艾默生过程控制有限公司(费希尔-罗斯蒙特)一. 简介:罗斯蒙特公司是世界上最大的自动化仪器仪表公司,以生产优质压力、温度、流量、液位测量仪表及其他各种自动化仪表而闻名于世, 连续数年在美国《CONTROL》杂志组织的年度评比和客户调查中以显著的优势位居第一。
3051S为现场自动化行业提供了新的价值平台!精度0.065%经典型,0.04%超级型,量程比200:1;10年稳定性和12年的寿命保证期.2. 温度变送器、温度传感器:罗斯蒙特公司是以温度产品起家的,第一个产品的航空用的高精度温度传感器,迄今已有38年温度产品制造经验。
罗斯蒙特3144P温度变送器业界领先的过程测量解决方案,提供无与伦比的现场可靠性和创新性•超高精度和稳定性•支持多种输入(热电阻、热电偶、毫伏、欧姆),支持双传感器和单传感器输入•全面的传感器和过程诊断功能•IEC 61508 安全认证•双室外壳•大LCD 显示屏•HART 修订版(版本5 和版本7 )或FOUNDA TION 现场总线协议可供选择变送器的特性有:•支持双传感器和单传感器输入•变送器- 传感器匹配(选项代码C2 )•一体化防雷端子( 选项代码T1)•通过IEC 61508 安全认证( 选项代码QT)•高级传感器和过程诊断功能( 选项代码D01 和DA1)•易读的大LCD 显示屏( 选项代码M5)•" 组装到传感器" 选项( 选项代码XA)罗斯蒙特3144P 温度变送器订购信息型号产品描述3144P 温度变送器外壳型式材料导线管入口尺寸D1 现场安装外壳,双室外壳铝1/2-14 NPTD2 现场安装外壳,双室外壳铝M20 x 1.5 (CM20)D3 现场安装外壳,双室外壳铝PG 13.5 (PG11)D4 现场安装外壳,双室外壳铝JIS G /2D5 现场安装外壳,双室外壳不锈钢1/2-14 NPTD6 现场安装外壳,双室外壳不锈钢M20 x 1.5 (CM20)D7 现场安装外壳,双室外壳不锈钢PG 13.5 (PG11)D8 现场安装外壳,双室外壳不锈钢JIS G /2变送器输出A 4–20 mA ,采用基于HART 协议的数字信号F FOUNDATION 现场总线数字信号( 包括 3 个模拟输入功能块和备用链路活动调度器)测量配置1 单传感器输入2 双传感器输入产品认证NA 无认证E5 FM 隔爆、防尘燃和非易燃认证I5(1) FM 本安和非易燃( 对于现场总线设备,包括标准IS 和FISCO)K5(1) FM 本安、非易燃和隔爆组合( 对于现场总线设备,包括标准IS 和FISCO)KB(1) FM 和CSA 本安、隔爆和非易燃组合( 对于基金会现场总线设备,包括标准IS 和FISCO)I6(1) CSA 本安/FISCO Division 2 ( 对于现场总线设备,包括标准IS 和FISCO)K6(1) CSA 本安、FISCO Division 2 和隔爆组合( 对于现场总线设备,包括标准IS 和FISCO)E1 ATEX 隔爆认证N1 ATEX n 型认证I1(1) ATEX 本安认证( 对于现场总线设备,包括标准IS 和FISCO)K1(1) ATEX 本安、隔爆、防尘燃和n 型组合( 对于现场总线设备,包括标准IS 和FISCO)ND ATEX 防尘燃认证KA(1) ATEX/CSA 本安、隔爆组合( 对于现场总线设备,包括标准IS 和FISCO) E7 IECEx 隔爆认证N7 IECEx "n" 型认证组装到选项XA 传感器单独指定,并组装到变送器上典型型号: 3144P D1 A 1 E5 B4 M5(1) 当针对FOUNDATION 现场总线要求本安认证时,标准本安和FISCO 本安认证同时适用。
! rms
/ !" 50/60 Hz 707V dc
500 V ac
!"#$ !"#$%&'()*+,-. !"# NAMUR NAMUR ! NE 43 !" NAMUR !"#$%& ! 1 NAMUR NE43 1 ! 3.9 I 20.5 3.8 I 20.5 21 I 23 ! 21 I 23 I 3.75 I 3.6
!"#$% & Noryl? !" !" U !"#$ 0-99%
!" A
248 !" NAMUR ! NE 21 !"(EMC) !"#$%&'( NE 43 !"#$%&'(#)*+ NE 89 !"#$%&'()*+,
!N !" B
!"#$ 470 !"#$% !"# !"#$%&'()*+(,-./012 !" 470 !"# !" 00813-0100-4191
!"#$% 1000
!"#$% 100 K NiCr NiAl -40
+ ! 600 1000 !
!" 0
= 0.00385
(1) !"#$%&'&(!")*+ !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234"#56 (2) ! !"# 375 !"#$%& (3) !"#$% !&$ / !"#$% (4) ! HART/4-20 mA (5) !"#$%&' !"#$ 0.25 C 0.45 F !"#$ (6) NIST B !" 100 300 C 212 572 F !"# 3.0 C 5.4 F (7) NIST K !" -180 -90 C -292 -130 F !" 0.50 C 0.9 F)
!"#$%&'()* !"#$%&" !"#$%&'($)*+ !"#$%&'( !"#$%&'()*+,!" G1 !"#$%&' !"#$%&'()* ASME B 16.5 ANSI /IEEE C62.41-1991 IEEE 587 / ! A2 B3 6kV/3kA 6kV/0.5kA 4kV 1.2x50 S 100 kHz 8x 20 ! S ! 2
E J K N R T DIN L DIN U W5Re/W26Re ! 2,3,4
(1) (2)
0.014 0.029 - R - 300 0.0021% 0.046 - R - 100 0.0086% 0.004 + R 0.00043% 0.004 + R 0.00029% 0.004 + R 0.0020% 0.005 + R 0.00054% 0.005 + R 0.0020% 0.005 + R 0.00036% 0.015 0.021 - R 0.0032% 0.005 0.005 + R 0.00036% 0.0054 + R 0.00029% 0.0054 + R 0.0025% 0.0064 0.0064 + R 0.0043% 0.016 0.023 + R 0.0036% 0.00025 mV 0.007
图3. 644H和644R型变送器传感器接线图
图4. 变送器与外壳尺寸图 644R型
644H 型
60(2.4) 33(1.3)
通讯端子 电源端子
24(1.0) 故障方式开关
本图显示了WAGO® 弹簧夹端子
·变送器-传感器比对功能,可提高整个系统的测 量精度
·性能指标至少达到3 σ ·精度:±0.15℃(±0.27oF), Pt100热电阻
·稳定性:± 0.1% 读数或 ±0.1 ℃,以大者为准, 12个月,热电阻和热电偶输入
DIN 方式一体化安装 传感器连接壳
