
有关“中草药”的中英文介绍有关部分“中草药”的中英文介绍:1.人参- 人参是多年生草本植物,属于五加科。
Ginseng is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Araliaceae family. Its root can be used as a medicine and is believed to have the effects of strengthening the body, calming the mind, and nourishing Qi and blood.2.黄芪- 黄芪是一种多年生草本植物,属于豆科。
Astragalus root can be used as a medicine and is believed to have the effects of invigorating Qi, strengthening the superficies, diuresis and edema reduction, and resisting fatigue.3.当归- 当归是一种多年生草本植物,属于伞形科。
Angelica root can be used as a medicine and is believed to have the effects of nourishing blood, invigorating blood circulation, regulating menstruation, and relieving pain.4.枸杞- 枸杞是一种一年生或多年生草本植物,属于茄科。

下面是本店铺整理的中草药名称中英对照,欢迎阅读!1、Earthworm 地龙2、East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome 狗脊3、Elecampane Inula Root 土木香4、Emblic Leafflower Fruit 余甘子5、English Walnut Seed 胡桃仁6、Entada Sten 瞌藤子7、Entadae Stem 过江龙8、Ephedra Herb 麻黄9、Epigeal Srephaia Root 地不容10、Epimedium Herb 淫羊藿11、Erect St.Johnswort Herb 小连翘12、Ergot 麦角13、Eriocarpous Glochidion Leaf 漆大姑14、Eucommia Bark 杜仲15、European Grape Fruit 索索葡萄16、European Hop Flower 啤酒花17、European Verbena 马鞭草18、European Waterhemlock Root 毒芹19、False Chinese Swertia Herb 当药20、Falsehellebore Root and Rhizome 藜芦21、Falsesour Cherry 樱桃核22、Fangchi Root 广防已23、Feather Cockscomb Seed 青葙子24、Fennel Fruit 小茴香25、Fermented Soybean 淡豆豉26、Fewflower Lysionotus Herb 石吊兰27、Field Sowthistle Herb 苣荬菜28、Fig 无花果29、Figwort Root 玄参30、FigwortflowerPicrorhizaRhizome 胡黄连31、Filiform Cassytha Herb 无根藤32、Fimbriae Orostachys 瓦松33、Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb 荆芥34、Finger Citron 佛手35、Fistular Onion Stalk 葱白36、Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb 绞股蓝37、Flabelate Maiden-hair Herb 过坛龙38、Flastem Milkvetch Seed 沙苑子39、Flos Caryophyllata 丁香40、Fluorite 紫石英41、Forbes Wildginger Herb 杜衡42、Forest Frogs Oviduct 蛤蟆油43、Forrest Silkvine Stem or Root 黑骨头44、Fortune Eupatorium Herb 佩兰45、Fortune Firethorn Fruit 救兵粮46、Fortune Loosestrife Herb 星宿菜47、Fortune Meadowrue Herb 白蓬草48、Fortune Paulownia Fruit /Royal Paulownia Fruit 泡桐果49、Fortune Plumyew Twig and Leaf 三尖杉50、Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole 棕榈51、Fortunes Drynaria Rhizome 骨碎补52、Fourstamen Stephania Root 粉防己/汉防己53、Fragrant Eupatorium Herb 飞机草54、Fragrant Plantainlily Herb 玉簪55、Fragrant Sarcococca Herb 清香桂56、Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome 玉竹57、Franchet Groundcherry CalyX and Fruit 锦灯笼58、Frangrant Ainsliaea Herb 杏香兔耳风59、Frankincense 乳香60、Freshwater Sponge 紫梢花61、Fringed Iris Herb 铁扁担62、Fruticose Breyniae Leaf and Twig 黑面神63、Ginseng-人参64、Astragalus-黄芪65、Licorice-甘草66、Chinese Angelica-当归67、White Peony-白芍68、Donkey-Hide Gelatin-阿胶69、Aloes 芦荟70、American Ginseng 西洋参71、Amur Ampelopsis Stem 山葡萄72、Arabian Jasmine Flower 茉莉花73、Areca Seed 槟榔74、Argy Wormwood Leaf 艾叶75、Barbary Wolfberry Fruit 枸杞子76、Bear Gall 熊胆77、Bezoar 牛黄78、Black Sesame 黑芝麻79、Boat-fruited Scaphium Seed 胖大海80、Bunge Auriculate Root 白首乌81、Camphor 樟脑82、Camphorwood 香樟木83、Cape Jasmine Fruit 栀子84、Cassia Bark 肉桂85、Centipede 蜈蚣86、Chalcanthite 胆矾87、Chinagreen Herb 广东万年青88、Chinese Angelica 当归89、Chinese Caterpillar Fungus 冬虫夏草90、Chinese Cricket 蟋蟀91、Chinese Date 大枣92、Chinese Eaglewood 沉香93、Chinese Fir Wood or twig 杉木94、Chinese Hibisci Rosae-Sinensis Flower 扶桑花95、Chinese Honeylocust Fruit 皂角96、Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit 五味子97、Chinese Pulsatilla Root 白头翁98、Chinese Rose Flower 月季花99、Chinese WaXgourd Peel 冬瓜皮100、Chinese WaXgourd Semen 冬瓜子101、Chinese WaXmyrtle Bark 杨梅102、Chinese White Olive 青果103、Cholla Stem 仙人掌104、Chrysanthemum 菊花105、Cicada Slough 蝉蜕106、Clam Shell 蛤壳107、CoiX Seed 薏苡仁108、Common Alocasia Rhizome 海芋109、Common Andrographis Herb 穿心莲110、Common BombaX Flower 木棉花111、Common Coltsfoot Flower 款冬花112、Common Floweringquince Fruit 木瓜113、Common Jointfir Stem 买麻藤114、Common Macrocarpium Fruit 山茱萸115、Common Melastoma Herb 野牡丹116、Common Monkshood Mother Root 川乌117、Common Nandina 天竺子118、Common Yam Rhizome / Wingde Yan Rhizome 山药119、Copperleaf Herb 铁苋菜120、Costustoot 木香121、Croton Seed 巴豆122、Cushaw Seed 南瓜子123、Dahurian Angelica Root/Taiwan Angelica Root 白芷124、Devils Rush Herb 龙须草125、Donkey-hide Glue 阿胶126、Downy Groundcherry Fruit or Herb 灯笼草127、Dried Longan Pulp 龙眼肉128、Dwarf Lilyturf Tuber 麦冬129、Entadae Stem 过江龙130、Ephedra Herb 麻黄131、Fennel Fruit 小茴香132、Flos Caryophyllata 丁香133、Fragrant Sarcococca Herb 清香桂134、Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome 玉竹135、Franchet Groundcherry CalyX and Fruit 锦灯笼136、Garlic 大蒜137、Ginseng 人参138、Golden Thread 黄连139、Green Bristlegrass Herb 狗尾草140、Grosvener Siraitia 罗汉果141、Gypsum 石膏142、Hairy Antler 鹿茸143、Hawthorn Fruit 山楂144、Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb 鱼腥草145、Honey 蜂蜜146、Honeycomb 蜂房147、Honeysuckle Flower 金银花148、Hot Pepper 辣椒149、Indian Buead 茯苓150、Indian Trum etflower Seed 木蝴蝶151、Indigowoad Root 板蓝根152、Lancelesf Lily Bulb / Greenish Lily Bulb / Low Lily Bulb 百合153、Liquoric Root 甘草154、Lotus Leaf 荷叶155、Lucid Ganoderma 灵芝156、Lychee Seed 荔枝核157、Malt 麦芽158、Earthworm 地龙159、East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome 狗脊160、Elecampane Inula Root 土木香。

中医药材英语系列Ziziphus jujuba Extract 酸枣仁大枣Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens(Ginger)生姜Zedoary Root Extract 莪术Y ucca Extract 丝兰Y anhusuo Extract 延胡索Wormwood Extract 青蒿素Wild Y am Extract 山药White Willow Bark Extract 白柳皮White Tea Extract 白茶多酚White Kidney Bean Extracts 白芸豆white kidney bean extractWheat germ oil Extract 小麦胚芽油V alerian P.E 缬草Uva Ursi Extract 熊果Uniflower Swisscentaury Extract 漏芦Tribulus Terrestris Extract 刺蒺藜Tobacco Extract 烟草Tabersonine Extract 长春花Sweet Potato Red 紫甘薯红Sweet Basil Herb 罗勒Sunflower Seed & Flower 向日葵Sugar Cane Extract Rice bran wax 甘蔗Stizolodium pruriens Extract 左旋多巴Stigma Croci Sativae(Saffron)西红花Stevia Leaf Extratc 甜菊糖St. John's Wort Extract 贯叶连Rhizoma Coptidis(Coptis)黄连Rhizoma Bolbostemmae Extract 土贝母Rheum Extract 大黄Reishi Mushroom Extract 灵芝Red Y east Rice Extract 红曲米Red Reishi Mushroom P.E. 赤芝Red Grape Skin Extract 白藜芦醇Red Clover Extract 红车轴草Red Chillies Colour 辣椒RED CABBAGE COLOUR 红甘蓝Rauwolfia Serpentina Extract 萝芙木Raspberry Extract 覆盆子Ramulus Loranthi(Mulberry Mistletoe)桑寄生Radix Stemonae(Stemona Root)百部Radix Scutellariae(Skullcap Root)黄芩Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae(Red Sage Root)丹参Radix Rehmanniae(Rehmannia Root)地黄Radix Puerariae(Kudzu Root)葛根Radix Pseudostellariae(Pseudostellaria Root)太子参Radix Polygoni Multiflori(Fleece Flower Root)何首乌Radix Paeoniae(Peony)芍药Radix Ophiopogonis(Lilyturf Root)麦冬Radix Notoginseng(NotoGinseng Root)田三七Radix Notoginseng Extract 三七Radix Morindae(Morinda Root)巴戟天Radix Lithospermi Seu Arnebiae(Lithospermum Root)紫草Radix linderae extract 乌药提取物Radix Ledebouriellae(Ledebouriella Root)防风Radix isatidis chrysanthemun flower 板蓝根提取物Radix Glycyrrhizae Large(Licorice Root)甘草Radix Ginseng(Ginseng Root/Leaf)人参Radix ET Rhizoma Rhei(Rhubarb Root)大黄Radix Bupleuri(Thorowax)柴胡Radix Angelicae Sinensis(Dong Quai)当归Radix Angelicae Pubescentis(Pubescent Angelica Root)独活Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi(Siberian Ginseng)刺五加Radish Red 萝卜红Purslan Extract 马齿苋Pure Kappa Extract Powder 卡拉胶Pumpkin Seeds extract 南瓜籽Pumpkin Seed Extract 南瓜Pulsatilla Extract白头翁Pueraria lobata(willd.)Ohwi 葛根素Pueraria lobata extract 葛根提取物Psyllium Seed and Husks 欧车前草Poria(Tuckahoe)茯苓Pomegranate extract 石榴籽Polyporus(Polyporus)猪苓Plantain Leaf Extract 车前草Pink Plumepoppy Herb 博落回Pinellia Extract 半夏Pine Bark Extract 松树皮Phytosterols 植物甾醇Phellodendron.chinese Extract 盐酸黄连素Phellodendron Amurense Extratct 黄檗Persimmon Leaf Extract 柿子叶Perilla Stem Extract 紫苏Perilla Leaf 紫苏叶Peppermint Leaf P.E. 薄荷Peppermint Extract 薄何Peony Root Extract 芍药Passionflower Herb Extract 西番莲Parsley Seed Extract 欧芹Papaya Extract papaw 木瓜paeonol 丹皮酚Oliver Leaf Extract 橄榄叶Officinal Magnolia Bark 厚朴Oat Grass Extract 燕麦草Nomame senna Extract 水皂角Nicotiana tabacum extract 烟草提取物Nettle Leaf or Root Extract Stinging Nettle 荨麻Natural Beta-Carotene CWD Powder 胡萝卜素Nardostachydis Rhizoma ET(Nardostachys)甘松Myrrh Extract 没药Mullein Leaves and Flowers 毛蕊花Mullein Extract 毛蕊花Mucuna Pruriens Extract 油麻藤Mucuna Extract 油麻藤Moutan Radicis Cortex(Moutan Root Bark) Motherwort Extract 益母草Morinda Extract Noni 若里果Momordicae(Momordicoside)罗汉果Mistletoe Herb Extract 槲寄生Mistletoe Colored Mistletoe Herb Extract 槲寄生Milkthistle Extract 水飞蓟Milfoil Herb (Y arrow) Extract 一支蒿Medicinal Indianmulberry Root Extract 巴戟天Mate Extract 巴拉圭茶Marshmallow root extract 药葵, 蜀葵Marigold Extract 金盏花Magnolia Bark Extract 厚朴Lycopene 番茄红素Lotus Plumule P.E. 莲子心Lotus Leaf Extract 荷叶Lotus Leaf Extract荷叶Long Pepper Extract 荜茇Lo Han Kuo Concentrated Powder 罗汉果Lithospermi Radix Extract 紫草Licorice Root P.E. 甘草Lichen Usnea Extract 松萝lichen Usnea Extract 松罗酸钠Lesser Galangal Rhizome 高良姜Leonurus sibiricas extract 益母草提取物Lemon Peel Extract 柠檬Lemon Balm Leaf Extract 蜜蜂花Lavender Extract 薰衣草Kuhseng Extract 苦参Korean Ginseng Extract Powder 韩国人参Kola Nut Extract 可可Knotgrass Herb Extract 扁蓄kidney bean Extracted French Bean 菜豆四季豆、芸豆、玉豆Kelp Extract 昆布Kava Kava Extract 卡瓦Kale Extract 羽衣甘蓝Juniper Berry P.e. 杜松子Inositol, IP3 IP6 肌醇Hypericum Perforatum(St.John’s Wort)贯叶连翘Huperzine Serrate Extract 石杉碱甲千层塔Humulus Lupulus Linn.(European Hop)啤酒花Horsetail Extract 问荆horse radish Extract 辣根Horse chestnut P.E. 娑罗子Hops and Lupulin Exrtact 啤酒花Honey*le Flower Extract 金银花Honey Goat Weed Extract 淫羊藿High Mallow P.E 锦葵Hibiscus Flower Extract 木芙蓉hesperidin 橙皮甙Herba Plantaginis(Plantain Seed/Leaf)车前子/草Herba Patriniae Seu Thlaspi(Pennycress)败酱草Herba Menthae(Mint Leaf)薄荷叶Herba Leonuri(Motherwort)益母草Herba houttuyniae extract 鱼腥草提取物Herba Eupatorii(Eupatorium)佩兰Herba Equiseti Arvensis(Houttuynia)鱼腥草Herba Epimedii(Epimedium Leaf)淫羊霍Herba Cum Radice Taraxaci(Dandelion)蒲公英Herba Artemisiae Capillaris(Oriental Wormwood)茵陈蒿Herba Artemisiae Annuae(Sweet Wormwood)青蒿Herba Agastaches Seu Pogostemi(Wrinkled Giant Hyssop)藿香Henbane Extract 东莨菪碱Heircium extract 猴头菇Heather Herb and Flowers Extract 石楠Hawthorn Leaf Extract 山楂叶Hawthorn Berry Extract 山楂果Gymnema 武靴藤Guarana Extract 瓜拿那Gromwell Root Extract 紫草Grifola frondosa Extract 灰树花Green Tea Polyphenols 绿茶多酚Green tea Extract Saponin 绿茶皂素Green Tea Extract Polysaccharides 茶多糖Green Tea Extract L-Theanine 绿茶茶氨酸Green Tea Extract EGCG 绿茶EGCGGreen Tea Catechins Decaffeinated 绿茶低咖啡因Green Tea Caffeine 绿茶咖啡因Grape Seed Extract 葡萄籽Gotu Kola Extract 积雪草Golden seal Extract 北美黄连Ginseng Fruit Extract 人参果Ginseng Extract 人参Ginkgo Biloba Extract 银杏Ginger Extract 生姜Giant Knotweed Extract 白藜芦醇Gastrodia Tuber Extract 天麻Garlic Extract Powder 大蒜Garlic Extract Freeze Dried 大蒜Gardenia Y ellow 栀子黄Garcinia Cambogia Extract 藤黄Ganoderma Lucidum(Reishi)灵芝Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) γ亚麻酸Galanthamine Hydrobromide 加蓝他敏Galangal Root 高良姜Fu Ling Extract 茯苓Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae(Jujube Fruit)大枣Fructus Tribuli(Tribulus)蒺藜子Fructus Schisandrae(Schizandra Fruit)五味子Fructus Rubi(Raspberry Fruit)覆盆子Fructus Nandinae(Nandina Fruit)南天实Fructus Lycii Chinensis(Wolfberry Fruit/Leaf/Bark)枸杞子/叶/地骨皮Fructus Ligustri Lucidi(Grassy Privet)女贞子Fructus Foeniculi(Fennel Seed)小茴香Fructus evodiae extract 吴茱萸提取物Fructus Crataegi(Hawthorn)山楂Fructus Aurantii Immaturus(Unripe Bitter Orange)枳实Fructus Anisi Stellati(Star Anise)八角茴香Folium Steviae(Stevia Leaf)甜菊叶Folium Perillae(Perilla Leaf)紫苏叶Folium Nelumbinis(Lotus Leaf)荷叶Folium Kaki(Persimmon Leaf)柿子叶Folium Ginkgo(Ginkgo Leaf/Nut)银杏叶Folium Eriobotryae(Loquat Leaf)枇杷叶Folium Eriobotryae Extract 熊果酸(枇杷)Folium eriobotryae extract 枇杷叶提取物。

