
手机使用说明书一、安全注意事项在使用手机之前,请务必仔细阅读以下安全注意事项,并严格按照说明书操作:1. 在使用手机时,请遵守相关法律法规,并不要在禁止使用手机的场所使用。
2. 使用过程中请勿拆卸手机,以免引起电池、电路或机体损坏,也可能导致火灾、爆炸等危险情况的发生。
3. 避免将手机暴露在高温、潮湿或极端环境中,以免对电池和机体造成损坏。
4. 在接听电话、玩游戏或是使用应用时,请保持良好的姿势,以防止过度用眼或使用手机时间过长造成不适。
5. 在充电时,请使用原装充电器和充电线,并放在通风良好的位置,避免堆放物品和水源附近。
6. 如果手机出现异常或是发生意外,比如掉入水中,请立即停止使用,并将手机送至维修中心进行检修。
二、手机的基本功能1. 开机和关机:按住电源键,手机将启动或关闭。
2. 语音通话:通过拨号键盘或联系人列表,选择对方手机号码进行拨打电话。
3. 发送短信:在信息应用中选择新建信息,输入对方手机号码或联系人姓名,然后输入文字内容进行发送。
4. 网络连接:手机可通过WiFi或移动数据连接上互联网,让你享受网络世界。
5. 拍照和摄像:打开相机应用,点击快门按钮进行拍照,或点击录像按钮进行摄像,记录生活点滴。
6. 多媒体播放:手机支持播放音乐、视频和图片,可通过相应的应用打开和观看。
7. 应用软件:手机上预装了一些基本的应用软件,如日历、时钟、计算器等,还可以通过应用商店下载更多丰富的应用。
三、常用设置功能1. 语言设置:可以选择手机系统的语言显示,如中文、英文等。
2. 音量和震动设置:调节铃声的音量大小和震动强度。
3. 蓝牙和WiFi设置:打开蓝牙可以与周围的蓝牙设备进行连接,WiFi设置可以连接到可用的无线网络。
4. 壁纸和主题设置:可更换手机的壁纸和主题,个性化手机界面。
5. 密码和指纹设置:设置手机解锁密码或是指纹解锁,保护个人隐私。
6. 账户设置:绑定手机账户,如支付宝、微信等,方便购物和转账。

1.2登录1.2.1通过输入用户名和密码进行登录1.2.2勾选可记住密码,同时勾选时下次打开app 会自动登录进入工程主界面。
1.3注册1.4忘记密码2.工程2.1工程主页面注册页面在登录页面点击下方“注册”进入注册页面角色,账号分为用户和工程商两个角色,根据不同的需求选择,不同的角色在登录app 后的界面以及功能都会有所差异。

Schedule of ServiceD.Alipay Merchant Acquiring Service (“Alipay Acquiring Service” or “Schedule”)A) GENERAL(i) Due Diligencea. Where reasonably requested by the Company at any time, the Merchant will provide a copy of its constitutional documents(such as its corporate registration documents) and such other relevant background or operational information as the Company reasonably believes may assist it in assessing the Merchant (the “Due Diligence Obligations”).b. Failure to comply with the Due Diligence Obligations will be a material breach of this Schedule by the Merchant.c. Before the Company provides the Alipay Acquiring Services, the Merchant will provide the Company with all or such partof the following information as is requested by the Company (collectively, the “Due Diligence Information”):i. email address,ii. legal and beneficial owner information,iii. business name (registered and 'trading as' name),iv. photos of a retail store where Spot Payment is offered,v. business operating address, andvi. any other relevant information upon the Company’s reasonable request from time to time.d. The Merchant will notify the Company of any changes to its Due Diligence Information in a timely manner as soon asreasonably practicable following such change.(ii) Effective DateThis Schedule shall become effective on the date of the Master Agreement For Payment Solutions entered into between the Company and the Merchant.B) SPECIFIC TERMSThe specific terms and conditions of this Schedule appear in Parts A to D of this Schedules hereto.Part AALIPAY SERVICES, SERVICE FEES AND SETTLEMENT1.Service Description.The Company processes Payments from Alipay Users on behalf of Merchant for purchase of Products, enable Merchant to accept payment from Alipay Users,during the term of this Schedule, the Company shall procure Alipay to grant to the Merchant the right to, and the Merchant shall be entitled to, accept the use of Alipay Wallet as offline and online (subject to the Company’s absolute discretion) payment solution for the Products by Alipay Use r/the Merchant’s customer (“Alipay Acquiring Services”). All risks and responsibilities in relation to the Payment shall be addressed and shouldered by the Alipay User and the Merchant.2.Service Feea)General. Merchant shall pay the Company the following fees (the “Service Fee”) in accordance with Clause2(b) of this Part A:For Online and Offline Spot Payment, the Company will charge the Merchant the Service Fee at theapplicable rate set forth in the table below:For online Payment, the Company will charge the Merchant the Service Fee at [ ]%For offline transactions, the Company will charge the Merchant the Service Fee at [ ]% (forMerchant-Presented QR Code).All payments of the Service Fee shall be exclusive of any Tax.b)Payment of Service Fee. The Merchant agrees that the Company may deduct, in whole or in part, any ServiceFee that is due and payable but have not otherwise been paid by the Merchant, from the relevant FundsAvailable for Settlement.c)Over/Under-Charges. If the Company charges the Merchant more than the Service Fee set forth in thisSchedule, the Company will return the additional Service Fee charged to the Merchant as soon as practicable.If the Company charges the Merchant less than the Service Fee set forth in this Schedule, then Merchant shallpay the amount of outstanding Service Fee to the Company as soon as practicable upon the Company’s request.3.Alipay Settlement Processa)Bank Account. The Merchant will bear all losses arising from the incorrect information of its banking details asprovided to the Company in this Schedule.b)Funds Transfer. Subject to the Company exercising its rights to withhold, deduct or set off in accordance withthis Schedule, the Company will transfer to the Merchant an amount equal to the "Net Settlement Amount" inaccordance with the formula set out below:Net Settlement Amount= Settlement Funds –Refunds (if any, as specified under Clause 3(f) below) -Chargebacks (if any) - any other amount that the Company may deduct in accordance