雅思口语part1准备 广告电视类话题共28页文档
雅思口语Part1答案:Advertisement广告1. Do you like advertisements on TV?Oh no, TV is a purgatory. The TV advertisements today appear to be not only boring but also disturbing. They interrupt in the midst of our enjoyment of a game or a film. Most of the advertisement materials are irritating and of course of low taste. The presentation is mostly awkward and obscene.绝不,电视简直就是炼狱。
2. What kind of advertisement do you like the most?Word of mouth is hands down the BEST advertising. It's one of the most credible forms of advertising because every time people make a recommendation, they have nothing to gain but the appreciation of those who are listening.口碑绝对是的广告。
3. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?Whether you do like them or not, whenever and whereverit's possible that you can meet them. For biz sellers, ad could be very helpful to promote their products. For acceptors, ads might show some latest information. To buy ornot to buy, to be fond of or not, all depend on your decisions.无论你是否喜欢广告,你都有可能随时随地遇到它们。
示例:How often do you use a computer?
• 陈述事实: not very often • 拓展描述:damage sights+minimize the hours • 陈述事实+拓展描述=完整答案
• Do you like music? • Do you work or study? • Can you sing? • How much television do you watch? • Do you like to watch the sky?
• 测试时间:11~14 分钟 • 考试形式:与一位英语考官进行单独英文对话 • 考试结构:三部分组成,且每部分难度递增 • 评分要素:流畅性及连贯性;词汇量;语法运用范围与正确性;发音
Part 1 介绍
• 时间约4~5分钟 • 口试官介绍自己并确认考生身份 • 询问考生与个人有关的话题:家人,兴趣,工作&学习背景,住所情况等
• 第一步:每人用中文回答一遍 • 第二步:把所回答内容组织成英文写下来 • 第三步:说出英文答案
第11页/ou live in a house or a flat? • 思路: 陈述house或flat+引申讨论所住house或flat的特点
示例:Do you live in a house or a flat?
示例: How often do you use a computer?
• 陈述事实: on daily bases • 拓展描述:deal with work+have fun • 陈述事实+拓展描述=完整答案
雅思口语题库part1话题范文:Television电视1.Do you watch television a lot?Well, I used to watch but now I have altogether stopped watching it.或者:Oh! I love watching television. It is something that helps me break offstress after a tiring day.2.What’s your favorite type of TV program?Being an architect, I used to not only read books but also watch TV documentaries in order to pick up information related to my field; but recently,because I found that the Internet is full of better material, I’ve been streaming videos, which is a much more efficient way to enhance my knowledge.3.Do you like watching TV?I don’t get time really to watch TV and I don’t like the fact that you haveno choice about what to watch, so no I would say I don’t really like watchingnormal TV, I much prefer streaming something on my iPad and watching it when Ilike.4.How often do you watch TV?I’d say maybe only a few times a month when there is a good football matchon. I prefer watching football on TV with other people around because it’s agreat atmosphere, but if it’s a normal TV show I will just watch it alone athome on my tablet.5.What kind of TV programmes do you like to watch?I like dramas and thrillers. I don’t really like anything that is not set in the real world, so I’m not a big fan of sci-fi or fantasy, although I have been getting in to the latest season of Game of Thrones. I also really like towatch documentaries about military history, especially anything to do with theSecond World War.6.What are the most popular TV shows in your country?In my country these days reality shows and comedy shows are among the mostpopular TV programs. I guess it’s because its content is suitable for audienceof any age from children to the elderly. The fans of reality shows feel interactive and familiar with the competitors while that of comedy shows generally want to be entertained with jokes and laughters.7.Do you like watching TV shows from other countries?Yes, most of the programmes I watch are from the United States. Networkslike HBO and Netflix have the biggest budgets and as a result can make somereally high quality shows. I don’t think Game of Thrones could be made without ahuge budget and America is probably the only country that can make a TV show onthat scale.8.Has the internet affected your viewing habits?Absolutely, I watch most TV shows on the internet now, rather than a normalTV. There are so many streaming services like Netflix offering on-demand TV andit suits me to be able to watch what I want, when I want. I also like to bingewatch a series of TV shows, just watch a whole series in a day or two ratherthan waiting for the next episode.9.What is your favourite TV show?There was an American show called Fargo that I really loved. It was anadaptation of a film made about 15 years ago. The plot lines and characters werereally interesting and the dialogue was well written. Unfortunately, there hasonly been one season of it so far, so I have to wait another year to see the next season.10.What was your favourite show when you were a child?I was a bit of a strange child because I didn’t really like cartoons likemost of the other kids. But there were a few shows I loved like The A-Team,Knight Rider and Air Wolf. They were so cool and always had great action scenes.I was a bit obsessed with violent action films when I was kid. When I thinkabout them though they weren’t really all that violent compared to showsthesedays, I don’t think one person was ever killed in any of those programmes.雅思口语题库part1话题范文:newspapersmagazines1.Which do you prefer, reading newspapers or magazines?I would say I prefer newspapers. Newspapers in just ten or eight pages giveyou a glimpse of the entire world, including all the sections. From fashion tothe general news to comics to sports to almost everything. In just one newspaper, you have access to the entire world.2.What type of stories do you like to read about?I love reading autobiographies and non-fiction. Autobiographies becausethey give a glimpse of lifestyle of a very successful person. You get to knowthem when they were the mango people and what they did to become what theybecame. Their struggle, the inner story, their point of view and for some reasons I find it quite exciting. Other than this, I like readingnon-fiction.3.Have you ever read a newspaper or magazine in a foreignlanguage?[When/Why?]Yes, all the time. I lived in another country for several years, so readingin a foreign language was a normal activity for me, not just newspapers andmagazines, but all kinds of documents and literature. I still do it to maintainmy reading skills.4.Do you think reading a newspaper and magazine can help you learn alanguage?Yes, but it depends on your language level. If you are just beginning tolearn a language then it can be very difficult and frustrating – certainly notthe best way to try and learn a foreign language – but as you progress and develop your vocabulary it is a good way to learn expressions and phrases related to common topics in the news and current affairs, or related to a specific topic in the case of magazines.5.Why do you think some people prefer magazines to newspapers?I think the reason might be that magazines are more specific. So, forexample if I am interested in reading about like sports, then a magazine willoffer me better articles and more specific, to be concise. It also de clutters all the things that one does not wants to read.6.Which magazines and newspapers do you read (why)?Answer A) I prefer reading magazines on travel. Being a travel host, it isvery important for me to know about more places and understand them theoretically, before taking on my camera and team along side. Travel magazinealso help me to understand the perspective of the other person for a same placethat I have also visited. Apart from it, I like fashion magazines as well. Notfor the reasons of fashion, I find them good entertainer when one wants to justspend time idly.Answer B) I only read magazines and newspapers if I’m waiting someplace andthey are there, and there is no other alternative. Most of the time, I prefer doing something on my phone. But, either ways, I like to read sports magazine.Cars and their engines excite me for the most part. I mean, there are fantasticcars out there and in magazines, a perfect description is given. Newspapers, Irarely read. I prefer getting the news on either phone or television.