Part 1 The history of CMM
❖ Today, there are still some food to be used as drugs .
❖ For example :Chinese Yam Rhizome
❖ It is not only a delicious food material but also is a Chinese herbal medicine .
Fructus Jujubae
❖ Usage and Dosage: 6~15g Cleave first and then place into the decoction
❖ So most of the CMM has originated from natural products; however, some of them are a result of chemical and biological products.
Part 1 The history of CMM
Part 1 The history of CMM
❖ In finding food, the ancient Chinese soon understood that some food could relieve or even eliminate some diseases.
❖ Thus, this was the origin of development and application of Chinese herbal medicine.

pangolin scales穿山甲
panicled fameflower root土人参
paniculate swallowwort root徐长卿
papermulberry fruit楮实子
parslane herb马齿苋
patience dock root牛西西
prepared salt秋石
pricklyash peel花椒
prince's-feather fruit水荭花子
prince's-feather herb荭草
puberulous glochidion herb算盘子
pubescent holly root毛冬青
pubescent pepper herb毛蒟
pine leaf松毛
pine nodular branch油松节
pine pollen松花粉
pinellia tuber半夏
pink herb瞿麦
pink plumepoppy herb博落回
pink reineckea herb吉祥草
pipe fish海龙
plant soot百草霜
plantain herb车前草
pharbitis seed牵牛子
philippine flemingia root千金拔
philippine violet herb紫花地丁
phoenix tree seed梧桐子

常见的中医药材单词中医药材英语系列Ziziphus jujuba Extract 酸枣仁大枣Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens(Ginger)生姜Zedoary Root Extract 莪术Yucca Extract 丝兰Yanhusuo Extract 延胡索Wormwood Extract 青蒿素Wild Yam Extract 山药White Willow Bark Extract 白柳皮White Tea Extract 白茶多酚White Kidney Bean Extracts 白芸豆white kidney bean extractWheat germ oil Extract 小麦胚芽油Valerian P.E 缬草Uva Ursi Extract 熊果Uniflower Swisscentaury Extract 漏芦Tribulus Terrestris Extract 刺蒺藜Tobacco Extract 烟草Tabersonine Extract 长春花Sweet Potato Red 紫甘薯红Sweet Basil Herb 罗勒Sunflower Seed & Flower 向日葵Sugar Cane Extract Rice bran wax 甘蔗Stizolodium pruriens Extract 左旋多巴Stigma Croci Sativae(Saffron)西红花Stevia Leaf Extratc 甜菊糖St. John's Wort Extract 贯叶连Rhizoma Coptidis(Coptis)黄连Rhizoma Bolbostemmae Extract 土贝母Rheum Extract 大黄Reishi Mushroom Extract 灵芝Red Yeast Rice Extract 红曲米Red Reishi Mushroom P.E. 赤芝Red Grape Skin Extract 白藜芦醇Red Clover Extract 红车轴草Red Chillies Colour 辣椒RED CABBAGE COLOUR 红甘蓝Rauwolfia Serpentina Extract 萝芙木Raspberry Extract 覆盆子Ramulus Loranthi(Mulberry Mistletoe)桑寄生Radix Stemonae(Stemona Root)百部Radix Scutellariae(Skullcap Root)黄芩Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae(Red Sage Root)丹参Radix Rehmanniae(Rehmannia Root)地黄Radix Puerariae(Kudzu Root)葛根Radix Pseudostellariae(Pseudostellaria Root)太子参Radix Polygoni Multiflori(Fleece Flower Root)何首乌Radix Paeoniae(Peony)芍药Radix Ophiopogonis(Lilyturf Root)麦冬Radix Notoginseng(NotoGinseng Root)田三七Radix Notoginseng Extract 三七Radix Morindae(Morinda Root)巴戟天Radix Lithospermi Seu Arnebiae(Lithospermum Root)紫草Radix linderae extract 乌药提取物Radix Ledebouriellae(Ledebouriella Root)防风Radix isatidis chrysanthemun flower 板蓝根提取物Radix Glycyrrhizae Large(Licorice Root)甘草Radix Ginseng(Ginseng Root/Leaf)人参Radix ET Rhizoma Rhei(Rhubarb Root)大黄Radix Bupleuri(Thorowax)柴胡Radix Angelicae Sinensis(Dong Quai)当归Radix Angelicae Pubescentis(Pubescent Angelica Root)独活Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi(Siberian Ginseng)刺五加Radish Red 萝卜红Purslan Extract 马齿苋Pure Kappa Extract Powder 卡拉胶Pumpkin Seeds extract 南瓜籽Pumpkin Seed Extract 南瓜Pulsatilla Extract白头翁Pueraria lobata(willd.)Ohwi 葛根素Pueraria lobata extract 葛根提取物Psyllium Seed and Husks 欧车前草Poria(Tuckahoe)茯苓Pomegranate extract 石榴籽Polyporus(Polyporus)猪苓Plantain Leaf Extract 车前草Pink Plumepoppy Herb 博落回Pinellia Extract 半夏Pine Bark Extract 松树皮Phytosterols 植物甾醇Phellodendron.chinese Extract 盐酸黄连素Phellodendron Amurense Extratct 黄檗Persimmon Leaf Extract 柿子叶Perilla Stem Extract 紫苏Perilla Leaf 紫苏叶Peppermint Leaf P.E. 薄荷Peppermint Extract 薄何Peony Root Extract 芍药Passionflower Herb Extract 西番莲Parsley Seed Extract 欧芹Papaya Extract papaw 木瓜paeonol 丹皮酚Oliver Leaf Extract 橄榄叶Officinal Magnolia Bark 厚朴Oat Grass Extract 燕麦草Nomame senna Extract 水皂角Nicotiana tabacum extract 烟草提取物Nettle Leaf or Root Extract Stinging Nettle 荨麻Natural Beta-Carotene CWD Powder 胡萝卜素Nardostachydis Rhizoma ET(Nardostachys)甘松Myrrh Extract 没药Mullein Leaves and Flowers 毛蕊花Mullein Extract 毛蕊花Mucuna Pruriens Extract 油麻藤Mucuna Extract 油麻藤Moutan Radicis Cortex(Moutan Root Bark) Motherwort Extract 益母草Morinda Extract Noni 若里果Momordicae(Momordicoside)罗汉果Mistletoe Herb Extract 槲寄生Mistletoe Colored Mistletoe Herb Extract 槲寄生Milkthistle Extract 水飞蓟Milfoil Herb (Yarrow) Extract 一支蒿Medicinal Indianmulberry Root Extract 巴戟天Mate Extract 巴拉圭茶Marshmallow root extract 药葵, 蜀葵Marigold Extract 金盏花Magnolia Bark Extract 厚朴Lycopene 番茄红素Lotus Plumule P.E. 莲子心Lotus Leaf Extract 荷叶Lotus Leaf Extract荷叶Long Pepper Extract 荜茇Lo Han Kuo Concentrated Powder 罗汉果Lithospermi Radix Extract 紫草Licorice Root P.E. 甘草Lichen Usnea Extract 松萝lichen Usnea Extract 松罗酸钠Lesser Galangal Rhizome 高良姜Leonurus sibiricas extract 益母草提取物Lemon Peel Extract 柠檬Lemon Balm Leaf Extract 蜜蜂花Lavender Extract 薰衣草Kuhseng Extract 苦参Korean Ginseng Extract Powder 韩国人参Kola Nut Extract 可可Knotgrass Herb Extract 扁蓄kidney bean Extracted French Bean 菜豆四季豆、芸豆、玉豆Kelp Extract 昆布Kava Kava Extract 卡瓦Kale Extract 羽衣甘蓝Juniper Berry P.e. 杜松子Inositol, IP3 IP6 肌醇Hypericum Perforatum(St.John’s Wort)贯叶连翘Huperzine Serrate Extract 石杉碱甲千层塔Humulus Lupulus Linn.(European Hop)啤酒花Horsetail Extract 问荆horse radish Extract 辣根Horse chestnut P.E. 娑罗子Hops and Lupulin Exrtact 啤酒花Honey*le Flower Extract 金银花Honey Goat Weed Extract 淫羊藿High Mallow P.E 锦葵Hibiscus Flower Extract 木芙蓉hesperidin 橙皮甙Herba Plantaginis(Plantain Seed/Leaf)车前子/草Herba Patriniae Seu Thlaspi(Pennycress)败酱草Herba Menthae(Mint Leaf)薄荷叶Herba Leonuri(Motherwort)益母草Herba houttuyniae extract 鱼腥草提取物Herba Eupatorii(Eupatorium)佩兰Herba Equiseti Arvensis(Houttuynia)鱼腥草Herba Epimedii(Epimedium Leaf)淫羊霍Herba Cum Radice Taraxaci(Dandelion)蒲公英Herba Artemisiae Capillaris(Oriental Wormwood)茵陈蒿Herba Artemisiae Annuae(Sweet Wormwood)青蒿Herba Agastaches Seu Pogostemi(Wrinkled Giant Hyssop)藿香Henbane Extract 东莨菪碱Heircium extract 猴头菇Heather Herb and Flowers Extract 石楠Hawthorn Leaf Extract 山楂叶Hawthorn Berry Extract 山楂果Gymnema 武靴藤Guarana Extract 瓜拿那Gromwell Root Extract 紫草Grifola frondosa Extract 灰树花Green Tea Polyphenols 绿茶多酚Green tea Extract Saponin 绿茶皂素Green Tea Extract Polysaccharides 茶多糖Green Tea Extract L-Theanine 绿茶茶氨酸Green Tea Extract EGCG 绿茶EGCGGreen Tea Catechins Decaffeinated 绿茶低咖啡因Green Tea Caffeine 绿茶咖啡因Grape Seed Extract 葡萄籽Gotu Kola Extract 积雪草Golden seal Extract 北美黄连Ginseng Fruit Extract 人参果Ginseng Extract 人参Ginkgo Biloba Extract 银杏Ginger Extract 生姜Giant Knotweed Extract 白藜芦醇Gastrodia Tuber Extract 天麻Garlic Extract Powder 大蒜Garlic Extract Freeze Dried 大蒜Gardenia Yellow 栀子黄Garcinia Cambogia Extract 藤黄Ganoderma Lucidum(Reishi)灵芝Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) γ亚麻酸Galanthamine Hydrobromide 加蓝他敏Galangal Root 高良姜Fu Ling Extract 茯苓Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae(Jujube Fruit)大枣Fructus Tribuli(Tribulus)蒺藜子Fructus Schisandrae(Schizandra Fruit)五味子Fructus Rubi(Raspberry Fruit)覆盆子Fructus Nandinae(Nandina Fruit)南天实Fructus Lycii Chinensis(Wolfberry Fruit/Leaf/Bark)枸杞子/叶/地骨皮Fructus Ligustri Lucidi(Grassy Privet)女贞子Fructus Foeniculi(Fennel Seed)小茴香Fructus evodiae extract 吴茱萸提取物Fructus Crataegi(Hawthorn)山楂Fructus Aurantii Immaturus(Unripe Bitter Orange)枳实Fructus Anisi Stellati(Star Anise)八角茴香Folium Steviae(Stevia Leaf)甜菊叶Folium Perillae(Perilla Leaf)紫苏叶Folium Nelumbinis(Lotus Leaf)荷叶Folium Kaki(Persimmon Leaf)柿子叶Folium Ginkgo(Ginkgo Leaf/Nut)银杏叶Folium Eriobotryae(Loquat Leaf)枇杷叶Folium Eriobotryae Extract 熊果酸(枇杷) Folium eriobotryae extract 枇杷叶提取物。