103(4.03)带液晶表头 75 (2.93)
不锈钢“U”型螺栓, 用于2英寸管道安装
128(5.04)带液晶表头 100 (3.93)
注意: 如果选择X1、X2或X3一体化组件选项,则出厂时通用连接壳将不配“U”型螺栓。 因为连接壳可与传感器一体化,可不需要使用“U”型螺栓进行安装。
现有螺纹式传感器连接壳 (以前的选项代码L1)
644H型改装组件, 包括安装支架和螺钉。
图7. 644H 型改装组件 (零件号00644-5321-0010)
2-,3-,4-线热电阻 Pt 100(α=0.00385)(4) Pt 100(α=0.003916)(5) Pt 200(4) Pt 500(4) Pt 1000(α=0.00385)(4)新! Ni 120(6) Cu 10(7)新! 热电偶(8) B型(9)(10) E型(9) J型(9)(11) K型(9) N型(9) R型(9) S型(9) T型(9) DIN L型(12) DIN U型(12) W5Re23型(13)新! 毫伏输入(14) 2-,3-,4-线欧姆输入
产品数据表00813-0106-4021, Rev TB2022 年 5 月Rosemount™ 3144P 温度变送器采用 Rosemount X-well™技术每一份责任都意味着无数挑战。
通过 Rosemount 3144P 变送器,您可以更好地观察温度过程,从而提高安全性、符合法规、对有限资源进行最佳利用并达到您的生产和质量目标。
利用 Rosemount X-well 技术、高级诊断功能以及卓越的变送器可靠性和精度,您可以最大限度地降低不符合规格的产品数量,减少维护和停工,提高有限资源的使用率,并符合法规要求。
功能与优点Complete Point Solution ™准确测量监测应用中的过程温度,无需热套管或过程穿孔■简化温度测量点的规格参数、安装和维护,并消除潜在的泄漏点。
通过此功能,您可以:■在您的 MyEmerson 账号上访问设备图纸、图表、技术文档和故障排除信息。
内容功能与优点........................................................................................................................................................................................2订购信息...........................................................................................................................................................................................5如何订购 Rosemount X-well 技术. (12)技术规格.........................................................................................................................................................................................13产品认证.........................................................................................................................................................................................26尺寸图 (35)Rosemount 3144P2022 年 5 月卓越的现场可靠性和创新性的过程测量方案■超高精度和稳定性■支持通用传感器输入(热电阻、热电偶、mV、ohms),可支持单传感器或双传感器装配■广泛的传感器和过程诊断产品■符合 SIL3:公认的第三方机构对在达到 SIL 3 要求(SIL 2 单用 [1oo1] 和 SIL3 冗余使用 [1oo2] 的最低要求)的仪表安全系统中的使用进行了 IEC61508 认证■双室外壳■大 LCD 显示屏■4–20 mA HART®,可选择版本(5 和 7)■F OUNDATION™现场总线,符合 ITK 6.0 和 NE107标准凭借一流的产品技术规格和功能提高效率■精度和稳定性业界领先,能够减少维护工作,提高性能。
罗斯蒙特 3144P 智能温度变送器
2 特点采用 HART 协议的罗斯蒙特 3144P 温度变送器具有卓越的测量精度、稳定性和可靠性,使其成为控制/安全应用中的行业领先温度变送器。
罗斯蒙特 3144P 具有支持单传感器输入和双传感器输入的双重能力。
•用于控制/安全领域的最佳温度变送器•一个变送器同时具有支持单传感器和双传感器的能力•增强的抗 EMI 和滤波能力在过程测量中确保了卓越的稳定性•通过 IEC61508 安全仪表系统(SIS)的第三方计量认证•行业领先的 5 年稳定性,降低维护成本•热备份® 和传感器漂移警告特性可提高测量的长期可靠性•变送器与传感器匹配消除了传感器的互换性误差,将测量精度提高 75%•即使在苛刻环境下,双室外壳也可确保最高的可靠性•一体化 LCD 表头的宽大显示屏,方便读数3 技术说明3.1 仪表整体防爆及防护等级:防爆等级:dIIBT4 、dIIBT5 ;防护等级:IP54。
3.2 仪表输出:模拟量输出::4-20mA HART通讯协议;总线输出:FF通讯协议;3.3 技术规格4 3144P温度变送器的组成4.1 温度变送器双室外壳双室外壳由密封的完备电子元件隔室和单独的端子隔室组成。
变送器内部结构••4.2 电子线路板电子板采用专用集成电路(ASIC)与表面封装技术。
Slide No: 3 -5 6 -8 14 - 40 41 - 52 53 - 64
Level 1 - Temperature
• 因为温度影响许多物质的属性:
– 物理及化学反应的速率 – 粘度 – 物质的状态 – 材料的强度 – 食品的质量及品味 – 工业过程的安全
• 同时,温度是影响以下工艺过程的关键因素:
Red White White Black Green Green
Level 1 - Temperature
2-wire or 4-wire RTD ?
• 20°C时6米引线的最终测量误差对比:
Sensing Element (I.e. wire-wound, thin film)
RMT Training - 05 /98
Level 1 - Temperature
什么是RTD的标定? – 生成特定的RTD温度转换关系!
» Temperature Range Characterization Calibration certificate provided with sensor
RMT Training - 05 /98
Level 1 - Temperature
什么是 RTD ?
