
Regular tests, home work, and participation grades to monitor students' progress
Course Content
Course Structure
Welcome Page Course objectives and introduction
Vocabulary focus
Free time activities, travel and accommodation
Course Structure
Unit 6
Farewell and review
Grammar focus
Subjunctive and reported speech
Vocabulary focus
Language Fuovered include introducing yourself and others, describing daily routines, describing school life, ordering food in a restaurant, using public transport, describing hobbies and interests, making arrangements for meetings and travel, and expressing farewells
covers a range of topics to engage students in real life
situations and stimulate their interest in learning English
Multimedia Material

listening and speaking abilities
Selection of teaching methods
Task based teaching
Design tasks based on the actual situation of students, guide students to complete tasks in groups, and cultivate students' autonomous learning and cooperative learning abilities
Learning Needs
Attention is paid to the individual differences and learning needs of students, designing interactive and engaging learning tasks to stimulate students' interest in learning English and developing their autonomous learning abilities
Interactive link design
Interactive Questions
Design interactive questions based on teaching content, guide students to think actively, and enhance classroom interaction
practical exercises
Listening and Speaking Training

作者原创!PPT制作精美,课前演讲的效果绝对极佳THERESTLESSAIR?Youralarmgoesoff.Anewdaybegi ns.Whatwillyouwear?Whatwillyoudo??Youranswersdepe ndontheweather.WEA THER??Youprobablytalkabouttheweatheratleastonc eeveryday.Justwhatisweather?Insimpleterms,weatherisw hatishappeningintheairaroundyou.atleast至少WEA THER?Weatheraffectsourlivesinmanydifferentways .Airlinepilotsknowhowfastandfromwhatdirectionwindsar eblowingbeforetheytakeoffandland.Peoplewhofishareawa reofstormsbrewingoutatsea.Farmerswaitfordryweathertos tartharvestingtheircrops.affect影响harvest收获crop庄稼WEA THERorCLIMATE?Weatherispoweredbythesunhea tingWhileweatherchangesfromdaytoday,climateisaregion ’sgeneralpatternofEarth.Thisheatenergyisresponsibleforwe atheroveralongperiodoftime.creatingdifferentclimatesindi fferentplacesonEarth.pattern模式InternationalKiteFestivalWEA THERFORECAST?Ifyouwanttoknowwhattheweath erwillbeliketomorrow,youcanfindaforecastinthenewspape r,onTV,oronInternet.Untilabout150yearsago,however,fore castsweremadebypeopleobservingtheirsurroundings.They paidalotofattentiontothecloudsandthewinds.Today,forecastingtomorrow’sornextweek’sweatheristhejobofmeteorologists(气象学家),scientistswhostudytheweather.Modernweatherforecas tingdependsoncollectingenormousamountsofinformation —allaroundtheworld.TORNADOTORNADO?Atornadoisaviolentstormwhosecentreisaclo udintheshapeofafunnel(漏斗).Tornadoscanalwaysmakeverystrongcircularwinds.Windsinsideatornadomayreachspeedsofmorethan400kil ometersanhour.Atornadomaysuckupcars,trees,andevenbu ildingsonlytosmashthembackdowntoEar(来自:博威范文网:初中生英语演讲ppt)th.Tornadosusuallylastlessthantenminutes.However,t heycanleavebehindatrailofseveredestruction.ADVICE?WEBSITETOVISIT:?1.NationalWeatherServi ce:今日推荐7份文档8份文档Asthewholeworldhasitsboundaries,limitsandfreedomco existinourlife.Idon’texpectcompletefreedom,whichisimpossible.Isimplyhave adreamthatsupportsmylife.Idreamthatoneday,Icouldescapefromthedeepseaofthicks choolbooksandleadmyownlife.Withmyfavoritefictions,Ili efreelyonthegreengrass,smellingthespring,listeningtothe windsinging,breathingthefreshandcoolairanddissolvemys oulinnatureatlast.Simpleandshortenjoymentcanbringmegr eatsatisfaction. Idreamthatonedaytheadultscouldthrowtheirprejudiceofc omicandcartoonaway.Theycouldkeepalovelyheartthatcan sharesorrowandhappinesswithuswhilewatchingcartoonor doingpersonalthings.That’stherealcommunicationofhearttoheart. Ihavethebeliefthatmydreamsshouldcometrue.Iamlookin gforwardtosomedaycomingwhenIamlikeaproudeagle,whi chfliestotheblueandvastsky.希望能帮上忙,谢谢!。