中草药名称中英对照中草药(英文名:Chinese Traditional drug):中药主要由植物药(根、茎、叶、果)、动物药(内脏、皮、骨、器官等)和矿物药组成。
下面是小编为您收集整理的中草药名称中英对照,供大家参考!中草药名称中英对照Earthworm 地龙East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome 狗脊Elecampane Inula Root 土木香Emblic Leafflower Fruit 余甘子English Walnut Seed 胡桃仁Entada Sten 瞌藤子Entadae Stem 过江龙Ephedra Herb 麻黄Epigeal Srephaia Root 地不容Epimedium Herb 淫羊藿Erect St. John'swort Herb 小连翘Ergot 麦角Eriocarpous Glochidion Leaf 漆大姑Eucommia Bark 杜仲European Grape Fruit 索索葡萄European Hop Flower 啤酒花European Verbena 马鞭草European Waterhemlock Root 毒芹False Chinese Swertia Herb 当药Falsehellebore Root and Rhizome 藜芦Falsesour Cherry 樱桃核Fangchi Root 广防已Feather Cockscomb Seed 青葙子Fennel Fruit 小茴香Fermented Soybean 淡豆豉Fewflower Lysionotus Herb 石吊兰Field Sowthistle Herb 苣荬菜Fig 无花果Figwort Root 玄参FigwortflowerPicrorhizaRhizome 胡黄连Filiform Cassytha Herb 无根藤Fimbriae Orostachys 瓦松Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb 荆芥Finger Citron 佛手Fistular Onion Stalk 葱白Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb 绞股蓝Flabelate Maiden-hair Herb 过坛龙Flastem Milkvetch Seed 沙苑子Flos Caryophyllata 丁香Fluorite 紫石英Forbes Wildginger Herb 杜衡Forest Frog's Oviduct 蛤蟆油Forrest Silkvine Stem or Root 黑骨头Fortune Eupatorium Herb 佩兰Fortune Firethorn Fruit 救兵粮Fortune Loosestrife Herb 星宿菜Fortune Meadowrue Herb 白蓬草Fortune Paulownia Fruit /Royal Paulownia Fruit 泡桐果Fortune Plumyew Twig and Leaf 三尖杉Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole 棕榈Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome 骨碎补Fourstamen Stephania Root 粉防己/汉防己Fragrant Eupatorium Herb 飞机草Fragrant Plantainlily Herb 玉簪Fragrant Sarcococca Herb 清香桂Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome 玉竹Franchet Groundcherry Calyx and Fruit 锦灯笼Frangrant Ainsliaea Herb 杏香兔耳风Frankincense 乳香Freshwater Sponge 紫梢花Fringed Iris Herb 铁扁担Fruticose Breyniae Leaf and Twig 黑面神护士之歌Nurse, actually you are the angel without wings.You are the symbols of beauty and sanctity.The patient is your Lord in your heart.You are the fair VenusYou are the Nightingales nowadays.Nurse's works is very hard, very common, and also very important. Because you work for the health and happiness of thousands families. For your contribution.People will shout simultaneously:Angel in white, safe in all your life!护士,其实就是没有翅膀的天使,您象征着美丽圣洁,您,心中的“上帝”是病人,您,就是美丽的维纳斯,您,就是现代的南丁格尔,护士工作很辛苦,很平凡,也很伟大,因为您以自己的辛苦换来了千家幸福,万人健康,对于您的贡献,人们会不约而同地高喊:白衣天使,一生平安!。

中药介绍作文英文英文:As a Chinese, I am proud of our traditional medicine, especially Chinese herbs. Chinese herbs have been used for thousands of years and have been proven to be effective in treating various diseases and promoting health. In this article, I will introduce some commonly used Chinese herbs and their benefits.Ginseng is one of the most well-known Chinese herbs. It has been used for centuries to improve energy, boost the immune system, and enhance overall health. In traditional Chinese medicine, ginseng is believed to balance the body's yin and yang energies. It can be taken in various forms, such as tea, capsules, or powder.Another popular Chinese herb is goji berry. Gojiberries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, and are believed to improve vision, boost the immune system,and promote longevity. They can be eaten raw, dried, or in the form of juice.Astragalus root is also commonly used in Chinese medicine. It is believed to enhance the immune system, reduce inflammation, and improve heart health. It can be taken in the form of tea, capsules, or powder.In addition to these herbs, there are many other Chinese herbs that are used for various purposes, such as treating insomnia, promoting digestion, and reducing stress. Chinese medicine is based on the concept of treating the whole person, not just the symptoms, and therefore, it may take longer to see results compared to Western medicine. However, many people have found Chinese medicine to be effective in improving their overall health and well-being.中文:作为一个中国人,我为我们的传统医学,特别是中药感到自豪。

常用中药词汇大全Lumbricus 地龙house lizard守宫(壁虎)calculus bovis(bezoar)牛黄aloes芦荟loquat枇杷lotus seed莲子hawthorn山楂chrysanthemum菊花plum blossom(wintersweet)梅花apricot kernel杏仁East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome 狗脊Elecampane Inula Root 土木香Emblic Leafflower Fruit 余甘子English Walnut Seed 胡桃仁Pepper花椒,胡椒Entada Sten 瞌藤子Entadae Stem 过江龙Ephedra Herb 麻黄Epigeal Srephaia Root 地不容Epimedium Herb 淫羊藿Erect St. John'swort Herb 小连翘Ergot 麦角Eriocarpous Glochidion Leaf 漆大姑Eucommia Bark 杜仲European Grape Fruit 索索葡萄European Hop Flower 啤酒花European Verbena 马鞭草European Waterhemlock Root 毒芹根False Chinese Swertia Herb 当药Falsehellebore Root and Rhizome 藜芦Fare son车钱子Fig无花果Figwort Root玄参Amygdala ceresorum 樱桃核Fangchi Root 广防已Semen Celosiae 青葙子Fennel Fruit 小茴香star anise大茴Fermented Soybean 淡豆豉Fewflower Lysionotus Herb 石吊兰Field Sowthistle Herb 苣荬菜Mao Huang黄茂Chinese angelica 当归Goldthread 黄连Codonopsis 党参Hung-mao 红茂Eucommia Bark杜仲Astragalus mongholicus黄芪Ligusticum wallichii川芎Poria cocos茯苓Bulbus fritilariae川贝Herba Solani白英rhizoma atractylodis苍术corydalis tuber元胡herba elsholtziae香薷skullcap黄岑Saposhnikovia divaricata防风rhizoma cyperi香附Aquilaria sinensis沉香Pseudoginseng三七cortex moutan丹皮borneol冰片(龙脑)red paeonia赤芍radices paeoniae alba(White Paeony Root)白芍rheum officinale大黄dried orange peers陈皮Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata熟地黄Radix Rehmanniae Recens生地黄polygonum multiflorum何首乌great burdock(gobo)牛蒡Chinese yam淮山asparagus cochinchinensis天冬Ophiopogon japonicus麦冬mulberry leaf桑叶Ginseng(Panax)人参Salvia miltiorrhiza丹参Lycium chinensis(Chinese wolfberry)枸杞Mugwort艾叶Yanhusuo(tuber corydalidis)延胡索hairy holly root毛冬青Immature Bitter Orange枳实saffron crocus藏红花semen cassiae决明子rhizoma polygonati黄精pilose antler鹿茸liquorice甘草rhizoma zingiberis干姜cinnamon肉桂Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae大枣Indian kalimeris herb马兰Filiform Cassytha Herb无根藤Fimbriae Orostachys瓦松Albizzia julibrissin合欢Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb荆芥Finger Citron佛手desert cistanche苁蓉Fistular Onion Stalk葱白Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb绞股蓝Flabelate Maiden-hair Herb过坛龙Flastem Milkvetch Seed沙苑子Flos Caryophyllata丁香Fluorite紫石英Forbes Wildginger Herb杜衡Forest Frog's Oviduct蛤蟆油Forrest Silkvine Stem or Root黑骨头Fortune Eupatorium Herb佩兰Fortune Firethorn Fruit救兵粮Fortune Loosestrife Herb星宿菜Fortune Meadowrue Herb白蓬草Fortune Paulownia Fruit /Royal Paulownia Fruit泡桐果Fortune Plumyew Twig and Leaf三尖杉Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole棕榈Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome骨碎补Fourstamen Stephania Root粉防己/汉防己Fragrant Eupatorium Herb飞机草Fragrant Plantainlily Herb玉簪Fragrant Sarcococca Herb清香桂Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome玉竹Franchet Groundcherry Calyx and Fruit锦灯笼Frangrant Ainsliaea Herb杏香兔耳风Frankincense乳香Freshwater Sponge紫梢花Fringed Iris Herb铁扁担Fruticose Breyniae Leaf and Twig黑面神。

