



STST两优培九变异来自由度平方和均方F值F0.05 F0.01源区组间 3 215.73 71.91 1.77 4.76 9.78处理间 2 461.45 230.73 5.69 5.14 10.9误差 6 243.45 40.57总变异11 920.63处理平均数5%差异1%差异处3 45.9 a A处2 37.13 ab A处1 30.77 b A扬稻6号变异来自由度平方和均方F值F0.05 F0.01源区组间 3 278.78 92.93 0.51 4.76 9.78处理间 2 1076.53 538.27 2.96 5.14 10.9误差 6 1091.57 181.93总变异11 2446.88处理平均数5%差异1%差异处1 69.75 a A处2 61.38 a A处3 46.83 a A以上说明:针对两优培九而言,不同水分处理间水稻产量差异显著,且各水分处理产量为常规灌溉>重干湿交替>轻干湿交替;针对扬稻6号而言,不同水分处理间水稻产量差异不显著,但各水分处理产量同样为常规灌溉>重干湿交替>轻干湿交替。

EXCEL两优培九方差分析:单因素方差分析SUMMARY组观测数求和平均方差行 1 4 123.1 30.775 6.395833行 2 4 148.5 37.125 30.89583行 3 4 183.6 45.9 115.7667方差分析差异源SS df MS F P-value F crit 组间461.4517 2 230.7258 4.522312 0.043704 4.256495 组内459.175 9 51.01944总计920.6267 11扬稻6号方差分析:单因素方差分析SUMMARY组观测数求和平均方差行 1 4 279 69.75 128.8433行 2 4 245.5 61.375 175.4492行 3 4 187.3 46.825 152.4892方差分析差异源SS df MS F P-value F crit 组间1076.532 2 538.2658 3.535163 0.073617 4.256495 组内1370.345 9 152.2606总计2446.877 11注:组1:轻干湿交替;组2:重干湿交替;组3:常规灌溉。












科技信息检索与论文写作作业第一篇:科技信息检索与论文写作作业“科技信息检索与论文写作课程”专业课题检索报告课题名称:热老化对姓名学号:专业:电气工程导师签字:完成时间:XLPE性能影响2018年1月21日一、课题分析1.1 课题名称中文:热老化对XLPE性能影响英文:Influence of Thermal Aging on The Properties of XLPE 1.2课题关键词中文:交联聚乙烯;热老化;电性能;机械性能英文:XLPE, thermal aging, electrical properties, mechanical properties 1.3检索目的(1)通过检索复习科技文献检索及科技写作课堂内容,回顾老师所讲过的知识,掌握科技文献检索的方法。


二、检索过程明细 2.1中英文检索式检索式一:热老化 AND 交联聚乙烯 AND性能检索式二:热老化AND 交联聚乙烯检索式三:交联聚乙烯AND(电性能OR机械性能)检索式四:聚乙烯 AND 热老化 AND性能检索式五:XLPE AND thermal aging AND property 检索式七:XLPE AND thermal aging AND propert* 检索式八:XLPE ANDaging AND(electrical OR mechanical)检索式九:XLPE AND aging AND(electrical OR mechanical)AND propert*2.2检索结果2.2.1中国学术期刊全文数据库(CNKI)[1] 薛程.XLPE高压电缆绝缘老化状态评估研究[D].天津大学,2014.[2] 李欢,李建英,马永翔等.不同温度热老化条件下交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘热性能和力学性能的劣化趋势研究[J].绝缘材料,2018(01): 57-63.[3] 刘露萍,吕程.交联聚乙烯热老化过程中的电性能[J].塑料,2016,45(03):4-6.[4] 刘贺晨.高压直流电缆绝缘老化对空间电荷特性的影响及其电树枝特性研究[D].华北电力大学(北京),2017.[5] 朱晓辉,孟峥峥,王浩鸣等.运行高压交联聚乙烯电力电缆的介电性能[J].高电压技术,2015,41(04):1090-1095.[6] 詹威鹏,褚学来,申作家等.加速热氧老化中交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘聚集态结构与介电强度关联性研究[J].中国电机工程学报,2016,36(17):4770-4778.[7] 何东欣.交联聚乙烯电缆交流空间电荷与老化特性研究[D].华北电力大学(北京),2017.[8] 张福增,李淑琦,朱永华等.热老化对挤塑绝缘XLPE直流电缆空间电荷特性的影响[J].绝缘材料,2015,48(08):41-45.[9] 金天雄,刘飞,江平开等.热老化XLPE电缆绝缘的介电击穿行为的研究[J].电线电缆,2008(06):28-31+39.[10] 金天雄,黄兴溢,江平开等.热老化对交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘中水树的影响研究[J].绝缘材料,2007(05):45-48.[11] 阳云义,黄小,梁桂兰.浅谈热处理对交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆绝缘热老化性能的改善[J].价值工程,2017,36(31):200-201.[12] 李欢,李建英,欧阳本红.热老化对XLPE 电缆绝缘空间电荷分布特性的影响研究[J].绝缘材料,2017,50(11):27- 万方数据资源系统[13] 王国忠.交联副产物对交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘热老化性能影响的探讨[J].电线电缆,2006(4):10-12.[14] 王航,谭帼馨,谭英等.交联聚乙烯海底电缆绝缘层热老化寿命及理化性质分析[J].高分子材料科学与工程,2015(3):71-75.[15] 王航,谭帼馨,谭英等.交联聚乙烯电缆热老化与电树枝化相关性研究[J].江苏电机工程,2009(5):54-57.[16] 李伟,吴麟琳,张幸等.交联聚乙烯电缆的老化及其诊断方法研究进展[J].绝缘材料,2016(11):36-44,50.[17] 周韫捷,李红雷,王琦梦等.加速热老化对XLPE电缆绝缘力学性能和介电性能的影响研究[J].华东电力,2014(8):1606-1610.[18] 欧阳本红,康毅,赵健康等.加速水树老化对XLPE电力电缆绝缘性能的影响[J].高电压技术,2010(8):1942-1949.[19] 李长明,韩宝忠,郭文敏等.交联聚乙烯热老化过程动力学参数的确定[C].中国电工技术学会电线电缆专业委员会2006年学术年会.2006: 240-247.[20] 金天雄.热老化交联聚乙烯电缆绝缘的介电以及水树枝行为的研究[D].上海交通大学,2006.2.2.3 读秀知识库[21] 舒康玉.电缆绝缘热老化因素对水树现象的影响[J].数字化用户,2017,(5).[22] 王航,谭帼馨,谭英.交联聚乙烯海底电缆绝缘层热老化寿命及理化性质分析[J].高分子材料科学与工程,2015,31(3): 71- 国家科技图书文献中心[23] 李哲凡,金石南,刘飞等.热老化XLPE电缆绝缘的介电击穿行为的研究[J].电线电缆,2008(6):28- SCI数据库[24] Boukezzi L, Bessissa L, Boubakeur A, et al.Neural networks and fuzzy logic approaches to predict mechanical properties of XLPE 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1986.三、综述报告 3.1 研究内容研究内容主要为热老化对交联聚乙烯性能的影响,在不同的老化温度下对交联聚乙烯试样进行加速热老化,对不同老化时间、老化温度的XLPE试样进行性能测试,研究热老化对交联聚乙烯电性能的影响,电性能包括材料的直流击穿强度、空间电荷分布情况、电导率。



北京航空航天大学Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics激光冲击强化处理质量检测李晨①①北京航空航天大学机械工程及自动化学院, ZY1307229;*E-mail: stevenlee1991@摘要激光冲击强化处理技术是目前提高航空发动机叶片的疲劳寿命的一种新技术。

















第八讲 科技论文的写作方法和步骤

第八讲 科技论文的写作方法和步骤

• 修改:
把文章暂时搁在一边,随后再修改。 文章读起来是否朗朗上口,内容是否平衡 最重要的论点充分是否强调了,应叙述的基本内容有 否遗漏
每个句子的意义是否清楚、准确 长句是否组织的很好 在形式、用词、缩写、符号、数学公式和插图方面是 否符合读者要求
• 修改:
确切概括论文的性质与内容 简短、易读、易懂,但又不过于简单,空泛,以致意义不明确 文字中包括被研究对象和被观察的因素,不包括细节和结论 字句的次序适当,重要的字句应尽可能排在前边
例子:A年龄与儿童发育的关系 B儿童的年龄与发育的关系 C儿童发育与年龄的关系 以B较好 A蛋白质加热对营养价值的影响 B加热对于蛋白质营养价值的影响 以B较好
3.1.1 提出问题阶段(选题)
选题是写好科技论文的关键,选好题目就等于写好论文的一半。 研究方向宜宽,论文选题宜具体、需在充分调研的基础上进行,要根据自己 的研究基础、研究条件以及所掌握的资料和研究方法确定合适的题目。
提出问题的常用方法: 1)学科前沿法。勇于在新学科领域或学科新生长点中选 题,在基金申请指南书和新近文献基金项目中选题。 2)实际需求提炼法。关注国家需求(发展规划、要求), 收集实践部门中存在的研究问题,在完成科研项目过 程中思考提炼创新点,形成论文选题。 3)学科交叉法。在交叉学科边缘学科和横断学科中选题, 在被忽略的领域开垦新天地(东北中国龙鸟化石)。 4)先易后难法。从作者熟悉的领域中选题,到学科交叉 领域,到学科前沿选题。
• 3、论文写作
一气呵成你的文章,要使用脑海第一次想到的词 初稿完成后才是修改文章的时候 写初稿的目的是要把所有想写的话全都写出来,把内容的先后次序尽可 能安排适当 原订的计划有不当之处,在这个阶段,最好不要改变过多;应等把整个 初稿写完并抄出清稿,把全篇论文从头到反复看几遍,再订修改计划。 在初稿中,凡是引用文献,并用括号括起。凡需加脚注的地方,应紧接正文 的相应位置把脚注的全方写出,并加上括号


















