典范英语 教案
教学目标:1. 通过本节课的学习,学生将能够掌握典范英语的基本语法知识和词汇。
2. 学生将能够在真实语境中运用所学知识进行交流和表达。
3. 学生将能够提高他们的听说读写能力。
教学重点:1. 掌握典范英语的基本语法知识和词汇。
2. 运用所学知识进行交流和表达。
教学准备:1. 教师准备一份典范英语教材和相关教学资源。
2. 学生准备纸和笔。
教学步骤:引入活动:1. 教师向学生介绍本节课的主题和目标,并激发学生的学习兴趣。
知识讲解:2. 教师通过教材和多媒体资源讲解典范英语的基本语法知识和词汇,包括句型、动词时态、形容词和副词等。
练习活动:3. 教师设计一系列练习活动,让学生在小组或整体上进行练习,巩固所学知识。
交流活动:4. 教师设计一些情景对话和角色扮演活动,让学生在真实语境中运用所学知识进行交流和表达。
拓展活动:5. 教师提供一些拓展资源,如音频、视频和阅读材料,让学生进一步巩固和扩展他们的语言能力。
课堂总结:6. 教师对本节课的内容进行总结,并提供一些学习建议和反馈。
家庭作业:7. 教师布置一些与本节课内容相关的家庭作业,如写作练习、听力练习或阅读理解题。
评估方式:8. 教师可以通过观察学生的课堂表现、练习活动和家庭作业来评估学生的学习情况。
教学延伸:9. 教师可以在下一节课中进一步扩展和应用学生所学的典范英语知识,提高他们的语言能力。
具体目标如下:1. 能够正确拼读和书写单词:cat, dog, fish, bird, tiger, elephant, panda。
2. 能够理解并运用句型:“I have a”表达自己拥有的动物。
3. 培养学生观察图片、理解故事内容的能力,提高英语阅读兴趣。
4. 通过本课的学习,让学生了解不同动物的特点,培养关爱动物的情感。
二、教学内容1. 单词:cat, dog, fish, bird, tiger, elephant, panda。
2. 句型:I have a三、教学步骤1. 导入(1)教师与学生用英语进行日常交流,引导学生复习已学过的动物单词。
2. 新课呈现(1)教师播放课件,展示本课单词和句型,让学生跟读并模仿。
(2)教师引导学生用句型“I have a”介绍自己拥有的动物。
3. 实践活动(1)分组进行角色扮演,让学生运用所学句型进行交流。
4. 巩固拓展(1)教师出示动物卡片,让学生用“I have a”句型进行抢答。
六、教学方法与策略1. 情境教学法:通过创设丰富的教学情境,让学生在真实语境中感知、理解和运用英语,提高语言实践能力。
2. 游戏教学法:设计有趣的游戏活动,激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语。
3. 互动式教学:鼓励学生积极参与课堂讨论,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。
4. 激励性评价:关注学生的个体差异,对学生的点滴进步给予表扬和鼓励,增强学生的自信心。
七、教学重难点1. 教学重点:掌握单词cat, dog, fish, bird, tiger, elephant, panda的正确发音和书写;熟练运用句型“I have a”。
复习旧课:回顾上一节课所学内容, 巩固知识点
引入新课:通过提问、展示等方式, 引导学生进入本节课的主题
词汇类型:名 词、动词、形
词汇难度:初 级、中级、高
词汇教学方法: 讲解、练习、
词汇学习目标: 掌握常用词汇, 提高语言表达
重点语法点:讲解本单元的重点语法点,包括时态、语态、虚拟语气等。 练习设计:设计有针对性的语法练习,帮助学生巩固所学知识。 语境运用:将语法知识点融入实际语境中,帮助学生理解并运用。
提问与回答:教师提出问题,学生回答,促进课堂交流 分组讨论:学生分组讨论问题,提高合作学习能力 角色扮演:学生扮演不同角色,模拟真实情境,增强实践能力 游戏互动:通过游戏的方式,激发学生的学习兴趣和参与度
学生对新知识的掌握情况 教师对教学过程的反思和改进 学生对教学环节的评价和建议 教师对学生的学习态度和表现的评价
定义:通过教师 的讲解传授知识 的教学方法
特点:以教师为中 心,注重知识的系 统性和连贯性
适用范围:适用于 传授新知识,尤其 是理论性较强的知 识
注意事项:要注重 讲解的生动性和趣 味性,避免枯燥乏 味
Did the magic key work? What happened to the children?
Ining look? What did they see in the jungle?
On the top of a mountain
In the strawberry garden
1.How did they feel? 2.What did they want? 3.What did they find and eat? 4.Where did they hide when it rained?
Sound out these words
don’t house came here save
very glowing inside adventure
flowerpot looked called climbed
pulled strawberries
Oh whoosh shoo
Oh help! Oh no! Look! So do I!
