上汽大众Polo车主手册 保养篇说明书
![上汽大众Polo车主手册 保养篇说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2ea0b74f77c66137ee06eff9aef8941ea76e4bc2.png)
燃油管)燃油(燃气)管的合理更换周期:15 年 或240,000 公里 (适用于橡胶燃油管以及尼龙燃油管)。
上汽大众客户服务热线:400-820-1111 本章节告诉您什么时候需进行哪种保养。
概览图序号页码1—车门内开扳手2—中央集控门锁按钮 1-183—后视镜调节开关 1-404—罩盖下保险丝 5-85—灯光转换开关 1-336—出风口 1-507—仪表板照明和大灯高度调节开关 1-348—转向信号灯和远光灯拨杆 1-369—组合仪表:各仪表 1-2示警灯和指示灯 1-710-前后风窗玻璃刮水器和风窗玻璃洗涤器拨杆 1-37 11-收音机1)12-左侧座椅加热调节轮* 1-4514-报警灯装置开关 1-3415-后风窗加热装置开关 1-3516-副驾驶员侧安全气囊未启动显示灯 1-4317-储物箱 1-46序号页码18-右侧座椅加热调节轮* 1-4519-饮料杯支架* 1-47电话预装* 1-1220-副驾驶员侧气囊 2-1121-储物箱内:副驾驶员侧气囊开关 1-4322-操纵元件用于暖风/通风系统 1-49用于半自动空调 1-53用于自动空调* 1-5523-储物箱开启手柄 1-4624-电动车窗玻璃升降开关* 1-2525-发动机舱盖开启拉杆 1-3026-前排座椅下储物匣* 1-4127-驾驶员侧气囊 2-1128-可调转向柱用手柄* 1-4429-喇叭(仅在已点火状态下作用)30-点火开关 1-6531-烟灰盒 1-48字号页码32-手制动器 1-6833-换档手柄(手动变速器) 1-61选档手柄(自动变速器) 1-611 鉴于配置的组合方案多种多样。
2 右置方向盘的情况下车辆的对操纵元件的配置有部分不同。
二、安全系统1. ABS防抱死系统Polo配备先进的防抱死系统,可防止制动时轮胎因阻滞而失去抓地力。
2. 制动助力系统Polo配备电子制动助力系统,通过传感器实时感知驾驶员的制动操作,提供适当的制动力度,大幅提高制动灵敏度和安全性。
3. 安全气囊Polo配备多重安全气囊,包括驾驶员和乘客的正面气囊以及侧面气囊,提供全方位的保护。
三、座椅调节与舒适性1. 前座椅调节Polo前排座椅提供多向调节功能,包括座椅高低调节、前后滑动调节等,以适应不同身高和体型的驾驶员。
2. 后排座椅Polo后排座椅宽敞舒适,提供足够的腿部空间和支撑。
3. 空调系统Polo采用先进的空调系统,可根据外部温度和内部设置进行自动调节。
四、操控性能1. 方向盘调节Polo配备可调节方向盘,驾驶员可以根据个人喜好和身体需求进行调整。
2. 悬挂系统Polo采用独立悬挂系统,提供卓越的操控性能和舒适性。
3. 动力配置Polo提供多种动力选择,包括汽油发动机和柴油发动机。
1. [车辆介绍](车辆介绍)
2. [车辆操作](车辆操作)
- [启动和熄火](启动和熄火)
- [换挡操作](换挡操作)
- [巡航控制](巡航控制)
3. [车辆维护](车辆维护)
- [保养周期](保养周期)
- [轮胎维护](轮胎维护)
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1. 将钥匙插入点火开关,向右转动启动发动机。
2. 当发动机启动后,释放钥匙并让它回到原始位置。
3. 若要熄火,只需要将点火开关转到“关”位置即可。
- 手动换挡:将换挡杆从空档移到所需的挡位。
- 自动换挡:将换挡杆放置在\。
现在我整理出新波罗(NEW POLO)实用大全:说明书上没有告诉你的用车知识,供大家参考与学习。
总共96条一、NEWPOLO提车时的检查步骤:a、轮胎气压是否正常,一般低压胎都在2.5 左右b、注意立马加油,有些朋友新波罗的车没赶到加油站,就断油趴下了,只好等拖车。
f、最后查看车辆合格证、和车辆铭牌是否对应,保修手册,说明书是否齐全即可,车辆开具大票上的章是否为你所在4s 店的章。
还有记得要尽快去加油,一般JS 都把新车里的汽油用的差不多了。
q、生产日期应在8 月份之后,冷却液附水箱颜色应是干净的白色,如发红就可能是倒表车,检查发动机底部是否干净无油渍r、试驾的时候,在平直的路上匀速行车,放松方向盘,看看是否跑偏怠速应平稳且听不到声音。
Volkswagen Polo 豪华版车型介绍说明书
![Volkswagen Polo 豪华版车型介绍说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0ee512950d22590102020740be1e650e53eacf6d.png)
INTf the Polo Sedan is impressive for its size. Carefully considered layout provides capacity up to 455 liters. A full-sized spare wheel is conveniently located under a raised floor without compromising the overall roominess.
you endless possibilities. The split rear seat backrest folds separately in a 40:60 ratio.*
*40:60 and 3 headrest in Dubai and Abu Dhabi available.
