

布莱尔的北大演讲推荐文章比尔盖茨的北大演讲热度:国旗下讲话的国庆节演讲稿15篇热度: 2022国庆节演讲稿最新热度:国庆节爱国国旗下演讲稿范文热度: 2022国庆节学生演讲稿7篇热度:教育是国家给予人民的最好的礼物。
” 布莱尔表示,以他的名字命名的托尼·布莱尔信仰基金会此番与北大合作,将推动相关学术研究,今后还要将中东和亚洲的更多大学纳入进来。

布莱尔演讲: 珍惜现在把握未来布莱尔演讲:珍惜现在把握未来青春,是美好的代言词,青春无悔,我们要珍惜青春,更要把握美好的未来!木文是由为大家提供的布莱尔演讲:珍惜现在把握未来,欢迎阅读:布莱尔演讲一一《珍惜现在,把握未来》It is an honor to be here and say to the Yale College Class of 20xx: you did it; you came through; from all of us to you: congratulations・The issues you must wrestle with-the threat of climate change, food scarcity, and population growth, worldwide terror based on religion, the interdependence of world economy-my student generation would barely recognize・ But the difference today is they are essentially global in nature.Your understand this・Yale has become a melting pot of culture, bnguage and civilization. You are the global generation. So be global citize ns.Each new gen eration finds the world they en ter. But they fasion the world they leave. So: what do you inherit and what do you pass on?The history of humankind is marked by great events but written by great people・People like you.珍惜现在,把握未来Given Yale's record of achievement, perhaps by you・So to you as individuals, what wisdom, if any, have I learnt?First, in fact, keep learning. Always to be alive to the possibilities of thenext experienee, of thinking, doing and being.When Buddha was asked, near the end of his life, to describe his secret, he answered bluntly: 'Tm awake'1・So be awake・Un d erst a nd conven tional wisdom, but be prepared to change it.Feel as well as analyze; use you instinct alongside your reason. Calculate too much end you will miscalculate・Be prepared to fail as well as to succeed, realist it is failure not success that defines character.I spent years trying to be a politician failing at every attempt and nearly gave up. I know you're thinking: I should have.Sir Paul McCartney reminded me that the first record company the Beatles approached rejected them as a band no-one would went to listen to.Be good to people on your way up because you never know if you will meet them again on your way down.Judge someone by how they treat those below them not those above them•共2页,当前第2页22Be a firm friend not a fair-weather friend・It is your friendships, including those friends you made here at Yale, at this time, that sustain end enrich the human spirit・A good test of a person is who turns up at their funeral and with what sincerity. Try not to sit the test too early, of course.Recently, I attended a funeral and the speaker said he would like to beginby reading a list of all those whose funerals he would rather have been atte nding, but the list was too long. It was a sweet complime nt to our friend・Alter natively there was Spike Milligan, the quintessential En glish comic who when he was asked what he would like as the epitaph on his tombstone replied : "They should write: I told you I was ill."There was a colleague of mine in the British Parliament who once asked another:" why do people take such an instant dislike to me?n and got the reply:" Because it saves time."So, when others think of you, let them think not with their lips but their hearts of a good friend and a gracious acquaintance.Above all, however, have a purpose in life・ Life is not about living but about striving. When you get up, get up motivated・ Live with a perpetual sense of urgency・ And make at least part of that purpose about something bigger than you.There are great careers・ There are also great causes・Ht least let some of them into your Lives. Giving hefts the heart in a way that getting never can. Maybe it really was Oscar Wilde who said: "No one ever died, saying if only I had one more day at the office."One small but shocking sentence: each year three million children die in Africa from preventable disease or conflict.The key word? Preventable.When all is said and done, there is usually more said than done.Be a doer not a commentetor. Seek responsibility rather than shirk it.People often ask me about leadership, I say: leadership is about wanting the responsibility to be on your shoulders, not ignoring its weight but knowing some one has to carry it end, reaching out for that person to be you. Leaders are heat-seekers not heat-deflectors・And luck?You have all the luck you need・ You are here, at Yale, end what-apart from the hats-could be better?You have something else: your parents.When you are your age, you can never imagine being our