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LCD & LCM專有名詞list
“ A ” Start:
●ACF : A nisotropic C onductive F ilm (異方性導電膜)
●AOP : A cf O n P cb
●AT : A pproval T est (承認驗證)
●ANSI: A merican N ational S tandard I nstitute(美國國家亮度標準協會)
●ASAP: A s S oon A s P ossible(愈快愈好)
●AGV : A uto G uide V ehicle(自動導引車)
●AMHS: A utomated M aterial H andling S ystem(材料自動處理系統)
●AVL : A pproval V endor L ist (合格供應商一覽表)
●APL : A pproval P arts L ist (合格部品材料一覽表)
●AQL : A cceptive Q uality L imited (允收水準)
●Acetone : 丙酮
●AFS : A ccess F loor S ystem (高架地板系統)
●AHS : Air Handling System (潔淨室的空調系統)
●APQP :A dvanced Product Quality Planning(先期產品品質規劃和管制計劃) ●ANOVA: An alysis o f Va riance (變異分析)
●ASV : A dvanced S uper-V iew(高速動畫顯示技術)
●AJS : A uto J udgment S ystem (自動判定系統)
●AHU : recalculating air handler unit (迴風單元)
A ir H anding U nit (外氣空調箱)
●ALX:Alkali Exhaust(鹼排氣)
●AEX:Acid Exhaust(酸排氣)
●AMC : A ir M athematics C ontamination(空氣微分子污染)
●A/S : A ir S hower
●ASV : Advance Super-V
●a-Si:Amorphous Silicon
●AR : Action/Request
●APR :
●ASI :
“ B ” Start :
●B/L : B ack L ight(背光源)
●BM : B lack M atrix(黑色矩陣)
●BRP : B usiness R eengineering P rocess (企業再造)
●BGA : B all-G ird-A rray(球形封裝技術)
●BOM : B ill O f M aterial(物料清單)
●BCE : B ack C hannel E tch
●BRM : Basic Record Management System(基本情報管理)
“ C ” Start :
●CCD: C harge C oupled D evice
●COB: C hip O n B oard
●COF: C hip O n F ilm
●COG: C hip O n G lass
●CCFL: C old C athode F luorescent L amp(冷陰極射管)
●CS : C ustomer S ample(顧客樣品)
●CF : C olor F ilter(彩色濾光片)
●CR : C ommercial R elease(量產移管)
●CVD: C hemical V apour D eposition(化學氣相成長)
●CIP: C ontinuous I mprovement P rocess(工程持續改善)
●COA: C olor filter O n A rray ;
●C ertificate O f A nalysis(供應商出貨檢驗報告)
●CLCA: C lose L oop C orrective A ction
●CCL: C opper C lad L aminat(銅箔基板)
●CP : C apability of P rocess(製程能力指數)
●CRM: C ustomer R elationnship M anage(客戶關係管理)
●CIM: C omputer I ntergrated M anufacturing(電腦整合製造系統)●CAR: C orrective A ction R eport(查核改善跟催表)
●CFT: C ross F unctional T eam(跨功能小組)
●C/V: C on v eyer
●C/R: C lean R oom
●CRT: C athode R ay T ube(陰極射線管)
●CGS: C eiling G rid S ystems (天板)
●CDA:C lean D ry A ir (高壓乾空氣)
●CAH:C omputer Room A ir H andler(恆溫恆濕空調箱) ●CWS : C hilling W ater S ystem (冰水系統)
●CUB : C entral U tility B uilding (中央設施建築)
●CGS : Continuous Grain Silicon
●CDC :
●CAS :
“ D ” Start :
●DAT : D esign A pproval T est(設計認定)
●DVI : D igital V ideo I nteractive(數位影像穿插)
●DISM: D igital I nterface S tandards for M onitors
●DFP : D igital F lat P anel port
●DQAT: D esign Q uality A pproval T est(設計品質認定)●DLP : D igital L ight P rocessing(數位光學處理技術)
●DCC : D ocument C ontrol C enter(文件管理中心)
D ry C ooling C oil(乾盤管)
●DR : D esign R eview(產品設計審查)
●DPT : D ew P oint T emp (露點溫度)
●DI-Water: D elete-I on Water (去離子水)
●EAD :
“ E ” Start :
●EMS : E quipment M anagement S ystem(設備控管)
●E/S : E ngineer S ample(工程樣本)
●EMI : E lectro M agnetic I nterference(電磁波干擾)
●ESD : E lectro S tatic D ischarge(靜電放電)
●ESC : E lectro S tatic C harge(靜電電荷)
