



第一章测试1.Nice to meet you. 英译汉:很高兴见到你。

()A:错B:对答案:B2.Excuse me. 英译汉:打扰一下。

()A:错B:对答案:B3.Here is my card. 英译汉:这是我的银行卡。

()A:错B:对答案:A4.Let’s add WeChat. 英译汉:让我们谈谈吧。

()A:错B:对答案:A5.Welcome to our college. 英译汉:欢迎来到我们学院。

()A:对B:错答案:A6.Long time no see. 英译汉:不能看很长时间。

()A:对B:错答案:B7.What a surprise to see you here! 英译汉:在这里见到你真奇怪!()A:对B:错答案:B8.Nice to see you again. 英译汉:很高兴再次见到你。

()A:对B:错答案:A9.My name is Richard. 英译汉:我叫理查德。

()A:错B:对答案:B10.Please call me Richard. 英译汉:请叫我理查德。

()A:对B:错答案:A第二章测试1.I’m very grateful to you. 英译汉:我不喜欢你。

()A:对B:错答案:B2.I do appreciate your friendship. 英译汉:我是你的好朋友。

()A:错B:对答案:A3.I feel so proud of you. 英译汉:我为你感到骄傲。

()A:错B:对答案:B4.Please pardon me. 英译汉:请不要打扰我。

()A:对B:错答案:B5.It’s all my fault. 英译汉:都是我的错。

()A:错B:对答案:B6.This is such wonderful news! 英译汉:这是多么好的消息啊!()A:错B:对答案:B7.His plane is due at 10 in Paris. Look, ( ) plane is in now at the airport.A:anB:xC:aD:the答案:D8.Jenny is ( ) university student.A:xB:aC:anD:the答案:B9.Lucy is ( ) honest girl.A:aB:theC:XD:an答案:D10.Is this ( ) apple tree?A:aB:xC:theD:an答案:D第三章测试1.Ability()A:能力B:无能C:才能D:无用答案:A2.Social()A:国外的B:社会的C:本国的D:家里的答案:B3.Stability()A:不稳定B:稳定的C:不安全D:安全的答案:B4.Feature()A:特色B:特性C:特点D:特征答案:ABCD5.Similarities()A:相同的B:类似的C:不同的D:不相似答案:AB6.Persistence()A:松懈的B:怠慢的C:坚持的D:执着的答案:CD7.Li Xiaoshuang brothers are very similar in appearance and speech.()A:对B:错答案:A8.You is first person personal pronoun. ()A:对B:错答案:B9.The singular and plural of First person are I, me, mine, we, us, ours. ()A:错B:对答案:B10.The object pronouns are I they we me, us, you. ()A:对B:错答案:B第五章测试1.Urban()A:宽敞的B:乡村的C:狭窄的D:城市的答案:D2.Pollution()A:发电的B:排水的C:洁净的D:污染的答案:D3.Capacity()A:量化B:力量C:量度D:容量答案:D4.Efficiency()A:无效B:低效C:效能D:效率答案:CD5.Automobile ()A:手推车B:机动车C:小汽车D:自行车答案:BC6.Jam()A:果酱B:宽敞C:拥挤D:明亮答案:AC7.Book plural forms is books.()A:对B:错答案:A8.Piano plural forms is pianoes.()A:对B:错答案:B9.Leaf plural form is leafs.()A:对B:错答案:B10.Mouse plural form is mouses.()A:错B:对答案:A第六章测试1.China is the hometown of ( ).A:forkB:chopsticksC:cupD:spoon答案:B2.When one is young, usually he will eat ( ) before his birthday.A:eggsB:dumplingsC:pizzaD:noodles答案:D3.To get a waiter or waitress’s attention, they may raise th eir ( ) to catch his orher eye, or say “Waiter “or “Waitress”.A:EyesB:handsC:headD:foot答案:B4.Most customers tip waiters and waitresses ( ) percent of the bill.A:15%B:10%C:5%D:30%答案:A5.When that happens, many customers ask for a ( ) bag to take the leftoverfood home.A:largeB:smallC:doggieD:paper答案:C6.In the U.S., many restaurant workers are poorly paid, so they depend on ( ).A:moneyB:billC:tipsD:salary答案:C7.英译汉:Man sees food as the first priority.()A:民以食为天B:食不厌精,烩不厌细-孔子C:食不言,寝不语D:饮食为重答案:A8.英译汉:Here we are, this is Disneyland.()A:我们来了,来到了迪士尼乐园B:这就是迪士尼乐园吗?C:我们一起去迪士尼乐园吧D:我们到了,这就是迪士尼乐园答案:D9.英译汉:Peking Roast Duck()A:酱鸭B:北京烤鸭C:烧鸡D:盐水鸭答案:B10.英译汉: Kung Pao Chicken()A:小鸡炖蘑菇B:鱼香肉丝C:辣子鸡丁D:宫保鸡丁答案:D11.英译汉: Could I have some water, please? ()A:我想喝点水B:我需要一些水C:我能喝点水吗?D:能给我点水喝吗?答案:C第七章测试1.Chinese ( )is the grandest and most important festival in China.A:Spring FestivalB:Mid-autumn DayC:Dragon boat FestivalD:Christmas答案:A2.( ) is a typical food enjoyed during the Dragon Boat Festival.()A:noodleB:cakeC:ZongziD:dumpling答案:C3.Mid-autumn Day,it traditionally falls on the ( ) day of the eighth month inchina.A:1stB:20thC:10thD:15th答案:D4.Christmas day ,EVERY family has a green ( ) in their house.A:Christmas treeB:fruitsC:lightsD:flowers答案:A5.Though most people know Santa is ( ),they still love him.A:bad manB:trueC:good manD:make-believe答案:D6.英译汉:On festive occasions more than ever thinks of one’s dear far away.()A:身在异地B:难忘今宵C:背井离乡D:每逢佳节倍思亲答案:D7.英译汉:How are things there? ()A:最近怎么样?B:你还好吗?C:那边情况怎么样?D:你怎么样了?答案:C8.英译汉:How’s the weather? ()A:天气不错B:今天冷吧C:天气怎么样D:天气很冷答案:C9.英译汉:two thousand and twenty()A:2020年B:2012年C:2021年D:2002年答案:A10.英译汉:Julie is on vacation in Hawaii. ()A:朱莉在夏威夷度假B:朱莉在夏威夷工作C:朱莉在夏威夷生病D:朱莉在夏威夷休息答案:A第八章测试1.the Twenty-four Solar Terms()。


Oldest institution: Harvard, founded in 1636
Largest number of undergraduates: Cornell, about 13,000
Famous alumni: George Bush, John F Kennedy and many others
Outside view
2 discuss → generate one of the most important uses good idea → general understanding a short time → many, many days or even weeks in their own way → from a different way long texts → main ideas logical → illogical
the US colleges and university rankings Social importance: social elitism, mostly rich,
intellectual, white students Location: the US (north-east)
Origin of name: Roman Ⅳ (meaning four) or ivy plants growing on walls
Listening in
Passage 1, 1 Number of institutions:8 Sporting importance: university sports teams
compete against each other Academic importance: near or at the top of



一、词汇翻译(每题1分,共10分)二、单句翻译(每题2分,共20分)1.The operation of a machine needs some knowledge of its performance.操作机器需要懂得机器的一些性能。

2.The continuous process can ordinarily be handled in the less space.连续过程通常能节操作空间。

3.lens of thousands of foreign friends visit this factory every year.每年有几万人参观这座工厂。

lion billion billion atoms.106*10*109 也就是1024 个原子(美语)。

5.Half of a millionth of a billionth of billionth of a pound.0.5*10-30 磅(10-6*10-12*10-12)(英语)。

6.Other things being equal copper heats up faster than iron.相同条件下,铜比铁热得快。

7.Steel and cast iron also differ in carbon.钢和铸铁的含碳量也不相同。

8.Alloys belongs to a half-way house between mixture and compounds.合金是介于混合物和化合物之间的一种中间结构。

9.Industrialization and environmental degradation seem to go hand in hand.工业化发展似乎伴随着环境的退化。

10.The atom is the smallest particle of an element原子是元素的最小粒子。

11.Although the world is large, man is able to live in only a small part of it.尽管地球很大,可人类只能在其中很小的一部分地方生活。



第一部分 Text A【课文译文】大 西 洋大西洋是将欧洲和美洲分隔开的海洋之一。
































Listening in
Passage 1, 1 Number of institutions:8 Sporting importance: university sports teams
compete against each other Academic importance: near or at the top of
Outside view
3 Leah has been working in the restaurant for over 50 years. Shrimp is the main ingredient in the dish. The garlic helps to reduce cholesterol. Leah learned to cook from her mother. She had to cook as
have!” Because Mark forgot he had a lecture.
Conversation 2 5 I’m finding studying at Oxford quite hard. Yes, but I’m good at that. I think it’s giving your opinion and then
Inside view
Conversation 1 3 Her family name and her first name. The porter gives Janet the keys to her room. Janet calls the porter “sir” at first. The porter asks Janet to call him Steward. The porter asks Janet to sign for her keys.



大学英语精读第一册答案Unit 1Section A1. A2. C3. B4. A5. BSection B1.Cricket is a popular sport in England.2.Yes, she did.3.The boy’s name is Tim.4.She would like to be a teacher.5.Yes, he does.Unit 2Section A1. B2. C3. A4. C5. BSection B1.He is going to buy a new car.2.No, he wasn’t.3.The concert was on Saturday.4.She goes to the gym twice a week.5.Yes, she did.Unit 3Section A1. A3. B4. A5. BSection B1.The movie starts at 7 p.m.2.Yes, she does.3.He was at home doing homework.4.No, they don’t.5.She wants to visit Paris.Unit 4Section A1. C2. A3. B4. BSection B1.She is going to visit her grandparents.2.He had a delicious lunch at a local restaurant.3.No, they aren’t.4.Yes, he did.5.He wants to become a doctor.Unit 5Section A1. B2. C3. A4. C5. BSection B1.He likes to play basketball.2.No, she can’t.3.It is a science fiction novel.4.Yes, it does.5.They are going to have a picnic in the park. Unit 6Section A1. B2. C3. A4. C5. BSection B1.He is going to take a vacation to Bali.2.No, she wasn’t.3.It is a romantic comedy movie.4.Yes, they did.5.She wants to learn how to play the guitar. Unit 7Section A1. B2. A3. C4. B5. CSection B1.She is going to a party with her friends.2.They had a barbecue in the backyard.3.No, he didn’t.4.Yes, he is.5.He wants to study abroad.Unit 8Section A1. C2. A3. B4. B5. CSection B1.She is going to buy new clothes.2.No, she wasn’t.3.The book is about history.4.Yes, they are.5.He wants to become an engineer. Unit 9Section A1. C3. B4. B5. CSection B1.They are going to watch a movie at the cinema.2.No, they can’t.3.The party is on Friday.4.Yes, she is.5.She wants to become a journalist.Unit 10Section A1. C2. A3. B4. BSection B1.He is going to visit his parents.2.Yes, he did.3.They played soccer in the park.4.No, they aren’t.5.He wants to start his own business. 以上为《大学英语精读第一册》习题答案。



2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(新课标Ⅰ卷)参考答案及解析【答案快查】21-23 BDA 24-27 ACAB 28-31 DCCA 32-35 DBCD 36-40 DCAFE41-45 ABCDA 46-50 CBADB 51-55 DBCAC 56-60 DACBD61 as 62 effects 63 to process 64 are removed 65 a66 worse 67 is 68 eating 69 careful 70 which第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)A【语篇解读】本文是一篇应用文。



【答案解析】21. B 细节理解题。

由The store is located(位于) upstairs in Building 3 right next to the Laster Dome可知太平洋科学中心的纪念品购物商店位于三栋楼上。


22. D 细节理解题。

由Today Pacific Science Center serves more than 1.3 million people a year and brings inquiry-based science education to classrooms and community events all over Washington State可知太平洋科学中心把科学教育带入了课堂。

23. A 推理判断题。

由It’s an amazing accomplishment and one we can’t achieve without generous support from individuals, corporations, and other social organizations. Visit to find various ways you can support Pacific Science Center可知太平洋科学中心取得的令人惊喜的成绩离不开个人、公司和其它社会组织的慷慨支持。



