

人物:1、瑞秋•格林(RACHEL GREENE)由珍妮佛•安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)扮演瑞秋是莫妮卡的高中同学,在与牙医未婚夫的婚礼上脱逃至莫妮卡处。
2、罗斯•盖勒(Ross Geller)由大卫•修蒙(David Schwimmer)扮演罗斯为莫妮卡的哥哥,于高中时即暗恋妹妹的同学瑞秋,但始终不敢表白3、莫妮卡•盖勒(Monica Geller)由科妮寇•克斯(Courteney Cox Arquette)扮演莫妮卡是《六人行》的中心人物,其他五人可以说就是由她延伸出来的。
4、钱德•宾(Chandler Bing)由马修•派瑞(Matthew Perry)扮演钱德为罗斯的大学同学,因而与罗斯、莫妮卡结识甚久5、菲比•巴费(Phoebe Buffay)由丽莎•库卓(Lisa Kudrow)扮演菲比为莫妮卡的旧室友,后因受不了其洁癖而搬走6、乔伊•崔比昂尼(Joey Tribbiani)由麦特•雷布兰克(Matt Le Blanc)扮演乔伊与钱德为共租公寓的室友,自然也是莫妮卡和瑞秋的邻居《电影手册》评价:friends是一部彻底而纯粹的通俗剧的代表,它是一部具有十足纽约风格的情景喜剧。
老友记 人物分析


老友记简介(04)——评价2008年02月19日星期二 22:13评价作为一部受到观众喜爱的情景喜剧,《老友记》的精彩并不仅仅来源于它对生活原生态的再现。

1. 莫妮卡·盖勒(Monica Geller)- 由科特妮·考克斯饰演莫妮卡是一个有洁癖的厨师,非常注重整洁和有条理。
2. 瑞秋·格林(Rachel Green)- 由詹妮弗·安妮斯顿饰演瑞秋是一个富家女,曾在剧中是莫妮卡的高中同学。
3. 菲比·布菲(Phoebe Buffay)- 由丽莎·库卓饰演菲比是一个天真浪漫的女孩,有着独特的思维方式和个性。
4. 罗斯·盖勒(Ross Geller)- 由大卫·施温曼饰演罗斯是莫妮卡的哥哥,是一位古生物学家和大学教授。
5. 钱德勒·宾(Chandler Bing)- 由马修·佩里饰演钱德勒是一个幽默风趣的男人,他的笑话和妙语常常令大家开怀大笑。
6. 乔伊·崔比亚尼(Joey Tribbiani)- 由马特·勒布郎饰演乔伊是一个追求女性的好色之徒,同时也是一个梦想成为演员的男子。

布鲁斯·威利斯(Bruce Willis)客串人物:罗斯学生女友的老爸保罗·斯蒂文斯(Paul Stevens)客串剧集:第六季第二十一至第二十三集茱丽亚·罗伯茨(Julia Roberts)客串人物:钱德勒的老同学苏茜·“内裤”·摩斯客串剧集:第二季第十三集布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)客串人物:瑞秋的中学同学威尔·科尔伯特(Will Colbert)客串剧集:第八季第九集比利·克里斯托尔(Billy Crystal)和罗宾·威廉姆斯(Robin Willoams)客串人物:咖啡馆的不速之客蒂姆和托马斯客串剧集:第三季第二十四集苏珊·萨兰登(Susan Sarandon)客串人物:被乔伊顶了戏的演员塞西莉亚·门罗(Cecilia Monroe)客串剧集:第七季第十五集约克公爵夫人萨拉(Duchess of York)客串人物:她自己客串剧集:第四季第二十三集海伦·亨特(Helen Hunt)客串人物:《为你疯狂》剧集里的杰米·布克曼(JamJe Buchman)客串剧集:第一季第十六集肖恩·潘(Sean Penn)客串人物:菲比双胞胎姐姐厄苏拉的男友埃里克(Eric)客串剧集:菲比双胞胎姐姐厄苏拉的男友埃里克(Eric)波姬小丝(Brooke Shields)客串人物:乔伊的疯狂影迷埃莉卡·福特(Efica Ford)客串剧集:第二季第十二集治·克鲁尼(George Clooney) 和诺亚·怀尔(Noah Wyle)客串人物:米切尔医生(Dr.Mitchell)和罗森医生(Dr.Rosen) 客串剧集:第一季第十七集让—克劳德·范丹姆(又译尚格云顿,Jean—Claude Van Damme) 客串人物:他自己客串剧集:第二季第十三集阿莱克斯·鲍德温(AIec Baldwin)客串人物:菲比的男友(Parker)客串剧集:第八季第十七、十八集拉尔夫·劳伦(Ralph Lauren)客串人物:他自己客串剧集:第六季第八集杰·雷诺(Jay Leno)客串人物:他自己客串剧集:第一季第十一集里斯·威瑟斯庞(Reese Witherspoon)客串人物:瑞秋的妹妹吉尔客串剧集:第六季第十三、十四集加利·奥德曼(Gary Oldman)客串人物:乔伊的演戏搭档理查德·克罗斯比(Richard Crosby) 客串剧集:第七季第二十三、二十四集伊安·索普(Ian Thorpe)客串人物:咖啡馆内一坐客客串剧集:第七季第七集。

二、主要人物介绍1. 罗斯·盖勒罗斯是一个受过教育的博士,聪明而有点书呆子,对恋爱充满幻想。
2. 瑞秋·格林瑞秋是一个充满活力和野心的时尚女性,她在故事的开始时是一个刚刚从未来丈夫的婚约中逃脱的女性。
3. 菲比·伯菲菲比是一个古怪而热情的人物,充满了奇特的幽默。
4. 乔伊·崔比亚尼乔伊是一个梦想成为演员的人,他是一个单纯而风趣的角色,总是让人发笑。
5. 莫妮卡·盖勒莫妮卡是罗斯的姐姐,是一个完美主义者和有条理的人。
6. 钱德勒·宾钱德勒是一个幽默而搞笑的人,总是以一副玩世不恭的态度面对生活中的种种挑战。

老友记人物介绍 Ting Bao was revised on January 6, 20021老友记人物介绍1 瑞秋-格林(RACHEL GREENE):珍妮佛-安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)扮演语音学习:口音不很好学,经常会发出很可爱的声音,感情丰富;而且连音也比较多。
[个性]未经世事的医家千金小姐,生活上的大白痴(连垃圾都不会倒哦~) 有些娇纵,没什么主见,对人言听计从。
对性的态度比较随意;由不愁吃穿到自食其力吃了不少苦头没有什么技能,除了……购物[怪癖]高中时鼻子大过成龙,后来做了缩鼻手术;喜欢拿人家送她的礼物去换非常有男人缘,偏爱男医生[职业]本来是“中央咖啡厅”的服务生,后来进了服装公司做采购助理(专业对口啊)2 罗斯-盖勒(Ross Geller):大卫-修蒙(David Schwimmer)扮演语音学习:经常不出好词,你就查吧;再就是俚语很多。
爸妈眼中的优等生,从小得奖犹如家常便饭不同于钱德和乔伊,他甚是专情,在美国这样一个性开放的国家中不一样的男人,非常疼爱他的儿子本;养过一直叫作“马赛尔”的猴子且对它一往情深因前任老婆是同性恋而离婚,但对她始终无法忘情对感情的表白上显得十分胆小,对婚姻缺乏信心,共计有三次离婚记录[怪癖]事事都爱与前妻的同性恋爱人苏珊竞争不能忍受别人对“人类是由猴子进化而来的”的观点有丝毫怀疑[职业]博物馆考古学家,大学讲师,收入颇丰3 莫妮卡-盖勒(Monica Geller):科妮寇-克斯(CourteneyCox Arquette)扮演语音学习:练长句子,她经常会一口气说很多。