age・But believe me, when yoiTre our age we remember clearly being your age. That's why I am so careful about young men end my daughter, "Don't tell me what you're thinking. I know what you're thinking.HBut as a parent let me tell you something about parents・ Despite all rational impulses, despite all evidence to the contrary, despite what we think you do to us and what you think we do to you-and yes, it is often hell on both sides-the plain, unvarnished truth is we love you. Simply, profoundly, utterly.I remember, back in the mists of time, my Dad greeting me off the train at Durham railway station. I was a student at Oxford. Oxford and Cambridge are for Britain kind of like Yale and Harvard, only more so. It was a big deal. I had been away for my first year and was coming home.I stepped off the train. My hair was roughly the length of Rumpelstiltskin's and unwashed・ I had no shoes and no shirt. My jeans weretorn-and this was in the days before this became a fashion item. Worst of all, we had just moved house・ Mum had thrown out the sitting room drapes・I had retrieved them and made a sleeveless long coat with them.My Dad greeted me. There were all his friends at the station. Beside me, their kids looked paragons of responsibility.He saw the drapes, and visibly winced・ They did kind of stand out・ I took pity on him・"Dad", I said. "There is good news. I don't do drugs.HHe looked me in the eye end said: "Son, the bad news is if you're looking like this and you're not doing drugs we've got a real problem."Your parents look at you today with love・ They know how hard it is to make the grade end they respect you for making it.And tomorrow as I know, as a parent of one of this class, as you receive your graduatior\ their hearts will beat with the nature rhythm of pride・ Pride in what you have achieved. Pride in who you are.They will be nervous for you, as you stand on the threshold of a new adventure for they know the many obstacles that lie ahead・But they will be confide nt that you can surmount them, for they know also the strength of character and of spirit that has taken you thus far.To my fellow parents: I say, let us rejoice and be glad together.To the Yale College Class of 20xx, I say: well done; and may blessings and good fortune be yours in the years to come•共2 页, 当前第2 页22。


布莱尔演讲:珍惜现在把握未来青春,是美好的代言词,青春无悔,我们要珍惜青春,更要把握美好的未来!本文是由第一范文网为大家提供的布莱尔演讲:珍惜现在把握未来,欢迎阅读:布莱尔演讲《珍惜现在,把握未来》It is an honor to be here and say to the Yale College Class of 20xx: you did it; you came through; from all of us to you: congratulations.The issues you must wrestle with-the threat of climate change, food scarcity, and population growth, worldwide terror based on religion, the interdependence of world economy-my student generation would barely recognize. But the difference today is they are essentially global in nature.Your understand this. Yale has beEach new generation finds the world they enter. But they fasion the world they leave. So: what do you inherit and what do you pass on?The history of humankind is marked by great events but written by great people.People like you.珍惜现在,把握未来Given Yale’s record of achievement, perhaps by you.So to you as individuals, what wisdom, if any, have I learnt?First, in fact, keep learning. Always to be alive to the possibilities of the next experience, of thinking, doing and being.When Buddha was asked, near the end of his life, to describe his secret, he answered bluntly: “I’m awake”.So be awake.Understand conventional wisdom, but be prepared to change it.Feel as well as analyze; use you instinct alongside your reason. Calculate too much and you will miscalculate.Be prepared to fail as well as to succeed, realist it is failure not success that defines character.I spent years trying to be a politician failing at every attempt and nearly gave up.I know you’re thinking: I should have.Sir Paul McCartney reminded me that the first recordBe good to people on your way up because you never know if you will meet them again on your way down.Judge someone by how they treat those below them not those above them.。