英⽂科技论⽂写作与学术报告(2019秋)作业答案英⽂科技论⽂写作与学术报告(2019秋)作业答案第⼀章1. Which one is NOT included in “logics in writing paper”?A Logical presentation in writing paperB Good language flowC Good structure and clarity in the paperD Good theoretical analysis2. Which is the CORRECT statement in the following?A If the reader want to know the result of the paper, they can read the introduction.B If the reader want to intuitively know the key ideas behind the paper, they should read the introduction.C It's optional that we summarize the contribution of the paper in the "abstract".D If the readers want to know all the glory details, they can read the introduction.3. Which of the following practice we should follow when writing scientific paper in English?A Modesty is a good characteristic in Chinese culture.B When writing scientific paper, we should point out the shortcomings of our research using a specific section.C We should confidently show the contributions of our research.D The English culture is so similar to Chinese that Chinese readers can just follow their culture when writing an English scientific paper.4. What does “delivery” means in the context of writing an Engligh scientific paper?A The meaning of “delivery” is similar to the concept of those delivery companies.B “Delivery” means the contributions of your research.C “Delivery” means how much do the writers know the background of the readers.D The “responsibility of delivery” is on the writer rather than on the reader.5. Which one is the CORRECT expression of “博⼠后流动站”?A Postdoctoral program.B Post-doctor mobile station.C Post-doctor flow station.D Postdoctoral moving station.6. Which of the following translation is authentic?A 注意安全---- take care.B 第⼀教学楼---- No.1 teaching building.C ⼩⼼落⽔---- fall into water carefully.D 投诉电话---- law suit phone number.7. What should we do in writing a scientific paper?A In order to emphasize our views, we should put our strong emotions into the text.B Slightly present our political comments is allowed.C We should follow the mainstream ideas of general public.D We should present facts, theories, proofs, experiments, testing results objectively.8. Which of the following is WRONG about the title of scientific paper?A It normally is not a sentence.B It is better to use the fewest possible words to adequately describes the contents of the paper.C The order of the words in the title is very important.D It is better to use a complete sentence.9. Which of the following is WRONG about the abstract of scientific paper?A It is the summary of the paper.B It is better to use abbreviation to make the abstract shorter.C It describes the key ideas of the paper.D It gives the results of the paper.10. Which is NOT advised in the introduction section?A Clearly explain the background of our research.B Clearly explain the problem we do.C Explain the academic and/or impact.D Using mathematical functions to explain our model.11. Which of the following is RIGHT regarding the literature review?A It is better to comment on the existing work positively.B It is better to comment on the existing work objectively.C It is better to comment on the existing work negatively.D It is better to criticize the results obtained by other researchers to highlight our contributions.12. Which of the following is RIGHT about the references of introduction of scientific paper?A It is better to cite as many foreign references as possible.B It is better to cite many your own previously published papers.C It is better to cite as many domestic references as possible.D Recent references should be cited13. What may the reviewer thinks if you cite too many your own publications?A You really contribute a lot to the community.B Other researchers are not interested in the subject.C You have a say in this research area.D They will think you have sufficient references.14. If the a reference has 5 authors, how many authors should you include in the reference list?A Only the first author.B Only the first and second author.C Only the first and corresponding author.D All five authors.15. What should you do in the “Problem description and formulation”?A If you clearly know the meaning of a variable, it’s ok that it is not defined.B You should present the problem you are trying to solve.C Usually you should describe your system configuration, environment and so on.D You should put the organization of your paper here.16. Which of the following statement is NOT correct?A If you have a theorem, you should put th e proof in the section of “methodology.”B In the section of “simulation/numerical result”, you should present the description of the practical or experiment system, description of the data and the associated system.C In the section of “simulation/numerical result”, you can use tables, figures and graph to better present your contribution.D In the conclusion remark or the conclusion, you can just repeat your conclusion remark as the abstract.17. What you can do if you want to show acknowledgment?A It’s not appropriate to put acknowledgment in the front page.B You can put a separate section of acknowledgment in your paper.C If you acknowledge Albert Einstein, you should thank him based on the fact.D The length of acknowledgment should be strictly constrained.18. Which is CORRECT when you list the references?A It’s ok if you put as many references as you can.B To enrich your paper, you should can list something that is not referred to in your paper.C Every reference you list must be referred in the main text.D It’s proper for you to list many home made references.19. What does “proof reading” mean?A 证明阅读.B 校对.C 证明读物.D 证明在读.20. What is TRUE if at the procedure to submit a paper?A Usually we submit the entire manuscript to a conference or journal.B All conferences require you to submit the abstract first, from which the organizer will determine whether you need to submit the whole text.C We should submit a hard copy to the publisher with your signature.D The reviewers’ comments are not v ery important when you modify your paper.21. If the publisher sends the proof to you, when should you give a reply?A In about 2 days.B In about 2 weeks.C In about 2 months.D In about 2 years.22. Which of the following may not be the reason to reject a scientific paper?A There are many grammatical mistakes in the paper.B There are many simple sentences in the paper.C There are many direct translations in the paper.D There are some spelling mistakes of authors' names in references.23. Which of the following is TRUE?A Font size should keep consistency only in each paragraph.B Font size should keep consistency only in each part of the paper.C Font size should keep consistency in the entire paper.D It doesn't matter how the font size used.24. Which of the following is TRUE about use of mathematical equations?A It is better to use as many equations as possible.B It is better to use as few equations as possible.C It is better not to use any equations at all.D It is better to have a balanced use of equations.25. Which statement is NOT true?A You should keep consistence in equations and reference format.B You should keep consistence in format of authors of all references.C The format between different paragraphs should be kept the same.D You should not use synonyms in order to keep consistence.26. What is NOT necessary when you want to better write your paper?A Use spelling check to make sure all the words are spelled correctly.B Use grammar check to find out inconsistency.C Carefully check the spellings of the names in references.D Use many hard and complicated sentences to polish your expressions.27. Which of the following author names may NOT be the right format of the reference?A X. Guan, S. Zhang, S. Li, W. WangB Guan, X., Zhang, S., Li, S., Wang, W.C Xiaohong Guan, San Zhang, Si Li, Wu WangD Guan Xiaohong, Zhang, S., S. Li, W. Wang28. Which is NOT the general style of the reviewers?A FrankB BrutalC SarcasticD Implicit29. If the reviewer gives a lot of critical comments and requests for modification, what are the correct attitudes we should have?A The reviewers are giving us hard time on my paper.B The reviewer is incompetent because he cannot understand what I write.C We should modify our paper according to the reviewers’ comments to get our paper published.D The reviewer is biased on me.30. Which one is NOT the good advices on responding to reviewers?A We need to examine carefully all the comments made by the reviewers and the Associate Editor.B We have to differentiate those comments that must be fully addressed from those that are desirable to be addressed.C We only need to address the comments that they are correct as we believe.D We need to respond to EACH and EVERY point raised by the reviewer and the referee.31. In order to help the reviewers save time, we shouldA List our original reviews and the response side by side.B Tell the reviewers that we have modified the paper carefully.C Send back a paper with enough modification to the reviewers.D Just select some critical comments to response.32. Which is the WRONG response to reviewers if we don’t agree with their comments?A We had better not to argue with the reviewer.B Show the reviewers that the main text is revised according to their comments.C If we must disagree with their comments, we should do it very professionally with no rancor or sarcasm.D Ignore those comments or explain what we originally meant.33. Which one is the good action in responding to reviewers?A We explain to the reviews what we have revised to addressed their comments.B If the criticism of the reviewers makes us uncomfortable, we should ignore and try to feel better.C If the reviewers think that the contributions are not enough, we should request the Associate Editor to have other reviewers review our paper.D If the reviewers think that the contributions are not enough, we should have patience, waiting they change mind.34. Which description of the review system is CORRECT?A The author knows the reviewer, but the reviewer doesn’t know the author.B The authors do not know the reviewer, but the reviewer knows the authors.C The reviewers know each other.D The author knows the reviewer, and the reviewer know the author, too.第⼆章1. What are the CORRECT statements in the following?A Making presentations in English is only important for scholars.B Making presentations in English is only important for businessmen.C Making presentations in English is only important for scholars and businessmen.D Making presentations in English is important for many careers.2. Which of the following is WRONG about making presentations in English?A It can make a good impression.B It can show how smart you are.C It is only necessary when you attend an academic conference.D It may be the turning point in many cases.3. Which is NOT the correct statement in the following?A You should overestimate the audience's capability to show smart they are.B You should assume responsibility of delivery.C You should make a lot of efforts to prepare your slide.D You should make a lot of efforts to practice your presentation.4. Which of the following is WRONG about using Powerpoint to make presentations?A It uses audio and visual channels of communications and more information transfer in the same amount of time.B You cannot make the last minute change under any condition.C Preparing the slides forces you to organize and rehearse you talk and help you uncover weak spots.D You can synchronize with sound recording and presenting without physical presence.5. Which statement is NOT the correct one in the following?A It is better to use multiple slides or the animation feature to control the display of information on your slide.B It is better not to make a slide crowded.C It is better not to copy texts form your thesis to the slide directly.D It is better to put many words in the slide to make your audience get the information clearly.6. Which statement about the font size in the slide is NOT mentioned in the video?A Usually the minimal font size for text is 18 points.B Occasionally in graphics 14 points can be used.C Very rarely the minimal font size for text can be 12 points.D Very rarely in detail graphs you can use 12 points.7. Which is the main function of a road map in your presentation?A To beatify your slides.B To increase the number of your slides.C To tell the audience where your talk is.D To concretely show conclusions of your research.8. Which is NOT the correct statements in the following?A It is OK to change notations half way through a talk by copying those in another talk to save efforts.B When using a graphic notation, make the graphics distinctive and use it repeatedly.C Use one consistent name or label to denote one thing throughout the talk.D Always define things, your problem statement, mathematical symbol, your goal, etc.9. Which of the following may NOT be a necessary part of presenting experimental results?A Conditionals defined.B Procedures detailed.C Diagram labeled.D Conclusions stated.10. For a 30 minutes talk, what is the appropriate number of slides?A No more than 15.B No less than 15.C No more than 10.D No less than 20.11. What is a good presentation?A Use many beautiful animations, but the content is not fulfilled.B The topic of your presentation is interesting in your aspect.C The subject of your presentation is welcomed by the audience.D The words in your slide are of large size to make the audience look clearly.12. Which is the appropriate time of preparing slides according to Prof. Ho of Harvard University?A About 5 minutes per slide with graphics.B About 15 minutes per slide with graphics.C At least 5 minutes to make one slide in presentation.D At least 15 minutes to make one slide in presentation.13. Which is NOT the correct statements in the following?A You can prepare some slides for some expected question.B You can take the questions in the rehearsal as pre-reviews.C You cannot say I don't know even if you don’t have an answer.D You can offer the approach to finding the answer if necessary.14. Which statement is NOT correct about preparing slides for expected questions?A It will impress the audience that how much efforts you made to make this presentation.B From this way you can improve your presentation in the rehearsal.C It may make the audiences difficult to raise new questions.D It can help you answer the questions better.15. What would most probably happen if you read the slides in your presentation?A It seems that you have prepared a lot.B It will make the audience easily to get bored.C It seems that you are not confident enough.D The time you spend in presentation is easily to over the limitation.16. When should you mention your main goal in making presentations?A Mention your main goal early to capture attention of the audience.B Mention your main goal at any time is Ok.C Mention your main goal late to keep audience in suspense.D Never mention your main goal at all.17. Which is NOT the correct statements in the following?A Watch where you stand when you speak.B Keep the laser pointer on all the time to attract the attention of audience.C Don't keep your hands in the pocket.D Record your talk and listen to and view it.18. Which of the following expression is proper for the speaker/audience?A What you are talking about is nothing, but general theory of relativity.B It is a stupid question, my first-year graduate student can answer that.C I have just talked about that, why did you ask such a question again.D It is really a good question, thanks for your asking.19. Which is the CORRECT statement in the following?A The speaker should answer the question before the audience finishes it to save time.B The speaker should not be polite, because it may make others feel that you are not knowledgeable.C The speaker should listen carefully before answering the question.D The speaker should say directly that your question is irrelevant.