In the sandpit
Where are they? What are they doing? Who are they? Who did Kipper look for? Why?
Who was cross with Kipper? What did Biff say to everyone?
Groups Kipper Chip
Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Group6 Group7
Wilma Wilf
Rewrite the story.
1. 知识目标,学生能够掌握本课时的单词、词组和语法知识。
2. 能力目标,学生能够听、说、读、写并运用所学知识进行交流。
3. 情感目标,培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,激发学生学习英语的积极性。
1. 重点,教学重点是让学生掌握本课时的重点词汇和语法知识,能够正确运用。
2. 难点,教学难点是帮助学生正确理解和运用语法知识,以及在交流中灵活运用所学知识。
1. 热身,使用图片、视频或者小故事等方式引起学生兴趣,激发学生学习英语的积极性。
2. 输入新知识,通过多媒体、教科书等方式向学生介绍新的单词、词组和语法知识,激发学生的学习兴趣。
3. 练习与拓展,设计多种形式的练习题目,如听力练习、口语练习、阅读理解和写作练习等,巩固所学知识。
4. 巩固与作业,对本节课的知识进行总结,布置相应的作业,巩固学生的学习成果。
1. 多媒体教学,利用图片、音频、视频等多媒体手段丰富教学内容,激发学生学习兴趣。
2. 互动教学,通过小组讨论、角色扮演等形式增强学生的互动与合作能力。
3. 情景教学,通过情景模拟等方式让学生在真实场景中运用所学知识,增强学生的语言表达能力。
1. 教学效果评估,对学生的学习情况进行评估,及时调整教学策略,提高教学效果。
2. 教学反思,对本节课的教学过程进行反思,总结经验,不断改进教学方法,提高教学质量。
教学过程:Step 1: 导入新课 (5分钟)通过回顾上节课的内容,激发学生的学习兴趣,并引导学生对本节课的内容进行预测和猜测。
Step 2: 阅读训练 (30分钟)1.教师先给学生讲解不同类型题目的解题技巧,如主旨题、细节题、推理题等,并通过范例进行示范。
Step 3: 易错点强化 (20分钟)教师根据学生的答题情况,总结常见的易错点,并给出相关解释和例子,让学生对这些知识点有更深刻的理解。
Step 4: 课堂实践 (25分钟)1.要求学生在规定的时间内独立阅读一篇文章,并回答相应的问题。
Step 5: 课堂延伸 (15分钟)教师可以根据学生的实际情况进行课堂延伸,例如学生分享自己的阅读经验、介绍一些阅读技巧等。
Step 6: 作业布置 (5分钟)布置相关作业,要求学生在家里继续阅读《典范英语》中的其他文章,并完成相应的阅读理解题。
Step 7: 课堂总结 (5分钟)教师对本堂课的教学进行总结,并展望下堂课的内容。
典范英语5教案In the fifth-grade English curriculum, we delve into the intricacies of language that go beyond basic communication. Students are introduced to the nuances of idioms, metaphors, and similes, enriching their understanding of the English language.The lessons are designed to engage students withinteractive activities that foster a love for learning. Role-plays and group discussions are a staple, allowing studentsto practice their speaking skills in a supportive environment.Reading comprehension is a key component of the curriculum, with a focus on diverse genres such as poetry, short stories, and excerpts from classic literature. This exposure broadens students' literary horizons and enhancestheir critical thinking skills.Grammar is systematically taught, with an emphasis on sentence structure, tense usage, and parts of speech. Regular quizzes and exercises ensure that students grasp these concepts and can apply them in their writing and speaking.Cultural awareness is integrated into the lessons, exposing students to different customs and traditions from around the world. This not only enriches their Englishlearning experience but also promotes a global perspective.The curriculum also places importance on writing skills, with students encouraged to write essays, narratives, and descriptive pieces. Peer reviews and constructive feedback are used to help students refine their writing abilities.Technology is leveraged to enhance learning, with multimedia resources and online platforms that provide interactive and immersive English language learning experiences.Assessment is continuous and comprehensive, with regular tests and evaluations that measure students' progress and provide insights into areas that need improvement.By the end of the course, students are expected to have a solid foundation in English language skills, ready to tackle more advanced levels with confidence and proficiency.。
典范英语第一节教案一.问候及简介二.了解本课题及阅读教材《典范英语》(Good English)原名《牛津阅读树》(Oxford Reading Tree),是英国牛津大学出版社出版的一套家喻户晓的英语母语学习材料,闻名英国,享誉世界。
教案目标:1. 学习并掌握典范英语1教材中的基本词汇和句型。
2. 提高学生的听力和口语交流能力。
3. 培养学生的阅读和写作技能。
4. 培养学生的团队合作和自主学习能力。
教学资源:1. 典范英语1教材2. 多媒体设备(投影仪、音频播放器等)3. 图表和图片4. 活动和游戏材料教学步骤:1. 导入(5分钟)- 引入新课题,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。
- 创造一个轻松愉快的学习氛围。
2. 词汇学习(15分钟)- 通过图片和示范,呈现新词汇。
- 引导学生进行词汇拼读和记忆。
- 进行词汇游戏和练习,巩固词汇记忆。
3. 句型学习(15分钟)- 通过对话和情景模拟,呈现新句型。
- 引导学生进行句型操练和模仿。
- 进行句型练习和角色扮演,巩固句型运用。
4. 听力训练(20分钟)- 播放录音或视频,让学生听取相关对话或文章。
- 提问学生关于听力内容的问题,检查他们的理解程度。
- 进行听力练习和游戏,提高学生的听力技能。
5. 口语练习(20分钟)- 组织学生进行对话练习和角色扮演,运用所学的词汇和句型。
- 引导学生进行小组讨论和合作活动,提高他们的口语表达能力。
- 提供反馈和建议,帮助学生改进口语表达。
6. 阅读和写作(20分钟)- 分发阅读材料,让学生阅读并回答相关问题。
- 引导学生进行写作练习,如写日记、文章或对话。
- 检查学生的阅读和写作作业,给予评价和指导。
7. 总结与评价(10分钟)- 回顾本节课所学内容,总结重点和难点。
- 鼓励学生自我评价和互相评价,提供建议和改进意见。
- 预告下节课的内容和目标。
