





Section 1:询问——游泳馆,填空10Section 2:介绍——咖啡豆的加工流程,流程图6+配对4Section 3:同学争论——音乐对于人们进食影响的讨论,选择6+配对4Section 4:社科——澳大利亚轮胎回收的流程,填空4+流程图6二、详细题目分析:Section 1新旧状况:14185场景:询问——游泳馆题型:填空10参考答案:适合的人群FacilitiesDisadvantages1.young children2.cafeParking problemsEntry level3.changing room4.timetableis hard to follow5. forlearners6.room and freelocker7.crowded8. 3 times a week9. class start from ** to 5.30 pm10. need extra transport costmembership of 65 and price of 30(答案仅供参考)解析:考察的题型相对简洁,考生需要留意同义替换以及对于干扰信息的排解。

参考练习:C7T1S1;C8T2S1Section 2新旧状况:14206场景:介绍——咖啡豆的加工流程题型:流程图6+配对4参考答案:11. 首先咖啡豆采摘下来harvested装袋子and packaged 运输transported12. 其次步会有机器open那些袋子and weighted13. 第三步will clean 那些咖啡豆in a hopper14. 第四步放在机器里coast boiled 的咖啡豆will be expanded15. 第五步咖啡豆要冷却need to cool16. 第六步炒好的咖啡豆需要封装到小袋子sealed in pocket17. 第一种咖啡first roast ------ mild light18. 其次种咖啡green beans ------ smokey19. 第三种咖啡French coffee------ chocolaty20. 第四种咖啡Espresso smoky------ intense the final product dark(答案仅供参考)解析:话题内容比较生疏,考生不易猜测,并且部分单词如harvested和chocolaty的拼写也会给考生带来肯定难度参考练习:C8T4S3Section 3新旧状况:08307场景:同学争论——音乐对于人们进食的影响的讨论题型:选择6+配对4参考答案:21. 讨论的主题research subject:A. music’s effect on guests/consumersB. music’s effect on food22. In *** cafe(某餐厅), music is played”:A. in different areasB. uniform level volumeC. certain time23. what it the propose of first several questions in the questionnaire:C. disguise the purpose of the survey24. questionnaire are collected from:A. a previous studyB. self madeC. the dictionary25-26. 选择该餐厅考虑的标准criteria:A. competitor nearby & E. seat capacity27. jazz music: people spent more money28. no music------ A people think the restaurant is overpriced29. classical music: people left right after eating30. pop music------ people will come back again(答案仅供参考)解析:考察场景相对简洁,但是涉及的同义替换较多,因此对于考生的理解和辨析力量要求较强参考练习:C10T3S3, C11T4T3Section 4新旧状况:09401场景:社科——澳大利亚轮胎回收的流程题型:填空4+流程图6参考答案:31. The typical tire dealer may generate 600 to 800 waste tires per month32. There are companies recycle rubber for profit but this one doesnot make money33. this recycle company’s advantage: recycled no limit on size of tire34. 5% of the cash revenue has been invested into research35. wheel hub production of steel: remove wires36. get rid of dirt segments and37. The rubber can be molded(mixed) with plastic for products38. rubber-molded products are carpet padding or floor materials39. XX is treatment of water and therefore environmentally friendly40. MSDS: is an ink applied to the tread of a tire as a visible color.(答案仅供参考)解析:话题内容比较生疏,比较难进行猜测,部分单词的拼写如wires 和plastic也会对考生造成肯定难度.参考练习:C10T4S4, C11T4S4文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。






以下是几道历年雅思听力真题及其分析:第一道题目:Section 1 - 填空题[录音播放]W: Welcome to our bookstore. How can I help you?M: Yes, I'm looking for a book on organic gardening. Do you have anything on that topic?W: Yes, we have a few options. There's a popular book called "The Organic Gardener's Handbook" by John Green. It covers everything fromsoil preparation to pest control.M: That sounds perfect. How much does it cost?W: It's $25.99.M: Great. I'll take it.这是一道典型的填空题。


