
英国女王维多利亚与大英帝国英国女王维多利亚(Queen Victoria)是英国历史上最有影响力和最长治的君主之一。
她的统治时期被称为维多利亚时代(Victorian Era),从1837年至1901年,在她的统治下,英国经历了巨大的变革和成就,建立起大英帝国(British Empire)的荣耀。
她是英国国王威廉四世(William IV)的侄女,继承王位后成为英国历史上第二位女王,也是维多利亚时代的开端。
二、维多利亚时代的变革1. 工业革命:维多利亚时代是英国工业革命的全盛时期。
2. 帝国扩张:英国在维多利亚女王统治下开始大力推行帝国扩张政策。
3. 社会改革:维多利亚女王重视社会改革,推动各种改革措施,包括教育、劳动法、妇女权益和贫穷阶层福利等方面的改革。
三、女王的个人生活1. 皇室婚姻:维多利亚女王与德国亲王阿尔伯特(Prince Albert)在1840年结婚,这场皇室婚姻是爱情婚姻的典范,夫妻俩共同育有九个孩子。
2. 丧偶与忧郁:1861年,阿尔伯特亲王去世,这对女王打击极大,她一直陷入长期的悲痛和忧郁之中,对朝政产生了一定的消极影响。
四、大英帝国的辉煌1. 扩张与殖民地:维多利亚女王的统治下,大英帝国在世界各地建立了大量的殖民地,包括印度、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰、南非等地。
2. 文化繁荣:维多利亚时代也是英国文化的繁荣期,许多伟大的作家、艺术家和科学家在这个时期涌现出来,如狄更斯(Charles Dickens)、达尔文(Charles Darwin)、莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)等。
3. 工业与科技:维多利亚时代见证了工业技术的飞速发展,如蒸汽机、电力、电话和摄影等科技的出现对人类社会产生了深远影响。
维多利亚时代【英文】 victorian period

Victorian Period
• Women for suffrage – did not succeed until 1918 (30 & over) • Universal adult suffrage 1928 extended vote to women at age 21 • Factory Acts – limited child & women labor • State supported schools est. in 1870; compulsory in 1880; free in 1891 • Literacy rate increased from 40% to 90% from 1840-1900.
• First Reform Bill in 1832 extended vote to all men who owned property worth 10 lbs • Second Reform Act in 1867 gave the right to vote to working-class men (except agricod
• Intellectual Progress
• Understanding of earth, its creatures & natural laws (geology, Darwin – theory of evolution) • Industrialization of England depended on and supported science and technology.
Victorian Period
• Paradox of progress
• Victorian – synonym for prude; extreme repression; even furniture legs had to be concealed under heavy cloth not to be “suggestive”
The Victorian Age英国文学维多利亚时期

Queen Elizabeth & Queen Victoria
1st, on the throne for a long period of time 2nd, England developed rapidly both politically and economically 3rd, literature flourished
维多利亚女王性格鲜明,秉性真挚。她忠于职守,具有治国之才; 她不仅把时光消磨在工作上,也消磨在为家务操劳上;她忠于自己的丈 夫,对子女要求严格,成为一代楷模。她的不懈努力,不仅使英国的文 学,艺术、科学昌盛,经济繁荣,英国的生活方式(如英国贵族的下午 茶)也从那时候开始成为世界各国人民所追逐仿效的对象。“维多利亚 时代”被许多英国人所怀念。
维多利亚女王的名字,象征着一个时代。在维多利亚统治期间,英 国国民空前团结,英国成为一个强大的帝国,并不断壮大发展。这是女 王给英国人留下的最好遗产,也是对她一生政绩最有力的评价。极少有 坐上帝位的女人,能像维多利亚一样,如此出色地完成了女王的职责, 同时又拥有如此平凡的作为女人的幸福。她统治的时期,特别是1851 年以后,在英国历史上被称为维多利亚时代。她在位的六十余年正值英 国自由资本主义由方兴未艾到鼎盛、进而过渡到垄断资本主义的转变时 期,英国极度强盛,经济、文化空前繁荣,科学、艺术都有很大的发展, 君主立宪制得到充分成熟,维多利亚女王的名字成了英国和平与繁荣的 象征。
1837年,18岁的女王维多利亚登基,新女王在继位之前的日记中写 道:既然上帝把我置于这个国家的王位上,我将尽力履行自己的职责。 我尚年轻,可能在许多方面缺乏经验,但我肯定,几乎无人像我这样怀 着为国为民的良好意愿和真切希望。女王充分实现了自己的诺言:她在 其一生中模范地履行了立宪君主的职责,因此深受国民的爱戴;她还是 那个时代道德风尚的典范,她是贤妻,又是良母,是典型的大家闺秀, 也是优秀的一家主妇。她自己生活严谨,工作刻苦,对别人又充满责任 感。在许多国人眼中,她就是那个时代的缩影,她漫长的63年在位时期 则是国家繁荣昌盛的顶峰。维多利亚在位时期,被称作“维多利亚时 代”,在英国所有国王中,她享有盛誉,这不是因为她做出了什么轰动 的事业,而是因为她什么都不做,而仅仅恪守立宪君主的本分,做她那 个时代的表率。

