
中国化学会第12届全国高中学生化学竞赛(省级赛区)试卷(1998年9月 9︰00-12︰00 共计3小时)1.某芳香烃A ,分子式C 9H 12。
在光照下用Br 2溴化A 得到两种一溴衍生物(B 1和B 2),产率约为1︰1。
在铁催化下用Br 2溴化A 也得到两种一溴衍生物(C 1和C 2);C 1和C 2在铁催化下继续溴化则总共得到4种二溴衍生物(D 1、D 2、D 3、D 4)。
(13分) (1)写出A 的结构简式。
(5分)(2)写出B 1、B 2、C 1、C 2、D 1、D 2、D 3、D 4的结构简式。
(8分) 2.100.0g 无水氢氧化钾溶于100.0g 水。
在T 温度下电解该溶液,电流强度I =6.00安培,电解时间10.00小时。
电解结束温度重新调至T ,分离析出的KOH ·2H 2O 固体后,测得剩余溶液的总质量为164.8g 。
已知不同温度下每100g 溶液中无水氢氧化钾的质量为:(右表)。
求温度T ,给出计算过程,最后计算结果只要求两位有效数字。
(15分)注:法拉第常数F = 9.65X104 C/mol ,相对原子质量:K 39.1 O16.0 H 1.013.迄今已合成的最重元素是112号,它是用Zn 7030高能原子轰击Pb 20882的靶子,使锌核与铅核熔合而得。
该原子每次衰变都放出一个高能 粒子,最后得到比较稳定的第100号元素镄的含153个中子的同位素。
(7分)(1)112号是第几周期第几族元素?(2)它是金属还是非金属?(3)你认为它的最高氧化态至少可以达到多少? 温度/o C 0 10 20 30 KOH/g 49.2 50.8 52.8 55.8 1.008Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag CdIn Sn Sb Te I Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Ac-Lr H Li Be B C N O F Na MgAl Si P Cl S K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Rb Cs Fr Sr Ba Ra Y La Lu -6.9419.01222.9924.3139.1040.0885.4787.62132.9137.3[223][226]44.9647.8850.9452.0054.9455.8558.9363.5558.6965.3910.8126.9869.7212.0128.0972.61114.8204.4118.7207.2112.4200.6107.9197.0106.4195.1102.9192.2101.1190.298.91186.295.94183.992.91180.991.22178.588.9114.0116.0019.0030.9774.92121.8209.032.0778.96127.6[210][210]126.979.9035.454.00320.1839.9583.80131.3[222]He Ne Ar KrXe Rn 相对原子质量Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt(4)写出合成112元素的反应式(注反应式中的核素要用诸如31H、Pb20882等带上下标的符号来表示,112号元素符号未定,可用M表示)。