–Resistance Temperature Detector
铂电阻 (Platinum usually):
Platinum resistance changes with temperature
美国罗斯蒙特Rosemount 3051,1151压力/差压变送器,产品有3051C,3051S系列,1151智能压力变送器,2088绝压/表压智能压力变送器,3095MV多变量质量流量变送器,4600石油与天然气压力变送器,4500卫生型压力变送器,1810嵌入式安装压力变送器。
性能优异:精度0.075%量程比100:1差压:校验量程从0.5inH2O至2000psi表压:校验量程从2.5inH2O至2000psi绝对压力:校验量程从0.167psia至4000psia过程隔离膜片:不锈钢,哈氏合金CR,蒙乃尔R,钽(仅限CD,CG)及镀金蒙乃尔设计小巧、坚固而质轻,易于安装3051S压力变送器系列1.工业标准产品,提供无以匹敌的性能与可靠性;2.同类产品性能最优,精度高达0.025%;3.规模可变平台,具有HART、基金会现场总线,过程诊断与安全认证证书;4.共面法兰设计把阀组,密封件(膜盒)与一次元件一体化成为单个组合件.3051C型差压、表压与绝压变送器1.性能优异:精度0.4%2.总体性能高达0.125%,五年稳定性3.共平面平台允许将阀组、一次元件和远传装置一体化4.校验量程从0.1inH2O至4000psia(25Pa到27.6mPa)5.过程隔离膜片:316L不锈钢,哈氏合金C,蒙乃尔,钽(仅限CD,CG)及镀金蒙及尔,镀金不锈钢6.设计小巧、坚固而质轻,易于安装7.复合量程(仅限CD、CG),可测量负压3051T型表压与绝压变送器1.性能优异:精度0.04%2.绝压:校验量程从0.3至10,000psia3.不锈钢与哈氏合金C过程隔离膜片4.灌充液:硅油与惰性液5.可选DIN和与压力反应罐相配的过程相连3051L型液位变送器1.液位测量精度达0.075%2.校验量程从0.25inH2O垤8310inH2O3.平膜片式,2-,4-,与英寸伸出式膜片4.多种灌充液可选,可满足不同应用场合要求5.小巧而质轻,易于安装与维护6.接液件材料:316L不锈钢,哈氏合金和钽1151DP、GP和AP型差压、表压和绝压变送器1.性能优越:精度0.075%,量程比50:12.差压测量范围:30inH2O至1,000psi(7.5-6895kPa)3.表压测量范围:30inH2O至6,000psi(7.5-41369kPa)4.绝压测量范围:150inH2O至1,000psi(37.4-6895kPa)1151HP型高静压差压变送器1.性能优越:精度0.075%,量程比50:12.差压测量范围:150inH2O至300psi(37.3-2068kPa)3.在4500psi(31Mpa)高静压下,可实现差压的精确测量1151LT型法兰安装式液位变送器1.液位测量精度0.25%2.测量范围:0-25至0-2,770inH2O (0-6.2至0-690kPa)3.平膜片式,2-,4-和6-英寸伸出式膜片4.多种灌充液选择,可满足各种应用要求5.阻尼可调6.接液件材料:不锈钢,哈氏合金C-276和钽2088绝压/表压智能压力变送器——1. 绝压和表压测量10.3Kpa至27.6Mpa2. 0.1%参考精度(0.075%高精度选项)3. 20:1量程比4. 采用HART通讯协议5. 外部零部和量程调整6. 可选的液晶表头(刻度可调)7. 超过35年的变送器制造经验,工业领域中完善的服务和支持网络美国罗斯蒙特3051C,3051S压力变送器美国罗斯蒙特2088绝压/表压智能压力变送器美国罗斯蒙特4600石油与天然气压力变送器美国罗斯蒙特4500卫生型压力变送器美国罗斯蒙特1151智能压力变送器美国罗斯蒙特3095MV多变量质量流量变送器美国罗斯蒙特375手操器罗斯蒙特Saab Rex计量级雷达液位计罗斯蒙特5600 过程级雷达液位计罗斯蒙特3300导波雷达液位计罗斯蒙特PRO库存管理级雷达罗斯蒙特P/H 分析仪罗斯蒙特3244MV 基金会现场总线型多参数温度变送器罗斯蒙特244EH型和244ER型248型为PC机可编程温度变送器罗斯蒙特484T型644H型和644R型智能温度变送器罗斯蒙特3144/3244 温度变送器美国罗斯蒙特质量流量计美国罗斯蒙特流量计算机美国丹尼尔超声波气体流量计罗斯蒙特8800型质量流量计罗斯蒙特8700系列电磁流量计罗斯蒙特阿牛巴3095MFA质量流量计罗斯蒙特阿牛巴3051SFA体积流量计罗斯蒙特3095MFC孔板质量流量计罗斯蒙特3051SFC孔板流量计罗斯蒙特高准公司R系列质量流量计罗斯蒙特RFT9739高准质量流量和密度变送器。
13.0" 13.5" 14.0" 14.5" 15.0" 15.5" 16.0" 16.5" 17.0" 17.5" 18.0" 18.5" 19.0" 19.5" 20.0" 20.5" 21.0" 21.5" 22.0" 22.5" 23.0" 24.0" 25.0"
D C(1) R T P L N
代码 01(2)(3) 11(4) 21(5) 31(6)
00 30 60
代码 010(2)(7) 015 020 025 030 035 040(8) 045 050 055 060(8) 065 070 075 080 085 090(8) 095 100 105 110 115 120(8) 125
Product Data Sheet00813-0100-4021, Rev SBApril 2019 Rosemount™ 3144P Temperature Transmitter with Rosemount X-well™ TechnologyFor every responsibility you have, you are confronted with a number of challenges. You have aggressive production and quality targets, but inaccurate or unavailable temperature measurements create unscheduled downtime and off-spec products. Loops may be running in manual because you don’t trust your temperature measurement, requiring the attention of your maintenance staff and costing money in lost production. Additionally, improving safety and complying with government and company regulations is made more difficult when you don’t have the information or tools needed to prove your compliance. That is why companies are coming to Emerson™ – because they know they need reliable measurements and visibility into their temperature measurements in order to address these challenges and achieve their business objectives. With the Rosemount 3144P Transmitter, you gain greater visibility into your temperature processes so you can improve safety, comply with regulations, make the most of your limited resources, and reach your production and quality targets. By leveraging Rosemount X-well Technology, advanced diagnostic capabilities and the unparalleled reliability and accuracy of the transmitter, you can minimize off-spec product, reduce maintenance and downtime, improve the usage of your limited resources, and meet regulatory demands.Features and benefitsRosemount X-well ™Technology provides a Complete Point Solution ™foraccurately measuring process temperature in monitoring applications withoutthe requirement of a thermowell or process penetration.■Simplify temperature measurement point specification, installation andmaintenance, and eliminate possible leak points.■Calculates a repeatable and accurate process temperature measurement via an in-transmitter thermal conductivity algorithm.■Measures pipe surface and ambient temperature, and utilizes the thermalconductivity properties of the installation and process piping in order to provide an accurate process measurement.ContentsFeatures and benefits........................................................................................................................................................................2Ordering information........................................................................................................................................................................5How to order Rosemount X-well ™Technology...................................................................................................................................9Specifications..................................................................................................................................................................................10Product Certifications......................................................................................................................................................................23Dimensional drawings (34)April 2019Industry-leading temperature transmitter delivers unmatched field reliability and innovative process measurement solutions■Superior accuracy and stability■Dual and single sensor capability with universal sensor inputs (RTD, T/C,mV, ohms)■Comprehensive sensor and process diagnostics offering■SIL3 Capable: IEC 61508 certified by an accredited 3rd party agency for usein safety instrumented systems up to SIL 3 (minimum requirement of single use [1oo1] for SIL 2 and redundant use [1oo2] for SIL 3)■Dual-compartment housing ■Large LCD display■4–20 mA /HART ® with selectable revisions (5 and 7)■F OUNDATION ™Fieldbus, compliant to ITK 6.0 and NE107 standardsImprove efficiency with best-in-class product specifications and capabilities■Reduce maintenance and improve performance with industry leading accuracy and stability.■Improve measurement accuracy by 75 percent with transmitter-sensor matching.■Ensure process health with system alerts and easy to use device dashboards.■Easily check device status and values on local LCD display with large percent range graph.