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必修一Unit4 Earthquake


课题:Language Points 班级_________ 组名__________ 姓名____________

I. Language points:

1. happen:①(偶然)发生sth happen to sb (某人发生了不好的事)

②碰巧做某事happen to do/be/be doing/have done

=It happens that sb do / be/be doing/ have done…


It_______ that I was out when he called on me/called at my house.(drop in=call)

同义句:I ______________ out when he dropped in on me.



【take place/occur/come about/break out】

take place:①(有计划/准备)发生②举行

Great changes ___________ in the past 60 years in China.

改错:Chongqing took place great changes over the last 20 years.

The Olympic Games _________every four years.

occur:①(事情)偶然发生=happen The accident occurred/happened early this month.

②在脑海中出现某种想法An idea occurred to me.It occurs to/hit/strike sb that…

我突然想到要邀请她来我家吃饭。It_________ that I could invite her to dinner. come about:产生,发生(用于疑问句)How did these changes come about?

How did it come about that…?=how come?(spoken English)怎么会呢?

---Our monitor didn’t pass the test.

---________? He is always studying hard.

A.What if

B.How come

C.So what

D.For what

break out: (战争与疾病)发生,爆发Ibola________first in Africa .


2. rise →rose →risen vi. (日,月,雾,水汽,物价,体温)上升;起床,站起来

The sun ______ in the east and sets____ the west.

The temperature________ rapidly in the afternoon in Tibet..

He ______ to his feet. 他站起身来。

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.(翻译并背诵) n.the rise and fall of the sun

raise: vt.举起,提高;使上升;抚养,饲养,种植;提出(put forward);集资(collect)

①raise one’s hand/a glass/flag/one’s voice/prices。

②raise money for…为……筹钱

③raise children/chicken/pigs/flowers

④raise a question

Prices have been raised/brought down.

Prices are rising/going up/going down rapidly.

词汇串记:At the meeting,Tom _______to his feet with his hands______(raise) as if to _______a question.Then he _______his voice and said money should be _________ for farmers to________animals so as to ________the the whole nation.

3. too…to…(同步解析第48页)


He was too drunk to drive home. The electric wires are too high for children to reach.

(2)肯定意义非常①与心理活动的adj.连用= very


He was too eager to know the result of the examination.翻译:

They seemed to be too nervous and too anxious to leave.翻译:

②only/just/but/all/simply too…to…

I am only too glad to accept your kind invitation.翻译:

They are all too willing to take the opinions of others.翻译:

③never/not too…to…too…not to…

It is never too late to learn. He is too careful not to have noticed it.翻译:

④cannot/can never…too/over/...enough 无论......都不过分(越……越好)

You can never be too /over careful/careful enough in the street. 翻译:

⑤you can’t have done better. 翻译:

改错:He was very frightened to move.

4. burst→burst→burst vi.&n.(同步解析45页)

①爆裂,爆发,胀破The balloon/water pipe suddenly burst.

The sun ______ through the clouds.破云而出There is a sudden _____ in the water pipe.

a _______ of laughter/applause(掌声)/gunfire(枪声)

②突发性的动作burst into sth; burst out doing sth 突然开始做某事

Burst______ tears/laughter/anger/flames; burst_______ crying/laughing

burst into the room/burst in 突然闯入

The police burst_____ the room/burst______ the door/ burst ____ and arrested the thief.


burst指某物因内/外力过大而出现严重破裂或胀破(bomb, bank, balloon, blood vessel血管).The old man died of brain vessel ______due to his high blood


explode 爆炸,指dynamite(炸药)bomb(炸弹)gas(煤气)等点燃后遇到空气突然膨胀