1988俄罗斯数学奥林匹克day1 1988年的俄罗斯数学奥林匹克竞赛是一场备受关注的盛会。

1998年北京市中学生数学竞赛初中二年级初赛试题(1998年4月5日8:30~10:30)一、选择题(满分36分,每小题只有一个正确答案.请将你的答案填在括号内,答对得6分,答错或不答均记0分)1.已知如下数组3,32-③12402,12240,1998 ④1998,640,2098其中可作为直角三角形三边长度的数组是()A.①④B.②④C.②③D.③④2.在下面时间段内,时钟的时针与分针会出现重合的是()A.5:25~5:26 B.5:26~5:27C.5:27~5:28 D.5:28~5:293.已知()=---A为正数的自然数x有()A x25A.1个B.2个C.多于2的有限个D.无限多个4.将长度为20的铁丝围成三边长均为整数的三角形,那么不全等的三角形的个数是()A.5 B.6 C.8 D.105.在ABC∠=°,12△的面积等于()AC∠=°,15△中,90AB=.则ABCA.16 B.18 C.D.6.已知432c=,324b=,423a=,342d=,则a,b,c,d,e的大小关系是()A.a b d e c===>===<B.a b d e cC.e d c b a<<<<D.e c d b a<<<<2.P为正方形ABCD内一点,10PA PB==,并且P点到CD边距离也等于10.求正方形ABCD 的面积.D CPAB 3.已知a为整数,2--是质数,试确定a的所有可能值的和.a a412274.如图,P 为平行四边形ABCD 内一点,过点P 分别作AB ,AD 的平行线交平行四边形于E ,F ,G ,H 四点.若3AHPE S =,5PFCG S =.求PBD S △.HCA5.实数a ,b ,x ,y满足21y a =-,231x y b -=--,求22x ya b+++之值.6.多项式2256x axy by x y ++-++的一个因式是2x y +-.试确定a b +的值.7.梯形的两条对角线互相垂直,其中一条对角线的长是5厘米,梯形的高等于4厘米.此梯形的面积是多少平方厘米?8.某商场有一部自动扶梯匀速由下而上运动,甲、乙二人都急于上楼办事,因此在乘扶梯的同时匀速登梯,甲登了55级后达到楼上,乙登梯速度是甲的2倍(单位时间乙、登楼梯级数是甲的2倍),他登了60级后到达楼上.问由楼下到楼上自动扶梯共有多少级?初中二年级复赛试题(1998年5月3日8:30~10:30)一、填空题(满分40分)1.若x y +x y -,则xy = .2.等腰直角三角形ABC 中,D 为斜边AB 的中点,E 、F 分别为腰AC 、BC 上(异于端点)的点,DE DF ⊥,10AB =,设x DE DF =+,则x 的取值范围是 .FE DCBA3.实数a ,b1032b b -+--,则22a b +的最大值为 . 4.若y ,z 均为质数,x yz =,且x ,y ,z 满足113x y z+=,则199853x y z ++= . 5.黑板上写有1,2,3,…,1997,1998这1998个自然数,对它们进行操作.每次操作规则如下:擦掉写在黑板上的三个数后,再添写上所擦掉三个数之和的个位数字,例如:擦掉5,13和1998后,添加上6;若再擦掉6,6,38,添加上0,等等.如果经过998次操作后,发现黑板上剩下两个数,一个是25,则另一个是 . 二、(满分15分)今有浓度为5%,8%,9%的甲、乙、丙三种盐水分别为60克,60克,47克,现要配制浓度为7%的盐水100克.问:甲种盐水最多可用多少克?最少可用多少克?三、(满分15分)矩形ABCD中,20AB=厘米,10BC=厘米.若在AC、AB上各取一点M,N(如右图),使BM MN+的值最小,求这个最小值.N MD CBA四、(满分15分)国际象棋比赛中,胜一局得1分,平一局得0.5分,负一局得0分.今有8名选手进行单循环比赛(每两人均赛一局),赛完后,发现各选手手电分均不相同,当按得分由大到小排列好名次后,第四名选手得4.5分,第二名的得分等于最后四名选手得分总和.问:前三名选手各得多少分?说明理由.五、(满分15分)正方形ABCD被两条与边平行的线段EF,GH分割成四个小矩形,P是EF与GH的交点,若矩形PFCH的面积恰是矩形AGPE面积的2倍.试确定HAF∠的大小并证明你的结论.P HGF E DCB A1998年北京市中学生数学竞赛初中二年级初赛试题答案(1998年4月5日8:30~10:30)一、选择题(满分36分,每小题只有一个正确答案.请将你的答案填在括号内,答对得6分,答错或不答均记0分)1.D验算222+≠,排除A .)(((2231913+=-+- (23232=--,排除B ,C .又()()2212402122401240212240124021224024642162-=+-=⨯ ()222231111998=⨯⨯=()()2222098199820981998209819984096100640-=+-=⨯= 所以③,④合于要求.选D .2.C设5点x 分时,时针与分针重合.因为分针速度是时针速度的12倍,5点钟时,时针在分针前面25格,所以可得方程2512xx -=解得32711x =.因此5点32711分时时针与分针重合.选C .算术解法:分针速度是时针速度的12倍,所以时针指到26格时,分针指到12格(即5点12分).时针指到27格时,分针指到24格,分针落后于时针.当时针指到28格时,分针指到36格,此时分针已超过时针.所以在27格到28格之间时针与分针重合.3.C因为()2532A x x =----++由320x -++>,解得 3.02x <. 所以满足条件的自然数是1,2,3. 故选C .4.C设三角形三边a ,b ,c 满足a b c ≤≤因为a b c +>,所以22010c a b c c <++=⇒<.又因为320c a b c ++=≥,所以2673c c ⇒≥≥.因此79c ≤≤.当7c =时,7b =,6a =.当8c =时,8b =,4a =;7b =,5a =;6b =,6a =.当9c =时,9b =,2a =;8b =,3a =;7b =,4a =;6b =,5a =.共有8组解. 选C . 5.B如图,作CE AB ⊥于E ,D 为AB 中点,6CD =.因为230CDB A ∠=∠=°,所以132CE CD ==.1123182ABC S =⨯⨯=△.选B .6.C因为432a =,342b =,423c =,234d =,324e =即812a =,642b =,163c =,91842d ==,81642e ==. 又643232162433b c ==>>=,186681628993d c ==<<==. 所以e d c b a <<<<.选C .二、填空题(满分64分,每小题答对得8分,答错或不答均记0分)1., 此式要有意义,应有1a ≤.2a <,3a ≠, 因为{1}{2}{3}{1}a a a a <= ≤≠≤,所以,原式=0==.2.256设CD 中点为M ,则PM CD ⊥.所以10PM =.延长MP 交AB 于N ,则AN NB =.MN AB ⊥.设正方形边长为2x ,则AN BN x ==,210PN x =-. 在Rt APN △中,由勾股定理得:()22210210x x =+-化简得25400x x -=即()580x x -=因为0x >,解得8x =.所以正方形的边长为16,面积为256. 3.6设241227a a --是质数p ,则241227a a --有因子1±及p ±. 由()()2412272329a a a a --=+-可得: 当231a +=时,1a =-.此时()21911--=-. 当231a +=-时,2a =-.此时()22913--=-. 当291a -=时,5a =.此时()25313+=. 当291a -=-时,4a =.此时()24311+=.ED CBAM xx NABCDP所以当a 取1-,2-,5,4时,241227a a --是质数.a 的所有可能值的和为()()12546-+-++=.4.1设PBD S x =△,ABD CDB S S s ==△△,则PBCD S s x =+,PDAB S s x =- 所以53s x s x +-=--. 解得1x =.即1PBD S =△.5.17由已知21y a =- ①231x y b -=-- ② ①+223x a b +-=--30x -≥,220a b --≤,30x +-=0=,30x -=;220a b --=,6.3-设()()22562f x y x axy by x y x y =++-++=+-,,()g x y ,是()f x y ,的另一个因式,于是,()()()2f x y x y g x y =+-⋅,,令1x y ==,则()110f =,,()0g x y =,,即得15160a b ++-++=, 所以3a b +=-.7.503 如图,梯形ABCD 中,AD BC ∥,AC BD ⊥,5BD =,DH BC ⊥于H ,4DH =.于是3BH =.过D 作AC 的平行线交BC 的延长线于E ,则DE AC =.令DE AC x ==,则HE 在Rt BDE △中,2DH BH HE =⨯,即243=解得203x =.所以梯形ABCD 的面积11205052233BD AC =⨯⨯=⨯⨯=(平方厘米).8.66设自动扶梯共n 级.甲登梯速为每分钟y 级,则乙登梯速为每分钟2y 级.电梯速度为每分钟x 级. 则依题意列得关系式: ()55x y n y +=,()6022x y n y+=. 所以()()556022x y x y y y+=+得55553060x y x y +=+ 即255x y =所以15x y =.45xxHED CBA因此,()55551555555665x n x y y y =+=+=⨯+=. 也就是说,楼下到楼上自动扶梯共有66级.初中二年级复赛试题答案(1998年5月3日8:30~10:30)一、填空题(满分40分)1解:由x y +x y -①+②得x ①-②得y =2.10x < 连接CD .易证ADE CDF △≌△,所以DE DF =. 因此2x DE =.因为D 为定点,E 为AC 边上的动点.而5AD CD ==.当E 为AC 中点时,DE AC ⊥,DE.当点E 向A 运动或向C 运动时,DE 增大,但5DE AD <=,所以55DE <,也就是10x <. 3.45由已知得()161032a a b b -+-=--+-,由绝对值的几何意义,易知 左边165a a -+-≥,右边()1032055b b --+--=≤1, 所以,左边=右边5=,此时16a ≤≤,32b -≤≤.因此22a b +的最大值为()226345+-=. 4.20005由已知x ,y ,z 满足113x y z+=得3yz xz xy +=. 因为x yz =,所以3x xz xy +=. 又0x ≠,所以13z y +=.若2z =,则1y =,与“y 与质数”的条件相矛盾,所以2z ≠,因此质数z 必为奇数,13z y +=为偶数.y 只能是偶数,又y 是质数,所以2y =.于是取2y =,5z =,则10x =.所以199853199810523520005x y z ++=⨯+⨯+⨯=. 5.6由操作规则知,每次操作后黑板上所有的数之和被10除的余数保持不变. 因为123199719981997001+++++=…,故黑板上的数之和被10除的余数为1始终不变.最后剩下的两个数中,至少有一个为新添加的数.而新添加的数只能是一位数,所以25不是新添加的数.因此另一个数必是新添加的数.他应是个F′E′ABCDE F一位数,且与25的和被10除余1.故只能是6.二、(满分15分)解:设甲、乙、丙三种盐水分别各取x 克,y 克,z 克可配成浓度为7%的盐水100克.依题意,得100589700x y z x y z ++=⎧⎨++=⎩①② 其中060x ≤≤③ 060y ≤≤④047z ≤≤⑤由①,②解得2004y x =-,3100z x =-,所以由④0200460x -≤≤,解得3550x ≤≤⑥由⑤0310047x -≤≤,解得133493x ≤≤⑦综合③,⑥,⑦可知3549x ≤≤.事实上,当甲种盐水取35克时,乙种盐水取60克,丙种盐水取5克,可满足方程①,②; 当甲种盐水取49克时,乙种盐水取4克,丙种盐水取47克,也可满足方程①,②. 答:甲种盐水最多可用49克,最少可用35克.三、(满分15分)解:作B 关于AC 的对称点B ',连结AB '. 则N 点关于AC 的对称点为AB '上的N '点.这时,B 到M 到N 的最小值等于B M N '→→的最小值,等于B 到AB '的距离BH '.即BM MN +的最小值为BH '.现在求BH '的长.设AB '与DC 交于P 点,连结BP ,则ABP △的面积等于120101002⨯⨯=.注意到PA PC =(想一想为什么?) 设AP x =,则PC x =,20DP x =-. 根据勾股定理得222PA DP DA =+,即()22222201040040100x x x x x =-+⇒=-++, 解得12.5x =(cm ).所以10021612.5BH ⨯'==(cm ). 即BM MN +的最小值是16厘米.N′H′B′P HAB CD M N四、(满分15分)A 7A 654Ai j A A →表示i A 胜j A i j A A …表示i A 平j A解:设第i 名选手得分为i a ,则12345678a a a a a a a a >>>>>>> 由于8名选手每人比赛7局,最多可胜7场, 所以17a ≤.大家共赛78282⨯=场,总积分为28分.所以1234567828a a a a a a a a +++++++=①因为每局的积分为0,0.5,1这三种值,所以每人的积分只能取0,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,4.5,5,5.5,6,6.5,7这15个值.又知4 4.5a =,25678a a a a a =+++ ②若3 5.5a ≥,则26a ≥,1 6.5a ≥,此时123 6.56 5.518a a a ++++=≥. 由①4567810a a a a a ++++≤,但4 4.5a =,由②2567810 4.5 5.5a a a a a =+++-=≤,这与26a ≥矛盾.所以3 5.5a <,但34 4.5a a >=,所以35a =.这时由①得125678285 4.518.5a a a a a a +++++=--=,也就是12218.5a a += 若2 5.5a =,那么118.5117.57a =-=>,与17a ≤矛盾!若2 6.5a ≥,那么12218.5218.513 5.5a a a =--=<≤矛盾!所以只能26a =. 此时118.526 6.5a =-⨯=.所以前三名选手的积分分别为:6.5分,6分,5分.事实上,当第一名选手平第三名选手、胜其余六人,第二名选手负于第一名而胜其他六名选手,第三名选手平第一名、负于第二名、平第四名、胜其他各名选手时,这时第四名选手负于第一名、第二名,平第三名时即可达到.如图所示. 五、(满分15分)解:容易猜测到45HAF ∠=°. 我们证明如下.设AG a =,BG b =,AE x =,ED y =.则有关系式 2a b x y ax by +=+⎧⎨=⎩①② 由①a x y b -=-平方得22222a ax x y by b -+=-+,将②代入得222224a ax x y ax b -+=-+,M D H∴()222a xb y a x+++⇒+∵22222b y CH CF FH+=+=,∴a x FH+=.即DH BF FH+=.将Rt ADH△绕A旋转90°到Rt ABM△的位置.易证:AMF AHF△≌△,M AF H AF∠=∠.而90 MAH MAB BAH DAH BAH DAB∠=∠+∠=∠+∠=∠=°∴1452HAF MAH∠=∠=°。
NOI分区联赛 - 1998第四初中试题解析

