



2017—2018第⼀学期试卷(A卷)华南农业⼤学期末考试试卷(A卷)2017—2018学年第1学期考试科⽬:马克思主义基本原理概论考试类型:闭卷考试考试时间:120 分钟考试注意事项:1. 本次考试为闭卷。




2. 考⽣参加考试需携带2B铅笔、橡⽪、圆珠笔或钢笔。


3. 答题卡必须写上院系、年级、专业、班级、姓名、学号,学号要填涂正确,特别注意“科⽬”栏填涂“原理”。












第1页共4页第2页共4页2022-2023学年度第一学期五年级数学学期综合素养评价(A )(考试时间为90分钟,满分100分)题号一二三四五总分分数一、填空题。




4.妈妈给小亮买了一瓶钙片,共a 片,他吃了5天,每天吃b 片,还剩()片。



20.3×1.8○20.30.45÷0.3○0.455.86×0.4○5.86÷0.47.右图中阴影部分的面积是30cm 2,平行四边形的面积是()cm 2。




若平行四边形的高是4cm ,则它的面积是()cm 2;若把它们拼成一个长方形,则这个长方形的长是()cm 。


(将正确答案的字母填在括号里)(每小题1分,共5分)11.如果a ×0.3=b ×1.4(a 、b 都不等于0),则()。

A .a >bB .a =bC .a <b12.把一个平行四边形框架拉成一个长方形,它的周长和面积分别()。

A .不变变大B .不变不变C .变小变大13.国国比粒粒大,国国今年x 岁,粒粒今年y 岁。


A .6B .x -yC .x -y +614.学校组织同学们观看抗美援朝纪录片《为了和平》,李云坐在(2,6)的位置,林芳坐在(4,6)的位置,壮壮与她们坐在同一直线上,壮壮可能坐在()的位置上。



山东省菏泽市2021-2022学年高三第一学期期末考试物理试题(A )一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分。


1. 一名自行车运动员,驾驶一辆“死飞”自行车,在水平直道场地进行训练。


运动过程中位移x 与速度v 的关系,如图所示。

则 A. 加速过程中加速度的大小为210m/s B. 刹车过程中加速度的大小为25m/s C. 该过程所用总时间为8s D. 该过程所用总时间为4s2. 如图所示,平行板电容器下极板接地,并与电动势为E 的直流电源(内阻不计)连接,一带电油滴静止于电容器中的P 点。

现将电容器的下极板竖直向上移动一小段距离(未到达P 点),则( )A. P 点的电势将升高B. 带电油滴的电势能将不断增大C. 带电油滴将沿竖直方向向上运动D. 电容器的电容减小,极板带电荷量将减小3. 轻绳两端分别固定在两根竖直杆上,重力为G 的衣服用光滑轻钩挂于绳上,在水平向右的恒定风力作用下处于静止状态,如图所示。

已知风力大小为衣服重力的512倍,则轻绳的拉力大小为( ) A.2cos GαB.2cos GβC.512cos2G αβ+ D.1324cos2G αβ+4. 如图所示,在边长为L 的正方形竖直平面内固定一光滑四分之一圆环,D 点固定一光滑轻质小滑轮。

质量均为m 的小球用不可伸长的细线连接,M 穿在环上位于A 点,细线搭在滑轮上,现将小球由静止释放,重力加速度为g ,不计空气阻力,M 在环上运动过程中,下列描述正确的是( ) A. 两小球组成的系统的机械能先减小后增大 B. 细线的拉力对两球做功的功率大小始终相等 C. MD. M 运动到C5.已知天和号核心舱距离地面高度约为400km 。

则( ) A. 研究交会对接的过程,可把天和号核心舱看作质点 B. 天和号核心舱绕地球运动的速度大于第一宇宙速度 C. 神舟十二号载人飞船从低轨道减速变轨与天和号核心舱对接D. 天和号核心舱绕地球运动的速度大于地球同步卫星绕地球运动的速度6. 如图所示,A 、B 、C 三个物体放在水平旋转圆台上,用细线连接并固定在转轴上。


班 年级
共 3页 第1页
2019~2020 学年第一学期期末考试试卷 《工科数学分析 A》(A 卷)(共 3 页)
(考试时间:2020 年 1 月 6 日, 14:00-16:00)
题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 成绩 核分人签字
(1) an 必有收敛子列; (2) 若an 单调, 则an 必收敛;
(3) anbn 必收敛;
(4) 若bn 有一个收敛子列, 则bn 必收敛.
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
5. 设 M
2 π
1 x 2 1 x2 dx ,
2 π
1 ex
2 π
cos x dx , 则 (
(A) K N M (B) K M N (C) M K N (D) M N K
三、计算题(共 15 分,每小题 5 分)
x arctan x2 dx
1. 求极限 lim 0
x2 1
2. 求不定积分 1 dx .
ex 1
3. 求函数 f (x) x3 cos x 的带 Peano 余项的 2n 1 阶麦克劳林公式.
4. 设两个实数列an 有界, bn 单调, 下列四个结论中, 正确的个数是 (
2 x ln x
21 dx
2 x2
3. 设函数 f (x) 可导, 且 f (x) 0,



上海交通大学第一学期高数a类期末考试题及答案解析一、单项选择题(每小题3分,共15分)1. 已知 x=0 是 f\left( x \right) =\frac{x+b\ln\left( 1+x \right)}{ax-\sin x} 的可去间断点,则 a,b 的取值范围是()解:2. 下列反常积分中,收敛的是()解:3. 设函数 f(x) 在区间 [-a,a] 上二阶可导,且 f\left( x \right) >0,f'\left( x \right) >0,f''\left( x \right) <0 ,下列函数中,在区间 [-a,a] 上恒正、单调递减且为下凸函数的是()解:4. 积分 \int_0^{\pi}{|\sin \left( 4x+1 \right)|\mathrm{d}x}= ()解:5. 设函数 f(x) 在 R 上连续, g\left( x \right)=\int_0^{x^2}{\mathrm{e}^{-t^2}\mathrm{d}t} .对于两个命题:①若 f(x) 为偶函数,则 F\left( x \right)=\int_0^x{f\left( t \right) g\left( t \right)\mathrm{d}t} 为奇函数;②若 f(x) 为单调递增函数,则 G\left( x \right)=\int_0^x{\left( f\left( x \right) -f\left( t \right) \right) g\left( t \right) \mathrm{d}t} 存在极小值.下列选项正确的是()解:二、填空题(每小题3分,共15分)6. 设 f\left( x \right) =x\mathrm{e}^x, 则曲线 y=f(x) 的拐点是_____________.解:7. 直线 L_1:\frac{x-1}{-1}=\frac{y}{-4}=\frac{z+3}{1} 和 L_2:\frac{x}{2}=\frac{y+2}{-2}=\frac{z}{-1} 的夹角为_____________.解:8. 设函数 f\left( x \right) =\mathrm{arctan} x ,常数a>0 ,若 f\left( a \right) -f\left( 0 \right)=f'\left( \xi \right) a\,\,, 则 \underset{a\rightarrow 0^+}{\lim}\frac{\xi ^2}{a^2}= _____________.解:9. 极坐标曲线 r=2cos3\theta 上对应于\theta=\frac{5}{6}\pi 的点处的切线方程为_____________.解:10. 一阶常微分方程 y'\left( x \right) =\frac{y}{x+y^2} 的通解为_____________.解:视为关于 x 的一阶线性微分方程,然后利用公式直接求解即可:\frac{\mathrm{d}x}{\mathrm{d}y}=\frac{x}{y}+y\Rightarr ow x=y^2+Cy三、(本大题共8分)11. 设 y=y(x) 是由方程 y^3-2x\int_0^y{\sin^2t\mathrm{d}t=x+\pi ^3} 所确定的可导函数,求\frac{\mathrm{d}y}{\mathrm{d}x}\mid_{x=0}^{} .解:。



;当 t=5℃时所量距离较该段距离的实际值是测

当 t=35℃时所量距离较该段距离的实际值是测
二、简答题(15 分)
1、简述全站仪对中(用光学对中器)和整平的步骤与操作方法?(8 分) 2、什么是水准仪的 i 角?简述其一种检验方法,并推导出该方法 i 角的计算式。(7 分)
黑面读数 b1=1.857m,红面读数 b2=6.645m,则 A、B 的高差为:
12. 三、四等水准测量的一测站的观测程序为
13. 闭合水准路线高差闭差的计算公式为

