
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
3.2 .1 半导体制造中的化学属性
度标准,因此它也是物质的分子或 原子平均动能或热能的量度标准.
叫热.硅圆片制造中大量需要处理 在高温下的情况,比如需要加热来
的气味. 8
3.2 .1 半导体制造中的化学属性
压强是在半导体制造中被广泛使用的属性.化学品和气体都是 从高压向低压区域流动的.一些需要很高的压强而另外一些需要在低 于大气压的环境〔真空.
真空:如果容器内的气体压强小于14.7psi,在存在真空.真空通过抽 出密闭容器中的气体分子〔例如:空气、水汽和气体杂质来获得低 于大气压的压强.许多半导体制造的操作过程都需要真空环境.真空 最通用的计量单位是托.1托等于气压计中1毫米汞柱.

3.2材料的属性 通过研究材料的属性,了解如何在半导体制造业中 使用它们。 有两类:化学属性和物理属性 物理属性:指那些通过物质本身而不需要与 其他物质相互作用而反映出来的性质。有熔点、沸 点、电阻率和密度等 化学属性:指通过与其他物质相互作用或相互转变 而反映出来的性质。有可燃性、反应性和腐蚀性。
先进的IC制造商通常会使用新型材料来改 善芯片的性能并减小器件的特征尺寸。化 学品的一些属性对于理解新的半导体工艺 材料的存在有很重要的意义。
属性有:温度,密度,压强和真空,表面 张力,冷凝,热膨胀,蒸气压,应力,升 华和凝华
1.温度:是比较一个物质相对于另一个物质 是热还是冷的量度标准。
如果两个热膨胀系数相差很大的物体结合在 一起,然后加热,由于两种材料以不同的 速率膨胀导致它们彼此推拉,产生应力。 会使硅片弯曲,在半导体制造过程中,非 常重视这种应力。确保材料的最小应力可 以改善芯片的可靠性。
3.4化学品在半导体制造中的状态 三种状态:液态,固态和气态。 用途有: ✓ 用湿法化学溶液和超净的水清洗硅片 表面 ✓ 用高能离子对硅片进行掺杂得到P型或N型硅 ✓ 淀积不同的金属导体层以及导体层之间的介
• 许多工艺气体都具有剧毒性、腐蚀性、活 性和自燃。因此,在硅片厂气体是通过气 体配送(BGD)系统以安全、清洁和精确 的方式输送到不同的工艺站点。
通用气体:对气体供应商来说就是相对简 单的气体。被存放在硅片制造厂外面大型 存储罐里。
①惰性 N2,Ar,He ②还原性 H2 ③氧化性 O2
半导体制造 耗材


二、半导体加工中的化学品2.1 半导体加工的基本步骤半导体加工是一系列复杂的工艺步骤,包括掺杂、蚀刻、沉积、清洗等。
2.2 高纯度化学品的要求半导体加工对化学品的纯度要求非常高,因为任何微量的杂质都可能对器件性能产生严重影响。
三、tmah的基本特性3.1 tmah的化学结构tmah(tetramethylammonium hydroxide)是一种有机化合物,化学式为(CH3)4NOH。
3.2 tmah的应用领域tmah在半导体加工中主要用于蚀刻、清洗和湿法制备材料等方面。
四、tmah在蚀刻中的应用4.1 tmah蚀刻的原理tmah具有强腐蚀性,可以与硅等半导体材料发生化学反应,从而实现蚀刻的目的。
4.2 tmah蚀刻的应用tmah蚀刻广泛用于制备微电子器件,如集成电路、传感器等。
五、tmah在清洗中的应用5.1 tmah清洗的原理半导体加工过程中会产生大量的杂质和副产物,需要通过清洗来去除。
5.2 tmah清洗的应用tmah清洗广泛应用于半导体器件的制造过程中,可以保证器件表面的纯净度和光洁度,提高器件性能和可靠性。
六、tmah在湿法制备材料中的应用6.1 tmah在沉积过程中的应用tmah可以作为一种表面活性剂,用于控制材料的沉积速率和均匀性。
半导体 制造 耗材


半导体⼯⼚使⽤的化学品清单Chemical UseStandard Operating Procedure1.0PurposeThis document provides detailed instructions on chemical use at the wet benches at Washington Technology Center.2.0Equipment and Materials2.1Equipment2.1.1Wet bench2.1.2Spin rinse dryer2.1.3Face shield2.1.4Apron2.1.5Chemical gloves2.1.6Timer2.1.7Tweezers2.1.8Teflon cassettes2.1.9Teflon cassette handles2.1.10Teflon single wafer holders2.2ChemicalsThe chemicals available in the lab are as followsName Composition Purpose Acetic acid 100% acetic acid Wafer cleanAcetone 99-100%acetone SolventAluminum etch 71-73% Phosphoric acid5-15% water9-11% nitric acid1-3% acetic acidEtch aluminumAmmonium fluoride 40% ammonium fluoride60% waterOxide etchAmmonium hydroxide 29% ammonium hydroxidewaterWafer cleanAZ300T 4% Tetramethylammonium hydroxide41% N-methylpyrrolidone, NMP, 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone55% Propylene glycol, 1, 2-propane-diolremove photoresistAZ 351 <10% sodium borates>90% water Developer for 1512 and 1518AZ 400K <15% Potassium borates>85% water Developer for 4620 and 9260AZ 1512 75% 1-methoxy-2-propanol acetate Thin Photoresist <25% Cresol novolak resin<10% diazonapthoquinonesulfoniestersAZ 1518 71% 1-methoxy-2-propanol acetate<30% Cresol novolak resin<10% diazonapthoquinonesulfoniestersThin (~2um) PhotoresistAZ 4620 62% 1-methoxy-2-propanol acetate<35% Cresol novolak resin<5% diazonaphthoquinonesulfoniestersThick photoresistAZ 9260 57% 1-methoxy-2-propanol acetate<40% Cresol-novolak resin<5% DiazonaphthoquinonesulfonicestersThick photoresist10:1 BOE 40% ammonium fluoride5% hydrogen fluoride55% water0.2% surfactantetch oxideChromium etch (TFD) 5-10% Ceric Sulfate5-10% Nitric Acid1-5% Sulfuric Acid75-89% WaterEtch chromiumCopper etch (Type 100/200) 30% ferric chloride3-4% hydrochloric acidwaterEtch copperEKC 830 50-60% 2-(2-Aminoethoxy) Ethanol40-50% N-Methyl PyrrolidoneRemove photoresistFuturrex 2.27% tetramethyl ammoniumhydroxidewaterNegative resist developerGold Etch (TFA) 1-10% iodine complex20-40% potassium iodide50-79% waterEtch goldHMDS 100% Hexamethyl disilazane Adhesion promoter Hydrocholoric acid 37% hydrogen chloride waterremove metalsHydrofluoric acid 49% HFwateretch oxide, nitrideHydrogen peroxide 30% hydrogen peroxidewaterOxidizerIsopropyl alcohol 100% 2-propanol solventNanostrip 90% sulfuric acid5% peroxymonosulfuric acid<1% hydrogen proxideRemoves organics, metals Nickel etch TFB 10 to 20% nitric acid Electroless plating<1% Potassium PerfluoroalkylSulfonate80 to 90% waterNitric acid 70% nitric acid etchantP-20 20% Hexamethyl disilazane80% 1-methoxy-2-propyl acetateAdhesion promoterPad etch 1 31-35% acetic acid12-16% ammonium fluoride51-55% waterOxide etchPad etch 4 30-34% acetic acid11-15% ammonium fluoride4-8% glycol47-51% waterOxide etchPalladium Etch (TFP) 30% ferric chloride3-4% hydrogen chloride66-67% water**this is the same as copper etch 100*Etch palladiumPhosphoric acid 74-95%waterEtch nitridePolyimide Coating 