珍惜现在,把握未来—托尼·布莱尔耶鲁演讲It is an honor to be here and say to the Yale College Class of 2008: you did it; you came through; from all of us to you: congratulations.The issues you must wrestle with-the threat of climate change, food scarcity, and population growth, worldwide terror based on religion, the interdependence of world economy-my student generation would barely recognize. But the difference today is they are essentially global in nature.Your understand this. Yale has become a melting pot of culture, language and civilization. You are the global generation. So be global citizens.Each new generation finds the world they enter. But they fasion the world they leave. So: what do you inherit and what do you pass on?The history of humankind is marked by great events but written by great people.People like you.Given Yale’s record of achievement, perhaps by you.So to you as individuals, what wisdom, if any, have I learnt?First, in fact, keep learning. Always to be alive to the possibilities of the next experience, of thinking, doing and being.When Buddha was asked, near the end of his life, to describe his secret, he answered bluntly: “I’m awake”.So be awake.Understand conventional wisdom, but be prepared to change it.Feel as well as analyze; use you instinct alongside your reason. Calculate too much and you will miscalculate.Be prepared to fail as well as to succeed, realist it is failure not success that defines character.I spent years trying to be a politician failing at every attempt and nearly gave up. I know you’re thinking: I should have.Sir Paul McCartney reminded me that the first record company the Beatles approached rejected them as a band no-one would want to listen to.Be good to people on your way up because you never know if you will meet them again on your way down.Judge someone by how they treat those below them not those above them.Be a firm friend not a fair-weather friend. It is your friendships, including those friends you made here at Yale, at this time, that sustain and enrich the human spirit.A good test of a person is who turns up at their funeral and with what sincerity. Try not to sit the test too early, of course.Recently, I attended a funeral and the speaker said he would like to begin by reading a list of all those whose funerals he would rather have been attending, but the list was too long. It was a sweet compliment to our friend.Alternatively there was Spike Milligan, the quintessential English comic who when he was asked what he would like as the epitaph on his tombstone replied : “They should write: I told you l was ill.”There was a colleague of mine in the British Parliament who once asked another:” why do people take such an instant dislike to me?” and got the reply:” Because it saves time.”So, when others think of you, let them think not with their lips but their hearts of a good friend and a gracious acquaintance.Above all, however, have a purpose in life. Life is not about living but about striving. When you get up, get up motivated. Live with a perpetual sense of urgency. And make at least part of that purpose about something bigger than you.There are great careers. There are also great causes.Ht least let some of them into your Lives. Giving hefts the heart in a way that getting ne ver can. Maybe it really was Oscar Wilde who said: “No one ever died, saying if only l had one more day at the office.”One small but shocking sentence: each year three million children die in Africa from preventable disease or conflict.The key word? Preventable.When all is said and done, there is usually more said than done.Be a doer not a commentator. Seek responsibility rather than shirk it. People often ask me about leadership, l say: leadership is about wanting the responsibility to be on your shoulders, not ignoring its weight but knowing someone has to carry it and, reaching out for that person to be you. Leaders are heat-seekers notheat-deflectors.And luck?You have all the luck you need. You are here, at Yale, and what-apart from the hats-could be better?You have something else: your parents.When you are your age, you can never imagine being our age. But believe me, when you’re our age we remember clearly being your age. That’s why I am so careful about young men and my daughter, “Don’t tell me what you’re thinking. I know what you’re thinking.”But as a parent let me tell you something about parents. Despite all rational impulses, despite all evidence to the contrary, despite what we think you do to us and what you think we do to you-and yes, it is often hell on both sides-the plain, unvarnished truth is we love you. Simply, profoundly, utterly.I remember, back in the mists of time, my Dad greeting me off the train at Durham railway station. I was a student at Oxford. Oxford and Cambridge are