英文文献综述review article

一篇标准的英语文献综述A Standard Review of English LiteratureIntroduction:The purpose of this literature review is to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing research on a specific topic in English literature. It aims to analyze and synthesize the findings from various studies, identify gaps in the current knowledge, and propose directions for future research. This review will focus on the major themes, theories, methodologies, and debates within the field of English literature, while also highlighting significant contributions and key scholars in the discipline.Section 1: Historical OverviewTo begin, a historical overview of English literature is necessary. This section will trace the development of English literature from its origins in the medieval period, through the Renaissance, Romanticism, Victorian era, and into the modern and postmodern periods. It will examine the major literary movements, authors, and works that have shaped the field, providing a context for the subsequent sections.Section 2: Major Themes and MotifsThis section will explore the major themes and motifs that are prevalent in English literature. It will discuss the representation of love, loss, nature, identity, social class, gender, and other significant topics in various literary works. Furthermore, it will examine how these themes have evolved and been interpreted by different authors across different time periods.Section 3: Literary Theory and CriticismIn this section, the focus will shift towards the theoretical and critical approaches used in the analysis and interpretation of English literature. It will provide an overview of the major schools of literary theory, such as formalism, structuralism, post-structuralism,feminist theory, and postcolonial theory, among others. The section will also discuss the contributions of key literary critics and their impact on the field.Section 4: Research MethodologiesTo understand the research process in English literature, this section will examine the various methodologies employed by scholars. It will discuss the use of close reading, intertextuality, comparative analysis, archival research, and other research methods in the field. The section will highlight the strengths and limitations of each methodology, providing insights into how researchers approach their studies.Section 5: Debates and ControversiesEnglish literature is not without its share of debates and controversies. This section will explore some of the ongoing discussions and disagreements within the field. It may include debates on the canon, the role of literature in society, the relevance of certain authors or works, and the influence of politics and ideology on literary analysis. The section will present different perspectives on these issues, showcasing the diversity of thought within English literature.Section 6: Significant Contributions and Key ScholarsFinally, this section will highlight some of the significant contributions made by scholars in the field of English literature. It will showcase the groundbreaking research, influential books, and key theories that have shaped the discipline. It will also acknowledge the scholars who have made significant contributions to the field and have become influential figures within English literature.Conclusion:In conclusion, this literature review has provided a comprehensive overview of the major themes, theories, methodologies, and debates within the field of English literature. It has traced the historical development of the discipline, explored the significant themes and motifs, discussed the theoretical and critical approaches, examined research methodologies, and highlighted ongoing debates and significant contributions. Thisreview serves as a valuable resource for researchers and scholars interested in the field of English literature, and it also lays the foundation for further research and exploration of the discipline.。
英文文献综述review article

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How to Write a Literature Review ?
I. The definition of Literature Review
文献综述(Literautre Review)是科研论文中重要的文体之一。
II. The purposes of literature review And Its Components
A. The Purposes
On the one hand, it helps you broaden the view and perspective of the topic for your graduation thesis.
On the other hand, it helps you narrow down the topic and arrive at a focused
research question.
B. Its Components
There are six parts in a complete Literature Review.
标题与作者(title and author)
摘要与关键词(abstract and key words)

How to Write a Good Literature Review1. IntroductionNot to be confused with a book review, a literature review surveys scholarly articles, books and other sources (e.g. dissertations, conference proceedings) relevant to a particular issue, area of research, or theory, providing a description, summary, and critical evaluation of each work. The purpose is to offer an overview of significant literature published on a topic.2. ComponentsSimilar to primary research, development of the literature review requires four stages:▪Problem formulation—which topic or field is being examined and what are its component issues?▪Literature search—finding materials relevant to the subject being explored▪Data evaluation—determining which literature makes a significant contribution to the understanding of the topic▪Analysis and interpretation—discussing the findings and conclusions of pertinent literatureLiterature reviews should comprise the following elements:▪An overview of the subject, issue or theory under consideration, along with the objectives of the literature review▪Division of works under review into categories (e.g. those in support of a particular position, those against, and those offering alternative theses entirely) ▪Explanation of how each work is similar to and how it varies from the others▪Conclusions as to which pieces are best considered in their argument, are most convincing of their opinions, and make the greatest contribution to the understanding and development of their area of researchIn assessing each piece, consideration should be given to:▪Provenance—What are the author's credentials? Are the author's arguments supported by evidence (e.g. primary historical material, case studies, narratives, statistics, recent scientific findings)?▪Objectivity—Is the author's perspective even-handed or prejudicial? Is contrary data considered or is certain pertinent information ignored to prove the author's point?▪Persuasiveness—Which of the author's theses are most/least convincing?▪Value—Are the author's arguments and conclusions convincing? Does the work ultimately contribute in any significant way to an understanding of the subject?3. Definition and Use/PurposeA literature review may constitute an essential chapter of a thesis or dissertation, or may be a self-contained review of writings on a subject. In either case, its purpose is to:▪Place each work in the context of its contribution to the understanding of the subject under review▪Describe the relationship of each work to the others under consideration▪Identify new ways to interpret, and shed light on any gaps in, previous research▪Resolve conflicts amongst seemingly contradictory previous studies▪Identify areas of prior scholarship to prevent duplication of effort▪Point the way forward for further research▪Place one's original work (in the case of theses or dissertations) in the context of existing literatureHere are some of the questions your literature review should answer:1.What do we already know in the immediate area concerned?2. What are the characteristics of the key concepts or the main factors or variables?2.What are the relationships between these key concepts, factors or variables?3.What are the existing theories?4.Where are the inconsistencies or other shortcomings in our knowledge andunderstanding?5.What views need to be (further) tested?6.What evidence is lacking, inconclusive, contradictory or too limited?7.Why study (further) the research problem?8.What contribution can the present study be expected to make?9. What research designs or methods seem unsatisfactory?HOW CAN I WRITE A GOOD LITERATURE REVIEW?Remember the purpose: it should answer the questions we looked at above. Look at how published writers review the literature. You'll see that you should use the literature to explain your research - after all, you are not writing a literature review just to tell your reader what other researchers have done. You aim should be to show why your research needs to be carried out, how you came to choose certain methodologies or theories to work with, how your work adds to the research already carried out, etc.Read with a purpose:you need to summarize the work you read but you must also decide which ideas or information are important to your research (so you can emphasize them), and which are less important and can be covered briefly or left out of your review. You should also look for the major concepts, conclusions, theories, arguments etc. that underlie the work, and look for similarities and differences with closely related work. This is difficult when you first start reading, but should become easier the more you read in your area.Write with a purpose: your aim should be to evaluate and show relationships between the work already done (Is Researcher Y's theory more convincing than Researcher X's? DidResearcher X build on the work of Researcher Y?) and between this work and your own. In order to do this effectively you should carefully plan how you are going to organize your work.A lot of people like to organize their work chronologically (using time as their organizing system). Unless developments over time are crucial to explain the context of your research problem, using a chronological system will not be an effective way to organize your work. Some people choose to organize their work alphabetically by author name: this system will not allow you to show the relationships between the work of different researchers, and your work, and should be avoided!When you read for your literature review, you are actually doing two things at the same time (which makes things more difficult for you!):1. you are trying to define your research problem: finding a gap, asking a question,continuing previous research, counter-claiming;2. you are trying to read every source relevant to your research problem.Naturally, until you have defined your problem, you will find that there are hundreds of sources that seem relevant. However, you cannot define your problem until you read around your research area. This seems a vicious circle, but what should happen is that as you read you define your problem, and as you define your problem you will more easily be able to decide what to read and what to ignore.TRAPSSome traps to avoid:Trying to read everything! As you might already have discovered, if you try to be comprehensive you will never be able to finish the reading! The idea of the literature review is not to provide a summary of all the published work that relates to your research, but a survey of the most relevant and significant work.Reading but not writing! It's easier to read than to write: given the choice, most of us would rather sit down with a cup of coffee and read yet another article instead of putting ourselves in front of the computer to write about what we have already read! Writing takes much more effort, doesn't it? However, writing can help you to understand and find relationships between the work you've read, so don't put writing off until you've "finished" reading - after all, you will probably still be doing some reading all the way through to the end of your research project. Also, don't think of what you first write as being the final ornear-final version. Writing is a way of thinking, so allow yourself to write as many drafts as you need, changing your ideas and information as you learn more about the context of your research problem.Not keeping bibliographic information!The moment will come when you have to write your references page . . . and then you realize you have forgotten to keep the information you need, and that you never got around to putting references into your work. The only solution is to spend a lot of time in the library tracking down all those sources that you read, and going through your writing to find which information came from which source. If you're lucky, maybe you can actually do this before your defence - more likely, you will unable to find all your sources, a big headache for you and your committee. To avoid this nightmare, always keep this information in your notes. Always put references into your writing. Notice how on this course we have referenced the works that we have referred to - you should do the same.LITERATURE REVIEW: AN EXAMPLEHere is an example of using the literature to explain and define a problem. This example is taken from an introduction because most thesis literature reviews tend to be too long for us to easily look at. Although your literature review will probably be much longer than the one below, it is useful to look at the principles the writers have used.On the optimal container size in automated warehousesY. Roll, M.J. Rosenblatt and D. Kadosh, Proceedings of the NinthICPRAutomated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) are being introduced intothe industry and warehousing at an increasing rate. Forecasts indicate thatthis trend will continue for the foreseeable future (see [1]). Research in thearea of AS/RS has followed several avenues. Early work by Hausman,Schwarz and Graves [6, 7] was concerned with storage assignment andinterleaving policies, based on turnover rates of the various items. Elsayed [3]and Elsayed and Stern [4] compared algorithms for handling orders inAR/RS. Additional work by Karasawa et al. [9], Azadivar [2] and Parry et al.[11] deals with the design of an AS/RS and the determination of itsthroughput by simulation and optimization techniques.Several researchers addressed the problem of the optimal handling unit(pallet or container) size, to be used in material handling and warehousingsystems. Steudell [13], Tanchoco and Agee[14], Tanchoco et al. [15] andGrasso and Tanchoco [5] studied various aspects of this subject. The last tworeferences incorporate the size of the pallet, or unit load, in evaluation of theoptimal lot sizes for multi-inventory systems with limited storage space. In areport on a specific case, Normandin [10] has demonstrated that using the'best-size' container can result in considerable savings. A simulation modelcombining container size and warehouse capacity considerations, in anAS/RS environment, was developed by Kadosh [8]. The general results,reflecting the stochastic nature of the flow of goods, are similar to thosereported by Rosenblatt and Roll [12]. Nevertheless, container size was foundto affect strongly overall warehousing costs.In this paper, we present an analytical framework for approximating theoptimal size of a warehouse container. The approximation is based on seriesof generalizations and specific assumptions. However, these are valid for awide range of real life situations. The underlying assumptions of the modelare presented in the following section.Notice how the writers have:grouped similar information: "Steudell [13], Tanchoco and Agee[14], Tanchoco et al. [15] and Grasso and Tanchoco [5] studied various aspects of this subject."shown the relationship between the work of different researchers, showingsimilarities/differences: "The general results, reflecting the stochastic nature of the flow of goods, are similar to those reported by Rosenblatt and Roll [12]."indicated the position of the work in the research area history: "Early work by Hausman, Schwarz and Graves [6, 7] . . . "moved from a general discussion of the research in AS/RS to the more specific area (optimal container size) that they themselves are researching i.e. they relate previous work to their own to define it, justify it and explain it.。

