(完整版)大学英语阅读教程 2 答案(Unit1-8)

《全新版大学英语阅读教程》(通用本课后练习答案)第二册UNIT ONEThe Pleasure of LearningKey to the ExercisesI. 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6.DII. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T. 5. F. 6. TIII. 1.对于太多的人来说,学习似乎是自己的意愿屈服于外界的指引,是一种奴役.2.然而,只要幸运,有决心,指导得法,人的精神不仅经得起贫穷而且经得起富裕的考验.3.对一个人来说,形成完整和协调的人格与保持自身的卫生,健康以及经济上的自立是同样必要的,那些从来没有认识到这一点的人已经吃尽苦头.IV.1. First of all , the writer points out that there is a mistake about learning. Some young people dislike learning simply because they are educated in the wrong way. Learning is a natural pleasure that should be enjoyed. Then he develops this idea by examples to illustrate the different aspects: learning from books, by travel and trough practice. Learning can expand one’s knowledge over a period of time.2. The chief danger of learning is laziness, sloth, routine, stupidity. It sneaks into people’s mind like wind through the shutters, causing people to slowly give up learning. We should realize that learning is a life-long endeavor, and only by continuous learning can one gain a meaningful and rewarding life.Key to the reading—skill Exercises1. Students have improved SAT scores.2. Teenagers planned patrols3. TV programs are less thorough than newspapers.4. Welcome to Our City is about the South and its people5. Some films show little children fascinated at the world.6. One can communicate with the writer as one reads a book.2.Coping with Santa ClausKey to the ExercisesI . 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. BII. . 1. 朱莉让我们如此为难,我的确感到生气.难道圣诞老人不存在的事实不是从同学那里得知的吗2.我给她讲述了事情的经过,尽量使它听起来滑稽有趣,希望她不要注意到我和杰里在处理我开始认为的"圣诞老人问题"上是如此拙劣.3.我可以看出,他正努力在想一种办法,用来解释我们的行为,使其听起来不太像事实那样具有欺骗性,那样错误和愚蠢.4.事情就这样结束了.对圣诞老人不存在的事实悲伤了片刻只后,生活又恢复了正常.III.1. Santa Claus is an imaginary old man with a long white beard and a red coat. Traditionally,young children in many countries are told that he brings them Christmas presents. Some legend goes like this: Santa lives in northern Europe. There are various versions of the story, and some wonderful movies, too.2. (Answers may vary, depending on your understanding.)3. On the shoulders of a heroKey to the ExercisesI . 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. DII. 1.他一去世,我自以为会长生不老的幻觉立刻就破灭了.2.以后的岁月中,每当我默默期盼父亲的信任支持时,总会不出预料遇到一副怀疑的表情.3.现在回想起来,他是故意不让我们知道,免得扫了大家的兴.4.铃起沉重的盒子,我猛然醒悟到,不管父亲说的话听上去多么消极泄气,也抹杀不了他在我离开后用一张张剪报填满盒子的实际行动.III (omitted)UNIT TWO4. Not poor , just brokeKey to the ExercisesI . 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. CII.1. collect herself ---If you collect yourself or your thought , you make an effort to calm yourself or prepare yourself mentally . 镇定下来collect--- get control of one’s feelings and thoughts, especially after shock, surprise or laughter.2. Flash that big smile ---If you flash a look or a smile at someone, you suddenly look at them or smile at them . (脸上)露出笑容flash---show something for a short time3. Make deals with the rats 与老鼠做交易(即故意留东西给老鼠吃) make deal with: reach an agreement for mutual benefit4. Stand for welfare cheaters 容忍骗取福利的人stand for – endure or tolerate5. Rest her mind 感到宽慰rest: relax6. Poke around the house – if you poke around for something, you search for it, usually by moving lots of objects around. 四处搜索poke: search for something.III. 1. 贫穷是人们无法摆脱的一种心境,而没钱只是一种暂时的状况.2.她教导我们说,人们有两种摆脱生活困境的办法―笑或者哭. 笑带来更多的希望.3.我们会站在后门廊里分发食物给邻居,仿佛我们在负责救济穷苦人,然后我们也会收下他们带来作为交换的食物.4.当时的情景仍历历在目,那个社会福利工作者在屋子里四处搜索,冰冷的亚麻油毡地毯上的煤灰使她不由得皱起鼻子,而看到小虫在洗涤槽的脏盘子里爬来爬去的时候她就禁不住摇了摇头.IV. (Omitted)Key to the Reading-Skill Exercises1. The view of New York from the bridge was beautiful.2. When I was an adolescent, I never had the best jobs; neither did I have the worst jobs.3. Marijuana use is associated with abnormal behavior.5. Blacks return to Africa but us is homeI. 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. BII.1. They are mostly educated, skilled and middle-class, such as doctors teachers, diplomats, businessmen, journalists, technical experts, etc.2. Africans think the black Americans are Americans first, blacks second.3. he told them to be well prepared to face problems in Africa. They must be determined to help the black people in Africa.4. he says that the decaying cities like Kinshasa and Dares Salaam seem to be future cities of Africa,while the developed cities like Johannesburg and Salisbury are becoming the past. He believes that the newly independent African countries will be the future of Africa.5. she recalled her experiences growing up in a black, middle-class community in WashingtonD.C., how she was discriminated , and how she excelled over white students at school.6. it means that the black Americans who did go to Africa understood that they should have a correct attitude in helping their black brothers in Africa.III (Omitted)6. Raymond Carver, MentorI. 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. BII1. 或许自多纳·巴特米在20世纪60年代开始发表作品以来,还没有哪位作家在文学界引起过这么多议论。


《全新版大学英语阅读教程》(通用本课后练习答案)第二册UNIT ONEThe Pleasure of LearningKey to the ExercisesI. 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6.DII. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T. 5. F. 6. TIII. 1.对于太多的人来说,学习似乎是自己的意愿屈服于外界的指引,是一种奴役.2.然而,只要幸运,有决心,指导得法,人的精神不仅经得起贫穷而且经得起富裕的考验.3.对一个人来说,形成完整和协调的人格与保持自身的卫生,健康以及经济上的自立是同样必要的,那些从来没有认识到这一点的人已经吃尽苦头.IV.1. First of all , the writer points out that there is a mistake about learning. Some young people dislike learning simply because they are educated in the wrong way. Learning is a natural pleasure that should be enjoyed. Then he develops this idea by examples to illustrate the different aspects: learning from books, by travel and trough practice. Learning can expand one’s knowledge over a period of time.2. The chief danger of learning is laziness, sloth, routine, stupidity. It sneaks into people’s mind like wind through the shutters, causing people to slowly give up learning. We should realize that learning is a life-long endeavor, and only by continuous learning can one gain a meaningful and rewarding life.Key to the reading—skill Exercises1. Students have improved SAT scores.2. Teenagers planned patrols3. TV programs are less thorough than newspapers.4. Welcome to Our City is about the South and its people5. Some films show little children fascinated at the world.6. One can communicate with the writer as one reads a book.2.Coping with Santa ClausKey to the ExercisesI . 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. BII. . 1. 朱莉让我们如此为难,我的确感到生气.难道圣诞老人不存在的事实不是从同学那里得知的吗2.我给她讲述了事情的经过,尽量使它听起来滑稽有趣,希望她不要注意到我和杰里在处理我开始认为的"圣诞老人问题"上是如此拙劣.3.我可以看出,他正努力在想一种办法,用来解释我们的行为,使其听起来不太像事实那样具有欺骗性,那样错误和愚蠢.4.事情就这样结束了.对圣诞老人不存在的事实悲伤了片刻只后,生活又恢复了正常.III.1. Santa Claus is an imaginary old man with a long white beard and a red coat. Traditionally,young children in many countries are told that he brings them Christmas presents. Some legend goes like this: Santa lives in northern Europe. There are various versions of the story, and some wonderful movies, too.2. (Answers may vary, depending on your understanding.)3. On the shoulders of a heroKey to the ExercisesI . 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. DII. 1.他一去世,我自以为会长生不老的幻觉立刻就破灭了.2.以后的岁月中,每当我默默期盼父亲的信任支持时,总会不出预料遇到一副怀疑的表情.3.现在回想起来,他是故意不让我们知道,免得扫了大家的兴.4.铃起沉重的盒子,我猛然醒悟到,不管父亲说的话听上去多么消极泄气,也抹杀不了他在我离开后用一张张剪报填满盒子的实际行动.III (omitted)UNIT TWO4. Not poor , just brokeKey to the ExercisesI . 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. CII.1. collect herself ---If you collect yourself or your thought , you make an effort to calm yourself or prepare yourself mentally . 镇定下来collect--- get control of one’s feelings and thoughts, especially after shock, surprise or laughter.2. Flash that big smile ---If you flash a look or a smile at someone, you suddenly look at them or smile at them . (脸上)露出笑容flash---show something for a short time3. Make deals with the rats 与老鼠做交易(即故意留东西给老鼠吃) make deal with: reach an agreement for mutual benefit4. Stand for welfare cheaters 容忍骗取福利的人stand for – endure or tolerate5. Rest her mind 感到宽慰rest: relax6. Poke around the house – if you poke around for something, you search for it, usually by moving lots of objects around. 四处搜索poke: search for something.III. 1. 贫穷是人们无法摆脱的一种心境,而没钱只是一种暂时的状况.2.她教导我们说,人们有两种摆脱生活困境的办法―笑或者哭. 笑带来更多的希望.3.我们会站在后门廊里分发食物给邻居,仿佛我们在负责救济穷苦人,然后我们也会收下他们带来作为交换的食物.4.当时的情景仍历历在目,那个社会福利工作者在屋子里四处搜索,冰冷的亚麻油毡地毯上的煤灰使她不由得皱起鼻子,而看到小虫在洗涤槽的脏盘子里爬来爬去的时候她就禁不住摇了摇头.IV. (Omitted)Key to the Reading-Skill Exercises1. The view of New York from the bridge was beautiful.2. When I was an adolescent, I never had the best jobs; neither did I have the worst jobs.3. Marijuana use is associated with abnormal behavior.5. Blacks return to Africa but us is homeI. 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. BII.1. They are mostly educated, skilled and middle-class, such as doctors teachers, diplomats, businessmen, journalists, technical experts, etc.2. Africans think the black Americans are Americans first, blacks second.3. he told them to be well prepared to face problems in Africa. They must be determined to help the black people in Africa.4. he says that the decaying cities like Kinshasa and Dares Salaam seem to be future cities of Africa,while the developed cities like Johannesburg and Salisbury are becoming the past. He believes that the newly independent African countries will be the future of Africa.5. she recalled her experiences growing up in a black, middle-class community in WashingtonD.C., how she was discriminated , and how she excelled over white students at school.6. it means that the black Americans who did go to Africa understood that they should have a correct attitude in helping their black brothers in Africa.III (Omitted)6. Raymond Carver, MentorI. 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. BII1. 或许自多纳·巴特米在20世纪60年代开始发表作品以来,还没有哪位作家在文学界引起过这么多议论。