2. The MP3 radio is equipped with an informative LCD and a CD player allowing you to play files in MP3 and WMA format. | S
The automatic 'Climatronic' climate control allows you to keep the set temperature to within 0.5 degrees and create comfort inside at any time of the year and in any weather condition. | Optional
01 2. The 15-inch light alloy Riverside wheels with 185/60 R15 tires add a beautiful decorative touch to the car. The seven-spoke rims are ideally matched to the Polo Sedan’s dashing appearance. | SE
第二章:车辆外观与内饰第一节:外观1. 车头:2014款Polo采用大众家族式设计,前进气格栅与大灯相连,展现出大气稳重的风格。
2. 车身:流畅的车身线条,搭配双色车身设计,使车辆更显时尚动感。
3. 车尾:简洁的车尾设计,尾灯采用一体式设计,与前大灯相呼应,提升了车辆的整体美感。
第二节:内饰1. 仪表盘:2014款Polo的仪表盘采用三炮筒式设计,信息丰富,易于读取。
2. 中控台:中控台布局合理,操作便捷。
3. 座椅:座椅采用人体工程学设计,乘坐舒适。
第三章:车辆性能第一节:动力系统1. 发动机:2014款Polo提供1.4L和1.6L两种排量发动机,最大功率分别为90kW和110kW。
2. 变速箱:匹配5速手动或6速自动变速箱,传动效率高,动力输出平稳。
第二节:底盘1. 悬挂系统:前麦弗逊式独立悬挂,后扭力梁式半独立悬挂,保证了车辆的稳定性和舒适性。
2. 制动系统:前后盘式制动,制动性能优异。
第四章:驾驶操作第一节:启动车辆1. 将钥匙插入点火开关,转动至“ON”位置。
2. 踩下刹车踏板,按住驻车制动器。
3. 按下启动按钮,启动发动机。
第二节:驾驶1. 按照交通规则行驶,注意观察路况。
2. 使用挡位切换杆或电子挡把切换挡位。
3. 调整方向盘,控制车辆行驶方向。
4. 踩下油门踏板,加速行驶。
5. 踩下刹车踏板,减速或停车。
第五章:维护保养第一节:日常保养1. 定期检查轮胎气压,保持轮胎处于良好状态。
POLO汽车使用手册POLO汽车使用手册目录汽车专业名词英文缩写-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 全车异响一览及解决方案---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 自动档车的驾驶技巧-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 开车损耗知多少------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 新车磨合-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 POLO保养---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 更换轮胎-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13 雨天驾驶技巧-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14 夏季行车注意事项--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 远行前汽车哪些“器官”需候诊------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 上高速的20条忠告-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 上海大众车主宝典系列问答:保养--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 变速器-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 车身--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 电器系统---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 发动机-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28 空调系统---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 燃油--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------33 制动系统---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36 应急情况处理及注意事项-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------38汽车专业名词英文缩写全车异响一览及解决方案由于波罗对外界的隔音性很好,所以车本身的一些噪音反而相对显得严重,以下一些内容,供大家参考:1)上坡时响(摩擦声、声音较尖):前悬挂下摆臂胶套响。
本说明书适用于下列表中各种型号的全新一代Polo 轿车。
名称型号发动机变速箱全新一代Polo轿车SVW71522AF DMB五挡手动变速器全新一代Polo轿车SVW71522BF DMB六挡自动变速器本使用维护说明书描述了该车型车辆在当前范围的配置、功能及操作的一般通用信息,但用户车辆的实际配置和功能等信息以具体交付时的为准。
上汽大众汽车有限公司公司地址:中国上海安亭于田路公司电话:59561888邮政编码:201805企业标准号: Q31/0114000127C124-2019 Q/JQAB 270-2019致尊敬的用户尊敬的用户:感谢您对上汽大众的信任与厚爱!在您选择了上汽大众产品的同时,您已经启动了全新的汽车生活之旅。
沃尔科夫汽车-波尔扬 Volkswagen Polo 车型说明书
![沃尔科夫汽车-波尔扬 Volkswagen Polo 车型说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/89715c474531b90d6c85ec3a87c24028915f8593.png)
4. Introduction6. Styling10. Dashboard12. Interiors14. EngineTransmissionand15. Sa f etyGT18. Polo20. ColoursSpeci f ications 21. Technical24. Accessories30. VolkswagenServiceThe streets will never feel the same again. Heads will turn. Jaws will drop.Heartbeats will race. And respect will follow. Just some things you’ll get used to,every time you get behind the wheel ofthe Volkswagen Polo. It’s powerful andit’s ready to thrill; all on your command.Power,on command.When a car comes with power this formidable, it shows. And in this case, effortlessly so. Take for instance, the bold Front Grille, or the Dual-beam Headlamps that together make for a visual treat. The Body-coloured Door Handles and the Chrome Highlights on theair dam make sure the car looks sleek from every angle.But there’s more than meets the eye. Its Electronically Foldable Side Mirrors integrated with turn indicators can be adjusted automatically from your seat.The Dual-beam Headlamps and front Fog Lamps come with cornering lights that are meant for additional safety.The Heat Insulated Glass on the side and rear windows are added to keep you cool. With the R16 ‘Portago’ Alloys, the Volkswagen Polo is ready to serve both, the tough and the trendy. You could say, it’s power that spoils the right way.It’s earned the stripes.R16 ‘Portago’ Grey AlloysGo on a power trip.The Volkswagen Polo has many tricks up its sleeve. Starting with its multi-function, leather-wrapped steering wheel that is known to transform even the most lifeless of roads into exciting speedways. That’s not all. The brushed-aluminium finish marks its powerful persona and the scratch-resistant interiors keep up with it.Step inside and prepare to be awed. Keeping comfort and safety in mind, the Volkswagen Polo includes a new Auto-dimming IRVM that dims out any glare from vehicles that trail behind. In case of a sudden downpour, its Rain Sensor automatically activates the wipers.Features and accessories shown may not be part of standard equipment.Interior image of Highline trimline.Powerful outside.Power-packed inside.From finely upholstered seats in a black-and-orange splendourfabric, to the Front Centre Armrest and a Cooled Glovebox thatkeeps you company on hot days, everything about theVolkswagen Polo makes you feel at home. The Rear AC Ventmakes sure that your co-passengers have a comfortablejourney, no matter what the temperature is outside.Those long drives on highways will now become effortless withCruise Control that helps maintain a steady speed. Take chargeof the Multi-function Steering