英文文献综述写作要求和方法DefinitionA literature review(文献综述)is both a summary and explanation of the complete and current state of knowledge on a limited topic as found in academic books (学术著作)and journal articles(期刊论文). There are two kinds of literature reviews you might write at university: one that students are asked to write as a stand-alone assignment in a course, often as part of their training in the research processes in their field, and the other that is written as part of an introduction to, or preparation for, a longer work, usually a thesis or research report. The focus and perspective of your review and the kind of hypothesis(假设)or thesis argument you make will be determined by what kind of review you are writing. One way to understand the differences between these two types is to read published literature reviews or the first chapters of theses and dissertations(学位论文)in your own subject area. Analyze the structure of their arguments and note the way they address the issues.Purpose of the Literature ReviewIt gives readers easy access to research on a particular topic by selecting high quality articles or studies that are relevant, meaningful, important and valid(有效的)and summarizing them into one complete report.It provides an excellent starting point for researchers beginning to do research ina new area by forcing them to summarize, evaluate, and compare originalresearch in that specific area.It ensures that researchers do not duplicate work that hasalready been done. 你所整理的文章中作者主要观察的重点是什么It can provide clues(线索)as to where future research is heading or recommend areas on which to focus. 现在的研究都到了什么程度It highlights key findings.It identifies inconsistencies(矛盾), gaps and contradictions in the literature.It provides a constructive analysis of the methodologies and approaches of other researchers. 前面研究者的建设性的方法和途径Content of the ReviewIntroductionThe introduction explains the focus and establishes the importance of the subject(主题). It discusses what kind of work has been done on the topic and identifies a ny controversies(争议)within the field or any recent research which has raised questions about earlier assumptions(假设). It may provide background or history. It concludes with a purpose or thesis statement(中心思想). In a stand-alone literature review, this statement will sum up and evaluate the state of the art (目前的工艺水平)in this field of research; in a review that is an introduction or preparatory to(为~~做准备)a thesis or research report, it will suggest how the review findings will lead to the research the writer proposes to undertake.Body(论文的内容)Often divided by headings/subheadings(标题/副标题), the body summarizes and evaluates the current state of knowledge in the field. It notes major themes or topics, the most important trends, and any findings about which researchers agree or disagree. If the review is preliminary to (在~~之前)your own thesis or research project, its purpose is to make an argumentthat will justify your proposed research. Therefore, it will discuss only that research which leads directly to your own project.ConclusionThe conclusion summarizes all the evidence presented and shows its significance. If the review is an introduction to your own research, it highlights gaps and indicates how previous research leads to your own research project and chosen methodology. If the review is a stand-alone assignment for a course, it should suggest any practical applications of the research as well as the implications and possibilities for future research.Nine Steps to Writing a Literature Review(九步法写综述)1. Find a working topic.Look at your specific area of study. Think about what interests you, and what fertile ground for study is. Talk to your professor, brainstorm, and read lecture notes and recent issues of periodicals(期刊)in the field.2. Review the literature.Using keywords search a computer database. It is best to use at least two databases relevant to your discipline.Remember that the reference lists of recent articles and reviews can lead to valuable papers.Make certain that you also include any studies contrary to your point of view.3. Focus your topic narrowly and select papers accordingly.Consider the following:What interests you?What interests others?What time span(时间跨度)of research will you consider?Choose an area of research that is due for a review.4. Read the selected articles thoroughly and evaluate them.What assumptions do most/some researchers seem to be making?What methodologies do they use? - What testing procedures, subjects, material tested?Evaluate and synthesize(综合)the research findings and conclusions drawn.Note experts(专家)in the field: names/labs that are frequently referenced.Note conflicting theories, results, and methodologies.Watch for popularity of theories and how this has/has not changed over time.5. Organize the selected papers by looking for patterns and by developing sub-topics. Note things such as:Findings that are common/contested(争论)Two or three important trends in the researchThe most influential theories6. Develop a working thesis.Write a one- or two-sentence statement summarizing the conclusion you have reached about the major trends and developments you see in the research that has been done on your subject.7. Organize your own paper based on the findings from steps 4 & 5.Develop headings/subheadings. If your literature review is extensive, find a large table surface, and on it place post-it notes (便签纸)or filing cards(档案卡)to organize all your findings into categories. Move them around if you decide that (a) they fit better under different headings, or (b) you need to establish new topic headings.8. Write the body of the paperFollow the plan you have developed above, making certain that each section links logically to the one before and after and that you have divided your sections by themes or subtopics, not by reporting the work of individual theorists or researchers.9. Look at what you have written; focus on analysis, not description.Look at the topic sentences of each paragraph. If you were to read only these sentences, would you find that your paper presented a clear position, logically developed, from beginning to end? If, for example, you find that each paragraph begins with a researcher's name, it might indicate that, instead of evaluating and comparing the research literature from an analytical point of view, you have simply described what research has been done. This is one of the most common problems with studentFinishing T ouches: Revising and Editing Your WorkRead your work out loud. That way you will be better able toidentify where you need punctuation marks(标点符号)to signal pauses or divisions withinsentences, where you have made grammatical errors, or where your sentencesare unclear.Since the purpose of a literature review is to demonstrate that the writer is familiar with the important professional literature on the chosen subject, check to makecertain that you have covered all of the important, up-to-date, and pertinent texts.In the sciences and some of the social sciences it is important that your literature be quite recent; this is not so important in the humanities.Make certain that all of the citations and references are correct and that you are referencing in the appropriate style for your discipline. If you are uncertain which style to use, ask your professor.Check to make sure that you have not plagiarized either by failing to cite a source of information, or by using words quoted directly from a source. (Usually if youtake three or more words directly from another source, you should put thosewords within quotation marks, and cite the page.)Text should be written in a clear and concise academic style; it should not be descriptive in nature or use the language of everyday speech.There should be no grammatical or spelling errors.Sentences should flow smoothly and logically.In a paper in the sciences, or in some of the social sciences, the use of subheadings to organize the review is recommended.。

