

七年级新目标(下) Unit4 单元测试

Name:Class 学号: 得分:


1.--__________ –I’m a reporter.

A. What do you do?

B. Who are you?

C. What are you?

D. Both A and C.

2. ______ does your father work? --- In a bank.

A. What B .How C. Where D. Which

3. The beautiful girl _______ a red skirt every day.

A. wear

B. to wear

C. wears

D. wearing

4. My parents want me ____ a bank clerk.

A. am

B. to be

C. to do

D. be

5. ____ do you often work very late?

A. Do

B. Does

C. Are

D. Why

6. Mr. Green is ill in ____hospital. He can’t come here today.

A. the

B. a


D. an

7.We can’t see the moon(月亮) _______.

A. at night

B. in the day

C. all day

D. in night

8. I like to_______ with my friends.

A. speak

B. say

C. tell

D. talk

9. He wants to be an actor________it’s an exciting job.

A. and

B. so

C. because

D. why

10.Our school is ________children _______6-12.

A. in, for

B. for, in

C. of, for

D. for, of

11.Does Mr. White __________ in Beijing?

A. likes working

B. likes work

C. like working

D. like work

12. My aunt works _____________ a newspaper _____________ a reporter.

A. as, for

B. for, as

C. with, for

D. for, with

13. If you want to be a waiter, please call Karen __________ 555-3937.

A .at B. with C. for D. on

14.What _____ he want to do ? He _____ to eat something .

A. does ,wants

B. do, want

C. does , want

D. do, wants

15.Mr Black is a doctor . He works ____

A. difficult

B. interesting

C. hard

D. careful

16.__________ work with money and people.

A. Teachers

B. Bank clerks

C. Policemen

D. Workers

17. As a bank clerk, people give____their money or get their money from____.

A. me, I

B. I, me

C. I, I

D. me, me

18. Does your mother like ?

A. write story

B. to write story

C. writing story

D. writing stories

19. Children always have many new things .

A. learn B:learning C. to learn D. learn about

20. Every day Mr. Wang has work to do.

A. many

B. a lot

C. a few

D. lots of

21.Mary wants ____ a nurse when she grows up(长大)

A. is

B. be

C. to be

D. to is

22. Linda wants me to help her find____.

A. interesting job

B. an interesting job

C. an interesting work

D. a interesting work

23. How many____ are there in the picture?

A. hospital

B. people

C. meat

D. girl

24. ---Can you give ____ the dictionary? ---Sure. A. his B. him C. she D. my

25. My father is always busy his work.

A. do

B. with

C. to do

D. at

26. ---What’s his sister’s job?---She is ____.

A. well

B. here

C. my friend

D. a shop assistant

27. --- What does your mother do?---____. A .She’s very well

B. She likes talking to people

C. She works in a school

D. She is a policewoman

28.You can call Mr. Wu____ 8788652 if you want a job ____ a waiter.

A. at, for

B. to ,of

C. on. as

D. at, as

29. My job is always giving people their money or getting money from them. I dislike it because it’s not ____.

A. lazy

B. safe

C. boring

D. interesting

30. We have a job for you ____an actor.

A. as

B. be

C. like

D. with


Do you want to know my family? Let ( 1 ) tell you. There are ( 2 ) people in my family. My father is a driver. My mother is a ( 3 ). She works in a machine factory. I have a sister. She is only eight years ( 4 ). We ( 5 ) in the same school. I’m in Grade Three, but ( 6 ) in Grade One. We like sports. We have lunch ( 7 ) school. Sometimes we ( 8 ) our homework in the afternoon. On ( 9 ) we often go to parks. We are very happy. We work ( 10 ).