NOI分区联赛- 1998年第四届初中组试题解析注意:解析和源程序均为OIBH站长刘汝佳所写,疏漏在所难免,但至少程序均通过了比赛时使用的测试数据,所以还是可以一看。
显然c<>5, a<=3,枚举次数仅为3*8*7=168次。
3.任何一个正整数都可以用2的幂次方表示.例如:137=2^7+2^3+2^0同时约定次方用括号来表示,即a^b可表示为a(b)由此可知,137可表示为:2(7)+2(3)+2(0)进一步:7=2^2+2+2^0 (2^1用2表示)3=2+2^0所以最后137可表示为:2(2(2)+2+2(0))+2(2+2(0))+2(0)又如:1315=2^10+2^8+2^5+2+1所以1315最后可表示为:2(2(2+2(0))+2)+2(2(2+2(0)))+2(2(2)+2(0))+2+2(0)输入:正整数(n<=20000)输出:符合约定的n的0,2表示(在表示中不能有空格)[分析]这不是二进制吗!递归求二进制就行了,没有必要再说了吧?OK,直接写程序吧。

1 2
2 − 2(x − 1 2 ) . If (1) holds for
k 1 2 2
1 2
− 22 −1 −2(x k+1 − 22 −1 (x −
− 22
1 2 k 2 2 −1 2) 1 (x − 2 ) −
which is (2) for n = k + 1. Using (1) we can compute the integral,
1 Because h(0) = h(1) = − 2 , there exists a real number 0 < η < 1 for which h (η ) = 0. But g = f 2 · h , and we are done. b) If f has at least one zero, let z1 be the first one and z2 be the last one. (The set of the zeros is closed.) By the conditions, 0 < z1 ≤ z2 < 1. The function f is positive on the intervals [0, z1 ) and (z2 , 1]; this implies that f (z1 ) ≤ 0 and f (z2 ) ≥ 0. Then g (z1 ) = f (z1 ) ≤ 0 and g (z2 ) = f (z2 ) ≥ 0, and there exists a real number η ∈ [z1 , z2 ] for which g (η ) = 0. 2 the conditions hold and f · f + f is constantly 0. Remark. For the function f (x) = x+1

1. 有100个球,其中有一个与其他99个重量不同,但外观相同。
2. 一个正方形的面积为1,将其四边中点连接起来,形成另一个正方形。
3. 一个圆被分成n个相等的扇形,其中一个是空心的,其他n-1个是实心的。
4. 有100个人站成一排,从第1个人开始报数,每次报到奇数的人离开队伍。
5. 有5个不同质因数的最小正整数是多少?