■Achieve high reliability and installation ease with the industry's most rugged dual compartment design.Optimize measurement reliability with diagnostics designed for any protocolon any host system■Thermocouple degradation diagnostic monitors the health of athermocouple loop, enabling preventative maintenance.■Minimum and maximum temperature tracking tracks andrecords temperature extremes of the process sensors and the ambient environment.■Sensor drift alert detects sensor drift and alerts the user.■The Hot Backup ™ feature provides temperature measurementredundancy.April 2019Explore the benefits of a Complete Point Solution from Emerson■An “Assemble To Sensor” option enables Emerson toprovide a complete point temperature solution, delivering an installation-ready transmitter and sensor assembly.■Emerson offers a selection of RTDs, thermocouples, andthermowells that bring superior durability and Rosemount reliability to temperature sensing, complementing theRosemount Transmitter portfolio.Experience global consistency and local support from numerous worldwideEmerson manufacturing sites■World-class manufacturing provides globally consistentproduct from every factory and the capacity to fulfill the needs of any project, large or small.■Experienced instrumentation consultants help select theright product for any temperature application and advise on best installation practices.■An extensive global network of Emerson service and supportpersonnel can be on-site when and where they are needed.■Make wireless installation and configuration easy with theEmerson Wireless Gateway.Looking for a wireless temperature solution? For wireless applications that require superior performance and unmatched reliability,consider the Rosemount 648 Wireless Temperature Transmitter .April 2019April 2019Ordering informationRosemount™ 3144P Temperature TransmitterSpecification and selection of product materials, options, or components must be made by the purchaser of the equipment. See for more information on material selection. When ordering Rosemount X-well™ Technology, specific option codes are required. See for more information.Table 1: Rosemount 3144P Temperature Transmitter Ordering InformationThe starred offerings (H) represent the most common options and should be selected for best delivery. The non-starred offerings are subject to additional delivery lead time.April 2019(1)When IS approval is ordered on a Foundation Fieldbus, both standard IS and FISCO IS approvals apply. The device label is marked appropriately.(2)Consult factory for availability when ordering with HART or F OUNDATION Fieldbus models.Table 2: Options (include with selected model number)April 2019(1)Not available with F OUNDATION Fieldbus models.(2)Enhanced accuracy only applies to RTDs, however the option can be ordered with any sensor type.(3)Available with Intrinsically Safe approvals only. For FM Intrinsically Safe or non-incendive approval (option code I5), install in accordance withRosemount drawing 03151-1009 to maintain 4X rating.April 2019April 2019How to order Rosemount X-well™ TechnologyRosemount X-well Technology is for temperature monitoring applications and is not intended for control or safety applications. It is available in the Rosemount™ 3144P Transmitter in a factory assembled direct mount configuration with a Rosemount 0085 Pipe Clamp Sensor. It cannot be used in a remote mount configuration. Rosemount X-well Technology will only work as specified with factory supplied and assembled Rosemount 0085 Sensor silver tipped single element sensor with an 80 mm extension length. It will not work as specified if used with other sensors.Table 3: Rosemount 3144P X-well Technology Option Code RequirementsTable 4: Rosemount 0085 Pipe Clamp Sensor Option Code Requirements for Use with X-well TechnologyRosemount X-well assemblies are available in most Rosemount 0085 Pipe Clamp Sensor diameter sizes.April 2019 SpecificationsHART® and F OUNDATION™ FieldbusFunctional specificationsInputsUser-selectable. See for sensor options.OutputTwo-wire device with either 4–20 mA/HART, linear with temperature or input, or completely digital output with F OUNDATION Fieldbus communication (ITK 6.0.1 compliant).IsolationInput/output isolation specified to 500 Vdc (500 Vrms 707 V peak) at 50/60 Hz.Humidity limits0–99 percent relative humidity, non-condensingUpdate timeApproximately 0.5 second for a single sensor (one second for dual sensors).Physical specificationsMaterial selectionEmerson provides a variety of Rosemount™ products with various product options and configurations including materials of construction that can be expected to perform well in a wide range of applications. The Rosemount product information presented is intended as a guide for the purchaser to make an appropriate selection for the application. It is the purchaser’s sole responsibility to make a careful analysis of all process parameters (such as all chemical components, temperature, pressure, flow rate, abrasives, contaminants, etc.), when specifying product, materials, options and components for the particular application. Emerson is not in a position to evaluate or guarantee the compatibility of the process fluid or other process parameters with the product, options, configuration or materials of construction selected.Conformance to specification (±3σ [Sigma])Technology leadership, advanced manufacturing techniques, and statistical process control ensure specification conformance to at least ±3σ.Conduit connectionsThe standard field mount housing has ½–14-in. NPT conduit entries. Additional conduit entry types are available, including PG13.5 (PG11), M20 3 1.5 (CM20), or JIS G ½. When any of these additional entry types are ordered, adapters are placed in the standard field housing so these alternative conduit types fit correctly. See for dimensions.Materials of constructionEnclosure Low-copper aluminum CF-8M (cast version of 316 stainless steel)Paint PolyurethaneO-rings Buna NMounting specificationTransmitters may be attached directly to the sensor. Optional mounting brackets (codes B4 and B5) allow for remote mounting. SeeTransmitter weightAluminum 3.1 lb (1.4 kg)Stainless steel7.8 lb (3.5 kg)Enclosure ratingsType 4XIP66 and IP68StabilityRTDs:±0.1 percent of reading or 0.1 °C (0.18 °F), whichever is greater, for two years for RTDs. Thermocouples:±0.1 percent of reading or 0.1 °C (0.18 °F), whichever is greater, for one year for thermocouples.Five-year stabilityRTDs:±0.25% of reading or 0.25 °C, whichever is greater, for five years.Thermocouples:±0.5% of