


南京财经大学 成人教育模拟试题(C卷) 注意:请将答案写在答题纸上。 Part One Listening Comprehension (10%) I. Listen to a dialogue and choose the correct choices according to what you have heard. 1. a. Thomson b. Simpson c. Timpson 2. a. a first-year b. a third-year c. a fourth-year 3. a. pleasure b. pressure c. politeness 4. a. project b. program c. product 5. a. bachelor’s b. master’s c. doctor’s II. Listen to the passage and choose the correct choices. 1. The purpose of the passage is to tell us_______ a. why a typical American introduction is simple. b. why proper introductions are important. c. how we can leave a good first impression. d. how a usual American introduction is mad e. 2. A typical American introduction seems to begin with_______ a. a greeting to each other. b. an exchange of cards. c. a firm handshake. d. a talk about their work. 3. After the exchange of cards, people usually______ a. put the cards into their pockets. b. read the cards carefully. c. go over the cards quickly. d. pay no attention to the cards. 4. In Paul’s eye, Roger Smith seems to be_______ a. very stupid b. quite smart. c. not experienced enough. d. not warm-hearted. 5. The ending of their first meeting is a. simple and friendly b. too cold. c. rather formal. d. quite strang e. Part Two Reading Comprehension (40%) Passage 1 Choose the best choice according to the passage.


教师招聘考试小学英语真题汇编试卷(一) 第一部分英语专业知识 一、字母和单词注音 1.worker[ ] 2.kitchen [ ] 3.begun[ ] 4.bridge[ ] 5.said [ ] 二、单项选择:从各小题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案 6. _________walk is expected to last all day, so bring——————packed lunch. A.A;a B.The;不填;C.The;a D.A;不填 7. Could I speak to_______is in charge of International Sales, please? A. anyone B. someon C. whoever D. no matter who 8. SHave you been wasting time on computer games again? _________ I've been studying a lot and I need a break. A. No way B. Not really C. I don't agree D. I couldn't agree more 9. _______worries me the way he keeps changing his mind. A.This B. That C.What D.It 10. It's the sort of work that_______a high level of concentration. A. calls for B. makes up C. lies in D. stands for 11. Please remain_______until the plane has come to a complete stop. A. to seat B. to be seated C. seating D. seated 12. I can't say which wine is best--it's a(n) _______of personal taste. A.fairB.event C.matterD.vadetY 13. I've offered to paint the house_______a week's accommodation. A. in exchange for B. with regard to C. by means of D.in place of 14.————I really don't like'art, I find his work impressive. A.As B.Since C.if D. While 15.Where did you get to know her? -It was on the farm _______we worked. ' A. that B.Ther C.which D.where 16. It's not socially _______for parents to leave children unattended at that age. A. accessible B. adorable C. adaptable D. acceptable 17. They _______two free tickets to Canada, otherwise they'd never have been able to afford to go. A.have got B.got C.have got D.get 18. The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft, the most recent_______ at the endof last March. A. has been launched B. having been launchedt C. being launched D. to be launched 19. In this seaside resort, you can_______the comfort and convenience of modem tourism. A. enjoy B. apply C. receive D. achieve 20. The book was written in 1946, _______the education system has witnessed great changes. A. when B. during which C. since then D. since when


