



2019年英语翻译考试初级笔译汉译英精选范文(11)Then the unexpected happened. I had no thought in reaching the natural heights that a human structure would be present. Normally, I would have avoided any such structure as I directed my steps toward the natural view. In retrospect it makes sense that a service building be present at the trail end. It may have had facilities for visitors and played an interpretive role. But the building was not present when I arrived. It was absent though its ruin was present. And that ruin spoke to my experience as related to what I had come to see. If I had been trudging on in a dulled state, passing the time in surroundings — like those of the railway station —that did not draw interest, I might well have missed the chimney, walked past it as if it were another tree on the way to the goal. The heightened intensity of my sensibility allowed the chimney to be integrated into the experiencing aesthetically. Readiness was all. The extraterrestrial aesthetician would explain that the creature it was observing on the trail was a specimen of an aesthetic being whose experiencing apparatus for the aesthetic was on full alert. The individual was completely given over to the enjoyment of its experience. And while headed in the direction of an anticipated goal it was nonetheless open to enjoying anything that came its way. Something quite unexpected came its way, and it was ready to attend to it, getting the maximum aesthetic value out of the encounter. The creature was embarked on an adventure in experience. Given the wide range of accessible natural wonders in the national park, theindividual in the right mood was bound to make gratifying discoveries.接着,出乎意料的景观出现了。



2019年英语翻译考试笔译高级翻译译文(1)1. The decision to live in big cities reflects the desire of young Chinese to integrate themselves into the mainstream culture and to keep up with the times.定居大城市体现了中国年青一代融入主流社会并与时俱进的愿望。

2. The use of Renminbi in international trade is likelyto take off first in Asia and then between China and other developing countries.亚洲有可能首先使用人民币对国际贸易实行结算,然后再扩展到与其它发展中国家的贸易中。

3. Ensuring the safety of products is essential for the growth of an innovative society, for consumers will not buy what they fear.确保产品的安全性对创新型社会的发展是至关重要的,因为消费者不会购买令他们担心的产品。

4. If taxes on commerce are too high, they may reducethe volume of trade and hence the amount.商业税率过高不但会减少贸易的交易数量而且还会影响货物交易的总量。

5. The Oscars are not the ultimate and final recognition for every film made in the world; it is just a film award ceremony.对世界上所有的电影来说,奥斯卡奖并不意味着获得最终的认可,仅仅是电影颁奖典礼而已。








Job-huntingIf you want to find a job, you'll have to put your information down, only when you clearly know what you can do, you can make a plan that where to find the job.Your resume should include your education, working experience and relevant documents. When filling inapplication form, they can be made the reference and is also extremely valuablein in the interview. When the potential employers have a talk with you, they are also consideringyour education background, working experience and other relevant qualifications. Your abilities should be shew up reasonably and orderly.Getting ready for the "blueprint" of your abilities and desire, you will finish the necessary preparation for yourjob-seeking.。



2019年英语翻译考试初级笔译汉译英精选范文(5)Have we merely carried our animal need for shrewd perceptions to an absurd extreme? Or have we stumbled onto a deep congruence between the structure of our minds and the structure of the universe?这个切究竟来源于何?仅仅是我们将本能的敏锐感知力推向了荒谬的极致,还是我们不经意间摸索到了扎根于人类思想和苍茫万物间那深刻的一致性?I am persuaded the latter is true. I am convincedthere's more to beauty than biology, more than cultural convention. It flows around and through us in such abundance, and in such myriad forms, as to exceed by a wide margin any mere evolutionary need. Which is not to say that beauty has nothing to do with survival: I think it has everything to do with survival. Beauty feeds us from the same source that created us.我相信后者是准确的。






2019年英语翻译考试笔译高级翻译译文(2)1. 古时候人们都是选择有水的地方定居。

In ancient times,people always located where there was water.2. 我们丰富的资源和稳定的政策为外商投资提供了有利条件.Our abundant resources and stable policy provide foreigners with the advantages they invest here.3. 你完全不了解本保单中你理应承担什么样的责任。

You absolutely don't know what responsibility you should take in the policy.4. 尊老爱幼是中华民族的传统美德,应该发扬光大。

Respecting the old and cherishing the young is a Chinese traditional virtue, which should be carried on and broadened.5. 我们应该学会用一种发展的眼光去看待失败,以避免犯类似的错误。

We should learn to use a development vision to see failure in order to avoid making similar mistakes.6. 中关村是北京的高科技中心,被誉为“中国的硅谷”。

Zhongguancun is the high-tech center in Beijing, known as China's Silicon Valley.7. 长城是中华文明的摇篮,是世界文化遗产之一。