Characters Of FriendsThe series featured six main characters throughout its run, with many other characters recurring throughout all ten seasons.∙Jennifer Aniston portrays Rachel Greene, a fashion enthusiast and Monica Geller's best friend from childhood. Rachel first moves in with Monica in season one after nearly marrying Barry Farber whom she realizes she does not love. Rachel and Ross Geller are later involved in anon-again-off-again relationship throughout the series. Rachel dates othermen during the series, such as an Italian neighbor, Paolo in season one, her client Joshua Bergin in season four, her assistant Tag in season seven, and Jo ey Tribbiani in season ten. Rachel’s first job is as a waitress at thecoffeehouse Central Perk, but she later becomes an assistant buyer atBloomingdale's in season three, and a buyer at Ralph Lauren in season five.Rachel and Ross have a daughter named Emma in "The One Where Rachel Has a Baby, Part Two" at the end of season 8.∙Courteney Cox portrays Monica Geller, the mother hen of the group and a chef,known for her perfectionist, bossy and competitive nature. Monica is often jokingly teased by the others for having been extremely overweight as a child, especially by her brother Ross. Monica works as a chef invarious restaurants throughout the show. Monica’s first serious relationship is with family friend Richard Burke who is 21 years her senior. The couple maintains a strong relationship until Richard expresses that he does notwant to have children much to Monica’s dismay. Monica and ChandlerBing later start a relationship after spending a night with each other in the season four finale, leading to their marriage in season seven.∙Lisa Kudrow portrays Phoebe Buffay, an eccentric masseuse and self-taught musician. Phoebe lived in uptown New York with her motheruntil her mother killed herself and Phoebe took to the streets. Phoebe isditsy but street smart and writes and sings (badly) her own quirky songs,accompanying herself on the guitar. She has an "evil" identical twin namedUrsula who shares Phoebe’s quirkiness but unlike Phoebe seems to be cruel and uncaring. Phoebe is childlike and innocent in disposition. Phoebe tends to use her past misfortunes such as her mother’s suicide as sympathy ploys.Phoebe has three serious relationships. Gary (the cop) in season five, an on and off relationship with Mike Hannigan (Paul Rudd) in seasons nine-ten and David (Hank Azaria) in season one, which ends when he moves toMinsk on a research grant. They reconcile whenever he returns but sheeventually rejects him for Mike in season nine. In the last season, shemarries Mike.∙Matt LeBlanc portrays Joey Tribbiani, a struggling actor and food lover who becomes famous for his role on Days of our Lives as Dr. DrakeRamoray. Joey is a simple-minded womanizer with many short-termgirlfriends throughout the series. Despite his womanizing tendencies Joey is an innocent and caring character with good intentions.[Joey often uses the catchphrase pick up line "How you doin'?" in his attempts to win over women. Joey rooms with his best friend Chandler for years and later awhile with Rachel. He falls in love with Rachel in season eight. Rachelpolitely tells Joey that she does not share the same feelings. Theyeventually date briefly in season ten, but after realizing it will not work due to their friendship (and especially Rachel's complicated relationship with Ross), they return to being friends as before.∙Matthew Perry portrays Chandler Bing, an executive in statistical analysis and data reconfiguration for a large multi-national corporation. Chandler quits his job and becomes a junior copywriter at an advertising agencyduring season nine. Chandler has a peculiar family history being the son of an erotic novelist mother, and a cross-dressing Las Vegas star father.Chandler is known for his sarcastic sense of humor and bad luck inrelationships. Chandler marries Monica in season seven, and they adopttwins at the end of the series. Before his relationship with Monica,Chandler dated Janice Hosenstein in season one and subsequently broke up with her many times. Matthew Perry has expressed his similarities to the character such as his need to break an awkward silence with a joke anddifficulties with women when first joining the show.[17]David Schwimmer portrays Ross Geller, Monica Geller's older brother, a paleontologist working at the Museum of Natural History, and later aprofessor of paleontology at New York University. Ross is a sweet-natured man of good humor, although he is often clumsy and socially awkward.Ross is involved in an on-again-off-again relationship with Rachelthroughout the series. Ross has three failed marriages during the series:Rachel, Emily, and Carol, a lesbian who is also the mother of his son, Ben (Cole Sprouse). His failed love life is potentially due to his paranoia andjealousy in relationships and his divorces become a point of humor within the series. He and Rachel have a daughter by the end of season eight and they confess that they are still in love with each other in the final episode.CastingHaving worked with David Schwimmer in the past, the series creators wrote the character of Ross with him in mind, and he was the first actor cast. Cox wanted to play the role of Monica, but the producers had her in mind to play Rachel because of her "cheery, upbeat energy", which was not how they envisioned Monica; after Cox's audition, though, Kauffman agreed with Cox, and she got the role. When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for Joey, he put a "different spin" on the character. The writers did not originally intend for Joey to be dim, but found it to be a major source of comedy. LeBlanc also gave the character heart, which the writers did not realize Joey had. Although Crane and Kauffman did not want LeBlanc for the role at the time, they were told by the network to cast him. Jennifer Aniston, Matthew Perry and Lisa Kudrow were cast based on their auditions.More changes occurred to the series' storylines during the casting process. The writers found that they had to adjust the characters they had written to suit the actors, and the discovery process of the characters occurred throughout the first season. Kauffman acknowledged that Joey's character became "this whole new being", and that "it wasn't until we did the first Thanksgiving episode that we realized how much fun Monica's neuroses are."Courteney Cox was the best-known cast memberCourteney Cox was the most well-known of the six main actors. She was called in expecting to read for the part of Rachel. After reading for Monica instead,she won the role. Nancy McKeon also read for the part. Jennifer Aniston read for the part of Rachel after initially being considered for Monica. Her commitment as an actress on the TV series Muddling Through left her part in Friends in doubt; Muddling Through was not scheduled to be broadcast by CBS until mid-1994, after NBC's announcement of whether Friends would be greenlit for a series. If Muddling Through became a ratings success, the role of Rachel would have needed recasting, as the producer of Muddling Through would not allow Aniston to be released from her contract. A deal was eventually struck and, within three days of first auditioning, Aniston got the role. Crane and Kauffman wanted Joey to be "a guy's guy" who loves "women, sports, women, New York, women". The actors auditioned using the "grab a spoon" scene, and many arrived in character with "lots of chest showing". As the Joey character was not developed much in the script, Matt LeBlanc just used his experience playing "this Italian, kind of dim character" from Vinny and Bobby. He had at least eight auditions for the part, and in his final one read with Aniston and Cox.Chandler and Phoebe had originally been written as more secondary characters who were just there to provide humor around the other four; Matthew Perry described Chandler in the pilot script as "an observer of other people's lives". They had become part of the core group by the time casting concluded. Crane believed that the part of Chandler, described in the character breakdown as "a droll, dry guy", would be the easiest to cast, though it proved more difficult than he initially hoped. Perry had previously worked with Kauffman and Crane on an episode of Dream On, and requested an audition when he identified with the characterRoss&RachelRachel's most prominent relationship throughout the series is with Ross, Monica's older brother. When she moves to New York City in the pilot, Ross has been obsessed with her since his high school years. Although both Joey and Chandler know this, Rachel, Monica and Phoebe are oblivious until (slightly after Ross left to China on a work excursion) Chandler reveals Ross's feelings for Rachel. Ross tries several times to tell Rachel his feelings for her, but is derailed by her ex-fiance, Barry, and Paolo, an Italian man she meets during an electrical blackout, and Ross, unsure of himself, gives up on the idea of having a romantic relationship with Rachel.After Chandler's bombshell and a moment of self-discovery, Rachel realizes she has romantic feelings for Ross and decides (assisted by her friends) to approach him. Unfortunately, while in China, Ross became in a committed relationship with Julie, a very attractive American woman of Chinese descent. After her attempts to reveal her feelings for him fail, she decides that moving on is her only option. Her constant ramblings of Ross, while on eating dinner with another man, lead her to leave a drunken message on his answering machine, telling him her feelings. On hearing this, Ross and Rachel kiss and he ends his relationship with Julie to be with Rachel. Things are going very well until she finds a list of pros and cons he wrote in order to help him choose between her and Julie, and is deeply hurt and distressed by his assessment of her, and as a result ends their relationship. Ross begs for forgiveness but Rachel is still hurt and turns him down until Monica finds a box of high school mementos, including a video of Monica and Rachel getting ready for their high school prom. In the video, Rachel's date is late and Ross, wearing his father's tuxedo, is about to surprise her by offering to be her date. Just as he is about to ask, her date arrives. Ross watches, heartbroken, as Rachel leaves. Touched by this unknown romantic gesture, Rachel forgives him and they resume dating. They remain together for around a year before Ross's jealousy of her colleague, Mark, and his obsessive behavior leads Rachel to suggest taking "a break". Ross assumes this means they have ended their relationship. Depressed, he drinks large amounts of alcohol and succumbs to the advances of another woman, which results in him and the other woman having sexual intercourse. Rachel finds out, and after a bitter argument, she ends their relationship. From then on, the two have an on/off relationship.Rachel's feelings towards Ross blossom again when he announces his engagement to Emily, niece of Rachel's boss at Bloomingdale's. Ross and Emily decide to get married in London only one month after getting engaged and makes Rachel panic. She then proposes marriage to her then-boyfriend of four dates, Joshua, but he refuses and they break up soon after. Rachel claims she cannot attend the wedding because she has too much work but later tells Monica and Phoebe that watching them marry would be too painful and admits that she thought she and Ross would get back together again one day. However, she changed her mind and flew to London to tell Ross that she loved him but sees him and Emily kissing. She gave them her blessing instead but Ross accidentally says Rachel's name at the altar. Following the wedding, Emily stays in London and tells Ross she will only return if he promises never to seeRachel again. He agrees, initially, but then tells her that he can't and their marriage ends. When the gang visits Joey in Las Vegas, Ross and Rachel get drunk in their hotel room and marry in a Las Vegas wedding chapel. Upon sobering up and realizing what happened, Rachel demands an annulment. Ross reluctantly agrees but at the last minute doesn't, but tells Rachel he did. Rachel is furious when she finds out but forgives him when she realizes his reasons for that decision, Ross simply didn't want to be known as the guy who had three divorces. The two are friends during the next season except for a brief kiss and a failed "bonus night" opportunity on the night of Monica and Chandler's engagement. However, they have a one night stand a few weeks before the wedding. During their wedding, Rachel is revealed to be pregnant and in the following days Ross is revealed to be the father. During the pregnancy, Rachel moves in with Ross so they could raise their child together. When Rachel goes into labor, Judy - Ross's mother - gives him her mother's engagement ring urging him to marry Rachel so their child would have a real family. Ross is hesitant but after watching the birth of Emma, he almost considers it. However, Rachel accepts a proposal from Joey mistakenly and causes Ross to have doubts over the possibility of a relationship. Raising Emma together seems to be a joy at first but Ross's continued jealousy over one of Rachel's co-workers puts a rift in their relationship and Rachel moves out. However, their friendship and desire to be good parents cause them to remain good friends.After Rachel is fired by Ralph Lauren, she gets a job in Paris, devastating Ross. At her going-away party, she says goodbye to everyone except Ross. This upsets him and after he confronts her about it, Rachel tells him that saying goodbye would upset her too much as their history would make moving too hard for her. To give her a reason to stay, he kisses her and they sleep together. The next morning, Ross thinks they are back together and is stunned when she says "It was the perfect way to say goodbye". After moping throughout the day thinking he's lost her, he chases her to the airport and admits he loves her and