for Britain kind of like Yale and Harvard, only more so. It was a big deal. I had been away for my first year and was coming home.I stepped off the train. My hair was roughly the length of Rumpelstiltskin’s and unwashed. I had no shoes and no shirt. My jeans were torn-and this was in the days before this became a fashion item. Worst of all, we had just moved house. Mum had thrown out the sitting room drapes. I had retrieved them and made a sleeveless long coat with them.My Dad greeted me. There were all his friends at the station. Beside me, their kids looked paragons of responsibility.He saw the drapes, and visibly winced. They did kind of stand out. I took pity on him.“Dad”, I said. “There is good news. I don’t do drugs.”He looked me in the eye and said: “Son, the bad news is if you’re looking like this and you’re not doing drugs we’ve got a real problem.”Your parents look at you today with love. They know how hard it is to make the grade and they respect you for making it.And tomorrow as I know, as a parent of one of this class, as you receive your graduation, their hearts will beat with the nature rhythm of pride. Pride in what you have achieved. Pride in who you are.They will be nervous for you, as you stand on the threshold of a new adventure for they know the many obstacles that lie ahead.But they will be confident that you can surmount them, for they know also the strength of character and of spirit that has taken you thus far.To my fellow parents: I say, let us rejoice and be glad together.To the Yale College Class of 2008, I say: well done; and may blessings and good fortune be yours in the years to come.演讲稿中文:珍惜现在,把握未来——前英国首相安东尼·布莱尔2008年在耶鲁大学毕业典礼上的演讲能够站在这里在耶鲁大学2008届毕业典礼发表演讲我深感荣幸。


独家专访英国前首相托尼·布莱尔:“不要像我们过去那样” </p> 作者: 南方周末记者 张哲 2009-10-14 22:10:09 来源:南方周末


我们给予他们的献词应当以此方式来概括: 向他们和他们的家人证实,他们的奋斗和牺牲不是无谓的。
(热烈掌声)议长先生,先生们,我为获此奖而受宠若惊的心情稍有淡化,唯一原因,是被告知第一个国会金质奖章授予了乔治. 华盛顿。
(笑声,掌声,笑声)事实上,你们知道,我的二儿子曾经学习18世纪历史和美国独立战争史,他对我说,“你知道,诺斯勋爵(Lord North, 十八世纪下半叶中期英国首相,美国独立战争的对手。
在伊拉克的另一行动和许多未来的争斗将在悲剧结束之前, 呈现在这个舞台上。
或者说, 在普通常识之外,历史的研究没有象今天这样为当前提供如此少的指引。


本网讯(店铺 wwww.)英国前首相、布莱尔信仰基金会创始人托尼?布莱尔日前访问北京大学,并发表主题演讲。

布莱尔首相演讲篇一:布莱尔首相演讲 InvestmentTranscript of the Prime Minister’s broadcast on investmentWherever you look in our country, you can see the result of decades of under-investment.Children still being taught in cramped or prefab classrooms. Patients treated in wards built long before penicillin was discovered.Our railways and roads fall short of the standards we need. And that’s not just bad for travellers but bad for our economy.And it’s not just the fabric of our country which re veals the signs of this failure to invest.There was a chronic shortage of people, of teachers, doctors, nurses when we came into Government three years ago.Even worse, we found that training places and recruitment had often been cut back.Now I don’t go along with those who claim, for example, that we have a third world health service.That’s an insult to the dedicated doctors and nurses who work in the NHS. And it also ignores the fact that thousands of people every day get superb treatment and care.But we are now the fourth biggest economy in the world. And few people would claim we have the fourth best public services. I certainly don’t. That’s because for far too long - we haven’t invested. We haven’t looked to the long-term. We haven’t invested for our future.And that’s largely because of the cycle of boom and bust which has gripped our economy for so long.It meant sudden increases of investment followed by panic cut-backs which made it impossible to plan sensibly for the future.We were so determined to restore stability to the economy - even ifit meant hard decisions and some unpopularity.We didn’t ignore investment in our early years. Indeed we launched the biggest hospital building programme in the history of the health service. The first of these is already open in Carlisle. We invested to make surethat infant class sizes have fallen. Over 10,000 schools have been re-furbished or repaired. Wherever you live, there’ll be a school near you which has benefited.But there is a great deal more to do. And with inflation and interest rates low, billions saved in debt repayments and a record number of people in work, the country can now afford the sustained investment needed in our health service, schools, police and transport systems.It means a 150% increase in investment in public transport