( ) 1. A. we B. us C. me D. I

( ) 2. A. two B. three C. four D. five

( ) 3. A. teacher B. worker C. driver D. farmer

( ) 4. A. young B. new C. old D. long

( ) 5. A. is B. am C. are D. be

( ) 6. A. I’m B. they’re C. we’re D. she’s

( ) 7. A. on B. about C. of D. at

( ) 8. A. write B. do C. make D. study

( ) 9. A. Fridays B. Thursdays C. Mondays D. Sundays

( ) 10. A. easy B. hard C. heavy D. light

三. 阅读理解(10分)


We are a bilingual(双语) school for children of 6-15. We want a cook, a library assistant, a sports coach(教练) and a language teacher.





Other term (其它条件)




Cooking both Chinese food and western food

Healthy (健康)

Library assistant




Having the knowledge(知识)of different kinds of books Careful (细心)

Sports Coach


Chinese English

Majoring in (主修)physical education







Majoring in English



( )1. Which of the following can’t go to Sunny School?

A. A four-year-old child

B. A ten-year-old child

C .An eleven-year-old child D. A fifteen-year-old child

( ) 2.Who is not wanted by Sunny School?

A. A cook B . A headmaster C. A library assistant D . A sports coach

( ) 3. Which of the following may not be able to(能) speak English?

A. The language teacher B .The library assistant

C. The cook

D. The sports coach

( ) 4. The coach must major in _________.

A. Chinese B .English C. physical education D. language

( ) 5. Which is right?

A. The teacher can only teach Chinese.

B. A twenty-five-year old cook can’t work in the school.

C. The library assistant must be careful.

D. A teacher must be strong.


1. Susan is a reporter. She works for a m__________.

2. Karen’s aunt works at a TV s_______. She is a reporter.

3. Mr. Brown likes reading n__________ after dinner.

4. Dr. John needs an a_________ to help him with his work.

5. My brother is a bank c_______. He works in a bank.

6. She has no m__________ with him, so she can’t buy her mother a sweater.

7. Mrs. Smith is a nurse. She works in a h_________.

8. I’m b with my homework.

9. The girl is only five years old. She is very y_______.

10. Sometimes Alan has lunch in a r______________.


11. I want to be an _________(act) 12. I think_________(thief) don’t like policemen.

13. There are many_________(policeman) in the street.

14. Tigers and lions are ____________(danger) animals.

15. My grandmother often tells me _________(story).

16. Mr. Black has two _________(child)

17. Our math teacher_______(teach) us very well.

18. She is a ___________(waiter).

19. He has a lot of ____________(money), but he doesn’t have many friends.

20. He is a reporter, and he likes ____________(talk) to people.


What is your brother ? (改为同义句) What _____ your brother _______ ?

My sister wants to be a reporter . (对划线部分提问)

______ _____ your sister want to _____ ?

His uncle works at a police station . (对划线部分提问)_____ _____ his uncle _____ ? My father works in the bank (改否定句) My father _____ _____ in the bank .


1. 人们把他们的钱给我或者从我这里取钱。

People _______ ______ money to me or_____ their money _____from me.

2. 他非常喜欢为杂志社工作。

He likes to _______ _______ a _________ very much.

3. 我想要招聘一个老师教他们音乐。

I ______ a teacher to ______ _______ _______.

4. 小偷不喜欢我。

________ don’t like_________.

5. 我每天见有趣的人并且问他们问题。

I meet ____________ __________ every day and ask ________ _____________.

6. 你喜欢工作到很晚吗?_______ you like to ________ ___________?


















20.to talk/talking


2.What does, be

3.Where does, work

4.doesn’t work

VII.1.give their,get,

2.work for,magazine


四年级下册英语测试题 一、找出不同类的单词。 ()1.A. behind B. on C. the D. in ()2.A. finger B. head C. knee D. good ()3.A. China B. Canada C. come D. France ()4.A. letter B. read C. write D. climb ()5.A. Friday B. Saturday C. Tuesday D. America 二、写出下列单词的正确形式。 1. tooth(复数)________________ 2. come(ing形式)_____________ 3. ha*e(单三) ________________ 4. hot(反义词)__________________ 5.knee(复数) ________________ 三、单项选择。 ()1. Do you _______ any money? A. has B. are C. ha*e D. had ()2. He ________ from France. A. come B. are C. comes D. coming ()3.Where ________ my shoes? A. is B. are C. a D. am ()4.I don’t ha*e so ________ money. A. much B. many C. are D. to ()5. Anne’s mother is __________. A. sweep B. sweeps C. sleep D, sleeping


