

世博会英语演讲稿各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢First,I’ll say something about World Expo History。
As we know,the very first World Expo,the Great Exhibition of 1851,took place in the Crystal Palace in London。
Ever since then,the goals of World Expos have been both high-minded as well as commercial。
Visitors are able to explore the world outside of their everyday experience—outside cultures,new scientific advancements,and new inventions。
World Expos have excited and inspired more and more people in the world。
On December3,2002,the Bureau of International Expositions (or call it BIE) announced that Shanghai will host Expo2010.the BIE had received bids from five cities to host Expo2010.Among the 5 nice cities,the BIE chose Shanghai at last!It’s really an exciting news for not only Shanghainese,but also all of Chinese people。

英汉口译OpeningCeremonySpeechOpening Ceremony Speech & Welcome Speech欢迎辞&开幕词开(闭)幕式the opening (closing) ceremony就职典礼(落成典礼)inauguration ceremony剪彩仪式the ribbon-cutting ceremony奠基仪式the ground-breaking ceremonycornerstone laying ceremony颁奖仪式the awarding ceremony签字仪式the signing ceremony升旗仪式the flag-raising ceremony挂牌仪式the plaque unveiling ceremony of成立仪式the establishment ceremony下水典礼the launching ceremonySentence InterpretingInterpret the following sentences into English.1. 我谨向各位表示最热烈/热诚的欢迎。
2. 衷心祝愿各国运动队取得佳绩。
3. 我很荣幸为我们的美国客人致祝酒辞。
4. 让我们真诚地祝愿奥林匹克运动不断发展。
5. 值此新办公大楼正式启用之际,我很高兴地向你们表示最热烈的祝贺。
1. I would like to extend my warmest / cordial welcome to all of you.2. May all participating teams achieve good results.3. It’s an honor for me to offer ( propos e / make) a toast to our guests from the U. S.4. We sincerely wish the Olympic Movement a sustainable development.5. I am pleased to send my warmest congratulations to you on the inauguration of your new office building.Interpret the following sentences into Chinese.1. It is such a great honor and privilege to receive a visit to our company from a distinguished group of people like you.2. I wish to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you again.3. I hope you enjoy the visit and return home with a beautiful memory.4. Hospitality has long been a cherished virtue for the Chinese people.5. Although you have been here only one day, I hope you have already felt our strong sense of friendship.1. 承蒙由如此杰出的人士组成的团体造访本公司,实属莫大的荣幸。