英文文献综述万能模板范文Title: A Critical Review of [Research Area]Abstract:This review article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of [Research Area]. It critically analyzes key studies, identifies gaps in research, and highlights potential areas for future exploration. The review covers a wide range of topics, including [specific topics related to the research area], with a focus on their theoretical and empirical implications.Introduction:The field of [Research Area] has attracted significant attention in recent years due to its growing relevance in various industries and disciplines. [Research Area] encompasses a diverse range of topics, from [specifictopics] to [other related topics]. Despite its breadth, however, there is a paucity of literature that offers a holistic view of the field's progress and challenges. This review aims to bridge this gap by synthesizing the key findings and contributions of previous studies, while also highlighting areas that require further investigation.Methodology:To ensure a comprehensive and rigorous review, we searched for relevant articles published in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, and book chapters. We focused on articles published within the last five years, as this period represents the most recent advancements in the field. We also included articles that were highly cited or had a significant impact on the field.Key Findings and Discussion:1. [Topic 1]: [Research Area] has seen significant progress in [Topic 1], with numerous studies exploring various aspects of it. [Provide a brief overview of the keyfindings and studies in this area, discussing their theoretical and empirical contributions.]2. [Topic 2]: While [Topic 2] has received some attention, there remain several unresolved questions and challenges. [Discuss the current understanding of Topic 2, identify research gaps, and suggest potential directionsfor future research.]3. [Topic 3]: Recent studies have begun to explore the intersection of [Research Area] and [Topic 3], offering new insights and perspectives. [Describe the emerging trends and potential implications of this intersection.]Conclusion:This review article has provided a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of [Research Area], focusing on key topics such as [specific topics]. While the field has made significant progress, there are still numerous challenges and unresolved questions that require further investigation. Future research should focuson addressing these gaps, while also exploring new directions and applications of [Research Area] in various contexts.References:[List of references, including journal articles, books, and other relevant sources.]Please note that this is a template and you would need to replace the placeholders (e.g., [Research Area], [specific topics]) with relevant information specific to your research area and topic. You can also expand upon each section, adding more details and citations as needed to reach the desired word count.。

文献综述英文例文通用IntroductionA literature review is an important component of academic research. It helps researchers to identify existing gaps in knowledge, evaluate the current state of research in a particular area, and generate ideas for future research. A good literature review should be comprehensive, up-to-date and well-organized. This article will provide a general guideline on how to write a literature review, including the structure, format and content.StructureA literature review should have an introduction, main body and conclusion. The introduction should provide the background information on the topic, the research question, and the purpose of the review. The main body should be divided into different sections based on the themes or topics. Each section should summarize the key findings from the literature and explain how they relate to the research question. Finally, the conclusion should summarize the main findings from the review, identify the gaps in the existing literature, and suggest possible avenues for future research.FormatA literature review can be written in different formats depending on the discipline and the research topic. In general, there are two common formats: the narrative review and the systematic review. The narrative review is a descriptive summary of the literature, whereas the systematic review is a more rigorous evaluation of the literature using a predefined search strategy and inclusion/exclusion criteria.ContentThe content of a literature review should be focused on the research question and the themes identified in the main body. The literature reviewed should be relevant, reliable, and recent. The sources of the literature can be primary or secondary, depending on the research question and the availability of the literature. The sources can be in different forms, such as articles, books, reports, conference proceedings, and online databases.TipsHere are some tips on how to write a good literature review:- Start early: Begin the literature review as early as possible to allow sufficient time for reading, writing, and revising.- Define the research question: Clearly define the research question to guide the literature search and the selection of the literature.- Use appropriate keywords: Use appropriate keywords and search terms to identify the relevant literature.- Keep records: Keep a record of the literature searched, read and cited to avoidduplication and facilitate referencing.- Analyze and synthesize: Analyze the literature critically and synthesize the findings into a coherent and organized structure.- Avoid plagiarism: Acknowledge the sources of the literature accurately and avoid plagiarism by paraphrasing and referencing properly.- Be critical: Be critical of the literature reviewed and identify the strengths, weaknesses, and limitations of the research in the field.ConclusionIn summary, a literature review is an essential component of academic research, and it requires careful planning, organizing, and writing. A good literature review should provide a comprehensive and critical evaluation of the existing literature and identify the gaps and limitations in the research field. By following the guidelines and tips provided in this article, researchers can write a well-structured, informative and engaging literature review.。

文献综述英文模板撰写文献综述英文模板的步骤如下:1. Title: Use a clear and concise title that reflects the focus of your literature review.2. Abstract: Provide a brief overview of your literature review, including the research question, methods, key findings, and conclusions.3. Introduction: Explain the background and importance of your topic, introduce the research question, and outline the aims and objectives of your literature review.4. Literature Search Methodology: Describe the search strategy you used to identify relevant studies, including databases, keywords, and inclusion/exclusion criteria.5. Summary of Literature Reviewed: Highlight the key findings and themes from the studies you have included in your literature review, paying attention to their relevance to your research question.6. Analysis and Discussion: Analyze and compare the findings from the selected studies, exploring patterns, trends, and gaps in the literature. Discuss how these findings contribute to ourunderstanding of the topic and identify any limitations or biases in the research.7. Conclusion: Summarize the main points of your literature review and highlight its significance. Draw conclusions about the state of research on your topic and identify any gaps or future research directions.8. References: Cite all the studies included in your literature review using the appropriate referencing style (, APA, MLA).这是一个基本的文献综述英文模板,具体内容可能需要根据研究领域和主题进行调整。

英文文献综述范文How to Write a Literature Review ?I. The definition of Literature Review文献综述(Literautre Review)是科研论文中重要的文体之一。
II. The purposes of literature review And Its ComponentsA. The PurposesOn the one hand, it helps you broaden the view and perspective of the topic for your graduation thesis.On the other hand, it helps you narrow down the topic and arrive at a focusedresearch question.B. Its ComponentsThere are six parts in a complete Literature Review.标题与作者(title and author)摘要与关键词(abstract and key words)引言(introduction)述评(review)结论(conclusion)参考文献(references)III. Classification of Source MaterialsHow can we locate the materials relevant to our topics betterand faster? Basically, all these source materials may be classified into four majors of sources.A: Background sources:Basic information which can usually be found in dictionaries andencyclopedia complied by major scholars or founders of the field. Three very good and commonly recommenced encyclopedias are encyclopedias ABC, namely, Encyclopedia Americana, Encyclopedia Britannica, and Collier’s Encyclopedia. There are also reference works more specialized, such as The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics for linguistics and TEFL studies. Moreover, you may also find Encyclopedia on the web.B: Primary sourcesThose providing direct evidence, such as works of scholars of the field,biographies or autobiographies, memoirs, speeches, lectures, diaries, collection of letters, interviews, case studies, approaches, etc. Primary sources come in various shapes and sizes, and often you have to do a little bit of research about the source to make sure you have correctly identified it. When a first search yields too few results, try searching by broader topic; when a search yields toomany results, refine your search by narrowing down your search.C: Secondary sourcesThose providing indirect evidence, such as research articles or papers, bookreviews, assays, journal articles by experts in a given field, studies on authors orwriters and their works, etc. Secondary sources will informmost of your writingin college. You will often be asked to research your topic using primary sources,but secondary sources will tell you which primary sources you should use andwill help you interpret those primary sources. T o use theme well, however, youneed to think critically them. There are two parts of a source that you need toanalyze: the text itself and the argument within the text.D: Web sourcesThe sources or information from websites. Web serves as an excellentresource for your materials. However, you need to select and evaluate Websources with special care for very often Web sources lack quality control. Youmay start with search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Ask, Excit e, etc. It’s agood idea to try more than one search engine, since each locates sources in itsown way. When using websites for information, be sure to take care for theauthorship and sponsorship. If they are both unclear, be critical when you useinformation. The currency of website information should also be taken intoaccount. Don’t use too out information dated for your purpose.IV. Major strategies of Selecting Materials for literaturereviewA. Choosing primary sources rather than secondary sourcesIf you have two sources, one of them summarizing or explaining a work andthe other the work itself, choose the work itself. Never attempt to write a paperon a topic without reading the original source.B. Choosing sources that give a variety of viewpoints on your thesisRemember that good argument essays take into account counter arguments.Do not reject a source because it makes an argument against you thesis.C. Choosing sources that cover the topic in depthProbably most books on Communicative Language Teaching mention WilliamLittlewood, but if this your topic, you will find that few sources cover the topicin depth. Choose those.D. Choosing sources written by acknowledged expertsIf you have a choice between an article written by a freelance journalist onTask-based Teaching and one written by a recognized expert like David Nunan,Choose the article by the expert.E. Choosing the most current sourcesIf your topic involves a current issue or social problem or development in ascientific field, it is essential to find the latest possible information. If all thebooks on these topics are rather old, you probably need to look for information inperiodicals.V. Writing a literature ReviewA. When you review related literature, the major review focuses should be:1. The prevailing and current theories which underlie the research problem.2. The main controversies about the issue, and about the problem.3. The major findings in the area, by whom and when.4. The studies which can be considered the better ones, and why.5. Description of the types of research studies which can provide the basis for the current theories and controversies.6. Criticism of the work in the area.B. When you write literature review, the two principles to follow are:1. Review the sources that are most relevant to your to your thesis.2. Describe or write your review as clear and objective as you can.C. Some tips for writing the review:1. Define key terms or concepts clearly and relevant to your topic.2. Discuss the least-related references to your question first and the mostrelated references last.3. Conclude your review with a brief summary.4. Start writing your review early.VI. 文献综述主要部分的细节性提示和注意事项英文文献主要部分细节提示:引言(Introduction)引言是文献综述正文的开始部分,主要包括两个内容:一是提出问题;二是介绍综述的范围和内容。
文章类型 article review