Unit 1 AdvertisingPart A: Comprehending the text1.to inform us of new products or good bargains/help producers to sell their products.… we are exposed to too much advertising now and so much of it is misleading, so many people now ignore it.2.visit some of the attractions of the island, including a trip to an ancient cavern//study thefascinating sea creatures of that area.… use the hotel swimming pool/paddling pool or play on the mini-golf course; visit the less adventurous places of interest ( in an air-conditioned vehicle) such as a local lake.… around Lake Tali.… the accommodation “units”.… the resort is new and the owners claim to be more interested in making the guests happy than making money.3. small, bare, exposed rock in the middle of the ocean.… dangerous because of the many sharks.… there is no water in it.… it is too small and too shallow for the stories to be true.… Bantu Island is a long way away so the money will be traveling further. The expression is not being used in its usual meaning of money lasting longer as things are so cheap.4. to be very careful when reading advertisements and always try to check the information froman independent source before you buy whatever is being advertised.Part C Interpreting the text1.The writer is trying to say that advertising is often very misleading and, in some cases,“legalized lying”. The advertising brochure for Bantu Island is obviously very misleading --- and, although nothing it says is actually a lie, it could be argued that it does not represent the truth.2.Because once they got to the island and saw what it was like, they would not want to go onany tours.3.No, it was very carefully worded so that it would be difficult to prove it told any lies ----simply did not tell the whole truth or misled the reader in different ways. For example, the resort does have a swimming pool (and even a paddling pool) --- it does not actually say that they don’t have any water; it does say that sea creatures abound, it does not say that are sharks, etc.4.We should look carefully at things that seem attractive (and cheap). There is often a problemthat is not obvious. This might also apply to other things, such as a motor vehicle, a new apartment, “special offers” on CDs, books, etc.Developing your skillsBrochure Newspaper______________________________________________________________________________A Once in a Lifetime Holiday A “Never-To-Repeated” Holiday(This means sth very special – so (This means it only happens once because Layout special it cannot ever be repeated.) it was so bad you would never do it again.)A Holiday for All the Family A “Holiday” for Nobody_______________________________________________________________________________ sea creatures sharksbrand-new half-builtcooled blastedrare They don’t existIt omits any details of the size, etc.Choices of of the attractions (e.g. Lake Tali).Information No mention of having to wash ina small stream (i.e. no plumbingor washing facilities in the hotel)._______________________________________________________________________________ … you won’t have a penny more A “Holiday” for Nobody --- the invertedto pay! --- The exclamation mark is commas indicate that the writer feels thesupposed to show the reader what a word “Holiday” is not the correct word.wonderful deal she/he is getting with The “ Beauties of Bantu Island” --- againthe holiday. The inverted commas suggest that “Beauties”does not describe the reality of the Island.“ Air-conditioned”, “back-to-nature”, Punctuation “resort”, “lake”, etc. All these show thatthe writer does not feel the words are beingused with their usual meaning andconnotations._______________________________________________________________________________填空:(Page 10 )Come and eat at the Luxurious and Relaxing “French Kitchen”Enjoy the wonderful selection of tempting dishes from our extensive menu.The magnificent view over the ocean will make it an evening to remember/cherish.Our highly-trained/professional/friendly and experienced/ knowledgeable/polite staff will be delighted/pleased/thrilled to look after your every need and the reasonable/inexpensive prices will pleasantly surprise you.Don’t delay/wait. Book now! You won’t be disappointed/sorry.Anybody who is thinking of going to the new “restaurant”called the “French Kitchen”, don’t think again.I was tempted by the advertisement in this newspaper last week. Unfortunately/Regrettably,I can honestly/truthfully/really say that I was very displeased by mydecision.To enjoy the“magnificent view” of the ocean, you would need to lean at least a meter out of the window and peer round the building next door. I’ve seen a better/more impressive/wider/more tempting selection of dishes in my local fast food restaurant and much more polite/friendlier staff in an army training camp. As for the “reasonable/inexpensive”prices! My bank manager will think that I bought the restaurant when he sees my account. It’s true that they were a “surprise”, but definitely not “pleasant”.Don’t go. You will certainly be disappointed.Unit 2 SchooldaysUnderstanding the textPart A: Comprehending the text1. F2. F3. T4.T5. T6.T7. F8. FPart B: Interpreting the textAnswer the following as fully as possible.1.These exams “decide their future” and the penalties for failure are “final”. Also look at speechparagraph 6 --- the “threat of being a failure for life”is perhaps even worse than a death sentence.2.The labour market does not urgently need “newly qualified people”, there is no “hurry”; thesituation is not critical.3.to compare the large number of lessons (“17,745) with the tiny result(“how little I knew at theend…”) and also to say that “40-minute pieces of learning” and “little pieces of geography or history or biology” do not really add up to any substantial body of knowledge. Perhaps, too, the writer wants to show that mere statistics (“17,745 lessons do not really prove that the results are good.4.The word suggests an unpleasant experience. The writer was, when a child, the subject---andthe education system was the “boss” the results of the child’s subjection were not good. Also look at speech paragraph 8 again: the system “can never be called efficient”; it simply helps the administrators and the bureaucrats.Developing your skillsPart A: Using reference markers1. c2. b3. c4. aPart B: Using discourse markersFor each of the following, fill in the gaps by choosing ……1.However/Yet; showing contrast2.on the whole / in general/ generally speaking/ overall; generalizing3.except/ except for/ with the exception of; introducing exceptions4.as for/ as regards; focusing attention5.so/ and so/ so now; showing logical sequenceExtending your vocabularyPart A: Words to note1. carefree2. intolerable3. receptive4. compulsory5. severe6. motivated7. applied8. franticallyPart B: Expressions1-----regardless of 2. ----- how much 3. ------ certainly4. ------must5. ----- help to ruin6. ------ frequently7.------ result。

Lesson 1A.Reading Comprehension Check1.C2.C3.B4.B 7.B5.(1)relationships (2)to (3)love(4)to (5)be (6)loved (7)individual (8)serving (9)others 6.(1)athletic (2)ability (3)sexual(4)conquest (5)economic(6)success (7)comparison(8)competition (9)communityLesson 2A.Reading Comprehension Check1.B2.A 4.C 6.A 8.B3.(1)hormones (2)pressure (3)a (4)short (5)fuse (6)emotions (7)intensely 5.(1)self-control (2)self-awareness (3)aware(4)of(5)deal (6)with 7.(1)lasting (2)hurt (3)yourself(4)someone(5)else(6)irritable(7)grumpy (8)moodLesson 3A.Reading Comprehension CheckI1.C2.B3.C4.A5.C6.B7.B8.C II9.M 10.A 11.I 12.F 13.E 14.K 15.D 16.B 17.G 18.L B.Crossword Puzzle1.forward2.impression3.dunk4.tournament5.guard6.bump7.trophy8.tower9.rebound10.sprainLesson4A.Reading Comprehension Check1.B2.C3.C 5.C 6.A 7.C4.(1)reading (2)writing (3)arithmetic(4)scratching (5)surrounded (6)byLesson 5A.Reading Comprehension Check 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 6.C 7.B 5.(1)constructive (2)unrelenting (3)transformed (4)perspective(5)altogether (6)realizationKey Key to Exercisesto Exercises 大学英语阅读教程2(南方版)(第二版)阅读大学英语教程2(南方版)()(第二版))Lesson6A.Reading Comprehension CheckI1.B2.A3.B4.A5.C6.A7.B8.BII9.H10.L11.J12.N13.O14.M15.I16.F17.C18.AB.Crossword Puzzle1.trivial2.visualization3.persistence4.nurture5.meditation6.wallow7.affirmation8.incorporate9.aspiration10.gratitude11.agonizingLesson7A.Reading Comprehension Check1.C2.B3.(1)independence(2)alienation(3)revolutionize(4)domain(5)retreat(6)amusement(7)terminally(8)utterly/profoundly/terminally4.(1)associate(2)pursuits(3)conjures(4)healing(5)breather(6)restorer(7)adjust/regulate(8)fortitude5.A6.B7.A8.ALesson8A.Reading Comprehension Check1.C2.C3.(1)survive(2)fresh(3)open/unconditioned(4)inquiring(5)universally(6)inhibit(7)enhance(8)constant(9)human4.(1)prestige(2)net-worth(3)independence(4)security(5)conditioned(6)pursue(7)productive5.C6.A7.A8.BLesson9A.Reading Comprehension CheckI1.C2.B3.C4.C5.A6.B7.B8.CII9.B10.D11.F12.I13.H14.O15.G16.E17.C18.AB.Crossword Puzzle1.beneath2.spear3.bite4.throne5.knight6.doze7.fade8.slither9.stain10.glory11.battlefield12.enchanted13.shield14.crash15.nightfallLesson10A.Reading Reading Comprehension Check1.C2.A3.A4.B5.C6.C7.B8.CLesson11A.Reading Comprehension Check1.B2.B3.(1)served(2)verbal war(3)verbal assaults(4)hearts(5)mind(6)really(7)human(8)mouth4.(1)monologue(2)consumes(3)paradigm(4)patronizing(5)showpiece(6)monistic(7)abused5.A6.C7.C8.BLesson12A.Reading Comprehension CheckI1.C2.A3.C4.B5.C6.A7.B8.CII9.D10.K11.G12.I13.M14.F15.H16.E17.B18.NB.Crossword Puzzle1.nominate2.charge3.virtuous4.blackmail5.suspicion6.anonymous7.amaze8.recede9.falsehood10.vergeLesson13A.Reading Comprehension Check1.B2.C3.A4.C5.C6.C7.A8.CLesson14A.Reading Comprehension Check1.C2.A3.B4.A5.C6.C7.A8.ALesson15A.Reading Comprehension Check1.A2.B3.B4.C5.B6.C7.C8.BLesson16A.Reading Comprehension Check1.C2.A5.A6.B7.B8.C3.(1)commitment(2)earnestness(3)spoils(4)characterizes(5)artificial(6)separated(7)out there(8)temporal(9)accentuates(10)mistaken4.(1)Competitive(2)mirror/model(3)afford(4)impartial(5)oversees(6)presence(7)stimulates(8)uncompromisingB.Reading StrategiesTopic sentence:Play distinguishes itself clearly from real life through the presence of rules and the judge.Major details: 1.The possibilities are more limited and therefore more clearly arranged.2.The uncompromising effort to justice is further accentuated.Signal words:further,another difference from the real worldMinor details: 1.Experiments with a larger chessboard and atonal music led to nothing.2.Justice under simplified conditions of rules is so essential for a play.Lesson17A.Reading Comprehension Check1.A2.A5.B6.C7.C8.C3.(1)balance(2)fill(3)Competencies(4)notion(5)implicit(6)about(7)summing4.(1)ongoing(2)collective(3)assumes(4)operating(5)sources(6)putativeLesson18A.Reading Comprehension CheckI1.A2.C3.B4.A5.C6.B7.B8.AII9.B10.I11.F12.N13.K14.D15.G16.C17.M18.O阅读大学英语教程2(南方版)()(第二版))B.Crossword Puzzle1.discrimination2.counselor3.vaccine4.definitely5.destiny6.debate7.circumstance8.guarantee9.tease10.bully Lesson19A.Reading Comprehension Check1.B2.C3.C4.B5.C6.B7.CB.Reading StrategiesExercises1.B2.A3.B4.C5.ALesson20A.Reading Comprehension Check1.A2.B3.A4.C5.B6.A7.C8.BLesson21A.Reading Comprehension CheckI1.B2.C3.A4.B5.A6.C7.C8.AII9.C10.F11.I12.A13.L14.E15.B16.G17.O18.MB.Crossword Puzzle1.migration2.rural3.species4.scant5.storage6.panel7.famine8.curb9.urban10.extractLesson22A.Reading Comprehension Check1.A2.C5.C6.B7.C8.B3.(1)bonding(2)irritating(3)took over(4)courtship(5)dissipated(6)disillusioned(7)flawed4.(1)strengths(2)erased(3)drifting apart(4)separation(5)overrides(6)grief(7)surviveLesson23A.Reading Comprehension Check1.C2.B3.B4.A5.C6.A7.C8.BLesson24A.Reading Comprehension CheckI1.A2.B3.B4.C5.A6.C7.A8.AII9.G10.D11.M12.A13.J14.N15C16.H17.K18.OB.Crossword Puzzle1.barren2.utility3.overwhelming4.curb5.invoke6.innate7.scarce8.kin9.thorny10.novel。
(完整版)大学英语阅读教程 2 答案(Unit1-8)

《全新版大学英语阅读教程》(通用本课后练习答案)第二册UNIT ONEThe Pleasure of LearningKey to the ExercisesI. 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6.DII. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T. 5. F. 6. TIII. 1.对于太多的人来说,学习似乎是自己的意愿屈服于外界的指引,是一种奴役.2.然而,只要幸运,有决心,指导得法,人的精神不仅经得起贫穷而且经得起富裕的考验.3.对一个人来说,形成完整和协调的人格与保持自身的卫生,健康以及经济上的自立是同样必要的,那些从来没有认识到这一点的人已经吃尽苦头.IV.1. First of all , the writer points out that there is a mistake about learning. Some young people dislike learning simply because they are educated in the wrong way. Learning is a natural pleasure that should be enjoyed. Then he develops this idea by examples to illustrate the different aspects: learning from books, by travel and trough practice. Learning can expand one’s knowledge over a period of time.2. The chief danger of learning is laziness, sloth, routine, stupidity. It sneaks into people’s mind like wind through the shutters, causing people to slowly give up learning. We should realize that learning is a life-long endeavor, and only by continuous learning can one gain a meaningful and rewarding life.Key to the reading—skill Exercises1. Students have improved SAT scores.2. Teenagers planned patrols3. TV programs are less thorough than newspapers.4. Welcome to Our City is about the South and its people5. Some films show little children fascinated at the world.6. One can communicate with the writer as one reads a book.2.Coping with Santa ClausKey to the ExercisesI . 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. BII. . 1. 朱莉让我们如此为难,我的确感到生气.难道圣诞老人不存在的事实不是从同学那里得知的吗2.我给她讲述了事情的经过,尽量使它听起来滑稽有趣,希望她不要注意到我和杰里在处理我开始认为的"圣诞老人问题"上是如此拙劣.3.我可以看出,他正努力在想一种办法,用来解释我们的行为,使其听起来不太像事实那样具有欺骗性,那样错误和愚蠢.4.事情就这样结束了.对圣诞老人不存在的事实悲伤了片刻只后,生活又恢复了正常.III.1. Santa Claus is an imaginary old man with a long white beard and a red coat. Traditionally,young children in many countries are told that he brings them Christmas presents. Some legend goes like this: Santa lives in northern Europe. There are various versions of the story, and some wonderful movies, too.2. (Answers may vary, depending on your understanding.)3. On the shoulders of a heroKey to the ExercisesI . 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. DII. 1.他一去世,我自以为会长生不老的幻觉立刻就破灭了.2.以后的岁月中,每当我默默期盼父亲的信任支持时,总会不出预料遇到一副怀疑的表情.3.现在回想起来,他是故意不让我们知道,免得扫了大家的兴.4.铃起沉重的盒子,我猛然醒悟到,不管父亲说的话听上去多么消极泄气,也抹杀不了他在我离开后用一张张剪报填满盒子的实际行动.III (omitted)UNIT TWO4. Not poor , just brokeKey to the ExercisesI . 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. CII.1. collect herself ---If you collect yourself or your thought , you make an effort to calm yourself or prepare yourself mentally . 镇定下来collect--- get control of one’s feelings and thoughts, especially after shock, surprise or laughter.2. Flash that big smile ---If you flash a look or a smile at someone, you suddenly look at them or smile at them . (脸上)露出笑容flash---show something for a short time3. Make deals with the rats 与老鼠做交易(即故意留东西给老鼠吃) make deal with: reach an agreement for mutual benefit4. Stand for welfare cheaters 容忍骗取福利的人stand for – endure or tolerate5. Rest her mind 感到宽慰rest: relax6. Poke around the house – if you poke around for something, you search for it, usually by moving lots of objects around. 四处搜索poke: search for something.III. 1. 贫穷是人们无法摆脱的一种心境,而没钱只是一种暂时的状况.2.她教导我们说,人们有两种摆脱生活困境的办法―笑或者哭. 笑带来更多的希望.3.我们会站在后门廊里分发食物给邻居,仿佛我们在负责救济穷苦人,然后我们也会收下他们带来作为交换的食物.4.当时的情景仍历历在目,那个社会福利工作者在屋子里四处搜索,冰冷的亚麻油毡地毯上的煤灰使她不由得皱起鼻子,而看到小虫在洗涤槽的脏盘子里爬来爬去的时候她就禁不住摇了摇头.IV. (Omitted)Key to the Reading-Skill Exercises1. The view of New York from the bridge was beautiful.2. When I was an adolescent, I never had the best jobs; neither did I have the worst jobs.3. Marijuana use is associated with abnormal behavior.5. Blacks return to Africa but us is homeI. 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. BII.1. They are mostly educated, skilled and middle-class, such as doctors teachers, diplomats, businessmen, journalists, technical experts, etc.2. Africans think the black Americans are Americans first, blacks second.3. he told them to be well prepared to face problems in Africa. They must be determined to help the black people in Africa.4. he says that the decaying cities like Kinshasa and Dares Salaam seem to be future cities of Africa,while the developed cities like Johannesburg and Salisbury are becoming the past. He believes that the newly independent African countries will be the future of Africa.5. she recalled her experiences growing up in a black, middle-class community in WashingtonD.C., how she was discriminated , and how she excelled over white students at school.6. it means that the black Americans who did go to Africa understood that they should have a correct attitude in helping their black brothers in Africa.III (Omitted)6. Raymond Carver, MentorI. 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. BII1. 或许自多纳·巴特米在20世纪60年代开始发表作品以来,还没有哪位作家在文学界引起过这么多议论。

