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1.我要取一滴指血做血糖测定, 需要刺一下手指.

I’m afraid I have to prick your finger and take a drop of blood for blood sugar level.


I’ll take some blood from your arm now.


Don’t take any thing by mouth after midnight until the blood is drawn tomorrow morning


Please bring a specimen of your urine/stool/sputum./ please collect your mid~stream specimen of urine.


Please have your blood and urine tests done.


You are going to have a CT~scan of your chest/head today.

7.Translate the 1st para of the article on page173.


According to the latest report of Pediatrics in January, as soon as a baby is born, the immune system can cope with many challenges, including multiple vaccinations. The author of this report is Balian ofett and his colleagues. Bauer is a doctor of infectious diseases medicine and director of the vaccine Education Center at Philadelphia children's hospital. This article reviews the current research on the effect of vaccines on the immune system and the ability of infants to respond to multiple simultaneous immunization safely.


8.Para3 .第3段

"The infant's own immune system has the capacity to respond safely and effectively to the challenges of vaccination," Dr. ofett said. Our article can reassure parents that the vaccine will not only not weaken children's immune system at all, but also enhance children's resistance to serious diseases and possible serious infections.


9."Immunization is particularly safe and effective against disease and death and is one of the most important ways for parents to protect their children," Dr. ofett said. Our article can assure parents that immunizing their children is to provide them with the greatest degree of protection against serious infectious immune diseases, and to help them build a stronger immune system and start their lives healthily.


10.1、bronchial支气管 2、asthma哮喘 3、emphysema肺气肿 4、Embolism栓塞 5、Pneumnia 气虚




9、hyperglycemia高血糖 10、diuresis利尿11、hematoma血肿 12、Infection感染 13、hyperkalemia高钾血症 14、bladder膀胱 15、abdominal腹肌 16、Tophi痛风石

11.1、Amputation pain 阻断疼痛 2、Pressure ulcer 压疮

A avocation:hobby 嗜好analgwsics止疼药acetaminophen蜡苯酚 adrenal肾上腺的acidosis酸中毒

B butterflies in the stomach忐忑不安cerebral cortex 大脑皮层clinician临床医生contort扭曲cognitive-behavioral intervention知识行为干预coxib高选择性环氧酶抑制剂chronic-acute recurrent 反复发作

C cervical lymph nodes颈部淋巴结coronary heart disease冠心病concentration浓度cerebral cortex 大脑皮层clinician临床医生contort扭曲cognitive-behavioral intervention知识行为干预coxib高选择性环氧酶抑制剂chronic-acute recurrent 反复发作

D dorsal horn背角diveegent分歧dosage剂量bed-making病号服

E exacerbating恶化excretion分泌

F flushing潮红

G ganglia神经中枢graduated exercises渐进性运动glucagon-catecholamine儿茶酚胺glucose tolerance 血糖耐受

H healthcare professional医务人员hypnosis催眠hormone-endocrine gland内分泌腺

I intrinsic:belonging to内在的incremental增加的inhibitor抑制剂insulin 胰岛素insulin-isl小岛

L light-headedness头晕目眩langerhans-pancreas胰脏

M metabolism-organic process有机过程medulla髓质

N neuropathic神经疼痛

O onest不稳定off-and-on pain \intermittent pain 间断性疼痛oral-glucose-tolerance-test-prediabeise 前驱糖尿病

P pap smear乳头溢液图片检查pound警觉peptic ulcer胃溃疡persisentpain 持续疼痛polyuria多尿的pancrea胰腺pancreas-elongated延长的predisposition-pathogen病原体pathogenesis发病机制

S spinal cord脊髓synapse突出significant adverse effect 显著的负作用short-acting短效的spinal cord 脊髓 suffering难受 stretched exocrine gland外分泌腺 sulfonylures磺脲类

T thyroid fland甲状腺thalamus神经床

V vasoactive peptide血管活性肽ververtebrate脊椎动物

W wound-dranage伤口引流wince畏缩
