
幼儿成长册英语评语1. Your child has made great progress in learning English vocabulary. They are able to recognize and say a wide range of words with accuracy.2. It is impressive to see your child's enthusiasm for learning English. They actively participate in class activities and always try their best.3. Your child's listening skills in English have improved significantly. They are now able to understand instructions and conversations with ease.4. Your child shows great creativity in using English language. They are able to express their thoughts and ideas effectively.5. Your child's reading skills are commendable. They can read English texts fluently and comprehend the content with good understanding.6. Your child's writing skills in English have made remarkable progress. They are able to write short sentences and paragraphs with correct grammar and vocabulary usage.7. Your child's pronunciation in English is excellent. They are able to pronounce words and sentences with clarity and accuracy.8. Your child has a strong grasp of English grammar. They can use different tenses, articles, and prepositions correctly in their sentences.9. Your child's communication skills in English are outstanding. They are able to engage in conversations with their peers and teachers confidently.10. Your child's ability to understand and use English grammar rules is exceptional. They are able to apply grammar rules correctly in their speaking and writing.11. Your child's vocabulary range in English is extensive. They are able to use a variety of words and phrases in their conversations and writing.12. Your child shows great potential in learning English. They are always eager to learn new words and phrases and apply them in their daily communication.13. Your child demonstrates good comprehension skills in English. They can understand the main ideas and details of written and spoken texts effectively.14. Your child's English writing is well-structured and organized. They are able to express their thoughts clearly and logically.15. Your child's English speaking skills have improvedsignificantly. They are now able to express themselves fluently and confidently in English conversations.16. Your child's listening comprehension in English is remarkable. They are able to understand and follow instructions accurately.17. Your child has a strong foundation in English phonics. They are able to recognize and pronounce words correctly using phonetic knowledge.18. Your child shows great enthusiasm for reading English books. They enjoy reading and are able to understand and analyze the content effectively.19. Your child's English writing is creative and imaginative. They are able to use descriptive language to bring their ideas to life.20. Your child's English vocabulary is expanding rapidly. They are able to learn and remember new words easily and use them in their speaking and writing.总结:以上是幼儿成长册中可能出现的英语评语。

英文评语4篇按教材定制 / 提高备课效率 /内容可编辑任教学科:_____________任教年级:_____________任教老师:_____________英文评语4篇英文评语第1篇1、You’re a very clevler and brotherhood boy, l like you very much. lf you listen carefully, l believe you will be interested in English. Work hard, and you won't let me downpointed,will you?你是一个非常优秀的孩子,我很看好你,好好努力,我相信你会喜欢英语并且不会让我失望的对吗?2、You're very good at maths and physics.You're just a bit weak in English.You can catch up with those students who are very good at English. I believe you!你的数学和物理学的很棒,只是英语稍微薄弱一点,我相信你可以把英语赶上去的!3、 Excellent in spite of a few mistakes!You've made progress now.好极了,尽管有点小错,但你毕竟进步了。
4、Don't lose heart!Failure is the mother ofsuccess.别灰心,失败是成功之母。
5、Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成。
6、Could you spend more time reading and reciting the text?在朗读和背诵方面,你多花些时间好吗?7、Would you please listen more attentively and carefully next time?下次,更认真、专心地听讲好吗?8、I am sorry to see you didnot use your own headthis time. Will you do it more carefully next time?我很遗憾,你这次作业没有使用自己的脑袋。

【替换名言】幼儿园英语评语幼儿园英语评语1、 Miki可爱的Miki宝贝:老师写下你的名字,眼前就出现了你那张可爱的圆圆小脸。
的确,你有一双能干的小手,你的小手会帮助自己做很多事情,可以把自己照顾得非常好,老师很欣赏!而且Miki还会帮老师管小朋友呢,只不过在处理小朋友之间纠纷的过程中,你偶尔会不小心“伤及无辜”,哈哈…老师很欣赏你的侠义心肠,因为你是个善良、乐于助人的好宝宝,只不过以后Miki在帮助小朋友解决“纠纷”的过程中,要尽量温柔一点,和他们好好讲道理,可以吗?说不定这样还可以把问题处理得更完美呢,你说是不是呀?试试吧,宝贝!2、 Emily能干的Emily宝贝:一个学期的小小班生活即将过去了,咪咪终于能够每天笑眯眯地来幼儿园了!课余活动时总能看见你快乐的身影,看到你一天天的成长,一点点的进步,老师真为你高兴!你知道吗?不哭的时候,你的笑容多么的甜美,老师总会忍不住抱抱你亲亲你;早上来园不哭的时候,你能和小朋友一起做早操,动作也越来越准确、优美了,你的小手多能干呀!老师很喜欢你活泼大方的性格,而且做事情非常有自己的思想和主见,这是老师最欣赏的!你是个有爱心的宝宝,你最喜欢去的活动区就是娃娃家,给自己喜欢的娃娃喂饭、喝奶,像极了一位负责的好妈妈;你活泼、快乐,因此班上很多小朋友都很喜欢你,愿意和你做朋友。

Tired, unwilling to move forward, feeling sad, no love to be found.通用参考模板(页眉可删)幼儿园小班英文评语幼儿园小班家长评语【一】1、希望该孩子在校能遵守学校的一切规章制度,能尊师爱友,虚心求进,能以优异的成绩回报老师,回报父母。

下面是对幼儿园孩子英语学习能力的评价语:1. 词汇和表达能力:学生能够通过简单的单词和短语表达自己的需求和感受,包括问候、介绍和描述等。
2. 听力和理解能力:学生能够听懂老师和同伴简单的英语指令和对话,对于日常生活中的常见动作、地点和对象有一定的理解能力。
3. 口语表达能力:学生能够用简洁准确的语言表达自己的需求和想法,能够与教师和同伴进行简单的英语对话。
4. 语音和发音准确性:学生能够发出清晰准确的英语音标和音节,并能够通过模仿和练习纠正自己的语音错误。
5. 阅读和书写能力:学生能够识别和理解简单的英语单词和句子,并能够通过图片和简单的段落理解故事内容。
6. 学习兴趣和积极性:学生表现出对英语学习的浓厚兴趣和积极性,他们愿意参与到各种英语活动中,包括歌唱、游戏和角色扮演等。
7. 学习态度和自信心:学生对于英语学习持积极主动的态度,他们善于合作和分享,在小组活动中能够与他人合作完成任务。