pleads for her to come back with him. Rachel still gets on the plane. When he returns home heartbroken, Ross finds a message on his answering machine and on playing it, he hears Rachel telling him she loves him too and what a mistake she's made and has to get off the plane but is interrupted by flight attendants when the line cuts off, leaving Ross wondering if she got off. Just then a voice speaks "I got off the plane". It's Rachel and Ross rushes to her. The two share a kiss, rekindling their romantic relationship. Later, Joey tells his family that "all his friends (in New York) are married", which implies that Ross and Rachel arenow married as well.All of the Friends season finales with a cliffhanger (Seasons 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9) involved Ross and Rachel.Emma Geller-GreenRoss and Rachel's daughter is born at the end of Season 8. After struggling to find a name for her, Rachel decides on Emma after Monica tells her that she wants to name her future daughter Emma, but allows Rachel to use the name. Rachel proved to be a protective mother. Emma is also used in humorous ways such as Phoebe and Rachel submitting her into a beauty pageant without Ross's permission, and her 1st birthday party results in all of the friends leaving, but returning in the end. At first, Emma lives with Rachel and Ross in his apartment, but moved in with Joey after Rachel and Ross have a disagreement. In the series finale, Ross and Rachel reconcile meaning Emma will live with both parents.... etcGeller familyMonica and Ross are usually quite affectionate, although there is a lot of sibling rivalry. In many episodes, Ross and Monica used an odd childhood gesture - knocking their fists together with their thumbs pointing outward (as an alternative to "the finger"). Monica and Ross are particularly competitive around their parents, Jack and Judy, as Monica feels her parents favour Ross.Like Ross, Monica is part Jewish. Ross introduces Ben to Hanukkah and talks about getting Monica a Hanukkah present several times. Monica also mentions her Bat Mitzvah. Chandler also reminds her of this when Erica. the twins' birth mother, mistakenly thinks she's a reverend. The Geller family also celebrates Christmas.Monica CleanlinessNeat Freak" Monica is comically obsessive about her apartment and loves cleaning (describing the dry cleaner as her Disneyland). This personality trait becomes exaggerated as the series progresses. Example of her maniac cleanliness are labelling cups, having sorted towels into eleven different catogories (four mentioned being "everyday use", "fancy", "guest", and "fancyguest"), and describing her new workplace as being "not just Health Department clean, but Monica clean." She is also extremely territorial when it comes to cleaning, as shown when Chandler announced he'd hired a maid, and Monica snapped that she hoped he meant "mistress."CompetitivenessMonica is highly competitive, allegedly throwing a plate in a fit of rage during a game of Pictionary. Also, during a game of Mad Libs, Monica dismissed Phoebe's repetitive answers, claiming "rules help control the fun!", causing everyone else to leave.Monica also demonstrates athletic prowess, which, coupled with her competitive streak, makes her formidable, especially in foosball. During the group's trip to Barbados, Monica became obsessed with beating Phoebe's boyfriend, Mike, at table tennis, and the two became engaged in a marathon match, lasting hours. Monica eventually won. Moreover, she won an arm wrestle contest against Chandler and, in their youth, Monica broke Ross's nose when a game of touch football turned ugly in an attempt to win the "Geller Cup." The cup was thrown into a nearby lake. What Ross didn't know was that Monica jumped into the lake to retrieve it."Fat Monica"It is revealed early in the series that she had been overweight while growing up. Monica lost the weight when she was 18 after she overheard Chandler call her "fat" at Thanksgiving. The writers of the series often used flashbacks to show the overweight Monica (with Courteney Cox wearing a fat suit). In one episode, the group watch an old prom video and were surprised to see her weight and as well as Rachel's appearance before she had a nose job. In another episode where the group remember past Thanksgivings, one flashback reveals why Monica lost all the weight. She heard Chandler tell Ross he didn't want to be stuck in all night with his fat sister, prompting Monica to break down. She lost the weight by Thanksgiving of 1988, Rachel also lost the big nose. In almost every episode that features "Fat Monica", the episode ends with Monica dancing in a funny manner.In an alternate reality storyline during the show ("The One That Could Have Been"), Monica was overweight but still a professional chef and ended up with Chandler, who was a freelance writer. As revealed in another episode, Monica's weight meant a junior high school member had to play with her on the see-saw rather than someone her own age, and her marching band outfit had to be custom made. Her fatness also explains Ross's hastened eating and Monica tells Rachel that Ross had a therapist due to a recurring bad dream about Monica eating him. Monica's weight is reported to have been the reason for their dog's knee surgery, after she tried to ride him and in a different episode, Ross reveals that she caused their parents' porch swing to break. In an episode where Monica, Chandler and Ross are revealing secrets, Ross tells that after being sent to bed without dinner one night, Monica ate the macaroni glued to her jewelry box.Another episode reveals that Monica attended fat camp as a child, and was found caught in the barbed wire after trying to catch and eat a squirrel, which she claimed she was trying to help out. Ross revealed in another episode that an eleven year old Monica weighed 200 pounds.Ross FriendsRoss often comes into conflict with his close friend, Phoebe Buffay. His rationality and Phoebe's eccentricity leads to conflict over the theories of evolution, gravity, and whether or not Phoebe's dead mother was reincarnated as a cat. It is also revealed that Phoebe mugged Ross during her homeless years (stealing a copy of the comic book Science Boy that Ross had created) when they were teenagers, although Phoebe is slightly cheered about the discovery because, lacking the longer-term connections of the others, she had always felt like an outsider to the group. The two are also roommates for a few weeks when a fire forces Phoebe to move into Chandler and Monica's apartment and Phoebe wants to give the newly-engaged couple some privacy. Also on a "flash back" episode, they are alone at the bar and start kissing, but the moment quickly passes when Ross keeps bumping his head.Ross's best friend since college is Chandler Bing. He is shown to have had some old memories such as a band with Chandler called Way/No Way and blamed him when he was caught smoking marijuana in college. Ross is alsoclose friends with Joey Tribbiani and helps him with movie and stage auditions. He kisses Joey once in order to help him practice a role as a gay man only to find out that he had already done the audition and that he had not gotten the role. They also briefly try to cut Chandler out of their friendship group after he ignores them. Towards the end of the series, however, Ross and Joey are seen to become closer friends, often hanging out together after Chandler gets married. At one point, Ross tells Rachel Green that Joey is his best friend, to which Rachel replies, "I thought Chandler was your best friend?" Ross begins explaining, "Well, Chandler's my oldest friend", but refuses to discuss it further.Three divorcesCarol Willick Over the course of the show, Ross was married three times, and divorced three times. This became a running gag within the series.Ross divorces his first wife of three years, Carol, when she reveals that she is a lesbian and is having an affair with Susan Bunch, whom she met at the gym. After the initial post-relationship complications had been overcome, however, they have been generally able to get along, and share custody of their son, Ben. Ross even achieves mutual respect with Susan after Phoebe makes them realise that they would all be parents to Carol and Ross' son. Ross later helps Carol and Susan reconcile when they have an argument about Carol's parents' disapproval of their marriage.In an alternative reality storyline shown in flashbacks during the show, Ross is still married to Carol but their sex life is stagnant. Not realizing that she is a lesbian, Ross suggests to Carol that they have a threesome, to spice things up, to which Carol instantly agrees. The other person in the threesome turns out to be Susan which ends as a twosome when the two women show no interest in Ross. Later on, Ross is forced to accept that his wife is a lesbian and ends up consoling Rachel after she discovers that her husband, Barry, is having an affair as well with the neighborhood dog walker.Emily Waltham During the fourth season, Ross meets and falls in love with Emily Waltham (Helen Baxendale), a British woman visiting New York. Theyquickly develop a rapport, despite the knowledge that they will only be together for the two weeks that Emily is in New York, and soon settle into a relationship. They continue for another month, only seeing each other whenever Emily is able to travel to New York, but the logistics of living on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean make having a relationship difficult until Ross spontaneously asks Emily to move in with him. Emily laughs this off as being too soon in the relationship, saying it'd be different if it was way down the line and they were getting married. Ross takes the idea seriously and proposes, and Emily accepts. They make arrangements to get married in London, and invite Rachel out of courtesy. Rachel decides not to go to London as it would be too awkward for her, but realises that she still has feelings for Ross and takes a flight at the last minute, planning to tell Ross that she still loves him. She decides not to when she sees how happy Ross is with Emily. But during the ceremony, Ross says her name instead of Emily's. This drives a wedge between him and Emily, and although she is initially willing to work on the relationship, asking him to cut Rachel out of his life for good. She eventually realises that she doesn't trust Ross to keep to this and they are divorced shortly thereafter."Regina Phalange"Phoebe frequently uses the alter ego Regina Phalange (Phalanges are bones in the fingers). The first reference to Regina Phalange is during season 5, when Phoebe is trying to contact Mrs. Waltham in England after Ross and Emily's wedding. She pretends to be Dr. Regina Phalange, who is Ross' brain doctor, claiming that names are interchangeable in his mind. When the friends go to Vegas, Phoebe introduces herself to the blackjack dealer as Regina Phalange. When Phoebe, Rachel, and Melissa go out to lunch (The One With Rachel's Big Kiss), when asked by Melissa if she was in a sorority, she replies 'Yeah. Thigh Mega Tampon.' Melissa replies 'What?' and Phoebe says 'Yeah, we were really huge too, until they had to shut us down when Regina Phalange died of alcohol poisoning.' She also used her fake name to show Chandler and Monica that people sometimes lie about their names and introduces herself to them as Regina Phalange. Phoebe uses the name when helping Chandler with his interviewing skills in season 8. In the season 10 episode "The One Where Joey Speaks French", Phoebe attempts to spare Joey from humiliation by introducing herself as "Regine Phalange" and stating that Joey is speaking an obscureregional dialect from her "hometown" of "Estée Lauder". Her attempts to convince the casting director fail and she eventually admits that Joey is her younger brother who is "un peu retardé" (a little retarded), and requesting that the casting director humour Joey's French-speaking abilities. The last reference is in the series finale when Phoebe successfully stalls Rachel's plane to Paris by saying there is a problem with the "left phalange", causing everyone on the plane to evacuate, including Rachel. A woman on the plane asks a flight attendant, "You fixed the phalange?" to which he replied, "Yes, the phalange is fixed. In fact, we put a load of extra phalanges on board just in case."Phoebe’s marriageIn Season 9, Joey introduces Phoebe to Mike Hannigan by randomly selecting him for a date with Phoebe. Phoebe and Mike begin a long relationship, which temporarily ends after Phoebe learns that Mike, having already been through one failed marriage, never wants to marry again. Mike then learns that Phoebe's first boyfriend, David, is planning to propose to her; he changes his mind about marriage and proposes to Phoebe before David can. Phoebe rejects the proposal because she only wanted to know that marriage was a possibility; she and Mike become a couple again. They become officially engaged in "The One Where Rachel's Sister Baby-Sits". In "The One with Phoebe's Wedding" during the final season, they are married in the street outside Central Perk, with Monica as matron of honor, Rachel as a bridesmaid, Joey officiating, Chandler giving Phoebe away, and Ross holding Mike's childhood dog as a groomsman.When she changes her name after the wedding, Phoebe learns she can change it to anything. She briefly becomes "Princess Consuela Bananahammock" but requests that the friends call her "Valerie". To show her how ridiculous it sounds, Mike suggests changing his name to "Crap Bag". Phoebe relents but wants to keep the name "Bananahammock" until learning that it is slang for a Speedo. She changes her name to Phoebe Buffay-Hannigan.Despite her first marriage to Duncan Sullivan, it was once indicated that Phoebe was previously married in Las Vegas at some point in the past. She indicates her belief that people married in Las Vegas are only married within the city limits, and is surprised when Monica informs her such a union is legal。

