雷欧力 交流电源电涌保护器(SPD)技术 说明书
![雷欧力 交流电源电涌保护器(SPD)技术 说明书](
欧雷克I级电涌保护器(Surge Protection Device,简称SPD )(又称防雷器、避雷器、浪涌保护器、过压保护器),适用于交流380V (50Hz/60Hz )及以下的TN-S、TN-C-S、TT、IT等供电系统因雷击而产生的电磁脉冲(EMP )保护,用于雷击区域的LPZ OA或LPZB区与LPZ1区交界处,其设计依据符合GB18802.1,IEC61643-1技术标准。
功能特点电涌保护器(SPD )是电子设备雷电防护中不可缺少的一种装置,其作用原理是在正常情况下,电涌保护器处于极高的电阻状态,从而保证电源系统正常工作;当系统线路上出现电涌过电压、过电流时,SPD的电阻突变或持续下降为低阻抗,SPD立即在纳秒级的时间内导通,将电涌能量通过SPD泄放入大地;当电涌过后,电涌保护器又迅速恢复为高阻状态,从而不影响系统正常供电。
-1--2-防雷器安装方法及图示L1L2L3N(4P)单线接线法侧面4PL1L2L3N(4P)凯文件接线法T EL :0755-******** A DD :广东省深圳市龙华区观澜狮径路核电工业园A 栋2楼 Web:T EL :0755-******** A DD :广东省深圳市龙华区观澜狮径路核电工业园A 栋2楼 Web:。
CONTENTS PAGE (1)I ONI NTRODUCT11.1 Voltage surges and lightning strikes (1)1.2 Lightning protection — standards, devices and dangers (1)1.3 Guide to protection (1)2 LIGHTNING ACTIVITY AND VOLTAGE SURGES (1)2.1 General (1)2.2 Resistive coupling (1)2.3 Inductive coupling (2)2.4 Capacitive coupling (2)3 SURGE PROTECTION DEVICES — THE PRINCIPLES (2)3.1 Magnitude of lightning-induced surges (2)3.2 Surge protection components (3)4 SPDs FOR MAINS POWER SYSTEMS (3)4.1 General (3)4.2 ‘Ideal’ specification for a mains power SPD (4)5 SPDs FOR DATA/TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS (4)5.1 General (4)5.2 ‘Ideal’ specification for a data/telecommunications SPD (4)6 INSTALLATION PRACTICE (5)6.1 Mains power SPDs (5)6.2 Data/telecommunications SPDs (5)7 LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEMS — CHECKLIST (5)7.1 I ntroduction (5)7.2 Structural lightning protection (5)7.3 Protection for internal equipment (5)1I NTRODUCTI ON1.1 Voltage surges and lightning strikesVoltage surges are momentary increases in the normal working voltage of a system. Sometimes referred to as ‘spikes’, ‘overvoltages’ or ‘transients’, these surges can affect power cables, data/telephone cables and instrumentation wiring, causing anything from data loss to the total destruction of equipment. Typical causes include fluorescent light switching, blown fuses and nearby lightning activity — the last of these being potentially the most dangerous.Lightning storms are on the increase globally — including the UK where more than 420,000 lightning strikes to ground were recorded in 1994. Also on the increase is industry’s reliance on sensitive electronic instrumentation, com-puters and communication networks. These make uneasy bedfellows as light-ning-induced voltage surges damage or destroy delicate equipment with all the consequent costs associated with repairs, replacements and downtime.1.2 Lightning protection — standards,devices and dangersThe current Electrical Wiring Regulations (BS7671) refer to the British Stan-dard for Lightning Protection BS6651. This identifies two distinctive forms of lightning protection, i.e. one designed to protect the building structure and fabric and a second to protect sensitive equipment inside the building.The traditional mesh of copper tapes on roofs and walls and their associated earth rods, properly installed, protect the bricks and mortar but not, except to a very limited degree, electronic equipment within the building. T he latter need protecting with ‘surge protection devices’ (SPDs).SPDs do not (indeed cannot) protect equipment against direct lightning strikes. Their concern is to neutralise voltage surges on cables caused by inductive or resistive coupling from nearby lightning strikes. In particular, SPDs should be fitted on the mains power supply lines and incoming data/signal cables to/ from all critical sensitive equipment. Cables such as these — and consequently any equipment associated with them — are particularly at risk as they are partly installed outside the building where they are more vulnerable to the effects of nearby lightning strikes. A strike within 100m of cables or buildings can induce surges up to 5kV and 1.25kA.Also at great risk are sites powered from overhead cables. Any direct lightning strikes to the power network will travel along the cables to the detriment of any equipment powered by these since surges on mains power cables can rise to a level of more than 6kV and 3kA.1.3 Guide to protectionThis p ublication p rovides a n e asy-to-read g uide t o t he d angers i nduced b y l ight-ning strikes and cost-effective ways to combat these with surge protection devices.2 LIGHTNING ACTIVITY AND VOLTAGE SURGES2.1 GeneralA direct lightning strike can cause an enormous amount of physical damage. However, the indirect effects from a nearby strike can also cause damage by inducing voltage surges onto mains and data cables.Lightning-induced voltage surges are often described as a ‘secondary effect’ of lightning and there are three recognized means by which these surges are induced in mains or data/telecommunications cables:-a) Resistive coupling (see section 2.2)b) Inductive