14. 在 A、B 两点之间进行水准测量,得到满足精度要求的往、返测高差为 hAB =-0.007m,
出题者 课程组 审核人
武汉大学测绘学院 2011-2012 学年度第一学期期末考试
《数字地形测量学》课程试卷 A
一、填空题(每空 1 分,共 43 分)
1. 测量工作的基准线
2. 与某个区域的大地水准面最佳密合的椭球称为
3. 我国地面上某点,在高斯平面直角坐标系的坐标为:

《英语(一)》期末考试试卷【 A卷】和答案

《英语(一)》期末考试试卷【 A卷】和答案

1《英语(一)》期末考试试卷【A卷】(学年第一学期)注意:1.本试卷共 3 页;2.考试时间: 90 分钟Section A (1×15=15分)Directions: Choose the appropriate letters A—D to complete the following statements.1. I knew a new classmate Ann today. She is _______ America.A. forB. inC. toD. from2. All of his friends came to the airport to______ him____ .A. send…downB. see…offC. send…downD. se e…awa y3. It is of _______for us to get everything read before the party.A. greatly importantB. great importantC. great importanceD. greatly importance4. S1: Can you spare some time for me next week?S2: ______________.A. I’m really very busy now.B. OK. What can I do for you?C. I usually go out seeing movies in my spare time.D. My family will go traveling this evening.5. Would you _____to join us for dessert and coffee?A mind B. please C. like D. care6. I would___ for daily necessities tomorrow. Will you go with me?A. go to shopB. make shoppingC. go shoppingD. buy7. Chinese people have a special way to celebrate the Mid-autumn _______. .A. HolidayB. VacationC. EventD. Festival8. Jack is _______ about stamp collecting. In fact, he is willing to give everything for a rare stamp.A. interestedB. illC. crazyD. sick9. Two hundred people are expected to _______ the meeting.A. attendB. haveC. takeD. go10. Please us at campuslife@ if you need detailed information.A. touchB. contactC. searchD. tell11. Will it be _________ for you to start work tomorrow.A. convenientB. convenienceC. convenientlyD. conveniences12. It is overclouding in the sky and it _____like rain.A. isB. seemsC. seemD. be13. Passengers to pay duty on overweighed luggage.A. requireB. requiredC. are requiredD. were required14. Supermarkets usually provide a(n) Lane for customers with a purchase less than 8 items.A. ExpressB. Hurry-upC. Speed-upD. Fast15. It is difficult for me to __________ the twins ________.A. tel l…fromB. tel l…apartC. tel l…betweenD. tel l…amongSection B (1×10=10分)Directions: Complete each statement with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.16. Jackie Chan is admired by millions as an excellent (act).17. He was about the same (high) as his wife.18. there are as many as 30 different (nation) in this school.19. Tom falls in love with the most (attract) girl in his class.20. Our house was built in a (tradition) Chinese style.21. Many animals have (good) hearing than we do.22. Coin (collect) is one of Jim’s hobbies.23. Sam used to (keep) a pet ,when he was young.24. It’s my pleasure to (introduction) tonight’s speakers.25. He is a very (talk ) child.Part II Reading ComprehensionTask1 (2×5=10分)Directions: Read the passage and choose the appropriate letters A—D to answer each question.Perhaps the best way to think about making friends is to decide what makes a friend. I asked a group of 13 year old boys and girls to come up with a list of what they liked about their friends. They said that good friends: show an interest in what people dogo around with a pleasant expression on their facelaugh at people’s jokesare kindoffer to help others with work or carry thingsinvite people to do somethingare good at thinking of something interesting to doare willing to shareare humorous and tell jokesare fair26. According to the author, what is the best way to make friends?A) The best way is to talk to everyone.B) The best way is to do everything to make the person happy.C) The best way is to think everyone is good.D) The best way is to know what a good friend is.27. How did the author get the list?A) He thought it out.B) He copied it from a book.C) He summed up the ideas of a group of children.D) He made friends with a group of children.28. How many good qualities should a good friend have?A) 6. B) 7. C) 9. D) 10.29. Which of the following is NOT true?A) A good friend should have a sense of humor.B) A good friend should be able to tell jokes and enjoy others’ jokes.C) A good friend should always keep from getting into groups.D) A good friend should enjoy sharing things with others.30. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?A) What Makes a Good FriendB) The Best Way to Make FriendsC) The Results of a SurveyD) How to Make FriendsTask 2 (2×5=10分)Directions: Read the passage and choose the appropriate letters A—D to answer each question.Banks safeguard money and valuables and provide loans, credit, and payment services, such as checking accounts, money orders, and cashier’s checks. Banks may also offer investment and insurance products, which they were once prohibited from selling.As many models for cooperation and integration among finance industries have appeared, some of the traditional differences between banks, insurance companies, and securities firms have disappeared. In spite of these changes, banks continue to maintain and perform their primary role—accepting deposits and lending funds from these deposits.Commercial banks, which dominate the bank industry, offer a full range of services for individuals, businesses, and governments.31. What is the first paragraph mainly about?A. It introduces the types of banks.B. It introduces the functions of banks.C. It explains the traditional functions of banks.D. It discusses the business of banks.32. What are the traditional functions of a bank?A. It safeguards money and valuables.B. It provides loans, credit, and payment services.C. It safeguards money and valuables and provides loans, credit, and payment services.D. It sells investment and insurance products.33. Which of the following statements is not true?A. Banks also play the role of insurance companies.B. Banks safeguard money and valuables like securities firms do.C. Insurance companies cannot play the role of banks.D. The primary functions of banks will always be there. 34. What is the basic role of banks?A. Accept customer’s deposits.B. Back individuals or firms by lending funds.C. Provide firms with investments.D. Accept customer’s deposits and invest the deposits as funds.35. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?A. Nature of Bank IndustryB. Types of BanksC. Changes in Bank IndustryD. Functions of BanksTask 3 (1×5=5分)Directions: Read an ad. Fill in the blanks with Not More Than 3 words in the table below.Shaw’s SupermarketEarn up to $100 from your Shaw’s Osco Pharmacy.Click here for more information.Click here for new dinner ideas from Shaw’s and Swift Premium.Fresh Meal Solutions for Your Family!Click here for detailsAt Shaw’s, we offer you all the attention you could ever want, both online and in your neighborhood store.From pharmacy prescriptions to our in-store CoinStar service. From photo processing to great gift ideas like Gift Cards, prepaid calling cards and cellular programs. From Shaw’s.Task 4 (1×10=10分)Directions: Choose the appropriate letters A—Q to translate the Chinese expressions in the table. A………………………………………………golf course B………………………………………………swimming pool C………………………………………………invitation D…………………………………………credit card E………………………………………………online bank F………………………………………………a deposit form G………………………………………………get-together H………………………………………………going-away party I………………………………………………..family album23J ………………………………………………..instant message service K ………………………………………………withdraw L ………………………………………………check-out desk M ………………………………………………post card N ………………………………………………cashO ………………………………………………international campus P ………………………………………………celebration Q ………………………………………………great grandparentsTask 5 (1×5=5分)Directions: Read the invitation card and answer the questions.46. Whose birthday is it?It is . 47. How old is she going to be?She is going to be . 48. When is her birthday?It ’s on . 49. Where is the party going to be ?I t’s going to be held at . 50. What kind of card is it?It is .Part III TranslationDirections: Each of the four sentences (NO. 51 to NO. 54) is followed by four choices of suggested translationmarked A, B, C and D. Make the best choice and put the paragraph (No.65) into Chinese. (51-54:3×4=12分; 55: 8×1=12分)51. Chess must be one of the oldest games in the world. A. 象棋必须是世界上最古老的游戏之一。