《全新版大学英语阅读教程》(通用本)1-2册课后练习答案UNIT ONE1.Goodbye schoolKey to the ExercisesI 1. B 2. D 3. D 4 D 5. C 6. AII 1. fling 2. supercilious 3. zoom 4. trudge 5. hoist Key to the Reading-skill ExercisesParagraph 1: 1. B 2. D paragraph 2 1. D 2. A2.The Saturday Evening PostInformation Related to the Text Key to the ExercisesI. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. C II . 1. She wants him to make something of himself and have an early start to his career . 2. He was afraid of the dogs that snarled behind the doors of potential buyers . He was timid about ringing the doorbells of strangers , relieved when no one came to the door , and scared when someone did , and could not deliver an engaging sales pitch .3. The battle to make him different from his father .4. The well-written composition he wrote about his summer vacation .5. Writers didn’t have to have any gumption at all .3. Love The Neighbor Key to the Exercises I . 1. T 2. F 3. T4. T5. T6. FII. 1.在我看来,美国的邻里关系正在变得不再融洽。

大学英语创意阅读第2册第1单元答案Unit 1 words to noteabound acre blasted brochure cavern deluxe drought exotic2 independent 8 10 nestled 6A Holiday of Lifetime14paddling pool 1 5 12 11 9 18 1513 paradise 3 4 7 perched scuba diver shark17 situatedhandcrafted 16 typhoonUnderstanding the textPart A: Comprehending the text Complete the following sentences. 1. According to the first three paragraphs: A major purpose of advertising is to inform us of new products or good bargains / help producers to sell their products. It is possible that advertising is becoming less effective because we are exposed to too much advertising now and so much of it is misleading, so many people now ignore it. 2. According to the advertisement for Bantu Island: The more adventurous members of the family can visit some of the attractions of the island, including a trip to an ancient cavern/ study the fascinating sea creatures of' that area. The less adventurous members can use the hotel swimming pool/paddling pool or play on the mini-golf course or visit tile less adventurous places of interest ( in an airconditioned vehicle) such as a local lake. Ghosts are often seen around Lake Tall. Wood has been used to make the accommodation "units"The holiday is cheap because the resort is new and the owners claim to be more interested in making the guests happy than making money. 3. According to the newspaper report onBantu Island: Bantu Island is really only a small, bare, exposed rock in the middle of the ocean. Swimming around the island would be very dangerous because of the many sharks. The swimming pool isn't very much in use because there is no water in it. The author doesn't believe the stories about Lake Tall because it is too small and too shallow for the stories to be true. The author says the only reason your money "goes further" is that Bantu Island is a long way away go the money will be travelling further. The expression is not being used in its usual meaninq of money lasting lounger as things are so cheap. 4. The advice the author gives in the last two paragraphs is to be very careful when reading advertisements and always try to check the information from an independent source before you buy whatever is being advertised.Part B: Comparing the texts The Brochure 1 2 3 4 5 6 resort a shallow bay/ island paradise fascinating sea creatures deluxe air-conditioned transport individual, handcrafted units ancient and mysterious lake The Newspaper Article building site beachless bay/ hare rock hungry sharks open-backed jeep wooden huts dirty pondPart C:Interpreting the text1. Explain why the writer believes these two texts provide a "perfect example" of what he is trying to say. The writer is trying to say that advertising is often very misleading and, in some cases, "legalized lying". The advertising brochure for Bantu Island is obviously verymisleading—and, although nothing it says is actually a lie, it could be argued that it does not represent the truth. 2. Why were the visitors to Bantu Island made to pay for the "tours" beforethey got to the resort? Because once they got to the island and saw what it was like, they would not waist to go on any tours. 3. Did the first article give any information that was not true, as opposed to simply misleading? No, it was very carefully worded so that it would be difficult to prove it told any lies —simply did not tell the whole truth or ,misled the reader in different ways. For example, the resort does have a swimming pool (and even a paddling pool) -- it does not actually say that they don't have any water; it does say that sea creatures abound, it does not say they are sharks, etc. 4. Explain fully what the writer means by the last sentence of the article. We should look carefully at things that seem attractive (and cheap). There is often a problem that is not obvious. This might also apply to other things, such as a motor vehicle, a new apartment, "special offers" on CDs, books, etc.Developing your skillsGetting the writer's purpose Which of the following do you think could be used to describe the tone of the newspaper article? humourous, aggressive, sarcastic Look at the two texts again and make notes in the table below of other examples of each category. Brochure A Layout Once in a Lifeti, me Newspaper Holiday A "Never- To-Be-Repeated" Holiday(This .means something very special -- so (This .means it only happens once special it cannot because it was so bad you would neverever be repeated. )do it again. ) A "Holiday" for NobodyA Holiday .for All the Family sea creatures brand-new cooled Choice of Information rare It omits any details of the size, etc. of the attractions (e.g. Lake Tall). No mention of having to wash in a small stream ( i. e. no plumbing or washing facilities in thehotel). ... you won't have a penny more to pay! -- A "Holiday" .for Nobody -- the inverted commas indicate that the writer .feels sharks half-built blasted They don't exist.The exclamation mark is supposed to showthe reader what a wonderful deal she / he is the word "Holiday" is not the correct getting with the holiday. word. The "Beauties of Bantu Island" --again the inverted commas suggest that Punctuation "Beauties" does not describe the reality of the Island. "Air-conditioned", "back-to-nature ", "resort", "lake", etc. all these show that the writer does not .feel the words are being used with their usual meaning and connotations. The two articles that follow are from the advertising manager of the restaurant and from a dissatisfied customer. Complete them by filling in the blanks with words or expressions that make the writers' attitudes clear.Come and Eat at the Luxurious and Relaxing "French Kitchen" Enjoy the wonderful selection of tempting dishes from our extensive menu. The magnificent view over the ocean will make it an evening to remember / cherish. Our highly-trained / professional / friendly and experienced / knowledgeable / polite staff will be delighted/pleased / thrilled to look after your every need and the reasonable / inexpensive prices will pleasantly surprise you. Don't delay / wait. Book now! You won't be disappointed / sorry. Anybody who is thinking of going to the new" restaurant" called the "French Kitchen", don't think again. I was tempted by the advertisement in this newspaper last week. Unfortunately/Regrettably, I can honestly/truthfully/realty say that I was very displeased by my decision. To enjoy the "magnificent view" of the ocean, you would need to lean at least a metre out of the window and peer round the building next door.I've seen a better/more impressive/wider/more tempting selection of dishes in my local fast food restaurant and much more polite/friendlier staff in an army training camp. As for the "reasonable/inexpensive" prices! My bank manager will think that I bought the restaurant when he sees my account. It's true that they were a "surprise", but definitely not "pleasant"Don't go. You will certainly be disappointed.Extending your vocabularyPart A: Antonyms brand-new nestled shallow paradise give-away price ancient perched deep nightmare expensive refreshingbitterPart B: Scales of meaning Frequency ·constantly / always ·regularly / repeatedly ·often /frequently Degree Quantity · perfectly / absolutely / ·all / every totally ·a ,vast number·extremely /enormously / ·most / the .majority of /· sometimes / occasion particularly/ exceedingly / generally ally ·not always · rarely / seldom exceptionally ·very · many / a lot of /numerous/ · slightly / a little / to some ·much / a great (teal extent ·in no way ·not in the slightest / not at all ·a couple / a few intermittently ·once ·hardly ever ·never。


Unit1Advertising:A Holiday of a Lifetime终身难忘的假期旅游不管我们身在何处,无论我们在做什么,我们身边都包绕着广告。
天堂岛屿an island paradise班图岛南端的旅游胜地,风景宜人,赏心悦目,颇具异国情调。
家庭假日a holiday for all the family对不想太冒险的人或者是小孩,我们提供极大的游泳池,里面有水上滑梯、跳板跳水、幼儿嬉水池、微型高尔夫球场和许多别的自然景点。
美丽班图岛beautiful Bantu Island如你想更多地领略天堂岛的美景,旅馆将为你安排一切,包括用带空调的豪华交通工具带你去你想去的任何地方。

大学英语创意阅读第2册第2单元答案Unit 2 Schooldays: An Effective Education SystemUnderstanding the textPart A: Comprehending the textPart B: Interpreting the text1. Why, in paragraph 2 of the debate speech, does the speaker describe failing an examination as being like a "death sentence"?These exams "decide their .futures" and the penalties .for .failure are ".final". Also look at speech paragraph 6 -- the "threat of being a .failure .for life" is perhaps even worse than a death sentence.2. Why does the speaker mention the labour market in paragraph 4 of the speech? The labour market does not urgently need "newly qualified people ". There is no "hurry"; the situation is not critical.3. Why does the speaker introduce such exact figures in paragraph 7 of the speech? To compare the large number of lessons ("17,745") with the tiny result ("how little I knew at the end ... ")and also to say that "40-minute pieces of learning" and"little pieces of 9eography or history or biology" do not really add up to any substantial body of knowledge. Perhaps, too, the writer wants to show that mere statistics ("17,745 lessons") do not really prove that the results are good.4. What does the word "subjected" in paragraph 7 of the speech tell us about the speaker's attitude towards his own education?The word suggests an unpleasant experience. The writer was, when a child, the subject -- and the education system was the "boss". The results o.1~ the child's subjection were not good. Also look at speech paragraph 8 again: the system "can never be called e. efficient"; it simply helps the administrators and the bureaucrats.Developing your skillsPart A: Using reference markersCircle the letter of your choice.1. c)In the text, "schooldays" is related to "remember" -- "schooldays" is the object of "remember"; "them" is also the object -- of the second verb "remember". The pronoun "them" means exactly the same, in this sentence, as the noun "schooldays"2. b)Here, "it" is connected -- or linked -- to "this question" by the word "as". And "as it exists in Britain" specifies that the discussion is limited to present-day Britain.3. c)This is more difficult: those refers, here, to the "school children" mentioned in the previous sentence! So the link -- or the connection -- is more distant. All the words in this phrase giveclues to the link: "but", for example, is very important here because it indicates a limitation on what is being discussed. (The teacher might wish to point out that there are many small words which are very important in English --and "but" is one of these.A useful class exercise can be given in which each student-- or perhaps pair of students -- creates an original sentence in which "but" is an essential part. Y ou can emphasise that, although the word is "simple", it is often very important indeed in communication. )4. a)Here we need to go back to the subject of this long sentence -- namely " parents" !Find and circle five more examples of reference markers in the text. For e ach marker, draw an arrow to the part of the text it refers to. Compare your examples with those of a partner.·"But" (speech paragraph 4, line 26) does two jobs. It refers back to the whole subject of exams and pressures; it also signals that there is going to be a change of direction in the whole discussion.·"It" (speech paragraph 4, line 32) refers back to the "problem" if children "suddenly stop reading" -- and the paragraph goes on to say that this is not really a probl em. ·"So" (speech paragraph 4, line 36) is another small but very important linking word. Often -- as here -- it is used to "wrap up", or conclude, an argument.·"If" (speech paragraph 5, line 38) introduces a hypothetical situation. It raises the idea of imagining big changes and new conditions. Again, it's a small word 'with many uses.·In speech paragraph 8, ".for example" is perhaps a more simple instance of linking: here the inefficiency of the "presentsystem" is shown clearly by the example -- i. e. it "takes up to 11 years" to produce even basic results.Part B: Using discourse markers1. I've been really busy this week with five assignments to complete. However/Yet last week was easy as I only had one to do.Function: showing contrast2. Although there are some minor disadvantages, on the whole / in general / generally s peaking / overall, I prefer studying at university to secondary school.Function: generalizing3. Nobody is allowed in here except / except for / with the exception of the principal and the most senior members of staff.Function: introducing exceptions4. Y our progress seems to have been variable. Some assignments are OK, but as for / as regards your last written assignment ... it was a complete disaster!Function: focusing attention5. I've finished all my assignments so / and so / so now I can go to the cinema this evening and relax.Function: showing logical sequenceExtending your vocabularyPart A: W ords to note1. His carefree attitude sometimes makes people think he doesn't take his studies seriously enough.2. I really find the fact that so many students have copied this assignment totally intolerable. This is cheating!3. He seemed very receptive to my suggestion that he should focus more on his basic language skills.4. As this is a compulsory course, it is not possible for you to drop it.5. The consequences of cheating in an examination are usually very severe. In any case, anyone who cheats will fail.6. Clearly, the more motivated a student is to learn a language, the more successful he or she will be.7. I am appalled at the very high failure rate of the course! Everyone should pass.8. The student was frantically trying to remember where he put his textbook. He needed it immediately to complete his assignment.Part B: Expressions。