新一代大学英语综合教程1 课后翻译UNIT 12、Indeed, we might feel as if we are suddenly awash in friends. Yet right before our eyes, we're also changing the way we conduct relationships. Face-to-face chatting is giving way to texting and messaging; people even prefer these electronic exchanges to, for instance, simply talking on a circles of friends are being partially eclipsed by Facebook acquaintances routinely numbered in the hundreds. Amid these smaller trends, growing research suggests we could be entering a period of crisis for the entire concept of friendship. Where is all this leading modern-day society Perhaps to a dark place, one where electronic stimuli slowly replace the joys of human contact.确实如此,我们似乎感到突然之间好友数量井喷;不过,我们眼前也正在改变为人处世的方式;面对面的聊天正在被短信取代;相比打个电话,人们甚至更愿意使用这些电子交流方式;脸谱网上的熟人圈儿动辄数百人,相比之下,现实生活中规模较小的朋友圈则显得黯淡少光;在这些较细微的趋势中,越来越多的研究表明友谊的整个概念正在遭受危机,而我们也许正在一步步地迈向这个危机时代;所有这一切要把现代社会引向何方也许现代社会就此陷入黑暗深渊,在这个深渊里,人与人之间交往的乐趣慢慢地被电子诱惑所取代;8、No single person is at fault, of course. The pressures on friendship today are broad. They arise from the demands of work, say, or a general busyness that means we have less quality time for others. How many individuals would say that friendship is the most important thing in their lives, only to move thousands of miles across the continent to take up a better-paid job当然,这并不是某个人的错;如今,交友压力来自方方面面;比如来自工作压力,或是整天瞎忙,无法和他人享有高质量的沟通时间;有人嘴上说友谊是生命中最重要的东西,却为了一份收入颇丰的工作远赴千里之外;这样的人还少吗9、Of course, we learn how to make friends — or not — in our most formative years, as children. Recent studies on childhood, and how the contemporary life of the child affects friendships, are illuminating. Again, the general mood is one of concern, and a central conclusion often reached relates to a lack of what is called "unstructured time."当然,我们是在性格成型的最重要的孩提时期学会如何结交朋友或是如何断交;最近,关于儿童期和儿时生活对交友的影响的研究很有启发性;这些研究再一次关注了风气这个问题,其主要结论都与孩子缺少“计划外时间”有关;10、Structured time results from the way an average day is parceled up for our kids — time for school, time for homework, time for music practice, even time for play. Yet too often today, no period is left unstructured. After all, who these days lets his child just wander off down the street But that is precisely the kind of fallow time so vital for deeper friendships. It's then that we simply"hang out," with no tasks, no deadlines and no pressures. It is in those moments that children and adults alike can get to know others for who they are in themselves.“计划内时间”源自每一天的时间安排方式,何时上学,何时完成家庭作业,何时进行音乐训练,甚至何时玩耍,一股脑儿的塞给孩子;然而,再寻常不过的是,没有任何一个时段是没有安排的;毕竟,现在谁还会让自己的孩子在街上闲逛呢但是,恰恰就是这种“无所事事”的时间对于深厚的交情至关重要;在这个时间段,我们只是闲逛,没有任务,没有最后期限,没有任何压力;就在这些时候,孩子也罢,成人也罢,才能真正了解同行之人; 12、Aristotle had an attractive expression to capture the thought: close friends, he observed, "share salt together." It's not just that they sit together, passing the salt across the meal table. It's that they sit with one another across the course of their lives, sharing its savor — its moments, bitter and sweet. "The desire for friendship comes quickly; friendship does not," Aristotle also remarked. It's a key insight for an age of instant social connectivity, though one in which we paradoxically have an apparently growing need to be more deeply connected.亚里士多德曾经这样表达此意,妙不可言;他说,亲密的朋友,是“一起吃盐的朋友”;他并不是说朋友们坐在一起,在饭桌上把盐传来传去;他的意思是朋友们共享人生经历,分享各种滋味,苦的,甜的;亚里士多德还说过“交友的想法常常匆匆而至,但是真正的友情往往姗姗来迟;”这对于当今这个时代来说是一种重要的真知灼见;因为,在这个时代里,虽然人们能迅速建立关系,不过我们反倒越发觉得需要更深一步结识他人; UNIT 26、With persistence and practice, such a process can lead to lasting results.I know one Wall Street executive who sought to improve his empathy –specifically his ability to read people’s reactions and their perspectives. Before beginning his quest, the executive’s subordinates were terrified of working with him. People even went so far as to hide bad news from him. Naturally, he was shocked when finally confronted with these facts. He went home and told his family –but they only confirmed what he had heard at work. When their opinions on any given subject did not mesh with his, they, too, were frightened of him.只要坚持并不断实践,这样的过程能够带来持久的结果;我认识一位华尔街的主管,他想方设法提高自己的同理心;具体一点就是读懂对方的反应,了解对方的看法;在开始努力寻求改变之前,这位主管的下属惧怕与其一起工作;人们甚至对他隐瞒坏消息;最终面对这些情况时,他自己自然大吃一惊;回家后,他告诉家人——但家人更肯定了他在单位听到的一切;无论什么话题,如果家人的观点未能与之吻合,他们也会害怕他;7、Enlisting the help of a coach, the executive went to work to heighten his empathy through practice and feedback. His first step was to take a vacation to a foreign country where he did not speak the language. While there, he monitored his reactions to the unfamiliar and his openness to people who were different from him. When he returned home, humbled by his week abroad, the executive asked hiscoach to shadow him for parts of the day, Several times a week, in order to critique how he treated people with new or different perspectives. At the same time, he consciously used on-the-job interactions as opportunities to practice “hearing” ideas that differed from his. Finally, the executive had himself videotaped in meetings and asked those who worked for and with him to critique his ability to acknowledge and understand the feelings of others. It took several months, but the executive’s emotional intelligence did ultimately rise, and the improvement was reflected in his overall performance on the job.这位主管向私人教师寻求帮助,他回到工作岗位,通过实践和别人的反馈来提高自己的同理心;首先,他到一个语言不通的国家去度假;在异国他乡,他审视自己面对不熟悉事物的反应以及对异族人群的开放性;返回家乡时,一周的国外生活已使他丢掉了所有的高傲,这位主管让私人教师一周跟踪自己几天,每天跟踪自己几个时段,以此评价自己对持新观点或不同观点人的态度;同时,他还有意识地利用工作现场与人交往的机会来实践“倾听”异己观点;最后,主管还让人拍摄他开会时的表现,让下属以及合作伙伴评价自己承认并理解他人感情的能力;这个过程持续数月,但最终,主管的情商确实提高了,并在他的整体工作表现上体现了出来;8 It’s important to emphasize that building one’s emotional intelligence cannot –will not –happen without sincere desire and concerted effort. A brief seminar won’t help; nor can one buy a how-to manual. It is much harder to learn to empathize – to internalize empathy as a natural response to people – than it is to become adept at regression an alysis. But it can be done. “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm,” wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson. If your goal is to become a real leader, these words can serve as a guidepost in your efforts to develop high emotional intelligence.需要强调的是,没有真诚的愿望和竭尽全力的付出,培养情商是不可能的,也不会有结果;一场简短的研讨会起不了作用,实用操作手册也无法买到;要使同理心内化为对别人的一种自然反应,才算是获得了同理心,这比擅于回归分析要难得多;但获得同理心也是能做到的;拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生写道:“没有热情,就不可能取得任何伟大的业绩;”如果你的目标是成为一位真正的领袖,这句话可以激励你不断努力,提高情商;UNIT 32、First, science is practiced by special people with a specific view of the world. Scientists try to be objective, unsentimental and unemotional. They do not let their feelings get in the way of their observations of real things, facts, as they call them. They often work in laboratories or in other areas where they can carefully control what they are working on. They do not just wander out onto the dock at sunset and look at the world with wonder, as a poet might. Ideally, they are also both honest and check them out and then utilize them in their findings so others can check them out and then utilize them in their own work. They do not claim more than they can prove, and often even less. But they are very proudof their calling and prefer to talk to other scientists rather than anybody else, especially poets, who tend to make them feel uncomfortable, to put them down.Of course poets also feel scientists return the favor.首先,从事科学工作的是特殊的一类人,他们具有特定的世界观;科学家努力保持客观、理性,不感情用事,不会让感情妨碍他们观察他们所说的实物和事实;科学家常常在实验室或者他们能够严格控制研究对象的场所工作;他们不会像诗人那样,在日落时去码头闲逛,惊奇地观赏这个世界;典型的科学家既朴实,又谦恭;他们总是尽量客观地汇报他们的科学发现,以便别人能够证实并在工作中加以运用;他们不会对自己不能证明的事物妄加断言,甚至常常连自己能够证明的也不去多说;然而,他们对“科学家”这一称谓引以为傲,更喜欢彼此相互交流,而不太愿意和其他人交流,尤其是和诗人,因为诗人总让他们感觉不自在,且常贬低他们;当然了,科学家在诗人眼里也不过如此;3、Second, science deals almost exclusively with things, not ideas or feelings, and with the external world and its workings, not inner states and their workings, despite the effort of some psychologists to be or seem scientific. The human body is considered to be or seem scientific. The human body is considered to be a part of the external world; the soul is not. Therefore, scientists work to understand the body but not the soul. Most scientists doubt the soul exists. The solar system and the universe are also part of the external world, although we have little enough direct evidence of their mode of existence. Scientists tend to assume the basic conditions of nature on Earth are the same everywhere in the cosmos.其次,科学的研究对象基本上仅限于事物,而非思想或者情感,仅限于外部世界及其运作,而非内在状态及其运作,尽管一些心理学家也试图让自己的工作具备或者显得有科学性;人体被认为是外部世界的一部分,而人的灵魂则不然;因此,科学家探索的是人的肌体,而不是灵魂;大部分科学家怀疑灵魂的存在;太阳系和宇宙也是外部世界的一部分,虽然我们没有充足的直接证据来证明它们的存在模式;科学家往往认为,地球上自然界的基本状况无论在宇宙的何处都是一样的;4、Mankind is only questionably part of the external world in this sense. Scientists are generally reluctant to deal with the behavior of large groups of men and women. Thus economists, for example, struggle to be considered scientists, but usually in vain. The external world of scientists contains some things, like quanta, quarks and quasars, that are as mysterious as angels and normally as invisible. But this does not trouble them, as they believe they can deal effectively with the elementary particles that they cannot see and according to the uncertainty principle never can see, but not with angels, which will probably never appear to scientists because scientists do not believe in them. 从这个意义上讲,把人类归为外部世界的一部分是有争议的;科学家一般不愿意研究大量人群的行为;因此,举例来说,尽管经济学家努力想被当作科学家,却通常徒劳无果;科学家所关注的外部世界包括具体事物,比如量子、夸克、类星体,它们像天使一样神秘,通常是肉眼看不见的;但是这并没有使他们苦恼,因为他们相信自己能够有效地研究基本粒子,虽然他们看不见这些粒子,而且根据不确定性原理,他们永远也看见它们;但是科学家却不能有效地研究天使,因为他们不相信天使的存在,天使可能永远不会出现在科学家面前;6、Third, science deals with whatever it deals with in a special way, employing special methods and a language for reporting results that is unique to it. The best-known method, but not necessarily the most often employed, consists of experiment, Which involves getting an idea –from where, most scientists do not question –framing it in a testable hypothesis, and then testing the hypothesis in a controlled environment to find out whether or not is id valid. The environment must be carefully controlled so that extraneous elements do not intrude to invalidate the experiments, and so that others can repeat the experiment in the hope of arriving at the same result, which is the best evidence of its reliability.第三点,科学使用一种特殊的方式研究一切可研究的对象,那就是采用特殊的研究方法和其独特的语言来描述结果;最为人熟知而又未必最常用的方法是实验,包括产生一个想法大部分科学家不关心这一想法从何而来,把想法拟定为一个可测试的假设,然后在一个可控环境中测试这个假设,检验它是否成立;实验环境必须严格控制,一是为防止外界因素侵扰而使实验无效,二是为其他人能够重复该实验以期获得相同结果,这是实验可靠度的最佳证据;10、Science was the major discovery, or invention, of the 17th century. Men of that time learned – and it was a very great, revolutionary discovery – how to measure, explain and manipulate natural phenomena in the way that today we call scientific. Since the 17th century, science has progressed a great deal and has discovered many truths, and conferred many benefits, that the 17th century did not know. But it has not found a new way to discover natural truths. For this reason, the 17th century is possibly the most important century in human history. It instituted irrevocable change in the way human beings live on Earth. We can never go back to living the way we live in the Renaissance, for instance. We can only wonder whether the change was in all ways for the better.科学是17世纪的主要发现或者发明;那个时代的人们发现了如何用我们今天称之为科学的方法去测量、解释和利用自然现象这是一个非常伟大的、突破性的发现;17世纪以来,科学取得了巨大的进步,发现了很多真理,带来了大量惠泽,这些在17世纪都不为人所知;但是自17世纪之后,科学并没有找到新的方法来发现自然真相,因此,17世纪或许是人类历史上最重要的世纪,它为人类在地球上的生活方式带来了不可逆的变化,比如,我们永远不可能回归文艺复兴时期的生活方式;我们只能自问这种变化是否会让一切变得更加美好;UNIT 4As a national landmark6 作为国家的标志性建筑,大屠杀国家纪念馆遵循美国的理想化模式,即多元化理念,对大屠杀进行解读;因此,如纪念馆理事会所言,大屠杀“在枪响之前就已经开始,对犹太人、持不同政见者、黑人、吉普赛人和残疾人进行迫害;随后愈演愈烈,纳粹开始把一部分人群从人类大家庭中分离出去,剥夺他们工作、学习、旅游、信仰宗教、提出理论或传授价值观的自由;这个纪念馆将证实失去生命本身正是失去人权的最后一步;”大屠杀被定义为对美国人权法案的终极践踏和对多种族的迫害,它包含了移民们来美国寻求庇护的所有原因,无论是过去的移民,现在的移民,还是将来的移民;The us holocaust7美国大屠杀纪念馆通过清晰地阐释非美国式价值观来定义美国价值观;如一为专栏作家所言美国大屠杀纪念馆会提醒世人那“大洋彼岸的愤怒”,亦会定义美国在“此岸”和“彼岸”的巨大空间中的存在;实际上,矗立在国家广场上的纪念馆不仅记录了大屠杀的历史,也铭刻了与之截然相反的美国理想;通过铭记发生在另一片土地上的另一个民族的暴行,美国人民将回想起他们这个民族对生命存在意义的理想解释;Memory of historcal8 对历史事件的记忆以及对记忆的叙述一直是犹太人的信仰、传统和身份的核心部分;把自己定义为以背诵的方式缅怀历史的民族后,犹太人继续依赖回忆而维系自己的民族身份;一直以来,把背景各不相同的美国犹太群体凝结在一起的唯一一段“共同”经历就是对大屠杀的间接记忆;无论犹太左翼或右翼,宗教团体或世俗社会,复国主义者或非复国主义者,或许均可从大屠杀得出不同的结论;但是,从意识形态上讲,即使大家的目的截然不同,他们还是一致认为必须铭记这段历史;因此,尽管犹太人走读学校、研究机构和社区中心赤字运行,但数以百万计的美元仍持续不断地投入到大屠杀纪念项目和博物馆建设; By extension,holocaust9 大屠杀纪念馆的作用也在延伸,它正逐渐成为历史教育、社会活动和集资的中心;因此,美国很多犹太人和非犹太人通过大屠杀这一镜头来学习整个犹太历史,而不是通过研究犹太历史来了解大屠杀;在没有其他类型的犹太文化博物馆的情况下,大屠杀纪念馆和博物馆往往通过围绕这一时代来构建犹太文化和身份;因此,大屠杀不仅会继续是美国犹太人意识的中心,也会承载所有美国非犹太人对1000年前欧洲犹太文明的了解;UNIT 5China is the1当今世界,中国是最重要的正在崛起的大国;20年来,中国已从国际体系的边缘走到了中心;无论何时何地,中国都广受全球关注;环顾四周,中国总是出现在新闻报道里——大量消耗资源,大量吸引外资,扩大海外足迹,与亚洲邻国相处时坚持自己的主张,在国际治理外交中是广受欢迎的追随对象,开拓海军新水域,扩大在全球媒体中的关注度和文化存在感,经营作为全球发展引擎的强大经济体;在世界各大洲,在大部分国际机构和许多国际事物中,人们都能感受到中国对全球的影响与日俱增;多种评估显示,中国目前显然是继美国之后的世界第二大国,其经济总量将在2025年前后超过美国;For the past2 过去的30年,观察家们已经看到世界对中国的影响;而现在局面扭转,人们有必要了解中国对世界的影响;中国正在更快、更广地出现在世界舞台上,理解中国走向世界的各种表现因此变得重要;China global expansion3 中国的全球发展不是偶然的;直接起因是在1978年12月召开的着名的十一届三中全会上制定的中国共产党和政府二等政策,即开始进行改革开放;在整个20世纪80年代,中国“把世界请进来”,并开始迈着迟疑的步伐出现在世界舞台上,特别是在教育和科技流域进行交流;20世纪90年代初,中国政府有意识地出台政策,鼓励中国贸易公司“走出去”,同时让地方和机构逐渐地“走向世界”;对中国公司的鼓励直到21世纪中期才完全实现;与此同时,许多中国机构、地方和个人发起并实施了大量的国际计划;2008年,中国推行全球大规模文化行动,试图改善中国的国际形象,构建软实力;军事上,中国人民解放军在这一时期加快了国际对外交流,年交流项目超过400多个;因此,即使中国走向世界是最近几年的事,其起源却可以追溯到几十年前;Over a longer4在较长一段时期内,中国现代化使命的一个突出特点是国家追求综合国力的提升;中国人民通过学习其他强国的经验,非常明智地学到了重要的一课:真正的国际大国拥有多方面的实力;中国的战略家们已经意识到那些只在一个或几个方面拥有实力的国家的弱点,并从而得出结论:重要的是在各个方面,即经济、科学、技术、教育、文化、价值观、军事、治理、外交和其他领域建设和发展综合实力;中国坚信国力应该是综合的、一体化的,而不是原子式的;当今的国力和19世纪或20世纪的国力不一样;那时工业力量和军事力量占主导地位,而现在的国力必须也体现出强大的文化和规范实力即软实力;所以,为了重新取得全球大国的地位,中国在当代有意识地作出了多方面的努力;UNIT 7The decline of4苏门答腊犀牛数量减少是一个渐进而微妙的过程,而不是突发性或灾难性的,比起心脏病发作式的晕厥,它更像是癌症后的病态;这正是物种消亡的经典模方式;在历史的进程中,苏门答腊犀牛的行踪遍布从印度的丛林经过缅甸和越南,然后向南穿过马来西亚半岛,到达婆罗洲的整个地区;一百多万年前,他们应该熟悉脑袋较小的人类祖先直立人,因为直立人也从大陆的中西部进入东南亚热带地区;也许这些早期的人类曾经猎杀过苏门答腊犀牛,但是他们原始的工具以及犀牛栖息地的隐蔽性使他们很难猎捕到犀牛;由于苏门答腊犀牛难以猎捕,且栖息地荒蛮,直至进入人类历史时期以后,在其大部分的活动区域内,他们的数量都相对较多;在苏门答腊北部的古农列尤择国家公园盐沼地,一平方公里内就曾经有14头苏门答腊犀牛No absolutely not7不,绝对不可以;放弃这个想法这一想法的前提是一个明显且危险的错误;至少从生理意义上说,和其他任何一种灭绝物种一样,苏门答腊犀牛死时都还很年轻;物种经历生老病死的自然生命阶段这一观点基于一个错误的类比;一个濒临灭绝的物种,不像一个濒临死亡的病人,要延续生命需要昂贵的费用由毫无意义;恰恰相反,绝大多数稀少且数量不断下降的物种是由年幼健康的个体构成的,他们需要的只是成长和繁殖的空间和时间,但这些已被人类剥夺;The causes of8野生苏门答腊犀牛数量减少的原因很容易理解,但目前却无法遏制,那些曾经人迹罕至的热带雨林区正在被人们迅速地砍伐以索取木材,继而变成农田和油棕榈种植园;但仅仅栖息地的毁坏并不一定对苏门答腊犀牛构成致命威胁,因为在苏门答腊、婆罗洲、马来西亚半岛,自然保护区足以供养少量但可以维系种群的犀牛;对苏门答腊犀牛致命的威胁反而是偷猎;偷猎苏门答腊犀牛的现象非常严重,如果不加以遏制,将会在几年内直接导致该物种的灭绝;偷猎的驱动力是人们对于一种民间传统药材的贪婪需求,民间医师认为虽然没有可靠证据,犀牛角能治很多疾病,从发热到喉炎到背疼;其结果就是苏门答腊犀牛陷入了自由市场中的死亡旋涡;犀牛角数量越少,价格越昂贵,这就导致偷猎现象更为严重,犀牛角更为稀少,价格也更为昂贵;The same unbridled9无法遏制的市场力量也冲击着世界其他角落;500年来,克什米尔地区斯利那加市的纺织工用藏羚羊的羊毛作原料;藏羚羊的羊毛品质极高,被波斯人誉为沙图什羊绒“羊绒之王”;20世纪80年代以末,沙图什羊绒披肩风行一时,成为国际时尚,被人若无其事的穿戴,例如伊丽莎白二世和超级名模克里斯蒂·布林克利都曾带过;市场需求趋势披肩的年产量由几百件跃升至数千件,一件披肩单价涨到万美元;因此,为了获得更多羊毛,人们就更加无情的捕杀藏羚羊;要织成六英尺的披肩需要三头以上的羚羊皮毛;现在,每年被猎杀的藏羚羊大概有2万头之多,只有大约万头在野生状态下生存,大多数在偏远的西藏高原西部和中北部;The sumatran rhino10苏门答腊犀牛是全世界大批遭受残害的物种的一个标准范例;过度猎杀及其他人类行为已使他们濒临环境保护科学家们所说的“全球”灭绝的边缘,结果是世界任何地方都将找不到任何生存的个体;。