第三章1. Which statement is WRONG about sharing credit in writing scientific paper?A If your wor k is built on somebody else’s work, you should state clearly.B There is a harsh punishment for plagiarism.C It is acceptable to write a couple of paragraphs rephrasing other people’s words and provide a simple numbered reference.D If you list the references at the end of the paper, you should cite all the references your listed in the text.2. What should you do if you want to cite a general theory of relativity of Albert Einstein?A Just copy the original words of the theory.B Put quotations on the original words of the theory.C Using your own words to express meaning of the theory without reference.D Simply providing a numbered reference after copying the original words.3. Which of the following is NOT appropriate when you acknowledge others in your paper?A You thank someone sincerely and properly in the acknowledge section of the paper.B A scientist is not related to your paper, but you put his name in your paper because he is very famous worldwide.C If the idea is from other people, you should acknowledge them.D Before you use somebody else’s document, you should ask for permission.4. Which of the following is unacceptable in terms of sharing credit?A If I want to reuse the graph and picture of my paper that has been previously published, I still ask for the permission and copyright from the publisher.B I have to make sure that it is really my work before I claim my contribution in the paper.C I am generous to collaborators in some cases that their contributions are not very clear cut.D I claim in my paper that the idea is just from myself and has nothing to do other discussants so that all the contributions are owing to me.5. What does “take credit” means in the video?A Take your credit card.B Claim your contributions.C Guarantee that your results are credible.D Be honest while discussing with others scholars.6. What do the IEEE journals rely on to determine the order of authorship?A Authors’ contributions.B The alphabet of authors’ names.C Seniority.D Radom.7. What should you do if you don’t know the reference format?A Simply follow the reference format in one of your referenced paper.B Just use your custom reference format.C Follow the instructions of the conference or the journal.D Try a variety of formats in your reference list.8. Which format for citing references is not right?A [10] studies the strategic implications of forward contracting in commodity markets that exhibit an oligopolistic structure.B The strategic implications of forward contracting in commodity markets that exhibit an oligopolistic structure have been studied [10].C Liski and Montero studied the strategic implications of forward contracting in commodity markets that exhibit an oligopolistic structure [10].D Reference [10] studies the dynamic vehicle routing problem.9. Which statement of the following is NOT right about the importance of attending academic conferences?A Academic conference is very important for professors, but it is unworthy for students.B Academic conference is a place where we can exchange ideas and acquire the most up-to-date information and ideas.C We are able to meet colleagues and join the research networks of the academic conference.D There is a career opportunity in attending the conference for students.10. What activities can you choose to participate in during an academic conference?A Plenary and keynote speech.B Panel discussion session.C Paper presentation session.D All the above.11. Which statement in an academic conference is NOT correct?A Panel discussion often discusses the important issues on a specific topic and invites the panelists to sit in front of the stage.B Plenary and keynote speech often discusses the future development and research directions.C Attendants are advised to the plenary and keynote speeches.D Paper presentation requires an author of the paper to present the paper as long as one likes.12. What’s the poster session?A The authors of the paper make a poster in the specified area.B A session with many posters which aim to promote the conference.C If the attendees are interested in your poster, they will buy the poster.D The authors show their contributions using a poster without oral presentation or discussion with others.13. What should you NOT do if you want to meet the session chair?A Submit my bio information before the session starts.B Meet the session chair at authors’ breakfast.C Chat with the session chair during others’ presentation.D Locate my session and be aware of the arrangement ahead of time.14. Which one is not necessary for the authors before making presentations?A Read the program carefully.B Locate your session.C Take part in other sessions.D Be aware of the time and the slot for your presentation.15. What should you NOT do in the session of an academic conference?A Prepare the slides strictly according to the time limit of the schedule.B Answer questions at the session.C Do not show up in the arranged session and others can communicate with me by E-mail.D Meet session chair before the session starts.16. What main benefits you will get if you volunteer to serve the academic community?A Earn money.B No benefits but simply for personal interest.C Build a good relation with the colleagues in your field.D Get offers from famous professors who attend the conference.17. Which one of the following is NOT the reason for a scholar to provide academic service?A Academic service is a way to integrate into the world of science and technology.B Academic service is a way to have an influence in international academic community.C Academic service is paid much.D Academic service proves that you play an important role in academic community.18. What is the benefit from serving as a reviewer for a journal or conference?A Keep one up in the field.B Maintain critical skill.C Enhance curriculum vitae for students.D All the above.19. Which one is NOT included in the reviewing tasks?A Provide rating scales on quality and publishability.B Provide rating scales on the originality or creativity.C Help the authors to modify the paper.D Give comments on the correctness of the method.20. Which statement about reviewer is NOT true?A The reviewer may encourage the author to improve the paper.B If you are a reviewer, you should keep confidentiality.C You are responsible to give comments to the author whether the paper is accepted or rejected.D You only need to be specific and constructive to the beginning authors.21. Which one is not essential to be a good reviewer?A You have to volunteer to be a reviewer first.B You should provide a good review.C You need to have the experience of reviewing papers from all regions.D You should have credibility on reviewing papers.22. What should you do if you want to become an associate editor?A Publish at least five papers in the journal to know the standard and practice.B Have a reputation to provide good reviews in a timely fashion.C Be a leading researcher in a variety of areas with a good list of publications.D Find a good advocate to speak for you, usually a primary editor is enough.23. Which statement about accepting or declining to handle papers is NOT true?A You cannot handle papers only in your narrow areas of expertise.B You cannot accept all the papers in all areas.C You need to handle papers in our primary and secondary areas of expertise.D Once you accept the paper to handle, the first task is to tell the author about this.24. Which statement about securing reviewers is NOT true?A Usually you should assign the review task to the reviewers four to six days ahead.B You should glance over the paper to roughly understand what the paper is about.C In choosing the reviewers, one of the important principle is that we should align the interest of the reviewers with ours.D If you actually need minimum 3 reviewers, you need to properly find five or even six candidate reviewers.25. In order to avoid conflict of interest and preserve confidentiality, what should you do?A Ask the advisor the review students’ paper because the advisor clearly know the paper.B If Reviewer A has total different view to Author B, you should not ask Reviewer A to review Author B’s paper to avoid conflict.C You should let the reviewers and author know each other for better communication.D Send emails to all the reviewers simultaneously for saving effort.26. When you handle the paper and find it interesting, which behavior is correct?A You can just directly use the information.B You should communicate with the author as an associate editor or editor.C You should communicate with the author as a researcher to request to share some information.D You should tell the author that you are handling his paper.27. What should you NOT do to prepare a recommendation or decision letter?A Combine reviewers' comments and your own reading of the paper to provide an appropriate, impartial, and constructive recommendation.B Provide a general comment, and also the specifics of the recommendation, the analysis of the reviews, and justification for your recommendation.C Tell which part to cut, how the paper should be reorganized, how the paper should be revised.D If you recommend to reject the paper, you can simply do it without explanation.28. What is NOT allowed in the recommendation of an associated editor?A Provide a general comment.B Provide the specifics of the recommendation.C Provide the analysis of the reviewer.D Provide the information of all reviewers.29. Which statement about handling the resubmitted paper is NOT true?A We only need to ask the reviewers with critical comments previously on the revised version for conditionally accepted papers.B For revise and resubmit papers, have a mix of new and old reviewers to do a thorough and complete reviews.C We need to ask all the reviewers to handle the conditionally accepted papers.D The reviewers should be provided with the document detailing how the previous comments were addressed.30. As an associate editor or editor, when you suffer some difficulties, what should you do?A Report the difficulties early.B It’s our duty to handle the papers, so we should solve the difficulties by ourselves.C If you are busy, delay the task of handling papers and do it when you are free.D Simply ask another editor to take place of you.31. Which one is true according to the communication protocol?A Once you receive a request on paper handling, you need to response as soon as possible.B In all journals, the associate editor can directly communicate with editor in chief.C If you are busy with your personal affairs, you can response after the deadline.D Never report progress if it is negative.32. What should you NOT do as the session chair?A You need to read the program carefully and locate your session to chair.B You have to identify your session authors, collect bios information and check the facility beforeyour session starts.C You should control the presentation time and follow the schedule.D When you find there are several authors no show, you should combine the session with somebody else, who is unsigned.33. Which of the statement is TRUE for a conference session chair?A If some attendees registered on site attending a session, invited them to make a presentation.B To stimulate Q AND A, you should appoint one of the audience to ask questions.C To stimulate Q AND A, you should ask a question yourself first.D You should report only the number of attendees to the program committee.第四章1. What are the considerations on choosing research topics?A Demand from social and economic developmentB Curiosity and personal interestsC Combing social requirements with personal interestsD All the above2. Which of the following is NOT the form of interdisciplinary research?A Researchers from different fields collaborate to work on particular problemsB One from field A works on the problem of field BC One from field B works on the problem of field BD Researchers from different fields propose a new field3. If you encounter a problem in a different field, which statement is NOT true?A You may often suffer the resistance.B An outstanding result may come out from you.C You may have different angle on the problem.D You just waste your time since it is not your field.4. Which of the following is NOT advised when you are choosing a research topic?A Comprehensive understanding of the state of art in well-established areas。