人教版小学四年级英语下册练习题及答案PEP人教版小学四年级英语下册期中试题及答案 一、把单词补充完整,选出正确的答案。 1、comp_ter A 、aB、oC、u 2、c_nteen A、a B、e C、i 3、p_cture A 、eB、i C、a 4、fl__rA、oo B 、ouC 5、d_nn_r A 、i?oB 、i?e C 6、s_ven A、aB、i C 7、__essA、bl B 、drC 8、yell__A、ou B 、ooC 9、sk__tA 、ir B 、urC 10、t__A 、en B 、emC 二、选出不同类的一个单词。 1、A、library B、canteenC 2、A、lunch B、English classC 3、A、nine B、first C 4、A、art room B、gym C 5、A、blue B、red C 6、A、schoolB、shirt C 7、A、jeans B、whose C 8、A、board B、gym C

9、A、dinnerB、lunch C 10、A、English B、purple C 、ee 、e?e 、e 、md 、ow 、ar 、in 、computer 、music class 、one 、light 、dress 、jacket 、shorts 、floor 、canteen 、Chinese 1 2 A、Yes ,it is B 、No,it is C、Yes,it is not.、It is time __dinner. A、to B、for C、on 7、__time is it?It is seven o,clock. A、What B、HowC 、Where 8、__cap is it? A 、Who B、Whose C、Where 9、These__his pants. A、are B、is C、am 10、__colour is it? A、How B、Where C、What 六、找出相对应的答语,把序号填在题前的括号里。 1、Is this your skirt? A It is Mary,s shirt. 2、What time is it?B There are my socks. 3、Whose shirt is it? C It is yellow. 4、What colour is it? D No,it is not.


南宁市四年级英语期末测试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、听力题 (共7题;共9分) 1. (2分) (2019二上·龙华期中) 2. (1分)选出与你所听到的内容相符的图片 A . B . 3. (2分) (2020五下·北京期末) 听录音,选出你所听到的单词() A . camera B . carrot C . carry 4. (1分) (2018一下·上海期中) 根据录音,判断图片是否正确 5. (1分) (2020六上·北京期末) 听录音,找出与句子相关的信息() A . order B . line C . number 6. (1分) (2019六下·东莞期末) 听到句子,选择你所听到的选项() A . hurt B . hurts C . hers 7. (1分) (2020五上·诸暨期末) There are two photos ________ (on/above) the desk.

二、单选题 (共20题;共20分) 8. (1分) They are my ________(父母亲). They are both(都)teachers. A . grandparents B . parents C . people 9. (1分) (2020六上·北京期中) —Please finish your homework on time, Jim. —_______. A . I don't like do it B . That's great C . I will. 10. (1分) I hope you'll have a good time at the party. A . enjoy yourself B . study well C . hurry up 11. (1分)你想知道这个男孩是谁,你应该这样问 A . Who is he ? B . Who's this boy? 12. (1分)—what's wrong with you? —I have a ________. A . fever B . running nose C . flu 13. (1分)当你饿了,你要和妈妈怎么说:_______ A . I'm thirsty. B . I'm hungry. 14. (1分)—How old are you? —______________. A . I'm very well. B . I'm ten.