30-60% n-methyl-2-pyrollidone5-10% tetraethylene glycol diacrylate30-60% photosensitive polimide resin1-5% proprietary ingredientsPlanarization “oxide”Polyimide Developer (HD Microsystems) >60% cyclohexanone 30-40% 4-butyrolactoneDeveloperPolyimide Rinse 10-30% cyclohexanone>60% butyl acetaterinsePotassium hydroxide 45% potassium hydroxidewater Etch silicon with nitride maskQZ3501 polyimide developer 60-80% dihydrofuranone20-40% butyl acetatedeveloperR19180 polyimide developer 10-30% cyclohexanone>60% butyl acetatedeveloperRD6 Negative Resist Developer 97-98% water2-3% tetramethyl ammoniumhydroxidedeveloperSilver Etch (TFS) 3-10% iodine complex18-42% potassium iodide48-79% waterEtch silverSPR 220 30-52% Ethyl lactate15-25% anisole1-10% diazo photoactive compound14-40% Cresol Novolak Resin1-5% 2-Methyl Butyl Acetate2-7% n-amyl acetateThick resistSTR 1075 48-53% Ethyl lactate1-5% n-butyl acetate1-10% diazo photoactive compound30-40% Cresol Novolak Resin1-5% xylene<1% organic siloxane surfactantThick resistSU8 developer 100% methoxy-2propyl acetate developerSulfuric acid 98% sulfuric acid remove organics, metalsSylgard silicone elastomer curing agent 59% Dimethyl, methyl hydrogen siloxane13% Dimethyl vinylated andtrimethylated silicaCuring agentXP SU-8 10 40-45% Gamma butyrolactone55-60% Mixed triarylsulfonium/hexafluoroantimonate saltNegative photoresistXP SU-8 developer 98-100% 1-methoxy-2-propyl acetate DeveloperTMAH 25% tetramethylammonium hydroxide75% waterAnisotropic etch3.0SafetyA buddy system applies to the use of chemicals after normal working hours: another knowledgeable user should be in the clean room, aware of your situation, and close enough to be of assistance if you have an accident.3.1 Heat3.1.1 Hot plates used for heating chemicals must be attended. You must be in the clean room and near the hot plate when it is on.3.1.2Check that each container you use on a hotplate is approved for hotplate use.3.1.3 The wafer baking hot plates are not to be used with chemicals.3.2 Chemical Vapor3.2.1 When working with chemicals, always use the vented chemical hoods.3.2.2 Wear appropriate personal protective equipment.3.2.3 Keep your head above the Plexiglas especially when mixing, pouring, and heating.3.2.4 Pour only approved chemical mixtures.3.2.5 If you can smell chemicals while you are processing wafers, find out why. You may have chemicals on your lab coat or gloves. Fresh gloves are available on topof the resist cabinet. Fresh lab coats are available in the gowning room. Theremay also be contaminated trash in the unvented waste basket. Be sure to work toward the back of the fume hood. Clean the outside of bottles thoroughly, before putting them back in the chemical cabinet.3.3 Fire3.3.1 When working with chemicals, always use the vented chemical hoods.3.3.2 Check chemical flashpoints before heating. Do not heat chemicals to temperatures near their flashpoints. Do not heat solvents above 120 degrees C.3.3.3 Chemicals on hotplates must be attended.3.3.4 Be particularly careful with solvents like acetone around heat sources or oxidizers (peroxide or nitric acid).3.4 Contact burns3.4.1 Wear appropriate personal protective equipment.3.4.2 Keep work area clean and dry.3.4.3 Add acid to water. Do not add water to acid.3.4.4 Add peroxide to sulphuric, when pouring pirahna.3.4.5 Pour only approved chemical mixtures.3.5 Reproductive effectsUsers who are pregnant should discuss laboratory use with the lab manager assoon as possible. This need not severely restrict laboratory use but shouldnonetheless be discussed (see MSDS of photoresist). Be aware that there aremany different names for the same photoresist solvents4.0Supplies4.1Personal Protective EquipmentAprons, orange chemical resistant gloves, and face shields are available for use at thechemical hoods. Select an appropriate size orange glove. Check gloves for holes before each use; discard them if they have holes. Wear gloves to open cabinets, sign the log.Wash gloves when they become contaminated. Do not touch door knobs, notebooks,phone or microscope with gloves on. Wash and dry gloves when you are done; hangthem up on the rack. Wipe off aprons as needed and return them to the rack.4.2LabwareClean glassware and plastic ware are available for lab users. To prevent crosscontamination, many dishes are labeled. When you are done with your glassware, please empty it into the appropriate container, clean it, rinse three times, dry it and leave itupside down on the glassware shelf. Do not store WTC supplies on your own shelf.You may bring in your own