Controls that let you manage theradio, music and your phone effortlessly. Apart from the drivingcontrols, the dashboard packs a Touchscreen InfotainmentSystem, an advanced multi-function display, and everything youneed at the touch of a button. What’s more, you can make andreceive calls through a simple voice command. Just connectyour phone to its multi-function console using Bluetooth andclick the command button on the steering wheel to operate.Now, nothing can stop you from dominating the roads.It’s what’s insidethat counts.Front Centre ArmrestCruise Control Rear AC VentCooled GloveboxMulti-function Steering ControlsTouchscreen Infotainment SystemMirror Adjustment ControlsFeatures and accessories shown may notbe part of standard equipment.Interior image of Highline Plus trimline.Rev the engine, make it march to the beat of your own drums. The 1.5L TDI Diesel Engine is a powerhouse of versatility.A 4-cylinder beauty coupled with a 5-speed Manual Transmission. The engine, also available in a compact and fuel efficient 1L MPI Petrol option, is tailor-made with state-of-the-art precision. 1.5L TDI Diesel Engine90PS (66kW) Power230 Nm Torque Nothing feels as good as a heady boost of confidence. Which is why every Volkswagen out of the factory is a force to be reckoned with. Trusted, checked, re-checked and rigorously quality-controlled to accuracy, it comes in a High-strength Steel Frame, with Anti-lock Braking System (ABS). Seats nestled comfortably as you ride in a Galvanised Steel Body that’s enclosedby a laser-welded roof, and equipped with Dual-front Airbags as standard, the Volkswagen Polo is the safest premium hatchback in its segment.Power,uninterrupted.Being in power is also about being in control.1L MPI Petrol Engine 5-speed Manual Transmissionform of power.Respect.It’s the Polo GT.Packed with power.Show the world who’s in power. Flaunt it with the GT Badge on the sleek Silver Grille. The Volkswagen Polo GT is unlike any hatch in its category. With the powerful 1.2L TSI and 1.5L TDI engines, get ready for an adrenaline rush like never before.7-speed Automatic DSG with TSI Engine Doorstep GarnishStylish UpholsteryR16 ‘Portago’ Alloys Advanced Touchscreen Infotainment System GT BadgingTechnical SpecificationsVariant (Version) Description Polo Petrol (TL/CL/HL) Polo Diesel (TL/CL/HL)Engine type1L MPI Engine, 3-Cylinder In-line1.5L TDI Engine, 4-Cylinder In-lineDisplacement (cc)999 1498 Bore x Stroke74.5 x 76.477 X 80.5Fuel-efficiency (km/l)* 18.78 20.14Transmission 5-speed Manual 5-speed Manual Performance Max.Power [PS(kW)]@rpm 76 (56) @ 6200 90(66)@ 4200Max.Torque [Nm@rpm)95 @ 3000-4300230 @ 1500-2500Steering TypeElectronic Power Steering Turning Radius (metres) 4.97 Brakes Front Disc Rear Drum Suspension Front McPherson strut with stabiliser barRearSemi-independent trailing armTyres and Wheels Trendline TL 175/70 R14 (Steel) TL 175/70 R14 (Steel) Comfortline CL 185/60 R15 (Steel) CL 185/60 R15 (Steel) Highline HL 185/60 R15 (Alloy) HL 185/60 R15 (Alloy) Highline Plus HL+ 195/55 R16 (Alloy)HL+ 195/55 R16 (Alloy)Weight Kerb Weight (kg)TL = 1015, CL = 1030, HL and HL+ = 1044TL = 1126, CL = 1142, HL and HL+ = 1163Gross Vehicle Weight (kg)15001620Exterior Dimensions Length (mm)39713971Width (mm)1682 1682 Height (mm) 1469 1469 Wheelbase (mm) 2469 2469Front / Rear Track (mm) 1460/14561460/1456Fuel TankFuel Tank Capacity (litres)4545Flash RedCarbon SteelReflex SilverLapizBlue Candy White Coffee Brown 2021Colours Volkswagen Polo GT available in Flash Red, Carbon Steel and Candy White.For more information on Volkswagen Polo GT, please visit our website or authorised dealership.*Terms and conditions apply. Actual appearance / colour shade may differ slightly.Specifications and features are subject to change without prior notice.*As Certified under Rule 115 of CMVR, 1989 by certifying agency and actual on road average may vary.MotorsportAt Volkswagen, we always play ahead of the game. From pioneering the world’s finest engineeringto the many innovative firsts celebrated by our cars. That includes the outstanding performance of the 1.6L turbo-charged Race Polo at the World Rally Championship, year on year. Drivers Sébastien Ogier and Julien Ingrassia led the car to its thirdconsecutive 'Manufacturer of the Year’ title in 2015. The car even boasts of snapping the'Overall Champion’ title at the 2014 Indian Rally Championship, 1600cc class.Winning.It’s in our DNA.2223Volkswagen Genuine Roof Edge SpoilerThe Roof Edge Spoiler not only looks sportier but isalso effective. Its understated sporty look significantlyenhances the tail end of the vehicle while simultaneouslyimproving the aerodynamics.Available in below colours:Part No. 6RG 071 644 P3GCandy WhitePart No. 6RG 071 644 B9APart No. 6RG 071 644 A9WDeep BlackPart No. 6RG 071 644 C9XCopper OrangePart No. 6RG 071 644 A2WSports and design.DetailsThe special structure of the sunblindprovides optimum protection againstsunlight and offers thermal insulation.Volkswagen Genuine SunblindThere are occasions when it’s better for the sun to remain outside. For example, when yourrear-seat passengers include children or pets. The Volkswagen Genuine Sunblind can be used asoptimal sun protection, as well as for thermal insulation – without impairing traffic safety.It can be used when the windows are closed as well as when they are open. A set for therear window and rear side windows.Part No. 6RG 064 365 Sunblind for the rear side windows and for the rear window.Volkswagen Genuine Body Side Moulding In Chrome And BlackChrome: Part No. 6RG 071 328 ABlack: Part No. 