文章类型 article review
article review 是对一篇论文或文献进行综述的文章。
在article review 中,作者可以对一篇论文或文献的主要内容、研究方法、结论等方面进行分析和评价,并指出该文献的优点和不足之处,为读者提供一篇全面、系统的文章。
article review 的类型可以包括以下几个方面:
1. 研究综述:对某一领域或主题的现有研究进行综述,总结和评价前人的研究成果,指出该领域或主题的研究方向和发展趋势。
2. 文献综述:对某一领域或主题的文献进行梳理和归纳,总结出具有代表性的文献观点和结论,指出文献中的不足之处,为该领域或主题的进一步研究提供参考。
3. 教学综述:对某一领域的教学理论、方法、实践等方面进行综述,总结和评价前人的教学成果和经验,提出改进教学的建议和展望。
4. 政策文献综述:对某一政策方案或政策理论进行综述和评价,指出政策方案或政策理论的优缺点和适用情况,为政策制定和实施提供参考。
article review 是学术研究和文献综述的重要领域之一,对于提高学术研究的质量和水平,指导相关领域的进一步研究具有重要意义。

英语专业文献综述范文As an author of Baidu Wenku document, I am going to write a comprehensive review of English major literature. English major literature review is a critical analysis of the existing literature on a specific topic within the field of English studies. It is an essential part of academic research and provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge in a particular area.The purpose of an English major literature review is to identify gaps in the existing literature and to highlight areas for future research. It also helps to provide a theoretical framework for the research and to demonstrate the significance of the study within the broader field of English studies.In conducting an English major literature review, it is important to use a systematic approach to search for and select relevant literature. This may involve searching electronic databases, library catalogs, and other sources of scholarly information. It is also important to critically evaluate the quality and relevance of the literature that is identified, and to synthesize the findings in a clear and coherent manner.There are several key components of an English major literature review, including an introduction that provides an overview of the topic and its significance, a discussion of the existing literature, a critical analysis of the literature, and a conclusion that summarizes the key findings and identifies areas for future research.In writing an English major literature review, it is important to use clear and concise language, and to organize the information in a logical and coherent manner. It is also important to use proper citation and referencing, and to follow the conventions of academic writing.In conclusion, an English major literature review is an essential part of academic research in the field of English studies. It provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of knowledge in a particular area, and helps to identify gaps in the existing literature and areas for future research. By using a systematic approach to search for andselect relevant literature, and by organizing the information in a clear and coherent manner, it is possible to produce a high-quality literature review that makes a significant contribution to the field of English studies.。

英文文献综述标准范文述评(review)结论(conclusion)B: Primary sourcesThose providing direct evidence, such as works of scholars of the field,biographies or autobiographies, memoirs, speeches, lectures, diaries, collection of letters, interviews, case studies, approaches, etc. Primary sources come in various shapes and sizes, and often you have to do a little bit of research about the source to make sure you have correctly identified it. When a first search yields too few results, try searching by broader topic; when a search yields toomany results, refine your search by narrowing down your search.C: Secondary sourcesThose providing indirect evidence, such as research articles or papers, bookreviews, assays, journal articles by experts in a given field, studies on authors orwriters and their works, etc. Secondary sources will inform most of your writingin college. You will often be asked to research your topic using primary sources,but secondary sources will tell you which primary sources you should use andwill help you interpret those primary sources. To use theme well, however, youneed to think critically them. There are two parts of a source thatyou need toanalyze: the text itself and the argument within the text.D: Web sourcesThe sources or information from websites. Web serves as an excellentresource for your materials. However, you need to select and evaluate Websources with special care for very often Web sources lack quality control. Youmay start with search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Ask, Excite, etc. It’s agood idea to try more than one search engine, since each locates sources in itsown way. When using websites for information, be sure to take care for theauthorship and sponsorship. If they are both unclear, be critical when you useinformation. The currency of website information should also be taken intoaccount. Don’t use too out information dated for your purpose.IV. Major strategies of Selecting Materials for literature reviewA. Choosing primary sources rather than secondary sourcesIf you have two sources, one of them summarizing or explaining a work andthe other the work itself, choose the work itself. Never attempt to write a paperon a topic without reading the original source.B. Choosing sources that give a variety of viewpoints on your thesisRemember that good argument essays take into account counter arguments.Do not reject a source because it makes an argument against you thesis.C. Choosing sources that cover the topic in depthProbably most books on Communicative Language Teaching mention WilliamLittlewood, but if this your topic, you will find that few sources cover the topicin depth. Choose those.D. Choosing sources written by acknowledged expertsIf you have a choice between an article written by a freelance journalist onTask-based Teaching and one written by a recognized expert like David Nunan,Choose the article by the expert.E. Choosing the most current sourcesIf your topic involves a current issue or social problem or development in ascientific field, it is essential to find the latest possible information. If all thebooks on these topics are rather old, you probably need to look for information inperiodicals.V. Writing a literature ReviewA. When you review related literature, the major review focuses should be:1. The prevailing and current theories which underlie the research problem.2. The main controversies about the issue, and about the problem.范围;(2)使用一般现在时介绍背景知识,使用现在完成时叙述他人成果,使用一般将来时或一般现在时简介本文内容;(3)结构力求简洁明了,多用简单句,并列成份较为常见;作者要对大量有关文献进行系统的整理、归纳、对比和分析,在此基础上列出与主题有关的所有重要学术观点,然后分别加以论述,以便读者获得全面的了解。