Speech by Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Opening Reception of Beijing Culture WeekGarden Room, Barbican Centre, London, 26 July 2012Mr. Liu Qi, Member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Vice Mayor of Beijing Mr. Liu Jingmin, Vice Chairman of BODA Mr. Jiang Xiaoyu, Deputy Mayor Munira Mirza,Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, I warmly congratulate the opening in London of the Beijing Culture Week 2012. I am also delighted to welcome all of you to this event! Beijing Culture Week is of special significance for several reasons. First, it embodies Beijing’s very best wishes to London. In 24 hours, the much anticipated Games of the (thirtieth) XXX Olympiad will be staged in London. We all have strong memories of the last summer Olympic in Beijing. Handing the Olympic ‘torch’ from Beijing to London has greatly deepened the links between these two leading world cities. So, a Beijing Culture Week at this time, and in London, is most fitting. It is a symbol of how Beijing wishes the London Olympic Games a stunning success. It will also add to the cultural celebration. Second, Beijing Culture Week is another key event in China-UK cultural exchanges. This year has already seen many highlights in our cultural links. These include: ·The China Market Focus at the London Book Fair · The East Meets West concert starring Ms Song Zuying, Mr. Lang Lang and Mr. Bocelli. ·And in Beijing, and across China, the UK Now cultural project is also delivering many exciting events. This shows that our cultural agenda has tremendous thrust. The Beijing Culture Week will undoubtedly give our exchanges even more momentum. Third, Beijing Culture Week will be a major milestone in the friendly relations between Beijing and London. It will bring here more than 500 artists, actors and actresses and business leaders from China. This strong cultural team is about the size of the Chinese Olympic delegation. Such a strong cultural team from Beijing is going to deliver a kaleidoscope of activities. The very substantial programme will showcase an exciting, colorful and creative Beijing. I am convinced Beijing Culture Week will boost understanding, cooperation and friendship between Beijing and London. In conclusion, I wish Beijing Culture Week a great success! I wish London Olympic Games the very best of Luck! Thank you!Speech by H. E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the Launch of ICBC London New Office23 April 20122012/04/24Sir David Brewer,Mr. Stephen Perry,Mr. Yang Kaisheng, Vice Chairman and President of ICBC Group,Madame Wang Lili, Chairman of ICBC London,Distinguished Guests,On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in London, I wish to offer my warm congratulations on the launch of the new ICBC London office!This is the fourth time that I have attended the launch of new office buildings of Chinese companies in London since I came here more than two years ago. This is highly encouraging for me because it shows Chinese companies in the UK have made huge progress. It also forecasts a bright future for China-UK financial cooperation.As they get stronger, many Chinese companies are making an all-out effort to go global. For these businesses Britain is highly attractive. The UK is acclaimed as the world’s centre of finance, information and innovation. In addition, Chinese companies are attracted to the sound investment environment that the UK offers to foreign businesses.The latest figures show a clear trend.In 2011 Chinese companies invested in 59 projects in Britain, making China the 6th largest investor of the UK. Theseinvestments have created more than 1,400 British jobs.T he financial sector is a top priority for Chinese companies making investments in the UK. A good example is that China’s ‘big five’ commercial banks (Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China, ICBC, Construction Bank of China, Bank of Communications) have all opened branches or subsidiaries in London. I hope that more Chinese companies will either open branches or new office s in the UK.The large presence of Chinese companies and their growing investment here speak volumes about their confidence in China-UK economic cooperation. This confidence is underpinned by a strong overall bilateral relationship.This year marks the 40th year of China-UK full diplomatic relations. Over the past 40 years, our economic partnership has gone far beyond trade. It now covers investment, technology cooperation and joint research. We are glad that such booming cooperation has generated huge benefits for both sides.Both Chinese and British governments attach great importance to our economic cooperation. This is signified by recent visits of senior Chinese leaders. Last week there were two high level visitors:· First, was member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Mr. Li Changchun.· And second, was Chinese State Councillor, Madame Liu Yandong.They were here to strengthen cultural links between our peoples. An equally important goal of their visits was to advance China-UK cooperation in trade and investment areas.I am confident that the further restructuring and upgrading of our respective economies will create even greater opportunities for China-UK cooperation.ICBC now ranks as a major global business. In 1999, for the first time, ICBC became one of the Fortune 500 companies. Since then, it has kept moving up the rankings. Last year, ICBC reached the 77th place. This is the highest position among all Chinese banks.ICBC is also the world’s top bank in terms of market capitalization, profit and the size of deposits. Because of all this, it has an impressive brand value of over 44 billion US dollars.ICBC (London) was opened in 2003. In less than 10 years, it has grown into a highly regarded and international commercial bank in the City of London. This is no mean feat.This office is located in the heart of the City of London. We are surrounded by buildings that remind us of the history and heritage that have created the world’s leading financial c entre. As I travelled into the City of London today these traditions made me think of the values of ICBC and