clear,Until we hardly see--we feel that it is there。
All the earth and air,With thy voice is loud。

TO—by P. B. ShelleyOne word is too often profanedFor me to profane it,One feeling too falsely distain'dFor thee to distain it;One hope is too like despair Forprudence to smother,And pity from thee more dear Than that from another.I can not give what men call love: But wiltthou accept notThe worship the heart lifts above And the heavens reject not,And the desire of the moth for the star, Of the nigth for the morrowThe devotion to something afar From the sphere of our sorrow.致――有一个字经常被人亵渎我不会再来亵渎有一种感情被人假意鄙薄你也不会再来鄙薄。
这种思慕之情,早已跳出了人间的苦境!Love ' s PhilosophyP.B.ShelleyThe fountains mingle with riverAnd the rivers with the ocean,The winds of Heaven mix forever With a sweet emotion;Nothing in the world is single;All things by a law divineIn one spirit meet and mingle.Why not I with thine? —See the mountains kiss highHeaven And the waves claspone another; No sister-flowerwould be forgiven If itdisdained its brother;And the sunlight clasps theearthAnd the moonbeams kiss thesea: What is all this sweetwork worth If thou kiss not1819 me?爱的哲学出山的泉水与江河汇流,江河又与海洋相遇。

The flower that smiles today Tomorrow dies;All that we wish to say Tempts and then flies.What is this world’s delight? Lightning that mocks the night. Brief even as bright.今天微笑的花朵明日它便死去;我们但愿留驻的诱惑之后飞去。
Virtue, how frail it is! Friendship how rare!Love, how it sells poor blissFor proud despair!But we,though soon they fall, Survive their joy, and allWhich ours we call.美德何其脆弱!友谊何其稀有!爱情以不足道的幸福轻易换取高傲的绝望!它们很快跌落,而我们活下去,再没有它们带来的欢乐,没有我们称为“我们的”一切。
Whilst skies are blue and bright, Whilst flowers are gay,Whilst eyes that change ere nightMake glad the day;Whilst yet the calm hours creep Dream thou and from thy sleep Then wake up to weep.趁天空还蔚蓝光明趁花朵还娇艳芳菲,趁黑夜未到,眼睛能看到白日的美好,趁平静还在缓缓流淌,入梦吧,待从梦中醒来再哭泣。
雪莱致云雀(中英文)To a Skylark by Percy Bysshe Shelley雪莱致云雀Hail to thee, blithe Spirit!Bird thou never wert,That from Heaven, or near it,Pourest thy full heartIn profuse strains of unpremeditated art.Higher still and higherFrom the earth thou springestLike a cloud of fire;The blue deep thou wingest,And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest.In the golden lightningOf the sunken sunO'er which clouds are bright'ning,Thou dost float and run,Like an unbodied joy whose race is just begun.The pale purple evenMelts around thy flight;Like a star of HeavenIn the broad daylightThou art unseen, but yet I hear thy shrill delight:Keen as are the arrowsOf that silver sphere,Whose intense lamp narrowsIn the white dawn clearUntil we hardly see--we feel that it is there.All the earth and airWith thy voice is loud.As, when night is bare,From one lonely cloudThe moon rains out her beams, and heaven is overflowed.What thou art we know not;What is most like thee?From rainbow clouds there flow notDrops so bright to seeAs from thy presence showers a rain of melody.Like a poet hiddenIn the light of thought,Singing hymns unbidden,Till the world is wroughtTo sympathy with hopes and fears it heeded not:Like a high-born maidenIn a palace tower,Soothing her love-ladenSoul in secret hourWith music sweet as love, which overflows her bower: Like a glow-worm goldenIn a dell of dew,Scattering unbeholdenIts aerial hueAmong the flowers and grass, which screen it from the view: Like a rose emboweredIn its own green leaves,By warm winds deflowered,Till the scent it givesMakes faint with too much sweet these heavy-winged thieves.Sound of vernal showersOn the twinkling grass,Rain-awakened flowers,All that ever wasJoyous, and clear, and fresh, thy music doth surpass.Teach us, sprite or bird,What sweet thoughts are thine:I have never heardPraise of love or wineThat panted forth a flood of rapture so divine.Chorus hymenealOr triumphal chauntMatched with thine, would be allBut an empty vaunt--A thing wherein we feel there is some hidden want.What objects are the fountainsWhat fields, or waves, or mountains?What shapes of sky or plain?What love of thine own kind? what ignorance of pain?With thy clear keen joyanceLanguor cannot be:Shadow of annoyanceNever came near thee:Thou lovest, but ne'er knew love's sad satiety.Waking or asleep,Thou of death must deemThings more true and deepThan we mortals dream,Or how could thy notes flow in such a crystal stream?We look before and after,And pine for what is not:Our sincerest laughterWith some pain is fraught;Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought.Yet if we could scornHate, and pride, and fear;If we were things bornI know not how thy joy we ever should come near.Better than all measuresOf delightful sound,Better than all treasuresThat in books are found,Thy skill to poet were, thou scorner of the ground!Teach me half the gladnessThat thy brain must know,Such harmonious madnessFrom my lips would flowThe world should listen then, as I am listening now! 致云雀你好, 欢乐的精灵!你压根儿不像飞鸟,你从天堂或天堂附近毫不吝惜地倾倒如同行云流水一般的心灵的曲调。