英语学科方面的文献综述范文3000字全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: A Literature Review on the English Language SubjectIntroductionEnglish language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and is the primary language of communication in many fields such as education, business, and diplomacy. Understanding the significance of the English language, it is essential to explore the various aspects of the English language subject, which would contribute to our knowledge and practices in teaching and learning English. This literature review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current research on the English language subject, focusing on its teaching methodologies, learning strategies, and the impact of technology in English language education.Teaching Methodologies in English Language EducationSeveral studies have examined different teaching methodologies in English language education, including the traditional grammar-translation method, communicativelanguage teaching, task-based learning, and content-based instruction. The research suggests that communicative language teaching is the most effective approach to teaching English as a second language, as it focuses on real-life communication and interaction. Task-based learning has also been proven to be beneficial in English language education, as it encourages students to work on meaningful tasks that promote communication and language development.Learning Strategies in English Language EducationResearch on learning strategies in English language education has shown that students employ various strategies to enhance their language learning process. These strategies include cognitive, metacognitive, affective, and social strategies. Cognitive strategies involve the mental processes used by students to understand and remember new information, while metacognitive strategies help students monitor and regulate their own learning. Affective strategies focus on managing emotions and motivation, while social strategies involve interactions with others to improve language skills.Impact of Technology in English Language EducationWith the advancement of technology, there has been a growing interest in incorporating technology into Englishlanguage education. Research has shown that technology can enhance language learning by providing interactive and engaging learning experiences. Online resources, language learning apps, and digital tools have been used to support language learning outside the classroom and enable personalized learning experiences. Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies have also been explored to create immersive language learning environments that simulate real-life situations.ConclusionIn conclusion, this literature review has highlighted the importance of exploring the various aspects of the English language subject, including teaching methodologies, learning strategies, and the impact of technology in English language education. The research suggests that communicative language teaching is an effective approach to teaching English as a second language, while task-based learning promotes language development through meaningful tasks. Students also employ various learning strategies to enhance their language learning process, and technology has the potential to enhance language learning by providing interactive and engaging learning experiences. Further research is needed to explore innovativeapproaches to teaching and learning English language education to meet the diverse needs of learners in the 21st century.篇2Title: Literature Review on Research in English Language TeachingIntroductionEnglish language teaching has been a prominent field of study in the education sector for decades. As the world becomes more interconnected, the importance of English as a global language has increased significantly. This literature review aims to provide an overview of recent research in the field of English language teaching and explore the advancements and challenges facing educators and researchers in this area.MethodsTo conduct this literature review, a systematic search was performed using online databases such as Google Scholar, JSTOR, and ERIC. Keywords such as "English language teaching," "pedagogy," "technology," and "assessment" were used to narrow down the search results. Only peer-reviewed articles published in the last five years were included in this review.Findings1. Technology in English Language TeachingOne of the key themes that emerged from the literature review was the integration of technology in English language teaching. Researchers have explored the use of various technological tools such as online platforms, mobile apps, and virtual reality to enhance language learning. Studies have shown that technology can make learning more interactive and engaging for students, leading to improved outcomes in language acquisition.2. Task-Based LearningTask-based learning has gained popularity in recent years as a more student-centered approach to teaching English. Researchers have highlighted the benefits of using real-world tasks and activities to promote language learning and communication skills. Task-based learning has been shown to be effective in improving students' fluency, accuracy, and confidence in using English.3. Multilingualism and DiversityWith the increasing cultural diversity in classrooms, educators are exploring new strategies to support multilingualstudents in English language learning. Research has shown that embracing students' native languages and cultures can enhance their language acquisition and overall academic performance. Educators are encouraged to adopt a more inclusive approach and create a supportive environment for diverse learners.4. Assessment in English Language TeachingAssessment plays a crucial role in evaluating students' language proficiency and progress in English language teaching. Recent research has focused on innovative assessment methods such as performance tasks, portfolios, and self-assessment tools. These approaches aim to provide a more holistic view of students' language abilities and promote reflective learning practices.Challenges and Future DirectionsDespite the advancements in research in English language teaching, several challenges remain. One of the key challenges is the digital divide, where students from disadvantaged backgrounds may not have access to technology for language learning. Educators need to address this disparity and ensure equal opportunities for all students. Additionally, the growing emphasis on standardized testing in English language teachinghas raised concerns about its impact on teaching and learning outcomes.In conclusion, this literature review has highlighted the recent advancements and challenges in English language teaching research. Educators and researchers are encouraged to continue exploring innovative approaches to enhance language learning and support the diverse needs of students. By addressing the challenges and embracing new technologies, English language teaching can evolve to meet the demands of a globalized world.篇3Literature Review on the English Language Teaching FieldIntroductionEnglish language teaching is a dynamic and constantly evolving field that has undergone significant changes in recent years due to advances in technology and changes in educational practices. This literature review aims to provide an overview of current research and trends in the field of English language teaching, focusing on key topics such as language acquisition, teaching methodologies, and the use of technology in the classroom.Language AcquisitionOne of the central concerns in the field of English language teaching is the process of language acquisition. Researchers have focused on understanding how second language learners acquire English language skills and the factors that influence language learning. Studies have shown that the age at which a learner begins studying English, as well as their motivation and exposure to the language, can impact their language proficiency.Research has also explored the role of individual differences such as cognitive abilities and learning styles in language acquisition. For example, learners who have a strong auditory memory may excel in pronunciation, while those withvisual-spatial intelligence may find it easier to understand written texts. Understanding these individual differences can help educators tailor their teaching approaches to better meet the needs of diverse learners.Teaching MethodologiesTeaching methodologies play a crucial role in English language education, as they determine how language skills are taught and practiced in the classroom. Traditional teaching methods focused on grammar rules and memorization, but recent research has emphasized the importance ofcommunicative language teaching approaches that prioritize meaningful communication and real-world language use.Task-based learning, for example, is a popular approach that involves engaging students in authentic language tasks that help them develop their language skills in context. This approach encourages learners to use English to complete real-world tasks, such as giving presentations or participating in group discussions. Research has shown that task-based learning can improve students' fluency, accuracy, and confidence in using English.The use of technology in language teaching has also transformed the way English is taught in classrooms around the world. Online resources such as language learning apps, virtual classrooms, and interactive multimedia materials have made language learning more accessible and engaging for students. Research has shown that technology-enhanced language learning can improve students' motivation, engagement, and language proficiency.ConclusionIn conclusion, the field of English language teaching is a rich and diverse area of research that continues to evolve as new technologies and teaching approaches emerge. Byunderstanding key topics such as language acquisition, teaching methodologies, and the use of technology in the classroom, educators can better meet the needs of their students and promote effective language learning. Further research and collaboration among educators, researchers, and policymakers are essential to advancing the field of English language teaching and improving language education for learners worldwide.。
Literature Review (Sample 1)文献综述