XX技术学院2015—2016学年第一学期经济与管理系2015级会计、会计与审计、物流管理、旅游管理专业《大学英语》期末考试试题A卷考试说明:本课程为闭卷考试,可携带文具(或课程为开卷考试可携带文具和资料)I Translate the following English versions into Chinese. 15%1. make the most of the opportunities at hand2. a sense of responsibility3. the road to success4. to improve your accent5. out of sympathy6. dress up smartly7. computerized call centers8. Grand Slam singles champion9. a real three-point shooter10. have some things in commonII Everyday English.15%(Identify the answer is right or wrong:If the answer is right , you should choose “A”, if not, choose “B”. )1、------Do you like your job? -------I’m a nurse.A. RightB. Wrong2、------Nice to meet you! ------Nice to meet you too.A. RightB. Wrong3、------How old are you? ------Yes, I am.A. RightB. Wrong4、------Can I bring you something to drink? ------Yes, a coca-cola for me, please.A. RightB. Wrong5、------Have you been to America?------I have never been there, but I hope to go there in the future.A. RightB. Wrong6、------Is there a bank near here? ------I saw him this morning.A. RightB. Wrong7、------Can you remember his phone number? ------Yes, it’s 6825612.A. RightB. Wrong8、------Can I help you? ------Yes, I’d like to book a room.A. RightB. Wrong9、------How do you like the book? ------It’s very good. And I like it very much.A. RightB. Wrong10、------Shall we see a film tonight? ------See you later.A. RightB. WrongIII、Reading comprehension 10%Passage AI was having dinner at a restaurant when Harry came in. Harry worked in a lawyer’s office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Harry saw me and came to sit at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. When he was eating, I asked him to lend me two pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. “I have never borrowed money from you,” said Harry,“so now you canpay for my dinner.”判断下列陈述是否正确,正确的写T,错误的写F:1 ()Harry never worked in a lawyer’s office.2 ()He always borrows money from his friends and returns it on time.3 ()He refused to lend two pounds to the writer.4 ()Harry asked the writer to pay for his dinner.5 ()The writer paid money for both his and H arry’s dinner.Passage BI have a cell phone (手机)and have to pay about thirty dollars per month to use it. I think thirty dollars per month is no small amount of money for a student.To be honest, I don’t need to use a cell phone because I don’t have any urgent business, but all my family and friends have cell phones. More than fifty percent of the population in Korea(韩国)has a cell phone. Think about that number: only children and very old people don’t have one.If I didn’t have a cell phone, everybody would raise such a question, “Why doesn’t she have one?” I would be considered as a strange and independent person. Korea has agroup-oriented culture, so a strange and independent p erson isn’t welcome. I don’t want to be strange, so I cannot do anything but use a cell phone.I have to check my cell phone all the time, and I have to change the battery every other day. It is kind of a big problem. Even though I don’t want to answer the phone at all, I have to answer it because as long as I have a cell phone, a quick answer is etiquette(礼节). It has really invaded(影响)my life. I have never thought cell phones are useful and meaningful devices. I hate them because I am a person who likes to lead a peaceful, calm life. I wish I could get rid of my cell phone in the near future.Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices.6. The author has a cell phone just because ___________.A. she deal with businessB. she has to talk with friendsC. several people have oneD. most of the people have one7. According to the author, 30 dollars cell phone fee is _________ to a student.A. a small amount of moneyB. an extra burden(负担)C. not worth payingD. no problem8. In Korea, most of the groups have cell phones except ___________.A. the oldB. college studentsC. businessmenD. teacher9. Why does the author think having a cell phone is a big problem、A. Because she has to pay about thirty dollars per month.B. Because her parents often call her.C. Because she has to change the battery frequently.D. Because her classmates often borrow her cell phone.10. What kind of people are not welcome in Korea?A. Dependent peopleB. Independent peopleC. BusinessmenD. people with cell phonesIV、Fill in each of the following blanks with a suitable preposition or adverb. 10%1. Have you made ____ your mind for what courses you are going to take yet?2. She learned the rules of the game step____ step.3. We all should take a leaf _____ Lei Feng’s book.4. Tom wants to be a doctor, and he is working hard to turn his dream _____a reality.5. Mother filled my glass _____milk and her glass with tea.6. She is still ____ work and I’ll ask her to call you when she gets home.7. According to Li Na’s story, she seems to be happy both on and _______the court.8. Her coach noticed that she played badminton more ______ a tennis player.9. The cake is ______ the shape of a heart.10. He gave great importance ____what his father said.V、Multiple choice 20%1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.()A 朋友就是好朋友。



试卷第 1 页 共 2 页XX 学院期末考试试卷 (A )卷2021 ——2022 学年第一学期课程名称: 高等数学A(一) 适用年级/专业: 2021级/新工科 试卷类别 开卷( )闭卷(√) 学历层次 本科 考试用时 120分钟 《考生注意:答案要全部抄到答题纸上,做在试卷上不给分》...........................一、填空题(每小题3分,共15分)1、12lim 121n n n +→∞⎛⎫+= ⎪+⎝⎭ .2、设21sin ,0(),0x x f x xa x x ⎧>⎪=⎨⎪+≤⎩在(),-∞+∞内连续,则a =________ . 3、设)(x f y =在x a =处连续,且()lim 1x a f x x a→=-,则()f a '=________ . 4、设x y xe =,则()n y = .5、设函数()()()()()1234f x x x x x =----,则方程()0f x '=在[1,4]上有 个实根.二、选择题(每小题3分,共15分)1. 当0x → 时,无穷小21x e -是x 的 无穷小.A 、高阶B 、低阶C 、等价D 、同阶但不等价2、设21()cos f x x ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭,则0x =是)(x f 的 。

A 、可去间断点 B 、跳跃间断点 C 、第二类间断点 D 、连续点3、设函数()f x 可导,则当x 在2x =处有微小增量x ∆时,函数的增量约为 .A 、()2f 'B 、2lim ()x f x →C 、(2)f x +∆D 、(2)f x '∆4、设函数()y y x =由参数方程()22,ln 1x t t y t ⎧=+⎪⎨=+⎪⎩确定,则曲线()y y x =在3x =处的法线与x 轴第 2 页 共 2 页交点的横坐标是( ).A 、 1ln 238+B 、 1ln 238-+ C 、 8ln 23-+ D 、8ln 23+ 5、已知()()112ln f x x x '=+,且()11f =,则()f x 等于( ). A 、()ln 12ln 1x ++B 、()1ln 12ln 12x ++C 、()11ln 12ln 22x ++ D 、()2ln 12ln 1x ++三、计算题(每小题8分,共48分)1.求下列极限:(1)()011lim ln 1x x x →⎛⎫- ⎪ ⎪+⎝⎭;(2)sin 0lim x x x +→.2.设()f x 可导,求函数22(sin )(cos )y f xf x =+的导数dy dx . 3.求曲线22331x y +=在点⎝⎭处的切线方程. 4.求函数()cos x f x e x =在区间[]0,2π上的极值.5.求不定积分x .6.求不定积分d 1cos 2x x x+⎰. 四、应用题(14分)如右图,铁路上 AB 段的距离为100km , 工厂C 距 A 处20km ,AC ⊥ AB ,要在 AB 线上选定一点 D 向工厂修一条公路, 已知铁路与公路每公里货运价之比货物从B 运到工厂C 的运费最省,问D 点应如何选五、证明题(8分)求证:当02x <<π时,有2sin x x x <<π.。


x 1

2. 求极限
lim[(1 x)e
1 x
第 2 页 共 5 页
期末考试试卷 A
f x) 二阶可导,求 y 。 3. 设 y f ln 1 x ,其中 (
4. 设参数方程
x ln(1 t 2 ) y t arctgt
f '(0) f (1) f (0) f '(1) f '(0) f '(1) f (1) f (0)
第 1 页 共 6 页
期末考试试卷 A
5 3.函数 y ln sin x 在 , 上满足罗尔定理的 = ( 6 6
(1) f x 在 , 上连续; (2) f x 在 , 上可导。 解: (1)显然 f x 除了 x 0 外必连续, 而 f 0 0 lim ln ax b ln b f 0 , f 0 0 lim sin x 0 ,
) 。
(B) ( x x0 )[ f ( x) f ( x0 )] 0 ; (D) lim
t x0
f (t ) f ( x) 0 ( x x0 ) ; (t x) 2
t x0
f (t ) f ( x) 0 (t x) 2
( x x0 ) 。
三、计算题: (每题 6 分,共 42 分) 1. 求极限 lim(1 x ) tan
5. 设 f ( x) 为可导函数,且 lim 切线斜率是_________.



