药学英语 01 Introduction2014























严格把控质量关,让生产更加有保障 。2020年12月 上午12时5分20.12.2100:05December 21, 2020

作业标准记得牢,驾轻就熟除烦恼。2020年12月21日星期 一12时5分0秒00:05:0021 December 2020

好的事情马上就会到来,一切都是最 好的安 排。上 午12时5分0秒 上午12时5分00:05:0020.12.21
orphan drug, drug developed under the U.S. Orphan Drug Act 《罕见病药物法》 (1983) to treat a disease that affects fewer than 200,000 people in the United States. The orphan drug law offers tax breaks and a seven-year monopoly on drug sales to induce companies to undertake the development and manufacturing of such drugs
专业英语 《英汉药学词汇》陈世铭主编 《英汉化学化工词汇》第四版
o 优点:准确,方便 o 缺点:内容少,更新慢
(Collins COBUILD English Dictionary) 金山词霸 (专业版、医学版)2005版 新编全医药学大词典
特点:专业性强,收词160万 是目前最好的医药专业电子词典

追求卓越,让自己更好,向上而生。2020年12月21日星期 一上午12时5分 0秒00:05:0020.12.21

第一章 绪论 中药药剂学 英文讲义

第一章 绪论 中药药剂学 英文讲义
progress of pharmaceutics of TCM
new technology
1、super-fine milling:
(1)semi-bionic extraction method
(2)supercritical fluid extraction method
•Others (without legal authority):
•“Pharmacopoeia internationalis”(Ph.Int.)
•WHO:world health organization
•“European Pharmacopoeia”(Eur.Ph.)
•3、The drug standard promulgated by The Public Health Ministry of P.R.C.
Ming and Qing dynasty
In Ming Dynasty: “Compendium of Materia Medica”,1892 InQing Dynasty: the formation of the Sect of Epidemic Febrile Diseases
Modern times
4、according to manufacture facility and for convenience
•Pharmacopoeia and the standards
•definition of pharmacopoeia
•Pharmacopoeia is the national standard for drugs. It is compiled and promulgated by government. It is of legal authority.