新一代大学英语 综合教程1 课后翻译

新一代大学英语 综合教程1 课后翻译

新一代大学英语综合教程1 课后翻译UNIT 11、Structured time results from the way an average day is parceled up for our kids –time for school, time for homework, time for music practice, even time for play “计划内时间”源自每一天的时间安排方式,何时上学,何时完成家庭作业,何时进行音乐训练,甚至何时玩耍,一股脑儿的塞给孩子。

2、It is not just that they sit together, passing the salt across the meal table. It is that they sit with one another across the course of their lives, sharing its savor –its moments, bitter and sweet 他并不是说朋友们坐在一起,在饭桌上把盐传来传去。


3、The more social media we have, the more we think we are connecting, yet we are really disconnecting from each other 我们已经有了很多的社交媒体,我们认为我们的联结将会变得更加紧密,但我们真正上却在彼此隔离UNIT2 It is important to emphasize that building ones emotional intelligence cannot- will not- happen without sincere desire and concerted effort 需要强调的是,没有真诚的愿望和竭尽全力的付出,培养情商是不可能的,也不会有结果。



大学英语1作业1单项选择题第1题The team’s efforts to score were ___ by the opposing goalkeeper.A、fracturedB、flushedC、fluctuatedD、frustrated答案:D第2题He couldn’t focus his attention ___ his homework.A、inB、onC、forD、off答案:B第3题She was so ___ in her job that she didn’t hear anybody knocking at the door.A、attractedB、absorbedC、drawnD、concentrated答案:B第4题You shouldn’t ___ silly questions.A、keep on askingB、keep up askingC、keep from askingD、keep in asking答案:A第5题I’d rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than ___ a room with someoneelse.A、to shareB、to have sharedC、shareD、sharing答案:C第6题The government are committed ___ the cause of improving the people’s living standard.A、toB、ofC、forD、away答案:A第7题The two friends haven’t ___ with each other for 20 years.A、associatedB、communicatedC、been acquainted withD、been along with答案:B第8题it’s ___ that the sick child needs fo od and sunshine.A、consciousB、obviousC、consistentD、plain答案:B第9题When I was making a list of guests for the party, her name didn’t ___ to me.A、existB、happenC、occurD、ake place答案:C第10题The committee’s suggestions w ill be ___ immediately.A、implementedB、complementedC、supplementedD、complimented答案:A第11题 the customers made some ___ about the high prices and low quality of their products.A、fussB、adoC、complaintD、explanation答案:C第12题 He ___ me to accept their compromise which made me extraordinarily angry.A、urgedB、appealedC、drawD、asked答案:A第13题 John is ___ to visit her because they have completely different political views.A、likelyB、reluctantC、keenD、eager答案:B第14题 The people were ___ to do their best to save their nation.A、urgedB、amazedC、forcedD、asked答案:A第15题 One of his attributes is his ability to ___ to different working conditions.A、adoptB、adeptC、admitD、adapt答案:D第16题from the 17th century on, the progress of scientific discovery proceeded at an ever-increasing ___.A、paceB、turnC、velocityD、rate答案:A第17题 Unfortunately, Ms. Black was not ___ of the problems that were discovered finally by her boss.A、concernedB、awareC、interstedD、dependent答案:B第18题 It is necessary that an efficient worker ___ his work on time.A、accomplishesB、accomplishedC、accomplishD、has accomplished答案:C第19题 I decided to put my watch under my pillow ___ someone tried to steal it at night.A、in no caseB、in any caseC、in the case ofD、in case答案:D第20题 We can expect ___ more mosquitoes after the continued falls of rain.A、a fewB、a littleC、fewD、little答案:A。

大学跨文化英语 综合教程I Unit 8 Considering Cultural Diversity 课后习题参考答案

大学跨文化英语 综合教程I Unit 8 Considering Cultural Diversity 课后习题参考答案

Text AReading Comprehension2. 1) T 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) T3. 1) A 2) B 3) B 4) A 5) ALanguage Practice1. 1) awarded译文:她曾因在这部电影中的出色表演而获奖。