Literature ReviewC12 英语〔1〕 X X XTess of the D’Urbervilles is generally regarded as Tomas Hardy’s finest novel. Since its publication in 1891, it has encountered considerable concern in literary criticism. Among these numerous essays dwelling on Tess, most criticisms and interpretations focus on probing into the root of Tess’s tragedy. These scholars ponder Tess’s tr agedy from various perspectives and give a multitude of interpretations on this topic. But no one can exhaust such a great work,there is still much room for further consideration about Tess’s tragedy. Through several months’ efforts in searching, collectin g and reading an abundance of scholars and professors’ literature concerning causes of tragedy of Tess, I have learned much and gained a lot of data and create the following essay which summons up the essence of the literature.1.Analyses of Objective F actors in Tess’s Tragedy.The Age Characteristic and the Rebel in Tess of the D’U rbervilles – A Feminine Decoding on Tess of the D’U rbervilles by Jiang Lu introduces the economic background of the story. Jiang states that the story of Tess happened during the late half of 19th century, which witnessed the decline and destruction of the English peasantry. It was an age of transition and great social upheavals. With the development of capitalism, England was slowly developing from its former state of a mainly agricultural country to its new condition of a primarily industrial society, because of which the traditional self-sufficient society order in the country was broken. Helplessly confronted with the change, the country villagers were deprived of their lands, houses and other possessions. Then, in possession of few things they were forced to immigrate away from their accustomed land and to be employed as farm workers. Therefore, country peasants were inflicted tragically by the industrial development. This part clearly demonstrates the economic situation of the farmer at Victorian age which is quite beneficial to my paper.An Ecofeminist Reading of Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles by YuKun discusses the tragedy of Tess from the perspective of Ecofeminism, this paper practically explores the close relationship between women and nature and women’s tragic fate as the result of industrialization and patriarchal society, which helps me understand Tess’s tragedy from a new angle. It points out that at the late Victorian Age when industrialization began to encroach upon the countryside rapidly and capitalism developed further, the peasants lost their land and many of them were impoverished. Tess’s family,without exception, was poverty-stricken, which turned out to be the very root of her tragedy. Tess, impelled by the economic pressure from her family, had to go to claim kindred with prosperous D’Urbervilles family where she met evil Alec who deprived of her virginity; and it was her poor family that made Tess return to Alec. Besides, the society in the Victorian period was a man-dominated society, woman had to suffer the injustices of man-made law, the law by which man and woman were not equally treated in terms of morality. Angel who set a double moral standard for man and woman certainly couldn’t conceive of a relationship of equality with Tess. He couldn’t forgive Tess for her lost of virginity although he himself had dissipated past. Thus he finally abandoned Tess because of her “impurity〞, which gave Tess a fatal blow.The Connotation and Characteristic of “Angels in House〞in Victorian Period of England by Zeng Yayin demonstrates perfect women’s image in people’s mind in Victorian period. It says that a traditional Victorian woman is supposed to be a perfect woman. First, they should be gentle, graceful and charming, that is to keep an attractive appearance. Second, they should be submissive. They were taught to be sympathetic, gentle and considerable to other people. And the most important thing was to be submissive to their father or brothers, and after being married, their submission turned to their husbands. Third, they should have pure bodies. Traditionally, virginity was worshipped as a symbol of honor for an unmarried woman. It was very important for a younger woman to be a virgin before marriage and be loyal to her husband after she married him, and virginity was a girl’s virtue and value as well. Fourth, home was her whole world. She should sacrifice herself for her husband and the family. Taking care of the family and making the home healthy andcomfortable was undoubtedly all her duty. Besides, they were economically dependent, what they should do was to stay at home which was the shelter for them, and to seek for support and protection from them, so marriage was pretty much their best choice. All in all, the idle Victorian woman should be devoted, pure both mentally and physically and submissive. This paper gives me a general idea of the image of women in Victorian period, which will help me a lot in my paper.Analysis of Tragedy of Tess by Tang Xuan points out that Tess is a typical female tragedy, considering the convention and the bourgeois morality of her time. The last years of the nineteenth century were the Victorian period. Victorian morality imposed rigid norm on women, which demanded women to be pure. The loss of virginity was a fatal blow to Tess as she was turned against and crushed by the social convention. It was a man-dominated society, in which woman had to suffer the injustices of man-made law, the law by which man and woman were not equally treated in terms of morality and the use of double standard in sexual matters was the essential feature of the Victorian society. This was why Tess, being violated by Alec, unfairly suffered from being morally and socially spurned and punished while Alec remained free from any social reprimands. What is more, according to the Victorian customs, a man could live a dissipating life as he had once done while a woman could not. This double standard for man and woman made it impossible for Angel who was dominated by the conventional social custom and the bourgeois view of morality to forgive Tess. This part helps get a better idea of the impact of social convention and morality on Tess’s tragedy.The Ruin of a Pure Woman — Analyses of the Tragedy of Tess by Zhou Hong says that Tess is the victim of capitalist law and hypocritical religion. It states that Alec dared to do evil at his pleasure not only because he was a man of money and power, but also because he was under the protection of bourgeois law which was employed as a tool to rule ordinary people and was always at bourgeois’ interest. According to the law, it was ironic that the man who seduced Tess was justified while Tess who suffered damage was sinful. Oppressed by so strong social prejudice, Tess was deprived of the right to protect herself and forced to accept the unfair treatmentimposed on her. Thus, she was doomed to be a victim of power and violence. Besides, hypocritical religion was also closely related to Tess’s tragedy. In capitalis t society, religion was just used as a tool to lull and enslave people. When Tess met Alec again, to Tess’s as tonishment , Alec, the man who seduced her and ruthlessly pushed her into the abyss of tragedy, could resort to Christianity and became a priest who asked people to do good deeds. From this part I can see that both bourgeois law and religion are hypocritical.2. Reflection on Subjective F actors in Tess’s Tragedy.Analysis of Tess’s Character by Xu Haibo focuses on Tess’s character to explain the cause of Tess’s tragedy. It points out that the character of Tess is closely related to her fate, it is the tension in her character that leads her to the tragedy. The most obvious ones are those between humility and pride, and between innocence and sensuality. Ultimately it can be said that the tension is the one between obedience and rebellion within her character. It presents that both historical conditions and living environment contribute to the formation of Tess’s character. Tess has the qualities of kindness, honesty, diligence and loyalty which are shared by the label people, besides, she also inherits the pride traditionally associated with noble families, but her pride is conflicted with her social and economic position. In this paper, the author gives a detailed explanation with examples about the tension in Tess’s character which helps me better understand his idea. Besides it points out that there is also conflict between acquired conventional belief and instinctive independence of mind, and between ignorance and education in Tess’s character, which can also be seen from many cases. From this article, I get a good knowledge of Tess’s character as well as its relationship with her fate.Study on the Tragic Fate of Tess by Zhou Zhongxin and Wang Yanwen points out that Tess is a pure woman, but, ironically, her purity becomes the decisive factor of her tragedy. It states that Tess’s pure nature is fully embodied by her strong sense of responsibility and self -sacrifice to her family. When their horse is killed in an unexpected accident, nobody blames Tess as she blames herself, therefore, she doesn’trefuse once more her parent’s suggestion to claim kin with the wealthy D’Urbervilles family although she is not willing to do so. This is the very action that ruins all her life, she is seduced by Alec and later gives birth to an illegitimate baby. Moreover, her sense of responsibility is also clearly revealed when she becomes a mistress of Alec because of the desperate situation of her family. Tess’s purity is also displayed in her honesty and loyalty to love. When she is seduced by Alec, she bravely chooses to leave him at once irrespective of the pressure of her family and the society, because she realizes that she has never loved Alec.As to Angle, she falls in love with him deeply, but she continuously refuses Angle’s wooing because she thinks her being his wife is a shame for him. In order to protect Angle, she is willing to sacrifice her own feeling and happiness. Although she accepts Angle at last, she decides to disclose her past to him because of her honesty and true love for Angle. But her confession only results in an end of their marriage, she is deserted by her heartless husband, which leads to her miserable life soon afterwards. This paper offers me a good idea of the relationship be tween Tess’s purity and her tragedy.A Multi Perspective of the Tragedy of Tess of the D’Urbervil les by PengYan mentions the persecution of religion on Tess. Brought up in a heavily religious environment, Tess is deeply poisoned by religious thought, which forces Tess to bear enormous psychological pressure and induces her to sink into tragical abyss. Tess is a victim of religious doctrine. When her baby is dying, she suddenly realizes that she hasn’t been baptized and therefore will die without salvation a nd go to hell, but no parson is willing to do it for her baby, so she decides to baptize her baby by herself. Obviously, all her terrors about the hell are coming from the religious doctrine taught to her. Besides, although she used to doubt the existence of God when she feels desperate toward life, she can’t free herself from the shadow of religion. She always uses religious thought to imagine, explain and symbolize her miserable life. When she meets a man writing biblical texts on walls, she consciously feels ashamed and guilty for her loss of virginity, although it is not her fault. She is always self-contempt and keeps torturing herself by hypocritical religion thought. From this part I get to know religion’s impact on Tess.My Opinion about Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Li Honglan points out her family’s role in causing her tragedy. It says that Tess’s parents are ignoran t and vain,which leads directly to Tess’s tragedy. Tess’s father, Jack is lazy, selfish and foolish. When he hears of the news about his noble ancestry, he thinks his family will surely become rich if only Tess go to claim kinship with the wealthy family. When Tess is seduced by Alec, he doesn’t care about his daughter’s feelings and lock the door to prevent Tess from going out, the only thing that worries him is what others will think of this collapse of his family pride.Besides, Tess’s mother Joan is no better than Jack. The news of ancestry also affects her, she wants her daughter to rise in the world by making a successful marriage and thus bring fortunes to the whole family. When Tess chooses to leave Alec, she blames Tess for not marrying him and when Tess is deserted by Angle, she thinks it is all Tess’s fault. At the same time, her father doesn’t show sympathy for Tess either, he even doubts about her marriage, which makes Tess unable to live at home any more. Since her parents cannot be relied on, Tess takes on her younger shoulder the family burdens. She has a strong sense of responsibility towards her family and at almost every stage of her life it is her concern for family that influences her actions-from her agreement to claim kinship to family D’Urberville right to her final decision to return to Alec is totally due to her responsibility to support her family. From this analysis, I get a comprehensive knowledge about the influence of Tess’s family on her tragedy.Tess一A Pure but Tragic Woman by Zhang Qun discusses the influence of two men —Alec and Angle on Tess’s tragedy. It explains that Alec, typical of a bourgeois villain, m etamorphoses himself into the more dignified style of Alec D’Urberville and decorates himself as a man of nice heart. He takes advantage of Tess’s poverty and innocence, and seduces her on purpose. Thus , Tess intends to look for a way out but is driven by him to a way with a dead end. On the other hand, Angle is a representative of bourgeois intellectuals. He regards himself as a man full of new thoughts who isn’t bound by social customs. However, as a matter of fact, he couldn’t free himself from it. He idealizes Tess as symbol of purity and pursues her enthusiasticaly, but desert her as soon as Tess’s confession. Given up by her husband,Tess can’t support her family on her own and she is foeced by the death of her father and consequent loss of their cottage to succumbe to Alec to be his mistress. But out of her expection, Angle comes back, she is so shocked and regretfull that she kills Alec, because she thinks it is the only way out. From this analysis, I get a sense of these two men’s impact on Tess and I will use some of his idea in my paper.3. Introduction to the A uthor’s Outlook Reflected in the Novel.On Fatalism and Pessimistic View in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Hu Ye says that Tess’s t raged y is related to Thomas Hardy’s fatalisti c outlook on life. Tess’s life can be divided into several stages and every stage is sprinkled a series of coincidences that push Tess to the doomed abyss. In this paper, it gives details about these coincides. At the outset, Tess’s father John Durbeyfield is so excited at the news of her ancestor that he drink himself drunk, so Tess has to replace her father to send the beehives to the market. Then the accidental death of the horse Prince destroys the family’s livelihood, so Tess is forced to go to claim k in with the wealthy D’Urbervilles family, where she is seduced by Alec.After this great frustration, she happens to meets Angle and falls in love with him. When she is about to marry him, Tess decides to write her past in a letter and thrusts it from unde r the door into Angel’s bedroom. But the paper gets mislaid under the carpet and Angel does not see it, which directly leads to the break of their marriage. When Tess eventually decides to visit Angel’s parents and asks them for help, she unfortunately ove rhears the conversation of Angel’s brothers, then she give up asking help from them. There is also the coincidence that she reencounters with Alec at exactly the moment when she is most vulnerable, then she becomes her mistress. Considering these coincides, I think that there is close relationship between Tess’s tragedy and these coincidences, although they all happen by chance.Tragic Consciousness Inherited and Future Developed in Hardy’s Novels On The Tragical ness in Tess of D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure by Zuo Yanru says that Thomas Hardy is an inheritor of classical tragedy, so he naturally transplanting the ideas of fatalism into his tragedy novels, and Tess of the D’Urbervilles is a typicalone. It tells that Hardy’s perspective of fatalism ha s two distinctive features. First, his fatalism often arises from the external environment, both social and physical, and the internal character of the protagonists. This realistic concern is a new aspect of fatalism. Second, in order to achieve the desire d tragic effect, Hardy’s destructive forces are reflected as the combination of accidents and inevitabilities, which aims to produce a strong sense of fate. The two features makes Hardy’s novels produce a strong sense of fatalism. This introduction lets me know the character of Hardy’s fatalism and its influence on the novel.Having read the above literature concerning the analyses of Tess’s tragedy, we have no difficulty to find that more and more scholars and professors both at home and abroad begin to p ay attention to the field of the cause of Tess’s tragedy. Most of them probe into this field from the perspective of social background, the heroine’s inner factors or the heroes destructive impact, there are not many other interpretations, however, all of them give me good guide to this topic and help me gain a better understanding of various elements relating to Tess’ tragedy, it also evokes my interest towards this topic and stimulates me to study this topic from a new perspective. In my paper, I tend to analyze the tragedy of Tess from individual choices with the help of the achievements of the critical study done by the former Hardy scholars, and I hope that I can make some contribution to this field by reading extensively and analyzing the literature.ReferencesXu Haibo. Analysis of Tess’s Character [J]. ?语文学刊(高教·外文版)?2007(06) Zhang Qun. Tess—A Pure but Tragic Woman [J]. Journal of Donghua University (Eng.Ed.) 2003(20).胡艳.论哈代?德伯家的苔丝?中的宿命论和悲观主义色彩[J].?太原科技大学报?2021(02).蒋橹.?苔丝?中的时代特征与叛逆形象—苔丝的女性主义视觉解析[J].?电影评介?2006(14).[J].?青海师专学报(教育科学)?2005(05).彭焱. “苔丝〞悲剧的多层次透视[J].?内江师范学院学报?2005(20).唐璇.?苔丝?悲剧根源剖析[J].?南华大学学报(社会科学版)?2006(01).于坤. An Ecofeminist Reading of Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles[J]. ?高等教育与学术研究?2007(01).—?苔丝?悲剧分析[J].?电影评介?2007(11).左燕茹.Tragic Consciousness Inherited and Future Developed in Hardy’s Novels On The Tragicalness in Tess of D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure [D].济南:山东师范大学. 2004.“家庭天使〞的内涵和特点[J].?达县师范高等专科学校学报(社会科学版)?2005(04).[J].? 电影评介?2021(11).。