2021-2022学年第一学期(秋季)期末考试试卷 A卷

2021-2022学年第一学期(秋季)期末考试试卷 A卷

2021-2022学年第一学期(秋季)期末考试试卷 A卷一、选择题(每空1分,共30分)(一)选择对划线词语的正确解释。


[单选题] *A 70%(正确答案)B 1/72.曾几何时,人们与多年相伴的邻居像是一家人一样。

[单选题] *A 什么时候B 过去曾经(正确答案)3.奶奶回忆起五十年前的生活,一肚子辛酸。

[单选题] *A 辛苦B委屈(正确答案)4.在我创业急需钱的时候,突然有朋友借给我一万块,这真是雪中送炭呀! [单选题] *A下雪时候送礼物B危难之时给予帮助(正确答案)5.市民们对这些问题反映强烈,纷纷留言。

[单选题] *A比较满意B不满意(正确答案)6.两个人相亲时都各自看手机,没有什么话说,都很尴尬。

[单选题] *A 神色不自然(正确答案)B 处境困难7.努力形成“为人民服务,对社会负责”的良好道德风尚。

[单选题] *A风格B社会风貌(正确答案)8.回首十年来的工作,“百城万店无假货”活动在社会各界和广大消费者的支持下,成效斐然。

[单选题] *A回顾(正确答案)B回头9.那熙熙攘攘的人流,那桥上桥下的铺子,都说明它有产生老字号的可能。

[单选题] *A 拥挤热闹(正确答案)B 丰富多彩10.等第二天大铺子开门了,再把这酒器洗净了归还不迟。

[单选题] *A 晚一会儿B 来得及(正确答案)11.人民生活水平已达到小康水平。

[单选题] *A 中等发达水平B 中等生活水平(正确答案)12.深圳宝安区淘汰了高污染、高能耗企业,发展高新技术产业。

[单选题] *A 去掉(正确答案)B 洗涤13.他凭什么能平步青云? [单选题] *A 职位大幅上升(正确答案)B 平稳(二) 选择合适的词填空。


[单选题] *公认(正确答案)认为15.这次他们将竞争对手欧倍德_______拿下。

[单选题] *一次一举(正确答案)16.理论应该和实际相____。



(完整版)大一英语上学期期末考试试卷2022级高校英语第一学期期末考试(A卷)Jan., 2022Part II Reading Comprehension (30 %) Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) andD). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on theAnswer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneScience is not a set of unquestionable results but a way of understanding the world around us. Its real work is slow. The scientific method , as many of us learned in school, is a gradual process that begins with a purpose or problem or question to be answered. It includes a list of materials, a procedure to follow, a set of observations to make and, finally, conclusions to reach. In medicine, when a new drug is proposed that might cure or control a disease, it is first tested on a large random group of people, and their reactions are then compared with those of another random group not given the drug. All reactions in both groups are carefully recorded and compared, and the drug is evaluated. All of this takes time and patience.It’s the result of course, that makes the best news—not the years of quiet work that characterize the bulk of scientific inquiry. After an experiment is concluded or an observation is made, the result continues tobe examined critically. When it is submitted for publication, it goes to a group of the scientist’s colleagues, who review the work. Einstein was right when he said: “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right, a single experiment can at any time prove me wrong.”In August 1996, NASA announced the discovery in Antarctica of a meteorite(流星)from Mars that might contain evidence of ancient life on another world. As President Clinton said that day, the possibility that life existed on Mars billions of years ago was potentially one of the great discoveries of our time.After the excitement wore down and initial papers were published, other researchers began looking at samples from the same meteorite. Some concluded that the “evidence of life”was mostly contamination from Antarctic ice or that there was nothing organic at all in the rock.Was this a failure of science, as some news reports trumpeted?No! It was a good example of the scientific method working the way it is supposed to. Scientists spend years on research, announce their findings, and these findings are examined by other scientists. That’s how we learn. Like climbing a mountain, we struggle up three feet and fall back two. It’s a process filled with disappointments and reverses, but somehow we keep moving ahead.21. The author’s main purpose in writing this passage is to state that ____________.A) most scientific discoveries are not reliableB) mass media is misleading because it looks at the research results onlyC) scientific research is a process filled with reverses and requiresslow and patientworkD) repeated experiments are necessary before medicine can be used in patients22. Publication of a scientific finding signifies __________.A) a challenge to fellow scientists to prove it wrongB) the end of a processC) the beginning of a new scientific inquiryD) the soundness of the result23. Einstein’s words are used to show that he thought___________.A) experiments have proved him rightB) scientists do not need so many experimentsC) one experiment is not enough to prove him wrong.D) scientific ideas are never free from challenge24. NASA’s announcement of the discovery of evidence of ancient life on Mars shows _________.A) the way human beings learn about natureB) the failure of the scientific methodC) the fruitlessness of human search for life on another worldD) the excitement brought by scientific findings25. It can be inferred from the passage that the media is interested in __________.A) the process of scientific researchB) the results of scientific researchC) the scientists who do the researchD) the effects of scientific research on human lifePassage TwoNormally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate, and each course which he attends gives him a credit which he may count towards a degree. In many American universities the total work for a degree consists of thirty-six courses each lasting for one semester. A typical course consists of three classes per week for fifteen weeks; while attending a university a student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester. Normally a student would expect to take four years attending two semesters each year. It is possible to spread the period of work for the degree over a longer period. It is also possible for a student to move between one university and another during his degree course, though this is not in fact done as a regular practice.For every course that he follows a student is given a grade, which is recorded, and the record is available for the student to show to prospective employers. All this imposes a constant pressureand strain of work, but in spite of this some students still find timefor great activity in student affairs. Elections to positions in student organizations arouse much enthusiasm. The effective work of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academic authorities. Any student who is thought to have broken the rules, for example, by cheating has to appear before a student court. With the enormous numbers of students, the operation of the system does involve a certain amount of activity. A student who has held one of these positions of authority is much respected and it will be of benefit to him later in his career.26. Normally a student would at least attend __________classes each week.A) 36B) 12C) 20D) 1527. According to the first paragraph an American student is allowed _______.A) to live in a different universityB) to take a particular course in a different universityC) to live at home and drive to classesD) to get two degrees from two different universities28. American university students are usually under pressure of work because_________.A) their academic performance will affect their future careersB) they are heavily involved in student affairsC) they have to observe university disciplineD) they want to run for positions of authority29.Some students are enthusiastic for positions in student organizations probablybecause_________.A) they hate the constant pressure and strain of their studyB) they will then be able to stay longer in the universityC) such positions help them get better jobsD) such positions are usually well paid30. The student organizations seem to be effective in _________.A) dealing with the academic affairs of the universityB) ensuring that the students observe university regulationsC) evaluating students’ performance by bringing them before a courtD) keeping up the students’ enthusiasm for social activitiesPassage ThreeDoreen Sykora is now a junior at Mcgill University. She had a difficult time when she first began college. She said, “I was always well prepared for my examinations. But I would go in to class to take the exam, and I would fall apart. I could not answer the questions correctly-----even though I knew the answers! I would just blank out because of nervousness and fear.”HitoshiSakamoto, an anthropology student at Temple University in Tokyo reports similar experiences.These two young students were experiencing something called test anxiety. Because a student worries and is stressed about a test, his or her mind does not work as well as it usually does. The student cannot write or think clearly because of the severe tension and nervousness.Now there are special university courses to help students. In these courses, advisors and psychologists try to help students by teaching them to manage test anxiety. Such a course helps students learn to live with stress and not fail because of it. First students take a practice test to measure their worry level. If the tests show that their stress level is high, the students can take a short course to manage the fear. These courses teach students how to relax their bodies. They get training to become calm in very tense situations. By