Named after Queen Victoria
When 18 year old Princess Victoria became Queen in 1837 no one dreamed she would reign for the rest of the century for another 64 years.
• Lives of millions were changed as suddenly the masses were able to travel further than ten miles in one direction.
The Rich Class
• enjoyed entertaining in their lavishly decorated homes – They associated clutter of ornamentation and showy display with wealth and so crammed their homes with furniture, knick knacks and pianos.
Working Conditions
• Millions of workers lived in slums or in vacated old decaying upper class houses. The occupants of slums had no sanitation, no water supply, no paved streets, no schools, no law or order, no decent food or clothing.
Victorian Era 维多利亚时代

Aristocrats £30,000 Merchants, bankers £10,000 Middle-class (doctors, lawyers, clerks) £300-800 Lower middle-class (head teachers, journalists, shopkeepers, etc.) £150-300 Skilled workers (carpenters, typesetters,etc.) £75100 Sailors and domestic staff £40-75 Laborers, soldiers £25
It accelerated the migration of the population from country to overcrowded c 1876 the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell The radio was invented in 1895 by Guglielmo Marconi. The camera, toilet, sewing machine, vacuum, train and stamp were all created during the Victorian Era. Factories began to be powered by steam. The police force was created during this period.
Great Expectations

The Last Period
England was called “the empire on which the sun never sets”. It was a period of serenity and security. Writers such as Mattew Aonord (1882-1888), Samuel Butler (1835-1902), Thomas Hardy, and Bernard Shaw exposed the cant and hypocrisy of the Victorian complacency. In the 80s there appeared the school of art for art’s sake, Walter Pater (1839-1894) and Oscar Wilde (1854-1900). In the 90s, melancholy became the spirit of the time and the intellectuals were tainted by a feeling of fin-de-siecle.
The First Period:
The first reform bill made industrial capitalists gain their power in Parliament. The Reform Bill of 1832 extended the right to vote to all men owning property. With the introduction of the steam engine, it was possible for the capitalists to hire unskilled workers. The Chartist Movement reached its peak in 1838,1842, and 1848. The philosophy of Utilitarianism(功利主义) was founded by Jeremy Bentham (1772-1832) and continued by John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) Opposed to the Utilitarian philosophy were thinkers and writers such as Thomas Carlyle (1759-1881), Charles Dickens (1812-1870), Charles Kingsley (1819-1875), Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-1865), Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861), and Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)
The Victorian Period (维多利亚时期)

Features of Dickens’ Novels 狄更斯文学创作的特色
Sharp social criticism. 尖锐的社会批评 Gentle humanitarian. 温和的人道主义 vivid outward portrayal 生动的人物塑造 Humorous and Pungent irony 幽默辛辣的讽刺
• The best he can do seems to try to retain an optimism with wishful thinking, as in his early works, or to express a helpless indignant protest. At the same time, he hopes to call people‘s attention to the existing social problems, thus affecting some reform。
of cites《双城记》
那是最美好的时代,那是最糟糕的时代; 那是智慧的年头,那是愚昧的年头;那 是信仰的时期,那是怀疑的时期;那是 光明的季节,那是黑暗的季节;那是希 望的春天,那是失望的冬天;我们拥有 一切,我们一无所有;我们全都在直奔 天堂,我们全都在直奔地狱。
• He lies buried in the Poet’s Corner in London. • The words of his grave read as follows ”by his death one of England’s greatest writers is lost to the world.”
Oliver Twist