教学评估:1. 教师观察学生在课堂上的参与度和表现。
2. 学生完成的课堂练习和作业。
《典范英语》教案Lesson Plan for Exemplary EnglishLesson Title: The Importance of ReadingGrade Level: Intermediate (7th-9th Grade)Objective:- Students will understand the importance of reading for personal and academic growth.- Students will practice summarizing and expressing opinions about a text.Materials:- Exemplary English textbook- Whiteboard and markers- Handouts with a short reading passage for each student- Highlighters and pencilsProcedure:1. Warm-up (10 minutes):- Begin the lesson by asking students why they think reading is important.- Write their answers on the whiteboard.- Discuss their answers as a class, emphasizing the importance of reading for expanding vocabulary, improvingcritical thinking skills, and gaining knowledge.2. Pre-reading Activity (10 minutes):- Distribute the handouts with a short reading passage to each student.- Instruct students to read the passage silently to themselves.- Ask students to underline unfamiliar words or phrases.- Ask students to volunteer to read the passage aloud while the class follows along silently.- After reading, allow students a few minutes to discuss in pairs or small groups what they understood from the passage.- Call on different groups to share their understanding with the class.4. Vocabulary Building (10 minutes):- Guide the students in identifying the unfamiliar words or phrases they underlined during the pre-reading activity.- Ask students to take turns defining and providing an example sentence for each word.- Write the definitions and example sentences on the whiteboard.5. Summarizing and Discussion (25 minutes):- Instruct students to individually write a brief summary of the passage they just read.- Afterward, ask a few volunteers to share their summaries with the class.- Initiate a class discussion by asking questions like: "What is the main idea of the passage?", "What surprised you?", or "What did you learn from this passage?"- Introduce different reading strategies like skimming, scanning, and identifying context clues.- Model the strategies with a short text, showing students how to use each strategy effectively.7. Independent Reading (10 minutes):- Give students 10 minutes to read a book or article oftheir choice.- Encourage them to use the reading strategies discussed earlier.- Circulate around the classroom to monitor their progress and offer guidance.8. Closure (5 minutes):- Bring the class back together and ask a few students to share any interesting or important information they found while reading independently.- Remind students of the importance of reading regularly and how it can benefit them academically and personally.Assessment:- Monitor students' participation during the class discussion and their ability to summarize the passage accurately.- Evaluate their use of reading strategies during the independent reading activity.Extensions:- Have students write a reflective essay on the importanceof reading in their lives.- Assign additional reading passages for homework and have students practice summarizing and discussing them in small groups.。
71One morning the postman came down Elm Road. In his bag were two letters. They looked like this: “Miss P Jones 10 Elm Road Bilton”; “Miss F Jones 79 Elm Road Bilton”There were two Miss Jones in Elm Road. Pippa Jones lived at number 10. She was mad about ponies. Flo Jones lived at number 79. She was mad about football. But that morning the postman had broken his glasses and he couldn’t see very well. That’s how the mix -up began.Pony-mad Pippa was out at the stable when her letter came. Pippa had a pony called Blossom who was a champion jumper. She gave Blossom some oats and a kiss on the nose. Then her dad stuck his head out of the back door. “Pippa, there is a lette r for you.”Football-mad Flo was in the garden when her letter arrived. Flo played for Redland Rovers. She was wearing her Rovers kit as usual. She dribbled past the cat and swerved round the swing. “Thud.” the ball hit the back door. “goal.” cried Flo. “Flo!” called her mum. “Stop that racket