2) enormously译文:在我搬去加州前,她给了我极大的帮助。

3) obvious译文:很明显,以夏威夷与日本的距离来看,袭击至少是几天前甚至几周前就策划好了的。

4) dissolve译文:盐和糖在热水里都容易溶解。

5) intention译文:总统表示他不打算辞职或离开这个国家。

6) framework译文:如果我们在我们这个社会的道德准则内行事,最终就会找到解决办法。

7) conflict译文:他们性格上的差异也有可能引起矛盾。

8) ineffective译文:他们担心过段时间药可能就不起作用了。

9) inhabit译文:了解这些野生动物为什么选择城市花园作为栖息地很重要。

10) classify译文:我们应该把这些内容分在三个主题下。

11) disturbed译文:看到太多盲人无法工作,沦落为乞丐,我感到非常不安。

12) frequently译文:我已经注意到你开会经常迟到。

13) spiritual译文:“圣雄”甘地是印度最重要的政治和精神领袖。

14) occasional译文:我喜欢偶尔出次差,变化一下生活的节奏。

15) extensive译文:琳达教过小学、中学和大学,具有丰富的教学经验。

2. 1) In some cultures, people will laugh if they are put on the spot.2) Cost of the goods sold is governed by the cost of the raw materials that physicallyconstitute the product.3) We usually interpret the meaning of what people say to us depending on the words theyuse.4) He did not want to expose his fear and insecurity to anyone else.5) By no means will she reveal the secret to others.6) Any scientific progress is achieved through trial and error.7) The cream will help the healing of your injury.8) Children learn new things by observing their parents and others.9) He is not that interested. As a result, we have to refer this matter to you.10) Mr. Yao is one of those happy people who always derive pleasure from helping others.3. 1) to expose sb. to sth. 让某人遭受(有害或不快的遭遇)2) from derive …from 从……中获得3) from vary from …to …各有不同4) on put sb. on the spot 使某人处于尴尬境地5) by by no means 绝不4. 1) discouraged 劝阻2) unnecessary 不必要的3) discharging 排放4) irresponsible 不负责任的5) unintentionally 无意地6) dishonorable 不光彩的7) nonprofit 非盈利8) inability 无能5.注解:本次语法练习主要关注定语从句的三种特殊用法,即关系代词指代整个句子、关系代词表所有格、关系代词前加介词。

新标准大学英语综合教程1 课文翻译及课后翻译题答案

新标准大学英语综合教程1 课文翻译及课后翻译题答案

.ni klaw lla ew dna ,rood eht kcolnu I ,8 mooR dnif ew ,htaerb fo trohs dna ecaf eht ni der rehtom ym htiw ,yllaniF .1 1TINU
我�锁门开打我。气下接不气上得累�脸了红涨经已妈妈�候时的间房号 8 到找于终们我等
rehserf a fo yraiD 1 gnidaeR evitcA 1 tinU

1 程教合综语英学大准标新
�佩敬人令确的书些这读能人的中高过上没个一然虽 �说小的尔维尔梅和基斯夫也妥思陀过读 我然虽�说士女位那的室公办生招是可。学文解了得非我么什为道知不我。 ”史育教国美“ 和”论概学文“ �程课门两修选我许允只们他�作工职全份一有且而生业毕中高是不我于由 �选节� 》录忆回《
。史育教 国美读研起一们我后然�我上爱而继�动打我被会她定不说。的说小的尔维尔梅和基斯夫也 妥思陀读何如是我生女个那诉告以可我 。的胆破吓子孩把么怎是们他谈谈 �式方活生的谨拘 端极们他和徒教清谈谈儿块一 �馆啡咖的村治尼林格是或厅餐助自的校学去起一她和意愿我 。容内么什握掌该我试考中期后周七付应道知否是个一的中其问问想我 �人迷亮漂生女的上班 。的措所知不 会定肯我候时到�话的多之页 007 有又本课而�讲啊讲地停不授教果如�呢出里哪从会题 问试考是可�试考末期有�试考中期有�试考有会道知我�呢生学大个是我慕羡都家大让好 �铁地坐它着带要我么什为�呢 》史育教国美《 的厚厚本这买要我么什为 �磨琢始开我来下接 。的似要重很都字个每的出说里 嘴授教林格从像好就�记地停不们生女。活忙更生男比生女�了响更声沙沙的记笔记里室教 。想思的动运革改 教宗了现体度态的子孩对们他 �观界世的动运革改教宗了承继们他 �物产的动运革改教宗是 徒教清�看远长从。品成现的降而天从是并念观�们我诉告授教�着接。为认何如该道知 不真还我�题问育教的们他及徒教清对可。„„为认我�嗯�说�言发手举会也我天一有总 。„„为认我�嗯�说是总们他。言发手举地信自容从都学同他其 。样一不们他和我道知 会就们他�口开一我要只�凭文中高有都人个每的上班道知我但�苦痛的受遭所下治统的国 英在来年百几人兰尔爱授教诉告手举想真我 。人兰尔爱是其尤 �人别害迫处到是总人国英而 �人国英是就身本徒教清为因 �解不惑大我让这 �害迫教宗避逃了为是国英开离徒教清说授教 �了腔土兰尔爱到听是不是我�说着笑微是总们人�时话 说音美用着试我。道地不并得说却我是可�话说音口国美用试尝以可我。谁是竟究伙家的音 口带话说个那道知不�我着盯会都学同班全为因�做么那能不远永我可�题问问手举学同些 有�吗住记要都我话句一每的说她�呢的要重是些哪话的说上台讲在她道知么怎我 。么什儿 点记该道知己自望希真我 。记笔记地停不在都全学同的围周我 。的代一下的们他育教何如是 徒教清国英的国美居移讲们我给上台讲在授教林格 ?辛克玛 。史育教国美——课门一听里堂 课学大在坐就在现我 �影电些那的看克里默利在我前以久很自来都部全解了的堂课学大对我 。了光目的羡艳来投我向会就客乘的里铁地样这�来起套 们它把封护的间相白紫学大约纽用后然 �本课的要需所买去是就事件一第 �了然飘飘得乐我 。识知景背化文 的博广备具我使能”史育教国美“ �面全不育教洲欧的受接我于由说她。课修必是课门这但



新标准大学英语综合教程1Unit 1 Active Reading 1Diary of a fresher大一新生日记星期日从家里出发后,我们开车开了很长一段时间才到达我住的宿舍楼。












































英语复习资料背诵段落Unit 2 Passage A 5,7第5段:The restaurant was in a French seaside resort,and the waiter had already brought an enormous portion of seafood,crabs,prawns,lobsters and all sorts of shellfish clinging onto each other,as well as a bottle of white wine in a bucket of ice. My mother was busy shopping, and my father had decided to take me,his ten-year—old son,to lunch,and to mark an important event in my life, as important to my father as coming of age:my first oyster。

第7段:Outside the skies were grey and a strong wind was blowing off the sea. It looked as gloomy as I felt。

There was no hope left, the only feeling was hunger, and the only emotion was the fear of lost innocence as I realized there could be no escape from my first oyster。

Unit 3 Passage A 1,2,5第1段:Thinking for yourself is still a radical act。



1,,;3, ,熔中,劈建发,, ,产), ,查最,,无) ;2.变,本)店有物,, ,,扰坏概to,, ,打), ) , , ,收辩重,索;3.;3.变,尽;3.), to非,, ,带注;n.反妨,抑,,药,社坚变(思lament / lE ment/ vi.悲痛,伤心;哀悼(over, for);vt.为…而悲痛,哀悼,痛惜spouse / spauz/ n.配偶 vt.和…结婚label / leibl/ n.1.标签;2.标记,符号;vt.1.贴标签;2.归类dividend / dividend/ n.1.红利,股息;2.回报,效益troublesome / trQblsEm/ a.1.令人烦恼的,讨厌的;2.麻烦的,难处理的neurotic / nju rRtik/ a.1.神经病的;2.神经过敏的tension / tenFEn/ n.1.拉紧,绷紧,紧张;2.张力,压力backache / bAkeik/ n.背痛,腰痛justify / dVQstifai/ vt.证明…是正当的;为…辩护fulfill / ful fil/ vt.1履行;2.完成bug / bQg/ n.臭虫,虫子erroneous / i rEunjEs/ a.错误的,不正确的zone / zEun/ n.1.地带,带;2.地区,区域,范围resolve / ri zRlv/ vt.1.使分解,解析;2.解决,消除sensibly / sensEbli/ ad.1.感觉得到地;2.明智地,明白事理地minimize / minimaiz/ vt.使减到最小absurdity / Eb sE:diti/ n.荒谬compulsively ad.强迫地enjoyment / in dVRimEnt/ n.享受immobilize / imoubi laiz/ vt.使不动,使固定in the first place 首先hang on to 1.紧紧握住;2.依靠,求助于use up 消耗;用尽give up 交出,让出;放弃,抛弃,辞去back down 放弃(要求等);让步Connecticut / kE netikEt/ 康乃狄格(美国东北部州名)。



全新版大学英语综合教程1答案第一单元课前预习1.What subjects are they studying?–They are studying English, Chinese, Maths, Biology, and History.2.What’s Peter’s major?–Peter’s major is English.课后练习plete the sentences with the words given1.fail2.mark3.director4.village5.prize6.grade7.knowledge8.examination9.accident10.painter2.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given1.knowledge2.examination3.director4.prizes5.data6.painters7.grade8.capture9.accident10.Polish3.Choose the best answer1.D2.B3.C4.A5.C4.Translate the following sentences into English1.I am studying Chinese in college.2.She failed the exam, so she had to take it again.3.My mother is a doctor and my father is a teacher.4.The weather in summer is hot and humid.5.We won the first prize in the basketball game.plete the conversation with the words given1.examination2.knowledge3.prizes4.painterA: What’s your major in college? B: I’m majoring in English. I want to be an English 4in the future. A: That’s great! Do you have any 3 or awards in English? B: Yes, I won several 3 in English competitions. A: Wow, that’s impressive! You must have a lot of 2 in English. B: Yes, I have been studying English for many years.语法焦点动词的基本形式和现在分词的用法plete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs given–is studying–don’t nee d–am reading–is playing–are taking–is lying–don’t stay2.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given–is watching–don’t like–are cleaning–are you wearing–aren’t doing–is sleeping–do you feel–doesn’t live–does it cost–Are you going3.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets–was studying–didn’t rain–is speaking–am not playing–doesn’t come–does she look–do you want–don’t like–doesn’t have阅读与回答问题1.Read the text and choose the best answer–C–B–D–A–B2.Answer the following questions–The life and background of Tom Sawyer–Tom lived in a small town near the Mississippi River. He was an adventurous boy who loves to play pranks and skip school. He lived with his Aunt Polly and his half-brother Sid.–Tom and his friend Huckleberry Finn witness a murder committed by Injun Joe. They swear to keep it a secret and eventually testify in court to bring justice to the town.–No, he doesn’t. He is happy with his free and adventurous life.3.Translate the following sentences into English–Tom的朋友们佩服他的勇敢和冒险精神。



新一代大学英语综合教程1课后翻译UNIT12、Indeed,wemightfeelasifwearesuddenlR awash infriends.RetrightbeforeoureRes,we'real sochangingthewaRweconductrelationships.Face-to-facechattingisgivingwaRtoteRting andmessaging;peopleevenpreferthese electroniceRchanges to,forinstance,simplRtalkin gonaphone.SmallercirclesoffriendsarebeingpartiallReclipsedbRFacebookacquaintance sroutinelRnumberedinthehundreds.Amidthesesmallertrends,growingresearchsuggests wecouldbeenteringaperiodofcrisisfortheentireconceptoffriendship.Whereisallthisleadi ngmodern-daRsocietR?Perhapstoadarkplace,onewhereelectronicstimulislowlRreplacet hejoRsofhumancontact.确实如此,我们似乎感到突然之间好友数量井喷。








第一只牡蛎1 “来,尝尝这个,这个好吃,”我父亲一边说一边在我的鼻子前晃动着一只牡蛎。

2 我皱起眉头,说:“我不吃,我不喜欢吃这个。

”3 “胡说,你没尝过怎么知道不喜欢吃。


”4 我想他说得对,可是有时候有些东西你只要看一眼就知道喜不喜欢。


5 这座饭店坐落在法国一个海滨旅游胜地。




6 第一个吃牡蛎的男人到底是怎么想的呢?我说“男人”是因为女人肯定不会这么傻吧?“噢,我有点饿了,我们来瞧瞧这个石坑……嗯,我觉得它看起来挺好吃的!”好像不太可能。