雅思口语题库part1话题范文:photograph摄影1. Do you like to take photographs? Why?If it were 3 to 4 years ago the answer would be a big no. But now it hasbecome one of my hobbies and I’m actually thinking of learning more about it. Ihad no idea what I can do with my iPhone until I learned to make use of itswonderful camera as well as some miracle apps. Unlike some people, I indeed wantmy photos to look unique, lively and a little bit professional.V ocabularyTo make use of (v) to use someone or something for a particular purpose,especially one that brings a benefit to you2. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take yourphotos? Why?It would be way more comfortable taking photos myself, as I can see crystal-clear how ridiculous my face expression looks like or if there’s something on my hair or stuck between my teeth. And in case it’s a sceneryphoto, I can apply the techniques I’ve learned to produce stunning photos.V ocabularyCrystal-clear (adj) absolutely clear3. How long have you liked taking photographs?Just recently. As a final year student, I no longer can spend hours on drawing, reading or singing. Only photography which is way more instant suits menow to document my life. And as I enjoy my life on this campus, for example theroad I walk to school everyday, the sunset, the rainbow, the trees, photographyis the best way to store my memories.V ocabularyDocument one’s life (expression) record the detail of one’s life4. In what situations do you take photographs?As I’ve mentioned, I snap a photo of anything that catches my eyeswhen I’min a good mood. So I take photos when my friends and I hang out or when Iparticipate in social activities of the university and meet amazing people. However, when it comes to practicing for professional photography, I prefertaking photos of scenery and foods.V ocabularyIn a good mood (idiom) a cheerful, well-disposed state of mindWhen it comes to Sth/V-ing (adv) as for something; speaking about something5. What kind of photos do you like to take? Why?Food and scenery are definitely my inspiration. I just can’t sit still whenbeautiful breakfasts and stunning landscape keep appearing on my Instagrameveryday. What is more, it is my natural instinct that helps me to go find thesimple uniqueness of my university, namely the sunset, the lake, the trees andflowers and show people how beautiful my university is. However, I’m not good attaking photos of people so activities or street-life is not my style.V ocabularySit still (idiom) to remain seatedNatural instinct (collocation) the way people or animals naturally react orbehave, without having to think or learn6. How (why) did you become interested in photography?The situation was quite all of a sudden. I posted some scenery photos Itook on the spur of the moment on Instagram and received lots of compliments,even from those whom I’m not following. Then I realized I should develop thisskill, you know, should take it seriously and keep up the good work. And themore I learn about it, the more passionate I become.V ocabularyOn the spur of the moment (idiom) do without planning, suddenlyAll of a sudden (idiom) suddenlyTo keep up the good work (phrase) used to encourage SO for continuing whatthey are doing well7. How often do you take photographs?Not too often I must say. Since I really don’t like posting boring photoswith the same object all the time, so timing is everything. I believe my gutswill know exactly when and how I should flick to produce high-quality photos.V ocabularyGuts (n) to be used in reference to a feeling or reaction based on an instinctive emotional response rather than considered thought.8. Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?I think I’m gonna go for taking scenery photos. As a beginner, the knowledge of human facial expression, the part that needs focus, the harmonization between them and their surroundings are a bit too advanced for me.I can’t really make the person in my photo become lively as I do with the scenery. Besides, looking at the beauty of nature and capturing it is kind ofmind-purifying to me and is a good way to escape from the artificial world. Soyeah, scenery is safer and more enjoyable.V ocabularyMind-purifying (adj) make your mind naturally pure, free from negativethoughts9. Who do you take photos of?Although I’m not good at taking photos of people, I do take selfies withnew friends whom I meet when I participate in social activities. To me it’s morelike a reminder or something to look back, reminding me that yeah, this timelast year I went out, I met amazing people and had lots of fun.V ocabularyTo look back (v) to think about a time or event in the past10. How do you keep your photos?Printing the photos out, making an album or sticking them on the wall fordecoration sound so common and also interesting. But I don’t think photos areworth that much time and budget, unless what I captured is apparently importantto me, otherwise I only keep them in my iPhone.11. Do you keep your photographs on your computer?I don’t think I need to do so. Firstly, because my memory is somewhatsimilar to goldfish memory, storing in different devices would drive me crazy.Plus, my iPhone has large memory storage so I think I won’t need computer forstorage.V ocabularyGoldfish memory (n) SO who quickly forgets things12. Are there any photos on the walls of your house?Since my parents love decorating our house, putting photos nicely on thewalls of my house is an essential part of their decoration style. Some photos gowith frame or plastic cover, some are stuck directly onto the wall in heart-shaped. However, it’s quite ridiculous for me to see myself grinningeverywhere in the house so I told them to let me decorate my room on my own.V ocabularyTo see one’s-self doing Sth (n) to have an eye on SO doing SthOn my own (adv) do Sth alone13. Do you frame (or have you framed) any of your photos?Although I don’t usually print my photos out, I think I would store somephotos of me with my high school friends or me with my family. And framing helpspreventing scratching and is good for long-term storage, so this is probably agood alternative beside albums.14. Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that youtook yourself? (Why?)Firstly, the postcards are made of thicker paper, which makes it way moreconvenient for long-term storage as well as decoration. Secondly, the process ofsending and receiving postcards appeared to be simpler and faster compared tophotos. For those reasons I think I probably go with sending postcards.雅思口语题库part1话题范文:neighbour邻居1.How much do you know your neighbours?To be honest,my neighbours and I only have a nodding acquaintance We dontreally communicate that often because there are not many common activities to dotogether in my neghbourhood.2.Do you think neighbours should help each other?Absolutely, neighbours are the people who live just next door to you.If youhave any kind of emergency,they are the people that actually will jump up andgive a hand to you. In this regard,neighbours should help each other.3.Do you see your neighbours often?Not really. My neighbours are all busy businessmen.I dont see them toooften.I probably only see them twice a week in the corridor.4.Do you get along with your neighbours?Yes, I really respect my neighbours. There are not any problems between us.In China,we have an old saying that goes like this,a far-off relative is not ashelpful as a near neighbour. From that old proverb you can see people reallyrespect their nelghbours in Chinese culture.5.What would be the problem between you and your neighbours?There is not really a problem between my neighbours and me. If I had tomention one,I would say it would be the amount of noise I hear from them. One ofmy neighbours always likes to play music really loud.Sometimes, it can bedisturbing. Apart from that,everything else is fine .一点语料The relationship between neighbours in rural area iscloser than that incities.农村里邻居之间的关系较之城市里亲密一些。
雅思口语part1准备 广告电视类话题
Do you like advertisements on TV?