6RG 071 328 DVolkswagen Genuine Mud FlapsProtect your own vehicle and the one behind from flying dirt,dangerous stone impacts and spray water with these extremelydurable mud flaps. See the attached price list for an overviewof all available versions.Part No. 6RG 075 101 (Set of 4)The Polo comes with a stylish Body Side Moulding that not only adds to the splendour of the car,but also protects the exterior from scratches. Beauty that's truly untouchable.Volkswagen Genuine All-weather Floor MatsKeep the footwell clean all year round: the perfectly fitting,durable rubber Floor Mat Set with Polo embossing on thefront mats does not simply keep out dirt and moisture, butis also considerably lighter and has less odour thanconventional mats. The set is 100% recyclable. The frontmats are attached to the vehicle floor using the integratedfastening system to prevent slipping.Part No. 6RG 061 500 AVolkswagen Genuine Premium Textile Floor MatsThe textile floor mats, which are perfectly shaped to fit thefootwells are made from hard-wearing, thick woven velour.The front mats have Polo lettering and are fixed in place toprevent slipping using the points provided in the floor area.The anti-slip rear coating ensures the optimal positioning ofthe rear mats.Black: Part No. 6RG 061 225 041Beige: Part No. 6RG 061 225 UHSWhile the Armrest is conveniently positionedfor your comfort, it also comes with a StorageSpace, allowing you to stock up on all yourlong drive essentials.Volkswagen Genuine FrontArmrest With StorageAvailable colours:Titanium Black - Part No. 6RF 061 123 XPADesert Beige - Part No. 6RF 061 123 OQFVolkswagen Genuine Syenit Alloy WheelR16, BlackPart No. 6R0 071 496 AX1R16, Anthracite, gloss machinedPart No. 6R0 071 496 16Z2425Carbon Activated AC Air FilterFilters 3 microns particulate size at 91% efficiency○Bacteria ○Noxious Gases○Dust ○Pollen○OdourPart No. 6RG 091 700Volkswagen Genuine Protective Strip For The Tailgate - Chrome And Black The attractive rear lid protection strip in high-gloss chrome look is not only an attractive eye-catcher, it effectively protects the tailgate edges at the same time. It can be easily mounted by simply gluing it onto the bottom edge of the tailgate.Chrome: Part No. 6RG 071 360Black: Part No. 6RG 071 360 AVolkswagen Genuine Stainless Steel Sill ProtectorPart No. 6RG 071 303Set of 4 (2 front and 2 rear)Individual Sill Protection for the Polo: The high-quality stainless steel sill protectors with Polo lettering do not just protect the heavily used entrance area but are also a real eye-catcher.Volkswagen Genuine Car CoverPart No. 6C0 061 205Volkswagen Genuine Wheel Bolt Locking SetPart No. 000 071 597 DSecure your alloy wheels even more effectively against jealous thieves with the theft-hindering wheel bolt locking set. Colour: Black. 1 set = 4 pieces.Part No. 000 071 215Volkswagen Genuine Valve CapsCustomisation down to the smallest detail: the four valve caps are embossed with the Volkswagen logo and provide the valves with optimal protection against dust, dirt and moisture. 1 set = 4 pieces.Suitable for rubber and metal valves DriveFreshComputer Bracket (Travel and Comfort) for iPad Air 1/2Part No. 000061125EBracket for Action Camera (Travel and Comfort)(Rotates 360˚)Part No. 000061125JFolding Table (Travel and Comfort)Part No. 000061124Clothes Hanger (Travel and Comfort)Part No. 000061127B Espresso Maker 12V Part No. 000069641Hooks for Headrests (Travel and Comfort) Bag HooksPart No. 000061126BBasic Carrier (Travel and Comfort)Basic ModulePart No. 000061122Snake Hook for Headrest Part No. 000061126A041Waste BagPart No. 000061107Thermobox (Cooler and Heater Function)Part No. 000065400F2627max.17 kgmax.70 kgVolkswagen Genuine Roof BarsPart No. 6R0 071 126For 4-doorVolkswagen Genuine Bicycle CarrierPart No. 000 071 128 FWell-equipped on the move - thanks to the Volkswagen Accessories Roof Bar Systems. The basis for this are the perfectly fitting,aerodynamically-shaped aluminium profile roof bars to which, forexample, surf board, bicycle, ski and snowboard holders or the practical roof boxes can be attached to the vehicle roof in no time at all. The roof bars are completely pre-assembled and are not only City Crash1 tested but have also passed the even stricter standards of the Volkswagen City Crash Plus Test. The easy-to-install aero profile minimises wind noise.The aerodynamic Bicycle Carrier, which is made of UV resistant plastic, is mounted on the roof bars using chromed steel holders. The bicycle automatically slides upright into the self-adjusting wheel receiver, leaving both hands-free for fastening. The perfectly fitting, completely pre-assembled supporting rods are not only City Crash1 tested but havealso passed the even stricter standards of the Volkswagen City Crash Plus Test.The maximum load-bearing capacity is 17 kg.Roof Box, Matt BlackPart No. 000 071 200The Roof Box with a volume of approx. 