英语文献综述范文Literature Review on the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health。
Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives, with millions of people using platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat to connect with friends and family, share updates about their lives, and consume news and entertainment. While social media has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with one another, there is growing concern about its impact on mental health. This literature review aims to explore the existing research on the relationship between social media use and mental health, with a focus on the potential negative effects it may have on individuals.The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health。
Several studies have investigated the link between social media use and mental health, with a particular emphasis on the potential negative consequences. One study by Twenge and Campbell (2018) found that the use of social media, particularly among adolescents, was associated with higher levels of depression and anxiety. The researchers suggested that the constant comparison with others, cyberbullying, and the fear of missing out (FOMO) were some of the factors contributing to these negative outcomes.Similarly, another study by Primack et al. (2017) found that higher social media use was associated with increased feelings of social isolation and loneliness among young adults. The researchers suggested that excessive use of social media may lead to a decrease in face-to-face interactions and a lack of meaningful social connections, which in turn could have a detrimental impact on mental well-being.On the other hand, some studies have also highlighted the potential positive effects of social media on mental health. For example, a study by Berryman et al. (2018) found that social media use can provide a sense of social support and connection, particularlyfor individuals who may feel socially isolated in their offline lives. The researchers suggested that social media can be a valuable tool for maintaining and strengthening social relationships, which may have a protective effect on mental health.The Role of Social Media in Shaping Body Image and Self-Esteem。

Title: English Literature Review: AComprehensive PerspectiveIn the realm of academic research, the literature review serves as a critical component, particularly in the field of English literature. This paper aims to provide an extensive overview of the significant developments and trends within the discipline, drawing upon a diverse range of sources and perspectives.Firstly, it is essential to recognize the evolving nature of English literature, which has been shaped by various historical, cultural, and societal influences. The early works of Shakespeare, for instance, have been extensively analyzed for their thematic depth andlinguistic intricacies. Modern scholars continue to delve into these classics, offering fresh interpretations that resonate with contemporary audiences.Moreover, the emergence of new literary genres and movements has significantly broadened the scope of English literature. Postmodernism, for example, has challenged traditional narrative structures and perspectives, introducing elements of ambiguity and fragmentation. Thistrend has been explored in numerous studies, highlighting the diverse ways in which authors have responded to and shaped the postmodern era.Furthermore, the intersection of English literature with other disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, and anthropology, has opened up new avenues for research. The exploration of character psychology in literary texts, or the analysis of societal norms and values reflected in literature, are just a few examples of thisinterdisciplinary approach.In terms of methodologies, the literature review has also undergone significant transformations. With the advent of digital technologies and online databases, scholars now have access to vast repositories of information, enabling them to conduct more comprehensive and rigorous reviews. However, the challenge lies in effectively synthesizing and evaluating this vast amount of data.One notable trend in recent years has been the increasing focus on global perspectives in English literature. With the growth of international literary movements and the rise of multiculturalism, scholars arenow more inclined to explore the global dimensions of literary works. This approach not only broadens our understanding of English literature but also promotes cross-cultural understanding and exchange.Moreover, the impact of gender and race on English literature has also been a topic of increasing interest. The examination of how gender roles and racial identities are represented and constructed in literary texts has provided valuable insights into the complex intersections of identity, power, and representation.In conclusion, the literature review in English literature is a dynamic and evolving field that continues to shape our understanding of the discipline. By exploring diverse themes, genres, and methodologies, scholars are able to delve deeper into the rich tapestry of English literature, revealing new meanings and perspectives that resonate with our contemporary world.**英语文献综述:全面视角**在学术研究领域,文献综述是一个至关重要的组成部分,尤其在英语文学领域更是如此。