“来,你尝尝这只牡蛎,我来尝尝这块油滋滋的咸肉三明治,让我们看看谁吃得更开心!”7 外面,天空灰蒙蒙的,海面上刮来一阵强风。



8 “我能吃炸鱼和薯条吗?”我满怀希望地问。


9 “当然不行!他们这儿没有炸鱼和薯条,只有这地方最上等的海鲜,在这方圆几英里之内你找不到更好的海鲜了。





10 但是,尽管清晰地感觉到了他的妥协——只有一个十岁的男孩才有这样的感觉,我仍然明白这妥协包含着吃掉那只牡蛎,那只放在我父亲的盘子边上的牡蛎。

11 我父亲继续吃着那一堆海鲜。




英语(上)1课a单词successful [sək'sesful] a.成功的adult ['ædʌlt, ə'dʌlt] n.成年人; a.成年的,成熟的disagree [,disə'ɡri:] vt.(with)1.有分歧,不同意;2.不一致,不符statement ['steitmənt] n.声明,陈述guarantee [,ɡærən'ti:] n./vt.保证,担保,保修intelligent [in'telidʒent] a.聪明的,明智的conversely ['kɔnvə:sli] ad.相反地similar ['similə] a.相似的,类似的;与…相似(to)independent [,indi'pendənt] a.独立的,自主的pattern ['pætən] n.1.型,模式,样式;2.花样,图案guesser ['gesə] n.猜测者clue [klu:] n.线索,提示conclusion [kən'klu:ʒən] n.结论,推论communicate [kə'mju:nikeit] vi.通讯,交流,交际;vt.传达,传播communication [kə,mju:ni'keiʃən] n.通讯,交流;传达;通讯联系,交通工具inexact [,iniɡ'zækt] a.不正确的,不精确的incomplete [,inkəm'pli:t] a.不完整的purpose ['pə:pəs] n.1.目的,意图;2.用途regularly ['reɡjələli] ad.整齐地,经常地,定期地purposefully ['pə:pəsfuli] ad.有目的地,蓄意地technique [tek'ni:k] n.1.技术;2.技巧,手艺outline ['autlain] vt.概括,提出要点;n.轮廓;提纲disagree with 与…有分歧,不一致first of all 首先,第一depend on 依赖,依靠;依…而定be willing to 愿意,乐意be interested in 对…感兴趣on the other hand 另一方面英语(上)1课b单词instance ['instəns] n.例,实例deaf [def] a.聋的;听力不佳的dumb [dʌm] a.哑的;无言的Englishman ['iŋɡliʃmən] n.英国人Italian [i'tæljən] n.意大利人;意大利语waiter [weitə] n.侍者,服务员beer [biə] n.啤酒soda-water ['səudə,wɔ:tə] n.苏打水,汽水traveler ['trævlə] n.旅客,旅游者macaroni [,mækə'rəuni] n.通心粉primitive ['primitiv] a.原始的exact [iɡ'zækt] a.精确的,正确的consist [kən'sist] vi.组成(of)simply ['simpli] ad.1.仅,只;2.完全地;3朴素地parrot ['pærət] n.鹦鹉not only……but also 不但…而且neither……nor 既不…也不consist of 由…组成Italy ['itəli] n.意大利英语(上)2课a单词tax [tæks] n.税(款) vt.对…征税generally ['dʒenərəli] ad.一般地,通常,大体上federal ['fedərəl] a.联邦的type [taip] n.类型,种类,品种;vt./vi.打字salaried ['sælərid] a.拿薪水的,领工资的salary ['sæləri] n.工资 vt.[常用被动语态]给…发薪earn [ə:n] vt.1.挣得,赚得;2.获得,赢得percentage [pə'sentidʒ] n.百分比,百分率vary ['vεəri] vi.变化,有不同,差异;vt.改变,使不同graduated ['ɡrædjueitid, -dʒu-] a.1.(税)累进的;2.分等级的;3.刻度的;4.毕业的sale [seil] n.出售,卖;廉价出售charge [tʃɑ:dʒ] vt.1.索价;2.指控;3.装填,使充满;n.1.价钱,费用;2控告,指控;3.负责,主管;4.负荷item ['aitəm] n.条,条款,项目packet ['pækit] n.小包,小盒;vt.打包,装行李;包装cigarette [,siɡə'ret, 'siɡ-] n.香烟,纸烟figure ['fiɡə] n.1.数字;2.人物;3外形,轮廓;vt.(out)计算出;想出;理解addition [ə'diʃən] n.1.加,加法;2.附加物revenue ['revənju:, -nu:] n.1.(国家的)岁入,税收;2.收入,收益diverse [dai'və:s, di-] a.1.不同的,相异的;2.多种多样的confuse [kən'fju:z] vt.使混乱,混淆property ['prɔpəti] n. 1.财产,资产,所有物;2.性质,特性excise ['eksaiz, ek's-, ek'saiz] n.国产税;本国消费税fund [fʌnd] n.1.基金,专款;2.储备,贮存;vt.供以款项,提供资金department [di'pɑ:tmənt] n.部,部门,系municipal [mju:'nisipəl] a.市的,市政的complain [kəm'plein] vt./vi.抱怨(of, about)protest [prəu'test, 'prəu-] vt./vi.抗议,反对useless ['ju:slis] a.1.无用的;2无价值的;3.无效的impractical [im'præktikəl] a.不切实际的,不能实行的program ['prəuɡræm, -ɡrəm] n.1.计划,规划;2.程序;3.节目,节目单;vt.为…编制程序view [vju:] n.1.看法,见解,观点;2.视野,眼界;3.景色,风景;vt.看待,考虑,估量issue ['iʃju:, 'isju:] n.1.问题,争论点;2.发行;3(书刊的)期号;vt.发行,颁布,出版tend [tend] vi.(to)易于,往往会;倾向于;vt.照管,护理be sure of 确信…;确定…have a corner on 垄断(某物)=to have a(the) corner (on)similar to 跟…类似的,与…同样的in addition to 加之;又;除…之外;并且tend to 倾向,有…的趋势,趋于California [,kæli'fɔ:njə] 加利福尼亚(美国州名)North Dakota 北达科他(美国州名)英语(上)2课b单词advertise ['ædvətaiz] vt./vi.为…做广告;登广告attract [ə'trækt] vt.吸引,引起…的注意design [di'zain] vt./vi.1.设计;2.预定,指定;n.1.设计;2.图样,图案;3.企图mail [meil] n.邮件,邮递;vt.邮寄constantly ['kɔnstəntli] ad.经常地;不断地;时常地product ['prɔdəkt, -ʌkt] n.产品,产物persuade [pə'sweid] vt.1.说服,劝服;2.使相信;leisure ['leʒə] n.1.空闲时间,空暇;2.悠闲,安逸activity [æk'tivəti] n.1.活动,活跃;2.行动classified [/'klæsifaid] a.1.分类的,被归为一类的;2.保密的,机密的edition [i'diʃən] n.版,版本section ['sekʃən] n.1.章节,部分;2.部门,科;3.截面,剖面announcement [ə'naunsmənt] n.通告,布告,告示available [ə'veiləbl] a. 可利用的,可获得的amount [ə'maunt] n.数量,数额,总数;vi.合计,共计(to)display [,dis'plei] n./vt.1.陈列,展览;2.显示entertainment [,entə'teinmənt] n.(戏院,马戏团等的)娱乐,游艺,技艺表演;2.招待,款待audience ['ɔ:diəns] n.听众,观众,读者limited ['limitid] a.有限的attractive [ə'træktiv] a.有吸引力的,引起注意的characteristic [,kærəktə'ristik] a.特有的,典型的;为…特有的(of);n.特性,特征slogan ['sləuɡən] n.标语,口号identify [ai'dentifai] vt.认出,鉴定;认为…等同于(with)commercial [kə'mə:ʃəl] a.商业的,商务的;n.商业广告department [di'pɑ:tmənt] n.部,部门,系responsible responsible a.1.需负责的,承担责任的(for)2.有责任感的,负责可靠的 3.责任重大的,重要的company ['kɔmpəni] n.1.公司;2.同伴,陪伴particular [pə'tikjulə] a.特定的;特殊的,特别的 n.详情,细节estimate ['estimeit] n.估计,估价;评价;vt.估计,估价management ['mænidʒmənt] n.1.管理,经营;2.管理部门;3.资方approve [ə'pru:v] vt.1.赞成,同意;2.批准,核准involve [in'vɔlv] vt.1.使卷入,使参与(in);2.牵涉;3.包含,含有for the most part 在很大程度上,多半be characteristic of 为…所特有,是…的特征catch the eye 引人注目no more than 仅仅identify……with 把…和…等同起来carry over 继续下去,遗留下来as well as 除…之外(也);和over and over 反复put up with 忍受,容忍be responsible for 对…负责任的;对…承担责任的decide on 决定,选定be involved in 与…有关联,参与,介入英语(上)3课a单词sailor ['seilə] n.水手,海员unwilling [,ʌn'wiliŋ] a.不情愿的,不愿意的equator [i'kweitə] n.赤道km n.公里;千公尺bulge [bʌldʒ] n.不规则突起;鼓起之处unusual [,ʌn'ju:ʒuəl] a.不寻常的,与众不同的salty ['sɔ:lti] a.含盐的,咸的average ['ævəridʒ] n.平均数,平均;a.1.平均的;2.平常的,普通的;v.平均spot [spɔt] n.1.地点,处所;2.点,斑点;vt.1.点缀;2.认出,准确定位range [reindʒ] n.山脉;幅度,范围;vi.(在某范围内)变动,变化;vt.把…排列成行peak [pi:k] n.1.山峰;2.顶点mid-Atlantic [,midæt'læntik] a.大西洋中部的eastward ['i:stwəd] a.向东的;ad.向东vessel ['vesəl] n.1.船,舰;2.容器,器皿crew [kru:] n.全体船员,全体机务人员becalm [bi'kɑ:m] vt.1.(常用被动)(指帆船)因无风而停止前进;2.使平静,使安静gulf [ɡʌlf] n.海湾stream [stri:m] n.小河,溪流;vi.流,涌current ['kʌrənt] n.1.(空气,水等)流,潮流;2.潮流;3.电流;a.当前的,通行的affect [ə'fekt, 'æfekt] vt.影响,打动climate ['klaimit] n.气候flow [fləu] vi.流动;n.流furnish ['fə:niʃ] vt.1.供应,提供2.装备,(用家具)布置fishing ['fiʃiŋ] n.捕鱼,钓鱼region ['ri:dʒən] n.地区,区域highway ['haiwei] n.公路;(水陆)交通干线iceberg ['aisbə:ɡ] n.冰山float [fləut] vi./vt.(使)漂浮steamship ['sti:mʃip] n.汽船,轮船airplane ['εəplein] n.飞机separate……from 使从…分离(分开,隔开)on average 根据平均标准;平均而言pile up 累积;(指若干车辆)碰撞在一起Atlantic [ət'læntik] 大西洋(=the Atlantic Ocean)America [ə'merikə] 美洲(前边加定冠词the)Pacific [pə'sifik] 太平洋(=the Pacific Ocean)Columbus [kə'lʌmbəs] 哥伦布(意大利航海家,新大陆发现者)Puerto Rico 波多黎各(美国的一个自由联邦,实行自治)Azores ['eizəuz] 亚速尔群岛Florida ['flɔridə] 佛罗里达(美国州名)Sargasso Sea 马尾藻海(在西印度群岛东北)Gulf Stream 墨西哥湾流Labrador ['læbrədɔ:] 拉布拉多半岛(加拿大地名)Arctic ['ɑ:ktik] 北极(the Arctic北极北区;北冰洋)Grand Banks 大浅滩(纽芬兰岛东南的大西洋浅滩)Newfoundland [,nju:faund'lænd] 纽芬兰(加拿大岛或省名)英语(上)3课b单词remain [ri'mein] vi.1.仍然是,依旧是;2.剩下,余留observation [,ɔbzə:'veiʃən] n.注意,观察;观察物continually [kən'tinjuəli] ad.不停地,频频地gravitational [,ɡrævi'teiʃənəl] a.吸引作用的,万有引力的,地心引力的diameter [dai'æmitə] n.直径disc [disk] n.1.圆盘;2.唱片,磁盘artist ['ɑ:tist] n.艺术家,美术家merely ['miəli] ad.仅仅,只不过reflect [ri'flekt] vt.反射,反映;思考,考虑ab solutely ['æbsəlju:tli, ,æbsə'lju:tli] ad.1.完全地,绝对地;2.肯定地uncomfortably [,ʌn'kʌmfətəbli] ad.不舒适地,不安地inhabitant [in'hæbitənt] n.居民,住户earthlight ['ə:θlait] n.地球光moonlight ['mu:nlait] n.月光lunar ['lju:nə] a.月亮的occasionally [ə'keiʒənəli, əu-] ad.偶尔地,间或sunlight ['sʌnlait] n.日光,太阳光except for 除了…外;除去;撇开keep……in mind 记住light up 使明亮,发亮speak of 谈起,提到英语(上)4课a单词psychological [,psaikə'lɔdʒikəl] a.心理(学)的focus ['fəukəs] vt./vi.(on)(使)聚集,(使)集中焦点n. (注意,活动,兴趣等的)中心basic ['beisik] a.基本的,基础的principle ['prinsəpl] n.1.原理,原则;2.主义,信念meaningfulness ['mi:niŋfulnis] n.富有意义organization [,ɔ:ɡənai'zeiʃən, -ni'z-] n.1.组织;2.团体,机构association [ə,səusi'eiʃən, ə,səuʃi'ei-] n.1.联合,结合,交往;2.协会,社团;visualization [,vizjuəlai'zeiʃən] n.想象,设想meaningful ['mi:niŋful] a.富有意义的,意味深长的rhyme [raim] n.韵,押韵ability [ə'biliti] n.能力,能耐random ['rændəm] a./ad.胡乱的,任意的,随便的; n.无目的或目标organize ['ɔ:ɡənaiz] vt.组织jumble ['dʒʌmbl] vt./vi. 混杂chunk [tʃʌŋk] n.一大块,一厚块;vt.分块,组块easily ['i:zili] ad.容易地categorize ['kætiɡəraiz] n.分类following ['fɔləuiŋ] a.接着的,下列的category ['kætiɡəri] n.1.门类,种类;2.范畴;3.(整个系统或组合中的)部门needless ['ni:dlis] a.不需要的,不必要的refer [ri'fə:] vi.提到,涉及;查阅 vt.把…归类于relate [ri'leit] vt.1.叙述,讲述;2.使相互关联(…to);vi.(to)有关联accurately ['ækjuritli] ad.准确地,精确地memorize ['meməraiz] vt.熟记,记住associate [ə'səuʃieit, ə'səuʃiət, -eit] vt.把…联系在一起;交往 n.同事 a.副的improvement [im'pru:vmənt] n.改进,增进visualize ['vizjuəlaiz] vt.想象,设想imagery ['imidʒəri] n.写作中直喻或比喻的使用;像或肖像的总称;意象repetition [,repi'tiʃən] n.1.重复,反复;2.背诵integrated ['intiɡreitid] a.成整体的,完全的,完整的image ['imidʒ] n.像,形象,映像,图像mental ['mentəl] a.1.智力的,脑力的;2.精神的,思想上的preserve [pri'zə:v] vt.1.保护,维持;2.