340 litres has an optimised aerodynamic design that largely eliminates unpleasant driving noises. The Roof Box has been adapted to the modern design line of the new Volkswagen models. It opens from one side and is equipped with a 2-lock system. Thanks to the comfort sliding fitting system, the box can be securely fitted on the roof bars with just a few quick motions.We've left no stone unturned in crafting interiors that are a class above the rest. And the cosy new seat covers are testimony to the attention we give to every fine detail. All upholsteries have two things in common – high-quality materials and uncompromising workmanship – protecting your seats against wear and giving you maximum comfort and support. While bold new enhancements make up the interiors, leatherette seat covers with stitching adds to the richness of your seat, making it the centre of cool.Features:○ UV resistant ○ Easy to maintain ○ Tear resistant ○ Fire retardant ○No chemical odourThe honeycomb design adds a more pronounced effect to your seats.Titanium Black with Grey stitching, Part No. 6RG 061 602 XNO Desert Beige with Grey stitching,Part No. 6RG 061 602 ATitanium Black perforated honeycomb (GT Sport),Part No. 6RW 061 602The apple design is a perfect choice for those who want something minimal and off-beat.Desert Beige, Part No. 6C0 061 602 WSHSea Shell, Part No. 6R0 061 602 DCPUnobtrusive and simple, the vertical design is just the perfect choice if you want a clean-cut look.Sea Shell, Part No. 6R0 061 602 AAJDesert Beige, Part No. 6C0 061 602 A WSHComfortand protection.TransportPolo GT Sport seats2829Owning the Volkswagen Polo gives you a sense of comfort, and rightly so.Because the Volkswagen Polo comes with a host of service benefits that would giveyou all the comfort you need while driving this masterpiece.Volkswagen Care ProgramThe Volkswagen Polo comes with:○ New vehicle warranty for 4 years / 100,000 kilometres, whichever is earlier○ 4 years of Volkswagen Roadside Assistance for uninterrupted driving experience○ 3 Complimentary Services*○ Swagat @ 1,000 kilometers / 1 month – 10-Point Safety Check○ 7,500 kilometers / 6 months – 40-Point Free Inspection○ 15,000 kilometers / 1 year – Labour-free Periodic Maintenance Service Interval The Periodic Maintenance interval of your Volkswagen is scheduled for every15,000 kilometers or 1 year, whichever is earlier.Volkswagen Value-added WarrantiesUnparalleled Anti-perforation warranty6 years: Polo, Ameo and Vento12 years: Other Volkswagen models in India*Unmatched 3-year Paint Warranty for all models**2-year warranty with unlimited kilometers on Volkswagen Genuine Parts®**1-year warranty with unlimited kilometers on selected Volkswagen Genuine Accessories Volkswagen Add-on WarrantyVolkswagen offers Add-on Warranty even after your car is out of new vehicle warranty, you can still have peace of mind by availing Add-on Warranty for additional 1 year / 20,000 kilometres which is renewable up to 7 years with a nominal premium.Volkswagen Service Value Packages (SVP)Periodic Maintenance interval of your Volkswagen is scheduled at every15,000 kilometers or 1 year (whichever is earlier). Various options of Service Value Packages can be availed with an attractive price with additional benefits worthINR 4500/- per year^.Volkswagen Roadside AssistanceEvery Volkswagen car is registered for Volkswagen Roadside Assistance for 4 yearsfrom its date of sale. This provides the vehicle with home or roadside recovery in theunlikely events of breakdowns across India (within covered limits). The services can beextended further to 1 year or 2 years and can be renewed annually for a nominal cost,up to 7 years from the date of sale of vehicle.Volkswagen Co-branded Motor Insurance and Drive Assure EliteTo care for your Volkswagen and protecting it against the unexpected events such asaccidents, natural calamities, theft and so on, our motor insurance policy with DriveAssure Elite Value-added covers damages due to rodent bite, replacement of vehiclein case of total loss, wheel rim cover, etc. So, your car is protected when you need itthe most.For more information, visit our Authorised Sales / Service Centres, write to***************************.inorrefertoVolkswagenwebsitewww.volkswagen.co.in24x7CustomerCareHelpline:180****090924x7 Volkswagen Roadside Assistance: 1800 102 1155 or 1800 419 1155Terms and conditions apply.Roadside Assistance within covered limits and ^Service Value Package with additional benefitsfor a year. Insurance at the sole discretion of the insurance company and subject to changewithout prior notice. Contact dealership for detailed terms and conditions of individual services.*Paint Warranty for CBU/CKD vehicles is for first 6 years from the date of sale of vehicle.**Customer to produce invoice copy to Volkswagen Authorised Dealers for availing parts andaccessories warranties. Details and benefits mentioned in this brochure are subject to changewithout prior notice.Dealer NetworkDisclaimer: Map drawn not to scale.Updated till January, 2019.Currently Operational DealershipsPlant at Chakan and Aurangabad3031The Volkswagen PoloVolkswagen Group Sales India Private LimitedPrinted in IndiaSubject to change without noticeIssue: January 2019Internet: www.volkswagen.co.in*Terms and conditions apply. Features and accessories shown may not be a part of standard equipment and are subject to change without prior notice. Actual colour may vary. The offers with regard to scope of delivery, appearance, performance, dimensions and weights, in addition to illustrations and all information regarding fittings and technical data, are based on the characteristics of the international market and correspond to the knowledge available at the time of printing. Volkswagen reserves the right to alter the details of specifications and equipments without any notice. Images shown are for representation purposes only. For further details, please visit our authorised dealership.Call (toll-free 24x7): 180****0909Your Volkswagen Dealer。