with its rights to withhold,deduct or set off under this Schedule; andWhere: Settlement Funds =Funds Available for Settlement – Service Fee.c)Settlement File.Following the transfer of any Net Settlement Amount to the Merchant’s designated bankaccount, the Company will provide, on the same Working Day, a file containing the relevant settlementinformation (“Settlement File”) in relation to that Net Settlement Amount.d)Incidental Fee for Fund Transfer. In connection with transferring the Net Settlement Amount to the Merchantin accordance with this Part A, the Merchant will be solely responsible for bank charges (if any) imposed bybanks through which the Company initiates the transfer of such Net Settlement Amount. For any other fees orcharges imposed by beneficiary banks (where Merchant has a bank account), intermediary banks or otherpayment service providers passing or receiving such Net Settlement Amount on behalf of the Merchant, theMerchant shall be solely responsible for any such fees or charges.e)Refunds.(A)If an Alipay User requests and is due a Refund in accordance with a Merchant’s after-sale servicepolicy or a Refund is required by Applicable Law, the Merchant (as appropriate) will instruct theCompany in a timely manner to make such Refund to the Alipay U ser’s Alipay Account in accordancewith the Refund process to be agreed between the Company and the Merchant.(B)The Merchant hereby agrees to reimburse the Company for each such Refund and for that purposeauthorizes the Company to deduct the amount of each Refund from the Settlement Funds and returnsuch Refund to the relevant Alipay User in accordance with this Clause 3(e).(C)If the amount of the Settlement Funds is not sufficient to process the relevant Refund, the Company willbe entitled to process the Refund only after the amount of such Settlement Funds becomes sufficient topay the amount of such Refund or after the Company otherwise receives from the Merchant an amountsufficient to process the Refund. For the avoidance of doubt, the Company shall not be responsible forany claim or liability that the relevant Alipay User may seek Merchant in the event of any delay inprocessing such Refund.(D)Alipay will not charge any Service Fee in respect of any Refund from the relevant Settlement Fund.Any Service Fee related to a Payment that is subject to a Refund and which has already been deductedfrom the Funds Available for Settlement will be repaid to the merchant by the Company upon theRefund being paid to the Company.(E)the Company only accepts and processes Refund instructions from the Merchant if the request for theRefund is made within ninety (90) days from the date of the Transaction, except for Products relating toair travel that have been specifically agreed by both Parties which the Company will accept and processa request for any Refund up to three hundred and sixty five (365) days from the Transaction date.(F)The Merchant will ensure that any Refund is only effectuated through the system interface provided bythe Company. Any alternative methods for the Refund, including but not limited to bank remittance, aredisallowed.f)Settlement and Settlement Limit. T he Company will transfer the Net Settlement Amount in Hong Kong Dollarto the Merchant’s designated bank account (as provided in the Agreement) within one (1) Working Day fromthe date of Transaction. T he Company reserves the right to adjust the Settlement Limit and charge a fee forSettlement during the Renewal Term(s).g)Enquiry Regarding Settlement. Any enquiry by the Merchant with respect to settlement shall be made inwriting and the Merchant shall provide any information reasonably required by the Company to assist with suchenquiry. T he Company will, acting in a commercially reasonable manner, assist the Merchant in resolving therelevant matter and provide a written response to the Merchant within seven (7) Working Days after receivingsuch written enquiry from Merchant.4.Rules for Risk Management.a)The Merchant agrees that, if the Company determines in its sole discretion that certain features of the AlipayAcquiring Services may be subject to high risk of Unauthorized Payment or fraudulent Transaction, theCompany may suspend or terminate, with reasonable notice, the provision of such part of the Alipay AcquiringServices, including but not limited to adjusting the types, issuing banks and payment limit (whether perTransaction or per day) of the credit card and/or debit card Alipay Users will be able to use to complete thePayment from time to time.b)The Merchant to use its best efforts to promptly answer Alipay User’s enquiries and resolve any disputes inrelation to the goods and/or services provided by the Merchant.c)The Merchant shall be responsible for all costs and loss incurred by any disputes in relation to the goods and/orservices provided by the Merchant and any Unauthorized Payment if such Unauthorized Payment is caused byor due to the Merchant’s default with respect to Transactions, including but not limited to Chargebacks andrelated costs, and the Merchant will comply with the following rules:(A)Transaction Evidence. The Merchant will ensure to provide the Transaction Evidence within three (3)Working Days upon the Company’s request.