Creative Reading Book 2 Unit 1Words to noteFind the words in Column A below in the text and try to work out their meanings from the contexts in which they are used. Then match each word with the appropriate definition from Column B. You may need to use a dictionary.Column A Column Babound to be present in large numbers or amountsacre a unit for measuring the surface area of land. equal to 4,047square metresblasted damaged by storms or strong windsbrochure a small magazine containing details and pictures of goods or services that you can buycavern a large cavedeluxe used to describe things that arc better in quality and more expen-sive than other things of the same typedrought a long period of time when there is little or no rainexotic interesting or exciting because of being unusual or not familiar handcrafted made by a person, not it machine, and usually made with greatskillindependent fair. because of not being influenced by anyone elsenestled to be in a protected and comfortable positionpaddling pool a small swimming pool that is not deep, for small children to playinparadise a perfect place or situationperched placed high up on the edge of somethingscuba diver somebody who swims underwater with a container of air on theirback and a tube for breathing throughshark a sometimes large fish with teeth that lives in the sea; some typesof shark attack peoplesituated in a particular place; locatedtyphoon a tropical storm with strong winds that move in circlesUnderstanding the textPart A: Comprehending the textComplete the following sentences.1. According to the first three paragraphs:A major purpose of advertising is to inform us of new products or good bargains / helpproducers to sell their products.It is possible that advertising is becoming less effective because we are exposed to too much advertising now and so much of it is misleading, so many people now ignore it.2. According to the advertisement for Bantu Island:The more adventurous members of the family can visit some of the attractions of the island, including a trip to an ancient cavern/ study the .fascinating sea creatures ofthat area.The less adventurous members can use the hotel swimming pool/paddling pool or play on the mini-golf course or visit the less adventurous places of interest (in an air-conditioned vehicle) such as a local lake.Ghosts arc often seen around Lake Tall.Wood has been used to make the accommodation "units".The holiday is cheap because the resort is new and the owners claim to be more inter- ested in making the guests happy than making money.3. According to the newspaper report on Bantu Island:Bantu Island is really only a small, bare, exposed rock in the middle of the ocean.Swimming around the island would be very dangerous because of the many sharks.The swimming pool isn't very much in use because there is no water in it..The author doesn't believe the stories about Lake T'ali because it is too small and too shallow for the stories to be true.The author says the only reason your money "goes further" is that Bantu Island is a long way away so the money will be traveling further. The expression is not being used in its usual meaning of money lasting longer as things are so cheap.4. The advice the author gives in the last two paragraphs is to be very careful when read-ing advertisements and always try to check the information from an independentsource before you buy whatever is being advertised.Part B: Comparing the textsThe two texts sometimes refer to the same feature of the resort with very different terms. Complete this table by finding the corresponding terms and writing them in the spaces pro- vided. Follow the example.The Brochure The Newspaper Article1 resort building site2 a shallow bay island paradise beachless bay/ bare rock3 fascinating sea creatures hungry sharks4 deluxe air-conditioned transport open- backed jeep5 individual, handcrafted units wooden huts6 ancient and mysterious lake dirty pondPart C: Interpreting the text1. Explain why the writer believes these two texts provide a "perfect example" of what heis trying to say.The writer is trying to say that advertising is often very misleading and, in somecases, "legalized lying". The advertising brochure .for Bantu Island is obviously very misleading -- and, although nothing it says is actually a lie, it could be argued thatit does not represent the truth.2. Why were the visitors to Bantu Island made to pay for the "tours" before-they got to theresort?Because once they got to the island and saw what it was like, they would not want to go on any tours.3. Did the first article give any information that was not true, as opposed to simply mis-leading?No, it was very carefully worded so that it would be difficult to prove it told any lies--simply did not tell the whole truth or misled the reader in different ways. For ex-ample, the resort does have a swimming pool (and even a paddling pool) -- it does notactually say that they don't have any water; it does say that sea creatures abound, itdoes not say they are sharks, etc.4. Explain fully what the writer means by the last sentence of the article.We should look carefully at things that seem attractive (and cheap). There is often aproblem that is not obvious. This might also apply to other things, such as a motorvehicle, a new apartment, "special offers" on CDs, books, etc.Creative Reading Book 2 Unit2Words to noteFind the words in Column A below in the text and try to work out their meanings from the contexts in which they are used. Then match each word with the appropriate definition from Column B. You may need to use a dictionary.Column A Column Bappalled offended or shocked very much by somethingbureaucracy a complicated and annoying system of rules and processescajole to persuade someone to do something by encouraging them gentlyor by being nice to themcarefree happy and without any worriescompulsory must be done because of a law or rulecooperative willing to do what is being askeddespair a feeling that a situation is so bad that nothing you can do willchange itdominated to be the most important issue, activity, problem etc. in a parti-cular situationeffectively what the situation really is. although its appearance or official de-scription might be differentfrantically in a very urgent wayintolerable impossible to bear or deal withmotivated enthusiastic and determined to achieve successprimitive at a very simple stage of development, before modern technologyand thinkingrationale the set of reasons that something such as a plan or belief is basedonreceptive willing to listen to or consider suggestionssevere very strict or extremetender (age) a time of your life when you are still young and lack experiencetertiary relating to colleges or universities; in the place or position count-ed as number threeUnderstanding the textPart A: Comprehending the textDecide whether each of the following statements is true or false according to the text.1 falseThe first paragraph suggests that the writer believes young people are themselves responsible for being educational "failures''.The introductory paragraph asks a challenging question: "Is it possible that the children are not at fault at all, but society itself?" Also, ".failures" is in inverted commas. This suggests the word should be interpreted differently: it suggests the children are not at fault.2 falseThe speaker believes that school examinations are appropriately timed in the lives of schoolchildren.Look at speech paragraph 2: Children have to sit exams at an age when they are least receptive to .formal learning.3 trueUsually, only children who have previously failed examinations are given the opportunity to study interesting subjects.In speech paragraph 3: "Interesting subjects" are available "only .for those who have already been labelled as .failures". (The teacher might suggest that this indicates a "topsy-turvy" situation, where ".failures" get a better deal while those who "succeed" are virtually "punished". )4 trueParents often contribute to the pressure schoolchildren areput under.In speech paragraph 3: Many words in this paragraph indicate pressure: "push, ", "cajole ", "threaten ", "force ","search .frantically'.In speech paragraph 4: Parents are foolish if they "despair at their children's perfectly normal behaviour. "5 trueIn some cases, the present educational system has the opposite effect to the one it is aiming at. You might ask whether the "educational system" has any clear idea at all about its objectives. But assuming the "educational system" aims to educate children, the text suggests 'very definitely that it is .failing totally, e. g.In speech paragraph 4: The system 'might "make or break"children in their early teenage.In speech paragraph 5: There are "severe penalties" in the system.In speech paragraph 6: The present system is .frightening and threatening.6 trueChildhood is the best time to study from the point of view of the development of the brain.In speech paragraph 7: "between the ages of five and 18 ... the brain is biologically at its ,most receptive ..."7 falseThere are many educational reasons for the present system of education.Speech paragraph 7 describes the organization of the school day ("40-minute pieces of learning")as not designed to encourage "serious study". And speech paragraph 8 tells us that thesystem is not efficient: it "takes up to 11 years" to teach children up to a "low level o. f English ".8 falseThe speaker agrees with all the arguments of the NUS.Speech paragraph 11 tells us that the writer has "no idea” whether the NUS is correct in believing "that children would actually learn more". But, the writer is "sure they would be happier" -- perhaps you could encourage a class debate, at this stage, on the subject "Happy children should be the primary objective of primary and secondary education systems."Part B: Interpreting the textAnswer the following as fully as possible.1. Why, in paragraph 2 of the debate speech, does the speaker describe failing an exami-nation as being like a "death sentence"?These exams "decide their futures" and the penalties .for .failure are "final". Alsolook at speech paragraph 6 -- the "threat of being a failure for life" is perhaps evenworse than a death sentence.2. Why does the speaker mention the labour market in paragraph 4 of the speech?The labour market does not urgently need "newly qualified people". There is no"hurry"; the situation is not critical.3. Why docs the speaker introduce such exact figures in paragraph 7 of the speech?To compare the large number of lessons (" 17,745") with the tiny result (" how littleI knew at the end ... ")and also to say that "40-minute pieces of learning" and "lit-tle pieces of geography or history or biology" do not really add up to any substantialbody of knowledge. Perhaps, too, the writer wants to show that mere statistics("17,745 lessons")do not really prove that the results are good.4. What docs the word "subjected" in paragraph 7 of the speech tell us about the speaker'sattitude towards his own education?The word suggests an unpleasant experience. The writer was, when a child, the subject –and the education system was the "boss". The results of the child's subjectionwere not good. Also look at speech paragraph 8 again: the system "can never be calledefficient"; it simply helps the administrators and the bureaucrats.Creative Reading Book 2 Unit3Words to noteColumn A Column Bbullets small pieces of metal that arc shot from a gun and cause seriousdamage to the person or things they hitcompensate to pay someone money because something bad has happened tothemcontentedly happilydisasters very bad things that happen and cause a lot of damage or kill a lotof peopledrifted moved slowly and graduallyglowing burning gently with an orange or red colourinstantly immediatelyinsured provided with or protected by insurancepounds units of British currencyretire to stop working, especially when you reach the age when you areofficially too old to workshadows areas of darkness that arc created when something blocks light streaming flowing continuouslytempt to make you want to do or have something, especially somethingthat is not good for youterrified very frightenedwafted flowed through the air in a gentle waywandered walked without direction or purposewardrobe a large cupboard for storing clotheswearily tiredlyUnderstanding the textPart A: SequencingWhen reading a narrative, it is important to be able to accurately picture the scenes de- scribed. Each of the following pictures shows a scene from the story, however each picturehas a number of errors in it. Study the text and the pictures and make notes of the errors.Notes 1They were sitting round a coffee table.Thomas was wearing his police uniform.There was a coal fire burning.Snow was blowing against the window.Notes 2only the man and his wife were in the kitchen.There was a garden and a garden gate outside .The man at the garden gate was wearing police uniform.The man at the garden gate was very tall.Notes 3The man was sitting next to the fire.Thomas had a blood stain on his chest.The grandmother was also standing behind Thomas.Part B: Comprehending the textAnswer the following as fully as possible.1. Briefly explain what "the curse" was that ruined the grandfather's life. (see paragraphs1 and2 of the letter)The curse was that the bag and its "evil contents" gave the grandfather power-- too much power. The power enabled him to get anything he wanted in life-- but he had to pay a high price for this power. The price was the life of his wife.2. Why does the grandfather say "I bought the price of this house with the life of my be-loved wife"? (see paragraph 3 of the letter)He bought the house with the help of the power he had been given by the bag. But he forgot the warning -- there was a price to pay for this power.3. Explain how, in a sense, 'Arthur's first wish came true.His first wish was for 100,000 pounds. He would have received this money became of the Life Insurance -- his son Thomas was insured. When Thomas was killed, the Insurance Company paid him this money.4. Explain exactly how Arthur's second wish came true.Arthur's second wish was "I want all my family to be together again. ' This wish came true -- but not in the way he had intended. Instead of Thomas having his life restored to him, Arthur and his wife died -- and when they died they "met" Thomas again; they also "met" Arthur's parents. Arthur's wish had been granted -- all the family were "together again"' but they were now all dead. (see paragraph 17)Part C: Interpreting the textEach of the following sentences could have been used in the text. Indicate on the textwhere each sentence would have been placed if they had been included.1. He had never really recovered from her death.After the last sentence of paragraph 1: The old man's wife had had a terrible accidentand died on the day he bought the house.2. He died before he could tell me what he meant by these words.After the last sentence of the second paragraph of the letter .from the grandfather: Healso told me that I must never try to destroy the bag or disasters would .fall on all myfamily.3. Suddenly, he knew what the man had come to tell them.After the last sentence of paragraph 9: A cold .fear suddenly swept through ArthurSlade's body as his wife went to open the door.4. I'm so sorry, Thomas.After the last sentence of the text: So, here we all are, together again.。