its motto, which is: Accomplishment through integrity and progress through actions.In conclusion, I wish ICBC (London) even greater success!Your Excellency Ambassador Joao Manuel Bernardo, Acting Dean of the AfricanDiplomatic Corps,Diplomatic Envoys,Scholars,Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,It gives me great pleasure to attend the launching ceremony of the China-Africa JointResearch and Exchange Program. This year marks the beginning of the second decadeof the new century, and the 10th anniversary of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation(FOCAC). At this important moment, we should build on the past and work for the future. Itis therefore of great significance for us to gather here for discussions on how to promoteChina-Africa cooperation. On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to extendheartfelt congratulations on the launch of the Program and a warm welcome to alldiplomatic envoys, experts, scholars and in particular, our African friends who havetravelled a long way to come here.I have been to more than 20 African countries and witnessed the development of Africa inthe past two decades. The African continent is a land of promise, attracting increasingattention of the world. China and Africa have had similar historical experiences. TheChinese people cherish deep affection towards Africa. Our friendship with the Africanpeople is sincere and profound. China was, is and will always be Africa's good friend,good partner and good brother. Africa and China need each other more than ever in the 21st century.Our world is undergoing major and profound changes at a fast pace. In this changing world, both China and Africa are important rising forces and face unprecedented opportunities and challenges. Today, closer China-Africa exchanges and cooperation has become all the more important. Premier Wen Jiabao proposed the China-Africa Joint Research and Exchange Program at the fourth ministerial conference of FOCAC. The Program has come as an important result of FOCAC expansion. It meets the need of the ever-growing China-Africa relations and is an important move to strengthen popular support for China-Africa friendship and deepen the new type of strategic partnership between us under the new situation.The age we live in has entrusted Chinese and African scholars with a new mission, and has provided better opportunities and created more space for academic exchanges between our two sides. I sincerely hope that with your deep love for Africa and China, you will get actively involved in the Program, promote mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese and African people and advance China-Africa relations. I hope you will be the brains and builders of China-Africa relations.I expect the Program to:First, draw up a master plan for China-Africa relations. Both China and Africa are developing and changing, but the foundation of China-Africa cooperation remains intact and as strong as ever. Our relationship has become more important. If we are to keep China-Africa cooperation – a mega project that benefits over two billion people – on a sound track under the new circumstances, then we must put our relationship in a broader context of a multi-polar and globalized world. We need to always bear in mind thelong-term well-being of the Chinese and African people and stay committed to promoting our friendship under all circumstances.Second, explore ways for win-win cooperation. What should China and Africa do to achieve still greater development, while the international economic system is undergoing a reform? What should we do to uphold our common interests while tackling climate change and other global issues? What should we do to achieve mutual benefit andwin-win outcomes against the backdrop of economic globalization? These are new questions for us. Our cooperation has a solid political foundation and complementary economic structures. We should make the best of these advantages and come up with concrete, result-oriented recommendations and measures for our cooperation.Third, increase and broaden cultural and people-to-people exchanges. Amity between people holds the key to sound relations between states. There have been growing exchanges between our people over recent years. Ebony wood carvings and copperplate engraving from Africa are fashionable decorations in Chinese households. Chinese martial arts and acrobatics are widely popular among African friends. I encourage our scholars to deploy your strengths in enhancing cultural and people-to-people exchanges-to visit each other and talk to each other, and to show the African people a real and changing China and show the Chinese people a promising and vibrant Africa.Fourth, urge the international community to give greater attention and support to Africa. The repercussions of the international financial crisis on the African economies have made the attainment of MDGs a more daunting task for Africa. More thoughts need to be given to the subject of African development in a post-crisis era, especially how to help Africa enhance its "blood-making" capacity while "transfusing blood" to it.Fifth, be pragmatic. We need to focus on new developments, new issues and new patterns. Our research should be objective and impartial, based on the merits of a matterper se. We should step up sharing of governance experience and groom our young people to work for China-Africa friendship and pass it from generation to generation.Last but not least, I hope that more and more friends will contribute to and participate in the Program in various forms and support and promote academic exchanges between China and Africa.Ladies and Gentlemen,Dear Friends,China-Africa friendship has a history of a thousand years and China-Africa cooperation is becoming a paradigm of South-South cooperation. Such friendship and cooperation are bound to have an even brighter future. As we enter the second decade of the 21st century, let us join hands to steadily upgrade our new type of strategic partnership and cooperation in a changing world and work tirelessly for the benefit of our people and for common development.Thank you.。