(B)Reimbursement. If the Company does not receive the Transaction Evidence, or the Company deems theTransaction Evidence to be inadequate, or the Merchant accepts the Chargeback, or the arbitration orpre-arbitration result is not in favor of the Merchant, in the case that the Merchant elects to proceedwith the arbitration or the pre-arbitration (or equivalent procedure) to resolve the Chargeback and sucharbitration or pre-arbitration (or equivalent procedure) determines that there is a Chargeback, theChargeback amount regarding the Transaction in question will be deducted from the Settlement Fundsin the next settlement cycle in accordance with Clause 3 (b) of this Part A. .(C)Reimbursement Obligation. Provided Transaction Evidence has been requested, the Company may,having made due enquiry of the Alipay User, determine to reimburse an Alipay User in the event ofany Unauthorized Payment. The Merchant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Company for theamount to be agreed between the Merchant and the Company (each acting reasonably) reimbursed tothe Alipay User. In the event of any disputes in relation to the goods/services with card payments, theMerchant agrees to follow card association’s rules.5.Payment Policiesa)Responsibilities for Service Fee. The Merchant will pay any Service Fee for using the Alipay Services and willnot, directly or indirectly, transfer any such Service Fee, that it may be charged, to the Alipay Users in addition to what a Merchant would charge a customer for the relevant Transaction in the normal course of business.b)Alipay Wallet as Payment Method. The Merchant will not restrict its customers in any way from using AlipayWallet as a Payment method at checkout at any sales channel, including but not limited to requiring a minimum or maximum purchase amount (except due to the transaction control required by Applicable Laws) from customers using Alipay Wallet to make Payments.c)Prohibited Products. The Merchant fully acknowledges that must not provide Alipay Acquiring Services withrespect to any Transaction which is prohibited by this Schedule (including Payments in relation to Prohibited Products), Applicable Law or violates the Company and Alipay’s internal policies (as notified to the Merchant from time to time), or which will result in the Company being considered to have breached any Applicable Law.The Merchant will provide the Company information about its Merchant’s Products as reasonably requested by the Company from time to time. The Merchants will not sell Products through Alipay’s and the Company’s Platform that contain articles prohibited or restricted from being sold to Alipay Users under any Applicable Law, including without limitation the products listed in Appendix I, which may be updated by the Company and/or Alipay and notified to the Merchant from time to time (together, “Prohibited Products”). The Merchant will ensure that no Transaction being submitted for the Company’s processing involves or relates to any Prohibited Products (“Prohibited Transaction”). T he Company will have the right to refuse to provide any Alipay Acquiring Services with respect to any Prohibited Transaction and the Merchant will indemnify the Company for any damages, losses and liabilities that the Company may suffer arising from or in connection with such Prohibited Transactions.d)Products.The Merchant will use Alipay Acquiring Services only for the Products in connection withMerchant’s principal business as notified by the Merchant to the Company in accordance with this Schedule. The Merchant shall not make a request for Payment or settlement for any Transaction unless the Merchant is in the course of conducting a sales and purchase transaction with respect to the provision of the Products to Alipay Users. Cash Advances by the Merchant or by Merchant to Alipay Users are not allowed in any circumstances.The Merchant hereby agrees, warrants and represents to the Company on each of its request for Payment that each relevant Transaction thereunder has been duly and properly authorized and completed according to the terms and conditions of this Schedule and that the details of the Transactions are true and correct.e)Storage of Transaction Information. The Merchant will, maintain the records for each Transaction to justifyits authenticity for a period of seven years after the completion of the Transaction and the Company shall be entitled to review or otherwise access such records. Subject to any legal restrictions under Applicable Law, The Merchant will ensure that the Company, Alipay, the relevant service providers of Alipay and the Company and/or regulatory or governmental authorities having jurisdiction over Alipay and the Company be provided with or granted access to, the relevant Transaction information including but not limited to information on each Merchant, Products, and the