coupling (see section 2.3)c) Capacitive coupling (see section 2.4)2.2 Resistive couplingWhen lightning strikes the ground near a building it causes a massive rise in ground voltage in the vicinity. This rise in ground voltage affects electrical earthing systems (earthed pipework, etc.) and is conducted back through these into the building where it can travel through the electrical system — cre-ating havoc along its path. Additionally, any data or telecommunications cables connecting the affected building to a second building provide a path for the currents to infect that building also. See figure 1.2.3 Inductive couplingA lightning strike onto a lightning conductor forming part of the structural protective system of a building generates a large electromagnetic pulse of energy which can be picked up by nearby cables in the form of a destructive voltage surge. See figure 2.2.4 Capacitive couplingOverhead high-voltage power distribution cables are naturally prone to direct Figure 1 Resistive coupling from a lightning strike near one buildinglightning strikes. While much of the lightning energy is dissipated by integral high voltage surge protection devices, a large proportion will travel along the distribution system and, due to its high frequency nature, will capacitively cou-ple through HV/LV power transformers into the power systems of individual buildings, devastating any electronic equipment it feeds. See figure 3.3 SURGE PROTECTION DEVICES — THE PRINCIPLES3.1Magnitude of lightning induced surgesVoltage surges on cabling systems, however they may be caused, are limited in magnitude by the insulation of the cable and any electrical or electronic equipment connected to it. In other words, if a rising voltage is applied to a cabling system, a point will come when the insulation of either the cable or the associated equipment breaks down and the voltage ‘flashes over’, thuspreventing it rising any further.IEC 60664 defines practical limits for the breakdown voltage of cable insula-tion within a building. The British Standard for lightning protection, BS6651, defers to IEEE C62.41 (in which measurements of induced voltage surges on cabling systems are discussed) to determine the maximum voltage surge that is likely to travel along a cable and, hence, the maximum voltage surge that a surge protection device (SPD) must divert successfully to protect the equip-ment connected to the cable.IEEE C62.41 tells us that the largest surge that is likely to appear on the bus-bars of the main power distribution board for a building is 6kV and 3kA, de-fined as ‘Category B’ (figure 4). Hence, an SPD fitted to the board must be able to divert safely a surge of this magnitude. IEEE C62.41 also explains that the maximum surge current caused by lightning is limited by the impedance of the cabling system, which, in turn, is related to the current rating of the circuit. A low impedance 1kA busbar distribution board could possibly pass 3kA of lightning induced current, whereas a higher impedance 30A twin and earth branch circuit, some distance away from the main incoming distribution board, could pass only 200A due to its higher impedance.Figure 2 Inductive coupling from a lightning strike on a lightning conductorFigure 3 Capacitive coupling from a direct lightning strike on overhead cablesFigure 4 BS6651 and IEEE C62.41 location categoriesData/telecommunications cables linking buildings are generally considered to be in Category C, as the slower surge voltages seen on these systems (10/700µs) are not attenuated in the same way as those on mains power cabling.Further details on the nature of these surges is provided in TAN 1002.3.2 Surge protection componentsWhen selecting components for use in a surge protection device, designers are compelled, by the current state of technology, to choose between high cur-rent handling capability and high speed operation. Some possible components are strong in one of these parameters and others in the other. In practice, therefore, SPDs often make use of a combination of components, known as a ‘hybrid circuit,’ for effective protection.Lightning induced voltage surges can rise from zero to up to 6kV in about 1µs. Surge diverting components must therefore operate quickly. Fuses and circuit breakers do not provide protection as they simply cannot work quickly enough.Voltage-limiting components used in modern SPDs are usually selected from three main types:—a) Gas discharge tubes (GDTs)b) Metal oxide varistors (MOVs)c) High-speed clamping diodesGas discharge tubes can handle very high surge currents, but are relatively slow to start and can thus let through a lot of the surge before they operate (figure 5a).Metal oxide varistors can handle fairly high surge currents, but their clamping voltage