下面是店铺分享的常用中草药英语词汇,希望能对大家有所帮助!JapaneseFloweringFernRhizome Rhizoma Osmundae 紫萁贯众Japanese Ginseng Rhizoma Panacis Japonici 竹节参Japanese Honeysuckle Stem Caulis Lonicerae 忍冬藤Japanese Hop Herb Herba Humuli Scandentis 路草Japanese Metaplexis Pericarp Pericarpium Metaplexis 天浆壳Japanese Milkwort Herb Herba Polygalae Japonicae 瓜子金Japanese Pachysandra Herb Herba Pachysandrae Terminalis 雪山林Japanese Peristrophe Herb Herba Peristrophes 九头狮子草Japanese Polypody Rhizome Rhizoma Polypodiodis Nipponicae 水龙骨Japanese Premna Herb Herba Premnae Microphyllae 腐婢Japanese Raspberry Root Radix Rubi Parvifolii 天青地白Japanese Snailseed Root Radix Cocculi Trilobi 木防己Japanese Snakegourd Root Radix Trichosanthis Cucumeroidis 王瓜根Japanese St. John'swort Herb Herba Hyperici Japonici 田基黄Japanese Stephania Root Radix Stephaniae Japonicae 千金藤Japanese Thistle Herb or Root Herba seu Radix Cirsii Japonici 大蓟Japanese Wormwood Herb Herba Artemisiae Japonicae 牡蒿Japonese Pearlwort Herb Herba Saginae Japonicae 漆姑草Japonica China Fern Rhizome Rhizoma Woodwardiae 狗脊贯众Jiuxiang Bug Aspongopus 九香虫Kadsura Pepper Stem Caulis Piperis Kadsurae 海风藤Kadsura Root-bark Cortex Kadsurae Radicis 紫荆皮Katsumade Galangal Seed Semen Alpiniae 草豆蔻Kelp Thallus Laminariae 昆布Kirilow Groundsel Herb Herba Senecionis Kirilowi 狗舌草Knoxia Root Radix Knoxiae 红大戟Korean Monkshood Root Radix Aconiti Coreani 关白附Kusamaki Seed Semen Podocarpi Macrophylli 罗汉松Kusnezoff Monkshood Root Radix Aconiti Kusnezoffii 草乌Lac Lacca 紫草茸Laciniate Kalanchoe Herb Herba Kalanchoes Lacinialae 鸡爪三七Ladybell Root Radix Adenophorae 南沙参Lalang Grass Rhizome Rhizoma Imperatae 白茅根Lance Asiabell Root Radix Codonopsis Lanceolatae 羊乳Lancelesf Lily Bulb / Greenish Lily Bulb / Low Lily Bulb Bulbus Lilii 百合Langdu Root Radix Euphorbiae Fischerianae/ 狼毒Largeflower Jasmine Flower Flos Jasmini 素馨花Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome Rhizoma Cimicifugae 升麻Lawn Pennywort Herb Herba Hydrocotyles 天胡荽Leatherleaf Mahonia Stem Chinese Mahonia Stem Culis Mahoniae 功劳木Leech Hirudo 水蛭Lemonfragrant Angelica Root Radix Angelicae Citriodorae 香白芷Lemongrass Herb Herba Cymbopogonis Citrati 香茅Lepidogrammitis Herb Herba Lepidogrammitidis Drymoglossoidis 鱼鳖草Lesser Galangal Rhizome Rhizoma Alpiniae Officinarum 高良姜Levant Cotton Root Radix Gossypii 棉花根Lilac Daphne Flower Bud Flos Genkwa 芫花Lilyofthevalley Herb Herba Convallariae 铃兰Limonite Limonitum 禹余粮Lindley Butterflybush Herb Herba Buddlejae Lindleyanae 醉鱼草Lindley Eupatorium Herb Herba Eupatorii Lindleyani 野马追Linear Leaf Speedwell Herba Veronicae 一支香Linear Stonecrop Herb Herba Sedi Linearis 佛假草Linearstripe Rabdosia Herb Herba Rabdosiae Lophanthoidis 溪黄草Lithargite Lithargyrum 密陀僧Little Multibanded Krait Bungarus Parvus 金钱白花蛇Littleleaf Indianmulberry Herb Herba Morindae Parvifoliae 白眼藤Lobed Actinostemma Herb Herba Actinstemmatis Lobati 盒子草Lobedfruit SchizocapsaRhizome Rhizoma Schizocapsae Plantagineae 水田七Long Pepper Fructus Piperis Longi 筚茇Long Stephania Herb Herba Stephania Longae 粪箕笃Longhairy Antenoron Herb Herba Lysimachiae 金钱草Long-nosed Pit Viper Agkistrodon 蕲蛇Longstamen Onion Bulb Bulbus Allii Macrostemi 薤白Longtube Ground Ivy Herb Herba Glechomae 连钱草Lotus Leaf Folium Nelumbinis 荷叶Lotus Plumule Plumula Nelumbinis 莲子心Lotus Rhizome Node Nodus Nelumbinis Rhizomatis 藕节Lotus Seed Pot Receptaculum Nelumbinis 莲房Lotus Stamen Stamen Nelumbinis 莲须Lovely Hemsleya Root Radix Hemsleyae 雪胆Lowdaphne Stringbush Flower and Leaf Flos et Folium Wikstroemiae Chamaedaphnis 黄芫花Luckynut Thevetia Seed Semen Thevetiae 黄花夹竹桃Incised Corydalis Herb Herba Corydalis Incisae 紫花鱼灯草Incised Notopterygium Rhizome /Forbes Notopterygium Rhizome Rhizoma Notopterygii 羌活India Canna Rhizome Rhizoma Cannae Indicae 美人蕉根India Mustard Seed Semen Brassicae Junceae 芥子Indian Azalea Leaf Folium Rhododendri Simsii 红花杜鹃Indian Damnacanthus Herb Herba Damnacanthi 虎刺Indian Epimeredi Herb Herba Epimeredis Indicae 防风草Indian Iphigenia Bulb Bulbus Iphigeniae Indicae 山慈菇Indian Kalimeris Herb Herba Kalimeridis 马兰Indian Mockstrawberry Herb Herba Duchesneae Indicae 蛇莓Indian Rorippa Herb Herba Rorippae 旱菜Indian Skullcap Herb Herba Scutellariae Indicae 疔疮草Indian Stringbush Root Radix Wikstroemae 了哥王Indian Trum etflower Seed Seen Oroxyli 木蝴蝶Indian Zehneria Herb Herba Zehneriae Indicae 马包儿Indigowoad Root Radix Isatidis 板蓝根Involute Spikemoss Herb Herba Selaginellae Involventis 兖州卷柏Irkutsk Anemone Rhizome Rhizoma Anemones Altaicae 九节菖蒲Ivy Glorybind Rhizome Rhizoma Calystegiae Hederaceae 打碗花Ivy Tree Bark Cortex Schefflerae Octophyllae 鸭脚木Japan Clover Herb Herba Kummerowiae Striatae 鸡眼草Japanese Ampelopsis Root Radix Ampelopsis 白蔹Japanese Ardisia Herb Herba Ardisiae Japonicae 矮地茶Japanese Buttercup Herb Herba Ranunculi Jponici 毛茛Japanese Cayratia Herb Herba Cayatiae Japonicae 乌蔹莓Japanese Climbing Fern Spore Spora Lygodii 海金沙Japanese Dock Root Radix Rumicis Japonici 羊蹄Lunate Peltate Sundew Herb Herba Droserae Lunatae 茅膏菜下载文档。

中医药材英语系列Ziziphus jujuba Extract 酸枣仁大枣Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens(Ginger)生姜Zedoary Root Extract 莪术Y ucca Extract 丝兰Y anhusuo Extract 延胡索Wormwood Extract 青蒿素Wild Y am Extract 山药White Willow Bark Extract 白柳皮White Tea Extract 白茶多酚White Kidney Bean Extracts 白芸豆white kidney bean extractWheat germ oil Extract 小麦胚芽油V alerian P.E 缬草Uva Ursi Extract 熊果Uniflower Swisscentaury Extract 漏芦Tribulus Terrestris Extract 刺蒺藜Tobacco Extract 烟草Tabersonine Extract 长春花Sweet Potato Red 紫甘薯红Sweet Basil Herb 罗勒Sunflower Seed & Flower 向日葵Sugar Cane Extract Rice bran wax 甘蔗Stizolodium pruriens Extract 左旋多巴Stigma Croci Sativae(Saffron)西红花Stevia Leaf Extratc 甜菊糖St. John's Wort Extract 贯叶连Rhizoma Coptidis(Coptis)黄连Rhizoma Bolbostemmae Extract 土贝母Rheum Extract 大黄Reishi Mushroom Extract 灵芝Red Y east Rice Extract 红曲米Red Reishi Mushroom P.E. 赤芝Red Grape Skin Extract 白藜芦醇Red Clover Extract 红车轴草Red Chillies Colour 辣椒RED CABBAGE COLOUR 红甘蓝Rauwolfia Serpentina Extract 萝芙木Raspberry Extract 覆盆子Ramulus Loranthi(Mulberry Mistletoe)桑寄生Radix Stemonae(Stemona Root)百部Radix Scutellariae(Skullcap Root)黄芩Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae(Red Sage Root)丹参Radix Rehmanniae(Rehmannia Root)地黄Radix Puerariae(Kudzu Root)葛根Radix Pseudostellariae(Pseudostellaria Root)太子参Radix Polygoni Multiflori(Fleece Flower Root)何首乌Radix Paeoniae(Peony)芍药Radix Ophiopogonis(Lilyturf Root)麦冬Radix Notoginseng(NotoGinseng Root)田三七Radix Notoginseng Extract 三七Radix Morindae(Morinda Root)巴戟天Radix Lithospermi Seu Arnebiae(Lithospermum Root)紫草Radix linderae extract 乌药提取物Radix Ledebouriellae(Ledebouriella Root)防风Radix isatidis chrysanthemun flower 板蓝根提取物Radix Glycyrrhizae Large(Licorice Root)甘草Radix Ginseng(Ginseng Root/Leaf)人参Radix ET Rhizoma Rhei(Rhubarb Root)大黄Radix Bupleuri(Thorowax)柴胡Radix Angelicae Sinensis(Dong Quai)当归Radix Angelicae Pubescentis(Pubescent Angelica Root)独活Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi(Siberian Ginseng)刺五加Radish Red 萝卜红Purslan Extract 马齿苋Pure Kappa Extract Powder 卡拉胶Pumpkin Seeds extract 南瓜籽Pumpkin Seed Extract 南瓜Pulsatilla Extract白头翁Pueraria lobata(willd.)Ohwi 葛根素Pueraria lobata extract 葛根提取物Psyllium Seed and Husks 欧车前草Poria(Tuckahoe)茯苓Pomegranate extract 石榴籽Polyporus(Polyporus)猪苓Plantain Leaf Extract 车前草Pink Plumepoppy Herb 博落回Pinellia Extract 半夏Pine Bark Extract 松树皮Phytosterols 植物甾醇Phellodendron.chinese Extract 盐酸黄连素Phellodendron Amurense Extratct 黄檗Persimmon Leaf Extract 柿子叶Perilla Stem Extract 紫苏Perilla Leaf 紫苏叶Peppermint Leaf P.E. 薄荷Peppermint Extract 薄何Peony Root Extract 芍药Passionflower Herb Extract 西番莲Parsley Seed Extract 欧芹Papaya Extract papaw 木瓜paeonol 丹皮酚Oliver Leaf Extract 橄榄叶Officinal Magnolia Bark 厚朴Oat Grass Extract 燕麦草Nomame senna Extract 水皂角Nicotiana tabacum extract 烟草提取物Nettle Leaf or Root Extract Stinging Nettle 荨麻Natural Beta-Carotene CWD Powder 胡萝卜素Nardostachydis Rhizoma ET(Nardostachys)甘松Myrrh Extract 没药Mullein Leaves and Flowers 毛蕊花Mullein Extract 毛蕊花Mucuna Pruriens Extract 油麻藤Mucuna Extract 油麻藤Moutan Radicis Cortex(Moutan Root Bark) Motherwort Extract 益母草Morinda Extract Noni 若里果Momordicae(Momordicoside)罗汉果Mistletoe Herb Extract 槲寄生Mistletoe Colored Mistletoe Herb Extract 槲寄生Milkthistle Extract 水飞蓟Milfoil Herb (Y arrow) Extract 一支蒿Medicinal Indianmulberry Root Extract 巴戟天Mate Extract 巴拉圭茶Marshmallow root extract 药葵, 蜀葵Marigold Extract 金盏花Magnolia Bark Extract 厚朴Lycopene 番茄红素Lotus Plumule P.E. 莲子心Lotus Leaf Extract 荷叶Lotus Leaf Extract荷叶Long Pepper Extract 荜茇Lo Han Kuo Concentrated Powder 罗汉果Lithospermi Radix Extract 紫草Licorice Root P.E. 甘草Lichen Usnea Extract 松萝lichen Usnea Extract 松罗酸钠Lesser Galangal Rhizome 高良姜Leonurus sibiricas extract 益母草提取物Lemon Peel Extract 柠檬Lemon Balm Leaf Extract 蜜蜂花Lavender Extract 薰衣草Kuhseng Extract 苦参Korean Ginseng Extract Powder 韩国人参Kola Nut Extract 可可Knotgrass Herb Extract 扁蓄kidney bean Extracted French Bean 菜豆四季豆、芸豆、玉豆Kelp Extract 昆布Kava Kava Extract 卡瓦Kale Extract 羽衣甘蓝Juniper Berry P.e. 杜松子Inositol, IP3 IP6 肌醇Hypericum Perforatum(St.John’s Wort)贯叶连翘Huperzine Serrate Extract 石杉碱甲千层塔Humulus Lupulus Linn.(European Hop)啤酒花Horsetail Extract 问荆horse radish Extract 辣根Horse chestnut P.E. 娑罗子Hops and Lupulin Exrtact 啤酒花Honey*le Flower Extract 金银花Honey Goat Weed Extract 淫羊藿High Mallow P.E 锦葵Hibiscus Flower Extract 木芙蓉hesperidin 橙皮甙Herba Plantaginis(Plantain Seed/Leaf)车前子/草Herba Patriniae Seu Thlaspi(Pennycress)败酱草Herba Menthae(Mint Leaf)薄荷叶Herba Leonuri(Motherwort)益母草Herba houttuyniae extract 鱼腥草提取物Herba Eupatorii(Eupatorium)佩兰Herba Equiseti Arvensis(Houttuynia)鱼腥草Herba Epimedii(Epimedium Leaf)淫羊霍Herba Cum Radice Taraxaci(Dandelion)蒲公英Herba Artemisiae Capillaris(Oriental Wormwood)茵陈蒿Herba Artemisiae Annuae(Sweet Wormwood)青蒿Herba Agastaches Seu Pogostemi(Wrinkled Giant Hyssop)藿香Henbane Extract 东莨菪碱Heircium extract 猴头菇Heather Herb and Flowers Extract 石楠Hawthorn Leaf Extract 山楂叶Hawthorn Berry Extract 山楂果Gymnema 武靴藤Guarana Extract 瓜拿那Gromwell Root Extract 紫草Grifola frondosa Extract 灰树花Green Tea Polyphenols 绿茶多酚Green tea Extract Saponin 绿茶皂素Green Tea Extract Polysaccharides 茶多糖Green Tea Extract L-Theanine 绿茶茶氨酸Green Tea Extract EGCG 绿茶EGCGGreen Tea Catechins Decaffeinated 绿茶低咖啡因Green Tea Caffeine 绿茶咖啡因Grape Seed Extract 葡萄籽Gotu Kola Extract 积雪草Golden seal Extract 北美黄连Ginseng Fruit Extract 人参果Ginseng Extract 人参Ginkgo Biloba Extract 银杏Ginger Extract 生姜Giant Knotweed Extract 白藜芦醇Gastrodia Tuber Extract 天麻Garlic Extract Powder 大蒜Garlic Extract Freeze Dried 大蒜Gardenia Y ellow 栀子黄Garcinia Cambogia Extract 藤黄Ganoderma Lucidum(Reishi)灵芝Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) γ亚麻酸Galanthamine Hydrobromide 加蓝他敏Galangal Root 高良姜Fu Ling Extract 茯苓Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae(Jujube Fruit)大枣Fructus Tribuli(Tribulus)蒺藜子Fructus Schisandrae(Schizandra Fruit)五味子Fructus Rubi(Raspberry Fruit)覆盆子Fructus Nandinae(Nandina Fruit)南天实Fructus Lycii Chinensis(Wolfberry Fruit/Leaf/Bark)枸杞子/叶/地骨皮Fructus Ligustri Lucidi(Grassy Privet)女贞子Fructus Foeniculi(Fennel Seed)小茴香Fructus evodiae extract 吴茱萸提取物Fructus Crataegi(Hawthorn)山楂Fructus Aurantii Immaturus(Unripe Bitter Orange)枳实Fructus Anisi Stellati(Star Anise)八角茴香Folium Steviae(Stevia Leaf)甜菊叶Folium Perillae(Perilla Leaf)紫苏叶Folium Nelumbinis(Lotus Leaf)荷叶Folium Kaki(Persimmon Leaf)柿子叶Folium Ginkgo(Ginkgo Leaf/Nut)银杏叶Folium Eriobotryae(Loquat Leaf)枇杷叶Folium Eriobotryae Extract 熊果酸(枇杷)Folium eriobotryae extract 枇杷叶提取物。