Physics OlympiadEntia non multiplicanda sunt praeter necessitatem1998 MULTIPLE CHOICE SCREENING TEST30 QUESTIONS—40 MINUTESINSTRUCTIONSDO NOT OPEN THIS TEST UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO BEGIN This test contains 30 multiple choice questions. Your answer to each question must be marked on the optical mark answer sheet that accompanies the test. Only the boxes preceded by numbers 1 through 30 are to be used on the answer sheet.Select the single answer that provides the best response to each question. Please be sure to use a No. 2 pencil and completely fill the box corresponding to your choice. If you change an answer, the previous mark must be completely erased.A hand-held calculator may be used. However, any memory must be cleared of data and programs. Calculators may not be shared.Your grade on this multiple choice test will be your number of correct answers. There is no penalty for guessing. It is to your advantage to answer every question.The values of some possibly useful constants are given below:mass of electron m e= 9.1 x 10-31 kgmass of proton m p= 1.7 x 10-27 kgelectronic charge e= 1.6 x 10-19 Cspeed of light c= 3.0 x 108 m/sCoulomb's constant k= 9.0 x 109 N·m2/C2permittivity constantε0=8.9 x 10-12 C2/N·m2permeability constantµ0= 4¹ x 10-7 T·m/Agravitational constant G= 6.7 x 10-11 N·m2/kg2mass of Earth M E= 6.0 x 1024 kgradius of Earth R E= 6.4 x 106 mgravitational field at Earth’s surface g= 9.8 N/kgspeed of sound (20o C)v s= 340 m/sDO NOT OPEN THIS TEST UNTIL YOU ARE INSTRUCTED TO BEGINCopyright © 1998, AAPTdownstream by a river current of constant velocity v. The helicopter is at a height of 9.8 m. The swimmer is 6.0 m upstream from a point directly under the helicopter when the life preserver is released. It lands 2.0 m in front of the swimmer. How fast is the current flowing? Neglect air resistance.A. 13.7 m/sB. 9.8 m/sC. 6.3 m/sD. 2.8 m/sE. 2.4 m/s4. A child tosses a ball directly upward. Its total time in the air is T. Its maximum height is H. What is its height after it has been in the air a time T/4? Neglect air resistance.A. (1/4) HB. (1/3) HC. (1/2) HD. (2/3) HE. (3/4) H5. A whiffle ball is tossed straight up, reaches a highest point, and falls back down. Air resistance is not negligible. Which of the following statements are true?I.The ball’s speed is zero at the highest point.II.The ball’s acceleration is zero at the highest point.III.The ball takes a longer time to travel up to the highest point thanto fall back down.A. I onlyB. II onlyC. I & II onlyD. I & III onlyE. I, II, & III6. A pendulum is attached to the ceiling of an elevator car. When the car is parked, the pendulum exhibits a period of 1.00 s. The car now begins to travel upward with an upward acceleration of 2.3 m/s 2. During this part of the motion, what will be the approximate period of the pendulum?A. 0.80 sB. 0.90 sC. 1.00 s7. Two identical blocks of weight WThe lower block is pulled to the right with a force What is the largest force F block starts to slip?A. µWB. (3/2) µWC. 2 µW8. An object placed on an equal arm balance requires 12 kg to balance it. When placed on a spring scale, the scale reads 120 N. Everything (balance, scale, set of masses, and the object) is now transported to the moon where the gravitational force is one-sixth that on Earth. The new readings of the balance and the spring scale (respectively) are:A. 12 kg, 20 NB. 12 kg, 120 NC. 12kg, 720 ND. 2 kg, 20 NE. 2 kg, 120 NA. 2SB. SC. S/2D. S/3E. S/4minimum, then:A. car R is still at rest.B. car Z has come to rest.C. both cars have the same kinetic energy.D. both cars have the same momentum.E. the kinetic energy of the system has reached a minimum.11. Two ice skaters, a 200 lb man and a 120 lb woman, are initially hugging on a frictionless levelthe woman moved in that time?A. 8.0 mB. 6.5 mC. 5.0 mfollowing statements is true?I.II.the collision.III.A. I onlyB. II only(mass m 1) is initially moving with speed v o . It collides with and sticks to an initially stationary block (#2) of mass m 2 = 9 m 1.13. What is the speed of the two blocks after the collision?A. v oB. (9/10) voC. (8/9) v oD. (1/9) v oE. (1/10) v o14. What fraction of the initial kinetic energy of the system is converted to other forms (heat,sound, ...) as a result of the collision?A. 1 %B. 10 %C. 50 %D. 90 %E. 99 %15. Three identical objects of mass M are fastened to a massless rod of length L as shown. The array rotates about the center of the rod. Its rotational inertia is A. (1/2) ML 2B. ML 2C. (5/4) ML 2D. (3/2) ML 2E. 3 ML 2and outer radius Which of the A. cos θ = r/RB. sin θ = r/RC. T = WD. T = W sin θE. T = W cos θ23. A thin film of thickness tfollowing thicknesses tair? Hint: Light undergoes a 180omaterial with a higher index of refraction.A. 160 nmB. 240 nmC. 360 nmD. 480 nm24. An object is placed 12 cm in front of a spherical mirror. The image is right side up and is two times bigger than the object. The image is:A. 6 cm in front of the mirror and real.B. 6 cm behind the mirror and virtual.C. 12 cm in front of the mirror and virtual.D. 24 cm in front of the mirror and virtual.E. 24 cm behind the mirror and virtual.charged parallel plates. Both are closer to the positive plate than the negative plate. See diagram to the right. Which of the following statements is true?I.The force on the proton is greater than the force on the electron.II.The potential energy of the proton is greater than that of the electron.III.The potential energy of the proton and the electron is the same.A. I onlyB. II onlyC. III onlyD. I & II onlyE. I & III only27. In the electrical circuit shown to the right, the current through the 2.0 Ω resistor is 3.0 A. The emf of the battery is about A. 51 VB. 42 VC. 36 VD. 24 VE. 21 V28. An ion with a charge q , mass m , and speed v enters a magnetic field B and is deflected into a path with a radius of curvature R . If an ion with charge q , mass 2m , and speed 2v enters the same magnetic field, it will be deflected into a path with a radius of curvature A. 4 RB. 2 RC. RD. (1/2) RE. (1/4) Rmagnetic force on the wire points A. southB. northC. eastD. westE. downward6.0Ω6.0Ω2.0Ω3.0Ω1998 MULTIPLE CHOICE SCREENING TESTANSWER KEY1. E11. C21. D2. B12. C22. D3. D13. E23. C4. E14. D24. E5. A15. A25. D6. B16. A26. B7. E17. C27. B8. A18. B28. A9. C19. A29. B10. E20. C30. D。