and come inside. There’s a letter for you. ”Flo tore open her letter. It said: Dear Miss Jones, The Junior Cup is on Saturday at Chestnut field. We hope to see you there. “Wow!” said Flo. “I’m playing in the Cup Final on Saturday. Redland Rovers will win for sure.” At 10 El m Road, Pippa was also reading her letter. “Dear Miss Jones, The Junior Cup Final is on Saturday at Redland Park. We hope to see you there. ” “Fantastic,” said Pippa. “I’m riding Blossom in the Junior Cup. We are sure to win.”2Pippa and Flo couldn’t wait for Saturday to come. They didn’t notice that they had got the wrong letter. They were both going to the wrong place. On Saturday morning Pippa rode Blossom to Redland Park. Down the road they passed Flo on her way to Chestnut Field. Pippa stared at Flo i n her red and white football kit. “Fancy dressing up like that to play a stupid game of football,” she thought to herself. Flo stared at Pippa in her black riding hat and boots. “Fancy dressing up like that to ride a boring old pony,” she thought to hersel f.Pippa arrived at Redland Park. But where were the other ponies? All she could see was the Redland Rovers team kicking a ball. “Excuse me,” said Pippa. “Where are the fences to jump?”The Rovers team laughed. “This is a football match. Ponies can’t play.” said one. Rovers’ captain went over to Pippa. “Have you seen Flo Jones? She hasn’t come yet and we’re one player short.” ‘I don’t know anyone called Flo,’ said Pippa. ‘My name is Pippa Jones.’ ‘Well, you’ll have to play then,’ said the captain. ‘Hurry up and get changed, kick-off is in five minutes.’Pippa was horrified. She didn’t want to play football. She wanted to ride Blossom in the Junior Cup. She tried to explain but the Rovers team didn’t listen. They pushed her into the changing room. They gav e her football boots and a shirt. The shirt came to her knees. And the boots pinched her feet. When Pippa ran she kept tripping over her laces. They lined up for kick-off and the referee blew his whistle to start the game.The ball came whizzing towards Pi ppa. ‘What shall I do with it?’ she wailed. ‘Just kick it that way,’ shouted Rovers’ captain. Pippa kicked the ball. ‘Youch, my toe.’ she yelled.The ball went to one of the Blue team. Pippa tried to get it back. But she tripped over her laces and fell in a muddy puddle. ‘This is all a mistake.’ moaned Pippa. ‘I’m in the wrong place.’3Flo was in the wrong place too. She was in Chestnut Field. But where was the Cup Final? All she could see were girls trotting round on ponies. ‘What is all this?’ Flo asked a man in a brown hat. ‘It’s the Junior Show. I am Mr. Trotter, one of the judges. What is your name?’‘Flo Jones. I am here to play football.’ Mr. Trotter wasn’t listening. He was busy looking at a list of names. ‘Ah yes. Here you are. Miss Jones. You are jumping twenty-third.’ ‘Jumping? Me?’ Flo turned pale. ‘But I can’t ... I haven’tThe Wrong Letter送错的信even got a pony.’ Mr. Trotter laughed. ‘Dear me! You’ve come without your pony? Then we’ll have to find one for you. Five minutes later Flo was sitting on a big, black pon y. It snorted and stamped its feet. ‘His name’s Thunder. You have to show him who is boss.’ said Mr. Trotter. Flo looked at Thunder. She was pretty sure he was boss. ‘I don’t know how to ride,’ she said. ‘There’s been a mistake...’‘You’ll be fine. Good luck.’ said Mr. Trotter and slapped Thunder on the back. Thunder galloped off with Flo holding on tight. The fences looked very high. Flo wanted to jump off but Thunder wouldn’t stop. The loudspeaker boomed: ‘And the next rider is Miss Pippa Jones on Thunde r.’ The crowd clapped. ‘But my name isn’t Pippa!’ cried Flo. ‘Somebody get me down.’It was too late. Thunder was heading for the first fence. Flo shut her eyes. She was sure they were going to hit it. Just in time Thunder jumped. They landed with a bump and Flo’s hat slipped down over her eyes. Now she couldn’t see where she was going.Thunder sailed over the next jump. And the next. But Flo was slipping out of the saddle. She was almost upside down, hanging onto Thunder’s neck. ‘What an odd way to ride,’ said Mr. Trotter. Thunder took the next three fences at a gallop. They came to the last one, a high brick wall. Thunder took off. ‘he-lp.’ cried Flo, flying in the air.They landed with a thud. Then Flo fell off onto the grass. Everyone crowed around her. They picked her up and patted her on the back. ‘Are you all right?’ ‘Well done.’ ‘Jolly good riding.’ ‘What happened?’ asked Flo, getting up.‘You won. You jumped all the fences in the fastest time,’ said Mr. Trotter. He pinned a rosette on Thunder and gave Flo a silver cup. ‘This year’s winner of the Junior Cup is Miss Pippa Jones,’ she said. ‘My real name is Flo,’ smiled Flo happily.4Back at the Cup Final, things weren’t going well for Pippa. Her legs hurt. She was wet and muddy and the boots were ki lling her. There were two minutes left. The score was 2-2, but Pippa didn’t care. She just wanted the game to end so that she could go home.The Blues’ goalkeeper kicked the ball out. It bounced straight to Pippa. She wasn’t pleased to see it. ‘Go away!’ she shouted crossly and gave the ball a mighty kick. To her surprise the ball soared through the air towards the Blues’ goal. The goalkeeper dived- but the ball hit the back of the net. ‘Goal!’ shouted the Rovers. ‘What a goal!’At that moment the final whistle blew. Pippa was Girl of the Match. Her team carried her off the pitch, cheering. Everyone wanted to pat her on the back. Pippa had won the Junior Cup for Rovers. After the game Pippa set off home with Blossom. On her way up Elm Road she passed Flo. Pippa and Flo both stopped. They both stared. Both of them were covered in mud and holding silver cups. ‘Is your name... Pippa Jones?’ asked Flo. Pippa nodded. ‘Then you must be Flo Jones.’ then they understood. So that’s what had happened.‘I must have got your letter,’ said Flo. ‘I went to a pony show.’ ‘And I must have got your letter,’ said Pippa. ‘I went to a football match.’They both started to laugh. ‘Football is fun,’ grinned Pippa, ‘When you get used to it.’ ‘And riding a pony is really quite ex citing,’ said Flo.After that, Pippa and Flo became the best of friends. Not only did they share the same name, they also liked the same things. Now, on one Saturday Flo goes riding with Pippa. And, on the next Saturday, Pippa plays football with Flo. The postman still brings letters to both their houses. But these days he’s got a new pair of glasses.注释postman 邮递员came down Elm Road 来到榆树路was mad about… 特别喜欢…ponies 小型马,矮脚马the postman had broken his glasses 邮递员的眼镜碎了That's how the mix-up began. 差错就这样发生了。
典范英语8-11学习—————好资料11. Stinky Street1.Franklin has a problemHouses are very different. Some are huge and have gold swimming pools. Pop stars live in those. Some are in rows with a brick wall at one end and overlook a pie factory. Franklin Gates lives in one of those. Number there, Stanley Street, to be exact.Some people might think, “I want a house with a swimming pool. “But not Franklin.He loved living on Stanley Street. Everyone was friendly. All his mates were there and the smells from the pie factory...mmm, delicious! There was just one problem. Franklin ’mum and dad wanted to move. His mum was expecting twins and they needed another bedroom."I don't mind sharing mine, “Franklin said."Babies cry all night.""I'll wear earplugs."But his parents wouldn't listen."This house is TOO small, “said his mum.Next day, there was a “for Sale “sign stuck by Franklin's door.Franklin and his best friend Josh stared at the words of doom."What am I going to do,Josh?"said Franklin.Josh frowned. “Has your house got problems?Number forty's got problems and no one wants to buy it."Franklin stared at number forty.It looked all right to him."What kind of problems?"he asked. "Oh,mice and damp and really horrible wallpaperFranklin sighed. His house was warm and friendly and it had just been painted,worse luck.Mrs cox lived next door to Franklin in a little house that had once been the corner shop.Just then,she called out,"Hello,lads.Will you take..."Before she could finish,her dog Zack leaped