(仅供参考)药学英语整理药学英语⼀、Physiology and Pathology(P9)⽣理学与病理学(⼀)概念1、Physiology is the scientific study of function in living systems.(ppt)the study of how living organisms work.(书⾥)2、Pathology is a significant component of the causal study of disease and a major field in modern medical practice and diagnosis.(ppt)the science of disease,which deal with the studies of etiology, pathogenesis, morphologic structures, changes in functions and metabolism in the living organisms by means of natural science.(书⾥) 3、Pathophysiology is the study of functional changes in the body which occur in response to disease or injury.a convergence of Pathology with Physiology4、etiology is the study of causation,or the origination of diseases.5、the pathogenesis of a disease is the mechanism that causes the disease.6、inflammation is a response of body tissues to injury or irritation; (刺激)characterized by pain and swelling and redness and heat. (红热胀痛)(⼆)思考题1.How do you understand pathology and pathophysiology?Pathology is the science of diseasePathophysiology is the study of functional changes in the body which occur in response to disease or injury.2. what is the difference between etiology and pathogenesis?Etiology is the study of causation, or the origination of diseases.the pathogenesis of a disease is the mechanism that causes the disease 3. Could you explain the symptoms and signs of a disease?symptoms of a disease(“症”): as certain biologic processes are encroached on(侵害) ,the patient begins to feel subjectively that something is wrong., These subjective feelings are called symptoms of disease.Symptoms are subjective and can be reported only by the patient to an observer.signs of a disease(“征”):when manifestations of the disease can be objectively identified by an observer, these are terms signs of the disease.4、what is the pathogenesis of tuberculosis?the pathogenesis of tuberculosis would include the mechanisms whereby the invasion of the body by tubercle bacillus ultimately leads to the observed abnormalitiesBiochemistry is the study of chemical processes in living organisms.⼆、Medicinal Chemistry药物化学(⼀)概念1、Medicinal chemistry(药物化学)is the science that deal with the discovery or design of new therapeutic chemicals and the development of these chemicals into useful medicine.2、Medicine(药品drug, pharmaceutics) is a compound that interacts with a biological system, and produces a biological response (ideally desired and positive)3、Therapeutic index(治疗指数)sure of the ratio of undesirable to desirable drug effects. Therapeutic index=LD50/ED50 The larger the Therapeutic index, the greater the margin of safety of drug!4、LD50(半数致死量):the lethal dose for 50% of the test animals5、ED50(半数有效量):the effective dose that produces the maximum therapeutic effect in 50% of the test animals.6、Log P(脂⽔分配系数)is the base-ten logarithm of the partition coefficients (分配系数)7、Chirality(⼿征性): a molecule is considered chiral if there exists another molecule that is of identical composition ,but which is arranged in a non-superposable mirror image.8、Bioisosteres(⽣物电⼦等排体): are substituents or groups that havechemical or physical similarities ,and which produce broadly similar biological properties.9、Bioisosterism(⽣物电⼦等排性) is a lead modification approach that has been shown to be useful to attenuate toxicity (降低毒性),modify the activity of a lead (修饰活性)and may have a significant role in the alteration of metabolism of the lead.10、Prodrug(前药)is drug which is given (taken) in an inactive form. Once administered ,the prodrug is metabolized by the body into the biologically active compound.(⼆)知识点1、The difference of “good” and “bad” drugs:Depend on dosage and chronic exposure. and therapeutic index can be the measure of safety of drugs2、classification of drugsFour main groups:(1)B y biological effect---varied assortment of drugsanalgesics(⽌痛剂),anti-asthmatics(平喘药),antipsychotics(抗精神病药)etc.(2)B y chemical structure---common skeletonPenicillin (青霉素类),opiates(阿⽚类药物) etc.(3)B y target system(靶向系统)----affect a target system(synthesis, release, receptor)antihistamine (抗组胺药)etc.(4)B y target site of action(作⽤靶点)—target enzyme or receptor Anti-cholinesterase (抗胆碱酯酶)3、Medicinal chemistry involves:(1)synthesis (2)structure-activity relationships(SAR)(3)receptor interactions(4)absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME)4、Medicinal chemistry cover 3 critical steps:● A discovery step●An optimization step● A development step5、important functional groups on drugs:(1)Alkanes&alkenes(烷烃和烯烃) (2)alcohol 醇(3)phenols 酚(4)ethers 醚(5)aromatic hydrocarbons 芳⾹化合物6、a drug usually has 3 names:(1)chemical (化学名)Mostly following rules by chemical abstracts service(CAS)One compound can only have one name(2)international non-proprietary names(INN,通⽤名)Convenient to remember ,needed when apply for registration, cannot be trade marked(商标)or patented(取得专利权) One compound can only have one name(3)commercial (商品名)Named by manufactures ,can be trade marked to protect the brand. One compound can have many different names7、prodrug strategies are used to overcome a variety of problems by:(1)Altering solubility 改变溶解度(2)Improving membrane permeability 提⾼细胞膜通透性(3)Slow release of the active agent 缓慢释放活性(4)Masking drug toxicity or side effects 掩蔽药物毒副作⽤三、Phytochemistry and Natural Products 天然药物化学和天然产物(⼀)概念1、Phytochemistry(天然药物化学)is in the strict sense of the study of phytochemicals, which are derived from plants. In a narrower sense the terms are often used to describe the large number of secondary metabolic compounds found in plants.2、Primary metabolites(初级代谢产物): compounds that are common to many types of organisms, that fulfill basic biological functions(e.g.respiration 呼吸,photosynthesis光合作⽤,DNA replication DNA复制)3、Secondary metabolites(次级代谢产物):compounds that are not essential to daily ,common metabolism of cells and individual organisms. Instead, these compounds are unique to certain taxa and fulfill secondary functions ,often involved in signaling between organisms (e.g.mate recognition配偶识别, chemical defense化学防御, chemotaxis 趋化作⽤)4、natural products: a natural product is a chemical compound or substance produced by a living organism found in nature.(Primary metabolites & Secondary metabolites)(⼆)知识点1、summary:●natural products are compounds synthesized by living organisms,usually organic molecules with 5-100 carbons●natural products can be primary or secondary metabolites●secondary metabolites are produced via enzymatic pathways fromprimary metabolic building-blocks2、how to get natural products?/the process to purify natural products?(1)Plant collection植物采集(2)Extraction萃取(3)Fractionation分馏(4)Isolation分离(5)Structural determination 结构测定(UV,IR,MS,NMR)3、Journals in Phytochemistry and Natural Products Chemistry:●Journal of Natural Products 天然产物杂志●Phytochemistry●Journal of Ethnopharmacology 民族药物学杂志●Planta Medica 天然药物学会志(欧洲)●Phytochemical Analysis 植物化学分析●Chemical &Pharmaceutical Bulletin 化学与药学通报(⽇本)Review journals 综述期刊●Natural Product Reports 天然产物报告●Phytochemistry Review四、biochemistry ⽣物化学1、What is the goal of biochemistry?The basic goal of the science of biochemistry is to determine how the collections of inanimate molecules (⽆⽣命的分⼦)that constitute living organisms interact with each other to maintain and perpetuate life.(延长⽣命)2、Macromolecules(⽣物⼤分⼦)that constitute living organisms include proteins, nucleic acid (DNA and RNA), and polysaccharides.3、20种氨基酸:1、丙氨酸Alanine/Ala/A2、半胱氨酸Cysteine/Cys/C3、天冬氨酸Asparticacid/ Asp /D4、⾕氨酸Glutamic acid/Glu/E5、苯基丙氨酸Phenylalanine/Phe/F6、⽢氨酸glycine/Gly/G7、组氨酸Histidine/His/H 8、异亮氨酸Isoleucine/Ile/I9、赖氨酸Lysine/Lys/K 10、亮氨酸Leucine/leu/L11、蛋氨酸Methionine/Met/M 12、天冬酰胺Asparagine/Asn/N 13、脯氨酸Procine/pro/P 14、⾕氨酰胺Glutamine/Gln/Q 15、精氨酸Arginine/Arg/R 16、丝氨酸Serine/Ser/S17、苏氨酸Threonine/Thr/T 18、缬氨酸Valine/Val/V19、⾊氨酸Tryptophan/Try/W 20、酪氨酸Tyrosine/Tyr/Y五、Microbiology 微⽣物学1、Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa,virus and some types of algae, which encompass various sub-disciplines including virology, mycology, parasitology, bacteriology, and other branches.2、⼏位科学家的成就Bacteriology was found in the 19th century by Ferdinand CohnCohn was also the first to formulate the scheme for the taxonomic classification of bacterial and discover spores费迪南德?科恩, Ferdinand Cohn德国博物学家和植物学家,以研究藻类、细菌和蕈类著称,被视为细菌学的创始者之⼀。