Units 1—4综合能力评估试题 Class: _________ Name: _________ Full marks: 100 Your marks: _________ 一、单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。 ( )1. Can you play ______ guitar A. a B. an C. the ( )2. —When do you go to school —______ 6:30. So I’m never late ______ school. A. In; to B. At; for C. At; to ( )3. Mr. Wang is our teacher, and he teaches ______ math. A. we B. our C. us ( )4. —What’s your ______—I want to be a musician. A. habit B. job C. dream ( )5. The students cross the river on a ropeway every day, but they aren’t ______. A. quick B. early C. afraid ( )6. Sally, can you ______ me with my history A. do B. help C. play ( )7. In the morning, Peter ______ home and goes to work by train. A. goes B. gets C. leaves ( )8. I like the food. It ______ good. A. sells B. tastes C. looks ( )9. —______ Bill dance —Yes, he can. A. Can B. Does C. Is ( )10. It’s easy for her ______ a bus to school. A. take B. takes C. to take ( )11. —Is Cindy good at ______ the piano —Yes. A. playing B. to play C. plays ( )12. —______ students are there in your class —Sixty. A. How many B. How much C. What ( )13. —Why does Tony ______ eat ice-cream at night —Because he knows it is not good for his teeth. A. always B. usually C. never ( )14. —Can Bob play basketball —Yes. And he can play ping-pong ______. A. also B. only C. too ( )15. —How long does it take you ______ to school every day —About 20 minutes by bus. A. getting B. to get C. gets ( )16. —______ is it from your home to school —About five kilometers. A. How many B. How much C. How far ( )17. —What do you ______ the village —It’s inte resting. A. think of B. come on C. look at ( )18. Bill can ______ stories in English.


人教版四年级英语下册单元测试题全套及答案(含期中期末试题,共8套) 人教版四年级英语下册第一单元测试题及答案 (附:本单元知识小结) Unit 1My school 满分:100分时间:60分钟得分: 听力部分 一、听录音,选出单词。(10分) ()1.A.one B.first C.fast ()2.A.second B.two C.end ()3.A.next B.at C.next to ()4.A.play B.ground C.playground ()5.A.class https://www.360docs.net/doc/259425233.html,puter C.room 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(10分) ()()()) () 三、听录音,判断下列句子与内容是(T)否(F)相符。(10分) ()1.The library is next to the art room. ()2.This is our classroom. ()3.The teacher’s office is on the third floor. ()4.We don’t have a library. ()5.It’s time for lunch. 四、听录音,选择合适的答语。(10分) ()1.A.It’s our classroom. B.It’s next to the art room. C.Yes, it is. ()2.A.No, it isn’t. B.No, it is. C.It’s a library. ()3.A.It’s an art room. B.Yes, it is. C.Yes, we do. ()4.A.I don’t know. B.Forty-five students C.Fifty teachers. ()5.A.She is ten. B.She is from the UK. C.She is in the computer room. 笔试部分 五、从下列单词中选出不同类的一项。(10分) ()1.A.library B.second C.teachers’ office ()2.A.classroom B.playground C.forty ()3.A.three B.first C.second ()https://www.360docs.net/doc/259425233.html,puter https://www.360docs.net/doc/259425233.html, C.floor


期末测试卷 时间:60分钟满分:100分 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(5分) () 1. A. rainy B. windy C. sunny () 2. A. sheep B. cat C. horse () 3. A. tomato B. onion C. potato () 4. A. hundred B. twelve C. thirty () 5. A. cold B. hot C. cool 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(5分) () () () () () 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(5分) () 1. A. Is it cold? B. Is it cool? () 2. A. This is the teacher's desk. B. This is the teachers' office. () 3. A. Is it cloudy today? B. Is it rainy today? () 4. A. My dress is new. B. My dress is old. () 5. A. It's too cheap. B. It's too expensive. 四、听录音,根据你所听到的句子选择正确的答语。(5分) () 1. A. Yes, you can. B. Yes, you are. () 2. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, I am. () 3. A. It's warm. B. It's white. () 4. A. Twenty-six. B. Fifty yuan. () 5. A. They are in the classroom. B. It's on the first floor. 五、听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是(√)否(×)相符。(10分)