We keep on advancing in the society
我們繼續提升 社會地位
trying to make the best of our time.
We are the stars wherever we go
and we are finally RICH!
I do not know whether it is good for everybody, but
I’m sure that at least I will have had a wonderful time…
which by the way is what counts more.
最後我們獲得了一張文憑 來確保地位
We participate to the increase of unemployment 我們參與了一場場不被錄用面試
...until we find a job. 直到找到了工作
Through hard tests we are accepted in the world of work.
我們在學校開始被教育成 要成為一個好的國民
We spend a great part of our childhood studying,
我們花了很多 童年的時光在學習上
and finally we get the diploma that will ensure us “the position we deserve”.
2021/10/10 高興獲得朋友的消息
初中英语演讲(主题:天气) PPT 课件

• Winds inside a tornado may reach speeds of more than 400 kilometers an hour. A tornado may suck up cars, trees, and even buildings only to smash them back down to Earth. Tornados usually last less than ten minutes. However, they can leave behind a trail of severe destruction.
• Today, forecasting tomorrow’s or next week’s weather is the job of meteorologists (气象学家), scientists who study the weather. Modern weather forecasting depends on collecting enormous amounts of information—all around the world.
pattern 模式
International Kite Festival
• If you want to know what the weather will be like tomorrow, you can find a forecast in the newspaper, on TV, or on Internet. Until about 150 years ago, however, forecasts were made by people observing their surroundings. They paid a lot of attention to the clouds and the winds.

Storing is a powerful way to connect with your audience and keep their interest
Building trust and credibility
Speak with authority
Back up your points with facts and statistics to demonstrate your expertise
Write a well structured and logically coherent speech, including an opening statement, main content, and conclusion.
Collect images, charts, videos, and other materials related to the theme to make the speech more convincing and visually appealing.
02 Presentation skills
Organization structure
Clear Introduction
Start with an attention grabbing introduction to set the tone for your presentation
Clear Covey Information
Use simple language
Average jargon and complex senses to ensure everyone in your audience can understand your message

It’s the biggest hamburger in the world. (The world's biggest
hamburg is 84.14 billion kg, the price is $399.)
The world's largest flag
The top of the world
The top of the world means one of the most prominent(突出的) people or things in the world. “Guinness” was originally the name of a brewery(啤酒厂).
the world
• The world's small car
Terry Watkins curled up in his
car, this car is 1 metre high, 3
metres long and 0.7 metres
wide. The maximum speed is
70 miles per hour, with a seat
Guinness World Records, known until 2000 as The Guinness
Book of Records (and in previous U.S. editions as The
Guinness Book of World Records), is a reference book
What is the top of the world?? • Let’s see some Guinness Records in the

Feeling lonely Seeking help
What shall we do?
经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量 Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More
Making Friends On Line
1. Introduction & background
2. Reasons for Making Friends on Line 3. Ways and process 4. Summary and thoughts
1.Introduction & background
3.Ways and process
• mon ways
• 2. Chat tools(qq,msn,facebook) • 3. Network game
• 4. Community BBS • 5. Bottles
• 6. Micro letter
4.ummary and thoughts
Internet users in the world (Unit:Billion)
0 2007 2008 2009 2010
网络用户人数(单 位:亿)

metaphors to resonate and
Example 2: Cultural Exchange Theme Speech
Speech topic
Crossing cultural divide and promoting exchange and mutual learning
Grammar correctness
The sentence structure is clear, the grammar is accurate, and there are no obvious grammar errors.
Clear pronunciation
The speaker has accurate pronunciation, clear pronunciation, natural intonation, and is easy for the audience to understand.
Speech content
Introduce the differences and commonalities between different cultures, explore the significance
and value of cultural exchange
Presentation skills
Analysis of speech examples
Example 1: Environmental Protection Theme Speech
Speech Topic
Protecting the Environment, Starting from Me