Unit 1Words to note:around→2; acre→10; blasted→6; brochure→13; cavern→3; deluxe→4;drought→7; exotic→17; handcrafted→16; independent→8; nestled→14;paddling pool→1; paradise→5; perched→12; scuba diver→11; shark→9;situated→ 18; typhoon→ 15Understanding the text:Part A1. A major purpose of advertising is to inform us of new products or good bargains/help producers sell their products.It is possible that advertising is becoming less effective because we are exposed to too much advertising now and so much of it is misleading.2.The more adventurous members of the family can visit some of the attractions ofthe island, including a trip to an ancient cavern/ study the fascinating sea creatures of that area.The less adventurous members can use the hotel swimming pool/ paddling pool or play on the mini-golf course or visit the less adventurous places of interest.Ghosts are often seen around Lake Tali.Wood has been used to make the accommodation units.The holiday is cheap because the resort is new and the owners claim to be more interested in making the guests happy than making money.3.Bantu island is really only a small, bear, exposed rock in the middle of theocean.Swimming around the island would be dangerous because of the many sharks.The s wimming pool isn’t in use because there is no water in it.The author doesn’t believe the stories because it is too small and too shallow for the stories to be true.The only reason your money “goes further” is that Bantu Island is a long way away so the money will be traveling further.4.The advice the author gives in the last two paragraphs is to be very careful whenreading advertisements and always try to check the information from an independent source before you buy whatever is advertised.Part BPart C1.Advertising is often misleading and in some cases, “legalized lying”. Theadvertising brochure for Bantu is obvious very misleading—although nothing it says is actually a lie, it does not present the truth.2.Once they got to the island and saw what it was like, they would not want to goon any tours.3.No, it was very carefully worded so that it would be difficult to prove it told anylies—simply did not tell the whole truth or misled the reader in different ways.4.We should look carefully at things that seem attractive and cheap. There is oftena problem that is not obvious.Developing your skills:Which of the following could be used to describe the tone of the newspaper article?Humorous, aggressive, sarcasticExpending your vocabulary:Unit 2Understanding the textPart A:1.F2.F3.T4.T5.T6.T7.F8.FPart B:1. These exams “decide their futures” and the penalties for failure are “final”. Also look at speech paragraph 6 ―the “threat of being a failure for life” is perhaps even worse than a death sentence.2. The labor market does not urg ently need “newly qualified people”. There is no “hurry”; the situation is not critical.3. To compare the large number of lessons with the tiny result and also to say that “40-minute pieces of learning” and “little pieces of geography or history or biology” do not really add up to any substantial body of knowledge. Perhaps, too, the writer wants to show that mere statistics do not really prove that the results are good.4. The word suggests an unpleasant experience. The writer was, when a child, the subject ―and the education system was the “boss”. The results of the child’s subjection were not good. Also look at speech paragraph 8 again: the system “can never be called efficient”; it simply helps the administrators and the bureaucrats.Developing your skillsPart A 1.c) 2.b) 3.c) 4.a)Extending your vocabularyPart A.1. carefree 2.intolerable 3.receptive pulsory 5.severe 6.motivated 7.applled 8.franticallyPart B. 1.regardless of 2.how much 3.certainly 4.must 5.help or win 6.frequently 7.result Unit 3Words to note:Bullets—7compensate—11contentedly---14disaster---9drifted---6glowing—10instantly---5insured---15pounds—12retire---16shadows---1streaming---4tempt---13terrified---3wafted---17wandered---18wardrobe—2wearily—8Understanding the textPart Anotes 1:they were sitting round a coffee table.Thomas was wearing his police uniformSnow was blowing against burning.notes2:only the man and his wife were in the kitchenthere was a garden and a garden gate outside.The man at the garden gate was wearing police uniformThe man at the garden gate was very tall.note3:The man was sitting next to the fireThomas had a blood stain on his chestThe grandmother was also standing behind ThomasPart B1.the curse was that the bag an d its “evil contents” gave the grandfather power. Thepower enabled him to get anything he wanted in life. The price was the life of his own wife.2.he bought the house with the help of the power he had been given by the bag. But heforgot the warning---there was a price to pay for his power.3.his first wish was for 100, 000 pounds. He would have received this money becauseof the Life insurance---his son Thomas was insured. When Thomas was killed, the Insurance Company paid him this money.4.Arthur’s second wish was ”I want all my family to be together again.” This wishcame true but not in the way he had intended.Developing your skillsPart A1.similarly on the night that Arthur asked for 100,000 pounds, his son Thomas died.2.both Arthur and his father paid th e price for the ‘help” they asked for. They both knewthe bag was evil---but they both used it to get what they thought they wanted.3.Arthur has already learned why his father thought so. But he tries to put the warningfrom his father out of his mind. And his son later pays the price---the first price.4.his wife definitely is right. Very soon the son Thomas is killed.5.this is because he was a premonition. He knows what has happened and he probablyfeels, as his father had left, that he is responsible. He feels guilty.Extending your vocabularyPart A1. terror2. temptation3. retirement4. compensation5. weary6. drifter7. insurance 8. disasterPart B1. stream2. retiring3. terrific4. pounded5. contents6. shadowingUnit 4For each of the following ,decide which option best completes the statement according to the text. Circle your answer.1.b)2.d)3.b)4.c)5.d)Part C : interpreting the text1. It’s the area where people feel safe, secure, comfortable, unthreatened. This area surrounds us ,like a protective blanket.2. In order to “protect” ourselves and to discourage any strangers from “invading” our personal space by attempting to make contact with us.3. Because we need to feel that this area is our own; it belongs to us ;it’s part of our own self .4. When people from different cultural or geographical backgrounds are together.(because t he size of the “space ” needed within different cultures differs; some cultures can easily accept closer “contact”----and therefore less personal space –than others.)5.If attempts to preserve our personal space are ignored by others ,and if we thereforefeel a heightened sense of discomfort, threat of even danger, we might use force---e.g.a loud voice, or actual physical force ,to make it very clear that we are “defending ourterritory”.Developing your skillsPart APart B : Deducing meaningbarren; nothing would grow or the island; attempts; in vain; never caught a single fish; crustaceans; crabs, shrimps and ,on one occasion, a lobster ; almost starved; look like a skeleton; bones were sticking through his skin; emaciated; sadness and anxiety; immediately changed; elationExtending your vocabularyPart B: Cloze sentences1.expressive2.indicates/shows3.clusteredpliment5.gradually/slowly6.releaseUnit 5Words to noteApplicant—2Benefits—7Cater—8Contributors—10Dismay –3Encouragement – 12Facilities – 11Hop – 5Impose—6Kerb—1Pretend—13Significantly—4Statistics—14Wheelchair – 9 Understanding the textPart B: Interpreting the textExamples of optimismLett er 1: … I now look forward to…… wanting to live life to the full…Letter 2: …your own environment is sure to change soon.…perhaps we could share the benefits…Letter 3: … give hope (and a possible future) …There are … no reasons why disabled people cannot fulfill…Letter 4: … there are ever increasing social and professional opportunities…… he says he may even had an advantage…Examples of objectivityLetter 1: … paraplegics still have to plan each trip…… kerbs at the edges of the roads…Letter 2:… extra-wide elevators …… not a single step in the whole centre.Letter 3: … suitably converted vehicles.… not one single member has ever had an accident of any kind! Letter 4: … sports facilities designed for disabled persons.…World Summer Olympic Games for disabled athletes since 1960…Unit 6 Understanding the text Part A: comprehending the textPart B: Interpreting the text2.Developing your skillsPart A: Familiarizing yourself with the features of poetry1.He believed that love is a fundamental blessing in life. There are many varied aspects to love:Burns loved his country (Scotland), women, “humanity and honest, simple goodness”, friendship, trust, sharing, etc. Further he believed in morality, and fairness—he wrote about poverty and weakness and sadness.He had such a philosophy because his own childhood—his family was poor and he had to work hard even as a child, but he was given love and encouragement—perhaps influenced his feelings about life, and about the value and importance of the “common people” (i.e. ordinary people).3.several: e.g. –obviously—the chorus in “Auld Land Syne”; the phrase “times gone by”, “I see…”,and “I hear…” in” Jean”; the “theme line”, “my love is like…”and “I will love you…” in “my love is like a red, red rose”.4.Yes—especially in “John Anderson, My Jo”, where the past and the present are contrasted: e.g.“your hair was like the raven’s…” “Your hair is like the snow…” The co ntrasts in this poem are very clearly portrayed by the tenses used (Simple present and simple past).5.Yes. Some of poems have sentenced of identical length (to maintain the rhythm of the verse), forexample “Auld Lang Syne”, however, the sentence lengths in“my love is like a red, red rose”vary throughout the poem. Generally speaking, the shorter the sentence is, the more emphasis the writer wants to place on itExpanding your vocabularyPart A: Descriptions of happiness2.3.Part B: using contrast descriptions1.2.编写人:叶进编写单元:第七单元Unit 7Words to notecolloquial – 13complimentary – 6convey – 9derive – 7determined – 1frustrating – 2idioms – 3inappropriate – 4literal – 5mastering – 12prejudices – 14seemingly – 8shades – 10sources – 11stumped – 17tap – 15tones – 16Understanding the textPart A: Comprehending the textParagraph 1: a) Paragraph 2: c) Paragraph 3: b) Paragraph 4: b) Paragraph 5: a) Paragraph 6: c) Paragraph 7: a) Paragraph 8: b) Paragraph 9: a) Developing your skillsPart B: Subjective / objective writing1.What facts do you know about the flat?Flat: In effect, none. (Except, perhaps, that an apartment exists! Adjectives such as “lovely”, “compact”, “splendid” have no factual “meaning”.)Living Room: Again, none. What does “superb” actually – and factually – mean?Kitchen: There is one fact here: the kitchen is smaller (“more compact”) … But it’s not a very helpful fact. We are not told how much smaller it is! It’s not even 100% certain what other room it is smaller than! (The implication, of course, is that the comparison iswith the living room but in Western houses the kitchen is always smaller than the living room in any case)Bedroom 1: There is one fact about the room, and two about what the room contains (i.e. a bed and light). The fact about the room is that it has a window.Bedroom 2: Again, no facts.Bathroom: There is no bathroom. (The landing is not part of the flat; the bathroom is a communal one.)2.What’s the writer’s purpose in wr iting this text?To “sell” the “attractiveness of the flat” –even though the flat is not really very attractive at all!3.What subjective words does he use to help him in his purpose?lovely; needs to be seen; perfect opportunity; splendid; great appeal; superb; of great character; convenient; easily; modern kitchen; conveniently; nicely 4.Briefly give your own opinions about the flat and explain what led you to theseopinions.It’s cold, or in bad condition –or perhaps both: “… effort may be required to improve…”It’s small: “…cleaning won’t ever be a problem” because there isn’t much to clean.It’s dangerous: “the electrical wiring may need to be changed”.The bedrooms are tiny: you can “turn off the light or open the window” while on the bed, and there is only “one side” of “space” to look after a baby.There is no private bathroom. Do we really want to “encourage friendliness” with strangers while we are in the bathroom?Extending your vocabularyExplaining the meaning of idiomsColumn A Column B1.to admit that you were wrong about something2.to take a long time to do something simple3.to react angrily or rudely to somebody for no reason4.to risk being blamed if things go wrong5.to be a bit of a dreamer6.to pay much more than something is worth7.to be very much in love8.to be completely different from each other9.to be dishonest about one’s feelings and opinions10.to be very happy about somethingNow try to find out what each of the following idiomatic expressions means and write the explanation in the space provided.Picture 1. to have itchy feet: to want to leave a place and start travelingPicture 2. to put your foot in it: to make a (usually foolish) mistakePicture 3. to get cool feet: to become afraid to do something and so change your mind about doing it.Expanding your creativityA dialogue about being in love(YP = young people; M = Mother; F = Father)YP: I’ve got itchy feet. I want to take off.M&F: What? What’s up?YP: Well, don’t bite my head off, but…M: But what? It isn’t because of your girlfriend Brenda, is it?F: Brenda’s alright. A bit plain, but she’s quite nice: her heart’s in the right place. M: I don’t like her. She’s two-faced. I never did understand why you were so head over heels…YP: No. No! Don’t make a meal of it. It’s not Brenda. I just feel stumpedF: Well… “itchy feet”… To do what? To go where?M: Yes, you’d better be careful. If I were you…YP: But you aren’t me. I want a better job. I’ve been working for XYZ Corp. for two weeks a lready and I haven’t got a promotion or a pay rise or, or… I’mfed up. I’m going to quite, call it a day –that’s what I mean by “itchy feet”. Iwant to quite right now, while I’m in the mood – before I got cold feet.F: You were on cloud nine when you got the job. Why not give it a couple more weeks and see how it goes. And I’d advise you to keep quiet about yourfeelings and your dissatisfaction at least for the moment.M: Your head’s in the clouds –that’s your trouble. Quit now –and you’ll pay through the nose for it. Just keep quiet –you don’t want to have to eat yourwords.YP: Yeah, well… I’ll cool it for a day or two. But I don’t like keeping quiet. I don’t want to be two-faced. Even Brenda isn’t two-faced!F: It could be better to be two-faced than to put your head on the block! Creative Reading Book 2Unit 8Understanding the textPart A: Comprehending the text1. F2. T3. F4. F5. F6. F7. F8. F9. T 10. TPart B: Interpreting the text1. Firstly, of course, because he was a very good (and well-known, Chinese) competitor. Secondly, because he very nearly beat Greg Lauganis. Thirdly, because many people believed he had, really, won. Fourthly, because of his sportsmanship: he didn’t complain – instead, he praised his rival.2. The word “really” indicates that there is some doubt as to whether it is a “genuine” question. In fact the question is “rhetorical” –i.e. the writer isn’t really asking a question for information but is using a question form in order to give his own opinion. (This opinion is that many Chinese people were more happy about the prestige than interested in the sports.)3. It implies that, although pens and newspapers are small items it is likely that many extra millions will be sold during the Games because if the huge number of visitors.4. Because of the length of time he has been in the organization, he “made a career” of the Olympics, and he “rose through the ranks” to become President.5. No. They are far more. They bring prestige to the city hosting them. They probably produce profit. They certainly create lots of jobs, new buildings get built, and the host city is proud to be able to “bask in its fame”.Developing your skillsPart A: Skimming(about the text)1. Ground management; event management; administration; engineering; tourism; sales and marketing; selling food and drinks; customer service.2. Systems programmers; business analysts; architects; engineers; finance experts.3. Athletes who had competed in the Games.(about obesity)1. Diabetes; cancer; heart disease; lung disease; psychological ailments such as depression and low self-esteem.2. Obesity is “one of the greatest health risks”. All the body can suffer as a result.3. An entire class session could be spent debating this subject! For example, how can we decide if fat people are “happier”? Do we have to count all fat people? Then, too, how do we define “fat”? More difficult yet: how do we define “happy”? It might be suggested that if fat peopl e are happier, “they shouldn’t be”, or “they don’t realize they have a problem”. But perhaps such discussion and debate can never be satisfactorily concluded; perhaps it’s simpler to quote another old adage: “Laugh and grow fat; grow fat and be laughed at.”!Part B: Scanning1. 102. obese 3 times obesity 2 timespeople 4 times health 2 times physical 2 times1. Xiong Ni, Greg Lauganis, Carl Lewis, Mike Powell, Juan Antonio Samaranch.2. 1976 Montreal Olympics, 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, 1988 Seoul Olympics, 1992 Barcelona Olympics, 1996 Atlanta Olympics, 2000 Sydney Olympics, 2008 Beijing Olympics.3. The costs are huge. Merely the conversion of one building, for the Sydney Games, cost US$240 million. The total cost of these Games was probably approximately US$2.5 billion!4. Both short-term and more “specialized” jobs are mentioned. Short-term examples include jobs in selling and marketing, administration, tourism, customer service and ground management. More specialized examples include jobs in systems programming, business and finance analysis, architecture and engineering.5. Basically, profit and development. If the Games are well organized, the host city/country will make a lot of money from the influx of thousands upon thousands of visitors – and their spending; in the longer term, the new facilities (which have to be built for the Games), such as new buildings and infrastructure, mean that the city is better equipped to bid for large international events in the future.Extending your vocabularyPart A: Words to note1. prestige2. budgeted3. inevitably4. biased5. dignified6. guarantee7. margin8. Apparently9. analysts 10. host Part B: Suffixes(Xu Dan)Unit 9Words to noteAccepting----8Actually---16Automatically---6Balancing act---13Cleverest---1Enthusiastic---11Jaw---3Nickname---15Obviously---4Organized---18Personalities---17Properly---2Puddings---5Respected---12Confident---7Transcript---10Undisciplined—9Youngish---14Understanding the textPart B1. c2. d3. a4. b5. d6. d7. a .8. d9. d 10. cPart C1.because they never get down to studying properly.2.perhaps she thought he-----as a teacher----might be surprised that a student actually appreciatedstrictness.3.because without other interests a student would never do anything else, and this clearly nothealthy.4.because “know-alls” might be used by the teacher to hide---or disguise ---the fact that somemembers of the class are falling behind and not learning well.5.not really. Her comments are based largely on her perceptions. However, she clearly isintelligent---she recognizes herself that since she is referring to people she knows personally “perhaps I can’t see them clearly.”Extending your vocabularyPart B1.miserable2. nickname3. respected4. interested5. humorous6. interesting7. enthusiastic8. firm9. qualified 10. jaw.Unit 10Understanding the textPart A:1.d)2.c)3.b)4.c)5.d)Part C:1.An intense interest in the possible reality of "eyeless sight".2.A"sixth sense" doesn't seem to "make sense". Our reason tells us, for example that we only see with our eyes __ and certainly not with our elbows! But, putting reason to one side, people have long spoken of a sixth sense; people believe it exists, though it is not fully developed. As the mind, and the ability to reason, develop in a child, the "normal" senses are more fully controlled by the mind. And the mind tends to reject what it cannot explain.3.Because the whole personality of children is more open and growing. The mind has not, yet, "gained control". Children in Western countries "believe in" Santa Claus; as they grow older they discard this belief__ and of course it is reasonable to do so. But does this mean that the concept of Claus is totally false?4.A cat's whiskers help it to detect danger, and hence to survive. Its whiskers are extremely sensitive to its surroundings__ just like an extra, or a "sixth" sense.Words to note:Associated 2 charms 6 denials 11 embers 1 fairies 10 Fireplace 3 foul 4 horseshoe 13 inhabited 5 mock 8 Naval 17 preserving 16 registration 9 revenge 12 shroud 15 Surname 7 Vikings 14Understanding the textPart A: comprehending the text1. F2. F3. F4. F5. T6. T7. T8. T9. F 10. F Extending your vocabularyPart A: synonymsVanished: disappeared especially: particularly particular: certain Luck: fortune sea journey: voyage travel by air: fly cost: priceWords to noteadapted 16borrow 3cheap 7disappeared 9fake 2loosely 11luxuries 1mentioned 13nonsense 10pearl 5pretence 14pretend 4searched 8suited 12unlikely 6whereby 15Understanding the textP art A: Comprehending the textMake notes on the information given in the story by completing the table below.Part B: Interpreting the textMarie changed a lot at the end of the story because of an incident. The major details can be summarized in the flowchart below. Complete the flowchart by filling in the missing information.Developing your skillsPart A: Understanding a storyRead the story again, and then answer the questions below in the spaces provided.1.Give three examples of first-person narration in the story.● “ Nonsense. If there’s anything… persuade him to come with you.”● “ Why have you taken it off?”● “ I never did like fake pearls. You can always tell they’re fake.2.Give three examples of narrator’s description.1In a fashionable part… who liked to pretend she was.2He was a very down-to-earth…without pretence.3But the more they discussed it… his wife not to go to the ball.3.Identify the setting of the story.New York in about 1950.4.Identify the various scenes of the story.1Marie talking with Genevieve, and being persuaded by her.2Jim talking with Marie, and being persuaded by her.3Jim and Marie enjoying the dance.4Disappearance of the necklace.5Purchase of a replacement necklace--- for 2500 and Marie consequently having to go to work to earn money to help pay for it.6Genevieve’s rejection of Marie because “ women who went out to work” were not “ her sort of people”. Genevieve was a snob.7Marie’s character changes as a result of her experience --- she enjoys working; and see sees now the foolishness of pretence and pretentiousness8Marie later learns the necklace had been a fake --- a “ cheap old thing “!5.Describe the three main characters.Marie: Not wealthy but liked people to think she was (at the beginning of the story). Rather selfish at the beginning of the story. Beautiful. Honest.Proud.Jim: Down-to-earth --- no pretence. Liked a simple life. Worked hard.Comfortable about who he was. Sensible --- careful with money. Goodfamily man. Loved his wife. Honest. Proud.Genevieve: Rich. Rather patronizing. Arrogant (Snobbish). Not very considerate or genuine towards her friends.6.Outline the different stages of the story.Stage One: Jim working hard to improve financial situation of his family, planning for the future. Marie rather selfish and wanting to show people she waswealthier than she really was. Went out with Genevieve to expensiveplaces.Stage Two: Persuading Jim to go to the Ball (and spend more money on Marie ).Preparing for the Ball. Rented suit for Jim and borrowed clothes andnecklace for Marie.Stage Three: The Ball. Marie happy and beautiful. Jim proud of his wife. Lost necklace. Stage Four: Marie had to work to repay necklace. Jim was also working very hard.No more going to expensive places. Marie started to realize she waswrong before.Stage Five: They have paid off the loan (and found out the necklace was not real). Life has improved for them even though they have had to work hard and arepoorer than before. Marie no long er pretends to be something she isn’t.Life is good for them.7.Identify the turning point of the story.There are several possible answers to this question, but they all relate to the same event… the losing of the necklace. It could be said the turning point is when Marie borrows the necklace (or even when Jim agrees to go to the Ball)--- but they are all turning points because the necklace was eventually lost.Part B: Relating fictional events to your own experienceMarie changed at the end of the story; she became more down-to-earth. She realized what was more important to lead a happier and richer life. Do you have a similar attitude towards your life? In pairs, discuss the question and complete the table below.Part B: Vocabulary in contextHow would you describe Jim and Genevieve? Based on what you know about them in the story, use three adjectives to describe each of them. Write your answers and explain your choices in the table below. Follow the example.Unit13Words to noteColumn AAvenues 5Boulevards 10Canals 14Carriageway 9Chaotic 21Dinosaur 12Dual 2Employees 16Excavators 6Facilities 18Gracious 4Grid 12Hectares 17Illogically 8Imposing 23Mosaic 11Oddity 7Paragliding 20Premises 13Recreate 1Skeleton 15Villa 19Winding 3 Understanding the textPart A: Comprehending the text plete the following sentences.。