Unit 11. A full appreciation of the physiology of a living organism must be based on asound knowledge of its anatomy. Anatomy does not merely study the separation of parts, but the accurate description of the morphologie s and functions of different organs.对生物生理学的全面了解必须基于解剖学的系统知识。


2.Our daily food intake must match requirements and any excess must be excretedfor balance to be maintained.我们每天摄入的事物必须满足需要,任何多余的东西必须排出体外才能维持平衡。

3.The process of stabilization of the internal environment is called homeostasis andis essential if the cells of the body are to function normally.内环境稳定的过程称之为体内平衡,体内平衡也是机体的细胞正常发挥作用所必不可少的。

4.Human cells have the ability to break down large molecules to smaller ones toliberate sufficient energy for their activities.人类细胞有将大分子分解成小分子的能力,从而为自身活动释放足够的能量。


Glidants [ɡ'lɪdænts] n. 助流剂 Colourants [ˈkʌlərənts] n. 着色剂 Homogeneity [ˌhɒmədʒəˈni:əti] n. 均匀性 Direct compaction 直接压实
Filler in tablets 片剂填充剂
Hygroscopicity [haɪɡrəskɒ'pɪsɪtɪ] n. 吸湿性
பைடு நூலகம்
Pharmaceutics [,fɑ:mə'sju:tɪks] n. 药剂学 Dosage form ['dəʊsɪdʒ fɔ:m] 剂型 Biopharmaceutical ['baiəu,fɑ:mə'sju:tikəl] adj. 生物药剂学的 Routes of drug administration 给药途径 Excipients [ek'sɪpɪənt] n. 辅料,赋形剂 Additives ['ædɪtɪv] n. 辅料,附加剂 Formulation [fɔ:mjʊ'leɪʃn] n. 处方 Parenteral [pə'rent(ə)r(ə)l] adj. 肠胃外的,注射的 Gastrointestinal tract 胃肠道
Glossary 4 Comminution, sieving, mixing Comminution [,kɑmə‘njʊʃən] 粉碎 Dry comminution Wet comminution Cryogenic comminution [kraɪə'dʒenɪk] Ultra-fine comminution Sieving 过筛
Pharmaceutical Science of TCM



大学药学基础英语教材IntroductionEnglish is widely recognized as a global language, and proficiency in English has become increasingly important in various academic disciplines, including pharmacy. To facilitate the learning process and enhance students' knowledge in pharmacy-related subjects, a comprehensive and well-structured English textbook for pharmacy students is of great significance. This article aims to outline the key components and desired features of a high-quality university-level English textbook for pharmacy students.Content OrganizationA suitable framework for the textbook should cover essential topics in pharmacy, enabling students to develop a solid foundation in both English language skills and pharmaceutical knowledge. The content can be divided into the following sections:1. Introduction to Pharmacy- Definition of pharmacy- Historical development of pharmacy- Overview of pharmacy education and practice2. Pharmaceutical Science- Basics of drug discovery and development- Pharmacology and pharmacokinetics- Medicinal chemistry- Pharmaceutical analysis- Dosage forms and drug delivery systems3. Pharmacy Practice- Introduction to patient care and counseling- Pharmaceutical calculations- Drug interactions and adverse effects- Dispensing and compounding- Pharmacy laws and regulations4. Medication Management- Rational drug use- Pharmacovigilance and drug safety- Clinical pharmacy practice- Pharmaceutical care and patient-centered approach 5. Emerging Trends in Pharmacy- Biotechnology and pharmacogenomics- Personalized medicine- Pharmaceutical nanotechnology- Regulatory affairs and quality controlLanguage Skills DevelopmentApart from the comprehensive coverage of pharmacy-related content, the textbook should also prioritize the development of English language skills specific to the field of pharmacy. The incorporation of the following language exercises and activities will enable students to enhance their language proficiency while learning pharmacy:1. Glossary and Terminology- Include a comprehensive glossary of pharmaceutical terms with clear definitions and pronunciations.- Provide contextual examples to help students understand and correctly use the terminologies in different scenarios.2. Reading Comprehension- Offer a variety of reading passages related to pharmacy, such as research papers, case studies, and drug monographs.- Accompany each passage with comprehension questions, encouraging students to analyze and interpret the text.3. Writing Practice- Provide writing exercises that require students to summarize pharmaceutical research articles, write patient counseling leaflets, and prepare drug monographs.- Offer guidance and examples on scientific writing conventions, such as referencing and structuring academic papers.4. Listening and Speaking- Incorporate listening exercises related to pharmacy, such as patient-doctor consultations, drug information inquiries, and pharmaceutical presentations.- Integrate speaking activities that simulate real-life pharmacy scenarios, such as role-plays between pharmacists and patients.Visual Aids and Supplementary MaterialsTo enhance the learning experience, the textbook should include visually appealing illustrations, diagrams, and charts. These visual aids can aid students in understanding complex concepts and reinforce their knowledge. Additionally, supplementary materials such as online resources, audio recordings, and interactive exercises should be provided to further support independent learning and self-assessment.ConclusionA well-designed university-level English textbook for pharmacy students should cover a wide range of topics within pharmacy and simultaneously develop English language skills specific to the field. By organizing the content effectively, incorporating relevant language exercises, and providing visual aids and supplementary materials, the textbook can effectively support students in their pursuit of knowledge in pharmacy and English proficiency.。