reading or 0.5 °C, whichever is greater, for five years.Vibration effectTested to the following with no effect on performance per IEC 60770-1, 1999:Self calibrationThe analog-to-digital measurement circuitry automatically self-calibrates for each temperature update by comparing the dynamic measurement to extremely stable and accurate internal reference elements.RFI effectWorst case RFI effect is equivalent to the transmitter’s nominal accuracy specification, according to , when tested in accordance with IEC 61000-4-3, 30 V/m (HART)/20 V/m (HART T/C) /10 V/m (F OUNDATION Fieldbus), 80 to 1000 MHz, with unshielded cable. CE electromagnetic compatibility compliance testingThe Rosemount 3144P meets or exceeds all requirements listed under IEC 61326: 2006.External ground screw assemblyThe external ground screw assembly can be ordered by specifying code G1. However, some approvals include the ground screw assembly in the transmitter shipment, hence it is not necessary to order code G1. The table below identifies which approval options include the external ground screw assembly.(1)The parts contained with the G1 option are included with the Integral Protector option code T1. When ordering T1, the G1 option code does notneed to be ordered separately.Hardware tag■No charge■Two lines of 28 characters (56 characters total)■Tags are stainless steel■Permanently attached to transmitter■Character height is 1/16-in. (1.6 mm)■ A wire-on tag is available upon request. Five lines of 12 characters (60 characters total)Software tag■HART® transmitter can store up to eight characters in HART 5 mode and 32 characters in HART 7 mode. F OUNDATION Fieldbus transmitters can store up to 32 characters.■Can be ordered with different software and hardware tags.■If no software tag characters are specified, the first eight characters of the hardware tag are the default.Transmitter accuracyTable 5: Transmitter Accuracy(1)No minimum or maximum span restrictions within the input ranges. Recommended minimum span will hold noise within accuracy specificationwith damping at zero seconds.(2)Digital accuracy: digital output can be accessed by the Field Communicator.(3)Enhanced accuracy can be ordered using the P8 Model Code.(4)Total Analog accuracy is the sum of digital and D/A accuracies.(5)Applies to HART/4–20 mA devices.(6)Total digital accuracy for thermocouple measurement: sum of digital accuracy +0.25 °C (0.45 °F) (cold junction accuracy)(7)Digital accuracy for NIST Type B is ±3.0 °C (±5.4 °F) from 100 to 300 °C (212 to 572 °F).(8)Digital accuracy for NIST Type K is ±0.50 °C (±0.9 °F) from –180 to –90 °C (–292 to –130 °F).Reference accuracy example (HART Protocol only)When using a Pt 100 (α = 0.00385) sensor input with a zero to 100 °C span: Digital Accuracy would be ±0.10 °C, D/A accuracy would be ±0.02% of 100 °C or ±0.02 °C, Total = ±0.12 °C.Differential capability exists between any two sensor types (dual-sensor option)For all differential configurations, the input range is X to Y where:■X = Sensor 1 minimum – Sensor 2 maximum and■Y = Sensor 1 maximum – Sensor 2 minimumDigital accuracy for differential configurations (dual-sensor option, HART Protocol only)■Sensor types are similar (e.g., both RTDs or both T/Cs): Digital Accuracy = 1.5 times worst case accuracy of either sensor type ■Sensor types are dissimilar (e.g., one RTD, one T/C): Digital accuracy = Sensor 1 accuracy + Sensor 2 accuracyAmbient temperature effectTransmitters may be installed in locations where the ambient temperature is between –40 and 85 °C (–40 and 185 °F). To maintain excellent accuracy performance, each transmitter is individually characterized over this ambient temperature range at the factory. Table 6: Ambient Temperature Effect on Digital Accuracy(1)Change in ambient is in reference to the calibration temperature of the transmitter (20 °C [68 °F]).(2)Ambient temperature effect specification valid over minimum temperature span of 28 °C (50 °F).(3)Applies to HART/4–20 mA devices.Process temperature effectsTable 7: Ambient and Process Temperature Difference Effect on Digital Accuracy(1)Valid under steady state process and ambient conditions.Temperature effects exampleWhen using a Pt 100 (α = 0.00385) sensor input with a 0 to 100 °C span at 30 °C ambient temperature, the following statements would be true:Digital temp effects■0.0015 °C/°C x (30 - 20 °C) = 0.015 °CD/A effects (HART/4–20 mA only)■[0.001%/°C of span] x 100 °C x |(30 - 20 °C)| = °C DA effect■[0.001%/°C x 100] x |(30 - 20)| = 0.001 °CWorst case error■Digital + D/A + Digital temp effects + D/A effects= 0.10 °C + 0.02 °C + 0.015 °C + 0.01 °C = 0.145 °CTotal probable error■Rosemount X-well temperature effects exampleWhen using Rosemount X-well Technology at 30 °C ambient temperature and 100 °C process temperature:Digital ambient temperature effects:■0.0058 °C x (30 - 20) = 0.058 °CProcess temperature effects:■0.01 °C x (100 - 30) = 0.70 °CWorst case error:■Digital accuracy + Digital ambient temperature effects + Process temperature effects =0.29 °C + 0.058 °C + 0.70 °C = 1.05 °CTotal probable error:■HART/4-20 mA specificationsPower supplyExternal power supply required. Transmitters operate on 12.0 to 42.4 Vdc transmitter terminal voltage (with 250 ohm load, 18.1 Vdc power supply voltage is required). Transmitter power terminals rated to 42.4 Vdc.Wiring diagramSee Figure 7.AlarmsCustom factory configurations of alarm and saturation levels are available for valid values with option code C1. These values can also be configured in the field using a Field Communicator.Transient protection (option code T1)The transient protector helps to prevent damage to the transmitter from transients induced on the loop wiring by lightning, welding, heavy electrical equipment, or switch gears. The transient protection electronics are contained in an add-on assembly that attaches to the standard transmitter terminal block. The external ground lug assembly (code G1) is included with the transient protector. The transient protector has been tested per the following standard:■IEEE C62.41-1991 (IEEE 587)/location categories B3. 6 kV/3 kA peak (1.2 x 50 μS Wave 8 x 20 μS combination wave) 6 kV/0.5 kA peak (100 kHz ring wave) EFT, 4 kV peak, 2.5 kHz, 5 x 50 nS■Loop resistance added by protector: 22 ohmsmax.