investment desperately needed for our roads and railways.Then there’s a £1.4 billion increase in health spending on hospitals, clinics and equipment.And extra investment, too, for urgent repairs for 7,000 more schools. But there’s little point in having wonderful new schools or hospitals if you don’t have the trained staff to go into them.So we’re working hard to tackle the shortage of n urses, doctors and teachers.We’ve reversed, for example, the short-sighted cuts in nurse training places. We’ve expanded medical schools and places.We are having some success, too - an increase of nearly 5,000 doctors in the health service in the last three years in the health service. An increase of 10,000 qualified nurses too.And this week we learnt that for the first time in eight years the number of teachers in training has risen.That is vital because it is the dedicated teachers who are deliveringthe real progress we’re seeing in our schools.Good teachers can and do make a massive difference to the lives of the children they teach.Every day, in schools the length and breadth of our country, the hard-work of dedicated teachers give our children the help and encouragement they need to realise their potential.For far too long however, teachers have felt under-valued andunder-rewarded. And that’s wrong when you think that there can be few jobsmore fulfilli ng, more challenging or more important to our society’s future than being a teacher.So this welcome increase in the numbers of teachers in training is a sign that we are beginning to get things right.But there’s a lot more that we need to do. I want to see the best and the brightest sign up in their tens of thousands to become teachers, to join that education crusade.We need more teachers just as we need more doctors, more nurses, more modern schools and hospitals.It can’t be done ov ernight. It takes years to build a new hospital or train new doctors.But our hard-won economic stability means we now have the chance at least to plan and invest for the long-term.A chance to end the years of neglect of our public services and deliver the world-class education, health and transport system that this country needs and deserves. It’s a chance that we should all take.篇二:布莱尔为最贵演讲者每分钟近赚万美元布莱尔为最贵演讲者每分钟近赚万美元就在各国领导人四处筹钱为拯救经济而殚精竭虑的同时,一些卸任的首脑虽然过日子不差钱,但也闲不住,英国前首相布莱尔就是其中一个表现最突出的一个。

Good morning everyone.各位早上好。
I've just come from Buckingham Palace where the Queen has asked me to form a new government which I will do. 我刚从白金汉宫过来,女王要求我重新组织一个政府,我也将会这么做。
It's a tremendous honour and privilege to be elected for a third term and I'm acutely conscious of that honour and that privilege. 第三次连任,是一种无上的光荣与荣幸,而我也强烈地意识到那种光荣与荣幸。
When I stood here first time, eight years ago, I was a lot younger but also a lot lessexperienced. 八年前,我第一次站在这里的时候,当时的我年轻多了,当然也缺乏经验。
Today as well as having in our minds the priorities that people want, we, I, the government, has the experience and the knowledge, as well as the determination and commitment, to deliver them. 今天,同样在我们的脑海中存在着人们的优先考虑权,我们,我,这个政府,有经验和能力,还有决心与承诺去实现它们。
The great thing about the election is that you go out and talk to people for week upon week. 选举的伟大之处就在于你可以出去一周接着一周地和人们讨论。


布莱尔演讲珍惜现在把握未来ItianhonortobehereandaytotheYaleCollegeClaof2022:youdidit;yo ucamethrough;fromallofutoyou:congratulation.Theiueyoumutwretlewith-thethreatofclimatechange,foodcarcity,andpopulationgrowth,worldwi deterrorbaedonreligion,theinterdependenceofworldeconomy-mytudentgenerationwouldbarelyrecognize.Butthedifferencetodayithe yareeentiallyglobalinnature.Eachnewgenerationfindtheworldtheyenter.Buttheyfaiontheworldt heyleave.So:whatdoyouinheritandwhatdoyoupaonThehitoryofhumankindimarkedbygreateventbutwrittenbygreatpeop le.Peoplelikeyou.珍惜现在,把握未来GivenYalerecordofachievement,perhapbyyou.Sotoyouaindividual,whatwidom,ifany,haveIlearntFirt,infact,keeplearning.Alwaytobealivetothepoibilitieofthen e某te某perience,ofthinking,doingandbeing.WhenBuddhawaaked,neartheendofhilife,todecribehiecret,heanwer edbluntly:Imawake.Sobeawake.Undertandconventionalwidom,butbepreparedtochangeit.Feelawellaanalyze;ueyouintinctalongideyourreaon.Calculatetoo muchandyouwillmicalculate.Bepreparedtofailawellatoucceed,realititifailurenotuccethatde finecharacter.Ipentyeartryingtobeapoliticianfailingateveryattemptandnearly gaveup.Iknowyourethinking:Ihouldhave.Begoodtopeopleonyourwayupbecaueyouneverknowifyouwillmeetthem