Unit Two Group DiscussionCritical Thinking Questions Based upon the Understanding of Text C1.How is a bullet like in its context? (para.1)2.Why does the author use “cool” instead of “hard” or “heavy” to describe a bullet? (para.1)3.What does a bullet usually steal as a thief? (para.1)4.Bullets are thieves. Is there another metaphor for bullets? (para.2)5.What ideals do they originally have? Why does a man need virtue? Would you live to name some virtues? (para.2)6.Is innocence valuable? How can a bullet take it away? (para.2)7.Have you ever done something impulsive as beauty is wont to do at times? What personality is revealed when thedrunken famer behaved impulsively? (para.3)8.Why does a man need virtue? Would you live to name some virtues? (para.3)9.Who believes this pony is worthless? Are pretty things always worthless? (para.3)10.Why did the farmer wanted to kill the beautiful pony? (para.4)11.Do you think Joey is naturally born with the ability to adapt? (para.4)12.What has contributed to the success for Joey in adapting the farming life? (para.4)13.Why did the farmer wanted to kill the beautiful pony? (para.5)14.Do you think Joey is naturally born with the ability to adapt? (para.5)15.What has contributed to the success for Joey in adapting the farming life? (para.5)16.Who understands Joey the most in this movie? Why did Joey behave so bravely in the war? (para.6)17.How did Spielberg use Joey’s physical performance to depict the whole story? (para.6)18.H ow do you think the movies with animals’ involvement? Please use examples to illustrate your opinion. (para.6)19.What is the nature of war from your perspective? Have you ever read some stories about animals who embodyadmirable human traits? (para.7)20.What will arise if the training of a horse is based upon negative reinforcement and punishment? (para.7)21.Which did Spielberg use an animal to reflect the horror of the war? Can we really rise above the horror the war exhibits?(para.7)22.What do horses and men have in common? Why did these caretaker manifest positive traits? (para.8)23.What is the crucial factor to establish a friendly horse-human relationship? Is it meaningful to explore the bondbetween horses and humans? (para.8)24.What is reflected from the alliance of enemies to rescue the tortured Joey? What can transcend the hatred in the war?(para.8)25.What is the essence of a horse apart from being an agricultural working companion in the rural areas and a soldier onthe battlefield? (para.9)26.Are you insensitive to those heroes sacrificed in the war movies? (para.9)27.Have you ever been moved by an animal? Are you willing to share the story? (para.9)28.How do you understand “wiser”? Why does the author use “wiser” and “sadder” two co ntradictory words to describeAlbert? (para.10)29.Is that wise to inform the children of the violence and cruelty of war? Why or why not? (para.10)30.Which part of the movie touches you most? (para.10)31.How do you define heroism? What’s the difference between “heroics” and “heroism” (para.11)32.What is humanity? Why is it ironic to demonstrate it with an animal instead of a human? (para.11)33.What did Joey and Albert teach us to push through a hard season? (para.11)34.What did Emilie’ parents believe in? What action did Emilie want her grandpa to take? (para.12)35.Can you list some forms of courage? (para.12)36.What personality is revealed from Emilie’s grandfather’s reply?? (para.12)。