■Nominal clamping voltages: 90 V (common mode), 77 V (normal mode)Local displayOptional five-digit LCD display includes 0–100% bar graph. Digits are 0.4 inches (8mm) high. Display options include engineering units (°F, °C, °R, K, ohms, and millivolts), percent, and milliamperes. The display can also be set to alternate between engineering units/milliamperes, Sensor 1/Sensor 2, Sensor 1/Sensor 2/Differential Temperature, and Sensor 1/Sensor2/Average Temperature. All display options, including the decimal point, may be reconfigured in the field using a Field Communicator or AMS Device Manager.Turn-on timePerformance within specifications is achieved less than six seconds after power is applied to the transmitter when the damping value is set to zero seconds.Power supply effectLess than ±0.005 percent of span per volt.SIS safety transmitter failure valuesIEC 61508 Safety Certified SIL 2 and SIL 3 Claim Limit■Safety accuracy: Span ≥ 100 °C: ±2% of process variable span■Span < 100 °C: ±2 °C■Safety response time: five seconds■Safety specifications and FMEDA report available at /Rosemount/Safety■Software suitable for SIL3 applicationsTemperature limitsTable 8: Temperature Limits(1)LCD display may not be readable and LCD display updates will be slower at temperatures below –4 °F (–20 °C).Field Communicator connectionsField Communicator connections are permanently fixed to power/signal block.Failure modeThe Rosemount 3144P features software and hardware failure mode detection. An independent circuit is designed to provide backup alarm output if the microprocessor hardware or software fails.The alarm level is user-selectable using the failure mode switch. If failure occurs, the position of the hardware switch determines the direction in which the output is driven (HIGH or LOW). The switch feeds into the digital-to-analog (D/A) converter, which drives the proper alarm output even if the microprocessor fails. The values at which the transmitter drives its output in failure mode depends on whether it is configured to standard, or NAMUR-compliant (NAMUR recommendation NE 43) operation. The values for standard and NAMUR-compliant operation are as follows:Table 9: Operation Parameters(1)Measured in milliamperes.Load limitationsMaximum load = 40.8 x (Supply voltage - 12.0) without transient protection (optional).1.HART® and analog operating range2.Analog only operating rangeNoteHART Communication requires a loop resistance between 250 and 1100 ohms. Do not communicate with the transmitter when power is below 12 Vdc at the transmitter terminals.F OUNDATION™ Fieldbus specificationsF OUNDATION Fieldbus device registrationDevice tested and registered to ITK 6.0.1Power SupplyPowered over F OUNDATION Fieldbus with standard Fieldbus power supplies. Transmitters operate on 9.0 to 32.0 Vdc, 12 mA maximum. Transmitter power terminals are rated to 42.4 Vdc.Wiring diagramSee Figure 8AlarmThe AI function block allows the user to configure the alarms to HIGH-HIGH, HIGH, LOW, or LOW-LOW with a variety of priority levels and hysteresis settings.Transient protection (option code T1)The transient protector helps to prevent damage to the transmitter from transients induced on the loop wiring by lightning, welding, heavy electrical equipment, or switch gears. The transient protection electronics are contained in an add-on assembly that attaches to the standard transmitter terminal block. The transient terminal block is not polarity insensitive. The transient protector has been tested to the following standard:■IEEE C62.41-1991 (IEEE 587)/Location Categories B3. 6 kV/3 kA peak (1.2 x 50 μS Wave 8 x 20 μS Combination Wave) 6 kV/0.5 kA peak (100 kHz Ring Wave) EFT, 4 kV peak, 2.5 kHz, 5*50 nS■Loop resistance added by protector: 22 ohmsmaximum■Nominal clamping voltages: 90 V (common mode), 77 V (normal mode)Diagnostics suite for FOUNDATION Fieldbus (option code D01)The Rosemount 3144P Diagnostics Suite for FOUNDATION Fieldbus provides advanced functionality in the form of Statistical Process Monitoring (SPM), a thermocouple diagnostic, and sensor drift alert. SPM technology calculates the mean and standard deviation of the process variable and makes them available to the user. This may be used to detect abnormal process situations. The thermocouple diagnostic enables the transmitter to measure and monitor the resistance of thermocouple loops in order to detect drift or changing wiring connections.Sensor drift alert allows the user to monitor the difference in measurement between two sensors installed in one process point. A change in this differential value may indicate drifting sensors.Local displayDisplays all DS_65 measurements in the Transducer and Function Blocks including Sensor 1, Sensor 2, differential, and terminal temperatures. The display alternates up to four selected items. The meter can display up to five digits in engineering units (°F, °C,°R, K, Ω, and millivolts). Display settings are configured at the factory according to the transmitter configuration (standard or custom). These settings can be reconfigured in the field using a Field Communicator or DeltaV. In addition, the LCD display provides the ability to display DS_65 parameters from other devices. In addition to the configuration of the meter, sensor diagnostic data is displayed. If the measurement status is Good, the measured value is shown. If the measurement status is Uncertain, the status indicating uncertain is shown in addition to the measured value. If the measurement status is Bad, the reason for the bad measurement is shown.NoteWhen ordering a spare electronics module assembly, the LCD display transducer block will display the default parameter.Turn-on timePerformance within specifications is achieved less than 20 seconds after power is applied to the transmitter when the damping value is set to zero seconds.StatusThe device is compliant to NAMUR NE 107, ensuring consistent, reliable and standardized device diagnostic information.The new standard is designed to improve the way device status and diagnostic information is communicated to operators and maintenance personnel in order to increase productivity and reduce costs.If self-diagnostics detect a sensor burnout or a transmitter failure, the status of the measurement will be updated accordingly. The status may also send the PID output to a safe value.F OUNDATION Fieldbus parametersSchedule entries25 (max)Links30 (max)Virtual Communications Relationships (VCR)20 (max)Function blocks■All blocks will ship with unique block names, e.g. AI_1400_XXXX.■All blocks shall be instantiated to avoid invalid defaults.■All Rosemount 3144P FF have parameter COMPATIBILITY_REV for backward compatibility.■Parameters will be initialized to common values for easier bench configuration.