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1.专有名词:如:China, the Great Wall


(1)个体名词:pen, doctor

(2)集体名词:family, class

(3)物质名词:water, paper

(4)抽象名词:work, time



1、pen----pens, coat----coats

2、class----classes, box----boxes



5、tomato----tomatoes, piano---pianos

6、knife----knives, wolf---wolves

注:man----men, child----children, sheep----sheep.

例题1 paper是可数名词吗?一张纸怎么说?

例题2 radio的复数形式是radioes吗?

例题3 汉译英:(1)两个美国人(2)三个英国人


例题4 I’ll tell you a good news这名话对吗?

例题5 “玛丽的头发”和“教室的窗户”,这两个词组怎么译?

例题 6 “今天的报纸”和“五分钟的步行”怎样用英语表示?


foot, sheep, family, tea, wife, rice, zoo, piece, man, boot, fox, bread, enemy, horse, work, tomato, day, homework, ink, piano, valley, mountain, watch, thief, tooth, milk, air, cow, bus, meat, monkey, gas, rubbish, key, photo, blood, meeting, music, month, fish

II. 写出下列名词的复数形式:

1.jeep, cock, coat, hand, group

2.valley, monkey, library, baby, country

3.potato, tomato, hero, radio, photo

4.leaf, life, thief, knife, shelf

5.bus, glass, brush, pencil-box, watch

6.foot, tooth, boot, child, policeman

7.sheep, handkerchief, German, Japanese, Frenchman

III. 将下列句子变为复数形式:

1.This is a wolf.

2.It’s an interesting story.

3.Is there a piano in the room?

4.That sheep is fat.

5.What a nice child he is!

6.What color is that coat?

7.There is a fox under a tree.

8.Whose bookshelf is this?

9.Is that a sheep or a goat?

10. It’s a beautiful city, isn’t it?


1.汤姆的父母亲 2. 学生们的书桌 3. 昨天的报纸

4. 我叔叔的屋子

5. 一张世界地图


7. 两杯茶8. 两双鞋子9.儿童节10.书的封面V.选择正确答案:

1.How many desks and chairs _______there in your

classroom? (is, are)

2.I know ______ Russia. (a few, a little)

3.How ______ is this jacket? (many, much)

4.Who gave you some _______ yesterday evening?(advice, advices)

5. I’m sorry, I have ______ ink in my pen.(little, few)

6.English ______ not easy for me to learn.(are, is)

7.We have made quite ______ American friends. (a little, a


8.He has just had ________. (two breads, two pieces of


9.I don’t think physics ________ more difficult than

Chinese.(are, is)

10.There ________ a lot of rice in the bag.(is, are)

11.There are ________ sheep in the field. (a little, a few)

VI. 判断下列句子哪句是正确的:


A.Are they Germen or Japanese?

B.Are they Germans or Japanese?


A.I have a lot of money.

B.I have a lot of moneys.


A.How many bowls of rice have you had?

B.How many bowl of rice have you had? 4.他有许多工作要做。

A.He has a lot of works to do.

B.He has a lot of work to do.


A.He said his mother had bought him a glasses.

B.He said his mother had bought him a pair of glasses.


A.Those are the doctors’s seat s.

B.Those are the doctors’ seats.


A.There are some fish and meat on the table.

B.There is some fish and meat on the table.


A.Our class’s students are going to the Summer Palace.

B.The students of our class are going to the Summer Palace.


A.Have you ever read the story of Lenin?

B.Have you ever read Lenin’s story?


A.It’s interesting work.

B.It’s an interesting work.
