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第24卷 第5期2011年9月

中 国 公 路 学 报

China Journal of H ighw ay and T ransport

V ol.24 No.5




基金项目:交通运输部科技项目(2011319812020);教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划项目(IRT 1050);

陕西省自然科学基础研究计划重点项目(2010JZ009);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(CH D2010JC002)

作者简介:裴建中(1976-),男,山西五台人,副教授,工学博士,E -mail:jianzh on gpei@ 。



,吴 浩2

,陈 勇3



(1.长安大学特殊地区公路工程教育部重点实验室,陕西西安 710064; 2.河南省交通运输厅,

河南郑州 450052; 3.西安市政设计研究院有限公司,陕西西安 710068)

摘要:为分析多轴移动荷载下沥青路面的动态响应特性,通过现场调查建立了不同轴型作用下沥青路面的三维有限元模型,分别研究了单后轴、双后轴及三后轴轴载均匀分布、三后轴车轴载不均匀分布及三后轴车前轴悬空条件下对路面的影响。结果表明:多轴车轴距大于3m 时,各轴对路面的作用相互独立,轴数的增加对路面竖向位移产生叠加作用,对路表最大剪应力及压应力影响不明显;三后轴车中轴对路面竖向位移作用最大,较前轴及后轴分别增大23.7%和18.2%,中轴及后轴对路表剪应力有一定影响,而各轴对路表最大压应力基本没有影响。研究结果显示多轴车轴载不均匀分布对路面破坏会产生较大影响。

关键词:道路工程;沥青路面;数值计算;移动荷载;动态响应;有限元模型中图分类号:U416.01 文献标志码:A

Dynamic Response Characteristics of Asphalt Pavement Under

Mult-i axle Moving Load

PEI Jian -zho ng 1,WU H ao 2,CH EN Yong 3,WANG Bing -g ang 1

(1.K ey L abo rato ry for Special Ar ea Highw ay Engineering of M inistry of Educatio n,Chang p an U niversit y,X i p an 710064,Shaanx i,China; 2.Depa rtment of T r anspor t of H enan P rov ince,Zheng zho u 450052,Henan,China; 3.Xi p an M unicipal Eng ineering Design &Resear ch Institute Co.,L td.,X i p an 710068,Shaanxi,China)

Abstract:In order to analyze dy namic response character istics of asphalt pavement under mult-i ax le moving lo ad,a three -dim ensio nal finite element mo del of asphalt pavement w as established by field investigatio n.T he influences of axle load w ith uniform distribution of sing le rear ax le,dual rear ax les and three rear ax les and the ax le load w ith non -uniform distribution of three rear ax les and the thr ee rear axles vehicles w ith im pending front ax le on pavement w ere studied

respectively.Results sho w that the effect of each ax le o n pavement is independent w hen the w heelbase of m ult-i ax le v ehicle is bigg er than 3m.Increase of number of ax le makes the v ertical displacem ent of pav em ent superpose and m akes the max imal shear stress and compressive stress of pavement chang e inconspicuo usly.The influence of the m iddle ax le o f three rear ax les vehicle on the vertical displacem ent of pavem ent is the g reatest w hich increases by 23.7%and 18.2%compar ed w ith those of the front axle and rear ax le respectively.Besides,the middle axle and rear ax le has certain influence on the shear stress o f pavement,but each ax le has almo st no influence on the maximal com pressive stress o f pavement.The research results indicate that the non -