About the T utorialPolo is a game that requires the act of riding a horse and the perfect coordination of your body. Although it is not an Olympic sport still due to its wide popularity, the game is professionally played in many countries. This tutorial will teach you the basics of playing Polo.Though the "how to play" section is not comprehensive but it is sufficient enough to understand the necessary points about Polo.AudienceThis tutorial is aimed at giving an overall knowledge to a person about how to become a professional in Polo. It contains step-by-step illustrations and guidance to help beginners learn the fundamentals of Polo.PrerequisitesIf you have the passion and eagerness to learn this game, then this tutorial will be highly beneficial for you.Copyright & DisclaimerCopyright 2022 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute, or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or in this tutorial, please notify us at **************************T able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (1)Audience (1)Prerequisites (1)Copyright & Disclaimer (1)Table of Contents (2)POLO – OVERVIEW (3)POLO – HOW TO PLAY? (5)Hitting Points and Angles (5)Position of Hitting (6)Stopping the Horse (7)Turning the Horse (8)POLO – TERMS (9)Terms Related to Polo Horse (9)Terms Related to Polo (9)Tactics in Polo (11)POLO – RULES (12)Teams and Players (12)Equipment (12)Ponies (13)POLO – CHAMPIONSHIPS (14)P olo – OverviewPoloPolo is an action adventure sport that will give you a thrilling experience and nail-biting excitement simultaneously. This game is often difficult to play because it requires both controlling your horse and your body simultaneously while being focused on hitting the ball. This tutorial will help you understanding the basics from the grass root level.In this game while riding on the horse, you have to score against the opposing team by hitting a ball towards their goal area with the help of a long handled mallet. Each team has four riders. A solid plastic spherical shape ball is used generally. Nowadays many organizers have replaced it with wooden balls too. Duration of the game is generally 2 hours and each game has been divided into periods known as Chukkas.Polo – A Brief HistoryPolo is said to be originated in between 6BC and 1 AD in Central Asia. There is also proof of Persian Emperor Shapur II of playing this game. Even many emperors like Alexander, John I of Trebizond died from a fatal injury while playing this game. In Persia this game was known as Chougan. The Delhi Sultan Qutubuddin Aibak also died while playing this game.In Manipur state of India, this game is known as Sagol Kangjei. It is one of the form of hockey. It was Babur in India, who popularised the sport and soon it got its fan following in countries like England and Australia too. Countries like Argentina has organised polo championship during the period of 1875-1880.PoloParticipating CountriesThe game of Polo has wide popularity all over the globe. Currently it is played in 17+ countries all over the world. United States, Australia, Pakistan, India, Mexico, Chile, Italy France, Switzerland, and Argentina have dominating effect over this game.The 10th edition of the World Polo Championship was held at Santiago, Chile. Till now by winning 4 championships Argentina is in the top of the ranking list. The top ten nations with their rankings are Argentina, Brazil, Chile, United States, England, Mexico, Australia, Italy, Spain, France.P olo – How to Play?PoloIt is not good to ride a horse directly without doing any warmup. A little bit of stretching of muscles before and after riding a horse is necessary. Stretching of important parts of the body like, back, arms, wrists and inner legs should be done.Hitting Points and AnglesA rider should also be aware of hitting points of a horse body. Generally, there are four hitting points for horse. Left side of the horse is known as nearside. This is generally the side you mount and dismount. On the other hand, the right side of the horse is known as the offside. Nearside shots are very difficult to make because in this type of shots, you actually need to bent over and twist to hit, while making sure not to hit the horse.The four hitting points can be summarized as follows:∙Nearside Forehand-Left Forward∙Offside Forehand-Right Forward∙Nearside Back-Left Back∙Offside Back-Right BackwardApart from hitting points, there are also hitting angles for a horse. There are generally three hitting angles of a horse and they are:∙Open– Away from the horse∙Neck– Hitting is done under the neck of the horse∙Tail– Hitting is done at the backside of the horseLet’s understand this by taking an example. A statement like “Offside Tail” indicates the ball need to be sent to 7 o clock position. Similarly, a statement like “nearside for open” will send the ball to a 10-11 o clock position.Position of HittingHitting randomly is not going to fetch you any good movement in the play. Rather you should know about the exact hitting position and the perfect way to do it. Below are some of the important facts that you should remember.First and foremost, thing that a rider should learn is the way of hitting the ball. Instead of hitting the ball hardly, you should hit the ball slowly unless, you are only going to injure your wrist and miss the ball too. The speed of riding and the swing are inversely proportional to each other.The faster you ride the horse, the lesser will be the swing. It is important to know that while performing half seat position take your back off the seat. Turning of the shoulders should be parallel to the horse. To keep the elbow straight extend your arm backwards.Squeeze the horse with your knees and by looking down, aim towards a particular point on the ball. Then slowly hit the ball. The right way