rises the more surge current that passes through (figure 5b).High-speed suppression diodes can only handle relatively small surge cur-rents, but they do have very accurate and rapid voltage clamping performance (figure 5c).4 SPDs FOR MAINS POWER SYSTEMS4.1 GeneralWhen considering surge protection for a mains power system, the ability of the whole system to withstand voltage surges should be considered, i.e. the surge protection device (SPD) must be capable of limiting any surge voltages to a level considered safe for the most vulnerable piece of equipment served by the system. It must also be able to divert safely the maximum surge cur-rent likely to be experienced by the system it is protecting, i.e. the IEEE defined location category (A, B or C — see section 3.1) should be borne in mind. Generally, most low voltage power systems (240/415V) and the electronic and electrical equipment with which they are associated, can withstand volt-age surges of two to three times their normal peak operating voltage, i.e. around 1kV for 240V (rms) systems, (8/20µs, 3kA waveshape, according toBS6651, Appendix C).Figure 5 Performance of surge protection components4.2 ‘Ideal’ specification for a mains power SPDTable 1 lists the specification parameters that should be considered when selecting SPDs for mains supply applications.Table 1 Specification parameters for a mains power SPD ParameterRequired performance Limiting voltage:* <1kV(often known as ‘let-through’ voltage) Modes of operation: Phase to neutral Phase to earthNeutral to earth Peak surge current: † Category A >1kA Category B >3kACategory C >10kA Leakage current: <0.5mA (phase to earth)Indication:Visual indication of statusVolt-free contact: This should be provided for high risk applications, where remote indication of reduced protection isrequiredIP protection rating: IP40 for internal applicationsIP65 for outdoor applications Temperature/humidity: Suitable for environmentSystem impairment: The SPD should not interfere with the normal operation of the system into which it is connectedNote: Gas discharge tubes should not be connected directly across mains cables as they can shortcircuit the supplyNotes* As tested on the connection terminals of the complete SPD, when tested with the 1.2/50µs voltage and 8/20µs current waveforms appropriate to their location, e.g. 6kV/3kA for Category B, as defined in BS6651, Appendix C.† Peak surge current is an indication of the lifetime of the complete SPD, e.g. a device in which the surge protection elements will handle a peak surge of 20kA will withstand many lightning induced currents of 3kA, asdefined in BS6651, Appendix C.5 SPDs FOR DATA/TELECOMMUNICATIONSSYSTEMS 5.1GeneralWhen considering surge protection for a data /telecommunications system, the ability of the whole system to withstand voltage surges should be consid-ered, i.e. the surge protection device (SPD) must be capable of limiting any surge voltages to a level considered safe for the most vulnerable piece of equipment served by the system. It must also be able to divert safely the maxi-mum surge current likely to be experienced by the system it is protecting, i.e.the appropriate IEEE defined location categories (A, B or C — see section 3.1) should be borne in mind. As an example, cables outside buildings are‘Category C’.Generally, most data/telecommunication cabling systems and the equip-ment with which they are associated, can safely withstand voltage surges of twice their normal peak operating voltage, e.g. around 48V for 24V systems (8/20µs).Some manufacturers specify a reaction time of ’10ns’ for their devices. This figure relates to the performance of individual components within the circuit.It cannot relate to the performance of the complete SPD as the impedance ofeven short connections between the device terminals and the internal com-ponents makes such a performance impossible. I t is also misleading since the fastest voltage surge the SPD will experience is the 10/700µs waveform used to define its limiting performance. If the device was slow to operate, this would be reflected by its performance and the limiting voltage would be too high.5.2 ‘Ideal’ specification for a data/telecommunications SPDTable 2 lists the specification parameters that should be considered when selecting SPDs for data/telecommunications applications.Table 2 Specification parameters for a data/telecommunications SPDParameter Required performanceLimiting voltage:* Twice the peak operating voltage of (often known asthe circuit with which the SPD is‘let-through’voltage) usedPeak surge current: † Category C (low) 2.5kA Category C (high) 10kASystem impairment: The SPD should not interfere with the normal operation of the systemwith which it is usedInsertion loss: Expressed as an equivalent cablerun lengthBandwidth: Normally expressed at the 3dBpoint in a 50ž systemIn-line resistance: Note: If the value for in-line resistance is 0, then it is possible the SPD will not operate undersome conditions, leaving the system unprotectedVoltage standing wave An indication of the effect the SPDratio:will have on the networkShunt capacitance:This affects the bandwidthTemperature/humidity: Minimum and maximum values should be quoted Notes* As tested on the connection terminals of the complete SPD, when tested with the 10/700µs current waveforms appropriate to their location.