英文科技论文写作与学术报告(2019秋)作业答案第一章1. Which one is NOT included in “logics in writing paper”?A Logical presentation in writing paperB Good language flowC Good structure and clarity in the paperD Good theoretical analysis2. Which is the CORRECT statement in the following?A If the reader want to know the result of the paper, they can read the introduction.B If the reader want to intuitively know the key ideas behind the paper, they should read the introduction.C It's optional that we summarize the contribution of the paper in the "abstract".D If the readers want to know all the glory details, they can read the introduction.3. Which of the following practice we should follow when writing scientific paper in English?A Modesty is a good characteristic in Chinese culture.B When writing scientific paper, we should point out the shortcomings of our research using a specific section.C We should confidently show the contributions of our research.D The English culture is so similar to Chinese that Chinese readers can just follow their culture when writing an English scientific paper.4. What does “delivery” means in the context of writing an Engligh scientific paper?A The meaning of “delivery” is similar to the concept of those delivery companies.B “Delivery” means the contributions of your research.C “Delivery” means how much do the writers know the background of the readers.D The “responsibility of delivery” is on the writer rather than on the reader.5. Which one is the CORRECT expression of “博士后流动站”?A Postdoctoral program.B Post-doctor mobile station.C Post-doctor flow station.D Postdoctoral moving station.6. Which of the following translation is authentic?A 注意安全 ---- take care.B 第一教学楼 ---- teaching building.C 小心落水 ---- fall into water carefully.D 投诉电话 ---- law suit phone number.7. What should we do in writing a scientific paper?A In order to emphasize our views, we should put our strong emotions into the text.B Slightly present our political comments is allowed.C We should follow the mainstream ideas of general public.D We should present facts, theories, proofs, experiments, testing results objectively.8. Which of the following is WRONG about the title of scientific paper?A It normally is not a sentence.B It is better to use the fewest possible words to adequately describes the contents of the paper.C The order of the words in the title is very important.D It is better to use a complete sentence.9. Which of the following is WRONG about the abstract of scientific paper?A It is the summary of the paper.B It is better to use abbreviation to make the abstract shorter.C It describes the key ideas of the paper.D It gives the results of the paper.10. Which is NOT advised in the introduction section?A Clearly explain the background of our research.B Clearly explain the problem we do.C Explain the academic and/or impact.D Using mathematical functions to explain our model.11. Which of the following is RIGHT regarding the literature review?A It is better to comment on the existing work positively.B It is better to comment on the existing work objectively.C It is better to comment on the existing work negatively.D It is better to criticize the results obtained by other researchers to highlight our contributions.12. Which of the following is RIGHT about the references of introduction of scientific paper?A It is better to cite as many foreign references as possible.B It is better to cite many your own previously published papers.C It is better to cite as many domestic references as possible.D Recent references should be cited13. What may the reviewer thinks if you cite too many your own publications?A You really contribute a lot to the community.B Other researchers are not interested in the subject.C You have a say in this research area.D They will think you have sufficient references.14. If the a reference has 5 authors, how many authors should you include in the reference list?A Only the first author.B Only the first and second author.C Only the first and corresponding author.D All five authors.15. What should you do in the “Problem description and formulation”?A If you clearly know the meaning of a variable, it’s ok that it is not defined.B You should present the problem you are trying to solve.C Usually you should describe your system configuration, environment and so on.D You should put the organization of your paper here.16. Which of the following statement is NOT correct?A If you have a theorem, you should put the proof in the section of “methodology.”B In the section of “simulation/numerical result”, you should present the description of the practical or experiment system, description of the data and the associated system.C In the section of “simulation/numerical result”, you can use tables, figures and graph to better present your contribution.D In the conclusion remark or the conclusion, you can just repeat your conclusion remark as the abstract.17. What you can do if you want to show acknowledgment?A It’s not appropriate to put acknowledgment i n the front page.B You can put a separate section of acknowledgment in your paper.C If you acknowledge Albert Einstein, you should thank him based on the fact.D The length of acknowledgment should be strictly constrained.18. Which is CORRECT when you list the references?A It’s ok if you put as many references as you can.B To enrich your paper, you should can list something that is not referred to in your paper.C Every reference you list must be referred in the main text.D It’s proper for you to list many home made references.19. What does “proof reading” mean?A 证明阅读.B 校对.C 证明读物.D 证明在读.20. What is TRUE if at the procedure to submit a paper?A Usually we submit the entire manuscript to a conference or journal.B All conferences require you to submit the abstract first, from which the organizer will determine whether you need to submit the whole text.C We should submit a hard copy to the publisher with your signature.D The reviewers’ comments are not very important when you modify your paper.21. If the publisher sends the proof to you, when should you give a reply?A In about 2 days.B In about 2 weeks.C In about 2 months.D In about 2 years.22. Which of the following may not be the reason to reject a scientific paper?A There are many grammatical mistakes in the paper.B There are many simple sentences in the paper.C There are many direct translations in the paper.D There are some spelling mistakes of authors' names in references.23. Which of the following is TRUE?A Font size should keep consistency only in each paragraph.B Font size should keep consistency only in each part of the paper.C Font size should keep consistency in the entire paper.D It doesn't matter how the font size used.24. Which of the following is TRUE about use of mathematical equations?A It is better to use as many equations as possible.B It is better to use as few equations as possible.C It is better not to use any equations at all.D It is better to have a balanced use of equations.25. Which statement is NOT true?A You should keep consistence in equations and reference format.B You should keep consistence in format of authors of all references.C The format between different paragraphs should be kept the same.D You should not use synonyms in order to keep consistence.26. What is NOT necessary when you want to better write your paper?A Use spelling check to make sure all the words are spelled correctly.B Use grammar check to find out inconsistency.C Carefully check the spellings of the names in references.D Use many hard and complicated sentences to polish your expressions.27. Which of the following author names may NOT be the right format of the reference?A X. Guan, S. Zhang, S. Li, W. WangB Guan, X., Zhang, S., Li, S., Wang, W.C Xiaohong Guan, San Zhang, Si Li, Wu WangD Guan Xiaohong, Zhang, S., S. Li, W. Wang28. Which is NOT the general style of the reviewers?A FrankB BrutalC SarcasticD Implicit29. If the reviewer gives a lot of critical comments and requests for modification, what are the correct attitudes we should have?A The reviewers are giving us hard time on my paper.B The reviewer is incompetent because he cannot understand what I write.C We should modify our paper according to the reviewers’ comments to get our paper published.D The reviewer is biased on me.30. Which one is NOT the good advices on responding to reviewers?A We need to examine carefully all the comments made by the reviewers and the Associate Editor.B We have to differentiate those comments that must be fully addressed from those that are desirable to be addressed.C We only need to address the comments that they are correct as we believe.D We need to respond to EACH and EVERY point raised by the reviewer and the referee.31. In order to help the reviewers save time, we shouldA List our original reviews and the response side by side.B Tell the reviewers that we have modified the paper carefully.C Send back a paper with enough modification to the reviewers.D Just select some critical comments to response.32. Which is the WRONG response to reviewers if we don’t agree with their comments?A We had better not to argue with the reviewer.B Show the reviewers that the main text is revised according to their comments.C If we must disagree with their comments, we should do it very professionally with no rancor or sarcasm.D Ignore those comments or explain what we originally meant.33. Which one is the good action in responding to reviewers?A We explain to the reviews what we have revised to addressed their comments.B If the criticism of the reviewers makes us uncomfortable, we should ignore and try to feel better.C If the reviewers think that the contributions are not enough, we should request the Associate Editor to have other reviewers review our paper.D If the reviewers think that the contributions are not enough, we should have patience, waiting they change mind.34. Which description of the review system is CORRECT?A The author knows the reviewer, but the reviewer doesn’t know the author.B The authors do not know the reviewer, but the reviewer knows the authors.C The reviewers know each other.D The author knows the reviewer, and the reviewer know the author, too.第二章1. What are the CORRECT statements in the following?A Making presentations in English is only important for scholars.B Making presentations in English is only important for businessmen.C Making presentations in English is only important for scholars and businessmen.D Making presentations in English is important for many careers.2. Which of the following is WRONG about making presentations in English?A It can make a good impression.B It can show how smart you are.C It is only necessary when you attend an academic conference.D It may be the turning point in many cases.3. Which is NOT the correct statement in the following?A You should overestimate the audience's capability to show smart they are.B You should assume responsibility of delivery.C You should make a lot of efforts to prepare your slide.D You should make a lot of efforts to practice your presentation.4. Which of the following is WRONG about using Powerpoint to make presentations?A It uses audio and visual channels of communications and more information transfer in the same amount of time.B You cannot make the last minute change under any condition.C Preparing the slides forces you to organize and rehearse you talk and help you uncover weak spots.D You can synchronize with sound recording and presenting without physical presence.5. Which statement is NOT the correct one in the following?A It is better to use multiple slides or the animation feature to control the display of information on your slide.B It is better not to make a slide crowded.C It is better not to copy texts form your thesis to the slide directly.D It is better to put many words in the slide to make your audience get the information clearly.6. Which statement about the font size in the slide is NOT mentioned in the video?A Usually the minimal font size for text is 18 points.B Occasionally in graphics 14 points can be used.C Very rarely the minimal font size for text can be 12 points.D Very rarely in detail graphs you can use 12 points.7. Which is the main function of a road map in your presentation?A To beatify your slides.B To increase the number of your slides.C To tell the audience where your talk is.D To concretely show conclusions of your research.8. Which is NOT the correct statements in the following?A It is OK to change notations half way through a talk by copying those in another talk to save efforts.B When using a graphic notation, make the graphics distinctive and use it repeatedly.C Use one consistent name or label to denote one thing throughout the talk.D Always define things, your problem statement, mathematical symbol, your goal, etc.9. Which of the following may NOT be a necessary part of presenting experimental results?A Conditionals defined.B Procedures detailed.C Diagram labeled.D Conclusions stated.10. For a 30 minutes talk, what is the appropriate number of slides?A No more than 15.B No less than 15.C No more than 10.D No less than 20.11. What is a good presentation?A Use many beautiful animations, but the content is not fulfilled.B The topic of your presentation is interesting in your aspect.C The subject of your presentation is welcomed by the audience.D The words in your slide are of large size to make the audience look clearly.12. Which is the appropriate time of preparing slides according to Prof. Ho of Harvard University?A About 5 minutes per slide with graphics.B About 15 minutes per slide with graphics.C At least 5 minutes to make one slide in presentation.D At least 15 minutes to make one slide in presentation.13. Which is NOT the correct statements in the