Characters Of FriendsThe series featured six main characters throughout its run, with many other characters recurring throughout all ten seasons.•Jennifer Aniston portrays Rachel Greene, a fashion enthusiast and Monica Geller's best friend from childhood. Rachel first moves in with Monica in season one after nearly marrying Barry Farber whom she realizes she does not love. Rachel and Ross Geller are later involved in anon-again-off-again relationship throughout the series. Rachel dates othermen during the series, such as an Italian neighbor, Paolo in season one, her client Joshua Bergin in season four, her assistant Tag in season seven, and Jo ey Tribbiani in season ten. Rachel’s first job is as a waitress at thecoffeehouse Central Perk, but she later becomes an assistant buyer atBloomingdale's in season three, and a buyer at Ralph Lauren in season five.Rachel and Ross have a daughter named Emma in "The One Where Rachel Has a Baby, Part Two" at the end of season 8.•Courteney Cox portrays Monica Geller, the mother hen of the group and a chef,known for her perfectionist, bossy and competitive nature. Monica is often jokingly teased by the others for having been extremely overweight as a child, especially by her brother Ross. Monica works as a chef invarious restaurants throughout the show. Monica’s first serious relationship is with family friend Richard Burke who is 21 years her senior. The couple maintains a strong relationship until Richard expresses that he does notwant to have children much to Monica’s dismay. Monica and ChandlerBing later start a relationship after spending a night with each other in the season four finale, leading to their marriage in season seven.•Lisa Kudrow portrays Phoebe Buffay, an eccentric masseuse and self-taught musician. Phoebe lived in uptown New York with her motheruntil her mother killed herself and Phoebe took to the streets. Phoebe isditsy but street smart and writes and sings (badly) her own quirky songs,accompanying herself on the guitar. She has an "evil" identical twin namedUrsula who shares Phoebe’s quirkiness but unlike Phoebe seems to be cruel and uncaring. Phoebe is childlike and innocent in disposition. Phoebe tends to use her past misfortunes such as her mother’s suicide as sympathy ploys.Phoebe has three serious relationships. Gary (the cop) in season five, an on and off relationship with Mike Hannigan (Paul Rudd) in seasons nine-ten and David (Hank Azaria) in season one, which ends when he moves toMinsk on a research grant. They reconcile whenever he returns but sheeventually rejects him for Mike in season nine. In the last season, shemarries Mike.•Matt LeBlanc portrays Joey Tribbiani, a struggling actor and food lover who becomes famous for his role on Days of our Lives as Dr. DrakeRamoray. Joey is a simple-minded womanizer with many short-termgirlfriends throughout the series. Despite his womanizing tendencies Joey is an innocent and caring character with good intentions.[Joey often uses the catchphrase pick up line "How you doin'?" in his attempts to win over women. Joey rooms with his best friend Chandler for years and later awhile with Rachel. He falls in love with Rachel in season eight. Rachelpolitely tells Joey that she does not share the same feelings. Theyeventually date briefly in season ten, but after realizing it will not work due to their friendship (and especially Rachel's complicated relationship with Ross), they return to being friends as before.•Matthew Perry portrays Chandler Bing, an executive in statistical analysis and data reconfiguration for a large multi-national corporation. Chandler quits his job and becomes a junior copywriter at an advertising agencyduring season nine. Chandler has a peculiar family history being the son of an erotic novelist mother, and a cross-dressing Las Vegas star father.Chandler is known for his sarcastic sense of humor and bad luck inrelationships. Chandler marries Monica in season seven, and they adopttwins at the end of the series. Before his relationship with Monica,Chandler dated Janice Hosenstein in season one and subsequently broke up with her many times. Matthew Perry has expressed his similarities to the character such as his need to break an awkward silence with a joke anddifficulties with women when first joining the show.[17]•David Schwimmer portrays Ross Geller, Monica Geller's older brother, a paleontologist working at the Museum of Natural History, and later aprofessor of paleontology at New York University. Ross is a sweet-natured man of good humor, although he is often clumsy and socially awkward.Ross is involved in an on-again-off-again relationship with Rachelthroughout the series. Ross has three failed marriages during the series:Rachel, Emily, and Carol, a lesbian who is also the mother of his son, Ben (Cole Sprouse). His failed love life is potentially due to his paranoia andjealousy in relationships and his divorces become a point of humor within the series. He and Rachel have a daughter by the end of season eight and they confess that they are still in love with each other in the final episode.CastingHaving worked with David Schwimmer in the past, the series creators wrote the character of Ross with him in mind, and he was the first actor cast. Cox wanted to play the role of Monica, but the producers had her in mind to play Rachel because of her "cheery, upbeat energy", which was not how they envisioned Monica; after Cox's audition, though, Kauffman agreed with Cox, and she got the role. When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for Joey, he put a "different spin" on the character. The writers did not originally intend for Joey to be dim, but found it to be a major source of comedy. LeBlanc also gave the character heart, which the writers did not realize Joey had. Although Crane and Kauffman did not want LeBlanc for the role at the time, they were told by the network to cast him. Jennifer Aniston, Matthew Perry and Lisa Kudrow were cast based on their auditions.More changes occurred to the series' storylines during the casting process. The writers found that they had to adjust the characters they had written to suit the actors, and the discovery process of the characters occurred throughout the first season. Kauffman acknowledged that Joey's character became "this whole new being", and that "it wasn't until we did the first Thanksgiving episode that we realized how much fun Monica's neuroses are."Courteney Cox was the best-known cast memberCourteney Cox was the most well-known of the six main actors. She was called in expecting to read for the part of Rachel. After reading for Monica instead,she won the role. Nancy McKeon also read for the part. Jennifer Aniston read for the part of Rachel after initially being considered for Monica. Her commitment as an actress on the TV series Muddling Through left her part in Friends in doubt; Muddling Through was not scheduled to be broadcast by CBS until mid-1994, after NBC's announcement of whether Friends would be greenlit for a series. If Muddling Through became a ratings success, the role of Rachel would have needed recasting, as the producer of Muddling Through would not allow Aniston to be released from her contract. A deal was eventually struck and, within three days of first auditioning, Aniston got the role. Crane and Kauffman wanted Joey to be "a guy's guy" who loves "women, sports, women, New York, women". The actors auditioned using the "grab a spoon" scene, and many arrived in character with "lots of chest showing". As the Joey character was not developed much in the script, Matt LeBlanc just used his experience playing "this Italian, kind of dim character" from Vinny and Bobby. He had at least eight auditions for the part, and in his final one read with Aniston and Cox.Chandler and Phoebe had originally been written as more secondary characters who were just there to provide humor around the other four; Matthew Perry described Chandler in the pilot script as "an observer of other people's lives". They had become part of the core group by the time casting concluded. Crane believed that the part of Chandler, described in the character breakdown as "a droll, dry guy", would be the easiest to cast, though it proved more difficult than he initially hoped. Perry had previously worked with Kauffman and Crane on an episode of Dream On, and requested an audition when he identified with the characterRoss&RachelRachel's most prominent relationship throughout the series is with Ross, Monica's older brother. When she moves to New York City in the pilot, Ross has been obsessed with her since his high school years. Although both Joey and Chandler know this, Rachel, Monica and Phoebe are oblivious until (slightly after Ross left to China on a work excursion) Chandler reveals Ross's feelings for Rachel. Ross tries several times to tell Rachel his feelings for her, but is derailed by her ex-fiance, Barry, and Paolo, an Italian man she meets during an electrical blackout, and Ross, unsure of himself, gives up on the idea of having a romantic relationship with Rachel.After Chandler's bombshell and a moment of self-discovery, Rachel realizes she has romantic feelings for Ross and decides (assisted by her friends) to approach him. Unfortunately, while in China, Ross became in a committed relationship with Julie, a very attractive American woman of Chinese descent. After her attempts to reveal her feelings for him fail, she decides that moving on is her only option. Her constant ramblings of Ross, while on eating dinner with another man, lead her to leave a drunken message on his answering machine, telling him her feelings. On hearing this, Ross and Rachel kiss and he ends his relationship with Julie to be with Rachel. Things are going very well until she finds a list of pros and cons he wrote in order to help him choose between her and Julie, and is deeply hurt and distressed by his assessment of her, and as a result ends their relationship. Ross begs for forgiveness but Rachel is still hurt and turns him down until Monica finds a box of high school mementos, including a video of Monica and Rachel getting ready for their high school prom. In the video, Rachel's date is late and Ross, wearing his father's tuxedo, is about to surprise her by offering to be her date. Just as he is about to ask, her date arrives. Ross watches, heartbroken, as Rachel leaves. Touched by this unknown romantic gesture, Rachel forgives him and they resume dating. They remain together for around a year before Ross's jealousy of her colleague, Mark, and his obsessive behavior leads Rachel to suggest taking "a break". Ross assumes this means they have ended their relationship. Depressed, he drinks large amounts of alcohol and succumbs to the advances of another woman, which results in him and the other woman having sexual intercourse. Rachel finds out, and after a bitter argument, she ends their relationship. From then on, the two have an on/off relationship.Rachel's feelings towards Ross blossom again when he announces his engagement to Emily, niece of Rachel's boss at Bloomingdale's. Ross and Emily decide to get married in London only one month after getting engaged and makes Rachel panic. She then proposes marriage to her then-boyfriend of four dates, Joshua, but he refuses and they break up soon after. Rachel claims she cannot attend the wedding because she has too much work but later tells Monica and Phoebe that watching them marry would be too painful and admits that she thought she and Ross would get back together again one day. However, she changed her mind and flew to London to tell Ross that she loved him but sees him and Emily kissing. She gave them her blessing instead but Ross accidentally says Rachel's name at the altar. Following the wedding, Emily stays in London and tells Ross she will only return if he promises never to seeRachel again. He agrees, initially, but then tells her that he can't and their marriage ends. When the gang visits Joey in Las Vegas, Ross and Rachel get drunk in their hotel room and marry in a Las Vegas wedding chapel. Upon sobering up and realizing what happened, Rachel demands an annulment. Ross reluctantly agrees but at the last minute doesn't, but tells Rachel he did. Rachel is furious when she finds out but forgives him when she realizes his reasons for that decision, Ross simply didn't want to be known as the guy who had three divorces. The two are friends during the next season except for a brief kiss and a failed "bonus night" opportunity on the night of Monica and Chandler's engagement. However, they have a one night stand a few weeks before the wedding. During their wedding, Rachel is revealed to be pregnant and in the following days Ross is revealed to be the father. During the pregnancy, Rachel moves in with Ross so they could raise their child together. When Rachel goes into labor, Judy - Ross's mother - gives him her mother's engagement ring urging him to marry Rachel so their child would have a real family. Ross is hesitant but after watching the birth of Emma, he almost considers it. However, Rachel accepts a proposal from Joey mistakenly and causes Ross to have doubts over the possibility of a relationship. Raising Emma together seems to be a joy at first but Ross's continued jealousy over one of Rachel's co-workers puts a rift in their relationship and Rachel moves out. However, their friendship and desire to be good parents cause them to remain good friends.After Rachel is fired by Ralph Lauren, she gets a job in Paris, devastating Ross. At her going-away party, she says goodbye to everyone except Ross. This upsets him and after he confronts her about it, Rachel tells him that saying goodbye would upset her too much as their history would make moving too hard for her. To give her a reason to stay, he kisses her and they sleep together. The next morning, Ross thinks they are back together and is stunned when she says "It was the perfect way to say goodbye". After moping throughout the day thinking he's lost her, he chases her to the airport and admits he loves her and pleads for her to come back with him. Rachel still