labware labeled with your name; glassware not labeled with anyone’s name belongs to WTC. 4.3ChemicalsThe lab stocks and supplies the chemicals commonly required for processing in thefacility. As we have limited storage, please get staff approval to store custom solutions.Mix only enough to use each day. In most cases, the shelf life of these chemicals is very short anyway. All special chemicals and solutions must be labeled with the arrival dateand the owner's name and phone number. Expired chemicals or chemicals older than 1year will be periodically disposed of.The exception is with photoresist, where each group may have a few private smallbottles of resist; these are kept in several small plastic boxes in the yellow vented cabinet next to the spinners. Before you decide to use your own bottles, consider that positiveresist has a very limited life at room temperature. Those people using the WTC bottlesare getting much fresher resist than those who use their own bottles to store a six-month supply. Please clean the outside ofall resist bottles thoroughly after each use tominimize solvent odor in the resist cabinet.Working stocks of chemicals are kept in the chemical cabinets near each chemical area.Extra stock is kept in several chemical bunkers outside the lab. When a chemical hasbeen used up, write it on the white board in the gowning room, so staff can replenish the clean room stock from the bunker.4.4Emergency Response Equipment4.4.1Phone systemPhones are located at the entrance to the laboratory, as well as severalplaces within the laboratory. These are part of the university phonesystem. In an emergency, dial 9-911. You may request help for largechemical spills, accidents, medical emergencies, injuries, etc. For minoremergencies, staff contact information is available next to each phone.4.4.2Chemical spill cartSpill control pads are available on the spill cart for absorbing liquidchemical spills. Bottles of neutralization liquid are available for use onacid spills. Gloves, full protective coveralls, a squeegee, scoop pan,calcium gluconate gel and other useful items are located in or near thechemical spill cart. It is located in the grey area. A vacuum cleaner is alsoavailable for cleaning up powdered residue from neutralized chemicalspills.4.4.3Emergency showersEmergency showers and eye washes are located in each room of thelaboratory. Most chemical burns, particularly in the eyes, should bewashed for 15 minutes before seeking further medical attention.4.4.4First aid kitA first aid kit is available on the wall of the gowning room. Tubes ofcalcium gluconate gel are available at the HF wet bench and on thechemical spill cart for application to HF burns. This should be appliedpromptly, but is not a substitute for medical attention.5.0Operating Procedures5.1 Set up5.1.1 Get approval for any new chemicalIf your exact chemical is not currently in use in the lab, you must get approvalfrom the lab manager before bringing the chemical into the lab. You will beexpected to supply the appropriate MSDS, a reason why this chemical should beused in the lab, and an explanation of how it is compatible with lab usage.5.1.2 Read the MSDS for each chemical you plan to use.PPEappropriate5.1.3 SelectSafety glasses should be worn at all times in the laboratory. When pouring chemicals, wear face shield, orange gloves, acid apron. When moving wafers from acids to dump rinsers, operators should wear orange gloves and acid apron. stationappropriate5.1.4 SelectAcids are used at wet bench #3. Bases and acids are used at wet benches #4 Solvents may only be used at the solvent station (bench #12) and resist coating stations, never at the acid station. Log in to workbench as necessary.5.1.5 Decide whether it is necessary for you to pour your own chemicals, or whether you can safely use chemicals maintained by staff for lab users. In general, it is safer to use lab solutions than to pour your own. If you are concerned about the age of the solution or potential cross-contamination, you may be able to schedule your work, so that you use the lab chemicals immediately after they are poured (every two weeks). If you see obvious contamination in the chemical, notify lab staff, so that fresh chemicals can be poured.5.1.6 Select appropriate containerSelect a dish labeled with the specific chemical name you will be using. Do notput chemicals in a dish that is labeled with another chemical name. If there is no dish for your chemical, use an unlabeled, compatible dish. To conserve on chemicals, select the smallest dish that