Unit4 TextAchemotherapy化学疗法pharmacology药理学pharmaceutics药剂学Toxicology毒理学pharmaceutical analysis药物分析pharmacognosy 生药学pharmacopoeia 药典hybrid science交叉学科approach vt. (着手)探讨/处理,(开始)对付biotransformation n. 生物转化chemotherapeutic(al)adj.化学治疗的; n .化学治疗剂clinician n. 临床医生diagnosis n. 诊断(法)edema n. 浮肿,水肿embrace vt. 包含,包括excretion n. 排泄(物),分泌(物) extrapolate v. 推断,推知; ~ to 推广到... genetics n. 遗传学immunological adj. 免疫的,免疫学的intoxication n. 中毒; 醉酒parasite n. 寄生生物pathology n. 病理学; 病理,病状pharmacognosy n. 生药学,药材学pharmacotherapeuticsn. 药物治疗学,药物疗法preclinical adj. 临床用以前的,临床前的renal adj. 肾(脏)的saluretic adj. (促)尿食盐排泄的; n.(促)尿食盐排泄剂renal physiology and of the pathogenesis of edema.肾脏生理学和水肿发病机制therapy n. 疗法,治疗(力,效果) pharmacology embraces the knowledge of包含以下内容any chemical agent化学物质absorption, distribution, biotransformation, and excretion吸收、分布、生物转化及排泄dosage剂量concentration 浓度intensity强度biochemistry and enzymology生物化学和酶学the active and passive transfer主动和被动转移及分布biological membranes生物膜biochemical and physiological effects生化生理作用mechanisms of action 活性机制an experimental medical science 实验医学pharmacodynamics.药效学ramification 分支correlation 相互关系structure-activity relationships“结构-活性”关系animal pharmacology and comparative pharmacology动物药理学和比较药理学the prevention and treatment 防治stimulate or depress 促进或抑制symptoms症状eliminate除去,杀灭desired effects 积极作用undesired effects.消极作用adverse effects副作用intoxication.中毒,喝醉carcinogenicity致癌性teratogenicity致畸性mutagenicity致突变diverse clinical signs and symptoms.各种临床症状和体征Idiosyncratic特异性反应pathophysiology病理生理学genetic or immunological遗传学和免疫学occur infrequently .发生率较低continuous reactions持续反应long-term drug use长期用药delayed reactions延迟反应alkylating agents leading to carcinogenesis烷化剂致癌teratogenesis致畸end-of-use reactions停药反应withdrawal syndromes戒断-综合征discontinuation停止antidepressants :抗抑郁depressants 镇静剂fatality-fatalities死亡hepatic or renal disease肝肾疾病Intrinsic :内在因素surveillance pharmacovigilance监视药物警戒性high degree of sensitivity and specificity高度的敏感性和针对性detect rare but severe 罕见但严重predisposing factors易感因素Continued surveillance is mandatory持续性监测成为了一种强制性措施Early (phase Ⅰ/Ⅱ) trials are important for assessing the tolerability and dose-response relationship of new therapeutic agents.早期(Ⅰ/Ⅱ期)试验对于评价新药的耐受性和量效关系非常重要。



中文 副作用 亲和力 后遗效应 激动剂 变态反应 拮抗剂 竞争性拮抗剂 直接反应 剂量反应曲线 效价强度 对因治疗 间接反应 内在活性 配体 作用机制 半数有效量 半数致死量 非竞争性拮抗剂
部分拮抗剂 效能 量反应 速率理论 受体 受体下调 受体占领学说 受体上调 继发反应 副作用 对症治疗 协同作用 治疗效应
[`traI®flu:E u`perE zi:n, -zIn]
[lITIEm "ka:bEneIt]
中文 急性肌张力障碍
静坐不能 抗精神病药 氯丙嗪 锥体外系反应
氟奋乃静 三氟拉嗪
英文 levodopa carbidopa selegiline artane
Chapter 15 Antiparkinsonism Drugs
音标 [®li:vEu`dEupE] [`ka:bidEupE] [s i`ledZE li:n] [`a:tein]
中文 左旋多巴 卡比多巴 司立吉林 安坦
Chapter 16 Antipyretic-Analgesic and Antiinflammatory
英文 acetaminophen aspirin indomethacin paracetamol
therapeutic index (ti) threshold concentration toxic effects two model theory
治疗指数 阈浓度 毒性反应 二态模型
Chapter 3 Pharmacokinetics
active transport
extrapyramidal reactions