Agar 琼脂Abrus Herb 鸡骨草Aconiteleaf Syneilesis Herb 兔儿伞Acutangular Anisodus Root 三分三Adder's Tongue Herb 一支箭African Myrsine Herb 碎米棵Agaric 猪苓Air-Plant Herb 落地生根Airpotato Yam Rhizome 黄药子Aizoon Stonecrop Herb 景天三七Akebia Fruit 预知子Akebia Stem 木通Aloes 芦荟Alpine Yarrow Herb 蓍草Alum 白矾Amber 琥珀American Ginseng 西洋参Amur Adonis Herb 冰凉花Amur Ampelopsis Stem 山葡萄Amur Barberry Root 大叶小檗Amur Corktree Bark 黄柏Amur Grape Stem 山藤藤秧Ancients Euphorbia Stem 火殃勒Anemone Clematis Stem / Armand Clematis Stem 川木通Annual Fleabane Herb 一年蓬Antelope Horn 羚羊角Antifeverile Dichroa Root 常山Arabian Jasmine Flower 茉莉花Arabic Cowry Shell 紫贝齿Areca Peel 大腹皮Areca Seed 槟榔Argy Wormwood Leaf 艾叶Ark Shell 瓦楞子Arrowshaped Tinospora Root 金果榄Arsenic Sublimate 信石Ash Bark 秦皮Asiatic Moonseed Rhizome 北豆根Asiatic Pennywort Herb 积雪草Asiatic Toddalia Root 飞龙掌血Auricled Hedyotis Herb 耳草Autumn Zephyrlily Herb 肝风草Avicennia Pricklyash Root 鹰不泊Axillary Choerospondias Fruit 广枣Baical Skullcap Root 黄芩Balsamiferou Blumea Herb 大风艾Bamboo Shavings 竹茹Barbary Wolfberry Fruit 枸杞子Barbed Skullcap Herb 半枝莲Barberry Root 三棵针Bat Dung 夜明砂Bear Gall 熊胆Beautiful Millettia Root 牛大力Beautiful Phyllodium Twig and Leaf 排钱草Beautiful Sweetgum Fruit 路路通Belladonna Herb 颠茄草Belvedere Fruit 地肤子Benzoin 安息香Bezoar 牛黄Bigleaf Beautyberry Leaf 大叶紫珠Biond Magnolia Flower 辛夷Biotite Schist and Mica / Carbonate Schist by Chloritization 青礞石Bistort Rhizome 拳参Bitter Apricot Seed 苦杏仁Bitter Bamboo Leaf 苦竹叶Bitter Orange 枳壳Bittersweet Herb 白英Black Nightshade Herb 龙葵Black Sesame 黑芝麻Blackberrykiky Rhizome 射干Blackend Swallowwort Root 白薇Blighted Wheat 浮小麦Blister Beetle 斑蝥Boat-fruited Scaphium Seed 胖大海Boor's Mustard Herb 菥冥Borax 硼砂Borneol 冰片Bottle Brush Herb 问荆Bottle Gourd Peel 葫芦Brittle Falsepimpernel Herb 母草Brooklet Anemone Root 虎掌草Broomjutre Sida Herb 黄花母Buddha's Lamp Twig and Leaf 玉叶金花Buerger Pipewort Flower 谷精草Buffalo Horn 水牛角Bulbiferous Stonecrop 马屎花Bunge Auriculate Root 白首乌Bunge Corydalis Herb 地丁草Bunge Hackberry Bark or Stem 棒棒木Bunge Pine Cone 松塔Bur Beggarticks Herb 狼把草Burmann Cinnamon Bark 阴香Cablin Potchouli Herb 广藿香Cajeputtree Leaf 白千层叶Calamine 炉甘石Calcite 南寒水石Calomel 轻粉Camphor 樟脑Camphorwood 香樟木Canton Ampelopsis Root 无刺根Cape Jasmine Fruit 栀子Caper Euphorbia Seed 千金子Carbonized Human Hair 血余炭Carolina Cranesbill Herb 野老鹳草Cassia Bark 肉桂Cassia Seed 决明子Cassia Twig 桂枝Castor Bean 蓖麻子Catechu 儿茶Cattail Pollen 蒲黄Centipede 蜈蚣Ceratostigma Root 攀倒甑Chalcanthite 胆矾Chaulmoogratree Seed 大风子Cherokee Rose Fruit 金樱子Chervil Larkspur Herb 还亮草Chicken's Gizzard-membrane 鸡内金Chinaberry Bark and Root-bark 苦楝皮Chinagreen Herb 广东万年青Chinaroot Greenbier Rhizome 菝契Chinese Alangium Root 八角枫Chinese Angelica 当归Chinese Aralia Bark and Root-bark 葱木Chinese Arborvitae Twig 侧柏叶Chinese Asafoetida 阿魏Chinese Astilbe 落新妇Chinese Azalea Flower 闹羊花Chinese Azalea Fruit 八厘麻Chinese Bastardtoadflax Herb 白蕊草Chinese Box Twig 黄杨木Chinese Brake Herb 凤尾草Chinese Buckeye Seed / 娑罗子Wilson Buckeye SeedChinese Caterpillar Fungus 冬虫夏草Chinese Cinquefoil Herb 委陵菜Chinese Cricket 蟋蟀Chinese Date 大枣Chinese Dicliptera Herb 狗肝菜Chinese Dwarf Cherry Seed / 郁李仁Dwarf Flowering Cherry Seed / Longstalk Peach Seed Chinese Eaglewood 沉香Chinese Elder Herb 陆英Chinese Elm Bark 榔榆皮Chinese Eupatorium Root 广东土牛膝Chinese Fevervine Herb 鸡屎藤Chinese Fir Wood or twig 杉木Chinese Forgetmenot Root 接骨草Chinese Gall 五倍子Chinese Gentian 龙胆Chinese Globeflower Flower 金莲花Chinese Hibisci Rosae-Sinensis Flower 扶桑花Chinese Holly Leaf 枸骨叶Chinese Honeylocust Abnormal Fruit 猪牙皂Chinese Honeylocust Fruit 皂角Chinese Honeylocust Spine 皂角刺Chinese Incarvilla Herb 角蒿Chinese Iris Seed 马蔺子Chinese Ivy Stem 常春藤Chinese Knotweed Herb 火炭母Chinese Ladiestresses Root or Herb 盘龙参Chinese Ligusticum Rhizome / Jehol Ligusticum Rhizome 藁本Chinese Lizardtail Rhizome or Herb 三白草Chinese Lobelia Herb 半边莲Chinese Loropetalum Herb 继木Chinese Magnoliavine Fruit 五味子Chinese Milkwort Herb 大叶金不换Chinese Mosla Herb 香薷Chinese Osbeckia Herb 金锦香Chinese Peashrub Root 锦鸡儿Chinese Pholidota Herb 石仙桃Chinese Photinia Leaf 石南叶Chinese Pulsatilla Root 白头翁Chinese Pyrola Herb 鹿衔草Chinese Rose Flower 月季花Chinese Sage Herb 石见穿Chinese Silkvine Root-bark 香加皮Chinese Siphonostegia Herb 铃茵陈Chinese Soapberry Fruit 无患子Chinese St. John'swort Root 金丝桃Chinese Starjasmine Stem 络石藤Chinese Stellera Root 瑞香狼毒Chinese Tallowtree Root-bark 乌桕Chinese Tamarisk Twig 西河柳Chinese Taxillus Twig 桑寄生Chinese Thorowax Root / 柴胡Red Thorowax RootChinese Trumpetcreeper Flower Common TrumpetcreeperFlower 凌霄花Chinese Umbrellaleaf Rhizome and Root 窝儿七Chinese Usnea 松萝Chinese Waxgourd Peel 冬瓜皮Chinese Waxgourd Semen 冬瓜子Chinese Waxmyrtle Bark 杨梅Chinese Wedelia Herb 澎蜞菊Chinese White Olive 青果Chinese Wingmut Leaf 枫杨叶Chinese Wolfberry Root-bark 低骨皮Chingma Abutilon Seed 苘麻子Chinse Clinopodium Herb / Manyhead Clinopodium Herb 断血流Cholla Stem 仙人掌Chrysanthemum 菊花Cicada Slough 蝉蜕Ciliatenerve Knotweed Root 朱砂莲Cinchona Bark 金鸡纳皮Cinnabar 朱砂Citron Fruit 香橼Clam Shell 蛤壳Clematis Root 威灵仙Clethra Loosestrife Herb 珍珠菜Climbing Fig Fruit 薜荔果Climbing Groundsel Herb 千里光Clinopodium Herb 剪刀草Cluster Mallow Fruit 冬葵子Coastal Glehnia Root 北沙参Coca Leaf 古柯叶Cochinchina Momordica Seed 木鳖子Cochinchnese Asparagus Root 天门冬Cockscomb Flower 鸡冠花Coffee Senna Seed 望江南Coix Seed 薏苡仁Coloed Mistletoe Herb 槲寄生Colophony 松香Combined Spicebush Root 乌药Common Achyranthes Herb 倒扣草Common Adenostema Herb 下田菊Common Aeschynomene Herb 田皂角Common Alocasia Rhizome 海芋Common Alstonia Leaf 灯台叶Common Andrographis Herb 穿心莲Common Anemarrhena Rhizome 知母Common Baphicacanthus Rhizome and Root 马蓝Common Bletilla Pseudobulb 白及Common Bluebeard Herb 兰香草Common Bombax Flower 木棉花Common Burreed Rhizome 三棱Common Camptotheca Fruit 喜树果Common Carpesium Fruit 鹤虱Common Cephalanoplos Herb 小蓟Common Cissampelos Herb 亚乎奴Common Clubmoss Herb 伸筋草Common Cnidium Fruit 蛇床子Common Coltsfoot Flower 款冬花Common Crapemyrtle Leaf 紫薇叶Common Curculigo Rhizome 仙茅Common Dayflower Herb 鸭跖草Common Ducksmeat Herb 浮萍Common Dysosmatis Rhizome and Root / Sixangular Dysosmatis Rhizome and Root 八角莲Common Fenugreek Seed 葫芦巴Common Fibraurea Stem 黄藤Common Floweringquince Fruit 木瓜Common Four-o'clock Root 紫茉莉根Common Foxglove Leaf 洋地黄叶Common Gendarussa Herb 小驳骨Common Goldenrod Herb 一只黄花Common Heron'sbill Herb 长嘴老鹳草Common Jasminorange Leaf and Twig 九里香Common Jointfir Stem 买麻藤Common Knotgrass Herb 编蓄Common Lantana Leaf 马缨丹Common Leafflower Herb 叶下珠Common Lophatherum Herb 淡竹叶Common Macrocarpium Fruit 山茱萸Common Melastoma Herb 野牡丹Common Monkshood Mother Root 川乌Common Nandina 天竺子Common Russianthistle Herb 猪毛菜Common Sage Herb 荔枝草Common Scouring Rush Herb 木贼Common Selfheal Fruit-Spike 夏枯草Common Smoketree Twig and Leaf 黄栌Common Squill Bulb 鲜白头Common St. John'swort Herb 贯叶金丝桃Common Threewingnut Root 雷公藤Common Vladimiria Root 川木香Common wedgelet Fern Leaf 乌韭Common Yam Rhizome / Wingde Yan Rhizome 山药Copperleaf Herb 铁苋菜Coral Ardisia Root 朱砂根Coralhead Plant Seed 相思子Coriander Fruit 芫荽子Corn Stigma 玉米须Coromadel Coast Falsemallow Herb 黄花棉Corymbose Hedyotis Herb 水线草Costustoot 木香Cottonrose Hibiscus Leaf 木芙蓉叶Cowherb Seed 王不留行Creeping Dichondra Herb 马蹄金Creeping Rostellularia Herb 爵床Creeping Woodsorrel Herb 酢浆草Crispateleaf Ardisia Root 百两金Croton Seed 巴豆Cudweed Herb 鼠曲草Cuneate Lespedeza 铁扫帚Curly Bristlethistle Herb 飞廉Cushaw Seed 南瓜子Cuttlebone 海螵蛸Cyrtomium Rhizome 贯众Dactylicapnos Root 紫金龙Daghestan Sweetclover Herb 辟汗草Dahurian Angelica Root/Taiwan Angelica Root 白芷Dahurian Patrinia Herb / Whiteflower Patrinia Herb 败酱草Dahurian Rhododendron Leaf 满山红Dahurian Rose Fruit 刺玫Danshen Root 丹参Dark Plum fruit 乌梅Daylily Root / Citron Daylily / Small Yellow Daylily 萱草根Decumbent Bugle Herb 筋骨草Decumbent Corydalis Tuber 夏天无Dendrobium 石斛Densefruit Pittany Root-bark 白鲜皮Desertliving Cistanche 肉苁蓉Devilpepper Root /Java Devilpepper Root 萝芙木Devil's Rush Herb 龙须草Diels Stephania Root 血散薯Digitalis Lanata Leaf 毛花洋地黄叶Digua Fig Stem 地石榴Discolor Cinquefoil Herb 翻白草Divaricate Saposhnikovia Root 防风Divaricate Strophantus Seed 羊角拗子Diverse Wormwood Herb 刘寄奴Diversifolious Patrinia Root /Scabrous Patrinia Root 墓头回Dock Root 土大黄Doederlein's Spikemoss Herb 石上柏Dogbane Leaf 罗布麻叶Dog's Testis and Penis 狗肾Donkey-hide Glue 阿胶DoubleteethPubescentAngilicaRoot/Pubescent Angelica Root 独活Downy Groundcherry Fruit or Herb 灯笼草Downy Rosemyrtle Root 岗稔根Dragonhead Herb 全缘叶青兰Dragon's Blood 血竭Dragon's Tongue Leaf 龙利叶Drgon's Bones , Fossilizid 龙骨Dried Ginger 干姜Dried Lacquer 干漆Dried Longan Pulp 龙眼肉Drug Sweetflag Rhizome 菖蒲Dutchmanspipe Fruit 马兜铃Dutchmanspipe Vine / 天仙藤Northern Dutchmanspipe VineDwarf Lilyturf Tuber 麦冬Earthworm 地龙East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome 狗脊Elecampane Inula Root 土木香Emblic Leafflower Fruit 余甘子English Walnut Seed 胡桃仁Entada Sten 瞌藤子Entadae Stem 过江龙Ephedra Herb 麻黄Epigeal Srephaia Root 地不容Epimedium Herb 淫羊藿Erect St. John'swort Herb 小连翘Ergot 麦角Eriocarpous Glochidion Leaf 漆大姑Eucommia Bark 杜仲European Grape Fruit 索索葡萄European Hop Flower 啤酒花European Verbena 马鞭草European Waterhemlock Root 毒芹False Chinese Swertia Herb 当药Falsehellebore Root and Rhizome 藜芦Falsesour Cherry 樱桃核Fangchi Root 广防已Feather Cockscomb Seed 青葙子Fennel Fruit 小茴香Fermented Soybean 淡豆豉Fewflower Lysionotus Herb 石吊兰Field Sowthistle Herb 苣荬菜Fig 无花果Figwort Root 玄参FigwortflowerPicrorhizaRhizome 胡黄连Filiform Cassytha Herb 无根藤Fimbriae Orostachys 瓦松Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb 荆芥Finger Citron 佛手Fistular Onion Stalk 葱白Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb 绞股蓝Flabelate Maiden-hair Herb 过坛龙Flastem Milkvetch Seed 沙苑子Flos Caryophyllata 丁香Fluorite 紫石英Forbes Wildginger Herb 杜衡Forest Frog's Oviduct 蛤蟆油Forrest Silkvine Stem or Root 黑骨头Fortune Eupatorium Herb 佩兰Fortune Firethorn Fruit 救兵粮Fortune Loosestrife Herb 星宿菜Fortune Meadowrue Herb 白蓬草Fortune Paulownia Fruit /Royal Paulownia Fruit 泡桐果Fortune Plumyew Twig and Leaf 三尖杉Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole 棕榈Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome 骨碎补Fourstamen Stephania Root 粉防己/汉防己Fragrant Eupatorium Herb 飞机草Fragrant Plantainlily Herb 玉簪Fragrant Sarcococca Herb 清香桂Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome 玉竹Franchet Groundcherry Calyx and Fruit 锦灯笼Frangrant Ainsliaea Herb 杏香兔耳风Frankincense 乳香Freshwater Sponge 紫梢花Fringed Iris Herb 铁扁担Fruticose Breyniae Leaf and Twig 黑面神Gadfly 虻虫Galanga Galangal Seed 红豆蔻Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome 山柰Gall 胆汁Gambir Plant 钩藤Gansui Root 甘遂Garcinia Bark 山竹子Garden Balsam 急性子Garden Balsam Stem 透骨草Garden Burnet Root 地榆Garden Euphorbia Herb 飞扬草Garlic 大蒜Garter Snake 乌梢蛇Gecko 壁虎Giant Knotweed Rhizome 虎杖Giant St.John'swort Herb 红旱莲Giant Typhonium Rhizome 白附子Giantleaf Ardisia Rhizome 走马胎Ginkgo Leaf 银杏叶Ginkgo Seed 白果Ginseng 人参Girald Pteroxygonum Root 红药子Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome 土茯苓Glabrous Sarcandra Herb 肿节风Glandularstalk St.PaulswortHerb / Common St.Paulswort Herb 豨莶草Globeamaranth Flower 千日红Glossy Privet Fruit 女贞子Glutinosae Rice Root 糯稻根Golden Larch Bark 土荆皮Golden Thread 黄连Goldhair Hedyotis Herb 黄毛耳草Goosegrass Herb 牛筋草Gordon Euryale Seed 芡实Graceful Jessamine Herb 断肠草Grand Torreya Seed 榧子Granesbill Herb 短嘴老鹳草Grassleaf Sweelflag Rhizome 石菖蒲Great Burdock Achene 牛蒡子Great Willowherb Herb 柳兰Greater Celandine Herb 白屈菜Green Bristlegrass Herb 狗尾草Green Tangerine Peel 青皮Grosvener Siraitia 罗汉果Ground Beeltle 土鳖虫Guava Leaf 番石榴叶Gynura Root 红背三七Gypsum 石膏Gypsum 北寒水石Gypsum 玄精石Hainan Ervatamia Root 单根木Hairy Antler 鹿茸Hairyvein Agrimonia Herb and Bud 仙鹤草Halite 大青盐Halloysit 赤石脂Hance Brandisia Herb 蜜桶花Hance Pepper Stem and Leaf 山蒟Hare Dung 望月砂Harlequin Glorybower Leaf and Twig 臭梧桐Hawksbill Carapace 玳瑁Hawthorn Fruit 山楂Heartleaf Houttuynia Herb 鱼腥草Hedge Prinsepia Nut 蕤仁Hedgehog Hide 刺猬皮Hematite 赭石Hemp Fruit 火麻仁Hempleaf Negundo Chastetree Leaf 牡荆叶Hemsley Rockvine Root 三叶青Henbane Leaf 莨菪叶Henbane Seed 天仙子Henry Clematis Root 雪里开Heterohairy Monkshood Root 小白撑Heterophyllous Wing SeedtreeRoot 半枫荷根Heterophylly Falsestarwort Root 太子参Himalayan Teasel Root 续断Hindu Datura Flower /Hairy Datura Flower 洋金花Hiraute Shiny Bugleweed Herb 泽兰Honey 蜂蜜Honeycomb 蜂房Honeysuckle Flower 金银花Hoodshaped Alocasia Rhizome 老虎芋Horse Bezoar 马宝Horseweed Herb 小飞蓬Hot Pepper 辣椒Human Placenta 紫河车Humifuse Euphorbia Herb 地锦草Hupeh Anemone Herb 打破碗花花Hupeh Bauhinia Root 羊蹄甲Hupeh Fritillary Bulb 湖北贝母Hypoglaucous Collett Yam Rhizome 粉萆解Immature Bitter Orange 枳实Incised Corydalis Herb 紫花鱼灯草Incised Notopterygium Rhizome /Forbes Notopterygium Rhizome 羌活India Canna Rhizome 美人蕉根India Madder Root 茜草India Mustard Seed 芥子Indian Azalea Leaf 红花杜鹃Indian Buead 茯苓Indian Damnacanthus Herb 虎刺Indian Epimeredi Herb 防风草Indian Iphigenia Bulb 山慈菇Indian Kalimeris Herb 马兰Indian Mockstrawberry Herb 蛇莓Indian Rorippa Herb 旱菜Indian Skullcap Herb 疔疮草Indian Stringbush Root 了哥王Indian Trum etflower Seed 木蝴蝶Indian Zehneria Herb 马包儿Indigowoad Leaf 大青叶Indigowoad Root 板蓝根Inula Flower 旋覆花Involute Spikemoss Herb 兖州卷柏Irkutsk Anemone Rhizome 九节菖蒲Ivy Glorybind Rhizome 打碗花Ivy Tree Bark 鸭脚木Japan Clover Herb 鸡眼草Japanese Ampelopsis Root 白蔹Japanese Ardisia Herb 矮地茶Japanese Buttercup Herb 毛茛Japanese Cayratia Herb 乌蔹莓Japanese Climbing Fern Spore 海金沙Japanese Dock Root 羊蹄JapaneseFloweringFernRhizome 紫萁贯众Japanese Ginseng 竹节参Japanese Honeysuckle Stem 忍冬藤Japanese Hop Herb 路草Japanese Metaplexis Pericarp 天浆壳Japanese Milkwort Herb 瓜子金Japanese Pachysandra Herb 雪山林Japanese Peristrophe Herb 九头狮子草Japanese Polypody Rhizome 水龙骨Japanese Premna Herb 腐婢Japanese Raspberry Root 天青地白Japanese Snailseed Root 木防己Japanese Snakegourd Root 王瓜根Japanese St. John'swort Herb 田基黄Japanese Stephania Root 千金藤Japanese Thistle Herb or Root 大蓟Japanese Wormwood Herb 牡蒿Japonese Pearlwort Herb 漆姑草Japonica China Fern Rhizome 狗脊贯众Java Brucea Fruit 鸦胆子Jiuxiang Bug 九香虫Kadsura Pepper Stem 海风藤Kadsura Root-bark 紫荆皮Katsumade Galangal Seed 草豆蔻Kelp 昆布Kirilow Groundsel Herb 狗舌草Knoxia Root 红大戟Korean Monkshood Root 关白附Kudzuvine Root 葛根Kusamaki Seed 罗汉松Kusnezoff Monkshood Root 草乌Lac 紫草茸Laciniate Kalanchoe Herb 鸡爪三七Ladybell Root 南沙参Lalang Grass Rhizome 白茅根Lance Asiabell Root 羊乳Lancelesf Lily Bulb / Greenish Lily Bulb / Low Lily Bulb 百合Langdu Root 狼毒Largeflower Jasmine Flower 素馨花Largehead AtractylodesRhizome 白术Largeleaf Gentian Root / 秦艽Straw-coloured Gentian RootLargetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome 升麻Lawn Pennywort Herb 天胡荽Leatherleaf Mahonia Stem Chinese Mahonia Stem 功劳木Leech 水蛭Lemonfragrant Angelica Root 香白芷Lemongrass Herb 香茅Lepidogrammitis Herb 鱼鳖草Lesser Galangal Rhizome 高良姜Levant Cotton Root 棉花根Lightyellow Sophora Root 苦参Lilac Daphne Flower Bud 芫花Lilyofthevalley Herb 铃兰Limonite 禹余粮Lindley Butterflybush Herb 醉鱼草Lindley Eupatorium Herb 野马追Linear Leaf Speedwell 一支香Linear Stonecrop Herb 佛假草Linearstripe Rabdosia Herb 溪黄草Liquoric Root 甘草Lithargite 密陀僧Little Multibanded Krait 金钱白花蛇Littleleaf Indianmulberry Herb 白眼藤Lobed Actinostemma Herb 盒子草Lobedfruit SchizocapsaRhizome 水田七Long Pepper 筚茇Long Stephania Herb 粪箕笃Longhairy Antenoron Herb 金钱草Long-nosed Pit Viper 蕲蛇Longstamen Onion Bulb 薤白Longtube Ground Ivy Herb 连钱草Loquat Leaf 枇杷叶Lotus Leaf 荷叶Lotus Plumule 莲子心Lotus Rhizome Node 藕节Lotus Seed Pot 莲房Lotus Stamen 莲须Lovely Hemsleya Root 雪胆Lowdaphne Stringbush Flower and Leaf 黄芫花Lucid Ganoderma 灵芝Luckynut Thevetia Seed 黄花夹竹桃Lunate Peltate Sundew Herb 茅膏菜Lushan Mountain Barberry Root 刺黄莲Lychee Seed 荔枝核Madagascar Periwinkle Herb 长春花Magnetite 磁石Maifanite 麦饭石Malaytea Scurfpea Fruit 补骨脂Male Fern Rhizome 绵马贯众Malt 麦芽Manchurian Lilac Bark 暴马子皮Manchurian Rhododendron Leaf 照山白Manchurian Tubergourd Fruit 赤袍子Manchurian Wildginger 细辛Manshurian Dutchmanspipe Stem 关木通Mantis Egg-case 桑螵蛸Manyflower Gueldenstaedtid Herb 甜地丁ManyflowerSolomonsealRhizome / Siberian Solomonseal Rhizome / King Solomonseal Rhizome 黄精Manyprickle Acanto-Panax Root 刺五加Mary Rhododendron Leaf and Twig 紫花杜鹃Matteuccia Fern Rhizome 荚果蕨贯众Meadowrue Root and Rhizome 马尾连Medcinal Evodia Fruit 吴茱萸Medicated Leaven 六神曲Medicinal Changium Root 明党参Medicinal Cyathula Root 川牛膝Medicinal Indianmulberry Root 巴戟天Medicine Terminalia Fruit 诃子Membranous Milkvetch Root / 黄芪Mongolian Milkcetch RootMexican Tea Herb 土荆芥Mile Swertia Herb 青叶胆Mirabilite 芒硝Moellendorf's Spidemoss Herb 地柏枝Mole Cricket 蝼蛄Mongolian Dandelion Herb 蒲公英Mongolian Snakegourd Root 天花粉Mongollian Thyme Herb 地椒Motherwort Fruit 茺蔚子Motherwort Herb 益母草Mountain Dragon 古山龙Mountain Spicy Tree Fruit 毕澄茄Mountain Yam Rhizome 山萆解Mulberry Fruit 桑椹Mulberry Leaf 桑叶Mulberry Twig 桑枝Mullein Mightbrier Leaf 假烟叶Mus Covite 云母Musk 麝香Muskmelon Base 甜瓜蒂Muskmelon Seed 甜瓜子Muskroot-like Semiaquilegia Root 天葵子Myrrh 没药Nacre 珍珠母Nakedflower Beautyberry Leaf 裸花紫珠Nardostachyos Root and Rhizome 甘松Narrowleaf Screwtree Root 山芝麻Natant Salvinia Herb 槐叶苹Natural Indigo 青黛Negundo Chastetree Fruit 黄荆子Negundo Chastetree Leaf 黄荆叶Ningpo Yam Rhizome 穿山龙Nutgrass Galingale Rhizome 香附Nutmeg 肉豆蔻Nux Vomica 马钱子Obcordate Raspberry Root 黄锁梅Obscured HomalomenaRhizome 千年健Obtuseleaf Cinnamon Bark 山肉桂Officinal Asparagus Root 石刁柏Officinal Magnolia Bark 厚朴Omoto Nipponlily Rhizome 白河车Ophicslcite 花蕊石Opium 阿片Oriental Bittersweet Root 南蛇藤根Oriental Blechnum Fern Rhizome 乌毛蕨贯众Oriental Stephania Root 白药子Oriental Waterplantain Rhizome 泽泻Orpiment 雌黄Ovalleaf Dutchmanspipe Root 通城虎Ovateleaf Holly Bark 救必应Ovientvine 青风藤Oyster Shell 牡蛎。