First and foremost, I would like to extend a warm welcome to each and every one of you. Your presence here today is a testament to your commitment and dedication to this cause. Whether you are a distinguished guest, a participant, or a member of the organizing committee, your contributions are aluable, and we are truly grateful for your support.
As we open the curtains on this event, I cannot help but reflect on the journey that has led us to this point. It is a journey filled with challenges, obstacles, and countless hours of hard work. However, it is also a journey marked by perseverance, resilience, and an unwavering belief in the power of collaboration. Today, we stand on the cusp of something great, something that will leave an indelible mark on our lives and the lives of those we aim to serve.

Remarks at Opening of U.S.-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting

Remarks at Opening of U.S.-ASEAN Ministerial Meeting在美国—东盟部长级会议开幕式上的讲话Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton美国国务卿克林顿July 22, 20112011年7月22日Bali, Indonesia印度尼西亚巴厘Thank you very much, Foreign Secretary del Rosario. Thank you for co-hosting and co-chairing this important U.S.-ASEAN ministerial. I want to thank our hosts, the Government of Indonesia and our colleague, the Foreign Minister, for giving us such a warm welcome to this beautiful part of your country.十分感谢你,外长德尔∙罗萨里奥(del Rosario)。
I am pleased to have this opportunity, once again, to affirm the commitment of the United States to our partnership with ASEAN. For two-and-a-half years, the Obama Administration has prioritized our engagement with ASEAN and the region, because we believe it is an important commitment to peace, progress, and prosperity, not only in the Asia Pacific region, but throughout the world. The countries of ASEAN are home to nearly 600 million people, and represent America's sixth largest export market. And the community of nations represented here today are really important leaders in meeting the global challenges we face together, from climate change, to proliferation, to piracy.我十分高兴能借此机会重申美国致力于我们与东盟的伙伴关系。

一路一带中英文演讲I like to talk about the content of cooperation for our New Silk Road Corridor. Now, I will talk about the details of the areas for development, the content of development.They should promote policy coordination, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, financial integration and people-to-people bonds as their five major goals, and strengthen cooperation in the following key areas:First, I talked about Facilities connectivity我想谈谈我们新的丝绸之路走廊的合作内容。
加强政策协调、设施互联互通、贸易畅通、金融一体化、人文交流等五大目标,加强在以下关键领域的合作:首先,我谈到了设施连接性Facilities connectivity is a priority area for implementing the Initiative. In accordance with the existing economic foundation and condition, and the pre-conditions of our cooperation, our efforts must first be put to energy resources, the transportation grid, electricity systems, communications networks, other such basic infrastructure platforms, and the networking together of such platforms. Ther e is a saying in C hina, “to develop wealth, you have to first build roads”. The connectivity of infrastructure facilities, including railways, highways, air routes, telecommunications, oil and natural gas pipelines and ports, will also be promoted. The de velopment corridor’s economy can only prosper when human resources, logistics and economic flow (人流, 物流, 资金流) have all been brought on-line and integrated. This will form part of a move to establish an infrastructure network connecting various Asian sub-regions with other partsof Asia, Europe and Africa.设施互联互通是实施这一倡议的优先领域。

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
9. 10.
Master of Ceremonies distinguished guests on the occasion of … an envoy of friendship best wishes sincere thanks hospitality at the (gracious) invitation of … on behalf of... incomparable
• 词汇记忆 10 ’
• 视译 25 ’
• 单句口译 20 ’
• 对话口译
• 情景模拟
25 ’
A. English to Chinese
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Fairs and Expo --Phrases Interpreting
1. 2. 3.
Take this opportunity Cherish Signing ceremony Witness Extend sincere thanks to…. Appreciate Last but not least Summit At his earliest convenience Workshop/Seminar
to be continued
2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
主导产品 合同条款 中国国际贸易促进委 员会 合资企业 税费待遇 商检
2. 3.
4. 5. 6.
pillar product format of contract CCPIT (the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade ) Joint venture taxation treatment commodity inspection