滑铁卢数学竞赛1、21.|x|>3表示的区间是()[单选题] *A.(-∞,3)B.(-3,3)C. [-3,3]D. (-∞,-3)∪(3,+ ∞)(正确答案)2、15.下列数中,是无理数的为()[单选题] *A.-3.14B.6/11C.√3(正确答案)D.03、9.一棵树在离地5米处断裂,树顶落在离树根12米处,问树断之前有多高()[单选题] *A. 17(正确答案)B. 17.5C. 18D. 204、若tan(π-α)>0且cosα>0,则角α的终边在()[单选题] *A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限(正确答案)5、下列说法正确的是[单选题] *A.带“+”号和带“-”号的数互为相反数B.数轴上原点两侧的两个点表示的数是相反数C.和一个点距离相等的两个点所表示的数一定互为相反数D.一个数前面添上“-”号即为原数的相反数(正确答案)6、16、在中,则( ). [单选题] *A. AB<2AC (正确答案)B. AB=2ACC. AB>2ACD. AB与2AC关系不确定7、260°是第()象限角?[单选题] *第一象限第二象限第三象限(正确答案)第四象限8、4.已知两圆的半径分别为3㎝和4㎝,两个圆的圆心距为10㎝,则两圆的位置关系是()[单选题] *A.内切B.相交C.外切D.外离(正确答案)9、下列各角中,是界限角的是()[单选题] *A. 1200°B. -1140°C. -1350°(正确答案)D. 1850°10、下列各对象可以组成集合的是()[单选题] *A、与1非常接近的全体实数B、与2非常接近的全体实数(正确答案)C、高一年级视力比较好的同学D、与无理数相差很小的全体实数11、若2?=a2=4 ?,则a?等于( ) [单选题] *A. 43B. 82C. 83(正确答案)D. 4?12、47、若△ABC≌△DEF,AB=2,AC=4,且△DEF的周长为奇数,则EF的值为()[单选题] *A.3B.4C.1或3D.3或5(正确答案)13、8. 下列事件中,不可能发生的事件是(? ? ).[单选题] *A.明天气温为30℃B.学校新调进一位女教师C.大伟身长丈八(正确答案)D.打开电视机,就看到广告14、3.中国是最早采用正负数表示相反意义的量,并进行负数运算的国家.若零上10℃记作+10℃,则零下10℃可记作()[单选题] *A.10℃B.0℃C.-10 ℃(正确答案)D.-20℃15、19.对于实数a、b、c,“a>b”是“ac2(c平方)>bc2(c平方) ; ”的()[单选题] * A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件(正确答案)C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件16、22.如图棋盘上有黑、白两色棋子若干,找出所有使三颗颜色相同的棋在同一直线上的直线,满足这种条件的直线共有()[单选题] *A.5条(正确答案)B.4条C.3条D.2条17、f(x)=-2x+5在x=1处的函数值为()[单选题] *A、-3B、-4C、5D、3(正确答案)18、10. 如图所示,小明周末到外婆家,走到十字路口处,记不清哪条路通往外婆家,那么他一次选对路的概率是(? ? ?).[单选题] *A.1/2B.1/3(正确答案)C.1/4D.119、15.如图所示,下列数轴的画法正确的是()[单选题] *A.B.C.(正确答案)D.20、-950°是()[单选题] *A. 第一象限角B. 第二象限角(正确答案)C. 第三象限角D. 第四象限角21、1.如图,∠AOB=120°,∠AOC=∠BOC,OM平分∠BOC,则∠AOM的度数为()[单选题] *A.45°B.65°C.75°(正确答案)D.80°22、27.下列计算正确的是()[单选题] *A.(﹣a3)2=a6(正确答案)B.3a+2b=5abC.a6÷a3=a2D.(a+b)2=a2+b223、16.“x2(x平方)-4x-5=0”是“x=5”的( ) [单选题] *A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件(正确答案)C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件24、19.下列两个数互为相反数的是()[单选题] *A.(﹣)和﹣(﹣)B.﹣5和(正确答案)C.π和﹣14D.+20和﹣(﹣20)25、13.在数轴上,下列四个数中离原点最近的数是()[单选题] *A.﹣4(正确答案)B.3C.﹣2D.626、14.命题“?x∈R,?n∈N*,使得n≥x2(x平方)”的否定形式是()[单选题] * A.?x∈R,?n∈N*,使得n<x2B.?x∈R,?x∈N*,使得n<x2C.?x∈R,?n∈N*,使得n<x2D.?x∈R,?n∈N*,使得n<x2(正确答案)27、8.(2020·课标Ⅱ)已知集合U={-2,-1,0,1,2,3},A={-1,0,1},B={1,2},则?U(A∪B)=( ) [单选题] *A.{-2,3}(正确答案)B.{-2,2,3}C.{-2,-1,0,3}D.{-2,-1,0,2,3}28、7人小组选出2名同学作正副组长,共有选法()种。

1998年全国数学竞赛试卷一、选择题:(每小题6分,共30分)1、已知a 、b 、c 都是实数,并且c b a >>,那么下列式子中正确的是( ) (A)bc ab >(B)c b b a +>+(C)c b b a ->-(D)c bc a>2、如果方程()0012>=++p px x 的两根之差是1,那么p 的值为( )(A)2(B)4(C)3(D)53、在△ABC 中,已知BD 和CE 分别是两边上的中线,并且BD ⊥CE ,BD=4,CE=6,那么△ABC 的面积等于( )(A)12(B)14(C)16(D)184、已知0≠abc ,并且p b ac a cb c ba =+=+=+,那么直线p px y +=一定通过第( )象限(A)一、二(B)二、三(C)三、四(D)一、四5、如果不等式组⎩⎨⎧<-≥-0809b x a x 的整数解仅为1,2,3,那么适合这个不等式组的整数a 、b 的有序数对(a 、b )共有( )(A)17个(B)64个(C)72个(D)81个二、填空题:(每小题6分,共30分)6、在矩形ABCD 中,已知两邻边AD=12,AB=5,P 是AD 边上任意一点,PE ⊥BD ,PF ⊥AC ,E 、F 分别是垂足,那么PE+PF=___________。
7、已知直线32+-=x y 与抛物线2x y =相交于A 、B 两点,O 为坐标原点,那么△OAB 的面积等于___________。
8、已知圆环内直径为a cm ,外直径为b cm ,将50个这样的圆环一个接一个环套地连成一条锁链,那么这条锁链拉直后的长度为___________cm 。
9、已知方程()015132832222=+-+--a a x a a x a (其中a 是非负整数),至少有一个整数根,那么a =___________。
10、B 船在A 船的西偏北450处,两船相距210km ,若A 船向西航行,B 船同时向南航行,且B 船的速度为A 船速度的2倍,那么A 、B 两船的最近距离是___________km 。