amount, currency, time and counterparties to each Transaction, within three (3) Working Days of the Company’s request. Subject to any restriction under Applicable Laws, the Company will advise the Merchant of the names of such service providers or regulatory/governmental authorities and the subject matter to which such requests relate.f)Set off & Withholding. The Merchant agrees that the Company shall be entitled, at its sole discretion, to set off,withhold settlement of or deduct any sums payable and liability of any nature from time to time due, owing or incurred by the Merchants) to the Company(or any the Company Affiliate) under this Schedule against any monies and liabilities of any nature, including Payments, from time to time due, owing or incurred by the Company under this Schedule. The circumstances under which the Company may exercise its rights under this Clause include, but are not limited to,:(A)if the Merchant fails to comply with any term of this Schedule;(B)if the Company believes that the Merchant has or is likely to become subject to bankruptcy,insolvency, reorganization, winding up or similar dissolution procedures;(C)if the Company reasonably believes that there has been a material deterioration in the financialcondition of the Merchant; and(D)if the Company reasonably believes that any Transaction is a Prohibited Transaction.The Merchant shall not be entitled to retain or set-off any amount owed to it by the Company against any amountdue from the Merchant (or its Merchants) to the Company.6.Cooperation with the Company.a)In consideration of the mutual agreements and promises set forth in this Schedule, and for other good andvaluable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, for the Term of thisSchedule, The Merchant, including its Affiliates, and its and their officers, shareholders, directors shall not inany way engage in any other payment acquiring service (other than the Service).b)The Merchant agrees that the limitations in this Clause are in the public interest by protecting the general publicfrom confusion and the passing off of other competing services and that the preferential rates as stipulated underthis Schedule adequately compensate it for these limitations.Part B ALIPAY ACQUIRING SERVICE TERMS AND CONDITIONS1.Definitions. Capitalized terms not defined in this Part B will have the meaning given to them in this Schedule includingthose set out in Part D, unless the context requires otherwise.2.Alipay Acquiring Services. T he Company will provide the Merchant certain service as described in Part A. Each of theCompany and the Merchant will perform and comply with its respective responsibilities set forth in this Schedule.3.Fees. In consideration for the Company providing the Alipay Acquiring Services to the Merchant in accordance with the termsof this Schedule, the Merchant will pay the Company the Service Fee and other fees or charges as set out in Part A. T he Company reserves the right to adjust such fees upon thirty (30) days prior written notice.4.Representations and Warranties. Each Party makes each of the following representations and warranties to the other Party,and acknowledges that such other Party is relying on these representations and warranties in entering into this Schedule.A.Authorization. The Party represents and warrants the following (collectively, the “Authorization Warranties”):(i)it is an independent corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under the laws of jurisdictionof its incorporation;(ii)it is properly registered to do business in all jurisdictions in which it carries on business;(iii)it has all licenses, regulatory approvals, permits and powers legally required to conduct its business in each jurisdiction in which it carries on business; and(iv)it has the corporate power, authority and legal right to execute and perform this Schedule and to carry out the transactions and its obligations contemplated by this Schedule.B.Validity. Each Party represents and warrants that once duly executed by the Party this Schedule shall constitute valid andbinding obligations on the Party, enforceable in accordance with its terms. Except as otherwise stated in this Schedule, no approval or consent of any person or government department or agency is legally or contractually required to be obtained by the Party in order to enter into this Schedule and perform its obligations.C.No Conflicts. Each Party represents and warrants that (a) the execution of this Schedule, nor (b) the consummation bythe Party of this Schedule will (i) conflict with the certificate of incorporation or by-laws or any other corporate or constitutional document of the Party or (ii) breach any obligations of the Party under any contract to which it is a party or (ii) violate any Applicable Law.D.Litigation.Each Party represents and warrants that there is no litigation, proceeding or investigation of any naturepending or, to the Party’s knowledge, threatened against or affecting the Party or any of its Affiliates, which would reasonably be expected