is appropriate for the job. Do not pour HF into glass or metal dishes. Dishes for heated solutions must be hotplate-compatible.5.1.7 Label containerLabel dish with a Sharpie (your name, chemical name, concentration, date, and phone number)5.1.8Select chemical bottleWhen selecting a bottle to pour, finish any open bottles before opening new ones. Be sure the concentration of the chemical is correct.5.1.9Pour solutionbottle. Replace chemical bottles in the appropriate place in the cabinet. Coverany chemical not immediately in use.5.1.10 Wash bottles that you have emptied.Cross out the label on any chemical bottle you have emptied, rinse three times,and write “rinsed” with a Sharpie at the top of the bottle. Place rinsed bottles onthe bottom shelf of the waste chemical cabinet.5.1.11 Prepare hotplateHot plate controllers are located above the Plexiglass shield. Set temperature. Putchemical solution on the hotplate. Use an appropriate thermometer to monitor thetemperature. Do not leave the lab when the hotplate is on.5.2 Dip—Acid or Base5.2.1 Select appropriate sample holderParts to be dipped in chemicals should be in a holder. When immersing wafers inchemicals, 3” and 4” Teflon cassettes are available. Attach a Teflon handle to thecassettes. Single wafer Teflon carriers can also be used. For parts that are notwhole wafers, there are perforated Teflon ladles, as well as a small Teflon rack for tiny parts. Tweezers may be sufficient for immersing single wafers in a smallamount of developer, but are not appropriate for use in acids.5.2.2 Ensure proper PPEWhen moving wafers from acids to dump rinsers, operators should wear safetyglasses, orange gloves and an apron.5.2.3 Determine appropriate dip timeYou can determine proper time by checking in reference material, checkingprevious entries in the log book, or doing an etch rate check. To do an etch ratecheck, use a silicon wafer with the same film you are trying to etch. Measure film thickness with the Nanospec. Etch the wafer for a specified time (say, 1 minute).Then re-measure the wafer on the Nanospec. You can then calculate etch rate inAngstroms/minute. Calculate etch time by dividing film thickness on yoursample by etch rate.5.2.4 Dip sampleSet timer for the proper time, then start timer as you lower sample into thesolution. Do not sit down at the hood while processing wafers, as this positiondoes not protect your face from fume exposure.5.2.5 Remove sample from solution5.2.6 Place sample still in its container into dump rinser or cascade rinserControllers are located in the control panel above the Plexiglass. Set dump rinser for at least three cycles by pushing “cycle count” until the display reads thenumber of cycles you want (at least 3). Push “start.” When wafers are doneprocessing, push “stop,” and remove the wafers.Cascade rinser can be started by pushing “run.” When carrying wafers from onebench to another, put the wafer container in a tub to avoid dripping. If wafers areespecially fragile, you can manually rinse them in tubs of water. Use at least fivechanges of water.5.2.7 Dry sample in spin rinse dryer or under nitrogen gun.After a complete rinse, whole wafers can be put in the spin rinse dryer. Do notput unrinsed wafers in the spin rinse dryer. Substrates other than whole waferscan be dried with a nitrogen gun. Check the pressure coming out of the nitrogengun before using it on your substrate, as some have a gentle flow, and others areforceful. Fragile wafers can be dried in the vacuum oven located under theBranson barrel asher.5.3 Dip—solvent5.3.1 Use heated EKC830 and AZ 300T to strip positive photoresist. Temperatureshould be set at 75 degrees for the EKC and 90 degrees for the AZ300T.5.3.2 Allowed materials in this tank are silicon, quartz, aluminum, and positivephotoresist. Materials not allowed in this tank are water, negative photoresist andother polymers like polyimide. Water will form hydroxyls that will pit aluminum,creating a problem for some users.5.3.3 Typical strip times are 10 minutes in EKC, and 10 minutes in AZ300T.5.3.4 If you would like to use EKC, but your wafer has a material not allowed, you maypour up your own batch in a separate container, but you may not use the general tank.5.3.5 Be sure to use Teflon cassettes.5.3.6 Bring a tub of plain water over to the station to use to carry your wafers to the dump rinser.5.4 Clean up5.4.1 Squirt wet deck with DI water, and wipe down with squeegee, then towel 5.4.2 Dispose of solutionPlease dispose of chemicals as soon as you are finished. Chemicals left in the hood