一九九八年全国高中数学联合竞赛一、选择题(本题满分36分,每小题6分)1. 若a > 1, b > 1, 且lg(a + b )=lg a +lg b , 则lg(a –1)+lg(b –1) 的值( ) (A )等于lg2(B )等于1(C ) 等于0 (D ) 不是与a , b 无关的常数2.若非空集合A={x |2a +1≤x ≤3a – 5},B={x |3≤x ≤22},则能使A ⊆A ∩B 成立的所有a 的集合是( ) (A ){a | 1≤a ≤9}(B ) {a | 6≤a ≤9}(C ) {a | a ≤9} (D ) Ø3.各项均为实数的等比数列{a n }前n 项之和记为S n ,若S 10 = 10, S 30 = 70, 则S 40等于( )(A ) 150(B ) - 200(C ) 150或 - 200 (D ) - 50或4004.设命题P :关于x 的不等式a 1x 2+ b 1x 2+ c 1 > 0与a 2x 2+ b 2x + c 2 > 0的解集相同; 命题Q :a 1a 2=b 1b 2=c 1c 2. 则命题Q ( ) (A ) 是命题P 的充分必要条件(B ) 是命题P 的充分条件但不是必要条件(C ) 是命题P 的必要条件但不是充分条件(D ) 既不是是命题P 的充分条件也不是命题P 的必要条件5.设E , F , G 分别是正四面体ABCD 的棱AB ,BC ,CD 的中点,则二面角C —FG —E 的大小是( ) (A ) arcsin63 (B ) π2+arccos 33 (C ) π2-arctan 2 (D ) π-arccot 226.在正方体的8个顶点, 12条棱的中点, 6个面的中心及正方体的中心共27个点中, 共线的三点组的个数是( )(A ) 57 (B ) 49 (C ) 43 (D )37二、填空题( 本题满分54分,每小题9分) 各小题只要求直接填写结果.1.若f (x ) (x ∈R )是以2为周期的偶函数, 当x ∈[ 0, 1 ]时,f (x )=x 11000,则f (9819),f (10117),f (10415)由小到大排列是 .2.设复数z=cos θ+i sin θ(0≤θ≤180°),复数z ,(1+i )z ,2-z 在复平面上对应的三个点分别是P ,Q , R .当P , Q , R 不共线时,以线段PQ , PR 为两边的平行四边形的第四个顶点为S , 点S 到原点距离的最大值是___________.3.从0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9这10个数中取出3个数, 使其和为不小于10的偶数, 不同的取法有________种.4.各项为实数的等差数列的公差为4, 其首项的平方与其余各项之和不超过100, 这样的数列至多有_______项.5.若椭圆x 2+4(y -a )2=4与抛物线x 2=2y 有公共点,则实数a 的取值范围是 .6.∆ABC 中, ∠C = 90o, ∠B = 30o, AC = 2, M 是AB 的中点. 将∆ACM 沿CM 折起,使A ,B 两点间的距离为 2 2 ,此时三棱锥A -BCM 的体积等于__________.三、(本题满分20分)已知复数z=1-sin θ+i cos θ(π2<θ<π),求z 的共轭复数-z 的辐角主值.四、(本题满分20分)设函数f (x ) = ax 2+8x +3 (a <0).对于给定的负数a , 有一个最大的正数l (a ) ,使得在整个 区间 [0, l (a )]上, 不等式| f (x )| ≤ 5都成立.问:a 为何值时l (a )最大? 求出这个最大的l (a ).证明你的结论.五、(本题满分20分)已知抛物线y2= 2px及定点A(a, b), B( –a, 0) ,(ab≠ 0, b2≠ 2pa).M是抛物线上的点, 设直线AM, BM与抛物线的另一交点分别为M1, M2.求证:当M点在抛物线上变动时(只要M1, M2存在且M1 ≠M2),直线M1M2恒过一个定点.并求出这个定点的坐标.第二试一、(满分50分)如图,O 、I 分别为△ABC 的外心和内心,AD 是BC 边上的高,I 在线段OD 上。

一九九八年全国高中数学联合竞赛一、选择题(本题满分36分,每小题6分)1. 若a > 1, b > 1, 且lg(a + b )=lg a +lg b , 则lg(a –1)+lg(b –1) 的值( ) (A )等于lg2 (B )等于1(C ) 等于0 (D ) 不是与a , b 无关的常数2.若非空集合A={x |2a +1≤x ≤3a – 5},B={x |3≤x ≤22},则能使A ⊆A ∩B 成立的所有a 的集合是( ) (A ){a | 1≤a ≤9} (B ) {a | 6≤a ≤9} (C ) {a | a ≤9} (D ) Ø3.各项均为实数的等比数列{a n }前n 项之和记为S n ,若S 10 = 10, S 30 = 70, 则S 40等于( )(A ) 150 (B ) - 200 (C ) 150或 - 200 (D ) - 50或4004.设命题P :关于x 的不等式a 1x 2 + b 1x 2 + c 1 > 0与a 2x 2 + b 2x + c 2 > 0的解集相同;命题Q :a 1a 2=b 1b 2=c 1c 2. 则命题Q ( )(A ) 是命题P 的充分必要条件(B ) 是命题P 的充分条件但不是必要条件 (C ) 是命题P 的必要条件但不是充分条件(D ) 既不是是命题P 的充分条件也不是命题P 的必要条件5.设E , F , G 分别是正四面体ABCD 的棱AB ,BC ,CD 的中点,则二面角C —FG —E 的大小是( )(A ) arcsin 63 (B ) π2+arccos 33 (C ) π2-arctan 2 (D ) π-arccot 226.在正方体的8个顶点, 12条棱的中点, 6个面的中心及正方体的中心共27个点中, 共线的三点组的个数是( )(A ) 57 (B ) 49 (C ) 43 (D )37 二、填空题( 本题满分54分,每小题9分) 各小题只要求直接填写结果.1.若f (x ) (x ∈R )是以2为周期的偶函数, 当x ∈[ 0, 1 ]时,f (x )=x 11000,则f (9819),f (10117),f (10415)由小到大排列是 .2.设复数z=cos θ+i sin θ(0≤θ≤180°),复数z ,(1+i )z ,2-z 在复平面上对应的三个点分别是P , Q , R .当P , Q , R 不共线时,以线段PQ , PR 为两边的平行四边形的第四个顶点为S , 点S 到原点距离的最大值是___________.3.从0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9这10个数中取出3个数, 使其和为不小于10的偶数, 不同的取法有________种.4.各项为实数的等差数列的公差为4, 其首项的平方与其余各项之和不超过100, 这样的数列至多有_______项.5.若椭圆x 2+4(y -a )2=4与抛物线x 2=2y 有公共点,则实数a 的取值范围是 .6.∆ABC 中, ∠C = 90o , ∠B = 30o , AC = 2, M 是AB 的中点. 将∆ACM 沿CM 折起,使A ,B 两点间的距离为 2 2 ,此时三棱锥A -BCM 的体积等于__________.三、(本题满分20分)已知复数z=1-sin θ+i cos θ(π2<θ<π),求z 的共轭复数-z 的辐角主值.四、(本题满分20分)设函数f (x ) = ax 2 +8x +3 (a <0).对于给定的负数a , 有一个最大的正数l (a ) ,使得在整个 区间 [0, l (a )]上, 不等式| f (x)| ≤ 5都成立.问:a为何值时l(a)最大? 求出这个最大的l(a).证明你的结论.五、(本题满分20分)已知抛物线y2= 2px及定点A(a, b), B( –a, 0) ,(ab≠ 0, b2≠ 2pa).M是抛物线上的点, 设直线AM, BM 与抛物线的另一交点分别为M1, M2.求证:当M点在抛物线上变动时(只要M1, M2存在且M1 ≠M2),直线M1M2恒过一个定点.并求出这个定点的坐标.第二试一、(满分50分)如图,O 、I 分别为△ABC 的外心和内心,AD 是BC 边上的高,I 在线段OD 上。
Cayley滑铁卢数学竞赛(Grade 10)-数学Mathematics-1998-试题 exam