The Great Wall,the cradle of civilizationof China, is one of the world cultural heritage.8. 纵观国内外经济形势,我们正处在一个难得的发展时期。



姓名:报考专业: 准考证号码:密封线内不要写题2019年全国硕士研究生招生考试初试自命题试题科目名称:英语翻译基础(□A 卷■B 卷)科目代码:357考试时间:3小时 满分150分可使用的常用工具:√无 □计算器 □直尺 □圆规(请在使用工具前打√)注意:所有答题内容必须写在答题纸上,写在试题或草稿纸上的一律无效;考完后试题随答题纸交回。

Part One Phrase Translation(30 points)Directions: This part consists of two sections. In the following two sections you are supposed to translate 30 expressions, abbreviations or proper names, either from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English.Section A English to Chinese (15 points)1) ASEAN 2) hitch ride3) (UK) Chancellor of the Exchequer 4) e-sports tournament 5) digital strip searches6) Office of the US Trade Representative 7) lunar exploration program 8) tax declaration9) International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 10) White House Correspondents Association 11) pseudo base station 12) applets 13) wearable devices 14) zombie policy 15) seagoing airbaseSection B Chinese to English (15 points)1) 家庭收支 2) 收视率造假 3) 刷脸2019年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试答案科目名称:英语翻译基础(□A卷■B卷)科目代码:357考试时间:3小时满分 150 分可使用的常用工具:√□无□计算器□直尺□圆规(请在使用工具前打√)注意:所有答题内容必须写在答题纸上,写在试题或草稿纸上的一律无效;考完后试题随答题纸交回。



2019年英语翻译考试初级笔译汉译英精选范文(15)Through all of our history we have pondered the stars and mused whether humanity is unique or if, somewhere else in the dark of the night sky, there are other beings who contemplate and wonder as we do, fellow thinkers in the cosmos. Such beings might view themselves and the universe differently. There might be very exotic biologies and technologies and societies. In a cosmic setting vast and old beyond ordinary human understanding, we are a little lonely, and we ponderthe ultimate significance, if any, of our tiny but exquisite blue planet. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is the search for generally acceptable cosmic context for the human species. In the deepest sense, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence is a search for ourselves.Along with the growing dedication to a serious search, a slightly negative note has merged which is nevertheless very interesting. A few scientists have lately asked a curious question: if extraterrestrial intelligence is abundant, why have we not already seen its manifestations?解析:贯穿我们整个历史,我们一直在考察星星,思考人类是否是的高级生命,还是也许在黑暗的夜空某一处,还有其他生命,宇宙中同辈思想家,也和我们一样在思考,在怀疑。







Passage One译文:赫尔曼·梅尔维尔是美国文学的一位杰出代表,他最著名的作品莫过于《白鲸》。






Passage Two译文:文艺复兴是欧洲历史上的一个重要时期,它标志着欧洲从中世纪的黑暗走向了文明。





Passage Three译文:科技的快速发展给人类社会带来了许多便利和改变,然而,也伴随着一些问题和挑战。









1. ⾸先我们讨论“为⼈”和“⾮⼈”的问题,2015年的真题中也出现过“⽆是⾮之⼼,⾮⼈也”这样的句⼦。

许多同学(包括很多参考书)都将其翻译为non-human,这是值得商榷的:儒学讨论的“⾮⼈”并⾮是在强调物种意义上的界限,⽽是“⼈(或君⼦)作为具有精神与⽂明的动物,与寻常动物(或⼩⼈)有着本质的区别”,因此这⾥⽤civility, civilized, educated, well-mannered, well-behaved等强调精神素养(⽽⾮⽣物属性)类的词汇都是可以的。

2. 这句话的另⼀个难点在于处理“爱”、“情”、“理”、“⼼”和“德”这四个概念,可以说,这四个关键词都属于抽象层⾯的形⽽上概念,本⾝就⾮常虚⽆缥缈,还要两两安排修饰关系,难度很⼤。

不过同学们可以采⽤递进式的选词策略处理这⼀难题:3. 在“恻隐”这⼀概念有明确对应词sympathy的基础上,我们将“恻隐”上⾯⼀层的“爱”朝着感性的⽅向翻译,反之,将“恻隐”下层的“情”和“理”逐级朝着理性的⽅向翻译:to love is to sympathize, and sympathy belongs to emotion whose ultimate essence is ren.4. 其次是处理“天地”这样的传统⽂化词汇,⼤家只要挑出字⾯意思,不要机械地翻译成sky and earth这样具体特指之物就好,⽽应选择nature, universe等更具抽象意味的概念参考翻译Zhu Xi, another Confucian philosopher in the Song dynasty, agrees with Cheng Hao and, further, claims that ren is the li (principle) of benevolence and the essence of mental betterment (literally, heart). Zhu Xi thinks to love is to sympathize and sympathy belongs to emotion whose ultimate essence is ren. Human being is different from other creatures because we hold the same li and qi (literally air and breath, meaning spirit and vigor in Chinese) with that of the universe.译⽂备注1. universe的其中⼀个义项就是“a person's life, including all of the people, places, and ideas which affect them”。