通过仔细听取录音,我们可以得知正确答案是"John Green"。

第二道题目:Section 2 - 判断题[录音播放]M: Good afternoon, everyone. Today, we have a special guest speaker - Dr. Anna Roberts. Dr. Roberts is a renowned marine biologist with over 20 years of research experience. She will be talking to us about the impact of climate change on marine ecosystems. Please give her a warm welcome.女士的身份被描述为一位著名的海洋生物学家,这表明她对相关主题有深入的研究。




Section11. 靠近train stationScience gold mine black bird boots tentbreakfast2. 最低双人间价格 1693. 免费的breakfast4. science museum5. gold mine6. 公司名称 chilcontin7. 什么特别的活动 fishing8. 带自己的boots9. 可能可以看到的动物 black bird(bear)10. 山上住的是tentSection2主题提示:介绍了健身中心的地图以及一些membership的类型优惠和礼品从café开始11.去了一个shop12.然后是一个playground13.spa14.gym15.weitght’s room16.massage room17-20)Multiple choices17-18 introductoryprice 的项目(membership类型)A off-peakB gym roomC family(12个月只要9个月的价钱)19-20报名的free-gift有哪些?D towel(虚拟与其,we shouldhave sent you a towel,但是我们很有诚意,这样便宜的'我们就不送了)E free massageF heart monitorG water bottle到会的人都会送Section3 V121124:介绍新西兰的一种古工艺品heitiki21-25选择题21.它的形状是因为:greenstone非常硬22.它很难的是因为:主人保存的很好23.它的新旧是由:头和身体的一致性区分的24.不详25.怎样判断是新的?最新的圆口很规则,不粗糙26-30配对题:制作步骤,各个步骤相应用到不同材料26.shape27. sand28. string29. wax30. boneSection4 V120901食品安全31.ingredients32. stored33. temperature34. organic35. imagermation37. primemotivation38. entertainment39. cooking40.parents。


两新:Section 2&4
两旧:Section 1&3
Section 1中考察排除干扰信息和定位理解的能力;
Section 3出现较多energy相关词汇;
Section 1
8. Hotel hasInternetaccess
9. collecting:shells
10. hire:bicycles
我们注意到本篇Section 1中主要考察了排除干扰信息的能力和定位理解能力,而不是单纯地考察基本信息,需要掌握与旅馆住宿相关的场景词汇单词,如game room/ recreation room/ TV/ book/ reserve/ high season/ peak season/meal/ accommodation等。
D.在某个时间段内only forwomenE.one of the largest in the country
17. Swimming pool:C
18. Climbing wall:C
19. Skating rink:E
20. Gym:A
可补充运动健Biblioteka 场景的词汇,如:facility /equipment/ swimming pool / fitness / keep-fit studio/ stadium/ gym
energy-saving/ resource/ nuclear/ windmill/ renewable energy/ hydrogen




2018年6月30日雅思听力真题回忆场景:课程咨询题型:填空10内容概述:canoeing course填空10:1. swim50meters-基础能力要求2.rulesto follow-课程内容3. a vest and ahelmetprovided-提供设备4.showerafterwards-课后提供5. sparecloth-自己带的东西6. fee: adult17pounds (干扰信息是小孩子的费用)7. withassuranceincluded(6-7在一行里)8.完成课程后的活动-sea出海划船9.完成课程后的活动-take part inrace10.最近的开班日期:Tuesday,5th, June Section Two场景:活动题型:2+2多选+6配对内容概述:plant care center introduction11.多选-without charge- garden glove12.多选-without charge-rose bush trimming course13.多选-need more volunteer-cafe14.多选-need more volunteer-office15.展览看点-local plants-easy to grow16.展览看点-缺水-desert plants17.展览看点-edible plants18.展览看点-lawn19.展览看点-soil nutrient20.展览看点-design-colorSection Three场景:讨论题型:6单选+4配对内容概述:Internet impact on psychology21. why interesting-many lectures from different departments-Cprinciples22.用什么开场?B(data, bar chart)23.基于个人经历的消极影响-Bless creative24.关于其他消极影响-B询问老师25.从哪里获得更多信息-AWebsite26.关于研究的惊喜发现?Akinder ;understand others27.实验Bad Noises网站内难找28.实验-the Stracker test参与人多29.实验-Personality Plus觉得很有用30.实验-Face Up-专家推荐Section Four场景:鸟类研究内容概述:鸟类研究的方式目的+New York State研究一个填空10:31. which israre(不确定)32.estimate(31-32是关于population的讲解)33. method:mapping(computer)34.identify。