1. 爱是普遍的:雪莱认为爱是一种普遍的情感,它不仅存在于人与人之间,还存在于人与自然之间。
2. 爱是一种解放:雪莱认为爱可以解放人的思想和情感,使人的灵魂得到升华和放飞。
3. 爱是一种革命:雪莱认为爱可以推动社会的变革和进步,爱可以使人们摆脱束缚和压迫,实现人类的自由和平等。
4. 爱是一种敬畏:雪莱认为爱不应该仅仅是情感的表达,还应该是对生命的敬畏和尊重。

喻 体 对 于 本性 的 比 方
把形 象和 逻辑 两个 方面综 合起 来
而 以 逻 辑 说理 为主
描 写 性 的 比 喻多半是 由单 句构成 的
这 里 还 要 补充 两 点
使形 象 更鲜 明
, ,
描 写性 的 比 喻
喻 体 是 形 象的 描 绘 说理 性 的比 喻
, ,
本 体 是 具 体 的 事物
通 过喻 体对 于 本 体 的 比
喻 体 虽 然 也 具 有 某 种 形 象性
, ,
但 本体 则 多 属 抽
。 ,
象的 道理 第二
深刻 的 理 解 和 认 识
总而 言之 了
, ,
描 写 性 的 比喻 和 说 理 性 的 比 喻
有 它 们 相 互 联 系 的 一面
但 更 主 要 的 是有 它
们 各自不 同 的 一 面 第一
这 不 同 的 一面
: ,
在 上 述 说 明 它 们 各 自的 性 质 和 主 要 特 点 中 已 经 加 以 揭 示
( 毛 泽 东 《反 对 党 八 股 》 ) (
说 理 性 的 比 喻 也 有 它 的 不 同 于 描 写 性的 比 喻 的 主 要 特 点
) 喻体
存 在 着 原 因 和 结 果 或 者 条 件 和 结 果 或 者 理 由和 推 断 的关 系 或 联 系
因此使 这种 这种比
、 、
比 喻 的喻体 和 本 体 相 当 于 推 理 的 前提 与 结 论 或 者 是 相 当 于 论据 与论 题

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【总页数】1页(P1-1)【关键词】爱的哲学;浪漫主义诗人;思想情感;自然景物;修辞手法;抒情诗;和谐;河水【作者】珀西·比希·雪莱;付文中【作者单位】郑州航空工业管理学院【正文语种】中文【中图分类】G633.34【相关文献】1.爱智求真与忧国忧民的统一——评《哲学的现实与现实的哲学:马克思主义哲学及其中国化研究》 [J], 梅荣政2.爱哲学爱智慧——读罗素《哲学问题》 [J], 樊娅苹3.用“爱的哲学”追求真善美——通过“爱的哲学”解读冰心 [J], 梁璐;李家伟;杨宝英;4.用“爱的哲学”追求真善美--通过“爱的哲学”解读冰心 [J], 梁璐; 李家伟; 杨宝英5.爱的哲学与哲学的爱——评张洁的《祖母绿》 [J], 黄书泉因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