D Loves The heart that once truly loves never forgets.
曾经爱过,永难忘怀。 曾经爱过,永难忘怀。
E Good-bye With a ture friend,the world is but a little place,after all.
海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。
B Friendship
Treasure is not always a friend,but a friend is always a treasure. 财富不是永远的朋友,朋友是 永远的财富。
C Encourage
In all things it is better to hope than to despair.
Words of Advice Given From the Intimate
Байду номын сангаас
A Congratulation
Congratulations on your graduation! Wishing you a future filled success and joy of seeing your dreams come true. 祝你学成毕业! 祝你学成毕业! 愿你前程似锦, 愿你前程似锦, 事事如愿以偿。 事事如愿以偿。

Kuwaiti Dinar
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ10
The third part: Chinese Yuan
repeatedly, ruthless.
The second part: The most expensive and the cheapest
• Cheapest Turkish Lira (before 2005)
1 euro = 1.8 million Turkish lira.
• South Korean won
decade , Euro is the first currency in the world which is capable competing with U. S Dollar . • As one of the biggest country, China should
take some responsibilities. RMB must be international developed.
US Dollars
1$=6.6430RMB • U.S. dollar is the world's most important currency, accounting for threequarters of the world's foreign exchange reserves
Euro 1Euro=8.9001RMB
• Now I would like to introduce the world's

Use questions, balls, or other interactive techniques to involve the audience in the presentation
React to audience feedback or comments to create a dynamic and
Use Gestures and Facial Expressions to enhance communication and make the presentation more engaging
Pay attention to promotion, introduction, and speaking speed
Take deep breaks or engage in relaxation techniques before the presentation to reduce nervousness
Use visual aids or slides as a reminder of key points to help overcome memory episodes
Writing a speech and practicing promotion
Write a clear and concise speech, with a beginning, middle, and end
Practice your promotion and delivery, ensuring that you speak clearly and at a comfortable space

Avoidance excess relationship on visual aids
Do not overshadow visual aids, as they should complete the speech rate that overshadows it
Incorporate visual aids such as slides, videos, or props to enhance
the presentation and keep the audience engaged
Organize information with clear structure and rigorous logic
Use transition words and phrases to connect ideas smoothly and guide the audience through the speech
Examples, stories, or data support viewpoints
Use real life examples or stories to illustrate key points and make them more reliable and impactful
Plan attractive and relevant content
Brainstorm ideas and select topics that are engaging, timely, and relevant to the audsonal experiences to connect with the audience and make the speech more memorable
ppt展示English Speech(英语演讲)

Theodore Roosevelt, “Every new public speaker will feel nervous. Nervousness doesn’t mean cowardice, but an exceeding stimulate in nervousness.”
• I think, I feel, I am sure, Maybe, They say etc.
6)使用短句比长句更佳。 7)巧妙运用英语中的修辞手段。
• a) We left America safe, we left America secure, we left America free —— still a beacon of hope to mankind, still a light unto nations. (Ronald Reagan) • b) Now is the time to make real the promises of democracy. Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit of racial justice. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksand of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. (Martin Luther King) • c) We will be candid, consistent, and confident. (Geral Ford) • d) The task is heavy, the toil is long, and the trials will be severe. (Winston Churchill)

Holistic Evaluation: Consideration of multiple factors, including attention, participation, home work, tests, and projects, to provide a comprehensive evaluation of student performance
Explanation of knowledge points: Present teaching content through PPT, clearly explain English knowledge points and language skills.
Review of learned content: Use PPT to review the knowledge points and language skills learned in this lesson, deepening students' understanding and memory of the learned content.
Communicative Approach
Emphasis on the use of English in authentic communication sites, promoting fluency and naturalness in language use
Task Based Learning
Collection of students' best work for evaluation, allowing them to demonstrate their skills and understanding
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What is the meaning of the starry sky?
1、虽然信念有时薄如蝉翼,但只要坚 持,它 会越来 越厚的 。 2、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是 不努力 却什么 改变也 没有。 3、人生那么多事可以做,鸡毛蒜皮并 不足以 成为你 的全世 界。 3、在我们的一生中,没有人会为你等 待,没 有机遇 会为你 停留, 成功也 需要生活不 能没有 游戏, 否则就 会单调 无聊。 5、你要求的次数愈多,你就越容易得 到你要 的东西 ,而且 连带地 也会得 到更多 乐趣。 6、把气愤的心境转化为柔和,把柔和 的心境 转化为 爱,如 此,这 个世间 将更加 完美。
周宇杰 Zhou Yujie
谢欣美 Xie Xinmei
Starry sky—— Happiness
Do you still remember the night of that summer?
It is the most beautiful starry sky I have ever seen.