controlling their nervousness, they can let their minds work more easily. Learned information then comes out without difficulty on a test.Doreen Sykora saw immediate results after taking such a course. She now has enthusiasm about the relaxation methods. “Mostly, what I do is imagine myself in a very calm place. Then I imagine myself picking up a pencil. I move slowly and carefully. I breathe easily and let all the tension out. With each breath, more worry leaves me. It really works too. My grades have improved greatly! I’m really doing well at McGill now. This relaxation method works not only on examinations, but it has improved the rest of my life as well.”For Hitoshi in Tokyo, the results were much the same. He is enjoying school a lot more and learning more.31. Doreen Sykora and Hitoshi Sakamoto were filled with nervousness and fear duringexaminations because they were__________.A) not ready and unaware of the answersB) physically so weak that they fell apartC) subject to test anxietyD) unable to write or think clearly32. The higher the students’ worry level is, __________.A) the less calm and relaxing they areB) the more difficult they will be trained to manage fearC) the more stressed and tense they areD) the longer courses they will take to manage fear33. What’s the purpose of some special university student-help courses?A) To help students to reduce test anxiety.B) To show a stress level experienced by students.C) To learn more knowledge about test anxiety.D) To have a better understanding of test anxiety.34. What’s the meaning of “blank out” in paragraph one?A) To be like a blanket.B) To be sure of an answer.C) To be relaxed.D) To be unable to think clearly.35.Which of the following best sums up the organization of the passage?A) Examples----theories----ideas.B) Problem----strategy----examples----results.C) General statement----examples----result.D) Strategy----experiment----examples.Part III V ocabulary and Structure (15 %) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line throughthe center.36. The president made a _______ speech at the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, whichencouraged the sportsmen greatly.A)vigorousB)tedious C)flatD)harsh37. It is not easy to learn English well but if you _______, you will succeed in the end.A)hang upB)hang about C)hang onD)hang onto38. Remember that customers don’t _______ about prices in that city.A)debateB)bargain C)disputeD)consult39. The newcomers found it impossible to _______ themselves to the climate sufficiently to makepermanent homes in the new country.A)suitB)adapt C)regulateD)coordinate40. A _______ to this problem is expected to be found before long.A)resultB)function C)settlementD)solution41. You have nothing to _______ by refusing to listen to our advice.A)gainB)grasp C)seizeD)earn42. One day I _______ a newspaper article about the retirement of an English professor at anearby state college.A)came acrossB)came about C)came afterD)came at43. A peculiarly pointed chin is his memorable facial _______.第11页/共28页A)markB)feature C)traceD)appearance44. I hope that you’ll be more careful in typing the letter. Don’t_______ anything.A)omitB)leak C)lackD)withdraw45. Our new house is very _______ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.A)adaptableB)convenient C)availableD)comfortable46. Those gifts of rare books that were given to us were deeply_______.A)appreciatedB)approved C)appealedD)applied第12页/共28页47. The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience _______ on benches, chairsor boxes.A)having seatedB)seating C)seatedD)having been seated48. He is _______ about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year.A)optimisticB)optional C)outstandingD)obvious49. The clothes a person wears may express his _______or social position.A)curiosityB)status C)determinationD)significance50. I don’t know the word. I had to _______ a dictionary.A)throw upB)make out C)refer to第13页/共28页D)take over51. Look at these beautiful Japanese stamps. Roger gave them to me in _____ for two sets of 1988British special issue.A)exchangeB)change C)shiftD)switch52. It is rather _____ that the research team as a whole still has little idea about the cause of thatfatal disease.A)rewardingB)demanding C)embarrassingD)requiring53. The people of African interior began to _____ gold in exchange for the goods they neededfrom abroad.A)desireB)afford C)offer第14页/共28页D)receive54. We should not blame her for what happened yesterday, because that was outside her _____ofresponsibility.A)fieldB)limit C)extentD)range55. The students put forward some suggestions _____ consideration.A)worthlessB)worthy C)worthD)worthy of56. The author of the report is well _____ with the problem in the hospital because he has beenworking there for many years.A)acquaintedB)informed C)enlightenedD)advised57. After years of hard work, he finally gained ______ to the university which he longed for many第15页/共28页years.A)accessB)commitment C)opportunityD)reward58. _____ you have passed the driving test successfully, you can drive on your own.A)By nowB)Now and again C)Now thenD)Now that59. Within first seven seconds of meeting, people will form their opinion about others throughunspoken communication like _____, postures and attitudes.A)signsB)gestures C)symptomsD)symbols60. It had never _____ to me that our football team won the game.A)struckB)occurred C)hit第16页/共28页D)meant61. The students ______ in cleaning the classroom according to the arrangement.A)alternateB)adapt C)adoptD)admit62. Have you any ______plans about how to deal with these difficulties? We need to bepractical-minded.A)abstractB)consistent C)concreteD)contrary63. The professor was afraid that unless the train speeded up he would miss his _______ to NewYork.A)junctionB)connection C)seatD)carriage第17页/共28页64. When writing about controversial topics, some authors try to be _______ without favoringeither side.A)reflectiveB)persuasive C)impressiveD)objective65. Many factors such as too much stress, bad living habits can lead to poor ______ and ill health.A)experienceB)appearance C)performanceD)competencePart IV Cloze (10 %)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE answer that best fits into thepassage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single linethrough the center.Language is a signaling system which operates withsymbolic vocal sounds (语声), and which is used by a第18页/共28页group of people for the purpose of communication.Let’s look at this 66______ in more detail, because it is language, more than anything else, 67_____ distinguishes man from the rest of the 68_____ world.Other animals, it is true, communicate with one another by 69_____ of cries: for example, many birds utter (发声) 70_____calls at the approach of danger; monkeys utter 71_____ cries, such as expressions of anger, fear and pleasure. 72_____ these various means of communication differ in important ways 73_____ human language. For instance, animals’cries do not 74_____ thought and feelings clearly. This means, basically, that they lack structure. They lack the kind of structure that 66.A) recognitionB) function67. A) itB) that68. A) nativeB) animal69. A) waysB) methods70. A) datingB) exciting第19页/共28页71. A) identicalB) different72. A) ButB) Therefore73. A) fromB) about74. A) inferB) explainC) classificationD) definitionC) asD) whatC) humanD) physicalC) meansD) approachesC) warning第20页/共28页D) boringC) similarD) unfamiliarC) AfterwardsD) FurthermoreC) withD) inC) interpretD) express75_____ us to divide a human utterance (发声) into 76_____.We can change an utterance by 77_____ one word in it with78_____: a good illustration of this is a soldier who can say, e.g., “tanks approaching from the north”, 79_____ who can change one word and say “aircraft approaching from the north” or “tanks approaching from the west”; but a bird has a single alarm cry, 80_____ means “danger!”This is why the number of 81_____ that an animal can make is very limited: the great tit (山雀) is a case 82_____ point; it has about twenty different calls, 83_____ in human language the number of possible utterances is 84_____. It also explains why animal cries are very 85_____ in meaning. 75. A) encouragesB) enforces76. A) soundsB) words77. A) spellingB) saying78. A) oursB) another79. A) soB) but80. A) thisB) that81. A) signsB) signals82. A) inB) at83. A) sinceB) while84. A) limitlessB) boundless85. A) ordinaryB) alikeC) enablesD) ensuresC) voicesD) speechesC) replacingD) pronouncingC) theirsD) othersC) orD) andC) whichD) itC) gesturesD) marksC) ofD) forC) anyhowD) somehowC) changeableD) ceaselessC) commonD) generalPart V Writing (15%) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on OnlineSelf-access Learning. You should write at least 120 words. And youshould base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:1.一些人认为上机自主学习方式好;2.也有一些人认为传统的授课方式好;3.我的看法。