6月27日雅思考试听力考题回顾考试日期2009年6月27日版本号Section 1 版本号场景题型V30037Enquiry &ApplicationCompletion详细说明一女士被盗报警后,警察到家来调查,进行记录1.Surname: Grieg Anna2.Date of Birth: 15th March, 1980 3.Address: Ellendale4.Post Code: W528T / W52AT 5.Numbers of occupants: 16.Previous burglary experience: none8 months7.How long has she stayed in theproperty in UK:8.Where did the thief come from: b ack door9.Computer serial number: G41****770**Q 10.Material of the purse: silver clothSection 2 版本号场景题型NewEnquiry &ApplicationMatching / Choice详细说明一位女士租了别人家的房子但具体一些设备不会使用,一些生活用品不确定放在哪里,于是找房东问清楚情况,房东很热情的做了答复11~13.关于water heat的一个装置:11.选on/off switch12.选reset button13.选warning/alarming light14~18.不确定14.key15.map16.washing-powder17.pillow18.not sure19.Pizza takeaway Tel: 772328120.ThursdaySection 3 版本号场景题型澳洲考试2008.8.30 Academic study Completion详细说明两个学生做business research,内容涉及title, methods, facilities provided by the university…21.Retail22.population23.consumer attitudes24.interview skills25.statistics26.overseas27.publication28.college29.tape recorder30.internet connectionSection 4 版本号场景题型New Academic study Completion / Choice详细说明Organic Farming 31.sustainable32.sales33.energy34.insects35.potato36.10% lower37.grass38.A production in India39.C whether the organic farming is beneficial to wildlife 40.A depends on the consumers综合点评二旧二新,难度中等。


朗阁雅思培训中心 Research Academy for Foreign Language Examinations
朗阁雅思培训中心 欧阳琼
考试日期 总体评析 重点关注 2014 年 12 月 20 日 四旧 Section 1 考查的单词较为基础; Section 2 单选题注意对正确信息的筛选; Section 3 为学术场景,注意信息定位和同义替换; Section 4 注意听录音之前对信号词的定位 版本号 场景 题型 V101204 S1 Traveling Completion 小岛旅游 1-4 填空题 Sentence completion: 1. Daytime temperature around: 19 degree Celsius and 14 degree Celsius at night 2. Normal transfer time 40 minutes 3. Every room has suite facilities and a balcony 4. Outdoor swimming and playing tennis 5-10 表格题 Table completion: Provides the Transport After dinner service Tuesday Making 5. fish To play the 6. piano dishes Wednesday By 7. cable car 8. Tropical plant garden Thursday By 9. helicopter Watch 10. firework display 考察内容比较简单,词汇也很基础,相关旅行的场景可以参考剑桥系列 C4 Test 1 Section 1 & C5 Test 1 Section 1。 版本号 场景 题型 V14220 S2 Multiple Choice / Matching Job 工作场景 导游推荐工作(working as a tour guide 的信息介绍) 11-16 选择题 Multiple choice: 11. Recommended time for tour guides, 选:A A. early in afternoon B. before the noon C. evening 12. 关于建议(tips), 选:B A. The amount of day spending B. Pay attention to coin and foreign currency C. They cannot receive money 13. The most important quality for a tour guide is, 选:C A. Mastery of foreign languages B. Being flexible C. Ability to deal with unexpected things 14. 需要统一的东西,选:A A. Uniforms and a same T-shirt B. Hats(帽子带不带随便) C. flags(yellow ones) 15. 关于 30 人 city wall walk, 选:controlled by officials (原文说 20 人以内可以,多了要提前通知) 16. 选:不要觉得小费是应该的