† Peak surge current is an indication of the lifetime of the complete SPD, e.g. a device that will handle a peak surge of 10kA will withstand many lightning induced currents of 125A.Figure 6 Typical shunt SPD connection details6 INSTALLATION PRACTICE 6.1 Mains power SPDs 6.1.1Shunt connecting SPDsLong connecting leads impair the effectiveness of an SPD installation (1m of 16mm2 earthing cable can generate more than 300V along it’s length when a surge of 6kV/3kA is applied to it). Hence, the SPD should be mounted and connected as close to the electrical system it is to protect as possible. See figure 6 for three ways in which this might be done.6.1.2 In-line connecting SPDsTo reduce the risk of picking up voltage surges in cable runs caused by induc-tive and capacitive coupling, in-line connecting SPDs should be connected as close to the protected equipment as possible. See figure 7.6.2 Data/telecommunications system SPDsGenerally, all SPDs designed for protecting data and telecommunications sys-tems connect in-line. These should be located as close to either the protected equipment or to the main power earth for the protected equipment as pos-sible. The length of the SPD connections to the electrical earth of the equip-ment should be no longer than 1m in length.Connection of this earth cable can be made to either the earth terminal of the equipment itself, or to the earth bar of the electrical power supply feeding the equipment. See figure 8 for illustrations of both these forms of connection.7 LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEMS —CHECKL I ST7.1 I ntroductionThis checklist is designed to help guide users through a brief visual check toestablish whether a site is effectively protected against the effects of lightning (according to BS6651, including Appendix C) both with respect to structure and electronic computer networks, telecommunications, and process and control equipment. If the answers to the questions include doubts, a special-ist should be consulted to offer advice. Eaton operates a lightning protection consultancy service staffed by experts qualified to provide sound advice from design to implementation. For details, contact your local sales representativevia: /support/distribution/index.htm.Figure 7 In-line SPD connection detailsFigure 8 Connections of data/telecommunications SPD earths7.2 Structural lightning protectionTick boxQ1 Does the building have an intact roof conductor network? (Wherever an observer stands on the roof, a lightning conductor should be visible no more than 10m away)Q2 Does the building have an intact system of down-conductors?(There should be an intact down-conductor located at least every 20m around the perimeter of the building)Q3 Does each down-conductor connect to an intact earth pit and earth rod? (Check that the down-conductor issecurely fastened to the earth rod)7.3 Protection for internal equipmentTick boxQ4 Is there a lightning surge protection device (SPD) installed on the main power distribution board/incomingpower board?(Check for the correct installation — see section 6.1.1)Q5 Is an SPD installed on the telecommunication linesfeeding modems and telemetry equipment?(Check for the correct installation — see section 6.2)Q6 If the controls section of switchgear cubicles contain sensitive electronic equipment (e.g. flowmeters, PLCs, computers, etc.) is the power feed into this section protected by a locally connected (i.e. within 1m) in-line SPD?(Check for the correct installation — see section 6.1.2)Q7 Are data/signal/network cables installed outside the building over distances of more than 10m (either underground or overhead) equipped with SPDs at the controlssection end of the cables?