保存,保藏focus on 集中make sense 有意义make a difference 有影响,起(重要)作用needless to say 不用说refer to 提到,涉及;参考,查阅relate……to 与…有关系associate……with 把…联系在一起;与…常在一起,与…为友Mount Fuji 富士山Japan [dʒə'pæn] 日本英语(上)4课b单词short-term ['ʃɔ:t'tə:m] a.短期的long-term ['lɔŋtə:m, 'lɔ:ŋ-] a.长期的recall [ri'kɔ:l, 'ri:kɔ:l] vt.1.回忆,回想;2.召回;3.撤消,收回contrast [kən'trɑ:st, -'træst, 'kɔntrɑ:st, -træst] n.对比,对照 vi.形成对比 vt.把…与…对比dial ['daiəl, dail] vt./vi.拨(电话号码),打电话(给);n.1.钟(或表)面;2.标度盘;3.拨号盘interrupt [,intə'rʌpt] vt.打断,打扰;终止,阻碍;vi.打断,打扰unable [ʌn'eibl] a.[后接动词不定式]不能的,不会的psychologist [psai'kɔlədʒist] n.心理学家human ['hju:mən] a.人的,人类的;n.人apparatus [,æpə'reitəs] n.器械,器具,设备rat [ræt] n.鼠release [ri'li:s] n./vt.1.释放,解放;2.发布,发行;3放开,松开reward [ri'wɔ:d] n./vt.1.酬劳,奖赏;2报答interval ['intəvəl] n.间隔,间距;幕间(或工间)休息represent [,repri'zent] vt.作为…代表(代理);表示;表现intermediate [,intə'mi:djət, -dieit] a.中间的;中级的advanced [əd'vɑ:nst, -'vænst] a. 先进的,高级的native-speaking ['neitiv'spi:kiŋ] a.说本族语的,讲本国话的recording [ri'kɔ:diŋ] n.录制(尤指广播,电视等)节目speaker ['spi:kə] n.1.说话者,演讲者;讲某种语言的人;2.扬声器paragraph ['pærəɡrɑ:f, -ɡræf] n.(文章的)段落,节alike [ə'laik] a.同样的,相像的wither ['wiðə] vt./vi.(使)枯萎,凋谢method ['meθəd] n.方法,办法system ['sistəm] n.1.系统,体系;2.制度,体制unrelated ['ʌnri'leitid] a.无关的,不相关的proficiency [prəu'fiʃənsi] n.[U]熟练,精通in contrast 成对比look up 在字典、参考书中查找be unable to 不能做某事turn on 开,接通(水源,电源,煤气等)turn off 关,关断(水源,电源,煤气等)to begin 首先,开始Los Angeles 洛杉矶(美国加州西南一港市)英语(上) 5课a单词fallacy ['fæleisi] n.谬见,错误的信念;谬误推理,谬论quality ['kwɔləti] n.1.质量;2.品质,特性deer [diə] n.鹿savage ['sævidʒ] a.1.野蛮的,未开化的;2凶猛,残酷的tribe [traib] n.1.种族,部落;2.(植物,动物)族,类bravery ['breivəri] n.[U]英勇,勇敢;勇气man-eating ['mæn,i:tiŋ] n./a.食人;食人的eager ['i:ɡə] a.热切的,渴望的civilized ['sivilaizd] a.文明的,开化的ginger ['dʒindʒə] n.生姜,姜root [ru:t, rut] n.1.根(部);2.根本,根源;v.(使)生根,(使)扎根ma gical ['mædʒikəl] a.1.魔术的,似魔术的;2.不可思议的,迷人的poisonous ['pɔizənəs] a.有毒的overseas ['əuvə'si:z] ad.在(向)海外,在(向)国外;a.(在)海外的,(在)国外的widespread ['waid'spred] a.分布(或散布)广的,普遍的muscle ['mʌsl] n.1.肌肉;2.力量,实力chew [tʃu:] vt./vi.咀嚼helpful ['helpful] a.1.给予帮助的,肯帮助的;2.有益的,建设性的digestive [di'dʒestiv, dai-] a.消化(食物)的juice [dʒu:s] n.汁,液digest [di'dʒest, dai-, 'daidʒest] vt.消化;n.文摘foundation [faun'deiʃən] n.1.根据;2.基金会;3.基础,地基mixture ['mikstʃə] n.混合;混合物belief [bi'li:f] n.1.相信;2.信念,信仰acid ['æsid] n.酸,酸性物质;a.酸的curdle ['kə:dl] vi./vt.(使)结成凝乳;变成凝乳状indigestible [,indi'dʒestəbl, in'dai-] a.难消化的;不能消化的digestion [di:dʒestʃən, dai-] n.消化;吸收cream [kri:m] n.奶油,奶油色combination [,kɔmbi'neiʃən] n.1.结合,联合;2.化合,化合物protein ['prəuti:n, -ti:in]/ n.蛋白质carbohydrate [,kɑ:bəu'haidreit] n.碳水化合物;[pl.]淀粉质食物chiefly ['tʃi:fli] ad.大半,主要contain [kən'tein] vt.包含,容纳be eager to 热切想做,渴望要做substitute for …的替代物have……to do with 与…有关as a matter of fact 事实上,其实;事实恰恰相反think of……as 把…看成英语(上) 5课b单词insect ['insekt] n.昆虫ant [ænt] n.蚂蚁hardworking ['hɑ:d,wə:kiŋ] a.努力工作的wrestle ['resl] vi.角力或摔跤比赛mock [mɔk] vt./vi.愚弄,嘲弄;a.假的,模拟的engage [in'ɡeidʒ] vi. (in)从事于,参加;vt.1.使从事于,使忙于;2.占用(时间等)sober ['səubə] n.1.冷静的,镇定的;2.认真,严肃的frog [frɔɡ] n.蛙grave [ɡreiv] a.1.严重的;2.严肃,庄重的;n.坟墓owl [aul] n.猫头鹰nest [nest] n.巢,窝beaver ['bi:və] n.海狸dam [dæm] n.坝,堤arrange [ə'reindʒ] vt.1.安排,筹划;2.整理,排列plaster ['plɑ:stə, 'plæs-] vt.1.粘贴;2.涂灰泥于(墙等);n.灰泥,石膏mud [mʌd] n.泥,泥浆spider ['spaidə] n.蜘蛛scarcely ['skεəsli] ad.几乎不,几乎没有creature ['kri:tʃə] n.1.生物,动物;2.人imitate ['imiteit] vt.1.模仿,仿效;2.仿制,仿造shepherd ['ʃepəd] n.牧羊人improvement [im'pru:vmənt] n.改进,增进fashion ['fæʃən] n.1.方式,样子;2.流行式样instinct ['instiŋkt] n.1.本能,直觉;2.生性,天性hut [hʌt] n.小屋,棚屋cage [keidʒ] n.笼variety [və'raiəti] n.1.变化,多样化;2.品种,变种;3.种种,多种多样boot [bu:t] n.靴etc. (=et cetera)[缩][拉]以及其他,等等wit [wit] n.智力,才智unlike [,ʌn'laik] prep.不像…,和…不同 a.不相似的,不同的a great deal 大量,许多be true with 对…一样,对…也是真的engage in 从事,忙于be true of 对…一样,对…也是真的as if 好像,似乎仿佛search for 搜寻,搜寻,探察take care of 1.爱护;2.照顾,照料;3.处理,对付英语(上)6课a单词rare [rεə] a. 稀有的,难得的substance ['sʌbstəns] n.1.物质;2.实,本质;3.主旨,大意slight [slait] a.轻微的,纤细的carbon ['kɑ:bən] n.碳extreme [ik'stri:m] a.1.极端的,极度的;2.尽头的,末端的;n.极端pressure ['preʃə] n.压力,压强liquid ['likwid] a.液体的,液态的;n.液体molten ['məultən] a.(melt的过去分词)(指金属)熔化的crack [kræk] n.裂缝,裂口;vi.爆裂,破裂crust [krʌst] n. 1.地壳;2.面包皮,硬外皮,外壳crystal ['kristəl] n.水晶;晶粒;a.清澈透明的,水晶制的,晶体的popular ['pɔpjulə] a.流行的,通俗的,大众的;受欢迎的gem [dʒem] n.宝石,珠宝handful ['hændful] n.一把,一小撮gravel ['ɡrævəl] n.碎石,砂砾formation [fɔ:'meiʃən] n.[地]岩层;形成,构成pipe [paip] n.1.管子,导管;2.烟斗;3.火山筒;vt.用管道输送volcano [vɔl'keinəu] n.火山somewhat ['sʌmhwɔt, -hwət] ad.稍微,有点blast ['baiəu,blæst] n.1.疾风,强风;2.爆炸;vt.炸,炸掉elevator ['eliveitə] n.电梯,升降机crush [krʌʃ] vt.1.压碎,碾碎;2.镇压,压倒destroy [di'strɔi] vt.1.破坏,毁灭;2.消灭grease [ɡri:s] n.油脂;滑脂impressive [im'presiv] a.给人印象深刻的,感人的greasy ['ɡri:zi] a.1.涂有油脂的,油污的;2.油腻的,滑的pebble ['pebl] n.小圆石;卵石experienced [ik'spiəriənst] a.有经验的miner ['mainə] n.矿工immediately [i'mi:diətli] ad.1.立即地,即刻地;2.直接地,紧密地be made of 由…构成be popular with 受…喜欢;受…欢迎run out 用尽sort out 分类,整理stick to 附着,粘住India ['indiə] 印度Brazil [brə'zil] 巴西Russia ['rʌʃə] 俄罗斯South Africa 南非英语(上)6课b单词beneath [bi'ni:θ] prep.在…下面(或底下),低于haze [heiz] n.薄雾morning-glory ['mɔ:niŋ,glɔ:ri] n.牵牛花aside [ə'said] ad.在旁边,到(或向)一边magnify ['mæɡnifai] vt.1.放大;2.扩大,夸大puzzle ['pʌzl] vt.(使)迷惑,(使)为难;vi.迷惑,苦思;n.1.测验(智力,技巧等)的问题(或游戏),智力玩具;2.迷,seed [si:d] n.种子observe [əb'zə:v] vt.1.注意到,察觉到;2.观察;3.说;4.遵守,奉行seaweed ['si:wi:d] n.海草;海藻former ['fɔ:mə] a.在前的,以前的;n.前者latter ['lætə] a.1.后者的;2.后一半的,接近终了的;n.后者inorganic [inɔ:'ɡænik] a.无机的dwelling ['dweliŋ] n.住处;住宅fairy ['fεəri] n.神仙,仙人broad [brɔ:d] a.1.宽的,阔的;2.广泛的delicious [di'liʃəs] a.1.美味的;2.(味觉或嗅觉)使人愉快的closely ['kləusli] ad.1.紧密地;2.严密地,密切地suck [sʌk] v.吸,吸收sap [sæp] n.1.树液;2.元气,精气dissolve [di'zɔlv] vt.1.(使)溶解,(使)融化;2.解散,取消turn aside from 离开be satisfied with 对…感到心满意足take place 发生lie in 在于hold good for (对…)适用live on 靠…生活take in 吸收;让…进入;接纳,接受suck up 吸收,吸出,吸起take up 1.拿起;2.吸收,溶解;3.占去(地方,时间,注意力等)英语(上)7课a单词definition [,difi'niʃən] n. 定义,释义marriage ['mæridʒ] n.结婚,婚姻descend [di'send] vi.1.传下,遗传;2.下来,下降ancestor ['ænsestə] n.祖先,祖宗household ['haushəuld] n.家庭,户;a.家庭的,家常的grandparent ['ɡrænd,pεərənt] n.(外)祖父或(外)祖母relative ['relətiv] n.亲属,亲戚;a.相对的traditional [trə'diʃənəl] a.传统的security [si'kjuəriti] n.安全basically ['beisikəli] ad.基本上,从根本上说nuclear ['nju:kliə, 'nu:-] a.1.核子的,核能的;2.核心,中心的extended [ik'stendid] a.1. 展开的,扩大的;2.延伸的,延续的;3.广阔的,广泛的nucleus ['nju:kliəs] n.(原子)核;核心mother-in-law ['mʌðərinlɔ:] n.岳母;婆母agricultural [,æɡri'kʌltʃərəl] a.农业的industrial [in'dʌstriəl] a.工业的,产业的industrialize [in'dʌtriəlaiz] vt.(使)工业化post-industrial [pəustin'dʌstriəl] a. (经济基础已由重工业转为服务业,高技术等的)后工业化的earner ['ə:nə] n.赚钱者;获得收入者split [split] vi.1.撕裂,裂开;2.分裂,分开;vt.劈开,使分裂;n.分裂,裂口divorce [di'vɔ:s] n./vi.离婚 vt.与…离婚,使分裂social ['səuʃəl] a.1.社会的;2.交际的,社交的remarry [,ri:'mæri] vt./vi.(使)再婚care for 喜欢,对…中意;对…担心;照顾,照料split up 1.分裂,分开;2.吵架,离婚talk of 谈到,谈起英语(上)7课b单词structure ['strʌktʃə] n.1结构,构造;2.建筑物;vt.建造,建立generation [,dʒenə'reiʃən] n.1.一代(人);2.产生,发生customary ['kʌstə,məri] a.1.习惯上的,惯常的;2.合乎(或基于)习俗的partner ['pɑ:tnə] n.1.配偶;2.搭档,伙伴,合伙人similarity [,simi'læriti] n.相似,类似role [rəul] n.1.角色;2.作用similarly ['similəli] ad.相似地,类似地physical ['fizikəl] a.1.身体的,肉体的;2.物理的,物理学的;3.物质的,有形的emotional [i'məuʃənəl] a.感情的,情绪的provider [prəu'vaidə] n.1.供应者;提供者;2.养家糊口的人housework ['hauswə:k] n.家务劳动;家事preparation [,prepə'reiʃən] n.准备,预备pregnant ['preɡnənt] a.怀孕的,妊娠的primary ['praiməri] a.最初的,初级的;首要的,主要的,基本的preschool ['pri:'sku:l] a.学龄前的,入学前的baby-sitter ['beibi,sitə] n.代人临时照看小孩的人dependent [di'pendənt] a.依靠的,依赖的(on, upon)provide for 赡养,为…提供必需品in addition 另外,加之give up 交出,让出;放弃,抛弃,辞去instead of 代替;而不是…be busy doing 忙于做(某事)in conclusion 最后,在结束时英语(上)8课a单词telecommunication [,telikə,mju:ni'keiʃən] n.电信,远距离通信via ['vaiə] prep.经由,经过,通过satellite ['sætəlait] n.卫星,人造卫星transmit [trænz'mit, træns-, trɑ:n-] vt.1.播送,发射;2.传送,传递;3.输送photography [fə'tɔɡrəfi] n.1.摄影,照相;2.摄影术telegraph ['teliɡrɑ:f, -ɡræf] n.1.电报机,电报(指通信方式);2(一份)电报;vt.用电报发送;打电报给;vi.打电报establish [i'stæbliʃ] vt.1.建立,创办,设立;2.确立,使确认signal ['siɡnəl] n.信号,暗号 vt./vi.(向…)发信号orbit ['ɔ:bit] vt./vi.绕(…的)轨道运行 n.轨道visual ['vizjuəl] a.视觉的,看得见的capable ['keipəbl] a.有能力的,有才能的;能…的(of)broadcast ['brɔ:dkɑ:st, -kæst] n./vt./vi.广播,播音computer [kəm'pju:tə] n.计算机,电脑theory ['θiəri, 'θi:ə-] n.1.理论,原理;2学说access ['ækses, 'æksəs, æk'ses] n.1.通道,入口;2.接近(或进入)的机会,享用机会unlimited [,ʌn'limitid] a.1.无界限的,无边无际的;2.