第一部分:单选题1. 2009年5月9日考题题目:What type of fish did the girl catch?选项:A. SalmonB. TroutC. Bass2. 2011年6月15日考题题目:What is the main problem with the student's accommodation?选项:A. Too expensiveB. No heating systemC. Too far from the campus3. 2014年3月1日考题题目:What does the lecturer mainly discuss?选项:A. The advantages of fossil fuelsB. The negative impact of deforestationC. The importance of renewable energy4. 2018年9月12日考题题目:What is the purpose of the talk?选项:A. To introduce a new art exhibitionB. To promote an upcoming theater performanceC. To provide information about a film festival第二部分:填空题1. 2010年1月7日考题题目:The student must submit the assignment by __________.填空:Friday2. 2013年8月2日考题题目:The student's final project should focus on the impact of __________.填空:social media3. 2016年11月15日考题题目:The museum is hosting a temporary exhibition on __________.填空:ancient civilizations4. 2019年5月25日考题题目:The student needs to meet the professor during his __________.填空:office hours第三部分:多选题1. 2012年4月19日考题题目:Why was the woman disappointed with the accommodation?选项:A. The room was smaller than expectedB. The noise level was too highC. The location was inconvenient2. 2015年7月11日考题题目:What will the woman most likely do next?选项:A. Attend a conferenceB. Read a research paperC. Write an article3. 2017年12月3日考题题目:What does the man suggest about the lecture?选项:A. It will start lateB. It will be cancelledC. It will be rescheduled4. 2020年3月8日考题题目:What does the woman imply about the assignment?选项:A. It is due next weekB. It is a group projectC. It is optional第四部分:地图题1. 2010年10月17日考题题目:Which building is the bookstore?答案:Building 52. 2013年4月11日考题题目:What is located between the library and the computer lab?答案:Cafeteria3. 2016年9月9日考题题目:Where can the students find the sports complex?答案:To the south of the dormitories4. 2019年1月5日考题题目:Where is the student center?答案:Next to the main entrance通过对以上历年考题的总结,我们可以看到2024年雅思听力考试的重点内容主要包括单选题、填空题、多选题和地图题。






SECTION 1主题:求职场景志愿者申请参考答案:答案缺失SECTION 2主题:堪培拉地区农业耕作介绍参考答案:11-14 选择11. the city is different to other Australian cities becauseA. it is an inland city12. what kind of information should be recorded?B. numbers of forests13. what does he think of local rainfall?C. not reliable/predictable14. What is the problem of soil in Canberra?A. it stops plants from getting enough water15-20 地图题(存疑,欢迎大家留言讨论)15. E offering shade16. F inside house17. C near water18. A west, near the fence19. B ventilate, close to the street20. DSECTION 3主题:与音乐相关的论文讨论参考答案:21. why do Sarah and James choose rock music in the experiment?A. it will produce more measurable results22. what does James say about the book Building A case?B. it offers practical help23. why does Sarah add some statistics in their experiment?为什么SarahC. she thinks it will make her better with figures24. what are the relations of the study of Warwick University with that in Sarah and James’s?B. physical results25. what are the main focuses of the study of Sydney University?A. the relationship between music and relaxation26. The University of Lowa?B. the number of people used was too small.27-30 配对题27. limitation of the self-written questionnaire: E. get additional materials from the internet28. the complaint with the disturbance: F. borrow equipment29. the unreliability of CD players: A. get help from technicians30. the insufficient time of writing report: D. divide the workloadSECTION 4主题:最古老的机械电脑参考答案:31. it was in the cargo of a ship that sank about 2000 yearsago32. people find an item that was assumed to be a lump of rock33. one machine, called a Dome, can take photographs with light coming from different angles34. this has made far more of the inscriptions on the mechanism legible35. the blade runner was originally designed to examine engines for cracks36. the mechanism is thought to have been mounted ina wood frame37. the person simply rotated a handle to operate the gear wheels38. the mechanism could predict when an eclipse39. it helped in planning the timing for the agricultural and religious calendar of events40. a number of clocks were made, providing astronomical information as well as showing the time of day1. 选择题类在雅思听力中,选择题的题目数量都会大于十题,一般都分布在Section2和Section3这两个部分,难度会比其他的类别稍微难一些。






第一部分:考题回顾及解析第一节:多选题题目: According to the speaker, what is the first development that led to the popularity of waltz in Vienna?答案解析:根据录音,说话人提到:“The first development was actually that the concert halls in Vienna were able toheat all of the spaces”.所以正确答案应该是C。