(Check for the correct installation — see section 6.2)Q8 Is any field-mounted equipment that is critical for the process or expensive (e.g. magflows, ultrasonic instrumentation, etc.) provided with locally-mounted(less than 1m distance) SPDs?EUROPE (EMEA): +44 (0)1582 723633 ********************THE AMERICAS: +1 800 835 7075*********************ASIA-PACIFIC: +65 6 645 9888***********************The given data is only intended as a productdescription and should not be regarded as a legal warranty of properties or guarantee. In the interest of further technical developments, we reserve the right to make design changes.Eaton Electric Limited,Great Marlings, Butterfield, Luton Beds, LU2 8DL, UK.Tel: + 44 (0)1582 723633 Fax: + 44 (0)1582 422283E-mail:********************© 2016 EatonAll Rights ReservedPublication No. AN904-1001 Rev G 211016 October 2016AUSTRALIAMTL Instruments Pty Ltd,10 Kent Road, Mascot, New South Wales, 2020, Australia Tel: +61 1300 308 374 Fax: +61 1300 308 463E-mail:*********************BeNeLuxMTL Instruments BVAmbacht 6, 5301 KW Zaltbommel The NetherlandsTel: +31 (0)418 570290 Fax: +31 (0)418 541044E-mail:*********************CHINACooper Electric (Shanghai) Co. 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电涌保护器安全巡检仪安全操作及保养规程1. 引言电涌保护器是一种用于保护电气设备免受电涌过电压损害的设备。
2. 安全操作步骤2.1 准备工作在进行电涌保护器安全巡检仪的操作之前,需要进行以下准备工作:•确保使用的安全巡检仪是合格的,并经过相关认证。
2.2 开机操作按照操作说明,正确连接巡检仪的电源,并按下电源按钮启动巡检仪。
2.3 巡检仪功能选择根据需要进行巡检仪功能的选择。
2.4 电涌保护器巡检步骤按照以下步骤进行电涌保护器的巡检:1.进入电涌保护器巡检功能界面。
2.5 报告生成根据巡检结果,生成相应的巡检报告。
2.6 关机操作在使用完毕后,根据操作说明选择关机操作,将巡检仪关机。
3. 保养规程为确保电涌保护器安全巡检仪的正常使用和延长其使用寿命,需要定期进行保养。
L2,L4 L2,L4
D3 D1 D2 D3
L1a,L2,L4 L1 ,L4a L1,L2,L3,L4 L1a,L2,L4
D2 D3 D3
L2,L4 L2,L4 L2,L4
根据雷击点位置划分的损害来源 损害类型 D1:接触和跨步电压导致的人员伤亡(人 和牲畜); D2:实体损害; D3:过电压导致的电气和电子系统的失效。 损失类型 L1:生命损失; L2:向大众服务的公共设施的损失; L3:文化遗产损失; L4:经济损失。
SPD 定义
电源SPD——连接到低压配电系统的SPD。 电信SPD——连接到电信和信号网络的SPD。 适用电压:直流1500V 交流1000V(r· m· s)(50Hz)
低压配电系统用 SPD 分类
T1(I级分类试验) 用标称放电电流In、1.2/50μs冲击电压和10/350 μs冲击电流Iimp做的试验,对应为电压开关型 SPD T2(Ⅱ级分类试验) 用标称放电电流In、 1.2/50μs冲击电压和8/20 μs最大放电电流Imax做的试验,对应为限压型 SPD。 T3(Ⅲ级分类试验) 用混合波( 1.2/50μs和8/20 μs)做的试验,对 应为组合型SPD。
雷电防护系统 外部防雷 内部防雷
接 闪 器
引 下 线
接 地 装 置
屏 蔽 ( 法 拉 弟 笼 )
等 电 位 连 接
防 闪 络 措 施
电 涌 保 护 器
GB 50174-2008 电子信息系统机房设计规范
浪涌保护器(SPD): 用于限制瞬态过电压和分泄电涌电流的器件。
第三级防需箱ES-DM020(1)浪涌保护器(SPD)的主要参数:1) 最大持续运行电压(Uc):指可持续加于SPD 保护模式的最大均方根电压(有 效值)或直流电压。
它实际上是SPD 的额定电压。
Uc 值与SPD 产品的使用寿命、电压保护水平有关。
如果Uc 值选择偏高,虽然能 延长产品的使用寿命,但其残压也相应提高,对被保护对象是不利的。
2)标称放电电流(In): 流过电涌保护器8/20 y s 电流波的峰值电流。
该参数用于SPD 做1【级试验,也用于对SPD 做【级和I 【级试验的预处理。
在SPD 的相关标准中,规定了一系列的In 值,某一型号SPD 设计制造时的LI 标是要达 到某一等级,就选用In 系列中相应的In 值进行试验,试验合格后,该SPD 的 In 值就可以确定为选中的值。
_ L2-L3 -变压器主配电柜楼层分配电柜专用配电柜151J弓⑥劝©7第一级防宙箱ES-B1-40 60 80第二级防需箱ES-C1-20 ES-C2-15 20303)I I级试验中的最大放电电流(Imax):流过电涌保护器8/20 P s电流波的峰值电流。
该参数从定义上与标称放电电流(In)相同,但SPD标准在给出In系列值的同时, 也给出了Imax系列值,且同一等级中Imax>In。
因此尽管In 和Imax 都是8/20 u s电流波的峰值,但是在试验时所采用的电流波的峰值和通过电流的次数是不一样的。
好天气公司C K说明书浪涌保护器安全巡检仪说明书集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-电涌保护器安全巡检测试仪K-2766使用说明书介绍谢谢您选购了K-2766电涌保护器安全巡检仪。
3)宽的提升电压范围和快速双指标测量:测试电压可提升至>1900V ;一次测试可同时完成动作电压和泄漏电流测量。
5)在线微安表功能:实现对在线运行电源避雷器(SPD )的漏电流实况进行测量。
6)绝缘电阻测试(兆欧表)功能:依据相关技术规范对电源避雷器(SPD )的绝缘性能进行测试(≥50M Ω/500V )。
• 此登录界面可分别以三种不同身份进入,“一般用户” 初始密码为“空”,“管理员”初始密码为“1111”, “超级用户”初始密码为“1234”。(在登录的时候选 择“确认后修改密码”项即可立即修改密码),不同 身份登录拥有不同的权限和功能。 • 一般用户:一般用户只有使用和查询报表的权限,没 一般用户: 有更改系统设置、数据重处理、备份数据库等权限。 • 管理员:有使用和查询权限,有对系统设置、数据重 管理员: 处理、备份数据库的权限,但没有“导入、导出基础 信息”及“导入、导出原始记录”权限。(建议初次 使用更改管理员登录口令) • 超级用户:有最大权限,拥有一般用户和管理员所具 超级用户: 备的所有权限,有取消管理员及一般用户的权限。
接硬件设备,可以通过增加地点窗口最下方的状态栏查看,将要 设定的卡放在“通讯座”贴有发散波标志的位置(指示灯部位), 卡号会自动被读入到卡号位置,状态栏提示读卡成功,选择线路, 单击“保存”按钮,则地点增加成功。
7、巡检仪通讯 、
• 单击巡检仪->通讯或单击工具栏中的“通讯”图标,打 开通讯窗口,用随机佩带的专用USB通讯线,一端接到 计算机的USB口上,(USB线直接插计算机的USB口,USB 需要安装驱动,在软件安装的时候会有提示,请参考 “二、软件的安装”)一端接到通讯座上,并将有巡检 二 软件的安装 数据的巡检仪放在通讯座中(巡检仪的头部和通讯座的 指示灯同方向)。软件会自动检测并查找“巡检器”, 如下图所示。
• 巡检点的安装:巡检点卡为标准的ID卡,每一张卡都 巡检点的安装:巡检点卡为标准的ID卡 ID 有全球唯一的16进制卡号, 有全球唯一的16进制卡号,每张卡的卡号代表一个检 16进制卡号 查点,一般埋入墙内防破坏,深度小于5毫米左右, 查点,一般埋入墙内防破坏,深度小于5毫米左右, 管型卡安装比较方便。 管型卡安装比较方便。日常使用贴在墙上或某一物体 上即可。 上即可。
Biblioteka 为防止电击,不要把产品弄湿,以及手 湿的时候不要使用此产品。在使用户外 元件时,要格外小心。 此仪表不要在腐蚀剂或易燃气体的环境 中使用,否则仪表会损坏或引起爆炸。 除了电池,不要将元件接电以阻止损坏 或电击的危险。
当仪表处于直接光照、高温、潮湿、结霜时, 不要贮存或使用。在这些条件下,可能造成绝 缘损坏,使仪表不再满足指标。此仪表并不完 全防尘或防水,为了防止可能的损坏,避免在 潮湿或灰尘的环境中使用。 在使用仪表前,要确保测量电缆的绝缘没有损 坏并且没有裸露的导体暴露出来。在这种条件 下使用仪表可能导致电击。 为了避免仪表损坏,在运输和操作中防止仪表 撞击或震动,特别小心不要坠落。
• 2、用仪表上横的两个端子(绿色)来测 量电源避雷器上模块的上下两端通断情 况(如果是导通的,说明此模块为坏的, 就不要再连接到竖着的两个端子上去测 量了,以免损坏仪表。
• 3、压敏电阻测试:要测量限压元件的压敏电 压和泄漏电流时使用此键。将测试线的插头分 别插在两个大接线柱上,测试线另一端接测试 表笔或鳄鱼夹并与被测物测点可靠连接,确保 测试线或鳄鱼夹无短路情况下,按“压敏电阻” 键并确认,显示器会同时显示被测物的压敏电 压和泄漏电流值,直接读取测量值(保存按 “存储/取消”键)。显示器显示数据后,仪表 会自动将电压降到零,此时可以拆除引线。
K-2766 电涌保护器安全巡检测试仪, 正是为了满足对在线运行电源避雷器 (SPD)进行运行安全状态的全面的快 速检测而研发的专用仪表。具有导通测 试功能、绝缘电阻测试(兆欧表)功能、 限压元件的动作电压和泄漏电流测试功 能、点火元件的点火电压测试功能、在 线微安表功能。