《药学英语》PPT教学课件-unit 1

《药学英语》PPT教学课件-unit 1
This meant opening an office in Beijing or Shanghai to sell their internationally approved products to the growing Chinese market.
尽管存在着文化、种族和法规的差异, 越来越多的外国公司开始在中国进行多个 实验中心的三期临床实验。
The basic means of China's absorption of foreign investments
1. Sino-foreign joint ventures 2. Cooperative businesses 3. Exclusively foreign-owned enterprises 4. Joint exploitation 5. Foreign-funded share-holding companies 6. New types of foreign investment
追溯到1980年,日本大冢制药有限公司在 中国创立了第一个中外合资制药企业:中国大 冢制药有限公司。紧接着,1982年,瑞典法玛 西亚制药公司在中国建立了第一个欧洲合资企 业:无锡中国瑞典制药公司。到1995年,根据 PJB出版的1997年中国制药市场指南统计:在 中国已经有1500家中外合资制药企业注册。
Eighteen of the top 20 global pharmaceutical giants have entered into these arrangements. Germany's Bayer has nine joint ventures in China, with a total investment of US $160 million investment. Switzerland Roche has seven, and a US $130 million investment.



药学类实用的大学英语教材Chapter 1: Introduction to PharmacyIn this chapter, we will provide an overview of the field of Pharmacy and its importance in healthcare. We will discuss the role of pharmacists in patient care and the various settings in which they practice, such as community pharmacies, hospitals, and research institutions. Furthermore, we will explore the different types of medications and their classifications, as well as the fundamental principles of drug action.Chapter 2: Pharmaceutical TerminologyThis chapter will focus on building a strong foundation of pharmaceutical vocabulary. It will cover commonly used terms in drug formulation, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics. Students will learn how to accurately pronounce and define these terms, ensuring effective communication in the pharmacy setting.Chapter 3: Drug Dosage Forms and Delivery SystemsUnderstanding the various dosage forms and delivery systems is crucial for pharmacy students. In this chapter, we will delve into the different routes of drug administration, including oral, parenteral, topical, and inhalation. Students will also gain knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of each dosage form and its impact on drug absorption and bioavailability.Chapter 4: Pharmaceutical CalculationsMathematical skills are essential in pharmacy practice. This chapter will provide a comprehensive guide to pharmaceutical calculations, includingdosage calculations, concentration conversions, and intravenous rate calculations. Students will be equipped with the necessary tools to ensure accurate medication preparation and administration.Chapter 5: PharmacologyIn this chapter, we will explore the principles of pharmacology and the mechanisms of drug action. Students will learn about the different drug classes, their therapeutic uses, and potential adverse effects. Emphasis will be placed on understanding drug interactions and the importance of medication safety.Chapter 6: Pharmacy Law and EthicsPharmacists are bound by legal and ethical responsibilities. This chapter will cover the laws and regulations governing the practice of pharmacy, including drug control policies, prescription requirements, and patient confidentiality. Furthermore, students will gain insight into ethical dilemmas that may arise in pharmacy practice and the principles for ethical decision-making.Chapter 7: Clinical PharmacyClinical pharmacy plays a vital role in patient care. In this chapter, we will discuss the integration of pharmacists into healthcare teams and their collaboration with healthcare providers. Students will learn about medication therapy management, drug information resources, and the process of optimizing drug therapy for individual patients.Chapter 8: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Quality ControlThe manufacturing and quality control of pharmaceutical products are crucial for ensuring their safety and efficacy. This chapter will provide an overview of the pharmaceutical manufacturing process, including drug development, formulation, and packaging. Students will also gain an understanding of quality control measures and the importance of adhering to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).Chapter 9: Pharmacy Practice in a Global ContextPharmacy practice is not limited to a single country or region. This chapter will explore the global aspects of pharmacy, including international drug regulations, cross-cultural considerations, and global healthcare challenges. Students will develop a broad perspective on the role of pharmacists in a globalized world.ConclusionIn conclusion, this practical college English textbook for pharmacy students covers essential topics in pharmaceutical science and practice. By providing a comprehensive understanding of pharmacy-related terminology, drug dosage forms, pharmacology, and legal and ethical responsibilities, this textbook will equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for a successful career in pharmacy. With its clear and concise explanations and focus on real-world pharmacy scenarios, this textbook is an invaluable resource for pharmacy students seeking to excel in their studies and future profession.。