speaking, some of them are creative, entertaining and inspiring, but most of them are just nothing but torture. The worse thing is that they always pop up out of nowhere when I am in the middle of my favorite TV series. So I guess I am not that into TV advertisements.
Do advertisements influence your choice about what to buy?
I don't let some advertisements tell me what I'm going to buy. If I'm interested in a product, a car for example, I will look at the comments online in advance to find out the first – hand using experience. I always depend on true stories instead of advertisements to find out the quality goods with reasonable prices.
media is so blatantly filled with advertising: TV, radio, magazine, newspaper and billboards. The most clever one I’ve ever seen is the ad on the public bathroom door where you can’t help but fixing your eyes on it. Sometimes it feels like I can’t go anywhere without running into some ad.
Test1Television programsWhere do you usually watch TV programs/ shows? Why?1. 要点提示:Say where you watch TV and why you watch there.2. 结构提示:I usually watch TV shows at home. Most of the time, the easiest thing to help me relax from my work is to watch TV shows after dinner. Thanks to the new technology, I can watch TV shows on iPad or my iPhone, so what I usually do is watching these hilarious shows by my phone on the bed.What’s your favorite TV program/ show? Why?1. 要点提示:Describe your favorite TV shows, like reality shows, or talk shows. And tell him why.2. 结构提示:My favorite TV show is 80’s talk show. The show releases one episode each week on Saturday, so no matter how busy I am, I will definitely spare some time to watch it. The contents of this show are all about current events, but it uses a humorous and sometimes an ironic way to tell you these news, which is so funny.Are there any programs/ shows you don’t like watching? Why or why not?1. 要点提示:Describe TV shows you don’t like, such as soap operas or news, and tell him why.2. 结构提示:Maybe sport shows. I’m not into these shows because I can’t understand what they are doing. I mean, for example, it’s ridiculous for me to see many football basketball players to chase one ball on the ground. Maybe it’s because I’m not a sports-lover.Do you think you will watch more TV or fewer TV programs/ shows in the future? Why or why not?1. 要点提示:Watch fewer TV shows. Too busy to watch.2. 结构提示:I don’t know, maybe fewer. I’m really busy with my work these days, andI got promoted last month, so I need time to adapt to the new position. I don’t think I would have more time to watch TV shows.Test2AgeAre you happy to be the age you are now? Why or why not?1. 要点提示:Yes/ No. Your strength at this age and things you love to do at this age.2. 结构提示:Yes, I feel so happy to be at 27. Five years’work experience made me a different person. Being this age, I’ve learned how to communicate well with my boss and my clients. I’ve learned what a family is and what love is. Life taught me lots of useful things. When you were a child, did you think a lot about your future? Why or why not?1. 要点提示:Yes/ No. Describe your dream when you were young. Or tell him your carefree childhood.2. 结构提示:No, I never thought about my future when I was young. I had no idea about finding jobs or realizing dreams till after graduation. I didn’t study hard, because at that time I only wanted to pass these exams and being a top student wasn’t my goal. I spent most of my time to play computer games, but now I’m kind of regretful.Do you think you have changed as you have got older? Why or why not?1. 要点提示:Yes/ No. Describe what changed you and the difference between now and the past.2. 结构提示:Yes, I think so. Compared with college time, I’ve changed a lot now. Being a college student, I almost had no pressure to live a life. I freely spent my parents’money, and I didn’t understand what making money by oneself was like. But now, after working for 5 years, I think I have a better understanding of what life is. My attitude to life is changed. I feel so thankful for my parents.What will be different about your life in the future? Why?1. 要点提示:Describe your future plan and tell him the difference you are going to make for this plan.2. 结构提示:Well, actually I got married, and in the near future my wife and I are going to have a baby maybe. This little baby may make our life different. The center of my life will transfer to him or her. Maybe it’s about his or her personal growth and education.Test3MoneyWhen you go shopping, do you prefer to pay for things in cash or by card? Why?1. 要点提示:In cash/ by card. Describe the convenience or why you prefer this way.2. 结构提示:To be honest, what I prefer is to pay in cash, because when I pay by card, it somewhat dulls the pain of paying. It’s more likely to be associated with free spending, which makes me spend more money. So I treat paying in cash as a psychological trick to help me spend less while I shop.Do you ever save money to buy special things? Why or why not?1. 要点提示:Describe the special things you bought, and tell him why you needed to save money to buy it.2. 结构提示:Yes, I do. Sometimes I need to buy things as birthday gifts for my friends or family. But as a student, I don’t have a regular income, so the only way I can purchase a surprise for them is to save my pocket money. Actually I don’t feel good to do that, but I have no choice.Would you ever take a job which had low pay? Why or why not?1. 要点提示:Yes/ No. Money is not important. Interest or work experience matters.2. 结构提示:I have to say I would, because I believe accumulating work experience is the most important thing after graduation, as long as the salary is enough for living. Also, I don’t think it’s easy to get a well-paid job without any work experience, so tha t’s why I have to say I would.Would winning a lot of money make a big difference to your life? Why or why not?1. 要点提示:Yes/ No. Describe why money is important and the changes money can bring.2. 结构提示:Yes, I think it would. Making lots of money isn’t my life goal but actually it has a significant effect on my life. For example, I don’t think I can afford a big house without much money. Additionally, one of my dream is to travel the world with my family in my fifties, so money at that time is a must.Test 4AnimalsAre there many animals or birds where you live? Why or why not?1. 要点提示:Yes/ No. Describe these animals in your city and where these animals live.2. 