gets on the plane. When he returns home heartbroken, Ross finds a message on his answering machine and on playing it, he hears Rachel telling him she loves him too and what a mistake she's made and has to get off the plane but is interrupted by flight attendants when the line cuts off, leaving Ross wondering if she got off. Just then a voice speaks "I got off the plane". It's Rachel and Ross rushes to her. The two share a kiss, rekindling their romantic relationship. Later, Joey tells his family that "all his friends (in New York) are married", which implies that Ross and Rachel arenow married as well.All of the Friends season finales with a cliffhanger (Seasons 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9) involved Ross and Rachel.Emma Geller-GreenRoss and Rachel's daughter is born at the end of Season 8. After struggling to find a name for her, Rachel decides on Emma after Monica tells her that she wants to name her future daughter Emma, but allows Rachel to use the name. Rachel proved to be a protective mother. Emma is also used in humorous ways such as Phoebe and Rachel submitting her into a beauty pageant without Ross's permission, and her 1st birthday party results in all of the friends leaving, but returning in the end. At first, Emma lives with Rachel and Ross in his apartment, but moved in with Joey after Rachel and Ross have a disagreement. In the series finale, Ross and Rachel reconcile meaning Emma will live with both parents.... etcGeller familyMonica and Ross are usually quite affectionate, although there is a lot of sibling rivalry. In many episodes, Ross and Monica used an odd childhood gesture - knocking their fists together with their thumbs pointing outward (as an alternative to "the finger"). Monica and Ross are particularly competitive around their parents, Jack and Judy, as Monica feels her parents favour Ross.Like Ross, Monica is part Jewish. Ross introduces Ben to Hanukkah and talks about getting Monica a Hanukkah present several times. Monica also mentions her Bat Mitzvah. Chandler also reminds her of this when Erica. the twins' birth mother, mistakenly thinks she's a reverend. The Geller family also celebrates Christmas.Monica CleanlinessNeat Freak" Monica is comically obsessive about her apartment and loves cleaning (describing the dry cleaner as her Disneyland). This personality trait becomes exaggerated as the series progresses. Example of her maniac cleanliness are labelling cups, having sorted towels into eleven different catogories (four mentioned being "everyday use", "fancy", "guest", and "fancy guest"), and describing her new workplace as being "not just HealthDepartment clean, but Monica clean." She is also extremely territorial when it comes to cleaning, as shown when Chandler announced he'd hired a maid, and Monica snapped that she hoped he meant "mistress."CompetitivenessMonica is highly competitive, allegedly throwing a plate in a fit of rage during a game of Pictionary. Also, during a game of Mad Libs, Monica dismissed Phoebe's repetitive answers, claiming "rules help control the fun!", causing everyone else to leave.Monica also demonstrates athletic prowess, which, coupled with her competitive streak, makes her formidable, especially in foosball. During the group's trip to Barbados, Monica became obsessed with beating Phoebe's boyfriend, Mike, at table tennis, and the two became engaged in a marathon match, lasting hours. Monica eventually won. Moreover, she won an arm wrestle contest against Chandler and, in their youth, Monica broke Ross's nose when a game of touch football turned ugly in an attempt to win the "Geller Cup." The cup was thrown into a nearby lake. What Ross didn't know was that Monica jumped into the lake to retrieve it."Fat Monica"It is revealed early in the series that she had been overweight while growing up. Monica lost the weight when she was 18 after she overheard Chandler call her "fat" at Thanksgiving. The writers of the series often used flashbacks to show the overweight Monica (with Courteney Cox wearing a fat suit). In one episode, the group watch an old prom video and were surprised to see her weight and as well as Rachel's appearance before she had a nose job. In another episode where the group remember past Thanksgivings, one flashback reveals why Monica lost all the weight. She heard Chandler tell Ross he didn't want to be stuck in all night with his fat sister, prompting Monica to break down. She lost the weight by Thanksgiving of 1988, Rachel also lost the big nose. In almost every episode that features "Fat Monica", the episode ends with Monica dancing in a funny manner.In an alternate reality storyline during the show ("The One That Could Have Been"), Monica was overweight but still a professional chef and ended up withChandler, who was a freelance writer. As revealed in another episode, Monica's weight meant a junior high school member had to play with her on the see-saw rather than someone her own age, and her marching band outfit had to be custom made. Her fatness also explains Ross's hastened eating and Monica tells Rachel that Ross had a therapist due to a recurring bad dream about Monica eating him. Monica's weight is reported to have been the reason for their dog's knee surgery, after she tried to ride him and in a different episode, Ross reveals that she caused their parents' porch swing to break. In an episode where Monica, Chandler and Ross are revealing secrets, Ross tells that after being sent to bed without dinner one night, Monica ate the macaroni glued to her jewelry box.Another episode reveals that Monica attended fat camp as a child, and was found caught in the barbed wire after trying to catch and eat a squirrel, which she claimed she was trying to help out. Ross revealed in another episode that an eleven year old Monica weighed 200 pounds.Ross FriendsRoss often comes into conflict with his close friend, Phoebe Buffay. His rationality and Phoebe's eccentricity leads to conflict over the theories of evolution, gravity, and whether or not Phoebe's dead mother was reincarnated as a cat. It is also revealed that Phoebe mugged Ross during her homeless years (stealing a copy of the comic book Science Boy that Ross had created) when they were teenagers, although Phoebe is slightly cheered about the discovery because, lacking the longer-term connections of the others, she had always felt like an outsider to the group. The two are also roommates for a few weeks when a fire forces Phoebe to move into Chandler and Monica's apartment and Phoebe wants to give the newly-engaged couple some privacy. Also on a "flash back" episode, they are alone at the bar and start kissing, but the moment quickly passes when Ross keeps bumping his head.Ross's best friend since college is Chandler Bing. He is shown to have had some old memories such as a band with Chandler called Way/No Way and blamed him when he was caught smoking marijuana in college. Ross is also close friends with Joey Tribbiani and helps him with movie and stage auditions. He kisses Joey once in order to help him practice a role as a gay man only to find out that he had already done the audition and that he had not gotten therole. They also briefly try to cut Chandler out of their friendship group after he ignores them. Towards the end of the series, however, Ross and Joey are seento become closer friends, often hanging out together after Chandler gets married. At one point, Ross tells Rachel Green that Joey is his best friend, to which Rachel replies, "I thought Chandler was your best friend?" Ross begins explaining, "Well, Chandler's my oldest friend", but refuses to discuss it further.Three divorcesCarol Willick Over the course of the show, Ross was married three times, and divorced three times. This became a running gag within the series.Ross divorces his first wife of three years, Carol, when she reveals that she is a lesbian and is having an affair with Susan Bunch, whom she met at the gym. After the initial post-relationship complications had been overcome, however, they have been generally able to get along, and share custody of their son, Ben. Ross even achieves mutual respect with Susan after Phoebe makes them realise that they would all be parents to Carol and Ross' son. Ross later helps Carol and Susan reconcile when they have an argument about Carol's parents' disapproval of their marriage.In an alternative reality storyline shown in flashbacks during the show, Ross is still married to Carol but their sex life is stagnant. Not realizing that she is a lesbian, Ross suggests to Carol that they have a threesome, to spice things up,to which Carol instantly agrees. The other person in the threesome turns out to be Susan which ends as a twosome when the two women show no interest in Ross. Later on, Ross is forced to accept that his wife is a lesbian and ends up consoling Rachel after she discovers that her husband, Barry, is having an affair as well with the neighborhood dog walker.Emily Waltham During the fourth season, Ross meets and falls in love with Emily Waltham (Helen Baxendale), a British woman visiting New York. They quickly develop a rapport, despite the knowledge that they will only be together for the two weeks that Emily is in New York, and soon settle into a relationship. They continue for another month, only seeing each other whenever Emily is able to travel to New York, but the logistics of living on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean make having a relationship difficult untilRoss spontaneously asks Emily to move in with him. Emily laughs this off as being too soon in the relationship, saying it'd be different if it was way down the line and they were getting married. Ross takes the idea seriously and proposes, and Emily accepts. They make arrangements to get married in London, and invite Rachel out of courtesy. Rachel decides not to go to London as it would be too awkward for her, but realises that she still has feelings for Ross and takes a flight at the last minute, planning to tell Ross that she still loves him. She decides not to when she sees how happy Ross is with Emily. But during the ceremony, Ross says her name instead of Emily's. This drives a wedge between him and Emily, and although she is initially willing to work on the relationship, asking him to cut Rachel out of his life for good. She eventually realises that she doesn't trust Ross to keep to this and they are divorced shortly thereafter."Regina Phalange"Phoebe frequently uses the alter ego Regina Phalange (Phalanges are bones in the fingers). The first reference to Regina Phalange is during season 5, when Phoebe is trying to contact Mrs. Waltham in England after Ross and Emily's wedding. She pretends to be Dr. Regina Phalange, who is Ross' brain doctor, claiming that names are interchangeable in his mind. When the friends go to Vegas, Phoebe introduces herself to the blackjack dealer as Regina Phalange. When Phoebe, Rachel, and Melissa go out to lunch (The One With Rachel's Big Kiss), when asked by Melissa if she was in a sorority, she replies 'Yeah. Thigh Mega Tampon.' Melissa replies 'What?' and Phoebe says 'Yeah, we were really huge too, until they had to shut us down when Regina Phalange died of alcohol poisoning.' She also used her fake name to show Chandler and Monica that people sometimes lie about their names and introduces herself to them as Regina Phalange. Phoebe uses the name when helping Chandler with his interviewing skills in season 8. In the season 10 episode "The One Where Joey Speaks French", Phoebe attempts to spare Joey from humiliation by introducing herself as "Regine Phalange" and stating that Joey is speaking an obscure regional dialect from her "hometown" of "Estée Lauder". Her attempts to convince the casting director fail and she eventually admits that Joey is her younger brother who is "un peu retardé" (a little retarded), and requesting that the casting director humour Joey's French-speaking abilities. The last referenceis in the series finale when Phoebe successfully stalls Rachel's plane to Paris by saying there is a problem with the "left phalange", causing everyone on the plane to evacuate, including Rachel. A woman on the plane asks a flight attendant, "You fixed the phalange?" to which he replied, "Yes, the phalange is fixed. In fact, we put a load of extra phalanges on board just in case."Phoebe’s marriageIn Season 9, Joey introduces Phoebe to Mike Hannigan by randomly selecting him for a date with Phoebe. Phoebe and Mike begin a long relationship, which temporarily ends after Phoebe learns that Mike, having already been through one failed marriage, never wants to marry again. Mike then learns that Phoebe's first boyfriend, David, is planning to propose to her; he changes his mind about marriage and proposes to Phoebe before David can. Phoebe rejects the proposal because she only wanted to know that marriage was a possibility; she and Mike become a couple again. They become officially engaged in "The One Where Rachel's Sister Baby-Sits". In "The One with Phoebe's Wedding" during the final season, they are married in the street outside Central Perk, with Monica as matron of honor, Rachel as a bridesmaid, Joey officiating, Chandler giving Phoebe away, and Ross holding Mike's childhood dog as a groomsman.When she changes her name after the wedding, Phoebe learns she can change it to anything. She briefly becomes "Princess Consuela Bananahammock" but requests that the friends call her "Valerie". To show her how ridiculous it sounds, Mike suggests changing his name to "Crap Bag". Phoebe relents but wants to keep the name "Bananahammock" until learning that it is slang for a Speedo. She changes her name to Phoebe Buffay-Hannigan.Despite her first marriage to Duncan Sullivan, it was once indicated that Phoebe was previously married in Las Vegas at some point in the past. She indicates her belief that people married in Las Vegas are only married within the city limits, and is surprised when Monica informs her such a union is legal all over the world. After a moment of mild distress, she shrugs off the revelation.。
老友记 十位最著名的客串明星