againonyourwaydown.Judgeomeonebyhowtheytreatthoebelowthemnotthoeabovethem.Agoodtetofaperoniwhoturnupattheirfuneralandwithwhatincerity. Trynottoitthetettooearly,ofcoure.So,whenotherthinkofyou,letthemthinknotwiththeirlipbuttheirhe artofagoodfriendandagraciouacquaintance.Aboveall,however,haveapurpoeinlife.Lifeinotaboutlivingbutabo uttriving.Whenyougetup,getupmotivated.Livewithaperpetualeneofurg ency.Andmakeatleatpartofthatpurpoeaboutomethingbiggerthanyou.Therearegreatcareer.Therearealogreatcaue.HtleatletomeofthemintoyourLive.Givinghefttheheartinawaythatg ettingnevercan.MaybeitreallywaOcarWildewhoaid:Nooneeverdied,ayin gifonlylhadonemoredayattheoffice.Onemallbuthockingentence:eachyearthreemillionchildrendieinAf ricafrompreventabledieaeorconflict.ThekeywordPreventable.Whenalliaidanddone,thereiuuallymoreaidthandone.AndluckYouhavealltheluckyouneed.Youarehere,atYale,andwhat-apartfromthehat-couldbebetterYouhaveomethingele:yourparent.Whenyouareyourage,youcanneverimaginebeingourage.Butbelieveme ,whenyoureouragewerememberclearlybeingyourage.ThatwhyIamocareful aboutyoungmenandmydaughter,Donttellmewhatyourethinking.Iknowwhat yourethinking.Butaaparentletmetellyouomethingaboutparent.Depiteallrational impule,depiteallevidencetothecontrary,depitewhatwethinkyoudotoua ndwhatyouthinkwedotoyou-andye,itioftenhellonbothide-theplain,unvarnihedtruthiweloveyou.Simply,profoundly,utterly.Iteppedoffthetrain.MyhairwaroughlythelengthofRumpeltiltkinan dunwahed.Ihadnohoeandnohirt.Myjeanweretorn-andthiwainthedaybeforethibecameafahionitem.Wortofall,wehadjutmov edhoue.Mumhadthrownouttheittingroomdrape.Ihadretrievedthemandmad ealeevelelongcoatwiththem.MyDadgreetedme.Therewereallhifriendatthetation.Beideme,their kidlookedparagonofreponibility.Heawthedrape,andviiblywinced.Theydidkindoftandout.Itookpityo nhim.Dad,Iaid.Thereigoodnew.Idontdodrug.Helookedmeintheeyeandaid:Son,thebadnewiifyourelookinglikethi andyourenotdoingdrugwevegotarealproblem.Yourparentlookatyoutodaywithlove.Theyknowhowhardititomakethe gradeandtheyrepectyouformakingit.AndtomorrowaIknow,aaparentofoneofthicla,ayoureceiveyourgradu ation,theirheartwillbeatwiththenaturerhythmofpride.Prideinwhatyo uhaveachieved.Prideinwhoyouare.Theywillbenervouforyou,ayoutandonthethreholdofanewadventuref ortheyknowthemanyobtaclethatlieahead.Buttheywillbeconfidentthatyoucanurmountthem,fortheyknowaloth etrengthofcharacterandofpiritthathatakenyouthufar.Tomyfellowparent:Iay,leturejoiceandbegladtogether.。

把握机会英语演讲稿篇一:英语演讲稿(珍惜现在-把握未来)Cherishing What You Have Now, and Striving for the Future珍惜现在,把握未来——英国前首相托尼·布莱尔Each new generation finds the world they enter. But they fasion the world they leave. So: what do you inherit and what do you pass on?The history of humankind is marked by great events but written by great people. People like you.Given Yale’s record of achievement, perhaps by you.So to you as individuals, what wisdom, if any, have I learnt?First, in fact, keep learning. Always to be alive to the possibilities of the next experience, of thinking, doing and being.When Buddha was asked, near the end of his life, to describe his secret, he answered bluntly: “I’m awake”.So be awake.Understand conventional wisdom, but be prepared to change it.Feel as well as analyze; use you instinct alongside your reason. Calculate too much and you will miscalculate.Be prepared to fail as well as to succeed, realist it is failure not success that defines character.I spent years trying to be a politician failing at every attempt and nearly gave up. I know you’re thinking: I should have.Sir Paul McCartney reminded me that the first record company the Beatles approached rejected them as a band no-one would want to listen to.Be good to people on your way up because you never know if you will meet them again on your way down.每一代寻找他们要进入的世界,然后又离开他们塑造的世界。

布什就职演说演讲稿全文 (3)布什就职演说演讲稿全文 (3)精选2篇(一)尊敬的各位国会议员、尊敬的各位尊贵的来宾们,亲爱的美国国民们:我站在这里,感到无比谦卑和荣幸。
谢谢大家!愿上帝保佑美利坚合众国!布什就职演说演讲稿全文 (3)精选2篇(二)尊敬的阁下,尊敬的各位嘉宾,感谢大家出席我就职仪式并且荣幸地成为美利坚合众国的第43任总统。