结构提示:Well, I live in Beijing, and actually there aren’t many animals in the city. Concrete jungles leave almost no place for animals, except zoos. Of course some people keeppets, like dogs or cats, so I can see some people walking their dogs in the morning or evening. How often do you watch programs or read articles about wild animals? Why?1. 要点提示:Answer the frequency, like once a moth or twice a year, etc. and why you watch these programs.2. 结构提示:Not very often. When I was young, I used to watch cartoons or read stories about animals or wild animals, because they are cute and different from things I can see in my life. But these days, I’m really busy with my studies. Too many courses and too much homework make me exhausted. So when I have free time I would watch a movie or listen to music rather watching programs about wild animals.Have you ever been to a zoo or a wildlife park? Why or why not?1. 要点提示:Yes/ No. Describe what the park was like and what you saw there.2. 结构提示:Yes, I’ve been to a wildlife park in a southern city of my country. The park is so big with lots of wild animals there, and I went there with my family when I was around 12.I was so interested in different species of animals. I saw wild animals like tigers, lions, and even wolves just running out of our car. It was fantastic.Would you like to have a job working with animals? Why or why not?1. 要点提示:Yes/ No. Benefits of working with animals. Or describe your own dream job.2. 结构提示:Well, I have to say I wouldn’t. That’s mainly because I don’t think I havea good skill to work with animals. It’s true I like animals, but I don’t even know how to keep a dog, like, how to train my dog to go bathroom. Also, my major is finance, so I’m looking forward to have a job in a bank or something.。
Do you like to watch films?Do you prefer foreign films or Chinese films?How often do you go to a cinema or watch a movie?Do Chinese people like to go to a cinema to watch a film?What kinds of movies do you like best?What was the first film that you watched?I’m really into watching films because some films are very entertaining and provoking. I sometimes go to cinema with my friends and family to enjoy our leisure time in the weekends.我很喜欢看电影,因为有些电影很有趣,也很刺激。
Well, if I had to choose between the two, I would probably choose foreign films, especially Hollywood films because most of them are well-acted, with lots of charismatic celebrities and are often enormous box-office hits; whereas you know, Chinese films are usually low-budget, so they are not as attractive as their American counterparts.好吧,如果要我在两者之间做出选择,我可能会选择外国电影,尤其是好莱坞电影,因为它们大多都是演技精湛的,有很多魅力非凡的名人,而且往往是票房大片;然而,你知道,中国电影通常是低成本的,所以他们不像美国电影那样有吸引力。
黄文琪雅思口语Part1新题:TVprogramme电视节目busy schedule 繁忙的日程安排finds time to watch TV 抽时间看看电视Even with her busy schedule she finds time to watch TV. 即使有着繁忙的日程安排,她还是抽时间看看电视。
attract extensive attention of the society引起了社会的广泛关注This TV program, which is about Chinese education, has attracted extensive attention of the society. 这档关于中国教育的电视节目引起了社会的广泛关注。
regularly appears on TV经常在电视上露面She regularly appears on TV. 她经常在电视上露面。
watch the adverts on TV 看电视广告I never watch the adverts on TV. 我从不看电视广告。
doze in front of the TV 在电视机前打瞌睡He was dozing in front of the TV. 他在电视机前打瞌睡。
has one's TV on all day 一整天都开着电视机She has her TV on all day. 她一整天都开着电视机。
TV ads 电视广告TV ads encourage kids to supersize. 电视广告促使孩子变得越来越胖。
is nothing but junk on the TV 全是些无聊的东西There's nothing but junk on the TV. 电视上全是些无聊的东西。
is always on 总是开着The TV is always on in their house. 他们家的电视总是开着。
雅思口语范文 part1广告话题Advertising词汇句型范文补充
IELTS Advertising VocabularyTopic Vocabulary >> Lesson 20: AdvertisingPart 1-style questionsExaminer: Are there any TV channels in your country that don’thave adverts?Loraine: No … they’re all commercial channels and show adverts all day long … too many really … and there’s also a lot of productplacement going on … especially in soap operas where they place anitem just behind the actors.Examiner: Do you enjoy watching adverts on TV?Karin: No … not really … I hate commercial breaks during a film …it really spoils the flow … and during prime time viewing they seemto squeeze even more ads in than usual …celebrityendorsements also get on my nerves … everyone knows they’re onlydoing it because they’re getting paid.Examiner: What are the best ways for ordinary people to advertisesomething they want to sell in your country?Marianne: The simplest way is to place an advert in somethinglike the classified ads section of a local paper …or there’s the Internet of course … there are lots of sites like eBay where you can buy andsell things online.Part 2-style taskDescribe an advert you once saw that was very effective. You should say •where this advert appeared•when you saw it•what it was advertisingand say why you thought it was so effective.Max: OK … well this was about 4 years ago … I was looking for some software to create videos … one day I got an email from a mailinglist I’d signed up to … there wa s a link in it to a press release… acompany had written something about a new product that was similarto what I was looking for … at the end of the press release there was alink to the sales page… I hadn’t heard of the company but I wasinterested and clicked the link to the ad …. what caught my attentionimmediately were the number of testimonials from people who hadbought the software … I think testimonials are like the onlineequivalent of word of mouth advertising and are really persuasive …anywa y … when I got to the bottom of the page there was a greatbig call to action button inviting me to buy … I was totally persuadedand ended up making a purchase … what made it so effective I thinkwas the power of those testimonials … they’d been written b y peoplevery much like me … they’d had a need and the software hadobviously turned out to be just what they were looking for … whenyou think that this was a newish company they wouldn’t have hadany brand awareness at all … they probably wouldn’t have hadmuch of a budget for advertising … obviously you wouldn’t advertisea product like this through the mass media on TV … they probablydidn’t even have an advertising agency to support them …and yetthey’d managed to create a great deal of brand loyalty from previouscustomers … I think that was really effective.Part 3-style questionsExaminer: What is it that makes an advert effective?Spencer: Well … when a company launches a product theyhave to consider the Internet … especially how it can be used t o spreadthe word on social