out of her house.He jumped up at the boys,trying to lick their faces."Yuk!Down,Zack!"Josh giggled.Mrs Cox told Zack to get down."He hasn't been out all day.I've been a bit wobbly,"she said,tapping her legs."No worries,"Franklin smiled.He didn't mind taking Zack anywhere.He loved him to bits."I'm sorry you're moving,"Mrs. Cox said."So am I,"Franklin grumbled.Mrs. Cox patted Franklin on the arm."Never mind.Your house might take months to sell."For a week,it looked as if Mrs Cox was right.Only a few people came to look at the house and none of them wanted to buy it.Franklin's mum stroked her growing tummy and looked fed up. Upstairs,Franklin danced around with his underpants on his head in celebration.Maybe he was safe.Maybe no one would buy his house.But a few days later_it must have been Thursday,because the smells from the pie factory were chicken and rhubarb Franklin came home from school to find a man in the kitchen.His name was Mr Bragg and was interested in buying the house.Mr Bragg wasn't interested in Franklin.He glared at Franklin and trod on his toes, without saying sorry.Franklin's heart sank when Mr Bragg said he wanted to come back for a second visit."Saturday morning,ten o'clock sharp,"he said.2 Franklin makes a planThat night,Franklin had a bad dream.Mr Bragg was sniggering at him,"You wait and see,boy.I'm going to have your house!"Then Franklin woke up."No,you won't,you tatty toe-cruncher! “he said angrily.At school,Franklin asked Josh what he was doing on Saturday.Josh shrugged. “Nothing much.""Does your big sister still work in the fish shop?"asked Franklin.Josh nodded."Good.Listen,I've got a job for you..."Franklin cupped his hand over Josh's ear and began whispering his plan.When Josh heard what Franklin wanted,his mouth opened wide enough to swallow a dentist. "I can't do that!"he cried."I'll get into trouble!""You have to!It's my only chance,"Franklin begged.In the end,Josh nodded.He wasn't happy,but he agreed to do what Franklin wanted.3Something is fishyOn Saturday morning,Franklin's mum was in a flap. "Something smells horrible and I don't know what it is,"she said.She looked around in a panic."Your dad's outside checking the drains." Franklin smiled. He know what the smell was!Mr. and Mrs. Gates were still outside when Mr. Bragg rang the doorbell. Franklin let him into the houseMr Bragg stopped and sniffed the air."Ugh,what's that disgusting smell?"he asked."It's Saturday.The factory does fish pie on Saturdays,"Franklin said.Mr Bragg frowned. “Isn’t the factory shut on Satur days?""No.Fish every Saturday.That's why we call this Stinky Street.D'you want to see my bedroom?" Upstairs,Franklin opened his bedroom door.Mr Bragg pointed to a huge,dark patch on the wall."What's that?"he asked."Damp,"Franklin said."Mum made me cover it with a poster last time.""Hmm,"Mr Bragg snorted."Mind the mouse poo,"Franklin grinned,pointing to a pile of brown lumps."It gets stuck in the carpet.""Urgh!"Mr Bragg pulled a face."That's nothing,"smiled Franklin."Wait till you see what the rats do."At that moment,his mum arrived,"Hello,"she smiled."How's it doing?""Your son was telling me about the rats,"Mr Bragg said,icily."Rats?What rats...""Oh,no!"Franklin yelled,pointing out of the window."What is it?"asked Mr Bragg."That horrible Josh Barratt's coming!Quick!Hide!'yelled Franklin."Hide from Josh?Don't be silly,"Franklin's mum said.But Franklin ducked behind his curtains. "Josh is a lovely boy!"Franklin's mum said, amazed.But Josh banged on the front door.He shouted football songs.He even burped through the letterbox. "Why you little..."Mr. Bragg gasped as Josh ran off."Er...would you like to see the bathroom?"Mrs Gates asked,but Mr Bragg shocked his head. "You're joking.I'm not staying here another minute."He ran downstairs and out of the door.4Mrs Cox joins inMr and Mrs Gates were very angry."You'd better explain what’s going on!"they told Franklin."Er...well...I-"Just then,there was a loud banging."It's coming from Mrs. Cox's house,"Franklin’s mum said, glaring at her son."Fancy getting an old lady mixed up in this!""I didn't,"Franklin cried."I really didn't!"The banging grew louder and louder.Then Zack started barking.Something was very wrong.Mr. abd Mrs. Gates and Franklin dashed into Mrs. Cox's house.She was lying by her stairs,where she had tripped.Franklin helped his dad lift her carefully onto a chair.Mr Gates wanted to take her to hospital but Mrs. Cox wouuldn't go."I'm not leaving Zack," she said.So they rang her son Eric,and he came to help her.Mrs Cox was still in big trouble.He ran back home and took the fish out of the back of the radiator.