这也让包括酒保Gunther,Joey的经纪人Estelle,Chandler的前女友Janice 等著名配角先后脱颖而出。
1.Brad Pitt布拉德.皮特出现时间:第8季第9集The one with the rumor扮演角色:Will当年《老友记》热播的时候,布拉德.皮特还是剧中女主演詹尼弗.安妮斯顿(饰演Rachel)的丈夫。

❖ 博物馆考古学家,大学讲师,收入颇丰。
Joey Tribbiani 扮演者:马特·勒布朗Matt LeBlanc
乔伊与钱德为共租公寓的室友,自然也是莫妮 卡和瑞秋的邻居。
[角色特点] 四肢发达头脑简单型的花花公子。历经女友
无数但从未有过刻骨铭心的爱情。尽管对男 女之事甚是敏感,在其他各方面都显现出别 人所缺少的童心。极为宠爱他的七个妹妹。 意大利裔美国人,没有受过很高的教育。总 是会错意,老说大白话。他爸爸除正娶的乔 伊妈妈外,尚有一从事“宠物殡葬业”的情 人,养了一只小鸡和一只小鸭作为宠物。 [职业] 最大的骄傲就是曾在“我们的日子”中演出, 崇拜艾尔帕西诺,甘愿当其屁股的替身;却常 常只能当当临时演员,维持生计。 兼职过 许多工作,百货公司的香水试喷员,博物馆 解说员,广告模特儿等等,还在钱德的公司 混过饭吃。收入极不稳定,饱一顿饥一顿。
《Friends》它完全具备消费良品的素质,而更 重要的是,在不断的笑声中,它让我们看到 了另一种和我们一样普通的生活,形形色色 的人因为情感、原则、利益、地位等问题产 生矛盾、闹出笑话,同时,亲情、友情、爱 情也在这里升华。《Friends》无形中成为人 们日常生活的一面镜子,可以让我们学习生 活,去欣赏生活中的那些真善美。
Chandler Bing 扮演者:马修·派瑞Matthew Perry
老友记 十位最著名的客串明星