王岐山副总理在中国东盟商务投资峰会开幕式上的讲话2008年10月22日, 广西南宁Address by Vice Premier Wang Qishan At the Opening Ceremony of the Fifth China-ASEAN Business and Investment SummitNanning, Guangxi, 22 October 2008尊敬的各位嘉宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们:Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,我代表中国政府,对莅临会议的东盟国家领导人和各位嘉宾表示热烈的欢迎!I am very pleased to attend the Fifth China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit. On behalf of the Chinese Government, I wish to extend a warm welcome to the leaders of ASEAN countries and all the guests at the meeting.中国与东盟各国政府高度重视发展友好关系和互利合作。

开幕式英文篇一:英语开幕式欢迎辞1.iwouldliketoexpress,onbehalfofthechinesegovernment,warmcongratulat ionsontheconvocationofthemeetingandpayhightributetoallthepeoplewhoha velongbeencommittedtoadvancingtheeconomiccooperationandtradebetwe enthetwosides.我谨代表中国政府,对会议的召开表示热烈祝贺,对长期以来致力于中国与葡语国家经贸合作的各界人士表示崇高敬意!2.onbehalfoftheBeijingmunicipalgovernment,iwishtoextendourwarmwelc ometothefriendswhohavecometovisitBeijing.我代表北京市政府欢迎各位朋友访问北京.3.onbehalfoftheministryofEducationofthePeople’sRepublicofchina,iwouldliketoextendawarmwelcomeandsinceregratitudet oalltheguestsfromafarandbothchineseandforeigneducationalcolleaguespre sentheretoday.我谨代表中华人民共和国教育部,向远道而来的各位嘉宾,向在座的各位中外教育同行,表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感激。
4.onbehalfofthechineseGovernmentandpeopleandinmyownname,iwishtoe xtendaverywarmwelcometoyouanddeepappriciationtoyouforattendingtheS ummit.我谨代表中国政府和中国人民,并以我个人的名义,对各位同事和嘉宾前来出席会议,表示热烈的欢迎和衷心的感谢!wishesofthechinesepeopletothebrotherlyafricanpeople.我还要通过在座的非洲各国领导人,向兄弟的非洲人民转达中国人民的亲切问候和良好祝愿。

展会开幕式致辞英文版范文**Fusion of Innovations, Joint Creation of Splendor - Opening Ceremony Speech of the Exhibition**Ladies and Gentlemen,Good morning! Today, we gather here to celebrate the opening of our esteemed exhibition, a gathering of ideas, talents, and innovations from across the globe. It is an honor to stand here and welcome you all to this platform of collaboration and discovery.The exhibition we are inaugurating today is not just a showcase of products and services; it is a testament to the spirit of human ingenuity and enterprise. It represents the hard work, dedication, and perseverance of individuals and organizations who have dedicated their lives to the pursuit of excellence.Here, we see the latest technological advancements, cutting-edge research, and innovative ideas that promise to shape our future. This exhibition is a reminder that we, as a species, have the capacity to overcome challenges, to innovate, and to create a better world.As we embark on this journey of discovery, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the participants, sponsors, and organizers who have made this exhibition a reality. Your hard work and dedication have brought us to this moment of celebration.I also want to extend a warm welcome to our guests from near and far. Your presence here is not just an endorsement of our efforts, but also a vote of confidence in the power of innovation and collaboration.As we move forward, let us remember that the true value of this exhibition lies not just in the products and services showcased, but in the connections made, the ideas exchanged, and the collaborations forged. Let us embrace the spirit of innovation and collaboration, and together, create a future that is brighter, more inclusive, and more sustainable.In conclusion, I would like to once again express my gratitude to all those who have contributed to making this exhibition a success. I am confident that through our collective efforts and shared vision, we will achieve newheights of excellence and create a legacy that will inspire generations to come.Thank you all for being here. Welcome to our exhibition, and let the spirit of innovation and collaboration guide us as we embark on this exciting journey ahead.谢谢大家!**融合创新,共铸辉煌**各位来宾、朋友们:大家早上好!今天,我们齐聚一堂,共同庆祝这场盛大的展览会的开幕。