幼儿园英文评语2During the first semester Amy acquired all necessary skills –working with the book and following teacher’s instructions. She learned all our class rules and she feels very comfortable in our class. Amy participates in class activities and she communicates with her classmates and teachers well. Amy’s motivation to study is very good, she is eager to learn and we hope she will improve more and more. Teachers hope that in the new semester Amy can be less sensitive and more willing to change her point of view. May we wish you and your family a very happy New Year!This semester Candy’s improvements are very obvious, she learned to participate in class and she became more active. She can follow teacher’s instructions well, she can understand some simple English and she can respond to her teachers with proper answers when asked a question. Candy’s DIY projects are done nicely, she is very neat and precise. We hope in the next semester Candy will be less shy and will be able to speak out in a louder voice. May we wish you and your family a very happy New Year!Cindy’s performance in the first semester of this school year is very impressive! She learned to follow teacher’s instructions, she is able to work with the book and she is interested in learning new things. She communicates with her classmates and teachers well, she can use some simple English to express her needs. Cindy’s DIY projects are done with good efforts and positive motivation. We hope Cindy will be able to finish her projects timely. May we wish you and your family a very happy New Year!Dolphin’s performance during the first semester of this school year is very impressive! His improvements are tremendous! He learned how to communicate with his teachers andclassmates using some simple English, he follows instructions well and he knows all class rules, very often he acts out as a little teacher. He is always attentive in class and willing to speak out and answer the questions. His motivation to study is very positive and teachers believe Dolphin can achieve more improvements during the next semester. Dolphin’s DIY projects are done with lots of efforts, but he is in a hurry to finish, we hope Dolphin can stay focused for longer time. May we wish you and your family a very happy New Year!Geoffrey’s per formance during the first semester of the school year was good, he learned to follow instructions and he can communicate with his teachers and classmates well. Geoffrey is a shy boy but he can speak out when given an opportunity. He has a very positive motivation, his DIY projects are done with a lot of effort, he always tries his very best and he is very interested in handwork. We hope next semester Geoffrey will learn to respond accordingly and pay more attention to instructions. May we wish you and your family a very happy New Year!Jaya’s performance this semester was very good, she mastered such skills as working with the book and following teacher’s instructions. She res ponds well and she knows how to communicate with her classmates and foreign teachers. Her DIY projects are done on time and in a nice neat manner. Jaya is creative and she likes to think of her own ways to do things. Jaya’s motivation is stable and she sho ws interest in her studies. She has good memory and is able to memorize new words quickly. May we wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!Julie’s improvements this semester are very obvious! She learned to sit through the class and pay attention, she now can follow some directions and instructions. Julie is able tocommunicate with herclassmates and teachers, she is improving her communication skills and comprehensions skills, too. She is now able to work with the book and she does her DIY projects with great efforts! Good job, baby! May we wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!This semester Kellen’s performance was good, she learned to follow teachers’ instructions, she can communicate with her classmates and teachers well. Kellen’s compr ehension skills improved a lot, she understands and responds accordingly. She is particularly good at handwork and drawing. Kellen’s DIY projects are very neat and done attentively. Good job! We hope next semester Kellen will be more brave to speak up ? May we wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!Peter’s performance during t he first semester is amazing! His memory is very good, he can grasp the words, remember and use them later. Often Peter acts as a little teacher. He is always polite, honest and attentive. But Peter’s personality is rather sensitive, we hope he will learn to take things easier. Peter can understand his teachers very well, his comprehension skills improved a lot, he can express his need using simple English. Dear Peter, we hope that you will be able to pay more attention to your DIY projects. You do them timely and according to instructions, but sometimes you are in a little rush to finish and we know you can do better. We also hope that you can learn to come to school earlier and not be late for classes ? May we wish you and your family a very happy New Year!Prudence’s improvements during the first semester are impressive! She learned all class rules and she follows teachers’ instructions well. She is more willing to communicate with herclassmates and teachers now and she can participate in class. She follows routine now and is able to interact with her classmates. She now has fun in classes. Her DIY projects are done with lots of efforts, she pays attention to what she’s doing, but she takes longer time to finish, she is a perfectionist. Her behavior is exc eptionally good, she does what she feels is right at school. Good girl! We hope you will learn how eat up a little bit faster in the new semester. May we wish you and your family a Happy New Year!Robert’s performance this semester was very good, he learne d all our class rules and he follows the routine well. His memory is very good; he can remember and use new words in class. He is always attentive during the lessons and he listens to teachers, obeys the rules. His behavior is nice, he always knows what is right, he finishes his lunch among the first and he’s always ready to start the lesson and get some knowledge. Robert is a very sensitive boy and we hope he can take things easier as he grows up. Robert can communicate with his teachers and classmates very well, his comprehension skills are great! May we wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!Susie’s progress this month is very easy to notice! She learned how to us e the book in class, she tries to answer teachers’ questions and she is willing to come up front to the board to answer the question. Her voice is very soft though and we hope Susie can be more courageous to speak up. Susie’s comprehension skills are getting better, she is able to communicate with her classmates and students well. Susie’s DIY projects are done nicely, she is doing very carefully, paying attention to her work. We hope Susie will continue improving and we will see her performing more actively in classes. May wewish you and your family a very Happy New Year!。

幼儿园英语兴趣班期末评语1. 小朋友们在这个学期的英语兴趣班中表现出色。
2. 在课堂上,小朋友们认真聆听老师讲解,并且能积极回答问题。
3. 小朋友们对于听力训练取得了很好的进步,在游戏和故事中能够理解关键信息,提高了他们的英语理解能力。
4. 在口语表达方面,部分学生需要更多的练习,尤其是发音方面。
5. 在课外拓展方面,小朋友们积极参加了各种英语角、英语竞赛等活动,提高了他们在实际应用中的英语能力。
6. 在综合能力方面,小朋友们表现出了很好的学习兴趣和学习能力。
7. 在班级合作方面,大部分学生能够积极与同学合作,互相帮助。
8. 这个学期,我们注重培养孩子们的听说能力,通过各种游戏和互动活动提高他们的英语交流能力。
9. 鼓励小朋友们在假期里多听英文歌曲、看英文动画片,帮助他们保持对英语的兴趣,并进一步提高自己的英语水平。
10. 感谢家长们在孩子学习英语方面的支持和配合,我们相信在家长和老师的共同努力下,孩子们的英语能力会越来越好。

幼儿园小班教师英文评语幼儿园小班教师英文评语幼儿园小班教师英文评语You are a honest, smart, keep the rules of the little boy. Every time always can finish the teacher assigned tasks. Game when you are in, you are very serious in class. Rose a student, the teacher I hope youcan after class raised his hand and boldly express their idea, that you will be better!You are smart, no matter what skill learning very well. You competitive, like all things in front, this is an advantage, but if you hurt because of the advantages and the gas between children, that is not good, oh. Rose middle shift, hope to better get along with fellow heart happy baby, ok?You are a lively, warm and brave baby. Can raise your hand to speak boldly, games and happy laughter, witty, with a partner to turn into, active figure show. But you seem to always have to talk aboutevery day, rose a student, I hope you "talk" in shouldn't open not to open, ok?Cute little baby, you love the pet, always likes to run to the front of the teacher, holding the teacher is called "mother, mother". You under a lot of progress this term: eat fast, clean. Will follow the teacher in class learning ability, do manual, painting is pretty good, that's great! But do you like to cut in, rose a student, I hope the baby can form a good habit to listen to, ok?You are a cute baby, no worries. Do you like to play silly putty, also like to play the game "doll house", learn to the appearance of the mother feeding the baby to have a meal, help baby clothing, comb plait. You will put the teacher's ability to learn stick, really on the ball! But when you were taking a nap, always want to in bed, in the hope the baby to after work, can form good habits of taking a nap, ok?Lovely you, always a smiling face every day, let the teacherfelt how happy you are, happiness. You have a good eating habit, every time after dinner always quietly wait the teacher to help you make soup.But when you have a class, like whisper to speak with your partner. Hope the baby to after work, can develop good study habits, good?Shy blush with shame of the boy, the class of life the past one year, you have a bright and cheerful disposition, love to laugh, love to play with friends, love and close by the teacher. See you growing up day by day, a little bit of progress, really happy for you. After rose a student, I hope the baby can be more bold, more confident, ok?Beautiful and lovely little girl, now to the garden is earlier than before, teacher don't have to worry about taking a nap, eating will be independently mathematical operations and manual, that's great! Can you quiet in class learning ability, rose a student, I hope you learn ability to concentrate on some, raised his hands boldly express their ideas and that you will be great!You are a honest, smart, caring little boy. Always active and teacher every day in the morning, fellow say "hello". To have a meal, a nap is very good. Will be listening in class, speak up, the initiative stage progress a lot! Rose a student, I hope you start work afterefforts to improve their operation ability, come on!Smart cute little baby. You are very capable, can always finish the teacher assigned task at a time. Mathematical operations, manual, drawing are great, that's really something! But how have you been eating good slow oh, rose a student, hope to develop good eating habits, baby?Naughty kid, you brought laughter to the teacher, also brought trouble, but the teacher still like you. Politeness is very good, youeat teacher does not need to worry about taking a nap, but you can'thold their sometimes, like to beat with your partner. Hope to make a baby to after work, obey the rules of good children.You are a healthy baby, because you never picky; You are the teacher's little helper, because you are ready to help others; Do you have a pair of little hands, picture is very beautiful, very delicate do manual also. See your progress, proud of you. Hope the baby to after work, can more boldly to express themselves. Believe in yourself, youcan do it!Seemingly quiet you're better was a child, no matter what things seriously patience. Do handmade, painting is pretty good. Although you just go to soon, but the teacher and the children all like you very much.Rose a student, I hope the baby and companion and teacher exchanges, more in the future?。

There's only one corner of the universe you can be sure of improving, and that's your own self.同学互助一起进步(页眉可删)幼儿英文评语幼儿园家长评语【一】谢谢三位老师对妮娜宝宝的关心与鼓励,看了老师写给妮娜的评语,真的很感动,感动于孩子的点滴进步,也感动于老师的无私教育。
但是我家孩子有时候兴趣并不是很集中,有的时候不能有始有终的做完一件事,而且一受到挫折就不坚强了,希望老师能引导他,让他能自己完成事情,并且坚强起来!时间过的真快,又到学期末了, 众所周知, 在每个学期结束时,幼儿家长都要给小朋友写幼儿家长评语.今天,妈妈们又要给小朋友们写家长评语,当然老师给小朋友写的幼儿园中班家长评语都不一样.现在老师把部分小朋友写的幼儿园中班家长评语与大家一同分享.仅供幼儿家长在给幼儿园小朋友写幼儿家长评语时参考,以下是我们幼儿园家长评语笔记里对几位小朋友的描述:一个勤劳、善良,爱帮助人的孩子。