■All default block tags are less than or equal to 16 characters in length to avoid inconvenience of apparently identical tags.■Default block tags include underscores, “_”, instead of whitespaces for easier configuration.Resource block■Contains physical transmitter information including available memory, manufacture identification, device type, software tag, and unique identification.■Plantweb™ Alerts enable the full power of the PW digital architecture by diagnosing instrumentation issues, communicating the details, and recommending a solution.Transducer block■Contains the actual temperature measurement data, including sensor 1, sensor 2, and terminal temperature.■Includes information about sensor type and configuration, engineering units, linearization, range, damping, and diagnostics.■Device Revision 3 and above includes Hot Backup functionality in the transducer block.LCD display block (when an LCD display is used)■Configures the local display.Analog input (AI)■Processes the measurement and makes it available on the Fieldbus segment.■Allows filtering, engineering unit, and alarm changes.■All devices ship with the AI blocks scheduled, meaning no configuration is needed if the factory default channels are used.PID block (provides control functionality)■Performs single loop, cascade, or feedforward control in the field.Product CertificationsRev 1.30European Directive InformationA copy of the EU Declaration of Conformity can be found at the end of the Quick Start Guide. The most recent revision of the EU Declaration of Conformity can be found at /Rosemount.Ordinary Location CertificationAs standard, the transmitter has been examined and tested to determine that the design meets the basic electrical, mechanical, and fire protection requirements by a nationally recognized test laboratory (NRTL) as accredited by the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).North AmericaE5 FM Explosionproof, Dust-Ignitionproof, and NonincendiveCertificate FM16US0202XStandards FM Class 3600: 2011, FM Class 3611: 2004, FM Class 3615: 2006, FM Class 3810: 2005, ANSI/NEMA 250: 1991, ANSI/ISA 60079-0: 2009, ANSI/ISA 60079-11: 2009Markings XP CL I, DIV 1, GP A, B, C, D; T5(-50 °C ≤ T a ≤ +85 °C); DIP CL II/III, DIV 1, GP E, F, G; T5(-50 °C ≤ T a ≤ +75 °C); T6(-50 °C ≤T a ≤ +60 °C); when installed per Rosemount™ drawing 03144-0320; NI CL I, DIV 2, GP A, B, C, D; T5(-60 °C ≤ T a ≤ +75°C); T6(-60 °C ≤ T a ≤+60 °C); when installed per Rosemount™ drawing 03144-0321, 03144-5075I5 FM Intrinsic Safety and NonincendiveCertificate FM16US0202XStandards FM Class 3600: 2011, FM Class 3610: 2010, FM Class 3611: 2004, FM Class 3810: 2005, ANSI/NEMA 250: 1991, ANSI/ISA 60079-0: 2009, ANSI/ISA 60079-11: 2009Markings IS CL I/II/III, DIV 1, GP A, B, C, D, E, F, G; T4(-60 °C ≤ T a ≤ +60 °C); IS [Entity] CL I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T4(-60 °C ≤ T a ≤ +60°C); NI CL I, DIV 2, GP A, B, C, D; T5(-60 °C ≤ T a ≤ +75 °C); T6(-60 °C ≤ T a ≤ +60 °C); when installed per Rosemount™drawing 03144-0321, 03144-5075I6 CSA Intrinisic Safety and Division 2Certificate1242650Standards CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 0-M91 (R2001), CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 94-M91, CSA Std C22.2 No. 142-M1987, CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 157-92, CSA Std C22.2 No. 213-M1987Markings Intrinsically Safe for Class I Groups A, B, C, D; Class II, Groups E, F, G; Class III;[HART® only zone markings]: Intrinsically Safe for Class I Zone 0 Group IIC; T4(-50 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +60 °C); Type 4X;Suitable for Class I, Div. 2, Groups A, B, C, D;[HART only zone markings]: Suitable for Class I Zone 2 Group IIC; T6(-60 °C ≤ T a ≤ +60 °C); T5(-60 °C ≤ T a ≤ +85 °C);when installed per Rosemount™ drawing 03144-5076。
罗斯蒙特 644 顶部接线盒和导轨安装温度变送器 说明书
极限值高三倍。因此,您所拥有的设备性能很有可能要高于我们所发 所示为 644、Pt 100 RTD 传感器精确度分布,
温度范围 0 至 100 °C
相反,如果供应商不用过程控制对产品进行“评级”或者不承诺产品 性能达到技术规格 ± 3σ,所装运的大部分装置都将极有可能仅在所
达到± 3σ(1)。我们承诺对产品继续进行改进,以确保产品设计、可靠
例如,644 型温度变送器参考精度分布如右图所示。我们的技术规格 极限值为 ± 0.15 °C,但如阴影部分所示,接近 68% 的装置其性能比
和 mV)、mA 和百分比量程。可对显示器进行配置,以在 外壳
选定显示项目之间进行切换。可以根据标准变送器组态在 油漆
工厂对显示器设置进行预配置。使用 HART 或基金会现场 封盖 O 形环:
丁纳橡胶 N
644R 直接与墙壁或 DIN 导轨连接。将 644H 安装在一个
·转换块包含实际温度测量数据,包括传感器 1 和终端温
·LCD 块用于配置本地显示器(如果正在使用 LCD 显示
Rosemount 3144P 温度变送器快速安装指南说明书
快速安装指南00825-0106-4021, Rev SA2022 年 3 月Rosemount™ 3144P 温度变送器采用 HART®协议和 Rosemount X-well™技术快速安装指南2022 年 3 月内容关于本指南 (3)系统准备 (4)验证组态 (5)设置开关 (9)安装变送器 (10)接线和通电 (13)执行回路测试 (19)安全仪表系统 (SIS) (20)产品认证 (21)2Rosemount 3144P2022 年 3 月快速安装指南1关于本指南本指南提供了安装罗斯蒙特3144P 变送器的基本指导。
但未提供详细的组态、诊断、维护、保养、故障排除、防爆、防火或本质安全 (I.S.) 安装的说明。
更多说明,请参阅罗斯蒙特 3144P 变送器参考手册。
导线管/电缆入口变送器外壳中的导线管/电缆入口采用½–14NPT 螺纹牙形。
当在危险场所安装时,在电缆/导线管入口中仅使用已列出或通过 Ex 认证的适当堵头、密封套或接头。
快速安装指南3快速安装指南2022 年 3 月2系统准备2.1确认 HART®版本功能若使用基于 HART 的控制系统或资产管理系统,在安装变送器之前,请确认该系统的 HART 功能。
温度测量范围 -50~300℃ -200~500℃
0~900℃ 0~1100℃ 0~1300℃ 0~1300℃ 0~1600℃
安 装
保温层 流向
应用事项:1、振动、高流速、高温环境,应加强结构或改变安装方法。 2、压力环境要按相关要求试验后使用。 3、插入长度要能到达所测量的温度场中心位置(应不小于其保护管外径的8-10倍,特殊产品例外 )。
0~5 V DC 变送器(三线) RS485 智能网络型 通讯协议MODBUS RTU 格式 Pt100分度号热电阻传感器 K分度号热电偶传感器 S分度号热电偶传感器 01 02 03 0~100℃ 0~200℃ 0~300℃;
量程代号 另定义量程此两位省略
HHX/33 系列 防水型活动法兰式一体化温度变送器、传感器
概 述
采用先进的电路模块集成技术组成变送模块,可与不同的温度传 感器连接,用以实现对环境温度和介质的测量,输出标准的电压 信号或电流信号。
用 途
量 程 供电电压 输出信号 电路工作温度 准确度等级 负载能力 输入线阻 见选型表 DC 24V(12V~36V) 4mA~20mA或0V~5V -10℃~60℃ 铂电阻:± 0.25%F· S,± 0.5%F· S 热电偶:± 0.5%F· S(限K分度)± 1%F· S ≤500Ω(≥24V时,电流输出),输出阻抗≤250Ω(电压输出) ≤50Ω
压缩机工作原理及辅助系统 调节控制控制系统及仪表故障诊断1
EG-10P电液转换器用于 透平103JT抽汽调节阀。 供油压力: 690 - 2758 kP 输入电流范围: 20~160 mA 线圈电阻: 30 - 35 妪姆 最大输出扭矩及工作角程: 12.6 N.m ,28°
电磁阀带 电与失电
磁 铁
排油 输出油
电液转换器工作原理:是经计算机运算处理后的欲开 大或关小汽阀的电气信号由伺服放大器放大后,在电 液转换器—伺服阀中将电气信号转换成液压信号,使 伺服阀主阀移动,并将液压信号放大后控制高压油的 通道,使高压油进入油动机活塞下腔,油动机活塞向 上移动,经杠杆带动汽阀使之启动,或者是使压力油 自活塞下腔泄出,借弹簧力使活塞下移关闭汽阀。
ProTech 203超速保护器特点: 易于校准和试验精度高和重复性好。 三个数字单元感应和显示速度的精度为0.1%机械式超速保 护装置的精度远远达不到此种水平。 ProTech 203采用的是三选二停机方式确保不会因三个单 元其中的一个发生瞬时故障造成误停机。 每个单元可独立在线测试 。 每个单元可在线更换 。 存储显示峰值速度 。
执行器输出轴随力矩 马达控制信号的变化 而按比例变化,如图: 在执行器中,控制电 流通 过力矩马达伺服阀产 生一个压力差,推动 二级放大滑阀移动, 从而改变伺服活塞的 上、下 腔内的油压,使输 出轴运动。内部的机 械反馈使力矩马达的 挡油板回中,作用到 二级放大 滑阀两端的压力相互 抵消,此时输出轴停 止运动。
3500/05 仪表框架。
电源模块3500/15 3500电源是半高度模块,必须安装在框 架左边特殊设计的槽口内。3500框架可装一个或两个电源。 任何一个电源都可给整个框架供电。如果是两个电源,第 二个电源可做为基本电源的冗余。只要装有一个冗余的电 源,拆除或安装另一个电源模块将不会影响框架的运行。 框架接口模块500/22M框架接口模块(RIM)是3500框架与组 态、显示和状态监测软件连接的主要接口。每个框架要求 有一个 RIM,安装在与电源模块紧邻的框架插槽中。RIM 支持专有协议,该协议使用3500 组态软件对框架进行组态
艾默生(Emerson) 罗斯蒙特 智能仪表诊断信息参考手册
Sensor Module temperature updates have
stopped or are outside the factory configured 值超出出厂设定的故障极限值。
failure limits.