●ESA : E lectro S tatic A ttraction(靜電吸附)
●EMC : E lectro M agnetic C ontain(電磁相容性)
●ERP : E nterprise R esource P lanning(企業資源規劃)
●EL : E lectro L uminescent(電激發光)
●EDID: E xtended D isplay I dentification D ata(延伸顯示識別資料) ●ECN : E ngineering C hange N otice(工程變更指示書)
●ECP : E ngineering C hange P roposal (工程變更依賴書)
●ERT : E mergency R esponse T eam(緊急應變小組)
●EMS : E SD M onitoring S ystem (靜電氣監控系統)
●EDA : E ngineering D ata A nalysis (工程資料分析)
“ F ” Start :
●FPC : F lexible P rinted C ircuit(軟性印刷電路)
●FET : F ield E ffect T ransistor(場效電晶體)
●FI : F inal I nspection(最終檢查)
●FPD : F lat P anel D isplay(平面顯示器)
●FIFO: F irst I n First O ut(先進先出)
●FQC : F inished goods Q uality C ontrol
●FMEA: F ailure M ode E ffect A nalysis (失效模式與效應分析)
●FFU : F an F ilter U nits (濾網風車組)
●FFC : F an F ilter C asing
●FAI : F irst A rticle I nspection (初物檢驗)
●FM :F actory M utual(工廠互助保險實驗室)
●FWS : F ine W ater S pray system(水霧噴水系統)
●FM : F actory M utual(工廠互助保險實驗室)
●FMCS: F acility M onitor C ontrol S ystem(廠務監控系統)
●FMS : F acility M onitoring S ystem
●FCU : F an C oil U nit (風車盤管機組)
●FIB :F ocusing an I on B eam (聚焦離子束顯微鏡)
●FFS : F ringe F ield S witching
●FEA:Finite Element Anlysis
●FAE : Facture Application (產品應用)
“ G ” Start :
●G/A : G ate A rray
●GVIF: G igabit V ideo I nter F ace
●Gage R&R(GRR) :量具(Gage)再現性(Repeatability)與再生性
●GEX:General Exhaust(一般排氣)
“ H ” Start :
●HTO : H igh T emperature O peration (高溫動作測試)
●HAU : H anding A ssistant U nit
●HEPA: H igh E fficiency P articulate A ir (高效率濾網)
●HRM : H uman R esource M anagement (人力資源管理)
●HEX:Heat Exhaust(熱排氣)
●HVAC:General H eating V entilation A ir C ondition System(一般空調系統)●HP :Home Position
●HAR :
“ I ” Start :
●ITO : I ndium T in O xide (氧化銦錫導電膜)
●I/F : I nter-F ace (界面)
●IT : I nformation T echnology (情報技術學)
●IPS : I n-P lane –S witching (橫向電場切換)
●ISO : I nternational S tandards O rganization (國際標準組織) ●ILB : I nner L ead B onding (內引腳接合)
●IC : I ntegrated C ircuit (積體電路)
●IPQC: I n-P rocess Q uality C ontrol
●IQC : I ncoming Q uality C ontrol (進料品質管制)
●IPA : Isopropanol alcohol (異丙醇)
●IMS : I on M obility S pectrometry (離子流動分析儀)
●ISP :
“ J ” Start :
●JIT : J ust I n T ime (即時管理)
●JDM : J oint D esign M anagement (共同研發管理)
“ K ” Start :
●KPI :K ey P erformance I ndex (關鍵績效指標)
“ L ” Start :
●LCM : L iquid C rystal M odule (液晶模組)
●LVDS: L ow V oltage D ifferential S ignal (低電壓差動信號)
●LTO : L ow T emperature O peration (低溫動作測試)
●LSI : L arge S cale I ntegration (超大型積體電路)
●LC : L ine C ontroller
●L/R : L aser R epair (雷射修正)
●LP : L ead P itch
●LCD : L iquid C rystal D isplay (液晶顯示器)
●LTPS: L ow T emperature P oly S ilica (低溫多晶矽)
●LGP : L ight G uide P anel (導光板)
●LUX : ILLUMINATION (照明度之國際單位)
●MA : M odule A ssembly (模組組裝)
●MVA : M ulti-D omain V ertical A lignment(超級/多疇垂直排列)
●MIS : M anagement I nformation S ystem (資訊管理系統)
●MOW : M anganese O xygen W olfram (氧化錳鎢)
●MTBF: M ean T ime B etween F ailure (平均失效間隔時間)
●MGV : M anual G uide V ehicle (手動搬運車)