media… so in this context a video that goesviral is probably the most effective type of advert you could make.Examiner: What are the advantages to companies of advertising on theInternet rather than TV?Stelios: I’d imagine the main advantage is you can reach your targetaudience much more effectively … if you bring out a nicheproduct for example … or you have a tight advertising budget…you can advertise on particular sites that the people you want to reachvisit … that’s not something you can do on TV.Examiner: What things do advertising companies do that might give ita bad name?Raol: For me the most irritating is cold calling… we must get two orthree of these every day at work … then there’s junk mail that getsposted through the letterbox … and of course the online equivalent ofthis …spam emails… I think it’s this kind of advertising that tends toannoy people.Definitions•advertising agency:a company that creates adverts for other companies•advertising budget:the amount of money a company decides to spend on advertising•brand awareness: how well people know a particular brand•brand loyalty:the degree to which people continue to buy from the same brand or company•buy and sell:often used to refer to the buying and selling of items between individuals•call to action:something that encourages someone to take a particular action, such as making a purchase or clicking a link on a website•celebrity endorsement:to have a well-known person promote a product •classified ads:small advertisements often put in a newspaper or magazine by individuals•to cold call: to call someone with the aim of selling something without them asking you to do so•commercial break:the short period during TV programmes when advertisements are shown•commercial channel:TV channels that make money from showing advertisements•to go viral:to quickly become extremely popular on the Internet through social media•junk mail:unwanted promotional leaflets and letters•to launch a product:to introduce a new product•mailing list:a list of names and contact details used by a company to send information and advertisements•mass media:large media outlets like TV, newspapers and magazines•niche product:a product that is aimed at a distinct group of people•to place an advert:to put an advert somewhere•press release:something written by a company for newspapers and magazines and websites to share and publish•prime time:the time during the viewing schedule when most people watch TV or listen to a broadcast•product placement:to advertise a product by using it as a prop in a TV show or film•sales page:a page specifically used to promote a product or service•to show adverts:to display adverts on TV•social media: websites that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.•spam email:unwanted, promotional email•target audience:the people a company want to sell their product or service to •word of mouth:recommendations made by individuals to other individuals about a product of service。
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Describe him / her.My favorite movie star is Jackie Cheng.He is handsome and very funny.He always has a smile on his face, and never seems to be worried about the situations that he finds himself in.雅思口语电影话题范文第4篇I’d like to describe a movie I like very much which is called The Butterfly Effect.It tells a story of a boy who often has blackouts in his childhood.So the doctor suggests that he keep a journal of the things he can’t remember eXperiencing.When he is in college many years later, he happens to read the things in his journal and somehow, he winds up revisiting the events he has no memory of.I watched it several years ago, when I was still living in my old apartment in Shanghai.I remember I was really bored that day and wanted to watch a movie to pass time.So I looked on the Internet and found this movie that had the best reviews.At the beginning of the movie, things went very slowly,which made me think maybe I selected the wrong movie.However,as the story unwound, it gradually drew me in and I was totally captivated by the plot.Finally, let me eXplain why I like this movie so much.First of all, the movie is a combination of science fiction andthriller, both of which are my favorite genres.In other words,I like something mysterious and imaginative that keeps me in suspense.I mean it’s really fascinating to learn how changing the past affects the present.Also, I admire Evan, the main character for his courage and determination.In the movie, in order to save this girl, he just keeps going back to the past running a risk of losing his own life.I think he is another reason why I like this movie so much.亮点总结:winds up 最终reviews 评分as the story unwound 随着故事的展开drew me in 吸引我was captivated by 被……迷住genres 种类雅思口语电影话题范文第5篇Ok, a popular movie I have watched is called Raise the Red Lanterns.Basically, its a tragedy, and I first saw the movie in _, about two years after it was released.I saw it on video,and I watched it with a group of my friends.I first saw this movie because a friend of mine said it was very artistic and even kind of eerie.Since I like those kindsof films, I decided to see it.I remember how fascinated I was with the film.Well, basically it was about a young bride who becomes a concubine and finds out that there are a lot of inner politics going on among the concubines, and she gets caught up in it and even accidentally causes the death of one of the wives.She tries to fight against it all, and as she does, things just seem to get worse and worse.She finds out that there is one concubine in particular who is behind most of her problems.The story deals with the whole theme of repression and its effect on people.Mainly its about how repression can drive some people to cruelty and madness.I think the impact this story had on me was it taught me that there are situations that are so bad for people that the best thing to do is either get out or be swallowed up by it.After seeing this movie, I decided to quit my job and do what I really wanted because I realized that my job would only drive me crazy if I continued with it.