第二节:填空题题目: According to the speaker, what have most modern dance forms inherited from the Viennese waltz?答案解析:根据录音,说话人提到:“Something that thewaltz established was the idea that dance did not need a story,it was not purely abstract, but to some extent,it was a way of couples having a conversation in movement”.所以正确答案应该是stories。

第三节:选择题题目: Which aspect of the D'oultremont speech was the speaker critical of?答案解析:根据录音,说话人提到:“And the man who is saying that he is very excited by new technology, of courseis still being filmed by an 8mm black-and-white movie camera”.所以正确答案应该是B。

雅思真题: 9月22日雅思测试听力真题回忆

雅思真题: 9月22日雅思测试听力真题回忆

雅思真题: 9月22日雅思测试听力真题回忆回忆1:S1 一个男人应聘一个乐团。

S2 一个女人给电话留言,地图题真坑爹,备选项好多起始点也没有S3 讨论课题,有个问online的多选,选三个只记得有computer skills。

S4 关于insect只记得fruit trees,furniture谈到三种手段及优缺点harmful to humans,resistant to chemical。



S3:一个老师帮助学生完善他的Presentation.多选题S4:生物控制害虫,填空题回忆3:第一个section 第一CLUB 第二个 can drive car male(这个是说--singer)不确定的啊。

然后老人过六十25 小孩子16岁有个dinner 还有个八月吧好像第二个section 第一个 too long 第二个不方便第三个在第三站下车第四个忘记了。




但是后面的填词题有一个是学生做什么task answerXX in a XX 我没听太清楚就都给了个group 是关于三个选择的大概就是有什么chatroom develop computerskill 之类的第四个听力是个杀虫剂相关。

第一个是果树,然后有什么蜂蜡能做什么用我填了个furnitures因为只能填一个我还听到了car cheaper resistant to chemical 还有一些不记得了。

回忆4:part1:25刀,16years old, 40 member fee including an annual dinner, employ people who can drive, address is club house;part2:shuttle takes too long, get off from the third stop by taking subway, bus has no convenient stop;part3:matching three things will be included inthe conclusion: chat room, bala bala;part4:fruit trees, cheaper, harmful to humans, destroy the whole buildings, eat insects。




2018年6月30日雅思听力真题回忆场景:课程咨询题型:填空10内容概述:canoeing course填空10:1. swim50meters-基础能力要求2.rulesto follow-课程内容3. a vest and ahelmetprovided-提供设备4.showerafterwards-课后提供5. sparecloth-自己带的东西6. fee: adult17pounds (干扰信息是小孩子的费用)7. withassuranceincluded(6-7在一行里)8.完成课程后的活动-sea出海划船9.完成课程后的活动-take part inrace10.最近的开班日期:Tuesday,5th, June Section Two场景:活动题型:2+2多选+6配对内容概述:plant care center introduction11.多选-without charge- garden glove12.多选-without charge-rose bush trimming course13.多选-need more volunteer-cafe14.多选-need more volunteer-office15.展览看点-local plants-easy to grow16.展览看点-缺水-desert plants17.展览看点-edible plants18.展览看点-lawn19.展览看点-soil nutrient20.展览看点-design-colorSection Three场景:讨论题型:6单选+4配对内容概述:Internet impact on psychology21. why interesting-many lectures from different departments-Cprinciples22.用什么开场?B(data, bar chart)23.基于个人经历的消极影响-Bless creative24.关于其他消极影响-B询问老师25.从哪里获得更多信息-AWebsite26.关于研究的惊喜发现?Akinder ;understand others27.实验Bad Noises网站内难找28.实验-the Stracker test参与人多29.实验-Personality Plus觉得很有用30.实验-Face Up-专家推荐Section Four场景:鸟类研究内容概述:鸟类研究的方式目的+New York State研究一个填空10:31. which israre(不确定)32.estimate(31-32是关于population的讲解)33. method:mapping(computer)34.identify。