大学英语考试卷 A

大学英语考试卷 A

长江职业学院海事学院2014-2015学年第一学期期末考试试卷科目:大学英语期末试卷(A卷)考试类型:闭卷(本试卷卷面总分100分,考试时间90分钟)一、情景交际10*1´=10´分Imagine you are meeting an English teacher from the USA at the airport. Put in the missing words.You: Hello, are you Prof. Smith from the United States?Mr. Smith: Yes, Robert Smith. Please call me 1 ______________. 2 ______________ for meeting me at the airport.You: My 3 _____________. Welcome to China. My name is Zhang Lin.4 _____________ my card.Mr. Smith: Thank you. Here is mine. And 5 ______________ my wife.You: 6 ______________, Mrs. Smith?Mrs. Smith: How do you do? It's nice to meet you. Please 7 ______________ Mary.You: How was the 8 ______________, Mary?Mrs. Smith: Well, it was OK, although a little tiring.You: Then let's get your luggage and go to 9 ______________ now.Mr. Smith: Oh, thank you. It's 10 ______________ of you.二、词汇和结构15*1´=15´分Fill in the blanks with the proper words or expressions given below, changing the form if necessary.1.The great progress they have made comes from their good ____________ work.2. What do you think should be ____________ China, the Great Wall or the Forbidden City?3. Exercise will always give you a good ____________.4.Of course I will _____________ what you feel about it, but business is business.5. Sorry, I can't give you an answer _____________ . I need to think about it further.6. I'd like to ____________ some volunteer work if you don't accept my money.7.Our manager is at a conference. She can't ____________ to see you now.8.The historical ____________ in support of this conclusion is weak.9. Chatting with friends over the Internet in the dead of night is probably my only___________.10.When I ____________ a new word, I write it down in my notebook.11.Nodding seems like an easy body language, but it may ____________agreement in one culture but totally the opposite in another.12. Always think positively, and it will__________________ in your life.13. Sometimes speaking up is not enough, and you need to ____________.14. The freshmen could help ____________ the tickets for the college's “Do It Yourself Show”.15. Your product ____________ our customers, but they seem to have a strong interest.三、阅读理解20*2´=40´分Task 1What makes one person more intelligent than another? What makes one person a genius, like the brilliant Albert Einstein, and another person a fool? Are people born intelligent or stupid, or is intelligence the result of where and how you live? These are very old questions and the answers to them are still not clear.We know, however, that just being born with a good mind is not enough. In some ways, the mind is like a leg or an arm muscle. It needs exercise. Mental (心理的) exercise is particularly important for young children. Many child psychologists(心理学家) think that parents should play with their children more often and give them problems to think about. The children are then more likely to grow up bright and intelligent. If, on the other hand, children are left alone a great deal with nothing to do, they are more likely to become dull and unintelligent.Parents should also be careful with what they say to young children. According to some psychologists, if parents are always telling a child that he or she is a fool or an idiot, then the child is more likely to keep doing silly and foolish things. So it is probably better for parents to say very positive (helpful) things to their children, such as “That was a very clever thing you did.” or “You are such a smart child.”Choose the right answer according to the passage.1. The words “intelligent” and “brilliant” in the first paragraph probably mean _______ while “dull” in the second paragraph means ________.A. bright and splendid; slow in thinking and understandingB. pretty and handsome; ordinary-lookingC. great and important; commonD. hopeful and helpful; careless2. According to the context we can guess that a genius is ________ while an idiot is ________.A. a normal person; a funny personB. a strong person; a weak personC. a highly intelligent person; a foolish or weak-minded personD. a famous person; an ordinary person3. A person ________ is more likely to become a genius.A. whose parents are cleverB. often thinking about difficult problemsC. often helped by his parents and teachersD. born with a good brain and putting it into active use4. It is better for parents ________.A. to praise and encourage their children more oftenB. to be hard on their childrenC. to leave their children alone with nothing to doD. to give their children as much help as possible5. Which of the following is NOT true according to the article?A. Parents play an important part in their children’s growth.B. The less you use your mind the duller you may become.C. Intelligence is obviously the result of where and how you live.D. What makes a person bright or stupid is still under discussion.Task 2It is known to us that English is not as old as Chinese, but it is widely used by most people all over the world. English speakers enjoy creating new words. In fact, a majority of words are traceable(可追踪的)and each of them may have an interesting story.However, no one will really care where a word comes from because it makes little difference in using them in our daily life. Did you ever feel confused about why hamburgers are called hamburgers, especially when they are not made with ham(火腿)?About a hundred years ago, some men went to American from Europe, coming from a big city in Germany called Hamburg. They didn't know how to use English properly. Seen them eating round pieces of beef and asked what it was, the Germans didn't understand the questions exactly, they answered: “we come from Hamburg. “One of the Americans was an owner of a restaurant and got an idea. He cooked some round pieces of bread with beef and began selling them. Such bread came to be called “hamburgers”. Today, hamburgers are welcomed by lots of people coming from different nationalities(民族).Choose the right answer according to the passage.6. According to the text, English is __ .A) older than ChineseB) as old as ChineseC) not so old as ChineseD) very hard to learn7. Hamburg originally is ___.A) a kind of foodB) a round piece of beefC) a city in GermanyD) the name of a village8. Which statement is correct according to the passage.'? ___A) At first hamburgers was a kind of bread.B) Few Americans like hamburgers.C) Hamburgers are made of ham.D) Hamburgers were first sold a century ago.9. __ begin to sell hamburgers to people.A) AmericansB) The authorC) GermansD) Europeans10. After reading this story, we know the word “hamburger” comes from ____.A) China because it has a long historyB) English because Germans don't speak EnglishC) English speakers because they love eating itD) America because they give it that nameTask 3The most important thing to remember about the weather in Britain is that it often changes. You can wake up to a beautiful blue sky and then it starts raining during breakfast. Similarly, you may decide not to go f or a picnic because it‘s too wet —then later it’s fine. As it is not very common in Britain to have long periods when the weather stays the same day after day, the kind of weather you get will depend not only on the time of year, but also on luck.The weather in Britain may explain a lot about what you find here. For example, the opportunities for people to meet outside depend a lot on the weather, so you won‘t see people meeting and spending time together outdoors as much as you do in hotter countries. This may give some visitors the idea that the British are not very friendly. The weather helps to explain eating customs(习俗)too; a large hot breakfast, for example, is a good idea on a cold dark morning.Foreigners are often amused(感到好笑的)that the British spend so much time discussing the weather. An important reason for this is that the climate in Britain is interesting and variable多变的.Because the weather changes frequently(频繁地),there‘s always something to say about it. This is probably the commonest way for strangers to start a conversation. At places like bus stops you might hear conversations start like this:1st person: Lovely day, isn't it?2nd person: Yes, isn't it?Then they go on to talk about what the weather has been like recently or what it‘ll be like next day. Another reason is that the British are reluctant to(不情愿地)converse(谈论)about personal matters with people who are not friends. Mentioning the weather is also a useful way to greet someone you pass on the street; it’s inoffensiv e(无伤害的)to begin a conversation with someone you don‘t know at a social event. A comment on a nice day or a personal complaintabout the rain is an easy way to break the ice.Are the following statements true or false according to the passage? Write T / F accordingly.11()People in Britain can enjoy lovely weather most of the year.12()British people tend to talk about weather quite a lot.13()The eating habits of people in Britain have a lot to do with the weather conditions there.14()The best word we may use to describe the weather in Britain is “predictable”.15()Talking about weather is an inoffensive way to begin a conversation with a stranger in Britain.Task 4Dear Chinese Friends,Tonight, we will soon come to the end of 16 glorious days which we will cherish forever.Thank-you to the people of China, all the wonderful volunteers and BOCOG(奥运会北京组委会)!Through these Games, the world learned more about China, and China learned more about the world. Athletes from 204 National Olympic Committees came to these dazzling venues and awed us with their talent.New stars were born. Stars from past Games amazed us again. We shared their joys and their tears, and we marveled at their ability. We will long remember the achievements we witnessed here.As we celebrate the success of these Games, let us all together wish the best for the talented athletes who will soon participate in the Paralympic Games(残奥会). They also inspire us.To the athletes tonight: You were true role models. You have shown us the unifying power of sport. The Olympic spirit lives in the warm embrace of competitive rivals(竞争对手)from nations in conflict. Keep that spirit alive when you return home.These were truly exceptional Games!And now, in accordance with tradition, I declare the Games of the XXIX Olympiad closed, and I call upon the youth of the world to assemble four years from now in London to celebrate the Games of the XXX Olympiad.Thank you!Are the following statements true or false according to the passage? Write T / F accordingly.16()Mr. Jacques Rogge gave his thanks to the Chinese people and the volunteers in his closing speech.17()The 29th Olympics saw 204 athletes from all over the world.18()Mr. Jacques Rogge expressed his best wishes to the athletes who were going to participate in the Paralympics.19()Mr. Rogge declared the XXX Olympic Games closed.20()The 16-day 29th Olympics will leave the world forever with the memory of the achievements of talented athletes and the Olympic spirit.四、翻译5*3´=15´分Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. If you want to say “Hello” to everyone on the planet, you would have to learn at least 2796 languages.2.The injured party may suffer from personal, financial or other damages.3.The new model of the cell phone is priced anywhere from $100 to $500.4.Brazilians are not punctual by American standards.5.Similarly, you can download the kind of software you like.五、写作20*1´=20´分Write a business card according to the information given in Chinese.滨海电子有限公司李铁刚电子工程师地址: 滨海市长江路50号电子邮件:ltg6@电话:0411-4673***手机:1362512****。



期末测试卷02(本卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟) 测试范围:必修第一册(人教A 版2019)一、单项选择题:本题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题目要求的.1.设集合}034|{2<+-=x x x A ,}032|{>-=x x B ,则=B A ( )。

A 、)231(,B 、)31(, C 、)323(,D 、)1(∞+,【答案】C【解析】由题意得,}31|{<<=x x A ,}23|{>=x x B ,则)323(,=B A ,故选C 。

2.命题“全等三角形的面积一定都相等”的否定是( )。

A 、全等三角形的面积不一定都相等B 、不全等三角形的面积不一定都相等C 、存在两个不全等三角形的面积相等D 、存在两个全等三角形的面积不相等 【答案】D【解析】命题是省略量词的全称命题,故选D 。

3.已知0>a ,0>b ,且12=+b a ,则ba 11+的最小值为( )。

A 、223+ B 、243+ C 、263+ D 、283+ 【答案】A【解析】∵0>a ,0>b ,∴223221)11)(2(11+≥+++=++=+ab b a b a b a b a , 即最小值为223+,故选A 。