for more than 24 hours are subject to disposal. Hot or reacting mixtures may be left a reasonable amount of time to settle down. Aspirate acids and basesAspirator is located in the Microvision wet bench. Put the aspirator tubein the solution, and step on the pedal on the floor. Aspirator will suck up chemical into the acid neutralization system. Do NOT aspirate solvents,as they are an explosion hazard in the acid neutralization system. Put solvents in designated carboysPut the carboy in the dishwashing sink, or the vented chemical cabinet to pour. Use a funnel. Wipe sides of container. Return it to the properstorage area. The acetone/IPA waste is located on the bottom shelf of the yellow, ventilated cabinet next to the spinners. Put other chemicals into labeled containers in waste chemical storage. the bottle labeled for your chemical.Carry the waste bottle to the appropriate sink, and use afunnel to transfer your waste. Leave two inches at the topfor thermal expansion, and put the cap on. Do not put solidcaps on any bottle containing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Itcontinues to decompose for months and must be stored in avented container. Wash any residue from the outside of thecontainer. Return waste container to the waste cabinet. Ifyou have filled the existing waste bottle, make a new one. a new waste chemical bottle.If there is no bottle with the proper chemical name, get aclean, dry bottle from the bottom shelf of the chemical wastecabinet, get an EH&S label, and label the bottle properly. Besure that the bottle type is compatible with the chemical youare disposing; if in doubt, ask! Chemicals left withoutproperly labeling will be assayed by Environmental Healthand Safety, and your budget number will be billed. Do not pour anything except rinse water and AZ developer down the drain.5.4.3 Wash and dry lab ware and return it to the proper shelf5.4.4 Final checkRemove beakers, towels, chemical and liquid residue from the wet decks. The work surface should be clean and dry when you leave.5.5 Accidents5.5.1 Spills5.5.1.1 You are primarily responsible for cleaning up any minor chemical spill you cause, using safe and approved procedures. Do not dispose of contaminated rags and broken chemically laden glass in the normal waste baskets. You should rinse the waste articles and bag them. Bags arelocated in the gowning room in the large cabinet. Label the bags, leavethem in a ventilated area and seek assistance from a staff member onfurther disposal. Request assistance from staff for any significant spill. We will assist you, using the materials on the chemical spill cart located in the grey area nextto the tool box, which has supplies like tape to block off spill area, spillcontrol pads, and neutralizers. For major chemical spills and for any unanticipated chemical reaction, evacuate the area, and call the staff. You must remain available to provide information. Any user may call for an evacuation of the laboratory at any time. These "requests" must be honored by all users until such time as the situation is evaluated. Alternatively, you may evacuate the laboratoryusing the fire alarm in justified instances. You must first exit thelaboratory to find an alarm pull box next to the building exits. Significant events must be reported in writing, so that corrective action can be taken to prevent future problems, on a time scale appropriate to the severity of the event.5.5.2 Chemical Exposure5.5.2.1 Flush affected area immediately with large quantities of water for at leastfifteen minutes. Use the sink, the safety shower, or the eyewash station as appropriate. Remove any contaminated clothing immediately. For HF exposures only, after flushing the area for a couple of minutes with water, spread affected area liberally with calcium gluconate gel, located atthe HF wet bench and on the chemical spill cart. Wear clean gloves when applying the gel to prevent secondary HF burns to the hands.All HFburns, no matter how seemingly trivial, should be considered serious and proper medical treatment sought. Note: BOE is a dilute solution of HF. Minor medical treatment is available from Hall Health occupational health and safety staff. Major medical treatment is available from HarborviewMedical Center. If you go for medical treatment, take the MSDS of therelevant chemicals from the gowning room to the medical staff to aid in prompt, appropriate medical treatment. Paramedic services are availableby dialing 9-911 from the lab phone. Notify lab staff immediately about any chemical exposures, and