●MSA : M easurement S ystem A nalysis (量測系統分析)
●MAU:M ake-up A ir U nit(外氣空調箱)
●MSU:M ist S eparator U nit(冷凝設備)
●MSDS:M aterial S afety D ata S heet(物質安全資料表)
●MDL : Manufacturing Department L
●MRB : Material Review Board
●MQC : M onitoring Q uality C ontrol (監控品質管制)
●MCR : M aterial C onstruction R esentment(原物料品質異常工程訴怨單)●MPS : Master Product Schedule
●MES : Manufacturing Execution System(製造執行系統)
●MCS : Material Control System(材料管理系統)
●MTD : Month To Daily vernier
●MO :
“ N ” Start :
●ND : N eutral D ensity filter
●NB : N ote B ook
●NB : N ormally B lack (常態黑)
●NW : N ormally W hite (常態白)
●NTSC: N ational T elevision S ystem C ommittee (國家電視標準委員會)
●NC : N oise C riterion (噪音權衡基準法)
●OLB : O uter L ead B onding (外引腳接合)
●OD : O ptical D ensity (光學密度)
●ORT : O utgoing R eliability T est (出貨信賴性測試)
●OEM : O riginal E quipment M anufacturer (委託代工)
●ODM : O riginal D esign M anufacture (委託設計與製造)
●OLED: O RGANIC L IGHT E MITTER D EVICE (有機電激發光二極體) ●OSD : O n S creen D isplay (視控調整功能)
●OQC: O ut-going Q uality C ontrol (出貨品質管制)
●OPI : O ne P iece I nspection (片次檢驗)
●OPI : Operation interface(操作介面)
●OHS : O ver H ead S ystem (高空搬運系統)
●ORP : O xidation R eduction P otential (氧化還原電位計)
●OCB : O ptically C ompensated B end
●ODF : O ne D rop F ill (液晶滴下方式)
●OM : O ptical M icroscope (光學顯微鏡)
●OEX :Organic Exhaust (有機排氣)
●OITS: O perator I nterface T ouch S creen (觸摸式操作屏)
●OCAP: O ut of C ontrol A ction P lan (異常反應計劃)
●OOC : O ut O f C ontrol (管制外)
●OOS : O ut O f S pecification (規格外)
●OSS : O ne S top S hopping (一次購足)
●OA : Office Automation (辦公室自動化)
●OP : Opposite Position
●OHV :
●ORB :
●OI :
“ P ” Start :
●PCB: P rinted C ircuit B oard (印刷電路板)
●PWB: P rinted W iring B oard (印刷電路板)
●PAT: P rocesses A pproval T est (製程認定)
●PDAT: P rocess D esign A pproval T est (製程設計認定)
●PDA: P ersonal D igital A ssistant (個人數位秘書)
●PEP: P hoto E ngraving P rocess (寫真蝕刻工程)
●PECVD: P hoto E ngraving C hemical V apour D eposition (化學氣相沉積)●PPM: P arts P er M illion (百萬分之…)
●PZ : P olarizer (偏光板)
●PE : P rocess E ngineer (製程工程師)
●PMLCD:P assive M atrix LCD
●PDP: P lasma D isplay P anel (電漿顯示器)
●PLC: P rogrammable L ogic C ontroller (可程式化邏輯控制系統)
●PNP: P lay &P lug (即插即用)
●PDCA :P lan-D o-C heck-A ction (PDCA管理循環)
●PSS :P roduct S pecification S heet (產品規格一覽表)
●PI : Polyamide (配向膜,聚亞醘氨)
●PVA: P atterned V ertical A lignment
●PMS: P article M onitoring S ystem (微粒子監控系統)
●PM : P roject M anagement (專案管理)
●PV : P rocess V acuum System (製程真空系統)
●PLV : P rocess L ow V acuum System (製程低真空系統)
●PAH :P ackaged A ir H anding Unit (箱型空調箱)
●PHA : P reliminary H azard A nalysis (初步危害分析)
●PVA : P atterned V ertical A lignment(垂直配向)
●PLM : P roduct L ife M anagement(產品生命週期管理)
●PDCR: Pigment Dispersed Color Resist(顏料分散型彩色光阻)
●PDM : Pigment Dispersed Method(顏料分散法)
●PPI : P ixel P itch I nch
“ Q ” Start :
●QAT : Q uality A pproval T est (品質認定)
●QCC : Q uality C ontrol C ircle (品管圈)
●QOS : Q uality O f S ervice (服務品質)
●QRM : Q uality R eview M eeting(服務品質)