(Josh's sister had given it to him.)He vacuumed up the chocolate drops on the carpet in his bedroom.Then he dried the lemonade on his bedroom wall.He said sorry to Josh for getting him into trouble,too.At last,he said sorry to his mum and dad.His mum was very upset."We know you love Stanley Street.We all do-""-But there won't be space for all of us,when the twins arrive,"his dad said firmly."We have got to move to a bigger house.""I know,"Franklin said,sadly.Weeks passed but no one came to look at the house.Winter was coming and Franklin began to feel hospital.Nobody wanted to move in winter,did they?But one day,Franklin came home from school to find creepy Mr Bragg in the kitchen again.He'd found out about Franklin's tricks and he still wanted their house."Those Gates have got to move,"Mr Bragg said to himself."I'll get their house cheap!"He smiled slyly and gave Franklin's mum a piece of paper with a price on it.It was a very low price."Let me know tomorrow if I can buy it,"Mr Bragg smirked."Make up your mind.No one else wants it.""We'll think about it,"Mrs Gates said,going pale."Do we have to sell to HIM?"Franklin cried as soon as he'd gone."I expect so,"said his mum.Franklin was furious.How could his mum and dad sell to Mr Bragg?Even the delicious smell of lamb and bananas coming from the pie factory didn't help."I'm going to take Zack for a run,"Franklin said."A long run.To Scotland.""Oh,dear."said his mum.Mrs Cox took ages to answer the door.She was even slower on her feet since her fall.‘I was coming round to your house!”Mre Cox beamed.’Is your mum in? I’ve got somethin g to ask her.’‘Yes,’ said Franklin. He wasTrying to stop being licked to bits by Zack.‘Bring him back by tea time ,’. Mrs Cox called as he set off with the dog.‘ I will ‘ Franklin said.‘I was talking to Zack’,Mrs Cox joked.When Franklin came back, Mrs Cox was just leaving his house. ‘How was Scotland? ‘she joked. "Cold, “said Franklin, crossly.Mrs Cox laughed as if he'd cracked the funniest joke ever."You'd better get inside and warmup,then,"she told him,grinning.Franklin felt grumpy."I don't know why Mrs Cox thinks moving house is so funny..."He stopped.His mum was dancing round the room with-yes-underpants on her head!"What's going on?"he asked."Wait and see!"she laughted.It was Christmas time in Stanley Street.There was no "For Sale"sign outside Franklin'shouse.Instead,there were piles of bricks and cement from the builders."That was a great idea of Mrs Cox's,"Josh said."You bought her house and knocked both of your houses together-""-So we had one big house,"grinned Franklin."Then the old corner shop downstairs was made into a little flat for Mrs Cox and Zack.Now you get lots of bedrooms upstairs...""...and Mrs Cox and Zack get a safe place downstairs.""So everybody'shappy.""Except Mr. Br agg, “Franklin grinned. “He’s bought number forty!"。
Greetings: Good morning! Boys and girls。
Today is my birthday,and I want you to sing a song with me, ok? A very easy song. 带领学生唱完。
Ok! Very good! And in the morning, my mother gives me a birthday cake. My father gives me a watch. My sister gives me a beautiful rose。
These are all birthday presents。
So, do you know the word “presents”?Look at the title! “Presents for dad” , are the presents for me?学生回答.So for……?故意不说出来,让学生说。
Why?Why we give presents for dad?学生回答Look at the picture1. Where is dad?He is in the hospital。
Do you know hospital? Look at the picture,do you know the Red Cross? Where can we see this Red Cross? In the hospital,right?Red after me,hospital, hospital。