following?A You can prepare some slides for some expected question.B You can take the questions in the rehearsal as pre-reviews.C You cannot say I don't know even if you don’t have an answer.D You can offer the approach to finding the answer if necessary.14. Which statement is NOT correct about preparing slides for expected questions?A It will impress the audience that how much efforts you made to make this presentation.B From this way you can improve your presentation in the rehearsal.C It may make the audiences difficult to raise new questions.D It can help you answer the questions better.15. What would most probably happen if you read the slides in your presentation?A It seems that you have prepared a lot.B It will make the audience easily to get bored.C It seems that you are not confident enough.D The time you spend in presentation is easily to over the limitation.16. When should you mention your main goal in making presentations?A Mention your main goal early to capture attention of the audience.B Mention your main goal at any time is Ok.C Mention your main goal late to keep audience in suspense.D Never mention your main goal at all.17. Which is NOT the correct statements in the following?A Watch where you stand when you speak.B Keep the laser pointer on all the time to attract the attention of audience.C Don't keep your hands in the pocket.D Record your talk and listen to and view it.18. Which of the following expression is proper for the speaker/audience?A What you are talking about is nothing, but general theory of relativity.B It is a stupid question, my first-year graduate student can answer that.C I have just talked about that, why did you ask such a question again.D It is really a good question, thanks for your asking.19. Which is the CORRECT statement in the following?A The speaker should answer the question before the audience finishes it to save time.B The speaker should not be polite, because it may make others feel that you are not knowledgeable.C The speaker should listen carefully before answering the question.D The speaker should say directly that your question is irrelevant.第三章1. Which statement is WRONG about sharing credit in writing scientific paper?A If your work is built on somebody else’s work, you should state clearly.B There is a harsh punishment for plagiarism.C It is acceptable to write a couple of paragraphs rephrasing other people’s words and provide a simple numbered reference.D If you list the references at the end of the paper, you should cite all the references your listed in the text.2. What should you do if you want to cite a general theory of relativity of Albert Einstein?A Just copy the original words of the theory.B Put quotations on the original words of the theory.C Using your own words to express meaning of the theory without reference.D Simply providing a numbered reference after copying the original words.3. Which of the following is NOT appropriate when you acknowledge others in your paper?A You thank someone sincerely and properly in the acknowledge section of the paper.B A scientist is not related to your paper, but you put his name in your paper because he is very famous worldwide.C If the idea is from other people, you should acknowledge them.D Before you use somebody else’s d ocument, you should ask for permission.4. Which of the following is unacceptable in terms of sharing credit?A If I want to reuse the graph and picture of my paper that has been previously published, I still ask for the permission and copyright from the publisher.B I have to make sure that it is really my work before I claim my contribution in the paper.C I am generous to collaborators in some cases that their contributions are not very clear cut.D I claim in my paper that the idea is just from myself and has nothing to do other discussants so that all the contributions are owing to me.5. What does “take credit” means in the video?A Take your credit card.B Claim your contributions.C Guarantee that your results are credible.D Be honest while discussing with others scholars.6. What do the IEEE journals rely on to determine the order of authorship?A Authors’ contributions.B The alphabet of authors’ names.C Seniority.D Radom.7. What should you do if you don’t know the reference format?A Simply follow the reference format in one of your referenced paper.B Just use your custom reference format.C Follow the instructions of the conference or the journal.D Try a variety of formats in your reference list.8. Which format for citing references is not right?A [10] studies the strategic implications of forward contracting in commodity markets that exhibit an oligopolistic structure.B The strategic implications of forward contracting in commodity markets that exhibit an oligopolistic structure have been studied [10].C Liski and Montero studied the strategic implications of forward contracting in commodity markets that exhibit an oligopolistic structure [10].D Reference [10] studies the dynamic vehicle routing problem.9. Which statement of the following is NOT right about the importance of attending academic conferences?A Academic conference is very important for professors, but it is unworthy for students.B Academic conference is a place where we can exchange ideas and acquire the most up-to-date information and ideas.C We are able to meet colleagues and join the research networks of the academic conference.D There is a career opportunity in attending the conference for students.10. What activities can you choose to participate in during an academic conference?A Plenary and keynote speech.B Panel discussion session.C Paper presentation session.D All the above.11. Which statement in an academic conference is NOT correct?A Panel discussion often discusses the important issues on a specific topic and invites the panelists to sit in front of the stage.B Plenary and keynote speech often discusses the future development and research directions.C Attendants are advised to the plenary and keynote speeches.D Paper presentation requires an author of the paper to present the paper as long as one likes.12. What’s the poster session?A The authors of the paper make a poster in the specified area.B A session with many posters which aim to promote the conference.C If the attendees are interested in your poster, they will buy the poster.D The authors show their contributions using a poster without oral presentation or discussion with others.13. What should you NOT do if you want to meet the session chair?A Submit my bio information before the session starts.B Meet the session chair at authors’ breakfast.C Chat with the session chair during others’ presentation.D Locate my session and be aware of the arrangement ahead of time.14. Which one is not necessary for the authors before making presentations?A Read the program carefully.B Locate your session.C Take part in other sessions.D Be aware of the time and the slot for your presentation.15. What should you NOT do in the session of an academic conference?A Prepare the slides strictly according to the time limit of the schedule.B Answer questions at the session.C Do not show up in the arranged session and others can communicate with me by E-mail.D Meet session chair before the session starts.16. What main benefits you will get if you volunteer to serve the academic community?A Earn money.B No benefits but simply for personal interest.C Build a good relation with the colleagues in your field.D Get offers from famous professors who attend the conference.17. Which one of the following is NOT the reason for a scholar to provide academic service?A Academic service is a way to integrate into the world of science and technology.B Academic service is a way to have an influence in international academic community.C Academic service is paid much.D Academic service proves that you play an important role in academic community.18. What is the benefit from serving as a reviewer for a journal or conference?A Keep one up in the field.B Maintain critical skill.C Enhance curriculum vitae for students.D All the above.19. Which one is NOT included in the reviewing tasks?A Provide rating scales on quality and publishability.B Provide rating scales on the originality or creativity.C Help the authors to modify the paper.D Give comments on the correctness of the method.20. Which statement about reviewer is NOT true?A The reviewer may encourage the author to improve the paper.B If you are a reviewer, you should keep confidentiality.C You are responsible to give comments to the author whether the paper is accepted or rejected.D You only need to be specific and constructive to the beginning authors.21. Which one is not essential to be a good reviewer?A You have to volunteer to be a reviewer first.B You should provide a good review.C You need to have the experience of reviewing papers from all regions.D You should have credibility on reviewing papers.22. What should you do if you want to become an associate editor?A Publish at least five papers in the journal to know the standard and practice.B Have a reputation to provide good reviews in a timely fashion.C Be a leading researcher in a variety of areas with a good list of publications.D Find a good advocate to speak for you, usually a primary editor is enough.23. Which statement about accepting or declining to handle papers is NOT true?A You cannot handle papers only in your narrow areas of expertise.B You cannot accept all the papers in all areas.C You need to handle papers in our primary and secondary areas of expertise.D Once you accept the paper to handle, the first task is to tell the author about this.24. Which statement about securing reviewers is NOT true?A Usually you should assign the review task to the reviewers four to six days ahead.B You should glance over the paper to roughly understand what the paper is about.C In choosing the reviewers, one of the important principle is that we should align the interest of the reviewers with ours.D If you actually need minimum 3 reviewers, you need to properly find five or even six candidate reviewers.25. In order to avoid conflict of interest and preserve confidentiality, what should you do?A Ask the advisor the review students’ paper because the advisor clearly know the paper.B If Reviewer A has total different view to Author B, you should not ask Reviewer A to review Author B’s paper to avoid conflict.C You should let the reviewers and author know each other for better communication.D Send emails to all the reviewers simultaneously for saving effort.26. When you handle the paper and find it interesting, which behavior is correct?A You can just directly use the information.B You should communicate with the author as an associate editor or editor.C You should communicate with the author as a researcher to request to share some information.D You should tell the author that you are handling his paper.27. What should you NOT do to prepare a recommendation or decision letter?A Combine reviewers' comments and your own reading of the paper to provide an appropriate, impartial, and constructive recommendation.B Provide a general comment, and also the specifics of the recommendation, the analysis of the reviews, and justification for your recommendation.C Tell which part to cut, how the paper should be reorganized, how the paper should be revised.D If you recommend to reject the paper, you can simply do it without explanation.28. What is NOT allowed in the recommendation of an associated editor?A Provide a general comment.B Provide the specifics of the recommendation.C Provide the analysis of the reviewer.D Provide the information of all reviewers.29. Which statement about handling the resubmitted paper is NOT true?A We only need to ask the reviewers with critical comments previously on the revised version for conditionally accepted papers.B For revise and resubmit papers, have a mix of new and old reviewers to do a thorough and complete reviews.C We need to ask all the reviewers to handle the conditionally accepted papers.D The reviewers should be provided with the document detailing how the previous comments were addressed.30. As an associate editor or editor, when you suffer some difficulties, what should you do?A Report the difficulties early.B It’s our duty to handle the papers, so we should solv e the difficulties by ourselves.C If you are busy, delay the task of handling papers and do it when you are free.D Simply ask another editor to take place of you.31. Which one is true according to the communication protocol?A Once you receive a request on paper handling, you need to response as soon as possible.B In all journals, the associate editor can directly communicate with editor in chief.C If you are busy with your personal affairs, you can response after the deadline.D Never report progress if it is negative.32. What should you NOT do as the session chair?A You need to read the program carefully and locate your session to chair.B You have to identify your session authors, collect bios information and check the facility before your session starts.C You should control the presentation time and follow the schedule.D When you find there are several authors no show, you should combine the session with somebody else, who is unsigned.33. Which of the statement is TRUE for a conference session chair?A If some attendees registered on site attending a session, invited them to make a presentation.B To stimulate Q AND A, you should appoint one of the audience to ask questions.C To stimulate Q AND A, you should ask a question yourself first.D You should report only the number of attendees to the program committee.第四章1. What are the considerations on choosing research topics?A Demand from social and economic development。