Text A1.pharmacology 药理学2. medicine 医学,药物remedymedicationmedicinalmedicamentdrugdruggery (总称) 药物therapeutic agent(药剂)therapeutic reagent3.drug interaction 药物相互作用4.pharmacodynamics 药效学PD5.pharmacokinetics 药动学PK6.neuro- neuropathyneuronneuronalneurologynerveCNS central nervous systemPNS peripheral nervous system7. drug development and researchdeveloper 展开剂8. acute ischemic stroke 急性缺血性脑卒中hemorrhagic 出血性的chronicischemiahemorrhage9.therapy 治疗therapeuticalchemotherapy 化疗10. clinical trialpreclinical11. pharmaceutical industry12. efficacy 疗效effecteffectiveeffectiveness13.recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA)14. the drug for the treatment of 治疗…的药物15. barrier blood brain barrier BBB16. regulatory agencies 管理机构authority17. thrombo-lysis 溶栓thrombotic 血栓形成的thromb 血栓thrombosis 血栓形成embolic 栓塞性的embolism 栓塞-lysis 溶解hydrolysis 水解lyse v. 溶解embolus 栓子18. cellular and metabolic events细胞和代谢事件metabolism19. cerebral vessel 脑血管cerebral ischemia 脑缺血20. poly-morpho-nuclear leukocytes 多形核白细胞leukocytes= white blood cells21. inflammatory 炎症性的inflame 发炎inflammation 炎症inflammatory response(reaction ) 炎症反应inflammatory mediator 炎症介质22. the progression of tissue injury 组织损伤加重injury damage impairment 损伤23. infarct size梗死面积infarct volume 梗死体积24. permanent occlusion stroke models永久性闭塞脑卒中模型MCAO middle cerebral artery occlusion大脑中动脉结扎25. a dose escalation safety study剂量递增的安全性研究26. murine monoclonal antibody 鼠单克隆抗体mono- single 单独的anti- 抗antigen 抗原27. placebo treatment 安慰剂治疗28.in an open-label manner 开放标签的方式draft labeling29. blinded assessment 盲法评价double blind 双盲single blind 单盲30. side effect 副作用31. adverse events 不良事件severe adverse effects 严重的不良反应adverse drug reaction ADR 药物不良反应=untoward drug reactionside effecttoxic effect32.allergic effect = anaphylactoid reactionAnaphylaxis33. cardiac arrest 心脏骤停cardiac= heartcardiac drug 强心药cardio-vascular 心血管34. cardiac failure 心衰heart failurecongestive(充血性)heart failure,CHFchronic heart insufficiency 慢性心功能不全cardiac glycoside35. renal failure 肾衰kidney nephro- 肾的nephro-pathy 肾病nephr-itis 肾炎36. efficacious 有效的effective37.permanenttemporarytransient38.an extended time window 时间窗延长39. wide therapeutic index大的治疗指数safety rangesafety margin40. plasmaserumwhole blood41. pharmaceutical sponsors药物开发者42. insensitivesensitive tohypersensitivehypersensitivity43. diffusionsimple diffusion diffusionfacilitated diffusionpassive transport44. Lesiondamageinjuryimpairement45. a placebo-controlled,double-blinded,randomized design46. surrogatealternativesubstitute47. markerbiomarkertumor marker。

药学英语Unit one-text A

药学英语Unit one-text A
• 生理学成功揭示了生命体如何进行日常活动,是 由于生命体结构虽然复杂巧妙,但却符合物理和 化学规律。
• Although some processes are similar across the whole spectrum of biology- the replication of the genetic code for example- many are specific to particular groups of organisms.
咽部 食道
The kidney
• • • • • kidney 肾 renal 肾脏的 bladder 膀胱 voiding 排泄 ureter 输尿管
– insight into sth,对…..的洞察力,深刻的了解 – endow sb. with sth. 给予…
• 这种方式得到的知识使我们能够更深入地了解人 类生理学,并且为疾病的有效治疗提供了坚实的 基础。
Tissues 组织
• • • • epithelial 上皮的 connective 结缔~ nervous 神经的,紧张的 muscular 肌肉的
Unit One Physiology and Pathology
• Physiology (生理学) • Pathology (病理学)
– How living organisms work. – Disease.
• Pathophysiology (病理生理学)
– Functional changes in response to disease or injury.
digestive systme 消化系统
• stomach 胃 • intestine 肠 • liver 肝脏

药学英语课文翻译 课后翻译节选 中英双语对照 第四版

药学英语课文翻译 课后翻译节选 中英双语对照 第四版

本篇包括人卫第四版Unit 3B,Unit4A,5A,8A,10A,12AB,13A等七篇课文Unit 3 Text B The Other Side of Antibiotics抗生素的另一面Antibiotics have eliminated or controlled so many infectious diseases that virtually everyone has benefited from their use at one time or another. Even without such personal experience, however, one would have to be isolated indeed to be unaware of the virtues, real and speculative, of these “miracle” drugs1. The American press, radio, and television have done a good job of reporting the truly remarkable story of successes in the chemical war on germs. What′s more, any shortcomings on their part have been more than made up for by the aggressive public relations activity of the pharmaceutical companies which manufacture and sell antibiotics.抗生素可以消除或控制很多种感染疾病,以致几乎每人生病时都习惯于使用它而受益,但是如果一个人没有这样的亲身经历,他必定是离群索居才会不知道这些“特效药物”或真实或推测的优点。