Process Alerts
Electronics Alarms 电子模件报警 HW/SW Incompatible
Simulation Active Electronics Failure
LCD Failure
NV Memory Failure NV Writes Deferred
3051C Fieldbus and HART Pressure Transmitters (5) AI, AO, ISEL, CHAR, ARITH, INTEG, PID, Description Device Alerts - Passed via DD
Device Alerts - Passed via DD
主测量值故障 第二测量值故障
传感器模块内存故障 主测量值超限 第二测量值超限
Pressure updates from the sensor module
Secondary Value Failure
Senor Board NV Memory Failure
Primary Value Degraded
Process Alarms 工艺报警 Reverse Flow Low Flow Cutoff
目录 用于关键控制和安全应用领域的远程温 度变送器 说明书 Ÿ HART 和 FOUNDATION 现场总 线说明书 Ÿ HART / 4-20 mA 说明书 Ÿ FOUNDATION 现场总线说明书 危险场所认证 尺寸图 订购信息 配置数据表 Ÿ HART / 4-20 mA 变送器 Ÿ FOUNDATION 现场总线变送器
3144P 的性能达到说明书的 3 倍。 稳定性 ● 对于电阻式温度检测器 24 个月内读数误差为 ±0.1% 或 0.1 °C,以较大者为准。 ● 对于热电偶 12 个月内读数误差为 ±0.1% 或 0.1 °C,以较大者为准。 5 年稳定性 ● 对于电阻式温度检测器 5 年内读数误差为 ±0.25% 或 0.25 °C ,以较大者为准。 ● 对于热电偶 5 年内读数误差为 ±0.5% 或 0 .5 °C,以较大者为准。 振动影响 通过下列测试但对性能无影响: 频率 加速度 10.60 Hz 0.21 mm 峰值位移 60.2000 Hz 3 g 自动标定 模/数转换测量电路在每次测量更新时可自动标定,通 过将动态测量结果与极其稳定和准确的内部标准元件 对比来实现。 射频干扰影响 根 据 第 4 页 表 格 按 照 ENV 50140 , 300 V/m (HART) / 10 V/m (FOUNDATION 现场总线), 80 至 1000 MHz,使用非屏蔽电缆进行测试,最差的 射频干扰效应与变送器的标准精度规定相符。 CE 电磁兼容性达标测试 3144P 符合所有 IEC 61326 1998 年第 1 修订版要 求。 外部地脚螺钉组件 外部地脚螺钉组件在外壳指定时可根据指定代码 G1 订购。然而,有的认证在变送器装箱单中包括地脚螺 钉组件。下表明确了哪些认证包括外部地脚螺钉组件。 认证类型 是否包括外部 (1) 地脚螺钉组件?
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ASME B 16.5 ANSI /IEEE C62.41-1991 IEEE 587
! A2 B3
1.2x50 S 8x 20 S
100 kHz
! EFT 5x 50 S
!"#$%&'() 22
!"# 90V
!"#$77 V
!" 0-100%
0.2 kg
!"#$% 1.0
0.5 kg
!"#$%& NEMA 4X ! 4X IP66 IP68
!"#$ CSA
!"#$ 36
!" 24 !"# !" 12 !"#
!"#$%&0.1% 0.1 C !"#$% 0.1% 0.1 C
!" 5
!"#$% 0.25% 0.25 C
!" 18.1V
!"#$ %& 42.4 V dc
14 1
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!"# 375
!" T1
!"#$ G1
N1 E1 I1 ND K1 E7
N7 I7 K7 KA I2 E4
(1) G1
! 28
! 1/16" 1.6mm
! 12
!"#$% 8
!"#$%&' 32
!" X Y
!"#$ 2
!" 234 Pt 100 Pt 100 Pt 200 Pt 500 Pt 1000 Ni 120 Cu 10
!"#$ 1.0 !"(1)
1.8 c
0.0015 0.0015 0.0023 0.0015 0.0015 0.0010 0.015
0.00025 mV
R 1000
R < 1000
100 R < 300
R0 R< 0 R0 R< 0
R 200 R < 200 R0 R< 0 R0 R<0 R0 R< 0 R 200 R < 200
!"#$%& !"#$%&
0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001% 0.001%
!"#$%"&'() ! 20 C [68 F]
! HART /4-20 mA
!"#$%&'()* -40 85 C (-40 185 F
!"# !"#$ 0 100
!" 30
!"# 0.015
(30-20) 10
!"# + /
!" 0.
4" 8mm
! F C RK
!"# 1/
!"#$%&'()*+ AMS
!"#$%&'!, !
!" 0.005%
-40 185 F -60 250 F
-40 85 C 50 120 C
! -4 185 F -50 185 F
-20 85 C -45 85 C
!"#$%&'()*+ /
= 0.10 + 0.02 + 0.015 + 0.01 = 0.145
!" HART /4.20 mA
[0.01% oƒ100]
10 =0.01
HART / 4-20 MA
"#$%&'12.0 42.4V
C -200
! F
850 -328
-200 645 -328 1193
-200 850 -328 1562
-200 850 -328 1562
-200 300 -328 572
-70 300 -50 250
-94 572 -58 482
100 1820 212 3308
-50 1000 -58 1832
!"#$%&'()* !"#$%&'()
!" 234 Pt 100
Pt 100
Pt 200
PT 500
Pt 1000
Ni 120 Cu 10
B (6)
K (7)
!" 234
!" !"#$%& IEC 751 1995 (∂ = 0.00385) JIS 1604 1981 (∂ = 0.003916) IEC 751 1995 (∂ = 0.00385) IEC 751 1995 (∂ = 0.00385) IEC 751 1995 (∂ =
-180 760 -292 1400
-180 1372 -292 2502
-200 1300 -328 2372
0 1768
32 3214
0 1768
32 3214
-200 400 -328 752
-200 900 -200 600 0 2000
-328 1652 -328 1112 32 3632
!" 5
!"#$ 0.5% 0 .5 C
10.60 Hz
0.21 mm
60.2000 Hz 3 g
!" ENV 50140 300 V/m HART / 10 V/m
X 1.5 CM20
JIS G 1/2
!"#$% 12