科技论文写作A第1次作业一、不定项选择题(有不定个选项正确,共9道小题)1. 科技论文具有()[不选全或者选错,不算完成](A) 创新性(B) 艺术性(C) 专业性(D) 应用性(E) 科学性正确答案:A C D E解答参考:2. 科技论文写作应遵循()原则。

[不选全或者选错,不算完成](A) 严谨周密(B) 简洁务实(C) 跌宕起伏(D) 符合标准(E) 形散神不散正确答案:A B D解答参考:3. 本科毕业设计(论文)可分为()[不选全或者选错,不算完成](A) 理论型(B) 设计型(C) 实验型(D) 描述型(E) 调研型正确答案:A B C E解答参考:4. 本科毕业设计(论文)的选题应注意()[不选全或者选错,不算完成](A) 选题的价值(B) 选题的可行性(C) 选题的思想性(D) 选题与专业的关联性(E) 选题的趣味性正确答案:A B E解答参考:5. 本科毕业设计(论文)选题的价值主要体现在()[不选全或者选错,不算完成](A) 选题的新颖性(B) 选题的思想性(C) 选题的简便性(D) 选题的现实针对性(E) 选题的艺术性正确答案:A D解答参考:6. 本科毕业设计(论文)的摘要一般包括()[不选全或者选错,不算完成](A) 研究目的(B) 研究方法(C) 研究细节(D) 研究结果(E) 研究结论正确答案:A B D E解答参考:7. 本科毕业设计(论文)的关键词可以是()[不选全或者选错,不算完成](A) 一个词条(B) 三个词条(C) 四个词条(D) 五个词条(E) 六个词条正确答案:B C D解答参考:8. 本科毕业设计(论文)正文内容包括()[不选全或者选错,不算完成](A) 绪论(B) 转折(C) 过渡(D) 主体(E) 结论正确答案:A D E解答参考:9. 本科毕业设计(论文)的绪论一般包括()[不选全或者选错,不算完成](A) 本科毕业设计(论文)的绪论一般包括( ABCD )(B) 国内外文献综述(C) 本研究的来源及主要研究内容(D) 研究的基本思路与采用的方法(E) 主要结论正确答案:A B C D解答参考:(注意:若有主观题目,请按照题目,离线完成,完成后纸质上交学习中心,记录成绩。