药学专业的英文书Pharmaceutical Studies: An English Book for Pharmacy MajorsIntroductionPharmaceutical studies play a vital role in the healthcare industry by ensuring the safe and effective use of medications. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, it is essential for pharmacy professionals to possess strong English language skills to effectively communicate and collaborate with international counterparts. This book aims to provide a comprehensive guide for pharmacy majors, enhancing their English language proficiency within the pharmaceutical context.Chapter 1: Foundations of Pharmaceutical English1.1 Introduction to Pharmaceutical English- Definition and importance of Pharmaceutical English- Overview of its applications in different areas of pharmacy1.2 Pharmaceutical Terminology- Key pharmaceutical terms and expressions- Understanding drug names, classifications, and dosages1.3 Reading and Comprehension Skills- Strategies for understanding pharmaceutical literature- Interpreting drug labels, instructions, and patient information leafletsChapter 2: Pharmaceutical Communication Skills2.1 Effective Verbal Communication- Developing confident oral communication skills- Tips for successful patient counseling and medical consultations2.2 Written Communication in Pharmacy- Writing accurate prescription instructions and medication orders- Crafting professional, concise, and error-free pharmaceutical reports2.3 Effective Teamwork and Collaboration- Collaborating with healthcare professionals, including physicians and nurses- Resolving communication barriers and preventing medication errorsChapter 3: Pharmacology and Therapeutics3.1 Overview of Pharmacology- Understanding drug action and mechanisms- Classification of medications based on therapeutic effects3.2 Common Drug Interactions- Recognizing and managing potential drug interactions- Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions explained3.3 Rational Drug Use- Promoting evidence-based prescribing practices- Encouraging responsible patient medication adherenceChapter 4: Pharmaceutical Care and Patient Counseling4.1 Pharmaceutical Care Concepts- Introduction to patient-centered care- The role of pharmacists in optimizing medication therapy outcomes 4.2 Patient Counseling Techniques- Communication skills for patient education- Addressing patient concerns, side effects, and drug allergies4.3 Cultural Competence in Pharmacy- Recognizing and respecting diverse patient backgrounds- Adapting communication to meet cultural and linguistic needs Chapter 5: Regulatory and Ethical Considerations in Pharmacy5.1 Pharmaceutical Regulations- Overview of drug regulation authorities- Understanding drug registration and approval processes5.2 Professional Ethics in Pharmacy- Ethical guidelines for pharmacy professionals- Ensuring patient confidentiality, privacy, and informed consent 5.3 Drug Safety and ADR Reporting- Recognizing adverse drug reactions (ADRs)- Proper documentation and reporting procedures for ADRsConclusionMastering English language skills within the pharmaceutical context is crucial for success in the contemporary healthcare landscape. This English book for pharmacy majors provides comprehensive guidance and knowledge, equipping students and professionals with the necessary language proficiency to excel in their careers. By enhancing communication skills and promoting patient-centered care, pharmacy professionals can contribute significantly to the safe and effective use of medications globally.。



药学英语1. Introduction to Pharmaceutical EnglishPharmaceutical English is a specialized form of language used in the field of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. It involves the use of specific terminology, scientific vocabulary, and communication skills necessary for professionals in the pharmaceutical industry. This document ms to provide an overview of Pharmaceutical English and its importance in the field of pharmacy.2. Importance of Pharmaceutical EnglishEffective communication is crucial in any professional setting, and the field of pharmacy is no exception. As professionals in the pharmaceutical industry, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals need to communicate with colleagues, patients, and medical professionals from different parts of the world. Pharmaceutical English enables them to communicate their ideas, present research findings, and collaborate with peers effectively.3. Pharmaceutical English VocabularyPharmaceutical English vocabulary comprises a wide range of terms and phrases related to drug development, manufacturing, research, and regulatory requirements. Here are some commonly used terms:•Generic name: The official, nonproprietary name for a drug.•Brand name: The trademarked name given to a particular pharmaceutical product.•Dosage form: The physical form in which a drug is administered, such as tablets, capsules, or injections.•Pharmacokinetics: The study of how drugs are absorbed, distributed, metabolized, and excreted by the body.•Adverse reaction: A negative response to a drug, which can range from mild side effects to life-threatening conditions.It is essential for pharmaceutical professionals to familiarize themselves with these terms to ensure effective communication within the industry.4. Pharmaceutical English Writing SkillsIn addition to vocabulary, pharmaceutical professionals also need to develop strong writing skills in English. Clear and concise writing is essential for various purposes, such as preparing research papers, lab reports, drug monographs, and patient information leaflets. Here are some tips for improving pharmaceutical English writing skills:•Use appropriate scientific language and terminology.•Organize your thoughts logically and structure your writing appropriately.•Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and spelling.•Avoid excessive jargon and use pln language whenever possible.•Revise and proofread your work to ensure clarity and accuracy.5. Pharmaceutical English Speaking SkillsEffective spoken communication is equally important in the pharmaceutical industry, especially when presenting research findings, discussing clinical cases, or communicating with patients. Here are some tips for improving pharmaceutical English speaking skills:•Practice pronunciation of pharmaceutical terms.•Use appropriate intonation and stress to convey your message clearly.•Speak at an appropriate pace and use pauses effectively.•Listen actively and ask clarifying questions when necessary.•Seek opportunities to practice speaking English, such as attending conferences or joining discussion groups.6. Resources for Learning Pharmaceutical EnglishThere are several resources avlable to help pharmaceutical professionals improve their English language skills:•Textbooks and online courses specifically designed for pharmaceutical English.•Scientific journals and publications in the field of pharmacy.•Online forums and discussion groups where professionals can interact and practice English.•Language exchange programs, which allow professionals to practice speaking English with native speakers.7. ConclusionPharmaceutical English plays a vital role in the field of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. It enables professionals to communicate effectively, present research findings, and collaborate with colleagues from different parts of the world. By improving their pharmaceutical English skills, professionals can enhance their career prospects and contribute to the advancement of the pharmaceutical industry. It is essential for pharmaceutical professionals to invest time and effort into developing their language skills to excel in their field.。