Lumbricus 地龙East Asian Tree Fern Rhizome 狗脊Elecampane Inula Root 土木香Emblic Leafflower Fruit 余甘子English Walnut Seed 胡桃仁Entada Sten 瞌藤子Entadae Stem 过江龙Ephedra Herb 麻黄Epigeal Srephaia Root 地不容Epimedium Herb 淫羊藿Erect St. John'swort Herb 小连翘Ergot 麦角Eriocarpous Glochidion Leaf 漆大姑Eucommia Bark 杜仲European Grape Fruit 索索葡萄European Hop Flower 啤酒花European Verbena 马鞭草European Waterhemlock Root 毒芹根False Chinese Swertia Herb 当药Falsehellebore Root and Rhizome 藜芦根及根茎Amygdala ceresorum 樱桃核Fangchi Root 广防已Semen Celosiae 青葙子Fennel Fruit 小茴香Fermented Soybean 淡豆豉Fewflower Lysionotus Herb 石吊兰Field Sowthistle Herb 苣荬菜Fig 无花果Figwort Root 玄参FigwortflowerPicrorhizaRhizome 胡黄连Cassytha filiformis L. 无根藤Fimbriae Orostachys 瓦松Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb 荆芥Finger Citron 佛手Fistular Onion Stalk 葱白Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb 七叶胆Flabelate Maiden-hair Herb 过坛龙Flastem Milkvetch Seed 沙苑子Flos Caryophyllata 丁香Fluoritum 紫石英Oviductus rannae 蛤蟆油Forrest Silkvine Root 黑骨头Fortune Eupatorium Herb 佩兰Fortune Firethorn Fruit 赤阳子、救兵粮Fortune Loosestrife Herb 星宿菜Fortune Paulownia Fruit /Royal Paulownia Fruit 泡桐果Fortune Plumyew Twig and Leaf 三尖杉Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole 棕板Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome 骨碎补Fourstamen Stephania Root 粉防己/汉防己Fragrant Eupatorium Herb 飞机草Fragrant Plantainlily Herb 玉簪叶Fragrant Sarcococca Herb 清香桂Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome 玉竹Franchet Groundcherry Calyx and Fruit 锦灯笼Ainsliaea fragrans Champ 杏香兔耳风Frankincense 乳香Spongilla 紫梢花Fringed Iris Herb 蝴蝶花。