幼儿园英语兴趣班对幼儿的评语幼儿园英语兴趣班对幼儿的评语怎么写?如何在幼儿教育学基础教学中锻炼学生的实践技能,一直是教师不断探索的课题,更不知道怎么给学生写评语;下面是有幼儿园英语兴趣班对幼儿的评语,希望大家喜欢.幼儿园英语兴趣班对幼儿的评语1. 可馨,你是个文静,秀气的小姑娘.上课时能较认真听讲,我们常可以听到你清脆的发言声.你尊敬老师,与小朋友们友好相处,乐意帮老师的忙,也乐于同大家分享快乐.你舞跳得很好,老师总忘不了六一庆祝会上你精彩的表演.经过一个学期的学习生活,你在各方面均取得了较大的进步.老师希望你今后能加快动作,表现得更好!2. 翼翼,你的眼睛充满乖巧和懂事.你每天都能微笑着来上幼儿园,并有礼貌的向老师小朋友们问好,与小朋友能友好相处.上课能认真听讲,每当听到你正确的发言,总令我们感到很欣慰.虽然年纪小但适应性却很强,也很有是非感.但你平时还不够活泼,老师更希望听到你欢快的笑声.得再自信些,只要努力,老师相信你!3. 颖颖,你是个文静,秀气的小姑娘,踏实自觉是你的特点.课堂上你能认真地听老师讲课,然后细声细气的回答问题.你的脸上总是带着微笑,对人是那么有礼貌.你尊敬老师,与小朋友们能友好相处.也很喜欢上台表演,老师总忘不了六一庆祝会上你精彩的表演.如果你能表现得再活泼些,大胆些,就更好了!4. 姚磊: 老师看着你的大脑袋和有神的大眼睛,就觉得你是一个聪明可爱的男孩,老师小朋友都喜欢听你讲故事,你讲得故事多么动听,每个小朋友都拍手叫好,你还是一个有礼貌的好孩子,现在的你学会了很多本领:画画.下棋.做手工 ..假如你能和小朋友友好相处,小朋友和老师会更加喜欢你的,努力吧!5. 聂庆媛 :你见到老师总是主动问好,甚至还有说不完的心里话,你性格开朗,喜欢唱歌,跳舞.这是你的优点,假如你能多看一些书.多举手回答问题其实你也是一个聪明的孩子,只要再努力一点,可能你就会超过其他小朋友呢!你相信吗?一起来试试吧,加油!6. 周杰 :在你还没有做好学习的准备,就已经迈进了幼儿园的大门,因此,事事就似乎慢了半拍.现在你已经开始有所起色了,这是由于你的努力,老师为你的进步感到高兴.老师希望你在学习中不但更加努力,更要充满自信,凡事相信〝我能行〞,你就会有更大的进步,老师对你充满了信心.努力吧,成功会向你展开美丽的笑脸!7. 戴凯 :你的聪明让老师欢喜,你的调皮让老师发愁,你总是让我欢喜又让我忧.在学习上,你思维敏捷,领悟力较强,你精彩的发言常常博得阵阵掌声,也给小朋友们留下了很好的印象.但有时你却做事情马精选虎,老师希望你快快成长起来,做一个听话.爱学习的好孩子.8. 姚卜: 你是个人见人爱的小女孩,懂礼貌,讲卫生.你总是带着甜甜的笑容,能与小朋友友好相处.你性格开朗,大家都愿意和你一起玩.从你天真的目光中,老师感到了你的可爱.好孩子,和〝认真〞交朋友吧,你会有更大的进步的,加油吧!9. 史习骅 :我总觉得你是一个有些内向的孩子,不过,你这学期表现真的很不错.活动时总能看到你举起的小手.看着你神气的样儿,我真高兴!老师希望你能多吃点饭,多运动,这样身体就会更结实了.10. 王欣怡 :你是位聪明又懂事的女孩,别看你平时话不多,但活动时却非常认真,老师喜欢你那一股认真.细心的学习劲,欣赏你那爱帮助人的好习惯.继续努力吧,只要你继续认真的学习本领,我相信,有一天,你会登上顶峰的!_. 雯雯,你知道吗?你的进步让老师和小朋友感到吃惊.课堂上你不但专心听讲,还经常发表自己的观点.批改你的作业,觉得是一种享受.更让老师高兴的是你变得勇敢.活泼了,在生活上也不再让老师为你操心了,特别让程老师吃惊的是,那次在宿舍睡觉前,你把衣服整整齐齐地叠好放在床头,让老师对你刮目相看.老师坚信,雯雯的路一定会走得更精彩!顽皮机灵的你充满阳光般的朝气与热情.你关心集体,热心班级的各项活动,是十分讨人喜欢的小姑娘.课堂上,老师惊喜地发现了你高高举起的小手,更为你的大胆发言感到高兴.你的拼音书写得特别漂亮.你应该明白,只要肯下功夫,任何学习上的困难都是可以克服的.寒假里,程老师希望你好好地补补数学,做一个门门优秀的好幼儿._. 你是一个热情.聪明.活泼的帅小伙,你是老师的小助手,小伙伴们学习的好榜样.记得刚开学的时候,你总是一个人在默默地流泪,老师经常找你谈心,陪你游戏,你很快就适应了集体生活,还能帮助老师打扫班级.尤其是你的作业做得棒极了,圣诞晚会上的舞姿更是优美,给老师和小朋友留下了深刻的印象.老师和小朋友会记着你,更期盼着你取得更大的进步._. 宏宏,你是个活泼好动,顽皮又爱说话的小朋友.课堂上常能听到你宏亮清脆的发言.通过你自己的努力,这学期你进步了很多.但你有时上课还要开小差,那可不好啊!你平时能尊敬老师,与小朋友们能友好相处.每当小朋友们有困难时,也总能热情地提供帮助.你的身体健康而结实,是个可爱的健康宝宝!老师希望你能慢慢的学会控制自己,争取更大的进步!好吗!_. 捷捷,你是一个聪明.机灵还带点调皮的孩子.课堂上常能听到你响亮清脆的发言.老师喜欢你那种敢想.敢说.敢问.敢辩的课堂表现,但你若是能改掉随便说话的毛病,就更好啦!你尊敬老师,与小朋友们能友好相处.也能对别人提供帮助.老师希望你能学会控制自己,让自己变得更勇敢.成为一名棒棒的小男孩,好吗!_. 瑶瑶,你是个文静.不爱讲话,做事认真的孩子.课堂上能较认真思考老师提出的问题.能在课堂上听到你正确的发言,令我们很开心.你尊敬老师,与小朋友们能友好相处.这学期在各方面均取得了很大的进步.但你还欠活泼些,老师希望你多与小朋友交流,多听听别人的意见,争取更大的进步,好吗!_. 伟伟,你是一个聪明机灵,的男子.喜欢开动脑筋思考问题,有一定的分析能力.老师喜欢你那种敢想.敢说.敢问.敢辩的课堂表现.你尊师爱师,平时乐意帮老师的忙.每当小朋友们有困难是,你总能热情地伸出友谊之手.钢琴也学的很好,还经常给大家表演.老师希望你能发挥自己的聪明才智,更专心地听讲,争取更大的进步,好吗!_. 善良.诚实的小男孩,你的出现给老师带来了惊喜,给同学们带来了快乐,大家都很喜欢你.记得刚入园的你胆小.内向,可是不到一学期,你变了,变得坚强.活泼.爱学习,和小朋友快活地交往,老师觉得你好棒.相信明天的你会带给大家更多的惊喜._. 赖明辉:你是个活泼.可爱又有点内向的小男孩,进入幼儿园后,老师发现你一天比一天进步.能干了:学会了独立地吃完自己的一份饭菜;学会了自己穿脱衣服;学会了与同伴开心地游戏.玩玩具;学会了念儿歌.唱歌,看着你快乐地长大,老师感到很欣慰!新年快到了,老师想对你说句悄悄话:要是小明辉学本领时能更加认真.相信你的进步肯定会更大!加油哦!老师相信你会更棒的!_. 吴家琪:你是个讨人喜欢的小男孩,小朋友喜欢你,因为你善良,愿意帮助别人;老师喜欢你,因为你聪明.懂事,上课时,能专注地学本领,积极的回答老师的提问.更让老师欣赏你的是你会唱好听的歌曲;你的图画整洁又漂亮;你数学方面的本领学得得既快又正确.这学期,你还评到了幼儿园好孩子呢,真棒!新年快到了,老师想对你说句悄悄话:希望长大一岁的家琪更大胆地表现自己,融入我们幼儿园的大家庭里,争取更大的进步!加油哦!相信你会更出色的!20. 邓景鸿:你真是个小小男子汉!因为你能每天高高兴兴地来幼儿园,会自己吃饭,从不挑食,所以你的个子长得高高的,成为小伙伴学习的榜样.每天看到你开心地和小朋友游戏.玩耍,认真地画画.捏泥,努力地穿鞋.叠衣,老师为你的成长而高兴!老师希望新的一年里在集中活动中注意力再集中些,游戏时能增强自我的约束,那你一定会学到更多的本领!加油哦!_. 赖诗琪:天真可爱的小诗琪,对每一位小朋友都是那么的友善,有礼貌的你每天总能亲切地问候老师.在你的努力下,一学期下来进步可真大:自己穿鞋.叠衣服,自己独立吃饭,有良好的生活习惯,新年快到了,老师希望你在新的一年能大胆一点,勇敢点,多和老师.同伴交流你的想法,你会在幼儿园过得更开心!_. 谢海燕:你是个活泼.可爱又有点内向的小女孩,进入幼儿园后,老师发现你一天比一天进步.能干了:学会了独立地吃完自己的一份饭菜;学会了自己穿脱衣服;学会了与同伴开心地游戏.玩玩具;学会了念儿歌.唱歌,看着你快乐地长大,老师感到很欣慰!新年快到了,老师想对你说句悄悄话:要是小海燕学本领时能更加认真.相信你的进步肯定会更大!加油哦!老师相信你会更棒的!23. 钟腾飞:活泼好动的腾飞,每天清脆响亮的一声〝老师早〞为老师翻开了开心地晨页,你可爱的笑容让你因此拥有了许多朋友.当你努力的学着自己穿衣服;当你在老师的鼓励下大口大口的吃着香甜可口的饭菜;当你认真专注地摆弄游戏材料时,老师知道,调皮的嘉成长大了,越来越能干了!但老师告诉你:如果学本领时,你能认真听.仔细看.专心学,本领肯定会更大!24. 胡鹏:你长得虎头虎脑,一见就是一个很聪明的男孩.是一个很有个性的小男孩,一口流利的普通话伴随着你那甜美的笑容.每当你犯了小小的错误,总是把头低到桌子下面.