What's the matter with dad?Look at dad’s leg。
Dad broken his leg, so, he is in the hospital.so we go to the hospital to see dad. What did they give dad?展示图片, what’s this ?学生回答flower。
《典范英语》(4aL4)教学设计一、教学目标1. 学生能够理解并掌握本课的生词和短语,如“frightened,look after, adventure, search”等。
2. 学生能够正确朗读并理解本课的课文内容,了解故事情节和人物关系。
3. 学生能够运用所学句型和词汇进行简单的英语对话,提高口语表达能力。
二、教学重点1. 生词和短语的学习和运用。
2. 课文内容的理解和分析。
3. 口语表达能力的培养。
三、教学难点1. 生词和短语的理解和记忆。
2. 课文内容的深入理解。
3. 口语表达时的准确性和流畅性。
四、教学准备1. 多媒体课件,包括课文朗读、生词和短语展示、图片和视频等。
2. 生词卡片,用于生词学习和复习。
3. 口语练习卡片,用于口语表达练习。
五、教学过程1. 导入利用多媒体课件展示与课文相关的图片和视频,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 生词学习展示生词卡片,引导学生跟读并记忆生词。
3. 课文学习分组朗读课文,每组轮流朗读一段,其他组进行跟读。
4. 口语练习利用口语练习卡片,进行角色扮演和对话练习。
5. 小组合作学习分组讨论课文内容,分享学习心得和感受。
6. 课堂小结鼓励学生课后复习和巩固所学知识。
1. 生词测试:通过听写、选择题等方式,检测学生对本课生词的掌握情况。
2. 口语表达评估:通过小组讨论、角色扮演等方式,评估学生的口语表达能力和运用所学句型的能力。
《典范英语》(4b-L1 )教学参考Camping Adventure教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。
五、课堂教学基本步骤1.导入(Lead-in ):观看视频,引出故事主题通过观看视频,让学生了解野营的乐趣,为看图讲故事做好铺垫。
Peppa’ s family went camping. Did they like camping?Do you like camping?Did you go camping with your parents?Where did you camp?教师自然过渡到讲故事环节:Wilma’ s family went camping too. Where did they camp? What happened? Let ’ slearn the story Camping Adventure.(板书故事标题)2.看图讲故事( Storytelling):理解故事情节,观察全家人一起野营的乐趣教师利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,让学生观察图片,并体会全家人一起野营的乐趣,以及在暴风雨中遇到的危险。
二、方式我们班级一共要学习《Good English 》第六和第七两册书,共计36个小故事,每读完一本我都会找一个导演来将这本书编成一个短剧,然后导演招聘演员,再在每节课前,进行表演,学期结束的时候,在家长会上,以比赛的形式表演给其他家长看。
《典范英语》(1a-L5)教学参考A Good Trick教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。
一、教学目标1. 语言能力目标:学生能够读懂故事情节;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;能够看图说出故事中的实物名称(rug, sheet, big box, little box);掌握字母“b”的拼读规律。
2. 非语言能力目标:让学生在故事中体验变戏法的乐趣;通过观察Biff和Chip表演变戏法,培养学生的观察能力和预测能力;使学生在表演中提升学习兴趣,培养表达能力。
四、教学用具多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)、彩色打印的故事截图(见附录)、人物头饰(Biff, Chip)、人物图(Kipper)、毛绒玩具、小地毯、床单、大盒子、小盒子、小小盒子、小球。
五、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in):了解“trick”的含义,激发学生对变戏法的兴趣教师表演“大盒子套小盒子”变戏法,在师生互动中激发学生兴趣,让学生体会“trick”的含义。
(2)把套好的大盒子呈现给学生,提问:What is it? It is a box. It is a big box. 然后请学生猜:What’s in the box? (BQ: Is it a book? Is it a pen?)(3)打开大盒子,取出小盒子,提问:What is it? Oh, it’s a small box. What’s in the small box? (BQ: Is it a teddy bear? Is it a doll?)(4)打开小盒子,取出小小盒子,提问:Look! It’s a smaller box. What’s in the smaller box? (BQ: Is it another box?)(5)打开小小盒子,取出小球,提问:What is it? It’s a ball.之后,教师导入故事:I did a trick just now. Do you like the trick? Is it a good trick? (请学生自由回答)There is another trick in our book. Let’s learn the story A Good Trick.(教师板书故事标题)2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,观察细节,预测情节,体会乐趣教师利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,引导学生仔细观察图片,预测故事情节,感受游戏的乐趣。
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典范英语介绍《典范英语》(Good English),原名《牛津阅读树》(OxfordReading Tree),是英国牛津大学出版社出版的一套家喻户晓的英语教材,闻名英国,享誉世界。
英国有80%的学校用它教学生学习母语,全球有 133个国家用它作为外语学习教材。
以2a为例,第五课The Wobbly Tooth里有牙仙的典故;第八课Super Dad有‘Red Nose Day'的英国传统;第26课The Jumble Sale有跳蚤市场;第28课 At the Seaside中隐含伦敦的双层巴士文化等。
我建议6、7岁零起点的儿童使用牛津故事书软件1、2,主要注重一个一个地模仿单词的发音,然后一周背1--2篇课文,不要求写单词;4、5个月后学习26个字母,9个月左右学习音标;11个月左右背到牛津故事树 4a,然后在倒过来学习典范英语2课本,慢慢强调单词的记忆。
还有一个学生给出了一个很特别的原因—先前的老师too ugly‘太丑了’。
英语有一句成语—You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.汉语相应的成语是“强按牛头不喝水”,用来比喻孩子学英语,比较形象。
后来Gardner and Lambert(1972:12-16)认为,人们学习第二语言也一定也受某种认同动机的驱动,只不过这时认同对象不是父母,而是一整个民族语言社团(a whole ethnolinguistic community),伴随这一认同动机的是对于该族群或其文化的求知欲(inquisitiveness)和浓厚兴趣(sincere或genuine interest),这种对另一个民族语言社团的认同心理为掌握第二语言提供了所需要的持久动力。
为了对学习第一语言和第二语言时的认同心理有所区别,Gardner and Lambert(1972)保留“认同心理”(identification)作为第一语言的学习动机,把第二语言的学习动机称为“融入性动机”(integrative motivation)。
与融入性动机形成对照的是Gardner and Lambert(1972)所称的“工具性导向”(instrumental orientation)。
这个术语是改造利用了美国著名行为心理学家 Skinner(1953)所说的“工具性条件制约”(instrumental conditioning,又称 operant conditioning)。
Gardner and Lambert(同上)认为,人们学习语言,特别是外语,很多时候动力不是来自融入性动机,而是来自工具性导向,也就是说,希望通过掌握外语,获得社会承认或经济上的好处。
Gardner and Lambert(1972)的理论后来受到一些批评,批评之一就是,他们没有区分第二语言学习和外语学习。