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2. 水泥要用双层牛皮 纸袋包装,每袋装 50公斤。
3. 钢笔要用纸盒包装, 3. 每盒装10支。 4. 每件包装上都要表 明“易碎品”。 5. 外箱上不得出现国 名或商标。
strong enough to stand/endure rough/rude/careless handling. Cement is to be packed in double kraft-paper bags, each containing 50 kilos. Pens are to be packed in paper boxes, 10 pieces in/to one box. Each/Every package should be marked with “Fragile/Breakable”. No name of country or trade mark is to appear on the outside containers.
Column Matching (3-2)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. brocade (n.锦缎) box bundle cardboard box carton cask cloth bag corrugated (a.起皱的) carton crate flask iron drum/bucket/barrel jar jute (n.黄麻) bag kraft paper bag paper bag plastic bag plastic drum/bucket/barrel skeleton case tin/can wooden case a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) q) r) s) 木箱 板条箱,篓 纸板箱,硬纸盒 瓦楞纸箱 漏孔箱 锦盒 纸盒 捆,包 麻袋 布袋 塑料袋 纸袋 牛皮纸袋 铁桶 塑料桶 木桶 听,罐头 罐,坛 长颈瓶
Column Matching (3-3)
1. 硬度 2. 厚度 3. 小心轻放 4. 不可倒置 5. 碰撞 6. 磨损 7. 易破损的 8. 防震措施 9. 抗压 10. 梅雨季节 11. 干燥剂、防潮剂 12. 便利店
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. anti-shock measure breakable/fragile colliding/collision convenience store Don’t turn over./Upward Only 6. drier 7. Handle with care. 8. hardness/stiffness 9. monsoon season 10. press defending 11. thickness 12. wear and tear
Dialogue Translation i.
A: 今天我们想洽谈有关商品包装的问题。 B: 可以啊。我正想跟你谈这事儿呢。我们打算内包装使 用纸盒,一盒装两个。20盒装一个瓦楞纸箱。你看怎么 样? A: 同意。不过这批货是远洋运输,很容易破损的。用瓦 楞纸箱包装水果罐头,是否稳妥啊? B: 我们通常使用的都是这样的包装,完全适用于远洋运 输,请放心吧! A: 那是最好不过了。包装安全可不能忽视啊,请务必多 加小心。 B: 你说得很对。而且,因包装不当发生的损失,保险公 司不会赔偿。 A: 就是。还有,请别忘了在箱子上印上“小心轻放”、 “不可倒置”,以及我们公司的名称。 B: 好的,没问题。我们会按照你的要求做的,请放心!
A: Damp-proofing measures should be taken for some of the goods ordered. In addition, shipping happens to be during the monsoon season of July and June, so extra attention must be paid to packaging. Damage and mould (n.发霉) will occur if the goods are not wrapped and tied up appropriately. B: The wooden cases we use are all selected from the timbers (n. 木材) through dry treatment. And with drier inside, it will not be dampened. We will remind relevant departments of this. Please rest assured. A: Thank you very much, Xiao Zhang. I would like you to do me another favor. Can we replace the plastic barrel for pigment (n. 颜料) with metal buckets? B: We can do that. However, if metal buckets are used, 10 yuan extra needs to be added to each bucket. A: That is too much. Let’s still use the plastic buckets as before. B: OK, I see.
Drill 1: Sentence Translation Drill 3: Dialogue Translation

Sentence Translation
1. 包装必须适合海运, 1. The packaging must be seaworthy/ 要足够牢固,禁得 suitable for ocean shipping and 住野蛮搬运。
Your packing must be improved/ bettered. g) The goods are to be packed in wooden cases containing 20 dozen each. h) The packing of this article features novel design and diversified styles. The new packing of the porcelain is in Chinese national style and suitable for display in supermarkets. The cases are to be marked with our initials in a diamond as usual.
Sample Dialogue
A: Can we discuss the packing today? 我们通常是每件衬衣单独装一个塑料袋, 十打装一纸箱。 B: Sure. We usu. pack our shirts individually in plastic bags, ten dozen to one carton. 不过要注意一下内包装的设计,必须适于橱窗展示。 A: Acceptable. But please pay attention to the design of the inner packing. All the packages must be ready for window display. B: Please don’t worry. All the bags are beautifully designed to come in line with the local market preference at your end. 所有袋子都设计精美, 肯定适合你们当地市场 A: Have you got any samples here? I’d prefer to have a look. 的需求。 B: Here you are. A: It does look good. Especially the little swan. B: Thank you. We understand that your people regard swans as a symbol of good luck. A: Most of them do. But the background color should be a little lighter. B: No problem. What do you think of our logo? 你觉得我们的标识怎么样? A: Very good. Maybe you should move it a little closer to the middle.
Sentence Translation
6. 你们的包装必须改善。 f)
7. 货物用木箱包装,每 箱20打。 8. 这一产品打包装特点 是设计新颖、形式多 样。 9. 陶瓷的新包装具有中 i) 国特色,适合在超市 展示。 10.跟往常一样,箱子上 j) 要刷一个菱形,内写 我公司名字的首字母。
Sample Dialogue
B: Alright. Do you have anything to say about the outer packaging? A: You mentioned cartons, didn’t you? I’m afraid cartons are not strong enough. 它们并不是易碎物品,而且纸箱轻便,易于搬运。 B: But we’re only talking about shirts. They’re not fragile goods. Besides, cartons are light and easy to handle. A: Well, I just mean they’re easily breakable. 我们还可以用条带加固。 B: There’s no need to worry. We can reinforce the cartons with straps. A: Look, these goods will have to go a long way before they arrive at our port. What if dampness gets into the packages? 这些货物都要经过 长途运输才能到达我方港口。如果包装受潮怎么办? B: All the cartons are lined with plastic sheets, so they’re absolutely waterproof. I can assure you. 所有纸箱都衬有塑料纸,所以绝对防水的。 A: As I just said, it’s a long-distance transportation. I really don’t want to take any chances. 我可不想冒险啊! B: You need have no fears about that. Our way of packing has been widely accepted by other clients, and we have received no complaints up to now. A: Well, I suppose there is no other choice.
Column Matching (3-1)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 外包装 内包装 小包装 销售包装 运输包装 直接包装 中性包装 裸装货 散装货 批号 运输标志 指示性标志 警告性标志 a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) batch number bulk cargo immediate packing indicative mark inner/inside package neutral package nude cargo outer/external packing sales/consumer package shipping mark small package transport package warning mark