2019年英语翻译考试初级笔译汉译英精选范文(10)1When I go around on speaking engagements, they allexpect me to assume a Quaker-Oats look.2The door was unlocked. She went inside and sat in a stupor. She was near collapse, barely able to move herswollen feet.3“It is true that the enemey won the battle, but theirs is but a Pyrrhic victory.”said the General.4 dirty-yellow sky had threatened rain all day and a hollow stillness hung over the valley.5I pulled up a chair and sat down. I sat with my legs wide apart at first. But this struck me as being irreverent and too familiar. So I put my knees together and let my hands rest loosely on them.解析:1应邀外出演讲时,他们都指望我摆出一付毫无表情、一本正经的面孔。







2019年英语翻译考试初级笔译汉译英精选范文(7)What is it that we mean by literature? Popularly, and amongst the thoughtless, it is held to include everythingthat is printed in a book. Little logic is required todisturb that definition. The most thoughtless person iseasily made aware that in the idea of literature oneessential element is some relation to a general and common interest of man—so that what applies only to a local, or professional, or merely personal interest, even though presenting itself in the shape of a book, will not belong to Literature. So far the definition is easily narrowed; and it is as easily expanded. For not only is much that takes a station in books not literature; but inversely, much that really is literature never reaches a station in books. The weekly sermons of Christendom, that vast pulpit literature which acts so extensively upon the popular mind—to warn, to uphold, to renew, to comfort, to alarm—does not attain the sanctuary of libraries in the ten-thousandth part of its extent. The Drama again—as, for instance, the finest of Shakespeare's plays in England, and all leading Athenian plays in the noontide of the Attic stage—operated as a literature on the public mind, and were (according to the strictest letter of that term) published through the audiences that witnessed their representation some time before they were published as things to be read; and they were published in this scenical mode of publication with much more effect than they could have had as books during ages of costly copying or of costly printing.我们所说的“文学”是什么呢?人们,尤其是对此欠考虑者,普遍会认为:文学包括印在书本中的一切。



2019年郑州大学MTI真题357翻译基础一、词条连线(15*2)人类命运共同体上海进博会啮合装置伺服机构社会主义核心价值观命运共同体上海国际出口展览会重型机器人聊天机器人印刷电路单个集成电路遗传学临摹轴承运算器社会主义核心价值观TracingThe arithmetic logic unit LiabilityCrankshaft Community of shared future for mankind Shanghai International Import Expo Meshing gearServo mechanismSocialist core values Community of destinyShanghai International Export Exhibition Heavy robotChatbotPrinted circuitSingle integrated circuit GeneticsCopyBearingArithmetic unitSocialist core values追踪算术逻辑单元责任曲轴二、句子翻译汉译英(5*6)(1)两国本着理性、合作的态度,通过对话协商解决问题,化解了矛盾、缩小了分歧,双边经贸关系更趋成熟。