科技论文写作A 第1次作业 含答案

科技论文写作A 第1次作业 含答案

专业班学号: 姓名: 《科技论文写作A错误!未指定书签。

》课程(第1次作业)评分评分人二、主观题(共26道小题)10.《科技论文写作A》与《科技论文写作B》是什么关系?参考答案:科技论文写作分为《科技论文写作A》和《科技论文写作B 》两门课程。

其中《科技论文写作A》着重讲解如何撰写本科毕业设计(论文)和专科毕业报告,《科技论文写作B 》主要介绍除毕业设计(论文)、毕业报告之外的其他各种科技论文的写作知识。










专业技术人员科技论文写作试卷(一)考试一、单选题(每题1分,共30题)231、衡量国家科技领先的标志之一是:A、获诺贝尔奖的人数B、国民经济总产值C、人口数量正确答案:A2、衡量一个人的技术水平的高低之一是:A、论文B、家产C、经历正确答案:A3、论文的主题、对象应主要来源于:A、实际B、书本C、个人想象答案:A4、理论要不要经过实验验证:A、一切理论都要B、有些理论不一定要答案:B5、作战方案验证依靠:A、实物实验B、仿真C、放电影答案:B6、检验理论正确的实验是必须能够重演的:A、是B、不一定C、不是正确答案:A7、论文的价值在于:A、符合实际的假设得出的正确结论B、不符合实际的假设得出的结论C、个人思想的表现答案:A8、在论文写出稿子各阶段中,那个阶段工作量最大?A、腹稿B、初稿C、修改稿正确答案:B9、认可修改是:A、作者无能的表现B、作者具有自信心的表现C、作者无可奈何的表现答案:B10、称赞你的论文的人都是:A、坚持真理的人B、认同你的观点的人C、奉承你的人答案:B11、摘要的风格:A、可以用第一人称B、摘要大小不宜超过论文字数的5%C、可以使用文学性修饰D、可以包含作者未来的计划E、可以自我评价正确答案:B12、论文引言就是:A、前言B、绪论C、引论答案:C13、论文的结论是:A、将每段结论按顺序编写就成B、应把全文创新点归纳成几段文字C、表示感谢的词语答案:B14、参考文献的顺序依:A、在文中出现的次序排列B、按作者已经收集到的文献序号排序C、以文献的重要程度排列答案:A15、参考文献的编号一律用什么括号括起:A、大括号B、中括号C、小括号答案:B16、在正文中,当需要说明引用内容出处时,应把引用的参考文献编号连同方括号,写在标注的:A、右上角B、右下角D、左下角答案:A17、论文中公式的位置设定是:A、应另起一行B、可以与文字在同一行中C、应另起两行答案:A18、论文中对公式的要求是:A、应居中B、靠左边C、靠右边答案:A19、论文中对重要的公式:A、应编号B、不应编号答案:A20、对论文中公式的符号进行说明时,应该用:A、其中B、式中C、这里D、此处答案:A21、论文中使用别人公开发表的结论,并注明出处的属于:A、引用B、抄袭C、剽窃答案:A22、论文中大量使用别人公开发表的内容,不注明出处的属于:A、抄袭B、剽窃C、借用正确答案:A23、论文中使用别人的未公开发表的内容:A、剽窃B、抄袭C、引用正确答案:A24、连接相关数字用符号:A、“-”B、“∽ ”C、“~”答案:C25、近似用符号:A、“≈”B、“≌”C、“~”答案:A26、世纪、年代、年、月、日的记数应使用:A、阿拉伯数字B、汉字C、英文答案:A27、论文是如何写出的:A、研究后写出的B、编写出的C、从书上抄来的答案:A28、硕士学位论文的基本要求:A、可以没有新意B、至少应有新意C、要有新理论答案:B29、研究生论文题目的选定要求是:A、本专业内的B、可以是非本专业内的答案:A30、论文中对表的题目要求为:A、表的题目在表上部B、表的题目在表下部C、随便什么位置答案:B二、案例分析题(每题5分,共4题)20.0131、在一篇题目为《目标运动分析新论》论文中,论文摘要是:“在我的《TMA理论》那本书中,介绍了TMA的经典方法,在本论文里,主要叙述目标运动分析的几种新的方法,它们是:1)识别-滤波-控制原理;2)交互多模型方法;3)多站信息融合的方法。



科技论文试题(考查)姓名:张新磊学院(系):土木工程学院班级:08给水排水学号:0805205033 成绩:_____________一、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1、为什么说技术需要“社会协作”?技术涵盖了人类生产力发展水平的标志性事物,是生存和生产工具、设施、装备、语言、数字数据、信息记录等的总和!不论何种文化,技术都是异曲同工的词汇。












Calculating&Appiication of Refloating Tension of Stranding Ship
分页下载 分章下载 整本下载 在线阅读 不支持迅雷等下载工具,请取消加速工具后下载。
【作者】 朱洪磊;
【导师】 洪碧光;
【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2013, 硕士
第一步 确定检索词为“嵌入式系统”、“ARM”、“DSP”;
第二步 选择数据库“中国学术期刊网络出版总库”,选择其标准检索;
第三步 选择检索项,“关键词”输入检索词“嵌入式系统”、“ARM”和“DSP”,匹配模式为“精确”,其他为默认‘点击“检索”;
【摘要】 随着船舶高速化、大型化以及水上交通运输业的快速发展,通航环境日益复杂,搁浅事故时有发生。船舶搁浅带来的不仅是经济的损失,更有环境的污染,甚至人员的伤亡。为了确保生命财产安全,防止海洋环境受到污染,保障船舶和港口正常运营,本文从脱浅拉力计算的精确性和快速性两方面着手进行研究。船舶脱浅拉力的计算是搁浅船舶外力脱浅的基础,能够精确快速地计算船舶脱浅拉力是船舶成功脱浅的关键。目前船舶脱浅拉力计算基于单点搁浅船舶脱浅拉力计算理论,而这种脱浅拉力计算理论基于船舶单点搁浅。然而船舶搁浅事故多发生于航道、锚地等海底地势平坦的水域,在这些水域发生的搁浅事故通常为非单点搁浅。非单点搁浅船舶脱浅拉力计算理论突破了单点搁浅船舶脱浅拉力计算理论的局限性,不但适用于非单点搁浅船舶脱浅拉力计算,而且适用于单点搁浅船舶脱浅拉力计算。非单点搁浅船舶脱浅拉力计算数学模型的建立为船舶脱浅拉力的精确计算提供了理论保障。在建立非单点搁浅船舶脱浅拉力计算数学模型的基础上,开发JAVA脱浅拉力计算软件。通过脱浅拉力计算软件可以方便快捷地计算出在不同潮汐情况下船舶脱浅所需要的脱浅拉力,为船舶脱浅拉力快速计算提供技术支持。 更多还原



主观题作业专业:10届电气自动化学号:10921112姓名:王俊西南交通大学杭州学习中心完成日期: 2012 年4月课程名《供变电工程及课程设计》第一次作业三、主观题(共20道小题)27.电力系统有哪些优越性电力系统运行要满足哪些基本要求?28.电能质量的主要指标是什么?29.电力系统中性点有哪几种运行方式?什么叫小接地电流系统和大接地电流系统?30.在系统发生单相接地故障时,小接地电流系统和大接地电流系统的相对地的电压和线电压有如何的变化?33.无母线电气主接线的形式有桥形接线、__ ___和单元接线。


35.室内配电装置中,母线一般布置在配电装置上部,其布置形式有水平、垂直和________ _三种36.电器的额定电流应大于或等于安装设备回路的________。

37.中央信号装置由__ ______两部分组成。








科技文献写作第一次作业孟凡举2008级生物基地2008001401121检索要求:检索词有苯胺降解(代谢)菌株基因(簇)对检索词进行组合,进行二次检索,分别进行初级、高级、专业检索,检索项为篇名、关键词、全文、摘要从CNKI数据库中找出相应文献提供可参考信息2 检索过程2.1 查阅苯胺的相关化学信息,对检索对象有初步了解,便于确定检索词和筛选文献2.2初级检索结合二次检索2.2.1 篇名检索从上述结果中检索篇名为“苯胺”的文献:再从上述结果中检索篇名为“降解”的文献:从上述145条结果中检索篇名为“菌株”的文献:再检索篇名含有“基因”文献,发现检出结果为0,故此检索项不合适。


2.2.2 关键词检索基本过程同上,结果为:最终检出两篇文献,结果如下:从该文献可以了解到其他种类的苯胺降解菌株以及它们的共同点。

数据库相似文献为:2.2.3 全文检索全文检索最终结果如下:共检出645条文献,检索结果不理想。

2.2.4 摘要检索最终结果为选取第5条文献。

打开后下载后打开2.3 高级检索以“全文”作为检索项为例若以”摘要”作为检索项,结果为:选择第二篇查阅:下载后打开如下:共同代谢过程为:可结合该篇的参考文献进行拓展阅读2.4 专业检索以关键词为检索项进行专业检索:(结果为2)以摘要为检索项进行专业检索:(结果为7)以全文为检索项进行专业检索:(结果为526条)对上述结果进行按“相关度”排序:以篇名为检索项进行专业检索,结果为0从结果可以看出,关键词检出的2篇文献均包含在由摘要检出的7篇文献中,而由全文检索结果过多,综合比较,就此次专业检索任务而言,摘要检索更合理一些。