我相信,要求上进不甘落后的你会更加严格要求自己,成为我们班最棒的孩子!25. 邵彬洁:你是一位听话,懂事的,你对老师有礼貌,与同伴能和睦相处.你上课有时能举手发言.喜欢唱歌跳舞折纸.老师希望你能和别人多加交流,平时多动手,这样你就会更能干的.26. 任一鸣:你是一个活泼好动的小男孩,能高高兴兴来上幼儿园,乐意自己的事情自己做,在老师的帮助下,能穿脱简单衣裤,午睡习惯较好,你与同伴友好相处,对老师有礼貌,希望以后上课认真听讲,能主动回答问题,做个爱学习的孩子,好吗?27. 马彦彬:小小的个儿,小小的嘴,老师一看到你就喜欢你了.你在老师的帮助下,愿意自己穿脱衣服,吃饭和睡觉的习惯有了很大进步,老师希望上课时能看到你高高举起的小手,能听到你用流利地普通话回答老师的提问,好吗?28. 范晨晖:活泼可爱,真挚热诚使你成为阳光般快乐的孩子.这学期,你好像一下子长大了许多.上课比以前认真了,能用流利的普通话回答老师的提问,可你总喜欢和同伴们打闹.请记住:同学之间相互谦让,你会拥有更多的朋友.29. 陶阳:在老师眼里,你是一个聪明,活泼善于开动脑筋,勇于探索,富有进取心的好孩子.上课时你能积极举手发言,你和同学相处也很好,开始有了自己的朋友,老师希望你能拥有一个属于自己的美好生活与童年时代!30. 李允浩:你是个活泼好动,有点调皮的小男孩.这学期各方面都有进步:你能独立进餐,学会了自己穿衣服.学会了画画,真棒.我们还发现,你在游戏的时候特别投入和愉快!如果平时能与同伴友好相处,午睡能按时入睡的话,那就更好了.努力吧,孩子!幼儿园英语兴趣班对幼儿的评语1. 陈鑫:你是个害羞.内向.文静的男孩子,很多时候都比较安静,不太和大家交流.但是这学期在老师的鼓励下,你渐渐开朗了,遇到困难时,你会勇敢地告诉老师,并且也愿意在集体面前表演了.看到你一天天进步,老师真高兴.希望〝明天〞的你更加活泼.开朗,做个勇敢大方的男孩子.2. 董依然:我们很喜欢你那甜甜的声音和灿烂的笑容.与以前相比,你表现得大胆.自信了许多!不仅能愉快.认真地参加游戏.集体活动,排队集合的时候,你会提醒排好队.你的进步真让我们高兴.希望你以后能更友好地和其他伙伴相处,和大家在一起要懂得分享和商量.3. 刚开学的你爱哭鼻子,好想家,老师拿你真没办法.可是很快,你就显现了你很多的优点自信.聪明.好学.善良,老师很喜欢你.更让老师欣慰的是,你变得坚强.勇敢了,经常能看到你那张灿烂的阳光笑脸.最后老师再给你提个小小的建议,作业再做的整洁.干净些,好吗?相信你一定能!4. 不知不觉,你这个小不点已经和老师相处了一学期.在老师的心目中,你坚强.刚毅却又透着纯真的孩子气.你给老师带来了欢乐,给小伙伴们带来了微笑,大家都很喜欢你.尤其是你的想象力特别丰富,常能发表与别人不一样的见解,真是好样的.就要长大一岁了,老师相信你在新的一年还会带给我们更多的惊喜!5. 你是一个懂事.细心.爱学习的小姑娘,课堂上经常听到你精彩的发言,让老师惊叹,小朋友们羡慕.老师还发现你的知识面特别广,思维敏捷.让老师惊喜的是你每次在学校举行的各项活动中,都能积极主动地参与,获得可喜的成绩.相信凭着你的努力,你的未来一定更精彩!6. 虎头虎脑的帅小伙,你有着小男子汉的坚强,也有着孩子气的纯真.你热情.大方.彬彬有礼,尤其是课堂上的你聚精会神,回答的问题与众不同.更棒的是你的操作能力也大大增强了.总之,你像一颗耀眼的星星照亮了曙光的每个角落,是我们班第一个获得〝曙光之星〞称号的幼儿.老师相信,凭着你的自信,再加上你的努力,明天的曙光一定以你为荣! 老师真想对你说:〝你进步了.〞课堂上能端端正正地坐好,也不时地举起小手回答问题,和小朋友们友好相处.记得刚入园时,你感到孤独,什么也不会,小朋友也不愿与你一起玩.其实,不管做什么事情,只要认真,就一定能做好.小王圳,相信自己,一定会成功的.老师和你的妈妈一定尽全力帮助你.7. 你是一个活泼.好动.顽皮的孩子,老师非常钦佩你的适应能力.现在的你,好学.上进,课堂上的你眼睛睁得好亮,作业书写的也不错,特别喜欢听故事,其实,老师更想听你讲故事,愿意吗?还有,你的舞跳得好棒,看到你在圣诞晚会上的精彩表演,让老师觉得你是最棒的.老师期待着你,正如你的名字一样,扬起风帆,驶向成功的彼岸.8. 女孩子的活泼,女孩子的叽叽喳喳,男孩子的大大咧咧,这就是你,精彩十分.在我们这个班集体里,你没有女孩子的娇气,却有着惊人的适应能力.记得刚入园的时候,我们班女生,只有你从没哭过鼻子,还像个大姐姐似的安蔚着其他的小朋友.最让程老师开心的是,你改掉了丢三落四的坏习惯.最让老师心疼的是你因为自己不小心,摔了两次交,以后走路可要小心,别再让自己受到伤害,做个健健康康的好孩子!9. 园园,优秀的你一直是老师的骄傲,小朋友们的好榜样.〝故事大王〞.〝曙光之星〞以及你在圣诞晚会上的精彩表演,都足以说明,你是最棒的.在此,老师想送你一句话:没有最好,只有更好!衷心地祝愿你在曙光的每一天都充满阳光!我最爱的小姑娘,愿下学期的你更优秀.更出色!10. 课堂上,你总是静静地坐在自己的位置上,不敢举手回答问题,老师知道你也会,但这样不利于提高自己的语言表达能力.和刚开学相比,你的性格稍微有一点活泼了,课间经常看到你和大家在一起开心地玩.我想,如果新学期,你在课堂上能积极发言,你将是我们班最出色的.老师期待着你成为最出色的那一天!幼儿园英语兴趣班对幼儿的评语1. 刘泽瑾:聪明.懂事的小泽瑾每一位小朋友都是那么友善;有礼貌的你每天总能亲切地问候老师.在你的努力下,这学期学到了许多本领:会自己穿鞋.叠衣服;会自己独立地吃饭;画的画也越来越漂亮了.上课时,你能积极动脑,回答出别人回答不出的问题,真了不起!老师为你的成长而高兴!新年到了,老师希望你在新年的一年了健康成长.继续努力吧!相信长大一岁的你一定会更出色!2. 谢宇峰:你是个可爱又懂事的小男孩,通过一学期的集体生活,现在的你进步可大了:再也看不到你哭得红红的眼睛了;再也听不到你紧张地问:〝我奶奶要来么?〞现在的你还会甜甜地问一声〝老师早!〞你还跟老师学到了很多本领:会自己的事情自己做;上课时守纪律.专心听讲;你还会和小伙伴一起唱歌.跳舞.画画.念儿歌,看到这些,老师为你高兴!老师希望小宇峰在新的一年里大胆地表现自己,吃饭时再快一点点就更棒了!加油哦!3. 吴梓昀:你是个可爱.羞涩的小女孩,脸上总是洋溢着腼腆的笑容,这学期你的进步真大,你变得礼貌懂事了,每天早上都能高高兴兴地来到幼儿园,大声主动地对老师说::老师早,你能和同伴友好地相处了;你能自己的事情自己做;你能独立地完成数学.画画等任务,且做的又快又好;每次游戏活动结束,你能主动地整理游戏材料.老师.小朋友们都觉得你很棒!如果你在上课时更专心地倾听,并大胆地发言,那你一定会更棒!老师祝你在新的一年了健康快乐的成长!4. 朱凯源:你是一位可爱,活泼的小男孩.现在爱上幼儿园了,能主动和老师交谈,老师们都喜欢你.上课你有时能认真听讲,举手发言.你的小手比以前能干多了,会折纸,画画.老师希望你上课能认真听讲,这样你会更聪明.5. 姚子嫣:看似文静的你却是个要强的孩子,无论做什么事都很认真并能坚持:认真地做手工,耐心地绘画,真棒.你也是个富有爱心.乐于助人的宝宝,在小伙伴伤心时你会安慰他们,特别讨人喜欢.可有时你遇到困难就会哭鼻子,老师希望你到了中班以后要成为一个勇敢的小女孩,好吗?6. 方可欣:你是个有礼貌的孩子,总是主动地和老师.同伴打招呼;你做事细心,在美术活动中尤其认真,所以你的作品也受到大家的喜爱;你乐于助人,自理能力强,每次你能把衣服叠得整整齐齐.在班上,你总像一个姐姐,在别人有困难的时候及时地去帮助他们,老师不禁要说:〝你真是个能干的孩子!希望继续加油哦.〞7. 姚畅:你是一个很有主见的小女孩,遇事都会独立思考;你恬静.大方,给大家一种非常亲切的感觉;你能力不错,常常能帮帮助同伴,是老师得力的小助手.你集体活动中认真的表情感染着老师,高举的小手激励着同伴.希望宝宝能多多锻炼,增强身体素质,期待在中班看到你更出色的表现!8. 周梦琪:你很有礼貌,早上来时总热情地向老师.小伙伴打招呼;你讲卫生,会把小手洗得干干净净;你愿意积极参加各项集体活动;你能愉快地和小伙伴一起做游戏.玩玩具.但是有时候好动的你不知不觉中影响了其他宝宝,以后要注意哦.9. 李俊豪:这学期,你好像一下子长大了许多.你开始学着自己的事情自己做:穿衣服.扣纽扣,自理能力提高了很多,老师真为你高兴啊!上学期你总是拿着画笔乱涂乱画,现在你已经愿意积极去尝试了,真不错.希望在集体活动中也能看到你高高举起的小手,能听到你用流利地普通话回答问题,努力吧!老师相信你一定行.10. 邱杨锐:轻轻的.柔柔的一声〝老师早!〞我们一猜就知道是你杨杨.你的小手越来越能干了,你不但学会了自己的事情自己做,还会帮大家收拾玩具.在集体活动中,你学会了安静地倾听.你一点一滴的进步,老师都替你高兴,继续努力吧,记得要认真倾听,多动脑筋,相信你下学期一定会有更好的表现.。