英国首相布莱尔在清华圆桌会议的演讲稿PRIME MINISTER:Thank you, and it is wonderful to be here in Tsinghua University, thank you so much all of you for coming out to say hello to me. I just wanted to say a couple of things by way of opening and then you can ask me questions, and you must feel free to ask me any questions that you want to ask. It is a dangerous thing for me to say, but nonetheless, you do that. The thing that is amazing today is that the UK is now the number one destination for overseas students from China. We have got double the number of Chinese students as the United States of America. I like that. And that is a measure of how much collaboration there now is between universities like Tsinghua and universities in Britain. And one of the main universities is the London School of Economics, and my wife - who is there - she went to the London School of Economics, she went to the London School of Economics and she got a better degree than I did.So the thing that has impressed me most from being back in Beijing is just the amount of change in China, and I think for the future the relationship between my country, the UK and China is going to be very important. Because the amazing thing is that in the first six months of this year, even with Sars and the problems that you had here, you had a growth rate of 8%. In the next couple of decades you will become the number one economy in the world - 1.3 billion people. How you develop both economically and politically as a country is going to have a colossal impact on the whole of the world, and we need to make sure that countries like mine in Europe, countries like the United States, and countries like China are working closely together. And one reason why I wanted to come and open the Clean Energy Project is that one of the big challenges we will face will be about climate change, and how we make sure as we grow economically we do so in a sustainable way, in a way that protects the environment, and that collaboration is important too. So we have got so much work that we can do together. And you students here who are the future of China, the decisions you take, and the way that you take them, is going to impact on the whole of the world. Y ou will be the leaders of this country in the years to come, and how you lead, and the values with which you lead, will make a difference even in my own country to the citizens there.And finally I want to say a special word of thanks to Steven here, because he taught at Durham University, which is just by my constituency in England and it is where my father used to teach, so he comes in a very, very good line of teachers from Durham University. That is all I want to say by way of opening. Let's have your questions.布莱尔:谢谢清华大学给我这次珍贵的机会,我想说一些话,你们可以提问,什么问题都可以问,或者是一些很尖锐的问题。
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布莱尔演讲:珍惜现在把握未来布莱尔演讲:珍惜现在把握未来青春,是美好的代言词,青春无悔,我们要珍惜青春,更要把握美好的未来!本文是由为大家提供的布莱尔演讲:珍惜现在把握未来,欢迎阅读:布莱尔演讲——《珍惜现在,把握未来》It is an honor to be here and say to the Yale College Class of 20xx: you did it; you came through; from all of us to you: congratulations.The issues you must wrestle with-the threat of climate change, food scarcity, and population growth, worldwide terror based on religion, the interdependence of world economy-my student generation would barely recognize. But the difference today is they are essentially global in nature.Your understand this. Yale has become a melting pot of culture, language and civilization. You are the global generation. So be global citizens.Each new generation finds the world they enter. But they fasion the world they leave. So: what do you inherit and what do you pass on?The history of humankind is marked by great events but written by great people.People like you.珍惜现在,把握未来Given Yale's record of achievement, perhaps by you.So to you as individuals, what wisdom, if any, have I learnt?First, in fact, keep learning. Always to be alive to the possibilities of the next experience, of thinking, doing and being.When Buddha was asked, near the end of his life, to describe his secret, he answered bluntly: "I'm awake".So be awake.Understand conventional wisdom, but be prepared to change it.Feel as well as analyze; use you instinct alongside your reason. Calculate too much and you will miscalculate.Be prepared to fail as well as to succeed, realist it is failure not success that defines character.I spent years trying to be a politician failing at every attempt and nearly gave up. I know you're thinking: I should have.Sir Paul McCartney reminded me that the first record company the Beatles approached rejected them as a band no-one would want to listen to.Be good to people on your way up because you never know if you will meet them again on your way down.Judge someone by how they treat those below them not those above them.