雅思口语电影话题范文第6篇Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch againYou should say :What type of movie it wasWhat it was aboutWhere you watched itAnd eXplain why you would like to watch it again雅思口语电影话题范文第7篇Lately, I haven’t had much time to go to the cinema to watch a movie since I’ve been snowed under with work.Hence,to relaX and boost my morale, I streamed a movie on NetfliX called “Silver Linings Playbook” which has turned out to be one of my all-time favorites and I already can’t wait to watch it again!I don’t usually enjoy Oscar-nominated movies due to their compleXity and lack of entertainment but Silver Linings Playbook was an eXception.I’ve always preferred something which is a little sentimental, light-hearted, yet meaningful and this movie had it all.Silver Linings Playbook is an adaptation of the novel written by Matthew Quick, starring two incredibly talented actors Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence.It’s a romantic comedy about two wounded souls who found solace together.Pat, a former teacher, was just released from a mental institution and is trying to reconcile with his deceitful wifedespite his family’s protest.He meets Tiffany, a woman with problems of her own, and things get complicated.Two people bearing hidden scars with no hope in their futures finally had some light in their lives again.The movie wasn’t heavy at all but rather entertaining with some laugh-out-loud moments.The underlying message is aimed at anyone who believes they have hit rock bottom, that is: “When one door closes, another one opens”.Therefore, keep moving forward and don’t lose hope.If you’re like me and occasionally need some inspiration in your life, I highly recommend watching “Silver Linings Playbook”.。
Advertisement广告1. Do you like advertisements on TV?Oh no, TV is a purgatory. The TV advertisements today appear to be not only boring but also disturbing. They interrupt in the midst of our enjoyment of a game or a film. Most of the advertisement materials are irritating and of course of low taste. The presentation is mostly awkward and obscene.绝不,电视简直就是炼狱。
2. What kind of advertisement do you like the most?Word of mouth is hands down the BEST advertising. It's one of the most credible forms of advertising because every time people make a recommendation, they have nothing to gain but the appreciation of those who are listening.口碑绝对是最好的广告。
3. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?Whether you do like them or not, whenever and wherever it's possible that you can meet them. For biz sellers, ad could be very helpful to promote their products. For acceptors, ads might show some latest information. To buy or not to buy, to be fond of or not, all depend on your decisions.无论你是否喜欢广告,你都有可能随时随地遇到它们。
大连雅思培训之从雅思口语浅谈TV + ads
大连雅思培训之从雅思口语浅谈TV + ads今天小编和大家分享的雅思口语素材是有关TV + ads,一起聊聊TV + ads,还有更多雅思口语素材为大家提供学习哦~雅思口语Part1/2 素材库:TV + adsGee, watching TV is not my thing because nowadays the TV programs are full of ads and they’re so boring and dull. You know when you turn on a TV, what jumps/comes to your eyes is ads, ads and ads. I’ve already quit TV since I entered my uni.注释:Gee 表示犹豫的语气词...is not my thing ...不是我喜欢的what jumps/comes to your eyes is... 映入眼帘的是...ads, ads and ads 广告,广告,广告(重要的事说三遍,不管它是英文还是汉语)quit TV 戒电视entered my uni 进入大学Well, many TV stations rely on ads, because TV stations make money by playing ads, especially those prime/golden time commercials. Without them, I think many local TV stations will shut down.注释:rely on 依赖by playing ads 以播放广告的形式prime/golden time commercials 黄金时段商业广告shut down 倒闭更多雅思信息,可关注大连学为贵教育官网!届时,连贵贵将为广大贵粉们提供最新、最全、最专业的考试信息。
雅思口语part1常见话题Part1 名字你的名字?喜欢吗或有什么意思吗?2.House or apartment/living 房子或公寓/居住住在房子还是公寓,喜欢吗,为什么,最喜欢的房间是?3.Study or work 学习或工作(包含子话题studying efficiency)上学还是上班,喜欢这个专业/工作吗,为什么,想换吗,或未来想从事什么,喜欢早上还是晚上学习,为什么有人早上难以集中精力,如何提高学习效率?4.Hometown 家乡(包含子话题countryside)家乡在哪里,喜欢吗,住在哪里,未来想住在乡村吗,乡村的人常做什么,乡村与城市的相比的好处/劣势?1.Noise 噪音(旧题回库&二变一)你工作或学习的地方有噪音吗,你喜欢什么样的声音,不喜欢什么样的声音,你住的地方有噪音吗,你认为世界是否越来越嘈杂?2.Music & singing 音乐&唱歌(旧题回库)喜欢什么样的音乐,小的时候是否喜欢相同类型的音乐,喜欢现场音乐吗,喜欢唱歌吗,小的时候喜欢唱吗?3.Hat/Cap 帽子(新题)喜欢戴帽子吗,为什么,小时候呢,更喜欢时尚的还是实用/舒适的帽子,喜欢和不喜欢什么样的帽子?或者更喜欢时尚的还是舒适的衣服?4.Art 艺术,含painting/drawing画画(旧题回库)对艺术感兴趣吗,未来想要学艺术吗,喜欢和不喜欢什么样的艺术?喜欢画画吗?5.Plant /Flowers 植物/鲜花(旧题回库)上次给别人买花是什么时候,喜欢什么样的花,在你们国家把花放在不同位置有不同的寓意吗,种过花吗或会种花吗,在家种的吗,你们国家和花有什么关系吗,你们国家的人喜欢送花吗?6.Advertisement(旧题回库)喜欢听广告还是看广告,在哪里常看到,喜欢电视上的广告吗,认为线上广告有用吗 ?7.Walking 步行(旧题回库&二变一)你步行去上学或上班吗,哪里是适合步行的最好地方,喜欢步行吗?8.Country 祖国(旧题回库)来自于你们国家的哪里,国家的变化有什么,有什么需要改变的吗?municating 交流(旧题回库)善于和别人交流吗,通常如何跟你的朋友交流,多长时间跟父母交流一次,跟父母和朋友交流有什么区别吗?10.Evening activities/events晚上活动(旧题回库)晚上经常做什么,晚上讨厌做什么,更喜欢白天还是晚上,经常晚上学习吗,为什么,工作日和周末的晚上做的事情相同吗?11.Season 季节最喜欢的季节,夏天常做什么,不同的季节人们会做不同的事儿吗?12.Stay at home 待在家里(旧题回库)经常待在家里吗,在家里的时候喜欢作什么?13.Gift 礼物(旧题回库)经常送礼物给别人吗,什么情况下会送,给别人选礼物难吗?自己做过礼物吗?14.Sunny days (旧题回库)更喜欢晴天还是阴天,喜欢雨天吗,晴天经常做什么,都做什么户外活动?15.Birthday (旧题回库)生日重要吗,如何庆祝生日/喜欢和谁庆祝,小孩儿怎么过生日,什么人喜欢过生日?在中国几岁的生日最重要?1.Handwork/Handcraft手工做过什么手工吗,为什么,孩子该学手工吗,未来想做什么手工吗?2.Science科学感兴趣吗,为什么,重要吗,为什么,科学最有趣的是什么,不喜欢科学的哪部分?3.Public transport (bus/taxi)公交你在的城市交通怎么样?喜欢乘公交/bus/taxi吗,什么公交,优劣?4.Dancing跳舞喜欢吗,上一次跳是什么时候/上一次看跳舞表演是什么时候,你们国家流行吗,优劣?5.Bike/bicycle自行车喜欢骑吗,为什么,你们国家流行吗,优劣?puters电脑常用电脑吗,什么时候开始用的,怎么学的,如何改变你的生活,孩子教育中该用吗,玩儿游戏吗?7.Weekends/spare time周末/业余时间(你若说常在周末购物,有可能被追问到shopping话题,比如网购哦~ 你若说没事儿做,可能问你是否养pet宠物哦~)喜欢吗,干嘛/喜欢在家还是在外面,重要吗,周末加班该加薪吗?8.Park公园常去吗,经常做什么,有什么作用?9.Movies电影喜欢吗,为什么,喜欢什么类型?10.Emails and letters邮件和(包含子话题handwriting简问)经常写信或email吗,谁常给你写,善于写信吗,什么样的难写?letter 会消失吗?善于手写吗,手写信和email的区别11.Outdoor activities户外活动喜欢吗,什么活动比较流行,你们国家的人更喜欢户外还是室内活动?12.Museum博物馆经常去博物馆吗,什么样的博物馆,重要吗,该免费吗?13.Teamwork团队合作喜欢团队合作还是自己,上一次合作是什么时候,优劣,团队合作最重要的是什么?14.Magazine or newspaper杂志或报纸更喜欢杂志还是报纸,如何获得新闻,什么人喜欢读报纸,什么类型的?15.Swimming游泳会游泳吗,什么时候学的,未来想再学吗,好处,游泳在你们国家流行吗?16.Being in a hurry经常匆忙做事吗,坏处,上次匆忙是什么时候?什么事情你从不匆忙做?17.Color颜色最喜欢什么颜色,小的时候喜欢吗,从来不穿的颜色,颜色有什么意思吗,家里的墙色?(此小问题有时也会在house or flat/apartment话题出现)电视喜欢看电视节目吗,比以前花费在电视上的时间多吗,为什么?19.Snack小吃喜欢吃什么小吃,小的时候喜欢什么小吃,劣势,一般什么时候吃?20.Primary school小学什么时候开始上小学,你的小学/你的第一所学校,那时候做些什么,跟小学同学是否还联系?21.Mobile phone手机有手机吗/常用手机吗,用手机做什么,未来手机会变成什么样,喜欢打电话还是发短信,旅行时手机会有什么麻烦?你的第一部手机是?。