❖ Today, there are still some food to be used as drugs .
❖ For example :Chinese Yam Rhizome
❖ It is not only a delicious food material but also is a Chinese herbal medicine .
Part 1 The history of CMM
❖ Most of the CMM being comprised of plants ,historically there has been such a saying that “plants are the root of the CMM.”
Part 1 The history of CMM
❖ The Chinese Materia Medica (CMM) is used, under the guidance of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theories, for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the human body and mind, and for health protection and keeping in good health.
❖ Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory developed and expanded mainly from practice and experience.
❖ As early as 4000 years ago, the ancient Chinese created primitive medicine in their struggle with nature and diseases.

用英文介绍中药药材作文Title: Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs。
Traditional Chinese medicinal herbs have been an integral part of Chinese culture and healthcare for thousands of years. These herbs, derived from various plants, animals, and minerals, are used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to prevent and treat a wide range of ailments. In this article, we will explore some commonly used Chinese medicinal herbs and their therapeutic properties.1. Ginseng (人参)。
Ginseng, known as "Ren Shen" in Chinese, is one of the most well-known and widely used medicinal herbs in TCM. It is revered for its adaptogenic properties, which help the body adapt to stress and promote overall wellbeing. Ginseng is believed to enhance energy, improve cognitive function,and strengthen the immune system. It is commonly used to treat fatigue, boost vitality, and promote longevity.2. Ginkgo Biloba (银杏)。

常见中药介绍英文Introduction to Common Traditional Chinese MedicinesTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a long history and is widely practiced in China and many other parts of the world. It encompasses a wide range of treatment modalities, including acupuncture, herbal medicine, massage, and dietary therapy. In this article, we will introduce some common Chinese herbal medicines, their uses, and potential health benefits.1. Ginseng (人参)Ginseng is one of the most well-known Chinese herbal medicines. It has been used for centuries to improve overall health and vitality. Ginseng is believed to boost the immune system, enhance cognitive function, reduce fatigue, and improve physical endurance. It is commonly consumed in the form of teas, powders, or capsules.2. Astragalus (黄芪)Astragalus is a popular herb in TCM known for its immune-boosting properties. It is often used to prevent and treat respiratory infections, such as the common cold and flu. Astragalus is believed to enhance the body's resistance to diseases and promote overall wellness. It is commonly brewed into a tea or taken in supplement form.3. Goji Berry (枸杞子)Goji berries have been used for centuries in TCM for their health-promoting properties. These small bright red berries are rich in antioxidants and vitamins, making them a popular choice for boosting the immunesystem and improving overall health. Goji berries can be eaten raw, added to teas or soups, or taken in the form of juice or supplements.4. Licorice Root (甘草)Licorice root is a commonly used Chinese herb with various medicinal properties. It is often used to alleviate digestive issues such as indigestion, gastritis, and ulcers. Licorice root is also believed to have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effects. It can be brewed into tea, taken in capsule form, or used to make herbal preparations.5. Danshen (丹参)Danshen is a type of Chinese herb commonly used for cardiovascular health. It is believed to improve blood circulation, reduce blood clotting, and protect against heart-related conditions. Danshen is often taken in the form of capsules or brewed into a tea.6. Danggui (当归)Danggui, also known as Chinese Angelica, is widely used in TCM to nourish the blood and regulate menstrual cycles. It is often prescribed for women experiencing menstrual problems or menopausal symptoms. Danggui can be consumed in the form of teas, tablets, or liquid extracts.7. Chrysanthemum (菊花)Chrysanthemum flowers have a long history of use in TCM for their cooling and calming effects. Chrysanthemum tea is commonly consumed to help relieve stress, reduce inflammation, and improve eye health. It can be brewed with hot water and enjoyed as a refreshing beverage.8. Eucommia Bark (杜仲)Eucommia bark is known for its beneficial effects on the musculoskeletal system. It is commonly used in TCM to strengthen the bones, tendons, and ligaments. Eucommia bark is often brewed into teas or taken in the form of capsules or tablets.ConclusionTraditional Chinese Medicine offers a rich repertoire of herbal medicines with various health benefits. Although these herbs have been used for centuries in TCM, it is important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before using them, especially if you have any existing health conditions or are taking medications. Additionally, it is essential to ensure the quality and safety of the herbal products you choose to use.。