参考答案:(1) In a rational and cooperative manner, the two countries resolved issues through dialogue and consultation, resolved conflicts and narrowed differences, and bilateral economic and trade relations have matured.(2) Since March 2018, some people in the United States have unilaterally provoked Sino-US economic and trade frictions, and China has to take effective measures to resolutely defend the interests of the country and the people.(3) At the same time, China has always adhered to the basic position of resolving disputes through dialogue and consultation, conducted multiple rounds of economic and trade consultations with the US, andstrived to stabilize bilateral economic and trade relations.(4) China is willing to resolve the economic and trade differences and frictions between the two countries in a cooperative manner to promotea mutually beneficial and win-win agreement.(5) For the trade war, China is unwilling to fight, not afraid to fight, and has to fight if necessary. This attitude has not changed.三、句子英译汉(5*6)In general,our society is becoming one of the giant enterprises directed by a bureaucratic management in which man becomes a small well-oiled cog in the machinery. The oiling is done with higher wages,well-ventilated factories and piped music,and by psychologists and “human relations”experts; yet all this oiling does not alter the fact that man has become powerless,that he is bored with it. In fact,the blue-collar and the white-collar workers have become economic puppets who dance to the tune of automated machines and bureaucratic management.The worker and employee are anxious not only because they might find themselves out of a job,they are anxious also because they are unable to acquire any real satisfaction of interest in life. They live and die without ever having confronted the fundamental realities of human existence as emotionally and intellectually independent and productivehuman beings.Those higher up on the social ladder are no less anxious. Their lives are no less empty than those of their subordinates. They are even more insecure in some respects. They are in a highly competitive race. To be promoted or to fall behind is not a matter of salary but even more a matter of self-respect. When they apply for their first job,they are tested for intelligence as well as for the right mixture of submissiveness and independence. From that moment on they are tested again and again by the psychologists,for whom testing is a big business,and by their superiors,who judge their behavior,sociability,capacity to get along,etc. This constant need to prove that one is as good as or better than one's fellow competitor creates constant anxiety and stress,the very causes of unhappiness and illness.Am I suggesting that we should return to the pre-industrial mode of production or to nineteenth century“free enterprise”capitalism? Certainly not. Problems are never solved by returning to a stage which one has already outgrown. I suggest transforming our social system from a bureaucratically managed industrialism in which maximal production and consumption are ends in themselves into a humanist industrialism in which man and full development of his potentialities—those of all love and of reason—are the aims of social arrangements. Production and consumption should serve only as means to this end,and should beprevented from ruling man.参考答案:总的来说,我们的社会变成了一个官僚化管理的大型企业,其中的所有人都成了这台机器中润滑良好的小齿轮。



2019年英语翻译考试初级笔译汉译英精选范文(8)1The door was unlocked. She went inside and sat in a stupor. She was near collapse, barely able to move herswollen feet.2But my mother had not passed this way for years. Andthe slimness and the stride were long past, too.3I was limp as a dish rag. My back felt as though it had been beaten with wires.4As you know, we operate in a highly competitive marketin which we have been forced to cut our prices to the minimum.5I sat with his wife in their living room, looking outthe glass doors to the backyards, and there was Allen’s pool, still covered with black plastic that had been stretched across it for winter.解析:1没锁上,她走了进去,呆呆地坐了下来,极度的衰弱几乎使她无力挪动她那红肿的双脚。








2019年英语翻译考试初级笔译汉译英精选范文(6)It reminds us of the shaping power that reaches through the flower stem and through our own hands. It restores ourfaith in the generosity of nature. By giving us a taste ofthe kinship between our own small minds and the great Mind of the Cosmos, beauty reassures us that we are exactly and wonderfully made for life on this glorious planet, in this magnificent universe. I find in that affinity a profound source of meaning and hope. A universe so prodigal of beauty may actually need us to notice and respond, may need oursharp eyes and brimming hearts and teeming minds, in order to close the circuit of Creation.无论是一朵花或是一双手,都让我们联想到美的创造力量。







2019翻译硕士各校真题汇总北京航空航天大学Skope theory(Skope theorie目的论blank verse translation:无韵体翻译音译:transcription 北京语言大学HTTP:(hypertext transport protocol)超文本传送协议EFTA(European free trade association )欧洲自由贸易联盟APEC(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)亚太经济合作组NPT (Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons)《不扩散核武器条约》V AT(V alue Added Tax)附加税IPO(Initial Public Offering)首次公开募股strait exchange fundation 海峡交流基金会The Milky Way:银河International Date Line国际日期变更线(日界线)returns on equity(REO)股本回报率mass transit system :公共交通系统 a five percent discount :九五折equalitarianism:平等主义自主招生:autonomous enrollment工笔画:claborate-style painting 《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror限购purchase restriction 弱势群体Social vulnerable groups 军国主义Militarism探月工程lunar probe program 鸿门宴Hongmen banquet 三权分立checks and balances 中国证监会the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)党内民主Democracy within the party2019华中科技大学食品添加剂:food additivesCPI :消费者物价指数(Consumer Price Index)AQ:逆境商数( Adversity Quotient)CBD:中央商务区(central business district;)DHL:中外运敦豪国际航空快递有限公司Oxfam:乐施会unitary government:单一制政府intravenous drip:静脉注射EU emission cap:欧盟排放上限咖啡烘焙商:技术密集型产品:technological-intensive product弱势群体:disadvantaged minority,vulnerable groups千年发展目标:The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)金砖五国:BRICS, (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)NDRC :国家发展和改革委员会(National Development and Reform Commission) ASEAN:东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations),简称东盟。

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Knowledge and WisdomBy Wei Lin译/李小撒知识与智慧文/林巍【1】知识与智慧的关系,是人们历来愿意谈论而又似乎谈不清的问题;然而,它的确与人们的学习、教育、生活、科技等方面有关。