最新人教版七年级英语下册单元测试题全套带答案 Unit 1综合水平测试 笔试部分(100分) 五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共计15分) (D)21.Our English teacher Ms. Su plays ________ chess very well. A.a B.an C.the D./ (C)22.—Jim,do you like apples ________ bananas? —I like bananas. A.and B.but C.or D.because (B)23.—Can you help me ________ my math? —Sorry,I am too busy today. A.on B.with C.for D.from (C)24.Jenny likes hamburgers.And I ________ like them. A.too B.so C.also D.and (B)25.—________ can he do? —He can ________ Chinese kung fu. A.How;play B.What;do C.Where;see D.What;make (C)https://www.360docs.net/doc/259425233.html,ura is from England and she ________ English very well. A.tells B.says C.speaks D.takes (B)27.Saturday and Sunday are our ________. A.clubs B.weekends C.birthdays D.games (B)28.Does Mr. Green teach ________ Chinese? A.they B.you C.I D.he (C)29.Mom,I need you ________ me a notebook. A.buy B.buying C.to buy D.to buying (A)30.Today Lucy's parents aren't at home so she wants to ________ us for lunch. A.join B.make C.think D.know (A)31.Bill likes ________ but he doesn't want to be a ________ when he grows up. A.music;musician B.music;music C.musician;music D.musician;musician (D)32.Old people all like Alice because she ________ them. A.is good at B.is good for C.is busy with D.is good with (B)33.—Can you ________ your new photos ________ me? —Yes.Here you are. A.show;with B.show;to C.show;for D.show;about (B)34.—Can you play the guitar? —________,but I can play the piano. A.No,I don't B.No,I can't C.Yes,I do D.Yes,I can (D)35.—Lily,________? —She wants to join the art club.


四年级下册英语练习题 )1、 A、 library B、 playground C、 computer ()2、 A、 lunch B、 English class C、 music class ()3、 A、teacher’s office B、 hen C、 horse ()4、 A、 breakfast B、warm C、 dinner ()5、 A、 coat B、 cheap C、 skirt 3、按照要求给下列单词分类,将大写字母填在括号内。(共20分) A.hot B.pants C.sheep D.playground E.art room F.cloudy G.tomato H.horse I.jacket J.lib rary K.cow https://www.360docs.net/doc/259425233.html,puter room M.snowy N.green beans O.carrot P.shirt Q.hen R.rainy S.socks T.potato 1.天气形容词() 2.蔬菜() 3.地点() 4.动物() 5.服装() 四、根据情景选句子,将正确答案写在括号内。(每小题2分,10分) ()1、询问别人今天六户天气怎么样,你应该说:__ A. What’s the weather like in Liuhu? B. Where’s the library? C.Is it rainy in Liuhu? ()2、欢迎别人来到学校参观时,你需要说:_____ A.This way,please. B. Welcome to our school. C.Here you are. ()3、向妈妈询问自己是否出外玩耍时,你要说:_____ A . Mum,can I try them on? B. Mum,can I have some soup? C. Mum,can I go outside? ()4、当你在电话里介绍自己时,你应该说:________ A.Hello. This is Mark. B. Hello. I am Mark. C. Hello. He is Mark.


人教版小学四年级英语下册练习题及答案 PEP人教版小学四年级英语下册期中试题及答案 一、把单词补充完整,选出正确的答案。 1、comp_ter A 、aB、 oC、 u 2、c_nteen A、a B、e C、 i 3、p_cture A 、eB、 i C、 a 4、fl__rA、 oo B 、ouC 5、d_nn_r A 、i?oB 、i?e C 6、s_ven A、 aB、 i C 7、__essA、 bl B 、drC 8、yell__ A、 ou B 、ooC 9、sk__tA 、ir B 、urC 10、t__ A 、en B 、emC 二、选出不同类的一个单词。 1、 A、 library B、 canteenC 2、 A、 lunch B、 English classC 3、 A、 nine B、 first C 4、 A、 art room B、 gym C 5、 A、 blue B、 red C 6、 A、 schoolB、 shirt C 7、 A、 jeans B、 whose C 8、 A、 board B、 gym C