᱂ܝ⇨ϴЏԧᓔথഄ☦▊ṗᎹ࣏☿⇨☿⇨᪂᪂07/⌾⍠⌾⍠ֱᡸ఼ֱᡸ఼ֱᡸ఼ՓϬՓϬՓϬ᪸ᯢк᪸ᯢк᮴⏥᮴⏥ṙᗱᅝṙᗱᅝṙᗱᅝᅝܼᅝܼᅝܼ᪂᪂᪂᳝└᳝└᳝└݀ৌ݀ৌT h e S L P S e r i e s is a range of surge protec-tion devices combining high packing densi-ties, application versatility, proven hybrid cir-cuitry and simple installation -- features which make the series the most cost effec-tive surge protection solution for process control equipment systems and communica-tions networks.T h e m u l t i -s t a g e h y b r i d s u r g e p r o t e c t i o n n e t -w o r k at the heart of the SLP uses a combi-nation of solid state electronics and a gas filled discharge tube (GDT) to provide surge protection up to 20kA. This impressive surge protection circuit is designed to exhibit exceptionally low line resistance and adds only a tiny voltage drop to the circuit.I n o p e r a t i o n , t h e S L P d e v i c e d o e s n o t a d v e r s e l y a f f e c t t h e p e r f o r m a n c e o r o p e r a -t i o n o f t h e l o o p or combined equipment. The device allows signals to pass with very little attenuation while diverting surge currents safely to ground and clamping output volt-ages to safe levels.F u l l y a u t o m a t i c i n o p e r a t i o n ,SLP devicesreact immediately to make sure thatequipment is never exposed to damagingsurges between lines or the lines andground. Reacting instantaneously, the SLPredirects surges safely to ground andthen resets automatically.T h e v e r s a t i l e S L P s e r i e s d e s i g n c o n s i d e r st h e n e e d f o r h i g h p a c k i n g d e n s i t i e s andhas a product combining protection fortwo process loops into one case. Eachmodule provides full hybrid surge protec-tion for two process loops.F o r h i g h e r b a n d w i d t h a p p l i c a t i o n s ,the SLPseries has been developed to meet thedemands of today’s highest speed com-munication systems.O n e s i m p l e m a n u a l o p e r a -t i o n clamps modulessecurely onto D I Nrail, which auto-matically provides the essential high-integrity ground connection.A 10 Y e a r ‘N o F u s s ’ w a r r a n t y is available as standard for the SLP so if a correctly connected device should fail for any rea-son, simply return it for a free replace-ment.‘T o p -h a t ’ (T -s e c t i o n ) D I N r a i l is generally suitable for mounting SLP modules although for adverse environments, a spe-cially-plated version is available from MTL Surge Technologies.Data & SignalProtectionUltra-slim user-friendly devices for protecting electronic equipment and systems against surges on signal and I/O cabling.G S u r g e p r o t e c t i o n f o r t w o l o o p s p e r S L P (o r o n e 4-w i r e c i r c u i t )G P l u g c o n n e c t o r s f o r q u i c k a n d e a s y c o n n e c t i o n o r r e w i r i n gG S p a c e -s a v i n g d e s i g n , 6m m w i d t h p e r l o o pG M u l t i -s t a g e h y b r i d p r o t e c t i o n c i r c u i t r y - 20k A m a x i m u m s u r g e c u r r e n tG R a n g e o f v o l t a g e r a t i n g s - t o s u i t a l l p r o c e s s I /O a p p l i c a t i o n sG D e s i g n e d f o r h i g h b a n d w i d t h , l o w r e s i s t a n c e a p p l i c a t i o n sSLP SeriesS p e c i f i c a t i o n All figures typical at 77°F (25°C) unless otherwise statedM a x i m u m s u r g e c u r r e n t 20kA (8/20μs waveform) per line L e a k a g e C u r r e n t <1μA @ working voltage M a x i m u m r a t e d l o a d c u r r e n t1.50A L o o p r e s i s t a n c e 2 OhmC a p a c i t a n c eLine - Line - 60pFB a n d w i d t h-1db @9kHz - 37MHz-3dB @50MHzR e s p o n s e t i m e<1nsA m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e–40°F to +176°F (working)–40°C to +80°C (working)–40°F to +176°F (storage)–40°C to +80°C (storage)H u m i d i t y5 to 95% RH (non-condensing)T e r m i n a l s12 AWG (2.5mm 2)E l e c t r i c a l c o n n e c t i o n sPlug/header screw terminal strip M o u n t i n gT-section DIN-rail(35 x 15mm rail)W e i g h t5oz (140g approximately)Case flammabilityUL94 V-2E M C c o m p l i a n c eBS EN 60950:1992BS EN 61000-6-2:1999BS EN 61010-1:1993E l e c t r i c a l s a f e t yUL Isolated Loop Protector (Pending)Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C & Dhazardous locations (Pending)T o o r d e r s p e c i f y - Order by module, as listed in the specifi-cation table.Note: I n accordance with our policy of continuous improvement,we reserve the right to change the product’s specification withoutnotice.2 Installation Connection detailsR e vA09/16/04S t a n d a r d C e r t i f i c a t e /A p p r o v e d f o r P r。
3、判定方法1、电源避雷器 (SPD) 直流参考电压 (U1mA) 的测试:用仪器测出的SPD实测压敏电压与生产厂标称值比较,当误差大于±20%时,可判定SPD失效。
③ 检定 方 法 测试 电压 范围 的检 定 : 数 字高 电压 表的测 试表 笔 将 接 在测试线 夹上 .量程 设置 在能 够检测DC 2 0 V电压 的 00 挡 位 . “ 敏 电 阻 测 试 ” 键 . 表 输 出 电压 应该 达 到 按 压 按 仪
2 0 V. 且 相 对 误 差 不 应 超 过 + % : “ 电 管 测 试 ” 00 并 2 按 放 按
作 . 以在 气 象 系统 具 有一 定 的 市场 占有 率 所 但 我们 注 意 到 . 括 电
防雷 元 器 件 测 试 仪 的测 试 对象 是 由压 敏 电阻 或 放 电管 等元 器件 组 成 的浪 涌 保 护 器 .是 一 些 非线 性 元 器 件 . 采
① 压 敏测 试 的 原理 :在 被试 品上 加 上试 验 电压 , 电
压 按 照 10 V s 0 k /的速 率 南0 v开 始升 高 .单 片机 检测 回路 巾 的 电流 . 电 流 为 1 ] 停 止 升 高 电 压 . 定 l 当 mAI  ̄ , 锁 mA电
流 所对 应 的 电压 , 电压 为压 敏 电压 此 ; 后 单 片机 将 然
直 是 闲扰 检 定人 员 的一 个 难题 考虑 到 不 同仪 表 的 开 发原 理不 同 . 笔者 以电 涌保 护 器 安 全巡 检 仪 的 检 定方 法
抛 砖 引玉 . 希望 更 多 的 技术 人 员 参 与 防雷 元 器 件 测试 仪 检 定 方法 的讨 论 , 而 制定 出完 善 、 进 合理 、 便 的 检定 方 方
() 1 在送 检 前请 将 仪 表充 满 电 。 () 2 送检 时 . 随 机 携带 仪 表 配套 的 测试 线 。 请
2 检 定 所 需 仪 器 或 元 器 件 .