to have a material adverse effect on its ability to perform its obligations under this Schedule.pliance with Law.A.General. Each of the Parties will comply with any Applicable Law in connection with the operation of its business andperformance of its obligations under this Schedule. Merchant will at its own cost, keep such records and do such things as are reasonably necessary to ensure that Alipay and the Company complies with any Applicable Law; provided always that Merchant shall not be required to do anything which is inconsistent with or in breach of any applicable laws.rmation Verification. In order for Alipay to satisfy its obligations and to comply with the relevant requirementsunder Applicable Law, upon reasonable request by Alipay, Merchants will share, records and information (including Transaction information and records with Alipay from time to time and Alipay is authorized by Merchant to provide the relevant records and information to governmental agencies, regulatory authorities and third party service providers for examination and verification as necessary.C.AML Requirements. The Merchant shall comply with all Applicable Law on anti-money laundering, counter-terrorismfinancing and sanctions (together “AML”). The Merchant shall fully cooperate with the Company’s reasonable due diligence (on site or in writing) of the Merchant’s AML polici es and procedures, including but not limited to merchantmanagement, sanctions and political exposed people review, suspicious transactions monitoring and reporting. In accordance with its AML, anti-fraud, and other compliance and security policies and procedures, the Company may impose reasonable limitations and controls on Merchant’s ability to utilize the Alipay acquiring Services. Such limitations may include but are not limited to rejecting Payments and/or or suspending/restricting any Alipay Acquiring Service with respect to certain Transactions.6.Disclaimer.TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW AND EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLYSTATED, ALIPAY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, COMMON LAW OR STATUTORY INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF TITLE, LICENSEABILITY, DATA ACCURACY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND USE OF REASONABLE SKILL AND CARE OR THAT THE ALIPAY SERVICES, THE ALIPAY PLATFORM OR ANY APPLICATION, WEBSITE, PRODUCT PROVIDED OR USED IN CONNECTION WITH THE ALIPAY SERVICES WILL BE ERROR FREE OR OPERATE WITHOUT INTERRUPTION.7.Indemnification.A.General Indemnity.Subject to Clause 8 below, each Party (the “indemnifying Party”) will indemnify the other Party(the “indemnified Party”) from and against all actions, claims, demands, liabilities, obligations, losses, costs (including, but not limited to legal fees, expenses and penalties) and interest suffered, incurred or sustained by or threatened against the indemnified Party arising out of any breach or violation of this Schedule by the indemnifying Party or any gross neglect, willful misconduct, fraud or dishonesty by the indemnifying Party or any of its employees or agents.B.Third party IP Indemnity for Alipay. The Merchant shall indemnify and defend Alipay and its Affiliates from andagainst any claim that any license the Merchant and/or its Affiliates granted under Clause 9 of Part B or the exercise thereof in accordance with this Schedule constitutes an unauthorized use or infringement of any Intellectual Property rights of a third party (“IP Claim against Alipay”).C.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, nothing under this Schedule shall be construed to exclude or limit Company’sliability in connection with its obligations under Clause 3 of this Part B.8.Limitation of Liability. To the extent permitted under Applicable Law, under no circumstances will Alipay and theCompany or its Affiliates be liable under any theory of tort, contract, strict liability or other legal or equitable theory for lost profits (whether direct or indirect), indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary loss or punitive damages, each of which is excluded by agreement of the Parties regardless of whether such losses and/or damages were foreseeable or whether Merchant had been advised of the possibility of such damages. Notwithstanding anything in this Schedule to the contrary, other than Alipay’s settlement obligations under Clause 3 of Part A, Alipay’s aggregate liability, including for claims, expenses, damages or indemnity obligations under or in connection with this Schedule or the Alipay Services, will not exceed the lesser of (a) USD$500,000 and (b) the total fees payable by Merchant to Alipay for the Alipay Services provided in the Twelve (12) complete calendar months preceding the date of the first event giving rise to a claim upon which liability is based.9.Intellectual Property.A.The Company’s License to the Merchant. T he Company owns all rights, title or interests in and to the IntellectualProperty associated with the provision of the Alipay Acquiring