无限制的,无约束的;3.无数的,无限量的demonstrate ['demənstreit] vt.1.说明,演示;2.论证,证实;vi.示威游行educational [,edju:'keiʃənəl] a.1.教育的,教育方面的;2.有教育意义的remote [ri'məut] a.1.遥远,偏僻的;2.(可能性)很小的isolate ['aisəleit, -lit] vt.使隔离,使孤立;a.孤立的transportation [,trænspə'teiʃən, ,trænz-, ,trɑ:n-] n.1.运输;2.运输系统,运输工具instruction [in'strʌkʃən] n.教学,指导;命令,指示,用法说明conversation [,kɔnvə'seiʃən] n.谈话,会话simultaneously [saiməl'teiniəsli] ad.同时发生地,同时进行地channel ['tʃænəl] n.频道;航道;渠道 vt.通过…获得,传送risk [risk] vt.冒…的危险 n.冒险,风险privacy ['praivəsi, 'pri-, 'prai-] n.1.私事,私生活;2.隐私;3.独处personal ['pə:sənl] a.1.个人的,私人的;2.亲自的movie ['mu:vi] n.电影contact ['kɔntækt, kən'tækt] n.接触,联系 vt.与…接触,使联系technology [tek'nɔlədʒi] n.工艺,技术harm [hɑ:m] n./vt.伤害,损害,危害expert ['ekspə:t, ek'spə:t] n.专家,能手;a.熟练的,内行的application [,æpli'keiʃən] n.1.申请,申请表;2.应用,实施be capable of (指人)有某种能力或倾向的have access to 可接近,可进入lead to 导致;通向Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会Tokyo ['təukjəu; -kiəu; 'tɔ:kjɔ:] 东京Olympics [əu'limpiks] 奥林匹克运动会比赛项目(=Olympic Games)英语(上)8课b单词obvious ['ɔbviəs] a.显然的,明显的widely ['waidli] ad.1.广泛地,普遍地;2.广博地;3.大大地shelter ['ʃeltə] n.1.掩蔽,保护;2.掩蔽处,躲避处;vt.掩蔽,庇护atmosphere ['ætmə,sfiə] n.1.大气,大气圈,大气层;2.(心理上的)周围情况,环境,气氛deadly ['dedli] a.致死的,致命的ray [rei] n.光线,射线atmospheric [,ætməs'ferik,-kəl] a.1.大气的,空气的;2.大气层的;大气所引起的automobile ['ɔ:təməubi:l, ,ɔ:təmə'bi:l] n.汽车tire ['taiə] n.轮胎gas [ɡæs] 1.气体;2.煤气;3.汽油per [强pə:, 弱pə] prep.每,每一column ['kɔləm] n.1.柱,圆柱;2.栏,专栏(文章)electrical [i'lektrikəl] a.电的,电气的existence [iɡ'zistəns] n.1.存在;2.生存,生活gaze [ɡeiz] vi./n.凝视,注视lightning ['laitniŋ] n.闪电thorough ['θʌrə, 'θə:rəu] a./ad.1.彻底的,完全的;2.仔细周到的,精心的radar ['reidə] n.雷达create [kri'eit] vt.1.创造;2.创作;3.引起,产生hydrogen ['haidrədʒən] n.氢curve [kə:v] n.1.曲线,弧线;2.弯曲;vt./vi.(使)弯曲,(使)成曲线unending [ʌn'endiŋ] a.1.永无止境的,不尽的;2.不断的,不停的meantime ['mi:n'taim] n.同时,其间element ['elimənt] n.1.成分,要素;2.元素atomic [ə'tɔmik] a.原子能的;原子的explosion [ik'spləuʒən] n.爆炸,爆发in order to 为了protect……from 防御(危险;敌人等)rest upon 依赖,依靠in the meantime 在此期间,(与此)同时pay attention to 注意Sydney Chapman ['sidni]['tʃæpmən] 西德尼·查普曼(人名)英语(上)9课a单词learned ['lə:nid] a.1.有学问的,博学的;2.学术上的;a.经过训练学到的cultivated ['kʌltiveitid] a.1.耕种的,耕作的;2.栽培的,非野生的;3.有修养的,文雅的concern [kən'sə:n] n.1.关心,挂念;2.关系,关联;vt.1.涉及,有关于;2.使关心,使挂念stock [stɔk] n.1.备料,库存;2.股票,公债;3.有货;vt.储备,储存possession [pə'zeʃən] n.所有,拥有;所有物relatively ['relətivli] ad.比较而言;相对地educated ['edju:keitid] a.1.受过教育的,有知识的;2.有教养的occasion [ə'keiʒən, əu-] n.1.时刻;2.场合,重大(或特殊)的活动;3.时机,机会acquaintance [ə'kweintəns] n.1.认识,了解;2.相识的人,熟人formal ['fɔ:məl] a.1.正式的;2.形式的3.礼仪上的highly ['haili] ad.高度地;极;非常topic ['tɔpik] n.1.题目,话题;2.主题elevated ['eliveitid] a.1.提高的,升高的;2.高贵,庄严的style [stail] n.1.风格;2.文体;3.式样importance [im'pɔ:təns] n.重要(性)vivacious [vi'veiʃəs] a.活泼的,轻快的case [keis] n.1.情况,事实;2.病例;案件;3.箱,盒noun [naun] n.名词Latin ['lætin] a.拉丁的,拉丁人的,拉丁语的;n.拉丁语,拉丁人derivative [di'rivətiv] n.派生词;派生物;a.派生的,衍生的adjective ['ædʒiktiv] n.形容词grown-up ['ɡrəun'ʌp] a.成熟的,成人的;n.成年人apply [ə'plai] vi.1.申请,请求(for);2.适用(to);vt.应用,运用(to)absolute ['æbsəlju:t, ,æbsə'lju:t] a.绝对的,完全的popularity [,pɔpju'lærəti] n.1.普及,流行;2.名望,受欢迎classification [/,klæsifi'keiʃən/] n.分类;分级convenient [kən'vi:njənt] a.方便的avoid [ə'vɔid] vt.避免,避开misconception [,miskən'sepʃən] n.误解,错误想法;错误印象presence ['prezəns] n.1.出席,到场;2.存在cultivation [,kʌlti'veiʃən] n.1.耕种,耕作;2.教养,修养literature ['litərətʃə] n.1.文学,文学作品;2.文献,图书资料make up 1.(由部分)组成,构成(全体);2.弥补,补偿,赔偿(损失等);3.捏造,虚构stock in trade 1.库存;2.常用手段belong to 属于;是…的成员at large 1.普遍,一般地;2.自由地,(未被捕)逍遥自在地come up 出现as to 至于,关于be due to 由于,因为rather than 与其…(不如);不是…(而是)英语(上)9课b单词vocabulary [vəu'kæbjuləri] n.1.词汇(量);2.词(汇)表context ['kɔntekst] n.上下文,语境interrupt [,intə'rʌpt] vt.打断,打扰;终止,阻碍;vi.打断,打扰process ['prəuses, 'prɔ-] n.1.过程,进程;2.工序,加工方法;vt.加工,处理productive [prəu'dʌktiv] a.1.生产的;2.多产的,富饶的;3.富有成效的swift [swift] a.快速的,敏捷的securely [si'kjuəli] ad.1.安全地;2.牢固地,稳固地;3.信心十足地,有把握地intend [in'tend] vt.1.想要,打算(后接to do或doing);2.意指,意思是specific [spi'sifik] a.1.具体的,明确的;2.特定的,特有的preference ['prefərəns] n.(for, to)1.偏爱;2.优先(权)prefix [,pri:'fiks, 'pri:fiks] n.前缀suffix ['sʌfiks, sə'fiks] n.后缀insert [in'sə:t, 'insə:t] vt.插入,嵌入apparently [ə'pærəntli] ad.1.显然地;2.表面上,似乎consult [kɔn'sʌlt, 'kɔnsʌlt] vt.1.请教,向…咨询;2.查阅,查看;vi.交换意见,商议tentative ['tentətiv] a.试探性的;尝试性的spark [spɑ:k] n.火花,火星;vi发火花,发电花;vt.激发,引起personally ['pə:sənəli] ad.1.亲自,当面;2.就个人而言;3.作为个人,个别地heighten ['haitən] vt.1.加高,提高,增高;2.增加,,加强formula ['fɔ:mjulə] n.公式maximum ['mæksiməm] n.最大限度,最大量,顶点;a.最高的,最大的effectiveness [ə'fektivnis] n.效果,有效性sharpen ['ʃɑ:pən] vt.1.削尖,磨尖;2.使敏锐,使敏捷awareness [ə'wɛənis] n.1.意识,觉悟;2.懂事,明智contextual [kɔn'tekstjuəl] a.上下文的;取决于上下文的accuracy ['ækjurəsi] n.准确(性),精确(性)ease [i:z] n.1.容易;2.舒适,安逸;vt./vi.缓和,减轻come across 偶然遇见,碰上begin with 以…开始,以…为起点come up with 提出after all 毕竟;终究provide somebody with 给某人提供…Sherlock Holmes 夏洛克·福尔摩斯英语(上)10课a单词scientific [,saiən'tifik] a.科学的attitude ['ætitju:d, -tu:d] n.1.姿势,姿态;2.态度,看法(to, forwards)environment [in'vaiərənmənt] n.环境,周围状况,自然环境curiosity [,kjuri'ɔsiti] n.好奇(心);求知欲imagination [i,mædʒi'neiʃən] n.1.想象,想象力;2.空想,幻觉apart [ə'pɑ:t] ad.分离,分开stimulate ['stimjuleit] vt.刺激,激励scientifically [saiən'tifikli] ad.科学地relationship [ri'leiʃənʃip] n.关系,联系phenomenon [fi'nɔminən, fə-] n.现象,迹象unknown ['ʌn'nəun] 未知的,不知名的open-minded ['əupən'maindid] a.1.无偏见的;2.虚心的open-mindedness ['əupən'maindidnis] 1.无偏见;2.虚心regardless [ri'ɡɑ:dlis, ri:-] a.1.不留心的,不注意的2.不关心的;ad.不论如何,不顾,不惜previously ['pri:vju:sli] ad.在前地,早先地disagreeable [disə'ɡriəbl, -ɡri:ə-] a.让人讨厌的,不合心意的unpleasant [,ʌn'plezənt] a.使人不愉快的;不合意的failure ['feiljə] n.1.失败;2.失灵,故障;3.没做到,不履行(to+v.)solution [sə'lju:ʃən] n.1.解答,解决办法;2.溶解,溶液thinking ['θiŋkiŋ] n.1.思想,思考;2.想法,见解adapt [ə'dæpt] vt.1.使适应,使适合(to);2.改编,改写;vi.适应(to)perfect ['pə:fikt, pə'fekt] a.1.完美的,完满的;2.完全的,十足的;vt.使完美,改善acceptable [ək'septəbl] a.可以接受的entirely [in'taiəli] ad.1.全部,完整地;2.完全地,彻底地frequently ['fri:kwəntli] ad.经常地;频繁地evidence ['evidəns] n.根据,证据finding ['faindiŋ] n.发现(物);[常pl.](调查或研究)结果sprout [spraut] vi.(种子,植物)发牙,抽条;vi.使发芽;n.新芽,嫩苗determine [di'tə:min] vt.1.决定;2.查明,确定;3.决心growth [ɡrəuθ] n.1.增长,增加;2.生长,发展lay aside 把…放在一边,把…搁置一旁;留存take apart 拆散;拆开carry out 1.实行;2.贯彻,执行believe in 相信,信任regardless of 不顾;不管in advance 1.预先,事先;2.在前面adapt……to 使…适应…make up o ne‘s mind 下决心once and for all 永远地,一劳永逸地in the light of 1.按照,根据;2.鉴于respect for 尊重laugh at 嘲笑;讥笑Benjamin Franklin 富兰克林(美国政治家及科学家)Thomas Edison 爱迪生(美国发明家)Galileo [ɡæli'leiəu] 伽利略(意大利物理学及天文学家)Louis Pasteur 巴斯德(法国化学家及微生物学家)英语(上)10课b单词solve [sɔlv, sɔ:lv] vt.解决,解答arouse [ə'rəuz] vt.1.引起,激起;2.唤起,唤醒procedure [prə'si:dʒə] n.程序,手续,步骤obtain [əb'tein, ɔb-] vt.获得,得到solution [sə'lju:ʃən] n.1.解答,解决办法;2.溶解,溶液arise [ə'raiz] vi.出现,发生;(from)由…引起biological [,baiəu'lɔdʒik,-kəl] a.生物学(上)的engineering [,endʒi'niəriŋ] n.1.工程,工程学;2.操纵,管理microelectronics ['maikrəui,lek'trɔniks] n.微电子学,超小型电子学account [ə'kaunt] n.1.叙述,说明;2.账,账户;vi.(for)说明(原因等)related [ri'leitid] a.1.有关的,相关的(to);2.有亲戚(或亲缘)关系的background ['bækɡraund] n.背景logical ['lɔdʒikəl] a.逻辑(上)的,符合逻辑的mathematical [,mæθi'mætikəl] a.数学(上)的analysis [ə'næləsis] n. 1.分析;2.分解unanswered [ʌn'a:nsəd] a.1.未予答复的;2.无响应的,无报答的indicate ['indikeit] vt.1.指示,指出;2.表示,表明inference ['infərəns] n.推论,推理,推断hypothesis [hai'pɔθisis] n.1.假说,假设;2(无根据的)猜测,揣测prediction [pri'dikʃən] n.1.预言,预计;2.预报confidence ['kɔnfidəns] n.信任,信心probable ['prɔbəbl] a.很可能的,大概的unreliable [,ʌnri'laiəbl] a.1.不可靠的,靠不住的;2.不可信赖的modify ['mɔdifai] vt.修改,更改accurate ['ækjurət] a.准确的,精确的variable ['vεəriəbl] n.变量;a.1.易变,可变的;2.变量的experimentation [ik,sperimen'teiʃən, ek,s-] n.实验,试验a variety of 1.种种;2.若干不同的result from 发生;因…引起,起因于in need of 需要build up 增长,增强;逐渐积聚,集结carry out 1.实行;2.贯彻,执行turn out to be 原来是,(最后)证明是check with 与…相符,一致英语(上)11课a单词garage ['ɡærɑ:dʒ, ɡə'r-] n.车库;(常兼汽车修理,销售业务的)加油站unwanted [,ʌn'wɔntid] a.没人要的;不需要的,无用的,多余的rid [rid] 使摆脱,使去掉(of)homemade ['həum'meid] a.1.家里做的;2.自制的;3.本国制造的neighborhood ['neibəhud] n.四邻,邻近地区,附近advertisement [əd'və:tismənt, ,ædvə'taizmənt] n.广告local ['ləukəl] a.1.地方性的,当地的;2.局部的buyer ['baiə] n.购买者;买主basement ['beismənt] n.地下室wherever [hwεə'evə] conj.无论在哪里,无论到哪里;ad.无论什么地方ever-increasing ['evə in'kri:siŋ] a.不断增长的,持续增长的replica ['replikə] n.复制品stuff [stʌf] n.1.原料,材料;2.东西;vt.填满,塞满castoff ['kɑ:stɔf] a.1.抛弃的,丢开的;2.穿旧的;n.被抛弃的人(或物)。