英文文献综述标准范文A literature review is an essential component of any academic research study. It provides an overview and analysis of the existing research on a particular topic. Here is a standard template for writing a literature review:Title: Literature Review on [Topic]Introduction:- Provide a brief introduction to the topic and state the purpose of the literature review.- Explain the significance of the topic and how it relates to the broader field of study.Methods:- Briefly describe the search strategy used to identify relevant literature.- Specify the inclusion and exclusion criteria used to select the articles for review.- Mention any limitations of the search or selection process.Main Body:- Organize the review into themes or categories based on the main research questions or topics.- Summarize and critically analyze the key findings from each article.- Highlight any gaps or inconsistencies in the existing literature.- Identify the strengths and weaknesses of each study reviewed.- Make connections between the studies and discuss how they contribute to the overall understanding of the topic.- Provide a coherent and logical flow of information throughout the review.Conclusion:- Summarize the key findings from the literature review.- Discuss the implications of the findings and address any unanswered research questions.- Suggest areas for further research or propose potential solutions to existing gaps in the literature.References:- List all the references cited in the literature review using the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, etc.).- Ensure accuracy and consistency in formatting the references. Note: The length and structure of a literature review may vary depending on the scope and depth of the topic. It is important to adhere to the specific guidelines provided by your academic institution or the journal you intend to submit the review to.。
英语文献综述 范文

英文文献综述范文深度解析与仿写**Abstract**This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the structure and format of an English literature review by analyzing a highly downloaded example. The review will delve into the essential elements of the review, such as the introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Furthermore, a high-quality imitation of the example will be provided to demonstrate its application in a different research context.**Introduction**The literature review is a crucial component of any research paper, as it provides a comprehensive overview of the existing knowledge in a particular field. An effective literature review not only summarizes previous studies but also identifies gaps in knowledge and offers directions for future research. This article focuses on analyzing a popular English literature review example to understand its structure and key elements. By doing so, readerscan gain insights into writing a literature review that is both comprehensive and impactful.**Methodology**To ensure a thorough analysis, the article adopts a mixed-methods approach. First, a qualitative analysis of the example literature review is conducted to identify its key features and structure. This involves a close reading of the review, noting its organization, themes, and arguments. Second, a quantitative analysis is performed by examining the frequency of citations, types of sources used, and the overall tone and language of the review. This combination of qualitative and quantitative methods allows for a comprehensive understanding of the example's strengths and weaknesses.**Results**The analysis reveals that the example literature review follows a clear structure, with distinct sections for the introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Theintroduction provides a broad overview of the topic and sets the stage for the review. The methodology section describes the approach taken to select and analyze the literature, while the results section presents a synthesis of the key findings. The discussion section offers insights into the implications of the findings and highlights areas of controversy or disagreement. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the key points and offers directions for future research.**Discussion**The analysis further highlights the importance of critically evaluating the sources used in the literature review. The example demonstrates the use of both primary and secondary sources, with a focus on peer-reviewed articles from reputable journals. This ensures the reliability and validity of the information presented. Additionally, the review's language is clear, concise, and engaging, making it accessible to a wide audience.However, it is worth noting that while the example is highly regarded, it may not be suitable for all research contexts.Researchers need to consider their specific research aims, topic, and audience when writing a literature review. For instance, a review focusing on a niche area may require a different approach or may need to include less common or non-traditional sources.**Conclusion**In conclusion, the analysis of the popular English literature review example provides valuable insights into its structure, format, and key elements. By模仿this example, researchers can create a comprehensive and impactful literature review that adds value to their research paper. However, it is essential to adapt the review to the specific research context, ensuring its relevance and applicability.**中文文献综述范文深度解析与仿写****摘要**本文旨在通过分析一篇下载量极高的英文文献综述范文,为读者提供关于文献综述结构与格式的综合理解。
英文文献综述review article(课堂PPT)

Scientific Literature Readings
Graphene has received significant attention due to its combination of remarkable mechanical, thermal, chemical and electrical properties. Furthermore, due to its superior strength, graphene has great potential for use as an ultra-thin protective coating for various precision components. In this paper, the latest developments in tribological applications of graphene, theoretical simulations of graphene friction and preparation methods are reviewed. It is shown that various graphene coatings can be successfully used to decrease friction and wear in nano-, micro- and macro-mechanical applications. However, the conditions under which graphene serves as an effective protective coating depends on the operating parameters. A comprehensive review is provided with the aim to assess such characteristics of graphene.

文献综述英文版The process of conducting a literature review is a crucial step in academic research, as it enables researchers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the existing body of knowledge on a particular topic. A well-executed literature review serves several important functions, including identifying gaps in the current research, highlighting areas that require further investigation, and providing a strong foundation for the development of new research questions and hypotheses.One of the primary goals of a literature review is to provide a critical analysis of the relevant literature, synthesizing the key findings, theories, and methodologies that have been employed in previous studies. This involves carefully examining and evaluating the quality, reliability, and validity of the existing research, as well as identifying any biases or limitations that may be present. By doing so, the researcher can gain a deeper understanding of the current state of the field and identify areas where further research is needed.In the process of conducting a literature review, the researchershould strive to be as comprehensive and objective as possible, considering a wide range of sources, including peer-reviewed journal articles, books, conference proceedings, and other relevant materials. It is important to use a systematic and rigorous approach to searching for and selecting the relevant literature, employing appropriate search strategies and inclusion/exclusion criteria to ensure that the review is representative and unbiased.One of the key challenges in conducting a literature review is the sheer volume of information that is available on most research topics. With the rapid growth of academic publishing, researchers are often faced with the daunting task of sifting through a vast array of potentially relevant sources. To address this challenge, it is important to develop effective strategies for organizing and managing the literature, such as using bibliographic management software, creating detailed search logs, and organizing the literature into thematic or conceptual categories.Another important aspect of a literature review is the synthesis and integration of the existing research. This involves identifying the key themes, theories, and methodologies that emerge from the literature, and then weaving these elements together into a cohesive and coherent narrative. This process requires the researcher to move beyond simply summarizing the existing research to identifying the underlying connections and relationships between the variousstudies.In addition to providing a comprehensive overview of the existing literature, a well-executed literature review can also serve as a foundation for the development of new research questions and hypotheses. By identifying gaps or inconsistencies in the existing research, the researcher can identify areas that merit further investigation and develop new research projects that have the potential to make a meaningful contribution to the field.One of the key challenges in writing a literature review is striking the right balance between breadth and depth. On the one hand, the review should be comprehensive, covering a wide range of relevant sources and perspectives. On the other hand, the review should also be focused and cohesive, with a clear organizational structure and a well-developed argument. Achieving this balance requires the researcher to carefully select and synthesize the most relevant and meaningful information, while also maintaining a clear and concise writing style.In conclusion, the literature review is a critical component of academic research, serving to provide a comprehensive overview of the existing body of knowledge on a particular topic, identify gaps and areas for further investigation, and lay the groundwork for the development of new research questions and hypotheses. Byemploying a systematic and rigorous approach to the literature review process, researchers can enhance the quality and impact of their work, and make a meaningful contribution to the advancement of knowledge in their field.。
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Limitations of Classical Method
Different types of thin coatings such as soft metals, organic compounds such as selfassembled monolayers, bi-layer and multilayer hard coatings, diamond-like carbon films and nanostructured coatings can be used to reduce friction and wear in microdevices. Unfortunately, despite reports of numerous proposed coatings, an optimum method for reducing the friction and wear of these devices has not yet been identified.
Name: 杨永喜 Student ID: 15S008154
Winter 2015 School of Mechatronics Engineering
Scientific Literature dings
Tribology of Graphene: A Review Authors: Oleksiy Penkov,
Scientific Literature Readings
A Brief Review of Tribology
Tribological behavior plays an important role in the performance of ultraprecision mechanical systems.
Hae-Jin Kim, Hyun-Jon Kim, Dae-Eun Kim
Scientific Literature Readings
Graphene has received significant attention due to its combination of remarkable mechanical, thermal, chemical and electrical properties. Furthermore, due to its superior strength, graphene has great potential for use as an ultra-thin protective coating for various precision components. In this paper, the latest developments in tribological applications of graphene, theoretical simulations of graphene friction and preparation methods are reviewed. It is shown that various graphene coatings can be successfully used to decrease friction and wear in nano-, micro- and macro-mechanical applications. However, the conditions under which graphene serves as an effective protective coating depends on the operating parameters. A comprehensive review is provided with the aim to assess such characteristics of graphene.
Scientific Literature Readings
A Brief Review of Tribology
And the wear resistance determines the mechanical and commercial viability of the device.
Scientific Literature Readings
Limitations of Classical Method
However, as a result of surface tension effects, classical methods for reducing friction with lubricating fluids cannot be employed in microsystems.
Scientific Literature Readings
New Breakthrough of Tribology
The combination of the remarkable mechanical, thermal, chemical and electrical properties of graphene sheets and their relatively low production cost distinguish them from other materials used for nano-electromechanical applications. Thus, graphene is considered as a promising material for future applications in nanoelectronic and miniaturized devices.
Scientific Literature Readings