共2页,当前第1页12Be a firm friend not a fair-weather friend. It is your friendships,including those friends you made here at Yale, at this time, that sustain and enrich the human spirit.A good test of a person is who turns up at their funeral and with what sincerity. Try not to sit the test too early, of course.Recently, I attended a funeral and the speaker said he would like to begin by reading a list of all those whose funerals he would rather have been attending, but the list was too long. It was a sweet compliment to our friend.Alternatively there was Spike Milligan, the quintessential English comic who when he was asked what he would like as the epitaph on his tombstone replied : "They should write: I told you l was ill."There was a colleague of mine in the British Parliament who once asked another:" why do people take such an instant dislike to me?" and got the reply:" Because it saves time."So, when others think of you, let them think not with their lips but their hearts of a good friend and a gracious acquaintance.Above all, however, have a purpose in life. Life is not about living but about striving. When you get up, get up motivated. Live with a perpetual sense of urgency. And make at least part of that purpose about something bigger than you.There are great careers. There are also great causes.Ht least let some of them into your Lives. Giving hefts the heart in away that getting never can. Maybe it really was Oscar Wilde who said: "No one ever died, saying if only l had one more day at the office."One small but shocking sentence: each year three million children die in Africa from preventable disease or conflict.The key word? Preventable.When all is said and done, there is usually more said than done.Be a doer not a commentator. Seek responsibility rather than shirk it. People often ask me about leadership, l say: leadership is about wanting the responsibility to be on your shoulders, not ignoring its weight but knowing someone has to carry it and, reaching out for that person to be you. Leaders are heat-seekers not heat-deflectors.And luck?You have all the luck you need. You are here, at Yale, and what-apart from the hats-could be better?You have something else: your parents.When you are your age, you can never imagine being our age. But believe me, when you're our age we remember clearly being your age. That's why I am so careful about young men and my daughter, "Don't tell me what you're thinking. I know what you're thinking."But as a parent let me tell you something about parents. Despite all rational impulses, despite all evidence to the contrary, despite what we think you do to us and what you think we do to you-and yes, it is oftenhell on both sides-the plain, unvarnished truth is we love you. Simply, profoundly, utterly.I remember, back in the mists of time, my Dad greeting me off the train at Durham railway station. I was a student at Oxford. Oxford and Cambridge are for Britain kind of like Yale and Harvard, only more so. It was a big deal. I had been away for my first year and was coming home.I stepped off the train. My hair was roughly the length of Rumpelstiltskin's and unwashed. I had no shoes and no shirt. My jeans were torn-and this was in the days before this became a fashion item. Worst of all, we had just moved house. Mum had thrown out the sitting room drapes. I had retrieved them and made a sleeveless long coat with them.My Dad greeted me. There were all his friends at the station. Beside me, their kids looked paragons of responsibility.He saw the drapes, and visibly winced. They did kind of stand out. I took pity on him."Dad", I said. "There is good news. I don't do drugs."He looked me in the eye and said: "Son, the bad news is if you're looking like this and you're not doing drugs we've got a real problem."Your parents look at you today with love. They know how hard it is to make the grade and they respect you for making it.And tomorrow as I know, as a parent of one of this class, as youreceive your graduation, their hearts will beat with the nature rhythm of pride. Pride in what you have achieved. Pride in who you are.They will be nervous for you, as you stand on the threshold of a new adventure for they know the many obstacles that lie ahead.But they will be confident that you can surmount them, for they know also the strength of character and of spirit that has taken you thus far.To my fellow parents: I say, let us rejoice and be glad together.To the Yale College Class of 20xx, I say: well done; and may blessings and good fortune be yours in the years to come.共2页,当前第2页12。