八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷 二、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) ( ) 26.--Peter, don’t play that kind of jokes any more? --Sorry, I ________ do it again. A. won’t B.can’t C. mustn’t D. wouldn’t ( ) 27. There are about two ________ students in the new-built school. A.thousand B. thousands C. thousands of D. thousand of ( ) 28. Mrs Smith eats _______ meat, so he is ________ fat now. A.too much, too much B.much too, too much C. too much, much too D. much too, much too ( ) 29. He looks upset. He doesn’t know ________. A.what to do it B. how to do it C. how to do D. do what ( ) 30. --How about your English? --I found ________ hard to learn it well. A. that B. it C. this D. one ( ) 31. The accident ________ a windy night last year. A. took place in B. took place on C. happened in D. happened on ( ) 32. --What were you doing at 9 o’clock last Sunday morning? --I ________. A. did my homework B. am doing my homework C. do my homework D. was doing my homework ( ) 33. You must be very tired. Why not ________ a rest? A. to stop to have B. to stop having C. stop to have D. stop having ( ) 34. Tom asked my friend ________. A. where was he from B. that the earth is bigger than the moon C. when did he came back D. not to be so angry ( ) 35. There is nobody in the room,________? A. isn’t it B. isn’t there C. is there D. is it ( ) 36. --Where is your father? --He ________ Shanghai. He’ll be back next week. A. has gone to B. has been to C. have gone to D. have been to ( ) 37. Tom will stay here ________. A. two days and a half B.two and a half days C. two and a half day D. A and B ( ) 38. --Would you mind passing me the book? --________. Here you are. A. Yes, I would. B. Sure. C. Not at all. D. No, that’s a problem. ( ) 39. We have been skating ________ two yeas ago. A. since B.for C. in D. before ( ) 40. This film isn’t _______ so that nobody is ________ in it. A. interesting; interested B. interested; interesting

南财 实用英语2 第三套试卷(附答案98分)

南京财经大学成人高等教育 网络课程大学英语综合教程(第二册)试卷3 * 本试卷满分为100分,答题时间为90分钟。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 一、阅读判断(共10小题,共计20分) 二、单项选择题(共45小题,共计80分) Ⅰ. Reading Judgment (True or False) ( 20') Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the following 10 questions. If the statement agrees with the information given in the passage. You choose A for True; and if statement contradicts

the information given in the passage, you choose B for False. Soundless Communication Can you communicate with others when you live in a foreign country with no or little knowledge of its language? Of course, it is possible. You can convey your moods and intentions to one another without words, because all human beings share a large number of common visual signals. These signals are as effective as words are during communication. However, in daily life when people talk with others in their native language, they are not aware that they are using these signals to express their thoughts at the same time. These signals are called body language. Paying a little attention to one’s gestures when that person is talking, we can understand more than by only hearing one’s words. Wordless communication acts to qualify the words. The gestures of the head play a key role in body language. The vertical head movements, called nods, signify their agreement. It is very interesting that this gesture has been used by people born deaf and blind. No doubt, it strongly suggests that affirmative nodding may be an inborn action for the human species—a pattern of body language designed by our genes. The movements of eyes and eyebrows are as important as head movements in body Language, but there are many differences among nations in using this pattern of body language. Americans are very subtle about eye movements. During their conversation, eye movements may have several meanings. For instance, people avoid looking into another’s eyes for more than a few seconds because it may be thought of as a sign of disrespect. In England, however, staring at the speaker attentively may be considered as nothing more than a sign of interest. English people also like to blink their eyes occasionally during the conversation as a signal of agreement. Besides the gestures of the head or the movements of the eyes and eyebrows, the action of arms, hands and legs also are a large part of body language. Extending one’s arm and shaking hands with others is a greeting in both formal and informal cases. This part of body language might be traced back to primitive tribes. Early human beings established a major division of labor, with the male hunter leaving the group for some time, then returning home with the kill. Before he left and after he came back body contact was made;This consisted of a total embrace with much hugging, patting, squeezing, and even weeping. After many thousands of years, this kind of greeting has developed into the present customs, such as handshaking—one of the important elements in the modern body language dictionary. Like handshaking, there are still many other forms of body language presented by hands. Raising one’s hand and making a circle with his thumb and forefinger signals that something is OK. Clasped hands raised above the head, a traditional picture adopted by sportsmen after winning a fight, is a display of triumph that grows out of a surge of feeling following a victory. Waving one’s hands permits a speaker to make his words more powerful and vigorous. In addition to hand gestures, there are times when a person says something with his legs as well as with his head and eyes. The leg gestures often reflect one’s attitude towards something or someone that person is with. For example, if you pay a little attention, you will notice that when one is impatient listening to someone, his foot might beat the floor constantly and restlessly, as if it had its own life. In such a case, although he says not a word, in fact his body gesture reveals nearly everything. The same thing will happen when a person sits with someone whom that person dislikes. In this situation not only will his legs move from side to side, but also he will change the way his legs are crossed frequently. These postures reflect one’s uncomfortable feeling. According to the above facts, body language has offered a more reliable way to understand one’s mind by means of gestures. It is just like Sigmund Freud once wrote: “No mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he talks with his fingertips.” Body language is a communication tool. Like English, French, Spanish, and other languages in the world, though body language is soundless and wordless, once you understand it, you will feel the world is bigger than you realized. 1. When people communicate with each other, the visual signals cannot express their intentions clearly. A. True B. False 2. During communication, people are conscious of body language to understand others more deeply. A. True B. False 3. The gestures of the head are only used by the people born deaf and blind. A. True B. False 4. The movement of eyes and eyebrows are the same in meaning all over the world. A. True B. False 5. In England blink their eyes occasionally to show their agreement.