Unit 2 Tales of True LoveKey to ExercisesOpenerSuggested answers for reference1. Qian Zhongshu was a Chinese literary scholar and writer, best known for his wit and great academic knowledge. One of his most famous novels is Fortress Besieged (《围城》). Yang Jiang was a Chinese playwright, author, and translator. Her memoir We Three(《我们仨》) recalls memories of her late husband, Qian Zhongshu, and her daughter, Qian Yuan, who died before her father.David Beckham is an English former professional footballer, and the first English player to win league titles in four countries: England, Spain, the United States and France. David is married to Victoria Beckham, an English businesswoman, fashion designer, model, and singer. They have four children.2. Qian and Yang’s romance began when they met at Tsinghua University after Yang Jiang enrolled in the graduate school in 1932. They married in 1935.David started dating Victoria in 1997, after she attended a charity football match. The couple announced their engagement in 1998 and married in 1999.3. During the Cultural Revolution, like many other prominent intellectuals of the time, Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang were “sent down”, doing “reform through labor” in a “cadre school” in Henan from 1969 to 1972.The challenge David and Victoria have come across is media attention. They are both famous, so their relationship has attracted a great deal of media attention from its very beginning.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text Organization2. Comprehension Check2.1 Focusing on the main ideasFrank joined the U.S. Army during World War II, and frequently exchanged letters with Polly, his wife. Frank, away in England, wrote about his longings for home and his feelings towards Polly and Dee, their toddler daughter, while Polly described in detail her life at home and expressed her concern over the war, as well as the loneliness she endured from the long separation. They wrote about their love for each other and comforted each other with the expectation for their reunion in the future. Tragically, however, Frank was killed in the Normandy landing operation on D-Day.2.2 Digging into detail1. He was very bitter that he was not going to be by her side while she grew up.2. He believed it was God’s will whether he would be one of the assault troopsand whether he would survive the fighting. What he would do was to trust God.3. They had not seen each other for 8 months.4. Polly would take her daughter Dee to see her first movie.5. Polly imagined she and Frank would listen to their favorite music together onSunday nights.6. She felt all the more sentimental but at the same time more confident in thefuture.2.3 Understanding difficult sentences1. B2. A3. B4. B5. BII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.11. While I was working in a fast-food restaurant, I constantly dreamt of being ableto own one someday.2. It was common for people to keep up correspondence with friends throughletters before the age of the Internet.3. In modern Chinese society, women, to a large extent, are no longer dominatedby men either in family life or in the workplace.4. There is now a growing realization of the importance of recycling among theresidents in our neighborhood.5. The Japanese invasion during World War II met with fierce resistance from theChinese people.6. It is wonderful to see flowers bloom in different colours after a long bleakwinter.7. The elderly landlady couldn’t endure the behavior of the young man any more:he tossed trash all over the building.8. It is true that human beings have had war constantly throughout history;nevertheless human civilization has managed to survive.9. An increasingly large number of Chinese plan to spend their time travelling todifferent countries and seeing more of the world when they retire.10. Last week I submitted my first project proposal and I was very anxious to knowhow the department manager would react to it.11. We all sympathize with those who lost loved ones in the disaster.12. The general decided to launch an assault on the enemy at midnight.13. At that time, most stores in that region allowed shoppers to exchange goods andservices at a mutually agreed price.14. The kids never received any professional training previously, but theirperformance was impressive.15. It’s amazing that the toddler can count up to one hundred and backward.1.21. postponed2. of late3. long for4. continuallypensated for6. on land7. adored8. by the day1.31. The sole survivor of the crash declined to be interviewed saying he just couldnot bring himself to talk about the tragic accident at the moment.2. I thought the party I was invited to was a quiet and private one, but as it turnedout, I was overwhelmed by the crowds and noise.3. Like many of her generation, the lady suffered/underwent a lot of hardshipsthroughout her life.4. The local government was forced /had to bow to public pressure and cancelledthe nuclear power program.5. Different teachers play different roles in the growth of a student.6. The team is carrying out research to find out the impact on children of longseparation from their parents.7. Mary immediately felt uneasy when she found her cousin John was gazing uponher.8. I can still recall how my heart was filled with joy and pride when I received thediploma from the principal.2. Usage1. We all pray for the return of peace and loved ones.2. The prime minister, when talking about the servicemen in battle, said, “Thosebrave young people are the ones who are undergoing all/all of the hardships.”3. All of them were overwhelmed by the glamour of the royal palace.4. The happiest are not those who own all/all of the best things, but those who canappreciate the beauty of life.5. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.3. Sentence Patterns1. Of course you all think big. But I’ll bet many of you have no idea what you arereally longing for.2. The school bus driver shouted, “Don’t get off until the bus stops!”3. I understand the importance of developing the habit of not putting off what youcan do today until tomorrow. But you know, it’s always easier said than done.4. You may say you enjoy being single, but I bet you will think differently whenyou finally fall in love.5. Not until I experienced terrible loneliness did I come to the realization thatsupport and sympathy from family were precious.4. Comprehensive Practice4.1 ClozeIn putting into words how much we adore someone, sometimes it is easier to do so in correspondence than face-to-face. One cannot help but sympathize with the lover who, gazing upon the object of his affection face-to-face, becomes overwhelmed and lost for words. Here distance may help. For separation not only makes the heart grow fonder, it also provides the perfect excuse for a(n) exchange of love letters in which the tongue-tied lover can give a more impressive display of his innermost thoughts. Unable to bring himself to speak freely about his feelings, with pen and paper on hand he may nonetheless easily fill pages withfine words. Watered by these, love will hopefully bloom.4.2 Translation1. George longs for a chance to meet her, but he can’t bring himself to tell herabout it.2. Many smart and capable people do not achieve a lot in their life because theyare afraid of the hardships they may have to endure.3. I remember that in my childhood I had great enjoyment in living in thecountryside where all the flowers were blooming in spring.4. The government is sure to react to the recent growth in violent crime.5. Quite a lot of people can undergo feelings of loss after they retire, and we mayhelp them with our care and concern.6. They would get together exchanging ideas and discussing the problems theywere confronted with when they stayed in Silicon Valley in the 90’s.7. Gazing upon the picture of her grandson who lost his life on D-Day, the elderlylady was filled with sorrow.8. Some people worry that robots may someday become the dominating force inthe world.Reading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. F2. F3. F4. T5. F6. T7. T8. F9. F 10. T2. Translation1. 每个事故本身都不怎么严重,但叠加起来似乎就触发了一个奇怪的结果。

大学英语创意阅读练习答案大学英语创意阅读练习答案<大学英语创意阅读>练习答案Book OneUnit 1 CustomsUnderstanding the textPart A: Comprehending the textAnswer the following questions as fully as possible.1. What was the "mistake" that John Rogers' company made?They gave clocks to Chinese and the' phrase "give a clock "sounds like "make a funeral arrangement"2. Why are knives considered bad presents in some countries?Because they symbolize the cutting (i. e. the end) of a relationship.3. What sort of gifts would be appropriate, according to Rogers?Things from your own place that are difficult to get locally in the place where you are visiting.4. How should gifts be offered to people?With both hands.5. Why do people in Asia sometimes refuse gifts at first?To show ,modesty; they do not want to appear greedy by accepting immediately.Part B: Completing a tableThe text suggests a number of gifts are unsuitable for people in certain countries. Find the place in the text where these are mentioned and use the information to complete the table.Gifts Do Not Give To…Unsuitable Gifts Because…clockswinegifts showing "4" ChineseMuslimsJapanese, Kore-an and Chinesesounds like "making funeralarrangements"alcohol is against their religionunlucky numberscissors flowers leather handkerchiefs clothing Latins and AsiansAsiansIndianssome other placeswomensign of cutting/ ending therelationshipseen as inappropriately romanticcows are revered by Hindussign of sadnessseen as inappropriately intimatePart C: Interpreting the textComplete these sentences.1. Gifts are important because they can strengthen business relationships.2. Offering flowers as gifts may not be suitable because they may be seen as inappropriately romantic.3. All gifts should be wrapped and presented correctly.4. Asian people tend to open gifts in private because they don't want the donor to lose face if the gift is not appropriate.5. John Rogers advises you to remember the country's religion, avoid giving things that are not appropriate, and choose the wrapping paper carefully. Developing your skillsPart A: Relating information in a text to one's own experience The students may come up with other plausible answers for the choices below. The key point here is to encourage students to express their conceived/perceived notions about the objects as gifts rather than to make them give a definite right or wrong answer.Gifts Appropriate Inappropriate Reasons1. a white lantern√They are used in funerals.2. a green hat√If a man is said to be wearing a green hat it means that his wife has had sex with anotherman since her marriage.3. a gold ring√Usually a gold ring is given to someone who is very familiar to you like a lover or family member.4. a bunch of flowers√Because of impact from Western Culture, Chinese people may consider this too intimate or that it symbolizes romance.5. a box of chocolates √6. a pair of chopsticks √7. a comb√In the past combs were sometimes given by wom en to their fiancés as engagement gifts.8. a red packet(HongBao)√What gifts would be suitable for each of the following people? Write your choices in the table below, and then, in pairs, compare your choices and explain to each other why you consider your gifts appropriate.For this activity, again allow the students to come up with their own ideas and explanations. As long as their answers subscribe to the idea of being appropriate to the situation, neutral, and not intimate and offensive, they should be accepted.Below is just one common example of the kinds of gifts that may be more commonly given to these people. Students might be asked to add theirsuggestions to a table on the board and the rest of the class comment on whether or not they think they are suitable gifts.Gift-Receivers Gifts1. your teacher Pen2. your partners Clothing3. a friend Key-chain4. a workmate Diary5. a foreign guest Local handicraft6. someone who is getting married Household goods7. someone who has just retired watchPart B: Using knowledge of the world to make sense of a text The topic of the text in this unit is "The Art of Gift-Giving". There is a lot of information about the practices of people from different cultures. Use your knowledge of the world to supplement the information about the questions below. Write your answers in the space provided.1. Why do the Chinese feel red is lucky.*Because the colour of blood is red and blood represents life, red is considered lucky as it shows something is alive.2. Why are gifts showing the number 4 or a gift of 4 items of something considered unlucky in Japanese, Korean and Chinese cultures?Because the pronunciation of the number 4 is similar to the word "death" in these languages.3. Why is giving anything with the left hand considered insulting in Arabic countries?Because the left hand is associated with evil or "the wrong path", whereas the right hand is associated with good or "the right path". (refer to "Further information on the text")4. Why do Westerners often open the gift immediately?So that they can show their appreciation of the gift to the gift-giver right away. They feel that to say "Thank you" the receiver needs to make a commenton the gift and this is difficult if you don't know what it is.5. Why is it considered polite in Asia to refuse the gift at the beginning and for the gift-giver to have to insist that the other person accepts it?Because this allows the gift-receiver to show that he is modest and not greedy and this gives the gift-giver the chance to show that he genuinely wants the gift-receiver to have the gift.Extending your vocabularyPart A: SynonymsAs an extension activity, students might be put into groups and asked to find antonyms for these words where possible, and make sentences with the antonyms to show that they understand how the words work in context.For example, for "offensive" the antonym is "pleasing/pleasant".It was extremely pleasant to sit by the pool with a cold beerin this hot weather.Her voice is very pleasing to the ear. I can just listen to her all day long.Column A Column Bbusiness associatesto represent something importantnot suitableunpleasant or insultingbelief that magic or luck can affect your lifepersonal or private thingsnot to talk about yourself or show off to value something and be grateful for it clients symbolize inappropriate offensive supers t it ion intimate,modesty appreciatePart B: Cloze passageUse mainly the words in Part A of Extending your vocabulary to complete this paragraph. It is very important to avoid giving gifts to clients that will upsetthem or be seen as oftensire. People usually appreciate receiving small gifts but the giver should take care to ensure these are neither inappropriate for the customs of the country nor too intimate for the person to whom the present is intended. Gift-givers need to bear in mind different things have different meanings in other countries-a number may symbolize bad luck for example and some cultures have a belief in superstition so care should be taken to avoid certain objects. People should also be aware of natural modesty amongst recipients and not be surprised if their gifts are rejected at first.To give students more practice, after completing the passage, students can choose 3 or 4 words out of the above key wordsand, in pairs, use the words to make up their own short sentences on a related topic.Expanding your creativityGuidelines for giving giftsAgain, there are few definite answers here. For any suggestions students make, they should be encouraged to explain why the gifts are suitable or unsuitable. Ideas could be collected onto a table on the board and discussed by the whole class.Do Don’t·crystal ornaments·decorative items, e.g. sculptures, handicraft·watches·books·bottled delica cy or food, e.g. jams, honey·potted plants ·cash·exotic food, e.g. snakes, dried lizards·Chinese herbal medicine ·intimate clothing, e.g. lingerie, underwearBelow is an example of the kind of information that students can include in the guidelines. Another way to present the advice would be in point form in terms of "dos and don'ts". The main thing to note is that students should be able。