After Albert died she wore black for the rest of her life.
In 1863 John Brown saved Victoria when she was involved in two carriage accidents. They became good friends, and she was so upset when he died in 1883 that she never rode a horse again.
Victoria fell in love with a man called Albert, who was German. She proposed to him in 1840 and they were married soon after.
Victoria and Albert had nine children. Victoria loved having photographs and paintings done of her with Albert and their children. Let’s look at some of them.
The was born in 1882. She had eleven brothers and sisters. When she was young she was never left alone as her mother feared she might be murdered by one of her uncles.
Queen Victoria died in 1901, when she was 83. She was buried in a white dress and her wedding veil. London was decorated in white and purple for the occasion.

维多利亚时代(英文:Victorian era),前接乔治王时代,后
它的时限常被定义为1837年至1901年,即维多利亚女王(Alexandrina Victoria)的统治时期。
The Victorian Age 维多利亚时代

Late-Victoria (1868-1902)
The predominant theme in the early Victorian literature.
The Progress of Reform
Political &Social Background
Charlotte Bronte
• Famous work: Jane Eyre
• Promoted the development of feminism.
• Pseudonym: Currer Bell
William Makepeace Thackeray
• Feature of his writing: His novels contain satirical portrayal of the upper stratum of society。
lawer’s clerk: full of self-conceit, prudishness, petty tyranny and ignorance Conclusion: They are pinned on that class, that it was
servile to its social superiors and despotic to its social inferiors.
• Works: Oliver Twist, The Tale of Two Cities, David Copperfeild, Great Expectations.
A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities
街上落下一个大酒桶,磕散了,这次意外事件是在酒桶从车上搬下来时出现的。那 桶一骨碌滚了下来,桶箍散开,酒桶躺在酒馆门外的石头上,像核桃壳一样碎开了。
The Victorian Period 英国文学·维多利亚时代 ppt课件

The middle-class life of the time was characterized by prosperity, respectability(体 面), and material progress. People as a whole celebrated a national spirit of earnestness(认真), respectability, modesty and domesticity.
• The belief that everything should be tested by the extent to which it could promote the material happiness.
• It was welcomed especially by the middleclass industrialists and made cultural values, moral standards less valuable. →the worsening of living condition of poor people
Features of English Critical Realism
• The critical realists described with much vividness and great artistic skill the chief traits of the English society and criticized the capitalist system.
Changes in Science and Technology
• Scientific discoveries and technological inventions made England the “workshop of the world”. (railway, steamship, spinning looms, printing machine, etc)

Major Poets of the Period
Lord Alfred Tennyson Robert Browning dramatic monologue Elizabeth Barret Browning Thomas Hardy
Victorian Poetry
Dramatic monologue – the idea of creating a lyric poem in the voice of a speaker ironically distinct from the poet is the great achievement of Victorian poetry.
England became wealthiest nation
As a result, the time of Victoria’s reign is often called the Victorian Age.
Victoria’s achievement
During the Victoria Age, great economic, social, and political changes occurred in Britain. Economically: Britain went through a period of rapid industrialization and enjoyed tremendous industrial expansion at home. Railroads and lands crisscrossed the country. Science and technology made great advances. Politically: It built a great colonial empire and the British Empire reaches its height and covered about the fourth of the world’s land.
victorian period名词解释