东盟博览会的魅力与影响The ASEAN Expo, an annual event that attracts the world's attention, is a testament to the rich cultural diversity and economic vibrancy of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). Held in Nanning, China, the Expo serves as a platform for the member states of ASEAN to showcase their products, services, and cultural heritage. This article delves into the charm and influence of the ASEAN Expo, exploring its significance in promoting economic integration and cultural exchange within the region.The ASEAN Expo is not just a showcase of goods and services; it is a vibrant festival of cultures. From the intricate carvings of Indonesian batik to the vibrant colors of Philippine folk dance, the Expo offers a visual feast that captivates the senses. It is a testament to the rich tapestry of Southeast Asian culture, a mosaic of traditions and histories that are as diverse as they are fascinating.Moreover, the Expo serves as a crucial platform for economiccooperation and integration. With the aim of promoting trade and investment, the Expo brings together businesses, governments, and investors from across the ASEAN region. It provides an opportunity for companies to explore new markets, for governments to negotiate trade agreements, and for investors to identify promising business opportunities. The Expo, in essence, is a catalyst for economic growth and development within the ASEAN region.The influence of the ASEAN Expo extends beyond the borders of the participating countries. As a significant economic and cultural event, the Expo attracts media and tourists from around the world, who come to witness the rich cultural displays and explore the potential business opportunities. This, in turn, enhances the international profile of the ASEAN region, attracting more investment and tourism, further fueling economic growth.The ASEAN Expo is also a powerful symbol of regional unity and cooperation. By coming together to showcase their cultures and products, the member states of ASEAN demonstrate their commitment to regional integration and mutual prosperity. TheExpo serves as a reminder that, despite their differences, the countries of ASEAN share a common goal: to create a prosperous and harmonious region that benefits all its people.In conclusion, the ASEAN Expo is not just an exhibition; it is a celebration of culture, a platform for economic cooperation, and a symbol of regional unity. It is a vibrant testament to the rich diversity and limitless potential of the ASEAN region, a region that is poised to take its place as a global leader in economic growth and cultural exchange.**东盟博览会的魅力与影响**东盟博览会,这一每年吸引全球目光的盛会,是东南亚国家联盟(东盟)丰富文化多样性和经济活力的有力证明。

2018中国国际进口博览会发言稿英文版 **The Global Perspective and Win-Win Opportunities of the China International Import Expo**As the dust settles on the 2018 China International Import Expo, the reverberations of this event continue to resonate around the globe. Hosted in Shanghai, the Expo was not just another trade show; it was a testament to China's commitment to opening its doors wider to the world, embracing globalization, and fostering a culture of mutual benefit and shared success.The Expo served as a platform for nations to showcase their products and services, but more importantly, it was a stage for ideas and collaborations. It was a chance for countries to come together, not just as competitors, but as partners in pursuit of common goals. The theme of "New Era, Shared Future" captured the essence of this spirit, highlighting the belief that through cooperation and innovation, we can all achieve more.China's decision to hold such a大规模的进口博览会 was not just a statement of intent; it was a vote of confidencein the power of trade to drive growth and prosperity. By inviting countries from all over the world to participate, China sent a clear message that it is ready to embrace a more interconnected and interdependent global economy.The Expo was a resounding success, attracting over3,600 companies from 172 countries and regions. This diverse participation was a testament to the Expo's appeal and the importance of the Chinese market. The range of products and services exhibited was truly breathtaking, from high-tech gadgets to artisan crafts, from cutting-edge services to traditional industries.But the Expo was not just about buying and selling; it was about learning and sharing. Seminars and workshops were held throughout the event, providing a platform for experts and industry leaders to discuss trends, challenges, and opportunities in the global trade landscape. This exchange of ideas and knowledge was invaluable in building bridges between cultures and industries.One of the most noteworthy aspects of the Expo was the focus on innovation. China has long been a leader in innovation, and the Expo was a showcase for its latesttechnological advancements. From artificial intelligence to green energy, China is at the forefront of many cutting-edge technologies, and the Expo provided a platform for these innovations to be seen and understood by the world. But innovation does not happen in isolation. The Expo recognized that true innovation comes from collaboration and cooperation. This was evident in the number of joint ventures and partnerships that were announced during the event. Companies from around the world saw the potential in working with Chinese partners, and vice versa, creating a win-win situation for all involved.The Expo also highlighted the importance of sustainability in trade. In an era where environmental degradation and climate change are global concerns, it is crucial that trade practices are sustainable and environmentally friendly. China has been at the forefront of green technology and sustainable development, and the Expo was a chance to showcase these achievements and to encourage other countries to follow suit.In conclusion, the 2018 China International Import Expo was a resounding success. It was not just a trade show; itwas a celebration of globalization, innovation, and cooperation. It was a chance for the world to see China's commitment to opening its doors to the world and to understanding that true prosperity comes from shared success. As we look ahead to future Expos, it is clear that the spirit of cooperation and mutual benefit will continueto thrive, driving growth and progress for all.**中国国际进口博览会的全球视野与共赢机遇**随着2018年中国国际进口博览会的圆满落幕,其影响力和意义在全球范围内持续发酵。