of carrying the stick is to hold it vertically above your hand so that it will take less time to hit in all the four positions.Apart from the above, a beginner should record a video of himself to know the faults and should improvise himself from time to time. Guidance under an experienced coach is mandatory. Below is a table depicting important points related to hitting positions.Stopping the HorseStopping your running horse is also an art that requires little bit of practise only. When you feel like stopping the horse. Just lean back slowly and apply a little pressure on the mouth of the horse by pulling it backwards. This will help the horse to recollect himself and with the help of his back leg, he will begin to stop.Now pulling the reins close to your chest, squeeze the horse with your knees with your feet going forward. In between keep giving a firm and gentle touch on the mouth of your horse. Some riders use both of their hands to stop the horse. Some even use their stick hand to pull the reins, thereby correctly stopping the horse.Horses run with massive speed. So while stopping, they use maximum of their energy. Therefore; in many professional matches 10 stops maximum are allowed per chukka. So, unless it is important do not build a practise habit of stopping your horse again and again. Instead you can go for a gentle turn.T urning the HorseThe process of slowing down the horse by putting the back legs underneath is known as collecting the horses. Before turning the horse, it is important to collect them. During the course of fast running if you will try to turn your horse, then it will take a long time to stop and in worst case it may slip also.Therefore, it is a wise practise to slow down your horse gradually before turning. Look back to the spot you want to turn towards and your horse will follow you. But if you look at your horse then the funny thing is that he will also look back at you and the whole turning process will go in vain.P olo – TermsPoloGenerally, there are two types of polo horses used in the competition. One is Argentina Criolla type and another one is Thoroughbred type. The former one is very steady and can turn very easily. Due to strong physique Argentina Criolla type horses get injured very rarely. Whereas thoroughbred type horses are very fast but are not that much strong as Argentina Criolla.T erms Related to Polo HorseThe following terms are related to Polo horse.BitsThis is a kind of metallic structure used in the mouth of horse. There are two types of Bits which are Gag bit and Pelham bit. Gag bit is the circular bit used at the side of the horse to pull the head up during stopping. Pelham is nothing but a lever and chain arrangement that is used to pull the head down while stopping.MartingaleThis is nothing but one kind of strap that goes from bridle to the girth. Using this the rider can be assured of not getting hit by the head of the horse. Neither too much tightening nor loosening should be done. During rest position, it should be present firmly just below the neck of the horse.GirthThis is used to hold the saddle on the horse. Tightening should be done in such a manner that, only two fingers can go inside it at a time. Before riding a horse checking the tightness of the girth is primary and necessary to avoid any future accidents.ReinsTo control the horses, reins are used. These are positioned in between the riders’ hand and the saddle. Another purpose of the reins is to keep the head of the horse down.T erms Related to PoloThe following terms are related to the game of Polo.Line of the BallThis is a line which is present at the hitting position of the ball and the destination. Line of the ball should not be crossed during the hitting process because it will cause a major foul.Right of WayThis is different than Line of ball. While you are in the line of the ball you have a right of way in front of you. Line of the ball may change after hitting the ball but the right of way will be the same at that moment. During this time however, you cannot hit the ball.FoulIf you cross the right of way of another player, then foul occurs. Some other most common fouls are:∙Riding into another player’s swing∙Hooking above the shoulder∙Playing on the wrong side of the horse∙Standing on the way of the ballLine-Man-BallThis is one of the most basic rule that every rider should keep in his mind while playing polo. Do not go for chasing the ball at all. Your primary aim should be to join the line first. After joining the line, you can take a man. After joining the line and engaging the man you can finally look over to hit the ball. So keep this simple formula in mind “Line-Man-Ball”. Take a ManPrinciple of polo says that in the field if you are finding yourself alone, then you definitely do not know how to play it. In the field always try to take a man. With open mind first find a man and ride your horse close to him. By pulling over the reins make sure that you are taking your horse close to that man. Now try to take your knees in front of him. This is the best way to help your team by controlling your man.T actics in PoloBelow are some of the tactics which a player shall learn while playing poloHit to the RightDuring the time of approaching a defending player you should hit the ball to the right. By doing this he has to wait for you. Wait for him to make a foul or else go on again for hitting the ball.Playing DiagonalsPolo is all about judging the angles. Running straight down the field should be avoided. Instead go towards the right hand side of the field so that your teammate can pass the ball to you. In some cases, if the left is open then the ball can also be passed to the left. From one end towards the board the ball moves in a diagonal pattern.Train FormationBetween each player of your team an equal distance should be maintained. Number three can pass to number two and similar manner number two can pass to number one. In case one misses in the front, another will be at the back side. Number four should be at the back side of the train. By going over the ball you have two options:∙Go ahead of the pass in case you are up front.