provide written documentation as necessary, so that proper follow up can be done.6.0 Chemical Mixtures Approved for Lab UseDo not mix solvents with acids (potentially flammable). Do not mix organicswith peroxides (potentially explosive). You may not arbitrarily mix chemicals together. Only specifically approved solutions can be made. Solutions not on this chart should be checked with the lab manager.Name CompositionTemperature(°C)Removes Silicon etch 6parts acetic acid19 parts nitric acid1 part hydrofluoricacidRoom temperature siliconPiranha 4 part sulphuric acid1 parts hydrogenperoxide Reaction isexothermic will raisetemp to 110-140°organicsSC1 1 part ammoniumhydroxide1 parts hydrogenperoxide5 parts DI water 70 particles,organics(Makes surfacehydrophilic)SC2 1 part hydrochloricacid1 part Hydrogenperoxide5 parts DI water70 metallicsAqua regia 3.896 parts HCl(37%)1 part nitric acid(70%) etchesgold,platinumTitanium etch 20 parts DI water1 part H2O21 part HFRoom Temp Etches titanium7.0 Processes Approved for Lab Use7.0.1Prefurnace clean: Nanostrip (5 min), BOE (10 sec), SCI (5 min) and SC2 (5 min)8.0RevisionsRevision Initials Date PurposeA ACT 8/28/2003 format, waste chemical procedure, chemical contents, mixtures, revisionsB ACT 1/20/2004 Add wet strip criteriaC MEH 8/31/2005 Updated chemical list。

中国历史上吸烟的历史和现状、所采 取的措 施以及 由此带 来的痛 苦和灾 难,可 以进一 步了解 吸烟对 人民健 康的危 害,提 高师生 的控烟 意识
子、电子和核心粒子的不带电的离子化物质。由于存在电 离出来的自由电子和带电离子,等离子体具有很高的电导 率,与电磁场存在极强的耦合作用,由克鲁克斯在1879年 发现,等离子体是存在最广泛的一种物态,目前观测到的 宇宙物质中,99%都是等离子体 。
去离子水(DI water)是在半导体制造过 程中广泛使用的无机溶剂。DI water的pH 值是7,是完全中性的。去离子水能够溶 解很多无机化合物,也能溶解与很多极 性的有机物。
乙醇(Alcohol或Ethanol)和丙酮 (Acetone)是常用的有机溶剂。
中国历史上吸烟的历史和现状、所采 取的措 施以及 由此带 来的痛 苦和灾 难,可 以进一 步了解 吸烟对 人民健 康的危 害,提 高师生 的控烟 意识
3.2.1 半导体制造中的化学品属性
一.温度 温度是比较一个物质相对于另外一个
物质是冷还是热的量度标准,因此它也是 物质分子或原子平均动能或热能的量度标 准。
二.密度 物质的密度被定义为它的质量与它的体
三.气体的压强和真空 气体充满容器的体积并且施加相同的压
强于容器的器壁上,压强为施加在表面单位 面积上的压力。
表3.5 半导体制造中一些常用特种气体
表3.1 半导体制造过程中常用的酸
中国历史上吸烟的历史和现状、所采 取的措 施以及 由此带 来的痛 苦和灾 难,可 以进一 步了解 吸烟对 人民健 康的危 害,提 高师生 的控烟 意识
二. 碱(Alkali) 表3.2列出了在半导体制造过程中通常会


• 有几种技术可以同时满足更洁净的化学品、
更严格的工艺控制和较低的费用。 • 一种是使用(POU)化学品混合器 (BCDS的另一版本)。这种装置连接在湿 洗柜或自动机械上,混合化学品后把他们 送到工艺罐中。
• 另一种就是化学品再加工系统,这种装置
设于湿工艺工作台的排水系统中。去除离 子的化学品被再过滤或者在某些情况下需 再加入离子重新使用。重要的“再利用刻 蚀器”要接上过滤器以保证为晶圆提供洁 净的化学品源。
• 1立方厘米水的电阻值就是水的电阻率,单
位Ω .cm,用ρ 表示。 • 去离子水在25摄氏度时的电阻率是 18MΩ· Cm,一般称为18兆欧水。是最理 想的生产用水,不同温度下水的电阻率不 同
– 预处理系统:去除石、砂、无烟煤、软化水以 防垢、除去阳离子 → – 补偿循环系统:去除颗粒(5微米以下)、有 机碳、细菌、电离杂质和溶解矿物→用过滤器、 防垢器和净化装置 – 精处理系统:去除其余杂质,最终微粒在0.2 微米以下
3 等离子体
• 是被电离后的气体,即以离子态形式存在
的气体(正离子和电子组成的混合物 ) • 1.等离子体呈现出高度不稳定态,有很强 的化学活性。等离子体辅助CVD就是利用 了这个特点。 2.等离子体是一种很好的导 电体,利用经过设计的磁场可以捕捉、移 动和加速等离子体。
4 去离子水的制备
• 超纯去离子水:(DI)水或UPW • 城市系统中的水包含大量的洁净室不能接
• 天然水中通常含有五种杂质: • 1.电解质,包括带电粒子:有H+、Na+、K+、
NH4+、Mg2+、Ca2+、Fe3+、Cu2+、 Mn2+、Al3+等;阴离子有F-、Cl-、NO3-、 HCO3-、SO42-、PO43-、H2PO4-、 HSiO3-等。 2.有机物质:有机酸、农药、烃类、醇类和酯 类等。 3.颗粒物。 4.微生物。 5.溶解气体,包括:N2、O2、Cl2、H2S、

半导体用化学品1. 引言半导体材料在现代电子技术中起着至关重要的作用。
2. 半导体用化学品的种类半导体用化学品的种类繁多,根据其应用和功能可以分为以下几类:2.1 清洗剂清洗剂是半导体用化学品中最常见的一类。
2.2 蚀刻剂蚀刻剂用于在半导体材料表面进行选择性腐蚀,以形成特定的结构和图案。
2.3 沉积剂沉积剂用于在半导体表面沉积薄膜,以改变材料的性能和结构。
2.4 阻挡剂阻挡剂用于在半导体制造过程中保护某些区域不受化学反应的影响。
3. 半导体用化学品的应用半导体用化学品在半导体工业中扮演着重要的角色。
3.1 清洗和预处理在半导体器件的制造过程中,清洗和预处理是不可或缺的步骤。
3.2 蚀刻和沉积蚀刻剂和沉积剂在半导体制造过程中起着至关重要的作用。

• 淀积膜通常会产生两种应力:拉伸应力和 压缩应力,应力的性质取决于工艺条件。
Deposited film Substrate (a) 压缩应力 (b) 拉伸应力 (c) CTE of deposited material equals CTE of substrate High CTE material Low CTE material
学习目标: 1.物质的四种形态 2.半导体制造有关的重要化学性质 3.半导体工艺化学品的分类和使用 4.如何在芯片制造中使用酸、碱和溶剂 5.通用气体和特种气体,气体在晶片制造中 的运送和使用
• 半导体制造业中使用大量的化学品来制造 硅片。另外化学品还被用于清洗硅片和处 理在制造工艺中使用的工具。在硅圆片制 造中使用的化学材料被称为工艺用化学品。 它们有不同的形态并且要严格控制纯度。
• 压强定义为: 施加在容器表面上单位面积的力。所 有的工艺机器都用气压表来测量和控制气 压。 气压的大小用英磅每平方英寸(psia) 来表示。
• 真空是在半导体工艺中要遇到的术语,它 实际上是低压的情况。 一般来说,压力低于标准大气压(14.7 psia )就认为是真空。
• • • • 固态 液态 气态 等离子态
• 固体在常温常压下保持一定的形状和体积。 • 液体有一定的体积但形状是变化的。一升水会与 其容器形状一致。 • 气体既无一定形状又无一定体积。它也会跟其容 器形状一致,但跟液体不同之处是,它可扩展或 压缩直至完全充满容器。 注:特定物质的状态与其压力和温度有关。 温度是对材料中包含的所有能量的一种衡量。
• 等离子体是电离原子或分子的高能集合, 在工艺气体上施加高能射频场可以诱发等 离子体。它可用于半导体技术中促使气体 混合物化学反应。

Si3N4 + 6H2O
3SiO2 + 4NH3
H3PO4 act as a catalyst in Si3N4 etching
Page 15
• 鋁常在半導體製程中作為導電層材料,濕式鋁層蝕刻可使用下列無 機酸鹼來進行,包括:
(1) HCl (2) NaOH或KOH
– SiO2層之型態:結構較鬆散 (含水份較高),蝕刻率較快。 – 反應溫度:溫度較高,蝕刻率較快。
– 緩衝液之混合比例:HF比例愈高,蝕刻率愈快。
Page 14
• 一般是以熱磷酸(140oC以上)溶液作為Nitride層蝕刻液,反應溫 度愈高,磷酸組成在水份蒸發後也隨之升高,蝕刻率也會加快,在 140oC時,蝕刻率約在 20Å/min,當溫度上升至200oC時,蝕刻率可 達200 Å/min ,實務上多使用85%之H3PO4溶液。化學反應式如下:
Structuring (Dry etch / Wet etch)
Page 2
Wet Chemical Process
Process type
Stripping Etching Cleaning
Number in the 64M production
about 20 about 15 about 30
Page 10
• 去光刻膠劑
在使用薄膜蝕刻程序將未經光刻膠覆蓋之部份去除後,即可 將殘餘之光刻膠層卻除.在半導體製程中通常有兩種去除光 刻膠材料之方法,一為濕式去光刻膠法,另一則為乾式去光 刻膠法.