Unit 1 C 1.The younger generation should continue to sustain and develop our fine traditions and long-standing culture. 2.In the course of preparing one’s speech, one should be clearly aware of how one could make effective use of statistics and examples to bolster one’s point of view. 3.An impromptu speech is one of the speaking skills that college students should learn and develop through practice. 4.By using simile and metaphor, you can make your language more vivid and more attractive to your audience. 5.The proper examples you cite might help reinforce the impression on your listeners and make your viewpoints more convincing. 6.When you are speaking, you should choose common and easy words and at the same time avoid clutter in your speech.


教 师专业测试试卷——初中英语 考试时间:120分钟 分值:120分 得分: 卷一.学科专业知识和教育学原理运用 I.单项选择(15分) ( )1.--I knocked over my coffee cup. It went right over ______ keyboard. ---You shouldn ’t put drinks near ___ computer. A. the, / B. a, a C. the, a D. a, / ( )2. This dress still looks pretty on you, _______ it ’s out of style. A. since B. but C. though D. if ( )3. --- Do we look the same? --- Yes, there is no difference between _______ . A. you and I B. I and you C. me and you D. you and me ( )4. --- Would you like some noodles? --- __________ . I’m full. I can ’t eat any more. A. Yes, please. B. Sure C. No, thanks. D. Yes, I’d like some. ( )5. It’s difficult to live in a foreign country, _______ you don ’t know the language. A. exactly B. particularly C. usually D. especially ( )6. You’ll find it _____ great value in helping you find the lost child. A. of B. to C. for D. in ( )7. Always read the _____ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine. A. explanations B. instructions C. descriptions D. introduction ( )8. Although all of the apples _____, none of them _____ good. A. have tasted; are tasted B. have been tasted; are tasted C. have tasted; taste D. have been tasted; taste ( )9. It is believed that if a book is _____, it will surly _____ the readers. A. interested; interest B. interesting; interested C. interested; be interesting D. interesting; interest ( )10. We are all eager to watch the basketball match _____ on television because of Yi Jianlian. A. live B. alive C. living D. lively ( )11. –Wake up, Tom. --I _____ asleep while I was reading. A. should have fallen B. must have fallen C. could fall D. must fall ( )12. ---Do you like tea or coffee? --- , I really don’t mind. A .None B .Both C .Either D .Neither ( )13. If you go to the park tomorrow morning, _______ . A. so will he B. so he will C. so he does D. so does he ( )14. ---Did you have anyone ______ the trees? ---Yes ,I had the trees _______. A. to water ,water B. to water ,watered C. water ,to be watered D. water ,watered ( )15. ---If you have any trouble ,be sure to call me. ---__________. A. I am glad to hear that B. I will. Thank you very much C. I have no trouble D. I will think it over II. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) As my train was delayed for two hours, I had plenty of time to spare. After buying some magazines to read on the journey, I gave my wife a long-distance call. Then I 16 my way to the luggage (行李) office to collect my heavy suitcase. I had _ 17 it there three days before. There were quite a few people waiting, and I took out my wallet to find the receipt ( 数据 )_ 18_ my case. The receipt seemed not where I had placed it. No matter how _ 19_ I searched, the receipt was nowhere to be found. When my turn came, I explained the situation sorrowfully (悲伤地) 20_ the assistant. The man looked me 21 as if to say that he had heard this kind of story many times _22_ my case was like. I told him it was an old brown-looking object no different _23_ the many cases I could see in his office. The assistant then told me to _24_ a list of what was mainly in the case. If they were _25_, he said, I could take the case away. I tried to remember all the things I had hurriedly_26_ into the case and wrote them down as they came to me. After I had done this, I went to 27 round the office. There were hundreds of 28_ there. For one 29 moment, it came to my mind that if someone had picked the receipt he could have easily taken the case already. This had not happened fortunately, for I found the case 30 in the corner. After examining the things inside, the assistant was satisfied that it was mine, and told me I could take the case away. ( )16. A. traveled B. gave C. had D. made ( )17. A. held B. left C. found D. forgotten ( )18. A. about B. to C. on D. for ( )19. A. often B. hard C. much D. soon ( )20. A. to B. for C. at D. on ( )21. A. now and then B. round and round C. up and down D. here and there ( )22. A. how B. what C. that D. all ( )23. A. from B. with C. to D. among ( )24. A. take B. make C. hold D. put ( )25. A. everything B. wrong C. correct D. all ( )26. A. left B. put C. held D. kept ( )27. A. go B. walk C. run D. look ( )28. A. people B. workers C. cases D. assistants ( )29. A. fearful B. interesting C. sad D. happy ( )30. A. putting B. setting C. placing D. lying III. 阅读理解(10分,每题2分) A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody learns his own languages by remembering what he hears when he is a small child, and some children like boys and girls who live abroad with their parents seems to learn two languages almost as easily as one. In the school it is not easy to learn a second language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too. Our mind is rather like a camera, but it takes photos not only of what we see but of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. When we take a real photo with a camera, there is much to do before the photo is finished and ready to show to our friends. In the same way there is much work to be done before we can keep a picture forever in our mind. Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us. ( )31.We usually begin to learn our own language by it. A .teaching B .speaking C .saying D .hearing ( )32.If you have a good , you ’ll have less difficulty in learning something . A .camera B .teacher C .memory D .family ( )33.The children who live abroad with their parents can learn two languages more easily because________ . A .they have more chance to use these languages 学校: 姓名: 准考证号:


2013-2014八年级上学期期末考试英语试卷 二、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分) ( ) 26.--Peter, don’t play that kind of jokes any more? --Sorry, I ________ do it again. A. won’t B.can’t C. mustn’t D. wouldn’t ( ) 27. There are about two ________ students in the new-built school. A.thousand B. thousands C. thousands of D. thousand of ( ) 28. Mrs Smith eats _______ meat, so he is ________ fat now. A.too much, too much B.much too, too much C. too much, much too D. much too, much too ( ) 29. He looks upset. He doesn’t know ________. A.what to do it B. how to do it C. how to do D. do what ( ) 30. --How about your English? --I found ________ hard to learn it well. A. that B. it C. this D. one ( ) 31. The accident ________ a windy night last year. A. took place in B. took place on C. happened in D. happened on ( ) 32. --What were you doing at 9 o’clock last Sunday morning? --I ________. A. did my homework B. am doing my homework C. do my homework D. was doing my homework ( ) 33. You must be very tired. Why not ________ a rest? A. to stop to have B. to stop having C. stop to have D. stop having ( ) 34. Tom asked my friend ________. A. where was he from B. that the earth is bigger than the moon C. when did he came back D. not to be so angry ( ) 35. There is nobody in the room,________? A. isn’t it B. isn’t there C. is there D. is it ( ) 36. --Where is your father? --He ________ Shanghai. He’ll be back next week. A. has gone to B. has been to C. have gone to D. have been to ( ) 37. Tom will stay here ________. A. two days and a half B.two and a half days C. two and a half day D. A and B ( ) 38. --Would you mind passing me the book? --________. Here you are. A. Yes, I would. B. Sure. C. Not at all. D. No, that’s a problem. ( ) 39. We have been skating ________ two yeas ago. A. since B.for C. in D. before ( ) 40. This film isn’t _______ so that nobody is ________ in it. A. interesting; interested B. interested; interesting