他在诗中这样写道:泉水总是向河水汇流,河水又汇入海中,天宇的轻风永远融有一种甜蜜的感情,世上哪有什么孤零零……译:"Philosophy of Love" was written in 1819. This poem articulate snow Lebo mind and the quality of the fraternity, expounded his favorite natural philosophy. In the poem, Shelley gives natural life and spirituality. "Philosophy of Love" is a lyric poem, Shelley favorite reached a very high artistic achievement. The whole poem is divided into two major sections, each with eight rows. Although the poem is not long, but fully demonstrated to the imagination of the poet. Shelley with a simple, attractive language demonstrated unparalleled charm of phonology, expressed a strong desire for the pursuit of freedom and the ideal of love. He wrote in the poem: spring water is always convergence to the river, the river and imported into the sea, Sky's feelings with a sweet breeze forever financial world can solitary ...《爱的哲学》不仅展示了雪莱写作的高超技巧,而且展现了他对崇高爱情的强烈渴望。

Love’sPhilosophy诗歌中英对照Love’s Philosophy 诗歌中英对照Love’s PhilosophyPercy Bysshe ShelleyThe fountains mingle with the river,And the rivers with the ocean;The winds of heaven mix forever,With a sweet emotion;No thing in the world is single;All things by a law divineIn one another’s being mingle:---Why not I with thine?See! the mountains kiss high heaven,And the waves clasp one another;No sister flower would be forgivenIf it disdained its brother;And the sunlight clasps the earth,And the moonbeams kiss the sea:---What are all these kissings worth,If thou kiss not me?爱的哲理吕志鲁译珀西比希雪莱泉水溶进江河,江河汇入海洋;暖风八方相聚,齐集爱的芬芳。
西方人求爱的方式有时会无所不用其极, 为达到爱的目的, 可以不择手段, 理智往往会让位于感情。
在这首诗中, 为了求爱, 诗人动用了风、花、日、月、山川、海洋等万事万物甚至天意来证实两人相爱的必然, 大气磅礴之中也就顾不得许多思辨的常理。
这理性的'逻辑虽然荒唐, 可这非理性的真情却能打动人心。
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Love's Philosophy
The fountains mingle with the river
And the rivers with the ocean,
The winds of heaven mix for ever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single,
All things by a law divine
In one another's being mingle—
Why not I with thine?
See the mountains kiss high heaven,
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdain'd its brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea—
What is all this sweet work worth
If thou kiss not me?
在这首诗中,雪莱用拟人的方式描写了自然界万物之间的联系,包括第一诗节中的泉水与河流交融(foutains mingle with the river); 天风带着甜蜜的感情互融(winds of heaven mix forever with a sweet emotion); 第二诗节中的高山亲吻高空(the moutains kiss high heaven); 波浪相互拥抱(the waves clasp one another); 月光亲吻着大海(moonbeams kiss the sea)。
两个诗节的最后一句都是设问,第一节是为何你我不似自然界万物一样交融?(why not i with thine?)第二诗节为何你不似自然界万物一样亲吻我?(If thou kiss not me?)
雪莱在诗中用了很多谐元韵(assonance),包括第一诗节中的L1:mingle, with, river; L2:rivers, with, the; L3:winds, mix; heaven, ever; L5:nothing, in, is, single; L6:things divine; L7:in, spirit, mingle; L8:why, I, thine。
第二诗节中的L12:if, it disdained, its; L14: moonbeams, sea; L15: work, worth; is, this。
同时,诗中也有一些头韵包括L7:meet and mingle;L9:high, heaven; L11:flower,forgiven。