Chartered Accountants SybaseInc. (Waterloo) IBMCanada Ltd.Canadian Institute of ActuariesDo not open the contest booklet until you are told to do so.You may use rulers, compasses and paper for rough work.Calculators are permitted, providing they are non-programmable and without graphic displays.Part A: Each question is worth 5 credits.1.The value of 03012..()+ is(A ) 0.7(B ) 1(C ) 0.1(D ) 0.19(E ) 0.1092.The pie chart shows a percentage breakdown of 1000 votesin a student election. How many votes did Sue receive?(A ) 550(B ) 350(C ) 330(D ) 450(E ) 9353.The expression a a a 9153× is equal to(A ) a 45(B ) a 8(C ) a 18(D ) a 14(E ) a 214.The product of two positive integers p and q is 100. What is the largest possible value of p q +?(A ) 52(B ) 101(C ) 20(D ) 29(E ) 255.In the diagram, ABCD is a rectangle with DC =12. If the area of triangle BDC is 30, what is the perimeter ofrectangle ABCD ?(A ) 34(B ) 44(C ) 30(D ) 29(E ) 606.If x =2 is a solution of the equation qx –311=, the value of q is (A ) 4(B ) 7(C ) 14(D ) –7(E ) –47.In the diagram, AB is parallel to CD . What is the value ofy ?(A ) 75(B ) 40(C ) 35(D ) 55(E ) 508.The vertices of a triangle have coordinates 11,(), 71,() and 53,(). What is the area of this triangle?(A ) 12(B ) 8(C ) 6(D ) 7(E ) 99.The number in an unshaded square is obtained by adding thenumbers connected to it from the row above. (The ‘11’ is one such number.) The value of x must be (A ) 4(B ) 6(C ) 9(D ) 15(E) 10Scoring:There is no penalty for an incorrect answer.Each unanswered question is worth 2 credits, to a maximum of 20 credits.A BCD DAC B10.The sum of the digits of a five-digit positive integer is 2. (A five-digit integer cannot start with zero.)The number of such integers is(A ) 1(B ) 2(C ) 3(D ) 4(E ) 5Part B: Each question is worth 6 credits.11.If x y z ++=25, x y +=19 and y z +=18, then y equals(A ) 13(B ) 17(C ) 12(D ) 6(E ) –612. A regular pentagon with centre C is shown. The value of xis(A ) 144(B ) 150(C ) 120(D ) 108(E ) 7213.If the surface area of a cube is 54, what is its volume?(A ) 36(B ) 9(C ) 8138(D ) 27(E ) 162614.The number of solutions x y ,() of the equation 3100x y +=, where x and y are positive integers, is(A ) 33(B ) 35(C ) 100(D ) 101(E ) 9715.If y –55= and 28x =, then x y + equals(A ) 13(B ) 28(C ) 3316.Rectangle ABCDhas length 9 and width 5. Diagonal is divided into 5 equal parts at W , X , Y , and Z area of the shaded region.(A ) 36(B ) 365(C ) 18(D ) 41065(E ) 2106517.If N p q =()()()+75243 is a perfect cube, where p and q are positive integers, the smallest possible valueof p q + is(A ) 5(B ) 2(C ) 8(D ) 6(E ) 1218.Q is the point of intersection of the diagonals of one face ofa cube whose edges have length 2 units. The length of QRis(A ) 2(B ) 8(C ) 5(D ) 12(E ) 619.Mr. Anderson has more than 25 students in his class. He has more than 2 but fewer than 10 boys andmore than 14 but fewer than 23 girls in his class. How many different class sizes would satisfy these conditions?(A ) 5(B ) 6(C ) 7(D ) 3(E ) 420.Each side of square ABCD is 8. A circle is drawn through A and D so that it is tangent to BC . What is the radius of thiscircle?(A ) 4(B ) 5(C ) 6(D ) 42(E ) 5.25Part C: Each question is worth 8 credits.21.When Betty substitutes x =1 into the expression ax x c 32–+ its value is –5. When she substitutesx =4 the expression has value 52. One value of x that makes the expression equal to zero is(A ) 2(B ) 52(C ) 3(D ) 72(E ) 422. A wheel of radius 8 rolls along the diameter of a semicircleof radius 25 until it bumps into this semicircle. What is thelength of the portion of the diameter that cannot be touchedby the wheel?(A ) 8(B ) 12(C ) 15(D ) 17(E ) 2023.There are four unequal, positive integers a , b , c , and N such that N a b c =++535. It is also true thatN a b c =++454 and N is between 131 and 150. What is the value of a b c ++?(A ) 13(B ) 17(C ) 22(D ) 33(E ) 3624.Three rugs have a combined area of 2002m . By overlapping the rugs to cover a floor area of 1402m ,the area which is covered by exactly two layers of rug is 242m . What area of floor is covered by three layers of rug?(A ) 122m (B ) 182m (C ) 242m (D) 362m (E ) 422m 25.One way to pack a 100 by 100 square with 10000 circles, each of diameter 1, is to put them in 100rows with 100 circles in each row. If the circles are repacked so that the centres of any three tangent circles form an equilateral triangle, what is the maximum number of additional circles that can be packed?(A ) 647(B ) 1442(C ) 1343(D) 1443(E ) 1344。

( x – 2)( x + 1) = 0
∴ x = 2 or x = –1
Solution 2 1 6 x2 – x – 6 1– – 2 = x x x2 x 2 – x – 2) – 4 ( = x2 –4 2 2 (since x – x – 2 = 0 ) x 2 But x – x – 2 = ( x – 2)( x + 1) = 0 ∴ x = 2 or x = –1. x = –1, Substituting x = 2, or –4 –4 = 4 1 = –1. = –4 =
–1 O
Solution 3 Let the equation of the parabola be y = a( x + 2)2 + c . Since (0, 6) is on parabola, 6 = 4 a + c , and ( –1, 0) is on parabola, 0 = a + c . Solving, a = 2, c = – 2. ∴ Equation is y = 2( x + 2)2 – 2 . 3. (a) How many equilateral triangles of side 1 cm, placed as shown in the diagram, are needed to completely cover the interior of an equilateral triangle of side 10 cm?
If the point P( – 3, 2) is on the line 3 x + 7ky = 5 , what is the value of k? Solution Since P is on the line, its coordinates must satisfy the equation of the line. Thus, 3( – 3) + 7k (2) = 5 14 k = 14 k =1