9、 A、 dinnerB、 lunch C 10、 A、 English B、 purple C 、 ee 、e?e 、 e 、 md 、 ow 、 ar 、 in 、 computer 、music class 、 one 、 light 、 dress 、 jacket 、shorts 、 floor 、 canteen 、 Chinese 1 2 A、 Yes ,it is B 、No,it is C、 Yes,it is not.、It is time __dinner. A、 to B、 for C、 on 7、__time is it? It is seven o,clock. A、 What B、 HowC 、Where 8、__cap is it? A 、Who B、 Whose C、 Where 9、These__his pants. A、 are B、 is C、 am 10、__colour is it? A、How B、Where C、What 六、找出相对应的答语,把序号填在题前的括号里。 1、Is this your skirt? A It is Mary,s shirt. 2、What time is it? B There are my socks. 3、Whose shirt is it? C It is yellow. 4、What colour is it? D No,it is not.


姓名: ____________ 班别: _____________ 分数: __________ (答题时间40分钟,满分100分) 一、 听录音,选出与录音内容相符合的一项,并将其英文大写字母编号 填在题前的括号里。(每小题1分,共10份) .40 C.50 二、 听录音,判断图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的在相应的括号内打““”, 不相符的打“X”。(每小题2分,共20份) 四 、听 录 曰, 根 据 你 三、听录音,用阿拉伯数字标出顺序。(每题2分,共10分) 所听到的问题,选择最合适的答句,并将其英文大写字母编号填在题前的括 号内,每个问题将读两遍。(每小题1分,共10份) 's a teacher. A *■ ■ ? - -? ■jJl -^23,- 8 ■TiT?^7' J 点穆_诅应谕计 需 h T

()2.A. Yes,it is. B.Two pencils. C. It ' s a bag. ()3.A. It ' s my ruler. B」have 2. C. It ' s blue. ()4.A. Yes,I do. B. I ' d like some beef. C.Yes,I can. ()5.A. It ' s near the door. B. Yes,it is. C」can 12. 五、听录音,填上所缺单词,使句子意思合理、完整,每空只填一词,每组对话将读两遍。(每空1分,共10分) 1. A:Look! I have a new B: It ' s very nice. 2. A:How many ________ ? B: I can see thirty. 3. A:What colour is your ? _________ B: It ' s yellow. 4. My father is a . ________ 5. Chen Lin is my frie nd,she likes . ______________ 6. Welcome to my _______ J! ______ ' s nice. 7. I like my ________ __________ ' s big. 8. Where are my keys? They ' re on the _________ . _________ 9. The computer is n ear the _______ . ___________ 10. Open the _______ ,please. 六、听录音,在相关内容的框格里打“,每题读两遍。(每空1分,共10 分)


七年级英语下册期中测试题 时间:90分钟分数:120分 I、单项选择。(20分) ( )1. Thank you for _____ the school play. A. joining B. to join C. join D. is joining ( )2. The students often ___ games after class. They ____ volleyball over there now. A. are playing, are playing B. are playing, play C. play, play D. play, are playing ( )3. ______ interesting news it is! A. What an B .How C. What D. How an ( )4. ---Isn’t it cute ? ---_______. I like it very much. A .Yes,it isn’t B .No,it is C .Yes,it is D. No, it isn’t. ( )5. Could you take a message ________ her ? A .as B .for C .to D .in ( )6. We usually go to school_____ the day and go home ____night. A .in ,in B .on, at C .at, during D .in, at ( )7.The girl ___ long hair and blue eyes is running _____ the hallway . A. with ,in B .has ,in C .with ,on D .has ,under ( )8.Everyone ______ him, because he is friendly. A. like B. likes C. to like D. liking ( ) 9. ——What language does the woman speak? ——She speaks______ . She' s from Australia. A. Japanese B. Chinese C. French D. English ( ) 10.The koalas are _________ cute. A. kinds of B. kind of C. all kinds of D. a kind of ( ) 11. Why not _____ for dinner with us? A. to go B. going C. goes D. go ( ) 12. ——Let’s ______ to the movies now. ――That _________ great. A. going, sounding B. go, sounds C. go, sound D. goes, sounds ( ) 13.He is having a great time ________ the movies . A. see B. to see C. seeing D. sees ( ) 14.Where _____ your pen pals _____ ? A. are, from B. do, from C. do, come D. is , from ( ) 15.______ is the weather in Beijing now?