3. 小结学和做是不一样的,在课堂上觉得比较简单,但真到自己做得时候,才意识到检索的困难。





一、单选题(每题1分,共15题)1、《实践是检验真理的唯一标准》是:答案:AA、哲学论文B、实践论文C、技术性论文2、衡量一个人的技术水平的高低之一是:答案:AA、论文B、家产C、经历3、作战方案验证依靠:答案:BA、实物实验B、仿真C、放电影4、论文得不到公认,就是不科学的:答案:BA、对B、不全对C、错5、认可修改是:答案:BA、作者无能的表现B、作者具有自信心的表现C、作者无可奈何的表现6、摘要的风格:答案:BA、可以用第一人称B、摘要大小不宜超过论文字数的5%C、可以使用文学性修饰D、可以包含作者未来的计划E、可以自我评价7、论文的结论是:答案:BA、将每段结论按顺序编写就成B、应把全文创新点归纳成几段文字C、表示感谢的词语8、参考文献的编号一律用什么括号括起:答案:BA、大括号B、中括号C、小括号9、参考文献号一律用:答案:AA、阿拉伯数字B、汉字C、英文10、论文中对图、表的要求为:答案:AA、一律要编号,并要有题目B、可以不编号,可以没有题目C、一律要编号,但并不要有题目D、可以不编号,但要有题目11、论文中对图的题目位置要求是:答案:AA、图的题目在图上部B、图的题目在图下部C、随便什么位置12、近似用符号:答案:AA、“≈”B、“≌”C、“~”13、论文是如何写出的:答案:AA、研究后写出的B、编写出的C、从书上抄来的14、硕士学位论文的基本要求:答案:BA、可以没有新意B、至少应有新意C、要有新理论15、博士学位论文至少应有:答案:AA、创新点B、新理论16、现代物理学的开创者和奠基人是:答案:AA、爱因斯坦B、牛顿C、诺贝尔17、衡量国家科技领先的标志之一是:答案:AA、获诺贝尔奖的人数B、国民经济总产值C、人口数量18、论文的主题、对象应主要来源于:答案:AA、实际B、书本C、个人想象19、理论要不要经过实验验证:答案:BA、一切理论都要B、有些理论不一定要20、称赞你的论文的人都是:答案:BA、坚持真理的人B、认同你的观点的人C、奉承你的人21、论文引言就是:答案:CA、前言B、绪论C、引论22、参考文献的顺序依:答案:AA、在文中出现的次序排列B、按作者已经收集到的文献序号排序C、以文献的重要程度排列23、在正文中,当需要说明引用内容出处时,应把引用的参考文献编号连同方括号,写在标注的:答案:AA、右上角B、右下角C、左上角D、左下角24、论文中公式的位置设定是:答案:AA、应另起一行B、可以与文字在同一行中C、应另起两行25、论文中对公式的要求是:答案:AA、应居中B、靠左边C、靠右边26、论文中对重要的公式:答案:AA、应编号B、不应编号27、对论文中公式的符号进行说明时,应该用:答案:AA、其中B、式中C、这里D、此处28、论文中使用别人公开发表的结论,并注明出处的属于:答案:AA、引用B、抄袭C、剽窃29、论文中大量使用别人公开发表的内容,不注明出处的属于:答案:AA、抄袭B、剽窃C、借用30、连接相关数字用符号:答案:CA、“-”B、“∽”C、“~”29、研究生论文题目的选定要求是:答案:AA、本专业内的B、可以是非本专业内的30、论文中对表的题目要求为:答案:BA、表的题目在表上部B、表的题目在表下部C、随便什么位置31、检验理论正确的实验是必须能够重演的:答案:AA、是B、不一定C、不是32、一篇论文其关键词可以选择几个:答案:BA、两个B、3~8个C、9个以上33、论文的价值在于:答案:AA、符合实际的假设得出的正确结论B、不符合实际的假设得出的结论C、个人思想的表现34、论文中使用别人的未公开发表的内容:答案:AA、剽窃B、抄袭C、引用35、世纪、年代、年、月、日的记数应使用:答案:AA、阿拉伯数字B、汉字C、英文36、在论文写出稿子各阶段中,那个阶段工作量最大?答案:BA、腹稿B、初稿C、修改稿D、定稿一、单选题(每题1分,共20题)1、论文的主题、对象应主要来源于:A、实际B、书本C、个人想象答案:A2、理论要不要经过实验验证:A、一切理论都要B、有些理论不一定要答案:B3、检验理论正确的实验是必须能够重演的:A、是B、不一定C、不是答案:A4、在论文写出稿子各阶段中,那个阶段工作量最大?A、腹稿B、初稿C、修改稿D、定稿答案:B5、摘要的风格:A、可以用第一人称B、摘要大小不宜超过论文字数的5%C、可以使用文学性修饰D、可以包含作者未来的计划E、可以自我评价正确答案:B6、一篇论文其关键词可以选择几个:A、两个B、3~8个C、9个以上答案:B7、论文引言就是:A、前言B、绪论C、引论答案:C8、参考文献号一律用:A、阿拉伯数字B、汉字C、英文答案:A9、论文中公式的位置设定是:A、应另起一行B、可以与文字在同一行中C、应另起两行答案:A10、论文中对重要的公式:A、应编号B、不应编号答案:A11、对论文中公式的符号进行说明时,应该用:A、其中B、式中C、这里D、此处答案:A12、论文中使用别人公开发表的结论,并注明出处的属于:A、引用B、抄袭C、剽窃答案:A13、论文中大量使用别人公开发表的内容,不注明出处的属于:A、抄袭B、剽窃C、借用答案:A14、近似用符号:A、“≈”B、“≌”C、“~”答案:A15、论文是如何写出的:A、研究后写出的B、编写出的C、从书上抄来的答案:A16、硕士学位论文的基本要求:A、可以没有新意B、至少应有新意C、要有新理论答案:B17、研究生论文题目的选定要求是:A、本专业内的B、可以是非本专业内的答案:A18、论文中对表的题目要求为:A、表的题目在表上部B、表的题目在表下部C、随便什么位置正确答案:B19、《实践是检验真理的唯一标准》是:A、哲学论文B、实践论文C、技术性论文答案:A20、衡量国家科技领先的标志之一是:A、获诺贝尔奖的人数B、国民经济总产值C、人口数量答案:A 错误!未找到引用源。


由于文化的差异和英语语言本身的特 点,英语科技论文写作虽然在目的性上与 用其它语言形式的科技论文写作是相同的, 但是还有其自己的语言特征、文体要求和 格式变化。
因学科不同、研究项目、过程和结果不同,科技论文 可以有多种写作方法和体例结构。从20世纪20年代开始, 科技工作者从大量的论文中,总结出了其表达方式的共同 规律,逐步形成了一种较为严密而又符合逻辑的惯用格式; 从此,虽然各种论文所涉及的内容各不相同,论证的方法 各有差异,实验的方法与手段相差很大,但是论文由哪些 部分组成已有规范可循;其常见的构成格式有:标题、署 名、作者单位(通常在第一页底端的黑线下还要简要介绍 作者的姓名、年龄、职称、学位等内容)、摘要、关键词、 引言、正文,结论、致谢、脚注、参考文献和附录等。
标题_注意事项(4) 标题 注意事项
2 .一般采用名词短语作标题 不使用一个句子或不定式短语,一 一般采用名词短语作标题。不使用一个句子或不定式短语 一般采用名词短语作标题 不使用一个句子或不定式短语, 般也不使用介词短语,不出现从句。 般也不使用介词短语,不出现从句。 An exploration and study of the production methods of industrial cupric sulfate (繁琐) Introduce the exploration and study of the production methods of industrial cupric sulfate (祈使句) Methods of producing of industrial cupric sulfate
Department of Chemistry, Jilin University, Changchun, P. R. China, 110000





















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科技论文写作A第1次作业一、不定项选择题(有不定个选项正确,共9道小题)1.?科技论文具有(????)?[不选全或者选错,不算完成]??(A)?创新性??(B)?艺术性??(C)?专业性??(D)?应用性??(E)?科学性正确答案:A C D E解答参考:2.?科技论文写作应遵循(????)原则。

?[不选全或者选错,不算完成]??(A)?严谨周密??(B)?简洁务实??(C)?跌宕起伏??(D)?符合标准??(E)?形散神不散正确答案:A B D解答参考:3.?本科毕业设计(论文)可分为(??????)?[不选全或者选错,不算完成]??(A)?理论型??(B)?设计型??(C)?实验型??(D)?描述型??(E)?调研型正确答案:A B C E解答参考:4.?本科毕业设计(论文)的选题应注意(????)?[不选全或者选错,不算完成] ??(A)?选题的价值??(B)?选题的可行性??(C)?选题的思想性??(D)?选题与专业的关联性??(E)?选题的趣味性正确答案:A B E解答参考:5.?本科毕业设计(论文)选题的价值主要体现在(????)?[不选全或者选错,不算完成]??(A)?选题的新颖性??(B)?选题的思想性??(C)?选题的简便性??(D)?选题的现实针对性??(E)?选题的艺术性正确答案:A D解答参考:6.?本科毕业设计(论文)的摘要一般包括(??????)?[不选全或者选错,不算完成] ??(A)?研究目的??(B)?研究方法??(C)?研究细节??(D)?研究结果??(E)?研究结论正确答案:A B D E解答参考:7.?本科毕业设计(论文)的关键词可以是(?????)[不选全或者选错,不算完成]??(A)?一个词条??(B)?三个词条??(C)?四个词条??(D)?五个词条??(E)?六个词条正确答案:B C D解答参考:8.?本科毕业设计(论文)正文内容包括(????)?[不选全或者选错,不算完成] ??(A)?绪论??(B)?转折??(C)?过渡??(D)?主体??(E)?结论正确答案:A D E解答参考:9.?本科毕业设计(论文)的绪论一般包括(?????)[不选全或者选错,不算完成]??(A)?本科毕业设计(论文)的绪论一般包括(?ABCD??)??(B)?国内外文献综述??(C)?本研究的来源及主要研究内容??(D)?研究的基本思路与采用的方法??(E)?主要结论正确答案:A B C D解答参考:(注意:若有主观题目,请按照题目,离线完成,完成后纸质上交学习中心,记录成绩。







? 13.?科技论文可分为那几种类型??答:?理论型:如《对“媒介即信息”理论的再思考》实证型:如《厌氧氨氧化处理养殖废水启动试验研究》?设计型:如《网络虚拟校园系统设计》?描述型:如《试论转轨以来俄罗斯总统制的特点及其影响》?14.?本科毕业设计(论文)和学位论文、科技论文是什么关系??答:本科毕业设计(论文)是学位论文的一种,学位论文(包括学士、硕士、博士学位论文)是科技论文的一种。





























对物流服务质量最具代表性的定义当推Perreault和Russ(1974)的7Rs 定义,该定义以物流服务所创造的时间、地点效用为基础,认为物流服务质量是指企业能在恰当的时间,恰当的地点,以适当的价格和方式,为需要的顾客提供适合的产品和服务,使顾客的个性化需求得到满足,价值得到提升的过程。