• Dilute HF Clean DHF HF/H2O
– 主要應用在清除矽晶圓表面自然生成之二氧化矽層,由於此氧 化物層厚度有限,一般均使用經稀釋處理之氫氟酸 HF 1%最為 普遍 在室溫下與SiO2形成H2SiF6之方式去除之,清洗時間一 般在15秒-30秒,
一般之蝕刻率約控制在3000 Å/min ,
Page 16
• 單晶矽之非等向性蝕刻多用來進行 1,0,0 面蝕刻,常用在以矽 晶片為基板之微機械元件製程中,一般是使用稀釋之KOH在 約80oC之溫度下進行反應,
• 多晶矽之蝕刻在實務上多使用HNO3、HF及CH3COOH三種 成份之混合溶液,其製程原理包含二道反應步驟:
– SiO2層之型態:結構較鬆散 含水份較高 ,蝕刻率較快, – 反應溫度:溫度較高,蝕刻率較快,
– 緩衝液之混合比例:HF比例愈高,蝕刻率愈快,
Page 14
• 一般是以熱磷酸 140oC以上 溶液作為Nitride層蝕刻液,反應溫度愈高, 磷酸組成在水份蒸發後也隨之升高,蝕刻率也會加快,在140oC時,蝕刻 率約在 20Å/min,當溫度上升至200oC時,蝕刻率可達200 Å/min ,實務 上多使用85%之H3PO4溶液,化學反應式如下:
Page 10
• 去光刻膠劑
在使用薄膜蝕刻程序將未經光刻膠覆蓋之部份去除後,即可 將殘餘之光刻膠層卻除.在半導體製程中通常有兩種去除光 刻膠材料之方法,一為濕式去光刻膠法,另一則為乾式去光刻 膠法.
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4.蒸汽压 在密闭容器中气体分子施加的压力,汽化和 冷凝的速率处于动态平衡。 5.升华和凝华 升华:固体直接变成气体的过程。 凝华:气体直接变成固体的过程
6.表面张力:当一滴液体在一个平面上,液滴 存在着一个接触表面积,液滴的表面张力 是增加接触表面积所需的能量。随着表面 积的增加,液体分子必须打破分子间的引 力,从液体内部运动到液体的表面,因此 需要能量。
在半导体中这个概念用来衡量液体均匀涂 在晶圆表面的粘附能力。
7.热膨胀:当一个物体被加热时,由于原子 振动加剧,它的体积就会发生膨胀。
衡量材料热膨胀大小的参数是热膨胀系数。 非晶材料的热膨胀是各向同性的,而所有 晶体材料,比如单晶,热膨胀是各向异性 的。
8.应力:当一个物体受到外力作用时,就会 产生应力。 在晶圆中有多种原因可导致应力的产生。 ①硅片表面的物理损伤 ②位错,多余的空隙和杂质产生的内力 ③外界材料生长
质层 ✓ 生长薄的二氧化硅层作为MOS器件的栅极介质材
✓ 用等离子体增强刻蚀或湿法试剂有选择的去除材 料并在薄膜上形成所需的图形
在半导体制造的湿法工艺步骤中使用了许 多种液体。在硅片加工厂减少使用化学品 是长期的努力。许多液体化学品都是非常 危险,需要特殊处理和销毁手段。另外, 化学品的残余不仅会沾污硅片,还会产生 蒸气通过空气扩散后沉淀在硅片表面。
3.1物质形态 三种基本形态:固态、液态和气态 固体有其自己固定的形状,不会随容器的形 状而改变。 液体会填充容器的相当于液体体积大小的区 域,并会形成表面。 气体会填充整个容器,不会形成表面。
• 活性气体如氢气和氧气,容易与其他气体或元素 反应形成稳定的化合物。
• 惰性气体如氦气和氩气,很难形成化合物,不与 其他化学材料反应,广泛应用于半导体制造业。
先进的IC制造商通常会使用新型材料来改 善芯片的性能并减小器件的特征尺寸。化 学品的一些属性对于理解新的半导体工艺 材料的存在有很重要的意义。
属性有:温度,密度,压强和真空,表面 张力,冷凝,热膨胀,蒸气压,应力,升 华和凝华
1.温度:是比较一个物质相对于另一个物质 是热还是冷的量度标准。
④其他 HCL 工艺腔体清洁气体和去污剂
NH3 工艺气体 CO 刻蚀工艺中
如果两个热膨胀系数相差很大的物体结合在 一起,然后加热,由于两种材料以不同的 速率膨胀导致它们彼此推拉,产生应力。 会使硅片弯曲,在半导体制造过程中,非 常重视这种应力。确保材料的最小应力可 以改善芯片的可靠性。