Services, or has otherwise been granted the appropriate licenses by the relevant owner with respect to such Intellectual Property. Subject to the terms of this Schedule and, as the case may be, any agreement between the Company and the owner of the relevant Intellectual Property, the Company hereby grants Merchant during the term of this Schedule, a license to use the relevant Intellectual Property in the Alipay Acquiring Services, the Alipay Acquiring Platform and the Alipay branding and logo (it owns or is entitled to use) solely for the purpose of using the Alipay Acquiring Services in accordance with this Schedule. Such license to use the relevant Intellectual Property granted in favor of Merchant is non-exclusive, non-sublicensable (other than to Merchants as permitted by and in accordance with Clause 4 of Part C) and non-transferrable, and may be modified or revoked by the Company in writing at any time during the term of this Schedule. The Merchant shall be permitted to use Alipay's branding and logo solely as required for the purpose of using the Alipay Acquiring Services and strictly in accordance with the provisions of Clause 4 of Part C. T he Company agrees that the licenses granted under this Clause 9 and the Merchant's use of such Intellectual Property under this Schedule will not confer any proprietary right, and the Merchant agrees to take reasonable care to protect all such Intellectual Property from infringement or damage and cease all use of such Intellectual Property immediately upon termination of this Schedule.B.The Merchant’s License to the Company. During the term of this Schedule for the limited purposes of performing theobligations set forth in this Schedule and subject to the terms of this Schedule, the Merchant grants to the Company a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, publish, distribute and transmit any of the Merchant ’s marketing materials, proprietary indicia or other similar items containing the Intellectual Property of the Merchant("Merchant IP") necessary for the Company to perform its obligations contemplated by this Schedule and to refer to the name of the Merchant in the public announcement as one of the partners using the Alipay Acquiring Services. The Merchant represents and warrants to the Company that it has obtained all necessary authorities, permissions, approvals and licenses to license the Merchant IP to the Company and that the Merchant IP does not infringe the Intellectual Property of any third party.10.Data privacy. Each Party will take all commercially reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Personal Information isprotected against misuse and loss, or unauthorized access, modification or disclosure and will promptly notify the other Party of any loss of, or any unauthorized disclosure of or access to, the Personal Information. Each Party may retain records of Payments for complying with Applicable Law a nd internal compliance requirements. “Personal Information” means personal information or data, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained, from the information or data, processed by either Party in connection with this Schedule. T he Company may transfer Transaction data, including Personal Information, to any of its Affiliates that have been delegated any of its obligations under this Schedule.11.Taxes.A.To the extent permitted by Applicable Law, all Taxes arising from or in connection with all payments between theCompany and the Merchant under this Schedule shall be for the account of and liability of Merchant, unless agreed otherwise in writing by the Parties.B.For the avoidance of doubt, (i) all amounts payable by the Merchant to the Company under this Schedule are exclusive ofany Taxes imposed by the relevant taxation authority of applicable jurisdictions to which the Merchant is subject which shall be for the account of the Company; and (ii) any Taxes imposed by the relevant taxation authority of applicable jurisdictions to which the Merchant is subject, including without limitation value added tax or other Taxes of similar nature, arising out of or in connection with any Transaction or this Schedule, shall be for the account of the Merchant.C.Each Party shall be responsible for any and all Excluded Taxes that it is liable for under Applicable Law.D.Where a Party is required under Applicable Law relating to tax to fulfil its tax obligations, including but not limited tocommon reporting standard, imposed by any taxation authority, the other Party shall promptly provide information and documents as requested by that Party to the extent permitted by Applicable Law.E.Nothing contained in this Schedule is intended to result in one Party assisting the other Party to evade any Taxes in theapplicable jurisdictions to which the other Party is subject.12.Confidential Information.Each Party acknowledges that the Confidential Information of the other is valuable to it andagrees to treat all Confidential Information received from the other Party in connection this Schedule as confidential. Neither Party will disclose such Confidential Information to any third party except to perform its obligations under this Schedule or as required by Applicable Law or government authorities, and in each case, the disclosing Party will, to the extent permitted under Applicable Law, give the other Party prior notice of such disclosure. Upon termination of this Schedule or at the written request of the other Party, each Party will promptly return or destroy all material embodying Confidential Information of the other. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each Party may retain reasonable copies of the other Party's Confidential Information to comply with Applicable Laws or in order to exercise its rights under this Schedule, provided that such retained Confidential Information will not be disclosed or used for any other purposes. “Confidential Information” means all non-public, proprietary or other confidential information, whether in oral, written or other form, including but not limited to: the content and performance of this Schedule, business plans, capitalization tables, budgets, financial statements; costs, prices, and marketing plans, contracts and licenses, employee, customer, supplier, shareholder, partner or investor lists, technology, know-how, business processes, trade secrets and business models, notes, sketches, flow charts, formulas, blueprints, and elements thereof, and source code, object code, graphical design, user interfaces and other Intellectual Property, including that of any customer, supplier or other third party (including, in the case of the Company, the interface technologies, security protocol and certificate to any other website or enterprise provided by the Company) .13.Publicity. Neither Party will issue any press release or make any public announcement pertaining to this Schedule without theprior written consent of the other Party unless required by Applicable Law binding the Party. However, the preceding limitation will not be interpreted to prevent Alipay from making general statements about Alipay’s business or about services similar to the Alipay Services in or outside of the jurisdiction where Merchant is located.14.Notice.All business correspondence in relation to the business as usual operation of the Alipay Acquiring Services andamendment of any matters in relation to this Schedule (other than in respect of notification of a change of Company legal name) will: all notices and other communications given in connection with this Schedule (including changing any terms of this Schedule and, in the case of the Company, notification of a change of Company legal name) will be in writing, and will。
意锐 小盒加强版移动支付机具使用说明书

自助式移动支付机具Hands-free Mobile Payment Devices 意锐小盒加强版使用说明书InsPos S Scanning DeviceOperation Instruction北京意锐新创科技有限公司Beijing Inspiry Technology Co., Ltd.版权所有All rights reserved郑重声明Notice意锐小盒加强版移动支付机具已在中国专利局和商标局注册。
InsPos S Mobile Payment Device has been registered in Patent Office and Trademark Office of People’s Republic of China.本说明使用的商标、商号及图标均属于北京意锐新创科技有限公司或其授权人,并受中华人民共和国法律及国际条约保护。
All the trademarks and trade names used in this Instruction belong to Beijing Inspiry Technology Co., Ltd or its authorized persons, and are protected by the laws of People’s Republic of China and international treaties.本说明书仅适用于书中所介绍的意锐小盒加强版移动支付机具的使用和使用条件及环境要求的说明。
This instruction applies only to the application, operation environment and environmental requirement of InsPos S.本说明书的资料的正确性已经认真审核,但北京意锐新创科技有限公司对内容的解释有保留权。
The correctness of the information in this instruction has been carefully reviewed, but Beijing Inspiry Technology Co., Ltd retains the right of the interpretation of the contents.本说明书的所有权属于北京意锐新创科技有限公司。

二、功能需求1. 用户管理:系统应具备用户注册、登录、密码找回等功能,确保用户信息的安全和可靠性。
2. 数据管理:系统应能够对数据进行添加、修改、删除、查询等操作,确保数据的完整性和一致性。
3. 订单管理:系统应能够对订单进行生成、取消、修改、查询等操作,确保订单的准确性和及时性。
4. 支付管理:系统应具备多种支付方式,如支付宝、微信支付等,确保支付的安全性和方便性。
5. 商品管理:系统应能够对商品进行添加、删除、修改、查询等操作,确保商品信息的准确性和可靠性。
6. 物流管理:系统应能够对物流信息进行跟踪和查询,确保物流的及时性和可追溯性。
三、性能需求1. 响应时间:系统应能够在用户发起请求后,及时给予响应,响应时间应控制在2秒以内。
2. 并发能力:系统应具备处理大量并发请求的能力,能够稳定运行在高并发的环境下。
3. 可扩展性:系统应具备良好的可扩展性,能够根据业务需求进行水平和垂直的扩展。
4. 容错性:系统应具备容错能力,能够在出现异常情况下保持系统的稳定性和可用性。
5. 数据存储:系统应能够对大量的数据进行高效存储和读取,确保数据的可靠性和安全性。
四、接口需求1. 用户接口:系统应提供友好的用户界面,使用户能够方便地进行操作和交互。
2. 第三方接口:系统应能够与第三方支付、物流等接口进行良好的对接和集成,确保系统的功能完整性。
3. 数据接口:系统应提供合适的数据接口,以便其他系统能够与之进行数据交换和共享。
五、安全需求1. 用户身份验证:系统应具备用户身份验证机制,确保用户信息的安全和可信度。
2. 数据加密:系统应对重要数据进行加密处理,确保数据的机密性和完整性。
3. 权限控制:系统应具备灵活的权限控制机制,能够对用户进行不同级别的权限划分和管理。

产品价格说明书范文1. 引言本文档旨在向用户提供产品价格说明,帮助用户了解产品的定价策略、计费周期、付款方式等相关信息。
2. 产品定价策略我们公司的产品定价策略基于以下几个因素:2.1 生产成本产品定价会考虑到生产过程中的直接与间接成本,包括原材料采购成本、生产设备成本、人力资源成本等。
2.2 市场需求与竞争状况市场需求和竞争状况也是我们制定产品定价的重要因素。
2.3 附加价值与差异化在制定产品定价时,我们也会考虑产品的附加价值和差异化程度。
3. 产品计费周期本产品采用按周期计费的方式,具体计费周期为一个月。
4. 付款方式用户可以通过以下方式进行付款:4.1 在线支付用户可以选择使用各种在线支付方式进行付款,包括但不限于支付宝、微信支付、银行卡支付等。
4.2 银行转账用户也可以选择通过银行转账的方式进行付款。
4.3 其他方式除了上述方式,我们还支持其他特殊付款方式,例如支票或邮局汇款。
5. 退款政策在购买产品后,如果用户对产品不满意或需要退款,我们将按照以下政策处理:5.1 全额退款如果用户在购买产品后的7天内决定退款,我们将全额退还用户支付的费用。
5.2 部分退款如果用户在7天后但在计费周期结束之前要求退款,我们将按照使用时长的比例退还费用。
5.3 不予退款在以下情况下,我们将不予退款:•用户违反了产品的使用协议或隐私政策;•用户购买了非退款性质的特殊产品或服务;•其他不可抗力因素导致无法提供正常服务。