(2.泄露电流I ie(1)泄露电流的实测值I ie应不超过生产厂标称的I ie最大值;如生产厂未声称泄露电流I ie时,实测值应不大于20μA。
多片MOV并联的SPD,其泄露电流的实测值I ie应不超过生产厂标称的I ie最大值;如生产厂未声称泄露电流I ie时,实测值应不大于20μA乘以MOV阀片的数量。
不能确定阀片数量时,SPD的实测值不大于20μA;(2)后续测量I1mA时,单片MOV和多片MOV构成的SPD,其泄露电流I ie的实测值应不大于首次测量值的1倍。
4.两端引线长度:SPD两端的引线长度之和宜不大于0.5m,电源SPD的有效电压保护水平U p/f(SPD两端引线上产生的电压)应低于被保护的耐冲击过电压额定值Uw户外线进入建筑物处可按1KV/m计算(8/20μs、20KA 时)5.连接导线截面:检测方法:量测、绝缘电阻测试仪、压敏电压测试仪、万用表。
具备多种检测功能,如持续监测、定时检测、手动检测 等。
适用于各种类型的电 涌保护器的安全巡检 ,保障电力系统的稳 定运行。
特别适用于易燃易爆 等危险环境中的电涌 保护器检测。
检查设备线路连接是否牢固,如发现线路 老化或破损应及时更换。
电涌保护器安全巡检仪的设计和制造符合国际电涌保护器安 全标准,如IEC 61643-11:2011等。
电涌保护器安全巡检仪已通过国际权威认证机构的检测和认 证,如UL、TÜV SüD等。
该电路板包括声光报警 器件和驱动电路等元件 ,用于发出声光报警。
检查仪器外观完好,附件齐全,电池 电量充足。
根据测试需要设置电涌保护器类型、 测试模式等参数。
定期对仪器进行保养,保持仪器清洁 、干燥。
按下测试按钮,仪器将自动检测电涌 保护器的性能,并在屏幕上显示测试 结果。
检查电池电量是否充足,检查 仪器连接是否正常。
检查仪器是否受到干扰,重新进行 测试。
检查存储设备是否正常工作,重新 进行测试并确保数据能够正确保存 。
• 通过测量电源避雷器(单个模块的上下两端) 压敏电阻的启动电压和泄漏电流,判断避雷器 的好坏。(测量值和避雷器中标明的额定值之 间的误差范围) • 1、用红外温度器测量同一个环境中同一个型 号的避雷器,看其得运行温度是多少,将其中 温度高(温度高的可能有安全隐患)的拿下来, 连到仪表去测量其启动和泄漏电流。 • (注意:测量时须断电操作,并用电笔测量确 定不带电才可以操作,勿带手套使用电笔)
K-2766 电涌保护器安全巡检测试仪, 正是为了满足对在线运行电源避雷器 (SPD)进行运行安全状态的全面的快 速检测而研发的专用仪表。具有导通测 试功能、绝缘电阻测试(兆欧表)功能、 限压元件的动作电压和泄漏电流测试功 能、点火元件的点火电压测试功能、在 线微安表功能。
Байду номын сангаас
为防止电击,不要把产品弄湿,以及手 湿的时候不要使用此产品。在使用户外 元件时,要格外小心。 此仪表不要在腐蚀剂或易燃气体的环境 中使用,否则仪表会损坏或引起爆炸。 除了电池,不要将元件接电以阻止损坏 或电击的危险。
当仪表处于直接光照、高温、潮湿、结霜时, 不要贮存或使用。在这些条件下,可能造成绝 缘损坏,使仪表不再满足指标。此仪表并不完 全防尘或防水,为了防止可能的损坏,避免在 潮湿或灰尘的环境中使用。 在使用仪表前,要确保测量电缆的绝缘没有损 坏并且没有裸露的导体暴露出来。在这种条件 下使用仪表可能导致电击。 为了避免仪表损坏,在运输和操作中防止仪表 撞击或震动,特别小心不要坠落。
为应对这一挑战.浪涌保护叁(Surge Protective Devices, SPD)成为了必不可少的保护设备“近年来,陆才t智能化技术的普及.浪涌保护器智能防雷监测系统(Smart Lightning Protection Monitoring System for SPD)应运而生,为设备安全提供了更而层次的保障地就将详细探讨这•系统的作用.工作原理以及在各行业中的部署解决方案.一、浪涌保护器智值防・SPD Iue景观的作用浪涌保护器智能防雷监测系统的核心作用是时电气系统中可能发生的雷电或电力浪涌进行实时监;1«、分析和响应,从而保护设备免受投坏。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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蚀性气体的环境或室内。 本表应避免受潮、雨淋、暴晒、跌落。
使用说明书 1 份
合格证Βιβλιοθήκη 1份仪表箱1个
BYSPD 系列 电浪涌保 护器测试 仪是一款 多功能检 测设备,也 是对低压 避 雷器和其它过电压保护器而设计的。可用于检测这些器件中核心器件的电压 限制器件或电压开关器件的参数;同样适用于氧化锌避雷器(压敏电阻), 固 体放电管、金属陶瓷二、三电极放电管、真空避雷管等过压防护元件直流参 数 的 测 试 。同时也是为了避免和减少由于避雷器(SPD)自身劣化而引起的供电事故和故 障,对避雷器(SPD)的在线安全状态进行有效的常规巡检。
4.2 放电管测量 技术指标
20~1800V 101~2000V
≤±2%±1d 电压上升率 100±8V/秒