∙If you are at the middle or back, circle yourself to the left and join the train again.Polo The rules of Polo are decided by International Federation of Polo. Let’s know the rules relating to various aspects of Polo.T eams and Players∙The total number of players is limited to four in each team.∙The host country will decide the rules and regulations under the guidance of a proper governing body.∙Players should hold the stick in their right hand.∙If under doping test anybody is found to be using drugs, then he may not be allowed to participate in the game anymore.∙ A handicap can participate in the game if it is under permissible limit. Equipment∙For safety purpose, the players must wear protective headgear with a chinstrap.∙Equipment like sharp spurs, knee guards, studs on the boots are not allowed.∙Both the teams must wear different colour shirts.∙The list of allowed instruments do vary from country to country depending upon their rules created by the governing body.P olo – RulesPoloPonies∙Height is not a constraint for any pony to play in a match of Polo.∙If the pony is partially blind, then he will not be allowed.∙ A pony is allowed in the game if he is properly controlled.∙Once a pony is playing for a particular team, then he cannot play for any other team in that same championship.∙For safety purpose, bandage on all the four legs is compulsory.∙Any instrument that obstructs the vision of the pony is not allowed.∙If any part of the body of pony shows blood, then he should be immediately removed from that match.∙No lame pony is allowed to play in the match.∙The umpires take the responsibility to remove any pony from the game.P olo – ChampionshipsPoloFederation of International Polo is the governing body of Polo. Every participating country has its own governing body to organize the game successfully throughout the calendar. Here is a list of some important tournaments held in Polo:∙World Polo Tournaments∙Land Rover International Polo Tournament∙Argentina Open Polo Tournament∙High Goal Polo Tournaments∙US open Polo ChampionshipA brief synopsis of some of the champions of Polo and their careers is given below: Gonzalo Pieres Jr.Pieres is a professional Polo player from Argentina with a 10-goal handicap. He is the eldest son of Polo legend Gonzalo Pieres Sr. Currently he is ranked number two in Polo. In 1999, he made his debut in Argentine Open. Pieres has won Polo tournaments in England, Spain, and France.Carlos GracidaGracida was a Mexican polo player. Just at the age of 25, he reached 10-goal handicap. Chesney was the most famous horse of Carlos who won best pony awards many times. In a match injury, he died on 25th February 2015.In 1994, Gracido won almost every possible tournament in Polo, including the Argentinian Triple Crown of Hurlingham, Tortuguitas and Palermo. In the same year, he also won the US Open and the British Open Gold CupMariano AguerreHe is a professional Polo player from Argentina. He also plays for the United States. In 1994, he achieved 10-goal handicap in US and in 1998, he repeated the same feat in Argentina. He has won Argentina Open 9 times. Currently Aguerre is serving as a coach. He has won some of the most prestigious U.S. tournaments multiple times, including the C.V. Whitney (6 times) and the U.S. Open (2 times). In 2006, he was named “Best Mounted Player” in Palm Beach.。
2014年Polo使用手册:一、启动车辆1. 插入钥匙,确保档位位于P或N档,确保安全后,踩刹车,轻按启动按钮,即可启动发动机。
2. 启动后,大约等待3秒,确保车辆稳定后,才能松开刹车。
二、驾驶操作1. 方向盘:采用手动四向调节,操作简单,适合各种驾驶习惯。
2. 离合器:采用机械拉索式离合器,操作时注意快抬、慢放。
3. 刹车:采用前盘后盘刹车系统,操作简单可靠。
4. 油门:轻踩油门即可加速,注意不要猛踩油门。
5. 换挡:手动挡车型需根据车速和转速换挡,自动挡车型无需手动换挡。
三、安全操作1. 行驶中注意车速和路况,保持安全距离。
2. 避免急刹车,以防追尾。
3. 停车时注意车头朝向,建议选择宽敞明亮的停车位。
4. 注意定期检查轮胎气压和胎纹深度。
5. 避免频繁启动停车,以免损伤发动机和轮胎。
四、保养与维修1. 建议每5000公里进行一次常规保养,更换机油、机滤等。
2. 定期检查刹车片、轮胎等易损部件。
3. 若出现异常噪音或故障灯亮起,应立即停车并联系维修店进行检查和维修。
五、其他注意事项1. 确保车内安全带系好,儿童乘车时也需佩戴安全座椅。
2. 避免激烈驾驶,注意遵守交通规则。
3. 行车过程中避免打开空调按钮,以防耗油和损坏发动机。
4. 行车过程中如遇紧急情况,应掌握刹车技巧,切勿急刹车。
5. 建议定期检查车内液体(如冷却液、制动液等)的液位和颜色,如有异常应及时处理。
6. 定期清理车内卫生,保持座椅清洁,以防影响乘坐舒适度和健康。
7. 停放车辆时,应选择阴凉处,避免长时间暴晒。
8. 若长时间不用车辆,应定期启动车辆,以保持电池活性。
2011-2016 大众polo使用说明书
![2011-2016 大众polo使用说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d8ea8a5811a6f524ccbff121dd36a32d7375c710.png)
2011-2016 大众Polo使用说明书1. 车辆概述大众Polo是一款紧凑型轿车,自2011年起成为大众汽车家族的经典车型。
2. 驾驶指南在驾驶之前,请确保您已经熟悉并理解了本指南的所有内容。
启动步骤如下:1. 将钥匙插入钥匙孔并顺时针旋转。
2. 等待仪表盘上的指示灯亮起。
3. 确认所有系统(如灯光、空调等)是否正常工作。
3. 维护与保养定期保养是保持车辆良好状态的关键。
4. 故障排除如遇到任何故障问题,请首先参阅本手册中的故障排除指南。
5. 安全操作驾驶时,请始终保持警觉并遵守交通规则。
6. 应急情况处理如遇紧急情况,如车辆故障、事故等,请首先确保自己和他人的安全。
7. 环保与节能大众Polo致力于提供环保驾驶体验。
POLO的隐藏功能大全把5053 10.64针对POLO车常用功能调整参数总结也发上来一、自动落锁,开锁和闪灯和响喇叭设置1、进46舒适电脑系统2、进10调整与匹配1)输入通道通道03 15km/h 自动锁门(此为我自己体会数值,有的说是20)通道04 拔下车钥匙自动开锁通道05 遥控器开锁警告喇叭响2声;舒适电脑系统要接一个报警喇叭通道06 遥控器锁门警告喇叭响1声;舒适电脑系统要接一个报警喇叭(只有国外进口的原装菠萝/高尔夫/帕萨特/宝来出厂默认安装了报警喇叭)通道07 遥控器开锁所有转向灯同时闪2下通道08 遥控器锁门所有转向灯同时闪1下2)输入调整值 1 = 打开这个功能0 = 关闭这个功能(新车出厂默认状态是关闭"0")二、单门解锁和四门解锁(默认)设置1、进46舒适电脑系统2、进07重新编码带4电窗的。
同时开启4门编码是00259;只开启1门编码是00258 带2电窗的。
同时开启4门编码是00067;只开启1门编码是00066 不带电窗的。
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