雅思写作广告类话题范文1You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Some people believe commodities that are popular among consumers reflect the power of advertisement rather than the real needs of people. Do you agree or disagree?You should write at least 250 words. You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.Whether we like it or not, advertisement has been pouring into our daily life. They are so powerful that some people believe that it is not the needs of people but the power advertisement that makes commodities popular. Personally I don’t agree with this opinion.First, let’s make clear what the real needs of people are. Real needs can be divided into two categories: the material satisfaction and spiritual satisfaction. People tend to regard material satisfaction as real needs and spiritual satisfaction as waste of money and time. This is not true. Some commodities may not be useful but they can give the owner a kind of satisfaction.Second, let’s make clear the reason why advertisement is powerful. The key principle of advertisers is to grasp the needs of consumers, then pass the potential consumers the information that their commodities can meet your need. Advertisers can promote the needs of people, exploit the needs or even produce the needs of people. But whatever they do, it will be based onthe needs of people.But there are some advertisements that exaggerate the functions of the commodities to tell the wrong information to consumers. They make the commodities popular by cheating the majority of consumers. And also there are some commodities that do harm to the health of consumers and to the society. For example, smoking is poisonous, but the advertisements try to make a heroic image of the smokers, as the result smoking is popular among young men who are dreaming to become heroes in women’s eyes. But such ad vertisements are minorities.In summary, advertisements bring us convenience to choose the commodities that can meet our needs. Most of the commodities are popular due to their usefulness, only some of them are due to the influence of advertisement.(298 words) 雅思写作广告类话题范文2雅思大作文题目:Societywould benefit from the ban on all forms of advertising because it may serve nouseful purpose, and can even be damaging. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?雅思大作文解题思路:1. 广告的优势多多。
雅思口语题库part1话题范文:Television电视1.Do you watch television a lot?Well, I used to watch but now I have altogether stopped watching it.或者:Oh! I love watching television. It is something that helps me break off stress after a tiring day.2.What’s your favorite type of TV program?Being an architect, I used to not only read books but also watch TV documentaries in order to pick up information related to my field; but recently, because I found that the Internet is full of better material, I’ve been streaming videos, which is a much more efficient way to enhance my knowledge.3.Do you like watching TV?I don’t get time really to watch TV and I don’t like the fact that you have no choice about what to watch, so no I would say I don’t really like watching normal TV, I much prefer streaming something on my iPad and watching it when I like.4.How often do you watch TV?I’d say maybe only a few times a month w hen there is a good football match on. I prefer watching football on TV with other people around because it’s a great atmosphere, but if it’s a normal TV show I will just watch it alone at home on my tablet.5.What kind of TV programmes do you like to watch?I like dramas and thrillers. I don’t really like anything that is not set in the real world, so I’m not a big fan of sci-fi or fantasy, although I have been getting in to the latest season of Game of Thrones. I also really like to watch documentaries about military history, especially anything to do with the Second World War.6.What are the most popular TV shows in your country?In my country these days reality shows and comedy shows are among the most popular TV programs. I guess it’s because it s content is suitable for audience of any age from children to the elderly. The fans of reality shows feel interactive and familiar withthe competitors while that of comedy shows generally want to be entertained with jokes and laughters.7.Do you like watching TV shows from other countries?Yes, most of the programmes I watch are from the United States. Networks like HBO and Netflix have the biggest budgets and as a result can make some really high quality shows. I don’t think Game of Thrones could be made without a huge budget and America is probably the only country that can make a TV show on that scale.8.Has the internet affected your viewing habits?Absolutely, I watch most TV shows on the internet now, rather than a normal TV. There are so many streaming services like Netflix offering on-demand TV and it suits me to be able to watch what I want, when I want. I also like to binge watch a series of TV shows, just watch a whole series in a day or two rather than waiting for the next episode.9.What is your favourite TV show?There was an American show called Fargo that I really loved. It was an adaptation of a film made about 15 years ago. The plot lines and characters were really interesting and the dialogue was wellwritten. Unfortunately, there has only been one season of it so far, so I have to wait another year to see the next season.10.What was your favourite show when you were a child?I was a bit of a strange child because I didn’t really like cartoons like most of the other kids. But there were a few shows I loved like The A-Team, Knight Rider and Air Wolf. They were so cool and always had great action scenes. I was a bit obsessed with violent action films when I was kid. When I think about them though they weren’t really all that v iolent compared to shows these days, I don’t think one person was ever killed in any of those programmes.雅思口语题库part1话题范文:newspapersmagazines1.Which do you prefer, reading newspapers or magazines?I would say I prefer newspapers. Newspapers in just ten or eight pages give you a glimpse of the entire world, including all the sections. From fashion to the general news to comics to sports to almost everything. In just one newspaper, you have access to the entire world.2.What type of stories do you like to read about?I love reading autobiographies and non-fiction. Autobiographies because they give a glimpse of lifestyle of a very successful person. You get to know them when they were the mango people and what they did to become what they became. Their struggle, the inner story, their point of view and for some reasons I find it quite exciting. Other than this, I like readingnon-fiction.3.Have you ever read a newspaper or magazine in a foreign language? [When/Why?]Yes, all the time. I lived in another country for several years, so reading in a foreign language was a normal activity for me, not just newspapers and magazines, but all kinds of documents and literature. I still do it to maintain my reading skills.4.Do you think reading a newspaper and magazine can help you learn a language?Yes, but it depends on your language level. If you are just beginning to learn a language then it can be very difficult and