中医药材英语系列Ziziphus jujuba Extract 酸枣仁大枣Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens(Ginger)生姜Zedoary Root Extract 莪术Yucca Extract 丝兰Yanhusuo Extract 延胡索Wormwood Extract 青蒿素Wild Yam Extract 山药White Willow Bark Extract 白柳皮White Tea Extract 白茶多酚White Kidney Bean Extracts 白芸豆white kidney bean extractWheat germ oil Extract 小麦胚芽油Valerian P.E 缬草Uva Ursi Extract 熊果Uniflower Swisscentaury Extract 漏芦Tribulus Terrestris Extract 刺蒺藜Tobacco Extract 烟草Tabersonine Extract 长春花Sweet Potato Red 紫甘薯红Sweet Basil Herb 罗勒Sunflower Seed & Flower 向日葵Sugar Cane Extract Rice bran wax 甘蔗Stizolodium pruriens Extract 左旋多巴Stigma Croci Sativae(Saffron)西红花Stevia Leaf Extratc 甜菊糖St. John's Wort Extract 贯叶连Rhizoma Coptidis(Coptis)黄连Rhizoma Bolbostemmae Extract 土贝母Rheum Extract 大黄Reishi Mushroom Extract 灵芝Red Yeast Rice Extract 红曲米Red Reishi Mushroom P.E. 赤芝Red Grape Skin Extract 白藜芦醇Red Clover Extract 红车轴草Red Chillies Colour 辣椒RED CABBAGE COLOUR 红甘蓝Rauwolfia Serpentina Extract 萝芙木Raspberry Extract 覆盆子Ramulus Loranthi(Mulberry Mistletoe)桑寄生Radix Stemonae(Stemona Root)百部Radix Scutellariae(Skullcap Root)黄芩Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae(Red Sage Root)丹参Radix Rehmanniae(Rehmannia Root)地黄Radix Puerariae(Kudzu Root)葛根Radix Pseudostellariae(Pseudostellaria Root)太子参Radix Polygoni Multiflori(Fleece Flower Root)何首乌Radix Paeoniae(Peony)芍药Radix Ophiopogonis(Lilyturf Root)麦冬Radix Notoginseng(NotoGinseng Root)田三七Radix Notoginseng Extract 三七Radix Morindae(Morinda Root)巴戟天Radix Lithospermi Seu Arnebiae(Lithospermum Root)紫草Radix linderae extract 乌药提取物Radix Ledebouriellae(Ledebouriella Root)防风Radix isatidis chrysanthemun flower 板蓝根提取物Radix Glycyrrhizae Large(Licorice Root)甘草Radix Ginseng(Ginseng Root/Leaf)人参Radix ET Rhizoma Rhei(Rhubarb Root)大黄Radix Bupleuri(Thorowax)柴胡Radix Angelicae Sinensis(Dong Quai)当归Radix Angelicae Pubescentis(Pubescent Angelica Root)独活Radix Acanthopanacis Senticosi(Siberian Ginseng)刺五加Radish Red 萝卜红Purslan Extract 马齿苋Pure Kappa Extract Powder 卡拉胶Pumpkin Seeds extract 南瓜籽Pumpkin Seed Extract 南瓜Pulsatilla Extract白头翁Pueraria lobata(willd.)Ohwi 葛根素Pueraria lobata extract 葛根提取物Psyllium Seed and Husks 欧车前草Poria(Tuckahoe)茯苓Pomegranate extract 石榴籽Polyporus(Polyporus)猪苓Plantain Leaf Extract 车前草Pink Plumepoppy Herb 博落回Pinellia Extract 半夏Pine Bark Extract 松树皮Phytosterols 植物甾醇Phellodendron.chinese Extract 盐酸黄连素Phellodendron Amurense Extratct 黄檗Persimmon Leaf Extract 柿子叶Perilla Stem Extract 紫苏Perilla Leaf 紫苏叶Peppermint Leaf P.E. 薄荷Peppermint Extract 薄何Peony Root Extract 芍药Passionflower Herb Extract 西番莲Parsley Seed Extract 欧芹Papaya Extract papaw 木瓜paeonol 丹皮酚Oliver Leaf Extract 橄榄叶Officinal Magnolia Bark 厚朴Oat Grass Extract 燕麦草Nomame senna Extract 水皂角Nicotiana tabacum extract 烟草提取物Nettle Leaf or Root Extract Stinging Nettle 荨麻Natural Beta-Carotene CWD Powder 胡萝卜素Nardostachydis Rhizoma ET(Nardostachys)甘松Myrrh Extract 没药Mullein Leaves and Flowers 毛蕊花Mullein Extract 毛蕊花Mucuna Pruriens Extract 油麻藤Mucuna Extract 油麻藤Moutan Radicis Cortex(Moutan Root Bark) Motherwort Extract 益母草Morinda Extract Noni 若里果Momordicae(Momordicoside)罗汉果Mistletoe Herb Extract 槲寄生Mistletoe Colored Mistletoe Herb Extract 槲寄生Milkthistle Extract 水飞蓟Milfoil Herb (Yarrow) Extract 一支蒿Medicinal Indianmulberry Root Extract 巴戟天Mate Extract 巴拉圭茶Marshmallow root extract 药葵, 蜀葵Marigold Extract 金盏花Magnolia Bark Extract 厚朴Lycopene 番茄红素Lotus Plumule P.E. 莲子心Lotus Leaf Extract 荷叶Lotus Leaf Extract荷叶Long Pepper Extract 荜茇Lo Han Kuo Concentrated Powder 罗汉果Lithospermi Radix Extract 紫草Licorice Root P.E. 甘草Lichen Usnea Extract 松萝lichen Usnea Extract 松罗酸钠Lesser Galangal Rhizome 高良姜Leonurus sibiricas extract 益母草提取物Lemon Peel Extract 柠檬Lemon Balm Leaf Extract 蜜蜂花Lavender Extract 薰衣草Kuhseng Extract 苦参Korean Ginseng Extract Powder 韩国人参Kola Nut Extract 可可Knotgrass Herb Extract 扁蓄kidney bean Extracted French Bean 菜豆四季豆、芸豆、玉豆Kelp Extract 昆布Kava Kava Extract 卡瓦Kale Extract 羽衣甘蓝Juniper Berry P.e. 杜松子Inositol, IP3 IP6 肌醇Hypericum Perforatum(St.John’s Wort)贯叶连翘Huperzine Serrate Extract 石杉碱甲千层塔Humulus Lupulus Linn.(European Hop)啤酒花Horsetail Extract 问荆horse radish Extract 辣根Horse chestnut P.E. 娑罗子Hops and Lupulin Exrtact 啤酒花Honey*le Flower Extract 金银花Honey Goat Weed Extract 淫羊藿High Mallow P.E 锦葵Hibiscus Flower Extract 木芙蓉hesperidin 橙皮甙Herba Plantaginis(Plantain Seed/Leaf)车前子/草Herba Patriniae Seu Thlaspi(Pennycress)败酱草Herba Menthae(Mint Leaf)薄荷叶Herba Leonuri(Motherwort)益母草Herba houttuyniae extract 鱼腥草提取物Herba Eupatorii(Eupatorium)佩兰Herba Equiseti Arvensis(Houttuynia)鱼腥草Herba Epimedii(Epimedium Leaf)淫羊霍Herba Cum Radice Taraxaci(Dandelion)蒲公英Herba Artemisiae Capillaris(Oriental Wormwood)茵陈蒿Herba Artemisiae Annuae(Sweet Wormwood)青蒿Herba Agastaches Seu Pogostemi(Wrinkled Giant Hyssop)藿香Henbane Extract 东莨菪碱Heircium extract 猴头菇Heather Herb and Flowers Extract 石楠Hawthorn Leaf Extract 山楂叶Hawthorn Berry Extract 山楂果Gymnema 武靴藤Guarana Extract 瓜拿那Gromwell Root Extract 紫草Grifola frondosa Extract 灰树花Green Tea Polyphenols 绿茶多酚Green tea Extract Saponin 绿茶皂素Green Tea Extract Polysaccharides 茶多糖Green Tea Extract L-Theanine 绿茶茶氨酸Green Tea Extract EGCG 绿茶EGCGGreen Tea Catechins Decaffeinated 绿茶低咖啡因Green Tea Caffeine 绿茶咖啡因Grape Seed Extract 葡萄籽Gotu Kola Extract 积雪草Golden seal Extract 北美黄连Ginseng Fruit Extract 人参果Ginseng Extract 人参Ginkgo Biloba Extract 银杏Ginger Extract 生姜Giant Knotweed Extract 白藜芦醇Gastrodia Tuber Extract 天麻Garlic Extract Powder 大蒜Garlic Extract Freeze Dried 大蒜Gardenia Yellow 栀子黄Garcinia Cambogia Extract 藤黄Ganoderma Lucidum(Reishi)灵芝Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) γ亚麻酸Galanthamine Hydrobromide 加蓝他敏Galangal Root 高良姜Fu Ling Extract 茯苓Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae(Jujube Fruit)大枣Fructus Tribuli(Tribulus)蒺藜子Fructus Schisandrae(Schizandra Fruit)五味子Fructus Rubi(Raspberry Fruit)覆盆子Fructus Nandinae(Nandina Fruit)南天实Fructus Lycii Chinensis(Wolfberry Fruit/Leaf/Bark)枸杞子/叶/地骨皮Fructus Ligustri Lucidi(Grassy Privet)女贞子Fructus Foeniculi(Fennel Seed)小茴香Fructus evodiae extract 吴茱萸提取物Fructus Crataegi(Hawthorn)山楂Fructus Aurantii Immaturus(Unripe Bitter Orange)枳实Fructus Anisi Stellati(Star Anise)八角茴香Folium Steviae(Stevia Leaf)甜菊叶Folium Perillae(Perilla Leaf)紫苏叶Folium Nelumbinis(Lotus Leaf)荷叶Folium Kaki(Persimmon Leaf)柿子叶Folium Ginkgo(Ginkgo Leaf/Nut)银杏叶Folium Eriobotryae(Loquat Leaf)枇杷叶Folium Eriobotryae Extract 熊果酸(枇杷)Folium eriobotryae extract 枇杷叶提取物专业范本可能没有涵盖全面,最好找专业人士审核后使用,感谢您的下载!。
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• Usage and Dosage:5~10g is used in decoction • Now its injection is used in clinic for emergency treatment. • Note: Turnip and tea should be avoided in the course of
• Most of the CMM being comprised of plants ,historically there has been such a saying that “plants are the root of the CMM.”
• As a result, the CMM has often been called “Bencao” (herbal medicine), from ancient times.
Chrysanthemum T
• Actions • 1.Resolve phlegm to relive cough • 2.Relieve spasm and alleviate pain • 3.Clear away heat and toxin • 4.Regulate medicinal nature
• Actions
• 1.Clear away heat and remove toxin
• 2.Cool the blood to stop dysenter-toxin type
• 3.Eliminating summer-heat by cooling
• Radix Ginseng
• Actions • 1.It is an effective medicinal herb for invigorating qi (Qi is one of the basic
substances constituting the body) and saving collapse. 2.It can be strengthen constitution to improve the body resistance to diseases. 3.It can be calm the mind to promote intelligence .
• After thousand of years of development, The Traditional Chinese medicine is a very important part of medicine system in China.
• The Chinese Materia Medica as an important tool for disease prevention and control of the Chinese people.
• It is not only a delicious food material but also is a Chinese herbal medicine .
Blueberry-yam (A delicious Chinese food)
From the Tang dynasty, the Chinese Materia Medica has spread beyond China’s boundaries into Japan, Korea, Vietnam and other countries and they have received and utilized it; so the Chinese Materia Medica not only belongs to the Chinese nation, but also is shared by other nations.
The history of Chinese Materia Medica and the use of common Chinese medical materials
• Today, there are still some food to be used as drugs .
• For example :Chinese Yam Rhizome
treatment in case they affect its tonic effect.
• Actions
1.Expel wind (Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the reasons that cause the disease) and clear away heat Indicated for : Exterior syndrome due to wind-heat or seasonal febrile diseases at early stage. (fever, slightly aversion to cold, headache, cough)