Huione Pay 使用说明书

Huione Pay使用说明书V 2.0目录1注册登录 (4)1.1注册 (4)1.2登录 (4)1.3忘记密码 (5)2扫描二维码支付 (6)3二维码收款 (8)4提现 (9)4.1提现到银行卡账户 (9)4.2全球提现 (11)4.3提现到支付宝 (13)4.3.1添加支付宝账户 (14)4.4数字货币提币 (15)5话费充值 (16)6转账 (17)7兑汇 (19)7.1官方兑汇 (19)7.2交易市场 (20)8理财 (26)9生活缴费 (28)9.1水费 (28)9.2电费 (29)10充值 (29)11汇率 (31)12账单查询 (32)13钱包 (33)13.1银行卡 (34)13.2个人信息 (35)13.2.1邮箱 (36)13.3密码维护 (37)13.3.1登录密码维护 (37)13.3.2支付密码维护 (37)13.4联系汇旺 (39)13.5意见反馈 (39)1注册登录1.1注册➢如何注册?第一次打开APP点击启动页下【注册】按钮或在登录页面点击【注册】按钮,跳转到注册页面。
2 扫描二维码支付➢ 我怎么进行扫码支付?APP 首页点击【扫码付】按钮进入扫码付页面,然后用手机扫描对方二维码。

1. 发传单地推(传单、海报、易拉宝等)线下扫码是小程序最基础的获客方式之一,用户通过微信扫小程序码即可打开小程序。
2. 线下活动推广活动推广是营销的重要方式之一。
3. 抢占小程序名称我们微信搜索是小程序一个很重要的入口,甚至在张小龙的计划中,搜索会成为微信小程序的主要入口,所以这么重要的“地方”我们不能不抢占啊。
4. 小程序名称搜索优化微信搜索支持关键词模糊匹配与搜索,所以自定义关键字也会影响到小程序的排名,在设置关键词时,可借鉴百度推广的投放技巧,结合微信指数进行考量,确保关键词符合微信使用场景。
5. 附近的小程序入口我们都知道,微信小程序和支付宝小程序都有“附近的小程序”功能,当你的小程序展示在“附近的小程序”的时候,小程序自动展示给 5 公里范围内的所有微信用户。
还有,针对线下连锁门店,小程序支持 10 个地理位置展示,你想想看,10个地理位置,每个半径 5 公里,几乎整个城市都有你的小程序。
6. 卡券入口卡券是微信为线下商家推出的功能之一,在卡券界面中,我们可以点击相应的优惠券、会员卡等进入相应的小程序。
7. 关联公众号公众号是最目前常规推广中涨粉最快、最稳定的一种方式。

结款方式如下:1. 银行转账:请将款项转账至以下账户:账户名:XXX公司开户银行:XXX银行账号:XXXXXX2. 支付宝/微信支付:请扫描下方二维码完成支付:(二维码图片)3. 线下付款:如果您选择线下付款,请联系我们的客服人员,我们将安排工作人员上门收款。

二、系统功能模块1. 用户管理模块此模块主要用于管理用户的注册、登录、个人信息修改等功能。
2. 商品管理模块该模块用于管理商品的发布、修改、下架等功能。
3. 订单管理模块该模块用于管理用户的订单信息。
4. 支付模块此模块用于处理用户支付操作。
5. 物流配送模块该模块用于管理商品的配送过程。
6. 售后服务模块此模块用于处理用户的售后问题。
三、系统使用流程1. 用户注册与登录用户首先需要注册账号,填写相应信息,并选择用户名和密码进行登录。
2. 商品浏览与选择登录后,用户可以在系统中浏览各类商品,通过搜索或浏览推荐列表找到心仪的商品。
3. 商品购买用户在浏览商品详情后,可以将商品加入购物车,也可以直接下单购买。
4. 支付与下单在购物车页面,用户可以选择支付方式,并进行支付操作。
5. 订单处理与物流配送商家收到订单后会进行确认,同时启动物流配送流程。
6. 售后服务用户在收到商品后,如有售后需求,可联系售后服务部门进行处理。

二、产品特性1. 多样化商品:我们与众多知名品牌和优质卖家合作,为您提供丰富多样的商品选择。
2. 用户友好的界面:我们的平台采用简洁清晰的界面设计,使用户能够迅速找到所需商品,并且轻松完成下单和支付流程。
3. 智能推荐系统:我们的平台拥有先进的智能推荐系统,能够根据您的购物历史和偏好,向您推荐您可能感兴趣的商品。
4. 安全可靠的支付方式:我们提供多种支付方式,包括支付宝、微信支付等,以确保您的支付过程安全可靠。
5. 快速可靠的物流配送:我们与众多物流公司合作,提供快速可靠的产品配送服务。
三、使用方法1. 注册账号:首次使用我们的平台,请您注册一个账号并填写必要的个人信息。
2. 浏览商品:通过平台的搜索栏或者分类浏览功能,您可以快速找到您需要的商品。
3. 加入购物车:如果您找到心仪的商品,请点击“加入购物车”按钮,将商品添加到您的购物车中。

系统使用说明书目录后台初始化 (1)栏目 (2)角色和权限分配 (2)用户管理 (2)基本用户界面操作和搜索 (2)招聘信息(招聘计划批次)管理 (3)招聘单位和岗位 (3)已报名用户管理 (4)已付款用户安排考场 (4)其他数据字典项 (6)前台内容的管理 (6)前台用户流程图 (6)本系统分为两部分,一个是面向公众访问网址为******/一个是后台管理部分网址为******/测试用户名admin密码admin公众用户可以在这里注册报考招聘职位。
(可根据您的需要设置为选填必填或其他规则验证) 如身份证/银行卡/邮箱/邮编/手机/支付宝账号等验证一个是后台管理部分,可以完成前台栏目的修改和资讯发布,在首次使用系统之前需要进行系统的初始化,并根据报名流程,再用户进行下一项操作前,及时录入相关信息。


软件著作权使用说明书模板篇一:软件著作权使用说明书-范本(软件名称)使用说明书(申请人名称)目录1WEB端 ........................................ ........................................... .. (3)1.1会员模块 ........................................ ........................................... ........................................... (4)1.2订单管理模块 ........................................ ........................................... ........................................... .. (6)1.3商品搜索 ........................................ ........................................... ........................................... . (9)11.4 电子票预订 ........................................ ........................................... ........................................... (10)1.5产品管理模块 ........................................ ........................................... ........................................... (12)1.5.1景区 ........................................ ........................................... ........................................... .. (12)1.5.2宾馆酒店 ........................................ ........................................... ..........................................131.5.3旅游线路 ........................................ ........................................... ..........................................15 2验票终端 ........................................ ........................................... . (17)1 WEB端图1-1 WEB端主页1.1会员模块图1-2 会员注册入口2进入系统,点击会员注册,输入邮箱地址与登录密码即可。

一、密码安全1.1 设置强密码为了保护个人账户的安全,我们应该设置强密码。
1.2 定期更换密码为了防止密码被破解,我们应定期更换密码,建议每三个月更换一次。
1.3 谨防钓鱼网站在输入密码时要注意确认网站的安全性,避免输入密码到钓鱼网站中。
二、信息安全2.1 谨慎分享个人信息个人信息是我们的隐私,不应随意分享。
2.2 警惕网络诈骗网络诈骗手段繁多,我们应提高警惕,不轻信陌生人的请求。
2.3 加强隐私设置在使用社交媒体和其他在线平台时,我们应该合理设置隐私选项,控制自己的个人信息对外的可见程度。
三、网络购物安全3.1 选择正规平台在进行网络购物时,我们应选择正规的购物平台,避免购买假冒伪劣产品。
3.2 注意商品详情在购买商品前,我们应仔细阅读商品的详情介绍、价格、售后服务等信息。
3.3 安全支付在进行网上支付时,我们应选择安全可靠的支付方式,如支付宝、微信支付等。
四、网络社交安全4.1 尊重他人隐私在网络社交中,我们应尊重他人的隐私,不随意传播他人的个人信息。

068对比PayPal 的全球影响报告,支付宝的可持续发展报告仍有诸多可以改进的地方。
支付宝在企业ESG 方面更应该与PayPal 看齐,甚至去超越PayPal 的披露水准,以展示企业内部的治理水平与ESG 表现,展现出大企业应有的ESG 担当支付宝:与PayPal 的ESG 表现差距多远?文/董闻Corporate Governance Asia支付宝目前已发展成为中国最大的数字支付和数字金融科技平台,也是全球交易量最大的第三方支付公司。
在美股市场,可与支付宝对标的另一家以支付为核心业务的公司,是如今世界上使用范围最广的第三方支付公司,PayPal 。
两者的相似之处还在于,支付宝和PayPal 在成立之初,都分别依托淘宝和Ebay 两个电子商务平台,而实现了快速发展。
根据2020年9月25日收盘价,PayPal 的市值为2197亿美元,与支付宝市场估值相近。
不过,在活跃用户数和交易规模上,支付宝的表现都明显优于PayPal 。
支付宝月度活跃用户超过7亿,月度活跃商家超过8000万,截至2020年6月30日的12个月期间,总支付交易规模达到118万亿元;而PayPal 截至2019年底,总活跃账户数为3.05亿,活跃商家数为2400万。
然而,当我们翻开支付宝该年度发布的《可持续发展报告》,却发现+ 亚洲公司治理069它与PayPal 相比,在ESG 信息披露表现上有着明显的差距。
ESG 披露表现对比对比支付宝的《可持续发展报告》和PayPal 该年度发布的《全球影响报告》(Global Impact Report ),两者的报告页数相近,但是在一页内容中所展示的信息密度产生了鲜明的差异。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
B:小程序:小黄车+来电(公众充电宝/充电口)/街电(捆绑推广)+电子执照+车保险+4sF 服务+找工作+家政服务+违章+社保等等