The relationship between knowledge and wisdom is something that we have long been trying to pin down, but to no avail. Notwithstanding its elusive nature, this issue merits further discussion, for it undoubtedly has much to do with our learning, education, life, science, technology, and so on.【2】“知识”可以理解为“人类至今对于物质世界里客观事实系统化的认知”,而“智慧”则很难定义。


While “knowledge” could be regarded as “human beings’ systematic perception of the objective facts in the physical world to this day”, “wisdom” is very difficult, if not impossible, to define. Explanations offered in various reference books are far from satisfactory, as the so-called wisdom is often confused with competence or cleverness.【3】不同于许多人的观点,我以为,知识是智慧的基础,因为不可想象,一个有智慧的人是无知的。



Contrary to what many people might think, my opinion is that knowledge constitutes the basis of wisdom, because it seems inconceivable that a man of wisdom could be ignorant. For example, it would not have dawned upon Zhuge Liang [1], the epitome of wisdom, that sufficient arrows could be “borrowed” from the opponent army with the aid of an “east wind” [2], but for his rich knowledge in astronomy and geography. Similarly, had the “old man at the frontier” known little about horses, he could not have regained his lost possession. No wonder Aristotle came to the conclusion that wisdom is, in a certain sense, some kind of knowledge.【4】但是,有知识绝不等于有智慧。


Nevertheless, it should be noted that knowledge can by no means be equated with wisdom, because an illiterate man might be able to keep a very complicated issue in perspective whereas a philosophy professor could do something quite stupid in his dealing with simple matters.【5】孔子说,“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”;这里的“学”可理解为获得知识,“思”则是对于知识的运用,形成智慧。

Confucius [3] once remarked, “Learning without thinking is labor lost; thinking without learning is perilous.” In this context, “learning” can be taken as acquiring knowledge while “thinking” might be seen as the application of knowledge to arrive at wisdom.【6】知识可以占有,智慧只能发挥;知识向外求得,智慧于内感悟;知识越获越丰富,智慧越凝越升华。


Knowledge can be possessed while wisdom is not exclusive to any particular person. Knowledge is derived from the outside world while wisdom comes from within. The more knowledge one accumulates, the more comprehensive it gets; in contrast, the greater the wisdom, the simpler it becomes, hence the saying by Lao-tzu [4], “Learning is addition whereas the practice of Tao is subtraction [5].”【7】对于人的智力,知识是分学科的,而智慧则是打通的;知识具有客观性、一致性、逻辑性,智慧则具主观性、个体性、创造性;知识没有善恶,智慧却可善可恶;知识最终为智慧所推论、总结、应用。

In terms of human intelligence, knowledge can be categorized according to subject or discipline, but wisdom knows no boundaries between different subjects. Compared with knowledge, which is relatively objective, consistent and logic, wisdom is subjective, individual and creative. While knowledge is neither good nor bad, wisdom could be either good or bad. In the final analysis, knowledge is deduced, abstracted and put to use by wisdom.【8】能力,是智慧在某一具体环节上的运用;聪明,则可理解为狭义的智慧。

Competence is the application of wisdom in a specific case while cleverness can be seen as wisdom in a narrow sense.【9】智慧其实无法尽用语言概括——还包括情感、品格、观念、德行、性情以及天时地利等综合因素的整合, 而其最高境界是“大智若愚”。


Honestly, I am afraid language can not fully convey the rich tapestry of wisdom, for it also involves one’s emotions, character, views, values, dispositions and a combination of various other elements, such as an opportune time and favorable geographic conditions. “A man of great wisdom is like a fool”, so goes a Chinese saying. This is what true wisdom is about. Therefore, we need to distinguish between knowledge and wisdom, and realize that even though artificial intelligence (AI) may replace knowledge, competence and cleverness, it would never take the place of human wisdom.Notes:[1] Zhuge Liang (181-234), a well-known Chinese military strategist who served as a chancellor of the state of Shu Han during the Three Kingdoms period.[2] Zhuge Liang once obtained, with straw boats, more than 100,000 arrows from Cao Cao’s army.[3] Chinese philosopher (551-479 B.C.), whose ideas about the importance of practical moral values were collected by his disciples in the Analects and formed the basis of the philosophy of Confucianism.[4] Chinese philosopher (around 600 B.C.), traditionally regarded as the founder of Taoism and author of the Tao-te-Ching.[5] A line from Lao-tzu’s Tao-te-Ching, Chapter 48.以上是译文的内容,更多关于MTI备考的问题欢迎私信交流,祝大家考研一切顺利!!!。