幼儿成长册英语评语一、语言表达能力:1. The child has made great progress in English expression, and is able to communicate effectively in simple sentences.2. The child shows confidence in expressing ideas in English, using a wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures.3. The child demonstrates good pronunciation and intonation, making it easy for others to understand.4. The child actively participates in English activities, and is willing to express thoughts and feelings in English.5. The child has shown improvement in English reading and writing skills, and is able to understand and write simple stories or paragraphs.二、听力理解能力:1. The child has improved significantly in listening comprehension, and is able to understand simple instructions and conversations in English.2. The child has good listening skills, and is able to pick up new vocabulary and phrases from English conversations or stories.3. The child shows a strong ability to understand Englishsongs and rhymes, and can follow along with the rhythm and melody.4. The child actively listens to English stories and shows interest in understanding the plot and characters.5. The child has made progress in understanding English dialogues, and is able to respond appropriately in simple conversations.三、阅读能力:1. The child has developed a love for reading English books, and is able to read simple texts with understanding.2. The child shows good reading comprehension skills, and is able to answer questions based on the content of English texts.3. The child has a wide range of vocabulary and is able to recognize and understand new words encountered in English reading materials.4. The child demonstrates good reading fluency and is able to read aloud with proper pronunciation and intonation.5. The child shows a strong interest in English storybooks and is able to retell the main events or summarize the story.四、写作能力:1. The child has made progress in English writing skills, and is able to write simple sentences or short paragraphs with correct grammar and spelling.2. The child shows creativity in English writing, and is able to express ideas and feelings through stories or personal narratives.3. The child demonstrates good organization skills in writing, and is able to structure the writing piece with a clear beginning, middle, and end.4. The child has shown improvement in using punctuation marks and capitalization correctly in English writing.5. The child actively participates in English writing activities, and is willing to revise and edit his/her own writing for improvement.五、口语表达能力:1. The child has developed good oral communication skills in English, and is able to hold conversations with peers and adults.2. The child shows confidence in speaking English, and is able to express thoughts and opinions fluently.3. The child demonstrates good pronunciation and intonationin English speaking, making it easy for others to understand.4. The child actively participates in English speaking activities, and is willing to take risks in using new vocabulary and sentence structures.5. The child has shown improvement in presenting ideas or stories in English, and is able to engage the audience with clear and organized speech.六、学习态度:1. The child shows a positive attitude towards English learning, and is always eager to participate in English activities.2. The child is proactive in seeking help and clarification when encountering difficulties in English learning.3. The child demonstrates good concentration and focus during English lessons, and is able to complete tasks independently.4. The child actively engages in English games and activities, and shows enthusiasm in learning new vocabulary and language skills.5. The child has shown improvement in self-discipline and responsibility in completing English assignments andhomework.以上是针对幼儿成长册的英语评语,总结了语言表达能力、听力理解能力、阅读能力、写作能力、口语表达能力以及学习态度等方面的评价内容。