英语演讲中英文版:开幕式上的致辞女士们、先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen,人人得享人权,这是中国政府和人民不懈奋斗的目标。
Human rights for all is what the Chinese government and people have been striving for. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, under the leadership of the CPC and through unremitting efforts, the Chinese people have scored unprecedented achievements in human history and blazed an oriental pathway toward modernization.中国解决了13亿多人的温饱,减少了8亿多贫困人口,为7.7亿人提供了就业,建成世界最大规模的教育体系、最大规模的社保体系、最大规模的基层民主选举体系,谱写了中国人权进步的历史篇章,拓宽了国际人权保障的现实方案。
China has managed to meet the basic living needs of its 1.3 billion-plus people, lifted more than 800 million people out of poverty, and created 770 million jobs. We have put in place the world’s largest education system, social welfare system and community-level democratic election system, making historic progress in human rights development in China. China’s endeavors have also provided new viable solutions to challenges in the protection of human rights worldwide.中国的实践表明:人权保障并非只有一种途径,各国都可以根据自己的国情和人民需要,找到适合自己的人权保障模式。
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His Excellency Premier Wen Jiabo, Excellency, Heads of state, Heads of government, Other distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,
We are here today celebrating the golden age of ASEAN-China relations.
All the leaders of ASEAN are visiting China to celebrate the 15th year of China’s Dialogue Partnership with ASEAN. As the chair of ASEAN this year, I am particularly proud of the role that ASEAN has played in helping China integrate its economy and become a powerhouse in the region and the world. The relationship between China and ASEAN has helped ASEAN as a region. Our trade is surging with China; we are seeing more Chinese in ASEAN. We hope to see more.
The ASEAN-China partnership remains one of the most dynamic and progressive in the East Asia region. When ASEAN and China first began relations in 1991, the focus was on cooperation in economic and trade relations. Over the past 15 years, the relationship has evolved to include cooperation on political security, development, and other regional issues. Going forward, we should continue to strengthen the ASEAN-China partnership by promoting confidence-building measures, intensifying interactions, and allocating adequate resources to steer the relations and cooperation for mutual benefit. This China-ASEAN Expo is a good example of what we should be doing.
It is with great enthusiasm that we participating in the China-ASEAN Expo. Our businessmen are looking not only for products to bring home but also for industries where Chinese and ASEAN manufacturing can collaborate to produce for our own domestic markets and for the rest of the world.
Our businessmen have come to Nanning looking for products as candidates for integration trade with China.
I am confident our search will bear fruit in the field of shared prosperity both for China and ASEAN. Thank you.。