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阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1~15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。One bright summer day,a number of little boys and girls were out walking with their teacher.They walked two by two,singing happily.

In their walk they came to a __1__ over the river,and they turned to go across it.They had just reached the middle __2__ there came a great shout behind them.The teacher told them to stop,and she __3__ and listened.When she heard the cry “Mad dog!”she __4__ what was happening.Before she could do something she saw the dog running to the bridge.

“Children,” said the teacher,“keep __5__ the wall of the bridge.Don’t move or cry.”Then she went and stood before the boys and girls so that the dog would __6__ her first.

The animal came,his mouth widely open.The animal ran up __7__,and seemed to be going by,but when he had just passed the __8__,he made a snap (猛咬) at one of the little girls.At this moment,the teacher saw a man running up with a gun to __9__ the dog.The children must be kept __10__ until the man could come up.So she ran to the dog,and put her right hand into the animal’s __11__.When the man came near enough,he shot the animal __12__.

The dog had bitten her so __13__ that the brave lady died soon after the doctors came.She had given __14__her own life to save the lives of the children.When people heard of it,they loved her for her bravery.They said,“The __15__ of this brave lady should never be forgotten.”


1.A.garden B.temple

C.village D.bridge


2.A.but B.where

C.when D.and

解析:选C。考查连词。when作并列连词,相当于at that time“就在那时”。

3.A.stayed B.stood

C.sat D.turned


4.A.wanted B.thought

C.knew D.found


5.A.close to B.off

C.away from D.out of


6.A.fight B.meet

C.eat D.take


7.A.quickly B.carefully

C.silently D.slowly


8.A.girls B.boys

C.bridge D.teacher

解析:选D。考查名词。因为老师站在前面,应该从老师旁经过。上文说They had just reached the middle...,可排除C。如果从学生旁边经过了,就不可能有下文了,可排除A、B。9.A.beat B.shoot

C.strike D.drive

解析:选B。考查动词。根据上下文及常识,拿着枪追赶疯狗,当然是为了射死它。10.A.happy B.safe

C.alive D.silent


11.A.ears B.lips

C.mouth D.breast


12.A.over B.away

C.dead D.down


13.A.deeply B.seriously

C.painfully D.quickly

解析:选B。考查句意理解。这位勇敢的女教师很快死了,因为咬伤太重了,选项A、C、D 不合句意。

14.A.out B.off

C.up D.onto

解析:选C。考查短语动词。老师献出了她的生命。give up为固定搭配,意思为“放弃”。15.A.idea B.hope

C.deed D.news




As 16.________ Irish government tries to cut down the budget of the country’s public finances,schools in this country are suffering from the funding cutbacks.

A school in Cork,17.________ lavatory paper(厕纸)used to be offered for free,declared itself short

18.________ cash and asked its pupils to bring their own toilet rolls to school.Parents 19.________ children at St John’s Girls’ national school in County Cork received the request last week.

The school’s principal,Catherin e O’Neill,wrote to a girl’s parent:“Dear parent,20.________ it sounds a little unacceptable,we have to request your daughter 21.________ (bring) a toilet roll to her teacher.These rolls will be specifically for your daughter’s class and should be given out by the teacher.We also have another request 22.________ your daughter should have tissues (纸巾) in her bag at all times.”

Ireland’s public finances 23.________ (become) worse and worse since the economic downturn happened,and education has not escaped cuts in funding.Like this school,most of the measures 24.________ (take) in the educational system were due to the cutbacks.They are trying hard to reduce all kinds of 25.________ (expend) and ensure the educational needs.



17.解析:where引导非限制性定语从句。先行词是A school,关系词在定语从句中充当地点状语,故填where。






20.解析:通过对句子逻辑含义分析可知,这个句子与后面的句子是转折关系,故填连词though 或者although。