victorian period名词解释
维多利亚时期(Victorian period)指的是1837年至1901年之间,维多利亚女王统治英国的时期。

六.维多利亚时期(Victorian Era 1837年—1901年)查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens)杰出的小说家,批判现实主义(Critical Realism)的代表人物。
代表作《波兹特写》(Sketches by Boz),《匹克维克外传》(The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club),《雾都孤儿》(Oliver Twist),《老古玩店》(The Old Curiosity Shop),《美国札记》(American Notes),《董贝父子》(Dombey and Son),《大卫·科波菲尔》(David Copperfield),《荒凉山庄》(Bleak House),《艰难时世》(Hard Times),《双城记》(A Tale of Two Cities),《远大前程》(Great Expectations)。
威廉·麦克皮斯·萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackeray):杰出的批判现实主义(Critical Realism)的小说家。
代表作长篇小说《名利场》(Vanity Fair),《亨利·艾斯蒙德》(Henry Esmond),《纽可姆一家》(The Newcomers)。
勃朗特三姐妹(The Bronte Sisters):夏洛特·勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte)的《简爱》(Jane Eyre);艾米丽·勃朗特(Emily Bronte)的《呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights);安尼·勃朗特(Anne Bronte)的《安格尼斯·格雷》(Agnes Grey)。
乔治·艾略特(George Eliot):著名的现实主义女作家。
代表作《亚当·比德》(Adam Bede),《弗罗斯河上的磨坊》(The Mill on the Floss),《织工马南》(Silas Marner),《米德尔马契》(Middlemarch—A Study of Provincial Life)。

When it comes to Victorian Age, we can all imagine the prosperity of Britain. In the period, the Queen Victorian became the symbol of peace and prosperity in the English history.During the Victorian Age, economic, social, and political changes occurred in Britain, which made “the sun never sets on England”. With the development of industrialization, the size of the cities grew very quickly. What’s more, lots of people received the right to vote, which improves t he liberation of people's thoughts.In addition, The Victorian literature was also regarded as a high point in British literature as well as in other countries. The Novels, poetries, and dramas are always realistic. The works always started with strongly critical of the social reality, but ended up with a happy ending, which means an important compromise to current society.On the other side, there are still some problems in the Victorian Age. For example, in spite of the prosperity of the era, factory workers and farm workers lived in terrible poverty. It means that England was two nations, the poor and the rich. As a result, the class contradiction of that era increasingly difficult to reconcile, which has leaded a lot of problems to be solved.。