雅思考试听力考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心 胡佳琴考试日期 2014年11月8日 总体评析三旧:Section 1&Section 3&Section 4 一新:Section 2重点关注Section 1全部是填空题,考查的词汇较为基础Section 2全部是选择题,注意同义转换Section 3是典型的作业讨论场景,加强对高频学习词汇的掌握 Section 4较简单 Section 1版本号 场景 题型待定 EnquiryTable Completion / Completion一句话简介 一个儿童露营项目(Horse Center)的咨询详细回忆1-6表格填空题:7-10填空题:7. new ways for horse presentation: guest speaker and other activity 8. Wednesdays: swimming9. address: 9290 Puslinch Road (音频中有拼写) 10. opening time: 8.30am - 4.15pmLength of the CourseMain FeaturesOther ActivityPony Club 4-7 years old 1. Summer Saturdays Donkeysride Farm Discovery Camp5-10 years oldhike around a 2. lakeStories listening Day riding camp 8-13 years old 2-week 3. nutrition and health course4. soccer Leader and Training Camp 13-16 years old 2-weekBasic riding 5. safety6. fire for a meal 重点词汇及扩展 nutrition, health, safety, security, danger, camp, tent, hike, featureSection 2版本号 场景 题型NewIntroductionMultiple Choices / Matching一句话简介 关于花园的介绍 详细回忆11-14多选题:11-12. What free demonstration will be there? 选:A, C A. garden glovesB. ?C. trimming branch guidanceD. get pocket lady bags free13-14. Which place’s volunteer work will need help with? 选:A, DA. cafeB. ?C. ?D. gift shops15-20配对题(花园的features):A. desertB. edible plantsC. native plantsD. alternative plantsE. adding soil nutrientsF. feature designG. ?H. ?15. Murry Garden 选:C16. Vincent Garden 选:A17. Smith Garden 选:B18. Lulean Garden 选:D19. Gameron Garden 选:E20. Sadioly Garden 选:F重点词汇及扩展虽然是新的内容,但题型比较老套。



雅思(听力)历年真题试卷汇编24(总分:80.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 Listening Module(总题数:10,分数:80.00)1.Listening Module (30 minutes & 10 minutes transfer time)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:Complete the form below.Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.HOUSE SERVICE INFORMATIONExample AnswerName Barbara HillLocation 1LondonPostcode SW105Rooms two 2bedroomsThe other room used as an 3Downstairs kitchen-diner, consevatory and 4Pets 2 dogs and 3 catsComplete the form below.Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.HOUSE SERVICE INFORMATIONExample AnswerName Barbara HillLocation 5LondonPostcode SW105Rooms two 6bedroomsThe other room used as an 7Downstairs kitchen-diner, consevatory and 8Pets 2 dogs and 3 cats(分数:8.00)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:Southwest)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:double)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:office)填空项1:__________________ (正确答案:lounge)解析:解析:lounge本题文中直接有并列陈述,即使不确定,随后所列的每项内容都有分开进行描述:thekitchen-diner…the conservatory…the lounge…,所以可以确定lounge(大厅、休息厅)应为并列的内容,即为答案。