一、发音1. 您的孩子的发音非常清晰,我相信这是您在家里和孩子一起练习英语的结果。
2. 非常感谢您在发音上的帮助,您的孩子现在的发音已经非常好了。
3. 您的孩子的发音非常准确,这表明您在平时的练习中付出了很多心血。
二、词汇量1. 您的孩子的词汇量非常丰富,能够流利地使用各种生活场景中的单词和短语。
2. 您的孩子已经学会了许多关于动物、食物、交通工具等方面的单词,这对于英语学习来说是非常重要的。
3. 您的孩子在课堂上的表现很出色,能够在短时间内记住许多新单词,这是非常值得表扬的。
三、表达能力1. 您的孩子在自我介绍的时候非常自信,表达能力很强,这对于英语学习来说非常重要。
2. 您的孩子能够在团体中与其他孩子沟通交流,展现出很好的社交能力。
3. 您的孩子的口语表达能力非常不错,能够完整、准确地使用各种语法结构和句型。
四、口语流利度1. 您的孩子在讲英语时非常流利自然,能够自如地使用各种部分语音和连读现象。
2. 您的孩子在模仿英语老师时做得非常好,能够迅速地跟上老师的语速和节奏。
3. 您的孩子在课堂上讲话非常流畅,能够顺畅地表达自己的观点和想法。
五、口语表达内容1. 您的孩子的口语表达内容非常丰富,能够准确地表达自己的意思,展示出良好的思维能力。
2. 您的孩子能够在课堂上积极参与讨论,能够用英语谈论自己感兴趣的话题。
3. 您的孩子在英语学习上非常认真,能够学会并灵活运用各种语法结构和词汇。