滑铁卢数学竞赛高中试题一、选择题1. 已知函数\( f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c \),其中\( a, b, c \)为实数,且\( f(1) = 2 \),\( f(-1) = 0 \),\( f(2) = 6 \)。
求\( a \)的值。
2. 一个圆的半径为5,圆心位于原点,求圆上点\( P(3,4) \)到圆心的距离。
3. 若\( \sin(\alpha + \beta) = \frac{1}{2} \),\( \cos(\alpha + \beta) = \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} \),且\( \alpha \)在第二象限,\( \beta \)在第一象限,求\( \sin(\alpha) \)的值。
二、填空题1. 计算\( \int_{0}^{1} x^2 dx \)。
2. 若\( \log_{2}8 = n \),则\( n \)的值为______。
3. 一个等差数列的前三项分别为2,5,8,求该数列的第10项。
三、解答题1. 证明:对于任意正整数\( n \),\( 1^3 + 2^3 + ... + n^3 =\frac{n^2(n+1)^2}{4} \)。
2. 一个矩形的长是宽的两倍,若矩形的周长为24,求矩形的面积。
3. 已知一个等比数列的前三项分别为3,9,27,求该数列的第5项。
四、应用题1. 一个工厂每天生产相同数量的零件,如果每天生产100个零件,工厂可以在30天内完成订单。
2. 一个圆环的外圆半径是内圆半径的两倍,且圆环的面积为π。
五、证明题1. 证明:对于任意实数\( x \),\( \cos(x) + \cos(2x) + \cos(3x) \)可以表示为一个单一的余弦函数。
六、开放性问题1. 考虑一个无限大的棋盘,每个格子可以放置一个硬币。

Problem 1. (20 points) Let V be a real vector space, and let f, f1 , f2 , . . . , fk be linear maps from V to I R. Suppose that f (x) = 0 whenever f1 (x) = f2 (x) = . . . = fk (x) = 0. Prove that f is a linear combination of f1 , f2 , ..., fk . Solution. We use induction on k . By passing to a subset, we may assume that f1 , . . . , fk are linearly independent. Since fk is independent of f1 , . . . , fk−1 , by induction there exists a vector ak ∈ V such that f1 (ak ) = . . . = fk−1 (ak ) = 0 and fk (ak ) = 0. After normalising, we may assume that fk (ak ) = 1. The vectors a1 , . . . , ak−1 are defined similarly to get fi (aj ) = 1 if i = j 0 if i = j.

1.1998 年数学竞赛的背景和意义
2.1998 年数学竞赛的试题特点
3.1998 年数学竞赛的参赛者和获奖情况
4.1998 年数学竞赛的影响和启示
【1998 年数学竞赛的背景和意义】
1998 年数学竞赛,全名为 1998 年全国高中数学竞赛,是我国高中阶段数学教育的一项重要活动。
该竞赛自 1980 年代开始举办,旨在选拔和培养优秀的数学人才,激发学生学习数学的兴趣,提高我国高中数学教育水平。
【1998 年数学竞赛的试题特点】
1998 年的数学竞赛试题在保持以往竞赛试题特点的基础上,更加注重考察学生的数学思维和解题能力。
【1998 年数学竞赛的参赛者和获奖情况】
1998 年的数学竞赛吸引了全国各地众多优秀高中生参加。
【1998 年数学竞赛的影响和启示】
1998 年的数学竞赛对于我国高中数学教育产生了深远的影响。
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IBM Canada Ltd.
Northern Telecom (Nortel) Manulife Financial
Canadian Institute of Actuaries
Equitable Life of Canada
Sybase Inc. (Waterloo)
Chartered Accountants
Canadian Mathematics Competition
An activity of The Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario
In the grid, each small equilateral triangle has side length 1. If the vertices of ∆WAT are themselves vertices of small equilateral triangles, what is the area of ∆WAT ?
(b) (c)
Hale Waihona Puke yQPO
(a) (b)
The graph of y = m x passes through the points (2, 5) and (5, n) . What is the value of mn ? Jane bought 100 shares of stock at $10.00 per share. When the shares increased to a value of $N each, she made a charitable donation of all the shares to the Euclid Foundation. She received a tax refund of 60% on the total value of her donation. However, she had to pay a tax of 20% on the increase in the value of the stock. Determine the value of N if the difference between her tax refund and the tax paid was $1000. n – 3 Consider the sequence t1 = 1, t2 = –1 and tn = t where n ≥ 3. What is the value n – 1 n – 2 of t1998 ?
(a) (b) (c)
If one root of x 2 + 2 x – c = 0 is x = 1, what is the value of c? If 2 2 x – 4 = 8 , what is the value of x? Two perpendicular lines with x-intercepts – 2 and 8 intersect at (0, b) . Determine all values of b. The vertex of y = ( x – 1)2 + b has coordinates (1, 3) . What is the y-intercept of this parabola? What is the area of ∆ ABC with vertices A( – 3, 1) , B(5, 1) and C(8, 7) ? In the diagram, the line y = x + 1 intersects the parabola y = x – 3 x – 4 at the points P and Q. Determine the coordinates of P and Q.
Time: 2 1 hours
© 1998 Waterloo Mathematics Foundation
Calculators are permitted, provided they are non-programmable and without graphic displays. Do not open this booklet until instructed to do so. The paper consists of 10 questions, each worth 10 marks. Parts of each question can be of two types. SHORT ANSWER parts are worth 2 marks each (questions 1-2) or 3 marks each (questions 3-7). FULL SOLUTION parts are worth the remainder of the 10 marks for the question. Instructions for SHORT ANSWER parts 1. SHORT ANSWER parts are indicated like this: 2. Enter the answer in the appropriate box in the answer booklet. For these questions, full marks will be given for a correct answer which is placed in the box. Part marks will be awarded only if relevant work is shown in the space provided in the answer booklet. Instructions for FULL SOLUTION parts 1. FULL SOLUTION parts are indicated like this: 2. Finished solutions must be written in the appropriate location in the answer booklet. Rough work should be done separately. If you require extra pages for your finished solutions, foolscap will be supplied by your supervising teacher. Insert these pages into your answer booklet. 3. Marks are awarded for completeness, clarity, and style of presentation. A correct solution poorly presented will not earn full marks. NOTE: At the completion of the contest, insert the information sheet inside the answer booklet.
Euclid Contest (Grade 12)
for the Awards
Tuesday, April 21, 1998
C.M.C. Sponsors: C.M.C. Supporters: C.M.C. Contributors:
The Great-West Life Assurance Company
.... .
x 2 – xy + 8 = 0 x 2 – 8x + y = 0 .
In the graph, the parabola y = x 2 has been translated to the position shown. Prove that de = f .
1. 2. 3.
Please read the instructions on the front cover of this booklet. Place all answers in the answer booklet provided. For questions marked “ ”, full marks will be given for a correct answer which is placed
1 2
[ f ( x – 1) + f ( x + 3)] , for – 2 ≤ x ≤ 2 .
–1 –2
If x and y are real numbers, determine all solutions ( x, y) of the system of equations
A square OABC is drawn with vertices as shown. Find the equation of the circle with largest area that can be drawn inside the square. C(– 2, 2)
The nth term of an arithmetic sequence is given by tn = 555 – 7n . If Sn = t1 + t2 + ... + tn , determine the smallest value of n for which Sn < 0 .