frustrating – certainly not the best way to try and learn a foreign language – but as you progress and develop your vocabulary it is a good way to learn expressions and phrases related to commontopics in the news and current affairs, or related to a specific topic in the case of magazines.5.Why do you think some people prefer magazines to newspapers?I think the reason might be that magazines are more specific. So, for example if I am interested in reading about like sports, then a magazine will offer me better articles and more specific, to be concise. It also de clutters all the things that one does not wants to read.6.Which magazines and newspapers do you read (why)?Answer A) I prefer reading magazines on travel. Being a travel host, it is very important for me to know about more places and understand them theoretically, before taking on my camera and team along side. Travel magazine also help me to understand the perspective of the other person for a same place that I have also visited. Apart from it, I like fashion magazines as well. Not for the reasons of fashion, I find them good entertainer when one wants to just spend time idly.Answer B) I only read magazines and newspapers if I’m waiting someplace and they are there, and there is no other alternative.Most of the time, I prefer doing something on my phone. But, either ways, I like to read sports magazine. Cars and their engines excite me for the most part. I mean, there are fantastic cars out there and in magazines, a perfect description is given. Newspapers, I rarely read. I prefer getting the news on either phone or television.雅思口语题库part1话题范文:photograph摄影1. Do you like to take photographs? Why?If it were 3 to 4 years ago the answer would be a big no. But now it has become one of my hobbies and I’m actually thinking of learning more about it. I had no idea what I can do with my iPhone until I learned to make use of its wonderful camera as well as some miracle apps. Unlike some people, I indeed want my photos to look unique, lively and a little bit professional.VocabularyTo make use of (v) to use someone or something for a particular purpose, especially one that brings a benefit to you2. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take your photos? Why?It would be way more comfortable taking photos myself, as I can see crystal-clear how ridiculous my face expression looks like orif there’s something on my hair or stuck between my teeth. And in case it’s a scenery photo, I can apply the techniques I’ve learned to produce stunning photos.VocabularyCrystal-clear (adj) absolutely clear3. How long have you liked taking photographs?Just recently. As a final year student, I no longer can spend hours on drawing, reading or singing. Only photography which is way more instant suits me now to document my life. And as I enjoy my life on this campus, for example the road I walk to school everyday, the sunset, the rainbow, the trees, photography is the best way to store my memories.VocabularyDocument one’s life (expression) record the detail of one’s life4. In what situations do you take photographs?As I’ve mentioned, I snap a photo of anything that catches my eyes when I’m in a good mood. So I take photos when my friends and I hang out or when I participate in social activities of the university and meet amazing people. However, when it comes topracticing for professional photography, I prefer taking photos of scenery and foods.VocabularyIn a good mood (idiom) a cheerful, well-disposed state of mind When it comes to Sth/V-ing (adv) as for something; speaking about something5. What kind of photos do you like to take? Why?Food and scenery are definitely my inspiration. I just can’t sit still when beautiful breakfasts and stunning landscape keep appearing on my Instagram everyday. What is more, it is my natural instinct that helps me to go find the simple uniqueness of my university, namely the sunset, the lake, the trees and flowers and show people how beautiful my university is. However, I’m not good at taking photos of people so activities or street-life is not my style.VocabularySit still (idiom) to remain seatedNatural instinct (collocation) the way people or animals naturally react or behave, without having to think or learn6. How (why) did you become interested in photography?。
Advertisement广告1. Do you like advertisements on TV?Oh no, TV is a purgatory. The TV advertisements today appear to be not only boring but also disturbing. They interrupt in the midst of our enjoyment of a game or a film. Most of the advertisement materials are irritating and of course of low taste. The presentation is mostly awkward and obscene.绝不,电视简直就是炼狱。
2. What kind of advertisement do you like the most?Word of mouth is hands down the BEST advertising. It's one of the most credible forms of advertising because every time people make a recommendation, they have nothing to gain but the appreciation of those who are listening.口碑绝对是最好的广告。
3. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?Whether you do like them or not, whenever and wherever it's possible that you can meet them. For biz sellers, ad could be very helpful to promote their products. For acceptors, ads might show some latest information. To buy or not to buy, to be fond of or not, all depend on your decisions.无论你是否喜欢广告,你都有可能随时随地遇到它们。
电视广告 英文作文
文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!TV ads are everywhere. They pop up during our favorite shows and can be really annoying. But sometimes they can be kind of funny.Some TV ads are so repetitive. You see them over and over again. It gets on your nerves.There are also those ads that are really creative and catch your attention. They make you remember the product.But a lot of the time, you just forget about the ads as soon as they're over. They don't really have that much of an impact.。
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11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。——邓拓 12、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。——爱尔兰 13、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。——老子 14、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。——歌德 15、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。——迈克尔·F·斯特利
雅思口语t1准备 广告电视类话题
51、没有哪个社会可以制订一部永远 适用的 宪法, 甚至一 条永远 适用的 法律。 ——杰 斐逊 52、法律源于人的自卫本能。——英 格索尔
53、人们通常会发现,法律就是这样 一种的 网,触 犯法律 的人, 小的可 以穿网 而过, 大的可 以破网 而出, 只有中 等的才 会坠入 网中。 ——申 斯通 54、法律就是法律它是一座雄伟的大 夏,庇 护着我 们大家 ;它的 每一块 砖石都 垒在另 一块砖 石上。 ——高 尔斯华 绥 55、今天的法律未必明天仍是法律。 ——罗·伯顿