儿童评语英文儿童评语英文儿童评语英文1YinuoYinuo is an absolute pleasure to teach. Her English is very advanced but she seems to enjoy learning the new things that we are teaching in class and she is always full of confidence which is great! I’m looking forward to getting to know her more.MiaMia is a good step ahead of the rest of the class when it comes to saying sentences and vocabulary however she is always experimenting with new ways to say things and still loves to learn the things I’m teaching. She is superOscarOscar is a really great little boy who is always happy to learn and loves to participate. He understands a lot of what is going on in class and his pronunciation and confidence are improving all the time. Keep up the great work!CiciCici is still doing really well in my classes. She seems to enjoy classes a lot and loves to learn new things but please keep practicing at home to build up some more confidence. Otherwise I am very pleased with her progress.SissySissy is very confident in class when she understands what is going on but she is very quiet when we are learning new topics. She is doing great in class and her pronunciation is very good so keep practicing to build up that confidence that I know she has.LilyLily is a very bright girl but she is very easily distracted in class and therefore is struggling to remember a lot of vocabulary. Keep practicing at home so she can build up more confidence and get more involved in class.AnnieAnnie is still very quiet in class. She listens well to what is going on but she doesn’t always participate in activities. Please keep practicing at home with her to build up more confidence with speaking and keep up the super work!JerryJerry is still as smart as ever. He really loves to learn and he is very well behaved in class. He speaks clearly and listens intently all the time. His progress is going very well and I’m still very happy with his development.LucyLucy is still doing really great at remembering new vocabulary and she is very active in class. Her sentences are going really well but keep practicing at home to build up more speaking confidence. I am really pleased with her.IvyIvy is such a wonderful little girl. She is so well behaved and loves to learn all the time. Her pronunciation is very clear and she always remembers new vocabulary. I’m so happy to teach her and very pleased with her progress.MiaMia is still wonderful as ever. Her pronunciation really is outstanding. She speaks so clearly and she has such confidence with speaking when she wants to. She really is progressing so well and I’m so happy to have her in my class.SophiaSophia is always improving in my classes. She is always keen to learn and picks things up really well. She participates every day and listens really intently in class. I am so proud of all her progress since we first met.YanaYana has been really good the past few weeks. She is picking up more sentences as the weeks go on but please keep practicing them at home so she can build up more confidence. I am really pleased with all her progress.AmandaAmanda is such a bright little girl with huge learning potential. She is participating really well in all my classes and she seems to be getting along really well with the other children too.I can’t wait to see what else she has to offer.JakeJake is still doing really great in English class. He is always happy to learn and his confidence is building all the time. He can sometimes be easily distracted but he’s a smart boy and always picks things up quickly!JasonJason is still as smart as ever. He really loves to learn and he is very well behaved in class. He speaks clearly and listens intently all the time. His progress is going very well and I’m still very happy with his development.StephenStephen is constantly improving in my class. His vocabulary has expanded a great deal since we first met and I am so pleased with all of his progress. ()He is always happy to learn and participate and I am so proud of him.儿童评语英文2Peter is a bright little boy with a lot of potential for learning but he struggles to remember a lot of vocabulary still. This will come with time and practice so keep practicing at home. Other than that he is really doing super and I am very proud.CareyCarey is doing great this week. She can still sometimes be easily distracted in class however she is picking things up really well recently. I am very happy with her progress so far and I hope she keeps up the good work!DeaDea is very good at learning new things. She listens and participates well in class and she picks things up very quickly. Her sentences are improving and I am really pleased with all her progress. Keep up the super work.CharlesThe past couple of weeks Charles has been doing so well. He is still very easily side-tracked however his progress is developing all the time. He has been speaking English a lot more in class recently and loves to join in with all the games and activities.YoyoYoyo is doing great as always. She is very confident during group activities but when it comes to speaking on her own she gets very shy sometimes. Keep practicing at home to work on this confidence and keep up the superb work!ColinColin is doing wonderful as always. He is so well behaved in class and loves to learn new things and speak English. I’ve noticed huge improvements with him and he’s developing at such a good pace. I’m so pleased with his progress.Jerry is improving all the time but his confidence has dwindled since I last saw him so please keep practicing new words and sentences at home. He is a very bright boy and I am really pleased with his progress.JodieJodie is a very bright girl but she is very easily distracted in class and therefore is struggling to remember a lot of vocabulary. Keep practicing at home so she can build up more confidence and get more involved in class.MaggieMaggie is very good at learning new things. She listens and participates well in class and she picks things up very quickly. Her sentences are improving and I am really pleased with all her progress. Keep up the super work.OliverOliver is a good step ahead of the rest of the class when it comes to saying sentences and vocabulary however he is always experimenting with new ways to say things and still loves to learn the things I’m teaching. He is super.MickeyMickey is such a smart boy who is a very good learner. He still loves to participate and answer questions. He is happy to be in class and speaks very confidently. I am very happy with all his development over the past few months!SherylSheryl is still a pleasure as ever. She is getting more and more confident with sentences these past few weeks and she is really trying to put things together herself. She’s doing great and I am really happy with her.Jake is really doing absolutely fantastic in class. He completely understands what is going on in class and he seems to enjoy class so much more. He participates in everything and loves to help out the other children with their sentences. I am so impressed.DanielDaniel is still making improvements every week. He still has a lot of catching up to do and he still has to work on his sentences but he is definitely getting better all the time. Keep practicing and keep up the super work.JillJill is doing fantastic the past few weeks. She seems to have a much better understanding of what is going on in class and because of this reason she is starting to participate much better and pay attention more.MyronMyron is such a bright little boy with huge potential for learning. He is saying sentences with such ease and his pronunciation is excellent. He is gaining confidence every week and I am so happy with him.TonyTony is superb as always. He is still very well behaved in class and therefore learns new language very quickly. He is great at remembering vocabulary and he is putting good sentences together. He’s doing great.AllanAllan has been doing great again this week. He picks things up quickly but tends to forget them easily so please keep practicing at home. He is participating well and his sentences areimproving all the time.TomTom is really great at participating in activities that I am leading, he can repeat after me extremely well and he loves to learn new things. He still has some catching up to do so keep practicing at home but I am really happy with him.LisaLisa is still making huge improvements all the time. She is getting much better at listening and her pronunciation is constantly improving. I am really pleased with all the progress she has made and I am so proud of her.RobbieRobbie is a really confident bright little boy with huge potential. He has good pronunciation and he is very well-behaved in class. His listening is really improving and I am so pleased with all his progress.DuduDudu has made massive improvements recently. He is listening very well in class and therefore is learning so much more vocabulary. He is very well behaved and participating really well in class. I am so pleased with him.ThomasThomas is making really good progress recently. He still struggles with new vocabulary so keep practicing at home but he has become much more social in class and enjoys participating a lot more now. Keep up the good work!YvonneYvonne is still an absolute pleasure to teach. She is improving all the time and she speaks very clearly, she also loves to participate. This week she has been doing really great at sayingnew sentences and I’m very pleased.DavidDavid is doing really well in class the past week. He is making improvements all the time and slowly building up more confidence. His sentences need some work so please keep practicing but other than that I am really pleased.ChristinaChristina is starting to say more sentences and is starting to get a better understandin g of what’s going on in class recently.I am really pleased with all her efforts. She is listening more and I am really happy.JasonJason is making developments every week but he is still easily distracted and not confident with his speaking. He will grow out of this soon but in the meantime please keep practicing at home with him.WendyWendy is a very bright girl as always who really has great learning potential. She learns things very easily and is always happy to participate. Her sentences are getting better all the time and I am really pleased with her.HardyHardy is such a bright little boy who is doing fantastic as always. He is great at making up his own sentences and he is always happy to learn new things. I am so proud of all his hard work in class. Keep it up!儿童评语英文3AmandaAmanda has been going well, she is saying the words. But after a little bit of encouragement, she is becoming a little bitmore confident with her speaking out loud in class. Keep practicing sentences at home.ColinColin is going well; he is active and answers all the questions I am asking from him. He is very eager to get up in front of the class and do the action or find the new pictures and say the word.IvyIvy is participating very well in the class, she always likes to say the new words or sentences that we have just learnt. When asked a question; she thinks very hard and comes up with some great unique ways of saying the sentence.MiaMia is a very bright little girl, her vocabulary is very good. She always comes up with different sentences when I ask her a question; she is very active in the class which is very good.JasonJason is taking part in the class, he is still a little shy. But when asked a question he usually has no trouble answering it. When it is his turn to come up in front of the class, he is a little bit tentative. But eventually comes up.OliverOliver is a very bright boy who is always participating in the class. When I ask him a question he does not hesitate and always gives me a different answer which is fantastic. He understands everything that is going on in class.CiciCici is still making improvements all the time. She is getting more confident with the more vocabulary she is remembering. She is slowly getting more and more active in class, which is really great.YanaYana has missed a few classes this week but other than that she is remembering vocabulary much better and participating really well; she is still a little bit shy in class. But over time she will be much more vocal.JerryJerry is going well even though he has missed a few classes; he is remembering vocabulary really well and he is starting to use it more often. He is still very quiet but he is making super progress all the time. I am really pleased.YoyoYoyo is getting along really well in class. She is always keen to participate and shows great potential for learning. Her sentences are improving all the time and she is coming up with some very unique answers to my questions.LucyLucy is becoming really involved in lessons and she is remembering a lot of vocabulary and starting to use it frequently, she is always putting her hand up to come up in front of the class I am really impressed with her and I hope she keeps it up!JakeKing is going well, he is very active in class and is always putting his hand up to come up and do the action or say the sentence. His vocabulary is continuing to improve which is very good.DeaDea is going well in class, she has opened up a lot since the first class we had. She is saying the new words and sentences really well and is coming up in front of the class to practice what she has just leant.Annie is coming along in leaps and bounds, she is really starting to understand the new words and sentences. She is becoming more aware of what is going on in class and her listening skills are getting much better.LilyLily is still a little bit quiet and shy, but she is saying the new words and sentences. She is becoming more active during the class, and I can see that in know time she will be very active in the class.StephenStephen is going well in class, he was very shy to begin with. But he has now opened up a little bit and is saying the new words and sentences. He is becoming active in the class which is really good.YinuoYinuo is a very bright and smart little girl, her English knowledge is fantastic. She is very active in class and really enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing the new words and sentences. She has a great grasp on the lessons and understands everything we are doing.MiaAmy is going well; she has started to become more active in the class, which is really great to see. She is saying the new words and sentences well; is getting more active in class.SophiaSophia is going really well, she is very active during class and has a good understanding of what is going on during the class. She enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing the new words and sentences.Sissy has opened up more in class; in the beginning she was a little bit shy. But now she is saying the new words and sentences rally well. She is getting more active which is really good to see.OscarOscar is a very bright little boy, he has a great grasp on the class and understands everything that is going on. He is very active in the class and is one of the first students to put his hand up and practice the new words and sentences.JodieJodie is going really well in class, she is participating in almost every activity and is very active. She enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing what she has just learnt.CharlesCharles is active during class and has a good understanding of what is going on in the class. He will get up and say the new words and sentences.CarrieCarrie is a smart little girl, she has a good understanding of English and is really starting to participate in the class well. She now enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing the new words.MaggieMaggie is going well in class, she has opened up a lot since the first class we had. She is saying the new words and sentences really well and is coming up in front of the class to practice what she has just leant.儿童评语英文4MiaMia is really beginning to understand a lot more that is goingon in class. She is starting to get used to putting sentences together and she is saying things more clearly. Keep revising at home and keep it up!ColinColin understands a lot more of what is going on in class recently and he has started asking a lot more questions which is great. He still forgets some vocabulary but overall he is doing superb and I am really happy.IvyIvy is still a delight to teach but recently she has been very easily distracted in class and forgetting a lot of vocabulary. She is still doing superb at answering questions and still enjoys being in class a lot. Keep up the good work.MiaMia is always doing fantastic in my class as you already know. This week has been no different. She’s really doing great at trying to put new sentences together by herself and I am really pleased with all her efforts.YanaYana is still progressing all the time. She has super pronunciation and understanding, she always knows what’s going on in class and she loves to participate. I am proud as ever of her hard work and achievements.JasonJason is doing great in class as always. He is a very bright little boy and he is doing really well with his sentences. Sometimes he forgets some vocabulary so keep practicing but apart from that he’s great.JakeEason is a great little boy with a huge potential for learning.He participates really well in class, he remembers vocabulary, and he is always eager to learn. Keep practicing at home to keep his confidence up!OliverOliver is doing superb as usual. He enjoys doing new things and enjoys learning a lot. I am always very pleased with his progress. His sentences are improving nicely and he’s making good progress as always.JodieJodie is still a wonderful little girl to have in my class. Once she has something in her head that she knows and understands she repeats it constantly in class. This is good but keep practicing at home so she can branch out a little.CiciCici makes huge improvements all the time but she is painfully shy when she speaks to me sometimes. Her English speaking is going great and her sentences are improving well so keep practicing to build up confidence.AmandaAmanda is a delightful little girl to teach but she forgets a lot of vocabulary regularly. This will improve if you keep practicing at home. Other than that she is participating really well and she is improving all the time.JerryJerry is still a very quiet boy in my classes but he is improving all the time. He is remembering more vocabulary and because of this he is getting more confident with his speaking. He is doing really well.YoyoYoyo is such a bright little girl with a great ability to learn.She is always happy to participate and her sentences are improving all the time. I am really happy with her progress and efforts in class so keep up the super work.LucyLucy makes improvements in class all the time. She’s happy to learn new things and her pronunciation is always improving. I am really pleased with the developments she’s making in class and with her sentences.JerryJerry is still doing great in class but lacks confidence with his speaking. When he says a sentence he only says half of it then mumbles the rest as he is unsure how to go on. He’s doing superb but keep practicing to build up confidence.DeaDea is a very bright girl with great pronunciation. She is remembering much more vocabulary but she is not completely confident with her sentences yet. Keep practicing saying random simple sentences at home to build up confidence.AnnieAnne has great potential for learning but she has no confidence in class. She is sti ll very quiet and doesn’t always pay attention or take part. Please keep practicing words and simple sentences at home to build up confidence.LilyLily has been the same as ever the past couple of weeks. She struggles to take part and pay attention in class. She is a very bright girl with a lot of potential but still has a lot of catching up to do. Please keep practicing and keep up the good work.StephenStephen has really made massive improvements since I firstmet him. He is much more attentive in class and his listening skills have really improved. He recognizes a lot more vocabulary and he is getting more confident as the weeks go on.YinuoYinuo is doing superb again this week. She always understands what is going on and she is constantly trying out new sentences and ways to say thing. She is a very bright girl and I am very happy to have her in my class.CharlesCharles is doing really great again this week. He is happy to learn new things and always participates really well in class. He is saying sentences very well and his confidence with speaking is building all the time.SophiaSophia has been really making an effort to put new sentences of her own together this week and I am really pleased with that. This means she is understanding a lot and starting to think outside the box. Keep up the great work.SissySissy is starting to say more sentences of her own recently and is becoming slightly more confident with this weeks topic. She is always happy to learn new things and she is a very bright girl. Keep up the good work.OscarOscar is doing great again this week. He is very confident with his speaking recently and he learns very quickly. I am really happy with his progress and I hope he continues to keep up the excellent work.儿童评语英文51、You are an honest and hardworking girl.You leave me avery deep impression.No pains,no gains.I hope you will make more progress in English study in the future.2、You are a hardworking girl.You have a gift for English study.Where there is a will,there is a way.Wish you a fantastic future.3、You are a straight-forward boy.I appreciate your creativeness on class.I hope you can make more improvement on your handwriting in later day.4、You are an earnest and hardworking girl.Your English is very good.I hope you can take part in more class activities.Wish you a terrific future.5、You are a shy but hardworking girl.Try to be more active on class.Be confident,you are the best.6、You are an honest boy.You are good at running and jumping.Wish you be a superstar in the near future on Olympics.7、You are an excellent boy.Your school performance is very good.Pay more attention on English study.Wish you a successful future.8、You are a clever girl.You have a good memory.I enjoy your activeness on calss.I hope you will prove yourself as all gold will shine.9、You are an intelligent boy.You have the ability on language learning.Wish you step into your ideal university and learn your favourite major.10、You are a diligent boy.You leave me an impression of hardworking.Hope you can achieve your dream.11、You are an ambitious boy.You are a good leader.You have an innovational mind.Hope you will achieve your dream.12、You are a smart boy.Though you have some troubles on English study.I wish you can get a good performance on allsubjects.13、You are a well-educated girl.You have a broad mind.Wish you achieve your dream.14、You are a serious and hardworking girl.Maybe a little shy.Try to open your mind to the world.Best wishes.15、You are an honest girl.Try to be more active on class.Be confident.You are the best.16、You are a brilliant girl.Try to be more energetic on study.Wish you a wonderful future.17、You are an attractive girl.You leave me an impression of quite.Wish you have a sweet life.18、You are an aggressive girl.Try to communicate with your classmates on studying.Wish you make more progress in later day.19、You are an energetic boy.You have a dream,and I hope youn can achieve your dream by hardworking.20、You are an out-going girl.You give me a sense of optimistic and sunny.Wish you be happy everyday.21、You are an excellent boy.I appreciate what you have done in your handwriting and believe you will be successful on your study.22、You are a handsome boy.I enjoy your activeness on class.Wish you a glorious future.23、You are an earnest girl and dutiful on your job.Thank you very much for your assistance on my teaching.I hope you can make more progress in your handwriting.Wish you a splendid future.24、You are an active and passionate girl.I appreciate your participance in class activities.Wish you a happy life.25、You are a very careful girl.Your handwriting is a marvelof neatness and order.I am sure there is nothing difficult for you to overcome.26、You are a clever girl.I appreciate your handwriting so much.Wish you make more improvement on your study.27、You are a humorous boy.You may have some difficults on English,I hope you will make more progress in later day.28、You are a sunny boy.You are very active on class.Pay more attention on English grammar.Work harder and you will make more progress.29、You are an open-minded boy.I enjoy your activeness on class.Wish you make more improvement on English study.30、You are a mild girl.You show your tender feelings to others.I hope you can be more strong to face any difficult.31、You are a gentle and shy boy.I hope you can pay more attention on studying.Wish you be more open-minded and havea successful life.32、You are an easy-going boy.You are very active in daily life.You leave me an impression of serious.Wish you a happy life.33、You are a hardworking girl.Maybe a little naughty sometimes.Try to be more independent.Wish you a successful study.34、You are a frank boy and a dream-follower.Wish you step into your ideal university.35、You are an industrious girl.Try to be more mature in daily life.Believe yourself.Best wishes.36、You are an optimistic boy.Keep this mind and stick to it.Your life will be full of sunshine.37、You are a knowledgeable girl.Reading is an excellent way to broden your view.Stick to your dream,you will success.38、You are an out-going girl.Your handwriting is good,butneed more practice.Practice makes perfect.Believe yourself.Best wishes to you.儿童评语英文61、Has been perhaps parents limited time for you care enough, you have not talked about learning achievement always let us worry but after the mid-term examination we find that you are not stupid, as long as you have tried, you can't do that, I hope you will in the teacher's attention, my parents love learning results will be on a new step.2、Daughter, you are the best, I believe you will succeed, in future days, the results will be better, I hope you do not always watch TV, stupid is not born, as long as I work hard, I know you will work e on.Refuel again!3、The road is for the progressive people to reach a successful place short cut, three years of unremitting struggle, will make your life journey to write the most beautiful answer.Now, senior high school entrance examination has sounded the clarion call, distance calls, you have to fully equipped for sea voyage.I hope you in the future, the firm belief, watching the clouds, the vast world view of your broader mind, you create brilliant future academic and wonderful life.4、 Mother hope Chen Yichu in the new year's physical and mental health, learning progress, in the future to become a useful person in society.5、You are the teacher's mind the best child, now the teacher needs your help!6、The child, I know that the exam did not test well, but do not lose heart, as long as perseverance, academic performance will improve.But you have to work hard, can't just want to play, to study as a fun, I believe you can make progress next exam.。