1.5~3.5 秒
5、其它指标 绝缘电阻:8MΩ(500V) 耐压:AC 1.5kV 50Hz 1min 工作温度和湿度:0~+40℃ <85%RH 储存温度和湿度:-10℃~+50℃ <90%RH 电源:内置 12V 可充电锂电池 功耗:12W 外形尺寸:208mm(L)×190mm(W)×78mm(D) 重量:≤2kg
尊敬的用户:欢迎使用 BYSPD 浪涌保护器安全巡检仪。为了 您 的 安 全 和 保 障 仪 表 的 正 常 使 用 ,请 您 先 仔 细 读 完 此 说 明 书 ,再 进行操作。
1、 产 品 简 介 BYSPD 系列 电浪涌保 护器测试 仪又称电 涌保护器 安全巡检 仪,主要是 为
现 场 检 测 各 种 电 涌 保 护 器 (SPD),也 是 为 了 满 足 对 在 线 运 行 电 源 避 雷 器( SPD) 进行运行安全状态的全面的快速检测而研发的专用仪器。主要功能:压敏电 阻的压敏电压和泄漏电流测试;绝缘电阻测试(兆欧表);放电管点火电压 (直流火花放电电压)测试和放电管的快速筛选、导通测试功能。
6、使用方法 6.1 使用“自动”位测试压敏电阻 6.1.1 开启电源,将面板“测试选择”键置“压敏电阻”位;将“U0.75 选择”键置“自动” 位,将面板“显示切换”开关置“电压”位。 6.1.2 将被测压敏电阻用测试线接入“测试孔”的“+”、 “-”端后轻触高压“启动” 键,仪器显示起始动作电压 U1mA 值,随后按住“漏流”键不放,仪器显示 0.75U1mA 电压值, 如果同时将面板“显示切换”开关置“电流”位后仪器显示值为 I 0.75U,1mA 值;松开“漏流” 键,仪器将显示流过被测压敏电阻的电流约 1mA。 6.1.3 轻触高压“停”键后取下被测压敏电阻。 6.2 使用“人工”位测试压敏电阻 6.2.1 将“测试选择”键置“压敏电阻”位;将“U0.75 选择”键置“人工”位;将“显示 切换”开关置“电压”位,开启电源和高压后,调节“高压预置”旋钮,使仪器预置高压值 高于将被测试的压敏电阻的标称值 1.2 倍以上,关闭高压;接入被测压敏电阻,此时启、停 高压,可对多个类似被测压敏电阻进行 U1mA 单一指标的连续测试。 6.2.2 根据测得压敏电阻 U1mA 值计算出 0.75U1mA 值,将仪器预置电压调节到此值,再将“显 示切换”开关置“电流”位, 此时不关闭高压按住“漏流”键不放,接入 U1mA 值相同的被测 压敏电阻进行 I 0.75U,1mA 单一指标的连续测试。 6.3 放电管测试 6.3.1 将“测试选择”键置“放电管”位;“U0.75 选择”键置 “人工”位;开启电源和高压。 6.3.2 调节“高压预置”旋钮。使仪器显示的预置电压值低 于被测放电管标称值 100V 以下,直至起始位置(约 15V)。 6.3.3 将被测放电管用测量线接入仪器“测试孔”“+”、“-”端钮,轻触“升压”键,待 绿色“放电”指示灯点亮,仪器显示稳定值为该放电管点火电压值。
1.测试孔+ 4.高压指示灯 7.显示值单位指示灯
2.测试孔5.测试按键开关 8.LCD 显示屏
3.功能选择开关 6.高压预置旋钮 9.放电管放电指示灯
8、注意事项及说明 本表应保持面板、测试线及工作台面的清洁与干燥,以免因泄露,电弧,电晕而引起测
4、技术指标 4.1 压敏电阻测量
起始动作电压 U1mA
10 ~ 100V
BYSPD-II 101~2000V
漏电流 I 0.75U,1mA
工作误差 ≤±2V±1d
测试条件 1mA±3μA
≤2μA±1d 0.75U1mA≤±2%±1d
http// 3、 判 定 方 法
1、 电源避雷器(SPD)直流参考电压(U1mA)的测试:用仪器测出的 SPD 实测 压敏电压与生产厂标称值比较,当误差大于±20%时,可判定 SPD 失效。也可与产品 生产厂家提供的允许公差范围表对比判定。
2、 漏电流(I1e)的测试:检测 SPD 的劣化程度,规定在 0.75U1mA 下测试。实 测 I1e 不应大于产品标称的最大值;如产品未标定出 I1e 值时,一般不应大于 20μA。
2、 性 能 特 征 具有记忆、运算、保持、控制、自检功能。 具有高压短路保护、过流保护、高压予置等功能。高压自泄放时间小于 1 秒。 测试结果由 31/2LCD 数字显示、准确度高,可靠性好。 专用便携套装设计,配备了仪表和所有附件,使仪表的使用和携带更为方便。 直流供电:内置大容量充电电池,确保长时间稳定测试,不需外接电源。 连续测量,可以对批量试品进行不间断测试。 面板功能简单,易于操作。 液晶显示界面,示值清晰,测量数据直观易读。 体积小、重量轻、便于携带。
连续测试时,须待预置电压显示值稳定后,再启动“升压”键。 6.4 其它功能 6.4.1 自检功能, 在压敏电阻测试过程中,变换“显示切换”开关,可检查本仪器测试条件技 术参数的正确性。 6.4.2 “U0.75 选择”键置“人工”位,调节“高压预置”旋钮,使预置电压缓慢上升,测试压 敏电阻时切换“显示切换”开关,可给出该压敏电阻的 V/A 特性曲线;测试放电管的点火电 压值,将 100V/秒条件下的测试值与预置电压缓慢上升点火值相比对,可基本判定其特性。