维多利亚时代特点(英文)When it comes to Victorian Age, we can all imagine the prosperity of Britain. In the period, the Queen Victorian became the symbol of peace and prosperity in the English history.During the Victorian Age, economic, social, and political changes occurred in Britain, which made “the sun never sets on England”. With the development of industrialization, the size of the cities grew very quickly. What’s more, lots of people received the right to vote, which improves t he liberation of people's thoughts.In addition, The Victorian literature was also regarded as a high point in British literature as well as in other countries. The Novels, poetries, and dramas are always realistic. The works always started with strongly critical of the social reality, but ended up with a happy ending, which means an important compromise to current society.On the other side, there are still some problems in the Victorian Age. For example, in spite of the prosperity of the era, factory workers and farm workers lived in terrible poverty. It means that England was two nations, the poor and the rich. As a result, the class contradiction of that era increasingly difficult to reconcile, which has leaded a lot of problems to be solved.。
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The Victorian Age (1830-1901) Sambourne House, London.❑Victoria became queen atthe age of 18; she wasgraceful and self-assured.❑Her reign was the longestin British history.Franz Xavier Winterhalter, The young Queen Victoria, 1842❑In 1840 she married aGerman prince, Albert ofSaxe-Coburg.❑They had nine children andtheir modest family lifeprovided a model ofrespectability.❑During this time BritainFranz Xavier Winterhalter, The young Queen Victoria, 1842changed dramatically.British Empire throughout the World, 19th century, Private Collection.•England grew to become the greatest nation on earth “The sun never sets on England”.British Empire throughout the World, 19th century, Private Collection.•British Empire included Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Africa, Kenya, and India.British Empire throughout the World, 19th century, Private Collection.•Great Britain imported raw materials such as cotton and silk and exported finished goods to countries around the world.British Empire throughout the World, 19th century, Private Collection.•By the mid-1800s, Great Britain was the largest exporter and importer of goods in the world. It was the primarymanufacturer of goods and the wealthiest country in the world.British Empire throughout the World, 19th century, Private Collection.•Because of England’s success,the British felt it was their duty to bring English values,laws,customs,and religion to the“savage”races around the world.•1832: The First Reform Act granted the vote to almost all male members of middle-class.•1833: The Factory Act regulated child labour in factories.•1834: Poor Law Amendment established a system of workhouses for poor people.•1867: The Second Reform Act gave the vote to skilled working men.•1871: Trade Union Act legalised trades unions.•1884: The Third Reform Act granted the right to vote to all male householders.•Women‟s suffrage did not happen until 1918.The Rights of Women or Take Your Choice (1869)4. The woman’s questionSuffragettesIndustrial revolution: factorysystem emerged; for the firsttime in Britain’s history therewere more people who lived incities than in the countryside.Technological advances:introduction of steam hammersand locomotives; building of a Workers in a Tobacco Factorynetwork of railways.Economical progress:Britainbecame the greatesteconomical power in the world;in 1901 the Usa became theleader, but Britain remainedthe first in manufacturing.Workers in a Tobacco FactoryCrystal Palace was built forthe Great Exhibition of1851; it was destroyed byfire in 1936.The Crystal PalaceIt was made of iron andglass, exhibited hydraulicpresses, locomotives,machine tools, power looms,power reapers andsteamboat engines.The Crystal PalaceIt had a political purposeit showed British economicsupremacy in the world.The Crystal PalacePollution in towns due to factory activity.Homeless Boys (1880)London in 1872Lack of hygienic conditions: houses were overcrowded, most people lived in miserable conditions; poor houses shared water supplies.Homeless Boys (1880)London in 1872•Epidemics , like cholera, thyphoid, caused a high mortality in towns. They came to a peak in the Great Stink of 1858.•This expression was used to describe the terrible smell in London, coming from the Thames .•The “Miasmas”, exhalations from decaying matter, poisoned the air.8. The “Great Stink”Caricature appearing on the magazine «Punch»in18589. The Victorian compromise •The Victorians were greatmoralisers theysupported: personal duty,hard work, decorum,respectability, chastity.W. H. Hunt, The Awakening Conscience,1853-4, London, Tate Britain.•…Victorian‟, synonym for prude, stood for extremerepression; even furniturelegs had to be concealedunder heavy cloth not to be“suggestive”.•New ideas were discussed &debated by a large part of society.W. H. Hunt, The Awakening Conscience, 1853-4, London, Tate Britain.•The middle-class wasobsessed with gentility,respectability, decorum.•Respectabilitydistinguished the middle fromthe lower class.John Lamb, Victorian family portrait, 1879.Decorum meant:a.Victorian private lives weredominated by an authoritarianfather.b.Women were subject to maleauthority; they were expected tomarry and make home a “refuge”for their husbands.John Lamb, Victorian family portrait, 1879.John Stuart Mill and hisideas based on Bentham’sUtilitarianism.John Stuart MillKarl Marx and his studiesabout the harm caused byindustrialism in man’s life. Karl MarxCharles Darwin andthe theory of naturalselection.Charles Darwin•There was a communion of interests and opinions between the writers and their readers.•The Victorians were avid consumers of literature. They borrowed books from circulating libraries and readvarious periodicals.•Novels made their first appearance in instalments on the pages of periodicals.•The voice of the omniscient narrator provided a comment on the plot and erected a rigid barrier between «right»and «wrong», light and darkness.•The setting chosen by most Victorian novelists was the town.•Victorian writers concentrated on the creation of characters and achieved a deeper analysis of their inner life.12. PoetryAlfred, Lord Tennyson:the most popularVictorian poet. He wrotenarrative poems.Alfred Tennyson, 1st Baron Tennyson, by George FredericWatts (died 1904), given to the National Portrait Gallery,London in 1895.Robert Browning: heraised the dramaticmonologue to new heightsmaking it a vehicle for adeep psychological study.Robert BrowningElizabeth Barrett Browning:she wrote love sonnets valuedfor their lyric beauty.Elizabeth Barrett Browning。