2020 年 9 月 5 日雅思考试真题机经及参考答案35.The process of brick making takes a good training36.It needs water, time and labor37.Firstly, the roof need to be set up38.It is covered with plaster to prevent insects39.strength(此题答案不确定)40.It has a risk of fire考点:同义替换,结构转换,干扰项可参考真题:C9Test3Section4, C11Test2Section4, C15Test3Part4(答案仅供参考)2)Realistically, however, anthropologists may never reach this status. Their foreign mannerisms make them appear clownish, and so they are treated with curiosity and amusement. If they speak the local language at all, they do so with a strange accent and flawed grammar. They ask tactless questions and inadvertently break rules regarding how things are usually done. Arguably this could be an interesting starting point for research, though it is rarely exploited. Otherwise, anthropologists take on the role of the ‘superior expert’, in which case they are treated with deference and respect, only coming into contact with the most high-ranking members of the society. Anthropologists with this role may never witness the gamut of practices which take place in all levels of the society.3)No matter which role one takes on, anthropologists generally find fieldwork extremely demanding. Anthropological texts may read like an exciting journey of exploration, but rarely is this so. Long periods of time spent in the field are generally characterised by boredom, illness and frustration. Anthropologists in the field encounter unfamiliar climates, strange food and low standards of hygiene. It is often particularly trying for researchers with middle-class, European backgrounds to adapt to societies where being alone is considered pitiful. It takes a dedicated individual to conduct research which is not in some way influenced by these personal discomforts.4)Nonetheless, fieldwork requires the researcher to spend as much time as possible in local life. A range of research methodologies can be utilised to extract information. (1) These can be classified as emic or etic. (2) While emic descriptions are considered more desirable nowadays, they are difficult to attain, even if the researcher does his utmost to reproduce the facts from the natives ’ point of view. (3) More often than not, aspects of the researcher ’ s own culture, perspective and literary style seep into the narrative. Moreover, research generally involves translations from one language to another and from speech into writing. In doing this, the meaning of utterances is changed. (4) The only truly emic descriptions can be those given by the natives themselves in their own vernacular.5)The least invasive type of research methodology is observation. Here, the researcher studies the group and records findings without intruding too much on their privacy. This is not to say, however, that the presence of the researcher will have minimal impact on the findings. An example was Richard Borshay Lee, who, in studying local groups in the Kalahari refused to provide the people with food so as not to taint his research, leading to an inevitable hostility towards the researcher which would not otherwise have been present.6) A variant on the observation technique, participant observation requires that the anthropologist not only observes the culture, but participates in it too. It allows for deeper immersion into the culture studied, hence a deeper understanding of it. By developing a deeper rapport with the people of the culture, it is hoped they will open up and divulge more about their culture and way of life than can simply be observed. Participant observation is still an imperfect methodology, however, since populations may adjust their behavior around the researcher, knowing that they are the subject of research.7)The participatory approach was conceived in an attempt to produce as emic a perspective as possible. The process involves not just the gathering of information from local people, but involves them in the interpretation of the findings. That is, rather than the researcher getting actively involved in the processes within the local community, the process is turned on its head. The local community is actively involved in the research process.A 类小作文来自环球教育考试院&环球教育深圳学校韦敏娜老师A 类大作文。

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22. you need to do a report to(your seminar group)
23-24.带的材料items you have to take
23.(list of objectives)
24.(project outline)
25-27). the purpose of presentation:证明作者的什么能力ability?
20.第四个地址靠近main entrance,选的好像是A
Section 3
V30034 S3
一位男士confirm presentation的时间,以及要带的材料
21.时间Time:(early evening)
另外一种说法:Date:(14th to 24th June)
14.问这个大厦为残疾人提供什么服务,让他们觉得骄傲,选A.一个什么个signs,一开始也提到了B和C,什么free delivery的,但最后说对A最自豪。
15.问这个大厦的餐厅有什么特色,选B. not too many chain restaurants
Section 1
House Renting
1.有个小的swimming pool
2. dinning room
4. supermarket
5. park,然后打电话的房客说太好了,正好可以带女儿去
6.有个primary school
7.要填的是租金include the maintenance of gardens
8.房子是21或者22号空出来,但房子available的date是23rd April
32-33.研究的三个方面food intake
eating pattern
physical activity(已给)
34.这个调查是怎么选学校的,选at random
35.在哪接受调查,选at home
36. young children比old children,我选的是做更多运动那项(more active)
37. old children容易被同龄人影响more easily to be influenced by their peers
38.某些孩子缺少Vitamin A
39. Pacific的孩子吃more fish than European children
40.除了政府social workers之外,schools也应该关注该问题
25.是否做了did you do(wide reading)
26.能不能做出(a clear argument)
27. how well you can do to(design research)
28.(theory chapters)
29. the things you get:(checking list)
12.问这个大厦的特色,选C. display of art works. A忘了说的什么,B是说颜色。AB那个女的都提到了,但最后说他们放了很多当地artists的作品,这个在其他大厦中是没有见到过的。
13.问之后会装什么安全措施,选B. Emergency button, A选项为摄像头,但这个已经装了
10. Spring Street
Section 2
Multiple Choice
介绍Revlgain Mall
后面是一个地图题,图是一个长方形的图,图的上方有一些店,下方也有一些店,main entrance在最左边的中间
17.第一个地址的位置在图的中间,文中提到是在central,但是opposite the main entrance
30.填写一个网址:www.(studentlink).com0090 S4
Completion / Multiple Choice
31.先说了两个部门Health Department