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5. /pubmed/
1. 文体特点
2. 词汇特点
3. 语法特点
特点: 严谨周密,概念准确, 逻辑性强,行文简练, 重点突出,句式严整, 常用前置性陈述句或者被动语态。
People use gas chromatography [, krɔmə'tɔgrəfi] in many different fields. Gas chromatography is used in many different fields.
三、非限定动词(非谓语动词) Antioxidants, in research some vitamins and minerals, To encouragefound clinical in supporting the can snuff out oxygen free radicals, substances that drug development program and to improve on theare thought cells more susceptible to has cancer. quality to of make clinical trials, the government established five often national GCP clinical research centers These studies begin with a dose-ranging study, which are to affiliated with the top medical universities using 1/50 1/100 the effective dose in animals and
(2) 广泛采用名词连用形式
safety range
target cell
surface tension
surface activity
molecular pharmacology
molecular biology
side effect
3. 专业英语词汇具体特点:
(1) 广泛使用表示动作或状态的抽象名词,以及有 名词功用的动名词 (2) 广泛采用名词连用形式 (3) 复合词 (4) 缩略词
in the country. increasing until the desired effect, or adverse effects,
are seen.
No uniform scheme for Phase 4 supervision has yet
been established, but few doubt the necessity of collecting this information on low-frequency adverse effects. One of the most studied antioxidants in vegetables and fruits (which were)thought to protect against cancer is beta-carotene, concentrated in deep green, yellow and orange vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach.
definite sickness could result when something was
missing from the diet.
The disealow may be increased by more rapid
1. 学时分配: 32学时
2. 教学进度: 第1周:专业英语绪论 第1-8周:专业英语各论学习 第8周:综合复习、考试
3. 考试
1.《药学英语》 章国斌 编著,复旦大学出版社,2007 . 2.《药学英语》 李有贵 编著,高等教育出版社,2009. 3.《药学英语》 胡廷熹 编著,人卫出版社,2008. 4. 《药学英语》课程网站: 温州医学院主页/数字资源/教学平台/药学英语
直接从希腊语和拉丁语中吸收: 利用希腊语和拉丁语的词素(前缀或后缀)构成:
hyper- (hypertension) -logy (Pharmacology)
2. 专业英语词汇的词义单一,具有准确性和 严密性的特点。 Objective :Extract total dissociated anthraquinones from rhubarbs and then separate every single component from the
3. 专业英语词汇具体特点:
(1) 广泛使用表示动作或状态的抽象名词,以及有 名词功用的动名词 (2) 广泛采用名词连用形式 (3) 复合词 (4) 缩略词
(1) 广泛使用表示动作或状态的抽象名词,动名词
the standardization of the product absorption rate constant
different strains of known types of respiratory viruses
cause the common cold syndrome.
It is usually possible to carry out reactions on the
lead compound itself in order to make a series of analogs.
(1b)Prolonged exposure will result in rapid deterioration of item.
(1a) You must pay attention to the temperature of the
reaction. (1b) Attention must be paid to the temperature of the reaction.
被动语态 清晰、准确、精练、严密
1. 文体特点
2. 词汇特点
3. 语法特点
1. 医药科技英语词汇主要来自于英语、希腊语、拉 丁语及现代英语等。
code of conduct thesis (希腊语) board of directors formula (拉丁语)
total dissociated anthraquinones, optimize the rhubarbs
extraction process.
anthraquinones [,ænθrəkwi’nəun ] 蒽醌, rhubarbs [ ru:’bɑ:bs] 大黄
信-忠实 理解阶段
1. haplo, mono, uni :单,一,独 haploid 单倍体 monoxide一氧化碳 monoatomic 单原子的
2. bi,di,dipl,twi,du : 二,双,两,偶 bicolor 双色 dichromatic 双色的 diplobacillus 双杆菌 dikaryon 双核体
limited date of using a drug after its production
therapeutic drug monitoring
random screening in drug discovery
method of grouping
3. 专业英语词汇具体特点:
(1) 广泛使用表示动作或状态的抽象名词,以及有 名词功用的动名词 (2) 广泛采用名词连用形式 (3) 复合词 (4) 缩略词
1. 文体特点
2. 词汇特点
3. 语法特点
5、长句 6、常用句型
(1a)If you expose the item for long, it will rapidly deteriorate.
perhaps the rate of hydrolysis or metabolism may
differ between isomeric pairs and account for the observed differences in pharmacologic activity.
六、常用句型 1) 强调句 It is when the body temperature is rising rapidly that affected person may feel chilly. It was the first time people recognized that a
3. tri :三,丙 triangle 三角, trinitroglycerol 三硝基甘油 tricarboxylic acid cycle 三羧酸循环
5. anti- :反,抗,阻,排斥
antidote 解毒药 antibody 抗体
6. aqu-:水
aqueous 水的 aquarium 水族馆
GSP (Good Supply Practice) GCP (Good Clinical Practice) GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) QSAR (quantitative structure-activity relationship) TDM (therapeutic drug monitoring)