●QIT : Q uality I mprovement T eam﹝品質改善團隊﹞
●QFD : Q uality F unction D eployment(品質機能展開)
●QA : Q uality A ssurance (品質保證)
●QC : Q uality C ontrol (品質管制)
●QCS : Q uality C ontrol S tandard (品質管制標準)
●QE : Q uality E ngineering (品質工程)
●QMP : Q uality Management Plan (品質管制計畫)
●QNR : Q uality N on-conformance R eport (原物料品質不合格報告) ●QIS :
●QSM :
“ R ” Start :
●RTO : R oom T emperature O peration (常溫動作測試)
●RMA : R eturn M aterial A uthorization (退貨驗收)
●RWK : R e W or K (重工)
●RSDS: R educed S wing D ifferential S ignaling
●RGV : R ail G uide V ehicle(自動軌道導引車)
●RTM : R otate T ransfer M achine (OHS~~stock)
●RM : R isk M anagement(風險管理)
●RAS : R eturn A ir S ystem (迴風系統)
●RH :R elative H umidity(相對濕度)
“ S ” Start :
●SVGA: S uper V ideo G raphics A rray(800*600)
●SXGA: S uper X tended Video G raphics A rray(1280*1024)
●SXGA+: S uper X tended Video G raphics A rray PLUS(1400*1050) ●Solder:焊接(製程)
●STN: S uper T wisted N ematic
●SPWG : S tandard P anels W orking G roup
●SOP : S tandard O perating P rocedure(標準作業程序)
S ystem O n P anel
●SS : S uper S pacer(間隙材)
●SD : S ales & D istribution(銷售管理)
●SAP : S ystemalyse A nd P rogrammentwicklung(系統分析與軟體發展)●SMT : S urface M ount T echnology(表面黏著技術)
●SMD : S urface M ount D evice(表面黏裝元件)
●SEM : S canning E lectron M icroscope(掃瞄式電子顯微鏡)
●S.T : S tandard T ime(標準工時)
●SPC : Statistical Process Control (統計製程管制)
●STS : S hip T o S tock(直接入庫上線,免檢作業)
●SPX : Stripper(Condensible) Exhaust(高沸點有機排氣)
●SOC : Spacer on Color Filter
●SOG : S ystem O n G lass
●SAW : S urface A coustic W ave
●SQE : S upplier Q uality E ngineering
●SEX:Stripper Exhaust
●SGS :
“ T ” Start :
●TFT: T hin F ilm T ransistor (薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器)
●TTL: T ransistor T ransistor L ogic (電晶體電晶體邏輯)
●THB: T emperature H umidity B urning (高溫/高濕動作測試)
●TST:T emperature S hock T est (溫度急變測試)
●TCT: T emperature C ycle T est (溫度循環測試)
●TAB: T ape A utomate B onding (捲帶自動接合技術)
●TCP: T ape C arrier P ackage
●TAC: T ri A cetyl C ellulose (三酸醋纖維)
●TQM: T otal Q uality M anagement (全面品質管理實務)
●TMDS: T ransition M inimized D ifferential S ignaling
●TECN: T emporary E ngineering C hange N otice (暫時性工程變更指示書) ●TEG : Testing Element Group
●TAT : Tact Time
●TCS :
“ U ” Start :
●UV : U ltra V iolet (紫外線的..)
●UXGA:U ltra S uper X tended Video G raphics A rray(1600*1200)
●USB : U niversal S erial B us (萬用串列匯流排)
●UWA : U ltra Wide View (超廣視角)
●ULC : U ltra L ow-power C onsumption(低耗電技術)
●UPS : Uninterruptible Power System (不斷電系統)
●UDI : Ultra Duplex Image(單片雙影像)
●UHA : Ultra High Aperture
“ V ” Start :
●VAC: Vac uum(真空吸著)
●VGA: V ideo G raphics A rray (640*480/16色圖形之顯示模式)
●VESA: V ideo E lectronic S tandard A ssociation(視訊電子標準協會)
●VESDS: V ery E arly S moke D etection S ystem (極早期火警探測系統)
“ W ” Start :
●WB : W hite B alance (白平衡)
●WIP: W ork I n P rocess (在製品)
●WI : W ork I nstruction (工作教導)
●WV-Film : W ide V iew Film (廣視角膜)
“ X ” Start :
●XGA: X tended video G raphics A rray (1024*768) “ Y ” Start :
“ Z ” Start :。