3.4化学品在半导体制造中的状态 三种状态:液态,固态和气态。 用途有: ✓ 用湿法化学溶液和超净的水清洗硅片 表面 ✓ 用高能离子对硅片进行掺杂得到P型或N型硅 ✓ 淀积不同的金属导体层以及导体层之间的介
在半导体制造过程中,全部大约450道工艺 中大概使用了50种不同种类的气体。由于 不断有新的材料比如铜金属互连技术被引 入到半导体制造过程中,所以气体的种类 和数量是不断发生变化的。
• 所有气体都要求有极高的纯度:通用气体 控制在7个9以上的纯度;特种气体则要控 制在4个9以上的纯度。
3.2材料的属性 通过研究材料的属性,了解如何在半导体制造业中 使用它们。 有两类:化学属性和物理属性 物理属性:指那些通过物质本身而不需要与 其他物质相互作用而反映出来的性质。有熔点、沸 点、电阻率和密度等 化学属性:指通过与其他物质相互作用或相互转变 而反映出来的性质。有可燃性、反应性和腐蚀性。
真空,一般来说,压力低于标准大气压就 认为是真空。真空条件用压力单位来衡量。
3.冷凝和汽化 • 冷凝:气体变成液体的过程被称作冷凝
• 汽化:从液体变成气体的相反过程叫做汽 化
• 吸收:气体或液体进入其他材料的主要方 式
• 吸附:气体或液体被束缚在固体表面,被 吸附的分子通过化学束缚或者物理吸引这 样的弱束缚黏在物体表面
SiH4 气相淀积工艺的硅源 AsH3 掺杂的砷源 PH3 掺杂的磷源 B2H6 掺杂的硼源
②氟化物 NF3,C2F4,CF4 等离子刻蚀工艺中 的氟离子源
WF6 金属淀积工艺中的钨源 SiF4 淀积、注入、刻蚀工艺中
③酸性气体 ClF3 工艺腔体清洁气体 BF3 ,BCl3 掺杂的硼源 Cl2 金属刻蚀中氯的来源
• 在硅片加工厂液态工艺用化学品主要有以 下几类:酸、碱、溶剂
以下是一些在硅片加工中常用的酸及其用 途:
a.HF 刻蚀二氧化硅及清洗石英器皿 b.HCL 湿法清洗化学品,2号标准液一部分
c.H2SO4 清洗硅片 d.H3PO4 刻蚀氮化硅 e.HNO3 刻蚀PSG ②碱
• 许多工艺气体都具有剧毒性、腐蚀性、活 性和自燃。因此,在硅片厂气体是通过气 体配送(BGD)系统以安全、清洁和精确 的方式输送到不同的工艺站点。
通用气体:对气体供应商来说就是相对简 单的气体。被存放在硅片制造厂外面大型 存储罐里。
①惰性 N2,Ar,He ②还原性 H2 ③氧化性 O2
硅晶圆制造中需要处理很多在高温下的情 况,比如需要加热来影响化学反应(如改 变化学反应速度)或者对硅单晶结构退火 使原子重新排列。
存在三种温标:华氏温标(℉),摄氏温 标(℃)和绝对温标或开氏温标(K)。
压强=压力/面积,在半导体制造中被广泛使 用的属性。化学品和气体都是从高压向低 压区域流动的。
半导体制造在很大程度上是一种与化学有关的工 艺过程。高达20%工艺步骤是清洗和晶圆表面的 处理。 半导体工厂消耗大量的酸、碱、溶剂和水,为达 到精确和洁净的工艺,部分成本是由于化学品需 要非常高的纯度和特殊反应机理。 在硅片制造中使用的化学材料被称为工艺用化学 品,有不同种类的化学形态并且要严格控制纯度。
特种气体:指供应量相对较少的气体。比 通用气体更危险,是制造中所必须的材料 来源。
大多数是有害的,如HCL和CL2具有腐蚀性, 硅烷会发生自燃,砷化氢和磷化氢有毒, WF6具有极高的活性。 通常用100磅的金属容器(钢瓶)运送到硅 片厂。钢瓶放在专用的储藏室内。
特种气体的分类:氢化物、氟化物或酸性气 体。
aБайду номын сангаасNaOH 湿法刻蚀 b.NH4OH 清洗剂
c.KOH 正性光刻胶显影剂
d.TMAH(氢氧化四甲基铵) 同上
a.去离子水 清洗剂
b.异丙醇 同上
c.三氯乙烯 同上
• 去离子水
它里面没有任何导电的离子,PH值为7, 是中性的。能够溶解其他物质,包括许多 离子化合物和共价化合物。通过克服离子 间离子键使离子分离,然后包围离子,最 后扩散到液体中。