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1.What does the man like best?

A.Noodles.B.Hot dogs.C.Pizza.

2.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Go to the south. B.Retell the name of the city. C.Spell a word.

3.How many people lost their lives in the plane crash?

A.224. B.242. C.2.

4.Why doesn't John go to work today?

A.He's too tired to go to work. B.He lost his job.

C.It's the weekend.

5.What does the man like about the movie?

A.The actor. B.The pictures.

C.The director.




6.What musical instrument can the man play?

A.The violin. B.The guitar. C.The piano.

7.How many members are there in the band at present?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.


8.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.The meaning of a painting. B.The color of a painting. C.The style of a


9.How does the man know about painting?

A.He took some courses. B.He worked for an artist. C.He learnt it from his aunt.


10.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Teacher and student. B.Schoolmates. C.Father and daughter.

11.What does the woman mainly ask the man about?

A.The department. B.The courses. C.The major.

12.What does the man offer to do for the woman?

A.Give her a student handbook.

B.Design a travel plan for her.

C.Help her choose courses.


13.Where are the two speakers now?

A.In Paris. B.In New York. C.In Beijing.

14.What is the woman doing in the city?

A.She is visiting her husband. B.She is sight-seeing. C.She is working.

15.How long have the two speakers been out of touch?

A.For three months. B.For one year. C.For two years.

16.What will the man do in one year?

A.Go to work in Beijing. B.Go back to New York. C.Travel with his parents.


17.Who is Ms. Tyler probably?

A.A cook. B.A waiter. C.A restaurant owner.

18.What is the speaker's problem?

A.He can't arrange time to stay with his family.

B.He doesn't get along well with his children.

C.His working hours are long.

19.What do we know about the speaker?

A.He is tired of his work.

B.He doesn't take work seriously.

C.He can rest for two days a week.

20.What does the speaker want Ms. Tyler to do?

A.Be grateful to others. B.Fix the work hours. C.Give monthly working plans.







The town I'm staying in is pretty small and there isn't much to do except hike (远足).It's a little cold now for hiking but my boyfriend,Jack, who is an expert in survival techniques, taught me a few basic tricks.

On a sunny day, we decided to go hiking.I'm a huge fan of tea, but I've never actually seen it done or learned to do it.So today was the day!We searched for a pine tree and used a knife to cut off a small part of the tree; we boiled some water with the pine needles.I made Jack try it first and he claimed to like it, so I tried it...but I think I'll stick to fruit and nut teas.

A few days later we went for a hike in a really nice place nearby.We came to a bridge which was over a mostly dried-out river with some water still flowing through.I love climbing over rocks! We went down quite a long way till we came to a large rock and sat down to enjoy the landscape for a while.Then it was near sunset and we decided to go back.

We made a wrong turn in the way.It soon became obvious that we were in a race with the sun.We hoped that we could find a new way.It was getting darker and darker as we pushed through some bushes to try to get back.The trees and bushes were so thick that we had to find a different way to go forward.

Eventually we heard cars on the road and followed the sound until we went back to a main road.The sound really acted as our guide.