1. 你今天在课堂上表现得非常出色,发音清晰,积极参与课堂活动。
2. 你对英语学习的热情很高,总是认真听讲,积极回答问题。
3. 你很有创造力,能够用所学英语表达自己的想法,真的很棒!
4. 你在课堂上的表现越来越好,现在能够更自信地和同学们交流了。
5. 你今天在课堂上表现得很好,特别是在角色扮演活动中,真的很出色。
6. 你对英语的理解能力很强,总是能够快速掌握新知识。
7. 你非常专注,能够认真完成老师布置的作业,真的很棒!
8. 你对英语学习的热情很高,总是能够积极参与课堂活动。
9. 你是一个很好的团队合作者,总是愿意和同学们一起完成课堂任务。
10. 你的英语发音越来越标准,真的很不错!继续加油!

幼儿园测评表家长英文评语1.you are a hard-working, kind, love to help people children.2.You are polite to the teacher, listen carefully to lectures in class, and sometimes answer questions. He has strong self-care skills in napping and eating, and folds his clothes neatly every day.3.You can seriously participate in sports activities, learn to drill and climb, shoot balls, jump rope and many other skills, and develop coordination of movements. You are happy to help others, can get along with your peers, and your friends like you.4.I hope that after you arrive at primary school, you can seriously learn every skill and put on a red scarf as soon as possible.5.You are quick thinking, have strong receptivity, and always quickly grasp new knowledge in class; You love to learn and always complete assignments quickly.6.You love basketball and are full of energy. But you are not good at cherishing the use of time, completing homework as a task, and not handling the relationship between hobbies and learning.7.Learning requires the spirit of hard work and courage to question, as well as persistence and tireless pursuit. In the future study, you also need to correct your learning attitude, cherish time, lock in goals, and go all out to invest in the ocean of knowledge.8.You are a lively, cheerful, smiling child, and there is always a sweet smile on your face, which makes people feel very comfortable.9.Time flies so fast, the blink of an eye is approaching the holiday, you also have to leave kindergarten and become a primary school student. During the three years of kindergarten, you are polite to your fellow teachers, whether in kindergarten or outside the kindergarten, you can always take the initiative to say hello when you see the teacher.10.You are serious, careful, and have a certain interest in painting and craftsmanship. You enjoy musical activities, meeting and following the music to do imitation moves, music games, etc.。

幼儿园美语小班学期期末评语小班第二学期评语1. Tommy has shown great improvement in his English skills this semester. He has become more confident in speaking and understanding basic English phrases and vocabulary.2. Jenny has a natural talent for learning languages. She is able to pick up new words and phrases quickly and can engage in simple conversations in English.3. Johnny has made good progress in his listening skills. He is able to understand basic instructions and follow along with the teacher during classroom activities.4. Sarah has shown enthusiasm for learning English. She participates actively in class and is always eager to learn new words and practice speaking.5. Emily needs to work on her pronunciation. While she understands English well, her pronunciation is still unclear at times, making it difficult to understand her.6. David has made good progress in his reading and writing skills. He can recognize some simple English words and is able to write basic sentences with guidance.7. Lily needs to work on her attention span during English lessons. She often gets distracted easily and struggles to stay focused on the task at hand.8. Ethan has shown good memorization skills when it comes to vocabulary. He is able to remember and recall English words quickly and accurately.9. Olivia shows a lot of creativity in her use of English. She enjoys using new words and phrases in her own sentences and is not afraid to take risks in her language learning.10. Jack needs more practice in his speaking skills. While he understands English well, he is still hesitant to speak up in front of the class. Encouraging him to participate more will help build his confidence.11. Emma has shown excellent listening skills. She is able to understand and follow instructions with minimal assistance and can comprehend short stories in English. 12. Liam needs to work on his writing skills. While he can form simple sentences, he struggles with grammar and spelling. Providing him with extra writing activities will help improve his skills.。
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