小学四年级英语下册第一单元检测卷姓名:_______________ 听力部分(50分) 一、听录音,根据所听内容,将图画序号A或B填在题前面的括号内(10分) ()1. A、B、 ()2、A、B、 ()3、A、B、 ()4、A、B、 ()5. A、B、 二、听录音,给下列图片拍顺序(10分) ()()()()() 三、听录音,判断所听内容是否与图片相符,相符的填“T”不相符的填“F”。听两遍(10分) ()()()()()四、听录音,安所听内容的先后顺序用数字1、2、3、4、5为下列对话排序。听两遍。(10分)

( )Do you have a library ? ( )It ’s so big .How many students are there in your class? ( )Yes ,we do . It ’s on the second floor. ( )Twenty-four students. ( )Welcome to our school! This is my classroom. 五、听问句,选答语。(10分) 1.( )A.It ’s on the second floor. B.The music room is beautiful. 2.( )A.Forty-five. B.It ’s here. 3.( )A.This way,please. B.Yes,we do. 4.( )A.Yes,it ’s a picture. B.No,it ’s a picture. 5.( )A.Yes,it is. B.Yes,it isn ’t. 笔试部分(50分) 一、看图完成下列对话,选择正确的单词写在四线格内,注意书写的格式和正确的词形。(10 A : Is this the ? B : No, it isn ’t. It ’ s the . A :Do you have an ? B :Yes . It ’s on the . A :Is this your ? 二、选择填空,将正确选项的序号填在题号前的括号内。(10分) ( )1. Do you have art room ?A. a B. an C. the ( )2. –Is this the teachers ’ office ? –No, . A. it isn ’t B. it not C. it is ( )3. ,Where ’s the gym? A. Thank you. B. Excuse me. C. Good idea. 二楼


一、单词记忆:根据提示,写出下列单词(共10颗)。 (苹果)( 七) (夹克衫)(计算机) (蓝色的)(玩)(暖和的)(牛仔裤)(多云的)二、寻找朋友:根据问句找出合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内(共10颗)。 ( ) 1. Where is my jacket? A. No.they aren't. ( ) 2. Who's your math teacher? B. They are sheep. ( ) 3.Are they horses? C. Yes,you can. ( ) 4. What are these? D. No,it's expensive. ( ) 5. What's your mother? E.. Twenty yuan. ( ) 6. Is it cheap? F.Some fruits. ( ) 7. What's the weather like? G. John. ()8. How much are the ducks? H. A teacher. ( ) 9. What would you like? I.Rainy. ( )10.Can I wear my shirt today? J. On the desk. 三、火眼金睛:读一读,排排序(共10颗)。 ( ) Thank you. ( ) Your school is beautiful! ( ) Yes, this way please. This is our garden. ( ) Welcome to our school! ( ) Look! This is the teacher's office. That is my classroom. 四、情景对话:根据汉语,完成句子(共10颗)。 1.今天很暖和。我们去踢足球吧。 2.它是什么颜色的?是黄色的。 3.什么时间了?到了上课的时间了。 五、能力提升:阅读短文判断正误“T””F”(共10颗)。 Mary's Day ( ) 1.Mary goes to school at 7:30. ( ) 2.Mary has lunch at school. ( ) 3.Mary goes home at 3:30.( ) 4.Mary often reads books in the morning. ) 5.Mary goes to bed at 9:30. ( 一、单词记忆:根据提示,写出下列单词(共10颗) (灯)(演的) (白色的)(梨) (晴朗的)(小的)(墙)(时间)(讲台) 二、寻找朋友:根据问句找出合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内(共10颗) ()1.Are they horses? A. On the desk. ( ) 2. What are these? B.No,you can't.. ()3. How much are the ducks? C. A teacher. ( ) 4. What would you like? D.Rainy. ( ) 5. Where is my jacket? E. No.they aren't. ( ) 6. Who's your math teacher? F. They are sheep. ( ) 7. What's your mother? G.. Twenty yuan. ( ) 8. Is it cheap? H.Some fruits. ( ) 9. What's the weather like? I. John. ( )10. Can I wear my shirt today? J. No,it's expensive. 三、火眼金睛:读一读,排排序(共10颗)。