这也让包括酒保Gunther,Joey的经纪人Estelle,Chandler的前女友Janice 等著名配角先后脱颖而出。
1.Brad Pitt布拉德.皮特出现时间:第8季第9集The one with the rumor扮演角色:Will当年《老友记》热播的时候,布拉德.皮特还是剧中女主演詹尼弗.安妮斯顿(饰演Rachel)的丈夫。

Ross Geller扮演者: 大卫· 休默 David Schwimmer色介绍
罗斯为莫妮卡的哥哥,高中时即暗恋妹妹的 同学瑞秋,但始终不敢表白。 [角色特点] 有点一板一眼。不能忍受他人违反秩序。爸 妈眼中的优等生,从小得奖犹如家常便饭 不同于钱德和乔伊,他甚是专情,在美国这 样一个性开放的国家中不一样的男人。 养过一只叫作“马赛尔”的猴子且对它一往 情深。因前任老婆是同性恋而离婚但对她始 终无法忘情。在对感情的表白上显得十分胆 小,对婚姻缺乏信心,共计有三次离婚记录。 事事都爱与前妻的同性恋爱人苏珊竞争。不 能忍受别人对“人类是由猴子进化而来的” 的观点有丝毫怀疑。 [职业] 博物馆考古学家,大学讲师,收入颇作过司机, 歌手,秘书,女侍等等
《Friends》它完全具备消费良品的素质,而更 重要的是,在不断的笑声中,它让我们看到 了另一种和我们一样普通的生活,形形色色 的人因为情感、原则、利益、地位等问题产 生矛盾、闹出笑话,同时,亲情、友情、爱 情也在这里升华。《Friends》无形中成为人 们日常生活的一面镜子,可以让我们学习生 活,去欣赏生活中的那些真善美。
主演:詹妮弗· 安妮斯顿, 科特妮· 考克斯,丽莎· 库 德罗,马修· 派瑞,大 卫· 修蒙,詹姆斯· 麦克 尔· 泰勒
中文名 老友记
制片公司 类型 外文名 出品时间
Friends 1994年
导演 拍摄地点 每集长度 出品公司
Kevin S.Bright 美国加州华纳兄弟影视城 22分钟 美国全国广播公司(NBC)
Monica Geller

老友记人物介绍1 瑞秋-格林(RACHEL GREENE) :珍妮佛-安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)扮演语音学习:口音不很好学,经常会发出很可爱的声音,感情丰富;而且连音也比较多。
[个性]未经世事的医家千金小姐,生活上的大白痴(连垃圾都不会倒哦~) 有些娇纵,没什么主见,对人言听计从。
对性的态度比较随意;由不愁吃穿到自食其力吃了不少苦头没有什么技能,除了……购物[怪癖]高中时鼻子大过成龙,后来做了缩鼻手术;喜欢拿人家送她的礼物去换非常有男人缘,偏爱男医生[职业]本来是“中央咖啡厅”的服务生,后来进了服装公司做采购助理(专业对口啊)2 罗斯-盖勒(Ross Geller):大卫-修蒙(David Schwimmer)扮演语音学习:经常不出好词,你就查吧;再就是俚语很多。
爸妈眼中的优等生,从小得奖犹如家常便饭不同于钱德和乔伊,他甚是专情,在美国这样一个性开放的国家中不一样的男人,非常疼爱他的儿子本;养过一直叫作“马赛尔”的猴子且对它一往情深因前任老婆是同性恋而离婚,但对她始终无法忘情对感情的表白上显得十分胆小,对婚姻缺乏信心,共计有三次离婚记录[怪癖]事事都爱与前妻的同性恋爱人苏珊竞争不能忍受别人对“人类是由猴子进化而来的”的观点有丝毫怀疑[职业]博物馆考古学家,大学讲师,收入颇丰3 莫妮卡-盖勒(Monica Geller):科妮寇-克斯(Courteney Cox Arquette)扮演语音学习:练长句子,她经常会一口气说很多。

一、主要角色1. Ross Geller:罗斯·盖勒是该剧的主要人物之一。
2. Rachel Green:瑞秋·格林是一个富家女,但因为不喜欢嫁给她的未婚夫,所以她决定独立生活。
3. Monica Geller:莫妮卡·盖勒是罗斯的妹妹,是一个有洁癖的厨师。
4. Chandler Bing:钱德勒·宾是一个幽默风趣的人,但又带着点伤感。
5. Joey Tribbiani:乔伊·特里比亚尼是一个梦想成为好莱坞影星的演员。
6. Phoebe Buffay:菲比·布菲是另一位主要角色,她是一名自由奔放的音乐人。

瑞秋:珍妮弗·安尼斯顿个人档案本名:珍妮弗·安尼斯托诺波罗斯(家族原姓安纳斯塔萨奇斯)生日:1969年2月11日出生地:美国加利福尼亚州舍曼欧克斯身高:五英尺六英寸教育:纽约鲁道夫·斯泰纳学校纽约表演艺术高中影迷通讯地址:C/O Creative Art Agency9830 Wishshire Blvd.Beverly Hills,Ca 90212USA主要影视作品:电影:2002年《好女孩》(The Good Girl)2002年《全能的布鲁斯》(Bruce Almi.ghty)2001年《摇滚明星》(Rock Star)1999年《钢铁战土》(The lron Giant)1999年《办公空间》(Office Space)1998年《欲擒故纵》(The Object of My Affection)1998年《无梦的美人》(Dream for an lnsomniac)1997年《直到有你》(TiU There Was You)1997年《纯属虚构》(Picture Perfect)1996年《她是惟一》(She's the One)电视:1998年《艾伦》(Elien)1996年《父母们》(Parents)1994年《白克的法规》(Burke's Law)1994年《六人行》(Friends)1994年《胡乱应付》(Muddling Through)1993年《小妖精》(Leprechaun)1992年《荷曼的脑袋》(Hernan's Head)1992年《量的飞跃》(Quantun Leap)1992年《边缘》(The Edge)1990年《库卡莫格营》(Camp Cucamonga)1990年《弗瑞斯·巴勒》(Ferris BueHer)1990年《莫雷》(MoHoy)《老友记》中的瑞秋是个人见人爱的美人,也是在剧集开播九年来性格发展最可信、最可爱的人物:从第一季第一集中逃婚出走的富家千斤、一个被宠坏了的傻大姐,到后来成熟、甜美、感情丰富的聪明女人。