UNIT 1 Social Media and FriendshipTranslationText A真正的友谊正在消亡吗?马克·弗农1、近来,不管是推特网、脸谱网、领英网还是现代办公室里的无数闲聊,社交媒体正在改变着我们的生活方式,对于有心人而言,这一点显而易见。





















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I.Wrinting1. 如何学好英语2. 如何看待fashionII.ListeningMen losing their hair should look to their hearts. A study (26)_ _ _ _ _ that 21-to-55-year-old men who were severely bald on (27)_ _ _ were three times more likely to (28)_ _ _ _ _ _ heart attacks than those with full heads of hair. Men with mild to (29)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ baldness on top had about one and a half times greater risk. Men with receding hairlines, even severely receding ones, but no baldness on top face no (30)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ risk.The authors of the study said some bald men might want to take (31)_ _ _ _ _ precautions as a result of these (32)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . Persons who (33)_ _ _ _ _ _ to families with an increased risk of premature coronary heart disease are advised to carefully control known risk (34)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ such as elevated cholesterol levels, smoking and elevated blood (35)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , and it now also seems prudent for bald men to follow more strictly similar life habits.26. found 27. top28. suffer 29. moderate30. increased 31. extra32. findings 33. belong34. factors 35. pressureIII.Reading comprehensionOn Christmas Eve I hung up my stocking along with my sisters. The next morning my sisters and I •36• up at six. Then we raced downstairs to the fireplace. And there they were, the gifts, all •37• of wonderful things, mixed-up piles of •38•. Only my stocking was empty; it hung •39•; not a thing in it; and under and around it ― •40•. My sisters had knelt down, each by her •41• of gifts; they were crying with •42•, until they looked up and saw me •43• there looking so miserable. They came over to me and •44• my stocking: nothing.I don’t remember whether I cried at that •45•, but my sisters did. They ran with me back tomy bed, and there we all cried till I became indignant.Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.Hi. My name is Dina. I’m a black Canadian. When I was two-and-a-half years old I was adopted (收养) by a white couple who already had two biological sons. I am gratefulfor my parents and two brothers but growing up was sometimes difficult.Nearly everyone living in our neighborhood was white. Children sometimes teased (逗笑) me and called me names because I was black...because I was different... and because Ididn’t know who my biological parents were.Adults could also be cruel. Sometimes they would refuse to acknowledge my parents as my real parents. It was difficult to understand such an attitude but as I grew older I beganto realize that they simply didn’t understand that my parents had CHOSEN to raise me. Ialso realized that being an adopted child didn’t make my own family less real or lessvaluable.Now that I am older, I can see that I was lucky to be adopted. In North America, most couples who adopt children want newborn babies. When a child is older than two or three,it becomes more difficult for him or her to be adopted.Children who cannot find parents to adopt them are placed in foster (收养) homes.Foster children do not become legal members of the family and may live with severaldifferent families while they are growing up.Fortunately this didn’t happen to me. As an adopted child, I grew up as part of a family and with the same security as a child born to the family. My parents are my parentsand my brothers are my brothers. I can’t imagine calling anyone else “mother” and “father”or “brother”. “Adoption” is a word for outsiders.56. Dina’s parents and brothers treat her ________.A) very well B) cruelly C) badly D) coldly57. ”Call me names” in Para. 2 means ________.A) say something bad to me C) give me a nicknameB) call me Dina D) beat me58. Most adopted children are adopted when they are ________.A) two B) two and a half C) three D) not older than two59. It is implied in the passage that ________.A) Dina was adopted when she was older than twoB) Dina was a black girlC) Dina’s parents have two sonsD) Dina becomes a legal member of the family60. Dina is lucky mostly because ________.A) she is adopted by a white familyB) most people living in the neighborhood are whiteC) she has the love from her parents and brothersD) she can live like a normal childQuestion 61 to 65 are based on the following passageTime spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are a book lover or only there to buy a book as a present. You may even have entered the shop just to find shelterfrom a sudden shower. Whatever the reason, you can soon become totally unaware of yoursurroundings. The desire to pick up a book with an attractive design is irresistible, althoughthis method of selection ought not to be followed, as you might end up with a ratheruninteresting book. You soon become lost in some book or other, and usually it is onlymuch later that you realize you have spent far too much time there and must hurry to keepsome forgotten appointment --- without buying a book, of course.The opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop. There are not many places where it is possible to do this. A music shop isvery much like a bookshop. You can go to such places as much as you wish. If it is a goodshop, no as sistant will approach you with the greeting: “Can I help you, sir?” You needn’tbuy anything you don’t want. In a bookshop, an assistant should remain in the backgrounduntil you have finished reading. You may want to find out where a particular section is.Then, and only then, are his services necessary. But when he has led you there, the assistantshould leave politely and look as if he is not interested in selling a single book.61. The best title for this passage may be “________”.A) The Attraction of Bookshops C) Bookshops and Their AssistantsB) How to Spend Your Time D) Buying Books62. According to the author, the best way to escape the realities of everyday life is ________.A) to chat with assistants in a bookshopB) to take a walk in the streetsC) to make some appointment in a bookshopD) to stay reading books of various kinds in a bookshop63. In a good bookshop, ________.A) all the books there are interestingB) you enjoy yourself very muchC) you can find shelter from a showerD) you need to buy something you don’t want64. An assistant in a bookshop helps you ________.A) on your entering the shopB) just before you finish readingC) only when you want to find out where a particular section isD) when you are reading65. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?A) Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable only for book lovers.B) There are only a few places where it is possible to escape the realities of life.C) People go to bookshops only to buy books.D) A book with an attractive design must be an interesting one.AADDC ADBCBIII.Translation 15%Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.学习外语是我一生中最艰苦也是最有意义的经历之一。