⼤学英语阅读教程2答案Lesson 1A.Reading Comprehension Check1.C2.C3.B4.B 7.B5.(1)relationships (2)to (3)love(4)to (5)be (6)loved (7)individual (8)serving (9)others 6.(1)athletic (2)ability (3)sexual(4)conquest (5)economic(6)success (7)comparison(8)competition (9)communityLesson 2A.Reading Comprehension Check1.B2.A 4.C 6.A 8.B3.(1)hormones (2)pressure (3)a (4)short (5)fuse (6)emotions (7)intensely 5.(1)self-control (2)self-awareness (3)aware(4)of(5)deal (6)with 7.(1)lasting (2)hurt (3)yourself(4)someone(5)else(6)irritable(7)grumpy (8)moodLesson 3A.Reading Comprehension CheckI1.C2.B3.C4.A5.C6.B7.B1.forward2.impression3.dunk4.tournament5.guard6.bump7.trophy8.tower9.rebound10.sprainLesson4A.Reading Comprehension Check1.B2.C3.C 5.C 6.A 7.C4.(1)reading (2)writing (3)arithmetic(4)scratching (5)surrounded (6)byLesson 5A.Reading Comprehension Check 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 6.C 7.B 5.(1)constructive (2)unrelenting (3)transformed (4)perspective(5)altogether (6)realizationKey Key to Exercisesto Exercises ⼤学英语阅读教程2(南⽅版)(第⼆版)阅读⼤学英语教程2(南⽅版)()(第⼆版))Lesson6A.Reading Comprehension CheckI1.B2.A3.B6.A7.B8.BII9.H10.L11.J12.N13.O14.M15.I16.F17.C18.AB.Crossword Puzzle1.trivial2.visualization3.persistence4.nurture5.meditation6.wallow7.affirmation8.incorporate9.aspiration10.gratitude11.agonizingLesson7A.Reading Comprehension Check1.C2.B3.(1)independence(2)alienation(3)revolutionize(4)domain(5)retreat (6)amusement(7)terminally(8)utterly/profoundly/terminally4.(1)associate(2)pursuits(3)conjures(4)healing(5)breather(6)restorer(7)adjust/regulate(8)fortitude5.A6.B7.A8.ALesson8A.Reading Comprehension Check1.C2.C3.(1)survive(2)fresh(3)open/unconditioned(4)inquiring(5)universally(6)pursue(7)productive5.C6.A7.A8.BLesson9A.Reading Comprehension CheckI1.C2.B3.C4.C5.A6.B7.B8.CII9.B10.D11.F12.I13.H14.O15.G16.E17.C18.AB.Crossword Puzzle1.beneath2.spear3.bite4.throne5.knight6.doze7.fade8.slither9.stain10.glory11.battlefield12.enchanted13.shield14.crash15.nightfall Lesson10A.Reading Reading Comprehension Check1.C2.A5.C6.C7.B8.CLesson11A.Reading Comprehension Check1.B2.B3.(1)served(2)verbal war(3)verbal assaults(4)hearts(5)mind(6)really(7)human(8)mouth4.(1)monologue(2)consumes(3)paradigm(4)patronizing(5)showpiece (6)monistic(7)abused5.A6.C7.C8.BLesson12A.Reading Comprehension CheckI1.C2.A3.C4.B5.C6.A7.B8.CII9.D10.K11.G12.I13.M14.F15.H16.E17.B18.NB.Crossword Puzzle1.nominate2.charge6.anonymous7.amaze8.recede9.falsehood10.vergeLesson13A.Reading Comprehension Check1.B2.C3.A4.C5.C6.C7.A8.CLesson14A.Reading Comprehension Check1.C2.A3.B4.A5.C6.C7.A8.ALesson15A.Reading Comprehension Check1.A2.B3.B4.C5.B6.CA.Reading Comprehension Check1.C2.A5.A6.B7.B8.C3.(1)commitment(2)earnestness(3)spoils(4)characterizes(5)artificial(6)separated(7)out there(8)temporal(9)accentuates(10)mistaken4.(1)Competitive(2)mirror/model(3)afford(4)impartial(5)oversees(6)presence(7)stimulates(8)uncompromisingB.Reading StrategiesTopic sentence:Play distinguishes itself clearly from real life through the presence of rules and the judge. Major details: 1.The possibilities are more limited and therefore more clearly arranged.2.The uncompromising effort to justice is further accentuated.Signal words:further,another difference from the real worldMinor details: 1.Experiments with a larger chessboard and atonal music led to nothing.2.Justice under simplified conditions of rules is so essential for a play.Lesson17A.Reading Comprehension Check1.A2.A5.B6.C7.C8.C3.(1)balance(2)fill(3)Competencies(4)notion(5)implicit(6)about(7)summing4.(1)ongoing(2)collective(3)assumes(4)operating(5)sources(6)putativeLesson18A.Reading Comprehension CheckI1.A2.C3.B4.A5.C6.B7.B9.B10.I11.F12.N13.K14.D15.G16.C17.M18.O 阅读⼤学英语教程2(南⽅版)()(第⼆版))B.Crossword Puzzle1.discrimination2.counselor3.vaccine4.definitely5.destiny6.debate7.circumstance8.guarantee9.tease10.bully Lesson19A.Reading Comprehension Check1.B2.C3.C4.B5.C6.B7.CB.Reading StrategiesExercises1.B2.A3.B4.C5.ALesson20A.Reading Comprehension Check1.A2.B5.B6.A7.C8.BLesson21A.Reading Comprehension CheckI1.B2.C3.A4.B5.A6.C7.C8.AII9.C10.F11.I12.A13.L14.E15.B16.G17.O18.MB.Crossword Puzzle1.migration2.rural3.species4.scant5.storage6.panel7.famine8.curb9.urban10.extractLesson22A.Reading Comprehension Check1.A2.C5.C6.B7.C8.B3.(1)bonding(2)irritating(3)took over(4)courtship (5)dissipated(6)disillusioned(7)flawedLesson23A.Reading Comprehension Check1.C2.B3.B4.A5.C6.A7.C8.BLesson24A.Reading Comprehension CheckI1.A2.B3.B4.C5.A6.C7.A8.AII9.G10.D11.M12.A13.J14.N15C16.H17.K18.OB.Crossword Puzzle1.barren2.utility3.overwhelming4.curb5.invoke6.innate7.scarce8.kin9.thorny10.novel。

新通用大学英语第二册二单元创造性思维问题B2U2Unit Two Group DiscussionCritical Thinking Questions Based upon the Understanding of Text C1.How is a bullet like in its context? (para.1)2.Why does the author use “cool” instead of “hard” or “heavy” to describe a bullet? (para.1)3.What does a bullet usually steal as a thief? (para.1)4.Bullets are thieves. Is there another metaphor for bullets? (para.2)5.What ideals do they originally have? Why does a man need virtue? Would you live to name some virtues? (para.2)6.Is innocence valuable? How can a bullet take it away? (para.2)7.Have you ever done something impulsive as beauty is wont to do at times? What personality is revealed when the drunken famer behaved impulsively? (para.3)8.Why does a man need virtue? Would you live to name some virtues? (para.3)9.Who believes this pony is worthless? Are pretty things always worthless? (para.3)10.Why did the farmer wanted to kill the beautiful pony? (para.4)11.Do you think Joey is naturally born with the ability to adapt? (para.4)12.What has contributed to the success for Joey in adapting the farming life? (para.4)13.Why did the farmer wanted to kill the beautiful pony? (para.5)14.Do you think Joey is naturally born with the ability to adapt? (para.5)15.What has contributed to the success for Joey in adapting the farming life? (para.5)16.Who understands Joey the most in this movie? Why did Joey behave so bravely in the war? (para.6)17.How did Spielberg use Joey’s physical performance to depict the whole story? (para.6)18.H ow do you think the movies with animals’ involvement? Please use examples to illustrate your opinion. (para.6)19.What is the nature of war from your perspective? Have you ever read some stories about animals who embody admirable human traits? (para.7)20.What will arise if the training of a horse is based upon negative reinforcement and punishment? (para.7)21.Which did Spielberg use an animal to reflect the horror of the war? Can we really rise above the horror the war exhibits?(para.7)22.What do horses and men have in common? Why did these caretaker manifest positive traits? (para.8)23.What is the crucial factor to establish a friendly horse-human relationship? Is it meaningful to explore the bond between horses and humans? (para.8)24.What is reflected from the alliance of enemies to rescue the tortured Joey? What can transcend the hatred in the war?(para.8)25.What is the essence of a horse apart from being an agricultural working companion in the rural areas and a soldier onthe battlefield? (para.9)26.Are you insensitive to those heroes sacrificed in the war movies? (para.9)27.Have you ever been moved by an animal? Are you willing to share the story? (para.9)28.How do you under stand “wiser”? Why does the author use “wiser” and “sadder” two co ntradictory words to describeAlbert? (para.10)29.Is that wise to inform the children of the violence and cruelty of war? Why or why not? (para.10)30.Which part of the movie touches you most? (para.10)31.How do you define heroism? What’s the difference between “heroics” and “heroism” (para.11)32.What is humanity? Why is it ironic to demonstrate it with an animal instead of a human? (para.11)33.What did Joey and Albert teach us to push through a hard season? (para.11)34.What did Emilie’ parents believe in? What action did Emilie want her grandpa to take? (para.12)35.Can you list some forms of courage? (para.12)36.What personality is revealed from Emilie’s grandfather’s reply?? (para.12)。

大学英语阅读教程第二册(通用本)答案Unit 1Passage 1Key to the exercisesI 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 DII.1.对于太多的人来说,学习似乎是自己的意愿屈服于外界的指引,是一种奴役。
Key to the Reading-Skill exercises1. The high school students have improved their SAT scores.2. Teenagers planned patrols.3. TV programs are less through than newspapers.4. Welcome to Our City treats the Amercian south and its people.5. The films show little children fascinated at the world.6. One can communicate with the writer as one reads a book.Passage 2Key to the exercisesI. 1 C 2 D 3 C 4 B A 5 CII.1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. TIII. 1.朱莉让我们如此为难,我的确感到生气。
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Unit 2 Schooldays: An Effective Education SystemUnderstanding the textPart A: Comprehending the textPart B: Interpreting the text1. Why, in paragraph 2 of the debate speech, does the speaker describe failing an examination as being like a "death sentence"?These exams "decide their .futures" and the penalties .for .failure are ".final". Also look at speech paragraph 6 -- the "threat of being a .failure .for life" is perhaps even worse than a death sentence.2. Why does the speaker mention the labour market in paragraph 4 of the speech? The labour market does not urgently need "newly qualified people ". There is no "hurry"; the situation is not critical.3. Why does the speaker introduce such exact figures in paragraph 7 of the speech? To compare the large number of lessons ("17,745") with the tiny result ("how little I knew at the end ... ")and also to say that "40-minute pieces of learning" and "little pieces of 9eography or history or biology" do not really add up to any substantial body of knowledge. Perhaps, too, the writer wants to show that mere statistics ("17,745 lessons") do not really prove that the results are good.4. What does the word "subjected" in paragraph 7 of the speech tell us about the speaker's attitude towards his own education?The word suggests an unpleasant experience. The writer was, when a child, the subject -- and the education system was the "boss". The results o.1~ the child's subjection were not good. Also look at speech paragraph 8 again: the system "can never be called e. efficient"; it simply helps the administrators and the bureaucrats.Developing your skillsPart A: Using reference markersCircle the letter of your choice.1. c)In the text, "schooldays" is related to "remember" -- "schooldays" is the object of "remember"; "them" is also the object -- of the second verb "remember". The pronoun "them" means exactly the same, in this sentence, as the noun "schooldays"2. b)Here, "it" is connected -- or linked -- to "this question" by the word "as". And "as it exists in Britain" specifies that the discussion is limited to present-day Britain.3. c)This is more difficult: those refers, here, to the "school children" mentioned in the previous sentence! So the link -- or the connection -- is more distant. All the words in this phrase give clues to the link: "but", for example, is very important here because it indicates a limitation on what is being discussed. (The teacher might wish to point out that there are many small words which are very important in English --and "but" is one of these. A useful class exercise can be given in which each student-- or perhaps pair of students -- creates an original sentence in which "but" is an essential part. You can emphasise that, although the word is "simple", it is often very important indeed in communication. )4. a)Here we need to go back to the subject of this long sentence -- namely " parents" !Find and circle five more examples of reference markers in the text. For each marker, draw an arrow to the part of the text it refers to. Compare your examples with those of a partner.·"But" (speech paragraph 4, line 26) does two jobs. It refers back to the whole subject of exams and pressures; it also signals that there is going to be a change of direction in the whole discussion.·"It" (speech paragraph 4, line 32) refers back to the "problem" if children "suddenly stop reading" -- and the paragraph goes on to say that this is not really a problem. ·"So" (speech paragraph 4, line 36) is another small but very important linking word. Often -- as here -- it is used to "wrap up", or conclude, an argument.·"If" (speech paragraph 5, line 38) introduces a hypothetical situation. It raises the idea of imagining big changes and new conditions. Again, it's a small word 'with many uses.·In speech paragraph 8, ".for example" is perhaps a more simple instance of linking: here the inefficiency of the "present system" is shown clearly by the example -- i. e. it "takes up to 11 years" to produce even basic results.Part B: Using discourse markers1. I've been really busy this week with five assignments to complete. However/Yet last week was easy as I only had one to do.Function: showing contrast2. Although there are some minor disadvantages, on the whole / in general / generally s peaking / overall, I prefer studying at university to secondary school.Function: generalizing3. Nobody is allowed in here except / except for / with the exception of the principal and the most senior members of staff.Function: introducing exceptions4. Your progress seems to have been variable. Some assignments are OK, but as for / as regards your last written assignment ... it was a complete disaster!Function: focusing attention5. I've finished all my assignments so / and so / so now I can go to the cinema this evening and relax.Function: showing logical sequenceExtending your vocabularyPart A: Words to note1. His carefree attitude sometimes makes people think he doesn't take his studies seriously enough.。