4.已知α为第三象限角,且α=-α2cos 22sin 2,则)42sin(π-α的值为( )。

A 、1027- B 、107- C 、107 D 、1027 【答案】D【解析】由已知得)1(cos 22sin 22-α=-α,则4tan 2=α,由α为第三象限角,得2tan =α,故552sin -=α,55cos -=α,∴1027)2cos 2(sin 22)42sin(=α-α=π-α,故选D 。

5.若函数)2lg()(2a x ax x f +-=的定义域为R ,则实数a 的取值范围为( )。



七年级数学(A 卷)第一学期期末考试考卷考试时间:90分钟;满分:100分第I 卷(选择题,共40分)评卷人 得分 一、选择题(每题4分,共40分)1.下列各对数是互为倒数的是 ( )A .4和-4B .-3和13C .-2和12D .0和0 2.地球半径约为6 400 000米,这个数用科学记数法表示为 ( )A .640×104B .64×105C .6.4×106D .0.64×1073.若单项式﹣35a b 与2m a b 是同类项,则常数m 的值为 ( )A.﹣3B.4C.3D.24.计算5x 2-2x 2的结果是 ( )A .3B .3xC .3x 2D .3x 45.一元一次方程410x 的解是 ( ) A .14 B .14C .4D .4 6.已知2x 是关于x 的方程21x m 的解,则m 的值是 ( )A .3B . 3C .2D .7 7.足球比赛的积分规则为胜一场得3分,平一场得1分,负一场得0分.一个球队打了14场,负5场,共得19分,那么这个球队胜了 ( )A .3场B .4场C .5场D .6场8.如图的立体图形可由哪个平面图形绕轴旋转而成 ( )9.一艘轮船行驶在B 处同时测得小岛A ,C 的方向分别为北偏西30°和西南方向,则∠ABC 的度数是 ( )A .135°B .115°C .105°D .95°10.l 米长的小棒,第1次截去一半,第2次截去剩下的一半,如此下去,第6次后剩下的小棒长为( )米.A 、121B 、321C 、641D 、1281第II 卷(非选择题,共60分)评卷人得分 二、填空题(每题4分,共16分)11.如图,点C 是线段AB 的中点,AB=6cm ,如果点D 是线段AB 上一点,且BD =1cm ,那么CD = cm12.如果3a 与1a 互为相反数,那么a =___________13.现规定一种运算:a ⊗b=ab-12(a-b ),其中a ,b 为有理数,则3⊗(-16)的值是______________ 14.一多项式为876253aa b a b a b …,按照此规律写下去,这个多项的的第八项是____评卷人得分三、计算题(每题5分,共20分) 15.计算:﹣3×|﹣4|﹣4÷(﹣2)216.先化简,再求值:23343334a aa a a ,其中a =-2. 17.解方程:(1)53(2)8x x (2)212143x x 评卷人得分 四、解答题(共24分)18.(7分)一个角的补角加上24º,恰好等于这个角的5倍,求这个角的度数.19.(8分)光明奶粉每袋标准质量为454克,在质量检测中,若超出标准质量2克记为+2克,若质量低于标准质量3克和3克以上,则这袋奶粉视为不合格产品,现抽取(1)这10袋奶粉中,有哪几袋不合格?(2分)(2)质量最多的是哪袋?它的实际质量是多少?(2分)(3)质量最少的是哪袋?它的实际质量是多少?(2分)(4 )与标准质量比较,10袋奶粉总计超过或不足多少克?(2分)20.(9分) 据电力部门统计,每天8:00至21:00是用电高峰期,简称“峰时”,21:00至次日8:00是用电低谷期,简称“谷时”.为了缓解供电需求紧张的矛盾,该市电力部门于本月初统一换装“峰谷分时”电表,对用电实行“峰谷分时电价”新政策,具体见下表:(1)小张家上月“峰时”用电50度,“谷时”用电20度,若上月初换表,则相对于换表前小张家的电费是节省还是浪费?你帮他算一算吧;(4分)(2)小张家这个月用电95度,经测算比换表前使用95度电节约了5.9元,问小张家使用“峰时”电和“谷时”电分别是多少度?(5分)参考答案1.C. 2.C.3.C 4.C.5.B.6.B.7.C.8.D. 9.C.10.C. 12.14.-a7b15.﹣37.16.5517.(1):x=1 (2)x=0.718.34º.19.(1) 4,5,9,10;(2)8,457克;(3)9,449克.(4)不足13克20.(1)若上月初换表,则相对于换表前小张家的电费是节省了2.9元;(2)小张家这个月使用“峰时”用电60度,谷时用电35度.答案第1页,总1页。



(2010至2011学年第一学期)课程名称: 高等数学(上)(A 卷)注意事项:1、 满分100分。


2、 考生必须将姓名、班级、学号完整、准确、清楚地填写在试卷规定的地方,否则视为废卷。

3、 考生必须在签到单上签到,若出现遗漏,后果自负。

4、 如有答题纸,答案请全部写在答题纸上,否则不给分;考完请将试卷和答题卷分别一同交回,否则不给分。

试 题一、单选题(请将正确的答案填在对应括号内,每题3分,共15分) 1. =--→1)1sin(lim21x x x ( ) (A) 1; (B) 0; (C) 2; (D)212.若)(x f 的一个原函数为)(x F ,则dx e f e x x )(⎰--为( )(A) c e F x +)(; (B) c eF x+--)(;(C) c e F x+-)(; (D )c xe F x +-)( 3.下列广义积分中 ( )是收敛的. (A)⎰+∞∞-xdx sin ; (B)dx x ⎰-111; (C) dx x x ⎰+∞∞-+21; (D)⎰∞-0dx e x 。

4. )(x f 为定义在[]b a ,上的函数,则下列结论错误的是( )(A) )(x f 可导,则)(x f 一定连续; (B) )(x f 可微,则)(x f 不一定可导; (C) )(x f 可积(常义),则)(x f 一定有界; (D) 函数)(x f 连续,则⎰xadt t f )(在[]b a ,上一定可导。

5. 设函数=)(x f nn x x211lim++∞→ ,则下列结论正确的为( )(A) 不存在间断点; (B) 存在间断点1=x ; (C) 存在间断点0=x ; (D) 存在间断点1-=x二、填空题(请将正确的结果填在横线上.每题3分,共18分) 1. 极限=-+→xx x 11lim20_____.2. 曲线⎩⎨⎧=+=321t y t x 在2=t 处的切线方程为______. 3. 已知方程xxe y y y 265=+'-''的一个特解为x e x x 22)2(21+-,则该方程的通解为 .4. 设)(x f 在2=x 处连续,且22)(lim2=-→x x f x ,则_____)2(='f5.由实验知道,弹簧在拉伸过程中需要的力F (牛顿)与伸长量s 成正比,即ks F =(k 为比例系数),当把弹簧由原长拉伸6cm 时,所作的功为_________焦耳。

数学分析大一上学期考试试题 A

数学分析大一上学期考试试题 A


x2 5x
4 2

2 连续。
2.证明 f (x) cos 2x 在[0,) 上一致连续。
3.设函数 f (x) 在a,b上可导,证明:存在 (a,b) ,使得 2 f (b) f (a) (b2 a2 ) f ( )

x y

t t
2 2
sin t, cos t;
三、讨论题(共 20 分)
1.讨论函数 f (x) ex 1 的间断点,并指出其类型。
x(x 2)
2.讨论极限 lim sin 1 是否存在。
四、证明题(共 30 分)
1.用“ ”定义验证函数
n n2 1 n2 2
n2 n
x x 1
(3)求 lim x0
1 tan x 1 sin x ;
ln(1 x3 )
(4)求 lim
x 11;
x0 x 1 1
limx0cos源自x x4e2
(6)设 lim x1人人网仅提供信息存储空间仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责
数学分析第一学期期末考试试卷(A 卷)
一、叙述题(共 10 分)
二、计算题(共 40 分)
(1)求 lim[ 1 1 1 ];(2)求 lim( x 1)x ;
x2 ax x2 x




•2019级2020-2021学年第一学期期末考试大学生心理健康科目试卷(A)一、单选题1语言信息三段式不包括?( )•A、表达对舍友想法和情绪的理解•B、表达自己为什么这样做的原因•C、协商解决措施•D、尽情发泄自己的情绪我的答案:D2中医将情绪分为哪几种类型?( )•A、喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊•B、喜、怒、忧、思、悲、乐、惊•C、喜、怒、忧、思、悲、惊•D、喜、怒、忧、思我的答案:A3如果有人存在异常的心理障碍,比如精神分裂症、严重的心境障碍等,在哪里可以得到最有效的、最专业的帮助呢?( )•A、精神卫生科•B、心理咨询中心•C、辅导员•D、神经内科我的答案:A4以下哪种沟通方式是“反向抱怨”()?•A、同时谈及几个问题,令争吵不断升级•B、抱怨的内容从一个事件不断的转移到过去的另一个事件•C、避开对方关注的问题,用自己的抱怨来应对对方的抱怨•D、以消极方式打断对方的谈话我的答案:C5进入考试周后,小明的期末成绩目标是:所有的课程均在95分以上。