四年级英语期末练习题 一、读单词划线部分,发音一致打√ ,不一致的打× 。 ()1. A. little B.uncle ()2. A. born B. work ()3. A. turn B. sir ()4. A. scarf B. card ()5. A. home B. box 二、读一读,选出不同类的单词。 () 1. A. cheap B. expensive C. scarf () 2. A. pants B. jacket C. nice () 3. A. cow B. sheep C. potato () 4. A. tomato B. apple C. banana () 5. A. sun B. cloudy C. snowy () 6. A. get up B. go to bed C. breakfast () 7. A. skirt B. dress C. pretty () 8. A. library B. playground C. school () 9. A. go home B. lunch C. dinner () 10.A. sunny B. sunglasses C. gloves 三、单项选择。 () 1. The gloves are 98 yuan. They’re _______. A. cheap B. expensive C. small () 2. How many cows are there? __________. A. 100 yuan. B. Twenty C. It’s 10 o’clock.

()3. It’s 10 o’clock. It’s time _______ go to school. A. for B. to C. of () 4. What’s the weather like _____ Beijing? It’s ______ now. A. in; windy B. on; windy C. in; wind () 5. It’s hot. So I ____________. A. take off my sweater B. put on my sweater C. put on my gloves () 6. I like ________ white shorts. _______ nice. A. this; It’s B. those; They’re C. those; It’s () 7. ________ clothes are these? They’re my _________. A. Who; father’s B. Whose; father’s C. Whose; father () 8. ________ the teacher’s office? It’s _____ the second floor. A. Where’s; in B. Where’s; on C. Where; on () 9. We can read books in the ________. A. library B. art room C. music room () 10. Are they hens? No, __________. ________ ducks. A. they aren’t; They are B. it isn’t; It’s C. they are; They are 四、读一读,选择正确的答语。 () 1. Is that the computer room?A. Yes. () 2. Can I help you?B. They are green and white.


七年级下学期英语期中测试题·听力部分姓名 ********************************************************************* ************ 一、根据所述内容,选出正确答案,每个问题读两遍(每小题1分,共10分)。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A.My name is Sandy. B. It is an eraser. C. Yes, I can. D. It is thirty yuan. E. I like oranges. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A.How do you do? B. 10:45 C. On foot D. having dinner. E. 7:30 二、听句子,选择正确的答语(每小题1.5分,共15分)。 ( )11. A: My mother is happy. B: My mother is cooking. C: My mother is ill. ( )12. A: You can have a good time. B: Yes, it is. C: It's sunny and warm. ( )13. A: An English book. B: A Chinese book. C: A newspaper. ( )14. A: Peter is reading B: Peter is watching TV. C: Peter is writing a letter. ( )15. A: They're interesting. B: They're clever. C: They're cute. ( )16. A: At school. B: At restaurant. C: At home. ( )17. A: wear the uniforms. B. Clean the classroom. C: Don't run in classroon. ( )18. A: Tow miles. B: One kilometer. C: on hundred meter. ( )19. A: Get up. B: Go to bed. C: Go to school. ( )20. A: Sports club. B: Art club. C: Chess club. 七年级下学期英语期中测试题·笔试部分姓名 ******************************************************************** ************* 一、单项选择(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) ()26 ----Please be quiet in the library ! Look at the sign . It says, “No ___” -----I am sorry .