老友记人物介绍1 瑞秋-格林RACHEL GREENE :珍妮佛-安妮斯顿Jennifer Aniston扮演语音学习:口音不很好学,经常会发出很可爱的声音,感情丰富;而且连音也比较多;但是学她很有用,因为她的发音很性感;瑞秋是莫妮卡的高中同学,在与牙医未婚夫的婚礼上脱逃至莫妮卡处;个性未经世事的医家千金小姐,生活上的大白痴连垃圾都不会倒哦~有些娇纵,没什么主见,对人言听计从;25岁才煮了这辈子第一杯咖啡的她,主修艺术史副修舞蹈,为了独立就先在咖啡屋当女侍;她从没工作过,鼓起勇气来面对现实的贫困,不过还是没忘了带她老爸的信用卡附卡出门;婚姻问题上,本想走上同母亲一样的道路,但当她了解到自己爱结婚贺礼胜过未婚夫时,就从婚礼上跑掉了;对性的态度比较随意;由不愁吃穿到自食其力吃了不少苦头没有什么技能,除了……购物怪癖高中时鼻子大过成龙,后来做了缩鼻手术;喜欢拿人家送她的礼物去换非常有男人缘,偏爱男医生职业本来是“中央咖啡厅”的服务生,后来进了服装公司做采购助理专业对口啊2 罗斯-盖勒Ross Geller:大卫-修蒙David Schwimmer扮演语音学习:经常不出好词,你就查吧;再就是俚语很多;罗斯为莫妮卡的哥哥,高中时暗恋瑞秋,但始终不敢表白;个性有点一板一眼,不能忍受他人违反秩序;爸妈眼中的优等生,从小得奖犹如家常便饭不同于钱德和乔伊,他甚是专情,在美国这样一个性开放的国家中不一样的男人,非常疼爱他的儿子本;养过一直叫作“马赛尔”的猴子且对它一往情深因前任老婆是同性恋而离婚,但对她始终无法忘情对感情的表白上显得十分胆小,对婚姻缺乏信心,共计有三次离婚记录怪癖事事都爱与前妻的同性恋爱人苏珊竞争不能忍受别人对“人类是由猴子进化而来的”的观点有丝毫怀疑职业博物馆考古学家,大学讲师,收入颇丰3 莫妮卡-盖勒Monica Geller:科妮寇-克斯Courteney Cox Arquette扮演语音学习:练长句子,她经常会一口气说很多;如伦敦之行莫妮卡是六人行的中心人物,其他五人由她延伸出来的;个性像是妈妈般的照顾大家,爱管闲事,让她成为大家的支柱;在市区最炫餐厅担任厨师,不论工作和生活上,凡事都要求认真专心,井然有序——连床单的铺法角度,她都有一定的规矩;最爱在自己家准备盛宴招待朋友,享受当女主人的感觉,不过她搞的派对太过严肃和正经,好象都没有人喜欢喜欢控制别人,任何场合都不肯服输;从小被哥哥罗斯的优异成绩給比了下去,在爸妈面前显得很不如哥哥;而且肥胖,担任家中垃圾筒的角色消灭剩饭,好可怜在爱情的沙场上她屡败屡战,交往过的男友非常之多,其中以一个叔叔辈的眼科医生与一个网络界的亿万富翁用情最深,后深深与钱德相恋并步入礼堂;怪癖高中時是一个超级胖妹有强烈洁癖对女生來讲,运动神经非常的发达渴望婚姻和小孩烹饪技术高超职业某餐厅小厨师自由办桌某餐厅二厨大厨兼采购部主管当天因“受贿”被撤消,冤枉啊4 钱德-宾Chandler Bing:马修-派瑞Matthew Perry扮演语音学习:他太贫了,语速又快,最难学了;为罗斯的大学同学,与罗斯、莫妮卡结识甚久;个性喜好逞口舌之利公认是以幽默感在武有点精神质;在大公司上班,颇受老板器重但他本身更想当幽默作家;喜欢冷眼旁观再讽刺挖苦大家,常常会有不好笑的幽默感出现;自己避免流露真实的感情;交女朋友屡屡受挫,总担心自己会是六人中最晚结婚的孤独老人,有一自第一季即分分合合的女友珍妮丝怪癖有第三个乳头,常被人误认是同性恋好不容易才戒了烟瘾有个以写情色小说很出名的妖艳妈妈因为父母在感恩节离婚,最讨厌感恩节的欢乐气氛非常害怕给女友下承诺职业某公司数据部门主管,收入颇丰;5 菲比-巴费Phoebe Buffay:丽莎-库卓Lisa Kudrow扮演语音学习:最好学,发音很圆润,语速也很正常;莫妮卡的旧室友,后因受不了其洁癖而搬走;个性乐天浪漫不问世事在她眼中每个人都是好人,对每个人都是无差别的爱;常说出更多是唱出一些让人哭笑不得的话,也常会答非所问却是六人中最客观最有理性的,常常担任劝架的角色,遇到大事,就数她最沉稳喜爱创作和演唱,最有名的代表作就是“臭臭猫”,还曾录过MTV,不过被唱片公司动了手脚,找人配唱;在中央咖啡厅驻唱不过后来被取代,沦为接头艺人;怪癖素食主义者,不吃“有脸的生物”,不过有一次咬住肉饼不松口;常自称可以通灵,还闹过鬼附身不相信大部分人所谓的真理甚至进化论和地球重力身世坎坷生父跑了、母亲“死”了、继父进了监狱,人生经历却因此丰富有个不很亲却尽力想对他好的怪弟弟,有个她很讨厌的双胞胎姐姐职业自由业,常任按摩师,作过司机,歌手,秘书,女侍等等6 乔伊-崔比昂尼Joey Tribbiani:麦特-雷布兰克Matt Le Blanc扮演语音学习:他反映慢,语速适中应该是最好学的一个,可是他的声音太低了,不适合女生学,我学他太吃力了,男生的话是个首选~~~~与钱德为共租公寓的室友,自然也是莫妮卡和瑞秋的邻居;个性四肢发达,头脑简单型的花花公子如果说菲比有些早熟,乔伊好象蛮晚熟的^-^意大利裔美国人,没有受过很高的教育尽管对男女之事甚是敏感,在其他各方面都显现出别人所缺少的童心历经女友无数但从未有过刻骨铭心的爱情总是会错意,老说大白话;每每看到他那呆呆或贼贼的表情,很难不会心的微笑怪癖他爸爸除正娶的乔伊妈妈外,尚有一从事“宠物殡葬业”的情人极为宠爱他的七个妹妹与钱德对比后,乔伊对自己的性能力相当自信差一点演了A片养了一只小鸡和一只小鸭作为宠物职业最大的骄傲就是曾在“我们的日子”中演出;崇拜艾尔帕西诺,甘愿当其屁股的替身;常常只能当当临时演员,维持生计;兼职过许多工作,百货公司的香水试喷员,博物馆解说员,广告模特儿等等,还在钱德的公司混过饭吃;收入极不稳定,饱一顿饥一顿;。
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1 瑞秋-格林(RACHEL GREENE) :珍妮佛-安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)扮演
[个性]未经世事的医家千金小姐,生活上的大白痴(连垃圾都不会倒哦~) 有些娇纵,没什么主见,对人言听计从。
2 罗斯-盖勒(Ross Geller):大卫-修蒙(David Schwimmer)扮演
3 莫妮卡-盖勒(Monica Geller):科妮寇-克斯(Courteney Cox Arquette)扮演
4 钱德-宾(Chandler Bing):马修-派瑞(Matthew Perry)扮演
公认是以幽默感在武? 有点精神质。
5 菲比-巴费(Phoebe Buffay):丽莎-库卓(Lisa Kudrow)扮演
不相信大部分人所谓的真理(甚至进化论和地球重力) 身世坎坷(生父跑了、母亲“死”了、继父进了监狱),人生经历却因
6 乔伊-崔比昂尼(Joey Tribbiani):麦特-雷布兰克(Matt Le Blanc)扮演
[个性]四肢发达,头脑简单型的花花公子 (如果说菲比有些早熟,乔伊好象蛮晚熟的^-^)