该目标存在的问题是?() •A、目标无航向目标过低•C、目标分散•D、目标过高我的答案:D6一般情况下,良好的心理适应过程是()?•A、适应—转变—发展•B、适应—发展—转变•C、转变—发展—适应•D、转变—适应—发展我的答案:A7人际交往中,自我价值感比较高的沟通类型是()? •A、一致性•B、打岔型•C、超理智讨好型我的答案:A8以下技巧中,哪条不属于倾听技巧()?•A、读心术•B、澄清•C、情感回应•D、复述我的答案:A9根据2016年甘肃省的调查报告,在15-24岁之间的学生中,艾滋病的传染途径最主要是?( ) •A、血液传播•B、唾液传播•C、母婴传播•D、性传播我的答案:D10以下哪一项不是人格缺陷的心理特征()? •A、心态积极向上,乐观开朗•B、理想和现实严重脱离•C、自我迷失•D、自卑我的答案:A11萨提亚冰山理论中,冰山最核心的部分是()。

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第一学期期末考试A第一学期期末考试A1 下列哪一个OSI 层负责管理数据段?应用层表示层会话层传输层2请参见图示。


以下哪一列表正确地标识了图中各编号阶段使用的1.MUA2.MDA3.MTA4.SMTP5.MTA6.POP7.MDA8.MUA1.MUA2.POP3.MDA4.SMTP5.MTA6.MDA7.SMTP8.MUA1.MUA2.POP3.SMTP4.MDA5.MTA6.SMTP7.POP8.MUA1.MUA2.SMTP3.MTA4.SMTP5.MTA6.MDA7.POP8.MUA3 路由器使用哪一项信息来确定源主机和目的主机之间的路径?IP 地址的主机部分IP 地址的网络部分主机默认网关地址MAC 地址4 OSI 哪一层可提供有序的数据重构服务?应用层网络层表示层会话层传输层5 传输层如何让主机能同时针对不同应用程序维护多个通信流?使用错误控制机制。


使用多个第 2 层源地址。



在网络中,PC1 向PC2 发送了一条消息。

PC2 收到的帧如图所示。

该帧中的哪一信息确定了正程序?定时和同步位目的物理地址和源物理地址目的逻辑网络地址和源逻辑网络地址目的进程号和源进程号7 下列哪三项是CSMA/CD 的特征?(选择三项。







8 OSI 模型的哪两项功能在第2 层实现?(选择两项)物理编址编码路由布线介质访问控制9请参见图示。

网络中的主机 A 正在向主机 B 发送数据段。



所示TCP 会话的窗口大小最初设置为3000 字节。

确认号3001 表示主机 A 将使用序列号3001 发送下一数据段。

主机 B 预期收到下一数据段的编号为3000。


10 下列哪三项陈述说明了传输层协议的特征?(选择三项)应用层协议使用TCP 端口号和UDP 端口号。

TCP 使用端口号提供可靠的IP 数据包传输。

UDP 使用窗口和确认获得可靠的数据传输。

TCP 使用窗口和定序提供可靠的数据传输。

TCP 是面向连接的协议。

UDP 是无连接协议。




SYN 标志代表开始建立会话。

目的端口表示已经发起了FTP 会话。


12 当客户端应用程序发出到服务器的连接时,下列哪一个范围的端口号会动态地分配到客户端应用程序?0 到2550 到10231024 到49151大于6553513 下列有关网络层编址的陈述中哪三项是正确的?(选择三项。


使用长度为48 位的地址。





14 要将数据包发送到远程网络,应使用哪种设备?访问交换机DHCP 服务器集线器路由器15请参见图示。

主机 A 和 B 无法互相通信。

此问题的原因是什么?对主机 A 分配了网络地址。

对主机 B 分配了组播地址。

主机 A 和主机 B 属于不同的网络。




主机 A 发送了一个以FFF.FFFF.FFFF 为目的MAC 地址的帧。



它会将该帧发送到除主机 A 之外的所有主机。





主机 A 正在访问多台服务器。

结合使用什么端口号和地址即可唯一识别特定服务器上运行的特服务器的MAC 地址和服务的端口号主机的IP 地址和服务的端口号主机的IP 地址和服务的端口号服务器的IP 地址和服务的端口号20请参见图示。

主机 B 尝试与主机 C 建立TCP/IP 会话。

在尝试期间,San Francisco 器由器的FastEthern捕获到一个帧。

捕获的帧中包含源IP 地址为10.10.1.2 而目的IP 地址为10.31.1.20 的数据包。

捕获该帧时MAC 地址是什么?0060.7320.D6320060.7320.D6310040.8517.44C30009.B2E4.EE030010.C2B4.342121请参见图示。

一台路由器(其路由表如图所示)收到发往192.168.1.4 的数据包。


通过FastEthernet 0/0 转发该数据包。




主机 B 已断电。

交换机的MAC 表将发生什么变化?MAC 表不会受影响。

交换机会在Fa0/19 上删除MAC 地址。

交换机会保留MAC 地址,直到主机 B 再次通电。

交换机将通过为端口Fa0/19 分配地址FFF.FFFF.FFFF 来重建MAC 表。

23 哪三个地址属于私有IP 地址?(选择三项。


主机已与交换机 2 断开连接并连接到交换机1。

为了让该主机在网络中正常工作,应该为其分配址、子网掩码和默认网关?IP 地址:,子网掩码:255,255,255,240,默认网关: 地址:,子网掩码:,默认网关: 地址:,子网掩码:255,255,255,248,默认网关: 地址:,子网掩码:,默认网关: 地址:,子网掩码:,默认网关: 地址:,子网掩码:,默认网关:请参见图示。

技术人员正在处理网络问题,需要验证路由器的LAN 接口。


为了使此网络中的主机接入Internet,路由器RT_A 需要提供哪种功能?地址转换DHCP 服务ftpWeb 服务器27 下列哪一个子网掩码可允许IP 网络10.0.0.0 上的每一个子网容纳2040 台主机?请参见图示。

假设该路由器运行NAT,计算机采用哪些IP 地址可以访问Internet?(选择三项) 下列哪些有关网络层编址的陈述是正确的?(选择三项)使用平面结构防止广播分层唯一标识每台主机长48 位包括网络部分30请检查图示与当前配置。

Clerical 办公室的主机 A 由于故障被更换。

更换的计算机可以成功ping 通127.0.访问公司网络。

New York 路由器Fa0/0 接口上的代理ARP 已被禁用,问题的原因可能是什么?网卡故障网络电缆没有插好IP 地址输入有误子网掩码输入有误31请参见图示。

某用户要从PC 访问Internet。


要实现此访问,应该为PC 配默认网关IP 地址? 以下哪组网络ID 和子网掩码正确标识了从172.16.128.0 到172.16.159.255 的所有IP 地址? 下列哪三个IPv4 地址代表子网的有效网络地址?(选择三项。

) 网络管理员想要限制访问路由器的特权执行模式。

管理员应该使用哪一种口令?使能aux控制台VTY35 在实验环境中,我们通过串行端口连接两台路由器。

路由器已配置有效的IP 地址,但是它们无法互相pinterface serial0/0 命令显示serial0/0 接口处于开启状态但是线路协议处于关闭状态。

造成此问题的原么?未在接口上应用no shutdown 命令。

未在DCE 接口上输入clock rate 命令。


为FastEthernet 接口分配了计时信号,因而其正在模拟串行接口。

36 下列哪种提示符代表适合copy running-config startup-config 命令使用的模式?Switch-6J>Switch-6J#Switch-6J(config)#Switch-6J(config-if)#Switch-6J(config-line)#37 网络管理员在路由器上使用copy startup-config running-config 命令以更改路由器配置,下列哪一项令影响?ROMNVRAMRAM闪存38 在路由器上使用Router# erase startup-config 命令会导致哪一项内存内容发生变化?RAMROM闪存NVRAM39 由于发生安全规规事件,必须更改路由器口令。


)Router(config)#line vty 0 3Router(config-line)# password c13c0Router(config-line)#login这些配置项对远程访问指定了三条Telnet 线路。
